1 00:00:03,129 --> 00:00:05,552 Planet Earth. 2 00:00:05,632 --> 00:00:07,760 This is where I was born, 3 00:00:08,677 --> 00:00:10,850 and this is where I died. 4 00:00:15,642 --> 00:00:18,771 The first 79 years of my life, nothing happened. 5 00:00:19,646 --> 00:00:21,569 Nothing at all. 6 00:00:21,648 --> 00:00:23,616 Not ever. 7 00:00:26,778 --> 00:00:29,281 And then I met a man called the Doctor. 8 00:00:29,656 --> 00:00:31,158 Run! 9 00:00:32,617 --> 00:00:34,665 A man who could change his face. 10 00:00:37,706 --> 00:00:40,835 And he took me away from home in his magical machine. 11 00:00:43,378 --> 00:00:45,881 He showed me the whole of time and space. 12 00:00:48,758 --> 00:00:50,681 I thought it would never end. 13 00:00:52,429 --> 00:00:54,852 How long are you going to stay with me? 14 00:00:55,682 --> 00:00:56,979 Forever. 15 00:01:01,354 --> 00:01:02,981 That? what I thought. 16 00:01:04,649 --> 00:01:06,822 But then came the army of ghosts. 17 00:01:08,194 --> 00:01:10,447 Then came Torchwood and the War. 18 00:01:11,948 --> 00:01:13,791 And that's when it all ended. 19 00:01:16,536 --> 00:01:18,709 This is the story of howl died. 20 00:02:18,431 --> 00:02:21,105 Mum, it's us! We're back! 21 00:02:22,018 --> 00:02:25,363 Oh, I don't know why you bother with that phone. You never use it. 22 00:02:25,438 --> 00:02:27,031 Shut up, come here. 23 00:02:27,107 --> 00:02:29,451 - Oh, I love you! - I love you so much! 24 00:02:29,526 --> 00:02:31,324 Oh, no, you don't. Come here! 25 00:02:32,654 --> 00:02:35,203 Oh, you lovely big fellow! Oh, you're all mine! 26 00:02:35,281 --> 00:02:38,455 - just... just put me down! - Yes, you are! 27 00:02:42,288 --> 00:02:44,962 I've got loads of washing for you. 28 00:02:45,041 --> 00:02:46,463 And I got you this. 29 00:02:46,543 --> 00:02:48,545 It's from the market on this asteroid bazaar. 30 00:02:48,628 --> 00:02:50,005 It's made of... 31 00:02:50,130 --> 00:02:51,507 - What's it called? - Bazoolium. 32 00:02:51,631 --> 00:02:54,601 Bazoolium. When it gets cold, yeah, it means it's gonna rain. 33 00:02:54,676 --> 00:02:57,646 When it's hot, it's gonna be sunny. You can use it to tell the weather. 34 00:02:57,721 --> 00:02:59,564 I've got a surprise for you and all. 35 00:02:59,639 --> 00:03:02,108 I get her bazoolium, she doesn't even say thanks. 36 00:03:02,183 --> 00:03:03,560 Guess who's coming to visit? 37 00:03:03,643 --> 00:03:06,522 You’re just in time. He'll be here at ten past. Who do you think it is? 38 00:03:06,604 --> 00:03:08,151 - I don't know. - Oh, go on, guess. 39 00:03:08,231 --> 00:03:09,983 No, I hate guessing. just tell me. 40 00:03:10,066 --> 00:03:12,489 It's your grandad, Grandad Prentice. 41 00:03:13,653 --> 00:03:16,532 He's on his way any minute. 42 00:03:16,614 --> 00:03:18,457 Right. Cup of tea. 43 00:03:20,034 --> 00:03:22,628 - She's gone mad. - Tell me something new. 44 00:03:22,787 --> 00:03:24,915 Grandad Prentice, that's her dad. 45 00:03:25,999 --> 00:03:28,172 But he died, like, 10 years ago. 46 00:03:30,086 --> 00:03:31,759 Oh my God, she's lost it. 47 00:03:31,838 --> 00:03:33,181 Mum? 48 00:03:34,299 --> 00:03:38,054 - What you just said about Grandad... - Any second now. 49 00:03:38,178 --> 00:03:41,808 But he passed away. His heart gave out. Do you remember that? 50 00:03:41,890 --> 00:03:44,268 Of course I do. 51 00:03:44,350 --> 00:03:47,820 - Then how can he come back? - Why don't you ask him yourself? 52 00:03:49,105 --> 00:03:51,324 Ten past, here he comes. 53 00:03:59,491 --> 00:04:01,539 Here we are, then. 54 00:04:01,618 --> 00:04:04,371 Dad, say hello to Rose. 55 00:04:05,121 --> 00:04:07,544 Hasn't she grown? 56 00:04:13,630 --> 00:04:15,007 They're everywhere. 57 00:04:15,089 --> 00:04:17,091 - Alex. - You can play if you want to. 58 00:04:19,886 --> 00:04:21,263 Doctor, look out! 59 00:04:25,475 --> 00:04:27,068 You haven't got long. 60 00:04:27,143 --> 00:04:30,568 Midday shift only lasts a couple of minutes. They're about to fade. 61 00:04:30,647 --> 00:04:32,274 What do you mean, "shift"? 62 00:04:32,357 --> 00:04:34,485 Since when did ghosts have shifts? 63 00:04:34,567 --> 00:04:36,865 Since when did shifts have ghosts? What's going on? 64 00:04:36,945 --> 00:04:39,869 Oh, he's not happy when I know more than him, is he? 65 00:04:39,948 --> 00:04:42,326 No one's running or screaming or freaking out. 66 00:04:42,408 --> 00:04:43,785 Why should we? 67 00:04:43,910 --> 00:04:46,413 Here we go. Twelve minutes past. 68 00:05:21,281 --> 00:05:23,909 Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to announce 69 00:05:23,992 --> 00:05:27,747 we've just measured the Ghost Energy at 5,000 gigawatts. 70 00:05:27,829 --> 00:05:30,127 Give yourselves a round of applause. 71 00:05:32,542 --> 00:05:34,385 On today's ghostwatch, 72 00:05:34,460 --> 00:05:37,805 claims that some of the ghosts are starting to talk, 73 00:05:38,047 --> 00:05:42,518 and there seems to be a regular formation gathering around Westminster Bridge. 74 00:05:42,594 --> 00:05:44,034 It's almost like a military display. 75 00:05:44,095 --> 00:05:45,347 What the hell is going on? 76 00:05:45,471 --> 00:05:48,065 And tonight we're expecting very strong ghosts 77 00:05:48,141 --> 00:05:51,611 from London, through the north, and up into Scotland. 78 00:05:51,936 --> 00:05:56,533 So basically, Eileen, what you're telling me is that you are in love with a ghost? 79 00:05:56,774 --> 00:06:01,075 He's my ghost and I love him, 24/7. 80 00:06:01,279 --> 00:06:02,997 Well, no one needs me any more. 81 00:06:03,072 --> 00:06:05,291 My ghost was pale and grey, 82 00:06:05,366 --> 00:06:09,212 until I discovered Ectoshine! 