1 00:00:10,761 --> 00:00:13,059 Well, there we go, universal roaming. 2 00:00:15,140 --> 00:00:17,108 Never have to worry about a signal again. 3 00:00:17,684 --> 00:00:20,153 No way. This is too mad. 4 00:00:20,229 --> 00:00:23,859 You're telling me I can phone anyone anywhere in space and time on my mobile? 5 00:00:23,941 --> 00:00:28,788 As long as you know the area code. Frequent flyers' privilege. 6 00:00:29,988 --> 00:00:31,285 Go on, try it. 7 00:00:35,118 --> 00:00:39,043 Distress signal. Clocking off. Might be a bit of... 8 00:00:41,875 --> 00:00:45,630 turbulence. Sorry. Come on, Martha, let's take a look. 9 00:00:46,296 --> 00:00:48,515 Automated distress signal transmitted. 10 00:00:48,590 --> 00:00:49,933 Now, that is hot. 11 00:00:50,008 --> 00:00:52,386 Automated distress signal transmitted. 12 00:00:52,469 --> 00:00:54,563 It's like a sauna in here. 13 00:00:54,638 --> 00:00:59,269 Venting systems working at full pelt, trying to cool down 14 00:01:00,477 --> 00:01:04,152 wherever it is we are. Well, if you can't stand the heat... 15 00:01:07,818 --> 00:01:10,071 - That's better. - Oi, you two! 16 00:01:10,153 --> 00:01:12,827 - Get out of there! - Seal that door now! 17 00:01:14,366 --> 00:01:16,994 Who are you? What are you doing on my ship? 18 00:01:17,578 --> 00:01:19,751 - Are you police? - Why would we be police? 19 00:01:19,830 --> 00:01:21,082 We got your distress signal. 20 00:01:21,164 --> 00:01:22,882 If this is a ship, why can't I hear any engines? 21 00:01:22,958 --> 00:01:24,301 It went dead four minutes ago. 22 00:01:24,376 --> 00:01:26,936 So maybe we should stop chatting and get to Engineering, Captain. 23 00:01:28,005 --> 00:01:29,928 Secure closure active. 24 00:01:30,007 --> 00:01:31,930 - What? - The ship's gone mad. 25 00:01:32,759 --> 00:01:37,515 Who activated secure closure? I nearly got locked into area 27. 26 00:01:40,392 --> 00:01:44,442 - Who are you? - He's the Doctor and I'm Martha. Hello. 27 00:01:44,521 --> 00:01:48,526 Impact projection, 42 minutes, 27 seconds. 28 00:01:48,609 --> 00:01:51,283 We'll get out of this, I promise. 29 00:01:51,361 --> 00:01:53,489 - Doctor. - Forty two minutes until what? 30 00:01:53,572 --> 00:01:55,370 Doctor! 31 00:01:56,867 --> 00:01:58,540 Look! 32 00:01:59,661 --> 00:02:03,006 Forty two minutes until we crash into the sun. 33 00:02:05,000 --> 00:02:11,074 Advertise your product or brand here contact www.OpenSubtitles.org today 34 00:03:08,397 --> 00:03:10,616 - How many crew members on board? - Seven, including us. 35 00:03:10,691 --> 00:03:12,693 We transfer cargo across the galaxy. Everything's automated. 36 00:03:12,776 --> 00:03:14,699 - We just keep the ship... - Call the others. I'll get you out! 37 00:03:14,778 --> 00:03:16,405 - What's he doing? - Doctor, don't! 38 00:03:20,826 --> 00:03:23,750 - But my ship's in there! - In the vent chamber? 39 00:03:25,831 --> 00:03:27,504 - It's our lifeboat. - It's lava. 40 00:03:27,582 --> 00:03:31,632 Temperature's going mad in there. Up 3,000 degrees in 10 seconds 41 00:03:31,712 --> 00:03:33,760 - and still rising. - Channelling the air. 42 00:03:33,839 --> 00:03:36,388 The closer we get to the sun, the hotter that room's gonna get. 43 00:03:36,466 --> 00:03:39,219 - We're stuck here. - So we fix the engines. 44 00:03:39,302 --> 00:03:42,306 We steer the ship away from the sun. Simple. Engineering down here, is it? 45 00:03:42,389 --> 00:03:45,438 - Yes. - Impact in 40:26. 46 00:03:46,768 --> 00:03:49,521 Blimey. Do you always leave things in such a mess? 47 00:03:49,604 --> 00:03:52,153 - Oh, my God. - The hell happened? 48 00:03:54,109 --> 00:03:55,201 Oh, it's wrecked. 49 00:03:55,277 --> 00:03:58,372 Pretty efficiently, too. Someone knew what they were doing. 50 00:03:58,447 --> 00:04:01,326 Where's Korwin? Has anyone heard from him or Ashton? 51 00:04:01,450 --> 00:04:02,497 No. 52 00:04:02,617 --> 00:04:04,665 Do you mean someone did this on purpose? 53 00:04:04,745 --> 00:04:06,622 Korwin, Ashton, where are you? 54 00:04:08,415 --> 00:04:10,918 Korwin, can you answer? 55 00:04:11,334 --> 00:04:13,553 Where the hell is he? He should be up here. 56 00:04:13,670 --> 00:04:16,844 Oh, we're in the Toragy system. Lovely. 57 00:04:17,924 --> 00:04:20,928 You're a long way from home, Martha, half a universe away. 58 00:04:21,011 --> 00:04:22,263 Yeah, feels it. 59 00:04:22,345 --> 00:04:27,693 And you're still using energy scoops for fusion. Hasn't that been outlawed yet? 60 00:04:28,435 --> 00:04:32,611 We're due to upgrade next docking. Scan all engine reports. 61 00:04:39,029 --> 00:04:41,373 - No response. - What? 62 00:04:45,202 --> 00:04:47,079 They're burnt out. The controls are wrecked. 63 00:04:47,204 --> 00:04:48,501 I can't get them back online. 64 00:04:48,580 --> 00:04:52,551 Oh, come on, auxiliary engines. Every craft's got auxiliaries. 65 00:04:52,667 --> 00:04:54,135 We don't have access from here. 66 00:04:54,211 --> 00:04:56,305 The auxiliary controls are in the front of the ship. 67 00:04:56,379 --> 00:04:59,303 There are 29 password-sealed doors between us and them. 68 00:04:59,382 --> 00:05:02,135 - You'll never get there on time. - Can't you override the doors? 