1 00:00:13,843 --> 00:00:14,890 - Thank you. - Thank you. 2 00:00:22,483 --> 00:00:24,531 Better cash up, then. 3 00:00:24,603 --> 00:00:26,810 1 suppose John Joe can just wait for me. 4 00:00:26,883 --> 00:00:28,772 No, I'll do it. You head off. 5 00:00:32,723 --> 00:00:34,851 When's the council going to fix this? 6 00:00:34,923 --> 00:00:37,130 Last night, my telly went off in the middle of Top Model. 7 00:00:37,243 --> 00:00:39,484 John Joe's waiting. I'll do the changing rooms, too. 8 00:00:39,563 --> 00:00:41,247 Oh, thanks, Shona. 9 00:00:44,763 --> 00:00:46,128 There's a list on the fridge. 10 00:00:46,203 --> 00:00:47,284 I saw it. 11 00:00:47,363 --> 00:00:50,014 And I've labelled the food and sort of numbered it. 12 00:00:50,083 --> 00:00:52,654 Sophie, you don't need to number food. 13 00:00:52,723 --> 00:00:55,374 It's just a suggestion. Also, my mum might phone. 14 00:00:55,443 --> 00:00:58,128 - Might? - And your mum and my dad. 15 00:00:58,203 --> 00:01:00,285 And, you know, just innocent people. 16 00:01:00,363 --> 00:01:02,286 1 can cope on my own. 17 00:01:02,363 --> 00:01:04,491 Now, please go and have a rest. You need it. 18 00:01:04,563 --> 00:01:06,327 - I love you. - I love you, too. 19 00:01:06,403 --> 00:01:07,734 And thank you for this. 20 00:01:08,283 --> 00:01:10,206 And I do know you can cope on your own. 21 00:01:10,283 --> 00:01:12,934 And I may have drawn some arrows in the fridge. 22 00:01:13,003 --> 00:01:14,573 Okay, you really have to go now. 23 00:01:20,243 --> 00:01:22,132 oh, Kelly! 24 00:01:28,043 --> 00:01:30,694 Hello? Sony, we need to close up. 25 00:01:31,683 --> 00:01:33,048 Two minutes, okay? 26 00:01:34,243 --> 00:01:37,247 Mum, it's not just you. I'm phoning everybody. 27 00:01:37,523 --> 00:01:41,164 I'm texting the world, "Craig Owens can do it on his own." 28 00:01:41,563 --> 00:01:43,372 No one is coming to help me. 29 00:01:45,563 --> 00:01:47,213 Mum, I'm going to have to call you back. 30 00:01:48,403 --> 00:01:50,724 I'm coping. I'm coping on my own. 31 00:01:50,803 --> 00:01:54,888 I'm coping on my own! 32 00:01:55,163 --> 00:01:57,404 Hello, Craig. I'm back! 33 00:01:58,483 --> 00:01:59,564 She didn't... 34 00:01:59,643 --> 00:02:01,008 How could she phone you? 35 00:02:01,083 --> 00:02:03,563 How could who phone me? Nobody phoned me. I'm just here. 36 00:02:03,643 --> 00:02:06,692 Oh, you've redecorated! I don't like it. 37 00:02:07,043 --> 00:02:08,852 It's a different house. We moved. 38 00:02:08,963 --> 00:02:10,294 Yes, that's it. 39 00:02:10,683 --> 00:02:12,094 Doctor, what are you doing here? 40 00:02:12,163 --> 00:02:14,973 Social call. Thought it was about time I tried one out. 41 00:02:15,043 --> 00:02:16,852 How are you? 42 00:02:17,803 --> 00:02:18,964 I'm fine. 43 00:02:19,043 --> 00:02:21,205 This is the bit where I say I'm fine, too, isn't it? 44 00:02:21,283 --> 00:02:22,933 I'm fine, too. 45 00:02:23,003 --> 00:02:25,483 - Good. - Love to Sophie. Bye. 46 00:02:28,363 --> 00:02:29,649 Something's wrong. 47 00:02:35,723 --> 00:02:37,009 On your own, you said. 48 00:02:37,083 --> 00:02:38,164 But you're not. 49 00:02:38,763 --> 00:02:40,174 You're not on your own. 50 00:02:40,243 --> 00:02:41,893 Just... Shh. 51 00:02:41,963 --> 00:02:44,284 Increased sulphur emissions. And look at the state of this place. 52 00:02:44,363 --> 00:02:46,809 - What are you not telling me? - Doctor, please. 53 00:02:46,883 --> 00:02:48,123 - Shh. - No, you shush. 54 00:02:48,203 --> 00:02:49,534 - Shh! - No, you shush! 55 00:02:50,363 --> 00:02:51,444 Doctor... 56 00:03:00,203 --> 00:03:01,329 Hello? 57 00:03:01,403 --> 00:03:02,484 Who's in there? 58 00:03:06,083 --> 00:03:07,687 Whoever you are, get off this planet. 59 00:03:09,003 --> 00:03:10,448 You've woken him! 60 00:03:13,563 --> 00:03:14,689 Hello? 61 00:03:15,203 --> 00:03:16,364 Are you all right? 62 00:03:58,043 --> 00:03:59,886 So, when you say on your own... 63 00:03:59,963 --> 00:04:02,091 Yes, I meant on my own with the baby, yes. 64 00:04:02,163 --> 00:04:05,212 Because no one thinks I can cope on my own, which is so unfair. 65 00:04:05,283 --> 00:04:07,524 Because I can't cope on my own with him. 66 00:04:07,603 --> 00:04:10,288 I can't. He just cries all the time. 67 00:04:10,363 --> 00:04:12,411 I mean, do they have off switches? 68 00:04:12,483 --> 00:04:14,326 Human beings? No. Believe me, I've checked. 69 00:04:14,403 --> 00:04:15,734 No, babies! 70 00:04:15,803 --> 00:04:18,124 Same difference. Sometimes this works, though. 71 00:04:18,843 --> 00:04:20,129 Shh. 72 00:04:24,483 --> 00:04:26,167 - Can you teach me to do that? - Probably not. 73 00:04:26,243 --> 00:04:29,213 Oh, please. Come on. I need something. I am rubbish at this. 74 00:04:29,283 --> 00:04:31,411 - At what? - Being a dad. 75 00:04:31,483 --> 00:04:33,963 You read all the books and they tell you you'll know what to do 76 00:04:34,043 --> 00:04:37,411 if you follow your instincts. I have no instincts. 77 00:04:37,603 --> 00:04:39,048 That's what this weekend's about, 78 00:04:39,123 --> 00:04:42,252 trying to prove to people I can do this one thing well. 79 00:04:45,443 --> 00:04:48,287 So what did you call him? Will I blush? 80 00:04:48,363 --> 00:04:50,331 No, we didn't call him The Doctor. 81 00:04:50,483 --> 00:04:52,212 No, I didn't think you would. 82 00:04:52,443 --> 00:04:55,014 He's called Alfie. What are you doing here, anyway? 83 00:04:55,083 --> 00:04:56,448 Yes, he likes that, Alfie, 84 00:04:56,523 --> 00:05:00,448 though personally he prefers to be called Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All. 85 00:05:00,563 --> 00:05:02,884 - I'm sorry, what? - That's what he calls himself. 86 00:05:03,523 --> 00:05:04,604 And how do you know that? 87 00:05:04,683 --> 00:05:05,844 I speak baby. 88 00:05:06,483 --> 00:05:07,689 Of course you do. 89 00:05:08,003 --> 00:05:09,493 I don't even know when his nappy needs changing, 90 00:05:09,563 --> 00:05:11,372 I'm the one who's supposed to be his dad. 91 00:05:11,443 --> 00:05:12,888 Oh, God. 92 00:05:13,163 --> 00:05:16,292 Yeah, I'm wondering where his mum is. Where is Sophie? 93 00:05:16,363 --> 00:05:19,048 She's gone away with Melina for the weekend. She needs a rest. 94 00:05:20,403 --> 00:05:23,486 No, he's your dad. You can't just call him Not Mum. 95 00:05:23,563 --> 00:05:25,213 - "Not Mum"? - That's you. 96 00:05:25,283 --> 00:05:28,446 Also Not Mum, that's me. And everybody else is... 97 00:05:28,523 --> 00:05:30,446 Peasants. 98 00:05:30,523 --> 00:05:32,048 That's a bit unfortunate. 99 00:05:33,043 --> 00:05:35,489 What are you here for? What's happening? 100 00:05:35,563 --> 00:05:37,452 - Just popped in to say hello. - You don't do that. 101 00:05:37,523 --> 00:05:39,685 I checked upstairs when we moved in. It's real. 102 00:05:39,763 --> 00:05:41,891 And next door, both sides, they're humans. 