1 00:00:09,040 --> 00:00:10,405 Who's that? 2 00:00:30,280 --> 00:00:32,123 - Bed. - But Mum... 3 00:00:32,200 --> 00:00:34,123 George, I won't tell you again, get into bed. 4 00:00:35,360 --> 00:00:37,761 I'm going to be late for work. It's just the lift, love. 5 00:00:37,840 --> 00:00:39,888 - How many more times? - Don't like it. 6 00:00:39,960 --> 00:00:43,009 So, what do we do with the things we don't like? 7 00:00:43,920 --> 00:00:45,729 Put them in the cupboard. 8 00:00:45,800 --> 00:00:48,485 The thing. You have to do the thing, Mum. 9 00:00:59,240 --> 00:01:01,925 Five times. It has to be five times. 10 00:01:07,440 --> 00:01:09,647 Please save me from the monsters. 11 00:01:10,120 --> 00:01:12,202 Please save me from the monsters. 12 00:01:12,720 --> 00:01:14,722 Please save me from the monsters. 13 00:01:15,360 --> 00:01:17,044 You all right now? 14 00:01:17,640 --> 00:01:21,087 Come on, George, there's nothing to be scared of. 15 00:01:23,200 --> 00:01:25,009 Goodnight, then, love. 16 00:01:33,400 --> 00:01:34,401 How is he? 17 00:01:35,080 --> 00:01:36,684 He's in bed, at least. 18 00:01:46,560 --> 00:01:49,643 I'm worried about him, why is he terrified all the time? 19 00:01:49,720 --> 00:01:51,085 He needs help. 20 00:01:51,480 --> 00:01:54,211 - He's got us. - He needs a doctor. 21 00:01:56,280 --> 00:01:58,442 Please save me from the monsters. 22 00:01:58,960 --> 00:02:00,883 Please save me from the monsters. 23 00:02:01,440 --> 00:02:03,408 Please save me from the monsters. 24 00:02:06,160 --> 00:02:08,242 "Please save me from the monsters." 25 00:02:10,160 --> 00:02:11,605 Haven't done this in a while. 26 00:02:11,680 --> 00:02:15,207 Um, done what? What are you doing? 27 00:02:17,200 --> 00:02:18,964 Making a house call. 28 00:03:07,520 --> 00:03:09,648 - No of fence, Doctor... - Meaning the opposite. 29 00:03:09,720 --> 00:03:11,563 ...But we could get a bus somewhere like this. 30 00:03:11,640 --> 00:03:12,766 The exact opposite. 31 00:03:12,840 --> 00:03:15,810 Well, I suppose it can't all be planets and history and stuff, Rory. 32 00:03:15,880 --> 00:03:18,884 Yes, it can. Course it can. Planets and history and stuff. 33 00:03:18,960 --> 00:03:21,281 That's what we do. But not today, no. 34 00:03:22,080 --> 00:03:26,449 Today we're answering a cry for help from the scariest place in the universe. 35 00:03:26,520 --> 00:03:27,851 A child's bedroom. 36 00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:08,004 "Please save me from the monsters." Who sent that? 37 00:04:08,080 --> 00:04:09,161 That's what we're here to find out. 38 00:04:09,240 --> 00:04:10,571 Sounds like something a kid would say. 39 00:04:10,640 --> 00:04:13,610 Exactly. A scared kid. A very scared kid. 40 00:04:14,240 --> 00:04:17,403 So scared that somehow his cry for help got through to us in the Tardis. 41 00:04:17,480 --> 00:04:19,164 - Yeah, but you've traced it here. - Exactly. 42 00:04:20,280 --> 00:04:21,930 Ah, going up. 43 00:04:25,720 --> 00:04:29,247 Now, did you know that there are twice as many pets 44 00:04:29,320 --> 00:04:32,164 las people here in the UK? Now, that's a lot of animals. 45 00:04:32,240 --> 00:04:34,811 And we want to know how clever they are. 46 00:04:34,880 --> 00:04:36,962 Now, if you were watching BBC' One on Saturday nigh; 47 00:04:37,040 --> 00:04:38,849 You will have seen Rolf Harris and Kate Humble... 48 00:04:57,160 --> 00:04:58,207 Hi. 49 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:01,001 Hello. 50 00:05:03,800 --> 00:05:06,565 Are your mummy and daddy in or is it just you? 51 00:05:08,720 --> 00:05:09,721 Okay. 52 00:05:09,800 --> 00:05:11,723 - Is it about the bins? - Pardon? 53 00:05:11,800 --> 00:05:17,728 Community Support, just checking up on community...based...things. 54 00:05:17,800 --> 00:05:18,961 - Can I help you? - Hi. 55 00:05:19,040 --> 00:05:21,407 Um, yeah, no, sorry, I was just wondering if you've had any bother 56 00:05:21,480 --> 00:05:23,130 - around here? - Is everything okay? 57 00:05:23,200 --> 00:05:24,326 The bins! 58 00:05:24,400 --> 00:05:27,882 I can't be expected to get down all them stairs, I need new knees. 59 00:05:27,960 --> 00:05:30,042 - Bother? What do you mean? - Well, I mean... 60 00:05:30,120 --> 00:05:32,248 Are your neighbours nice? You get on well? 61 00:05:32,320 --> 00:05:34,004 - He didn't send you, did he? - Who? 62 00:05:34,080 --> 00:05:36,890 Jim Purcell. Course we get on well. I'm their landlord. 63 00:05:36,960 --> 00:05:38,121 They love me, don't they? 64 00:05:38,200 --> 00:05:39,247 You're the landlord? 65 00:05:39,320 --> 00:05:42,130 - Not the bins, no, Miss... - Mrs Rossiter. 66 00:05:42,200 --> 00:05:44,521 I thought you'd know that, being from Community Support. 67 00:05:44,600 --> 00:05:47,649 Yeah. Yes, no, yes, of course. 68 00:05:47,720 --> 00:05:50,610 I've already got a new hip, I'll be able to manage when I get the knees. 69 00:05:51,160 --> 00:05:53,686 Up, down them stairs like Sherpa Tenzing then. 70 00:05:53,760 --> 00:05:55,489 - Can I come in? - Oh. 71 00:05:58,320 --> 00:06:01,244 - Course not. You could be anyone. - I could be, but I'm not. 72 00:06:01,320 --> 00:06:03,561 Or maybe it's best if I come back another time. 73 00:06:03,640 --> 00:06:04,641 I'm the Doctor. 