69 00:05:02,219 --> 00:05:06,065 No, sealed closure means what it says. They're all deadlock sealed. 70 00:05:06,556 --> 00:05:08,058 So a sonic screwdriver's no use. 71 00:05:08,183 --> 00:05:10,936 Nothing's any use. We've got no engines, no time and no chance. 72 00:05:11,019 --> 00:05:14,364 Oh, listen to you! Defeated before you even started. 73 00:05:14,439 --> 00:05:17,443 Where's your Dunkirk spirit? Who's got the door passwords? 74 00:05:17,526 --> 00:05:19,767 They're randomly generated. Reckon I'd know most of them. 75 00:05:19,820 --> 00:05:21,288 Sorry. Riley Vashtee. 76 00:05:21,404 --> 00:05:23,202 Then what are you waiting for, Riley Vashtee? Get on it. 77 00:05:23,281 --> 00:05:24,954 Well, it's a two-person job. 78 00:05:25,033 --> 00:05:27,035 One to take this for the questions. 79 00:05:27,118 --> 00:05:29,120 The other to carry this. 80 00:05:29,204 --> 00:05:32,128 The oldest and cheapest security system around, eh, Captain? 81 00:05:32,207 --> 00:05:34,301 Reliable and simple. Just like you, eh, Riley? 82 00:05:34,417 --> 00:05:38,718 - Try to be helpful, get abuse. Nice. - I'll help you. Make myself useful. 83 00:05:38,797 --> 00:05:40,515 It's remotely controlled by the computer panel. 84 00:05:40,590 --> 00:05:44,515 - That's why it needs two. - Oi, be careful. 85 00:05:45,470 --> 00:05:47,393 You, too. 86 00:05:47,472 --> 00:05:49,941 McDonnell, it's Ashton. 87 00:05:50,225 --> 00:05:53,900 - Where are you? Is Korwin with you? - Get up to the med centre now. 88 00:06:03,780 --> 00:06:06,659 Impact in 34:37. 89 00:06:07,784 --> 00:06:10,788 - I've got to stop it! - Korwin, it's Abi. 90 00:06:11,746 --> 00:06:13,999 Open your eyes. I need to take a look at you. 91 00:06:14,124 --> 00:06:15,922 Korwin! What's happened? Is he okay? 92 00:06:16,001 --> 00:06:18,971 Help! Help me! It's burning me! 93 00:06:19,588 --> 00:06:22,762 - How long's he been like this? - Ashton just brought him in. 94 00:06:22,841 --> 00:06:24,843 - What are you doing to him? - Don't get too close. 95 00:06:24,968 --> 00:06:28,973 - Don't be stupid. He's my husband. - And he's just sabotaged our ship. 96 00:06:29,306 --> 00:06:31,400 - What? - He went mad. 97 00:06:31,474 --> 00:06:33,272 He put the ship under secure closure. 98 00:06:33,351 --> 00:06:35,228 Then he sent a heat pulse to melt the control. 99 00:06:35,312 --> 00:06:37,986 - No way! He wouldn't do that. - I saw it happen, Captain. 100 00:06:38,064 --> 00:06:40,237 Korwin? Korwin, open your eyes for me a second. 101 00:06:40,317 --> 00:06:42,536 - I can't. - Yeah, of course you can. Go on. 102 00:06:42,652 --> 00:06:44,746 Don't make me look at you. Please. 103 00:06:45,280 --> 00:06:48,500 All right, all right, all right, just relax. Sedative. 104 00:06:52,913 --> 00:06:54,540 What's wrong with him? 105 00:06:54,623 --> 00:06:57,502 Rising body temperature, unusual energy readings. 106 00:06:58,293 --> 00:07:00,716 Stasis chamber. I do love a good stasis chamber. 107 00:07:00,837 --> 00:07:03,511 Keep him sedated in there. Regulate the body temperature. 108 00:07:03,590 --> 00:07:07,470 And just for fun, run a bio-scan, a tissue profile and a metabolic detail. 109 00:07:07,552 --> 00:07:09,099 Just doing them now. 110 00:07:09,179 --> 00:07:11,978 Oh, you're good. Anyone else presenting these symptoms? 111 00:07:12,057 --> 00:07:14,901 - Not so far. - Well, that's something. 112 00:07:14,976 --> 00:07:16,649 Will someone tell me what is the matter with him? 113 00:07:16,728 --> 00:07:19,072 Some sort of infection. We'll know more after the test results. 114 00:07:19,147 --> 00:07:24,028 Now, allons-y! Back downstairs, eh? See about those engines. Go. 115 00:07:24,110 --> 00:07:26,613 Hey! Go. 116 00:07:30,408 --> 00:07:32,410 Call us if there's news. Any questions? 117 00:07:32,535 --> 00:07:36,711 - Yeah. Who are you? - I'm the Doctor. 118 00:07:45,215 --> 00:07:49,061 Heat shield failing al' 25%. 119 00:07:49,552 --> 00:07:52,305 Impact in 32:50. 120 00:07:54,224 --> 00:07:58,320 - Hurry up, will you? - All right. Fix the clamp on. 121 00:08:00,063 --> 00:08:02,111 What are you typing? 122 00:08:02,190 --> 00:08:05,911 These doors' trip code is the answer to a random question set by the crew. 123 00:08:05,986 --> 00:08:08,830 Nine tours back, we got drunk, thought them up. 124 00:08:08,905 --> 00:08:12,626 Reckoning was, if we're hijacked, we're the only ones who know all the answers. 125 00:08:12,701 --> 00:08:16,956 - So you type in the right answer... - This sends a remote pulse to the clamp. 126 00:08:17,288 --> 00:08:22,044 But we only get one chance per door. Get it wrong, the whole system freezes. 127 00:08:22,127 --> 00:08:24,425 - Better not get it wrong, then. - Okay. 128 00:08:24,671 --> 00:08:28,926 "Date of SS Pentalliani's first flight?" That's all right. Go! 129 00:08:31,136 --> 00:08:33,935 - Yes! - Twenty eight more to go! 130 00:08:36,266 --> 00:08:38,894 Abi, how's Korwin doing? Any results from the bio-scan? 131 00:08:38,977 --> 00:08:40,775 He's under heavy sedation. 