1 00:00:02,546 --> 00:00:04,298 My name is Rose Tyler. 2 00:00:04,673 --> 00:00:06,801 And this is the story of Torchwood 3 00:00:07,342 --> 00:00:09,310 The last story I'll ever tell. 4 00:00:13,473 --> 00:00:16,397 Here we are, then. Dad, say hello to Rose. 5 00:00:16,476 --> 00:00:17,568 Hasn't she grown? 6 00:00:18,728 --> 00:00:21,402 Welcome to Torchwood. 7 00:00:22,732 --> 00:00:23,949 They're Cybermen. 8 00:00:24,985 --> 00:00:26,737 All of the ghosts are Cybermen. 9 00:00:26,903 --> 00:00:28,871 - That's not Cybermen. - Oh, my God! 10 00:00:28,989 --> 00:00:32,493 Exterminate! Exterminate! 11 00:00:34,035 --> 00:00:36,333 This is the story of howl died. 12 00:01:15,535 --> 00:01:18,004 Exterminate. 13 00:01:18,121 --> 00:01:19,623 Daleks! 14 00:01:21,708 --> 00:01:23,381 You're called Daleks! 15 00:01:29,299 --> 00:01:31,097 I know your name. 16 00:01:31,176 --> 00:01:33,304 Think about it, how can I know that? 17 00:01:33,887 --> 00:01:37,061 A human who knows about the Daleks 18 00:01:38,224 --> 00:01:39,225 and the Time War. 19 00:01:40,727 --> 00:01:44,106 If you want to know how, then keep us alive. That's all I'm asking. 20 00:01:44,230 --> 00:01:45,482 Me and my friends. 21 00:01:45,565 --> 00:01:49,160 - Yeah, Daleks, Time War, me, too. - Yeah, and me. 22 00:01:50,904 --> 00:01:53,623 You will be necessary. 23 00:01:54,407 --> 00:01:57,786 Report! What is the status of the Genesis Ark? 24 00:01:57,911 --> 00:02:00,289 Status hibernation. 25 00:02:00,538 --> 00:02:02,336 Commence awakening. 26 00:02:02,415 --> 00:02:06,886 The Genesis Ark must be protected above all else. 27 00:02:09,464 --> 00:02:11,432 The Daleks? You said they were all dead. 28 00:02:12,342 --> 00:02:14,436 Never mind that. What the hell's a "Genesis Ark"? 29 00:02:14,552 --> 00:02:15,644 What's down there? 30 00:02:17,555 --> 00:02:19,774 She was in that room, with the Sphere. 31 00:02:20,308 --> 00:02:22,982 - What's happened to Rose? - I don't know. 32 00:02:26,898 --> 00:02:27,945 I'll find her. 33 00:02:28,608 --> 00:02:31,202 I brought you here. I'll get you both out, you and your daughter. 34 00:02:31,277 --> 00:02:32,654 Jackie, look at me. 35 00:02:32,779 --> 00:02:33,780 Look at me! 36 00:02:35,365 --> 00:02:36,537 I promise you. 37 00:02:37,617 --> 00:02:38,960 I give you my word. 38 00:02:41,830 --> 00:02:45,255 You will talk to your Central World Authority 39 00:02:45,333 --> 00:02:47,961 and order global surrender. 40 00:02:48,086 --> 00:02:49,463 Oh, do some research. 41 00:02:49,629 --> 00:02:52,382 We haven't got a "Central World Authority". 42 00:02:52,549 --> 00:02:53,971 You have now. 43 00:02:54,092 --> 00:02:57,722 I will speak on all global wavelengths. 44 00:02:58,805 --> 00:03:01,854 This broadcast is for humankind. 45 00:03:02,308 --> 00:03:07,109 The Cybermen now occupy every landmass on this planet. 46 00:03:07,605 --> 00:03:09,858 But you need not fear. 47 00:03:10,483 --> 00:03:12,986 Cybermen will remove fear. 48 00:03:13,153 --> 00:03:18,330 Cybermen will remove sex and class and colour and creed. 49 00:03:18,992 --> 00:03:21,461 You will become identical. 50 00:03:21,786 --> 00:03:24,380 You will become like us. 51 00:03:31,421 --> 00:03:32,638 Attack! 52 00:03:50,315 --> 00:03:52,693 I ordered surrender. 53 00:03:52,984 --> 00:03:55,328 They're not taking instructions. 54 00:03:55,695 --> 00:03:57,288 Don't you understand? You're on every street! 55 00:03:57,363 --> 00:03:59,832 You're in their homes! You've got their children! 56 00:03:59,908 --> 00:04:01,410 Of course they're going to fight! 57 00:04:01,826 --> 00:04:03,954 Which of you is least important? 58 00:04:04,162 --> 00:04:05,584 What's that supposed to mean? 59 00:04:05,663 --> 00:04:07,757 Which of you is least important? 60 00:04:07,874 --> 00:04:10,252 No. We don't work like that. None of us. 61 00:04:10,460 --> 00:04:12,713 Designate the least important. 62 00:04:12,962 --> 00:04:15,431 - This is my responsibility. - No, don't... 63 00:04:17,050 --> 00:04:18,302 I, er... 64 00:04:18,384 --> 00:04:21,558 I represent the Torchwood Institute. Anything you need, 65 00:04:22,138 --> 00:04:23,185 you come through me. 66 00:04:23,598 --> 00:04:24,724 Leave these two alone. 67 00:04:24,808 --> 00:04:26,526 You will kneel. 68 00:04:26,851 --> 00:04:29,024 - What for? - Kneel! 69 00:04:33,566 --> 00:04:38,037 The Daleks need information about current Earth history. 70 00:04:38,279 --> 00:04:40,639 Yeah, well, I can give you a certain amount of intelligence, 71 00:04:40,782 --> 00:04:42,409 but nothing that will compromise homeland security... 72 00:04:42,492 --> 00:04:44,540 Speech is not necessary. 73 00:04:44,619 --> 00:04:47,498 We will extract brainwaves. 74 00:04:52,085 --> 00:04:54,679 Don't. I'll tell you everything you need. 75 00:04:54,754 --> 00:04:55,926 No, don't. 76 00:05:03,721 --> 00:05:08,147 Scans detect unknown technology active within Sphere Chamber. 77 00:05:08,643 --> 00:05:11,237 Cybermen will investigate. 78 00:05:11,604 --> 00:05:16,701 Units 70-6-5 and 70-6-6 will investigate Sphere Chamber. 79 00:05:18,403 --> 00:05:19,825 We obey. 80 00:05:20,738 --> 00:05:24,959 His mind spoke of a second species invading Earth. 81 00:05:25,034 --> 00:05:28,208 Infected by the superstition of ghosts. 82 00:05:28,288 --> 00:05:29,961 You didn't need to kill him! 83 00:05:30,081 --> 00:05:33,130 Neither did we need him alive! 84 00:05:33,626 --> 00:05:36,550 Dalek Thay, investigate outside. 85 00:05:36,629 --> 00:05:38,302 I obey. 86 00:05:46,389 --> 00:05:48,767 Units, open visual link. 87 00:05:54,939 --> 00:05:57,033 Visual contact established 88 00:05:57,150 --> 00:05:59,073 Establish visual contact, 89 00:05:59,152 --> 00:06:01,575 lower communications barrier. 