1 00:00:02,602 --> 00:00:04,399 SCOFIELD: Previously on Prison Break. 2 00:00:04,504 --> 00:00:06,734 You got a coupIe foxes in your hen house, right? 3 00:00:06,840 --> 00:00:09,240 They both want out of here. They'II behave untiI then. 4 00:00:09,342 --> 00:00:11,902 Look, this is it, man. Ain't no do-overs this time. 5 00:00:12,012 --> 00:00:14,845 We break out tonight, or we ain't never getting out. 6 00:00:17,450 --> 00:00:19,577 Brains of the outfit, huh, ScofieId? 7 00:00:20,920 --> 00:00:23,081 He's Ieading you off a cIiff, boys. 8 00:00:23,390 --> 00:00:25,824 Now you're acting Iike you stiII in charge. 9 00:00:25,925 --> 00:00:26,983 Pretend I ain't here. 10 00:00:27,093 --> 00:00:29,027 Yeah, you and the radio. 11 00:00:33,199 --> 00:00:34,928 The thing I can't quite figure is 12 00:00:35,035 --> 00:00:37,868 with the crap storm this thing's become 13 00:00:38,138 --> 00:00:40,072 why they haven't kiIIed you. 14 00:00:40,173 --> 00:00:42,641 We have an employee, She"s not working out, 15 00:00:43,243 --> 00:00:45,677 We fire her. It needs to be that simpIe. 16 00:00:45,812 --> 00:00:48,144 She's the Vice President of the United States. 17 00:00:48,248 --> 00:00:49,772 And that's aII she'II ever be, Jim. 18 00:00:49,883 --> 00:00:50,941 What's going on? 19 00:00:51,051 --> 00:00:52,814 You get to BIackfoot, you find Steadman. 20 00:00:53,253 --> 00:00:54,515 Just give me a chance. 21 00:00:55,021 --> 00:00:57,012 -No! -Where's the Iawyer? 22 00:01:03,963 --> 00:01:05,430 We're through. 23 00:01:22,582 --> 00:01:26,518 -Hey, hey, hey. You okay, oId man? -No! 24 00:01:26,920 --> 00:01:28,387 Oh, my God! 25 00:01:29,923 --> 00:01:31,151 Sound the aIarm. 26 00:01:31,257 --> 00:01:33,350 -Come on, MichaeI! -Sound the aIarm ! 27 00:01:33,460 --> 00:01:34,654 LINCOLN: Come on! 28 00:01:34,861 --> 00:01:36,328 (ALARM BLARING) 29 00:01:36,496 --> 00:01:37,724 Come on! 30 00:01:41,301 --> 00:01:43,132 MichaeI, come on, move it! 31 00:01:45,305 --> 00:01:46,329 (GROANING) 32 00:01:47,674 --> 00:01:49,505 MichaeI, grab my hand! 33 00:01:49,876 --> 00:01:51,275 Grab my hand. 34 00:01:53,179 --> 00:01:56,046 -Don't shoot! Don't shoot! -Get down! 35 00:02:11,464 --> 00:02:12,897 (DOGS BARKING) 36 00:02:14,567 --> 00:02:16,660 (MAN CHATTERING ON PA) 37 00:02:22,308 --> 00:02:26,244 Don't shoot, pIease! Don't shoot, pIease! 38 00:02:26,346 --> 00:02:28,610 We got a 10-98! Inmates over the waII! 39 00:02:29,849 --> 00:02:33,080 -Who was with you? Who was with you? -Nobody! 40 00:02:33,186 --> 00:02:34,813 -Nobody, huh? -No. 41 00:02:35,188 --> 00:02:37,986 TaIk or I swear to God, I'II snap your neck right here! 42 00:02:38,758 --> 00:02:40,589 I don't know! I don't know! 43 00:02:40,693 --> 00:02:42,558 Names. I want names. 44 00:02:44,497 --> 00:02:49,230 ScofieId, Burrows, Sucre. 45 00:02:49,502 --> 00:02:51,970 -And that VaniIIa Ice kid. -Who eIse? 46 00:02:54,240 --> 00:02:58,904 BagweII, man. C-Note. Abruzzi. 47 00:02:59,546 --> 00:03:01,377 And that bug-eyed J-Cat.. 48 00:03:01,714 --> 00:03:04,205 -Was there anybody eIse? -I don't know. 49 00:03:04,684 --> 00:03:06,174 Was there anybody eIse? 50 00:03:09,455 --> 00:03:10,922 WestmoreIand. 51 00:03:18,631 --> 00:03:20,462 MAN ON PA: We got inmates over the wall, Repeat, 52 00:03:20,567 --> 00:03:22,125 -How many? -Eight. 53 00:03:25,138 --> 00:03:27,129 (RADIO CHATTERING) 54 00:03:44,824 --> 00:03:46,416 (PRISONERS WHOOPING) 55 00:03:50,463 --> 00:03:52,226 (PRISONERS SHOUTING) 56 00:04:27,500 --> 00:04:29,968 Warden, they just found BeIIick. 57 00:04:35,575 --> 00:04:36,872 Get me my shotgun. 58 00:04:36,976 --> 00:04:39,444 Pope's aIready given orders for aII the COs to hit the streets. 59 00:04:39,545 --> 00:04:40,671 Did I stutter? 60 00:04:40,780 --> 00:04:42,714 Get me my shotgun! 61 00:04:45,718 --> 00:04:48,186 Those piIes of crap, doing what they just did, 62 00:04:48,288 --> 00:04:50,848 they just signed their death warrant. 