83 00:06:22,342 --> 00:06:23,685 It's all over the world. 84 00:06:23,760 --> 00:06:25,808 Listen to me, Den Watts, 85 00:06:25,887 --> 00:06:28,606 I don't care if you have come back from the grave, 86 00:06:28,681 --> 00:06:30,274 [gel' out of my pub] 87 00:06:30,350 --> 00:06:33,069 The only spirits I'm serving in this place 88 00:06:33,144 --> 00:06:36,239 are gin, whisky and vodka. 89 00:06:36,356 --> 00:06:39,030 So you heard me. Get out! 90 00:06:40,401 --> 00:06:41,869 When did it start? 91 00:06:41,945 --> 00:06:45,495 Well, first of all, Peggy heard this noise in the cellar, so she goes down... 92 00:06:45,573 --> 00:06:48,042 - No, I mean worldwide. - Oh! 93 00:06:48,117 --> 00:06:50,711 That was about two months ago. Just happened. 94 00:06:50,787 --> 00:06:54,758 Woke up one morning and there they all were. Ghosts everywhere. 95 00:06:54,832 --> 00:06:56,800 We all ran round screaming and that. 96 00:06:56,876 --> 00:07:00,597 Whole planet was panicking. No sign of you, thank you very much. 97 00:07:00,838 --> 00:07:02,761 Then it sort of sank in. 98 00:07:02,882 --> 00:07:06,307 Took us time to realise that we're lucky. 99 00:07:07,428 --> 00:07:09,226 What makes you think it's Grandad? 100 00:07:09,347 --> 00:07:11,224 It just feels like him. 101 00:07:11,307 --> 00:07:14,811 There's that smell, those old cigarettes. Can't you smell it? 102 00:07:15,269 --> 00:07:17,067 I wish I could, Mum, but I can't. 103 00:07:17,146 --> 00:07:18,989 Well, you've got to make an effort. 104 00:07:19,065 --> 00:07:20,908 You've got to want it, sweetheart. 105 00:07:21,025 --> 00:07:23,119 And the more you want it, the stronger it gets? 106 00:07:23,194 --> 00:07:24,537 Sort of, yeah. 107 00:07:25,029 --> 00:07:26,622 Like a psychic link. 108 00:07:26,739 --> 00:07:30,539 'Course you want your old dad to be alive, but you're wishing him into existence. 109 00:07:30,618 --> 00:07:32,837 The ghosts are using that to pull themselves in. 110 00:07:32,912 --> 00:07:34,084 You're spoiling it. 111 00:07:34,163 --> 00:07:37,918 I'm sorry, Jackie, but there's no smell, there's no cigarettes. 112 00:07:38,001 --> 00:07:39,127 Just a memory. 113 00:07:39,210 --> 00:07:41,554 But if they're not ghosts, what are they, then? 114 00:07:41,754 --> 00:07:43,506 Yeah, but they're human. 115 00:07:43,589 --> 00:07:45,557 You can see them. They look human. 116 00:07:45,633 --> 00:07:50,013 She's got a point. I mean, they're all sort of blurred, but they're definitely people. 117 00:07:50,096 --> 00:07:51,439 Maybe not. 118 00:07:52,265 --> 00:07:55,735 They're pressing themselves into the surface of the world, 119 00:07:55,810 --> 00:07:58,359 but a footprint doesn't look like a boot. 120 00:07:59,063 --> 00:08:01,782 So, what have we got? Any sign of that power loss? 121 00:08:01,858 --> 00:08:04,111 No problems. Must have been a glitch. 122 00:08:04,652 --> 00:08:06,950 Rajesh, you got anything? 123 00:08:07,030 --> 00:08:10,375 It's so busy down here, I'm on Sudoku book 509. 124 00:08:10,575 --> 00:08:12,794 Well, we just had a great Ghost Shift. 125 00:08:12,869 --> 00:08:14,462 I kn ow. 126 00:08:14,537 --> 00:08:16,414 But we had nothing. 127 00:08:18,249 --> 00:08:20,047 Did they tell you? 128 00:08:20,126 --> 00:08:23,096 R&D came up with a new spectrometer yesterday. 129 00:08:23,921 --> 00:08:26,424 Barged in here all full of themselves. 130 00:08:27,258 --> 00:08:30,637 Said they could detect the heat off a single protozoa 131 00:08:30,803 --> 00:08:33,226 through half a mile of steel. 132 00:08:33,306 --> 00:08:35,855 And what did they find? 133 00:08:35,933 --> 00:08:39,278 Nothing. It gave them nothing. 134 00:08:40,313 --> 00:08:41,656 Same as ever. 135 00:08:42,356 --> 00:08:45,155 The machines keep saying the Sphere can't exist. 136 00:08:48,613 --> 00:08:50,331 But there it is. 137 00:08:50,406 --> 00:08:52,158 Anything we can do? 138 00:08:52,241 --> 00:08:53,993 No, I'm all right. 139 00:08:54,077 --> 00:09:00,301 It's just... Gets into your head, this thing. Like it's staring at you. 140 00:09:00,374 --> 00:09:03,423 A ll right, we 'l! catch up la fer. Thanks, Raj. 141 00:09:03,503 --> 00:09:04,720 Yeah. 142 00:09:40,123 --> 00:09:42,046 Matt, get on to hospitality, will you? 143 00:09:42,125 --> 00:09:44,503 Send Rajesh something. He's going mad down there. 144 00:09:44,585 --> 00:09:46,178 Not alcohol. 145 00:10:17,243 --> 00:10:19,086 We've kept it stable at 56.1. 146 00:10:19,162 --> 00:10:21,381 So, if you just check the statistics... 147 00:10:24,041 --> 00:10:26,840 Yvonne, I'm gonna double-check the stacks. 148 00:10:26,919 --> 00:10:28,967 - Just in case. - Sure. 149 00:10:31,632 --> 00:10:34,886 Yvonne, I'm gonna cross-reference the levels with the Sphere. 150 00:10:34,969 --> 00:10:36,266 Okay, fine. 151 00:10:37,555 --> 00:10:39,353 And they think we haven't noticed. 152 00:10:41,726 --> 00:10:44,900 Come on, we'll be all right down here. Just two minutes. 153 00:10:44,979 --> 00:10:46,356 This is out of bounds. 154 00:10:46,439 --> 00:10:49,363 Yeah, and that's the point. It's completely safe. 155 00:10:49,442 --> 00:10:51,194 They're just building new offices. 156 00:10:51,277 --> 00:10:52,904 What about the workmen? 157 00:10:52,987 --> 00:10:56,867 - They must be allocated somewhere else. - It's not worth it for a snog. 158 00:10:56,949 --> 00:10:58,121 It is. 159 00:10:59,744 --> 00:11:00,961 Come on. 160 00:11:11,631 --> 00:11:12,928 Gareth? 161 00:11:14,217 --> 00:11:16,720 Now don't be daft. Where've you gone? 162 00:11:17,970 --> 00:11:19,313 Gareth! 163 00:11:20,640 --> 00:11:23,940 Look, I'm gonna head back. I'm seeing you tonight, anyway. 