1 00:00:00,384 --> 00:00:03,740 Close your eyes and tell me what you see. 2 00:00:09,800 --> 00:00:11,235 The Library. 3 00:00:17,100 --> 00:00:19,680 Open your eyes again. 4 00:00:19,715 --> 00:00:22,225 Where are you now? 5 00:00:22,260 --> 00:00:24,639 My living room, Dr Moon. 6 00:00:24,674 --> 00:00:27,019 When you close your eyes... 7 00:00:27,054 --> 00:00:28,659 I go to the Library. 8 00:00:30,820 --> 00:00:32,979 Go to the Library now. 9 00:00:34,580 --> 00:00:37,060 Are you back there? Yes. 10 00:00:37,820 --> 00:00:39,624 The same part? 11 00:00:39,659 --> 00:00:42,119 No, it's always different. 12 00:00:42,154 --> 00:00:44,580 The Library goes on for ever. 13 00:00:44,615 --> 00:00:47,420 How you do move around? 14 00:00:47,455 --> 00:00:49,704 By wishing. 15 00:00:52,419 --> 00:00:54,704 What's wrong? Something's here! 16 00:00:54,739 --> 00:01:00,900 Someone's got in! No-one's supposed to get in! 17 00:01:00,935 --> 00:01:03,465 Someone's in my library. 18 00:01:03,500 --> 00:01:05,900 No! No, please! That's not allowed! 19 00:01:05,935 --> 00:01:08,585 Listen to me. 20 00:01:08,620 --> 00:01:10,544 The Library is in your mind. 21 00:01:10,579 --> 00:01:13,179 I know it's in my mind. But something's got inside! 22 00:01:24,819 --> 00:01:26,905 Oh! Hello! 23 00:01:26,940 --> 00:01:29,099 Sorry to burst in on you like this. 24 00:01:29,134 --> 00:01:30,579 OK if we stop here for a bit? 25 00:01:55,648 --> 00:01:58,714 Doctor Who - 4x07 "Silence In The Library" 26 00:01:59,088 --> 00:02:01,985 Transcript by evarin www.transcripts.subtitle.me.uk 27 00:02:02,224 --> 00:02:04,631 Update by LauCass 28 00:02:05,087 --> 00:02:09,108 ~ Bad Wolf Team ~ ~ www.seriessub.com ~ 29 00:02:09,659 --> 00:02:14,780 Books! People never really stop loving books. 30 00:02:17,619 --> 00:02:21,740 By now you've got holovids, direct to brain downloads, fiction mist, 31 00:02:21,775 --> 00:02:25,740 but you need the smell. The smell of books, Donna. Deep breath. 32 00:02:29,660 --> 00:02:31,260 The Library. 33 00:02:32,859 --> 00:02:34,860 So big it doesn't need a name. 34 00:02:34,895 --> 00:02:36,339 Just a great big "the." 35 00:02:36,374 --> 00:02:37,904 It's like a city. 36 00:02:37,939 --> 00:02:40,304 It's a world. Literally a world. 37 00:02:40,339 --> 00:02:43,740 The core of the planet is the index computer, biggest hard drive ever. 38 00:02:43,775 --> 00:02:46,145 And up here, every book ever written. 39 00:02:46,180 --> 00:02:52,659 Whole continents of Jeffrey Archer, Bridget Jones, Monty Python's Big Red Book. 40 00:02:52,694 --> 00:02:54,819 Brand new editions, specially printed. 41 00:02:57,140 --> 00:02:59,139 We're near the equator, so... 42 00:03:00,900 --> 00:03:03,140 ..this must be Biographies! 43 00:03:03,175 --> 00:03:05,145 I love biographies. 44 00:03:05,180 --> 00:03:07,345 Yeah, very you. Always a death at the end. 45 00:03:07,380 --> 00:03:10,660 You need a good death. Without death, there'd only be comedies. 46 00:03:10,695 --> 00:03:13,060 Dying gives us size. Oi! 47 00:03:13,095 --> 00:03:15,425 Spoilers! What? 48 00:03:15,460 --> 00:03:19,260 These books are from your future. Don't read ahead - spoil all the surprises. 49 00:03:19,295 --> 00:03:24,060 Like peeking at the end. Isn't travelling with you one big spoiler? 50 00:03:24,095 --> 00:03:28,019 I try to keep you away from major plot developments. 51 00:03:28,054 --> 00:03:30,625 Which, to be honest, I seem to be very bad at, 52 00:03:30,660 --> 00:03:34,500 cos you know what? This is the biggest library in the universe. 53 00:03:36,059 --> 00:03:37,540 So where is everyone? 54 00:03:41,940 --> 00:03:45,459 It's silent. The Library? 55 00:03:48,860 --> 00:03:53,979 The planet. 56 00:03:55,699 --> 00:03:57,985 Maybe it's a Sunday. 57 00:03:58,020 --> 00:04:00,459 No, I never land on Sundays. 58 00:04:00,494 --> 00:04:02,864 Sundays are boring. Well... 59 00:04:02,899 --> 00:04:07,019 Maybe everyone's really, really quiet. 60 00:04:07,054 --> 00:04:08,505 Yeah, maybe. 61 00:04:08,540 --> 00:04:11,320 But they'd still show up on the system. 62 00:04:11,355 --> 00:04:14,100 Doctor, why are we here? Really, why? 63 00:04:14,135 --> 00:04:16,460 Oh, you know, just passing. 64 00:04:16,495 --> 00:04:18,345 No, seriously. 65 00:04:18,380 --> 00:04:21,780 It was all, "Let's hit the beach," then suddenly we're in a library. 66 00:04:21,815 --> 00:04:24,117 Why? Now, that's interesting. 67 00:04:24,152 --> 00:04:26,384 What? Scanning for life forms. 68 00:04:26,419 --> 00:04:28,665 If I do a scan looking for your basic humanoids - 69 00:04:28,700 --> 00:04:32,220 your book readers, few limbs and a face - apart from us, I get nothing. 70 00:04:32,255 --> 00:04:34,665 Zippo, nada, see? 71 00:04:34,700 --> 00:04:39,820 Nobody home. But if I widen the parameters to any kind of life... 72 00:04:43,820 --> 00:04:45,880 A million million. 73 00:04:45,915 --> 00:04:47,940 Gives up after that. 74 00:04:49,820 --> 00:04:52,105 A million million. 75 00:04:52,140 --> 00:04:54,220 But there's nothing here. 76 00:04:54,255 --> 00:04:56,777 There's no-one. 77 00:04:56,812 --> 00:04:59,300 And not a sound. 78 00:05:01,220 --> 00:05:03,700 A million million life forms 79 00:05:03,735 --> 00:05:06,180 and silence in the Library. 80 00:05:07,779 --> 00:05:10,305 But there's no-one here. 81 00:05:10,340 --> 00:05:13,580 There's just books. I mean, it's not the books, is it? 82 00:05:13,615 --> 00:05:15,459 I mean, it can't be the books, can it? 83 00:05:15,494 --> 00:05:17,940 I mean, books can't be alive? 84 00:05:28,980 --> 00:05:30,459 Welcome! 