1 00:00:00,500 --> 00:00:02,000 www.tvsubtitles.net 2 00:00:13,552 --> 00:00:15,147 In 20 years of teaching, 3 00:00:15,148 --> 00:00:18,373 I've never received evaluation comments like these. 4 00:00:18,392 --> 00:00:19,638 "Boring. " Me? 5 00:00:19,639 --> 00:00:22,231 "Intellectually... inaccessible" 6 00:00:22,559 --> 00:00:26,701 I thought we cameup on this hike to get your mind off of this ridiculous thing. 7 00:00:27,271 --> 00:00:30,693 I mean, one student even said I'm out of touch with cutting-edgehinking 8 00:00:30,895 --> 00:00:32,612 in multidimensional theory. 9 00:00:33,038 --> 00:00:35,080 That one alone kept me up at night. 10 00:00:35,627 --> 00:00:38,998 Everybody gets bad evaluations now and then. Come on! 11 00:00:38,999 --> 00:00:42,553 Yeah, yeah, says the professor who never receed anything less than a rave. 12 00:00:43,160 --> 00:00:46,638 As with any large group, there are responses that cover the entire spectrum. 13 00:00:46,640 --> 00:00:51,228 I once had a girl in my combinatronics seminar tell me that I was disorganized and I talked too fast. 14 00:00:51,707 --> 00:00:53,660 That's an accurate observation, actually. 15 00:00:54,243 --> 00:00:56,461 But, generally speaking, I mean, your students love you, 16 00:00:56,462 --> 00:00:58,623 whereas mine say my classes put them to sleep. 17 00:00:58,916 --> 00:01:00,481 You're an exceptional professor. 18 00:01:00,482 --> 00:01:02,025 I shld know,I took classes from you. 19 00:01:02,026 --> 00:01:04,098 Yeah, but you were an exceptional young mind. 20 00:01:04,099 --> 00:01:08,148 Perhaps I've lost my ability to reach the more typical student. 21 00:01:08,149 --> 00:01:10,481 - Hey, Professor Fleinhardt. - Hey, how's it... How's it... 22 00:01:10,854 --> 00:01:11,348 How's it... 23 00:01:11,853 --> 00:01:13,846 How-how you... How you... How you... 24 00:01:13,884 --> 00:01:16,973 See, we're not even in class, and still my students run away from me. 25 00:01:18,318 --> 00:01:19,462 I don't think that's it. 26 00:01:24,482 --> 00:01:25,476 Right... 27 00:01:26,212 --> 00:01:27,577 They're right down this way. Come on. 28 00:01:28,228 --> 00:01:29,075 Hurry, man. 29 00:01:41,013 --> 00:01:42,120 So who do we have here? 30 00:01:42,618 --> 00:01:46,023 Finn Montgomery. Male, white, 21.CalSci student I.D. 31 00:01:46,025 --> 00:01:47,624 No way! It is Finn Montgomery! 32 00:01:47,966 --> 00:01:48,930 He jumped. 33 00:01:50,015 --> 00:01:50,493 Professor, 34 00:01:51,103 --> 00:01:53,048 my name isn't Montgomery. Uh... 35 00:01:55,004 --> 00:01:57,466 Sadly, it happens all the time. 36 00:01:57,467 --> 00:01:58,336 Any witnesses? 37 00:01:58,463 --> 00:02:00,343 Not for the launch. A couple after the landing. 38 00:02:00,503 --> 00:02:02,762 Textbook header, probable suicide. 39 00:02:03,619 --> 00:02:04,503 This is terrible. 40 00:02:07,176 --> 00:02:11,382 I- I can really use your advice on some calculations in my engineering thesis. 41 00:02:17,070 --> 00:02:19,586 Well, he could have stepped off the brid instead of jumping. 42 00:02:26,372 --> 00:02:29,375 Well, look, there'not a lot of wind around here. How much effect would that have? 43 00:02:29,616 --> 00:02:31,059 Finn was wearing a windbreaker. 44 00:02:31,060 --> 00:02:31,972 It's nonpermeable. 45 00:02:31,973 --> 00:02:35,922 It offers an increased surface area for the wind to act upon, especially if he was moving. 46 00:02:36,408 --> 00:02:39,402 But if we look at the point of impact, that's not what we see. 47 00:02:40,044 --> 00:02:43,164 Wind and gravity are constant, leaving only the surface area. 48 00:02:43,165 --> 00:02:45,023 Somehow, that was reduced. 49 00:02:45,181 --> 00:02:46,947 What are you saying, he was unconscious? 50 00:02:47,361 --> 00:02:48,356 Or dead already. 51 00:02:53,457 --> 00:02:57,012 What's the difference between where he should have landed,if it was a suicide, and where he landed? 52 00:02:57,013 --> 00:02:59,470 A foot to 18 inches. 53 00:02:59,471 --> 00:03:00,328 A foot?! 54 00:03:00,329 --> 00:03:01,860 Outside the margin of error. 55 00:03:01,861 --> 00:03:03,818 Listen, unless there is a clear and compelli reason, 56 00:03:03,819 --> 00:03:08,074 I can't get the FBI to interfere in local investigation because my brother has a theory. 57 00:03:08,132 --> 00:03:09,204 That's not the way it works. 58 00:03:09,205 --> 00:03:12,344 There are indications that Finn Montgomery did not jump off this bridge. 59 00:03:12,345 --> 00:03:14,927 Yeah, and to me, there's indications this is not just about physics. 60 00:03:18,138 --> 00:03:19,755 Please, if you can just take a quick look, uh... 61 00:03:21,742 --> 00:03:24,548 Look, everything I told you about the fall still holds up. 62 00:03:25,632 --> 00:03:28,257 But, yeah, Finn Montgomery was in my office two days ago. 63 00:03:32,479 --> 00:03:33,869 We all use math every day... 64 00:03:34,691 --> 00:03:36,105 to forecast weather... 