164 00:11:25,561 --> 00:11:26,813 Gareth? 165 00:11:29,482 --> 00:11:31,234 I'm gonna go back to work. 166 00:11:36,197 --> 00:11:38,040 This is it. 167 00:11:39,700 --> 00:11:41,668 I'm going. 168 00:11:44,080 --> 00:11:45,206 See you. 169 00:11:55,007 --> 00:11:58,307 Now stop it, Gareth! I'm not kidding, just stop it! 170 00:12:03,808 --> 00:12:06,527 Sorry, I'm just looking for my friend. 171 00:12:07,311 --> 00:12:09,109 Did anyone come down here? 172 00:12:16,320 --> 00:12:19,995 According to the paper, they've elected a ghost as MP for Leeds. 173 00:12:20,908 --> 00:12:23,457 Now don't tell me you're gonna sit back and do nothing. 174 00:12:23,536 --> 00:12:26,631 - "Who you gonna call?" - Ghostbusters! 175 00:12:26,706 --> 00:12:28,629 "I ain't afraid of no ghosts!" 176 00:12:35,423 --> 00:12:36,891 When's the next shift? 177 00:12:36,966 --> 00:12:39,310 Quarter to. But don't go causing trouble. 178 00:12:39,385 --> 00:12:40,557 What's that lot do? 179 00:12:40,636 --> 00:12:42,479 Triangulates their point of origin. 180 00:12:42,555 --> 00:12:44,478 I don't suppose it's the Gelth? 181 00:12:44,557 --> 00:12:47,401 Nah. They were just coming through one little rift. 182 00:12:47,518 --> 00:12:50,397 This lot are transposing themselves over the whole planet. 183 00:12:50,479 --> 00:12:52,902 - Like tracing paper. - You're always doing this. 184 00:12:52,982 --> 00:12:55,735 Reducing it to science. Why can't it be real? 185 00:12:56,068 --> 00:12:57,741 But just think of it, though. 186 00:12:57,945 --> 00:13:01,575 All the people we've lost, our families coming back home. 187 00:13:01,699 --> 00:13:04,919 - Don't you think it's beautiful? - I think it's horrific. 188 00:13:06,412 --> 00:13:08,210 Rose, give us a hand! 189 00:13:16,839 --> 00:13:20,059 Soon as the cones activate, if that line goes into the red, press that button there. 190 00:13:20,134 --> 00:13:21,681 If it doesn't stop, 191 00:13:21,761 --> 00:13:24,935 setting 15B, hold it against the port, eight seconds and stop. 192 00:13:25,056 --> 00:13:26,433 Fifteen B, eight seconds. 193 00:13:26,515 --> 00:13:28,483 If it goes into the blue, activate the deep scan on the left. 194 00:13:28,601 --> 00:13:31,320 Hang on a minute, I know. It's that one? 195 00:13:31,395 --> 00:13:32,521 Close. 196 00:13:32,605 --> 00:13:34,482 - That one? - No, you've just killed us. 197 00:13:35,858 --> 00:13:37,952 Er... That one? 198 00:13:38,027 --> 00:13:40,655 Yeah! Now, what have we got, two minutes to go? 199 00:13:41,113 --> 00:13:44,492 Two minutes till the next shift, let's make it a good one, people. 200 00:13:44,575 --> 00:13:46,498 - Come on, you two. - I'm sorry we're late. 201 00:13:46,577 --> 00:13:48,921 - Save it till later. - Sorry we're late. 202 00:13:48,996 --> 00:13:50,669 And powering up! 203 00:14:17,817 --> 00:14:19,160 What's the line doing? 204 00:14:19,318 --> 00:14:21,241 It's all right, it's holding! 205 00:14:22,279 --> 00:14:24,452 You even look like him. 206 00:14:24,532 --> 00:14:25,954 How do you mean? 207 00:14:26,992 --> 00:14:28,710 I suppose I do, yeah. 208 00:14:30,204 --> 00:14:33,083 - You've changed so much. - For the better. 209 00:14:33,165 --> 00:14:36,510 - I suppose. - Mum, I used to work in a shop. 210 00:14:36,627 --> 00:14:38,504 I've worked in shops. What's wrong with that? 211 00:14:38,587 --> 00:14:41,466 - No, I didn't mean that. - I know what you meant. 212 00:14:42,007 --> 00:14:44,226 What happens when I'm gone? 213 00:14:44,343 --> 00:14:46,766 - Don't talk like that. - No, but really. 214 00:14:46,846 --> 00:14:50,771 When I'm dead and buried, you won't have any reason to come back home. 215 00:14:50,850 --> 00:14:53,353 - What happens then? - I don't know. 216 00:14:53,644 --> 00:14:56,022 Do you think you'll ever settle down? 217 00:14:57,022 --> 00:15:00,777 The Doctor never will, so I can't. I'll just keep on travelling. 218 00:15:00,860 --> 00:15:03,158 And you'll keep on changing. 219 00:15:03,612 --> 00:15:07,742 And in 40 years' time, 50, there'll be this woman, this strange woman, 220 00:15:07,825 --> 00:15:12,376 walking through the marketplace on some planet a billion miles from Earth. 221 00:15:13,581 --> 00:15:16,380 But she's not Rose Tyler, 222 00:15:16,459 --> 00:15:18,302 not any more. 223 00:15:18,377 --> 00:15:20,880 She's not even human. 224 00:15:21,005 --> 00:15:22,507 Here we go! 225 00:15:24,049 --> 00:15:27,144 Scanner's working! It says, "Delta one six"! 226 00:15:29,054 --> 00:15:31,523 Come on, then. You beauty! 227 00:15:34,852 --> 00:15:37,696 And we're into Ghost Shift. 228 00:15:37,771 --> 00:15:39,773 Online. 229 00:16:19,939 --> 00:16:21,236 What have we got? 230 00:16:21,315 --> 00:16:23,317 Something's interfering with the Ghost Field. 231 00:16:23,442 --> 00:16:26,537 - Location? - It's close. It's within the city. 232 00:16:28,656 --> 00:16:31,409 Look at that! Don't like that much, do you? 233 00:16:32,701 --> 00:16:34,795 Who are you? Where are you coming from? 234 00:16:34,870 --> 00:16:36,747 Whoa! That's more like it! 235 00:16:36,997 --> 00:16:38,965 Not so friendly now, are you? 236 00:16:39,291 --> 00:16:41,544 Close it down! Close it down! 237 00:16:41,961 --> 00:16:43,963 Offline. 238 00:16:54,557 --> 00:16:57,936 It was a very specific excitation of the Ghost Field, 239 00:16:58,018 --> 00:17:00,146 but that makes it easy to pinpoint. 240 00:17:01,146 --> 00:17:03,695 Almost there. South London. 241 00:17:04,608 --> 00:17:06,986 South East 15. 242 00:17:07,111 --> 00:17:09,830 It's a council estate, the Powell Estate. 