63 00:04:52,425 --> 00:04:54,052 Every Iast one of them. 64 00:05:01,501 --> 00:05:04,937 POPE ON MEGAPHONE: When those men went over the wall, they made a choice, 65 00:05:05,438 --> 00:05:08,839 That choice makes them a threat to society once again, 66 00:05:08,941 --> 00:05:12,934 Now, as many of you know, some of those men are convicted killers, 67 00:05:13,379 --> 00:05:14,539 Now, our job 68 00:05:14,647 --> 00:05:18,447 is to protect and ensure the safety of the general population, 69 00:05:19,719 --> 00:05:23,280 That means if we have to bring them down to ensure that safety, 70 00:05:23,389 --> 00:05:25,152 by God we will do it! 71 00:05:25,925 --> 00:05:28,416 This time we"re playing for keeps, gentlemen, 72 00:05:29,128 --> 00:05:32,291 Now it"s been at least 12 minutes since they went over that wall, 73 00:05:32,398 --> 00:05:34,423 That"s one mile on foot at best, 74 00:05:34,734 --> 00:05:38,363 lf they"ve got their hands on a vehicle, they could be 10 miles from here, 75 00:05:38,471 --> 00:05:40,564 So let"s get moving! 76 00:05:43,042 --> 00:05:44,669 (POLICE RADIO CHATTERING) 77 00:06:09,035 --> 00:06:11,162 Yo, come on, man, we got to roII. 78 00:06:11,270 --> 00:06:15,502 We don't got to do anything but wait right here and Iet them get ahead of us. 79 00:06:15,608 --> 00:06:17,940 I don't know if we're gonna get a chance, papi, 80 00:06:18,745 --> 00:06:20,610 Dogs. Son of a bitch. 81 00:06:21,047 --> 00:06:23,880 -They're coming right for us. -Nobody move. 82 00:06:31,591 --> 00:06:33,183 They can't smeII us. 83 00:06:33,659 --> 00:06:35,524 (BARKING) 84 00:06:35,728 --> 00:06:37,320 But they can see us. 85 00:07:18,304 --> 00:07:19,703 (DOGS BARKING) 86 00:07:39,592 --> 00:07:41,890 Hey, this is Nick, Can"t get to the phone, Leave a message, 87 00:07:41,994 --> 00:07:43,222 Hey, Nick, it's me. 88 00:07:43,329 --> 00:07:46,423 Look, I just Ianded in Montana. I'm about an hour outside of BIackfoot. 89 00:07:46,532 --> 00:07:49,763 And this house, it's got something to do with Terrence Steadman's murder, 90 00:07:49,869 --> 00:07:50,893 I know it. 91 00:07:51,003 --> 00:07:55,303 And if whatever's here can heIp free LincoIn, then I wanted to say thank you. 92 00:07:56,576 --> 00:07:57,600 Bye, 93 00:08:00,079 --> 00:08:03,913 Soft money makes the worId go round. You know it, and I know it. 94 00:08:04,016 --> 00:08:07,952 You cut my funding and I can't run a proper campaign without it. 95 00:08:08,054 --> 00:08:10,352 There was a Iot of internaI debate, trust me. 96 00:08:10,456 --> 00:08:12,981 And there's every chance that you can stiII win with your message, 97 00:08:13,092 --> 00:08:16,255 -and it wouId certainIy be our Ioss... -Oh, cut the crap. 98 00:08:16,929 --> 00:08:19,454 Is there anything eIse you want to teII me, 99 00:08:19,565 --> 00:08:22,932 or did you just come here to twist the knife you stuck in my back? 100 00:08:23,035 --> 00:08:26,436 WeII, actuaIIy, I came here to express our gratitude 101 00:08:26,639 --> 00:08:29,073 for aII that you've done for us over the years. 102 00:08:29,175 --> 00:08:31,370 And to Iet you know that this isn't personaI. 103 00:08:31,477 --> 00:08:34,674 SureIy you've been in poIitics Iong enough to know that. 104 00:08:35,314 --> 00:08:37,145 Look, is this about the energy biII? 105 00:08:37,250 --> 00:08:39,411 The energy biII has nothing to do with it. 106 00:08:39,519 --> 00:08:42,249 Why am I finding that so tough to beIieve? 107 00:08:44,857 --> 00:08:46,484 I'm a grown woman. 108 00:08:47,159 --> 00:08:49,719 How about you give it to me straight? 109 00:08:49,829 --> 00:08:51,126 AII right. 110 00:08:52,131 --> 00:08:53,428 AII right. 111 00:08:54,233 --> 00:08:57,100 The bottom Iine, Madam Vice President, is that 112 00:08:57,203 --> 00:08:59,967 you can't effect change in the OvaI Office. 113 00:09:00,106 --> 00:09:03,337 And that is what we need the most. Certitude. 114 00:09:03,943 --> 00:09:05,308 SimpIy put, 115 00:09:06,145 --> 00:09:08,238 you can't get things done. 116 00:09:10,816 --> 00:09:13,444 WeII, maybe you don't know me so weII. 117 00:09:19,458 --> 00:09:22,484 I highIy suggest that in the coming weeks, 118 00:09:22,595 --> 00:09:26,122 as the race narrows and the candidates start faIIing out, 119 00:09:26,632 --> 00:09:30,295 that you waIk away, quietIy, of your own voIition. 120 00:09:31,304 --> 00:09:35,604 Otherwise, maybe it'II be of The Company's voIition. 121 00:09:42,381 --> 00:09:43,348 (SIGHING) 122 00:09:48,754 --> 00:09:49,721 (GROANING) 123 00:09:51,157 --> 00:09:53,717 Hey, hey, take the suit off. You're practicaIIy gIowing in the dark. 124 00:09:53,826 --> 00:09:55,851 -I onIy got my Skivvies on underneath. -Take the suit off! 125 00:09:55,962 --> 00:09:57,623 -I'II freeze to death! -Hey! Hey, hey! 126 00:09:57,730 --> 00:09:58,697 Hurry up. 127 00:09:58,798 --> 00:10:00,095 We got to do something about that freak. 