65 00:03:37,893 --> 00:03:38,961 to tell time... 66 00:03:40,583 --> 00:03:41,250 to handle money... 67 00:03:43,039 --> 00:03:45,584 Math is more than formulas and equations... 68 00:03:47,467 --> 00:03:48,340 It's logic... 69 00:03:50,427 --> 00:03:51,425 It's rationality... 70 00:03:52,797 --> 00:03:56,831 It's using your mind to solve the biggest mysteries we know. 71 00:04:08,138 --> 00:04:10,800 Look, Charlie, this is the kind of information I need up front. 72 00:04:11,520 --> 00:04:13,920 If the kid wasn't one of your students, then why did he come and seeou? 73 00:04:13,921 --> 00:04:15,275 CalScis a small university. 74 00:04:15,276 --> 00:04:16,724 It's a tight community. 75 00:04:16,918 --> 00:04:20,150 Students often consult professors outside of their department. 76 00:04:20,719 --> 00:04:23,715 He never tried to contact you again... e-mail or...? 77 00:04:24,265 --> 00:04:25,180 Maybe I was too... 78 00:04:25,857 --> 00:04:27,126 - unapproachable, I-I don't know. 79 00:04:27,127 --> 00:04:29,080 Yeah, well, maybe it had nothing to do with you. 80 00:04:31,247 --> 00:04:33,246 But what if he was trying to tell me something? 81 00:04:35,600 --> 00:04:37,559 All right, look, I'll make some phone calls. 82 00:04:37,560 --> 00:04:40,281 But the FBI can't just insert themselves in these kind of things. 83 00:04:40,282 --> 00:04:42,531 If the police closed the case, they might not mind me looking around. 84 00:04:42,532 --> 00:04:44,207 I understand, and thank you. 85 00:04:44,208 --> 00:04:45,987 I- I really appreciate it. 86 00:04:46,466 --> 00:04:49,400 I mean, I'm not convinced this is anything more than what it looks like. 87 00:04:52,935 --> 00:04:55,304 You never mentioned that you had a Fed for a brother. 88 00:04:55,755 --> 00:04:56,570 A "Fed"? 89 00:04:56,588 --> 00:04:59,254 I didn't think it'd be much of a selling point with you, Eva. 90 00:04:59,592 --> 00:05:04,116 My views on government intrusion into academia are rather firm. 91 00:05:04,713 --> 00:05:07,217 Oh, yeah? Would that be too firm to talk about Finn Montgomery? 92 00:05:07,730 --> 00:05:09,873 His suicide or the Malone scandal? 93 00:05:10,308 --> 00:05:10,855 Scandal? 94 00:05:10,856 --> 00:05:15,453 Yeah, another student, Brian Malone, was expelled two weeks ago for falsifying data in a lab result, right? 95 00:05:15,454 --> 00:05:19,313 Finn filed the honor code violations that led to Brian's expulsion. 96 00:05:19,315 --> 00:05:21,569 Did they get into any confrontation over that? 97 00:05:21,570 --> 00:05:24,589 Violence isn't an automatic response to conflict, Agent Epps. 98 00:05:24,657 --> 00:05:26,731 No, but it's a popular one, Ms. Salton. 99 00:05:27,826 --> 00:05:30,841 Eva, what was Finn's thesis topic? 100 00:05:30,843 --> 00:05:34,965 It was an engineer's pspective on the work of architect Gaar Haybridge. 101 00:05:35,720 --> 00:05:37,670 He designed the Cole Center downtown. 102 00:05:37,671 --> 00:05:39,855 Right, he also did e Keyerleber Annex. 103 00:05:39,901 --> 00:05:42,750 Something very inviting about that entrance, don't you think? 104 00:05:43,287 --> 00:05:44,207 Yes, there is. 105 00:05:45,263 --> 00:05:46,696 Finn was an intense kid. 106 00:05:46,697 --> 00:05:50,709 He was obsessive about researching his thesis, but he was falling behind schedule. 107 00:05:50,736 --> 00:05:53,478 When you say intense, you mean intense enough to kill himself? 108 00:05:57,694 --> 00:05:58,526 All right, wl 109 00:05:58,902 --> 00:06:00,282 I'd like to take a look at his research. 110 00:06:02,124 --> 00:06:05,938 Here is the key to his office in the library. 111 00:06:06,999 --> 00:06:08,785 Thanks for your cooperation, Mrs. Salton. 112 00:06:08,985 --> 00:06:10,598 Anytime, Fed. 113 00:06:10,633 --> 00:06:12,212 Thanks, Eva. 114 00:06:13,679 --> 00:06:14,905 "Keyerleber Annex"? 115 00:06:14,906 --> 00:06:17,002 Yeah, well, I was actually staking out a bank 116 00:06:17,003 --> 00:06:22,021 for three weeks right across the street and they had a plaque that described its architectural significance. 117 00:06:22,180 --> 00:06:24,696 Look, I think we should check out this kid's work, all right? 118 00:06:24,697 --> 00:06:26,709 You think his research has some bearing on his death? 119 00:06:26,710 --> 00:06:30,557 Sure. If he was hitting dead ends, or he was late on his thesis, I mean, it might. 