132 00:08:41,021 --> 00:08:43,615 I'm just trying to make sense of this data. 133 00:08:43,857 --> 00:08:46,827 Give me a couple of minutes and I'll let you know. 134 00:09:01,124 --> 00:09:04,298 - Martha, Riley, how are you doing? - Area 29, at the door to 28. 135 00:09:04,461 --> 00:09:07,431 - Yeah, you've got to move faster. - We're doing our best. 136 00:09:08,298 --> 00:09:12,269 "Find the next number in the sequence: 313, 331, 367." 137 00:09:12,343 --> 00:09:14,562 - What? - You said the crew knew all the answers. 138 00:09:14,637 --> 00:09:16,560 The crew's changed since we set the questions. 139 00:09:16,639 --> 00:09:18,687 - You're joking. - 379. 140 00:09:18,767 --> 00:09:21,862 - What? - It's a sequence of happy primes. 379. 141 00:09:21,978 --> 00:09:23,980 - Happy what? - Just enter it. 142 00:09:24,105 --> 00:09:25,857 Are you sure? We only get one chance. 143 00:09:25,940 --> 00:09:28,238 Any number that reduces to one when you take the sum of the square 144 00:09:28,318 --> 00:09:31,071 of its digits and continue iterating until it yields one is a happy number. 145 00:09:31,154 --> 00:09:33,077 Any number that doesn't, isn't. A happy prime is a number 146 00:09:33,156 --> 00:09:35,409 that's both happy and prime. Now type it in! 147 00:09:35,492 --> 00:09:37,540 I don't know. Talk about dumbing down. 148 00:09:37,619 --> 00:09:39,747 Don't they teach recreational mathematics any more? 149 00:09:43,708 --> 00:09:46,302 - We're through! - Keep moving fast as you can. 150 00:09:47,295 --> 00:09:50,469 And, Martha, be careful. There may be something else on board the ship. 151 00:09:50,548 --> 00:09:52,767 Any time you want to unnerve me, feel free. 152 00:09:52,842 --> 00:09:54,094 Will do, thanks. 153 00:09:54,177 --> 00:09:56,726 Impact in 30:50. 154 00:09:57,514 --> 00:10:00,267 I can't believe our lives depend on some stupid pub quiz. 155 00:10:00,350 --> 00:10:03,980 - Is that the next one? - Oh, this is a nightmare. 156 00:10:04,229 --> 00:10:06,903 "Classical music, who had the most pre-download number ones," 157 00:10:06,981 --> 00:10:09,780 "Elvis Presley or The Bee-atlas?" 158 00:10:10,693 --> 00:10:12,695 How are we supposed to know that? 159 00:10:12,862 --> 00:10:15,285 We need a backup in case they don't reach the auxiliary engine in time. 160 00:10:15,365 --> 00:10:17,117 Come on, think. Resources. What have we got? 161 00:10:17,200 --> 00:10:18,873 - Doctor? - What is it now? 162 00:10:18,952 --> 00:10:21,455 Who had the most number ones, Elvis or The Beatles? 163 00:10:21,538 --> 00:10:23,586 - That's pre-download. - Elvis. 164 00:10:23,706 --> 00:10:27,756 No, The Beatles! No, wait... 165 00:10:28,044 --> 00:10:30,638 Oh, what was that remix? 166 00:10:30,713 --> 00:10:33,808 - I don't know. I am a bit busy. - Fine. I'll ask someone else. 167 00:10:33,883 --> 00:10:37,183 Now, where was I? Here Comes the Sun. No, resources. 168 00:10:37,262 --> 00:10:39,060 So, the power's still working. 169 00:10:39,139 --> 00:10:41,892 The generator's going. If we can harness that... Ah! 170 00:10:41,975 --> 00:10:43,727 Use the generator to jumpstart the ship. 171 00:10:43,852 --> 00:10:46,901 Exactly. At the very least, it will buy some more time. 172 00:10:47,355 --> 00:10:50,234 - That is brilliant. - I know. See? 173 00:10:50,859 --> 00:10:53,328 - Tiny glimmer of hope. - If it works. 174 00:10:53,403 --> 00:10:55,952 Oh, believe me, you're gonna make it work. 175 00:10:59,409 --> 00:11:00,535 That told him. 176 00:11:00,910 --> 00:11:02,958 Impact in 29:46. 177 00:11:08,001 --> 00:11:11,380 - Hello? - Mum, it's me. It's Martha. Wow! 178 00:11:11,462 --> 00:11:15,092 Where are you? Don't you check your messages? I've been calling you. 179 00:11:15,175 --> 00:11:17,143 Actually, a bit busy. I need you to do something for me. 180 00:11:17,260 --> 00:11:21,310 No, listen to me. We have to talk about the Doctor. 181 00:11:21,431 --> 00:11:23,809 Mum, please, not now! I need you to look something up on the Internet. 182 00:11:23,933 --> 00:11:27,733 - Do it yourself. You've got a computer. - Oh, just do it, will you? 183 00:11:34,068 --> 00:11:36,992 - Please. - When did you get so rude? 184 00:11:37,071 --> 00:11:40,701 I'll tell you when. Ever since you met that man. 185 00:11:40,950 --> 00:11:44,045 I need to know who has more number ones, The Beatles or Elvis. 186 00:11:44,120 --> 00:11:45,872 Hang on. The mouse is unplugged. 187 00:11:49,459 --> 00:11:54,215 - Okay, hang on. What is this, pub quiz? - Yeah, pub quiz. 188 00:11:54,297 --> 00:11:57,676 - Using your mobile is cheating. - Have you found it? 189 00:11:57,800 --> 00:12:01,225 There's over 400, 000 results. Give me a minute. 190 00:12:02,472 --> 00:12:04,520 Impact in 28:50. 191 00:12:06,142 --> 00:12:08,395 Doctor, these readings are starting to scare me. 192 00:12:08,478 --> 00:12:11,402 - What do you mean? - Look, Korwin's body is changing. 193 00:12:11,481 --> 00:12:14,451 His whole biological make-up... It's impossible. 