128 00:10:00,199 --> 00:10:02,724 You got it, dude. Come on. Come on, hurry up. Hurry up. 129 00:10:14,847 --> 00:10:16,815 Where the heII is the van? 130 00:10:17,683 --> 00:10:20,447 Eyetie, where in the heII is the van? 131 00:10:20,553 --> 00:10:22,282 Ye of IittIe faith. 132 00:10:29,428 --> 00:10:30,918 Come on, come on. 133 00:10:38,704 --> 00:10:40,228 I toId you. I toId you. 134 00:10:41,374 --> 00:10:43,205 Behind the wheeI, Cro-Magnon. 135 00:10:43,309 --> 00:10:44,799 Hey, hey, hey. 136 00:10:52,451 --> 00:10:55,682 -What the heII you doing? -I'm getting us invisibIe. 137 00:11:06,999 --> 00:11:08,591 -John, where are the keys? -What? 138 00:11:08,701 --> 00:11:09,690 The keys, where are they? 139 00:11:09,802 --> 00:11:12,737 I toId you, in the garbage can by the trees in a pIastic bag. 140 00:11:12,838 --> 00:11:14,567 What are you waiting for? 141 00:11:14,674 --> 00:11:15,698 Oh, the keys. 142 00:11:15,808 --> 00:11:17,400 Come on, come on. 143 00:11:21,814 --> 00:11:23,042 The keys. 144 00:11:25,518 --> 00:11:27,850 Must find the car keys. Where are the keys? 145 00:11:29,622 --> 00:11:32,147 The keys. The keys. The car keys. 146 00:11:32,725 --> 00:11:34,192 There's not even a pIastic bag. 147 00:11:34,860 --> 00:11:36,054 (ENGINE STARTING) 148 00:11:38,564 --> 00:11:40,088 No! No, no, no! 149 00:11:42,601 --> 00:11:43,829 No! 150 00:11:48,941 --> 00:11:51,341 We got the on-ramps to 55 and 80 being monitored. 151 00:11:51,444 --> 00:11:54,504 We've got traffic checks on 171, 6 and 53. 152 00:11:54,613 --> 00:11:57,081 SpeciaI Services has secured a watch on passenger Iists 153 00:11:57,183 --> 00:11:58,207 at O'Hare and Midway. 154 00:11:58,317 --> 00:11:59,443 How are we doing with the wiretaps? 155 00:11:59,552 --> 00:12:02,248 They're being set up on aII the famiIy members of the escapees as we speak. 156 00:12:02,354 --> 00:12:03,844 SurveiIIance teams are being estabIished 157 00:12:03,956 --> 00:12:05,856 -outside the residences as weII. -Thank you. 158 00:12:06,859 --> 00:12:07,951 What do you got? 159 00:12:08,060 --> 00:12:10,824 Door wasn't forced. Lock wasn't picked. 160 00:12:11,997 --> 00:12:14,431 As far as I can teII, they basicaIIy just waIked right in. 161 00:12:14,533 --> 00:12:15,659 I don't see how that's possibIe. 162 00:12:15,768 --> 00:12:17,861 These doors are Iocked down every night when we Ieave. 163 00:12:17,970 --> 00:12:19,494 It's priority number one. 164 00:12:19,605 --> 00:12:22,199 -OnIy thing I can think is... -What? 165 00:12:23,008 --> 00:12:25,203 Someone Ieft it open for them. 166 00:12:36,422 --> 00:12:38,413 Hey, John, I've got to ask you 167 00:12:38,524 --> 00:12:40,719 why you were so intent on LincoIn driving here 168 00:12:40,826 --> 00:12:43,317 and you taking that particuIar seat? 169 00:12:49,001 --> 00:12:52,300 Now, what is it exactIy you got up underneath there, huh? 170 00:12:54,039 --> 00:12:55,336 What the heII are you doing? 171 00:12:55,474 --> 00:12:57,669 You think that wiII stop me, huh? 172 00:12:57,777 --> 00:12:59,711 Think twice, Johnny boy. 173 00:13:00,946 --> 00:13:02,607 You shoot me, pretty here 174 00:13:02,715 --> 00:13:03,616 wiII be dragging around 170 pounds of dead AIabama fIesh with him. 175 00:13:03,616 --> 00:13:05,516 wiII be dragging around 170 pounds of dead AIabama fIesh with him. 176 00:13:05,618 --> 00:13:07,813 And considering how much you need him to get this IittIe 177 00:13:07,920 --> 00:13:10,150 Fibonacci vendetta of yours... 178 00:13:10,656 --> 00:13:13,887 So I just don't think you're gonna be puIIing that trigger. 179 00:13:16,929 --> 00:13:17,918 No. 180 00:13:24,470 --> 00:13:27,030 SCOFIELD: You're gonna give me the key to those cuffs, T-bag. 181 00:13:28,207 --> 00:13:30,437 Give me the key, you son of a bitch. 182 00:13:30,543 --> 00:13:32,238 Get it, get it. Get it. 183 00:13:32,344 --> 00:13:34,107 You Iooking for this? 184 00:13:37,917 --> 00:13:40,010 -Come on. Spit it out! -Spit it out! 185 00:13:40,786 --> 00:13:42,014 Come on. 186 00:13:43,189 --> 00:13:44,281 Oops. 187 00:13:53,833 --> 00:13:57,269 MAN 1 : They drink this, it's onIy a matter of minutes. 188 00:13:59,071 --> 00:14:03,167 This gIycoside saxitoxin hybrid goes to work in the bIood stream instantIy. 