1 00:00:19,271 --> 00:00:21,740 - Have you got everything? - I've got everything. Don't worry. 2 00:00:21,815 --> 00:00:23,237 Be careful. 3 00:00:23,316 --> 00:00:25,614 - You have to call Mo about... - Never mind Mo. 4 00:00:31,157 --> 00:00:34,411 - Okay, I'm going now. I love you. - Love you. 5 00:00:39,874 --> 00:00:41,547 - Love you. - Bye. 6 00:01:04,816 --> 00:01:08,741 - So where are we going? - Further than we've ever gone before. 7 00:01:54,407 --> 00:01:57,286 It's the year five billion and twenty-three. 8 00:01:57,410 --> 00:02:02,416 We're in the galaxy M87 and this... This is New Earth. 9 00:02:03,249 --> 00:02:05,001 It's just... 10 00:02:07,837 --> 00:02:09,680 That's just... 11 00:02:10,590 --> 00:02:13,059 Not bad. Not bad at all. 12 00:02:13,134 --> 00:02:14,932 That's amazing. 13 00:02:15,345 --> 00:02:18,064 I'll never get used to this, never. 14 00:02:18,139 --> 00:02:21,814 Different ground beneath my feet. Different sky. 15 00:02:22,268 --> 00:02:24,145 What's that smell? 16 00:02:24,979 --> 00:02:28,904 - Apple grass. - Apple grass. It's beautiful. 17 00:02:30,610 --> 00:02:32,487 Oh, I love this. 18 00:02:32,570 --> 00:02:37,497 Can I just say, travelling with you... I love it. 19 00:02:37,909 --> 00:02:39,627 Me, too. 20 00:02:40,078 --> 00:02:41,295 Come on. 21 00:02:44,541 --> 00:02:47,465 Human! She's pure-blood human. 22 00:02:49,879 --> 00:02:51,756 Closer, closer. 23 00:03:01,057 --> 00:03:03,936 So, the year five billion, the sun expands, the Earth gets roasted. 24 00:03:04,018 --> 00:03:05,611 That was our first date. 25 00:03:05,687 --> 00:03:07,360 We had chips. 26 00:03:08,898 --> 00:03:10,946 So anyway, planet gone, all rocks and dust, 27 00:03:11,025 --> 00:03:13,574 but the human race lives on, spread out across the stars. 28 00:03:13,653 --> 00:03:16,577 As soon as the Earth burns up, oh, they get all nostalgic. 29 00:03:16,656 --> 00:03:20,160 Big revival movement. They find this place. 30 00:03:20,326 --> 00:03:23,500 Same size as the Earth, same air, same orbit, lovely. 31 00:03:23,580 --> 00:03:25,457 The call goes out, the humans move in. 32 00:03:25,540 --> 00:03:27,759 - What's the city called? - New New York. 33 00:03:27,834 --> 00:03:29,632 - Oh, come on. - It is! 34 00:03:29,711 --> 00:03:32,180 It's the City of New New York. 35 00:03:32,255 --> 00:03:35,555 Strictly speaking, it's the fifteenth New York since the original. 36 00:03:35,633 --> 00:03:36,885 So that makes it 37 00:03:36,968 --> 00:03:40,393 New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York. 38 00:03:42,515 --> 00:03:44,438 - What? - You're so different. 39 00:03:44,517 --> 00:03:46,269 New new Doctor. 40 00:03:49,022 --> 00:03:51,741 Impossible! I recognise that child. 41 00:03:51,816 --> 00:03:53,910 Her face! Show me her face! 42 00:03:53,985 --> 00:03:55,362 Closer, closer. 43 00:03:56,154 --> 00:03:58,577 Face, face, face! 44 00:04:00,116 --> 00:04:03,791 Can we go and visit New New York? So good they named it twice. 45 00:04:03,870 --> 00:04:07,875 Well, I thought we might go there first. 46 00:04:08,124 --> 00:04:10,968 - Why? What is it? - Some sort of hospital. 47 00:04:11,044 --> 00:04:14,048 Green moon on the side, that's the universal symbol for hospitals. 48 00:04:14,130 --> 00:04:18,010 I got this. A message on the psychic paper. 49 00:04:18,384 --> 00:04:20,386 Someone wants to see me. 50 00:04:20,553 --> 00:04:23,648 Oh, and I thought we were just sightseeing. 51 00:04:23,723 --> 00:04:25,443 Come on, then, let's go and buy some grapes. 52 00:04:28,269 --> 00:04:30,943 Rose Tyler! I knew it! 53 00:04:31,231 --> 00:04:34,235 - That dirty blonde assassin. - She's coming here, mistress. 54 00:04:34,400 --> 00:04:37,574 But this is beyond coincidence. This is destiny. 55 00:04:37,695 --> 00:04:40,198 At last, I can be revenged on that little... 56 00:04:40,281 --> 00:04:41,874 A bit rich coming from you. 57 00:04:41,950 --> 00:04:44,294 I can't help it. I don't like hospitals. They give me the creeps. 58 00:04:44,410 --> 00:04:46,788 The pleasure gardens will now take visitors 59 00:04:46,913 --> 00:04:51,089 carrying green or blue identification cards for the next 75 minutes. 60 00:04:51,167 --> 00:04:55,764 Visitors are reminded that cuttings from the gardens are not permitted. 61 00:04:55,839 --> 00:04:59,093 Very smart. Not exactly NHS. 62 00:04:59,175 --> 00:05:01,018 No shop. I like the little shop. 63 00:05:01,094 --> 00:05:03,688 I thought this far in the future, they'd have cured everything. 64 00:05:03,763 --> 00:05:08,394 The human race moves on, but so do the viruses. It's an ongoing war. 65 00:05:08,935 --> 00:05:11,358 Hope, harmony and health. 66 00:05:12,814 --> 00:05:15,658 - They're cats. - Now, don't stare. 67 00:05:15,733 --> 00:05:19,454 Think what you look like to them. All pink and yellow. 68 00:05:19,863 --> 00:05:22,412 That's where I'd put the shop, right there. 69 00:05:24,701 --> 00:05:26,453 Ward 26, thanks. 70 00:05:26,995 --> 00:05:28,588 Override controls. 71 00:05:28,663 --> 00:05:30,290 Hold on, hold on! 72 00:05:30,373 --> 00:05:33,502 - Oh, too late. I'm going up. - All right, there's another lift. 73 00:05:33,585 --> 00:05:34,802 Ward 26! 74 00:05:34,878 --> 00:05:37,472 - And watch out for the disinfectant. - Watch out for what? 75 00:05:37,547 --> 00:05:39,470 - The disinfectant! - The what? 76 00:05:39,632 --> 00:05:41,805 The dis... Oh, you'll find out. 77 00:05:48,391 --> 00:05:51,315 Ward 26, thanks. 78 00:05:57,066 --> 00:06:00,070 Commence stage one disinfection. 79 00:06:03,364 --> 00:06:06,584 Commence stage one disinfection. 80 00:06:40,193 --> 00:06:42,195 The human child is clean. 81 00:06:42,320 --> 00:06:45,073 Erm, I'm looking for ward 26. 82 00:06:45,156 --> 00:06:46,908 This way, Rose Tyler. 83 00:07:04,676 --> 00:07:05,928 Nice place. 