1 00:00:07,608 --> 00:00:08,808 Something wrong? 2 00:00:09,905 --> 00:00:11,983 It's the repair shop. 3 00:00:11,985 --> 00:00:15,225 What kind of idiot would try and steal a faulty TARDIS? 4 00:00:29,065 --> 00:00:31,063 Doctor? 5 00:00:31,065 --> 00:00:33,183 Yes, what is it? What do you want? 6 00:00:33,185 --> 00:00:36,585 Sorry. But you're about to make a very big mistake. 7 00:00:40,465 --> 00:00:42,383 'I don't know where I am. 8 00:00:42,385 --> 00:00:44,423 'It's like I'm breaking into a million pieces. 9 00:00:44,425 --> 00:00:46,585 'And there's only one thing I remember. 10 00:00:48,505 --> 00:00:49,745 'I have to save the Doctor.' 11 00:00:51,145 --> 00:00:52,603 'He always looks different.' 12 00:00:52,677 --> 00:00:54,035 Doctor! 13 00:00:54,037 --> 00:00:56,075 '..but I always know it's him. 14 00:00:56,077 --> 00:00:58,315 'Sometimes I think I'm everywhere at once. 15 00:00:58,317 --> 00:01:00,315 'Running every second, just to find him.' 16 00:01:00,317 --> 00:01:01,595 Doctor! 17 00:01:01,597 --> 00:01:02,597 'Just to save him.' 18 00:01:04,597 --> 00:01:05,877 Doctor! 19 00:01:19,717 --> 00:01:20,677 Doctor? 20 00:01:21,997 --> 00:01:23,235 'But he never hears me.' 21 00:01:23,237 --> 00:01:24,315 Oi! 22 00:01:24,317 --> 00:01:25,317 'Almost never. 23 00:01:26,357 --> 00:01:28,157 'I blew into this world on a leaf. 24 00:01:30,397 --> 00:01:31,437 'I'm still blowing. 25 00:01:33,317 --> 00:01:35,155 'I don't think I'll ever land. 26 00:01:35,157 --> 00:01:38,877 'I'm Clara Oswald, I'm the impossible girl, I was born to save The Doctor.' 27 00:01:38,902 --> 00:02:14,051 Subtitle by: Abraham Christen Liando 28 00:02:17,197 --> 00:02:19,315 Do you hear the Whisper Men 29 00:02:19,317 --> 00:02:21,675 The Whisper Men are near. 30 00:02:21,677 --> 00:02:23,795 If you hear the Whisper Men 31 00:02:23,797 --> 00:02:25,197 Then turn away your ear. 32 00:02:26,197 --> 00:02:28,435 Do not hear the Whisper Men 33 00:02:28,437 --> 00:02:30,395 Whatever else you do 34 00:02:30,397 --> 00:02:33,515 For once you've heard the Whisper Men 35 00:02:33,517 --> 00:02:36,797 They'll stop and look at you. 36 00:02:42,877 --> 00:02:45,715 One word from you could save me from the rope. 37 00:02:45,717 --> 00:02:48,675 Then you may rely on my silence. 38 00:02:48,677 --> 00:02:52,635 I have information. Valuable information. 39 00:02:52,637 --> 00:02:54,517 Are you bargaining for your life? 40 00:02:55,557 --> 00:02:57,755 You have the blood of 14 women on your hands. 41 00:02:57,757 --> 00:03:00,355 There are no words you can speak that will save your neck. 42 00:03:00,357 --> 00:03:01,477 The Doctor. 43 00:03:07,797 --> 00:03:12,475 Oh, yes, I know all about him. 44 00:03:12,477 --> 00:03:14,475 Your dangerous friend. 45 00:03:14,477 --> 00:03:19,675 How? In the babble of the world, there are whispers - 46 00:03:19,677 --> 00:03:22,237 if you know how to listen. 47 00:03:23,597 --> 00:03:25,715 The Doctor has a secret, you know. 48 00:03:25,717 --> 00:03:27,635 He has many. 49 00:03:27,637 --> 00:03:29,757 He has one he will take to the grave. 50 00:03:32,677 --> 00:03:34,357 And it is discovered. 51 00:03:37,637 --> 00:03:38,637 Well? 52 00:03:39,957 --> 00:03:42,195 We can't let that terrible man live. 53 00:03:42,197 --> 00:03:45,195 He lives till I understand what he told me. 54 00:03:45,197 --> 00:03:46,915 We're going to need a conference call. 55 00:03:46,917 --> 00:03:50,357 I'll send out the invitations, you fetch the candles. Yes, ma'am! 56 00:03:57,197 --> 00:03:59,635 Where's Strax got to? 57 00:03:59,637 --> 00:04:01,875 The usual - it's his weekend off. 58 00:04:01,877 --> 00:04:04,395 I wish he had never discovered that place! 59 00:04:04,397 --> 00:04:07,637 Sontaran! Sontaran! 60 00:04:12,757 --> 00:04:15,115 Come here while I kill you, you filthy wee midden! 61 00:04:15,117 --> 00:04:18,557 Prepare to die in agony for the glory of the Sontaran empire! 62 00:04:20,157 --> 00:04:22,235 Excuse me - Mr Strax? 63 00:04:22,237 --> 00:04:24,235 What is it, girl? 64 00:04:24,237 --> 00:04:28,755 Can't you see I'm trying to crush the brains of this stinking primitive? 65 00:04:28,757 --> 00:04:30,955 Sorry about this. No problem. 66 00:04:30,957 --> 00:04:32,917 It's a telegram, sir. Very urgent! 67 00:04:40,477 --> 00:04:41,917 Conference call! 68 00:04:45,637 --> 00:04:49,115 Sorry, Archie. I'm going to have to ask you to render me unconscious. 69 00:04:49,117 --> 00:04:51,235 Fine. 70 00:04:51,237 --> 00:04:52,237 Better use this. 71 00:04:55,757 --> 00:04:57,237 It might take a while. 72 00:05:05,477 --> 00:05:07,155 Sleep well, my love. 73 00:05:07,157 --> 00:05:08,557 You too. 74 00:05:23,917 --> 00:05:27,355 Oh, I like the new desktop. 75 00:05:27,357 --> 00:05:29,917 I was getting a little bored of the Taj Mahal. 76 00:05:32,117 --> 00:05:37,557 The tea should be superb, it's drawn from one of my favourite memories. 77 00:05:39,077 --> 00:05:41,157 Strax! Good of you to join us. 78 00:05:42,277 --> 00:05:46,195 It better be important! I was in the middle of destroying some very pleasant primitives. 79 00:05:46,197 --> 00:05:49,955 I apologise for the interruption, but there is urgent news concerning the Doctor. 80 00:05:49,957 --> 00:05:51,317 Who else is coming? 81 00:05:53,117 --> 00:05:54,117 The women. 82 00:05:57,197 --> 00:06:00,435 Oh, no. You're going to try and make a souffle again, aren't you? 83 00:06:00,437 --> 00:06:04,075 My mum's souffle, yeah. This time I'll get it right. 