243 00:17:11,115 --> 00:17:14,836 SE157G0. It was a public area. 244 00:17:15,536 --> 00:17:18,540 - Can we patch into the CCTV network? - Doing it now. 245 00:17:23,377 --> 00:17:27,348 Here we go. We've got a camera within 50 yards. 246 00:17:30,175 --> 00:17:32,394 - Oh my God. - Is it him? 247 00:17:33,554 --> 00:17:34,976 It's him. 248 00:17:36,223 --> 00:17:40,069 I said so. Those ghosts are being forced into existence from one specific point, 249 00:17:40,185 --> 00:17:41,482 and I can track down the source. 250 00:17:41,562 --> 00:17:42,939 A (Ions-y! 251 00:17:53,657 --> 00:17:55,034 He's coming. 252 00:18:02,916 --> 00:18:04,884 Rajesh, it's him! 253 00:18:10,966 --> 00:18:12,309 Now we've got you. 254 00:18:12,551 --> 00:18:15,771 I like that, allons-y. I should say allons-y more often. Allons-y! 255 00:18:15,971 --> 00:18:17,814 Look sharp, Rose Tyler, allons-y! 256 00:18:17,890 --> 00:18:21,064 And then, it would be really brilliant if I met someone called Alonso. 257 00:18:21,143 --> 00:18:24,898 'Cause then I could say, "Allons-y, Alonso", every time. You're staring at me. 258 00:18:25,022 --> 00:18:27,320 My mum's still on board. 259 00:18:29,068 --> 00:18:32,197 If we end up on Mars, I'm gonna kill you. 260 00:18:38,702 --> 00:18:40,545 Coming up! Let's do it! 261 00:18:42,039 --> 00:18:43,291 Positions! 262 00:18:44,875 --> 00:18:45,922 Covered, sir! 263 00:18:46,126 --> 00:18:48,720 Ooh, well, there goes the advantage of surprise. 264 00:18:49,296 --> 00:18:50,843 Still, cuts to the chase. 265 00:18:50,923 --> 00:18:52,721 Stay in here, look after Jackie. 266 00:18:52,800 --> 00:18:55,724 - I'm not looking after my mum. - Well, you brought her. 267 00:18:55,803 --> 00:18:57,430 I was kidnapped. 268 00:18:58,764 --> 00:19:00,516 Doctor, they've got guns. 269 00:19:00,599 --> 00:19:04,274 And I haven't. Which makes me the better person, don't you think? 270 00:19:04,561 --> 00:19:07,610 They can shoot me dead, but the moral high ground is mine. 271 00:19:07,690 --> 00:19:09,943 Hold it! Steady, lads, steady! 272 00:19:18,367 --> 00:19:19,539 Oh! 273 00:19:20,494 --> 00:19:22,496 Oh, how marvellous! 274 00:19:23,956 --> 00:19:25,333 Oh, very good. 275 00:19:26,291 --> 00:19:28,589 Superb. Happy day. 276 00:19:32,131 --> 00:19:34,554 Urn, thanks. Nice to meet you. 277 00:19:34,633 --> 00:19:38,308 - I'm the Doctor. - Oh, I should say. Hooray! 278 00:19:42,850 --> 00:19:45,729 - You've heard of me, then? - Well, of course we have. 279 00:19:45,811 --> 00:19:49,315 And I have to say, if it wasn't for you, none of us would be here. 280 00:19:49,398 --> 00:19:51,526 The Doctor and the Tardis! 281 00:20:00,117 --> 00:20:03,371 - And... And... And you are? - Oh, plenty of time for that. 282 00:20:03,454 --> 00:20:06,253 But according to the records, you're not one for travelling alone. 283 00:20:06,331 --> 00:20:09,961 The Doctor and his companion. That's the pattern, isn't it, right? 284 00:20:10,043 --> 00:20:13,343 There's no point hiding anything. Not from us. 285 00:20:14,006 --> 00:20:16,225 So, where is she? 286 00:20:16,341 --> 00:20:18,218 Yes! Sorry, good point. 287 00:20:18,343 --> 00:20:19,970 She's just a bit shy, that's all. 288 00:20:20,053 --> 00:20:22,647 But here she is, Rose Tyler! 289 00:20:23,974 --> 00:20:27,069 Hmm, she's not the best I've ever had. Bit too blonde. 290 00:20:27,144 --> 00:20:29,863 Not too steady on her pins. Lot of that. 291 00:20:29,938 --> 00:20:33,158 And just last week, she stared into the heart of the time vortex 292 00:20:33,233 --> 00:20:35,235 and aged 57 years, but she'll do. 293 00:20:35,319 --> 00:20:37,037 - I'm 40! - Deluded. 294 00:20:37,446 --> 00:20:40,416 Bless. I'll have to trade her in. Do you need anyone? 295 00:20:40,532 --> 00:20:43,957 She's very good at tea. Well, I say very good. I mean not bad. 296 00:20:44,036 --> 00:20:48,337 Well, I say not bad. Anyway, lead on! Allons-y! 297 00:20:48,415 --> 00:20:50,588 But not too fast. Her ankle's going. 298 00:20:50,709 --> 00:20:52,552 I'll show you where my ankle's going. 299 00:20:59,051 --> 00:21:01,474 It was only a matter of time until you found us. 300 00:21:01,553 --> 00:21:03,430 And at last you've made it. 301 00:21:03,847 --> 00:21:07,977 I'd like to welcome you, Doctor. Welcome to Torchwood. 302 00:21:14,566 --> 00:21:16,409 That's a Jathaa Sun Glider. 303 00:21:18,070 --> 00:21:20,869 Came down to Earth off the Shetland Islands 10 years ago. 304 00:21:20,948 --> 00:21:23,076 - What, did it crash? - No, we shot it down. 305 00:21:23,200 --> 00:21:26,170 It violated our airspace, then we stripped it bare. 306 00:21:26,245 --> 00:21:28,668 The weapon that destroyed the Sycorax on Christmas Day? 307 00:21:28,747 --> 00:21:29,964 That was us. 308 00:21:30,290 --> 00:21:32,418 Now, if you'd like to come with me. 309 00:21:33,085 --> 00:21:37,215 The Torchwood Institute has a motto. "If it's alien, it's ours." 310 00:21:37,589 --> 00:21:41,184 Anything that comes from the sky, we strip it down and we use it, 311 00:21:41,260 --> 00:21:43,103 for the good of the British Empire. 312 00:21:43,262 --> 00:21:45,356 - For the good of the what? - The British Empire. 313 00:21:45,430 --> 00:21:48,479 - There isn't a British Empire. - Not yet. 314 00:21:48,642 --> 00:21:51,566 Ah, excuse me. Now, if you wouldn't mind. 315 00:21:51,645 --> 00:21:53,522 Do you recognise this, Doctor? 316 00:21:53,605 --> 00:21:55,858 - That's a particle gun. - Good, isn't it? 317 00:21:55,941 --> 00:21:57,989 Took us eight years to get it to work. 318 00:21:58,110 --> 00:22:00,829 It's the 21st century, you can't have particle guns. 319 00:22:00,946 --> 00:22:03,290 We must defend our border against the alien. 