1 00:00:02,080 --> 00:00:03,760 Ooh, we've gone all medieval. 2 00:00:03,760 --> 00:00:06,200 They're pumping something nasty off this island. 3 00:00:06,200 --> 00:00:08,720 Acid, they're pumping acid off this island. 4 00:00:08,720 --> 00:00:11,880 You're a factory, a 22nd century, army-owned factory. 5 00:00:11,880 --> 00:00:14,080 We're contractors and you're trespassers. 6 00:00:14,080 --> 00:00:15,920 I need to see your critical systems. 7 00:00:15,920 --> 00:00:17,840 Which one? You know which one. 8 00:00:17,840 --> 00:00:20,920 The Flesh. It's fully programmable matter. 9 00:00:20,920 --> 00:00:25,160 It's alive, so alive. You're piling your lives, your personalities, directly into it. 10 00:00:29,040 --> 00:00:33,320 You gave them your lives. Human lives are amazing. 11 00:00:33,320 --> 00:00:35,440 Are you surprised they walked off with them? 12 00:00:35,440 --> 00:00:36,720 This is... 13 00:00:36,720 --> 00:00:38,040 You're telling me. 14 00:00:38,040 --> 00:00:39,400 Why are you really here? 15 00:00:39,400 --> 00:00:44,360 They're monsters, mistakes. They have to be destroyed. 16 00:00:44,360 --> 00:00:47,920 If we want to live, then it's time to go to war. 17 00:00:47,920 --> 00:00:50,520 They're coming back in a big way. 18 00:00:50,520 --> 00:00:54,600 Yes, it's insane, and it's about to get even more insaner-er. 19 00:00:54,600 --> 00:00:58,680 Trust me, I'm the Doctor. 20 00:01:02,560 --> 00:01:05,040 Aaaagh! 21 00:01:05,040 --> 00:01:07,000 What's happening? 22 00:01:07,000 --> 00:01:09,440 I wonder if we'll get back. 23 00:01:09,440 --> 00:01:13,400 Yes, one day... Aaagh! 24 00:01:13,400 --> 00:01:15,680 I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow. 25 00:01:15,680 --> 00:01:21,040 The Flesh is struggling to cope with our past regenerations. Hold on! 26 00:01:21,040 --> 00:01:25,160 Would you like a jelly-baby? 27 00:01:25,160 --> 00:01:28,360 Why? Why!? Why? Why what? 28 00:01:28,360 --> 00:01:30,600 Hello. I'm the Doctor. 29 00:01:30,600 --> 00:01:34,920 No, let it go, we've moved on! Hold on, hold on, you can stabilise! 30 00:01:34,920 --> 00:01:39,040 I've reversed the jelly-baby of the neutron flow. Would you like a... 31 00:01:39,040 --> 00:01:45,360 Doctor... Doctor... I'm... I'm the... 32 00:01:45,360 --> 00:01:48,560 I can't. No, listen, hold on. 33 00:01:48,560 --> 00:01:51,920 Hold on! No-o-o-o! 34 00:01:54,760 --> 00:01:57,000 Aaaagh! 35 00:02:44,600 --> 00:02:47,640 I think I liked it best when they were being noisy. Mm-hmm. 36 00:02:54,000 --> 00:02:56,040 Doctor, we need you. Get over here. 37 00:02:56,040 --> 00:02:58,400 Hello! 38 00:02:58,400 --> 00:03:01,720 Doctor! Cybermats. Do we have time for this? We make time. 39 00:03:01,720 --> 00:03:07,200 I'd like more proof that you're me. Cybermats? Created by the Cybermen. They kill by feeding off brainwaves. 40 00:03:07,200 --> 00:03:09,720 Are you sure there aren't any big guns with bits on? 41 00:03:09,720 --> 00:03:11,840 Yeah, big guns would be good right now. 42 00:03:11,840 --> 00:03:15,200 Why would we have guns? We're a factory. We mine. 43 00:03:19,240 --> 00:03:21,480 Acid. 44 00:03:26,640 --> 00:03:30,360 Rory and Amy may not trust both of us. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? 45 00:03:30,360 --> 00:03:34,280 Inevitably. I'm glad we're on the same... Wavelength. You see, great minds. 46 00:03:34,280 --> 00:03:36,520 Exactly. So, what's the plan? Save them all, 47 00:03:36,520 --> 00:03:42,440 humans and gangers. Sounds wonderful. Is that what you were thinking? It's just so inspiring to hear me say it. 48 00:03:42,440 --> 00:03:44,640 I know! Doctor, come on! 49 00:03:45,800 --> 00:03:50,400 So, what now, Doctor? Well, time to get cracking, Doctor. 50 00:03:50,400 --> 00:03:54,320 Hello! Sorry... ..But we had to establish a few... 51 00:03:54,320 --> 00:03:57,280 ..Ground rules. Formulate a... Protocol. 52 00:03:57,280 --> 00:03:59,680 Very posh. A protocol between us. Otherwise... 53 00:03:59,680 --> 00:04:02,760 It gets horribly embarrassing. And potentially confusing. 54 00:04:02,760 --> 00:04:05,200 I'm glad you've solved the problem of confusing. 55 00:04:05,200 --> 00:04:08,280 That's sarcasm. She's very good at sarcasm. 56 00:04:08,280 --> 00:04:09,400 Breathe! 57 00:04:09,400 --> 00:04:12,400 What? We have to get you off this island. And the gangers too. 58 00:04:12,400 --> 00:04:16,160 Would you like a memo? They're trying to kill us! They're scared. 59 00:04:16,160 --> 00:04:19,080 Doctor, we're trapped in here. I don't think so. 60 00:04:19,080 --> 00:04:23,680 The Flesh Bowl is fed by cabling from above. But where are the earthing conduits? 61 00:04:23,680 --> 00:04:29,440 All this piping must go down into a tunnel or a shaft or something, yes? With us? 62 00:04:32,240 --> 00:04:34,000 Yowza! An escape route. 63 00:04:34,000 --> 00:04:38,560 You know, I'm starting to get a sense of just how impressive it is to hang out with me. 64 00:04:38,560 --> 00:04:40,280 Do we tend to say "Yowza"? 65 00:04:40,280 --> 00:04:44,800 That's enough, let it go, OK? We're under stress. 