1 00:00:23,160 --> 00:00:24,960 It's a beautiful day. 2 00:00:32,301 --> 00:00:34,522 Hallucinogenic lipstick. 3 00:00:37,331 --> 00:00:38,843 She's here. 4 00:01:14,674 --> 00:01:16,086 Wrong! Wrong! 5 00:01:16,206 --> 00:01:18,161 Bit right, mostly wrong. 6 00:01:18,759 --> 00:01:19,760 I love museums. 7 00:01:19,880 --> 00:01:21,818 Yeah, great! Can we go to a planet now? 8 00:01:21,938 --> 00:01:23,590 Big space ship, Churchill's bunker...? 9 00:01:23,710 --> 00:01:26,148 - You promised me a planet. - Amy, this isn't any old asteroid. 10 00:01:26,268 --> 00:01:29,304 It's the Delerium Archive, final resting place of the headless monks. 11 00:01:29,640 --> 00:01:31,685 The biggest museum ever. 12 00:01:31,805 --> 00:01:34,025 You've got a time machine, why do you need museums? 13 00:01:34,145 --> 00:01:36,040 Wrong! Very wrong! 14 00:01:36,344 --> 00:01:38,498 Oooh, one of mine. Also one of mine. 15 00:01:39,840 --> 00:01:40,840 I see! 16 00:01:41,641 --> 00:01:43,341 It's how you keep score. 17 00:01:53,560 --> 00:01:55,511 Oh great, an old box. 18 00:02:01,920 --> 00:02:05,240 It's from one of the old starliners. A Home Box. 19 00:02:05,605 --> 00:02:06,753 What's a Home Box? 20 00:02:06,873 --> 00:02:10,151 Like a black box on a plane, except it homes. 21 00:02:10,271 --> 00:02:11,629 Anything happens to the ship, 22 00:02:11,749 --> 00:02:14,560 the Home Box flies home, with all the flight data. 23 00:02:14,680 --> 00:02:15,680 So? 24 00:02:15,800 --> 00:02:18,760 The writing, the graffiti - Old High Gallifreyan. 25 00:02:19,158 --> 00:02:21,280 The lost language of the Time Lords. 26 00:02:26,323 --> 00:02:27,623 There were days. 27 00:02:28,131 --> 00:02:29,322 There were many days, 28 00:02:29,442 --> 00:02:31,480 these words could burn stars 29 00:02:31,775 --> 00:02:35,120 and raise up empires, and topple Gods. 30 00:02:35,280 --> 00:02:36,630 What does it say? 31 00:02:39,965 --> 00:02:41,315 "Hello, sweetie." 32 00:03:10,442 --> 00:03:12,400 Party's over, Doctor Song. 33 00:03:13,744 --> 00:03:16,246 Why are we doing this? Cos someone on a space ship 12,000 years ago 34 00:03:16,366 --> 00:03:18,102 is trying to attract my attention. 35 00:03:18,222 --> 00:03:21,120 Let's see if we can get the security playback working. 36 00:03:31,772 --> 00:03:34,000 The party's over, Doctor Song, 37 00:03:34,160 --> 00:03:35,920 yet still you're on board. 38 00:03:38,030 --> 00:03:39,330 Sorry, Alistair. 39 00:03:40,305 --> 00:03:43,037 I needed to see what was in your vault. 40 00:03:44,145 --> 00:03:45,960 Do you all know what's down there? 41 00:03:46,276 --> 00:03:47,326 Any of you? 42 00:03:47,962 --> 00:03:49,983 Because I'll tell you something. 43 00:03:50,534 --> 00:03:53,094 This ship won't reach its destination. 44 00:03:53,803 --> 00:03:55,200 Wait till she runs. 45 00:03:55,863 --> 00:03:57,680 Don't make it look like an execution. 46 00:03:59,242 --> 00:04:02,453 Triple-seven, five, slash, three, four, nine by ten. 47 00:04:02,573 --> 00:04:05,200 Zero, twelve, slash, acorn. 48 00:04:05,360 --> 00:04:07,048 And I could do with an air corridor... 49 00:04:07,168 --> 00:04:09,880 - What was that, what did she say? - Co-ordinates! 50 00:04:11,973 --> 00:04:14,040 Like I said on the dance floor, 51 00:04:14,804 --> 00:04:18,256 you might want to find something to hang on to! 52 00:04:53,234 --> 00:04:54,360 Follow that ship. 53 00:04:57,438 --> 00:04:59,988 U-Sub.net et la Allons-y Team présentent 54 00:05:00,641 --> 00:05:02,241 Docteur Who - Saison 5 55 00:05:03,909 --> 00:05:05,909 Transcript: Red Bee Media Ltd 56 00:05:06,280 --> 00:05:09,680 Synchro: Dauphinus, darkevil, delphiki, Imaginos, JOJO13 57 00:05:10,160 --> 00:05:12,610 Traduction: darkevil, Imaginos, mmime 58 00:05:13,003 --> 00:05:15,903 Relecture: Arno, delphiki, Imaginos, Killarney 59 00:05:42,230 --> 00:05:45,520 They've gone into warp drive, we're losing them! Stay close! 60 00:05:45,680 --> 00:05:46,793 I'm trying! 61 00:05:46,913 --> 00:05:49,640 - Use the stabilisers. - There aren't any stabilisers! 62 00:05:49,800 --> 00:05:50,890 The blue switches! 63 00:05:51,010 --> 00:05:53,240 The blue ones don't do anything, they're just... blue. 64 00:05:53,400 --> 00:05:54,680 Yes, they're blue. Look! 65 00:05:54,989 --> 00:05:57,383 They're the blue stabilisers! 66 00:06:01,880 --> 00:06:02,880 See? 67 00:06:05,357 --> 00:06:07,880 Yeah, well, it's just boring now, isn't it? 68 00:06:08,040 --> 00:06:11,794 They're boring-ers. They're blue boring-ers. 69 00:06:12,853 --> 00:06:16,800 - How come she can fly the TARDIS? - You call that flying the TARDIS? 70 00:06:20,345 --> 00:06:22,874 I've mapped the probability vectors, done a fold-back 71 00:06:22,994 --> 00:06:26,994 on the temporal isometry, charted the ship to its destination, and... 72 00:06:28,520 --> 00:06:30,960 parked us right along side. 73 00:06:31,120 --> 00:06:33,555 Parked us? We haven't landed. 74 00:06:33,849 --> 00:06:36,560 Of course we've landed. I just landed her. 75 00:06:38,481 --> 00:06:40,280 But it didn't make the noise. 76 00:06:40,440 --> 00:06:42,640 - What noise? - You know, the... 77 00:06:47,671 --> 00:06:51,240 It's not supposed to make that noise. You leave the brakes on. 78 00:06:51,400 --> 00:06:54,440 Yeah, well, it's a brilliant noise. I love that noise. 79 00:06:55,091 --> 00:06:57,810 Come along, Pond, let's have a look. 80 00:06:58,726 --> 00:07:00,493 No, wait! Environment checks. 81 00:07:00,682 --> 00:07:02,677 Oh, yes, sorry! Quite right. 82 00:07:03,360 --> 00:07:04,929 Environment checks. 83 00:07:08,055 --> 00:07:10,420 - Nice out. - We're somewhere in the Garn Belt. 84 00:07:10,540 --> 00:07:12,721 There's an atmosphere. Early indications suggest... 