320 00:22:03,365 --> 00:22:06,164 - Thank you, Sebastian, isn't it? - Yes, ma'am. 321 00:22:06,243 --> 00:22:07,415 Thank you, Sebastian. 322 00:22:07,494 --> 00:22:09,574 I think it's very important to know everyone by name. 323 00:22:09,621 --> 00:22:11,874 Torchwood is a very modern organisation. 324 00:22:11,957 --> 00:22:14,335 People skills. That's what it's all about these days. 325 00:22:14,418 --> 00:22:15,965 I'm a people person. 326 00:22:16,211 --> 00:22:20,307 - Have you got anyone called Alonso? - I don't think so. Is that important? 327 00:22:20,632 --> 00:22:24,478 - I suppose not. What was your name? - Yvonne, Yvonne Hartman. 328 00:22:25,929 --> 00:22:28,523 Ah, yes. Now, we're rather fond of these. 329 00:22:28,599 --> 00:22:32,820 The Magna-clamp, found in a spaceship, buried at the base of Mount Snowdon. 330 00:22:32,978 --> 00:22:35,401 Attach this to an object and it cancels the mass. 331 00:22:35,480 --> 00:22:38,654 I could use it to lift two tons of weight with a single hand. 332 00:22:38,775 --> 00:22:42,450 That's an imperial ton, by the way. Torchwood refuses to go metric. 333 00:22:42,529 --> 00:22:44,998 I could do with that to carry the shopping. 334 00:22:45,073 --> 00:22:49,078 All these devices are for Torchwood's benefit, not the general public's. 335 00:22:50,996 --> 00:22:52,839 So what about these ghosts? 336 00:22:54,708 --> 00:22:56,585 Ah, yes, the ghosts. 337 00:22:56,668 --> 00:22:59,922 - They're what you might call a side effect. - of what? 338 00:23:00,005 --> 00:23:03,009 All in good time, Doctor. There is an itinerary, trust me. 339 00:23:03,175 --> 00:23:05,052 Oi, where are you taking that? 340 00:23:05,135 --> 00:23:06,682 If it's alien, it's ours. 341 00:23:06,762 --> 00:23:09,732 - You'll never get inside it. - Etcetera. 342 00:23:29,284 --> 00:23:31,628 Psychic paper, psychic pa per... 343 00:24:09,992 --> 00:24:12,370 All those times I've been on Earth, I've never heard of you. 344 00:24:12,452 --> 00:24:14,750 Well, of course not. You're the enemy. 345 00:24:14,830 --> 00:24:18,209 You're actually named in the Torchwood Foundation Charter of 1879 346 00:24:18,291 --> 00:24:19,713 as an enemy of the Crown. 347 00:24:19,793 --> 00:24:22,592 1879? That was called Torchwood, that house in Scotland. 348 00:24:22,671 --> 00:24:25,675 That's right. Where you encountered Queen Victoria and the werewolf. 349 00:24:25,757 --> 00:24:27,475 I think he makes half of it up. 350 00:24:27,551 --> 00:24:29,724 Her Majesty created the Torchwood Institute 351 00:24:29,803 --> 00:24:34,684 with the express intention of keeping Britain great and fighting the alien horde. 352 00:24:34,766 --> 00:24:36,860 But if I'm the enemy, does that mean I'm a prisoner? 353 00:24:36,935 --> 00:24:38,152 Oh, yes. 354 00:24:38,770 --> 00:24:40,864 But we'll make you perfectly comfortable. 355 00:24:40,939 --> 00:24:43,613 And there is so much you can teach us. 356 00:24:44,276 --> 00:24:46,028 Starting with this. 357 00:24:53,452 --> 00:24:56,171 Now, what do you make of that? 358 00:25:01,126 --> 00:25:03,254 You must be the Doctor. 359 00:25:03,336 --> 00:25:06,681 - Rajesh Singh. It's an honour, sir. - Yeah. 360 00:25:08,008 --> 00:25:10,887 - What is that thing? - We got no idea. 361 00:25:11,470 --> 00:25:13,017 What's wrong with it? 362 00:25:13,096 --> 00:25:15,474 What makes you think there's something wrong with it? 363 00:25:15,557 --> 00:25:18,026 I don't know. It just feels weird. 364 00:25:18,185 --> 00:25:20,358 The Sphere has that effect on everyone. 365 00:25:20,479 --> 00:25:23,483 Makes you want to run and hide. Like it's forbidden. 366 00:25:23,815 --> 00:25:26,944 We've tried analysing it, using every device imaginable. 367 00:25:27,027 --> 00:25:30,406 But according to our instruments, the Sphere doesn't exist. 368 00:25:30,906 --> 00:25:33,455 It weighs nothing. It doesn't age. 369 00:25:33,533 --> 00:25:37,879 No heat, no radiation and has no atomic mass. 370 00:25:37,996 --> 00:25:39,589 I can see it. 371 00:25:40,165 --> 00:25:41,792 Fascinating, isn't it? 372 00:25:41,875 --> 00:25:44,924 It upsets people because it gives off nothing. 373 00:25:45,003 --> 00:25:46,880 It is absent. 374 00:25:47,631 --> 00:25:49,133 Well, Doctor? 375 00:25:49,883 --> 00:25:51,510 This is a Void ship. 376 00:25:54,179 --> 00:25:56,181 And what is that? 377 00:25:56,306 --> 00:25:58,559 Well, it's impossible, for starters. 378 00:25:58,850 --> 00:26:01,854 I always thought it was just a theory, but... 379 00:26:01,937 --> 00:26:05,362 It's a vessel designed to exist outside time and space. 380 00:26:06,483 --> 00:26:08,360 Travelling through the Void. 381 00:26:11,113 --> 00:26:12,990 And what's "the Void"? 382 00:26:13,073 --> 00:26:15,701 The space between dimensions. 383 00:26:15,826 --> 00:26:18,420 There's all sorts of realities around us, different dimensions, 384 00:26:18,537 --> 00:26:21,137 billions of parallel universes, all stacked up against each other. 385 00:26:21,206 --> 00:26:23,880 The Void is the space in-between, 386 00:26:23,959 --> 00:26:25,961 containing absolutely nothing. 387 00:26:26,711 --> 00:26:28,554 Can you imagine that? Nothing. 388 00:26:28,630 --> 00:26:32,055 No light, no dark, no up, no down. No life. No time. 389 00:26:32,801 --> 00:26:34,724 Without end. 390 00:26:36,346 --> 00:26:40,067 My people called it the Void, the Eternals called it the Howling, 391 00:26:40,767 --> 00:26:42,861 but some people call it hell. 392 00:26:44,396 --> 00:26:47,195 But someone built the Sphere. What for? 393 00:26:47,399 --> 00:26:51,245 - Why go there? - To explore. To escape. 