90 00:06:14,834 --> 00:06:16,928 Identify yourselves. 91 00:06:17,086 --> 00:06:19,885 You will identify first. 92 00:06:20,048 --> 00:06:22,471 State your identity! 93 00:06:22,592 --> 00:06:25,061 You will identify first. 94 00:06:25,136 --> 00:06:26,638 Identify! 95 00:06:26,721 --> 00:06:28,769 It's like Stephen Hawking meets the speaking clock. 96 00:06:28,848 --> 00:06:31,852 And illogical, you will modify. 97 00:06:32,018 --> 00:06:34,942 Daleks do not take orders. 98 00:06:35,146 --> 00:06:38,116 You have identified as Daleks. 99 00:06:38,191 --> 00:06:41,536 Outline resembles the inferior species 100 00:06:41,653 --> 00:06:43,655 known as Cybermen. 101 00:06:44,781 --> 00:06:46,749 Rose said about the Daleks, 102 00:06:46,824 --> 00:06:48,576 she was terrified of them. 103 00:06:49,869 --> 00:06:52,042 What have they done to her, Doctor? Is she dead? 104 00:06:52,121 --> 00:06:53,213 - Phone. - What? 105 00:06:53,331 --> 00:06:54,628 Phone. 106 00:07:02,715 --> 00:07:06,595 Crude cybernetic constructs on worldwide scale. 107 00:07:06,886 --> 00:07:10,140 She's answered. She's alive. But why haven't they killed her? 108 00:07:10,223 --> 00:07:12,726 - Well, don't complain. - They must need her for something. 109 00:07:13,059 --> 00:07:15,858 We must protect the Genesis Ark. 110 00:07:16,145 --> 00:07:17,271 "Genesis Ark"? 111 00:07:18,106 --> 00:07:22,782 Our species are similar, though your design is inelegant 112 00:07:22,902 --> 00:07:26,623 Daleks have no concept of elegance. 113 00:07:26,739 --> 00:07:28,741 This is obvious. 114 00:07:28,950 --> 00:07:32,454 But consider. Our technologies are compatible. 115 00:07:32,662 --> 00:07:34,664 Cybermen plus Daleks, 116 00:07:34,831 --> 00:07:38,256 together we could upgrade the universe. 117 00:07:38,584 --> 00:07:41,258 You propose an alliance? 118 00:07:41,546 --> 00:07:43,264 This is correct. 119 00:07:43,631 --> 00:07:45,725 Request denied. 120 00:07:47,552 --> 00:07:50,271 Hostile elements will be deleted. 121 00:07:52,265 --> 00:07:54,518 Exterminate. 122 00:07:58,771 --> 00:08:00,865 Open visual link. 123 00:08:01,733 --> 00:08:03,235 Daleks be warned. 124 00:08:03,317 --> 00:08:07,288 You have declared war upon the Cybermen. 125 00:08:07,780 --> 00:08:11,705 This is not war. This is pest control. 126 00:08:11,784 --> 00:08:14,583 We have five million Cybermen. 127 00:08:14,662 --> 00:08:16,539 How many are you? 128 00:08:16,956 --> 00:08:18,173 Four. 129 00:08:18,708 --> 00:08:22,838 You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks? 130 00:08:23,087 --> 00:08:26,808 We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dale-k. 131 00:08:27,300 --> 00:08:31,396 You are super/or in only one respect. 132 00:08:31,471 --> 00:08:32,973 What is that? 133 00:08:33,139 --> 00:08:36,063 You are better at dying. 134 00:08:36,309 --> 00:08:39,233 Raise communications barrier. 135 00:08:39,729 --> 00:08:40,855 Wail'. 136 00:08:40,938 --> 00:08:41,985 Lost her. 137 00:08:42,065 --> 00:08:44,318 Rewind image by nine rels. 138 00:08:44,400 --> 00:08:46,994 Identify grid Seven Gamma Flame. 139 00:08:48,404 --> 00:08:51,248 This male registers as enemy. 140 00:08:51,365 --> 00:08:55,165 - This female's heartbeat has increased. - Yeah, tell me about it. 141 00:08:55,495 --> 00:08:58,465 - Identify him! - All right, then. 142 00:08:59,624 --> 00:09:00,705 If you really want to know. 143 00:09:01,834 --> 00:09:02,960 That's the Doctor. 144 00:09:05,171 --> 00:09:07,515 Five million Cybermen, easy. 145 00:09:08,216 --> 00:09:11,516 One Doctor? Now you're scared. 146 00:09:13,096 --> 00:09:17,647 Quarantine the Sphere Chamber. Start emergency upgrading. 147 00:09:17,725 --> 00:09:19,693 Begin with these personnel. 148 00:09:22,021 --> 00:09:25,821 No, you can't do this! We've surrendered! We've surrendered! 149 00:09:25,942 --> 00:09:27,068 Keep this one. 150 00:09:27,193 --> 00:09:32,541 His increased adrenaline suggests that he has vital Dalek information. 151 00:09:32,657 --> 00:09:35,536 - Stop them! I don't want to go! Doctor! - I demand you leave that woman alone. 152 00:09:35,618 --> 00:09:38,259 - You promised me. You gave me your word. - I won't help you unless 153 00:09:38,329 --> 00:09:40,490 you leave that woman alone. Jackie, don't fight them... 154 00:09:40,498 --> 00:09:45,174 Cyberthreat irrelevant. Concentrate on the Genesis Ark. 155 00:09:50,800 --> 00:09:52,598 Why are we being kept alive? 156 00:09:55,429 --> 00:09:57,056 - They might need me. - What? 157 00:09:58,975 --> 00:10:00,147 What is it? 158 00:10:05,231 --> 00:10:06,653 What happens in there? 159 00:10:06,732 --> 00:10:09,076 What's upgrading mean? What do they do? 160 00:10:09,986 --> 00:10:12,239 I think they remove the brain. 161 00:10:12,989 --> 00:10:16,289 Sorry. I think they remove the brain 162 00:10:16,617 --> 00:10:18,210 and they put it into a suit of armour. 163 00:10:19,745 --> 00:10:21,372 That's what these things are. 164 00:10:22,165 --> 00:10:24,418 - They' re us. - Next. 165 00:10:24,917 --> 00:10:28,672 This is your fault. You and your Torchwood! 166 00:10:28,754 --> 00:10:30,427 You've killed us all! 167 00:10:30,673 --> 00:10:33,802 I did my duty. For Queen and Country. 168 00:10:36,095 --> 00:10:37,438 I did my duty. 169 00:10:38,431 --> 00:10:39,683 I did my duty. 170 00:10:40,600 --> 00:10:42,523 Oh, God. 171 00:10:42,602 --> 00:10:44,024 I did my duty. 172 00:10:49,984 --> 00:10:52,828 - You are proof'. - Of what? 173 00:10:53,738 --> 00:10:56,617 That emotions destroy you. 174 00:10:57,283 --> 00:10:58,500 Yeah, I am. 175 00:11:01,245 --> 00:11:03,748 Mind you, I quite like hope. 176 00:11:04,373 --> 00:11:06,296 Hope's a good emotion. 