85 00:07:12,841 --> 00:07:16,080 We're on Alfava Metraxis, the seventh planet of the Dundra System. 86 00:07:16,240 --> 00:07:19,680 Oxygen-rich atmosphere, toxins in the soft band, 11-hour day, and... 87 00:07:22,435 --> 00:07:23,805 chances of rain later. 88 00:07:23,925 --> 00:07:26,306 He thinks he's so hot when he does that. 89 00:07:26,426 --> 00:07:28,080 How come you can fly the TARDIS? 90 00:07:28,240 --> 00:07:30,080 I had lessons from the very best. 91 00:07:30,395 --> 00:07:32,280 Well, yeah. 92 00:07:32,440 --> 00:07:34,440 It's a shame you were busy that day. 93 00:07:35,930 --> 00:07:38,960 Right then, why did they land here? 94 00:07:40,385 --> 00:07:42,777 - They didn't land. - Sorry? 95 00:07:43,734 --> 00:07:46,684 You should've checked the Home Box - it crashed. 96 00:07:57,157 --> 00:08:00,263 Explain! Who is that and how did she do that museum thing? 97 00:08:00,383 --> 00:08:03,230 It's a long story and I don't know most of it. Off we go! 98 00:08:03,350 --> 00:08:05,560 - What r'you doing? - Leaving. She's where she wants to, 99 00:08:05,720 --> 00:08:08,237 - let's go where we want. - Are you basically running away? 100 00:08:08,357 --> 00:08:10,174 - Why? - Cos she's my future. 101 00:08:10,294 --> 00:08:12,370 - Can you run away from that? - From anything I like. 102 00:08:12,490 --> 00:08:13,914 Time is not the boss of me. 103 00:08:14,034 --> 00:08:17,000 - Hang on, is that a planet out there? - Yes, of course it's a planet. 104 00:08:17,160 --> 00:08:18,928 You promised me a planet. 105 00:08:19,670 --> 00:08:20,820 Five minutes? 106 00:08:23,706 --> 00:08:25,356 - Five minutes! - Yes! 107 00:08:25,812 --> 00:08:27,765 But that's all, cos I'm telling you now, 108 00:08:27,885 --> 00:08:30,635 that woman is not dragging me into anything! 109 00:08:48,044 --> 00:08:50,144 What caused it to crash? Not me. 110 00:08:50,545 --> 00:08:53,711 The airlock would've sealed seconds after you blew it. 111 00:08:53,831 --> 00:08:56,160 According to the Home Box, the warp engines had a phase-shift. 112 00:08:56,635 --> 00:08:57,663 No survivors. 113 00:08:57,783 --> 00:09:01,183 A phase-shift would have to be sabotage. I did warn them. 114 00:09:01,855 --> 00:09:02,792 About what? 115 00:09:02,912 --> 00:09:05,280 Well, at least the building was empty. Aplan temple. 116 00:09:05,613 --> 00:09:07,363 Unoccupied for centuries. 117 00:09:09,849 --> 00:09:11,440 Aren't you going to introduce us? 118 00:09:19,099 --> 00:09:21,360 I'm going to be a Professor some day, am I? 119 00:09:21,726 --> 00:09:23,224 How exciting! 120 00:09:24,812 --> 00:09:25,989 Spoilers! 121 00:09:26,520 --> 00:09:28,639 But who is she and how did she do that? 122 00:09:28,759 --> 00:09:30,560 She just left you a note in a museum! 123 00:09:30,865 --> 00:09:33,054 Two things always guaranteed to turn up in a museum. 124 00:09:33,174 --> 00:09:36,774 The Home Box of category four starliner and, sooner or later, 125 00:09:37,963 --> 00:09:38,760 Him. 126 00:09:39,880 --> 00:09:42,568 - It's how he keeps score. - I know. 127 00:09:42,688 --> 00:09:43,999 It's hilarious, isn't it? 128 00:09:44,989 --> 00:09:46,358 I'm nobody's taxi service! 129 00:09:46,478 --> 00:09:49,327 I'm not gonna be there to catch you every time you feel like 130 00:09:49,447 --> 00:09:51,220 jumping out of a space ship. 131 00:09:51,451 --> 00:09:53,448 And you are so wrong. 132 00:09:55,644 --> 00:09:57,194 There's one survivor. 133 00:09:58,214 --> 00:10:02,160 There's a thing in the belly of that ship that can't ever die. 134 00:10:08,402 --> 00:10:11,560 Now he's listening! You lot in orbit yet? 135 00:10:11,720 --> 00:10:13,450 I saw it land. I'm at the crash site. 136 00:10:13,570 --> 00:10:15,680 Try and home in on my signal. 137 00:10:18,156 --> 00:10:19,360 Can you sonic me? 138 00:10:19,520 --> 00:10:22,440 I need to boost the signal so we can use it as a beacon. 139 00:10:26,240 --> 00:10:28,000 You so-niced her! 140 00:10:29,045 --> 00:10:31,360 We have a minute. Shall we? 141 00:10:32,085 --> 00:10:33,585 Where were we up to? 142 00:10:33,960 --> 00:10:36,520 - Have we done the Bone Meadows? - What's the book? 143 00:10:36,680 --> 00:10:38,080 Stay away from it. 144 00:10:38,992 --> 00:10:40,678 - What is it though? - Her diary. 145 00:10:40,798 --> 00:10:42,816 - Our diary. - Her past, my... 146 00:10:43,637 --> 00:10:44,637 future. 147 00:10:46,830 --> 00:10:49,480 Time travel. We keep meeting in the wrong order. 148 00:11:02,950 --> 00:11:05,066 You promised me an army, Doctor Song. 149 00:11:06,083 --> 00:11:08,683 I promised you the equivalent of an army. 150 00:11:09,949 --> 00:11:11,360 This is the Doctor. 151 00:11:12,960 --> 00:11:16,680 Father Octavian, Sir. Bishop, second class. 20 clerics at my command. 152 00:11:16,840 --> 00:11:19,560 The troops are already in the drop ship and landing shortly. 153 00:11:19,720 --> 00:11:22,280 Doctor Song was helping us with a covert investigation. 154 00:11:25,757 --> 00:11:28,440 Has Doctor Song explained what we're dealing with? 155 00:11:30,448 --> 00:11:33,632 What do you know of the Weeping Angels? 156 00:11:36,116 --> 00:11:38,836 The Angel, as far as we know, is still trapped in the ship. 157 00:11:38,956 --> 00:11:41,555 Our mission is to get inside and neutralise it. 158 00:11:41,675 --> 00:11:43,397 We can't get through up top, 159 00:11:43,517 --> 00:11:45,320 we'd be too close to the drives. 160 00:11:47,793 --> 00:11:50,283 According to this, behind the cliff face, 161 00:11:50,403 --> 00:11:53,160 there's a network of catacombs leading right up to the temple. 162 00:11:53,496 --> 00:11:55,591 We can blow through the base of the cliffs, 163 00:11:55,711 --> 00:11:57,932 get into the entrance chamber, then make our way up. 164 00:11:58,052 --> 00:11:59,880 - Oh, good. - Good, sir? 165 00:12:00,000 --> 00:12:03,200 Catacombs, probably dark ones. Dark catacombs, great! 