85 00:05:33,220 --> 00:05:35,859 That came from in there, yeah. Yeah! 86 00:05:49,340 --> 00:05:53,385 I am Courtesy Node 710/aqua. 87 00:05:53,420 --> 00:05:57,760 Please enjoy the Library and respect the personal access codes 88 00:05:57,795 --> 00:06:02,100 of all your fellow readers regardless of species or hygiene taboo. 89 00:06:02,135 --> 00:06:04,197 That face, it looks real. 90 00:06:04,232 --> 00:06:06,224 Yeah, don't worry about it. 91 00:06:06,259 --> 00:06:08,780 But a statue with a real face, though! 92 00:06:08,815 --> 00:06:10,417 It's a hologram, isn't it? 93 00:06:10,452 --> 00:06:11,984 No, but really, it's fine. 94 00:06:12,019 --> 00:06:17,839 There follows a brief message from the head librarian for your urgent attention. 95 00:06:17,874 --> 00:06:23,660 It has been edited for tone and content by a Felman Lux Automated Decency Filter. 96 00:06:23,695 --> 00:06:25,957 Message follows. "Run. 97 00:06:25,992 --> 00:06:28,186 "For God's sake, run. 98 00:06:28,221 --> 00:06:30,345 "Nowhere is safe. 99 00:06:30,380 --> 00:06:36,260 "The Library has sealed itself, we can't... Oh, they're here. 100 00:06:36,295 --> 00:06:40,264 "Arg. Slarg. Snick." Message ends. 101 00:06:40,299 --> 00:06:45,419 Please switch off your mobile comm units for the comfort of other readers. 102 00:06:45,454 --> 00:06:48,184 So that's why we're here. 103 00:06:48,219 --> 00:06:52,665 Any other messages, same date stamp? One additional message. 104 00:06:52,700 --> 00:06:56,820 This message carries a Felman Lux coherency warning of 5, 0, 11... 105 00:06:56,855 --> 00:06:58,899 Yeah, yeah, fine, just play it. 106 00:06:58,934 --> 00:07:00,996 Message follows. 107 00:07:01,031 --> 00:07:03,024 "Count the shadows. 108 00:07:03,059 --> 00:07:04,784 "For God's sake, remember... 109 00:07:04,819 --> 00:07:07,180 "if you want to live, count the shadows." 110 00:07:07,215 --> 00:07:09,699 Message ends. 111 00:07:13,380 --> 00:07:16,199 Donna... 112 00:07:16,234 --> 00:07:18,984 Yeah? 113 00:07:19,019 --> 00:07:20,580 Stay out of the shadows. 114 00:07:22,299 --> 00:07:24,060 Why, what's in the shadows? 115 00:07:42,539 --> 00:07:44,385 So... 116 00:07:44,420 --> 00:07:47,140 We weren't just in the neighbourhood. 117 00:07:47,175 --> 00:07:49,577 Yeah, I kind of, sort of lied a bit. 118 00:07:49,612 --> 00:07:51,979 I got a message on the psychic paper. 119 00:07:53,779 --> 00:07:56,739 What do you think - cry for help? 120 00:07:56,774 --> 00:07:59,516 Cry for help with a kiss? 121 00:07:59,551 --> 00:08:02,265 Oh, we've all done that. 122 00:08:02,300 --> 00:08:04,944 Who's it from? No idea. 123 00:08:04,979 --> 00:08:08,100 So why did we come here, why did you..? Donna. 124 00:08:10,340 --> 00:08:14,345 What's happening? Run! 125 00:08:14,380 --> 00:08:17,660 What, is it locked? Jammed! The wood's warped! 126 00:08:18,860 --> 00:08:21,104 Sonic it, use the thingy! 127 00:08:21,139 --> 00:08:24,079 I can't, it's wood! What, it doesn't do wood?! 128 00:08:24,114 --> 00:08:26,985 If I can vibrate the molecules, fry the bindings, 129 00:08:27,020 --> 00:08:29,979 I can shatterline the interface. Oh, get out of the way! 130 00:08:39,140 --> 00:08:41,464 Oh! Hello! 131 00:08:41,499 --> 00:08:45,139 OK if we stop here for a bit? 132 00:08:47,739 --> 00:08:51,024 What is it? 133 00:08:51,059 --> 00:08:53,699 Security camera. 134 00:08:53,734 --> 00:08:56,340 Switched itself off. 135 00:08:59,940 --> 00:09:04,140 They were in my library. How can they be in my library? Who were they? 136 00:09:04,175 --> 00:09:08,340 What's that? What's that noise? What noise? 137 00:09:10,299 --> 00:09:12,745 Nice door skills, Donna. 138 00:09:12,780 --> 00:09:14,704 Yeah, well, you know, boyfriends... 139 00:09:14,739 --> 00:09:18,265 sometimes you need the element of surprise. What was that, 140 00:09:18,300 --> 00:09:22,820 what was after us? I mean, did we just run away from a power cut? 141 00:09:22,855 --> 00:09:23,940 Possibly. 142 00:09:26,699 --> 00:09:30,539 Are we safe here? Course we're safe. There's a little shop. 143 00:09:36,819 --> 00:09:38,860 Gotcha! 144 00:09:40,059 --> 00:09:43,980 No, stop it, no, no! 145 00:09:46,620 --> 00:09:48,264 Ooh, I'm sorry. 146 00:09:48,299 --> 00:09:52,300 I really am, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. It's alive. 147 00:09:52,335 --> 00:09:54,540 You said it was a security camera. 148 00:09:54,575 --> 00:09:56,744 It is. 149 00:09:56,779 --> 00:09:58,759 It's an alive one. 150 00:09:58,794 --> 00:10:00,666 Can you hear me? 151 00:10:00,701 --> 00:10:02,539 Are you all right? 152 00:10:05,700 --> 00:10:09,380 Others are coming. Who's coming? Who are the others? 153 00:10:09,415 --> 00:10:11,385 The Library is breached. 154 00:10:11,420 --> 00:10:14,104 Others are coming. What others? 155 00:10:14,139 --> 00:10:17,900 Others? What does it mean, "others"? 156 00:10:21,139 --> 00:10:23,625 Excuse me, what does it mean, "others"? 157 00:10:23,660 --> 00:10:27,420 That's barely more than a speak your weight machine, it can't help you. 158 00:10:27,455 --> 00:10:28,784 So why's it got a face? 159 00:10:28,819 --> 00:10:34,579 This flesh aspect was donated by Mark Chambers on the occasion of his death. 160 00:10:34,614 --> 00:10:36,504 It's a real face? 161 00:10:36,539 --> 00:10:39,585 It has been actualised individually for you 162 00:10:39,620 --> 00:10:43,380 from the many facial aspects saved to our extensive flesh banks. 163 00:10:43,415 --> 00:10:45,705 Please enjoy. 164 00:10:45,740 --> 00:10:52,019 It chose me a dead face it thought I'd like? That statue's got a 165 00:10:52,054 --> 00:10:54,899 That's basically like donating a park bench. 