66 00:05:09,160 --> 00:05:11,920 Stop. 67 00:05:11,920 --> 00:05:13,800 Stop. Stop, stop! 68 00:05:42,760 --> 00:05:47,080 The army will send a recon team. We need to contact the mainland. What about Rory and Jen? 69 00:05:47,080 --> 00:05:50,520 They are both out there. Takes a long time to find someone in a maze. 70 00:05:50,520 --> 00:05:52,320 I bet you lot have got a computer map. 71 00:05:52,320 --> 00:05:54,840 If we can get power running, we can scan for them. 72 00:05:58,360 --> 00:06:03,000 Doctor, you said earlier to breathe. Very important, Pond. Breathe. I'm struggling to. 73 00:06:05,200 --> 00:06:08,240 Acid interacting with the stone. 74 00:06:08,240 --> 00:06:10,560 Creating an asphyxiant miasma. 75 00:06:10,560 --> 00:06:13,400 A what? Chokey gas. 76 00:06:13,400 --> 00:06:15,360 Extra heavy. If we can get above it... 77 00:06:15,360 --> 00:06:17,560 The evac tower. This way! 78 00:06:22,120 --> 00:06:27,040 Damned headaches. I'm so tired. 79 00:06:27,040 --> 00:06:28,800 They could be anywhere. 80 00:06:28,800 --> 00:06:32,040 How are we going to find them? Think about it. 81 00:06:32,040 --> 00:06:36,480 With all that gas, my guess would be the evac tower. Get above it. Try to get power up. 82 00:06:36,480 --> 00:06:39,880 So? Let's stop them. 83 00:06:39,880 --> 00:06:44,640 It's a narrow doorway. I could defend it easy enough. So can she. 84 00:06:50,560 --> 00:06:54,720 I think I coughed so hard, I pulled a muscle or something. It's OK, 85 00:06:54,720 --> 00:06:58,440 it's easing off. BELL CHIMES 86 00:06:58,440 --> 00:07:03,600 It's midnight. It's Adam's birthday. 87 00:07:03,600 --> 00:07:07,920 My son's five. Happy birthday, bud. 88 00:07:11,280 --> 00:07:14,120 Happy birthday, Adam. 89 00:07:19,840 --> 00:07:22,480 He'll be so excited. 90 00:07:22,480 --> 00:07:25,840 Out of bed at the crack of dawn. 91 00:07:25,840 --> 00:07:31,520 It's funny, he's got this wee dance he does when he gets overexcited. 92 00:07:31,520 --> 00:07:38,680 Listen to me. I tried to block the memories, but now I know I must remember. 93 00:07:38,680 --> 00:07:42,960 It's the eyes. The eyes are the last to go. 94 00:07:42,960 --> 00:07:44,640 What are you talking about? 95 00:07:44,640 --> 00:07:48,200 When they destroy us, the eyes are the last things to melt. 96 00:07:48,200 --> 00:07:52,560 And there's one question in those eyes - why? 97 00:07:52,560 --> 00:07:57,680 Why should we suffer for the sake of human beings? 98 00:07:57,680 --> 00:08:01,320 I heard in India, there's over ten million gangers. 99 00:08:01,320 --> 00:08:05,560 We can reach out, inspire them to rise up. 100 00:08:05,560 --> 00:08:08,360 Revolution? 101 00:08:08,360 --> 00:08:13,280 Look, I just...I just want to be left to live in peace, Jen. 102 00:08:14,800 --> 00:08:17,240 They will melt you. 103 00:08:17,240 --> 00:08:21,120 Have you become so human that you've forgotten the truth? 104 00:08:21,120 --> 00:08:26,320 Don't you remember all the times you were decommissioned, or should I say executed? No. 105 00:08:26,320 --> 00:08:31,360 We don't remember. Well, I do. 106 00:08:31,360 --> 00:08:34,640 It's us or them. 107 00:08:34,640 --> 00:08:37,200 She's right. 108 00:09:01,960 --> 00:09:03,400 I have a plan. 109 00:09:03,400 --> 00:09:08,280 And it'll destroy them all. 110 00:09:11,360 --> 00:09:15,200 Can you really get the power back? There's always some power floating around. 111 00:09:15,200 --> 00:09:17,280 Sticking to the wires, like bits of lint. 112 00:09:17,280 --> 00:09:23,080 Can you stop finishing each other's... Sentences? No probs. Yes. 113 00:09:23,080 --> 00:09:27,520 Hang on. You said that the TARDIS was stuck in acid, so won't she be damaged? 114 00:09:27,520 --> 00:09:31,920 Nah. She's a tough old thing. Tough, old, sexy. 115 00:09:31,920 --> 00:09:34,680 No, tough, dependable, sexy. 116 00:09:34,680 --> 00:09:42,320 Come on. OK, how can...how can you both be real? Well, because... we are. I'm the Doctor. 117 00:09:42,320 --> 00:09:45,640 So am I. We contain the knowledge of over 900 years of experience. 118 00:09:45,640 --> 00:09:50,560 We both wear the same bowtie, which is cool. Because bowties are... And always will be. 119 00:09:50,560 --> 00:09:52,560 But you weren't linked up to the Flesh. 120 00:09:52,560 --> 00:09:57,600 It must've been after I examined it. Thus, a new, genuine Doctor was created. Ta-da! 121 00:09:57,600 --> 00:09:59,440 But one of you was here first. 122 00:09:59,440 --> 00:10:03,280 After the Flesh scanned me, I had an accident with a puddle of acid. 123 00:10:03,280 --> 00:10:08,280 Now new shoes, a situation which did not confront me learned self here. 124 00:10:10,160 --> 00:10:11,920 That satisfy you, Pond? 125 00:10:11,920 --> 00:10:14,040 Don't call me Pond, please. 126 00:10:18,080 --> 00:10:21,560 What? You definitely feel more affection for him than me. 127 00:10:21,560 --> 00:10:26,600 No, I... Look, you're fine and everything, but he is the Doctor. 128 00:10:26,600 --> 00:10:30,240 No offence. Being almost the Doctor is pretty damn impressive. 129 00:10:30,240 --> 00:10:35,560 Being almost the Doctor's like being no Doctor at all. Don't overreact. 