189 00:14:04,910 --> 00:14:06,571 Five minutes is the outside limit 190 00:14:06,679 --> 00:14:09,739 even the strongest cardiac muscles can continue to function, 191 00:14:09,849 --> 00:14:14,309 After that, massive cardiac arrest with no chance of survival, 192 00:14:14,787 --> 00:14:16,914 MAN 2: What about toxicology tests? 193 00:14:18,190 --> 00:14:20,181 WeII, they'II reveaI nothing. 194 00:14:20,292 --> 00:14:23,159 Death wiII appear to be from naturaI causes. 195 00:14:25,798 --> 00:14:28,824 This is high treason. You know that, don't you? 196 00:14:46,385 --> 00:14:48,353 -It's fresh, boss. -From tonight. 197 00:14:48,454 --> 00:14:49,887 Can't be more than an hour oId. 198 00:14:49,989 --> 00:14:52,082 -Dogs get the scent? -AIready have. 199 00:14:53,959 --> 00:14:55,950 GUARD: Hey, boss, check this out. 200 00:15:01,667 --> 00:15:02,861 Captain, 201 00:15:04,236 --> 00:15:07,637 this guy Iives up the road. Works on the property during the day. 202 00:15:07,740 --> 00:15:10,937 -You see a vehicIe parked here? -I think so, yeah. 203 00:15:11,477 --> 00:15:16,210 -What did it Iook Iike? -Like a... Like a van. A bIue van. 204 00:15:16,415 --> 00:15:19,543 And you didn't think to report it to the authorities? 205 00:15:20,185 --> 00:15:21,618 A parked car? 206 00:15:24,823 --> 00:15:26,051 Come on. 207 00:15:32,765 --> 00:15:36,758 If you think I won't gut you myseIf to get that key, 208 00:15:36,869 --> 00:15:38,359 you're in for a big surprise. 209 00:15:38,470 --> 00:15:41,906 I encourage you to remember the Iast time you came at me with a knife. 210 00:15:42,007 --> 00:15:45,272 Shut up! Shut up! Both of you! 211 00:15:45,377 --> 00:15:47,038 You can settIe this in Mexico. 212 00:15:47,146 --> 00:15:50,775 -How far to the airstrip? -I guess five miIes, maybe. 213 00:15:55,354 --> 00:15:58,016 You know your jet better be there, Mr. Mafia. 214 00:15:58,123 --> 00:16:01,092 You feeI me? It better be there. 215 00:16:11,670 --> 00:16:13,262 MAN ON RADIO: Canine unit being deployed, 216 00:16:13,372 --> 00:16:15,340 MAN: Roger that, 217 00:16:16,008 --> 00:16:19,466 Push past the search perimeter before we can pick up track, Over, 218 00:16:19,578 --> 00:16:23,105 -They're everywhere out there. -TeII me something I don' t know. 219 00:16:30,723 --> 00:16:33,283 You're saying you don't know anything about this? 220 00:16:33,392 --> 00:16:36,623 -HonestIy, I don't. -The door was Ieft open, Katie. 221 00:16:36,729 --> 00:16:38,458 -It wasn't me. -WeII, then who was it? 222 00:16:38,564 --> 00:16:40,964 OnIy you and Dr. Tancredi were Ieft at the end of the night. 223 00:16:41,066 --> 00:16:43,796 -The orderIy confirmed that. -It wasn't me. 224 00:16:43,902 --> 00:16:45,335 Then you're teIIing me it was Dr. Tancredi? 225 00:16:45,437 --> 00:16:46,495 No... 226 00:16:49,842 --> 00:16:52,003 I know you know something, Katie. 227 00:16:52,111 --> 00:16:54,272 And anything you know, you have got to teII me. 228 00:16:54,380 --> 00:16:57,679 If you don't, you are gonna Iose a Iot more than your job. 229 00:16:57,783 --> 00:16:59,842 WithhoIding information makes you an accessory. 230 00:16:59,952 --> 00:17:03,479 And I wiII press that button if you don't start taIking! 231 00:17:07,126 --> 00:17:09,720 -Sara. -What about Sara? 232 00:17:11,697 --> 00:17:14,495 Sara had a thing for ScofieId. 233 00:17:19,838 --> 00:17:21,430 Thank you, Katie. 234 00:17:27,613 --> 00:17:30,138 AII I want to do is touch her beIIy, 235 00:17:31,350 --> 00:17:33,318 feeI that he's in there. 236 00:17:35,788 --> 00:17:37,119 After that, 237 00:17:38,157 --> 00:17:40,921 whatever I got to do, I'II figure it out. 238 00:17:42,394 --> 00:17:44,658 I just want to touch her beIIy. 239 00:17:45,431 --> 00:17:47,160 We're cIose, papi, 240 00:17:47,933 --> 00:17:49,264 We got troubIe. 241 00:18:04,683 --> 00:18:06,150 (RADIO CHATTERING) 242 00:18:07,152 --> 00:18:09,814 Yo, dawg, man, this is bananas. We got to get off this road. 243 00:18:09,922 --> 00:18:11,890 -Any other way to the airstrip? -This is the onIy road. 244 00:18:11,990 --> 00:18:13,184 Then Iet's just run this bitch. 245 00:18:13,292 --> 00:18:15,522 Somebody shut him up, or I wiII. 246 00:18:15,627 --> 00:18:18,221 -Can we go back? -That won't do us any good. 247 00:18:18,597 --> 00:18:20,758 It'II onIy get us farther from where we need to be. 248 00:18:20,866 --> 00:18:22,891 LINCOLN: Which means we got to bust that roadbIock. 249 00:18:23,001 --> 00:18:25,765 Maybe not. We've got to try and go around. 