84 00:07:06,052 --> 00:07:09,556 No shop downstairs. I'd have a shop. Not a big one, just a shop. 85 00:07:09,639 --> 00:07:11,186 So people can shop. 86 00:07:11,265 --> 00:07:13,563 The hospital is a place of healing. 87 00:07:13,643 --> 00:07:17,898 A shop does some people the world of good. Not me, other people. 88 00:07:19,399 --> 00:07:24,997 The Sisters of Plenitude take a Lifelong vow to help and to mend. 89 00:07:26,614 --> 00:07:28,332 Excuse me! 90 00:07:29,367 --> 00:07:32,792 Members of the public may only gaze upon the Duke of Manhattan 91 00:07:32,912 --> 00:07:35,335 with written permission from the Senate of New New York. 92 00:07:35,415 --> 00:07:38,919 - That's petrifold regression, right? - I'm dying, sir. 93 00:07:39,002 --> 00:07:43,803 A lifetime of charity and abstinence and it ends like this. 94 00:07:43,881 --> 00:07:45,758 Any statements made by the Duke of Manhattan 95 00:07:45,883 --> 00:07:48,102 may not be made public without official clearance. 96 00:07:48,177 --> 00:07:50,271 Frau Clovis... 97 00:07:51,973 --> 00:07:53,850 I'm so weak. 98 00:07:53,975 --> 00:07:56,478 Sister Jatt, a little privacy, please. 99 00:07:59,397 --> 00:08:01,695 - He'll be up and about in no time. - I doubt it. 100 00:08:01,774 --> 00:08:05,950 Petrifold regression, he's turning to stone. There won't be a cure for a thousand years. 101 00:08:06,029 --> 00:08:07,872 He might be up and about but only as a statue. 102 00:08:07,947 --> 00:08:10,325 Have faith in the Sisterhood. 103 00:08:10,450 --> 00:08:12,327 But is there no one here you recognise? 104 00:08:12,410 --> 00:08:16,040 It's rather unusual to visit without knowing the patient. 105 00:08:16,122 --> 00:08:18,671 No, I think I've found him. 106 00:08:21,794 --> 00:08:25,014 Novice Hame, if I can leave this gentleman in your care. 107 00:08:25,131 --> 00:08:28,852 Oh, I think my friend got lost. Rose Tyler. Could you ask at reception? 108 00:08:28,968 --> 00:08:30,561 Certainly, sir. 109 00:08:32,638 --> 00:08:36,768 I'm afraid the Face of Boe is asleep. That's all he tends to do these days. 110 00:08:37,643 --> 00:08:39,190 Are you a friend, or... 111 00:08:39,270 --> 00:08:43,195 We met just the once. On Platform One. What's wrong with him? 112 00:08:43,274 --> 00:08:45,993 I'm so sorry. I thought you knew. 113 00:08:46,986 --> 00:08:49,114 The Face of Boe is dying. 114 00:08:49,655 --> 00:08:54,331 - Of what? - Old age. One thing we can't cure. 115 00:08:54,952 --> 00:08:59,423 He's thousands of years old, some people say millions, 116 00:08:59,707 --> 00:09:01,505 although that's impossible. 117 00:09:01,626 --> 00:09:04,425 Oh, I don't know. I like impossible. 118 00:09:06,839 --> 00:09:10,264 I'm here. I look a bit different, but it's me. 119 00:09:10,718 --> 00:09:12,516 It's the Doctor. 120 00:09:40,331 --> 00:09:42,254 Look at me! 121 00:09:43,042 --> 00:09:44,669 Isn't it wonderful? 122 00:09:46,212 --> 00:09:49,432 Well, you never know what your life is going to be like, ever. 123 00:09:49,715 --> 00:09:51,683 I'm bored with this drink. Anyway... 124 00:09:51,759 --> 00:09:56,435 Oh, hello, darling. Oh! Now don '2'. Stop it. 125 00:09:56,556 --> 00:09:58,183 Wait a minute. That's... 126 00:09:58,266 --> 00:09:59,438 Peek-a-boo! 127 00:09:59,559 --> 00:10:01,561 Don't you come anywhere near me, Cassandra. 128 00:10:01,644 --> 00:10:04,739 Why? What do you think I'm going to do? Flap you to death? 129 00:10:04,814 --> 00:10:08,944 - Yeah, but what about Gollum? - Oh, that's just Chip. He's my pet. 130 00:10:09,026 --> 00:10:10,494 I worship the mistress. 131 00:10:10,570 --> 00:10:13,164 Moisturise me, moisturise me. 132 00:10:14,240 --> 00:10:17,995 He's not even a proper life form. He's a force-grown clone. 133 00:10:18,077 --> 00:10:20,705 I modelled him on my favourite pattern. 134 00:10:20,788 --> 00:10:22,836 But he's so faithful. 135 00:10:22,957 --> 00:10:24,925 Chip sees to my physical needs. 136 00:10:25,001 --> 00:10:28,631 I hope that means food. How come you're still alive? 137 00:10:28,713 --> 00:10:31,762 - After you murdered me? - That was your own fault. 138 00:10:31,841 --> 00:10:34,264 The brain of my mistress survived. 139 00:10:34,343 --> 00:10:37,847 And her pretty blue eyes were salvaged from the bin. 140 00:10:37,930 --> 00:10:39,557 What about the skin? 141 00:10:39,640 --> 00:10:43,190 I saw it. You got ripped apart. 142 00:10:43,269 --> 00:10:46,273 That piece of skin was taken from the front of my body. 143 00:10:46,355 --> 00:10:47,982 This piece is the back. 144 00:10:48,065 --> 00:10:51,114 - Right, so you're talking out of your... - Ask not! 145 00:10:51,194 --> 00:10:55,791 The mistress was lucky to survive. Chip secreted m'lady into the hospital. 146 00:10:55,865 --> 00:10:58,334 - So they don't know you're here? - Chip steals medicine. 147 00:10:58,451 --> 00:11:01,751 Helps m'lady. Soothes her. 148 00:11:01,829 --> 00:11:04,207 - Strokes her. - You can stop right there, Chip. 149 00:11:04,290 --> 00:11:07,794 But I'm so alone, hidden down here. 150 00:11:07,919 --> 00:11:11,298 - The last human in existence. - Don't start that again. 151 00:11:11,380 --> 00:11:14,099 - They've called this planet New Earth. - A vegetable patch. 152 00:11:14,175 --> 00:11:17,805 And there's millions of humans out there, millions of them. 153 00:11:17,887 --> 00:11:19,309 Mutant stock. 154 00:11:19,430 --> 00:11:23,276 They evolved, Cassandra, they just evolved. Like they should. 155 00:11:23,392 --> 00:11:27,568 You stayed still, you got yourself all pickled and preserved, 156 00:11:27,647 --> 00:11:29,365 and what good did it do you? 157 00:11:29,482 --> 00:11:33,703 I remember that night. Drinks for the Ambassador of Thrace. 158 00:11:34,487 --> 00:11:37,866 That was the last time anyone told me I was beautiful. 