177 00:11:06,918 --> 00:11:08,465 And here it comes. 178 00:11:20,973 --> 00:11:23,146 Doctor. Good to see you again. 179 00:11:26,896 --> 00:11:28,022 Jake? 180 00:11:28,105 --> 00:11:30,824 The Cybermen came through from one world to another, 181 00:11:31,150 --> 00:11:32,151 and so did we. 182 00:11:34,487 --> 00:11:35,659 No! 183 00:11:38,407 --> 00:11:41,581 Cyberleader One has been terminated 184 00:11:41,911 --> 00:11:44,960 Explain. Download shared files. 185 00:11:47,959 --> 00:11:51,338 I will be upgraded to Cyberleader. 186 00:12:01,597 --> 00:12:03,019 Defend this room. 187 00:12:03,099 --> 00:12:04,772 Chrissie, monitor communications. 188 00:12:04,850 --> 00:12:07,774 Kill one Cyberleader and they just download into another. 189 00:12:08,104 --> 00:12:09,196 Move! 190 00:12:11,274 --> 00:12:15,495 You can't just hop from one world to another. You can't. 191 00:12:15,987 --> 00:12:18,831 We just did. With these. 192 00:12:21,200 --> 00:12:23,498 But that's impossible. You can't have this sort of technology. 193 00:12:23,577 --> 00:12:26,421 We've got our own version of Torchwood. They developed it. 194 00:12:27,832 --> 00:12:28,924 Do you wanna come and see? 195 00:12:30,042 --> 00:12:31,294 No! 196 00:12:36,674 --> 00:12:38,597 Parallel Earth, 197 00:12:38,676 --> 00:12:40,178 parallel Torchwood. 198 00:12:41,053 --> 00:12:43,272 Except we found out what the Institute was doing, 199 00:12:43,389 --> 00:12:45,312 and the People's Republic took control. 200 00:12:45,391 --> 00:12:47,814 I've got to get back. Rose is in danger, and her mother. 201 00:12:48,185 --> 00:12:49,277 That would be Jackie. 202 00:12:50,521 --> 00:12:52,819 My wife in a parallel universe. 203 00:12:53,691 --> 00:12:56,490 And as for you, Doctor. At least this time, I know who you are. 204 00:12:56,861 --> 00:12:59,831 Right, yes, fine, hooray, but I've got to get back, right now. 205 00:13:00,197 --> 00:13:01,619 No, you're not in charge here. 206 00:13:02,325 --> 00:13:06,080 This is our world, not yours. And you're going to listen for once. 207 00:13:10,666 --> 00:13:12,668 I could transport out of here, but it only carries one. 208 00:13:12,793 --> 00:13:13,840 And I'm not leaving you. 209 00:13:14,628 --> 00:13:15,754 Follow me anywhere. 210 00:13:16,213 --> 00:13:17,853 What did I do to you all those years ago? 211 00:13:18,341 --> 00:13:19,433 Guess I'm just stupid. 212 00:13:21,802 --> 00:13:23,429 You're the bravest man I've ever met. 213 00:13:23,971 --> 00:13:26,065 - What about the Doctor? - Oh, all right. 214 00:13:27,016 --> 00:13:28,609 Bravest human. 215 00:13:29,769 --> 00:13:31,237 Well, I can't think what the Daleks need with me. 216 00:13:31,312 --> 00:13:33,440 I'm nothing to them. 217 00:13:33,522 --> 00:13:34,990 You could be. 218 00:13:35,983 --> 00:13:40,079 Whatever's inside that Ark, it's waking up. And I've seen this happen before. 219 00:13:40,154 --> 00:13:43,124 First time I saw a Dalek, it was broken. 220 00:13:44,158 --> 00:13:46,786 [It was dying. But] touched it. 221 00:13:47,495 --> 00:13:49,497 And the moment I did that, 222 00:13:49,580 --> 00:13:50,672 I brought it back to life. 223 00:13:53,793 --> 00:13:55,636 So the Doctor said, 224 00:13:56,504 --> 00:13:59,804 when you travel in time, in the Tardis, you soak up all this... 225 00:14:00,925 --> 00:14:02,598 background radiation. 226 00:14:03,469 --> 00:14:05,142 It's harmless, it's just there. 227 00:14:07,181 --> 00:14:08,808 But in the Time War, 228 00:14:08,891 --> 00:14:11,644 the Daleks evolved so they could use it as a power supply. 229 00:14:12,228 --> 00:14:14,572 - I love it when you talk technical. - Shut up. 230 00:14:17,441 --> 00:14:20,411 But if the Daleks have got something inside that thing and it needs waking up... 231 00:14:20,486 --> 00:14:21,658 They need you. 232 00:14:22,446 --> 00:14:24,995 You've travelled in time. Either one of us would do. 233 00:14:25,491 --> 00:14:27,931 But why would they build something they can't open themselves? 234 00:14:27,952 --> 00:14:30,455 The technology is stolen. 235 00:14:31,330 --> 00:14:34,834 The Ark is not of Dalek design. 236 00:14:35,084 --> 00:14:36,381 Then who built it? 237 00:14:36,502 --> 00:14:38,425 The Time Lords. 238 00:14:38,504 --> 00:14:41,974 This is all that survives of their home world. 239 00:14:43,217 --> 00:14:46,187 - But what's inside? - The future. 240 00:14:50,850 --> 00:14:53,979 When you left this world, you warned us there'd be more Cybermen. 241 00:14:54,353 --> 00:14:56,230 So we sealed them inside the factories. 242 00:14:56,313 --> 00:14:58,156 Except people argued. 243 00:14:59,358 --> 00:15:00,951 Said they were living, 244 00:15:01,777 --> 00:15:03,575 we should help them. 245 00:15:03,654 --> 00:15:05,452 And the debate went on, 246 00:15:05,531 --> 00:15:08,080 but all that time, the Cybermen made plans. 247 00:15:08,492 --> 00:15:10,586 Infiltrated this version of Torchwood. 248 00:15:10,703 --> 00:15:13,957 Mapped themselves onto your world and then vanished. 249 00:15:14,290 --> 00:15:16,042 - When was this? - Three years ago. 250 00:15:20,045 --> 00:15:21,592 It's taken them three years to cross the Void, 251 00:15:21,672 --> 00:15:23,219 but we can pop to and fro in a second? 252 00:15:24,258 --> 00:15:26,886 Must be the sheer mass of five million Cybermen crossing all at once. 253 00:15:26,969 --> 00:15:29,222 Yeah. Mickey said you'd rattle off that sort of stuff. 254 00:15:29,346 --> 00:15:30,893 Where is the Mickey boy? 255 00:15:30,973 --> 00:15:32,190 He went ahead first. 