74 00:06:35,960 --> 00:06:37,166 We've got to find that kid. 75 00:06:37,240 --> 00:06:40,483 Maybe we should let the monsters gobble him up. 76 00:07:01,800 --> 00:07:03,165 Hey, any luck? 77 00:07:03,240 --> 00:07:06,130 Three old ladies, a traffic warden from Croatia and a man with 10 cats. 78 00:07:06,200 --> 00:07:09,044 - What are we actually looking for? - 10 cats! Scared kid, remember? 79 00:07:09,120 --> 00:07:11,088 I found, um, scary kids. Is that kinda... 80 00:07:11,160 --> 00:07:13,481 Hmm, try the next floor down. Catch you later. 81 00:07:14,160 --> 00:07:15,366 Okay. 82 00:07:15,440 --> 00:07:17,841 Maybe it was, you know, junk mail. 83 00:07:17,920 --> 00:07:19,206 What? 84 00:07:19,280 --> 00:07:22,284 The message on the psychic paper, maybe it was just nothing. 85 00:08:04,600 --> 00:08:07,046 Oh, right, that was quick, was it? 86 00:08:07,720 --> 00:08:09,051 Claire said she'd phoned someone. 87 00:08:09,280 --> 00:08:11,567 - Social Services. - Yes. Yes. 88 00:08:12,200 --> 00:08:13,725 It's not easy, you know. 89 00:08:15,080 --> 00:08:16,161 Admitting your kid's got a problem. 90 00:08:16,240 --> 00:08:17,651 You've got a problem, I've got a problem. 91 00:08:17,720 --> 00:08:18,926 I'm better connected, I'm the Doctor. 92 00:08:19,000 --> 00:08:20,729 Call me Doctor. Uh, what can I call you? 93 00:08:21,240 --> 00:08:22,730 - Um, Alex. - Hello, Alex. 94 00:08:23,920 --> 00:08:24,921 So, 95 00:08:27,160 --> 00:08:28,650 tell me about George. 96 00:08:40,320 --> 00:08:42,049 A blooming mess. 97 00:08:44,400 --> 00:08:48,041 I'm the only one who gives a monkey's around here any more. 98 00:08:50,360 --> 00:08:51,771 Shocking. 99 00:08:53,280 --> 00:08:56,602 Talking to yourself now, Elsie. 100 00:08:57,400 --> 00:08:59,084 They say it's the first sign. 101 00:09:03,000 --> 00:09:04,570 Oh, Lord. 102 00:09:07,320 --> 00:09:09,004 Come out of there! 103 00:09:11,040 --> 00:09:12,371 Don't be so ruddy horrible. 104 00:09:12,440 --> 00:09:14,602 Trying to scare an old lady to death. 105 00:09:17,120 --> 00:09:18,360 It's not right. 106 00:09:20,000 --> 00:09:21,764 Is that you, George? 107 00:09:23,800 --> 00:09:25,529 I'll tell your Mum and Dad. 108 00:09:30,240 --> 00:09:32,971 Come on, you little devil. Let's see your face. 109 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:46,128 Ever since he was born, he's been a funny kid. 110 00:09:46,200 --> 00:09:48,043 Funny's good, we like funny, don't we? 111 00:09:48,920 --> 00:09:50,126 Well, he never cries. 112 00:09:50,880 --> 00:09:52,644 Bottles it all up, I suppose. 113 00:09:53,680 --> 00:09:55,284 Tell him off, he just looks at you. 114 00:09:55,640 --> 00:09:57,608 - How old is he? - He was eight in January. 115 00:09:58,160 --> 00:10:01,846 I mean, he should be growing out of stuff like this, shouldn't he? 116 00:10:01,920 --> 00:10:03,081 Maybe. 117 00:10:04,920 --> 00:10:06,684 It's got worse, though, lately? 118 00:10:06,760 --> 00:10:09,081 Yeah, we talked about getting help. 119 00:10:09,840 --> 00:10:11,126 You know, maybe sending him somewhere. 120 00:10:11,600 --> 00:10:14,206 He started getting these nervous ticks, you know? 121 00:10:14,280 --> 00:10:16,203 Funny little cough, blinking all the time. 122 00:10:16,280 --> 00:10:18,328 But now it's got completely out of hand. 123 00:10:18,600 --> 00:10:19,931 I mean, he's scared to death of everything. 124 00:10:20,000 --> 00:10:21,081 - Pantophobia. - What? 125 00:10:21,160 --> 00:10:22,446 That's what it's called, pantophobia. 126 00:10:22,520 --> 00:10:24,409 Not a fear of pants, though, if that's what you're thinking. 127 00:10:24,480 --> 00:10:27,768 It's a fear of everything. Including pants, I suppose. 128 00:10:27,840 --> 00:10:30,002 In that case, sorry, go on. 129 00:10:31,320 --> 00:10:32,890 - He hates crayons... - Understandable. 130 00:10:32,960 --> 00:10:35,725 Old toys. He thinks the old lady across the way is a witch. 131 00:10:35,800 --> 00:10:38,280 He hates having a bath, in case there is something under the water. 132 00:10:38,360 --> 00:10:40,681 The lift sounds like someone breathing, it's... 133 00:10:42,120 --> 00:10:44,043 Look, I don't know. 134 00:10:46,440 --> 00:10:48,124 I'm not an expert. 135 00:10:50,040 --> 00:10:53,442 - Maybe you can get through to him. - I'll do my best. 136 00:10:56,760 --> 00:10:59,127 - Amy? - Hmm? 137 00:10:59,200 --> 00:11:02,010 - Amy! Are you here? - Here. 138 00:11:02,920 --> 00:11:04,206 Here! Ow! 139 00:11:04,280 --> 00:11:05,930 I'm here, it's me. 140 00:11:08,840 --> 00:11:11,002 - You okay? - Yeah, I think so. 141 00:11:11,440 --> 00:11:15,047 What happened to the lift? We were in a lift, right? 142 00:11:15,120 --> 00:11:17,327 Yeah, yeah, we were... I remember getting in and then... 143 00:11:17,400 --> 00:11:18,925 What? 144 00:11:19,000 --> 00:11:20,764 - We're dead, aren't we? - Hey? 145 00:11:20,840 --> 00:11:22,171 - The lift fell and we're dead. - Shut up. 146 00:11:22,240 --> 00:11:24,846 - We're dead. Again. - Oh, shut up. 147 00:11:24,920 --> 00:11:26,251 Let's just find out where we are. 148 00:11:41,280 --> 00:11:43,044 - You know, it's obvious what's happened. - Yeah? 149 00:11:43,120 --> 00:11:45,088 Really? Because it's not obvious to me. 150 00:11:45,160 --> 00:11:46,810 The Tardis has gone funny again. 