103 00:05:41,963 --> 00:05:44,170 Is it the fridge? Are there aliens in my fridge? 104 00:05:44,243 --> 00:05:46,974 I just want to see you, Craig. Cross my hearts. 105 00:05:47,083 --> 00:05:48,209 Been knocking around on my own for a bit, 106 00:05:48,283 --> 00:05:49,853 bit of a farewell tour. 107 00:05:49,923 --> 00:05:51,209 One last thing, popping in to see you, 108 00:05:51,283 --> 00:05:53,331 then I'm off to see the Alignment of Exodor. 109 00:05:53,483 --> 00:05:54,723 The Alignment of Exodor? 110 00:05:54,803 --> 00:05:57,613 Seventeen galaxies in perfect unison. 111 00:05:57,683 --> 00:05:59,526 Meant to be spectacular. I can't miss it. 112 00:05:59,603 --> 00:06:01,765 Literally can't. It's locked in a time stasis field. 113 00:06:01,843 --> 00:06:04,813 I get one crack at flying my Tardis straight into it, 114 00:06:04,883 --> 00:06:06,726 if I get my dates right, 115 00:06:06,803 --> 00:06:08,885 - which I have. - Sounds nice. 116 00:06:09,203 --> 00:06:11,934 So this is me, popping in and popping out again, just being social, 117 00:06:12,003 --> 00:06:13,209 just having a laugh. 118 00:06:14,243 --> 00:06:16,723 Never mind that. 119 00:06:16,883 --> 00:06:19,204 - Never mind what? - Mmm, nothing. 120 00:06:19,283 --> 00:06:20,933 No, you've noticed something. You've... 121 00:06:21,003 --> 00:06:24,291 You've got your noticing face on. I have nightmares about that face. 122 00:06:24,363 --> 00:06:27,128 Nope. Given all that up. Done noticing things. 123 00:06:27,203 --> 00:06:28,364 Didn't even notice that, for example. 124 00:06:28,443 --> 00:06:30,172 Well, got to go. Good seeing you, Craig. 125 00:06:30,243 --> 00:06:31,574 Goodbye, Stormageddon. 126 00:06:33,163 --> 00:06:36,053 No, wait, wait. Can you do the shushy thing? 127 00:06:36,123 --> 00:06:40,685 No, it only works once, and only on life forms with underdeveloped brains. 128 00:06:40,763 --> 00:06:43,084 Hang on! You said "farewell tour". 129 00:06:43,163 --> 00:06:45,450 - What do you mean, farewell...? - Shh. 130 00:06:48,043 --> 00:06:52,093 Just go. Stop noticing. Just go. Stop noticing. Just go. Stop noticing. 131 00:06:52,163 --> 00:06:53,528 Just go. Stop it. 132 00:06:53,603 --> 00:06:54,843 Am I noticing? No. 133 00:06:54,923 --> 00:06:56,573 No, I am not. 134 00:06:56,643 --> 00:07:00,364 And what I'm not doing is scanning around for electrical fluctuations. 135 00:07:00,443 --> 00:07:02,332 Oh, shut up, you. I'm just dropping in on a friend. 136 00:07:02,403 --> 00:07:04,644 The last thing I need right now is a patina of teleport energy. 137 00:07:04,723 --> 00:07:06,646 I'm going. Do you hear me? Going. 138 00:07:07,203 --> 00:07:10,685 Not staying, going. I am through saving them. 139 00:07:12,123 --> 00:07:13,852 I'm going away now. 140 00:07:16,283 --> 00:07:19,412 It goes up, tiddly-up, it goes down, 141 00:07:19,483 --> 00:07:20,973 diddly-down, for only 49.99, 142 00:07:21,043 --> 00:07:22,807 which I personally think is a bit steep. 143 00:07:23,243 --> 00:07:26,326 But then again, it's your parents' cash and they'll only waste it 144 00:07:26,403 --> 00:07:28,565 on boring stuff like lamps and vegetables. 145 00:07:28,643 --> 00:07:29,849 Yawn. 146 00:07:29,923 --> 00:07:32,449 Yeah, Soph. Just enjoy your holiday. 147 00:07:33,283 --> 00:07:34,444 Yeah, coping. 148 00:07:34,603 --> 00:07:38,289 Nobody panic, but I appear to be losing control. 149 00:07:38,363 --> 00:07:40,650 - Yeah, love you... - Oopsy-daisy. 150 00:07:40,963 --> 00:07:44,809 Guys, guys. Ladies and gentlemen, while I deal with this awkward moment, 151 00:07:44,883 --> 00:07:47,853 you go and find your parents-slash-guardians. 152 00:07:47,923 --> 00:07:49,448 Try in lamps. 153 00:07:50,203 --> 00:07:51,250 Craig! 154 00:07:52,523 --> 00:07:54,173 What the hell are you doing here? 155 00:07:54,243 --> 00:07:57,372 Oh, I'm the Doctor. I work in a shop now. Here to help. 156 00:07:57,443 --> 00:08:01,129 Look, they gave me a badge with my name on in case I forget who I am. 157 00:08:01,203 --> 00:08:03,683 Very thoughtful, as that does happen. 158 00:08:04,243 --> 00:08:07,611 You were leaving. The Alignment of...Exeter. 159 00:08:07,683 --> 00:08:09,572 What about that? One chance to see it, you said. 160 00:08:09,643 --> 00:08:11,372 Well, I was on my way... 161 00:08:11,443 --> 00:08:14,094 Saw a shop, got a job. You've got to live in the moment! 162 00:08:14,163 --> 00:08:16,370 - Craig, mind Yappy! - What? 163 00:08:16,443 --> 00:08:17,490 Yappy... 164 00:08:17,603 --> 00:08:20,607 The robot dog. Not as much fun as I remember. 165 00:08:20,683 --> 00:08:22,845 You look awful. 166 00:08:23,043 --> 00:08:25,364 Well, I haven't slept, have I? 167 00:08:25,763 --> 00:08:29,290 I still can't stop him crying. I even tried singing to him last night. 168 00:08:29,363 --> 00:08:32,765 Yeah, he did mention that. He thought you were crying, too. 169 00:08:32,843 --> 00:08:33,890 He didn't get a wink. 170 00:08:33,963 --> 00:08:35,965 Yappy, say goodbye to Craig and Stormageddon. 171 00:08:36,043 --> 00:08:39,286 "Goodbye, Craig! Goodbye, Stormageddon!" 172 00:08:41,923 --> 00:08:43,413 What was that? 173 00:08:43,883 --> 00:08:45,328 You're here for a reason, aren't you? 174 00:08:45,403 --> 00:08:47,212 You've noticed something and you're investigating it. 175 00:08:47,283 --> 00:08:49,524 And because it's you, it's going to be dangerous and alien. 176 00:08:49,603 --> 00:08:50,650 It might not be. 177 00:08:50,923 --> 00:08:53,130 - Doctor, I live here. I need to know. - No, you don't. 178 00:08:53,203 --> 00:08:55,046 My baby lives here. My son. 179 00:08:58,243 --> 00:09:00,052 Sheila Clark went missing Tuesday. 180 00:09:00,123 --> 00:09:01,693 Hadif Gosh, last seen Friday. 181 00:09:01,763 --> 00:09:03,686 Tom Luka, last seen Sunday. 182 00:09:10,523 --> 00:09:11,809 Why is none of this on the front page? 183 00:09:11,883 --> 00:09:14,363 Oh, page one has an exclusive on Nina, 184 00:09:14,443 --> 00:09:17,094 a local girl who got kicked off Britain's Got Talent. 185 00:09:17,163 --> 00:09:19,689 These people are on pages seven, 19, 22. 186 00:09:19,763 --> 00:09:20,810 Because no one's noticed yet. 187 00:09:20,883 --> 00:09:23,011 They're far too excited about Nina's emotional. Journey, 188 00:09:23,083 --> 00:09:25,768 which, in fairness, is quite inspiring. 189 00:09:28,163 --> 00:09:29,210 And what else? 190 00:09:29,283 --> 00:09:31,172 These funny old power fluctuations, 191 00:09:31,243 --> 00:09:33,928 which just happen to coincide with the disappearances. 192 00:09:34,003 --> 00:09:37,166 No, but that's just the council putting in new cables, isn't it? 193 00:09:37,243 --> 00:09:39,723 Oh, yes. That's it. 194 00:09:39,803 --> 00:09:41,965 Mystery solved. Wasting my time. 195 00:09:42,043 --> 00:09:44,444 Now, you can go home and I can go to Exodor. 