256 00:15:33,017 --> 00:15:35,736 Any chance to go and find Miss Rose Tyler. 257 00:15:36,937 --> 00:15:38,610 She's your daughter. 258 00:15:39,231 --> 00:15:41,575 - You do know that? Did Mickey explain? - She's not mine. 259 00:15:42,276 --> 00:15:44,324 She's the child of a dead man. 260 00:15:45,738 --> 00:15:47,957 Look at it. A world at peace. 261 00:15:48,657 --> 00:15:52,332 - We're calling this the Golden Age. - Who's the president now? 262 00:15:52,786 --> 00:15:56,461 - A woman called Harriet Jones. - I'd keep an eye on her. 263 00:15:56,957 --> 00:15:58,254 But it's a lie. 264 00:15:58,375 --> 00:16:01,504 Temperatures have risen by two degrees in the past six months. 265 00:16:01,587 --> 00:16:04,761 The ice caps are melting. They're saying all of this is gonna be flooded. 266 00:16:06,592 --> 00:16:08,435 That's not just global warming, is it? 267 00:16:08,719 --> 00:16:11,268 - No. - It's the breach. 268 00:16:12,014 --> 00:16:15,518 I've been trying to tell you. Travel between parallel worlds is impossible. 269 00:16:15,601 --> 00:16:18,150 Then the Daleks break down the walls with the Sphere. 270 00:16:18,354 --> 00:16:20,234 - "Daleks"? - Then the Cybermen travelled across, 271 00:16:20,272 --> 00:16:22,695 then you lot, those discs, every time you jump 272 00:16:22,775 --> 00:16:25,528 from one reality to another, you rip a hole in the universe. 273 00:16:25,611 --> 00:16:27,613 This planet is starting to boil! 274 00:16:27,738 --> 00:16:30,116 Keep going and both worlds will fall into the Void. 275 00:16:30,366 --> 00:16:32,039 But you can stop it? 276 00:16:32,409 --> 00:16:34,207 The famous Doctor. 277 00:16:34,286 --> 00:16:35,708 You can seal the breach. 278 00:16:35,788 --> 00:16:38,132 Leaving five million Cybermen stranded on my Earth. 279 00:16:38,207 --> 00:16:40,926 That's your problem. I'm protecting this world and this world only. 280 00:16:42,628 --> 00:16:44,301 Pete Tyler. 281 00:16:44,964 --> 00:16:46,466 I knew you when you were dead. 282 00:16:47,633 --> 00:16:49,635 Now here you are, fighting the fight. 283 00:16:51,136 --> 00:16:52,137 Alone. 284 00:16:53,847 --> 00:16:54,973 There is a chance. 285 00:16:56,141 --> 00:16:57,643 Back on my world, 286 00:16:58,477 --> 00:17:00,070 Jackie Tyler might still be alive. 287 00:17:00,145 --> 00:17:02,739 - My wife died. - Her husband died. Good match. 288 00:17:02,815 --> 00:17:04,909 There's more important things at stake. 289 00:17:06,777 --> 00:17:07,824 Doctor. 290 00:17:08,988 --> 00:17:09,989 Help us. 291 00:17:10,781 --> 00:17:12,658 What? Close the breach? 292 00:17:13,075 --> 00:17:15,328 Stop the Cybermen? Defeat the Daleks? 293 00:17:16,245 --> 00:17:17,405 Do you believe I can do that? 294 00:17:18,998 --> 00:17:19,999 Yes. 295 00:17:21,667 --> 00:17:22,884 Maybe, that's all I need. 296 00:17:24,378 --> 00:17:25,504 Off we go, then. 297 00:17:28,799 --> 00:17:30,847 First of all, I need to make a phone call. You don't mind? 298 00:17:30,968 --> 00:17:32,015 You two, guard the door. 299 00:17:36,015 --> 00:17:38,143 - Oh, my God, help me. - Jackie, you're alive. 300 00:17:38,225 --> 00:17:41,855 - They tried to download me but I ran away. - Listen, tell me, where are you? 301 00:17:42,062 --> 00:17:44,531 I don't know. Staircase. 302 00:17:44,690 --> 00:17:47,614 Yeah, which one? Is there any sort of sign, anything to identify it? 303 00:17:47,693 --> 00:17:50,822 - Yes a fire extinguisher. - Yeah, that helps. 304 00:17:50,904 --> 00:17:53,623 Oh, wait a minute. It says N3. 305 00:17:53,782 --> 00:17:56,331 North corner, staircase three. Just keep low, we're trying our best. 306 00:17:56,452 --> 00:17:58,830 - Oh, don't leave me. - I've got to go. I'm sorry. 307 00:18:00,331 --> 00:18:03,460 - Jacqueline Andrea Suzette Tyler. - She's not my wife. 308 00:18:03,834 --> 00:18:06,132 I was at the wedding. You got her name wrong. 309 00:18:06,211 --> 00:18:08,464 Now, Jakey-boy. If I could open the bonding chamber on this thing, 310 00:18:08,547 --> 00:18:09,799 it could work on polycarbide. 311 00:18:09,882 --> 00:18:12,556 - What's "polycarbide"? - The skin of a Dalek. 312 00:18:16,722 --> 00:18:18,816 Sorry. No white flag, 313 00:18:19,224 --> 00:18:20,897 only had a sheet of A4. Same difference. 314 00:18:21,894 --> 00:18:23,612 Do you surrender? 315 00:18:23,937 --> 00:18:26,281 I surrender, unto you... 316 00:18:28,233 --> 00:18:29,405 a very good idea. 317 00:18:30,861 --> 00:18:33,705 Final stage of awakening! 318 00:18:34,114 --> 00:18:37,414 Your handprint will open the Ark. 319 00:18:37,576 --> 00:18:38,873 Well tough, 'cause I'm not doing it. 320 00:18:38,952 --> 00:18:41,922 Obey or the male will die. 321 00:18:42,039 --> 00:18:43,757 - I can't let them... - Rose, don't! 322 00:18:43,916 --> 00:18:47,090 - Place your hand upon the casket. - Allright! 323 00:18:48,420 --> 00:18:50,422 But you're gonna kill us anyway, so what the hell. 324 00:18:52,383 --> 00:18:54,101 If you, erm... 325 00:18:55,135 --> 00:18:58,059 escaped the Time War, don't you want to know what happened? 326 00:18:58,180 --> 00:19:00,774 - Place your hand... - What happened to the Emperor? 327 00:19:01,100 --> 00:19:03,649 The Emperor survived? 328 00:19:04,103 --> 00:19:05,730 Until he met me. 329 00:19:06,689 --> 00:19:09,613 'Cause if these are gonna be my last words, then you're gonna listen. 330 00:19:10,776 --> 00:19:12,278 I met the Emperor. 331 00:19:13,112 --> 00:19:16,116 And I took the Time Vortex and poured it into his head 332 00:19:16,198 --> 00:19:17,950 and turned him into dust. 333 00:19:19,284 --> 00:19:20,331 Did you get that? 334 00:19:21,495 --> 00:19:22,712 The God of all Daleks 335 00:19:23,455 --> 00:19:24,456 and I destroyed him. 336 00:19:25,791 --> 00:19:28,635 You will be exterminated! 