151 00:11:46,880 --> 00:11:50,441 Some time...slippy...thing. 152 00:11:50,520 --> 00:11:52,602 You know, the Doctor is back there in EastEnders-land 153 00:11:52,680 --> 00:11:54,682 and we're stuck here in the past. 154 00:11:54,760 --> 00:11:58,731 - This is probably 1700 and something. - Yay. My favourite year. 155 00:12:17,000 --> 00:12:19,162 George, you okay? What's the matter? 156 00:12:20,040 --> 00:12:21,041 Oh. 157 00:12:23,840 --> 00:12:25,171 Never mind. 158 00:12:28,040 --> 00:12:29,371 Were you having a nightmare, son? 159 00:12:29,440 --> 00:12:31,966 It wasn't a nightmare. I wasn't asleep. 160 00:12:34,520 --> 00:12:37,000 - Who are you? - I'm the Doctor. 161 00:12:37,080 --> 00:12:39,765 A doctor? Have you come to take me away? 162 00:12:39,840 --> 00:12:42,002 No, George. I just want to talk to you. 163 00:12:42,080 --> 00:12:43,241 What about? 164 00:12:49,120 --> 00:12:50,485 About the monsters. 165 00:13:10,680 --> 00:13:11,966 Bit neglected, wherever it is. 166 00:13:12,040 --> 00:13:15,249 Let's find the front door, at least. We can work out where we are. 167 00:13:15,320 --> 00:13:16,651 When we are. 168 00:13:18,400 --> 00:13:19,845 - Row. - Hmm? 169 00:13:19,920 --> 00:13:21,365 Look at this. 170 00:13:22,440 --> 00:13:26,206 - Well, it's a copper pan. - No, it's not. It's wood. 171 00:13:26,920 --> 00:13:28,649 It's made of wood and just painted to look like copper. 172 00:13:28,720 --> 00:13:30,210 That is stupid. 173 00:13:34,280 --> 00:13:35,770 Rory, hang on. 174 00:13:40,400 --> 00:13:41,765 There's a switch. 175 00:13:44,520 --> 00:13:48,286 Wow, well, not 1700 and something, then. 176 00:14:17,360 --> 00:14:19,931 It's glass. It's a glass eye. 177 00:14:26,440 --> 00:14:28,647 - Stop doing that. - It's not me. 178 00:14:34,040 --> 00:14:35,166 - Come on. - Yeah. 179 00:14:38,440 --> 00:14:39,521 Hang on. 180 00:14:47,880 --> 00:14:49,723 Maybe it was things on telly. 181 00:14:49,800 --> 00:14:51,165 - You know? - Right. 182 00:14:51,240 --> 00:14:54,210 Scary stuff. Getting under his skin. 183 00:14:54,280 --> 00:14:55,805 - Frightening him. - Uh-huh. 184 00:14:55,880 --> 00:14:58,690 - So we stopped letting him watch. - Oh, you don't want to do that. 185 00:14:59,800 --> 00:15:02,121 And Claire thought it might be something he was reading. 186 00:15:02,200 --> 00:15:04,601 Great. Reading is great. Do you like stories, George? 187 00:15:06,160 --> 00:15:07,241 Yeah? Me, too. 188 00:15:07,320 --> 00:15:10,802 When I was your age, about, oh, a thousand years ago, 189 00:15:10,880 --> 00:15:12,405 I loved a good bedtime story. 190 00:15:12,480 --> 00:15:15,370 The Three Little Sontarans, The Emperor Daleks New Clothes, 191 00:15:15,440 --> 00:15:17,329 Snow White and the Seven Keys to Doomsday, eh? 192 00:15:17,400 --> 00:15:18,447 All the classics. 193 00:15:18,520 --> 00:15:20,602 Rubbish, must be broken. Hate those things. 194 00:15:22,240 --> 00:15:23,969 Better tidy it away, though, eh? 195 00:15:26,840 --> 00:15:27,841 How about in here? 196 00:15:31,280 --> 00:15:33,760 No, not in the cupboard. Why not in there, George? 197 00:15:33,840 --> 00:15:35,842 It's a...thing. 198 00:15:36,480 --> 00:15:38,164 Thing we got him doing ages back. 199 00:15:38,240 --> 00:15:40,641 Anything that frightens him, we put it in the cupboard. 200 00:15:41,000 --> 00:15:43,401 Creepy toys, scary pictures, that sort of thing. 201 00:15:43,480 --> 00:15:44,811 And is that where the monsters go? 202 00:15:46,360 --> 00:15:47,725 Yeah. 203 00:15:52,400 --> 00:15:54,402 There's nothing to be scared of, George. 204 00:15:56,320 --> 00:15:57,560 It's just a cupboard. 205 00:16:09,600 --> 00:16:10,931 Front door. 206 00:16:27,480 --> 00:16:29,244 Let's try down here. 207 00:16:37,160 --> 00:16:40,004 - Evening. - Oh, hi. 208 00:16:40,520 --> 00:16:43,603 - How's Claire? - Good, thanks, at work. 209 00:16:43,680 --> 00:16:46,445 Look, um, this really isn't a good time. Maybe later... 210 00:16:46,520 --> 00:16:48,045 And the kiddie? 211 00:16:49,960 --> 00:16:51,041 Good. 212 00:16:51,560 --> 00:16:54,484 You know I hate to mention it, but it's that time again. 213 00:16:54,600 --> 00:16:58,082 - Yes. - And you know I like my money prompt. 214 00:17:01,440 --> 00:17:04,489 The thing is, I still haven't found anywhere since the shop shut 215 00:17:04,560 --> 00:17:06,164 and Claire's wage only goes so far. 216 00:17:06,240 --> 00:17:08,766 I thought you could, you know, come up with some sort of arrangement. 217 00:17:08,840 --> 00:17:11,366 - Is that a torch? - Screwdriver. 218 00:17:11,440 --> 00:17:13,966 No can do, son. I mean, if I went around... 219 00:17:14,040 --> 00:17:15,166 A sonic one. 220 00:17:15,240 --> 00:17:16,810 And other stuff. 