196 00:09:45,083 --> 00:09:46,812 Goodbye. And here's the lift! 197 00:09:46,883 --> 00:09:49,124 - It says it's out of order. - Not any more. 198 00:09:49,203 --> 00:09:50,443 See? Here to help. 199 00:09:50,843 --> 00:09:52,333 It says, "Danger!" 200 00:09:52,403 --> 00:09:54,690 Oh, rubbish. Lifts aren't dangerous. 201 00:09:54,763 --> 00:09:56,128 Do I look like I'm stupid? 202 00:09:57,323 --> 00:09:59,325 Quiet, Stormy. 203 00:10:02,963 --> 00:10:04,294 Oh, all right. 204 00:10:04,843 --> 00:10:06,288 There's more. 205 00:10:09,083 --> 00:10:11,654 Just between you, me and Stormy, don't want to frighten the punters, 206 00:10:11,723 --> 00:10:14,567 someone's been using a teleport relay right here in this shop. 207 00:10:14,643 --> 00:10:16,327 Missing people last seen in this area. 208 00:10:16,403 --> 00:10:19,054 Before you ask, CCTV's been wiped. 209 00:10:19,323 --> 00:10:20,688 A teleport? 210 00:10:21,283 --> 00:10:22,330 A tele... A big... 211 00:10:23,163 --> 00:10:25,928 A teleport? Like a beam-me-up 212 00:10:26,363 --> 00:10:28,604 - teleport, like you see in Star Trek? - Exactly. 213 00:10:29,403 --> 00:10:32,213 Someone's been using a beam-me-up Star Trek teleport. 214 00:10:32,323 --> 00:10:34,087 Could be disguised as anything. 215 00:10:34,763 --> 00:10:37,369 But a teleport in a shop? That's ridiculous. 216 00:10:37,763 --> 00:10:39,811 What was that? Was that the lights, again? 217 00:10:40,843 --> 00:10:42,811 Yes, that's it. That's all. It's the lights. 218 00:10:42,883 --> 00:10:43,964 Why'd you say that like that? 219 00:10:44,043 --> 00:10:46,011 Like what? Like what? 220 00:10:46,083 --> 00:10:47,448 Like that, in that high-pitched voice. 221 00:10:47,523 --> 00:10:49,924 Just keep looking at me, Craig. Right at me. Just keep looking. 222 00:10:50,003 --> 00:10:52,131 - Why? - Well, because, because... 223 00:10:52,203 --> 00:10:53,329 Because I love you. 224 00:10:54,043 --> 00:10:55,124 You love me? 225 00:10:55,203 --> 00:10:57,046 Yes, Craig, it's you. It's always been you. 226 00:10:57,123 --> 00:10:58,170 Me? 227 00:10:58,243 --> 00:11:00,052 Is that so surprising? 228 00:11:00,123 --> 00:11:01,534 Doctor, are you going to kiss me? 229 00:11:01,603 --> 00:11:02,729 Yes, Craig. Yes, I am. 230 00:11:03,003 --> 00:11:04,573 Would you like that? Bit out of practice, 231 00:11:04,643 --> 00:11:06,247 but I've had some wonderful feedback. 232 00:11:06,843 --> 00:11:09,164 Doctor, no. I can't. I'm taken! 233 00:11:09,243 --> 00:11:10,483 Oh, my God! 234 00:11:10,563 --> 00:11:12,565 Or we could just hold hands if it'd make you feel more comfortable. 235 00:11:12,643 --> 00:11:13,690 What is happening? 236 00:11:13,763 --> 00:11:16,892 Well, first of all, I don't really love you, except as a friend. 237 00:11:17,283 --> 00:11:18,444 What is that? 238 00:11:25,603 --> 00:11:28,254 - Quick reverse. - Okay, what the hell just happened? 239 00:11:30,403 --> 00:11:33,168 They must have linked the teleport relay to the lift, but I've fused it. 240 00:11:33,243 --> 00:11:34,654 They can't use that again. 241 00:11:34,723 --> 00:11:38,284 - Stuck up there on their spaceship. - What were those things? 242 00:11:40,083 --> 00:11:41,209 Cybermen. 243 00:11:42,283 --> 00:11:43,444 A ship? 244 00:11:43,523 --> 00:11:44,684 A spaceship? 245 00:11:44,763 --> 00:11:46,731 We were in space! 246 00:11:49,443 --> 00:11:53,164 It's got to be up there somewhere. Can't get a fix. It must be shielded. 247 00:11:53,243 --> 00:11:55,405 But you fused the teleport. You sorted it. 248 00:11:55,483 --> 00:11:56,530 They can't come back. 249 00:11:56,603 --> 00:11:58,253 No, no, no. I just bought myself a little time. 250 00:11:58,323 --> 00:12:00,803 I've still got to work out what they're doing before I can stop it. 251 00:12:00,883 --> 00:12:02,567 But if they've got the teleport, 252 00:12:02,643 --> 00:12:03,883 and they're that evil, 253 00:12:03,963 --> 00:12:05,374 why haven't they invaded already? 254 00:12:06,963 --> 00:12:08,965 Craig, take Alfie and go. 255 00:12:11,483 --> 00:12:12,530 No. 256 00:12:14,043 --> 00:12:15,886 - No? - No. 257 00:12:16,003 --> 00:12:18,290 I remember from last time. People got killed. 258 00:12:18,363 --> 00:12:20,252 People that didn't know you. 259 00:12:20,323 --> 00:12:22,644 I know where's safest for me and Alfie, 260 00:12:22,723 --> 00:12:24,088 - and that's right next to you. - Is that so? 261 00:12:24,163 --> 00:12:26,530 Yeah, you always win. You always survive. 262 00:12:30,003 --> 00:12:31,493 Those were the days. 263 00:12:31,563 --> 00:12:32,610 I can help you. 264 00:12:33,483 --> 00:12:34,564 I'm staying. 265 00:12:35,683 --> 00:12:36,764 Craig... 266 00:12:38,363 --> 00:12:39,444 Craig... 267 00:12:42,003 --> 00:12:43,368 All right! 268 00:12:43,443 --> 00:12:45,844 All right, maybe those days aren't quite over yet. 269 00:12:46,483 --> 00:12:48,292 Let's go investigate. 270 00:12:48,363 --> 00:12:51,128 I mean, there's no immediate danger now. 271 00:12:56,203 --> 00:12:57,773 - Good afternoon, Val. - Hello. 272 00:13:02,083 --> 00:13:03,494 Where am I investigating? 273 00:13:04,403 --> 00:13:05,484 Well, look around. 274 00:13:05,563 --> 00:13:08,214 Ask questions. People like it when you're with a baby. 275 00:13:08,283 --> 00:13:10,285 Babies are sweet. People talk to you. 276 00:13:10,443 --> 00:13:13,492 That's why I usually take a human with me. 277 00:13:13,723 --> 00:13:15,885 - So I'm your baby? - You're my baby. 278 00:13:17,443 --> 00:13:18,524 Mmm. 279 00:13:20,523 --> 00:13:21,649 Okay. 280 00:13:23,243 --> 00:13:28,124 I hope you don't mind my saying, Doctor, but I think you look ever so sweet. 281 00:13:28,283 --> 00:13:30,365 You and your partner and the baby. 282 00:13:30,723 --> 00:13:33,010 Partner? Yes, I like it. 283 00:13:33,083 --> 00:13:34,448 Is it better than companion? 284 00:13:34,523 --> 00:13:37,572 "Companion." Sounds old-fashioned. 285 00:13:37,723 --> 00:13:39,805 There's no need to be coy these days. 286 00:13:39,883 --> 00:13:42,853 Not noticed anything unusual around here lately, Val? 287 00:13:42,923 --> 00:13:44,652 - Well... - Yes, yes? 288 00:13:44,843 --> 00:13:47,369 Mary Wornock saw... 289 00:13:47,443 --> 00:13:50,970 Don Petheridge snogging Andrea Groom 290 00:13:51,043 --> 00:13:55,014 outside the Conservative Club on his so-called day off golfing. 291 00:13:55,963 --> 00:13:57,203 Yeah? 292 00:13:57,283 --> 00:13:59,331 Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. 293 00:14:01,163 --> 00:14:04,326 And then there's that silver rat thing. 294 00:14:07,003 --> 00:14:08,084 What? 295 00:14:16,163 --> 00:14:19,724 All right, Alfie, you watch Daddy investigate. 296 00:14:19,843 --> 00:14:21,925 You look cute, I'll do the talking. 297 00:14:34,723 --> 00:14:36,327 Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you? 298 00:14:36,963 --> 00:14:38,089 Hiya. 299 00:14:38,563 --> 00:14:40,964 - I'm Craig. - Yeah? 300 00:14:43,243 --> 00:14:45,166 Do you mind if I ask you some questions? 