166 00:12:04,078 --> 00:12:06,720 Technically, I think it's called a maze of the dead. 167 00:12:06,880 --> 00:12:08,520 You can stop any time you like. 168 00:12:10,869 --> 00:12:12,119 Excuse me, sir. 169 00:12:15,918 --> 00:12:19,268 You're letting people call you "sir". You never do that. 170 00:12:21,610 --> 00:12:24,360 So, whatever a Weeping Angel is, it's really bad, yeah? 171 00:12:24,543 --> 00:12:26,293 Now that's interesting... 172 00:12:27,931 --> 00:12:30,796 You're still here. Which part of "Wait in the TARDIS till I tell you it's safe" 173 00:12:30,916 --> 00:12:32,713 was so confusing? 174 00:12:32,833 --> 00:12:34,846 Are you all Mr Grumpy Face today? 175 00:12:34,966 --> 00:12:37,069 A Weeping Angel, Amy, is the deadliest, 176 00:12:37,189 --> 00:12:39,953 most powerful, most malevolent life form evolution has ever produced, 177 00:12:40,073 --> 00:12:42,661 now one is trapped inside that wreckage and I'm supposed to climb in 178 00:12:42,781 --> 00:12:45,999 with a screwdriver and a torch, and assuming I survive the radiation, 179 00:12:46,119 --> 00:12:48,280 and the whole ship doesn't blow up in my face, 180 00:12:48,400 --> 00:12:51,240 do something incredibly clever which I haven't thought of yet. 181 00:12:51,400 --> 00:12:54,080 That's my day, that's what I'm up to. Any questions? 182 00:12:54,637 --> 00:12:56,080 Is River Song your wife? 183 00:12:57,480 --> 00:13:00,627 Cos she's someone from your future, and the way she talks to you, 184 00:13:00,747 --> 00:13:02,194 I've never seen anyone do that. 185 00:13:02,314 --> 00:13:05,040 She's kinda like, you know, "Heel, boy!" 186 00:13:05,631 --> 00:13:07,760 She's Mrs Doctor from the future, isn't she? 187 00:13:08,088 --> 00:13:09,680 Is she gonna be your wife one day? 188 00:13:13,360 --> 00:13:14,849 You're right. 189 00:13:15,478 --> 00:13:17,930 I am definitely Mr Grumpy Face today. 190 00:13:22,870 --> 00:13:24,520 Oops! Her indoors! 191 00:13:24,931 --> 00:13:26,322 Father Octavian! 192 00:13:27,833 --> 00:13:29,264 Why do they call them Father? 193 00:13:29,384 --> 00:13:31,088 He's their Bishop, they're his clerics. 194 00:13:31,208 --> 00:13:33,777 It's the 51st Century, the Church has moved on. 195 00:13:47,360 --> 00:13:48,760 What do you think? 196 00:13:49,091 --> 00:13:51,285 It's from the security cameras in the Byzantium vault. 197 00:13:51,405 --> 00:13:53,667 I ripped it when I was on board. Sorry about the quality. 198 00:13:53,787 --> 00:13:56,745 - It's four seconds. Put it on loop. - Yeah. It's an Angel. 199 00:13:56,865 --> 00:13:58,203 Hands covering its face. 200 00:13:58,323 --> 00:13:59,920 You've encountered the Angels before? 201 00:14:00,040 --> 00:14:01,828 Once, on Earth, a long time ago. 202 00:14:01,948 --> 00:14:03,870 But those were scavengers, barely surviving. 203 00:14:03,990 --> 00:14:05,160 It's just a statue. 204 00:14:05,280 --> 00:14:07,917 - It's a statue when you see it. - Where did it come from? 205 00:14:08,037 --> 00:14:10,680 Oh, pulled from the ruins of Razbahan, end of last century. 206 00:14:10,840 --> 00:14:14,084 It's been in private hands ever since, dormant all that time. 207 00:14:14,204 --> 00:14:16,612 There's a difference between dormant and patient. 208 00:14:16,732 --> 00:14:19,682 What's that mean, it's a statue when you see it? 209 00:14:19,947 --> 00:14:23,047 The Weeping Angels can only move if they're unseen. 210 00:14:23,480 --> 00:14:24,880 So legend has it. 211 00:14:25,040 --> 00:14:26,776 No, it's not legend. It's a quantum lock. 212 00:14:26,896 --> 00:14:28,997 In the sight of any living creature, 213 00:14:29,117 --> 00:14:31,120 the Angels literally cease to exist. 214 00:14:31,240 --> 00:14:35,000 They're just stone. The ultimate defence mechanism. 215 00:14:35,368 --> 00:14:37,968 - What, being a stone? - Being a stone... 216 00:14:38,915 --> 00:14:41,160 until you turn your back. 217 00:14:45,120 --> 00:14:46,906 The hyperdrive would've split on impact. 218 00:14:47,026 --> 00:14:49,760 The whole ship will be flooded with radiation, cracked electrons, 219 00:14:49,880 --> 00:14:52,898 gravity storms, deadly to almost any living thing. 220 00:14:53,018 --> 00:14:54,939 - Deadly to an Angel? - Dinner to an Angel. 221 00:14:55,059 --> 00:14:58,790 The longer we leave it, the stronger it will grow. Who built that temple? 222 00:14:58,910 --> 00:15:02,106 The Aplans. The indigenous life-form. They died out 400 years ago. 223 00:15:02,226 --> 00:15:04,365 200 years later, the planet was terraformed. 224 00:15:04,485 --> 00:15:07,154 Currently, there are six billion human colonists. 225 00:15:07,274 --> 00:15:09,830 You lot, you're everywhere! Like rabbits! 226 00:15:09,950 --> 00:15:11,556 I'll never get done saving you. 227 00:15:11,676 --> 00:15:14,680 Sir, if there is a clear and present danger to the local population... 228 00:15:14,842 --> 00:15:17,437 There is. Bad as it gets. Bishop! 229 00:15:18,159 --> 00:15:19,194 Lock and load! 230 00:15:19,314 --> 00:15:21,314 Verger, how we doing with those explosives? 231 00:15:21,434 --> 00:15:23,520 - Dr Song, with me. - Two minutes. 232 00:15:23,680 --> 00:15:25,040 Sweetie, I need you. 233 00:15:27,269 --> 00:15:28,969 Anybody need me? Nobody? 234 00:15:29,517 --> 00:15:30,517 Nobody? 235 00:15:45,400 --> 00:15:48,585 I found this. Definitive work on the Angels. Well, the only one. 236 00:15:48,843 --> 00:15:51,810 Written by a madman, barely readable, but I've marked a few passages. 237 00:15:51,930 --> 00:15:54,379 Not bad, bit slow in the middle, didn't you hate his girlfriend? 