166 00:10:54,934 --> 00:10:57,339 It's donating a face! 167 00:10:57,374 --> 00:10:58,905 No, wait, no! 168 00:10:58,940 --> 00:11:01,620 Oi! Hands! The shadow, look. 169 00:11:03,340 --> 00:11:07,105 What about it? Count the shadows. 170 00:11:07,140 --> 00:11:11,099 One. There, I counted it, one shadow. 171 00:11:11,134 --> 00:11:15,300 Yeah... But what's casting it? 172 00:11:25,340 --> 00:11:28,280 Oh! I'm thick! Look at me, I'm old and thick! 173 00:11:28,315 --> 00:11:31,220 Head's too full of stuff, I need a bigger head! 174 00:11:35,219 --> 00:11:36,744 Power must be going. 175 00:11:36,779 --> 00:11:39,980 This place runs on fission cells. They'll outburn the sun. 176 00:11:40,015 --> 00:11:42,699 Then why's it dark? It's not dark. 177 00:11:46,740 --> 00:11:48,700 That shadow. 178 00:11:48,735 --> 00:11:50,625 It's gone. 179 00:11:50,660 --> 00:11:53,305 We need to get back to the TARDIS. Why? 180 00:11:53,340 --> 00:11:55,944 Because that shadow hasn't gone. It's moved. 181 00:11:55,979 --> 00:12:00,139 Reminder - the Library has been breached, others are coming. 182 00:12:00,174 --> 00:12:04,300 Reminder - the Library has been breached, others are coming. 183 00:12:04,335 --> 00:12:07,059 Reminder - the Library has been breached... 184 00:12:28,300 --> 00:12:30,300 Hello, sweetie. 185 00:12:30,335 --> 00:12:32,265 Get out. Doctor? 186 00:12:32,300 --> 00:12:34,785 Get back in your rocket and fly away. 187 00:12:34,820 --> 00:12:38,100 Tell your grandchildren you came to the Library and lived, they won't believe you. 188 00:12:38,135 --> 00:12:41,544 Pop your helmets, everyone. We've got breathers. 189 00:12:41,579 --> 00:12:45,180 How do you know they're not androids? Cos I've dated androids. 190 00:12:45,215 --> 00:12:46,665 They're rubbish. Who is this? 191 00:12:46,700 --> 00:12:50,305 You said we were the only expedition, I paid for exclusives. 192 00:12:50,340 --> 00:12:55,299 I lied, I'm always lying. Bound to be others. Miss Evangelista, I want to see the contracts. 193 00:12:55,334 --> 00:12:57,745 You came through the north door? Much damage? 194 00:12:57,780 --> 00:13:02,619 Please, just leave. I'm asking you seriously and properly, just lea... Did you say expedition? 195 00:13:02,654 --> 00:13:04,665 My expedition, I funded it. 196 00:13:04,700 --> 00:13:08,900 Oh, you're not, are you? Tell me you're not archaeologists. 197 00:13:08,935 --> 00:13:10,744 Got a problem with archaeologists? 198 00:13:10,779 --> 00:13:15,379 I'm a time traveller. I point and laugh at archaeologists. Ah! 199 00:13:15,414 --> 00:13:17,540 Professor River Song, archaeologist. 200 00:13:17,575 --> 00:13:19,304 Lovely name. As you're leaving, 201 00:13:19,339 --> 00:13:21,864 you need to set up a quarantine beacon. 202 00:13:21,899 --> 00:13:26,460 Code-wall the planet, the whole planet. Nobody comes here, not ever again. 203 00:13:26,495 --> 00:13:29,859 Stop right there! What's your name? Anita. 204 00:13:29,894 --> 00:13:31,464 Anita, stay out of the shadows. 205 00:13:31,499 --> 00:13:34,940 Not a finger in the shadows till you're safely back in your ship. 206 00:13:34,975 --> 00:13:39,140 Stay in the light. Find a nice, bright spot and just stand. 207 00:13:39,175 --> 00:13:42,180 If you understand me, look very, very scared. 208 00:13:47,539 --> 00:13:50,180 No, bit more scared than that. 209 00:13:52,140 --> 00:13:55,785 OK, do for now. You, who are you? Er, Dave. OK, Dave... 210 00:13:55,820 --> 00:14:02,460 Oh, well Other Dave, because that's Proper Dave the pilot, he was the first Dave, so when we... 211 00:14:02,495 --> 00:14:05,700 The way you came, does it look the same as before? Yeah. 212 00:14:05,735 --> 00:14:07,024 Oh, it's a bit darker. 213 00:14:07,059 --> 00:14:11,259 How much darker? I could see where we came through just a moment ago. I can't now. 214 00:14:11,294 --> 00:14:13,065 Seal the door. 215 00:14:13,100 --> 00:14:16,339 We're not looking for a way out. Miss Evangelista? 216 00:14:16,374 --> 00:14:19,705 I'm Mr Lux's personal...everything. 217 00:14:19,740 --> 00:14:23,379 Sign these contracts agreeing that your experiences inside the Library 218 00:14:23,414 --> 00:14:28,260 are the intellectual property of the Felman Lux Corporation. 219 00:14:28,295 --> 00:14:31,419 Right, give it here. Yeah, lovely. Thanks. 220 00:14:32,620 --> 00:14:35,784 My family built this library. I have rights. 221 00:14:35,819 --> 00:14:39,464 You have a mouth that won't stop. You think there's danger here? 222 00:14:39,499 --> 00:14:43,620 Something came to this library and killed everything in it, killed a whole world. 223 00:14:43,655 --> 00:14:45,784 Danger? Could be. That was 100 years ago. 224 00:14:45,819 --> 00:14:49,620 The Library's been silent for 100 years. Whatever came here is long dead. 225 00:14:49,655 --> 00:14:50,660 Bet your life? 226 00:14:50,695 --> 00:14:52,784 Always. 227 00:14:52,819 --> 00:14:55,585 What are you doing? 228 00:14:55,620 --> 00:14:57,420 He said seal the door. Torch! 229 00:14:57,455 --> 00:14:59,220 You're taking orders from him? 230 00:14:59,255 --> 00:15:00,699 Spooky, isn't it? 231 00:15:09,299 --> 00:15:14,259 Almost every species in the universe has an irrational fear of the dark. 232 00:15:14,294 --> 00:15:19,460 But they're wrong. Cos it's not irrational. 233 00:15:19,495 --> 00:15:21,697 It's Vashta Nerada. 234 00:15:21,732 --> 00:15:24,296 What's Vashta Nerada? 235 00:15:24,331 --> 00:15:26,825 It's what's in the dark. 236 00:15:26,860 --> 00:15:28,619 It's what's always in the dark. 237 00:15:30,660 --> 00:15:33,305 Lights! You got lights? What for? 238 00:15:33,340 --> 00:15:37,860 Form a circle, safe area, big as you can, lights pointing out. Oi! 239 00:15:37,895 --> 00:15:39,740 Do as he says. You're not listening to him?! 240 00:15:39,775 --> 00:15:41,464 Apparently, I am. Unpack the lights. 