130 00:10:35,560 --> 00:10:39,520 You might as well call me...Smith. Smith? John Smith. Communication a go-go! 131 00:10:39,520 --> 00:10:43,120 Find Rory! Show me the scanny tracky screen. 132 00:10:43,120 --> 00:10:46,560 Come on, Rory, let's be having you. 133 00:10:46,560 --> 00:10:48,520 There's no sign of him anywhere. 134 00:10:48,520 --> 00:10:50,320 Come on, baby, show yourself. 135 00:10:50,320 --> 00:10:53,200 You're right, there's power. 136 00:10:53,200 --> 00:10:56,360 Well, boys, I don't know much, but I know my own minds. 137 00:10:56,360 --> 00:10:58,760 She'll be on the comlink to the mainland. 138 00:10:58,760 --> 00:11:01,760 St John's calling. Emergency Alpha. 139 00:11:01,760 --> 00:11:03,040 Let's see if we can intercept. 140 00:11:03,040 --> 00:11:08,160 'St John's calling the mainland. Are you receiving me, Captain? Come in'. 141 00:11:10,320 --> 00:11:13,600 We'll never get a signal through this storm. 142 00:11:13,600 --> 00:11:19,000 St John's calling the mainland. Come in, this is urgent. 143 00:11:19,000 --> 00:11:23,720 'We're just about reading you, St John's. How are you doing? We've had all kinds of trouble here'. 144 00:11:23,720 --> 00:11:28,040 'Request immediate evacuation. We're under attack. The storm's affected our gangers.' 145 00:11:28,040 --> 00:11:29,760 They're running amok. 146 00:11:29,760 --> 00:11:32,360 'Your gangers?' Yes, our gangers are attacking us. 147 00:11:32,360 --> 00:11:37,240 We need you to take us off the island immediately and wipe them out. 148 00:11:41,120 --> 00:11:44,400 'Copy that, St John's. Shuttle's despatched. Hang on'. 149 00:11:44,400 --> 00:11:48,000 You'll need to airlift us off the roof of the evac tower. 150 00:11:48,000 --> 00:11:53,080 'And Captain, any further transmission sent by me must come with the following codeword. 151 00:11:53,080 --> 00:11:56,400 'I'm typing it, in case they're listening in.' 152 00:11:56,400 --> 00:11:59,880 Ooh. See how smart I am? That's why I'm paid the big bucks. 153 00:11:59,880 --> 00:12:03,800 'Got it. We'll swing in, get you out and decommission the Flesh'. 154 00:12:09,160 --> 00:12:14,560 Jennifer's right. We're going to have to fight if we want to survive. 155 00:12:23,480 --> 00:12:25,960 'Thermostatic override rejected. 156 00:12:25,960 --> 00:12:28,240 'Can only be operated by recognised source'. 157 00:12:28,240 --> 00:12:31,400 I am recognised! I'm Jennifer Lucas! 158 00:12:36,560 --> 00:12:40,320 We'ev got to get out of here. We're not leaving without them. 159 00:12:40,320 --> 00:12:43,360 I want 'em found too, but it's about casualties, innit? 160 00:12:45,520 --> 00:12:49,360 What are you doing? Making a phone call. Who to? No-one yet. It's on delay. 161 00:12:49,360 --> 00:12:51,480 Why exactly are you making a phone call? 162 00:12:51,480 --> 00:12:54,960 Because, Amy, I am and always will be the optimist, 163 00:12:54,960 --> 00:12:59,720 the hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams. 164 00:13:01,320 --> 00:13:03,000 The wheels are in motion. Done. 165 00:13:06,320 --> 00:13:08,880 You know, really, there can be only one. 166 00:13:08,880 --> 00:13:12,960 Hmm? Nothing. Carry on. Be amazing. 167 00:13:39,440 --> 00:13:43,600 Amy? What happened? 168 00:13:47,640 --> 00:13:53,720 It's her again. It's who again? There's a woman I keep seeing, a woman with an eyepatch, 169 00:13:53,720 --> 00:13:57,440 and she has this habit of sliding walls open and staring at me. 170 00:13:57,440 --> 00:14:00,560 Doctor? It's nothing. Doesn't seem like nothing. 171 00:14:00,560 --> 00:14:04,200 It's a time memory. Like a mirage. It's nothing to worry about. 172 00:14:04,200 --> 00:14:06,360 It's in my head... 173 00:14:10,160 --> 00:14:13,440 Hey, hold on! Don't let him go. Leave it to me. 174 00:14:28,880 --> 00:14:33,680 I'm sorry. What I said about you being almost the Doctor, 175 00:14:33,680 --> 00:14:39,200 it's just really hard, because I've been through so much with him. 176 00:14:39,200 --> 00:14:44,400 I've even seen... I've even seen the moment of his... 177 00:14:46,000 --> 00:14:48,920 Can you die? 178 00:14:48,920 --> 00:14:52,400 If you really are the same, then you can die. 179 00:14:52,400 --> 00:14:56,920 You can be killed, and... I might have seen that happen. 180 00:15:00,400 --> 00:15:05,840 Why? Why? Because you invited us to see it. Your death! 181 00:15:08,320 --> 00:15:12,880 Why? You're hurting me. It's all the eyes say! Why? 182 00:15:12,880 --> 00:15:18,400 I can feel them as they work each day, knowing the time was coming for them to be thrown away again. 183 00:15:18,400 --> 00:15:20,680 "Not again, please!" 184 00:15:20,680 --> 00:15:26,040 And then they are destroyed and they feel death, and all they can say is, "Why?" 185 00:15:39,680 --> 00:15:42,320 Why? 186 00:15:42,320 --> 00:15:45,480 Keep him away from me! 187 00:15:45,480 --> 00:15:46,760 Did you sense it? 188 00:15:46,760 --> 00:15:49,200 Briefly. Not as strong as you. 189 00:15:49,200 --> 00:15:54,120 Amy, I'm sorry. No, you keep away! We can't trust you. 190 00:15:54,120 --> 00:15:58,560 It would appear I can connect to the Flesh. Well, you are Flesh. I'm beginning to understand 191 00:15:58,560 --> 00:16:01,800 what it needs. What YOU want. You are it. It's much more powerful 192 00:16:01,800 --> 00:16:06,200 than we thought. The Flesh can grow, correct? Its cells can divide. 