301 00:14:45,243 --> 00:14:46,404 You what? 302 00:14:46,483 --> 00:14:48,963 Just between me and you, in confidence. 303 00:14:49,443 --> 00:14:51,252 Have you noticed anything 304 00:14:52,003 --> 00:14:53,243 unusual? 305 00:14:54,203 --> 00:14:56,331 - Interesting? - You what? 306 00:14:57,483 --> 00:14:59,053 Talk to me about ladieswear. 307 00:14:59,283 --> 00:15:00,330 George! 308 00:15:04,123 --> 00:15:05,568 Hi, George. 309 00:15:06,763 --> 00:15:07,969 Nice uniform. 310 00:15:09,083 --> 00:15:10,209 Silver rat... 311 00:15:14,283 --> 00:15:15,444 Glowing red eyes. 312 00:15:15,523 --> 00:15:16,684 Yes. 313 00:15:16,803 --> 00:15:18,532 Then it zizzed off. 314 00:15:19,043 --> 00:15:20,807 I wanted to get one for my nephew, 315 00:15:20,883 --> 00:15:23,124 but stockroom say there's no such item. 316 00:15:23,203 --> 00:15:24,614 Oh, I bet they do. 317 00:15:24,683 --> 00:15:26,970 Well, what was it, then? Answer me that. 318 00:15:28,003 --> 00:15:29,164 Can I help you, sir? 319 00:15:30,203 --> 00:15:32,649 Have you seen how cute my baby is? 320 00:15:33,163 --> 00:15:35,643 We're going to head off, actually. 321 00:15:35,883 --> 00:15:37,851 All right. Whoa! 322 00:15:38,203 --> 00:15:39,773 What's all that hullabaloo? 323 00:15:39,843 --> 00:15:42,494 Um... That'll be my partner. 324 00:15:43,683 --> 00:15:44,809 Ah... 325 00:15:45,163 --> 00:15:47,530 Make a habit of hanging around in womenswear, sir? 326 00:15:47,603 --> 00:15:50,732 I'm sorry. Oh, shh, Alfie, come on. 327 00:15:50,803 --> 00:15:52,453 He's a pervert. Look at him. 328 00:15:52,523 --> 00:15:53,888 Hello, everyone. Here to help! 329 00:15:53,963 --> 00:15:55,010 - Hello, Doctor. - Hello, Doctor. 330 00:15:55,083 --> 00:15:58,485 Hello. Has anyone seen a silver rat? 331 00:15:59,403 --> 00:16:01,405 No. Okay, long shot. 332 00:16:01,603 --> 00:16:03,685 I see you've met my friend Craig. 333 00:16:03,923 --> 00:16:05,766 - Nice uniform, George. - Hmm. 334 00:16:05,843 --> 00:16:07,891 Thank you, Doctor. 335 00:16:07,963 --> 00:16:09,727 If he's with you, that's all right, then. 336 00:16:09,883 --> 00:16:11,044 Sorry. 337 00:16:11,443 --> 00:16:12,933 I thought he was hassling me 338 00:16:13,003 --> 00:16:14,209 'cause that's the last thing I need today. 339 00:16:14,283 --> 00:16:15,614 'Cause Shena's not turned up, right? 340 00:16:15,683 --> 00:16:18,209 So I'm doing twice the work for the same money, if you don't mind... 341 00:16:18,283 --> 00:16:19,330 Shh. 342 00:16:19,403 --> 00:16:23,089 - Please teach me how to do that. - No. Hold on, un-shh. 343 00:16:24,243 --> 00:16:26,530 - Shona? - My supervisor. 344 00:16:26,603 --> 00:16:28,844 She's meant to be in today but never showed up. 345 00:16:29,163 --> 00:16:30,574 Where did you last see her? 346 00:16:32,843 --> 00:16:34,049 How'd you do that? 347 00:16:34,123 --> 00:16:35,170 It's a power, isn't it? 348 00:16:35,243 --> 00:16:37,405 Some sort of weird alien hypnotic power. 349 00:16:37,483 --> 00:16:40,771 I bet you excrete some sort of gas that makes people love you. 350 00:16:40,843 --> 00:16:42,254 Would that I could, Craig. 351 00:16:43,243 --> 00:16:45,132 Ah! Sony, madam. 352 00:16:45,203 --> 00:16:47,126 I'd try that in red if I were you. 353 00:16:47,203 --> 00:16:49,365 - I'm right, though, aren't I? - Well, you love me. 354 00:16:49,443 --> 00:16:52,208 I've never excreted any weird alien gases at you. 355 00:16:52,283 --> 00:16:53,808 I don't love you. Don't start that again. 356 00:16:55,723 --> 00:16:57,373 Yes, I know. Of course he does. 357 00:16:57,443 --> 00:16:59,286 Of course you do. We're partners. 358 00:16:59,363 --> 00:17:00,967 Yeah, but I did exactly what you would've done 359 00:17:01,043 --> 00:17:02,374 and I nearly got arrested. 360 00:17:04,443 --> 00:17:06,445 Stormy thinks you should believe in yourself more. 361 00:17:06,523 --> 00:17:08,366 Great. So now my baby's reviewing me. 362 00:17:08,443 --> 00:17:10,650 Here. Right here. Last night. 363 00:17:11,803 --> 00:17:13,567 A Cyberman took Shona. 364 00:17:14,963 --> 00:17:17,443 A Cyberman? I thought it was a little silver rat. 365 00:17:18,683 --> 00:17:20,128 It's not a rat. 366 00:17:20,203 --> 00:17:21,807 It's a Cybermat. 367 00:17:22,643 --> 00:17:25,044 All right. Don't have a go at me just because I don't know the names. 368 00:17:25,123 --> 00:17:28,252 Cybermats are infiltrators. Very small, very deadly. 369 00:17:28,323 --> 00:17:30,929 They collect power like bees collect pollen. 370 00:17:31,003 --> 00:17:33,324 One of them has been sucking the electrical energy from this area. 371 00:17:33,403 --> 00:17:35,167 But why a shop? 372 00:17:35,243 --> 00:17:37,564 You know, why not a nuclear power station? 373 00:17:38,003 --> 00:17:39,812 - Okay, why? - Let's ask it. 374 00:17:39,883 --> 00:17:41,772 We wait for the shop to shut, we stake the place out, 375 00:17:41,843 --> 00:17:43,333 we grab ourselves a Cybermat. 376 00:17:43,403 --> 00:17:45,167 And this is just a coincidence, is it? 377 00:17:45,243 --> 00:17:47,086 - What is? - Aliens in Colchester. 378 00:17:47,163 --> 00:17:48,972 Aliens twice in my life, 379 00:17:49,043 --> 00:17:50,966 happening to me just when you turn up. 380 00:17:51,043 --> 00:17:52,807 Whoa, whoa, whoa, this is not my fault, Craig. 381 00:17:52,883 --> 00:17:54,328 Oh, shh, look what you've done now. 382 00:17:54,403 --> 00:17:55,484 It's his nappy. He's mentioned it twice. 383 00:17:55,563 --> 00:17:57,486 Yeah, well, sorry, I don't speak baby, do I? 384 00:17:57,563 --> 00:18:00,043 There's a changing station over by Electrical Goods. 385 00:18:00,443 --> 00:18:02,571 Of course you'd know that. Come on, Alfie. 386 00:18:02,643 --> 00:18:05,533 Craig! It's a coincidence! 387 00:18:06,163 --> 00:18:08,404 It happens, it's what the universe does for... 388 00:18:10,643 --> 00:18:12,293 Can I have your autograph, please? 389 00:18:12,363 --> 00:18:13,649 Uh, yeah, sure. 390 00:18:14,843 --> 00:18:15,890 Fun. 391 00:18:15,963 --> 00:18:17,852 - Uh, what's your name? - Ellie. 392 00:18:18,003 --> 00:18:19,846 "To Ellie." 393 00:18:19,923 --> 00:18:21,732 - I like your hairband. - Thank you. 394 00:18:35,123 --> 00:18:36,568 - Here you go. - Thank you. 395 00:19:02,123 --> 00:19:03,534 Amelia Pond. 396 00:19:16,923 --> 00:19:18,254 Okay, shh. 397 00:19:22,443 --> 00:19:23,604 Right. 398 00:19:24,083 --> 00:19:26,085 Let's be having you then, Cybermat. 399 00:19:28,163 --> 00:19:29,210 Shh! 400 00:19:29,283 --> 00:19:30,967 Can't you put that on quiet? 401 00:19:31,523 --> 00:19:33,332 No. It's a sonic screwdriver. 402 00:19:33,403 --> 00:19:35,132 Sonic equals sound. 403 00:19:35,883 --> 00:19:38,363 Take this. I got it on my discount, 10% off. 404 00:19:38,443 --> 00:19:39,683 It's a papoose. 