84 00:06:04,077 --> 00:06:06,475 This time I will be Souffle Girl! 85 00:06:06,477 --> 00:06:09,075 How can it be your Mum's souffle, if you're making it? 86 00:06:09,077 --> 00:06:11,875 Because, Artie, like my mum always said - 87 00:06:11,877 --> 00:06:15,315 the souffle isn't the souffle, the souffle is the recipe! 88 00:06:15,317 --> 00:06:18,117 Was your mum deep on puddings? She was a great woman. 89 00:06:22,317 --> 00:06:23,317 What's this? 90 00:06:24,357 --> 00:06:26,117 Oh, it arrived today - for you. 91 00:06:28,317 --> 00:06:29,955 "My dearest Clara... 92 00:06:29,957 --> 00:06:32,355 "The Doctor entrusted me with your contact details, 93 00:06:32,357 --> 00:06:37,115 "in the event of an emergency, and I fear one has now arisen. 94 00:06:37,117 --> 00:06:40,355 "Assuming this letter will have reached you, as planned, 95 00:06:40,357 --> 00:06:45,917 "on April 10th 2013, please find and light the enclosed candle. 96 00:06:48,797 --> 00:06:52,315 "It will release a soporific which will induce a trance state, 97 00:06:52,317 --> 00:06:55,715 "enabling direct communication across the years. 98 00:06:55,717 --> 00:06:59,995 "However, as I realise you have no reason to trust this letter, 99 00:06:59,997 --> 00:07:02,515 "I have taken the liberty of embedding the same soporific 100 00:07:02,517 --> 00:07:04,757 "into the fabric of the paper you are now holding. 101 00:07:05,917 --> 00:07:06,917 "Speak soon!" 102 00:07:10,997 --> 00:07:12,917 So glad you could make it. 103 00:07:14,637 --> 00:07:15,635 Where am I? 104 00:07:15,637 --> 00:07:17,875 Exactly where you were - but sleeping. 105 00:07:17,877 --> 00:07:21,235 Time travel has always been possible in dreams. 106 00:07:21,237 --> 00:07:24,195 We are awaiting only one more participant. 107 00:07:24,197 --> 00:07:27,435 Oh, no - not the one with the gigantic head? 108 00:07:27,437 --> 00:07:29,077 It's hair, Strax. 109 00:07:30,277 --> 00:07:31,277 Hair! 110 00:07:35,997 --> 00:07:37,235 Madame Vastra! 111 00:07:37,237 --> 00:07:39,915 Professor! Help yourself to some tea. 112 00:07:39,917 --> 00:07:41,277 Why, thank you. 113 00:07:43,517 --> 00:07:45,075 How did you do that? 114 00:07:45,077 --> 00:07:46,597 Disgracefully. 115 00:07:52,437 --> 00:07:56,037 Ah. Perhaps you two haven't met. This is the Doctor's companion. 116 00:07:57,557 --> 00:08:01,835 That is, his current... travelling... assistant. 117 00:08:01,837 --> 00:08:02,955 Assistant? 118 00:08:02,957 --> 00:08:04,557 Have you gone a darker green? 119 00:08:06,077 --> 00:08:07,117 Clara Oswald. 120 00:08:08,157 --> 00:08:11,355 Professor River Song. The Doctor might have mentioned me. 121 00:08:11,357 --> 00:08:14,995 Oh, yeah, of course he has. Professor Song. 122 00:08:14,997 --> 00:08:17,597 Sorry, it's just I never realised you were a woman. 123 00:08:19,477 --> 00:08:20,597 Well, neither did I! 124 00:08:23,717 --> 00:08:26,595 Perhaps we should get down to the business at hand. 125 00:08:26,597 --> 00:08:28,277 That might be good, dear, yes. 126 00:08:29,837 --> 00:08:33,715 Clarence DeMarco. Murderer, under sentence of death. 127 00:08:33,717 --> 00:08:36,997 He offered us this in exchange for his life. 128 00:08:39,557 --> 00:08:41,317 Space time coordinates. 129 00:08:45,757 --> 00:08:50,595 This - Mr DeMarco claims - is the location of the Doctor's greatest secret. 130 00:08:50,597 --> 00:08:52,675 Which is? 131 00:08:52,677 --> 00:08:54,755 We don't know. It's a secret! 132 00:08:54,757 --> 00:08:58,915 The Doctor does not discuss his secrets with anyone, my dear. 133 00:08:58,917 --> 00:09:01,875 If you're still entertaining the idea that you are an exception 134 00:09:01,877 --> 00:09:05,835 to this rule, ask yourself one question. 135 00:09:05,837 --> 00:09:07,277 What is his name? 136 00:09:13,557 --> 00:09:15,115 Well, I know it. 137 00:09:15,117 --> 00:09:18,715 What, you know his name. He told you? 138 00:09:18,717 --> 00:09:21,115 I made him. How? 139 00:09:21,117 --> 00:09:22,475 It took a while. 140 00:09:22,477 --> 00:09:25,955 So you're a... friend of his, then? 141 00:09:25,957 --> 00:09:28,515 A little more than a friend - a long time ago. 142 00:09:28,517 --> 00:09:30,195 He's still never contacted you? 143 00:09:30,197 --> 00:09:31,597 He doesn't like endings. 144 00:09:36,357 --> 00:09:38,395 So what else did this DeMarco tell you? 145 00:09:38,397 --> 00:09:40,475 He didn't buy his life with some co-ordinates - 146 00:09:40,477 --> 00:09:43,555 how did he prove their value? One word, only. 147 00:09:43,557 --> 00:09:47,357 What word? One I'd heard in connection with the Doctor before. 148 00:09:48,517 --> 00:09:49,517 Trenzalore. 149 00:09:53,237 --> 00:09:55,757 How exactly did he describe what he was giving you? 150 00:09:58,197 --> 00:10:00,075 'The Doctor has a secret, you know. 151 00:10:00,077 --> 00:10:03,475 'He has one he will take to the grave. 152 00:10:03,477 --> 00:10:04,757 'And it is discovered.' 153 00:10:06,237 --> 00:10:08,155 You misunderstood. 154 00:10:08,157 --> 00:10:10,875 Ma'am, I'm sorry - I just realised, I forgot to lock the doors. 155 00:10:10,877 --> 00:10:13,475 It doesn't matter Jenny - what misunderstanding, tell me? 156 00:10:13,477 --> 00:10:17,837 No, ma'am, please. I should've locked up before we went into the trance. It doesn't matter! 157 00:10:19,197 --> 00:10:24,595 Someone's broken in. Someone's with us - I can hear them. 158 00:10:24,597 --> 00:10:26,475 Jenny, are you all right? 159 00:10:26,477 --> 00:10:31,715 Sorry, ma'am, so sorry, so sorry, so sorry... 