120 00:06:42,220 --> 00:06:43,059 Excuse me. 121 00:06:43,765 --> 00:06:45,208 Uh, can we help you? 122 00:06:45,616 --> 00:06:48,202 I'm a professor in the math department, 123 00:06:49,205 --> 00:06:50,242 Charlie Epps. 124 00:06:51,920 --> 00:06:54,181 I'm really just so sorry for your loss. 125 00:06:54,582 --> 00:06:56,245 You just need to excuse me. 126 00:06:58,923 --> 00:06:59,775 Honey... 127 00:07:03,989 --> 00:07:04,983 Are you, uh... 128 00:07:05,543 --> 00:07:07,577 Were you one of Finn's teachers? 129 00:07:07,579 --> 00:07:08,562 No, I wasn't. 130 00:07:09,979 --> 00:07:14,179 He had come to me fosome help with some calculations that he was doing for his thesis. 131 00:07:15,074 --> 00:07:16,264 That thesis... 132 00:07:17,367 --> 00:07:19,405 he was under a lot of pressure trying to get that done. 133 00:07:21,114 --> 00:07:23,872 He sounded tired, frustrated... 134 00:07:24,299 --> 00:07:26,032 that people didn't understand his work. 135 00:07:26,875 --> 00:07:28,315 I didn't understand it either. 136 00:07:29,109 --> 00:07:30,770 He was speaking a different language. 137 00:07:31,867 --> 00:07:34,536 Maybe if I'd slowed down, taken more time with him... 138 00:07:36,847 --> 00:07:38,981 These are beautiful sketches, Mr. Montgomery. 139 00:07:39,778 --> 00:07:41,555 They're all Haybridge buildings. 140 00:07:42,905 --> 00:07:45,160 Finn said the designs were perfect. 141 00:07:46,822 --> 00:07:48,928 He could see so much more than I ever could. 142 00:07:51,471 --> 00:07:53,529 Mr. Montgomery, would you mind if I, um, 143 00:07:53,870 --> 00:07:58,488 looked over so of Finn's research? Because he asked me for help on his thesis. 144 00:08:00,420 --> 00:08:01,878 When you're done, would you... 145 00:08:03,407 --> 00:08:04,650 would you walk me through it? 146 00:08:05,500 --> 00:08:09,430 If I can understand my son's life a little bit better, I mighbe able to understand why he died. 147 00:08:25,445 --> 00:08:27,056 I mean, I really don't think it's murder, 148 00:08:27,057 --> 00:08:30,166 but Charlie's got something stuck in his craw and he's done right by us, so... 149 00:08:30,167 --> 00:08:33,129 David and I will drop by the medical examiner's, see what he has to say. 150 00:08:33,215 --> 00:08:34,500 It's got to be on the side, right? 151 00:08:34,501 --> 00:08:37,238 If it weren't my brother, I'd never hear the end of it. I'd stay away. 152 00:08:37,239 --> 00:08:37,786 Okay... 153 00:08:38,168 --> 00:08:40,852 And I can check out the kid's bio for signs he was depressed. 154 00:08:40,863 --> 00:08:43,344 Well, on behalf of the Brothers Epps, I thank you. 155 00:08:43,445 --> 00:08:44,392 I'll talk to you later. 156 00:08:45,830 --> 00:08:47,164 You know, you didn't have to come with me. 157 00:08:47,165 --> 00:08:49,383 It's your first jumper... they can be a little intense. 158 00:08:49,837 --> 00:08:53,763 So, what's the FBI doing, nosing around a probable suicide? 159 00:08:53,767 --> 00:08:55,851 Agent Epps has a personal connection to the case. 160 00:08:57,992 --> 00:09:01,040 As you can see, victim suffered extensive facial trauma. 161 00:09:01,247 --> 00:09:02,168 Broken jaw, 162 00:09:02,564 --> 00:09:04,189 busted zygomatic arch, 163 00:09:04,679 --> 00:09:06,601 typicawith face-first falls. 164 00:09:07,109 --> 00:09:08,851 Skull damage is extensive. 165 00:09:09,511 --> 00:09:11,619 Cause of death was impact from the fall. 166 00:09:12,118 --> 00:09:15,858 Any indication that he was attacked or knocked unconscious prior to falng? 167 00:09:16,059 --> 00:09:18,788 If anything happened to his face, it would be impossible to tell. 168 00:09:18,909 --> 00:09:22,477 But none of his other injuries suggest an altercation or struggle. 169 00:09:23,112 --> 00:09:24,291 You okay? 170 00:09:24,934 --> 00:09:25,723 Yeah. 171 00:09:27,124 --> 00:09:28,833 John, what's, what's our bottom line? 172 00:09:29,294 --> 00:09:31,069 Odds are, this is a suicide. 173 00:09:32,132 --> 00:09:34,757 But I can't rule out completely a homicide. 174 00:09:36,445 --> 00:09:38,124 Thank you. Come on, let's go. 175 00:09:38,779 --> 00:09:40,880 I understand Finn got you kicked out of here? 176 00:09:41,367 --> 00:09:42,848 Montgomery could've come to me, 177 00:09:43,667 --> 00:09:45,886 given me a chance to redo the experiment. 178 00:09:46,997 --> 00:09:47,936 I would have done that. 179 00:09:47,961 --> 00:09:51,104 And, instead, he gets you booted out of school. Boy, I know how that'd make me feel. 180 00:09:51,387 --> 00:09:54,019 I'm not saying I didn't fantasize about throwing him off a bridge. 181 00:09:57,022 --> 00:09:59,233 His girlfriend dumped him a couple weeks ago, you know. 182 00:09:59,255 --> 00:10:01,916 And he was always stressing out about his thesis. 183 00:10:02,591 --> 00:10:03,683 That's normal, isn't it? 184 00:10:04,296 --> 00:10:05,669 Finn took it to the next level. 