194 00:12:22,408 --> 00:12:27,835 This is med centre. Urgent assistance requested. Urgent assistance! 195 00:12:28,873 --> 00:12:30,921 Stay here! Keep working! 196 00:12:35,380 --> 00:12:36,802 Urgent assistance! 197 00:12:37,298 --> 00:12:39,266 Abi, they're on their way. 198 00:12:43,346 --> 00:12:45,019 What's happening to you? 199 00:12:45,181 --> 00:12:47,650 Burn with me. 200 00:12:47,725 --> 00:12:49,648 Burn with me. 201 00:12:50,478 --> 00:12:53,402 Captain? I told you to stay in Engineering. 202 00:12:53,481 --> 00:12:55,734 I only take orders from one person round here. 203 00:12:55,858 --> 00:12:57,451 Oh, is he always this cheery? 204 00:12:57,652 --> 00:12:59,199 - Elvis. - What? 205 00:13:00,071 --> 00:13:01,448 Really? Elvis! 206 00:13:02,156 --> 00:13:04,124 Burn with me. 207 00:13:04,951 --> 00:13:06,578 Korwin, you're sick. 208 00:13:08,079 --> 00:13:11,003 Burn with me! 209 00:13:15,837 --> 00:13:18,841 - Mum, you're a star. - Now, we need to have a serious... 210 00:13:27,682 --> 00:13:31,027 - What was that? - I've got to go. 211 00:13:42,697 --> 00:13:43,977 Doctor, what were those screams? 212 00:13:43,990 --> 00:13:47,369 Concentrate on those doors. You gotta keep moving forward! 213 00:13:49,037 --> 00:13:51,756 Impact in 27:06. 214 00:13:56,085 --> 00:13:57,803 Korwin's gone. 215 00:14:00,590 --> 00:14:01,842 Oh, my God. 216 00:14:08,264 --> 00:14:10,392 Tell me that's not Lerner. 217 00:14:13,269 --> 00:14:14,942 Endothermic vaporisation. 218 00:14:17,523 --> 00:14:19,867 I've never seen one this ferocious. 219 00:14:21,486 --> 00:14:22,908 "Burn with me." 220 00:14:22,987 --> 00:14:26,082 - That's what we heard Korwin say. - What? 221 00:14:26,574 --> 00:14:29,202 Do you think... No way. 222 00:14:29,619 --> 00:14:32,293 Scannell, tell him. Korwin is not a killer. 223 00:14:32,455 --> 00:14:36,301 - He can't vaporise people. He's human. - These bio-scan results. 224 00:14:36,751 --> 00:14:38,879 Internal temperature, 100 degrees. 225 00:14:40,004 --> 00:14:42,848 Body oxygen replaced by hydrogen. Your husband hasn't been infected. 226 00:14:42,924 --> 00:14:45,643 - He's been overwhelmed. - The test results are wrong. 227 00:14:45,760 --> 00:14:48,730 What is it, though? A parasite? A mutagenic virus? 228 00:14:48,805 --> 00:14:50,978 Something that needs a host body, but how did it get inside him? 229 00:14:51,057 --> 00:14:53,355 Stop talking like he's some kind of experiment. 230 00:14:53,434 --> 00:14:56,779 Where's this ship been? Have you made planetfall recently? 231 00:14:56,854 --> 00:15:00,233 Docked with any other vessels? Any sort of external contact at all? 232 00:15:00,316 --> 00:15:01,784 What is this, an interrogation? 233 00:15:01,859 --> 00:15:04,157 We've got to stop him before he kills again. 234 00:15:04,237 --> 00:15:06,786 We're just a cargo ship. 235 00:15:09,242 --> 00:15:11,586 Doctor, if you give her a minute... 236 00:15:14,455 --> 00:15:16,674 I'm fine. I need to warn the crew. 237 00:15:18,751 --> 00:15:22,847 Everybody listen to me. Something has infected Korwin. 238 00:15:24,173 --> 00:15:25,595 We think 239 00:15:28,594 --> 00:15:30,517 he killed Abi Lerner. 240 00:15:33,182 --> 00:15:36,402 None of you must go anywhere near him. Is that clear? 241 00:15:38,062 --> 00:15:39,609 Understood Captain. 242 00:15:39,689 --> 00:15:42,408 Erina, get back here with that equipment. 243 00:15:44,068 --> 00:15:46,196 Whatever you say, boss. 244 00:15:47,029 --> 00:15:53,503 "Go there. Come back. Fetch this. Carry these. Make drinks. Sweep up." 245 00:15:54,162 --> 00:15:56,415 Please, kill me now. 246 00:15:58,583 --> 00:16:00,836 Burn with me. 247 00:16:03,379 --> 00:16:05,552 Burn with me. 248 00:16:12,555 --> 00:16:14,899 Impact in 24:57. 249 00:16:16,017 --> 00:16:18,736 Is the infection permanent? Can you cure him? 250 00:16:21,397 --> 00:16:24,571 - I don't know. - Don't lie to me, Doctor. 251 00:16:25,735 --> 00:16:30,457 Eleven years we've been married. We chose this ship together. 252 00:16:31,407 --> 00:16:36,083 He keeps me honest. So I don't want false hope. 253 00:16:37,538 --> 00:16:40,587 The parasite's too aggressive. Your husband's gone. 254 00:16:41,751 --> 00:16:43,719 There's no way back. Sorry. 255 00:16:47,590 --> 00:16:48,842 Thank you. 256 00:16:51,052 --> 00:16:53,931 Are you certain nothing happened to provoke this? 257 00:16:54,305 --> 00:16:58,230 Nobody's working on anything secret? 'Cause it's vital that you tell me. 258 00:16:58,309 --> 00:17:00,858 I know every inch of this ship. 259 00:17:01,270 --> 00:17:05,616 I know every detail of my crew's lives. There is nothing. 260 00:17:07,318 --> 00:17:10,117 Then why is this thing so interested in you? 261 00:17:13,407 --> 00:17:15,159 I wish I knew. 262 00:17:24,752 --> 00:17:26,754 Doctor, we've moved to area 77. 263 00:17:26,837 --> 00:17:30,637 Keep going. You've got to get to area 7 and reboot those engines. 264 00:17:38,849 --> 00:17:40,851 You got those tools, Erina? 'Cause I'm... 265 00:17:47,233 --> 00:17:50,783 Korwin, it's me. We're mates. 