394 00:26:52,571 --> 00:26:55,324 You could sit inside that thing and eternity would pass you by. 395 00:26:55,407 --> 00:26:56,954 Big Bang, 396 00:26:57,033 --> 00:27:00,583 end of the universe, start of the next, wouldn't even touch the sides. 397 00:27:00,704 --> 00:27:03,173 You'd exist outside the whole of creation. 398 00:27:03,248 --> 00:27:06,343 You see, we were right. There is something inside it. 399 00:27:06,585 --> 00:27:07,802 Oh, yes. 400 00:27:08,712 --> 00:27:11,056 - So how do we get in there? - We don't! 401 00:27:11,131 --> 00:27:14,101 We send that thing back into hell! How did it get here in the first place? 402 00:27:14,176 --> 00:27:17,225 Well, that's how it all started. The Sphere came through into this world, 403 00:27:17,304 --> 00:27:20,353 - and the ghosts followed in its wake. - Show me. 404 00:27:25,770 --> 00:27:27,272 No, Doctor! 405 00:27:32,527 --> 00:27:35,451 I don't get it. What is it? What am I supposed to be looking for? 406 00:27:35,572 --> 00:27:37,199 Just go to the left. 407 00:27:39,618 --> 00:27:41,962 Yvonne's gonna be back any minute. 408 00:27:42,037 --> 00:27:43,584 Just go to the left. 409 00:27:47,959 --> 00:27:49,632 What, you mean in here? 410 00:29:08,206 --> 00:29:10,049 The Sphere came through here. 411 00:29:10,125 --> 00:29:11,752 A hole in the world. 412 00:29:13,878 --> 00:29:15,380 Not active at the moment. 413 00:29:15,505 --> 00:29:18,634 But when we fire particle engines at that exact spot, the breach opens up. 414 00:29:18,717 --> 00:29:20,390 How did you even find it? 415 00:29:20,510 --> 00:29:24,481 We were getting warning signs for years, a radar black spot. 416 00:29:24,556 --> 00:29:27,184 So we built this place, Torchwood Tower. 417 00:29:27,267 --> 00:29:30,862 The breach was 600 feet above sea level. It was the only way to reach it. 418 00:29:30,937 --> 00:29:33,565 You built a skyscraper just to reach a spatial disturbance? 419 00:29:33,648 --> 00:29:36,197 - How much money have you got? - Enough. 420 00:29:41,156 --> 00:29:44,205 Hold on a minute. We're in Canary Wharf. 421 00:29:44,784 --> 00:29:47,037 Must be. This building, it's Canary Wharf. 422 00:29:47,120 --> 00:29:50,420 Well, that is the public name for it. But to those in the know, it's Torchwood. 423 00:29:50,498 --> 00:29:52,967 So, you find the breach, probe it, the Sphere comes through 424 00:29:53,084 --> 00:29:54,836 600 feet above London, bam! 425 00:29:55,170 --> 00:29:57,764 It leaves a hole in the fabric of reality. 426 00:29:58,465 --> 00:30:01,093 And that hole, you think, "Oh, shall we leave it alone? 427 00:30:01,217 --> 00:30:05,188 "Shall we back off? Should we play it safe?" Nah! You think, "Let's make it bigger!" 428 00:30:05,263 --> 00:30:07,186 It's a massive source of energy. 429 00:30:07,265 --> 00:30:10,940 If we can harness that power, we need never depend on the Middle East again. 430 00:30:11,061 --> 00:30:13,405 Britain will become truly independent. 431 00:30:14,272 --> 00:30:17,902 You can see for yourself, the next Ghost Shift's in two minutes. 432 00:30:17,984 --> 00:30:20,112 - Cancel it. - I don't think so. 433 00:30:20,195 --> 00:30:23,745 - I'm warning you. Cancel it! - Oh, exactly as the legends would have it. 434 00:30:23,823 --> 00:30:27,623 The Doctor, lording it over us. Assuming alien authority over the rights of man. 435 00:30:27,744 --> 00:30:29,121 Let me show you. 436 00:30:30,121 --> 00:30:31,668 Sphere comes through. 437 00:30:36,169 --> 00:30:39,013 But when it made the hole, it cracked the world around it. 438 00:30:39,089 --> 00:30:41,308 The entire surface of this dimension, splintered. 439 00:30:41,383 --> 00:30:44,227 And that's how the ghosts get through, that's how they get everywhere. 440 00:30:44,302 --> 00:30:46,430 They're bleeding through the fault lines. 441 00:30:46,513 --> 00:30:49,687 Walking from their world, across the Void and into yours. 442 00:30:49,766 --> 00:30:52,815 With the human race hoping and wishing and helping them along. 443 00:30:52,894 --> 00:30:54,988 But too many ghosts and... 444 00:30:59,984 --> 00:31:02,578 Well, in that case, we'll have to be more careful. 445 00:31:02,654 --> 00:31:04,827 Positions! Ghost Shift in one minute. 446 00:31:04,906 --> 00:31:07,000 Miss Hartman, I am asking you, please don't do it. 447 00:31:07,075 --> 00:31:10,124 - We have done this a thousand times. - Then stop at a thousand! 448 00:31:10,203 --> 00:31:11,955 We're in control of the ghosts. 449 00:31:12,038 --> 00:31:15,668 The levers can open the breach, but equally they can close it. 450 00:31:18,711 --> 00:31:19,837 Okay. 451 00:31:20,338 --> 00:31:21,385 Sorry? 452 00:31:21,506 --> 00:31:23,258 Never mind. As you were. 453 00:31:23,341 --> 00:31:24,934 What, is that it? 454 00:31:25,009 --> 00:31:27,558 No, fair enough. I've said my bit. Don't mind me. 455 00:31:27,679 --> 00:31:29,226 Any chance of a cup of tea? 456 00:31:29,347 --> 00:31:32,726 - Ghost Shift in 20 seconds. - Mmm, can't wait to see it! 457 00:31:32,851 --> 00:31:34,273 You can't stop us, Doctor. 458 00:31:34,352 --> 00:31:37,777 No, absolutely not. Pull up a chair, Rose. Come and watch the fireworks. 459 00:31:37,897 --> 00:31:40,025 Ghost Shift in 10 seconds. 460 00:31:41,025 --> 00:31:44,199 Nine, eight, seven, 461 00:31:44,320 --> 00:31:47,574 six, five, four, 462 00:31:48,074 --> 00:31:49,997 three, two... 463 00:31:50,493 --> 00:31:52,837 Stop the shift! I said, stop! 464 00:31:54,956 --> 00:31:56,003 Thank you. 465 00:31:56,082 --> 00:31:59,256 I suppose it makes sense to get as much intelligence as possible. 466 00:31:59,377 --> 00:32:02,722 But the programme will recommence as soon as you've explained everything. 467 00:32:02,797 --> 00:32:04,640 I'm glad to be of help. 468 00:32:04,716 --> 00:32:06,969 And someone clear up this glass. 