160 00:10:31,717 --> 00:10:33,997 I think I've been murdered. 161 00:10:39,957 --> 00:10:41,155 Jenny! 162 00:10:41,157 --> 00:10:43,915 What's happened to her? Jenny, can you hear me? Speak to us, boy! 163 00:10:43,917 --> 00:10:47,877 Jenny! You're under attack. You must wake up now, just wake up, do it! 164 00:10:51,197 --> 00:10:53,277 Who are you? What have you done to her? 165 00:10:56,877 --> 00:10:59,077 You too, Strax, wake up now! 166 00:11:06,717 --> 00:11:12,435 Tell the Doctor. Tell the Doctor. Tell the Doctor. 167 00:11:12,437 --> 00:11:14,195 Tell him what? 168 00:11:14,197 --> 00:11:18,155 His friends are lost for evermore Unless he goes to Trenzalore. 169 00:11:18,157 --> 00:11:19,635 No! You can't say that. 170 00:11:19,637 --> 00:11:21,835 He can't go there, you know he can't! 171 00:11:21,837 --> 00:11:25,715 'Angie? Artie?' The Doctor can never go to Trenzalore! 172 00:11:25,717 --> 00:11:29,675 Am I getting warm? Angie? Artie? 173 00:11:29,677 --> 00:11:33,557 Am I getting warm? 174 00:11:35,837 --> 00:11:39,715 Am I getting warm? Look, I'm pretty sure you have to tell me if I'm getting warm. 175 00:11:39,717 --> 00:11:43,115 I'm-I'm-I'm pretty sure that's in the rules. Doctor? 176 00:11:43,117 --> 00:11:48,275 Ha, Clara! How are you, don't worry. Everything's under control. 177 00:11:48,277 --> 00:11:49,475 What are you doing? 178 00:11:49,477 --> 00:11:54,595 Oh, um, Mr Maitland went next door, so I said I'd look after the kids. 179 00:11:54,597 --> 00:11:57,395 They wanted to go to the cinema, but I said no, I said no - 180 00:11:57,397 --> 00:12:00,475 not until you wake up, I was very firm. 181 00:12:00,477 --> 00:12:05,195 At which point, they suggested Blind Man's Buff. Yes. Where are they? 182 00:12:05,197 --> 00:12:06,437 At the cinema. 183 00:12:07,517 --> 00:12:10,117 The little Daleks! 184 00:12:12,477 --> 00:12:13,477 What's wrong? 185 00:12:17,797 --> 00:12:22,555 So who was she? The lady with the funny name and the space hair. 186 00:12:22,557 --> 00:12:25,515 An old... friend of mine. 187 00:12:25,517 --> 00:12:27,715 What, like an ex? 188 00:12:27,717 --> 00:12:32,955 Yes. An ex. River asked Vastra for the exact words - what were they? 189 00:12:32,957 --> 00:12:36,557 "The Doctor has a secret he will take to the grave. 190 00:12:38,357 --> 00:12:39,477 "It is discovered." 191 00:12:44,317 --> 00:12:47,117 Doctor? Sorry. 192 00:12:48,197 --> 00:12:50,757 And it was Trenzalore? Definitely Trenzalore? 193 00:12:52,197 --> 00:12:53,477 Yeah. 194 00:12:56,117 --> 00:12:57,117 Oh, dear... 195 00:12:59,037 --> 00:13:00,157 Sorry. 196 00:13:17,677 --> 00:13:18,677 Well? 197 00:13:19,957 --> 00:13:23,397 Trenzalore. I've heard the name, of course. 198 00:13:24,357 --> 00:13:26,995 Dorium mentioned it, a few others. 199 00:13:26,997 --> 00:13:30,755 Always suspected what it was, never wanted to find out myself. 200 00:13:30,757 --> 00:13:33,995 River would know, though - River always knew. 201 00:13:33,997 --> 00:13:36,675 Right, come here, give me your hand. 202 00:13:36,677 --> 00:13:39,475 Now. The coordinates you saw will still be in your memory. 203 00:13:39,477 --> 00:13:42,475 I'm linking you into the TARDIS telepathic circuit, won't hurt a bit. 204 00:13:42,477 --> 00:13:43,635 Ow! 205 00:13:43,637 --> 00:13:45,435 I lied. 206 00:13:45,437 --> 00:13:49,435 OK. What is Trenzalore? Is it your big secret? 207 00:13:49,437 --> 00:13:51,397 No. OK, what then? 208 00:13:54,477 --> 00:13:59,877 When you are a time traveller, there is one place you must never go. 209 00:14:01,517 --> 00:14:06,997 One place in all of space and time you must never, ever find yourself. 210 00:14:08,797 --> 00:14:09,995 Where? 211 00:14:09,997 --> 00:14:11,715 You didn't listen, did you? 212 00:14:11,717 --> 00:14:13,475 You lot never do, that's the problem! 213 00:14:13,477 --> 00:14:16,155 "The Doctor has a secret he will take to the grave. 214 00:14:16,157 --> 00:14:17,315 "It is discovered." 215 00:14:17,317 --> 00:14:20,515 He wasn't talking about my secret, no, no, no, 216 00:14:20,517 --> 00:14:22,155 that's not what's been found. 217 00:14:22,157 --> 00:14:23,757 He was talking about my... 218 00:14:26,077 --> 00:14:27,237 ..grave. 219 00:14:29,077 --> 00:14:33,237 Trenzalore is where I'm buried. 220 00:14:38,357 --> 00:14:39,755 How can you have a grave? 221 00:14:39,757 --> 00:14:42,995 Because we all do - somewhere out there in the future, waiting for us. 222 00:14:42,997 --> 00:14:47,115 The trouble with time travel, you can actually end up visiting... But you're not going to. 223 00:14:47,117 --> 00:14:50,275 You just said it's the one place you must never go. 224 00:14:50,277 --> 00:14:53,955 I have to save Vastra and Strax. Jenny too, if it's still possible. 225 00:14:53,957 --> 00:14:58,875 They cared for me during the dark times - never questioned me, 226 00:14:58,877 --> 00:15:03,795 never judged me, they were just... kind. 227 00:15:03,797 --> 00:15:06,237 I owe them. I have a duty. 228 00:15:08,837 --> 00:15:10,875 No point in telling you this is too dangerous. 229 00:15:10,877 --> 00:15:13,877 None at all. How can we save them? 230 00:15:15,277 --> 00:15:16,277 Apparently... 231 00:15:19,237 --> 00:15:20,997 ..by breaking into my own tomb! 232 00:15:28,877 --> 00:15:33,035 What's that? She just figured out where we're going. She's against it. 233 00:15:33,037 --> 00:15:36,997 I'm about to cross my own time line in the biggest way possible - the TARDIS doesn't like it. 234 00:15:40,877 --> 00:15:42,555 She's fighting it! Hang on! 235 00:15:42,557 --> 00:15:44,597 Hang on! 236 00:15:55,277 --> 00:15:56,635 Now what? 237 00:15:56,637 --> 00:15:59,475 She doesn't want to land. She's shut down. 238 00:15:59,477 --> 00:16:00,677 So we're not there. 