159 00:11:37,949 --> 00:11:41,704 After that, it all became such hard work. 160 00:11:41,786 --> 00:11:43,959 You've got a knack for survival, I'll give you that. 161 00:11:44,038 --> 00:11:48,464 But I've not been idle, Rose. Tucked away, underneath this hospital, 162 00:11:48,584 --> 00:11:52,384 I've been listening. The Sisters are hiding something. 163 00:11:52,546 --> 00:11:54,139 What do you mean? 164 00:11:54,215 --> 00:11:56,638 These cats have secrets. 165 00:11:56,759 --> 00:11:59,854 Hush. Let me whisper, come close. 166 00:12:00,221 --> 00:12:04,317 You must be joking if you think I'm coming anywhere near you. 167 00:12:04,392 --> 00:12:06,520 Chip! Activate the psycho-graft! 168 00:12:06,644 --> 00:12:09,523 I can't move. Cassandra, let me go! 169 00:12:11,315 --> 00:12:14,068 - What are you doing? - The lady's moving on. 170 00:12:14,193 --> 00:12:18,039 It's goodbye trampoline and hello blondie! 171 00:12:31,085 --> 00:12:32,712 Mistress. 172 00:12:33,546 --> 00:12:35,298 Moisturise me. 173 00:12:41,345 --> 00:12:44,224 How bizarre. Arms. 174 00:12:45,766 --> 00:12:47,313 Fingers! 175 00:12:48,060 --> 00:12:49,277 Hair! 176 00:12:49,979 --> 00:12:52,073 Let me see, let me see. 177 00:12:53,899 --> 00:12:55,901 Oh, my God! 178 00:12:55,985 --> 00:12:58,079 I'm a chav. 179 00:12:59,196 --> 00:13:01,494 Hope, harmony and health. 180 00:13:01,824 --> 00:13:04,623 Hope, harmony and health. 181 00:13:04,744 --> 00:13:07,418 That's very kind. There's no need. 182 00:13:07,997 --> 00:13:10,671 - You're the one working. - There's not much to do. 183 00:13:10,750 --> 00:13:13,128 Just maintain his smoke. 184 00:13:13,210 --> 00:13:17,306 And I suppose I'm company. I can hear him singing sometimes, 185 00:13:18,132 --> 00:13:19,850 in my mind. 186 00:13:20,343 --> 00:13:22,812 Such ancient songs. 187 00:13:23,304 --> 00:13:24,681 Am I the only visitor? 188 00:13:24,764 --> 00:13:27,859 The rest of Boekind became extinct long ago. 189 00:13:28,476 --> 00:13:30,649 He's the only one left. 190 00:13:30,770 --> 00:13:35,196 Legend says that the Face of Boe has watched the universe grow old. 191 00:13:35,775 --> 00:13:38,324 There's all sorts of superstitions around him. 192 00:13:39,236 --> 00:13:42,957 One story says that just before his death, 193 00:13:43,032 --> 00:13:45,956 the Face of Boe will impart his great secret. 194 00:13:46,577 --> 00:13:50,423 That he will speak those words only to one like himself. 195 00:13:50,498 --> 00:13:53,342 - What does that mean? - It's just a story. 196 00:13:53,834 --> 00:13:55,302 Tell me the rest. 197 00:13:55,378 --> 00:13:59,758 It's said he'll talk to a wanderer. To the man without a home. 198 00:14:00,633 --> 00:14:02,476 The lonely god. 199 00:14:07,973 --> 00:14:11,318 Look at me. From class to brass. 200 00:14:12,478 --> 00:14:14,025 Although... 201 00:14:14,522 --> 00:14:15,774 Ooh. 202 00:14:16,399 --> 00:14:19,619 Curves. Oh, baby! 203 00:14:19,693 --> 00:14:22,037 It's like living inside a bouncy castle. 204 00:14:22,154 --> 00:14:24,873 - The mistress is beautiful. - Absolument. 205 00:14:25,908 --> 00:14:27,751 Oh, but look. 206 00:14:28,869 --> 00:14:31,372 Aw, the brain meat expired. 207 00:14:32,665 --> 00:14:34,463 My old mistress has gone. 208 00:14:34,542 --> 00:14:37,341 But safe and sound in here. 209 00:14:37,920 --> 00:14:40,093 But what of the Rose child's mind? 210 00:14:41,215 --> 00:14:44,685 Tucked away. I can just about access the surface memory. She's... 211 00:14:47,596 --> 00:14:50,896 God, she's with the Doctor. 212 00:14:52,143 --> 00:14:55,522 That man, he's the Doctor. 213 00:14:55,813 --> 00:14:59,033 The same Doctor with a new face! 214 00:14:59,567 --> 00:15:01,194 That hypocrite! 215 00:15:01,819 --> 00:15:04,322 I must get the name of his surgeon. 216 00:15:04,405 --> 00:15:08,535 I could do with a little work. Although... 217 00:15:09,702 --> 00:15:12,125 nice rear bumper. 218 00:15:15,207 --> 00:15:19,087 Oh! It seems to be ringing. Is it meant to ring? 219 00:15:19,211 --> 00:15:21,213 A primitive communications device. 220 00:15:21,297 --> 00:15:23,140 Rose, where are you? 221 00:15:23,215 --> 00:15:26,139 - How does she speak? - Old Earth cockney. 222 00:15:26,218 --> 00:15:27,435 Um... 223 00:15:28,888 --> 00:15:30,356 - Wotcha. - Where've you been? 224 00:15:30,431 --> 00:15:34,061 - How long does it take to get to ward 26? - I'm on my way, guv'nor. 225 00:15:34,143 --> 00:15:37,773 I shall proceed up the apples and pears. 226 00:15:37,897 --> 00:15:41,777 You'll never guess! I'm with the Face of Boe. Remember him? 227 00:15:42,902 --> 00:15:45,246 Of course I do. 228 00:15:45,321 --> 00:15:48,495 That big old... boat race. 229 00:15:48,574 --> 00:15:50,576 I'd better go. See you in a minute. 230 00:15:50,659 --> 00:15:53,583 I didn't think I was going to make it. 231 00:15:53,662 --> 00:15:57,917 It's that man again! He's my good luck charm. 232 00:15:58,042 --> 00:16:00,636 Come in! Don't be shy. 233 00:16:00,753 --> 00:16:04,007 Any friendship expressed by the Duke of Manhattan does not constitute 234 00:16:04,089 --> 00:16:06,888 - a form of legal contract. - Winch me up! 235 00:16:08,427 --> 00:16:13,604 - Up! Look at me. No sign of infection. - Champagne, sir? 236 00:16:13,933 --> 00:16:15,606 No, thanks. 237 00:16:15,684 --> 00:16:19,564 - You had petrifold regression, right? - "Had" being the operative word. 238 00:16:19,647 --> 00:16:21,115 Past tense! 239 00:16:21,190 --> 00:16:23,409 Completely cured. 240 00:16:23,484 --> 00:16:27,534 - But that's impossible. - Primitive species would accuse us of magic 241 00:16:27,613 --> 00:16:31,083 but it's merely the tender application of science. 242 00:16:31,617 --> 00:16:33,119 How on earth did you cure him? 243 00:16:33,244 --> 00:16:35,463 How on New Earth, you might say. 244 00:16:35,579 --> 00:16:38,253 - What's in that solution? - A simple remedy. 