241 00:15:41,499 --> 00:15:44,859 Other Dave, make sure the door's secure, then help Anita. 242 00:15:44,894 --> 00:15:47,425 Mr Lux, put your helmet back on, block the visor. 243 00:15:47,460 --> 00:15:50,625 Proper Dave, I want you to access the library database, 244 00:15:50,660 --> 00:15:55,499 see what you can find about what happened here a hundred years ago. Pretty Boy, you're with me. 245 00:15:55,534 --> 00:15:57,304 Step into my office. 246 00:15:57,339 --> 00:16:00,339 Professor Song, why am I the only one wearing my helmet? 247 00:16:00,374 --> 00:16:03,385 I don't fancy you. 248 00:16:03,420 --> 00:16:05,680 Probably, I can help you. 249 00:16:05,715 --> 00:16:07,940 Pretty Boy, with me, I said. 250 00:16:11,620 --> 00:16:13,785 Oh, I'm Pretty Boy? Yes. 251 00:16:13,820 --> 00:16:15,699 Ooh, that came out a bit quick! 252 00:16:15,734 --> 00:16:17,985 Pretty?! 253 00:16:18,020 --> 00:16:20,464 Don't let your shadows cross! 254 00:16:20,499 --> 00:16:23,305 Seriously, don't even let them touch. 255 00:16:23,340 --> 00:16:26,539 Any of them could be infected. How can a shadow be infected? 256 00:16:26,574 --> 00:16:27,585 Can I help? 257 00:16:27,620 --> 00:16:29,299 No, we're fine. I could just... 258 00:16:29,334 --> 00:16:31,460 you know, hold things. 259 00:16:31,495 --> 00:16:34,699 Really, we're OK. 260 00:16:40,339 --> 00:16:42,105 Couldn't she help? 261 00:16:42,140 --> 00:16:44,824 I just spent four days on a ship with that woman. She's... 262 00:16:44,859 --> 00:16:48,140 Couldn't tell the difference between the escape pod and the bathroom. 263 00:16:48,175 --> 00:16:50,139 We had to go back for her. 264 00:16:50,174 --> 00:16:52,419 Twice. 265 00:17:04,220 --> 00:17:07,899 Thanks. For what? The usual. For coming when I call. 266 00:17:07,934 --> 00:17:09,584 That was you? 267 00:17:09,619 --> 00:17:13,540 You're doing a good job, acting like you don't know me. I'm assume there's a reason. 268 00:17:13,575 --> 00:17:17,019 A fairly good one, actually. OK, shall we do diaries, then? 269 00:17:17,054 --> 00:17:23,545 Where are we this time? 270 00:17:23,580 --> 00:17:26,220 Crash of the Byzantium... have we done that yet? 271 00:17:28,179 --> 00:17:32,379 Obviously ringing no bells. 272 00:17:32,414 --> 00:17:35,256 Right, Picnic at Asgard. 273 00:17:35,291 --> 00:17:38,099 Have we done Asgard yet? 274 00:17:40,380 --> 00:17:42,745 Obviously not. 275 00:17:42,780 --> 00:17:45,225 Blimey, very early days, then. Hoo! 276 00:17:45,260 --> 00:17:48,540 Life with a time traveller - never knew it could be such hard work. 277 00:17:53,220 --> 00:17:54,739 Look at you! 278 00:17:57,060 --> 00:18:00,380 You're young. I'm really not, you know. 279 00:18:00,415 --> 00:18:01,860 No, but you are. 280 00:18:02,780 --> 00:18:04,459 Your eyes. 281 00:18:06,259 --> 00:18:08,979 You're younger than I've ever seen you. 282 00:18:10,299 --> 00:18:13,939 You've seen me before, then? 283 00:18:15,500 --> 00:18:17,944 Doctor... 284 00:18:17,979 --> 00:18:20,220 please tell me you know who I am? 285 00:18:21,899 --> 00:18:23,300 Who are you? 286 00:18:32,620 --> 00:18:37,820 Sorry, that was me. Trying to get through into the security protocols, I seem to have set something off. 287 00:18:37,855 --> 00:18:41,060 What is that, is that an alarm? Doctor. 288 00:18:41,095 --> 00:18:43,260 Doctor, that sounds like... 289 00:18:43,295 --> 00:18:44,580 It is. It's a phone! 290 00:19:01,779 --> 00:19:03,344 Dad! 291 00:19:03,379 --> 00:19:06,544 In a minute. 292 00:19:10,020 --> 00:19:13,939 I'm trying to call up the data core, but it's not responding. 293 00:19:13,974 --> 00:19:16,139 Just that noise. But it's a phone! 294 00:19:16,174 --> 00:19:18,537 Let me try something. 295 00:19:20,900 --> 00:19:24,740 Dad! The phone, aren't you going to answer it? 296 00:19:24,775 --> 00:19:27,777 It's not ringing, sweetie. 297 00:19:40,340 --> 00:19:43,539 OK, doesn't like that, let's try something else. 298 00:19:54,620 --> 00:19:55,980 'OK, here it comes.' 299 00:19:58,340 --> 00:20:00,184 Hello? 300 00:20:00,219 --> 00:20:04,059 Hello. Are you in my television? 301 00:20:04,094 --> 00:20:08,025 Well, no, I'm... 302 00:20:08,060 --> 00:20:13,340 I'm sort of in space. I was trying to call up the data core of a triple-grid security processor. 303 00:20:13,375 --> 00:20:15,225 Would you like to speak to my dad? 304 00:20:15,260 --> 00:20:18,259 Your dad or your mum, that would be lovely. 305 00:20:20,700 --> 00:20:22,740 I know you! You were in my library. 306 00:20:22,775 --> 00:20:24,744 YOUR library? 307 00:20:24,779 --> 00:20:27,705 The Library's never been on the television before. 308 00:20:27,740 --> 00:20:34,579 What have you done? Ah, I... I just rerouted the interface... 309 00:20:34,614 --> 00:20:38,980 What happened. Who was that? 310 00:20:49,419 --> 00:20:53,019 I need another terminal. Keep working on those lights, we need those lights! 311 00:20:53,054 --> 00:20:56,739 You heard him, people, let there be light. 312 00:21:10,499 --> 00:21:15,900 Sorry. You're not allowed to see inside the book, it's against the rules. What rules? 313 00:21:15,935 --> 00:21:17,340 Your rules. 314 00:21:44,060 --> 00:21:45,980 What's that? 315 00:21:48,140 --> 00:21:51,219 I didn't do that, did you do that? Not me. 316 00:21:54,980 --> 00:21:56,420 What's CAL? 317 00:22:15,900 --> 00:22:17,264 You all right? 318 00:22:17,299 --> 00:22:20,100 What's that? What's happening? 