185 00:10:07,650 --> 00:10:09,016 Brian, where were you last night? 186 00:10:09,810 --> 00:10:11,472 Friends came by to help me pack. 187 00:10:12,254 --> 00:10:15,549 Crashed around 6:00 a. m. Am I a murr suspect? 188 00:10:16,473 --> 00:10:17,968 That's actually kind of cool. 189 00:10:18,240 --> 00:10:18,869 That's funny. 190 00:10:18,940 --> 00:10:20,111 I'm going to need the names... 191 00:10:20,898 --> 00:10:22,375 numbers of your friends. 192 00:10:29,477 --> 00:10:30,037 Dad... 193 00:10:30,577 --> 00:10:32,736 what are you doing here? I called you; you hadn't called me back. 194 00:10:32,863 --> 00:10:34,799 I would've entually. Is everything okay? 195 00:10:34,800 --> 00:10:37,024 Yeah, yeah, sure. I need you to come to dinner 196 00:10:37,407 --> 00:10:38,967 at the house on Wednesday. um... 197 00:10:39,223 --> 00:10:40,096 I have a date. 198 00:10:40,672 --> 00:10:44,038 Oh, yeah, a date? Hey, well, that's good. With who? 199 00:10:44,129 --> 00:10:45,852 Oh, someone Art knows from yoga. 200 00:10:46,125 --> 00:10:47,189 Yeah, her name's Jill. 201 00:10:47,190 --> 00:10:48,948 He says she's smart, she's funny and, uh, 202 00:10:49,033 --> 00:10:50,523 quite flexible. 203 00:10:50,644 --> 00:10:54,105 So I... we're having dinner at the house and I would like you to be there. 204 00:10:54,676 --> 00:10:58,639 Wow, hey, no. Just take her somewhere low-key. You'll be fine. 205 00:10:58,640 --> 00:11:02,327 Look, it's my first date in over 35 years. I would like "memorable" instead of "low-key. " 206 00:11:02,328 --> 00:11:04,440 "Low-key" and "memorable" aren't mutually exclusive. 207 00:11:04,442 --> 00:11:07,865 You know what my favorite date ever was? Peeroni pizza in a Laundromat. 208 00:11:07,866 --> 00:11:10,784 Yes, which explains the conspicuous absence of grandchildren. 209 00:11:10,785 --> 00:11:12,517 So, Wednesda 7:30. 210 00:11:12,532 --> 00:11:13,120 Bring a date? 211 00:11:13,121 --> 00:11:16,770 I can't. Dad, I'm busy, and I don't anticipate meeting anyone between now and then either. 212 00:11:16,771 --> 00:11:18,728 No, I just want to make it a couples thing, you know. 213 00:11:18,931 --> 00:11:20,335 Looking like, seeming like... 214 00:11:22,340 --> 00:11:23,497 Hi. Hey. 215 00:11:23,498 --> 00:11:24,414 Mr. Epps. 216 00:11:25,330 --> 00:11:26,593 Good to see you. You, too. 217 00:11:27,826 --> 00:11:28,921 You'll think of something. 218 00:11:31,441 --> 00:11:34,672 Give me a forensic psychologist's take on Finn Montgomery. 219 00:11:34,805 --> 00:11:39,269 He went to university mental health four times during the past two months for major depression. 220 00:11:39,304 --> 00:11:42,410 Insurance records show he ran out of his anti-depressant three weeks ago 221 00:11:42,411 --> 00:11:43,704 never got a refill. 222 00:11:43,713 --> 00:11:45,990 All right, so he breaks up with his girlfriend, 223 00:11:46,222 --> 00:11:48,769 he falls behind on his work, he stops taking the meds. 224 00:11:48,770 --> 00:11:51,075 >From a forensic psychologist's point of view, it is what it is. 225 00:11:51,076 --> 00:11:52,345 It is what it is. 226 00:12:01,263 --> 00:12:02,629 Oh, hey, Charlie. Here you are. 227 00:12:03,529 --> 00:12:07,387 Hey, I'm going through Finn's research. He's made some very interesting observations. 228 00:12:07,388 --> 00:12:10,260 May I show you? I'm sorry. I just came by to tell you we cannot take this any further. 229 00:12:10,261 --> 00:12:12,539 I mean, to us, it's clearly a suicide. 230 00:12:12,540 --> 00:12:13,865 No, I don't think so. 231 00:12:13,866 --> 00:12:18,948 I know you don't want to think so, but listen, if you just step back from your personal feelings, I think you'll see... 232 00:12:19,981 --> 00:12:23,905 Look, I'm not denying that I feel some component of guilt. 233 00:12:23,906 --> 00:12:27,236 But I've made these adjustments based solely on the circumstances involved. 234 00:12:27,237 --> 00:12:29,268 This kid had some serious problems, okay? 235 00:12:29,269 --> 00:12:30,983 A student conference was not going to save his life. 236 00:12:30,984 --> 00:12:33,079 Don't assume I'm being so irrational, you know? 237 00:12:33,080 --> 00:12:36,237 Just because I'm not as detached as you are. Hey, hold it. 238 00:12:36,238 --> 00:12:39,574 Look, you got no idea the daily horrors my job serves up to me. 239 00:12:39,575 --> 00:12:42,816 Detached. yeah, you're right, I'm detached. That's how I function. 240 00:12:42,817 --> 00:12:44,691 I'm sorry, I know, I know. 241 00:12:44,692 --> 00:12:46,975 No, you don't know. Look, Charlie, I'm glad you don't know. 242 00:12:48,663 --> 00:12:50,460 Terry and David gave you a day. 243 00:12:50,461 --> 00:12:52,092 Okay,I pulled some favors for you. 244 00:12:52,093 --> 00:12:54,959 These people work hard. I can't spend any more resources on this. 245 00:12:54,960 --> 00:12:57,224 You won't, you mean. You won't Right, I won't. 246 00:12:57,574 --> 00:12:58,465 Larry. 