238 00:15:54,499 --> 00:15:56,280 No, hang on, wait, wait! 239 00:15:59,070 --> 00:16:00,960 Did you have more than one clip of the Angel? 240 00:16:01,120 --> 00:16:02,440 No, just the four seconds. 241 00:16:03,120 --> 00:16:05,904 This book is wrong! What's wrong with this book, it's wrong. 242 00:16:33,137 --> 00:16:35,277 It's so strange when you go all baby-face. 243 00:16:35,560 --> 00:16:36,840 How early is this for you? 244 00:16:36,960 --> 00:16:38,360 Very early. 245 00:16:38,717 --> 00:16:40,767 So you don't know who I am yet? 246 00:16:41,010 --> 00:16:43,400 How do you know who I am? I don't always look the same. 247 00:16:43,520 --> 00:16:45,422 I've got pictures of all your faces. 248 00:16:45,663 --> 00:16:48,760 You never show up in the right order though. I need the spotter's guide. 249 00:16:48,880 --> 00:16:51,424 Pictures? Why aren't there pictures? 250 00:17:24,960 --> 00:17:26,566 You're just a recording. 251 00:17:27,415 --> 00:17:28,960 You can't move. 252 00:18:00,440 --> 00:18:02,637 This whole book, it's a warning about the Weeping Angels. 253 00:18:02,757 --> 00:18:05,440 So why no pictures? Why not show us what to look out for? 254 00:18:05,560 --> 00:18:09,000 - There was a bit about images. - Yes! Hang on... 255 00:18:09,651 --> 00:18:13,280 That which holds the image of an angel becomes itself an angel. 256 00:18:17,174 --> 00:18:18,091 Doctor! 257 00:18:20,008 --> 00:18:21,163 What does that mean? 258 00:18:21,283 --> 00:18:23,777 "An image of a Angel becomes itself an Angel." 259 00:18:28,240 --> 00:18:30,320 Doctor! It's in the room! 260 00:18:30,480 --> 00:18:32,120 - Amy! - Doctor! 261 00:18:32,806 --> 00:18:34,488 Are you all right? What's happening? 262 00:18:35,378 --> 00:18:36,200 Doctor! 263 00:18:36,619 --> 00:18:38,280 It's coming out of the television. 264 00:18:38,440 --> 00:18:40,960 - The Angel is here. - Don't take your eyes off it! 265 00:18:41,080 --> 00:18:43,640 It can't move if you're looking. What's wrong? It's deadlocked. 266 00:18:43,760 --> 00:18:46,200 - There is no deadlock. - Don't even blink, Amy! 267 00:18:46,360 --> 00:18:47,200 Doctor! 268 00:18:47,794 --> 00:18:49,759 - What are you doing? - Cutting the power. 269 00:18:49,879 --> 00:18:52,240 It's using the screen, I'm turning the screen off. 270 00:18:52,360 --> 00:18:54,393 It's no good, it's deadlocked the whole system. 271 00:18:54,513 --> 00:18:57,202 - There's no deadlock. There is now! - Help me! 272 00:18:57,322 --> 00:18:59,520 - Can you turn it off? - Doctor! 273 00:18:59,680 --> 00:19:01,506 - The screen, can you turn it off? - I tried. 274 00:19:01,626 --> 00:19:03,360 Try again but don't take your eyes off the Angel. 275 00:19:03,520 --> 00:19:04,320 I'm not! 276 00:19:05,333 --> 00:19:07,700 Each time it moves, it'll move faster. Don't even blink. 277 00:19:08,961 --> 00:19:12,680 I'm not blinking! Have you ever tried not blinking? 278 00:19:29,409 --> 00:19:32,160 - It just keeps switching back on! - Yeah, it's the Angel. 279 00:19:33,280 --> 00:19:34,640 But it's just a recording. 280 00:19:34,800 --> 00:19:36,880 No, anything that takes the image of an Angel 281 00:19:37,040 --> 00:19:39,007 is an Angel. 282 00:19:41,197 --> 00:19:42,203 What are you doing? 283 00:19:42,323 --> 00:19:43,840 I'm trying to cut through. It's not even warm. 284 00:19:44,000 --> 00:19:45,960 There is no way in, it's not physically possible. 285 00:19:46,120 --> 00:19:46,960 Doctor! 286 00:19:47,690 --> 00:19:49,000 What's it gonna do to me? 287 00:19:49,160 --> 00:19:51,187 Just keep looking at it. Don't stop looking! 288 00:19:52,354 --> 00:19:53,452 Just tell me. 289 00:19:54,397 --> 00:19:57,080 Just tell me. Tell me! 290 00:19:57,600 --> 00:20:00,120 Amy, not the eyes. Look anywhere but don't look at the eyes. 291 00:20:01,835 --> 00:20:03,598 - Why? - What is it? 292 00:20:03,718 --> 00:20:05,997 The eyes are not the windows of the soul, they are the doors. 293 00:20:06,117 --> 00:20:07,682 Beware what may enter there. 294 00:20:07,802 --> 00:20:10,066 - Doctor, what did you say? - Don't look at the eyes! 295 00:20:10,972 --> 00:20:13,160 No, about images, what did you say about images? 296 00:20:14,242 --> 00:20:16,911 Whatever holds the image of an angel, is an angel. 297 00:20:18,674 --> 00:20:19,451 OK... 298 00:20:21,564 --> 00:20:22,400 Hold this. 299 00:20:23,403 --> 00:20:26,835 One, two, three, four... 300 00:20:33,308 --> 00:20:34,239 I froze it! 301 00:20:34,880 --> 00:20:38,021 There was a sort of blip on the tape and I froze it on the blip. 302 00:20:38,240 --> 00:20:40,360 It wasn't the image of an angel any more. 303 00:20:40,759 --> 00:20:41,840 That was good, yeah? 304 00:20:42,000 --> 00:20:43,240 It was, wasn't it? 305 00:20:43,400 --> 00:20:45,795 - That was pretty good. - That was amazing! 306 00:20:45,915 --> 00:20:47,520 - River, hug Amy. - Why? 307 00:20:47,680 --> 00:20:49,440 - Cos I'm busy. - I'm fine. 308 00:20:49,560 --> 00:20:50,960 You're brilliant! 309 00:20:51,414 --> 00:20:54,280 Thanks. Yeah. I kind of creamed it, didn't I? 310 00:20:54,440 --> 00:20:57,520 So it was here? That was the Angel? That was a projection of the Angel. 311 00:20:57,640 --> 00:21:01,049 It's reaching out, getting a good look at us. It's no longer dormant. 312 00:21:05,560 --> 00:21:06,935 It's gone positive! 313 00:21:09,007 --> 00:21:11,320 Doctor! We're through! 314 00:21:12,100 --> 00:21:14,800 OK. Now it starts. 315 00:21:21,870 --> 00:21:24,049 - Coming? - Yeah, coming. 316 00:21:24,518 --> 00:21:26,640 There's just... something in my eye. 317 00:21:39,000 --> 00:21:41,319 - Do we have a gravity globe? - Grav globe. 318 00:21:45,171 --> 00:21:47,160 Where are we? What is this? 319 00:21:47,320 --> 00:21:49,120 It's an Aplan mortarium. 