319 00:22:20,135 --> 00:22:21,864 I don't know. 320 00:22:21,899 --> 00:22:23,905 Oh, thanks for...you know... 321 00:22:23,940 --> 00:22:25,700 offering to help with the lights. 322 00:22:27,379 --> 00:22:31,419 They don't want me. They think I'm stupid cos I'm pretty. 323 00:22:31,454 --> 00:22:34,477 Course they don't, nobody thinks that. 324 00:22:34,512 --> 00:22:37,465 No, they're right though. I'm a moron, me. 325 00:22:37,500 --> 00:22:41,700 My dad said I have the IQ of plankton. And I was pleased. 326 00:22:41,735 --> 00:22:43,699 See, that's funny. 327 00:22:45,219 --> 00:22:48,559 No, I really was pleased. 328 00:22:48,594 --> 00:22:51,900 Is that funny? No, no. 329 00:22:54,860 --> 00:22:58,179 What's causing that? Is it the little girl? 330 00:22:58,214 --> 00:22:59,704 But who is the little girl? 331 00:22:59,739 --> 00:23:01,420 What's she got to do with this place? 332 00:23:06,380 --> 00:23:08,620 How does the data core work? What's the principle? 333 00:23:08,655 --> 00:23:11,300 What's CAL? Ask Mr Lux. 334 00:23:11,335 --> 00:23:13,065 CAL, what is it? 335 00:23:13,100 --> 00:23:17,220 Sorry. You didn't sign your Personal Experience contracts. 336 00:23:17,255 --> 00:23:19,504 Mr Lux, 337 00:23:19,539 --> 00:23:23,780 right now, you're in more danger than you've ever been in your whole life. 338 00:23:23,815 --> 00:23:25,957 And you're protecting a patent? 339 00:23:25,992 --> 00:23:28,100 I'm protecting my family's pride. 340 00:23:28,135 --> 00:23:30,105 Well, funny thing, Mr Lux, 341 00:23:30,140 --> 00:23:33,505 I don't want to see everyone in this room dead 342 00:23:33,540 --> 00:23:37,939 because some idiot thinks his pride is more important. 343 00:23:37,974 --> 00:23:41,019 Then why don't you sign his contract? 344 00:23:42,660 --> 00:23:46,419 I didn't either. I'm getting worse than you. 345 00:23:48,940 --> 00:23:51,265 Let's start at the beginning. What happened here? 346 00:23:51,300 --> 00:23:55,580 On the actual day, a hundred years ago, what physically happened? 347 00:23:58,500 --> 00:24:02,664 There was a message from the library. Just one. 348 00:24:02,699 --> 00:24:08,900 "The lights are going out". Then the computer sealed the planet and there was nothing for a hundred years. 349 00:24:08,935 --> 00:24:13,700 It's taken three generations of my family just to decode the seals and get back in. 350 00:24:13,735 --> 00:24:16,100 Um...excuse me... Not just now. 351 00:24:18,180 --> 00:24:21,060 There was one other thing in the last message... 352 00:24:21,095 --> 00:24:23,379 That's confidential. I trust this man. 353 00:24:23,414 --> 00:24:25,504 With my life, with everything. 354 00:24:25,539 --> 00:24:29,820 You've only just met him. No, he's only just met me. Erm. 355 00:24:31,660 --> 00:24:33,500 This might be important actually... 356 00:24:33,535 --> 00:24:35,020 In a moment! 357 00:24:37,100 --> 00:24:40,460 This is a data extract that came with the message. 358 00:24:40,495 --> 00:24:43,500 4022 saved. No survivors. 359 00:24:45,380 --> 00:24:50,899 4022, that's the exact number of people who were in the Library when the planet was sealed. 360 00:24:50,934 --> 00:24:54,939 But how can 4022 people have been saved if there were no survivors? 361 00:24:54,974 --> 00:24:56,944 That's what we're here to find out. 362 00:24:56,979 --> 00:25:00,540 And so far, what we haven't found, are any bodies. 363 00:26:18,740 --> 00:26:21,424 Everybody, careful. Stay in the light. 364 00:26:21,459 --> 00:26:24,019 So you keep saying. I don't see the point! Who screamed? 365 00:26:24,054 --> 00:26:27,225 Miss Evangelista. Where is she? 366 00:26:27,260 --> 00:26:29,420 Miss Evangelista, please state your current... 367 00:26:35,780 --> 00:26:38,460 Please state your current... 368 00:26:38,495 --> 00:26:40,339 position. 369 00:26:51,099 --> 00:26:53,180 It's her. 370 00:26:56,220 --> 00:26:58,425 It's Miss Evangelista. 371 00:26:58,460 --> 00:27:00,744 We heard her scream a few seconds ago. 372 00:27:00,779 --> 00:27:02,820 What could do that to a person in a few seconds? 373 00:27:02,855 --> 00:27:04,539 It took less than a few seconds. What did? 374 00:27:04,574 --> 00:27:06,945 "Hello?" 375 00:27:06,980 --> 00:27:08,624 Erm, I'm sorry everyone, 376 00:27:08,659 --> 00:27:12,260 this isn't going to be pleasant. 377 00:27:12,295 --> 00:27:15,539 She's ghosting. She's what? 378 00:27:15,574 --> 00:27:18,745 "Hello, excuse me?" 379 00:27:18,780 --> 00:27:21,580 "I'm sorry, hello, excuse me?" 380 00:27:21,615 --> 00:27:23,704 That's... 381 00:27:23,739 --> 00:27:25,224 That's Miss Evangelista! 382 00:27:25,259 --> 00:27:28,220 I don't want to sound horrible, but couldn't we...you know? 383 00:27:28,255 --> 00:27:30,819 This is her last moment... no, we can't. 384 00:27:30,854 --> 00:27:33,296 A little respect, thank you. 385 00:27:33,331 --> 00:27:35,515 "Sorry, where am I? Excuse me?" 386 00:27:35,550 --> 00:27:37,665 But that's Miss Evangelista. 387 00:27:37,700 --> 00:27:42,779 It's a Data Ghost, she'll be gone in a moment. 388 00:27:42,814 --> 00:27:47,859 Miss Evangelista, you're fine, just relax. 389 00:27:47,894 --> 00:27:49,825 What's a Data Ghost? 390 00:27:49,860 --> 00:27:52,024 There's a neural relay in the communicator. 391 00:27:52,059 --> 00:27:56,824 Let's you send thought mails. That's it there, those green lights. 392 00:27:56,859 --> 00:28:02,300 Sometimes it can hold an impression of a living consciousness for a short time after death. 393 00:28:02,335 --> 00:28:04,819 Like an after image. 394 00:28:05,180 --> 00:28:08,344 My grandfather lasted a day. 395 00:28:08,379 --> 00:28:11,699 Kept talking about his shoelaces. 