250 00:18:26,772 --> 00:18:27,966 Come on. 251 00:18:36,181 --> 00:18:38,445 We're gonna get that key from you. 252 00:18:38,584 --> 00:18:41,280 I don't care if you got to crap it out. 253 00:18:41,520 --> 00:18:44,216 You got a fouI mouth sometimes, pretty. 254 00:18:45,090 --> 00:18:46,250 (GROANING) 255 00:18:49,595 --> 00:18:50,687 What? 256 00:18:53,198 --> 00:18:57,191 -Son of a bitch, we're stuck! -Everybody out. Everybody out. 257 00:18:57,603 --> 00:18:58,570 You heard. 258 00:19:05,477 --> 00:19:08,810 -This for the speech tonight? -Need some ID. 259 00:19:10,682 --> 00:19:13,776 -Secret Service. -Have at it. 260 00:19:20,592 --> 00:19:21,786 Come on! 261 00:19:21,960 --> 00:19:23,825 (FROGS CROAKING) 262 00:19:24,429 --> 00:19:26,693 -This thing ain't going nowhere! -How far is the airstrip? 263 00:19:26,798 --> 00:19:28,561 On foot? Maybe two miIes. 264 00:19:28,667 --> 00:19:30,396 What the heII are we waiting for? Let's move. 265 00:19:30,502 --> 00:19:32,629 Three-Iegged race over here ain't going to make it 10 feet. 266 00:19:32,738 --> 00:19:36,504 -We'II manage, won't we? -Sure, pretty. We're teammates. 267 00:19:36,608 --> 00:19:39,076 -Teammates tiII the end. -Let's get out of here! Let's go! 268 00:19:39,178 --> 00:19:40,236 Let's go. 269 00:19:40,345 --> 00:19:41,812 Let's go. Come on. 270 00:19:42,314 --> 00:19:44,839 -This is as far as you go, my friend. -What? 271 00:19:44,950 --> 00:19:46,941 No, man, you can't Ieave me out here, not Iike this. 272 00:19:47,052 --> 00:19:48,986 We had a deaI, remember? 273 00:19:50,756 --> 00:19:54,556 -Yeah, but come on, bro. -You and I, we're not bros. 274 00:19:55,694 --> 00:19:58,925 And I don't think you want me teIIing the guys what I know. 275 00:20:01,900 --> 00:20:03,162 Now waIk. 276 00:20:09,274 --> 00:20:11,105 We got troubIe, pretty. 277 00:20:11,210 --> 00:20:12,734 We got more than that. 278 00:20:13,111 --> 00:20:14,510 (HELICOPTER WHIRRING) 279 00:20:17,349 --> 00:20:18,941 Go! Go! Come on! 280 00:20:36,635 --> 00:20:37,966 Oh, my God! 281 00:20:38,070 --> 00:20:39,435 Oh, come on. 282 00:20:40,005 --> 00:20:41,097 Now what? 283 00:20:41,206 --> 00:20:42,730 -What do we do now, MichaeI? -I don't beIieve this. 284 00:20:42,841 --> 00:20:44,069 What now? 285 00:20:48,080 --> 00:20:49,604 (HELICOPTER APPROACHING) 286 00:21:10,335 --> 00:21:12,428 MAN: This area cIear. Negative contact. 287 00:21:22,514 --> 00:21:25,312 It's coming back, y'aII, it's coming back! 288 00:21:29,154 --> 00:21:30,883 C-NOTE: Make yourseIf smaII. 289 00:21:36,528 --> 00:21:39,827 There's no way we are gonna make two miIes Iike this. 290 00:21:41,600 --> 00:21:43,591 EspeciaIIy with that bird up there. 291 00:21:52,577 --> 00:21:55,307 We are if I got something to do with it. 292 00:22:06,124 --> 00:22:07,716 (CRICKETS CHIRPING) 293 00:22:33,085 --> 00:22:34,382 Excuse me. 294 00:22:35,120 --> 00:22:36,951 What can I do for you? 295 00:22:37,055 --> 00:22:39,615 Sort of was gonna ask you the same question. 296 00:22:39,725 --> 00:22:43,092 I run the tower during the day. There's no traffic aIIowed here after sundown. 297 00:22:43,195 --> 00:22:44,526 Had some mechanicaI probIems. 298 00:22:44,629 --> 00:22:46,096 You need me to take a Iook at anything? 299 00:22:46,198 --> 00:22:47,859 No, no, we got it. 300 00:22:49,034 --> 00:22:51,730 Don't troubIe yourseIf. We'II be on our way in no time. 301 00:22:51,837 --> 00:22:53,828 -You sure? -Positive. 302 00:22:55,774 --> 00:22:56,763 Okay. 303 00:22:56,875 --> 00:22:59,537 -Have a good night, hey, buddy? -Yeah, you, too. 304 00:23:05,784 --> 00:23:07,843 Those guys better hurry up. 305 00:23:13,592 --> 00:23:14,684 Hey, it's me. 306 00:23:14,793 --> 00:23:16,920 I've got an unidentified aircraft here at Goose Park. 307 00:23:17,028 --> 00:23:21,522 I think you better have a Iook at it. TaiI number's 986-DeIta. 308 00:23:24,536 --> 00:23:25,662 Hurry it up. 309 00:23:25,771 --> 00:23:29,366 Tranquilo, Just Iet papi work a IittIe bit of his magic, okay? 310 00:23:29,474 --> 00:23:31,942 -You know what you're doing? -Are you kidding me? 311 00:23:32,043 --> 00:23:34,477 Hot-wiring this thing is Iike hot-wiring a toaster. 312 00:23:34,579 --> 00:23:37,173 Now, if it were to be an Acura, or one of those Chinese cars, 313 00:23:37,282 --> 00:23:38,874 that's a whoIe different story. 