239 00:16:03,077 --> 00:16:04,077 We must be close. 240 00:16:12,957 --> 00:16:14,517 OK. So that's where I end up. 241 00:16:18,037 --> 00:16:20,635 Always thought maybe I'd retire. 242 00:16:20,637 --> 00:16:23,677 Take up watercolours, or bee-keeping, or something. 243 00:16:28,517 --> 00:16:29,517 Apparently not. 244 00:16:30,717 --> 00:16:33,235 So. How do we get down there? Jump? 245 00:16:33,237 --> 00:16:35,277 Don't be silly! We fall. 246 00:16:36,717 --> 00:16:40,315 She's turned off practically everything, except the anti-gravs. 247 00:16:40,317 --> 00:16:42,875 Guess what I'm turning off? 248 00:16:42,877 --> 00:16:44,877 Woo! 249 00:16:58,157 --> 00:16:59,837 Oops! 250 00:17:10,797 --> 00:17:15,595 You OK? Visiting your own grave - anyone would be scared. 251 00:17:15,597 --> 00:17:18,955 It's more than that. I'm a time traveller. 252 00:17:18,957 --> 00:17:22,275 I've probably time-travelled more than anyone else. Meaning? 253 00:17:22,277 --> 00:17:23,277 Meaning... 254 00:17:25,437 --> 00:17:30,237 ..my grave is potentially the most dangerous place in the universe. 255 00:17:35,357 --> 00:17:37,995 Shall we? Gravestones are a bit basic. 256 00:17:37,997 --> 00:17:40,715 It's a battlefield graveyard, my final battle. 257 00:17:40,717 --> 00:17:44,717 Why are some of them bigger? They're soldiers, the bigger the gravestone, the higher the rank. 258 00:17:57,157 --> 00:18:00,235 Well. Bright side - it's a helluva monument. It's the TARDIS. 259 00:18:00,237 --> 00:18:02,837 I can see that. No. 260 00:18:04,557 --> 00:18:09,355 When a TARDIS is dying, sometimes the dimension dams start breaking down. 261 00:18:09,357 --> 00:18:15,915 They used to call it a size leak, all the bigger-on-the-inside starts leaking to the outside. 262 00:18:15,917 --> 00:18:17,915 It grows. 263 00:18:17,917 --> 00:18:22,075 When I say that's the TARDIS, I don't mean it looks like the TARDIS - I mean it actually is the TARDIS. 264 00:18:22,077 --> 00:18:27,997 My TARDIS from the future. What else would they bury me in? 265 00:18:29,477 --> 00:18:30,795 Clara. 266 00:18:30,797 --> 00:18:33,835 Don't speak, don't say my name - he can't see or hear me, only you can. 267 00:18:33,837 --> 00:18:35,875 Well, come on then! 268 00:18:35,877 --> 00:18:39,715 We're mentally linked, it's the conference call. I kept the line open. 269 00:18:39,717 --> 00:18:42,117 Who are you talking to? We need to get... 270 00:18:45,997 --> 00:18:46,997 River? 271 00:18:54,757 --> 00:18:57,155 That can't be right. No, it can't. 272 00:18:57,157 --> 00:19:00,075 She's not dead. Oh, she's dead, I'm afraid. 273 00:19:00,077 --> 00:19:02,875 She's been dead for a very long time. 274 00:19:02,877 --> 00:19:06,955 Yeah, should probably have mentioned that - never the right time. 275 00:19:06,957 --> 00:19:08,077 But I met her! 276 00:19:09,877 --> 00:19:14,037 Long story. But her grave can't be here. 277 00:19:18,957 --> 00:19:19,957 Doctor! 278 00:19:23,357 --> 00:19:28,795 This man must fall as all men must The fate of all is always dust. 279 00:19:28,797 --> 00:19:31,435 If it's not my gravestone, then what is it? 280 00:19:31,437 --> 00:19:35,075 What do you think the gravestone really is? The gravestone? Maybe it's a false grave! 281 00:19:35,077 --> 00:19:38,435 Maybe it's a false grave. Yeah, maybe. Maybe it's a secret entrance to the tomb! 282 00:19:38,437 --> 00:19:40,635 Maybe it's a secret entrance to the tomb! 283 00:19:40,637 --> 00:19:44,075 Yes, of course, makes sense. They'd never have buried my wife out here! Your what? 284 00:19:44,077 --> 00:19:51,597 The man who lies will lie no more When this man lies at Trenzalore. 285 00:20:11,277 --> 00:20:16,355 This base is surrounded! Lay down your weapons and your deaths will be merciful! 286 00:20:16,357 --> 00:20:18,475 Jenny! Jenny! 287 00:20:18,477 --> 00:20:21,395 This planet is now property of the Sontaran Empire! 288 00:20:21,397 --> 00:20:23,795 Surrender your women and intellectuals. 289 00:20:23,797 --> 00:20:25,517 Strax, please! 290 00:20:27,117 --> 00:20:28,077 She's dead. 291 00:20:33,037 --> 00:20:36,555 No heartbeat - complete cardio-collapse, shock-induced. 292 00:20:36,557 --> 00:20:40,235 Get her back for me! Get her back for me, or I will cut you into pieces! 293 00:20:40,237 --> 00:20:42,037 Unhand me, ridiculous reptile! 294 00:20:45,757 --> 00:20:46,797 There we go! 295 00:20:49,957 --> 00:20:52,435 Just applied an electro-cardio-restart - 296 00:20:52,437 --> 00:20:53,675 she'll be fine. 297 00:20:53,677 --> 00:20:55,315 Are you all right, my love, can you hear me? 298 00:20:55,317 --> 00:20:57,355 The heart is a relatively simple thing. 299 00:20:57,357 --> 00:20:58,757 I have not found it so. 300 00:21:05,517 --> 00:21:08,035 I see you have repaired your pet. 301 00:21:08,037 --> 00:21:10,757 No matter, I was only attracting your attention. 302 00:21:12,037 --> 00:21:13,157 I presume I have it. 303 00:21:14,557 --> 00:21:16,315 Dr Simeon - this is not possible. 304 00:21:16,317 --> 00:21:20,195 And yet here we are, meeting again, so very far from home. 305 00:21:20,197 --> 00:21:22,597 But he died... you told me. 306 00:21:24,157 --> 00:21:27,475 Simeon died, but the creature that possessed him lived on. 307 00:21:27,477 --> 00:21:31,795 I take it I am now talking to the Great Intelligence? 