396 00:28:13,020 --> 00:28:14,265 She's in there! 397 00:28:14,300 --> 00:28:18,064 "I can't see, I can't... Where am I?" 398 00:28:18,099 --> 00:28:20,939 She's just brain waves now. The pattern won't hold for long. 399 00:28:22,579 --> 00:28:26,139 She's conscious! She's thinking. 400 00:28:26,174 --> 00:28:28,504 "I can't see, I can't..." 401 00:28:28,539 --> 00:28:32,060 "I don't know what I'm thinking." She's a footprint on the beach. 402 00:28:32,095 --> 00:28:34,177 And the tide's coming in. 403 00:28:34,212 --> 00:28:36,225 "Where's that woman?" 404 00:28:36,260 --> 00:28:39,179 "The nice woman... is she there?" 405 00:28:39,214 --> 00:28:43,077 What woman? She means... 406 00:28:43,112 --> 00:28:46,905 I think she means me. 407 00:28:46,940 --> 00:28:50,460 "Is she there? The nice woman?" 408 00:28:50,495 --> 00:28:53,779 Yeah, she's here, hang on. 409 00:28:55,620 --> 00:28:57,099 Go ahead. She can hear you. 410 00:28:57,134 --> 00:28:58,579 "Hello? Are you there?" 411 00:29:00,099 --> 00:29:01,744 Help her. 412 00:29:01,779 --> 00:29:04,380 She's dead. Yeah. Help her. 413 00:29:05,859 --> 00:29:09,180 "Hello? Is that the nice woman?" 414 00:29:09,215 --> 00:29:11,545 Yeah. Hello. 415 00:29:11,580 --> 00:29:14,619 Yeah, I'm I'm... I'm here. You OK? 416 00:29:15,699 --> 00:29:17,659 "What I said before... 417 00:29:17,694 --> 00:29:19,585 "about being stupid... 418 00:29:19,620 --> 00:29:21,780 "don't tell the others, they'll only laugh." 419 00:29:21,815 --> 00:29:23,265 Course I won't. 420 00:29:23,300 --> 00:29:24,784 Course I won't tell them. 421 00:29:24,819 --> 00:29:27,379 "Don't tell the others, they'll only laugh..." 422 00:29:27,414 --> 00:29:29,277 I won't tell them. 423 00:29:29,312 --> 00:29:31,105 I said I won't. 424 00:29:31,140 --> 00:29:34,500 "Don't tell the others, they'll only laugh." 425 00:29:34,535 --> 00:29:37,024 I'm not going to tell them. 426 00:29:37,059 --> 00:29:39,159 "Don't tell the others, they'll only laugh." 427 00:29:39,194 --> 00:29:41,260 She's looping now. The pattern's degrading. 428 00:29:41,295 --> 00:29:44,619 "I can't think, I...don't know, I... 429 00:29:45,620 --> 00:29:47,260 "I... 430 00:29:47,295 --> 00:29:48,865 "I... 431 00:29:48,900 --> 00:29:50,864 "Ice cream. 432 00:29:50,899 --> 00:29:54,300 "Ice cream. Ice cream. 433 00:29:54,335 --> 00:29:56,545 "Ice cream." 434 00:29:56,580 --> 00:29:58,700 Does anybody mind if I..? 435 00:30:09,899 --> 00:30:14,300 That was horrible. That was the most horrible thing I've ever seen. 436 00:30:16,179 --> 00:30:18,859 No. It's just a freak of technology. 437 00:30:20,459 --> 00:30:22,579 But whatever did this to her, 438 00:30:22,614 --> 00:30:24,817 whatever killed her... 439 00:30:24,852 --> 00:30:27,020 I'd like a word with that. 440 00:30:27,055 --> 00:30:28,659 I'll introduce you. 441 00:30:38,219 --> 00:30:40,380 I'm going to need a packed lunch. Hang on. 442 00:30:43,580 --> 00:30:46,099 What's in that book? Spoilers. 443 00:30:46,134 --> 00:30:48,264 Who are you? 444 00:30:48,299 --> 00:30:50,539 Professor River Song, University of... 445 00:30:50,574 --> 00:30:52,819 To me. Who are you to me? Again... 446 00:30:52,854 --> 00:30:54,984 spoilers. 447 00:30:55,019 --> 00:30:57,339 Chicken, and a bit of salad. 448 00:30:57,374 --> 00:30:59,539 Knock yourself out. 449 00:31:02,019 --> 00:31:04,225 Right, you lot. 450 00:31:04,260 --> 00:31:10,779 Let's meet the Vashta Nerada! 451 00:31:11,739 --> 00:31:16,020 Darling, Dr Moon is going now. But he'd like a word with you alone, is that all right? 452 00:31:16,055 --> 00:31:18,340 Yes, of course, Dr Moon. Thank you. 453 00:31:22,219 --> 00:31:25,059 Now, listen. 454 00:31:26,940 --> 00:31:28,825 This is important. 455 00:31:28,860 --> 00:31:34,579 There's the real world, and there's the world of nightmares. 456 00:31:34,614 --> 00:31:36,180 Isn't there? You understand? 457 00:31:36,215 --> 00:31:38,584 Yes, I know, Dr Moon. 458 00:31:38,619 --> 00:31:41,420 What I want you to remember is this... 459 00:31:41,455 --> 00:31:43,897 and I know it's hard. 460 00:31:43,932 --> 00:31:46,305 The real world is a lie, 461 00:31:46,340 --> 00:31:49,059 and your nightmares are real. 462 00:31:49,094 --> 00:31:50,905 The Library is real. 463 00:31:50,940 --> 00:31:56,140 There are people trapped in there, people who need to be saved. 464 00:31:56,175 --> 00:31:58,179 The shadows are moving again. 465 00:31:58,214 --> 00:31:59,984 Those people 466 00:32:00,019 --> 00:32:02,579 are depending on you. 467 00:32:02,614 --> 00:32:05,139 Only you can save them. 468 00:32:05,174 --> 00:32:06,579 Only you. 469 00:32:14,380 --> 00:32:17,120 You travel with him, don't you? 470 00:32:17,155 --> 00:32:19,860 The Doctor, you travel with him. 471 00:32:19,895 --> 00:32:21,145 What of it? 472 00:32:21,180 --> 00:32:23,024 Proper Dave, could you move over a bit? 473 00:32:23,059 --> 00:32:26,099 Why? Just over there by the water cooler. Thanks. 474 00:32:29,299 --> 00:32:31,679 You know him, don't you? 475 00:32:31,714 --> 00:32:34,327 Oh, God, do I know that man. 476 00:32:34,362 --> 00:32:36,940 We go way back, that man and me. 477 00:32:36,975 --> 00:32:38,660 Just not this far back. 478 00:32:38,695 --> 00:32:40,185 I'm sorry, what? 479 00:32:40,220 --> 00:32:42,220 He hasn't met me yet. 480 00:32:44,140 --> 00:32:48,699 I sent him a message but it went wrong, it arrived too early. 481 00:32:48,734 --> 00:32:51,219 This is the Doctor in the days before he knew me. 482 00:32:53,820 --> 00:32:55,864 And he looks at me, 483 00:32:55,899 --> 00:33:00,620 and he looks right through me. And it shouldn't kill me, but it does. 484 00:33:00,655 --> 00:33:02,217 What are you talking about? 