469 00:32:07,051 --> 00:32:10,555 They did warn me, Doctor. They said you liked to make a mess. 470 00:33:51,864 --> 00:33:52,990 Can I help you? 471 00:33:53,157 --> 00:33:54,204 I was just... 472 00:33:56,119 --> 00:33:58,668 Try not to look. It does that to everyone. 473 00:33:59,455 --> 00:34:01,753 - What do you want? - Sorry, um... 474 00:34:01,833 --> 00:34:05,303 They sent me from personnel. They said some man had been taken prisoner. 475 00:34:05,378 --> 00:34:06,721 Some sort of doctor? 476 00:34:06,796 --> 00:34:08,890 I'm just checking the lines of communication. 477 00:34:09,007 --> 00:34:10,725 Did they tell you anything? 478 00:34:10,800 --> 00:34:12,802 Can I see your authorisation? 479 00:34:13,344 --> 00:34:14,561 Sure. 480 00:34:18,057 --> 00:34:19,274 Well, that's lucky. 481 00:34:19,350 --> 00:34:23,696 You see, everyone at Torchwood has at least a basic level of psychic training. 482 00:34:23,855 --> 00:34:26,654 This paper is blank. And you're a fake. 483 00:34:27,191 --> 00:34:29,444 Seal the room. Call security. 484 00:34:30,862 --> 00:34:34,457 Samuel, can you check the door locks? She just walked right in. 485 00:34:34,907 --> 00:34:36,750 Doing it now, sir. 486 00:34:40,371 --> 00:34:42,590 Well, if you'd like to take a seat. 487 00:34:46,461 --> 00:34:50,011 So these ghosts, whatever they are, did they build the Sphere? 488 00:34:50,590 --> 00:34:53,890 Must have. Aimed it at this dimension like a cannonball. 489 00:34:54,552 --> 00:34:57,647 Yvonne, I think you should see this. We've got a visitor. 490 00:34:57,722 --> 00:35:02,569 Don't know who she I; but funnily enough, she arrived at the same time as the Doctor. 491 00:35:04,437 --> 00:35:06,735 She one of yours? 492 00:35:07,065 --> 00:35:10,911 - Never seen her before in my life. - Good, then we can have her shot. 493 00:35:11,486 --> 00:35:14,410 Oh, all right, then, it was worth a try. That's... 494 00:35:14,656 --> 00:35:16,624 That's Rose Tyler. 495 00:35:16,741 --> 00:35:19,085 Sorry. Hello. 496 00:35:19,702 --> 00:35:22,080 Well, if that's Rose Tyler, who's she? 497 00:35:22,205 --> 00:35:23,752 I'm her mother. 498 00:35:23,831 --> 00:35:26,755 - Oh, you travel with her mother? - He kidnapped me. 499 00:35:26,918 --> 00:35:29,762 Please, when Torchwood comes to write my complete history, 500 00:35:29,837 --> 00:35:32,716 don't tell people I travelled through time and space with her mother. 501 00:35:32,799 --> 00:35:33,971 Charming. 502 00:35:34,217 --> 00:35:35,969 I've got a reputation to uphold. 503 00:35:36,094 --> 00:35:40,099 Excuse me, everyone. I thought I said stop the Ghost Shift. 504 00:35:40,932 --> 00:35:42,354 Who started the programme? 505 00:35:42,433 --> 00:35:45,277 I ordered you to stop. Who's doing that? 506 00:35:45,353 --> 00:35:47,856 Right, step away from your monitors, everyone! 507 00:35:47,939 --> 00:35:51,364 Gareth! Adi! Stop what you're doing, right now! 508 00:35:52,276 --> 00:35:55,530 Matt! Step away from your desk! That's an order! 509 00:35:55,613 --> 00:35:58,742 Stop the levers! Andrew! Stop the levers! 510 00:35:58,825 --> 00:36:02,045 - What's she doing? - Adi, step away from the desk. 511 00:36:02,286 --> 00:36:04,254 Listen to me, step away from the desk! 512 00:36:04,330 --> 00:36:05,798 She can't hear you. 513 00:36:06,624 --> 00:36:08,672 They're overriding the system. 514 00:36:10,420 --> 00:36:12,468 We're going into Ghost Shift. 515 00:36:16,300 --> 00:36:19,725 Yvonne, I thought you said the next Ghost Shift was cancelled? 516 00:36:19,804 --> 00:36:22,648 What's going on? Yvonne? 517 00:36:25,601 --> 00:36:26,693 It can't be. 518 00:36:35,153 --> 00:36:36,325 It's active! 519 00:36:36,404 --> 00:36:38,247 It's the earpiece controlling them. 520 00:36:38,322 --> 00:36:39,995 I've seen this before. 521 00:36:40,992 --> 00:36:42,710 Sorry. I'm so sorry. 522 00:36:47,582 --> 00:36:50,176 - What happened? What did you just do? - They're dead. 523 00:36:50,251 --> 00:36:51,377 You killed them? 524 00:36:51,461 --> 00:36:53,213 Oh, someone else did that long before I got here. 525 00:36:53,337 --> 00:36:55,556 - But you killed them! - Jackie, I haven't got time for this! 526 00:36:55,673 --> 00:36:56,925 - What are those earpieces? - Don't. 527 00:36:57,008 --> 00:36:59,557 But they're standard comms devices. How does it control them? 528 00:36:59,635 --> 00:37:02,184 - Trust me, leave them alone. - But what are they? 529 00:37:03,765 --> 00:37:05,517 Oh God! 530 00:37:05,850 --> 00:37:07,602 It goes inside their brain! 531 00:37:07,769 --> 00:37:11,945 - What about the Ghost Shift? - 90% and still running. 532 00:37:12,023 --> 00:37:14,697 - Can't you stop it? - They' re still controlling it. 533 00:37:14,776 --> 00:37:16,653 - They've hijacked the system. - Who's "they"? 534 00:37:16,736 --> 00:37:20,411 Might be a remote transmitter but it's got to be close by. I can trace it. 535 00:37:20,490 --> 00:37:21,742 Jackie, stay here! 536 00:37:21,866 --> 00:37:24,745 Keep those levers down! Keep them offline! 537 00:37:25,745 --> 00:37:27,497 We've got a problem down here. 538 00:37:27,580 --> 00:37:29,298 Yvonne, can you hear me? 539 00:37:29,874 --> 00:37:32,718 Yvonne, for God's sake, the Sphere is active! 540 00:37:33,002 --> 00:37:34,879 The readings are going wild! 541 00:37:35,004 --> 00:37:39,225 It's got weight, it's got mass, an electromagnetic field. It exists! 542 00:37:41,928 --> 00:37:45,683 The door's sealed! Automatic quarantine! We... We can't get out! 543 00:37:48,142 --> 00:37:50,942 It's all right, babe. We've beaten them before, we can beat them again. 