337 00:19:28,752 --> 00:19:30,880 Oh, now, hold on, wait a minute... 338 00:19:31,046 --> 00:19:34,300 Alert. Alert. You are the Doctor. 339 00:19:34,425 --> 00:19:37,474 Sensors report he is unarmed. 340 00:19:37,553 --> 00:19:38,930 That's me. Always. 341 00:19:39,012 --> 00:19:41,390 Then you are powerless. 342 00:19:41,473 --> 00:19:43,271 Not me. Never. 343 00:19:43,475 --> 00:19:46,399 - How are you? - Oh. Same old, you know. 344 00:19:46,478 --> 00:19:49,652 Good. And Micketty-Mick-Mickey, nice to see you. 345 00:19:49,732 --> 00:19:50,733 And you, boss. 346 00:19:50,816 --> 00:19:53,319 Social interaction will cease. 347 00:19:53,402 --> 00:19:56,906 How did you survive the Time War? 348 00:19:57,114 --> 00:20:00,038 By fighting. On the front line. 349 00:20:00,659 --> 00:20:02,536 I was there at the Fall of Arcadia. 350 00:20:03,662 --> 00:20:05,664 Some day, I might even come to terms with that. 351 00:20:06,623 --> 00:20:08,842 But you lot ran away. 352 00:20:08,917 --> 00:20:11,887 We had to survive. 353 00:20:12,004 --> 00:20:14,098 The last four Daleks in existence. 354 00:20:14,339 --> 00:20:17,218 - So what's so special about you? - Doctor, they've got names. 355 00:20:17,342 --> 00:20:20,596 I mean, Daleks don't have names, do they? But one of them said... 356 00:20:20,679 --> 00:20:24,274 - I am Dalek Thay. - Dalek Sec. 357 00:20:24,349 --> 00:20:27,603 - Dalek Jast. - Dalek Caan. 358 00:20:27,728 --> 00:20:31,028 So that's it. At last. 359 00:20:31,148 --> 00:20:33,992 The Cult of Skaro. I thought you were just a legend. 360 00:20:34,067 --> 00:20:36,570 - Who are they? - A secret order, 361 00:20:37,196 --> 00:20:39,949 above and beyond the Emperor himself. 362 00:20:40,574 --> 00:20:42,827 Their job was to imagine. 363 00:20:42,910 --> 00:20:44,958 Think as the enemy thinks. 364 00:20:45,037 --> 00:20:47,005 Even dare to have names, 365 00:20:47,539 --> 00:20:49,633 all to find new ways of killing. 366 00:20:50,167 --> 00:20:52,886 But that thing, they said it was yours. I mean Time Lords, they built it, 367 00:20:53,003 --> 00:20:54,346 what does it do? 368 00:20:54,421 --> 00:20:55,923 I don't know. Never seen it before. 369 00:20:56,048 --> 00:20:58,392 But it's Time Lord. 370 00:20:59,218 --> 00:21:02,222 Both sides had secrets. What is it, what have you done? 371 00:21:02,346 --> 00:21:06,567 Time Lord science will restore Dalek supremacy. 372 00:21:07,392 --> 00:21:10,316 What does that mean? What sort of "Time Lord science"? What do you mean? 373 00:21:10,395 --> 00:21:12,898 They said one touch from a time traveller will wake it up. 374 00:21:13,232 --> 00:21:15,906 Technology using the one thing a Dalek can't do. 375 00:21:16,902 --> 00:21:18,154 Touch. 376 00:21:18,904 --> 00:21:22,909 Sealed inside your casing, not feeling anything, ever. 377 00:21:23,826 --> 00:21:28,582 From birth to death, locked inside a cold metal cage, 378 00:21:28,914 --> 00:21:30,166 completely alone. 379 00:21:31,917 --> 00:21:34,090 That explains your voice. 380 00:21:34,962 --> 00:21:36,839 No wonder you scream. 381 00:21:37,089 --> 00:21:39,558 The Doctor will open the Ark! 382 00:21:41,635 --> 00:21:43,012 The Doctor will not. 383 00:21:43,095 --> 00:21:45,974 You have no way of resisting. 384 00:21:46,890 --> 00:21:49,564 Well, you got me there. Although... 385 00:21:50,435 --> 00:21:51,778 there is always this. 386 00:21:51,979 --> 00:21:54,198 A sonic probe? 387 00:21:54,273 --> 00:21:57,573 - That's screwdriver. - It is harmless. 388 00:21:57,651 --> 00:22:01,121 Oh, yes. Harmless is just the word. That's why I like it. 389 00:22:01,280 --> 00:22:04,910 Doesn't kill, doesn't wound, doesn't maim, but I'll tell you what it does do. 390 00:22:05,075 --> 00:22:07,999 It is very good at opening doors. 391 00:22:13,542 --> 00:22:15,465 Terminate. Terminate. 392 00:22:17,462 --> 00:22:20,090 Alert. Casing impaired, casing impaired. 393 00:22:20,215 --> 00:22:21,683 Rose, get out. 394 00:22:21,800 --> 00:22:25,680 Firepower insufficient, firepower insufficient. 395 00:22:27,139 --> 00:22:28,186 Come on. 396 00:22:28,640 --> 00:22:32,235 Daleks will be deleted. Delete, delete. 397 00:22:33,395 --> 00:22:34,772 Mickey, come on. 398 00:22:34,897 --> 00:22:36,820 Adapt to Weaponry. 399 00:22:37,441 --> 00:22:39,819 Firepower restored. 400 00:22:46,700 --> 00:22:49,670 Cybermen, primary target. 401 00:22:52,497 --> 00:22:54,795 Jake, protect the stairwell. The rest of you, come on. 402 00:22:59,338 --> 00:23:03,343 Cybermen have been exterminated. Daleks are supreme. 403 00:23:03,550 --> 00:23:06,429 The Genesis Ark is primed. 404 00:23:07,471 --> 00:23:11,851 The Ark needs area of thirty square miles. 405 00:23:11,934 --> 00:23:13,356 Move. 406 00:23:15,896 --> 00:23:18,820 Genesis Ark mobile. 407 00:23:22,194 --> 00:23:23,571 I just fell, I didn't mean it. 408 00:23:23,654 --> 00:23:25,201 Mickey, without us, they'd have opened it by force, 409 00:23:25,322 --> 00:23:27,996 and to do that, they'd have blown up the sun, so you've done us a favour. 410 00:23:28,075 --> 00:23:29,292 Now, run. 411 00:23:45,384 --> 00:23:48,058 - You will be upgraded. - No, but you can't... 412 00:24:02,275 --> 00:24:03,777 Pete? 413 00:24:05,320 --> 00:24:06,663 Hello, jacks. 414 00:24:06,738 --> 00:24:10,242 I said there were ghosts. But that's not fair. Why him? 415 00:24:11,243 --> 00:24:13,792 - I'm not a ghost. - But you're dead. 416 00:24:14,246 --> 00:24:16,965 You died 20 years ago, Pete. 417 00:24:17,082 --> 00:24:20,086 It's Pete from a different universe. 