221 00:17:18,040 --> 00:17:20,611 - Please, may I see the other stuff? - You may. 222 00:17:24,360 --> 00:17:26,089 Huh? Pretty cool, eh? 223 00:17:41,360 --> 00:17:43,362 Listen to him. Isn't he awful, eh? 224 00:17:43,440 --> 00:17:46,091 Don't growl at the nice man, Bernard. 225 00:17:47,040 --> 00:17:49,042 He doesn't mean to upset Daddy. 226 00:17:49,120 --> 00:17:50,804 - Do you? - No. 227 00:17:52,640 --> 00:17:54,051 Look, son. 228 00:17:54,120 --> 00:17:55,246 I know what you're thinking. 229 00:17:55,320 --> 00:17:59,928 Here comes horrible Purcell, after his rent, dog on a chain. 230 00:18:00,000 --> 00:18:02,731 See? Weren't expecting that, was ya? 231 00:18:05,840 --> 00:18:08,127 I'm not as daft as I look. 232 00:18:08,200 --> 00:18:10,407 In fact, I'm not daft at all. 233 00:18:16,880 --> 00:18:18,769 Huh? That's better. 234 00:18:18,840 --> 00:18:21,844 No tears from George, that's what I've heard. 235 00:18:21,920 --> 00:18:24,764 Go on, give us a smile. There's a brave little soldier. 236 00:18:26,680 --> 00:18:28,569 Bit rusty at this. Anyway... 237 00:18:28,640 --> 00:18:32,281 Let's open this cupboard, eh? Now there's nothing to be... 238 00:18:34,600 --> 00:18:37,444 Off the scale. Off the scale. 239 00:18:39,280 --> 00:18:40,645 Off the scale. 240 00:18:43,720 --> 00:18:46,166 All I want is my £350. 241 00:18:47,200 --> 00:18:48,725 Simple as that. 242 00:18:50,720 --> 00:18:52,131 Goodnight. 243 00:18:52,920 --> 00:18:54,445 Come on, son, come on. 244 00:18:59,800 --> 00:19:02,201 Right, sorry about that. 245 00:19:04,640 --> 00:19:07,166 - So, have you got this thing open yet? - No! No, no, no, no, no. 246 00:19:08,160 --> 00:19:09,571 - You don't want to do that. - Why? 247 00:19:11,040 --> 00:19:13,247 Because George's monsters are real. 248 00:19:23,840 --> 00:19:25,251 Oh, at last. 249 00:19:26,880 --> 00:19:28,723 What is it? 250 00:19:29,160 --> 00:19:30,889 No door knob. 251 00:19:30,960 --> 00:19:34,442 Wooden pans, a massive glass eye and now no door knob! 252 00:19:34,520 --> 00:19:35,806 And this clock. 253 00:19:36,640 --> 00:19:39,120 - What? - Look, the hands. They're painted on. 254 00:19:53,400 --> 00:19:54,731 You're supposed to be a professional. 255 00:19:55,280 --> 00:19:57,726 I'll never get him to sleep now. You're so... 256 00:19:57,800 --> 00:20:00,041 - Irresponsible. - No, Alex. Responsible. Very. 257 00:20:00,120 --> 00:20:02,487 Cupboard bad. Cupboard not bare. Stay away from cupboard. 258 00:20:02,560 --> 00:20:04,449 And there's something else. Something I've missed. Something... 259 00:20:04,520 --> 00:20:05,681 staring me in the face. 260 00:20:05,760 --> 00:20:08,001 Look, I'd like you to leave, please. You're just making things worse. 261 00:20:09,040 --> 00:20:12,010 Will you stop making tea? I want you to leave! 262 00:20:12,760 --> 00:20:14,444 - No. - What? 263 00:20:14,520 --> 00:20:16,329 What do you mean, no? 264 00:20:17,320 --> 00:20:18,845 Leave. Get out. 265 00:20:20,280 --> 00:20:21,691 Now, please. 266 00:20:24,680 --> 00:20:28,127 Look, maybe this was a bad idea. We should sort out George ourselves. 267 00:20:28,200 --> 00:20:29,281 You can't. 268 00:20:30,680 --> 00:20:33,001 No one's going to tell us how to run our lives. 269 00:20:33,080 --> 00:20:36,766 I don't care who you are or what wheels have been set in motion, we'll sort it. 270 00:20:38,320 --> 00:20:40,482 I'm not just a professional, I'm the Doctor. 271 00:20:40,560 --> 00:20:41,607 What's that supposed to mean? 272 00:20:41,680 --> 00:20:44,365 It means I've come a long way to get here, Alex, a very long way. 273 00:20:44,440 --> 00:20:46,807 George sent a message. A distress call, if you like. 274 00:20:46,880 --> 00:20:50,327 Whatever's inside that cupboard is so terrible, so powerful, 275 00:20:50,400 --> 00:20:52,767 that it amplified the fears of an ordinary little boy 276 00:20:52,840 --> 00:20:54,410 across all the barriers of time and space. 277 00:20:54,480 --> 00:20:57,324 - Eh? - Through crimson stars and silent stars 278 00:20:57,400 --> 00:21:01,041 and tumbling nebulae like oceans set on fire, 279 00:21:01,120 --> 00:21:04,283 through empires of glass and civilizations of pure thought 280 00:21:04,360 --> 00:21:07,569 and a whole, terrible, wonderful universe of impossibilities. 281 00:21:07,640 --> 00:21:10,610 You see, these eyes, they're all lies. 282 00:21:11,880 --> 00:21:13,848 And one thing I can tell you, Alex. 283 00:21:16,000 --> 00:21:17,729 Monsters are real. 284 00:21:20,760 --> 00:21:22,762 You're not from Social Services, are you? 285 00:21:25,480 --> 00:21:28,370 First things first. You got any Jammie Dodgers? 286 00:21:28,440 --> 00:21:31,444 Please. I don't like being on me own. 287 00:21:33,120 --> 00:21:35,009 Is there anyone here? 288 00:21:36,480 --> 00:21:37,845 Please. 289 00:21:38,960 --> 00:21:40,485 Help me. 290 00:22:03,800 --> 00:22:05,529 - You hear that? - Yeah. 291 00:22:08,800 --> 00:22:09,961 Wait. 292 00:22:15,600 --> 00:22:17,045 They're getting closer. 293 00:22:17,840 --> 00:22:19,251 "They"? 294 00:23:00,400 --> 00:23:03,802 Oh, it's just a... It's a dummy. Oh, it's just a dummy. 295 00:23:04,760 --> 00:23:06,603 This is weird. 296 00:23:06,680 --> 00:23:08,887 Yes, says the time-travelling nurse. 