485 00:33:02,252 --> 00:33:04,055 Are you just talking rubbish? 486 00:33:04,090 --> 00:33:06,414 Do you know him or don't you? 487 00:33:06,449 --> 00:33:09,114 Donna, quiet, I'm working! Sorry! 488 00:33:09,149 --> 00:33:11,780 Donna? You're Donna? Donna Noble? 489 00:33:11,815 --> 00:33:13,700 Yeah, why? 490 00:33:15,340 --> 00:33:17,480 I do know the Doctor. 491 00:33:17,515 --> 00:33:19,767 But in the future. 492 00:33:19,802 --> 00:33:21,985 His personal future. 493 00:33:22,020 --> 00:33:24,000 So why don't you know me? 494 00:33:24,035 --> 00:33:25,980 Where am I in the future? 495 00:33:28,260 --> 00:33:30,224 OK! 496 00:33:30,259 --> 00:33:32,585 We've got a live one. 497 00:33:32,620 --> 00:33:36,860 That's not darkness down those tunnels, this is not a shadow. 498 00:33:36,895 --> 00:33:38,384 It's a swarm. 499 00:33:38,419 --> 00:33:40,419 A man-eating swarm. 500 00:33:43,340 --> 00:33:47,160 The piranhas of the air, the Vashta Nerada. 501 00:33:47,195 --> 00:33:50,945 Literally "the shadows that melt the flesh". 502 00:33:50,980 --> 00:33:54,344 Most planets have them, but usually in small clusters. 503 00:33:54,379 --> 00:33:57,620 I've never seen an infestation on this scale, or this aggressive. 504 00:33:57,655 --> 00:33:59,704 What d'you mean, most planets? 505 00:33:59,739 --> 00:34:02,739 Not Earth? Mmmm, Earth, and a billion other worlds. 506 00:34:02,774 --> 00:34:05,077 Where there's meat, there's Vashta Nerada. 507 00:34:05,112 --> 00:34:07,380 You can see them sometimes, if you look. 508 00:34:07,415 --> 00:34:10,824 The dust in sunbeams. 509 00:34:10,859 --> 00:34:13,985 If they were on Earth, we'd know. 510 00:34:14,020 --> 00:34:16,020 Nah, normally they live on road kill. 511 00:34:16,055 --> 00:34:19,265 But sometimes people go missing. 512 00:34:19,300 --> 00:34:21,980 Not everyone comes back out of the dark. 513 00:34:22,015 --> 00:34:24,357 Every shadow? No. 514 00:34:24,392 --> 00:34:26,365 But any shadow. 515 00:34:26,400 --> 00:34:28,304 So what do we do? 516 00:34:28,339 --> 00:34:32,420 Daleks - aim for the eyestalk. Sontarans - back of the neck. 517 00:34:32,455 --> 00:34:34,579 Vashta Nerada... 518 00:34:35,059 --> 00:34:37,624 Run! Just run. 519 00:34:37,659 --> 00:34:41,019 Run where? This is an index point. There must be an exit teleport. 520 00:34:41,054 --> 00:34:43,740 Don't look at me, I haven't memorised the schematics! 521 00:34:43,775 --> 00:34:45,945 Doctor, the little shop! 522 00:34:45,980 --> 00:34:50,300 They always make you go through the little shop on the way out so they can sell you stuff. 523 00:34:50,335 --> 00:34:54,417 You're right! That's why I like the little shop! OK, let's move it. 524 00:34:54,452 --> 00:34:58,500 Actually, Proper Dave, could you stay where you are for a moment? Why? 525 00:34:58,535 --> 00:35:00,625 I'm sorry. 526 00:35:00,660 --> 00:35:04,104 I am so, so sorry. 527 00:35:04,139 --> 00:35:06,780 But you've got two shadows. 528 00:35:13,179 --> 00:35:19,340 It's how they hunt, they latch on to a food source and keep it fresh. 529 00:35:19,375 --> 00:35:21,904 What do I do? You stay absolutely still. 530 00:35:21,939 --> 00:35:24,460 Like there's a wasp in the room, a million wasps. 531 00:35:24,495 --> 00:35:25,545 We're not leaving you, Dave. 532 00:35:25,580 --> 00:35:28,419 Of course not. Where's your helmet? Don't point, tell me. 533 00:35:28,454 --> 00:35:30,616 On the floor, by my bag. 534 00:35:30,651 --> 00:35:32,779 Don't cross his shadow! 535 00:35:40,139 --> 00:35:42,544 Thanks. Now, the rest of you, 536 00:35:42,579 --> 00:35:45,619 helmets on and sealed up. We'll need everything we've got. 537 00:35:45,654 --> 00:35:48,624 Doctor, we haven't got any helmets. We're safe anyway. 538 00:35:48,659 --> 00:35:51,659 How are we safe? We're not, that was a clever lie to shut you up. 539 00:35:51,694 --> 00:35:53,865 Professor, anything I can do with the suit? 540 00:35:53,900 --> 00:35:57,500 What good are suits? Miss Evanglista was wearing one, there was nothing left. 541 00:35:57,535 --> 00:35:59,739 We can increase the mesh-density, dial it up 400%. 542 00:35:59,774 --> 00:36:01,460 Make it a tougher meal. OK. 543 00:36:03,780 --> 00:36:06,145 800%! Pass it on. Gotcha! 544 00:36:06,180 --> 00:36:08,340 What's that? It's a screwdriver. 545 00:36:08,375 --> 00:36:10,305 It's sonic. 546 00:36:10,340 --> 00:36:12,900 Yeah, I know. Snap! 547 00:36:19,460 --> 00:36:22,659 With me, come on! 548 00:36:25,500 --> 00:36:27,505 Is it a good time to shop? 549 00:36:27,540 --> 00:36:30,259 No talking! It's a teleport, stand in the middle. 550 00:36:30,294 --> 00:36:32,979 Can't send the others, TARDIS won't recognise them. 551 00:36:33,014 --> 00:36:35,145 You don't have a suit, you're not safe! 552 00:36:35,180 --> 00:36:37,980 You don't have a suit, you're in just as much danger as me... 553 00:36:38,015 --> 00:36:39,957 Donna! Let me explain. 554 00:36:39,992 --> 00:36:41,899 Oh, that's how you do it! 555 00:36:41,934 --> 00:36:43,059 Doctor! 556 00:36:55,539 --> 00:36:56,999 Where did it go? 557 00:36:57,034 --> 00:36:58,425 It's just gone. 558 00:36:58,460 --> 00:37:00,520 I looked round, one shadow. See. 559 00:37:00,555 --> 00:37:02,545 Does that mean we can leave? 560 00:37:02,580 --> 00:37:05,660 I don't know why we're still here. We can leave him, can't we? 561 00:37:05,695 --> 00:37:08,665 I mean, no offence. Shut up, Mr Lux. 562 00:37:08,700 --> 00:37:11,179 Did you feel anything? Like an energy transfer? 563 00:37:11,214 --> 00:37:14,300 No, no, but, look, it's gone. 564 00:37:14,335 --> 00:37:15,944 Stop there, stop moving. 