247 00:12:58,556 --> 00:12:59,970 Hey, Don, how's it...? Good. 248 00:12:59,971 --> 00:13:00,549 Okay. 249 00:13:11,852 --> 00:13:13,096 Something I can help you with? 250 00:13:33,101 --> 00:13:34,206 Well, it's evident 251 00:13:34,321 --> 00:13:39,202 Finn was obsessed with the design and construction of the Cole Center Building. 252 00:13:39,522 --> 00:13:42,297 There was some problem here that he was trying to solve, 253 00:13:43,122 --> 00:13:44,491 that he needed my help with. 254 00:13:44,492 --> 00:13:48,084 So we must infer that it involves math. 255 00:13:50,290 --> 00:13:53,201 Oh... if I'd given him five minutes... 256 00:13:53,202 --> 00:13:55,361 well, or ten... or a week. 257 00:13:55,897 --> 00:13:58,357 It might've made all the difference in the world or none at all. 258 00:13:58,728 --> 00:14:00,308 You know, Charlie, look at this way... 259 00:14:00,472 --> 00:14:02,211 you've got Einstein, 260 00:14:02,282 --> 00:14:05,198 dead for decades... Descartes... centuries. 261 00:14:05,217 --> 00:14:09,237 A scholar's research continues speak long after he's gone. 262 00:14:09,238 --> 00:14:11,814 And somewhere, in all of this, 263 00:14:12,567 --> 00:14:15,636 Finn Montgomery's going to find a way to talk to you. 264 00:14:16,388 --> 00:14:17,547 Well, let's see, 265 00:14:17,582 --> 00:14:20,162 he's got engineering plans, 266 00:14:20,579 --> 00:14:23,058 soil reports, inspection updats. 267 00:14:24,971 --> 00:14:26,237 Meteorological data. 268 00:14:27,810 --> 00:14:31,821 Well, how does that relate to a thesis on Gaar Haybridge and the Cole Center Building? 269 00:14:31,822 --> 00:14:39,218 The same math used in aeronautical design and fluid dynamics also predicts how a building behaves in wind. 270 00:14:39,219 --> 00:14:44,433 And he was interested in knowing how the building would react to different weather conditions. 271 00:14:46,428 --> 00:14:49,390 Suggests that he was investigating a structural issue. 272 00:14:50,284 --> 00:14:52,901 I need to check out the Cole Center in person. 273 00:15:39,997 --> 00:15:40,879 Excuse me. 274 00:15:42,287 --> 00:15:43,007 What are you doing? 275 00:15:43,008 --> 00:15:45,420 A simple experiment. It's a pendulum. 276 00:15:45,686 --> 00:15:48,426 Sir, you and the pendulum need to leave. 277 00:15:48,943 --> 00:15:49,789 Okay. 278 00:15:49,998 --> 00:15:50,847 It drew an ellipse. 279 00:15:50,848 --> 00:15:51,633 Now. 280 00:15:54,131 --> 00:15:56,703 On paper, the design's sound. 281 00:15:56,984 --> 00:15:59,246 >From the simple experiments I carried out, 282 00:15:59,438 --> 00:16:02,281 I can tell you that the construction of the Cole Center 283 00:16:02,282 --> 00:16:03,794 does not match these plans... 284 00:16:03,795 --> 00:16:07,306 that in fact,the building experiences excessive wind deflection. 285 00:16:07,307 --> 00:16:08,712 For the non-engineers here...? 286 00:16:08,728 --> 00:16:09,517 Deflection? 287 00:16:09,518 --> 00:16:13,248 Uh, the degree to which a vertical line bends when force is applied. 288 00:16:13,308 --> 00:16:15,435 A stalk of wheat deflects a lot. 289 00:16:15,597 --> 00:16:17,370 An oak tree much less so. 290 00:16:17,371 --> 00:16:19,678 Bottom line me. Is the building unsafe? 291 00:16:20,018 --> 00:16:22,680 I'd need to run some simulations, I need to find out, 292 00:16:22,681 --> 00:16:26,120 you know, what are we talking about. Are we talking abo cracked plaster 293 00:16:26,121 --> 00:16:27,982 or something way more serious? 294 00:16:35,425 --> 00:16:38,798 Finn believed something was seriously wrong 295 00:16:39,329 --> 00:16:41,389 with this building, but he didn't know what it was. 296 00:16:42,784 --> 00:16:46,057 I have to answer that question for him. 297 00:16:46,774 --> 00:16:51,514 The data I collected yesterday showed me that the Cole Center deflects six degrees in 30-mile-per-hour winds, 298 00:16:51,515 --> 00:16:54,608 so I've programmed this model to do exactly the same. 299 00:16:54,610 --> 00:16:57,384 It won't pinpoint a specific structural problem... 300 00:16:57,385 --> 00:17:01,409 But it'll show how a building that deflects that much will react under different types of stresses. That's right. 301 00:17:04,237 --> 00:17:07,580 If Charlie's right, and the Cole Center wasn't built according to its plans... 302 00:17:07,679 --> 00:17:09,426 Someone made a legitimate mistake 303 00:17:09,431 --> 00:17:12,260 or committed fraud, which makeFinn a potential whistle-blower, 304 00:17:12,295 --> 00:17:15,090 and that exposes the Cole to millions in damages and repairs. 