297 00:23:13,800 --> 00:23:16,371 Yeah, um, let's just leave that for come on. 298 00:23:20,400 --> 00:23:24,166 # Tick-tock goes the clock. 299 00:23:24,240 --> 00:23:27,767 # And others shall be born.-. # 300 00:23:31,440 --> 00:23:33,010 What is it with these photos? 301 00:23:33,280 --> 00:23:36,204 Anyway, good, nice tea. Nothing like a cuppa but... 302 00:23:36,320 --> 00:23:38,482 Decision, should we open the cupboard? 303 00:23:40,160 --> 00:23:41,685 - What? Well... - Should we? 304 00:23:41,760 --> 00:23:43,171 Got to open the cupboard, haven't we? Course we have. 305 00:23:43,240 --> 00:23:44,366 Come on, Alex, Alex, come on, 306 00:23:44,440 --> 00:23:46,329 how else will we ever find out what's going on here? 307 00:23:46,400 --> 00:23:48,368 - Right, but you said... - Monsters, yeah, well, that's what I do, 308 00:23:48,440 --> 00:23:51,205 breakfast, dinner and tea. Fight the monsters, so this, 309 00:23:51,280 --> 00:23:53,851 this is just an average day at the office for me. 310 00:23:53,920 --> 00:23:54,921 Okay, yeah, you're right. 311 00:23:55,000 --> 00:23:56,001 Or maybe we shouldn't open the cupboard. 312 00:23:56,120 --> 00:23:57,451 - Eh? - We have no idea what might be in there. 313 00:23:57,520 --> 00:23:59,363 How powerful, how evil that thing might be. 314 00:23:59,440 --> 00:24:00,885 - We don't? - Come on, Alex, Alex, come on. 315 00:24:00,960 --> 00:24:02,849 Are you crazy? We can't open the cupboard. 316 00:24:02,920 --> 00:24:05,571 - God, no! No, we mustn't. - Right. 317 00:24:05,640 --> 00:24:07,722 - That settles it. - Settles what? 318 00:24:10,960 --> 00:24:12,564 Going to open the cupboard. 319 00:24:14,120 --> 00:24:16,327 There's nothing on. 320 00:24:16,400 --> 00:24:18,926 Never anything on, is there, Bernard? 321 00:24:19,000 --> 00:24:21,970 Bergerac, God help us. 30 years old, that. 322 00:24:23,640 --> 00:24:25,608 Where's the boxing? There's meant to be boxing on. 323 00:24:30,560 --> 00:24:32,961 Looks we're going to have to watch that film again. 324 00:24:41,760 --> 00:24:44,161 What the... Hold on a minute. 325 00:24:48,560 --> 00:24:49,891 This is not... 326 00:24:55,840 --> 00:24:57,410 Help me, Bernard. Oh! 327 00:24:59,400 --> 00:25:00,561 Ah! 328 00:25:24,680 --> 00:25:25,841 Oh! 329 00:25:51,480 --> 00:25:53,289 I don't understand. It has to be the cupboard. 330 00:25:53,360 --> 00:25:55,806 The readings from the sonic screwdriver, they were... 331 00:25:56,560 --> 00:25:57,846 You... 332 00:26:06,000 --> 00:26:08,082 - How old is George, Alex? - What? How old? 333 00:26:08,160 --> 00:26:10,481 - Yes. How old is George? - Well, I told you, he just turned eight. 334 00:26:10,560 --> 00:26:12,369 - So you remember when he was born, then? - Of course. 335 00:26:12,440 --> 00:26:13,646 Of course you do. How could you not? 336 00:26:13,720 --> 00:26:15,802 You and Claire, Christmas Eve, 2002, right? 337 00:26:15,880 --> 00:26:16,961 What? Oh, yeah. 338 00:26:17,040 --> 00:26:18,041 A couple of weeks before George was born. 339 00:26:18,120 --> 00:26:19,770 Tell me about the day he arrived, must have been wonderful. 340 00:26:19,840 --> 00:26:21,649 Well, it was the best day of my... 341 00:26:24,080 --> 00:26:25,525 - life. - Sure? 342 00:26:27,080 --> 00:26:28,764 - Yes. - You don't sound sure. 343 00:26:30,160 --> 00:26:31,650 What are you trying to say? 344 00:26:32,720 --> 00:26:35,803 Look, I don't like this. I told you before, I want you to go. 345 00:26:35,880 --> 00:26:37,882 - What's the matter, Alex? - I can't... 346 00:26:38,960 --> 00:26:40,246 Oh, no. 347 00:26:40,960 --> 00:26:43,611 - Oh, this is scary. - No, Alex, this is scary. 348 00:26:43,680 --> 00:26:45,444 Claire with baby George, newborn, yes? 349 00:26:45,520 --> 00:26:47,249 - Yes. - Less than a month after Christmas. 350 00:26:47,320 --> 00:26:49,322 - So? - So, look, look. Claire's not pregnant. 351 00:26:49,400 --> 00:26:50,401 - What? - Not pregnant. 352 00:26:50,480 --> 00:26:52,642 Well, of course not. Claire can't have kids! 353 00:26:56,440 --> 00:26:58,681 - Say that again? - We tried everything. 354 00:26:59,320 --> 00:27:02,130 She was desperate. As much IVF as we could afford but... 355 00:27:05,880 --> 00:27:07,405 Claire can't have kids. 356 00:27:14,080 --> 00:27:15,366 How... 357 00:27:16,080 --> 00:27:17,730 How can I have forgotten that? 358 00:27:27,520 --> 00:27:28,931 Who are you, George? 359 00:27:31,840 --> 00:27:34,002 It's not possible. This isn't... 360 00:27:36,520 --> 00:27:37,681 George? 361 00:27:54,680 --> 00:27:56,125 George! 362 00:27:58,240 --> 00:28:00,402 George, what's going on? Are you doing this? 363 00:28:00,480 --> 00:28:01,561 What's happening? 364 00:28:01,680 --> 00:28:05,321 Please save me from the monsters. Please save me from the monsters. 365 00:28:05,400 --> 00:28:07,289 - George! - Please save me from the monsters. 366 00:28:07,360 --> 00:28:09,488 Please save me from the monsters. 367 00:28:09,560 --> 00:28:11,289 - George! Ah! - Please save me from the monsters. 368 00:28:11,360 --> 00:28:15,445 Please save me from the monsters. 369 00:28:17,720 --> 00:28:19,882 George! Help! 370 00:28:19,960 --> 00:28:21,928 Please save me from the monsters. 