565 00:37:15,979 --> 00:37:18,420 They're never just gone. And they never give up. 566 00:37:21,259 --> 00:37:24,145 Well, this one's benign. 567 00:37:24,180 --> 00:37:27,064 Hey, who turned out the lights? 568 00:37:27,099 --> 00:37:31,140 No-one, they're fine. No, seriously, turn them back on! They are on. 569 00:37:31,175 --> 00:37:33,459 I can't see a ruddy thing. 570 00:37:33,494 --> 00:37:35,504 Dave, turn round. 571 00:37:35,539 --> 00:37:38,399 What's going on? Why can't I see? 572 00:37:38,434 --> 00:37:41,225 Is the power gone, are we safe here? 573 00:37:41,260 --> 00:37:44,985 Dave, I want you stay still, absolutely still. 574 00:37:45,020 --> 00:37:48,540 Dave, Dave? Dave, can you hear me, are you all right? Talk to me, Dave. 575 00:37:50,739 --> 00:37:52,825 I'm fine, I'm OK, I'm...fine. 576 00:37:52,860 --> 00:37:55,460 I want you to stay still, absolutely still. 577 00:37:55,495 --> 00:37:59,100 I'm fine, I'm OK, I'm...fine. 578 00:38:00,339 --> 00:38:02,499 I can't... 579 00:38:02,780 --> 00:38:04,819 Why can't I? I... 580 00:38:04,854 --> 00:38:07,264 I can't... 581 00:38:07,299 --> 00:38:08,780 Why can't I? I... 582 00:38:09,780 --> 00:38:11,600 I can't... 583 00:38:11,635 --> 00:38:13,420 Why can't I? 584 00:38:13,455 --> 00:38:15,785 I... 585 00:38:15,820 --> 00:38:17,625 He's gone. He's ghosting. 586 00:38:17,660 --> 00:38:20,079 Then why is he still standing? 587 00:38:20,114 --> 00:38:22,499 Hey! Who turned out the lights? 588 00:38:23,300 --> 00:38:25,299 Hey! Who turned out the lights? 589 00:38:25,334 --> 00:38:26,625 Doctor, don't! 590 00:38:26,660 --> 00:38:28,065 Dave, can you hear me? 591 00:38:28,100 --> 00:38:29,899 Hey! Who turned out the lights? 592 00:38:34,020 --> 00:38:35,619 Who turned out the lights? 593 00:38:36,260 --> 00:38:39,939 Hey! Who turned out the lights? S'cuse me! 594 00:38:39,974 --> 00:38:43,140 Back from it, get back, right back! 595 00:38:47,420 --> 00:38:49,059 Doesn't move very fast does it? 596 00:38:49,094 --> 00:38:51,460 It's a swarm in a suit. 597 00:38:51,495 --> 00:38:52,980 But it's learning. 598 00:38:58,099 --> 00:39:01,260 What do we do? Where do we go? See that wall behind you? 599 00:39:01,295 --> 00:39:02,940 DUCK! 600 00:39:04,299 --> 00:39:06,424 Squareness gun! 601 00:39:06,459 --> 00:39:09,459 Everybody out. Go, go, go! 602 00:39:09,494 --> 00:39:11,297 Move it, move, move! 603 00:39:11,332 --> 00:39:13,065 Move it, move, move! 604 00:39:13,100 --> 00:39:16,300 You said not every shadow. But any shadow! 605 00:39:19,300 --> 00:39:21,139 Hey! Who turned out the lights? 606 00:39:21,174 --> 00:39:22,700 Run! 607 00:39:36,059 --> 00:39:38,759 Sweetie, dinner's ready. 608 00:39:38,794 --> 00:39:41,460 Donna Noble has been saved. 609 00:39:42,819 --> 00:39:44,420 Sweetie? 610 00:40:06,700 --> 00:40:09,465 Trying to boost the power. 611 00:40:09,500 --> 00:40:12,219 Light doesn't stop them, but it slows them down. 612 00:40:12,254 --> 00:40:15,300 So what's the plan? Do we have a plan? 613 00:40:15,335 --> 00:40:16,659 Your screwdriver... 614 00:40:19,979 --> 00:40:21,900 Looks exactly like mine. Yeah. 615 00:40:21,935 --> 00:40:23,545 You gave it to me. 616 00:40:23,580 --> 00:40:26,739 I don't give my screwdriver to anyone. I'm not anyone. 617 00:40:26,774 --> 00:40:28,436 Who are you? 618 00:40:28,471 --> 00:40:30,064 What's the plan? 619 00:40:30,099 --> 00:40:33,225 I teleported Donna back to the TARDIS. 620 00:40:33,260 --> 00:40:37,100 If we don't get back in five hours, emergency program one activates. Take her home. 621 00:40:37,135 --> 00:40:39,504 We need to get a shift on. She's not there. 622 00:40:39,539 --> 00:40:44,300 I should've received a signal, the console signals me if there's a teleport breach. 623 00:40:44,335 --> 00:40:47,819 Maybe the co-ordinates slipped. The equipment here's ancient. 624 00:40:47,854 --> 00:40:49,584 Donna Noble. 625 00:40:49,619 --> 00:40:53,340 There's a Donna Noble in this library, do you have the software to locate her? 626 00:40:53,375 --> 00:40:55,780 Donna Noble has left the Library. 627 00:40:55,815 --> 00:40:58,660 Donna Noble has been saved. 628 00:40:58,695 --> 00:41:00,304 Donna! 629 00:41:00,339 --> 00:41:03,064 Donna Noble has left the Library. 630 00:41:03,099 --> 00:41:05,900 Donna Noble has been saved. How can it be Donna? 631 00:41:05,935 --> 00:41:07,785 How's that possible? 632 00:41:07,820 --> 00:41:10,584 Donna Noble has left the Library. 633 00:41:10,619 --> 00:41:14,379 Donnna Noble has been saved. Oh, Donna! 634 00:41:14,414 --> 00:41:18,140 Hey! Who turned out the lights? Doctor! 635 00:41:18,175 --> 00:41:20,545 Hey! Who turned out the lights? 636 00:41:20,580 --> 00:41:25,820 Donna Noble has left the Library. Donna Noble has been saved. 637 00:41:25,855 --> 00:41:27,777 Hey! Who turned out the lights? 638 00:41:27,812 --> 00:41:29,700 Donna Noble has left the Library. 639 00:41:29,735 --> 00:41:31,617 Donna Noble has been saved. 640 00:41:31,652 --> 00:41:33,755 Hey! Who turned out the lights? 641 00:41:33,790 --> 00:41:35,859 Donna Noble has left the Library. 642 00:41:35,894 --> 00:41:38,584 Donna Noble has been saved. 643 00:41:38,619 --> 00:41:41,419 Hey! Who turned out the lights? Donna Noble has left the Library. 644 00:41:41,700 --> 00:41:44,780 Donna Noble has been saved. Hey! Who turned out the lights? 645 00:41:44,815 --> 00:41:46,677 Donna Noble has left the Library. 646 00:41:46,712 --> 00:41:48,405 Doctor, what are we going to do? 647 00:41:48,440 --> 00:41:50,064 Hey! Who turned out the lights? 648 00:41:50,099 --> 00:41:55,460 Donna Noble has left the Library. Donna Noble has been saved.