266 00:17:50,861 --> 00:17:56,163 They are getting too far. We must share the light. 267 00:18:10,840 --> 00:18:14,140 Heat shields failing at 20%. 268 00:18:14,677 --> 00:18:16,350 Come on! 269 00:18:17,763 --> 00:18:19,436 Everything on this ship is so cheap. 270 00:18:20,725 --> 00:18:22,193 Who's there? 271 00:18:30,234 --> 00:18:33,113 - Is that Korwin? - No, wait a minute. 272 00:18:35,531 --> 00:18:37,283 Oh, Ashton, what are you doing? 273 00:18:37,366 --> 00:18:39,209 Burn with me. 274 00:18:40,328 --> 00:18:43,047 - Well, if you want to help... - Burn with me. 275 00:18:44,081 --> 00:18:46,209 Burn with me. 276 00:18:47,209 --> 00:18:49,632 No! Come on! 277 00:19:10,733 --> 00:19:14,078 - What is happening on this ship? - Never mind that. Where are we? 278 00:19:14,195 --> 00:19:17,995 Airlock field. Jettison escape pod. 279 00:19:18,074 --> 00:19:20,793 Does it mean us? Doctor! 280 00:19:20,910 --> 00:19:23,038 Pod jettison initiated. 281 00:19:24,372 --> 00:19:27,842 Doctor, we're stuck in an escape pod of the area-17 airlock. 282 00:19:27,917 --> 00:19:31,467 One of the crew's trying to jettison us. You've got to help us! 283 00:19:32,463 --> 00:19:34,340 Tell me you can stop it. 284 00:19:35,675 --> 00:19:37,769 - Why is this happening? - Stay here. 285 00:19:37,927 --> 00:19:41,648 I mean it this time. Don't start those engines! 286 00:19:49,939 --> 00:19:54,945 He's picking us off one by one. 287 00:19:57,113 --> 00:19:58,990 Jettison held. 288 00:20:00,116 --> 00:20:01,288 Thank you. 289 00:20:05,246 --> 00:20:07,715 Jettison reactivated. 290 00:20:10,793 --> 00:20:12,136 Come on. 291 00:20:20,886 --> 00:20:23,435 Sierpinski sequence. This'll get him. 292 00:20:26,392 --> 00:20:30,272 Jettison held. Escape pod stabilised. 293 00:20:32,314 --> 00:20:33,907 You're pretty good. 294 00:20:41,323 --> 00:20:42,996 Ashton! 295 00:20:48,581 --> 00:20:50,754 Someone's hacked at the systems. 296 00:20:52,293 --> 00:20:54,170 I can't re-root the generators. 297 00:20:54,253 --> 00:20:56,631 There's no way I'm gonna be able to jumpstart the ship. 298 00:20:59,341 --> 00:21:01,469 Who the hell did that? 299 00:21:04,013 --> 00:21:05,686 Korwin? 300 00:21:07,933 --> 00:21:12,359 What are you? Why are you killing my crew? 301 00:21:14,023 --> 00:21:18,494 What did you do to him? What have you done to my husband? 302 00:21:20,237 --> 00:21:25,038 You recognise me. Korwin, you know me. 303 00:21:26,368 --> 00:21:29,542 It's Kath, your wife. 304 00:21:30,790 --> 00:21:32,758 - My wife? - That's right. 305 00:21:34,376 --> 00:21:37,721 You're still in there. I'm your wife. 306 00:21:41,342 --> 00:21:43,344 It's your fault. 307 00:21:56,774 --> 00:21:58,071 That's enough! 308 00:22:01,570 --> 00:22:05,165 What do you want? Why this ship? Tell me. 309 00:22:06,992 --> 00:22:08,335 Jettison activated. 310 00:22:08,410 --> 00:22:11,914 He's crushed the circuit. I can't stop it. I can't stop it! 311 00:22:13,749 --> 00:22:15,592 What do you mean, it's my fault? 312 00:22:15,668 --> 00:22:20,265 It's your fault. Now burn with me. 313 00:22:23,717 --> 00:22:26,140 - What are you doing? - Freezing him. Ice vents. 314 00:22:27,388 --> 00:22:28,731 You'll kill him! 315 00:22:28,931 --> 00:22:33,061 Come on, let's see you. 316 00:22:36,897 --> 00:22:39,241 I want to know what you really are. 317 00:22:49,702 --> 00:22:51,670 Airlock sealed. 318 00:22:59,211 --> 00:23:01,805 McDonnell, Ashton's heading in your direction. 319 00:23:01,881 --> 00:23:03,758 He's been infected, just like Korwin. 320 00:23:08,012 --> 00:23:09,355 Korwin's dead, Doctor. 321 00:23:10,431 --> 00:23:11,978 Everything's locked. 322 00:23:12,558 --> 00:23:15,437 Airlock decompression compieted. 323 00:23:16,979 --> 00:23:18,526 Jettisoning pod. 324 00:23:23,402 --> 00:23:27,077 - Doctor! - I'll save you. 325 00:23:28,824 --> 00:23:30,952 Martha, it's too late. 326 00:23:31,035 --> 00:23:33,959 - Doctor! - I'll save you. 327 00:23:34,538 --> 00:23:36,586 I can't hear you. 328 00:24:04,318 --> 00:24:05,945 Sorry. 329 00:24:17,915 --> 00:24:20,384 Impact in 77:05. 330 00:24:28,217 --> 00:24:30,219 What did he mean, your fault? 331 00:24:33,514 --> 00:24:36,063 What are you doing? Don't touch him. He's infected. 332 00:24:36,141 --> 00:24:39,315 - We don't know how it spreads. - You murdered him. 333 00:24:39,395 --> 00:24:41,739 - He was about to kill you. - He recognised me. 334 00:24:41,814 --> 00:24:44,988 You heard the Doctor. It isn't Korwin any more. 335 00:24:45,067 --> 00:24:47,490 The Doctor doesn't know. None of us know. 336 00:24:47,569 --> 00:24:49,569 So what are you gonna do? Stay there until we burn? 337 00:24:49,571 --> 00:24:53,576 'Cause without you, none of us stand a chance of getting out of here. 338 00:24:53,909 --> 00:24:56,753 Scannell, I need a spacesuit in area 77 now! 339 00:24:56,829 --> 00:24:59,082 - What for? - Just get down here! 340 00:25:01,750 --> 00:25:03,752 Well, go on. Do what he says. 341 00:25:03,961 --> 00:25:07,431 - Ashton's still out there. - I'll deal with him. 342 00:25:22,021 --> 00:25:24,274 The wonderful world of space travel. 