193 00:16:09,000 --> 00:16:11,760 Well, now it wants to do that at will. 194 00:16:11,760 --> 00:16:13,840 It wants revenge. 195 00:16:13,840 --> 00:16:18,600 It's in pain, angry. It wants revenge. 196 00:16:18,600 --> 00:16:23,000 I was right, you're not the Doctor. You can't ever be. You're just a copy. 197 00:16:23,000 --> 00:16:28,000 Doctor, it might be best if you stayed over there for now, hmm? 198 00:16:28,000 --> 00:16:31,200 Hold on a minute, I thought I'd explained this. I'm him, he's me. 199 00:16:31,200 --> 00:16:36,240 Doctor, we have no issue with you. But when it comes to your ganger... 200 00:16:36,240 --> 00:16:37,640 Don't be so absurd. 201 00:16:37,640 --> 00:16:40,280 Buzzer? Sure, boss. 202 00:16:46,440 --> 00:16:48,280 Take a seat, mate. 203 00:16:48,280 --> 00:16:51,600 Nice barrel, very comfy. 204 00:16:51,600 --> 00:16:53,120 Why not? 205 00:16:53,120 --> 00:16:55,000 Is this really what you want? 206 00:17:03,600 --> 00:17:07,400 Help me! No! Get away! Jen? 207 00:17:09,880 --> 00:17:11,480 Jen! 208 00:17:14,480 --> 00:17:18,200 Rory? I'm sorry. 209 00:17:18,200 --> 00:17:20,480 She found me. Rory, listen to me. 210 00:17:20,480 --> 00:17:22,160 Don't listen to her! 211 00:17:22,160 --> 00:17:24,920 I'm Jennifer Lucas. This woman is Flesh. 212 00:17:29,160 --> 00:17:32,600 'We're right above you, but we can't get low enough. 213 00:17:32,600 --> 00:17:35,920 'Gamma static could fry our nav-controls. Sit tight. 214 00:17:35,920 --> 00:17:40,080 'We'll get to you. Just...' 215 00:17:40,080 --> 00:17:44,640 Hello? Can you hear me? I can't find Rory. I'm going out there. 216 00:17:44,640 --> 00:17:49,560 We could use the sonic. Humans and gangers give off different signals. 217 00:17:49,560 --> 00:17:53,800 The sonic knows gangers are different, so the other Doctor is different. He is the Doctor. 218 00:17:53,800 --> 00:17:58,560 Not to me. I can tell. Sure you're not prejudiced? Nice try, but I know, OK? 219 00:17:58,560 --> 00:18:01,280 We've been through too much. You're my Doctor. End of. 220 00:18:01,280 --> 00:18:05,760 So one of you is human, and one of you I sat with and talked with. 221 00:18:05,760 --> 00:18:07,760 Why can't you just tell me the truth? 222 00:18:07,760 --> 00:18:11,080 The Doctor wants you to live and I'm with him all the way. 223 00:18:11,080 --> 00:18:16,720 That's a lovely idea, Rory, but the Flesh want to kill us now. 224 00:18:16,720 --> 00:18:19,720 You're limping. You're not. 225 00:18:19,720 --> 00:18:23,320 So? So what? You think a ganger can't put on a limp? 226 00:18:23,320 --> 00:18:26,360 Show me your leg. 227 00:18:26,360 --> 00:18:29,080 It got burnt while I was in the harness. 228 00:18:29,080 --> 00:18:33,560 She's lying! She's telling you what you want to hear! Look, you can't fake a burn. 229 00:18:33,560 --> 00:18:36,200 No! No, you don't... 230 00:18:38,520 --> 00:18:44,960 Stop it! Fighting each other is pointless. Come on. Please, please stop! 231 00:18:46,760 --> 00:18:50,200 Jen...both Jens, stop it! 232 00:18:52,400 --> 00:18:54,160 No! 233 00:18:59,240 --> 00:19:02,640 She...she attacked me. I didn't... 234 00:19:08,720 --> 00:19:15,240 I knew you'd find me. We're in this together, Rory, and we've got to trust each other. 235 00:19:15,240 --> 00:19:19,560 OK, come on. Let's go. 236 00:19:24,160 --> 00:19:27,440 Hey, there's a camera up. We've got a visual. 237 00:19:29,840 --> 00:19:31,360 That's Rory and Jennifer. 238 00:19:31,360 --> 00:19:35,680 They're heading for the thermostatic room. Let's go get them. 239 00:19:38,400 --> 00:19:44,440 Hang on. We can't let him go. Are you crazy? Am I crazy, Doctor? 240 00:19:44,440 --> 00:19:47,680 You did once plumb your brain into the core of an entire planet 241 00:19:47,680 --> 00:19:50,560 just to halt its orbit and win a bet. He can't rescue them. 242 00:19:50,560 --> 00:19:54,200 I'm going. Do you know, I want him to go. 243 00:19:57,040 --> 00:19:59,320 And I'm rather adamant. 244 00:20:03,440 --> 00:20:08,960 Well, then, he'll need company, right, boss? 245 00:20:08,960 --> 00:20:10,880 It's fine. I'll handle it. 246 00:20:10,880 --> 00:20:15,200 Thank you, Buzzer. It'll be all right. 247 00:20:15,200 --> 00:20:16,840 I'll find him. 248 00:20:20,200 --> 00:20:23,800 I need you to trust him. Can you do that for me, Amy? 249 00:20:23,800 --> 00:20:25,240 And what if you're wrong? 250 00:20:29,120 --> 00:20:31,120 This is the thermostatic chamber. 251 00:20:31,120 --> 00:20:34,720 We can stir the oxygen supply from here. What? 252 00:20:34,720 --> 00:20:37,800 We're going to choke to death if we don't clean this air. 253 00:20:37,800 --> 00:20:40,600 Keep a look out in case of gangers. 254 00:20:47,200 --> 00:20:49,680 Rory! 255 00:20:49,680 --> 00:20:55,800 What's wrong? It's this wheel. It's just too tough for a girl to turn. Are you feeling strong? 