308 00:21:31,797 --> 00:21:34,957 Welcome to the final resting place of the cruel tyrant. 309 00:21:36,237 --> 00:21:38,355 Of the slaughterer of the ten billion 310 00:21:38,357 --> 00:21:41,515 and the vessel of the final darkness. 311 00:21:41,517 --> 00:21:44,597 Welcome to the tomb of the Doctor. 312 00:21:49,437 --> 00:21:51,395 Where are we? Catacombs. 313 00:21:51,397 --> 00:21:52,397 I hate catacombs. 314 00:21:54,077 --> 00:21:55,675 So how come I met your dead wife? 315 00:21:55,677 --> 00:21:59,235 Well, you know how it is when you lose someone close to you. 316 00:21:59,237 --> 00:22:00,597 I sort of made a back-up. 317 00:22:02,357 --> 00:22:03,875 I died saving him. 318 00:22:03,877 --> 00:22:08,235 In return, he saved me to a database in the biggest library in the universe. 319 00:22:08,237 --> 00:22:12,155 Left me like a book on a shelf. Didn't even say goodbye. 320 00:22:12,157 --> 00:22:13,915 He doesn't like endings. 321 00:22:13,917 --> 00:22:16,197 Come on, run, run! 322 00:22:20,197 --> 00:22:24,435 It was a minor skirmish, by the Doctor's blood-soaked standards - 323 00:22:24,437 --> 00:22:27,277 not exactly the Time War, but enough to finish him. 324 00:22:28,317 --> 00:22:33,035 In the end, it was too much for the old man. 325 00:22:33,037 --> 00:22:34,115 Blood-soaked? 326 00:22:34,117 --> 00:22:36,915 The Doctor has been many things, but never blood-soaked. 327 00:22:36,917 --> 00:22:39,435 Tell that to the leader of the Sycorax. 328 00:22:39,437 --> 00:22:42,955 Or Solomon the trader, the Cybermen, the Daleks. 329 00:22:42,957 --> 00:22:46,715 The Doctor lives his life in darker hues, day upon day, 330 00:22:46,717 --> 00:22:50,235 and he will have other names before the end. 331 00:22:50,237 --> 00:22:52,157 The Storm. The Beast. 332 00:22:53,557 --> 00:22:54,595 The Valeyard. 333 00:22:54,597 --> 00:22:57,755 Even if any of this were true - which I take the liberty of doubting - 334 00:22:57,757 --> 00:23:00,675 how did you come by this information? 335 00:23:00,677 --> 00:23:01,715 I AM information. 336 00:23:01,717 --> 00:23:04,595 You were a mind without a body, last time we met. 337 00:23:04,597 --> 00:23:07,757 And you were supposed to stay that way. Alas... I did. 338 00:23:24,357 --> 00:23:25,877 As you can see. 339 00:23:27,197 --> 00:23:29,957 Come on, quickly, we're in. Doctor! Clara! 340 00:23:42,877 --> 00:23:44,557 Yowzah! 341 00:23:48,837 --> 00:23:52,957 Bit of a climb. Think I remember the way. 342 00:23:55,437 --> 00:23:56,877 Clara, Clara? 343 00:23:58,997 --> 00:24:02,835 It's OK. The dimensioning forces this deep in the TARDIS, 344 00:24:02,837 --> 00:24:07,155 they can make you a bit giddy. I know, I know. How do I know? 345 00:24:07,157 --> 00:24:12,115 How do I know that? Clara, it's OK, you're fine. 346 00:24:12,117 --> 00:24:13,757 Have we, have we done this before? 347 00:24:16,277 --> 00:24:20,475 We have! We have done this before, climbing through a wrecked TARDIS - 348 00:24:20,477 --> 00:24:24,715 you said things, things I'm not supposed to remember. 349 00:24:24,717 --> 00:24:29,435 We can't do this now. The TARDIS is a ruin, the telepathic circuits are awakening memories 350 00:24:29,437 --> 00:24:33,595 you shouldn't even have. Why do I keep meeting you! Clara. 351 00:24:33,597 --> 00:24:37,555 The Dalek Asylum. There was a girl in a shipwreck and she died saving my life. And she was you. 352 00:24:37,557 --> 00:24:38,595 Clara. 353 00:24:38,597 --> 00:24:44,035 In Victorian London there was a governess... And she was you! 354 00:24:44,037 --> 00:24:49,355 Clara, what's wrong? What did you mean, you keep meeting me? 355 00:24:49,357 --> 00:24:52,515 You said I died! How could I die? That's not a conversation you should even remember... 356 00:24:52,517 --> 00:24:59,475 What do you mean I died? 357 00:24:59,477 --> 00:25:02,115 Run! Run! 358 00:25:02,117 --> 00:25:06,675 The doors require a key. The key is a word. 359 00:25:06,677 --> 00:25:08,035 And the word... 360 00:25:08,037 --> 00:25:10,035 is the Doctor's. 361 00:25:10,037 --> 00:25:11,875 Here I am, late to my own funeral. 362 00:25:11,877 --> 00:25:15,915 Glad to see you could make it. Jenny. 363 00:25:15,917 --> 00:25:20,075 Open the door, Doctor. Speak, and open your tomb. 364 00:25:20,077 --> 00:25:23,955 No. Because you know what's in there? I will not open those doors. 365 00:25:23,957 --> 00:25:25,235 The key is a word lost to time. 366 00:25:25,237 --> 00:25:29,555 A secret hidden in the deepest shadow and known to you alone. 367 00:25:29,557 --> 00:25:31,595 The answer to a question! 368 00:25:31,597 --> 00:25:33,995 I will not open my tomb. 369 00:25:33,997 --> 00:25:38,397 Doctor, what is your name? 370 00:25:50,957 --> 00:25:54,557 The Doctor's friends. Stop their hearts. 371 00:25:57,717 --> 00:26:00,555 Madam, boys, combat formation! They are unarmed! 372 00:26:00,557 --> 00:26:02,957 So are we! Do not divulge our military secrets. 373 00:26:04,797 --> 00:26:06,195 Stop this! Leave them alone. 374 00:26:06,197 --> 00:26:07,955 Your name, Doctor. Answer me! 375 00:26:07,957 --> 00:26:08,957 Doctor! 376 00:26:14,277 --> 00:26:17,235 Do you want me to do that again? 377 00:26:17,237 --> 00:26:18,237 Doctor who? 378 00:26:21,157 --> 00:26:22,635 Aagh! 379 00:26:22,637 --> 00:26:23,875 Please, stop it! 380 00:26:23,877 --> 00:26:25,317 Doctor who? 381 00:26:27,077 --> 00:26:28,397 Unhand me, sir! 382 00:26:29,357 --> 00:26:30,677 Aagh! 383 00:26:32,037 --> 00:26:33,315 Leave him alone, let him be. 384 00:26:33,317 --> 00:26:35,595 Don't worry, sir, I think I've got him rattled. 