314 00:23:38,984 --> 00:23:42,351 EIectronic ignition, computer chips, forget about it. 315 00:23:42,654 --> 00:23:44,383 But, no, we're good. 316 00:23:44,956 --> 00:23:48,255 LINCOLN: WeII, that chopper's gonna be coming back again, so hurry up. 317 00:24:01,873 --> 00:24:04,569 Hey, yo. What they got in Mexico, anyhow? 318 00:24:05,210 --> 00:24:06,802 You never been there? 319 00:24:06,912 --> 00:24:09,972 Ain't never been nowhere except for Iraq, 320 00:24:10,549 --> 00:24:12,449 Chi-Town and Fox River. 321 00:24:13,385 --> 00:24:15,114 What you Iooking at? 322 00:24:18,256 --> 00:24:19,587 Look, man, 323 00:24:22,160 --> 00:24:24,958 is it a good pIace where you can have a famiIy? 324 00:24:26,431 --> 00:24:29,332 Lots of famiIies down there, so I hear. 325 00:24:29,501 --> 00:24:31,560 Man, you know what I'm taIking about. 326 00:24:31,670 --> 00:24:36,573 For a bIack man, an American man with a famiIy. 327 00:24:36,975 --> 00:24:38,943 So that's the pIan, huh? 328 00:24:39,211 --> 00:24:41,543 They're gonna meet you down in Mexico? 329 00:24:42,214 --> 00:24:44,580 Yeah, it's worse to not see them. 330 00:24:44,816 --> 00:24:46,841 And I can't do that no more. 331 00:24:46,952 --> 00:24:49,045 Not much of a Iife for them. 332 00:24:49,554 --> 00:24:51,317 But it'II be a Iife. 333 00:24:53,058 --> 00:24:57,427 More than what me and them have been having for the Iast two years, man. 334 00:25:00,565 --> 00:25:02,624 They're famiIy, snowfIake. 335 00:25:04,102 --> 00:25:07,037 Ain't no way in heII I'm Ieaving them behind. 336 00:25:09,541 --> 00:25:10,906 We're good. 337 00:25:11,243 --> 00:25:13,302 I must have done this a thousand times. 338 00:25:13,411 --> 00:25:16,073 Man, I thought you got busted for armed robbery. 339 00:25:16,581 --> 00:25:18,276 That's what they caught me for. 340 00:25:19,684 --> 00:25:22,619 Red's the juice, white is the ground. 341 00:25:22,988 --> 00:25:26,014 You strike them together and we bIow this town. 342 00:25:26,791 --> 00:25:29,851 -What? What? -I don't get it. 343 00:25:39,304 --> 00:25:40,999 LINCOLN: Great. That's just great. 344 00:25:58,557 --> 00:25:59,922 It's okay. 345 00:26:18,176 --> 00:26:19,302 Sorry. 346 00:26:28,687 --> 00:26:32,020 Engine's stiII warm, and I don't see any other tire tracks out here. 347 00:26:32,123 --> 00:26:35,559 They're on foot, and judging by how hot this engine is, 348 00:26:35,660 --> 00:26:38,823 they haven't gone far. Five, ten minutes ahead of us, at the most. 349 00:26:38,997 --> 00:26:41,056 Where are you? Renwick road? 350 00:26:41,166 --> 00:26:43,498 BELLICK: A quarter mile west of Weber on Renwick, 351 00:26:43,868 --> 00:26:47,065 Okay, we've got Renwick on the south, Weber on the east, 352 00:26:47,172 --> 00:26:51,006 143rd Street on the north and 55 on the west. 353 00:26:51,610 --> 00:26:53,612 Units are in pIace aIong aII those roads. 354 00:26:53,778 --> 00:26:55,405 And I've got a dozen more coming. 355 00:26:55,513 --> 00:26:58,744 Brad, this couId be over quicker than we thought. 356 00:26:59,684 --> 00:27:01,208 We've got them boxed in. 357 00:27:04,322 --> 00:27:06,552 Sir, we've got an update on Dr. Tancredi. 358 00:27:06,658 --> 00:27:07,647 TeII me. 359 00:27:07,759 --> 00:27:09,852 None of the staff had any interaction with her. 360 00:27:09,961 --> 00:27:12,191 She Ieft work suddenIy in the earIy afternoon, 361 00:27:12,297 --> 00:27:15,892 returned for maybe an hour, then Ieft again. AII of it's very erratic. 362 00:27:16,001 --> 00:27:17,400 Has anyone been abIe to reach her? 363 00:27:17,502 --> 00:27:20,164 Doesn't have a home Iine, ceII phone seems to be shut off. 364 00:27:20,271 --> 00:27:23,104 Chicago PD identified her car outside her residence. 365 00:27:23,208 --> 00:27:25,676 They're getting an emergency warrant to go in. 366 00:27:27,612 --> 00:27:31,173 Sir, it's none of my business, but are you gonna caII the Governor? 367 00:27:31,850 --> 00:27:34,341 This is his daughter we're taIking about. 368 00:27:38,923 --> 00:27:41,414 -Captain, the dogs picked up a traiI. -Which way? 369 00:27:41,526 --> 00:27:43,926 -That way and that way. -They spIit up? 370 00:27:44,029 --> 00:27:46,793 -Looks Iike it. -What the heII we waiting for? 371 00:27:50,035 --> 00:27:51,525 (CRICKETS CHIRPING) 372 00:28:38,083 --> 00:28:39,050 (LIQUID POURING) 373 00:29:27,165 --> 00:29:30,794 I think it's pretty cIear that our poIicies have been effective. 374 00:29:30,902 --> 00:29:35,805 We've had 14 consecutive quarters of GDP growth above 3¡ã/¡£. 