245 00:16:38,332 --> 00:16:39,675 Then tell me what it is. 246 00:16:39,792 --> 00:16:43,171 I'm sorry. Patient confidentiality. 247 00:16:43,420 --> 00:16:46,674 I don't believe we've met. My name is Matron Casp. 248 00:16:46,799 --> 00:16:47,971 I'm the Doctor. 249 00:16:48,050 --> 00:16:50,644 I think you'll find that we are the doctors here. 250 00:16:50,719 --> 00:16:53,142 Matron Casp, you're needed in intensive care. 251 00:16:53,264 --> 00:16:55,266 If you would excuse me. 252 00:16:56,684 --> 00:17:00,359 It's happened again. One of the patients is conscious. 253 00:17:00,437 --> 00:17:02,565 Well, we can't have that. 254 00:17:02,648 --> 00:17:04,571 This Doctor man is dangerous. 255 00:17:05,484 --> 00:17:07,327 Dangerous and clever. 256 00:17:07,444 --> 00:17:11,074 I might need a mind like his. The Sisterhood is up to something. 257 00:17:11,156 --> 00:17:15,411 Remember that old Earth saying? "Never trust a nun..." 258 00:17:15,494 --> 00:17:19,624 "never trust a nurse and never trust a cat." 259 00:17:19,707 --> 00:17:21,004 Perfume? 260 00:17:26,255 --> 00:17:29,179 It was having a perfectly normal blood-wash, 261 00:17:29,300 --> 00:17:33,055 then all of a sudden it started crying. It's this one. 262 00:17:35,180 --> 00:17:36,432 Please. 263 00:17:36,515 --> 00:17:39,143 - Look at its eyes. So alive. - Help me. 264 00:17:39,226 --> 00:17:41,854 - Positively sparkling. - Please. 265 00:17:42,313 --> 00:17:45,112 - Where am I? - And speech. 266 00:17:45,190 --> 00:17:47,192 How can it even have a vocabulary? 267 00:17:47,359 --> 00:17:50,863 Sister Corvin has written a thesis on the migration of sentience. 268 00:17:51,071 --> 00:17:54,951 She calls it The Echo of Life. It's well worth a read. 269 00:17:55,034 --> 00:17:56,581 Help me. 270 00:17:56,660 --> 00:17:58,879 I've seen enough, thank you. 271 00:18:00,623 --> 00:18:03,797 If this happens again, we might have to review our brainstem policy. 272 00:18:03,876 --> 00:18:07,972 - And what should we do with the patient? - Standard procedure. Incinerate. 273 00:18:14,928 --> 00:18:18,774 Ambient temperature stands at 74 degrees cohezic. 274 00:18:19,016 --> 00:18:21,690 Repeal', 74 degrees cohezic. 275 00:18:21,769 --> 00:18:25,819 This temperature is designed to promote healing and well-being. 276 00:18:26,565 --> 00:18:29,068 There you are. Come and look at this patient. 277 00:18:29,151 --> 00:18:32,155 Marconi's disease. Should take years to recover. 278 00:18:32,237 --> 00:18:34,205 Two days. I've never seen anything like it. 279 00:18:34,323 --> 00:18:37,418 They've invented a cell-washing cascade. It's amazing. 280 00:18:37,534 --> 00:18:41,209 Their medical science is way advanced. And this one. 281 00:18:41,288 --> 00:18:45,213 Pallidome pancrosis. Kills you in ten minutes, and he's fine. 282 00:18:46,919 --> 00:18:49,513 I need to find a terminal. I've got to see how they do this. 283 00:18:49,588 --> 00:18:53,593 'Cause if they've got the best medicine in the world, then why is it such a secret? 284 00:18:53,676 --> 00:18:55,929 I can't Adam and Eve it. 285 00:18:56,011 --> 00:18:58,981 What... What's with the voice? 286 00:18:59,098 --> 00:19:02,602 I don't know, just larking about. New Earth. 287 00:19:03,936 --> 00:19:05,609 New me. 288 00:19:06,480 --> 00:19:08,574 Well, I can talk. New new Doctor. 289 00:19:09,566 --> 00:19:11,318 Mmm, aren't you just? 290 00:19:20,869 --> 00:19:23,042 Terminal's this way. 291 00:19:28,293 --> 00:19:30,546 Yeah, still got it. 292 00:19:31,588 --> 00:19:35,058 No, nothing odd. Surgery. Post-op. 293 00:19:35,217 --> 00:19:36,639 Nanodentistry. 294 00:19:36,719 --> 00:19:38,767 No sign of a shop. They should have a shop. 295 00:19:38,846 --> 00:19:40,473 No, it's missing something else. 296 00:19:40,597 --> 00:19:43,316 When I was downstairs, those nurse-cat-nuns 297 00:19:43,392 --> 00:19:46,566 were talking about intensive care, but where is it? 298 00:19:46,645 --> 00:19:48,113 You're right. Well done. 299 00:19:48,188 --> 00:19:50,987 Why would they hide a whole department? 300 00:19:51,984 --> 00:19:54,783 It's got to be there somewhere. Search the subframe. 301 00:19:54,903 --> 00:19:56,905 What if the subframe's locked? 302 00:19:56,989 --> 00:19:58,832 Try the installation protocol. 303 00:19:58,907 --> 00:20:01,080 Yeah. Course. Sorry. 304 00:20:13,714 --> 00:20:15,341 Intensive care. 305 00:20:16,675 --> 00:20:18,348 Certainly looks intensive. 306 00:21:01,220 --> 00:21:04,520 That's disgusting. What's wrong with him? 307 00:21:06,266 --> 00:21:07,643 I'm sorry. 308 00:21:09,520 --> 00:21:11,067 I'm so sorry. 309 00:21:27,371 --> 00:21:29,294 What disease is that? 310 00:21:29,915 --> 00:21:31,337 All of them. 311 00:21:31,416 --> 00:21:35,637 Every single disease in the galaxy. They've been infected with everything. 312 00:21:35,754 --> 00:21:38,132 What about us? Are we safe? 313 00:21:39,216 --> 00:21:41,935 The air's sterile. just don't touch them. 314 00:21:49,726 --> 00:21:52,104 How many patients are there? 315 00:21:52,229 --> 00:21:54,027 They're not patients. 316 00:21:54,106 --> 00:21:55,528 But they're sick. 317 00:21:55,607 --> 00:21:56,984 They were born sick. 318 00:21:57,109 --> 00:22:00,204 They're meant to be sick. They exist to be sick. 319 00:22:00,279 --> 00:22:01,622 Lab rats. 320 00:22:01,697 --> 00:22:03,870 No wonder the Sisters have got a cure for everything. 321 00:22:03,949 --> 00:22:06,077 They've built the ultimate research laboratory. 322 00:22:06,159 --> 00:22:08,127 A human farm! 323 00:22:08,620 --> 00:22:10,372 Why don't they just die? 324 00:22:11,623 --> 00:22:15,093 Plague carriers. The last to go. 325 00:22:15,294 --> 00:22:17,513 It's for the greater cause. 