320 00:21:49,240 --> 00:21:51,440 Sometimes called a maze of the dead. 321 00:21:51,600 --> 00:21:52,680 And what's that? 322 00:21:52,880 --> 00:21:54,840 If you happen to be a creature of living stone. 323 00:22:06,274 --> 00:22:07,600 The perfect hiding place. 324 00:22:09,040 --> 00:22:11,400 I guess this makes it a bit trickier. 325 00:22:11,560 --> 00:22:12,720 A bit, yeah. 326 00:22:13,320 --> 00:22:16,174 A stone angel on the loose amongst stone statues. 327 00:22:16,920 --> 00:22:18,440 Harder than I'd prayed for. 328 00:22:19,252 --> 00:22:20,600 A needle in a haystack. 329 00:22:20,720 --> 00:22:23,031 A needle that looks like hay. A hay-like needle. Of death. 330 00:22:23,151 --> 00:22:26,640 A hay-alike needle of death in a haystack of, er, statues. 331 00:22:27,240 --> 00:22:28,392 No, yours was fine. 332 00:22:29,000 --> 00:22:32,560 Right. Check every single statue in this chamber. 333 00:22:32,680 --> 00:22:35,280 You know what you're looking for. Complete visual inspection. 334 00:22:35,670 --> 00:22:37,840 One question, how do we fight it? 335 00:22:38,134 --> 00:22:39,873 We find it, and hope. 336 00:22:44,862 --> 00:22:48,400 He doesn't know yet, does he? Who and what you are. 337 00:22:49,054 --> 00:22:50,720 It's too early in his time stream. 338 00:22:51,166 --> 00:22:54,760 Make sure he doesn't work it out, or he's not gonna help us. 339 00:22:54,880 --> 00:22:56,333 I won't let you down. 340 00:22:56,690 --> 00:22:59,703 Believe you me, I have no intention of going back to prison. 341 00:23:03,161 --> 00:23:05,741 Sir? Side chamber. One visible exit. 342 00:23:08,385 --> 00:23:10,900 Check it out. Angelo, go with him. 343 00:23:57,535 --> 00:24:00,111 - You all right? - Yeah, I'm fine. 344 00:24:01,240 --> 00:24:04,214 So, what's a maze of the dead? 345 00:24:04,600 --> 00:24:06,680 Oh, it's not as bad as it sounds. 346 00:24:06,800 --> 00:24:09,480 It's just a labyrinth with dead people buried in the walls. 347 00:24:10,759 --> 00:24:13,040 OK, that was fairly bad. 348 00:24:14,064 --> 00:24:15,560 Right give me your arm... 349 00:24:18,211 --> 00:24:20,027 This won't hurt a bit. 350 00:24:22,490 --> 00:24:24,480 There, you see. I lied. 351 00:24:24,779 --> 00:24:26,400 It's a viro-stabiliser. 352 00:24:26,560 --> 00:24:30,514 Stabilises your metabolism against radiation, drive burn, anything. 353 00:24:31,040 --> 00:24:34,190 You're going to need it when we get up to that ship. 354 00:24:34,310 --> 00:24:37,440 So what's he like? In the future, I mean. 355 00:24:37,940 --> 00:24:39,991 Cos you know him in the future, don't you? 356 00:24:41,405 --> 00:24:42,480 The Doctor? 357 00:24:43,364 --> 00:24:44,680 The Doctor's the Doctor. 358 00:24:47,146 --> 00:24:51,145 That's very helpful. Mind if I write that down? 359 00:24:51,846 --> 00:24:54,160 - Yes, we are. - Sorry, what? 360 00:24:54,937 --> 00:24:57,475 - Talking about you. - I wasn't listening, I'm busy. 361 00:24:58,605 --> 00:24:59,760 The other way up. 362 00:25:05,961 --> 00:25:08,280 - Yeah. - You're so his wife. 363 00:25:08,440 --> 00:25:11,240 Oh, Amy, Amy, Amy! This is the Doctor we're talking about. 364 00:25:11,360 --> 00:25:13,693 Do you really think it could be anything that simple? 365 00:25:14,497 --> 00:25:15,243 Yep. 366 00:25:16,880 --> 00:25:20,080 You're good. I'm not saying you're right... 367 00:25:21,158 --> 00:25:24,700 but you are very good. 368 00:25:30,022 --> 00:25:33,440 Can you believe this? We're hunting statues. 369 00:25:35,783 --> 00:25:37,818 Better than chasing lava snakes. 370 00:25:40,880 --> 00:25:43,120 Actually, lava snakes weren't that bad. 371 00:26:18,261 --> 00:26:21,460 Who's there? Is someone there? 372 00:26:24,601 --> 00:26:25,512 Angelo? 373 00:26:27,979 --> 00:26:28,986 Angelo! 374 00:26:34,781 --> 00:26:36,141 Christian, is that you? 375 00:26:36,707 --> 00:26:38,832 Angelo, come and see this. 376 00:26:45,367 --> 00:26:47,530 - What is it? - Just come and see it. 377 00:26:49,100 --> 00:26:50,680 It's not a school trip, just... 378 00:26:51,115 --> 00:26:52,001 tell me. 379 00:26:52,297 --> 00:26:53,469 No, really, 380 00:26:53,770 --> 00:26:54,921 come and see. 381 00:27:18,850 --> 00:27:22,183 Sorry. Sorry, I thought... I thought it looked at me. 382 00:27:22,303 --> 00:27:24,811 We know what the Angel looks like. Is that the Angel? 383 00:27:25,280 --> 00:27:27,280 - No, sir. - No, sir, it is not! 384 00:27:27,440 --> 00:27:29,510 According to the Doctor, we are facing an enemy 385 00:27:29,630 --> 00:27:31,760 of unknowable power and infinite evil. 386 00:27:31,920 --> 00:27:34,280 So it would be good, it would be very good, 387 00:27:34,440 --> 00:27:37,489 if we could all remain calm in the presence of decor. 388 00:27:37,609 --> 00:27:38,720 What's your name? 389 00:27:39,769 --> 00:27:40,707 Bob, sir. 390 00:27:40,827 --> 00:27:42,867 That's a great name. I love Bob. 391 00:27:43,166 --> 00:27:44,280 It's a Sacred Name. 392 00:27:44,440 --> 00:27:46,190 We all have Sacred Names, 393 00:27:46,501 --> 00:27:48,941 they're given to us in the service of the Church. 394 00:27:49,563 --> 00:27:50,598 Sacred Bob. 395 00:27:51,104 --> 00:27:52,680 More like Scared Bob now, eh? 396 00:27:54,509 --> 00:27:56,293 - Yes, sir. - Ah, good. 397 00:27:57,393 --> 00:27:59,353 Scared keeps you fast. Anyone in this room 398 00:27:59,473 --> 00:28:01,240 who isn't scared is a moron. 399 00:28:03,756 --> 00:28:04,706 Carry on. 400 00:28:09,752 --> 00:28:11,800 We'll be moving into the maze in two minutes. 401 00:28:12,217 --> 00:28:14,176 You stay with Christian and Angelo. 402 00:28:14,296 --> 00:28:15,760 Guard the approach. 403 00:28:23,923 --> 00:28:26,640 Isn't there a chance this lot's just gonna collapse? 404 00:28:26,760 --> 00:28:28,280 There's a whole ship up there. 