385 00:26:35,597 --> 00:26:39,235 Doctor! Doctor! 386 00:26:39,237 --> 00:26:42,037 Doctor who? Please! 387 00:26:52,717 --> 00:26:54,675 The TARDIS can still hear me. 388 00:26:54,677 --> 00:26:58,475 Lucky thing, since him indoors is being so useless! 389 00:26:58,477 --> 00:27:01,835 Why did you open the door, sir? I had them on the run! 390 00:27:01,837 --> 00:27:05,755 I didn't do it. I didn't say my name. 391 00:27:05,757 --> 00:27:08,237 No, but I did. 392 00:27:13,037 --> 00:27:15,275 Is everyone all right? 393 00:27:15,277 --> 00:27:17,155 Is everyone OK? 394 00:27:17,157 --> 00:27:19,075 Clara? Clara? 395 00:27:19,077 --> 00:27:21,395 Are you OK? 396 00:27:21,397 --> 00:27:23,395 That was not nice. 397 00:27:23,397 --> 00:27:25,037 I know. I'm sorry. 398 00:27:28,837 --> 00:27:32,355 Now then, Dr Simeon. 399 00:27:32,357 --> 00:27:36,195 Or Mr G Intelligence, whatever I call you... 400 00:27:36,197 --> 00:27:38,675 Do you know what's in there? 401 00:27:38,677 --> 00:27:40,595 For me, peace at last. 402 00:27:40,597 --> 00:27:44,435 For you, pain everlasting. 403 00:27:44,437 --> 00:27:46,197 Won't you invite us in? 404 00:28:29,517 --> 00:28:32,075 What's that? 405 00:28:32,077 --> 00:28:34,317 What were you expecting? A body? 406 00:28:35,597 --> 00:28:38,877 Bodies are boring, I've had loads of 'em. 407 00:28:42,197 --> 00:28:44,435 That's not what my tomb is for. 408 00:28:44,437 --> 00:28:46,315 But what is the light? 409 00:28:46,317 --> 00:28:47,795 It's beautiful. 410 00:28:47,797 --> 00:28:49,995 Should I destroy it? Shut up, Strax. 411 00:28:49,997 --> 00:28:51,357 Doctor, explain. What is that? 412 00:28:53,437 --> 00:28:55,195 The tracks of my tears. 413 00:28:55,197 --> 00:28:57,155 Less poetry, Doctor. Just tell them. 414 00:28:57,157 --> 00:29:01,155 Time travel is... damage. 415 00:29:01,157 --> 00:29:06,475 It's like a tear in the fabric of reality. 416 00:29:06,477 --> 00:29:09,995 That is the scar tissue of my journey through the universe. 417 00:29:09,997 --> 00:29:14,595 My path through time and space, 418 00:29:14,597 --> 00:29:18,917 from Gallifrey to Trenzalore. 419 00:29:26,997 --> 00:29:30,515 'Have you ever thought what it's like to be wanderers in the fourth dimension?' 420 00:29:30,517 --> 00:29:32,675 '..Cybermen - they're still in the nursery compared to us...' 421 00:29:32,677 --> 00:29:34,395 'There are corners of the universe that have bred the most dangerous things...' 422 00:29:34,397 --> 00:29:36,835 'You were fantastic - absolutely fantastic!' 'I'm the Doctor, I'm from Gallifrey, 423 00:29:36,837 --> 00:29:39,555 'in the constellation of Kasterborous...' My own personal time tunnel, 424 00:29:39,557 --> 00:29:41,957 all the days, even the ones that... 425 00:29:43,077 --> 00:29:47,157 ..I, er, even the ones that I haven't lived yet. 426 00:29:48,917 --> 00:29:51,515 Doctor! Doctor! 427 00:29:51,517 --> 00:29:55,315 No. No. Which is why I shouldn't be here. 428 00:29:55,317 --> 00:29:57,757 The paradox is... it's very bad. 429 00:30:00,397 --> 00:30:03,275 No. What are you doing? Somebody stop him! 430 00:30:03,277 --> 00:30:05,995 The Doctor's life is an open wound. 431 00:30:05,997 --> 00:30:08,877 And an open wound can be entered. 432 00:30:10,437 --> 00:30:12,115 No, it would destroy you. 433 00:30:12,117 --> 00:30:16,955 Not at all. It will kill me - it will destroy you. 434 00:30:16,957 --> 00:30:19,675 I can rewrite your every living moment. 435 00:30:19,677 --> 00:30:23,115 I can turn every one of your victories into defeats. 436 00:30:23,117 --> 00:30:28,675 Poison every friendship. Deliver pain to your every breath. 437 00:30:28,677 --> 00:30:30,315 It would burn you up. 438 00:30:30,317 --> 00:30:32,635 Once you go through, you can't come back - 439 00:30:32,637 --> 00:30:36,795 you'll be scattered along my timeline, like confetti. 440 00:30:36,797 --> 00:30:40,555 It matters not, Doctor. You thwarted me at every turn. 441 00:30:40,557 --> 00:30:42,115 Now, you will give me peace, 442 00:30:42,117 --> 00:30:48,035 as I take my revenge on every second of your life! 443 00:30:48,037 --> 00:30:49,197 Goodbye... 444 00:30:50,597 --> 00:30:53,117 Goodbye, Doctor! 445 00:31:09,757 --> 00:31:14,235 What's wrong with him? What's happening? 446 00:31:14,237 --> 00:31:15,557 He's being rewritten! 447 00:31:24,677 --> 00:31:27,235 Simeon is attacking his entire timeline - 448 00:31:27,237 --> 00:31:33,075 he's dying all at once. The Dalek Asylum. Androzani. 449 00:31:33,077 --> 00:31:34,597 What did you say? 450 00:31:37,677 --> 00:31:39,235 Did you say the Dalek Asylum? 451 00:31:39,237 --> 00:31:41,637 Now he's dying in London, with us. 452 00:31:47,037 --> 00:31:49,037 It is done. 453 00:32:01,277 --> 00:32:03,595 Oh, dear Goddess! What's wrong? 454 00:32:03,597 --> 00:32:07,077 A universe without the Doctor - there will be consequences. 455 00:32:08,117 --> 00:32:10,155 Jenny. With me. 456 00:32:10,157 --> 00:32:12,395 The Dalek Asylum. 457 00:32:12,397 --> 00:32:15,075 You said it was me that saved you. How? 458 00:32:15,077 --> 00:32:18,197 Victorian London. How, how could I have been in Victorian London? 459 00:32:22,077 --> 00:32:27,275 No. Please, stop, my life... 460 00:32:27,277 --> 00:32:29,715 My whole life is burning. 461 00:32:29,717 --> 00:32:32,395 What are you scanning for? Local star systems. 