256 00:20:55,800 --> 00:20:58,600 I'll break out the big guns. 257 00:20:58,600 --> 00:21:00,760 This first. 258 00:21:04,680 --> 00:21:06,720 'Human source recognised. 259 00:21:11,920 --> 00:21:14,320 'Thermostatic override granted'. 260 00:21:16,200 --> 00:21:18,560 These temperature gauges are rising. 261 00:21:18,560 --> 00:21:23,680 Jennifer and Rory must have shut off the underground cooling vents. Why do that? They'll kill us. 262 00:21:23,680 --> 00:21:26,880 There's a million gallons of boiling acid under our feet... 263 00:21:26,880 --> 00:21:30,480 And now it's heating up the whole island. How long till it blows? 264 00:21:32,880 --> 00:21:38,640 Gangers or no gangers, we need to get the hell out of here. Shuttle! We need evac. Where are you? 265 00:21:38,640 --> 00:21:42,520 Can you hear me? Can you...? Cleaves? 266 00:21:42,520 --> 00:21:44,360 Cleaves, sit down. I'm fine. 267 00:21:48,720 --> 00:21:52,880 You don't look good. Monsters never do. 268 00:21:52,880 --> 00:21:56,560 I'm fine. I remember medics doing tests. 269 00:21:56,560 --> 00:21:58,920 I'm waiting for results, so let it go. 270 00:21:58,920 --> 00:22:00,520 It's a very deep parietal clot. 271 00:22:00,520 --> 00:22:02,520 How can you possib...? 272 00:22:05,480 --> 00:22:09,720 Inoperable? On Earth, yes. Well, seeing as Earth is all that's on... 273 00:22:11,040 --> 00:22:14,840 ..offer...hmm. 274 00:22:14,840 --> 00:22:18,960 I'm no healthy spring chicken, and you're no weatherman. Right? 275 00:22:20,600 --> 00:22:24,360 Something just cracked. I heard it. Yeah, we can't stay here, let's go. 276 00:22:24,360 --> 00:22:29,360 Let's shift! Cleaves to Shuttle. We need to move, and we can't be collected from the evac tower. 277 00:22:29,360 --> 00:22:31,000 'Give us the codeword'. The codeword is... 278 00:22:35,120 --> 00:22:38,160 Cleaves? Cleaves, it's dead, it's dead. 279 00:22:38,160 --> 00:22:41,480 We need to get back downstairs and get those vents back on, come on. 280 00:22:41,480 --> 00:22:47,640 This is our chance. I can reroute the shuttle to the courtyard. You can't guess the codeword. 281 00:22:47,640 --> 00:22:49,960 I can, Jimmy, because I created the codeword. 282 00:22:49,960 --> 00:22:53,600 Shuttle, do you read me? This is Foreman Cleaves. 283 00:22:53,600 --> 00:22:56,720 'You got cut off. Say again? What's the request?' 284 00:22:56,720 --> 00:22:59,640 You need to reroute and pick us up from the courtyard. 285 00:22:59,640 --> 00:23:02,560 'Courtyard - as soon as we can. Give me the codeword'. 286 00:23:02,560 --> 00:23:07,240 Shuttle, the codeword is "Bad Boy". I repeat, "Bad Boy". 287 00:23:12,200 --> 00:23:16,600 'Copy that. The courtyard. Still want us to take care of those gangers?' Negative. 288 00:23:16,600 --> 00:23:18,520 They've all been incinerated. 289 00:23:18,520 --> 00:23:22,000 Bad Boy? Good call. 290 00:23:22,000 --> 00:23:26,640 Yeah, well, it wasn't luck. We're the same person. 291 00:23:32,040 --> 00:23:36,320 This room's always sealed. Power surge must have thrown the bolts. 292 00:23:41,520 --> 00:23:44,160 What is that? 293 00:23:46,760 --> 00:23:49,800 Discarded Flesh. Faulty, probably. 294 00:23:49,800 --> 00:23:52,080 Just thrown away. Look at them. 295 00:23:56,720 --> 00:23:58,960 One of my old gangers. 296 00:24:01,640 --> 00:24:05,120 Left to rot, fully conscious. 297 00:24:05,120 --> 00:24:07,840 Can you imagine what kind of hell they're in? 298 00:24:07,840 --> 00:24:13,600 But Cleaves, the company, how could they do this? How could they? 299 00:24:13,600 --> 00:24:15,920 Who are the real monsters? 300 00:24:17,720 --> 00:24:21,360 We can't let this carry on. 301 00:24:21,360 --> 00:24:24,480 Jen, we have to make people see! 302 00:24:24,480 --> 00:24:27,920 OK, Rory. I have an idea. 303 00:24:27,920 --> 00:24:30,800 You came for me. We have a bond. Right? 304 00:24:30,800 --> 00:24:34,480 We trust each other. Yeah. 305 00:24:34,480 --> 00:24:36,360 So trust me on this. 306 00:24:40,160 --> 00:24:44,320 I'm getting something. Is it human? Yeah, it's human. But it's fading. It's fading. 307 00:24:44,320 --> 00:24:47,080 This is bad. Fading is very... 308 00:24:47,080 --> 00:24:53,280 bad. Aagh! The signal's gone. She's...dead. 309 00:24:53,280 --> 00:24:58,280 She was hanging onto the edge of life and she just... just slipped away. 310 00:24:58,280 --> 00:25:01,680 Oh, Jennifer, I'm so sorry. 311 00:25:01,680 --> 00:25:04,760 She's been out here for hours. 312 00:25:04,760 --> 00:25:07,080 But if the real Jen's been lying out here... 313 00:25:09,080 --> 00:25:10,840 Rory's in trouble. 314 00:25:14,120 --> 00:25:19,040 Sorry, pal, it's boss's orders. Us and them, innit? 315 00:25:25,400 --> 00:25:29,160 Ah. The eyes have it. 316 00:25:31,400 --> 00:25:32,920 Why are they here? 317 00:25:32,920 --> 00:25:37,600 To accuse...us. 318 00:25:37,600 --> 00:25:42,040 Ignore them. It's not far. 319 00:25:55,560 --> 00:25:58,400 I should have been a postman like me dad. 320 00:25:58,400 --> 00:26:05,400 Shh. I'm here. I'm here. 321 00:26:05,400 --> 00:26:06,960 I'm with you. 322 00:26:08,800 --> 00:26:11,200 I know, it hurts. 323 00:26:13,000 --> 00:26:15,720 I'm sorry. 