405 00:28:28,440 --> 00:28:30,287 Incredible builders, the Aplans. 406 00:28:30,407 --> 00:28:32,360 Had dinner with their chief architect once. 407 00:28:32,623 --> 00:28:35,173 - Two heads are better than one. - You mean you helped him? 408 00:28:35,293 --> 00:28:38,488 No, I mean he had two heads. That book. The very end, what did it say? 409 00:28:38,833 --> 00:28:39,771 Hang on. 410 00:28:40,646 --> 00:28:41,762 Read it to me. 411 00:28:44,593 --> 00:28:47,504 "What if we had ideas that could think for themselves? 412 00:28:47,734 --> 00:28:50,392 "What if one day our dreams no longer needed us? 413 00:28:50,714 --> 00:28:54,587 "When these things occur and are held to be true, the time will be upon us. 414 00:28:55,519 --> 00:28:56,720 "The Time... 415 00:28:57,398 --> 00:28:58,440 of Angels." 416 00:28:59,573 --> 00:29:00,673 Hey, Angelo. 417 00:29:01,428 --> 00:29:02,395 Christian? 418 00:29:03,119 --> 00:29:04,319 Where are you? 419 00:29:12,636 --> 00:29:15,018 Are we there yet? It's a hell of a climb. 420 00:29:15,466 --> 00:29:18,403 The maze is on six levels representing the ascent of the soul. 421 00:29:18,677 --> 00:29:20,277 Only two levels to go. 422 00:29:20,598 --> 00:29:22,449 Lovely species, the Aplans. 423 00:29:22,806 --> 00:29:24,610 We should visit them some time. 424 00:29:26,278 --> 00:29:27,889 I thought they were all dead. 425 00:29:28,200 --> 00:29:30,436 So's Virginia Woolf. I'm on her bowling team. 426 00:29:30,781 --> 00:29:33,994 Very relaxed, sort of cheerful. That's having two heads. 427 00:29:34,114 --> 00:29:36,234 You're never short of a snog with an extra head. 428 00:29:36,466 --> 00:29:38,960 Doctor, there's something. I don't know what it is. 429 00:29:39,120 --> 00:29:40,359 Yeah, something wrong. 430 00:29:40,479 --> 00:29:43,754 Don't know what it is yet either{\, working on it}. Then they've started having laws 431 00:29:43,874 --> 00:29:46,793 against self-marrying.{\ and what was that about?} But that's the church for you. 432 00:29:47,653 --> 00:29:49,960 No offense, Bishop. 433 00:29:50,785 --> 00:29:53,536 Quite a lot taken, if that's all right, Doctor. 434 00:30:00,744 --> 00:30:04,276 Lowest point in the wreckage is only about 50 feet up from here. 435 00:30:04,670 --> 00:30:05,625 That way. 436 00:30:05,936 --> 00:30:08,120 Church had a point, if you think about it. 437 00:30:08,240 --> 00:30:10,526 The divorces must have been messy. 438 00:30:15,182 --> 00:30:16,240 What's wrong? 439 00:30:28,524 --> 00:30:29,400 Exactly. 440 00:30:29,560 --> 00:30:31,400 How could we not notice that? 441 00:30:31,560 --> 00:30:34,008 Low level perception filter, or maybe we're thick. 442 00:30:34,128 --> 00:30:35,685 - What's wrong{\, sir}? - Nobody move. 443 00:30:35,805 --> 00:30:37,726 Everyone stay exactly where they are. 444 00:30:38,014 --> 00:30:41,712 Bishop, I am truly sorry. I've made a mistake and we are all in danger. 445 00:30:41,832 --> 00:30:42,840 What danger? 446 00:30:45,682 --> 00:30:46,720 The Aplans. 447 00:30:48,742 --> 00:30:50,672 - The Aplans? - They've got two heads. 448 00:30:50,792 --> 00:30:51,905 I get that. So? 449 00:30:52,025 --> 00:30:53,775 So why don't the statues? 450 00:30:55,520 --> 00:30:57,680 Everyone, over there. Just move, 451 00:30:58,440 --> 00:31:00,193 don't ask questions, don't speak. 452 00:31:07,736 --> 00:31:09,480 I want you all to switch off your torches. 453 00:31:10,256 --> 00:31:11,018 Sir? 454 00:31:11,835 --> 00:31:12,836 Just do it. 455 00:31:19,076 --> 00:31:21,388 I'm going to turn off this one too, just for a moment. 456 00:31:21,508 --> 00:31:23,080 Are you sure about this? 457 00:31:24,626 --> 00:31:25,340 No. 458 00:31:31,160 --> 00:31:32,960 Oh, my God! They've moved. 459 00:31:49,574 --> 00:31:50,560 They're Angels. 460 00:31:51,398 --> 00:31:53,480 - All of them! - But they can't be. 461 00:31:53,768 --> 00:31:55,494 Clerics, keep watching them. 462 00:32:03,623 --> 00:32:05,880 Every statue in this maze, every single one, 463 00:32:06,833 --> 00:32:08,283 is a Weeping Angel. 464 00:32:09,640 --> 00:32:11,440 And they're coming after us. 465 00:32:26,969 --> 00:32:28,810 Bob, come and see this. 466 00:32:30,294 --> 00:32:31,144 Angelo? 467 00:32:32,915 --> 00:32:34,607 Come and see what we've found. 468 00:32:35,596 --> 00:32:38,162 Are you with Christian? The Bishop said you'd be five minutes. 469 00:32:38,282 --> 00:32:40,221 I'm here, Bob. Come and see this. 470 00:32:42,524 --> 00:32:43,640 Where are you? 471 00:32:44,085 --> 00:32:45,507 Through the arch, Bob. 472 00:32:45,627 --> 00:32:47,920 Honestly, you've got to come and see this. 473 00:32:48,227 --> 00:32:49,545 What have you found? 474 00:32:49,665 --> 00:32:50,794 Come and see. 475 00:32:51,892 --> 00:32:53,561 No. What is it? 476 00:32:53,986 --> 00:32:55,321 Come and see. 477 00:33:21,052 --> 00:33:23,802 There was only one Angel on the ship. Just the one, I swear. 478 00:33:23,922 --> 00:33:25,920 - Could they have been here already? - The Aplans, 479 00:33:26,080 --> 00:33:28,379 - how did they die out? - Nobody knows. 480 00:33:28,499 --> 00:33:31,167 We know. They don't look like Angels. 481 00:33:31,287 --> 00:33:33,160 {\And }They're not fast. You said they were fast. 482 00:33:33,320 --> 00:33:36,106 - They should have had us by now. - They're dying. Losing their form. 483 00:33:36,226 --> 00:33:37,990 They've been here for centuries, starving. 484 00:33:38,110 --> 00:33:40,700 - Losing their image. - And their image is their power. 485 00:33:41,354 --> 00:33:42,240 Power. 486 00:33:42,700 --> 00:33:43,597 Power! 