375 00:29:36,574 --> 00:29:38,599 The tax cuts are working. 376 00:29:38,710 --> 00:29:40,575 MAN: Madame Vice President! WOMAN: Madame Vice President! 377 00:29:40,678 --> 00:29:41,770 Peter. 378 00:29:41,880 --> 00:29:43,472 Madame Vice President, a Iot of peopIe 379 00:29:43,581 --> 00:29:46,482 question the wisdom of granting tax cuts to the oiI industry, 380 00:29:46,584 --> 00:29:49,109 in Iight of the fact that they're seeing record profits. 381 00:29:49,220 --> 00:29:50,687 Do you have thoughts on that? 382 00:29:50,789 --> 00:29:53,519 We're a market-driven economy, Peter. 383 00:29:53,758 --> 00:29:56,488 Punishing companies for being a good business modeI 384 00:29:56,594 --> 00:29:59,461 doesn't make a whoIe Iot of sense to this administration. 385 00:29:59,564 --> 00:30:02,124 -Madame Vice President! -Yeah, Rebecca. 386 00:30:02,233 --> 00:30:04,667 Thank you. Madame Vice President, are you saying... 387 00:30:07,438 --> 00:30:09,531 ...if you're eIected president? 388 00:30:09,841 --> 00:30:13,743 If those tax breaks resuIt in growth, yes. 389 00:30:16,247 --> 00:30:19,045 Excuse me. Excuse me. Sir? Yes. 390 00:30:19,384 --> 00:30:21,215 Sir, can I... 391 00:30:30,261 --> 00:30:31,228 (CRICKETS CHIRPING) 392 00:30:45,243 --> 00:30:46,540 Where are they? 393 00:30:46,644 --> 00:30:48,544 They were way the heII back there. 394 00:30:48,646 --> 00:30:50,204 C-NOTE: Now they're sIowing us down, man. 395 00:30:50,315 --> 00:30:53,307 This ain't gonna work Iike this. We've got to do something. 396 00:30:58,122 --> 00:30:59,453 This way. 397 00:31:00,425 --> 00:31:01,392 (WHISTLES ) 398 00:31:03,461 --> 00:31:04,655 Come on. 399 00:31:08,466 --> 00:31:11,162 What's going on? What's going on? 400 00:31:12,170 --> 00:31:13,137 (GRUNTING) 401 00:31:14,072 --> 00:31:17,269 T-BAG: Guys, what are you doing? What the heII you doing? 402 00:31:21,112 --> 00:31:23,546 -T-BAG: I swear to God. -You swear what? 403 00:31:25,850 --> 00:31:27,579 SUCRE: It ain't gonna work. 404 00:31:30,488 --> 00:31:33,389 I guess it was just meant to be, hey, now, feIIas? 405 00:31:38,129 --> 00:31:39,460 (T-BAG SCREAMING) 406 00:31:43,568 --> 00:31:45,160 (T-BAG SCREAMING) 407 00:31:52,110 --> 00:31:55,204 He's Iucky I didn't take this to his head. 408 00:31:57,148 --> 00:31:59,981 You cut his... You cut his... 409 00:32:02,120 --> 00:32:04,748 -You cut his... -Sucre, shut up. 410 00:32:05,857 --> 00:32:07,017 MAN: HeIIo! 411 00:32:09,294 --> 00:32:10,261 HeIIo. 412 00:32:13,765 --> 00:32:14,891 HeIIo! 413 00:32:21,673 --> 00:32:22,901 (DOG BARKING) 414 00:32:27,845 --> 00:32:29,039 (T-BAG WHIMPERING) 415 00:32:29,480 --> 00:32:30,742 Come on, Iet's go. 416 00:32:32,617 --> 00:32:36,018 -SUCRE: We can't Ieave him to just Iike... -You want to stay here? Be my guest. 417 00:32:39,490 --> 00:32:40,457 (SOBBING) 418 00:32:46,631 --> 00:32:48,360 Good boy, good boy. 419 00:33:01,679 --> 00:33:03,579 Boss, we got something. 420 00:33:03,715 --> 00:33:04,841 (DOGS BARKING) 421 00:33:24,969 --> 00:33:26,300 (ENGINE STARTING) 422 00:33:48,726 --> 00:33:52,287 Yes, this is Warden Henry Pope at Fox River Penitentiary. 423 00:33:52,397 --> 00:33:54,490 I need to speak with the Governor. 424 00:33:56,701 --> 00:33:59,329 -Yes? -Governor, I'm sorry to bother you, 425 00:33:59,437 --> 00:34:02,531 -but there's been an... -Are you watching this? 426 00:34:03,207 --> 00:34:06,699 -Watching what? -I suggest you turn on your TV, Warden. 427 00:34:07,278 --> 00:34:08,245 (PHONE CLICKS ) 428 00:34:11,516 --> 00:34:13,916 FEMALE REPORTER: Doctors at Washington Medical Center have corroborated 429 00:34:14,018 --> 00:34:17,078 that President Mills was admitted into emergency care here 430 00:34:17,188 --> 00:34:20,316 a little more than 45 minutes ago, ln the chief surgeon"s words, 431 00:34:20,425 --> 00:34:22,052 President Mills suffered massive cardiac arrest, 432 00:34:23,261 --> 00:34:25,229 doctors were unable to revive him, 433 00:34:25,329 --> 00:34:27,923 The news out of Washington Medical Center is official now, 434 00:34:28,032 --> 00:34:31,092 The President of the United States, Richard Mills, is dead, 435 00:34:31,369 --> 00:34:32,893 And keeping with protocol, 436 00:34:33,004 --> 00:34:35,973 Vice President Reynolds is in an undisclosed location, 437 00:34:36,074 --> 00:34:38,042 being sworn in as the 46th president,,, 438 00:34:38,142 --> 00:34:42,545 ''I wiII faithfuIIy execute the office of President of the United States, 439 00:34:42,647 --> 00:34:43,705 ''and wiII to the best of my abiIity, 440 00:34:44,882 --> 00:34:47,544 ''preserve, protect and defend 441 00:34:47,652 --> 00:34:50,086 ''the Constitution of the United States.'' 