405 00:19:39,763 --> 00:19:41,731 - Why do I need a papoose? - Alfie wants you attached to him. 406 00:19:41,803 --> 00:19:44,852 You are far too slow when he summons you. 407 00:19:45,603 --> 00:19:47,128 When's he going to stop giving me marks? 408 00:19:47,203 --> 00:19:48,853 Never. It's parenthood. 409 00:19:48,923 --> 00:19:50,493 Couldn't you have just got a babysitter? 410 00:19:50,563 --> 00:19:53,043 No, any babysitter. 411 00:19:53,123 --> 00:19:54,284 Doesn't have to be a hot one. 412 00:19:54,363 --> 00:19:55,524 I told everyone I know. 413 00:19:55,603 --> 00:19:57,287 - I didn't need their help this weekend. - Well. 414 00:19:57,363 --> 00:19:58,649 They won't even answer my calls. 415 00:19:58,723 --> 00:20:01,374 I didn't know there was going to be an invasion of Cybermen. 416 00:20:13,843 --> 00:20:16,130 It's okay. 417 00:20:17,643 --> 00:20:18,690 A-ha! 418 00:20:19,443 --> 00:20:20,729 It's very hot. 419 00:20:20,803 --> 00:20:22,214 Must be on low power. 420 00:20:22,283 --> 00:20:25,127 I'm better at that than I remember. 421 00:20:27,923 --> 00:20:29,049 - Oh, is that it? - Yeah. 422 00:20:29,123 --> 00:20:31,251 Oh, that's quite cute. Look at that. 423 00:20:31,403 --> 00:20:33,451 Look, Alfie, look... 424 00:20:46,323 --> 00:20:48,769 Metal rat, real mouth! Metal rat, real mouth! 425 00:20:48,843 --> 00:20:50,049 - Yes, I know it is. - Metal rat... 426 00:20:50,123 --> 00:20:52,251 Stop, stop screaming! Shh! 427 00:20:56,443 --> 00:20:57,888 Come on! 428 00:21:00,843 --> 00:21:02,083 George! 429 00:21:09,883 --> 00:21:11,009 George. 430 00:21:15,603 --> 00:21:16,684 Doctor! 431 00:21:17,443 --> 00:21:18,649 Doctor! 432 00:21:18,843 --> 00:21:20,049 Doctor! 433 00:21:20,203 --> 00:21:21,284 What happened? 434 00:21:21,363 --> 00:21:23,206 Oh, I've been chipped... 435 00:21:23,283 --> 00:21:24,364 Chapped... 436 00:21:24,443 --> 00:21:25,524 Chopped! 437 00:21:25,603 --> 00:21:27,128 The Cyberman. 438 00:21:27,203 --> 00:21:29,524 It killed George. Took him back to the ship. 439 00:21:29,603 --> 00:21:30,843 The Cybermen are here? 440 00:21:30,923 --> 00:21:33,290 - But you said... - Yeah, I know what I said, okay? 441 00:21:33,363 --> 00:21:35,445 A lot of things. But I fused the teleport. 442 00:21:35,523 --> 00:21:37,332 It should've taken them days to repair. 443 00:21:37,403 --> 00:21:38,529 Are you okay? 444 00:21:38,603 --> 00:21:41,493 Oh, I should be dead, but the arm it chopped me with, it was damaged. 445 00:21:41,563 --> 00:21:44,965 Old spare parts. Must have changed those missing people. 446 00:21:45,043 --> 00:21:47,489 Changed the missing into Cybermen? 447 00:21:47,843 --> 00:21:49,254 Why didn't they change you? 448 00:21:49,323 --> 00:21:53,772 Long story. I'm not exactly compatible, but why are they using spare parts? 449 00:21:53,843 --> 00:21:56,289 Why? Everything I find out makes less sense. 450 00:21:56,363 --> 00:21:59,287 Doctor, listen to me. If the Cybermen are here, then we're not safe. 451 00:21:59,363 --> 00:22:01,889 We've got to go. We've got to go back to base. 452 00:22:01,963 --> 00:22:03,488 We've got a base? 453 00:22:03,563 --> 00:22:04,928 When did we get a base? 454 00:22:08,923 --> 00:22:10,527 I'm going down the shop. We've run out of milk. 455 00:22:10,603 --> 00:22:12,332 You know what to do if he cries. 456 00:22:13,923 --> 00:22:14,970 No. 457 00:22:15,043 --> 00:22:17,091 Me, neither! 458 00:22:19,923 --> 00:22:20,970 Oh. 459 00:22:27,883 --> 00:22:29,044 Hello, Stormageddon. 460 00:22:31,043 --> 00:22:32,249 It's the Doctor, 461 00:22:32,763 --> 00:22:33,924 here to help. 462 00:22:34,683 --> 00:22:37,766 Um, shh, shh-shh. 463 00:22:37,843 --> 00:22:40,687 Hey! There, there. 464 00:22:40,763 --> 00:22:41,844 Be quiet. 465 00:22:42,723 --> 00:22:43,929 Go to sleep. 466 00:22:46,083 --> 00:22:47,209 Oh. Really? 467 00:22:47,723 --> 00:22:50,408 Stop crying. You've got a lot to look forward to, you know. 468 00:22:51,243 --> 00:22:54,087 A normal human life on earth. 469 00:22:55,003 --> 00:22:56,732 Mortgage repayments, 470 00:22:57,003 --> 00:23:02,328 the nine-to-five, a persistent, nagging sense of spiritual emptiness. 471 00:23:03,723 --> 00:23:06,169 Save the tears for later, boy-o. 472 00:23:06,683 --> 00:23:09,129 No, that was... 473 00:23:09,203 --> 00:23:10,409 crabby. 474 00:23:10,563 --> 00:23:11,894 No, that was old. 475 00:23:13,043 --> 00:23:15,171 But I am old, Stormy. 476 00:23:16,683 --> 00:23:18,287 I am so old. 477 00:23:19,203 --> 00:23:20,409 So near the end. 478 00:23:31,203 --> 00:23:33,604 You, Alfie Owens, 479 00:23:34,643 --> 00:23:35,769 you 480 00:23:36,523 --> 00:23:37,888 are so young. 481 00:23:38,803 --> 00:23:39,929 Aren't you? 482 00:23:41,043 --> 00:23:42,374 And you know, right now, 483 00:23:43,123 --> 00:23:45,171 everything's ahead of you. 484 00:23:46,043 --> 00:23:47,693 You could be anything. 485 00:23:47,763 --> 00:23:49,288 Yes. 486 00:23:50,203 --> 00:23:51,409 I know. 487 00:23:51,683 --> 00:23:53,765 You could walk among the stars. 488 00:23:54,643 --> 00:23:55,929 They don't actually look like that, you know. 489 00:23:56,003 --> 00:23:57,846 They are rather more impressive. 490 00:24:02,963 --> 00:24:04,089 Yeah. 491 00:24:05,443 --> 00:24:08,811 You know, when I was little like you, I dreamt of the stars. 492 00:24:09,683 --> 00:24:12,812 I think it's fair to say, in the language of your age, 493 00:24:12,883 --> 00:24:14,726 that I lived my dream. 494 00:24:15,483 --> 00:24:17,212 I owned the stage. 495 00:24:18,243 --> 00:24:19,813 Gave it 110%. 496 00:24:22,963 --> 00:24:25,853 I hope you have as much fun as I did, Alfie. 497 00:24:32,443 --> 00:24:33,968 Your dad's trying his best, you know. 498 00:24:35,163 --> 00:24:38,133 Yes, I know. It's not his fault, he doesn't have mammary glands. 499 00:24:39,443 --> 00:24:40,683 No, neither do I. 500 00:24:44,043 --> 00:24:45,090 Alfie, 501 00:24:45,163 --> 00:24:47,689 why is there a sinister beeping coming from behind me? 502 00:24:52,043 --> 00:24:53,727 Oh, no, you don't! 503 00:24:55,003 --> 00:24:57,404 Come on, Alfie, run! It's only stunned. 504 00:24:59,123 --> 00:25:01,125 Yes, we're okay. Good, Alfie. 505 00:25:01,203 --> 00:25:02,534 We'll go outside. Don't worry about it, we'll go outside. 506 00:25:04,563 --> 00:25:05,689 Yeah, look... 507 00:25:06,363 --> 00:25:07,410 Oops. 508 00:25:12,803 --> 00:25:13,929 I'm back! 509 00:25:19,363 --> 00:25:21,525 Come on, Craig, pick up, pick up, pick up! 510 00:25:21,603 --> 00:25:22,650 Doctor? 511 00:25:24,443 --> 00:25:25,524 Doctor? 512 00:25:36,963 --> 00:25:38,044 Craig, don't worry. 513 00:25:38,123 --> 00:25:40,490 Alfie is fine, but on no account enter the house. 514 00:25:40,683 --> 00:25:41,889 Doctor! 515 00:25:43,963 --> 00:25:45,727 No, no, no, no, no, no! 516 00:25:47,763 --> 00:25:48,924 Alfie! 517 00:25:56,883 --> 00:25:58,647 Where's Alfie? Where's Alfie? 