343 00:25:25,482 --> 00:25:28,861 The prettier it looks, the more likely it is to kill you. 344 00:25:29,069 --> 00:25:32,198 - He'll come for us. - No, it's too late. 345 00:25:32,865 --> 00:25:36,415 Our heat shields will pack in any minute and then we go into free fall. 346 00:25:36,952 --> 00:25:40,673 We'll fall into the sun way before he has a chance to do anything. 347 00:25:40,956 --> 00:25:45,177 You don't know the Doctor. I believe in him. 348 00:25:46,003 --> 00:25:50,554 Then you're lucky. I've never found anyone worth believing in. 349 00:25:53,469 --> 00:25:56,848 No girlfriend? Boyfriend? 350 00:25:57,806 --> 00:26:00,935 The job doesn't lend itself to stable relationships. 351 00:26:01,727 --> 00:26:05,357 - Family, then? - My dad's dead. 352 00:26:06,982 --> 00:26:09,781 I haven't seen my mum in six years. 353 00:26:11,278 --> 00:26:13,997 She didn't want me to sign on for cargo tours. 354 00:26:14,782 --> 00:26:19,788 Things were said, and since then, all silent. 355 00:26:21,789 --> 00:26:25,839 She wanted to hold on to me. I know that. God, she's so stubborn. 356 00:26:26,919 --> 00:26:28,842 Yeah, well, that's families. 357 00:26:30,964 --> 00:26:33,092 What about you? 358 00:26:33,801 --> 00:26:38,682 Full works. Mum, dad, dad's girlfriend, 359 00:26:39,556 --> 00:26:43,936 brother, sister. There's no silence there. 360 00:26:45,646 --> 00:26:47,569 So much noise. 361 00:26:50,192 --> 00:26:53,321 God, they'll never know. 362 00:26:54,238 --> 00:26:58,869 I’ll just have disappeared, and they'll always be waiting. 363 00:27:00,702 --> 00:27:02,545 Call them. 364 00:27:06,708 --> 00:27:08,836 Ashton! 365 00:27:50,836 --> 00:27:53,259 - I can't let you do this. - You're wasting your breath, Scannell. 366 00:27:53,422 --> 00:27:55,516 - You're not gonna stop me. - You want to open an airlock inflight 367 00:27:55,591 --> 00:27:57,832 on a ship spinning into the sun. No one can survive that. 368 00:27:57,885 --> 00:28:00,308 - Oh, just you watch. - You open that airlock, it's suicide. 369 00:28:00,387 --> 00:28:02,185 This close to the sun, the shields will barely protect you. 370 00:28:02,264 --> 00:28:04,107 If I can boost the magnetic lock on the ship's exterior, 371 00:28:04,183 --> 00:28:06,561 it should re-magnetise the pod. Now, while I'm out there, you've got 372 00:28:06,643 --> 00:28:09,364 to get the rest of those doors open. We need those auxiliary engines. 373 00:28:09,438 --> 00:28:12,658 Doctor, will you listen. They're too far away. It's too late. 374 00:28:12,733 --> 00:28:14,451 I'm not gonna lose her. 375 00:28:30,292 --> 00:28:32,636 Decompression initiated. 376 00:28:38,634 --> 00:28:41,103 Impact in 12:55. 377 00:28:44,389 --> 00:28:48,189 - Hello? - It's me again. Sorry about earlier. 378 00:28:48,268 --> 00:28:51,818 - Is everything all rigth? - Yeah. Of course. 379 00:28:53,440 --> 00:28:56,910 - Martha? - Mum... 380 00:28:59,154 --> 00:29:02,954 - You know I love you, don't you? - Of course, I do. 381 00:29:04,034 --> 00:29:06,503 - What's brought this on? - I never say it. 382 00:29:07,663 --> 00:29:10,883 I never get the time or never think of it, and then... 383 00:29:13,585 --> 00:29:15,053 I really love you. 384 00:29:16,964 --> 00:29:19,683 Tell Dad Leo and fish that I love them, too. 385 00:29:21,301 --> 00:29:24,521 - Martha, what's wrong? - Nothing, promise. 386 00:29:24,972 --> 00:29:27,225 - Where a re you? Just out. 387 00:29:27,599 --> 00:29:30,728 - With anyone nice? - Some mates. 388 00:29:30,811 --> 00:29:34,532 - What mates? - Mum, can we not just talk? 389 00:29:35,691 --> 00:29:38,740 Of course. What do you want to talk about? 390 00:29:39,111 --> 00:29:41,330 I don't know. Anything. 391 00:29:41,405 --> 00:29:44,875 What you had for breakfast, what you watched on telly last night, 392 00:29:45,033 --> 00:29:48,412 how much you're gonna kill Dad next time you see him, just anything. 393 00:29:50,163 --> 00:29:53,508 Is the Doctor with you? Is he there now? 394 00:29:53,792 --> 00:29:57,387 - Mum, just leave it. - It's a simple enough question. 395 00:29:59,965 --> 00:30:01,217 I better go. 396 00:30:03,885 --> 00:30:06,809 - No, Martha, wait. - See ya, Mum. 397 00:30:22,571 --> 00:30:24,665 Impact in 17:75. 398 00:30:24,740 --> 00:30:24,990 Heat shields 399 00:30:24,991 --> 00:30:26,367 Heat shields 400 00:30:26,742 --> 00:30:28,665 failing at 10%. 401 00:31:04,196 --> 00:31:05,994 Come on! 402 00:31:11,536 --> 00:31:13,288 Go on, my son. 403 00:31:19,127 --> 00:31:21,129 Doctor, how are you doing? 404 00:31:21,213 --> 00:31:24,717 I can't... I can't reach. 405 00:31:25,467 --> 00:31:27,640 I don't know how much longer I can last. 406 00:31:27,761 --> 00:31:29,729 Come on, don't give up now. 407 00:32:00,168 --> 00:32:04,924 - We're being pulled back! - I told you! The Doctor! 408 00:32:28,238 --> 00:32:30,036 It's alive. 409 00:32:32,993 --> 00:32:34,836 It's alive. 410 00:32:36,455 --> 00:32:38,128 It's alive. 