371 00:28:22,000 --> 00:28:23,968 Please save me from the monsters. 372 00:28:24,920 --> 00:28:26,365 George! 373 00:28:40,920 --> 00:28:43,400 Why aren't there any lights? I miss lights. 374 00:28:43,480 --> 00:28:44,811 You don't really miss things till they're gone, do you? 375 00:28:44,880 --> 00:28:46,006 It's like what my Nan used to say, 376 00:28:46,080 --> 00:28:47,844 "You'll never miss the water till the well runs dry." 377 00:28:47,920 --> 00:28:49,922 - Rory. - Except lights, not... 378 00:28:50,000 --> 00:28:52,287 Not water. Lights are great, aren't they? 379 00:28:52,360 --> 00:28:54,601 I mean, if this place was all lit up, we wouldn't be worried at all. 380 00:28:54,680 --> 00:28:56,842 Rory! Panicking a bit. 381 00:28:57,760 --> 00:28:59,046 - Yeah, yeah, sorry. - Yeah. 382 00:28:59,120 --> 00:29:01,282 Help me! Please! 383 00:29:01,360 --> 00:29:03,966 Keep them away from me. Keep them away. 384 00:29:08,200 --> 00:29:13,730 # Tick-tock goes the clock 385 00:29:13,800 --> 00:29:19,091 # And dolls can shine with fear. 386 00:29:20,320 --> 00:29:25,565 # Tick-tock until the day.. # 387 00:29:27,760 --> 00:29:30,411 I take it all back. Panic now. 388 00:29:32,040 --> 00:29:34,042 Don't run away. 389 00:29:34,120 --> 00:29:35,849 We want to play... 390 00:30:04,120 --> 00:30:07,522 George! George, don't do this. We want to help you, George! 391 00:30:16,880 --> 00:30:19,486 We went... We went into the cupboard. 392 00:30:21,040 --> 00:30:22,769 We went into the cupboard. 393 00:30:24,200 --> 00:30:26,168 How can it be bigger in here? 394 00:30:26,240 --> 00:30:28,846 More common than you'd think, actually. You okay? 395 00:30:30,080 --> 00:30:31,684 - Where are we? - Obvious, isn't it? 396 00:30:31,760 --> 00:30:32,761 - No! - Doll's house. 397 00:30:32,840 --> 00:30:34,604 We're inside the dolls house. 398 00:30:34,680 --> 00:30:36,808 - The dolls house? - Yeah, in the cupboard, in your flat. 399 00:30:36,880 --> 00:30:38,086 - The dolls house. - No, look. 400 00:30:38,160 --> 00:30:40,049 - Slow down, would you? - Look, wooden chicken. 401 00:30:40,120 --> 00:30:42,202 Cups, saucers, plates, knives, forks, fruit. 402 00:30:42,280 --> 00:30:43,805 The chicken's wood, so... 403 00:30:44,480 --> 00:30:45,845 we're either inside the dolls house 404 00:30:45,920 --> 00:30:48,207 or this is refuge for dirty posh people who eat wooden food. 405 00:30:48,280 --> 00:30:51,284 Or termites. Giant termites trying to get on the property ladder. 406 00:30:51,360 --> 00:30:54,330 No. That's possible. Is that possible? 407 00:31:00,520 --> 00:31:02,602 Look, will you stop? 408 00:31:03,680 --> 00:31:05,648 What is he? What is George? 409 00:31:05,720 --> 00:31:08,485 And how could I forget that Claire can't have kids, how? 410 00:31:08,560 --> 00:31:09,721 Perception filter. 411 00:31:09,800 --> 00:31:11,882 Some kind of hugely powerful perception filter 412 00:31:11,960 --> 00:31:14,406 convinced you and Claire, everyone, made you change your memories. 413 00:31:14,480 --> 00:31:16,847 Now, what could do that? 414 00:31:18,360 --> 00:31:19,725 Just a mirror. 415 00:31:30,760 --> 00:31:31,921 Lock it! 416 00:31:32,480 --> 00:31:34,005 There isn't a lock. 417 00:31:36,000 --> 00:31:37,411 No, no, no, no! 418 00:31:37,480 --> 00:31:39,767 Come on! 419 00:31:45,320 --> 00:31:46,560 Move, move, move. 420 00:31:51,520 --> 00:31:53,887 So, Claire can't have kids and something responded to that. 421 00:31:53,960 --> 00:31:55,769 Responded to that need. What could do that? 422 00:31:56,560 --> 00:32:00,451 I thought you were the expert, fighting monsters all day long. You tell me. 423 00:32:00,520 --> 00:32:02,409 Oi, listen, mush, old eyes. 424 00:32:02,480 --> 00:32:04,562 Remember? I've been around the block a few times. More than a few. 425 00:32:04,640 --> 00:32:06,130 They've knocked down the blocks... 426 00:32:06,200 --> 00:32:07,884 I've been round and rebuilt them as bigger blocks. 427 00:32:07,960 --> 00:32:09,246 Super blocks. 428 00:32:09,320 --> 00:32:11,368 I've been round them as well. I can't remember everything. 429 00:32:11,440 --> 00:32:13,010 - Doctor. - It's like trying to remember the name 430 00:32:13,080 --> 00:32:14,570 of someone you met at a party when you were two. 431 00:32:14,640 --> 00:32:15,687 Doctor, the lift. 432 00:32:15,760 --> 00:32:17,444 I can't just plump for Brian, like I normally do. 433 00:32:17,520 --> 00:32:19,249 - Doctor, listen. - Shh, what's that? 434 00:32:19,320 --> 00:32:22,563 It's the lift. It's the sound that the lift makes. 435 00:32:22,640 --> 00:32:24,369 George is scared stiff of it. 436 00:32:47,400 --> 00:32:50,006 We can't stay in here. We've got to get out! 437 00:32:50,080 --> 00:32:51,844 Uh, how? 438 00:32:51,920 --> 00:32:55,208 Take control, Rory. Take control of the only thing we can. 439 00:32:56,160 --> 00:32:57,525 Letting them in. 440 00:32:57,600 --> 00:32:59,045 - Letting them in? - Surprise them. 441 00:32:59,600 --> 00:33:03,400 We open the door and we push past them. Kick them, punch them, anything, okay? 442 00:33:03,480 --> 00:33:05,084 Time to play! 443 00:33:05,800 --> 00:33:07,165 - Okay. - Okay. 444 00:33:07,320 --> 00:33:10,164 # Tick-tock goes the clock # 445 00:33:13,160 --> 00:33:15,162 Go on! 446 00:33:15,240 --> 00:33:18,767 - Amy, come on. - # Tick-tock until the day.. #. 