326 00:22:18,630 --> 00:22:20,303 Novice Hame. 327 00:22:21,133 --> 00:22:23,181 When you took your vows, did you agree to this? 328 00:22:23,260 --> 00:22:25,683 The Sisterhood has sworn to help. 329 00:22:25,762 --> 00:22:28,732 - What, by killing? - But they're not real people. 330 00:22:28,891 --> 00:22:33,271 They're specially grown. They have no proper existence. 331 00:22:33,645 --> 00:22:35,864 What's the turnover? 332 00:22:35,981 --> 00:22:40,487 A thousand a day? Thousand the next? Thousand the next? How many thousands? 333 00:22:40,569 --> 00:22:42,947 For how many years? How many? 334 00:22:43,030 --> 00:22:45,203 Mankind needed us. 335 00:22:45,282 --> 00:22:49,753 They came to this planet with so many illnesses, we couldn't cope. 336 00:22:49,828 --> 00:22:52,832 We did try. We tried everything. 337 00:22:53,206 --> 00:22:56,801 We tried using clone meat and bio-cattle, 338 00:22:56,877 --> 00:22:59,050 but the results were too slow. 339 00:22:59,129 --> 00:23:01,848 So the Sisterhood grew its own flesh. 340 00:23:02,716 --> 00:23:05,060 That's all they are. Flesh. 341 00:23:05,177 --> 00:23:06,679 These people are alive. 342 00:23:06,803 --> 00:23:11,309 But think of those humans out there, healthy, 343 00:23:11,433 --> 00:23:13,527 and happy, because of us. 344 00:23:13,602 --> 00:23:16,776 If they live because of this then life is worthless. 345 00:23:17,981 --> 00:23:20,109 But who are you to decide that? 346 00:23:20,233 --> 00:23:21,701 I'm the Doctor. 347 00:23:21,777 --> 00:23:25,748 And if you don't like it, if you want to take it to a higher authority, there isn't one. 348 00:23:25,822 --> 00:23:27,620 It stops with me. 349 00:23:28,533 --> 00:23:30,376 Just to confirm... 350 00:23:30,452 --> 00:23:33,080 none of the humans in the city actually know about this? 351 00:23:33,163 --> 00:23:36,793 - We thought it best not... - Hold on. I can understand the bodies, 352 00:23:36,875 --> 00:23:40,004 I can understand your vows, but one thing I can't understand. 353 00:23:40,087 --> 00:23:43,057 - What have you done to Rose? - I don't know what you mean. 354 00:23:43,131 --> 00:23:44,929 And I'm being very, very calm. 355 00:23:45,050 --> 00:23:47,018 You want to be aware of that. Very, very calm. 356 00:23:47,135 --> 00:23:49,388 And the only reason I'm being so very, very calm 357 00:23:49,471 --> 00:23:52,065 is that the brain is a delicate thing. 358 00:23:52,182 --> 00:23:54,856 Whatever you've done to Rose's head, I want it reversed. 359 00:23:54,935 --> 00:23:56,687 We haven't done anything. 360 00:23:56,770 --> 00:23:59,148 I'm perfectly fine. 361 00:23:59,231 --> 00:24:02,235 These people are dying and Rose would care. 362 00:24:04,069 --> 00:24:08,324 All right, clever clogs. Smarty-pants. 363 00:24:10,617 --> 00:24:13,166 - Ladykiller. - What's happened to you? 364 00:24:13,245 --> 00:24:15,668 I knew something was going on in this hospital 365 00:24:15,747 --> 00:24:20,594 but I needed this body and your mind to find it out. 366 00:24:20,669 --> 00:24:22,137 Who are you? 367 00:24:24,589 --> 00:24:26,262 The last human. 368 00:24:26,341 --> 00:24:27,467 Cassandra? 369 00:24:27,592 --> 00:24:29,890 Wake up and smell the perfume. 370 00:24:32,848 --> 00:24:34,100 You've hurt him. 371 00:24:34,182 --> 00:24:36,856 I don't understand. I'll have to fetch Matron. 372 00:24:36,935 --> 00:24:38,858 You do that 'cause I want to see her. 373 00:24:38,937 --> 00:24:41,486 Now run along! Sound the alarm! 374 00:24:46,570 --> 00:24:49,574 - Matron, it's that man and the girl. - We heard the alarm. 375 00:24:49,656 --> 00:24:52,375 Now, get back to work. Tend to your patients. 376 00:25:00,792 --> 00:25:03,045 Let me out! Let me out! 377 00:25:03,128 --> 00:25:07,429 Aren't you lucky there was a spare? Standing room only. 378 00:25:07,507 --> 00:25:09,100 You've stolen Rose's body! 379 00:25:09,176 --> 00:25:13,647 Over the years, I've thought of a thousand ways to kill you, Doctor. 380 00:25:14,598 --> 00:25:17,852 And now that's exactly what I've got. One thousand diseases. 381 00:25:17,976 --> 00:25:20,570 They pump the patients with a top-up every 10 minutes. 382 00:25:20,645 --> 00:25:23,649 You've got about three minutes left. 383 00:25:23,732 --> 00:25:25,154 Enjoy. 384 00:25:25,275 --> 00:25:27,698 - Just let Rose go, Cassandra. - I will. 385 00:25:27,819 --> 00:25:31,824 As soon as I find someone younger and Less common. 386 00:25:32,032 --> 00:25:34,956 Then I'll junk her with the waste. Now hush-a-bye. 387 00:25:35,035 --> 00:25:36,628 It's showtime. 388 00:25:36,703 --> 00:25:39,001 Anything we can do to help? 389 00:25:39,122 --> 00:25:42,171 Straight to the point, whiskers. I want money. 390 00:25:42,292 --> 00:25:46,843 The Sisterhood is a charity, we don't give money. We only accept. 391 00:25:46,922 --> 00:25:49,675 The humans across the water pay you a fortune, 392 00:25:49,758 --> 00:25:51,556 and that's exactly what I need. 393 00:25:51,635 --> 00:25:54,514 A one-off payment, that's all I want. 394 00:25:54,679 --> 00:25:57,307 Oh, and perhaps a yacht, in return for which 395 00:25:57,432 --> 00:26:01,437 I will tell the city nothing of your institutional murder. 396 00:26:02,854 --> 00:26:04,856 - Is that a deal? - I'm afraid not. 397 00:26:04,981 --> 00:26:07,154 I'd really advise you to think about this. 398 00:26:07,275 --> 00:26:10,154 Oh, there's no need. I have to decline. 399 00:26:10,237 --> 00:26:13,116 I'll tell them. And you've no way of stopping me. 400 00:26:13,198 --> 00:26:15,872 You're not exactly nuns with guns. You're not even armed. 401 00:26:15,951 --> 00:26:19,672 Who needs arms when we have claws? 402 00:26:21,998 --> 00:26:24,501 Well, nice try. Chip, plan B! 403 00:26:35,554 --> 00:26:36,976 What have you done? 404 00:26:37,055 --> 00:26:40,025 Gave the system a shot of adrenalin, just to wake them up. See ya! 405 00:26:40,100 --> 00:26:43,104 Don't touch them! Whatever you do, don't touch! 