324 00:26:15,720 --> 00:26:18,400 Go to sleep. 325 00:26:18,400 --> 00:26:20,920 Sleep. 326 00:26:20,920 --> 00:26:23,200 You killed her. 327 00:26:23,200 --> 00:26:25,320 You killed our Jen. 328 00:26:28,080 --> 00:26:30,280 And I'm stronger, Buzz. 329 00:26:32,160 --> 00:26:35,200 I can grow! 330 00:26:48,960 --> 00:26:55,120 It's a chemical chain reaction now. I can't stop it. This place is going to blow sky high. 331 00:26:55,120 --> 00:26:58,000 Exactly how long have we got? An hour? Five seconds? 332 00:26:58,000 --> 00:27:00,440 Er, somewhere in between. 333 00:27:06,320 --> 00:27:10,320 All right? Oh, Rory! Oh, Rory. 334 00:27:10,320 --> 00:27:13,920 There's a way out. Jennifer found it. A secret tunnel under the crypt. 335 00:27:13,920 --> 00:27:16,080 From the crypt? It's not on the schematics. 336 00:27:16,080 --> 00:27:20,280 It runs right out of the monastery. Maybe even under the TARDIS, Doctor. Follow me. 337 00:27:34,840 --> 00:27:37,560 Got anything for a sore head? 338 00:27:37,560 --> 00:27:41,400 This is how they'll always treat us. Do you see now? 339 00:27:41,400 --> 00:27:46,680 After all, you're one of us... Doctor. 340 00:27:49,000 --> 00:27:52,960 Call me Smith. John Smith. 341 00:27:56,160 --> 00:27:57,960 We can't leave without Buzzer. 342 00:27:57,960 --> 00:28:01,360 I'll go back for him. Doctor, look... 343 00:28:01,360 --> 00:28:04,600 I haven't been quite straight with you... Rory! 344 00:28:04,600 --> 00:28:08,040 We don't need to lock them up. We should just show them what we've found. 345 00:28:08,040 --> 00:28:09,960 I don't think so. 346 00:28:09,960 --> 00:28:13,640 Rory Pond, Roranicus Pondicus! Rory! What the hell are you playing at? 347 00:28:13,640 --> 00:28:19,080 They've been throwing away old Flesh and leaving it to rot, alive! 348 00:28:19,080 --> 00:28:22,800 I think the world should see that. Rory, there is no time. 349 00:28:22,800 --> 00:28:28,000 This factory's about to explode! Are you sure about this? Cos I'm not. Let them out. 350 00:28:28,000 --> 00:28:30,120 The little girl got strong. 351 00:28:30,120 --> 00:28:35,480 What? The little girl lost on the moors in her red wellies? Looking for a way home? 352 00:28:35,480 --> 00:28:41,840 Well, she got strong, Rory. I told you, remember? 353 00:28:41,840 --> 00:28:46,760 But that wasn't...it was the other Jennifer that told me about being a little girl. 354 00:28:46,760 --> 00:28:51,520 Oh? What other Jennifer? 355 00:28:51,520 --> 00:28:58,280 Well, the... the... wait, you tricked me? Let me go, I'll open the door. 356 00:28:58,280 --> 00:28:59,800 Let me... I'm sorry! 357 00:29:08,960 --> 00:29:12,760 We have to be free. I'm sorry too, Miranda. 358 00:29:12,760 --> 00:29:17,040 Of all the humans in the world, you had to pick the one with the clot. 359 00:29:20,240 --> 00:29:24,640 But hey, them's the breaks. Welcome to the human race. 360 00:29:35,080 --> 00:29:39,120 This is going to overheat and fill the room with acid, just as a point of interest. 361 00:29:39,120 --> 00:29:41,040 And we can't stop it? 362 00:29:41,040 --> 00:29:44,000 Just as a point of interest, no. 363 00:29:46,280 --> 00:29:48,600 You created another ganger just to trick me. 364 00:29:48,600 --> 00:29:55,600 You tricked me. When I found you, you were both Flesh and you tricked me into trusting you! 365 00:29:57,200 --> 00:30:03,120 Jen's dead, isn't she? She's gone, Rory. Gone. 366 00:30:03,120 --> 00:30:06,880 'Shuttle, we're dropping down on our approach. Stand by for evac'. 367 00:30:06,880 --> 00:30:10,400 The humans will be melted, as they deserve. 368 00:30:10,400 --> 00:30:12,560 And then the factory will be destroyed. 369 00:30:12,560 --> 00:30:15,280 Once we get to the mainland, the real battle begins. 370 00:30:15,280 --> 00:30:17,480 The humans won't stand a chance. 371 00:30:17,480 --> 00:30:20,920 You're one of us, Doctor. Join the revolution. 372 00:30:20,920 --> 00:30:22,800 I've got to go and get them out. 373 00:30:31,360 --> 00:30:35,360 It'll never hold her. If you have a better plan, I'm all ears. 374 00:30:35,360 --> 00:30:37,680 In fact, if you have a better plan, 375 00:30:37,680 --> 00:30:41,320 I'll take you to a planet where EVERYONE is all ears. 376 00:30:41,320 --> 00:30:43,520 Doctor, we can't just let them die. 377 00:30:43,520 --> 00:30:47,600 Ring Ring! Doctor! 378 00:30:47,600 --> 00:30:49,560 Ring Ring! 379 00:30:53,040 --> 00:30:54,560 The acid's eating through. 380 00:30:59,880 --> 00:31:02,160 Stay! OK. 381 00:31:03,680 --> 00:31:06,760 PHONE RINGS Ah, that'll be the phone. 382 00:31:06,760 --> 00:31:11,600 Somebody get the phone. Jimmy, get the phone. No? Fine, I'll get the phone. Stay put. 383 00:31:17,080 --> 00:31:20,560 'Thank you for booking your holo-call with Morpeth Jet...' Ha! 384 00:31:20,560 --> 00:31:24,680 Hello, Adam, I'm the Doctor. Well, Other Doctor. 385 00:31:24,680 --> 00:31:29,960 Or Smith. It's complicated and boring. Anyway, who cares, it's your birthday! 