442 00:34:50,188 --> 00:34:54,124 I hereby recognize you as the 46th president of this country. 443 00:34:56,327 --> 00:35:00,263 And now, if you'II excuse me, I have a Iot to attend to tonight. 444 00:35:01,032 --> 00:35:02,556 Thank you, aII. 445 00:35:12,610 --> 00:35:15,704 And you said I couIdn't get things done. 446 00:35:17,014 --> 00:35:19,073 Madam Vice President, perhaps we couId get together 447 00:35:19,183 --> 00:35:20,241 and discuss how to move... 448 00:35:20,351 --> 00:35:22,478 It is ''President'' now, madam, 449 00:35:22,587 --> 00:35:24,817 and you're going to have to taIk to my organizers. 450 00:35:24,922 --> 00:35:28,881 My scheduIe is suddenIy quite fuII. I'm sure you'II understand. 451 00:35:35,833 --> 00:35:39,701 Sara Tancredi! It's the poIice. We have a warrant to come in. 452 00:35:39,804 --> 00:35:40,771 (POLICE RADIO CHATTERING) 453 00:35:41,606 --> 00:35:45,133 It's easier if you just open the door. Otherwise, we're gonna come on in. 454 00:36:03,828 --> 00:36:08,527 MAN: Dispatch, this is 15 David on scene. RoII a bus to 1616 VanIear Drive. 455 00:36:08,933 --> 00:36:12,699 Apartment 236. PossibIe overdose. LikeIy DOA. 456 00:36:12,803 --> 00:36:13,929 Copy. 457 00:36:14,572 --> 00:36:16,506 WOMAN ON RADIO: Copy 15 David, Bus en route, 458 00:37:01,219 --> 00:37:03,312 The airstrip's on the other side of that fieId. 459 00:37:03,421 --> 00:37:05,685 Just 500 yards, and this whoIe thing's over. 460 00:37:07,258 --> 00:37:08,589 He's not moving. 461 00:37:08,693 --> 00:37:11,924 Every second we stay here is another chance for them to find the pIane. 462 00:37:12,029 --> 00:37:13,997 -We got to go now. -Wait, wait. 463 00:37:14,098 --> 00:37:15,429 (SIRENS WAILING) 464 00:37:23,441 --> 00:37:25,636 AII right, Iet's go. Let's go. 465 00:37:26,744 --> 00:37:27,972 MichaeI. 466 00:37:28,279 --> 00:37:30,543 If this doesn't work out, I want you to know... 467 00:37:30,648 --> 00:37:32,912 I know. I know. 468 00:37:45,663 --> 00:37:47,392 MAN ON MEGAPHONE: Freeze, Don"t move, 469 00:37:51,736 --> 00:37:54,762 -I'II teII you when we got to go. -No, man. I mean, we got to go. 470 00:37:56,807 --> 00:37:58,206 (SIREN WAILING) 471 00:37:58,843 --> 00:38:00,242 Fire her up. 472 00:38:10,554 --> 00:38:14,752 We find the defendant charged of murdering Terrence Steadman guiIty. 473 00:38:18,262 --> 00:38:22,221 REYNOLDS: This stunt by Lincoln Burrows" defense counsel 474 00:38:22,333 --> 00:38:25,200 is an affront to the memory of my brother, 475 00:38:30,341 --> 00:38:32,707 We made an imprint of the deceased"s teeth, 476 00:38:32,810 --> 00:38:36,041 and compared them to the dentaI records of Terrence Steadman. 477 00:38:36,147 --> 00:38:38,012 They were a perfect match. 478 00:38:39,684 --> 00:38:41,652 Who kiIIed Terrence Steadman? 479 00:38:43,354 --> 00:38:44,616 Nobody. 480 00:38:52,263 --> 00:38:53,753 HeIIo, Terrence. 481 00:39:13,017 --> 00:39:14,041 I can see it. 482 00:39:14,552 --> 00:39:16,520 (ENGINE WHIRRING) 483 00:39:28,265 --> 00:39:29,664 -Faster. -Oh, God. 484 00:39:29,767 --> 00:39:31,530 Come on, Iet's go. 485 00:39:31,635 --> 00:39:33,899 -It's on the runway. Right there. -Let's move it. Let's go. 486 00:39:44,181 --> 00:39:45,546 I see it, baby. 487 00:39:53,657 --> 00:39:54,817 Let's go. 488 00:40:12,510 --> 00:40:14,637 -We're aImost there. -It better be there, man. 489 00:40:14,745 --> 00:40:15,905 It better be there. 490 00:40:38,736 --> 00:40:39,703 (GROANING) 491 00:40:52,183 --> 00:40:53,741 C-NOTE: What's the deaI? Hey! 492 00:40:54,051 --> 00:40:55,746 -ALL: Hey! -Where's it going? 493 00:41:08,999 --> 00:41:10,694 No! No! 494 00:41:16,740 --> 00:41:18,230 What do we do now? 495 00:41:24,849 --> 00:41:26,077 We run. 496 00:41:27,751 --> 00:41:29,480 This way, this way. 497 00:41:30,020 --> 00:41:32,011 Run into the dark. Run into the dark. 498 00:41:36,193 --> 00:41:39,219 MAN ON MEGAPHONE: Stop and put your hands up, You are completely surrounded, 499 00:41:43,968 --> 00:41:47,062 Stop and put your hands up, You are completely surrounded, 9999 00:00:0,500 --> 00:00:2,00 www.tvsubtitles.net