518 00:25:58,723 --> 00:26:00,805 - He's safe! He's safe! - Get it off me! 519 00:26:00,883 --> 00:26:02,772 I just have to find the right frequency to shut it down. 520 00:26:02,843 --> 00:26:04,004 - Kill it! - Whoa! 521 00:26:04,603 --> 00:26:06,207 All right, all right, all right, move! 522 00:26:10,043 --> 00:26:13,013 Baking tray, Craig, baking tray! 523 00:26:16,043 --> 00:26:17,727 - Hold it down. - Get on with it. 524 00:26:17,803 --> 00:26:20,170 Oh, it must be shielded from metastatic energy, of course! 525 00:26:20,243 --> 00:26:22,245 - Yeah, of course! - Don't worry, I have an app for that. 526 00:26:22,323 --> 00:26:23,813 Stand back. Stand back! 527 00:26:30,563 --> 00:26:31,803 Success. 528 00:26:31,883 --> 00:26:33,931 That was amazing. 529 00:26:34,003 --> 00:26:36,574 You must be really, really strong! 530 00:26:36,643 --> 00:26:38,008 That thing should've had you easily. 531 00:26:38,403 --> 00:26:39,609 It's definitely dead? 532 00:26:39,683 --> 00:26:41,606 Inactive, yes. Technically, never been alive. 533 00:26:41,683 --> 00:26:45,529 It was "playing possum" before to take us by surprise. 534 00:26:45,883 --> 00:26:46,930 Bravo. 535 00:26:47,003 --> 00:26:48,812 Hey? 536 00:26:54,003 --> 00:26:55,164 Alfie! 537 00:26:57,243 --> 00:26:59,644 I'm knackered. 538 00:27:00,643 --> 00:27:03,044 That thing was eating up the electricity? 539 00:27:03,123 --> 00:27:06,286 And transmitting it up to the Cybership. But why? 540 00:27:06,723 --> 00:27:07,849 And why do they need power? 541 00:27:07,923 --> 00:27:09,573 Why are those conversions not complete yet? 542 00:27:09,643 --> 00:27:10,929 And what are they doing up there? 543 00:27:11,003 --> 00:27:12,653 You said you were going to look at its brain. 544 00:27:12,843 --> 00:27:14,004 Well, I had to wipe its brain. 545 00:27:14,083 --> 00:27:17,087 Now, I can reprogram it, use it as a weapon against them. 546 00:27:18,043 --> 00:27:19,647 The Cybermat came after us. 547 00:27:19,803 --> 00:27:20,850 No, after me. 548 00:27:20,963 --> 00:27:23,364 - They sent it after us. - After me. 549 00:27:24,563 --> 00:27:26,486 Because of me, you and Alfie nearly died. 550 00:27:29,403 --> 00:27:31,326 Do you still feel safe with me, Craig? 551 00:27:31,843 --> 00:27:33,652 Can't help who your mates are. 552 00:27:33,723 --> 00:27:34,770 No. 553 00:27:35,683 --> 00:27:39,130 I am a stupid, selfish man. Always have been. 554 00:27:40,083 --> 00:27:42,927 I should've made you go. I should never have come here. 555 00:27:43,843 --> 00:27:45,333 What would've happened if you hadn't come? 556 00:27:45,403 --> 00:27:48,373 Who else knows about the Cybermen and teleports? 557 00:27:48,443 --> 00:27:50,525 I put people in danger. 558 00:27:50,603 --> 00:27:52,093 Stop beating yourself up. 559 00:27:52,403 --> 00:27:53,529 If it weren't for you, 560 00:27:53,603 --> 00:27:55,685 this whole planet would be an absolute ruin. 561 00:27:57,723 --> 00:28:00,454 Uh, Craig, very soon I won't be here. 562 00:28:01,563 --> 00:28:04,214 My time is running out. 563 00:28:05,043 --> 00:28:06,772 I don't mean Exodor. 564 00:28:07,643 --> 00:28:10,772 "Silence will fall when the question is asked." 565 00:28:10,843 --> 00:28:14,404 I don't even know what the question is. I always knew I'd die still asking. 566 00:28:15,163 --> 00:28:17,131 The thing is, Craig, 567 00:28:17,723 --> 00:28:19,248 it's tomorrow. 568 00:28:20,923 --> 00:28:22,448 Can't put it off any more. 569 00:28:24,643 --> 00:28:25,974 Tomorrow is the day I... 570 00:28:49,363 --> 00:28:50,694 Safe mode. 571 00:28:51,443 --> 00:28:52,490 Clever me. 572 00:28:53,643 --> 00:28:54,974 Come along, bitey. 573 00:28:55,803 --> 00:28:57,328 So, I'[I be back about 70:00, 574 00:28:57,403 --> 00:28:59,246 because Melina 3' totally gone 019' on one. 575 00:28:59,323 --> 00:29:02,930 She is going to kill David Jenkins. I know I'm stupid to worry. 576 00:29:03,003 --> 00:29:05,324 - I can't wait to get home... - No, no, no. Doctor? 577 00:29:05,523 --> 00:29:07,605 Love you Al#e. Love you Craig. 578 00:29:09,083 --> 00:29:10,528 You idiot! 579 00:29:15,043 --> 00:29:16,727 - Morning. - Morning. 580 00:29:16,963 --> 00:29:18,453 Teleport's still fused. They didn't repair it. 581 00:29:18,523 --> 00:29:20,969 So, the Cyberman last night, how did it get down here? 582 00:29:21,043 --> 00:29:22,408 How did it get out? And why? 583 00:29:22,483 --> 00:29:24,451 Why am I asking you? 584 00:29:24,523 --> 00:29:26,048 You found the silver rat? 585 00:29:26,123 --> 00:29:27,613 But where are the silver men? 586 00:29:28,283 --> 00:29:30,889 I'm sorry, Alfie, I can't leave you here on your own. 587 00:29:30,963 --> 00:29:33,011 There's something up with the Doctor and we owe him. 588 00:29:33,083 --> 00:29:35,290 I wouldn't have you or Mummy if it wasn't for him. 589 00:29:36,883 --> 00:29:38,009 He needs someone. 590 00:29:38,083 --> 00:29:40,290 He always needs someone. He just can't admit it. 591 00:29:40,363 --> 00:29:42,570 I promise nothing's going to happen to you. 592 00:29:43,443 --> 00:29:44,854 All right, come on. Here we go. 593 00:29:44,923 --> 00:29:47,051 Secondary teleport? No, there is no other teleport. 594 00:29:47,123 --> 00:29:49,285 They must have had a backup system. 595 00:29:49,483 --> 00:29:50,973 Something complicated. 596 00:29:51,043 --> 00:29:53,728 Something powerful. Something shielded. 597 00:29:54,523 --> 00:29:56,207 Something like... 598 00:29:56,523 --> 00:29:58,127 a door? A door. 599 00:29:58,843 --> 00:30:03,485 A dyscillium-bonded steel door, disguised as a wall. 600 00:30:03,563 --> 00:30:05,452 That is cheating! 601 00:30:08,603 --> 00:30:09,729 So... 602 00:30:11,003 --> 00:30:12,528 they didn't teleport down, 603 00:30:13,403 --> 00:30:14,973 they climbed up. 604 00:30:58,563 --> 00:31:01,043 Well, well, well. You have been busy. 605 00:31:03,043 --> 00:31:05,205 Doctor? Doctor? 606 00:31:05,283 --> 00:31:06,523 Another row? 607 00:31:06,603 --> 00:31:09,368 He went in the changing room. Something about silver men. 608 00:31:09,443 --> 00:31:10,569 Oh, God, no. Val, 609 00:31:10,643 --> 00:31:12,930 I need you to look after Alfie for me, okay? 610 00:31:13,003 --> 00:31:14,414 Please look after him. 611 00:31:14,483 --> 00:31:16,963 - The Doctor needs me. - I understand. 612 00:31:17,043 --> 00:31:18,852 You two need time alone. 613 00:31:18,923 --> 00:31:20,084 Don't follow me! 614 00:31:20,163 --> 00:31:22,325 I wasn't intending to. 615 00:31:33,363 --> 00:31:35,411 You have come to us. 616 00:31:36,123 --> 00:31:37,409 Took me a while. 617 00:31:37,923 --> 00:31:39,163 A lot on my mind. 618 00:31:41,523 --> 00:31:44,686 Let's see. This ship crashed here centuries ago. 619 00:31:44,763 --> 00:31:47,414 No survivors, but the systems are dormant, waiting for power, 620 00:31:47,483 --> 00:31:48,769 and then the council 621 00:31:48,843 --> 00:31:51,210 stick a load of new cables right on top of you. 622 00:31:52,043 --> 00:31:53,727 Bitey wakes up and channels the power. 