418 00:24:20,919 --> 00:24:22,592 There are parallel worlds, Jackie. 419 00:24:22,671 --> 00:24:25,675 Every single decision we make creates a parallel existence, 420 00:24:25,757 --> 00:24:28,055 - a different dimension where... - Oh, you can shut up. 421 00:24:34,516 --> 00:24:37,315 - You look old. - You don't. 422 00:24:40,480 --> 00:24:42,778 How can you be standing there? 423 00:24:42,899 --> 00:24:44,697 Just got lucky. 424 00:24:45,110 --> 00:24:46,157 Lived my life. 425 00:24:48,530 --> 00:24:50,453 But you were left on your own. 426 00:24:51,992 --> 00:24:56,122 - You didn't marry again or...? - There was never anyone else. 427 00:24:58,331 --> 00:25:02,131 Twenty years, though. Look at me. I never left that flat. 428 00:25:03,128 --> 00:25:06,883 - Did nothing with myself. - You brought her up. 429 00:25:07,466 --> 00:25:08,888 Rose Tyler. 430 00:25:10,177 --> 00:25:11,804 That's not bad. 431 00:25:13,180 --> 00:25:14,227 Yeah. 432 00:25:14,765 --> 00:25:17,484 In my world, it worked. 433 00:25:18,643 --> 00:25:22,648 All those daft little plans of mine, it worked. 434 00:25:23,940 --> 00:25:26,534 - Made me rich. - I don't care about that. 435 00:25:28,236 --> 00:25:30,238 - How rich? - Very. 436 00:25:31,156 --> 00:25:33,158 I don't care about that. 437 00:25:34,659 --> 00:25:36,286 How very? 438 00:25:44,169 --> 00:25:45,921 Thing is though, jacks, 439 00:25:46,838 --> 00:25:47,930 you're not my wife. 440 00:25:49,549 --> 00:25:53,395 I'm sorry, but you're not. I mean we both... 441 00:25:57,808 --> 00:25:59,731 You know, it's just sort of... 442 00:26:02,229 --> 00:26:03,401 Oh, come here. 443 00:26:15,200 --> 00:26:18,124 - Exterminate. - Delete. 444 00:26:18,203 --> 00:26:21,503 - Exterminate. - Delete, delete. 445 00:26:23,625 --> 00:26:27,380 - Exterminate. - Delete, delete. 446 00:26:31,258 --> 00:26:33,260 Exterminate. 447 00:26:37,347 --> 00:26:38,724 Exterminate. 448 00:26:43,603 --> 00:26:44,946 Delete. 449 00:26:50,527 --> 00:26:54,623 Emergency, all units will converge on the Torchwood Tower. 450 00:26:54,906 --> 00:26:58,501 Repeat, all Cybermen to Torchwood. 451 00:27:36,489 --> 00:27:37,536 Come on, please. 452 00:27:52,797 --> 00:27:55,641 Override roof mechanism. 453 00:27:58,303 --> 00:28:00,180 Elevate. 454 00:28:03,308 --> 00:28:07,029 What are they doing? Why do they need to get outside? 455 00:28:07,103 --> 00:28:11,654 Time Lord science. What Time Lord science, what is it? 456 00:28:16,905 --> 00:28:18,703 We've got to see what it's doing, we've got to go back up. 457 00:28:18,823 --> 00:28:20,450 Come on, all of you. Top floor! 458 00:28:20,533 --> 00:28:24,128 That's 45 floors up. Believe me, I've done them all. 459 00:28:25,455 --> 00:28:27,002 We could always take the lift. 460 00:28:34,839 --> 00:28:37,683 The Genesis Ark will open. 461 00:28:53,984 --> 00:28:55,611 Time Lord science. 462 00:28:56,278 --> 00:28:58,451 It's bigger on the inside. 463 00:28:58,989 --> 00:29:01,208 The Time Lords put those Daleks in there? 464 00:29:01,825 --> 00:29:03,293 What for? 465 00:29:03,868 --> 00:29:05,541 It's a prison ship. 466 00:29:06,746 --> 00:29:07,793 How many Daleks? 467 00:29:09,040 --> 00:29:10,087 Millions. 468 00:29:37,527 --> 00:29:42,203 Exterminate all life forms below. Exterminate. 469 00:29:49,039 --> 00:29:51,680 I'm sorry, but you've had it. This world's going to crash and burn. 470 00:29:51,750 --> 00:29:52,876 There's nothing we can do. 471 00:29:52,959 --> 00:29:54,961 We're going home. jacks, take this. 472 00:29:55,086 --> 00:29:58,090 - You're coming with us. - But they're destroying the city. 473 00:29:58,340 --> 00:30:02,095 Oh, I'd forgotten you could argue. It's not just London. It's the whole world. 474 00:30:02,218 --> 00:30:06,189 But there's another world, just waiting for you, jacks, and it's safe. 475 00:30:06,264 --> 00:30:08,358 As long as the Doctor closes the breach. 476 00:30:09,225 --> 00:30:10,272 Doctor? 477 00:30:12,937 --> 00:30:14,280 Oh, I'm ready. 478 00:30:14,606 --> 00:30:16,700 I've got the equipment right here, thank you, Torchwood. 479 00:30:16,775 --> 00:30:18,948 Slam it down and close off both universes. 480 00:30:19,027 --> 00:30:22,247 But we can't just leave. What about the Daleks? And the Cybermen? 481 00:30:22,322 --> 00:30:26,418 They're part of the problem and that makes them part of the solution. Oh, yes. 482 00:30:27,285 --> 00:30:30,539 Well? Isn't anyone going to ask? What is it with the glasses? 483 00:30:30,622 --> 00:30:33,125 - What is it with the glasses? - I can see. That's what. 484 00:30:33,375 --> 00:30:36,254 'Cause we've got two separate worlds, but in between the two separate worlds, 485 00:30:36,336 --> 00:30:38,537 we've got the Void, that's where the Daleks were hiding, 486 00:30:38,546 --> 00:30:40,514 and the Cybermen travelled through the Void to get here 487 00:30:40,632 --> 00:30:42,805 and you lot, one world to another, via the Void. 488 00:30:42,967 --> 00:30:45,720 I like that, "via the Void". Look. 489 00:30:46,596 --> 00:30:48,098 I've been through it, do you see? 490 00:30:48,181 --> 00:30:50,149 Reboot in three minutes. 491 00:30:50,809 --> 00:30:52,777 - What is it? - Void stuff. 492 00:30:53,895 --> 00:30:56,648 - Like background radiation. - That's it. 493 00:30:56,773 --> 00:30:58,446 Look at the others. 494 00:30:58,525 --> 00:31:01,654 And the only one who hasn't been through the Void, your mother. 495 00:31:02,695 --> 00:31:05,118 - First time she's looked normal in her life. - Oi. 496 00:31:05,198 --> 00:31:07,872 But the Daleks lived inside the Void. They're bristling with it. 497 00:31:07,951 --> 00:31:11,546 Cybermen, all of them, I just open the Void. And reverse. 