411 00:32:38,665 --> 00:32:42,386 Doctor, close the airlock now! That pod's gonna smash into him. 412 00:32:43,670 --> 00:32:45,047 Stay here. 413 00:32:46,298 --> 00:32:48,892 Impact in 8:57. 414 00:32:51,011 --> 00:32:53,685 Airlock recompression completed 415 00:32:59,019 --> 00:33:03,115 Doctor! Doctor! Are you okay? 416 00:33:04,316 --> 00:33:06,569 Stay away from me. 417 00:33:08,111 --> 00:33:09,488 What's happened? 418 00:33:10,030 --> 00:33:12,249 It's your fault, Captain McDonnell. 419 00:33:13,241 --> 00:33:16,495 Riley, get down to area 10 and help Scannell with the doors. 420 00:33:16,578 --> 00:33:17,750 Go! 421 00:33:17,954 --> 00:33:21,379 You mined that sun, stripped its surface for cheap fuel. 422 00:33:23,043 --> 00:33:25,284 - You should have scanned for life! - I don't understand. 423 00:33:25,337 --> 00:33:27,510 Doctor, what are you talking about? 424 00:33:27,589 --> 00:33:30,263 That's sun's alive, a living organism. 425 00:33:31,259 --> 00:33:35,139 They scooped out its heart, used it for fuel and now it's screaming! 426 00:33:35,222 --> 00:33:37,941 What do you mean? How can a sun be alive? Why is he saying that? 427 00:33:38,183 --> 00:33:40,026 Because it's living in me. 428 00:33:40,602 --> 00:33:42,320 - Oh, my God. - Humans! 429 00:33:42,437 --> 00:33:45,156 You grab whatever's nearest and bleed it dry! 430 00:33:46,149 --> 00:33:47,571 You should've scanned! 431 00:33:47,651 --> 00:33:51,656 - It takes too long. We'd be caught. - Fusion scoops are illegal. 432 00:33:52,072 --> 00:33:53,790 Martha, you've got to freeze me, quickly. 433 00:33:53,865 --> 00:33:56,209 - What? - Stasis chamber. 434 00:33:57,285 --> 00:34:02,291 Look, you've got to take me to below -200. Freeze it out of me. 435 00:34:05,460 --> 00:34:07,383 It'll use me to kill you if you don't. 436 00:34:07,504 --> 00:34:10,633 The closer we get to the sun, the stronger it is... 437 00:34:11,299 --> 00:34:14,724 - Med centre. Quickly! Quickly! - Help me! 438 00:34:17,681 --> 00:34:19,934 Impact in 7:30. 439 00:34:41,621 --> 00:34:43,419 - What's your favourite colour? - You what? 440 00:34:43,498 --> 00:34:45,171 - It's the question. - Purple. 441 00:34:48,336 --> 00:34:49,838 - Or did I say orange? - Come on! 442 00:34:58,597 --> 00:35:01,271 - Martha, where are you? - It's all right. I'm here. 443 00:35:01,349 --> 00:35:04,273 Just setting everything up. Stasis chamber, minus 200, yeah? 444 00:35:04,394 --> 00:35:06,817 But you don't know how this equipment works. You'll kill him. 445 00:35:06,896 --> 00:35:08,489 Nobody can survive those temperatures. 446 00:35:08,565 --> 00:35:10,533 He's not human. If he says he can survive, then he can. 447 00:35:10,650 --> 00:35:13,529 - Let me help you, then. - You've done enough damage. 448 00:35:15,363 --> 00:35:18,082 Ten seconds. That's all I'll be able to take. 449 00:35:19,242 --> 00:35:20,710 - Martha! - Yeah? 450 00:35:21,828 --> 00:35:24,297 It's burning me up. I can't control it. 451 00:35:24,539 --> 00:35:28,885 If you don't get rid of it, I could kill you. I could kill you all. 452 00:35:30,712 --> 00:35:34,637 - I'm scared. I'm so scared. - Just stay calm. 453 00:35:35,008 --> 00:35:39,514 You saved me. Now I return the favour. Just believe in me. 454 00:35:39,596 --> 00:35:41,724 It's burning. Kill me. Then it won't happen. 455 00:35:42,891 --> 00:35:44,985 That's enough. I've got you. 456 00:35:45,101 --> 00:35:49,982 There's this process... this thing that happens if I'm about to die... 457 00:35:50,065 --> 00:35:53,490 Shh! Quiet now, 'cause that is not going to happen. 458 00:35:53,568 --> 00:35:55,946 - You ready? - No. 459 00:36:17,884 --> 00:36:21,229 Heat shields failing at 5%. 460 00:36:50,125 --> 00:36:53,129 No! Martha, you can't stop it! Not yet! 461 00:36:53,420 --> 00:36:56,264 - What happened? - The power's been cut in Engineering. 462 00:36:57,215 --> 00:37:00,765 - But who's down there? - Leave it to me. 463 00:37:07,600 --> 00:37:09,648 Impact in 4:47. 464 00:37:17,235 --> 00:37:19,033 Are we gonna do it in time? 465 00:37:25,326 --> 00:37:27,454 Come on, you're defrosting. 466 00:37:27,996 --> 00:37:31,091 Martha, listen, I could go at any moment. You've got to go. 467 00:37:31,166 --> 00:37:34,716 - No way. - Get to the front. Vent the engines. 468 00:37:35,754 --> 00:37:37,597 Sun particles in the fuel. Get rid of them. 469 00:37:37,672 --> 00:37:40,016 - I am not leaving you. - You've got to! 470 00:37:41,259 --> 00:37:43,136 Give back what they took. 471 00:37:43,219 --> 00:37:45,688 - Doctor. - Please, go! 472 00:37:46,389 --> 00:37:48,016 I'll be back for you. 473 00:37:48,183 --> 00:37:50,231 Impact in 4:08. 474 00:37:58,860 --> 00:38:03,491 You were right. It was my fault. 475 00:38:13,708 --> 00:38:16,461 Impact in 3:43. 476 00:38:57,919 --> 00:39:01,765 I didn't know. I really didn't know. 477 00:39:02,215 --> 00:39:03,967 Korwin, please stop. 478 00:39:06,052 --> 00:39:09,101 Everyone must burn. 479 00:39:12,642 --> 00:39:16,112 Riley, Scannell, I'm sorry. 480 00:39:16,354 --> 00:39:18,322 McDonnell! McDonnell! 481 00:39:21,109 --> 00:39:22,952 I love you. 482 00:39:34,289 --> 00:39:36,667 Exterior airlock opened. 