305 00:17:15,091 --> 00:17:17,309 Not to mention a lot of bad publicity for the building 306 00:17:17,310 --> 00:17:19,487 and everyone whose name is on it... architect, contractor... 307 00:17:19,522 --> 00:17:20,244 Owner. 308 00:17:20,628 --> 00:17:24,360 Finn Montgomery's phone records have him calling Elliot Cole's office several times. 309 00:17:24,596 --> 00:17:27,689 As well as Haybridge, the architect, and Nevelson Ctracting. 310 00:17:27,695 --> 00:17:29,566 We have motive and suspects. 311 00:17:29,667 --> 00:17:32,257 Yeah, what we don't have is evidence of a homicide. 312 00:17:33,043 --> 00:17:36,254 I was finishing up the Montgomery autopsy and found this. 313 00:17:36,569 --> 00:17:37,573 Wasn't here before. 314 00:17:38,192 --> 00:17:41,160 when the heart stops, so does the flow of blood to broken vessels. 315 00:17:41,491 --> 00:17:42,904 But fluids thinner than blood 316 00:17:42,910 --> 00:17:44,824 keep moving, very slowly. 317 00:17:44,850 --> 00:17:50,093 As a result, injuries incurred just pri to death take at least 24 hours for e bruising to occur. 318 00:17:50,793 --> 00:17:53,825 So Finn Montgomery was injured before he fell off that bridge. 319 00:17:54,102 --> 00:17:58,257 This could be a defensive wound from an object like a pipe. Someone swung at his head... 320 00:17:58,532 --> 00:17:59,912 He put up his arm to block it maybe. 321 00:17:59,918 --> 00:18:01,589 Of course, it could have been self-inflicted. 322 00:18:01,590 --> 00:18:05,839 Maybe while he was climbing over the rail, or maybe he struck s arm on the way down. 323 00:18:05,948 --> 00:18:07,801 Those are two very different "could haves. " 324 00:18:07,859 --> 00:18:09,308 Get me the object used. 325 00:18:09,309 --> 00:18:11,603 I might be able to match it back to the injury. 326 00:18:11,660 --> 00:18:12,409 Okay. 327 00:18:14,070 --> 00:18:16,579 Mr. Nevelson, we'd like to talk to you about Finn Montgomery. 328 00:18:16,600 --> 00:18:19,432 He called you about structural problems with the Cole Center. 329 00:18:20,068 --> 00:18:23,421 If I answered the phone for every amateur architect and random complaint, 330 00:18:23,431 --> 00:18:24,801 nothing would ever get built. 331 00:18:25,816 --> 00:18:27,990 Besides, I had enough trouble with the owner on that build; 332 00:18:28,922 --> 00:18:29,877 I wanted to move on. 333 00:18:29,878 --> 00:18:32,648 Elliot Cole has a reputation as a micromanager, right? 334 00:18:32,649 --> 00:18:34,778 Yeah. That's how I knew the kid was blowing smoke. 335 00:18:35,215 --> 00:18:36,801 Cole Center passed every inspection. 336 00:18:36,802 --> 00:18:38,104 Cole wouldn't have anything less. 337 00:18:38,151 --> 00:18:39,120 FBI! 338 00:18:40,460 --> 00:18:41,630 What'd we do wrong this time? 339 00:18:41,632 --> 00:18:42,896 What did you do wrong last time? 340 00:18:43,257 --> 00:18:45,210 This is Bob Mazzelli. Chief of Security. 341 00:18:45,315 --> 00:18:47,983 Are you aware that even without talking about inspections, 342 00:18:47,984 --> 00:18:50,665 the Cole Center doesn't match plans on file with the city. 343 00:18:50,666 --> 00:18:54,368 I don't know anything about that, but my guys did the work exactly the way they were supposed to. 344 00:18:54,574 --> 00:18:59,032 In '94, the city attorney investigated your company for a case involving stolen construction materials. 345 00:18:59,033 --> 00:19:01,065 They investigated seven companies, hon. 346 00:19:01,728 --> 00:19:03,423 Ours wasn't one of the two that got indicted. 347 00:19:03,709 --> 00:19:07,463 If you're hang problems with the Cole Center, I think you have to look for the lunatic that designed it... 348 00:19:08,013 --> 00:19:09,301 the architect... Haybridge. 349 00:19:10,533 --> 00:19:11,557 Okay. Thanks. 350 00:19:11,803 --> 00:19:12,656 Thanks. 351 00:19:14,105 --> 00:19:17,203 Is it just me, or you get the feeling that security guy kind of liked you? 352 00:19:17,460 --> 00:19:20,179 Cat and dog thing. Some guys like women who can handcuff them. 353 00:19:20,391 --> 00:19:21,534 Can't blame him for that. 354 00:19:25,007 --> 00:19:25,529 Hey... 355 00:19:26,831 --> 00:19:29,670 what are you doing for dinner tonight? My dad's cooking for his friend Jill. 356 00:19:30,393 --> 00:19:32,206 What, you mean like, a double date? 357 00:19:32,208 --> 00:19:34,199 No, no, I mean, he'd be on a date. 358 00:19:34,200 --> 00:19:35,475 You'd just be doing me a favor. 359 00:19:36,451 --> 00:19:37,507 We can talk about work. 360 00:19:37,508 --> 00:19:39,642 Nice to see your social skills are as sharp as ever. 361 00:19:39,645 --> 00:19:41,996 Terry, I'm just trying to be up-front. 362 00:19:41,997 --> 00:19:43,399 I don't want there to be any weirdness. 