406 00:26:44,896 --> 00:26:46,739 Save us. 407 00:26:48,692 --> 00:26:50,660 I think we should withdraw. 408 00:26:50,735 --> 00:26:53,284 We understood what you did to us. 409 00:26:54,156 --> 00:26:58,411 As part of the machine, we know the machine. 410 00:26:58,535 --> 00:27:02,335 Fascinating. It's actually constructing an argument. 411 00:27:02,455 --> 00:27:05,174 And we will end it. 412 00:27:24,019 --> 00:27:26,147 Save us. 413 00:27:27,230 --> 00:27:28,903 They're free. 414 00:27:29,608 --> 00:27:31,861 By the goddess Santori! 415 00:27:32,402 --> 00:27:33,949 The flesh is free! 416 00:27:36,448 --> 00:27:38,450 Stop the pain. 417 00:27:53,423 --> 00:27:54,595 Oh, my God! 418 00:27:54,716 --> 00:27:56,593 - What the hell have you done? - It wasn't me. 419 00:27:56,676 --> 00:27:58,394 One touch and you get every disease in the world. 420 00:27:58,470 --> 00:28:01,019 And I want that body safe, Cassandra. We've got to go down. 421 00:28:01,139 --> 00:28:03,267 But there's thousands of them. 422 00:28:03,808 --> 00:28:05,651 Down, down, go down! 423 00:28:08,813 --> 00:28:10,611 Quarantine the building! 424 00:28:10,690 --> 00:28:12,943 This building is under quarantine. 425 00:28:15,487 --> 00:28:18,707 Repeat, this building is under quarantine. 426 00:28:19,658 --> 00:28:21,752 No one may leave the premises. 427 00:28:21,826 --> 00:28:25,581 Repeat, no one may leave the premises. 428 00:28:29,292 --> 00:28:31,420 Keep going! Go down! 429 00:28:36,049 --> 00:28:38,393 Help us. Save us. 430 00:28:38,510 --> 00:28:41,013 Help me! 431 00:28:57,237 --> 00:29:00,662 No, the lifts have closed down. There's a quarantine, nothing's moving. 432 00:29:00,782 --> 00:29:02,250 This way! 433 00:29:07,789 --> 00:29:09,041 Don't let them touch you! 434 00:29:09,124 --> 00:29:11,968 Leave him! This is a clone thing. He's only got a half-life. Come on! 435 00:29:12,043 --> 00:29:14,967 - Mistress! - I'm sorry, I can't let her escape. 436 00:29:15,046 --> 00:29:16,719 My mistress! 437 00:29:26,391 --> 00:29:28,894 Excuse me, can we get some service? 438 00:29:47,245 --> 00:29:49,748 We're trapped! What are we going to do? 439 00:29:49,873 --> 00:29:52,592 Well, for starters, you're going to leave that body. 440 00:29:52,667 --> 00:29:55,420 That psycho-graft is banned on every civilised planet. 441 00:29:55,545 --> 00:29:57,468 You're compressing Rose to death. 442 00:29:57,589 --> 00:29:59,683 But I've got nowhere to go. 443 00:29:59,758 --> 00:30:02,011 My original skin's dead. 444 00:30:02,093 --> 00:30:06,098 Not my problem. You can float as atoms in the air. Now get out. 445 00:30:08,558 --> 00:30:10,026 Give her back to me. 446 00:30:10,101 --> 00:30:11,728 You asked for it. 447 00:30:19,194 --> 00:30:20,696 Blimey, my head. 448 00:30:22,697 --> 00:30:23,949 Where did she go? 449 00:30:24,032 --> 00:30:28,037 Oh my, this is... different. 450 00:30:28,328 --> 00:30:30,956 - Cassandra? - Goodness me, I'm a man. 451 00:30:31,039 --> 00:30:35,294 Yum. So many parts. And hardly used. 452 00:30:36,628 --> 00:30:39,131 Oh! Ah! Two hearts! 453 00:30:39,798 --> 00:30:41,892 Oh, baby, I'm beating out a samba. 454 00:30:41,966 --> 00:30:45,095 - Get out of him! - Ooh, he's slim. 455 00:30:45,303 --> 00:30:47,271 And a little bit foxy. 456 00:30:47,347 --> 00:30:51,193 You thought so, too. I've been inside your head. 457 00:30:51,309 --> 00:30:53,482 You've been looking. 458 00:30:54,521 --> 00:30:56,148 You like it. 459 00:30:57,899 --> 00:31:01,654 What do we do? What would he do? The Doctor! What the hell would he do? 460 00:31:01,778 --> 00:31:03,405 Ladder. We've got to get up. 461 00:31:03,488 --> 00:31:05,286 Out of the way, blondie! 462 00:31:05,990 --> 00:31:10,370 Please! Help us! 463 00:31:35,687 --> 00:31:38,440 If you get out of the Doctor's body, he can think of something. 464 00:31:40,024 --> 00:31:43,654 God, it was tedious inside your head. Hormone city. 465 00:31:43,736 --> 00:31:46,205 But we're gonna die if... Ow! 466 00:31:47,157 --> 00:31:48,249 Get off! 467 00:31:48,366 --> 00:31:51,119 All our good work. All that healing. 468 00:31:51,202 --> 00:31:55,958 The good name of the Sisterhood. You have destroyed everything! 469 00:31:56,040 --> 00:31:59,886 - Go and play with a ball of string. - Everywhere, disease. 470 00:32:00,044 --> 00:32:02,843 This is the human world. Sickness! 471 00:32:15,852 --> 00:32:17,149 Move! 472 00:32:18,354 --> 00:32:21,654 Maximum quarantine. Divert all shuttles. 473 00:32:23,610 --> 00:32:25,112 Help us. 474 00:32:25,820 --> 00:32:28,824 - Now what do we do? - Use the sonic screwdriver. 475 00:32:28,907 --> 00:32:31,456 - You mean this thing? - Yes, I mean that thing! 476 00:32:31,576 --> 00:32:34,204 But I don't know how! That Doctor's hidden away all his thoughts. 477 00:32:34,287 --> 00:32:36,881 Cassandra, go back into me. The Doctor can open it. 478 00:32:36,956 --> 00:32:38,128 Do it! 479 00:32:38,249 --> 00:32:39,671 Hold on tight. 480 00:32:45,006 --> 00:32:47,759 Oh, chav-tastic again. 481 00:32:47,842 --> 00:32:49,765 - Open it! - Not till you get out of her! 482 00:32:49,844 --> 00:32:53,098 - We need the Doctor. - I order you to leave her! 483 00:32:56,601 --> 00:33:00,276 No matter how difficult the situation, there is no need to shout. 484 00:33:00,438 --> 00:33:02,031 Cassandra, get out of him! 485 00:33:02,106 --> 00:33:04,450 But if I go into you, he simply refuses. He's so rude. 486 00:33:04,567 --> 00:33:06,820 I don't care, just do something! 487 00:33:07,779 --> 00:33:09,577 Oh, I'm so going to regret this. 488 00:33:14,285 --> 00:33:17,960 Oh, sweet Lord! I look disgusting. 489 00:33:19,415 --> 00:33:21,634 - Nice to have you back. - No, you don't. 490 00:33:25,463 --> 00:33:27,511 That is your last warning, Cassandra. 