483 00:39:37,417 --> 00:39:39,795 It's the last door. We've got to keep going. 484 00:39:44,340 --> 00:39:46,809 Impact in 2:77. 485 00:39:51,472 --> 00:39:56,603 Primary engine critical. Repeat', primary engine critical. 486 00:40:10,742 --> 00:40:14,121 Survival estimate projection, 0%. 487 00:40:20,668 --> 00:40:21,760 Martha! 488 00:40:23,004 --> 00:40:27,054 Doctor! What are you doing? 489 00:40:28,843 --> 00:40:30,060 I can't fight it. 490 00:40:31,846 --> 00:40:33,189 Keep back, Martha! 491 00:40:37,393 --> 00:40:38,519 Burn with me. 492 00:40:38,937 --> 00:40:41,440 Burn with me, Martha. 493 00:40:41,981 --> 00:40:44,200 Impact in 7:27. 494 00:40:48,571 --> 00:40:49,868 Got it! 495 00:40:50,531 --> 00:40:53,125 Life support systems reaching critical. 496 00:40:53,201 --> 00:40:56,501 Repeat, life support systems reaching critical. 497 00:40:57,622 --> 00:40:59,841 Impact in 7:06. 498 00:41:01,084 --> 00:41:03,587 Collision alert. Collision alert. 499 00:41:03,670 --> 00:41:05,889 It's not working. Why is it not working? 500 00:41:05,964 --> 00:41:09,468 Collision alert. Fifty eight seconds to fatal impact. 501 00:41:09,550 --> 00:41:13,054 - Vent the engines. Dump the fuel. - What? 502 00:41:13,137 --> 00:41:18,268 Sun particles in the fuel. Get rid of them. Do it. Now! 503 00:41:24,273 --> 00:41:26,071 Come on, Doctor, hold on. 504 00:41:28,653 --> 00:41:33,079 Fuel dump in progress. Fuel dump in progress. 505 00:41:55,263 --> 00:41:58,107 Ah, the engines are firing! 506 00:42:09,777 --> 00:42:15,284 Impact averted. Impact averted. Impact averted. 507 00:42:20,621 --> 00:42:22,464 We're clear. 508 00:42:24,709 --> 00:42:26,757 We've got just enough reserves. 509 00:42:31,466 --> 00:42:33,343 Doctor! 510 00:42:56,324 --> 00:42:59,294 - This is never your ship. - Compact, eh? 511 00:42:59,827 --> 00:43:04,924 And another good word, robust. Barely a scorch mark on her. 512 00:43:05,166 --> 00:43:07,089 We can't just leave you drifting with no fuel. 513 00:43:07,251 --> 00:43:09,049 We've sent out an official mayday. 514 00:43:09,170 --> 00:43:10,922 The authorities will pick us up soon enough. 515 00:43:11,005 --> 00:43:14,179 - Though how we explain what happened... - Just tell them. 516 00:43:14,258 --> 00:43:17,637 That sun needs care and protection, just like any other living thing. 517 00:43:19,847 --> 00:43:23,943 So you're off, then. 518 00:43:25,478 --> 00:43:29,904 - No chance I'll see you again? - Not really. 519 00:43:30,942 --> 00:43:34,537 It was nice, not dying with you. 520 00:43:37,740 --> 00:43:40,619 I reckon you'll find someone worth believing in. 521 00:43:41,369 --> 00:43:43,371 I think I already did. 522 00:43:58,344 --> 00:44:02,065 Well done. Very hot. 523 00:44:05,101 --> 00:44:08,401 So, didn't really need you in the end, did we? 524 00:44:11,357 --> 00:44:12,700 Sorry. 525 00:44:14,569 --> 00:44:16,071 How are you doing? 526 00:44:17,405 --> 00:44:18,998 Now, what do you say? 527 00:44:19,073 --> 00:44:21,997 Ice-skating on the mineral lakes of Kur-ha. Fancy it? 528 00:44:22,118 --> 00:44:23,870 Whatever you like. 529 00:44:26,998 --> 00:44:30,423 By the way, you'll be needing this. 530 00:44:32,628 --> 00:44:34,847 - Really? - Frequent flyers' privilege. 531 00:44:41,971 --> 00:44:45,726 - Thank you. - Don't mention it. 532 00:44:47,768 --> 00:44:50,738 Oh, no! Mum! 533 00:44:57,528 --> 00:44:58,620 Hello? 534 00:44:58,946 --> 00:45:01,449 - It's me again. - Three calls in one day. 535 00:45:01,657 --> 00:45:04,627 I'm sorry about earlier. Over-emotional mad day. 536 00:45:04,744 --> 00:45:06,963 What are you doing tonight? Why don't you come round? 537 00:45:07,038 --> 00:45:09,132 I'll make something nice and we can catch up. 538 00:45:09,874 --> 00:45:13,128 Yeah, tonight. Do my best. 539 00:45:13,419 --> 00:45:15,513 Just remind me, what day is it again? 540 00:45:15,630 --> 00:45:18,258 - Election day. - Right. Of course. 541 00:45:18,424 --> 00:45:20,597 I'll be round for tea, roughly. 542 00:45:20,718 --> 00:45:22,595 - And what about... - Anyway, I've got to go. 543 00:45:22,678 --> 00:45:24,726 See you later. Love you. 544 00:45:38,236 --> 00:45:40,364 - That's all? - For now. 545 00:45:40,863 --> 00:45:42,786 - Have you voted? - Of course. 546 00:45:43,324 --> 00:45:45,702 Just don't expect me to tell you who for. 547 00:45:45,785 --> 00:45:50,291 Thanks for all you're doing, Mrs Jones. Mr Saxon will be very grateful. 548 00:45:57,713 --> 00:45:59,681 Martha, this watch is... 549 00:46:01,175 --> 00:46:03,519 If anything goes wrong, it's all down to you, Martha. 550 00:46:05,263 --> 00:46:07,561 It's Monday, November 10, 1913. 551 00:46:08,849 --> 00:46:11,147 - We make quite a team. - Don't we just. 552 00:46:11,227 --> 00:46:12,747 You've quite an eye for a pretty girl. 553 00:46:12,812 --> 00:46:13,859 Look in the sky. 554 00:46:14,021 --> 00:46:15,273 Help me! 555 00:46:23,823 --> 00:46:27,498 "Completely human". Hmm. 555 00:46:28,305 --> 00:46:34,840 Support us and become VIP member to remove all ads from www.OpenSubtitles.org