447 00:33:18,840 --> 00:33:21,810 - Rory, Rory! - Amy! Get off. 448 00:33:23,760 --> 00:33:27,560 # Tick-tock goes the clock 449 00:33:27,640 --> 00:33:31,326 # And all the years they cry 450 00:33:31,400 --> 00:33:34,688 # Tick-tack and all too soon 451 00:33:34,760 --> 00:33:37,445 # You and I must die # 452 00:33:44,040 --> 00:33:45,405 Five times. 453 00:33:46,360 --> 00:33:48,806 The lights. It's happening five times. 454 00:33:49,520 --> 00:33:50,851 It's like one of George's habits. 455 00:33:50,920 --> 00:33:53,241 We have to switch the lights on and off five times. 456 00:33:53,320 --> 00:33:55,402 - Now you're getting it. - What do you mean? 457 00:33:55,480 --> 00:33:58,131 What do you tell George to do, Alex, with everything that scares him? 458 00:33:58,200 --> 00:34:00,806 Well, put it in the...cupboard. 459 00:34:00,880 --> 00:34:02,723 Exactly. And George isn't just an ordinary little boy, 460 00:34:02,800 --> 00:34:06,247 we know that now. So, anything scary he puts in here. 461 00:34:06,320 --> 00:34:10,120 Scary toys, like the dolls house. Scary noises, like the lift. 462 00:34:10,720 --> 00:34:12,529 Even his own rituals have become part of it. 463 00:34:12,600 --> 00:34:15,490 A psychic repository for all his fears. 464 00:34:15,560 --> 00:34:16,846 But what is he? 465 00:34:25,360 --> 00:34:26,566 Oh, my God. 466 00:34:31,960 --> 00:34:34,327 - A gun? You've got a gun? - It's not a gun. 467 00:34:34,560 --> 00:34:35,607 What? 468 00:34:35,680 --> 00:34:38,081 I've got to invent a setting for wood. It's embarrassing. 469 00:34:42,120 --> 00:34:43,451 Run! 470 00:34:43,520 --> 00:34:46,729 Don't run away. We just want to play. 471 00:34:57,680 --> 00:35:00,524 Massive psychic field, perfect perception filter and that need, 472 00:35:00,600 --> 00:35:03,126 that need of Claire's to...to... 473 00:35:03,200 --> 00:35:05,089 Stupid Doctor! Ow! 474 00:35:05,160 --> 00:35:07,401 George is a Tenza. Of course he is. 475 00:35:07,480 --> 00:35:09,164 - He's a what? - A cuckoo. 476 00:35:09,240 --> 00:35:11,811 A cuckoo in the nest. A Tenza, he's a Tenza. 477 00:35:11,880 --> 00:35:14,247 Millions of them hatch in space and then, woof! 478 00:35:14,320 --> 00:35:16,004 Off they drift, looking for a nest. 479 00:35:16,080 --> 00:35:18,765 The Tenza young can sense exactly what their foster parents want 480 00:35:18,840 --> 00:35:20,410 and then they assimilate perfectly. 481 00:35:21,200 --> 00:35:23,601 - George is an alien? - Yep. 482 00:35:23,680 --> 00:35:25,364 But he's our child! 483 00:35:25,440 --> 00:35:28,011 Of course he is. The child you always wanted. 484 00:35:28,080 --> 00:35:30,128 He sensed that instinctively and sought you out. 485 00:35:30,200 --> 00:35:31,929 But something scared him. 486 00:35:32,000 --> 00:35:34,367 Started a cycle of fear, it's all completely instinctive. 487 00:35:34,440 --> 00:35:37,364 Subconscious. George isn't even aware that he's controlling it. 488 00:35:38,120 --> 00:35:41,602 So, we have to make him aware. George! 489 00:35:43,600 --> 00:35:47,321 George, you are the only one who can stop this, but you have to believe. 490 00:35:47,400 --> 00:35:49,084 You have to believe. You have to know you're safe. 491 00:35:50,280 --> 00:35:52,044 I can't save you from your monsters, only you can. 492 00:35:53,280 --> 00:35:57,365 George, listen to me! 493 00:36:00,520 --> 00:36:01,760 Rory! 494 00:36:01,840 --> 00:36:03,080 - Doctor! - Where's Amy? 495 00:36:06,080 --> 00:36:07,081 Oh, no. 496 00:36:07,160 --> 00:36:11,085 George! George, you have to face your fears! You have to face them now. 497 00:36:13,520 --> 00:36:14,760 You have to open the cupboard. 498 00:36:15,280 --> 00:36:17,681 We'll all be trapped here forever in a living death. 499 00:36:17,760 --> 00:36:20,001 George. George, listen to me. 500 00:36:20,680 --> 00:36:22,887 George. George, listen to me! 501 00:36:24,760 --> 00:36:26,091 George! 502 00:36:27,080 --> 00:36:29,811 Please. George, you have to end this. 503 00:36:31,040 --> 00:36:34,010 End this, end this. End it now! 504 00:36:45,720 --> 00:36:46,721 George. 505 00:36:47,440 --> 00:36:48,441 George. 506 00:36:49,200 --> 00:36:50,361 You did it. 507 00:36:50,880 --> 00:36:52,041 You did it. 508 00:36:52,640 --> 00:36:54,369 Hey, it's okay, it's all okay now. 509 00:36:54,440 --> 00:36:55,601 Everything's going to be fine. 510 00:36:55,680 --> 00:36:58,126 # Tick-tock. 511 00:36:58,200 --> 00:36:59,326 - No. - # Goes the clock... #. 512 00:36:59,400 --> 00:37:01,767 No, no, no, no! 513 00:37:02,200 --> 00:37:05,170 George, you created this whole world. 514 00:37:05,240 --> 00:37:07,402 This whole thing. You can smash it. 515 00:37:07,800 --> 00:37:09,040 You can destroy it. 516 00:37:10,520 --> 00:37:12,966 Something's holding you back. Something's holding him back. 517 00:37:13,040 --> 00:37:14,644 Something. 518 00:37:14,720 --> 00:37:16,802 - Who are you? - I'm the Doctor. 