487 00:33:44,445 --> 00:33:47,028 Don't you see? All that radiation spilling out, the drive burn. 488 00:33:47,148 --> 00:33:49,360 The crash wasn't an accident, it was a rescue mission, 489 00:33:49,520 --> 00:33:52,960 for the Angels. We're in the middle of an army and it's waking up. 490 00:33:53,363 --> 00:33:55,100 We need to get out of here fast. 491 00:33:55,220 --> 00:33:57,600 Bob, Angelo, Christian, come in, please. 492 00:33:58,815 --> 00:34:00,800 - Any of you, come in! - It's Bob, sir. 493 00:34:00,960 --> 00:34:01,879 Sorry, sir. 494 00:34:01,999 --> 00:34:03,804 Bob, are Angelo and Christian with you? 495 00:34:03,924 --> 00:34:05,560 All the statues are active. 496 00:34:05,720 --> 00:34:08,327 - I repeat, all the statues are active! - I know, sir. 497 00:34:08,447 --> 00:34:10,199 Angelo and Christian are dead, sir. 498 00:34:10,319 --> 00:34:11,939 The statues killed them, sir. 499 00:34:12,059 --> 00:34:14,364 Bob, Sacred Bob, it's me, the Doctor. 500 00:34:14,484 --> 00:34:16,466 - Where are you now? - I'm talking to... 501 00:34:16,586 --> 00:34:17,400 Shut up! 502 00:34:17,560 --> 00:34:20,025 I'm on my way up to you, sir, I'm homing on your signal. 503 00:34:20,145 --> 00:34:22,678 Well done, Bob. Scared keeps you fast, told you. 504 00:34:22,798 --> 00:34:24,589 Your friends, what did the Angel do to them? 505 00:34:24,709 --> 00:34:26,141 Snapped their necks, sir. 506 00:34:27,750 --> 00:34:30,679 That's odd. That's not how the Angels kill you, they displace you in time. 507 00:34:30,799 --> 00:34:32,520 Unless they needed the bodies for something. 508 00:34:34,649 --> 00:34:36,947 Did you check their data packs for vital signs? 509 00:34:37,067 --> 00:34:39,094 We may be able to initiate a rescue plan. 510 00:34:39,214 --> 00:34:41,559 Don't be an idiot! The Angels don't leave you alive! 511 00:34:41,719 --> 00:34:43,846 Keep running, but tell me, how did you escape? 512 00:34:43,966 --> 00:34:47,117 I didn't escape, sir. The Angel killed me, too. 513 00:34:52,781 --> 00:34:54,413 What do you mean the Angel killed you? 514 00:34:54,533 --> 00:34:57,526 Snapped my neck, sir. Wasn't as painless as I expected 515 00:34:57,646 --> 00:34:59,826 but it was pretty quick, so that was something. 516 00:35:00,240 --> 00:35:02,200 If you're dead, how can I be talking to you? 517 00:35:02,360 --> 00:35:04,823 You're not talking to me, sir. The Angel has no voice. 518 00:35:06,000 --> 00:35:08,520 It stripped my cerebral cortex and re-animated a version 519 00:35:08,640 --> 00:35:11,360 of my consciousness to communicate with you. Sorry about the confusion. 520 00:35:11,520 --> 00:35:13,400 So when you say you're on your way up... 521 00:35:13,520 --> 00:35:15,040 It's the Angel that's coming, sir. 522 00:35:15,200 --> 00:35:16,600 - Yes. - No way out. 523 00:35:17,258 --> 00:35:18,880 Then we get out through the wreckage. 524 00:35:19,612 --> 00:35:21,526 - All of you run! - Doctor 525 00:35:21,720 --> 00:35:23,440 Yes, I'm coming, just go. 526 00:35:27,760 --> 00:35:30,466 Called you an idiot. Sorry, {\ but }there's no way we could have rescued them{\your men}. 527 00:35:30,586 --> 00:35:34,552 I know that, sir. And when you've flown away in your little blue box, 528 00:35:34,672 --> 00:35:36,440 I'll explain that to their families. 529 00:35:42,016 --> 00:35:45,637 Angel Bob, which Angel am I talking to? The one from the ship? 530 00:35:46,980 --> 00:35:48,653 The other Angels are still restoring. 531 00:35:49,360 --> 00:35:51,418 So the Angel is not in the wreckage. Thank you. 532 00:35:55,134 --> 00:35:56,645 Don't wait for me, go, run. 533 00:35:56,765 --> 00:35:57,760 I can't! 534 00:36:00,139 --> 00:36:02,127 - No, really I can't. - Why not? 535 00:36:02,502 --> 00:36:05,117 Look at it. Look at my hand. It's stone! 536 00:36:20,560 --> 00:36:22,360 There it is - the Byzantium. 537 00:36:23,720 --> 00:36:25,120 It's got to be 30 feet. 538 00:36:26,011 --> 00:36:27,280 How do we get up there? 539 00:36:29,429 --> 00:36:32,120 Check all these exits. I want them all secure. 540 00:36:32,634 --> 00:36:36,157 - You looked into the eyes of an Angel{\, didn't you}? - I couldn't stop myself. I tried. 541 00:36:36,277 --> 00:36:38,600 {\Listen. }It's messing with you{\r head}. Your hand is not made of stone. 542 00:36:38,761 --> 00:36:39,916 It is. Look at it! 543 00:36:40,275 --> 00:36:43,400 It's in your mind. I promise you. You can move that hand. You can let go. 544 00:36:43,560 --> 00:36:47,040 I can't, OK? I've tried and I can't. It's stone. 545 00:36:47,732 --> 00:36:49,037 The Angel is gonna come 546 00:36:49,630 --> 00:36:51,091 it's gonna turn this light off, 547 00:36:51,211 --> 00:36:53,880 and then there's nothing I can do to stop it. So do it, concentrate, 548 00:36:54,040 --> 00:36:55,583 - move your hand! - I can't. 549 00:36:55,703 --> 00:36:58,040 - Then we're both going to die. - You're not going to die. 550 00:36:59,160 --> 00:37:00,720 They'll kill the lights. 551 00:37:01,600 --> 00:37:03,280 You've got to go, you know you have. 552 00:37:03,571 --> 00:37:06,288 You've got all that stuff with River and that's all got to happen. 553 00:37:06,408 --> 00:37:07,600 You can't die here! 554 00:37:07,720 --> 00:37:09,783 Time can be re-written, it doesn't work like that. 555 00:37:13,240 --> 00:37:14,766 Keep your eyes on it. Don't blink. 556 00:37:15,238 --> 00:37:16,049 Run! 557 00:37:16,169 --> 00:37:17,920 {\You see, }I'm not going, I'm not leaving you here. 558 00:37:18,040 --> 00:37:20,441 I don't need you to die for me, do I look that clingy? 559 00:37:20,561 --> 00:37:22,293 - You can move your hand. - It's stone. 560 00:37:22,413 --> 00:37:23,526 It's not stone! 561 00:37:24,894 --> 00:37:26,732 Those people up there will die without you. 562 00:37:26,852 --> 00:37:29,097 If you stay {\here }with me, you'll have as good as killed them. 563 00:37:29,217 --> 00:37:31,948 Amy Pond, you are magnificent. And I'm sorry. 