462 00:32:32,397 --> 00:32:33,875 Why? 463 00:32:33,877 --> 00:32:35,555 Because they're disappearing. 464 00:32:35,557 --> 00:32:37,075 Disappearing? How? 465 00:32:37,077 --> 00:32:39,155 The Doctor's timeline has been corrupted. 466 00:32:39,157 --> 00:32:41,195 His every victory reversed. 467 00:32:41,197 --> 00:32:44,517 Think how many lives that man saved, how many worlds. 468 00:32:45,557 --> 00:32:47,477 He saved your life when we met. 469 00:32:49,717 --> 00:32:51,237 Jenny? 470 00:32:53,197 --> 00:32:55,837 Please, Jenny! No! 471 00:32:57,477 --> 00:33:00,075 Oh, God, oh, please, no! 472 00:33:00,077 --> 00:33:01,437 Reptile scum! 473 00:33:04,357 --> 00:33:08,275 You are an affront to Sontaran purity! Prepare to perish! 474 00:33:08,277 --> 00:33:09,475 We're friends! 475 00:33:09,477 --> 00:33:14,995 Strax, your past is changing, but I swear, we are comrades! 476 00:33:14,997 --> 00:33:17,397 Die, reptile! 477 00:33:19,557 --> 00:33:20,757 Strax! 478 00:33:22,317 --> 00:33:23,557 Strax! 479 00:33:29,117 --> 00:33:30,715 I have to go in there. 480 00:33:30,717 --> 00:33:35,275 Please. Please, no... 481 00:33:35,277 --> 00:33:37,915 But this is what I've already done. 482 00:33:37,917 --> 00:33:39,557 You've already seen me do it. 483 00:33:41,117 --> 00:33:44,795 I'm the Impossible Girl, and this is why. 484 00:33:44,797 --> 00:33:47,835 Whatever you're thinking of doing... don't. 485 00:33:47,837 --> 00:33:50,475 If I step in there... what happens? 486 00:33:50,477 --> 00:33:53,355 The time winds will tear you into a million pieces. 487 00:33:53,357 --> 00:33:58,555 A million versions of you, living and dying all over time and space. 488 00:33:58,557 --> 00:34:00,475 Like... echoes. 489 00:34:00,477 --> 00:34:03,435 But the echoes could save the Doctor, right? 490 00:34:03,437 --> 00:34:08,035 But they won't be you - the real you will die. 491 00:34:08,037 --> 00:34:10,555 They'll just be copies. 492 00:34:10,557 --> 00:34:12,757 But they'll be real enough to save him. 493 00:34:14,757 --> 00:34:16,675 Like my mum said, 494 00:34:16,677 --> 00:34:20,477 the souffle isn't the souffle - the souffle is the recipe. 495 00:34:23,117 --> 00:34:25,197 It's the only way to save him, isn't it? 496 00:34:29,837 --> 00:34:34,355 The stars are going out. And Jenny and Strax are dead. 497 00:34:34,357 --> 00:34:36,717 There must be something we can do? 498 00:34:41,117 --> 00:34:42,317 Well, how about that? 499 00:34:43,677 --> 00:34:45,395 I'm Souffle Girl after all. 500 00:34:45,397 --> 00:34:48,235 No... please... 501 00:34:48,237 --> 00:34:50,835 If this works, get out of here as fast as you can. 502 00:34:50,837 --> 00:34:53,395 And spare me a thought now and then. 503 00:34:53,397 --> 00:34:55,757 No, Clara...! 504 00:34:59,797 --> 00:35:01,077 In fact, you know what? 505 00:35:02,237 --> 00:35:06,195 Run. Run, you clever boy. 506 00:35:06,197 --> 00:35:08,555 And remember me. 507 00:35:08,557 --> 00:35:11,557 No! Clara! 508 00:35:13,197 --> 00:35:16,195 'I don't know where I am...' CLARA! 509 00:35:16,197 --> 00:35:17,357 '..I just know I'm running. 510 00:35:19,957 --> 00:35:23,957 'Sometimes it's like I've lived a thousand lives in a thousand places. 511 00:35:27,477 --> 00:35:30,237 'I'm born, I live, I die. 512 00:35:31,837 --> 00:35:34,557 'And always, there's the Doctor. 513 00:35:36,117 --> 00:35:38,155 'Always, I'm running to save the Doctor, 514 00:35:38,157 --> 00:35:39,837 'again and again and again.' 515 00:35:41,197 --> 00:35:43,397 Oi! 'And he hardly ever hears me. 516 00:35:45,517 --> 00:35:47,355 'But I've always been there.' 517 00:35:47,357 --> 00:35:49,835 Doctor? Yes, what is it? What do you want? 518 00:35:49,837 --> 00:35:51,595 'Right from the very beginning.' 519 00:35:51,597 --> 00:35:55,037 Sorry. But you're about to make a very big mistake. 520 00:35:57,237 --> 00:35:59,595 Don't steal that one, steal this one. 521 00:35:59,597 --> 00:36:02,235 The navigation system's knackered, but you'll have much more fun. 522 00:36:02,237 --> 00:36:05,075 'Right from the day he started running.' 523 00:36:05,077 --> 00:36:06,515 Run, you clever boy... 524 00:36:06,517 --> 00:36:08,157 And remember me. 525 00:36:13,157 --> 00:36:16,475 It was an unprovoked and violent attack, but that's no excuse... 526 00:36:16,477 --> 00:36:18,915 We are all restored, that is all that matters now. 527 00:36:18,917 --> 00:36:20,117 We are not all restored! 528 00:36:22,077 --> 00:36:25,155 You can't go in there. It's your own time stream, for God's sake! 529 00:36:25,157 --> 00:36:26,595 I have to get her back. 530 00:36:26,597 --> 00:36:29,795 Of course! But not like this! But how? 531 00:36:29,797 --> 00:36:32,595 Is she still alive? It killed Dr Simeon. 532 00:36:32,597 --> 00:36:35,955 Clara's got one advantage over the Great Intelligence. 533 00:36:35,957 --> 00:36:37,155 Which is? 534 00:36:37,157 --> 00:36:38,235 Me. 535 00:36:38,237 --> 00:36:41,035 Doctor, please listen to me - at least hear me. 536 00:36:41,037 --> 00:36:45,315 Now... if I don't come back - and I might not... 537 00:36:45,317 --> 00:36:47,075 Doctor! ..go to the TARDIS. 538 00:36:47,077 --> 00:36:51,075 The fast return protocols should be on, she'll take you home, then shut herself down. 539 00:36:51,077 --> 00:36:53,795 There has to be another way. Use the TARDIS, use something. 540 00:36:53,797 --> 00:36:57,477 Save her, yes, but for God's sake, be sensible! 