623 00:31:53,803 --> 00:31:56,010 You start crewing up from the shop as best you can. 624 00:31:56,083 --> 00:31:58,051 Not enough power. Not enough parts. 625 00:31:58,123 --> 00:32:00,444 I en we are ready, we will emerge. 626 00:32:00,523 --> 00:32:03,094 We will convert this planet to Cyber-form. 627 00:32:03,163 --> 00:32:04,210 What, six of you? 628 00:32:04,283 --> 00:32:08,288 You know that is enough. You know us. You are the Doctor; 629 00:32:08,363 --> 00:32:10,969 Correct. And the Doctor always gives you a choice. 630 00:32:11,043 --> 00:32:13,808 Deactivate yourself or I deactivate you. 631 00:32:20,923 --> 00:32:22,652 Doctor! Doctor! 632 00:32:22,843 --> 00:32:24,208 Oh! 633 00:32:32,083 --> 00:32:34,051 He must be the new leaden. 634 00:32:34,123 --> 00:32:36,205 No. He is not like us. 635 00:32:36,283 --> 00:32:39,173 Brain and binary muscular system incompatible. 636 00:32:39,243 --> 00:32:42,133 They will be discarded, other body parts may be of use. 637 00:32:42,203 --> 00:32:43,250 Oi! 638 00:32:43,323 --> 00:32:47,123 Cybermen, you get off my planet or I activate this. 639 00:32:47,203 --> 00:32:49,604 Craig, stop this. Get out! 640 00:32:49,683 --> 00:32:52,254 It's like you said, Doctor, you got to believe you can do it. 641 00:32:53,203 --> 00:32:54,443 You located us? 642 00:32:54,523 --> 00:32:56,730 Yeah, the teleport in the lift. A bit rubbish. 643 00:32:56,803 --> 00:32:58,692 And that little Cybermat never stood a chance. 644 00:32:58,763 --> 00:32:59,810 You see what you're dealing with? 645 00:32:59,883 --> 00:33:02,090 You are compatible. You are intelligent. 646 00:33:05,923 --> 00:33:08,290 No! I'm not intelligent. You don't want me. 647 00:33:08,363 --> 00:33:11,606 We will take your fear from you. 648 00:33:11,683 --> 00:33:15,165 You will be like us. You will be more than us. 649 00:33:16,923 --> 00:33:17,970 No, no, no! 650 00:33:18,123 --> 00:33:20,364 Your designation is Cyber Controller. 651 00:33:20,443 --> 00:33:21,569 - You will lead us. - N o! 652 00:33:21,643 --> 00:33:23,213 We will conquer this world. 653 00:33:23,603 --> 00:33:24,968 - Doctor! - Craig! 654 00:33:25,043 --> 00:33:26,727 Do something, please! 655 00:33:29,123 --> 00:33:30,204 Doctor! 656 00:33:30,283 --> 00:33:33,526 Craig, don't worry. I've reprogrammed their Cybermat. It'll drain their power. 657 00:33:36,843 --> 00:33:38,925 You have failed Doctor; 658 00:33:39,003 --> 00:33:43,486 Begin conversion, phase one. Cleanse the brain of emotions. 659 00:33:43,923 --> 00:33:44,970 No. 660 00:33:45,043 --> 00:33:48,047 Craig, fight it. They can't convert you if you fight back. 661 00:33:48,123 --> 00:33:50,125 - You're strong. Don't give into it. - Help me! 662 00:33:50,203 --> 00:33:51,932 Think of Sophie. Think of Alfie. 663 00:33:52,003 --> 00:33:53,846 Craig, don't let them take it all away. 664 00:33:53,923 --> 00:33:56,529 Make it stop! Please, make it stop! 665 00:33:56,803 --> 00:33:58,487 Please, listen to me. I believe in you. 666 00:33:58,563 --> 00:34:00,725 I believe you can do this. I've always believed. 667 00:34:00,803 --> 00:34:02,134 In all of you, all my life! 668 00:34:03,523 --> 00:34:05,013 I'm going to die, Craig. 669 00:34:05,083 --> 00:34:08,610 Tomorrow I'm going to die, but I don't mind if you just prove me right. 670 00:34:08,963 --> 00:34:10,124 Craig! 671 00:34:16,203 --> 00:34:18,012 Begin full con version. 672 00:34:22,363 --> 00:34:23,524 Don't worry. 673 00:34:25,443 --> 00:34:27,525 It's just a little light going out. 674 00:34:29,723 --> 00:34:31,691 Unknown soundwave detected. 675 00:34:32,123 --> 00:34:35,366 It is the sound of fear. It is irrelevant. 676 00:34:35,443 --> 00:34:37,172 We will remove all fear; 677 00:34:37,843 --> 00:34:39,607 Alfie, I'm so sorry! 678 00:34:41,083 --> 00:34:44,769 Alfie, please, stop. I can't help him. 679 00:34:45,603 --> 00:34:48,686 Emotions eradicated Conversion complete. 680 00:34:57,283 --> 00:35:00,492 Alert. Emotional subsystems rebooting. 681 00:35:00,563 --> 00:35:02,292 This is impossible. 682 00:35:02,523 --> 00:35:06,005 He can hear him. He can hear Alfie. 683 00:35:06,283 --> 00:35:08,889 Oh, please, just give me this. 684 00:35:09,083 --> 00:35:11,370 Craig, you wanted a chance to prove you're a dad, 685 00:35:11,443 --> 00:35:13,445 you are never going to get a better one than this. 686 00:35:14,403 --> 00:35:15,643 What is happening? 687 00:35:15,723 --> 00:35:19,205 What's happening, you metal moron, a baby is crying 688 00:35:19,483 --> 00:35:21,565 and you'd better watch out because guess what? 689 00:35:21,803 --> 00:35:24,409 Daddy's coming home! 690 00:35:25,443 --> 00:35:26,604 Alfie! 691 00:35:28,643 --> 00:35:32,045 Alfie, I'm here! I'm coming for you! 692 00:35:32,123 --> 00:35:34,285 Guess what? It stopped. 693 00:35:34,363 --> 00:35:35,410 Alfie! 694 00:35:37,443 --> 00:35:38,524 Alfie needs you! 695 00:35:38,603 --> 00:35:41,254 Emergency! Emotional influx. 696 00:35:41,323 --> 00:35:44,247 You've triggered a feedback loop into their emotional inhibitors. 697 00:35:45,683 --> 00:35:48,493 All that stuff they cut out of themselves, now they're feeling it. 698 00:35:49,843 --> 00:35:51,766 Which means a very big explosion. 699 00:35:51,843 --> 00:35:54,528 Overload! Overload! Overload! 700 00:35:54,763 --> 00:35:57,528 - Get out! We need to get out! - Ah! They've sealed the ship. 701 00:35:57,923 --> 00:35:59,812 - We've got to get out of here! - I know! 702 00:36:00,843 --> 00:36:02,083 The teleport! 703 00:36:17,123 --> 00:36:19,171 - How did you get in there? - Alfie! 704 00:36:20,003 --> 00:36:21,653 Here's your daddy. 705 00:36:22,923 --> 00:36:25,005 That was another review, 10 out of 10. 706 00:36:25,483 --> 00:36:27,724 The Cybermen, they blew up. 707 00:36:28,363 --> 00:36:30,445 I blew 'em up with love. 708 00:36:30,523 --> 00:36:32,571 No, that's impossible. 709 00:36:32,643 --> 00:36:35,567 And also, grossly sentimental and oversimplistic. 710 00:36:35,643 --> 00:36:37,407 You destroyed them because of the deeply ingrained 711 00:36:37,483 --> 00:36:39,884 hereditary human trait to protect one's own genes. 712 00:36:39,963 --> 00:36:43,445 Which, in turn, triggered a...a...a... 713 00:36:45,363 --> 00:36:47,411 Yeah. Love. 714 00:36:49,243 --> 00:36:50,927 You blew them up with love. 715 00:36:54,323 --> 00:36:57,805 The building should be totally safe, structurally, and of course, 716 00:36:57,883 --> 00:37:00,887 the bonded dyscillium contained the explosion. 717 00:37:01,163 --> 00:37:03,848 Right. Why are you telling me all this? 718 00:37:03,923 --> 00:37:05,687 I don't know. Shh. 719 00:37:06,843 --> 00:37:08,732 - It suits you. - Thanks. 720 00:37:08,803 --> 00:37:11,534 - Discount applies to partners. - Great! 