386 00:31:29,960 --> 00:31:35,160 Yay! Yay! Now, have you been getting up very early and jumping on the bed? Yes, really high. 387 00:31:35,160 --> 00:31:38,960 I expect chocolate for breakfast. If you don't feel sick by mid-morning, 388 00:31:38,960 --> 00:31:43,920 you're not doing it right. Now, I think you want to speak to Dad. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! 389 00:31:43,920 --> 00:31:45,880 Daddy? 390 00:31:48,600 --> 00:31:53,360 You'll do, Jimmy. What does the other Jimmy matter now? You're both the same dad, aren't you? 391 00:31:56,520 --> 00:31:58,920 Come on, Adam's waiting. 392 00:32:00,840 --> 00:32:05,920 Daddy? Daddy, what's that rumbly noise? 393 00:32:05,920 --> 00:32:08,200 What's going on, Daddy? Daddy? 394 00:32:08,200 --> 00:32:13,920 You've tricked him into an act of weakness, Doctor. 395 00:32:13,920 --> 00:32:17,840 No, I've helped him into an act of humanity. 396 00:32:17,840 --> 00:32:22,080 Anyone else like the sound of that? Act of humanity. 397 00:32:22,080 --> 00:32:25,240 Dicken, drain the acid well in crypt one. Don't you dare! 398 00:32:25,240 --> 00:32:27,080 I've had it with this! 399 00:32:27,080 --> 00:32:30,880 What's the point in this ridiculous war? 400 00:32:30,880 --> 00:32:32,920 Look at you, Jen. 401 00:32:32,920 --> 00:32:35,240 You were a sweet kid. 402 00:32:35,240 --> 00:32:37,000 Look at you now. 403 00:32:37,000 --> 00:32:39,400 Stuff of nightmares. 404 00:32:39,400 --> 00:32:43,440 I don't want my world populated by monsters. 405 00:32:45,560 --> 00:32:49,880 You can't stop the factory from melting down, "boss". 406 00:32:49,880 --> 00:32:53,320 I'll take revenge on humanity with or without you. 407 00:32:53,320 --> 00:32:58,240 It doesn't have to be about revenge. It can be so much better than that. 408 00:33:18,800 --> 00:33:20,640 Aaagh! 409 00:33:23,000 --> 00:33:24,120 Let me through! 410 00:33:28,320 --> 00:33:31,240 There's nothing we can do. The acid's reached his heart. 411 00:33:33,280 --> 00:33:37,240 Hang in there, mate. I'm quite handsome from this angle. 412 00:33:41,400 --> 00:33:44,600 I'm...sorry. 413 00:33:46,120 --> 00:33:48,200 I'm the fake. 414 00:33:48,200 --> 00:33:52,000 Adam deserves his real dad. 415 00:33:52,000 --> 00:33:54,640 Shut up. What do you want me to do? 416 00:33:54,640 --> 00:33:59,480 Anything, just say. 417 00:33:59,480 --> 00:34:02,080 The way things are, mate... 418 00:34:04,320 --> 00:34:05,560 ..it's up to you now. 419 00:34:16,000 --> 00:34:17,640 Be a dad. 420 00:34:20,440 --> 00:34:21,960 You remember how. 421 00:34:34,440 --> 00:34:39,400 Jimmy Wicks...you're a dad. 422 00:34:53,080 --> 00:34:57,520 Daddy? Where's my daddy? 423 00:35:20,440 --> 00:35:21,680 Daddy, it's me! 424 00:35:24,200 --> 00:35:29,400 Hey, sunshine! What are you up to? 425 00:35:29,400 --> 00:35:32,920 Opening all my presents. Haha, good lad. 426 00:35:32,920 --> 00:35:35,520 You have fun today. 427 00:35:35,520 --> 00:35:38,520 And remember, your dad... 428 00:35:38,520 --> 00:35:40,640 he loves you very, very much. 429 00:35:40,640 --> 00:35:42,840 When are you coming home? 430 00:35:44,520 --> 00:35:46,600 Daddy's coming home today, Adam. 431 00:35:46,600 --> 00:35:48,720 Yay! 432 00:35:53,160 --> 00:35:54,800 Now we need to move. 433 00:36:07,080 --> 00:36:11,920 Run. Run. Run! 434 00:36:19,880 --> 00:36:21,640 Ooh, roof's going to give. 435 00:36:23,280 --> 00:36:26,080 We have to stop her. This door doesn't lock. 436 00:36:26,080 --> 00:36:28,120 No, but the far one does. 437 00:36:54,280 --> 00:36:55,360 Aaagh! 438 00:36:55,360 --> 00:36:56,640 No! 439 00:36:59,200 --> 00:37:01,120 Here she comes. 440 00:37:08,200 --> 00:37:10,200 Oh, she does like to make an entrance! 441 00:37:13,480 --> 00:37:16,880 Move! Go, go, go, go! 442 00:37:16,880 --> 00:37:19,400 Get on board! Go! I'm not leaving. 443 00:37:22,800 --> 00:37:24,120 Go. 444 00:37:29,720 --> 00:37:32,880 Now's our chance. I have to stay. Hold this door closed. 445 00:37:32,880 --> 00:37:36,640 Give you time to dematerialise. Oh, don't be crazy. OK, what happens to you? 446 00:37:36,640 --> 00:37:40,400 Well, this place is just about to explode. But I can stop her. 447 00:37:40,400 --> 00:37:42,720 Both of you can survive this, OK? 448 00:37:42,720 --> 00:37:47,160 Or perhaps you think I should stay instead... Mr Smith? 449 00:37:47,160 --> 00:37:51,480 No, of course not. But look, this man, I've flown with him, you know? 450 00:37:51,480 --> 00:37:57,120 And you are amazing and yeah, I misjudged you, but you're not him. I'm sorry. 451 00:37:59,160 --> 00:38:00,800 Amy, we swapped shoes. 452 00:38:00,800 --> 00:38:04,360 I'm the Doctor. And I'm the Flesh. 453 00:38:04,360 --> 00:38:05,880 You can't be. 454 00:38:05,880 --> 00:38:11,040 You're the real him. No, I'm not, and I haven't been all along. What? I'm the original Doctor, Amy. 455 00:38:11,040 --> 00:38:15,040 We had to know if we were truly the same. It was vital we learn about The Flesh. 456 00:38:15,040 --> 00:38:17,520 And we could only do that through your eyes. 457 00:38:27,400 --> 00:38:30,680 I never thought it possible. 