541 00:37:00,117 --> 00:37:02,395 How are you even doing that? 542 00:37:02,397 --> 00:37:03,517 I'm not really here. 543 00:37:04,597 --> 00:37:07,075 You are always here, to me. 544 00:37:07,077 --> 00:37:12,315 And I always listen and I can always see you. 545 00:37:12,317 --> 00:37:13,957 Then why didn't you speak to me? 546 00:37:16,717 --> 00:37:18,957 I thought it would hurt too much. 547 00:37:20,397 --> 00:37:22,315 I believe I could have coped! 548 00:37:22,317 --> 00:37:24,597 No. I thought it would hurt ME. 549 00:37:26,597 --> 00:37:27,757 And I was right. 550 00:37:47,677 --> 00:37:51,557 Since nobody else in this room can see you, God knows how that looked. 551 00:38:00,437 --> 00:38:04,915 There is a time to live and a time to sleep. 552 00:38:04,917 --> 00:38:08,075 You are an echo, River. 553 00:38:08,077 --> 00:38:11,595 Like Clara. Like all of us, in the end. 554 00:38:11,597 --> 00:38:16,395 My fault, I know, but you should've faded by now. 555 00:38:16,397 --> 00:38:19,475 It's hard to leave when you haven't said goodbye. 556 00:38:19,477 --> 00:38:24,997 Then tell me, because I don't know - how do I say it? 557 00:38:26,317 --> 00:38:28,637 There's only one way I would accept. 558 00:38:29,757 --> 00:38:31,237 If you ever loved me... 559 00:38:32,917 --> 00:38:35,197 ..say it like you're going to come back. 560 00:38:44,517 --> 00:38:46,077 Well, then... 561 00:38:52,477 --> 00:38:54,835 See you around, Professor River Song. 562 00:38:54,837 --> 00:38:58,515 Till the next time, Doctor. 563 00:38:58,517 --> 00:38:59,795 Don't wait up. 564 00:38:59,797 --> 00:39:01,397 Oh, there's one more thing. 565 00:39:02,957 --> 00:39:04,795 Isn't there always? 566 00:39:04,797 --> 00:39:07,275 I was mentally linked with Clara. 567 00:39:07,277 --> 00:39:11,917 If she's really dead, then how can I still be here? 568 00:39:14,277 --> 00:39:17,675 OK. How? 569 00:39:17,677 --> 00:39:19,837 Spoilers. 570 00:39:21,797 --> 00:39:25,597 Goodbye, sweetie. 571 00:39:58,917 --> 00:40:00,355 'I don't know where I am. 572 00:40:00,357 --> 00:40:02,515 'I don't know where I'm going, or where I've been. 573 00:40:02,517 --> 00:40:06,435 'I was the born to save the Doctor, but the Doctor is safe now. 574 00:40:06,437 --> 00:40:09,237 'I'm the Impossible Girl and my story is done.' 575 00:40:23,197 --> 00:40:25,837 Doctor? 576 00:40:28,717 --> 00:40:30,117 DOCTOR! 577 00:40:35,277 --> 00:40:37,317 Please! Please, I don't know where I am. 578 00:40:40,597 --> 00:40:41,677 Clara. 579 00:40:43,437 --> 00:40:46,635 You can hear me, I know you can. 580 00:40:46,637 --> 00:40:48,715 I can't see you. 581 00:40:48,717 --> 00:40:51,915 I'm everywhere. You're inside my time stream. 582 00:40:51,917 --> 00:40:53,677 Everything around you is me. 583 00:40:55,877 --> 00:40:57,357 I can see you. 584 00:41:02,997 --> 00:41:05,355 All your different faces, they're here. 585 00:41:05,357 --> 00:41:09,035 Those are my ghosts. My past. Every good day, every bad day. 586 00:41:09,037 --> 00:41:10,197 AAGH! 587 00:41:14,677 --> 00:41:18,955 What's wrong, what's happening? I'm inside my own time stream, it's collapsing in on itself. 588 00:41:18,957 --> 00:41:21,477 Well, get out, then! Not until I've got you. 589 00:41:22,597 --> 00:41:24,355 I don't even know who I am. 590 00:41:24,357 --> 00:41:28,115 You're my Impossible Girl. I'm sending you something - 591 00:41:28,117 --> 00:41:33,355 not from my past, from yours. Look up. Look. 592 00:41:33,357 --> 00:41:36,757 This is you, Clara. Everything you were or will be. 593 00:41:38,557 --> 00:41:39,757 Take it. 594 00:41:41,277 --> 00:41:44,075 You blew into the world on this leaf. 595 00:41:44,077 --> 00:41:46,797 Hold tight. It will take you home. 596 00:41:54,037 --> 00:41:55,995 Clara! Clara! 597 00:41:55,997 --> 00:41:59,275 Come on! Come on, to me, now. 598 00:41:59,277 --> 00:42:01,555 You can do it, I know you can. 599 00:42:01,557 --> 00:42:05,595 How? Because it's impossible. And you're my Impossible Girl. 600 00:42:05,597 --> 00:42:07,675 How many times have you saved me, Clara? 601 00:42:07,677 --> 00:42:10,555 Just this once, just for the hell of it, 602 00:42:10,557 --> 00:42:12,355 let me save you! 603 00:42:12,357 --> 00:42:15,957 You have to trust me, Clara, I'm real. Just one more step. 604 00:42:17,837 --> 00:42:20,477 Clara. My Clara. 605 00:42:32,597 --> 00:42:34,355 Who's that? 606 00:42:34,357 --> 00:42:37,155 Never mind, let's go back. 607 00:42:37,157 --> 00:42:38,555 But who is he? 608 00:42:38,557 --> 00:42:41,555 He's me. There's only me here, that's the point. 609 00:42:41,557 --> 00:42:42,755 Now let's get back. 610 00:42:42,757 --> 00:42:46,275 But I never saw that one. I saw all of you. 611 00:42:46,277 --> 00:42:49,315 11 faces, all of them you. You're the 11th Doctor. 612 00:42:49,317 --> 00:42:52,635 I said he was me. I never said he was the Doctor. 613 00:42:52,637 --> 00:42:57,035 I don't understand. Look, my name, my real name - that is not the point. 614 00:42:57,037 --> 00:42:59,315 The name I chose is the Doctor. 615 00:42:59,317 --> 00:43:02,875 The name you choose, it's like a promise you make. 616 00:43:02,877 --> 00:43:05,877 He's the one who broke the promise. 617 00:43:09,997 --> 00:43:11,837 Clara? Clara! Clara! 618 00:43:17,037 --> 00:43:18,357 He is my secret. 619 00:43:19,597 --> 00:43:23,475 What I did, I did without choice. 620 00:43:23,477 --> 00:43:27,555 I know. In the name of peace and sanity. 621 00:43:27,557 --> 00:43:30,117 But not in the name of the Doctor. 622 00:43:48,456 --> 00:44:15,211 Subtitle by: Abraham Christen Liando