721 00:37:11,843 --> 00:37:13,288 Are you two married, then? 722 00:37:13,363 --> 00:37:17,448 No. No, we talked about it, but it's just a piece of paper, isn't it? 723 00:37:17,523 --> 00:37:20,447 Thank you for your help, Val. Good noticing, keep 'em peeled. 724 00:37:20,523 --> 00:37:24,005 I will. I'm glad you two made up, for baby's sake. 725 00:37:24,083 --> 00:37:25,130 Aw. 726 00:37:26,483 --> 00:37:27,530 How do you mean? 727 00:37:27,603 --> 00:37:31,289 It's nice for baby to have two daddies who love each other. 728 00:37:31,963 --> 00:37:34,409 Wait. Hang on a sec. 729 00:37:35,163 --> 00:37:37,131 Two daddies? You think that I'm... 730 00:37:37,203 --> 00:37:39,171 His companion. 731 00:37:40,363 --> 00:37:41,649 Doctor... 732 00:37:42,483 --> 00:37:45,134 Gone. Now where's he rushed off to? 733 00:37:49,843 --> 00:37:50,890 He's gone. 734 00:37:58,523 --> 00:37:59,888 Who's tidied all this up? 735 00:38:20,603 --> 00:38:22,173 See? I do come back. 736 00:38:23,283 --> 00:38:24,933 - How did you... - Time machine. 737 00:38:25,003 --> 00:38:29,327 But even with time travel, getting glaziers on a Sunday, 738 00:38:29,923 --> 00:38:30,970 tricky. 739 00:38:31,043 --> 00:38:34,013 You went back in time, that means you used up your hours. 740 00:38:34,083 --> 00:38:35,244 What about Exodor? 741 00:38:35,323 --> 00:38:37,405 What about you being in trouble with Sophie when she comes back? 742 00:38:37,483 --> 00:38:38,644 I couldn't let that happen. 743 00:38:39,203 --> 00:38:40,614 You used up your time for me? 744 00:38:40,683 --> 00:38:42,173 Course I did, you're me mate. 745 00:38:42,323 --> 00:38:45,293 I notice Stormageddon's very quiet and happy. 746 00:38:46,483 --> 00:38:48,326 Oh, he prefers the name Alfie now. 747 00:38:49,523 --> 00:38:52,129 And he's very proud of his dad. 748 00:38:52,203 --> 00:38:55,207 - He calls me Dad? - Yes, of course he does now. 749 00:38:56,563 --> 00:38:58,372 Yeah, I know, he's a bit thick, isn't he? 750 00:38:58,443 --> 00:39:00,491 Oi, shut up, you two. 751 00:39:01,203 --> 00:39:02,443 Well... 752 00:39:02,843 --> 00:39:05,733 Now it's time. I have to go. 753 00:39:06,843 --> 00:39:09,244 Doctor, I know that something's wrong. I can help you. 754 00:39:09,323 --> 00:39:10,609 Nobody can help me. 755 00:39:11,643 --> 00:39:14,886 Um, I hope Sophie won't mind, I need these. 756 00:39:15,603 --> 00:39:18,209 - Where are you going to go? - America. 757 00:39:19,283 --> 00:39:21,490 Sophie will be home any second, are you sure... 758 00:39:21,563 --> 00:39:23,565 I can't miss this appointment, Craig. 759 00:39:25,403 --> 00:39:26,450 Good bye, mate. 760 00:39:27,763 --> 00:39:29,686 Wait there. One second. 761 00:39:36,163 --> 00:39:37,574 From Sean's dad. 762 00:39:39,683 --> 00:39:41,811 - Wow. - You ride 'em, partner. 763 00:39:41,883 --> 00:39:43,248 Oh, thanks! 764 00:39:49,243 --> 00:39:50,324 Bye. 765 00:39:51,603 --> 00:39:53,287 Doctor, that'll be Sophie... 766 00:40:02,843 --> 00:40:04,413 Hello, hello. I forgot my key. 767 00:40:04,483 --> 00:40:06,167 Oh, I missed you so much. 768 00:40:06,243 --> 00:40:08,530 I missed you, too. Both of you. 769 00:40:09,123 --> 00:40:10,454 Are you wearing a papoose? 770 00:40:10,683 --> 00:40:11,764 Yeah, it's... 771 00:40:15,363 --> 00:40:17,809 Oh, my God. The place is spotless. 772 00:40:18,403 --> 00:40:19,814 Has something happened? You look different. 773 00:40:20,083 --> 00:40:22,006 Nothing happened. Nothing weird. 774 00:40:22,443 --> 00:40:25,367 Look at you two, thick as thieves. 775 00:40:25,443 --> 00:40:27,047 Who's Daddy's little boy, then? 776 00:40:27,123 --> 00:40:28,170 Doctor Who. 777 00:40:28,243 --> 00:40:29,369 What? 778 00:40:29,723 --> 00:40:30,884 Craig? 779 00:40:38,723 --> 00:40:40,293 Well, then, old girl. 780 00:40:43,643 --> 00:40:45,327 One last trip, eh? 781 00:40:56,003 --> 00:40:57,084 Hey. 782 00:40:58,003 --> 00:40:59,084 I'm the Doctor. 783 00:41:00,843 --> 00:41:02,129 I was here to help. 784 00:41:03,843 --> 00:41:05,572 And you are very, very welcome. 785 00:41:12,203 --> 00:41:16,128 It was fU/7/7% he seemed so happy but so sad at the same time. 786 00:41:17,123 --> 00:41:21,048 I was just a kid, I thought maybe he was a cowboy on his way to a gunfight. 787 00:41:21,763 --> 00:41:23,686 I really liked his hat. 788 00:41:35,603 --> 00:41:38,254 Tick-tock goes the clock; 789 00:41:38,483 --> 00:41:41,293 And what now shall we play? 790 00:41:42,043 --> 00:41:45,252 Tick-tock goes the clock 791 00:41:46,723 --> 00:41:49,533 now summer's gone away. 792 00:41:49,723 --> 00:41:50,929 Hello? 793 00:41:52,043 --> 00:41:54,410 Such a lovely old song. 794 00:41:55,083 --> 00:41:56,733 But is it about him? 795 00:41:58,603 --> 00:42:01,971 - You know about the Doctor? - So very well. 796 00:42:02,603 --> 00:42:05,527 Oh, don't try and remember me. 797 00:42:05,883 --> 00:42:10,445 We've been far too thorough with your dear little head. 798 00:42:16,803 --> 00:42:19,329 What are they? What are those things? 799 00:42:19,603 --> 00:42:21,685 - Your owners. - My what? 800 00:42:21,763 --> 00:42:24,607 So they made you a Doctor today, did they? 801 00:42:25,963 --> 00:42:28,364 Dr River Song. 802 00:42:29,203 --> 00:42:30,932 How clever you are. 803 00:42:32,603 --> 00:42:36,164 You understand what this is, don't you? 804 00:42:36,523 --> 00:42:40,209 According to some accounts, it's the day the Doctor dies. 805 00:42:40,563 --> 00:42:45,251 "By Silencio Lake, on the Plain of Sighs 806 00:42:45,843 --> 00:42:49,325 "an Impossible Astronaut will rise from the deep" 807 00:42:50,043 --> 00:42:54,173 "and strike the Time Lord dead." 808 00:42:56,043 --> 00:42:57,488 It's a story. 809 00:42:59,163 --> 00:43:02,451 And this is where it begins. 810 00:43:08,163 --> 00:43:11,565 You never really escaped us, Melody Pond. 811 00:43:12,323 --> 00:43:14,451 We were always coming for you. 812 00:43:14,523 --> 00:43:17,686 - How do you know who I am? - I made you what you are. 813 00:43:18,403 --> 00:43:22,203 The woman who kills the Doctor. 814 00:43:22,443 --> 00:43:25,606 No! No! No! Oh! 815 00:43:30,763 --> 00:43:35,803 Tick-tock goes the clock, and all the years they fly. 816 00:43:36,843 --> 00:43:39,813 Tick-tock, and all too soon, 817 00:43:40,123 --> 00:43:43,605 your love will surely die. 818 00:43:54,843 --> 00:43:58,609 # Tick-tock goes the clock 819 00:43:58,683 --> 00:44:02,733 # The cradle man, he rocked her 820 00:44:02,803 --> 00:44:06,603 # Tick-tock goes the clock 821 00:44:06,683 --> 00:44:10,165 # Till River kills the Doctor #. 822 00:44:12,363 --> 00:44:15,492 Before I go, I'd like to know why I have to die. 823 00:44:16,523 --> 00:44:19,003 $178066 will fa!! When the question is asked. 824 00:44:21,043 --> 00:44:22,408 All the times I've heard those word; 825 00:44:22,483 --> 00:44:25,612 I never realised it was my silence, my death. 826 00:44:34,083 --> 00:44:35,209 It's time.