491 00:33:27,799 --> 00:33:29,642 Inside her head... 492 00:33:31,636 --> 00:33:33,513 They're so alone. 493 00:33:33,638 --> 00:33:36,107 They keep reaching out, just to hold us. 494 00:33:38,351 --> 00:33:42,481 All their lives and they've never been touched. 495 00:34:03,918 --> 00:34:07,047 We're safe, we're safe, we're safe! We're clean, we're clean! Look, look. 496 00:34:07,130 --> 00:34:09,599 - Show me your skin. - Look! Clean! Look! 497 00:34:09,674 --> 00:34:12,018 If we'd been touched, we'd be dead. 498 00:34:13,428 --> 00:34:15,351 How's it going up here? What's the status? 499 00:34:15,471 --> 00:34:18,566 Nothing but silence from the other wards. I think we're the only ones left. 500 00:34:18,641 --> 00:34:20,609 I've been trying to override the quarantine. 501 00:34:20,685 --> 00:34:24,280 If I can trip a signal over to New New York, they can send a private executive squad. 502 00:34:24,355 --> 00:34:27,029 You can't do that. If they forced entry, they'd break quarantine. 503 00:34:27,150 --> 00:34:28,652 I am not dying in here. 504 00:34:28,735 --> 00:34:30,783 We can't let a single particle of disease get out. 505 00:34:30,862 --> 00:34:34,412 There's 10 million people in that city, they'd all be at risk. Now turn that off. 506 00:34:34,532 --> 00:34:35,954 Not if it gets me out. 507 00:34:36,034 --> 00:34:39,789 All right, fine. So I have to stop you Lot as well. Suits me. 508 00:34:39,871 --> 00:34:43,045 Rose, Novice Hame, everyone! Excuse me, Your Grace. 509 00:34:43,124 --> 00:34:46,719 Get me the intravenous solutions for every single disease! Move it! 510 00:35:01,434 --> 00:35:04,859 - How's that? Will that do? - I don't know. Will it do for what? 511 00:35:04,937 --> 00:35:06,905 The lifts aren't working... 512 00:35:07,732 --> 00:35:09,359 Not moving, different thing. 513 00:35:11,110 --> 00:35:12,327 Here we go. 514 00:35:12,403 --> 00:35:14,155 But you're not going to... 515 00:35:15,740 --> 00:35:17,538 What do you think you're doing? 516 00:35:22,622 --> 00:35:23,919 Come on. 517 00:35:24,082 --> 00:35:25,880 Not in a million years. 518 00:35:25,958 --> 00:35:29,679 I need another pair of hands. What do you think? 519 00:35:29,754 --> 00:35:33,099 If you're so desperate to stay alive, why don't you live a little? 520 00:35:34,300 --> 00:35:36,052 Seal the door! 521 00:35:36,386 --> 00:35:37,888 Help. 522 00:35:37,970 --> 00:35:39,438 No! 523 00:35:42,183 --> 00:35:45,483 You're completely mad. I can see why she likes you. 524 00:35:45,603 --> 00:35:47,105 Going down! 525 00:36:01,244 --> 00:36:02,962 Well, that's one way to lose weight. 526 00:36:03,037 --> 00:36:05,131 Now, listen. When I say so, take hold of that lever. 527 00:36:05,206 --> 00:36:07,083 There's still a quarantine down there. We can't... 528 00:36:07,166 --> 00:36:08,839 Hold that lever! 529 00:36:08,960 --> 00:36:12,555 I'm cooking up a cocktail. I know a bit about medicine myself. 530 00:36:22,265 --> 00:36:25,064 Now, that lever's gonna resist, but keep it in position. 531 00:36:26,102 --> 00:36:29,106 - Hold on to it with everything you've got. - What about you? 532 00:36:29,188 --> 00:36:30,868 I've got an appointment. The Doctor is in. 533 00:36:38,781 --> 00:36:40,158 I'm in here! Come on! 534 00:36:40,241 --> 00:36:41,618 Don't tell them! 535 00:36:41,701 --> 00:36:43,169 Pull that lever! 536 00:36:45,079 --> 00:36:47,958 Come and get me! Come on. I'm in here! Come on! 537 00:36:49,500 --> 00:36:53,095 - Commence stage one disinfection. - Come and get me. Come on! 538 00:36:56,340 --> 00:36:57,887 Come on. Come on. 539 00:37:03,931 --> 00:37:06,275 All they want to do is pass it on. 540 00:37:06,350 --> 00:37:07,772 Pass it on! 541 00:37:07,894 --> 00:37:09,191 Pass on what? 542 00:37:09,395 --> 00:37:11,147 Pass on what? 543 00:37:11,230 --> 00:37:12,607 Pass it on! 544 00:37:50,478 --> 00:37:54,483 What did they pass on? Did you kill them? All of them? 545 00:37:54,565 --> 00:37:57,990 No, that's your way of doing things. 546 00:38:00,738 --> 00:38:03,287 I'm the Doctor and I cured them. 547 00:38:07,578 --> 00:38:11,833 That's right. Hey! There we go, sweetheart. 548 00:38:11,916 --> 00:38:13,463 Hey? 549 00:38:13,960 --> 00:38:17,339 Go to him. Go. That's it. That's it. 550 00:38:18,923 --> 00:38:23,019 It's a new subspecies, Cassandra. A brand-new form of life. 551 00:38:23,594 --> 00:38:26,143 New humans. Look at them! Look! 552 00:38:26,806 --> 00:38:31,152 Run by cats, kept in the dark, fed by tubes, 553 00:38:31,227 --> 00:38:34,572 but completely, completely alive! 554 00:38:34,772 --> 00:38:37,776 You can't deny them 'cause you helped create them. 555 00:38:38,484 --> 00:38:41,112 The human race just keeps on going. 556 00:38:41,237 --> 00:38:44,286 Keeps on changing. Life will out. 557 00:38:45,074 --> 00:38:46,326 Ha! 558 00:38:46,951 --> 00:38:50,581 This is the NNYPD. Please step away from the shuttles. 559 00:38:50,663 --> 00:38:54,713 All staff will present themselves to the officers for immediate arrest. 560 00:38:54,792 --> 00:38:57,545 I repeat. Immediate arrest. 561 00:38:57,628 --> 00:39:01,303 All new life forms will be catalogued and taken into care. 562 00:39:02,049 --> 00:39:05,553 All visitors to the hospital will be required to make a statement 563 00:39:05,636 --> 00:39:07,980 to the NNYPD. 564 00:39:08,097 --> 00:39:09,815 The Face of Boe! 565 00:39:20,985 --> 00:39:22,612 You were supposed to be dying. 566 00:39:22,737 --> 00:39:26,458 There are better things to do today. Dying can wait. 567 00:39:26,532 --> 00:39:28,626 Oh, I hate telepathy. 568 00:39:29,160 --> 00:39:31,083 Just what I need, a head full of big-face. 569 00:39:31,203 --> 00:39:32,329 Shh! 570 00:39:32,413 --> 00:39:34,711 I had grown tired with the universe, Doctor, 571 00:39:34,790 --> 00:39:37,919 but you have taught me to look at it anew. 572 00:39:38,002 --> 00:39:40,755 There are legends, you know, 573 00:39:40,838 --> 00:39:43,011 saying that you're millions of years old. 574 00:39:43,132 --> 00:39:45,226 Well, now, that would be impossible. 