363 00:19:43,593 --> 00:19:44,744 You know, given our history. 364 00:19:44,745 --> 00:19:46,616 No weirdness, Don. Just history. 365 00:19:46,634 --> 00:19:47,545 That a "yes"? 366 00:19:48,749 --> 00:19:49,436 Maybe. 367 00:19:49,460 --> 00:19:50,649 If I let you bring your cuffs? 368 00:19:52,947 --> 00:19:53,956 Well, in that case... 369 00:19:55,212 --> 00:19:58,690 Mr. Haybridge,were you contacted about possible problems with the Cole Center? 370 00:19:58,691 --> 00:20:01,603 Yes, spoke with a Mr. Montgomery. 371 00:20:01,630 --> 00:20:03,039 I told him he was wrong. 372 00:20:03,675 --> 00:20:07,712 The Cole Center wouldn't be the first of your designs to have structural issues. 373 00:20:08,186 --> 00:20:10,688 - The concert hall in Seattle... - Had a minor problem. 374 00:20:11,017 --> 00:20:14,925 A quickly remedied minor problem. We experimented with thin concrete flooring, 375 00:20:14,926 --> 00:20:15,757 it didn't work out. 376 00:20:15,758 --> 00:20:19,900 I might also add the financiers only noticed the sagging when I brought it to their attention. 377 00:20:20,079 --> 00:20:22,299 Great. Do any experimenting with the Cole Center? 378 00:20:22,300 --> 00:20:22,603 No. 379 00:20:23,210 --> 00:20:26,163 Now, if you'll excuse me, I have clients waiting ck at the office. 380 00:20:26,164 --> 00:20:28,160 Mr. Haybridge, please don't make me follow you to your office 381 00:20:28,161 --> 00:20:32,087 and question you about fraud and possible murder in front of your clients. 382 00:20:35,444 --> 00:20:36,226 Look, 383 00:20:36,829 --> 00:20:41,410 the Cole Center is my signature building. But Cole froze me out after the design phase. 384 00:20:41,679 --> 00:20:42,601 Why would he do that? 385 00:20:42,602 --> 00:20:44,798 Because I'm Gaar Haybridge, 386 00:20:45,062 --> 00:20:47,268 and my buildings are famous because they're designed by me. 387 00:20:47,269 --> 00:20:49,865 Elliot Cole wanted to be the big man behind the Cole Center. 388 00:20:49,866 --> 00:20:51,421 You think he might have cut any corners, 389 00:20:52,127 --> 00:20:55,171 authorized any changes that could've compromised the structure's integrity? 390 00:20:55,194 --> 00:20:56,399 Not knowingly. 391 00:20:57,313 --> 00:20:59,197 Cole expects that building to last forever... 392 00:20:59,483 --> 00:21:01,246 as a monument to himself. 393 00:21:04,500 --> 00:21:07,443 Hi, I'm Rachel. Mr. Cole will be with you in a minute. You can follow me. 394 00:21:16,579 --> 00:21:18,684 He's just completed a call. Would you like a seat? 395 00:21:20,615 --> 00:21:21,077 Hi. 396 00:21:21,078 --> 00:21:22,060 Listen Hi. 397 00:21:22,322 --> 00:21:24,393 you're looking at equity of about $200 million. 398 00:21:25,850 --> 00:21:27,327 Because I know everything, Steven. 399 00:21:28,852 --> 00:21:30,850 Well, check your numbers and we'll talk tomorrow. 400 00:21:31,632 --> 00:21:32,440 Thank you. 401 00:21:33,062 --> 00:21:34,502 Sorry about that. How can I help you? 402 00:21:35,128 --> 00:21:38,917 We're looking into theeath of a young CalSci student named Finn Montgomery. 403 00:21:38,945 --> 00:21:40,335 Ever try a standing desk? 404 00:21:40,683 --> 00:21:41,791 It's fantastic. 405 00:21:41,792 --> 00:21:43,144 You know, Mozart used one. 406 00:21:43,907 --> 00:21:45,132 Uh, Montgomery... 407 00:21:45,133 --> 00:21:47,999 The engineering student who thought there was something wrong with the building. 408 00:21:48,000 --> 00:21:50,092 We directed his calls to the PR Department. 409 00:21:50,976 --> 00:21:52,454 Is this the Michaelson agreement? 410 00:21:52,601 --> 00:21:54,343 I don't see the changes I asked for. 411 00:21:54,344 --> 00:21:56,256 Yes, they're listed under Addendum C. 412 00:21:56,257 --> 00:21:59,080 Oh. He may have actually discovered a structural flaw in the building. 413 00:22:00,245 --> 00:22:07,021 A student found something that the architect, the project engineer,three dozen city inspectors,and I missed? 414 00:22:07,029 --> 00:22:07,728 Yes. 415 00:22:08,232 --> 00:22:10,788 It might explain why there's evidence Montgomery may have been murdered. 416 00:22:10,789 --> 00:22:12,182 Oh, I see. 417 00:22:12,556 --> 00:22:14,311 So we're talking conspiracy here. 418 00:22:14,331 --> 00:22:15,237 Here you go. Thank you. 419 00:22:15,238 --> 00:22:19,358 Well, you did put $300 million of your own money into the building. Is that coect? 420 00:22:19,359 --> 00:22:20,121 Yes. 421 00:22:20,543 --> 00:22:22,315 And the overruns forced you into bankruptcy? 422 00:22:22,602 --> 00:22:24,509 Yes, and the success of this building 423 00:22:24,964 --> 00:22:26,011 got me out of bankruptcy 424 00:22:26,175 --> 00:22:28,611 and into a very profitable phase of my career. 