498 00:31:11,746 --> 00:31:13,999 The Void stuff gets sucked back inside. 499 00:31:14,082 --> 00:31:16,756 - Pulling them all in. - Pulling them all in. 500 00:31:16,835 --> 00:31:19,839 - Sorry, but what's the Void? - The dead space. 501 00:31:20,088 --> 00:31:21,556 Some people call it hell. 502 00:31:21,631 --> 00:31:24,976 So you're sending the Daleks and the Cybermen to hell? 503 00:31:26,553 --> 00:31:29,056 Man, I told you he was good. 504 00:31:29,139 --> 00:31:32,518 But it's like you said. We've all got Void stuff. 505 00:31:33,101 --> 00:31:35,650 Me, too, 'cause we went to that parallel world. 506 00:31:39,482 --> 00:31:42,110 We're all contaminated. We'll get pulled in. 507 00:31:42,193 --> 00:31:43,536 That's why you've got to go. 508 00:31:43,611 --> 00:31:45,659 Reboot in two minutes. 509 00:31:46,072 --> 00:31:50,043 Back to Pete's world. Hey, we should call it that. "Pete's World". 510 00:31:51,786 --> 00:31:54,289 I'm opening the Void, but only on this side. 511 00:31:56,166 --> 00:31:58,260 You'll be safe on that side. 512 00:31:58,668 --> 00:32:01,421 And then you close it? For good? 513 00:32:01,921 --> 00:32:04,891 The breach itself is soaked in Void stuff. In the end, it'll close itself. 514 00:32:05,216 --> 00:32:07,139 And that's it. Kaput. 515 00:32:07,969 --> 00:32:11,644 - But you stay on this side? - But you'll get pulled in. 516 00:32:15,143 --> 00:32:18,773 That's why I got these. 517 00:32:19,731 --> 00:32:22,051 I’ll just have to hold on tight. Been doing it all my life. 518 00:32:22,192 --> 00:32:24,194 - I'm supposed to go? - Yeah. 519 00:32:24,277 --> 00:32:27,247 To another world? And then it gets sealed off? 520 00:32:27,322 --> 00:32:28,369 Yeah. 521 00:32:30,241 --> 00:32:31,288 Forever? 522 00:32:32,911 --> 00:32:34,663 That's not gonna happen. 523 00:32:35,914 --> 00:32:38,292 We haven't got time to argue. The plan works. We're going. 524 00:32:38,374 --> 00:32:40,422 - You, too, all of us. - I'm not leaving him. 525 00:32:40,502 --> 00:32:42,504 - I'm not going without her. - Oh, my God, we're going. 526 00:32:42,587 --> 00:32:44,885 I've had 20 years without you, so button it. 527 00:32:45,006 --> 00:32:46,178 I'm not leaving her! 528 00:32:46,257 --> 00:32:48,305 - But you've got to. - Well, that's tough. 529 00:32:48,593 --> 00:32:49,640 Mum. 530 00:32:49,719 --> 00:32:51,596 Reboot in one minute. 531 00:32:51,721 --> 00:32:54,895 I had a life with you for 19 years. 532 00:32:56,809 --> 00:32:58,436 But then I met the Doctor. 533 00:32:59,521 --> 00:33:02,570 And all the things I've seen him do for me, 534 00:33:03,691 --> 00:33:05,785 for you, for all of us, 535 00:33:06,945 --> 00:33:10,324 for the whole stupid planet 536 00:33:10,448 --> 00:33:13,668 and every planet out there. He does it alone, Mum. 537 00:33:16,829 --> 00:33:18,581 But not anymore. 538 00:33:20,917 --> 00:33:22,760 'Cause now he's got me. 539 00:33:32,679 --> 00:33:33,726 Oh, no, you don't. 540 00:33:34,722 --> 00:33:36,315 He's not doing that to me again. 541 00:33:40,728 --> 00:33:42,480 I think this is the on switch. 542 00:33:44,065 --> 00:33:45,442 But I've got to go back. 543 00:33:45,525 --> 00:33:48,324 The Doctor said, every time we use one of these, it damages the whole world. 544 00:33:48,403 --> 00:33:49,996 - Now that's it. - She's your daughter. 545 00:33:50,071 --> 00:33:52,824 She's your daughter, not mine. That's an order. 546 00:33:52,991 --> 00:33:56,586 Mickey, tell him. Tell him, Mickey! Mickey! 547 00:33:56,828 --> 00:34:00,458 Once the breach collapses, that's it. You'll never be able to see her again. 548 00:34:00,540 --> 00:34:01,632 Your own mother! 549 00:34:01,708 --> 00:34:05,258 I made my choice a long time ago. And I'm never going to leave you. 550 00:34:07,672 --> 00:34:09,094 So, what can I do to help? 551 00:34:09,173 --> 00:34:12,768 Systems rebooted. Open access. 552 00:34:12,844 --> 00:34:17,099 Those coordinates over there, set them all at six. And hurry up. 553 00:34:23,938 --> 00:34:26,032 Get away from me. 554 00:34:28,568 --> 00:34:30,036 We've got Cybermen on the way up. 555 00:34:30,945 --> 00:34:34,165 - How many floors down? - Just one. 556 00:34:35,867 --> 00:34:38,211 We will retreat through the breach. 557 00:34:38,328 --> 00:34:40,706 Regain the home world. 558 00:34:43,875 --> 00:34:45,627 You will not pass. 559 00:34:45,710 --> 00:34:47,804 What is the meaning of this? 560 00:34:47,879 --> 00:34:49,927 You will not pass. 561 00:34:53,176 --> 00:34:56,146 I did my duty. For Queen and Country. 562 00:34:56,220 --> 00:34:59,224 I did my duty. For Queen and Country. 563 00:34:59,307 --> 00:35:02,777 I did my duty. For Queen and Country. 564 00:35:04,395 --> 00:35:05,988 Levers operational. 565 00:35:06,064 --> 00:35:07,941 That's more like it. Bit of a smile. 566 00:35:08,066 --> 00:35:09,818 - The old team. - Hope and Glory. 567 00:35:09,901 --> 00:35:11,181 Mutt and Jeff. Shiver and Shake. 568 00:35:11,319 --> 00:35:13,242 - Which one's Shiver? - Oh, I'm Shake. 569 00:35:18,618 --> 00:35:19,665 Press the red button. 570 00:35:20,995 --> 00:35:24,920 Breach active. It is the Doctor. Exterminate him. 571 00:35:25,792 --> 00:35:27,260 Exterminate! 572 00:35:27,919 --> 00:35:30,013 When it starts, just hold on tight. Shouldn't be too bad for us, 573 00:35:30,088 --> 00:35:33,262 but the Daleks and the Cybermen are steeped in Void stuff. Are you ready? 574 00:35:33,549 --> 00:35:35,017 So are they. 575 00:35:37,095 --> 00:35:38,142 Let's do it. 576 00:35:41,057 --> 00:35:42,104 Online. 