519 00:37:16,880 --> 00:37:20,407 A doctor? Have you come to take me away? 520 00:37:20,480 --> 00:37:21,811 That's what it is. That's what the trigger was. 521 00:37:21,880 --> 00:37:23,882 He thought you were rejecting him. He thought he wasn't wanted. 522 00:37:23,960 --> 00:37:25,325 That someone was going to come and take him away. 523 00:37:25,400 --> 00:37:27,721 Well, we... We talked about it. 524 00:37:27,800 --> 00:37:28,961 Yeah, and he heard you. 525 00:37:29,040 --> 00:37:30,644 Alex, a Tenza's sole function is to fit in, to be wanted, 526 00:37:30,720 --> 00:37:32,085 and you were rejecting him. 527 00:37:32,160 --> 00:37:34,128 We just couldn't cope. We needed help. 528 00:37:34,200 --> 00:37:36,680 Yes, but George didn't know that. He thought you were rejecting him. 529 00:37:36,760 --> 00:37:38,046 He still thinks it. 530 00:37:38,120 --> 00:37:39,406 How can we keep him? 531 00:37:39,480 --> 00:37:41,244 - How can we? He's not... - Not what? 532 00:37:42,840 --> 00:37:43,966 He's not... 533 00:37:45,040 --> 00:37:46,201 human. 534 00:37:49,800 --> 00:37:51,165 No. 535 00:37:51,240 --> 00:37:52,526 Dad! 536 00:38:10,760 --> 00:38:14,128 Whatever you are, whatever you do, 537 00:38:14,200 --> 00:38:15,690 you're my son. 538 00:38:16,600 --> 00:38:18,409 And I will never, 539 00:38:18,480 --> 00:38:20,482 ever, send you away. 540 00:38:21,560 --> 00:38:23,210 Come on, George. 541 00:38:24,320 --> 00:38:25,924 Oh, my little boy. 542 00:38:27,200 --> 00:38:28,611 Dad. 543 00:38:33,960 --> 00:38:35,450 My little boy. 544 00:38:36,320 --> 00:38:37,685 Dad. 545 00:38:53,680 --> 00:38:55,011 Oh, dear. 546 00:38:57,520 --> 00:38:59,488 Must be them tablets. 547 00:39:00,560 --> 00:39:01,721 Oh. 548 00:39:02,520 --> 00:39:03,726 Oh, dear. 549 00:39:11,320 --> 00:39:12,765 - Was I...? - Yeah. 550 00:39:30,400 --> 00:39:32,323 All right, stay still. 551 00:39:32,400 --> 00:39:33,526 Or I'll come and get you. 552 00:39:35,160 --> 00:39:36,400 Hi. 553 00:39:43,880 --> 00:39:46,281 Hello! You're Claire, I expect. 554 00:39:46,360 --> 00:39:47,361 Claire. 555 00:39:48,560 --> 00:39:49,721 How do you feel about kippers? 556 00:39:50,040 --> 00:39:51,041 Uh... 557 00:39:51,120 --> 00:39:52,770 They sent someone, about George. 558 00:39:53,440 --> 00:39:55,647 - It's all sorted. - Yeah, we had a great time, didn't we? 559 00:39:55,720 --> 00:39:57,484 - Yeah. - See? He's fine. 560 00:39:59,200 --> 00:40:00,281 What, just like that? 561 00:40:00,760 --> 00:40:01,966 Yes. 562 00:40:03,040 --> 00:40:04,246 Trust me. 563 00:40:14,480 --> 00:40:16,960 - Doctor, wait. - Sorry, yes, bye. 564 00:40:17,040 --> 00:40:18,804 No, no, you can't just... I mean... 565 00:40:18,880 --> 00:40:21,406 It's sorted, you sorted it. Good man, Alex. Proud of you. 566 00:40:21,480 --> 00:40:22,527 What, that's it? 567 00:40:22,600 --> 00:40:24,568 Well, apart from making sure he eats his greens 568 00:40:24,640 --> 00:40:25,926 and getting him into a good school, yes. 569 00:40:26,000 --> 00:40:27,411 Yeah, but is he going to... 570 00:40:27,480 --> 00:40:30,245 I don't know, sprout another head or three eyes or something? 571 00:40:30,320 --> 00:40:31,924 He's one of the Tenza, remember. 572 00:40:32,000 --> 00:40:33,923 He'll adapt perfectly now. Eh! 573 00:40:34,000 --> 00:40:35,525 Be whatever you want him to be. 574 00:40:41,240 --> 00:40:45,404 Might pop back around puberty, mind you. Always a funny time. 575 00:40:48,520 --> 00:40:50,170 Kippers are getting cold. 576 00:40:53,880 --> 00:40:56,121 Come on, you two. Things to do. 577 00:40:56,200 --> 00:40:58,168 People to see, whole civilizations to save. 578 00:40:58,240 --> 00:41:00,811 - You feeling okay? - Um, I think so. 579 00:41:00,880 --> 00:41:02,769 Well, it's good to be all back together again. 580 00:41:02,840 --> 00:41:04,490 In the flesh. 581 00:41:05,600 --> 00:41:06,761 Come on. 582 00:41:07,080 --> 00:41:10,050 Now, did someone mention something about planets and history and stuff? 583 00:41:10,120 --> 00:41:11,884 - Yeah. - Where do you want to go? 584 00:41:11,960 --> 00:41:13,769 - Um... - Mind's gone blank. 585 00:41:13,840 --> 00:41:15,444 Well, I have just been turned into a wooden dolly. 586 00:41:15,520 --> 00:41:16,760 Excuses, excuses. 587 00:41:16,840 --> 00:41:19,525 It's tough, though. It's like being given three wishes. 588 00:41:19,600 --> 00:41:20,806 The whole universe. 589 00:41:20,880 --> 00:41:22,882 The universe is... Ooh! 590 00:41:22,960 --> 00:41:25,691 - Three wishes. Ali Baba. How about that? - #Tick-tock goes the clock 591 00:41:25,760 --> 00:41:30,004 # The cradle man, he rocked her # 592 00:41:30,080 --> 00:41:33,527 # Tick-tock goes the clock 593 00:41:34,000 --> 00:41:37,209 # Even for the Doctor #. 594 00:41:40,320 --> 00:41:41,367 Where am I? 595 00:41:41,440 --> 00:41:42,930 You're in a faster time stream. 596 00:41:43,120 --> 00:41:44,884 - Amy. - You didn't save me. 597 00:41:45,200 --> 00:41:48,090 So, I have to choose, which wife do I want? 598 00:41:48,560 --> 00:41:49,607 Which one's Amy 1? 599 00:41:49,680 --> 00:41:51,125 As they touch you, you go to sleep.