458 00:38:30,680 --> 00:38:32,200 What? 459 00:38:32,200 --> 00:38:35,000 You're twice the man I thought you were. 460 00:38:39,680 --> 00:38:41,520 Push, Amy. 461 00:38:43,040 --> 00:38:44,760 But only when she tells you to. 462 00:38:46,840 --> 00:38:48,840 Amy, come on! 463 00:38:52,680 --> 00:38:56,680 Well, my death arrives, I suppose. But this one, we're not invited to. 464 00:38:56,680 --> 00:39:03,440 Pardon? Nothing. Your molecular memory can survive this, you know. It may not be the end. 465 00:39:03,440 --> 00:39:06,840 If I turn up to nick all your biscuits, you'll know you were right. 466 00:39:12,000 --> 00:39:13,080 Doctor! 467 00:39:13,080 --> 00:39:15,680 No, please... 468 00:39:15,680 --> 00:39:19,400 You too, Cleaves, off you pop. I'm staying. 469 00:39:19,400 --> 00:39:24,240 This is not the time for grand gestures. Says the king of grand gestures! I'm not going anywhere. 470 00:39:24,240 --> 00:39:27,440 Foreman Miranda Cleaves, marvellous! Beware of imitations. 471 00:39:27,440 --> 00:39:29,880 Clear off out of here, the lot of you! 472 00:39:35,480 --> 00:39:38,320 This will dissolve her. And us too. 473 00:39:41,120 --> 00:39:46,240 There may be a way back from this. From being vaporised? How? Don't know. Let's find out, eh? 474 00:39:49,560 --> 00:39:52,120 Geronimo! 475 00:40:02,680 --> 00:40:08,560 The energy from the TARDIS will stabilise the gangers for good. They're people now. 476 00:40:08,560 --> 00:40:13,120 And what happens to me? I still have this. 477 00:40:13,120 --> 00:40:17,080 Ah, that's not a problem. I have something for that. It's small and red 478 00:40:17,080 --> 00:40:20,920 and tastes like burnt onions, ha! 479 00:40:20,920 --> 00:40:23,400 But it'll get rid of your blood clot. 480 00:40:28,880 --> 00:40:31,680 Happy endings. 481 00:40:37,160 --> 00:40:40,280 Hey! Hello, bud. 482 00:40:40,280 --> 00:40:46,720 Daddy, you're back! Hello, my boy! How are you doing? 483 00:40:57,200 --> 00:40:59,320 You really want us to do this? 484 00:40:59,320 --> 00:41:02,600 Your company's telling the world that the situation is over. 485 00:41:02,600 --> 00:41:06,720 You need to get in there and tell them that the situation's only just begun. 486 00:41:06,720 --> 00:41:11,200 Make them understand what they're doing to the Flesh. Make them stop. 487 00:41:11,200 --> 00:41:15,000 Dicken, remember, people are good. In their bones, truly good. 488 00:41:15,000 --> 00:41:16,840 Don't hate them, will you? 489 00:41:16,840 --> 00:41:19,520 How can I hate them? I'm one of them now. 490 00:41:19,520 --> 00:41:23,520 Yeah, and just remember, people died. Don't let that be in vain. 491 00:41:23,520 --> 00:41:25,760 Make what you say in that room count. 492 00:41:27,280 --> 00:41:28,720 Ready? 493 00:41:35,240 --> 00:41:39,040 Side by side. You got it, boss. 494 00:41:43,400 --> 00:41:45,960 Have the army dealt with the imposters? 495 00:41:48,360 --> 00:41:50,040 You OK? 496 00:41:50,040 --> 00:41:53,600 I said breathe, Pond, remember? Well, breathe. 497 00:41:53,600 --> 00:41:56,480 Why? Breathe. Ohh! 498 00:41:56,480 --> 00:42:00,280 Whoa. Oh! What's wrong with her? 499 00:42:00,280 --> 00:42:02,200 Get her into the TARDIS. 500 00:42:12,760 --> 00:42:16,120 Doctor! What is happening to her? 501 00:42:16,120 --> 00:42:17,640 Contractions. 502 00:42:17,640 --> 00:42:19,880 Contractions? She's going into labour. 503 00:42:19,880 --> 00:42:24,000 Did he say...? No, of course he didn't. 504 00:42:24,000 --> 00:42:27,160 Rory, I don't like this. Ow! 505 00:42:27,160 --> 00:42:30,920 You'll have to explain this. What, the birds and the bees? She's having a baby. 506 00:42:30,920 --> 00:42:35,280 I needed to see the Flesh in its early days. That's why we were there in the first place. 507 00:42:35,280 --> 00:42:37,880 I was going to drop you off for fish and chips first, 508 00:42:37,880 --> 00:42:43,880 but things happened and there was stuff and shenanigans. Beautiful word, shenanigans. 509 00:42:43,880 --> 00:42:45,680 It hurts! But you're OK? 510 00:42:45,680 --> 00:42:47,840 Breathe. I needed enough information 511 00:42:47,840 --> 00:42:49,560 to block the signal to the Flesh. 512 00:42:49,560 --> 00:42:51,200 What signal? 513 00:42:51,200 --> 00:42:53,600 The signal to you. 514 00:42:53,600 --> 00:42:55,960 Doctor? 515 00:42:57,800 --> 00:42:59,640 Stand away from her, Rory. 516 00:42:59,640 --> 00:43:04,760 Why? No! And why? Given what we've learned, I'll be as humane as I can, 517 00:43:04,760 --> 00:43:07,560 but I need to do this and you need to stand away! 518 00:43:11,560 --> 00:43:12,840 No. 519 00:43:23,840 --> 00:43:25,200 No! 520 00:43:32,880 --> 00:43:38,200 Doctor, I am frightened. I'm properly, properly scared. Don't be. 521 00:43:38,200 --> 00:43:43,760 Hold on. We're coming for you, I swear it. Whatever happens, however hard, however far, we will find you. 522 00:43:43,760 --> 00:43:46,080 I'm right here! 523 00:43:46,080 --> 00:43:52,680 No, you're not. You haven't been here for a long, long time. 524 00:43:54,840 --> 00:43:56,120 Oh, no! 525 00:44:06,720 --> 00:44:11,040 Well, dear, you're ready to pop, aren't you? 526 00:44:11,040 --> 00:44:14,000 Little one's on its way. 527 00:44:20,240 --> 00:44:23,360 Here it comes. 528 00:44:23,360 --> 00:44:26,280 Pu-u-u-ush!