564 00:37:33,115 --> 00:37:35,240 It's OK. I understand. 565 00:37:36,319 --> 00:37:37,497 You've got to leave me. 566 00:37:37,617 --> 00:37:39,678 I'm not leaving you, never. I'm sorry about this. 567 00:37:40,960 --> 00:37:42,920 See, not stone. Now run! 568 00:37:43,080 --> 00:37:44,840 - You bit me! - Yep and you're alive. 569 00:37:45,000 --> 00:37:47,000 I've got a mark! Look at my hand! 570 00:37:47,160 --> 00:37:48,665 And you're alive, did I mention? 571 00:37:48,785 --> 00:37:50,655 Blimey, your teeth! Have you got space teeth? 572 00:37:50,775 --> 00:37:52,080 Alive. All I'm saying. 573 00:37:56,680 --> 00:37:58,755 The statues are advancing along all corridors. 574 00:37:59,320 --> 00:38:01,534 - Sir, my torch keeps flickering. - They all do. 575 00:38:01,654 --> 00:38:02,976 So does the gravity globe. 576 00:38:03,096 --> 00:38:05,871 Clerics, we're down to four men. Expect incoming. 577 00:38:07,320 --> 00:38:08,960 Yeah, it's the Angels. 578 00:38:09,120 --> 00:38:11,640 They're coming. And they're draining the power for themselves. 579 00:38:11,800 --> 00:38:13,793 Which means we won't be able to see them. 580 00:38:13,913 --> 00:38:15,240 {\Which means }We can't stay here. 581 00:38:15,400 --> 00:38:16,960 There are more incoming! 582 00:38:17,120 --> 00:38:18,360 Any suggestions? 583 00:38:18,520 --> 00:38:20,560 The statues are advancing on all sides 584 00:38:20,720 --> 00:38:23,338 we don't have the climbing equipment to reach the Byzantium. 585 00:38:23,458 --> 00:38:25,400 There's no way up, no way back, no way out. 586 00:38:25,560 --> 00:38:29,000 No pressure, but this is usually when you have a really good idea. 587 00:38:31,655 --> 00:38:33,040 There's always a way out. 588 00:38:36,332 --> 00:38:37,600 There's always a way out. 589 00:38:41,335 --> 00:38:44,960 - Can I speak to the Doctor, please? - Hello, Angels. What's your problem? 590 00:38:45,120 --> 00:38:46,855 Your power will not last much longer, 591 00:38:46,975 --> 00:38:49,929 and the Angels will be with you shortly. Sorry, sir. 592 00:38:50,049 --> 00:38:51,470 Why are you telling me this? 593 00:38:51,590 --> 00:38:54,000 There's something the Angels are very keen{\ you should know before the end}. 594 00:38:54,283 --> 00:38:55,283 Which is? 595 00:38:56,070 --> 00:38:57,144 I died in fear. 596 00:38:58,005 --> 00:38:58,880 I'm sorry? 597 00:38:59,560 --> 00:39:01,355 You told me my fear would keep me alive 598 00:39:01,760 --> 00:39:03,720 but I died afraid, in pain and alone. 599 00:39:04,320 --> 00:39:07,520 You made me trust you, and when it mattered, you let me down. 600 00:39:08,813 --> 00:39:10,080 What are they doing? 601 00:39:10,240 --> 00:39:12,200 They're trying to make him angry. 602 00:39:12,360 --> 00:39:15,519 I'm sorry, sir. The Angels were very keen for you to know that. 603 00:39:17,189 --> 00:39:19,749 Well then, the Angels have made their second mistake 604 00:39:19,869 --> 00:39:22,012 because I'm not going to let that pass. 605 00:39:22,360 --> 00:39:25,880 {\I'm sorry }You're dead, but I swear to whatever is left of you, they will be sorrier. 606 00:39:26,040 --> 00:39:28,333 But you're trapped, sir, and about to die. 607 00:39:28,758 --> 00:39:30,620 I'm trapped. Speaking of traps, 608 00:39:30,740 --> 00:39:32,760 this trap has got a great big mistake in it. 609 00:39:32,920 --> 00:39:34,560 A great big, whopping mistake! 610 00:39:34,720 --> 00:39:35,991 What mistake, sir? 611 00:39:37,219 --> 00:39:38,080 Trust me. 612 00:39:39,735 --> 00:39:40,577 Trust me? 613 00:39:40,697 --> 00:39:42,200 - Always. - You lot - trust me? 614 00:39:45,897 --> 00:39:48,240 - Sir, two more incoming! - We have faith, sir. 615 00:39:48,969 --> 00:39:50,200 Then give me your gun. 616 00:39:53,597 --> 00:39:55,960 I'm about to do something incredibly stupid and dangerous. 617 00:39:56,080 --> 00:39:58,120 When I do... jump. 618 00:39:58,280 --> 00:39:59,680 Jump where? 619 00:39:59,840 --> 00:40:02,614 {\Just jump, }High as you can. Come on, leap of faith{\, Bishop}. On my signal. 620 00:40:02,800 --> 00:40:04,493 - What signal? - You won't miss it. 621 00:40:04,613 --> 00:40:07,165 Sorry, can I ask again? You mentioned a mistake? 622 00:40:07,529 --> 00:40:09,480 Oh, big mistake. Huge. 623 00:40:09,640 --> 00:40:12,200 There's one thing you never put in a trap, 624 00:40:12,360 --> 00:40:14,782 if you're smart, if you value your continued existence, 625 00:40:14,902 --> 00:40:16,960 if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, 626 00:40:17,080 --> 00:40:19,191 there is one thing you never, ever put in a trap. 627 00:40:19,311 --> 00:40:20,720 And what would that be, sir? 628 00:40:23,774 --> 00:40:24,774 Me! 629 00:40:55,960 --> 00:40:59,280 Do not blink... 630 00:41:00,635 --> 00:41:02,182 What's happening to me? 631 00:41:02,302 --> 00:41:03,920 It's coming, I can feel it. 632 00:41:04,080 --> 00:41:07,040 If you open your eyes now for more than a second, you will die. 633 00:41:08,495 --> 00:41:11,120 That's like the crack from my bedroom wall when I was a little girl. 634 00:41:11,280 --> 00:41:13,000 That's extremely very not good. 635 00:41:13,687 --> 00:41:15,680 - The power's failing. - We're surrounded. 636 00:41:15,840 --> 00:41:17,440 In the dark we're finished. 637 00:41:17,560 --> 00:41:21,080 On my count then... Three, two, one. 638 00:41:21,712 --> 00:41:22,400 Fire! 639 00:41:23,920 --> 00:41:26,680 Keep your eyes shut and keep moving. 640 00:41:26,840 --> 00:41:29,072 You have to do this. It's never going to work. 641 00:41:29,192 --> 00:41:30,440 What else have you got? 642 00:41:30,600 --> 00:41:32,200 - {\We're }Not leaving without you. - {\Yes }You are. 643 00:41:32,360 --> 00:41:33,125 Come on!