577 00:35:53,736 --> 00:35:56,330 The breach is open. Into the Void! 578 00:36:18,302 --> 00:36:20,475 Emergency temporal shift. 579 00:36:44,412 --> 00:36:45,504 Offline. 580 00:36:48,166 --> 00:36:49,167 Hold on! 581 00:37:00,386 --> 00:37:02,889 I've got to get it upright. 582 00:37:18,279 --> 00:37:19,326 Online and locked. 583 00:37:22,200 --> 00:37:23,622 Rose. Hold on! 584 00:37:28,748 --> 00:37:29,795 Hold on! 585 00:37:44,430 --> 00:37:46,478 No! 586 00:38:13,918 --> 00:38:15,511 Systems closed. 587 00:38:16,671 --> 00:38:20,096 Take me back. Take me back. 588 00:38:21,509 --> 00:38:23,261 Take me back. 589 00:38:28,558 --> 00:38:29,605 It's stopped working. 590 00:38:31,894 --> 00:38:32,941 He did it. 591 00:38:34,730 --> 00:38:36,482 He closed the breach. 592 00:40:19,877 --> 00:40:21,550 Rose. 593 00:40:26,133 --> 00:40:27,885 Last night I had a dream. 594 00:40:27,969 --> 00:40:29,095 Rose. 595 00:40:29,178 --> 00:40:32,398 I heard a voice. And it was calling my name. 596 00:40:32,890 --> 00:40:34,107 Rose. 597 00:40:35,893 --> 00:40:37,110 Rose. 598 00:40:38,938 --> 00:40:40,030 Rose. 599 00:40:40,898 --> 00:40:43,492 I had a dream. 600 00:40:43,567 --> 00:40:45,615 I told Mum and Dad and Mickey. 601 00:40:46,570 --> 00:40:50,120 [Anyone else would think] was mad but not those three. 602 00:40:50,574 --> 00:40:51,746 They believed it. 603 00:40:52,034 --> 00:40:56,084 Because they've met the Doctor. 50 they listened to the dream. 604 00:40:56,414 --> 00:40:58,917 He was calling me, and... 605 00:41:04,255 --> 00:41:06,428 And that night, we packed up. 606 00:41:13,431 --> 00:41:15,729 Got into Dad's old jeep. And off we went. 607 00:41:24,191 --> 00:41:26,239 Just like the dream said. 608 00:41:28,195 --> 00:41:29,868 We followed the voice. 609 00:41:31,240 --> 00:41:32,617 Crossed the water, 610 00:41:34,618 --> 00:41:37,667 kept on driving, hundreds and hundreds of mile. 611 00:41:40,875 --> 00:41:42,798 Because he's calling. 612 00:41:42,918 --> 00:41:43,965 Rose. 613 00:41:46,047 --> 00:41:47,845 Here I am, at fast. 614 00:41:49,258 --> 00:41:51,386 And this is the story of howl died. 615 00:42:07,651 --> 00:42:10,154 - Where are you? - Inside the Tardis. 616 00:42:10,696 --> 00:42:13,370 There's one tiny little gap in the universe left. 617 00:42:13,491 --> 00:42:14,663 Just about to close. 618 00:42:16,327 --> 00:42:18,170 And it takes a lot of power to send this projection. 619 00:42:18,245 --> 00:42:21,044 I'm in orbit around a supernova. 620 00:42:21,123 --> 00:42:23,672 I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye. 621 00:42:27,671 --> 00:42:30,550 - You look like a ghost. - Hold on. 622 00:42:42,019 --> 00:42:45,694 - Can ...? - I'm still just an image. No touch. 623 00:42:48,192 --> 00:42:52,493 - Can't you come through properly? - The whole thing would fracture. 624 00:42:52,571 --> 00:42:56,075 - Two universes would collapse. - So? 625 00:43:02,164 --> 00:43:04,292 Where are we? Where did the gap come out? 626 00:43:04,375 --> 00:43:07,629 - We're in Norway. - Norway. Right. 627 00:43:07,711 --> 00:43:09,930 About 50 miles out of Bergen, 628 00:43:10,631 --> 00:43:15,228 - it's called Dårlig Ulv Stranden. - Dalek? 629 00:43:15,469 --> 00:43:18,723 Dårlig. It's Norwegian for bad. 630 00:43:20,891 --> 00:43:24,065 This translates as Bad Wolf Bay. 631 00:43:29,900 --> 00:43:31,243 How long have we got? 632 00:43:32,236 --> 00:43:35,240 About two minutes. 633 00:43:36,991 --> 00:43:39,585 I can't think of what to say. 634 00:43:45,624 --> 00:43:47,592 You've still got Mr Mickey, then. 635 00:43:48,586 --> 00:43:50,259 There's five of us now. 636 00:43:50,880 --> 00:43:54,430 Mum, Dad, Mickey and the baby. 637 00:43:55,676 --> 00:43:56,723 You're not... 638 00:43:58,637 --> 00:44:00,935 No. It's Mum. 639 00:44:02,266 --> 00:44:05,236 She's three months gone. More Tylers on the way. 640 00:44:07,438 --> 00:44:11,693 - And what about you, what are you... - Yeah, I'm back working in the shop. 641 00:44:13,611 --> 00:44:16,785 - Well, good for you. - Shut up. 642 00:44:16,864 --> 00:44:17,911 Nah, I'm not. 643 00:44:19,158 --> 00:44:22,128 There's still a Torchwood on this planet. It's open for business. 644 00:44:23,996 --> 00:44:26,749 I think I know a thing or two about aliens. 645 00:44:26,832 --> 00:44:29,460 Rose Tyler. Defender of the Earth. 646 00:44:33,547 --> 00:44:36,471 You're dead, officially. Back home. 647 00:44:38,510 --> 00:44:41,104 So many people died that clay and you've gone missing. 648 00:44:42,097 --> 00:44:44,475 You're on a list of the dead. 649 00:44:47,144 --> 00:44:48,987 But here you are, 650 00:44:49,396 --> 00:44:51,069 living a life, day after day. 651 00:44:54,318 --> 00:44:56,571 The one adventure I can never have. 652 00:44:59,740 --> 00:45:02,334 Am I ever going to see you again? 653 00:45:05,829 --> 00:45:07,456 You can't. 654 00:45:08,165 --> 00:45:10,133 What are you going to do? 655 00:45:11,001 --> 00:45:12,674 I've got the Tardis. 656 00:45:13,504 --> 00:45:15,848 Same old life. Last of the Time Lords. 657 00:45:17,549 --> 00:45:19,426 On your own? 658 00:45:26,183 --> 00:45:27,184 I... 659 00:45:34,316 --> 00:45:35,989 I love you. 660 00:45:38,570 --> 00:45:39,617 Quite right, too. 661 00:45:44,952 --> 00:45:46,750 And I suppose... 662 00:45:49,248 --> 00:45:51,091 if it's my last chance to say it, 663 00:45:56,630 --> 00:45:58,632 Rose Tyler... 664 00:47:16,877 --> 00:47:17,924 What? 665 00:47:20,631 --> 00:47:22,508 - What? - Who are you? 666 00:47:24,176 --> 00:47:26,270 - Where am I? - What? 667 00:47:26,553 --> 00:47:29,898 - What the hell is this place? - What?