544 00:37:51,062 --> 00:37:53,406 That why I'm here. The fight goes on. 545 00:37:53,689 --> 00:37:55,282 The fight against what? 546 00:37:55,358 --> 00:37:56,826 What do you think? 547 00:38:06,577 --> 00:38:08,750 You two! You come with us, yeah. 548 00:38:08,830 --> 00:38:09,922 This way. 549 00:38:21,175 --> 00:38:24,099 - What's down here? - What? I don't know. 550 00:38:24,178 --> 00:38:26,681 I think it's building work. It's just renovations. 551 00:38:26,764 --> 00:38:28,937 - You should go back. - Think again. 552 00:38:42,029 --> 00:38:45,158 What is it? What's down here? 553 00:38:45,241 --> 00:38:48,916 Earpieces, ear pods... This world is colliding with another. 554 00:38:48,995 --> 00:38:50,963 And I think I know which one. 555 00:38:55,459 --> 00:38:56,551 What are they? 556 00:38:56,627 --> 00:38:58,379 They came through first. 557 00:39:00,798 --> 00:39:02,300 The advance guard. 558 00:39:05,887 --> 00:39:07,309 Cybermen. 559 00:39:15,646 --> 00:39:17,740 We had them beaten, but then they escaped. 560 00:39:17,815 --> 00:39:19,692 The Cybermen just vanished. 561 00:39:20,484 --> 00:39:23,829 They found their way through to this world, but so did we. 562 00:39:23,905 --> 00:39:25,623 The Doctor said that was impossible. 563 00:39:25,698 --> 00:39:27,499 Yeah, it's not the first time he's been wrong. 564 00:39:27,533 --> 00:39:29,331 What's inside that Sphere? 565 00:39:30,661 --> 00:39:34,336 No one knows. Cyber leader, Cyber King, Emperor of the Cybermen. 566 00:39:34,415 --> 00:39:37,009 Whatever it is, he's dead meat. 567 00:39:38,169 --> 00:39:41,343 - It's good to see you. - Yeah. It's good to see you, too. 568 00:39:43,507 --> 00:39:47,512 Get away from the machines! Do what they say! Don't fight them! 569 00:39:48,012 --> 00:39:49,514 Don't shoot! 570 00:39:52,350 --> 00:39:53,647 What are they? 571 00:39:54,226 --> 00:39:56,194 We are the Cybermen. 572 00:39:57,855 --> 00:40:01,780 The Ghost Shift will be increased to 700%. 573 00:40:06,822 --> 00:40:08,824 Online. 574 00:40:08,908 --> 00:40:10,535 Here come the ghosts. 575 00:40:22,213 --> 00:40:25,808 It's extraordinary! There are more ghosts than we've ever seen before, 576 00:40:25,883 --> 00:40:28,511 and it's happening all over the world. 577 00:40:28,594 --> 00:40:32,519 As far as we know, the increase in ghost activity is harmless. 578 00:40:42,483 --> 00:40:43,985 Can anyone hear me? 579 00:40:44,902 --> 00:40:47,405 Come on, I need help down here! I need... 580 00:40:55,204 --> 00:40:56,501 Here we go. 581 00:41:05,881 --> 00:41:09,101 But these Cybermen, what have they got to do with the ghosts? 582 00:41:09,218 --> 00:41:12,267 Don't you ever listen? "A footprint doesn't look like a boot." 583 00:41:12,346 --> 00:41:14,690 Achieving full transfer. 584 00:41:16,058 --> 00:41:17,605 They're Cybermen. 585 00:41:18,686 --> 00:41:20,905 All of the ghosts are Cybermen. 586 00:41:20,980 --> 00:41:22,448 Millions of them. 587 00:41:23,566 --> 00:41:25,284 Right across the world. 588 00:41:50,342 --> 00:41:52,720 They're not ghosts. They're metal men! 589 00:41:53,512 --> 00:41:55,640 I urge you, stay in your homes! 590 00:42:16,869 --> 00:42:19,042 They're invading the whole planet. 591 00:42:19,997 --> 00:42:22,170 It's not an invasion. It's too late for that. 592 00:42:22,291 --> 00:42:23,964 It's a victory. 593 00:42:26,128 --> 00:42:29,632 Sphere activated. Sphere activated. 594 00:42:30,508 --> 00:42:34,183 Sphere activated. Sphere activated 595 00:42:39,809 --> 00:42:44,030 I know what's in there, and I'm ready for them. I've got just the thing. 596 00:42:49,860 --> 00:42:51,703 This is gonna blast them to hell. 597 00:42:51,779 --> 00:42:53,702 Samuel, what are you doing? 598 00:42:53,781 --> 00:42:56,034 The name's Mickey. Mickey Smith. 599 00:42:56,826 --> 00:42:58,499 Defending the Earth. 600 00:43:02,373 --> 00:43:05,534 I don't understand. The Cybermen don't have the technology to build a Void ship. 601 00:43:05,543 --> 00:43:08,387 That's way beyond you. How did you create that Sphere? 602 00:43:08,462 --> 00:43:10,965 The Sphere is not ours. 603 00:43:11,507 --> 00:43:12,554 What? 604 00:43:12,633 --> 00:43:16,228 The Sphere broke down the barriers between worlds. 605 00:43:16,303 --> 00:43:17,976 We only followed. 606 00:43:18,055 --> 00:43:20,683 Its origin is unknown. 607 00:43:21,142 --> 00:43:22,564 Then what's inside it? 608 00:43:22,643 --> 00:43:24,236 Rose is down there! 609 00:43:27,481 --> 00:43:29,074 That's not Cybermen. 610 00:43:32,236 --> 00:43:33,488 Oh my God! 611 00:43:33,571 --> 00:43:37,246 Location, Earth. Life farms detected. 612 00:43:37,324 --> 00:43:41,955 Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! 613 00:43:42,246 --> 00:43:44,214 Exterminate! 614 00:44:36,300 --> 00:44:38,018 This planet is starting to boil! 615 00:44:38,135 --> 00:44:40,513 Keep going and both worlds will fall into the Void. 616 00:44:40,638 --> 00:44:42,857 Genesis Ark is primed. 617 00:44:42,973 --> 00:44:45,692 The Cybermen came through from one world to another, 618 00:44:45,768 --> 00:44:46,894 and so did we. 619 00:44:46,977 --> 00:44:49,901 We must protect the Genesis Ark. 620 00:44:50,981 --> 00:44:54,326 This is our world, not yours. And you're going to listen for once. 621 00:44:54,443 --> 00:44:56,070 You didn't need to kill him! 622 00:44:56,153 --> 00:44:58,952 Neither did we need him alive! 623 00:44:59,031 --> 00:45:00,999 You're in every street! You're in their homes! 624 00:45:01,075 --> 00:45:02,292 You've got their children! 625 00:45:02,368 --> 00:45:04,336 Cybermen plus Daleks, 626 00:45:04,453 --> 00:45:07,297 together we could upgrade the Universe.