575 00:39:45,301 --> 00:39:46,894 Wouldn't it just? 576 00:39:46,969 --> 00:39:50,599 I got the impression there was something you wanted to tell me. 577 00:39:50,681 --> 00:39:52,149 A great secret. 578 00:39:52,224 --> 00:39:54,192 So the legend says. 579 00:39:54,268 --> 00:39:55,520 It can wait. 580 00:39:55,603 --> 00:39:57,321 Oh, does it have to? 581 00:39:57,438 --> 00:40:02,114 We shall meet again, Doctor, for the third time, for the last time, 582 00:40:02,234 --> 00:40:03,907 and the truth shall be told. 583 00:40:04,946 --> 00:40:06,414 Until that day... 584 00:40:11,994 --> 00:40:13,667 That is enigmatic. 585 00:40:13,788 --> 00:40:16,257 That is... that is textbook enigmatic. 586 00:40:19,752 --> 00:40:21,504 And now for you. 587 00:40:22,463 --> 00:40:28,391 But everything's happy. Everything's fine. Can't you just leave me? 588 00:40:28,469 --> 00:40:29,891 You've lived long enough. 589 00:40:31,055 --> 00:40:34,025 Leave that body and end it, Cassandra. 590 00:40:35,559 --> 00:40:37,357 I don't want to die. 591 00:40:37,436 --> 00:40:38,653 No one does. 592 00:40:38,729 --> 00:40:40,823 - Help me. - I can't. 593 00:40:40,898 --> 00:40:42,400 Mistress... 594 00:40:42,483 --> 00:40:44,201 Oh! You're alive! 595 00:40:44,276 --> 00:40:47,576 I kept myself safe for you, mistress. 596 00:40:48,239 --> 00:40:49,661 A body! 597 00:40:50,741 --> 00:40:53,164 And not just that. A volunteer! 598 00:40:53,244 --> 00:40:55,121 Don't you dare! He's got a life of his own. 599 00:40:55,204 --> 00:40:57,457 But I worship the mistress. 600 00:40:57,581 --> 00:40:58,924 I welcome her. 601 00:40:59,041 --> 00:41:00,884 You can't, Cassandra. You... 602 00:41:03,170 --> 00:41:04,592 Oh! You all right? 603 00:41:07,633 --> 00:41:08,805 Okay? 604 00:41:10,845 --> 00:41:12,097 Yeah. 605 00:41:13,305 --> 00:41:14,352 Hello. 606 00:41:14,432 --> 00:41:16,434 Hello. Welcome back. 607 00:41:16,517 --> 00:41:19,441 Oh, sweet Lord! I'm a walking doodle. 608 00:41:19,729 --> 00:41:23,029 You can't stay in there. I'm sorry, Cassandra, but that's not fair. 609 00:41:23,107 --> 00:41:25,280 I can take you to the city. They can build you a skin-tank, 610 00:41:25,359 --> 00:41:27,532 and you can stand trial for what you've done. 611 00:41:27,611 --> 00:41:30,034 Well, that would be rather dramatic. 612 00:41:30,156 --> 00:41:33,251 Possibly my finest hour, and certainly my finest hat. 613 00:41:33,325 --> 00:41:35,077 But I'm afraid we don't have time. 614 00:41:35,161 --> 00:41:37,084 Poor little Chip, he's only a half-life. 615 00:41:37,163 --> 00:41:40,588 And he's been through so much. His heart is racing so. 616 00:41:42,043 --> 00:41:44,842 He's failing. I don't think he's going to last... 617 00:41:44,920 --> 00:41:47,298 - You all right? - I'm fine. 618 00:41:51,802 --> 00:41:53,224 I'm dying. 619 00:41:54,472 --> 00:41:56,019 But that's fine. 620 00:41:57,725 --> 00:41:59,398 I can take you to the city. 621 00:41:59,518 --> 00:42:00,815 No, you won't. 622 00:42:01,645 --> 00:42:03,647 Everything's new on this planet. 623 00:42:03,731 --> 00:42:06,405 There's no place for Chip and me anymore. 624 00:42:09,153 --> 00:42:11,451 You were right, Doctor. 625 00:42:11,530 --> 00:42:12,907 It's time to die. 626 00:42:17,328 --> 00:42:19,126 And that's good. 627 00:42:21,415 --> 00:42:24,168 Come on, there's one last thing I can do. 628 00:42:39,183 --> 00:42:41,356 Oh, no don't! 629 00:42:43,187 --> 00:42:45,531 That's simply not true. 630 00:42:45,648 --> 00:42:48,117 And believe me, it was so dismal. 631 00:42:48,192 --> 00:42:50,240 And the mosquitoes, I can't tell you. They were... 632 00:42:50,319 --> 00:42:52,117 Thank you. 633 00:42:52,196 --> 00:42:55,075 Just go. And don't look back. 634 00:42:56,158 --> 00:42:57,705 Good luck. 635 00:43:07,628 --> 00:43:12,099 And if you actually see them, you're shot! But don't quote me on that. 636 00:43:14,135 --> 00:43:17,139 - A bientot. - Excuse me, the Lady Cassandra? 637 00:43:17,221 --> 00:43:19,815 I'm sorry, I don't need anything right now. I'm fine, thank you. 638 00:43:19,890 --> 00:43:23,064 No, I just wanted to say... you look beautiful. 639 00:43:25,354 --> 00:43:29,279 Well. That's very kind, you strange little thing. 640 00:43:30,067 --> 00:43:31,364 Thank you very much. 641 00:43:31,443 --> 00:43:32,865 I mean it. 642 00:43:37,491 --> 00:43:39,118 You look... 643 00:43:40,411 --> 00:43:41,913 so beautiful. 644 00:43:47,084 --> 00:43:48,256 Thank you. 645 00:43:52,256 --> 00:43:56,102 Oh, my Lord. Are you all right? What is it? What's wrong? 646 00:43:56,177 --> 00:43:57,929 Someone get some help! 647 00:43:58,053 --> 00:44:00,522 Call a medic or something, quickly. 648 00:44:00,598 --> 00:44:02,942 I don't know, he just came up to me. 649 00:44:03,058 --> 00:44:04,526 Don't even know his name. 650 00:44:04,602 --> 00:44:09,233 He just collapsed. I think he's dying. Someone do something! 651 00:44:09,523 --> 00:44:13,619 I've got you, sweetheart. It's all right. There you are. 652 00:44:13,944 --> 00:44:16,117 There you are. I've got you. 653 00:44:16,238 --> 00:44:19,037 It'll be alright. There, there. 654 00:44:19,116 --> 00:44:20,789 You poor little thing. 655 00:44:34,131 --> 00:44:36,884 Might I introduce Her Majesty Queen Victoria? 656 00:44:43,933 --> 00:44:46,482 Every full moon, the howling rings through the valley. 657 00:44:46,560 --> 00:44:48,983 This is a man who becomes an animal. 658 00:44:49,063 --> 00:44:50,235 A werewolf? 659 00:44:50,314 --> 00:44:52,316 But it can't be an actual wolf. 660 00:45:01,033 --> 00:45:02,410 Bullets can't stop it!