425 00:22:28,886 --> 00:22:31,325 Right. But during a non-profitable phase, 426 00:22:31,326 --> 00:22:35,047 it might make sense for you to do everything to stop hemorrhaging cash, right? 427 00:22:35,048 --> 00:22:36,618 I love spending money. 428 00:22:37,319 --> 00:22:38,386 I love making money. 429 00:22:39,237 --> 00:22:41,952 Taking risks comes with the territory on both. 430 00:22:41,953 --> 00:22:42,783 So, please, 431 00:22:42,791 --> 00:22:45,653 do your due diligence,send in an inspection team. 432 00:22:45,654 --> 00:22:47,479 This building is as safe as kittens. 433 00:22:50,093 --> 00:22:50,920 Thank you for your time. 434 00:22:50,921 --> 00:22:51,924 Oh, you're welcome. 435 00:22:51,925 --> 00:22:53,970 Uh... and if I did cut corners... 436 00:22:54,440 --> 00:22:57,220 if I had compromised the safety of this building in any way... 437 00:22:57,222 --> 00:22:58,721 would I have my office in it? 438 00:23:00,833 --> 00:23:01,826 We'll be in touch. 439 00:23:03,237 --> 00:23:07,396 Let's try an earthquake th a magnitude of 8.2. 440 00:23:09,328 --> 00:23:11,035 A minor structural warning,but, 441 00:23:11,473 --> 00:23:12,526 seismically, 442 00:23:12,650 --> 00:23:14,418 the building appears solid. 443 00:23:15,228 --> 00:23:18,330 I owe it to Find to find out what's wrong with this building. 444 00:23:19,526 --> 00:23:26,943 Let's see how it does in high winds. 445 00:23:26,978 --> 00:23:28,860 You know, when I was working as a city planner, 446 00:23:29,284 --> 00:23:31,059 I saw every shortcut in the books. 447 00:23:31,645 --> 00:23:33,631 You know, kickbacks, overbilling, 448 00:23:34,359 --> 00:23:37,024 pulling rebar from one job and trying to use it in another. 449 00:23:37,935 --> 00:23:38,780 Oh... sorry. 450 00:23:38,783 --> 00:23:41,077 I make Cole for a narcissist,not a sociopath. 451 00:23:41,078 --> 00:23:43,779 I get the feeling he's only interested in victories he can brag about. 452 00:23:44,707 --> 00:23:47,079 Oh, my God! The bread... in the oven. I forgot. 453 00:23:47,179 --> 00:23:49,384 Relax. I got it. Just relax. 454 00:23:51,122 --> 00:23:52,061 I'm just a little nervous. 455 00:23:52,205 --> 00:23:53,074 Don't worry. 456 00:23:53,270 --> 00:23:56,905 Everything looks wonderful. In fact, your son could learn a few things from you. 457 00:23:57,581 --> 00:23:59,159 You know where we went on our first date? 458 00:23:59,550 --> 00:24:00,433 All right, all right, all right. 459 00:24:00,509 --> 00:24:01,316 A Laundromat. 460 00:24:01,565 --> 00:24:02,486 Dinner was pizza. 461 00:24:02,544 --> 00:24:03,612 A little professionalism, 462 00:24:03,613 --> 00:24:04,920 - You don't say?please. All right? - Let's just... 463 00:24:05,597 --> 00:24:06,411 Oh, interesting. 464 00:24:08,823 --> 00:24:12,425 The buildingis within all required limits for earthquakes and wind. 465 00:24:12,428 --> 00:24:14,322 And the tests seem fairly conclusive. 466 00:24:15,520 --> 00:24:16,465 I feel like we're... 467 00:24:16,475 --> 00:24:17,736 we're missing something. 468 00:24:19,398 --> 00:24:22,357 Whatever Finn uncovered must have been something significant. 469 00:24:24,684 --> 00:24:26,018 Charles, can I tell you a story? 470 00:24:26,020 --> 00:24:30,059 Yes, please. As long as it's not another parable from the lives of the great mathematicians. 471 00:24:30,060 --> 00:24:30,808 No. 472 00:24:31,844 --> 00:24:33,629 This is about a sophomore student 473 00:24:33,640 --> 00:24:35,893 I once had... Kevin Flannermans. 474 00:24:35,979 --> 00:24:37,900 This was 20 years ago. 475 00:24:38,695 --> 00:24:39,964 Kevin hanged himself. 476 00:24:41,503 --> 00:24:41,993 Right. 477 00:24:42,287 --> 00:24:43,861 Well, Finn didn't kill himself. 478 00:24:44,316 --> 00:24:52,394 Well, but, maybe just the possibility that he did... maybe that is the variable that you are disallowing from the problem. 479 00:24:54,374 --> 00:24:56,481 He came to me with an important question. 480 00:24:57,606 --> 00:24:58,754 I owe him an answer. 481 00:25:01,144 --> 00:25:02,174 Okay, well, 482 00:25:02,787 --> 00:25:04,858 you've geniously sidestepped my point. 483 00:25:05,320 --> 00:25:05,814 You know, 484 00:25:07,325 --> 00:25:09,796 there are a few rare wind events 485 00:25:10,352 --> 00:25:11,792 that we haven't tested. 486 00:25:17,849 --> 00:25:18,452 I'm sorry. 487 00:25:18,453 --> 00:25:20,485 Actually, talking about hobbies is a smart move. 488 00:25:20,817 --> 00:25:24,404 I'm supposed to know Jill's mother died in a skiing accident? 489 00:25:24,551 --> 00:25:24,973 How?! 490 00:25:25,489 --> 00:25:26,607 She's stopped crying. 491 00:25:27,024 --> 00:25:29,997 It's funny how Charlie gets stuck at the office at all the right times. 492 00:25:30,433 --> 00:25:30,925 Okay. 493 00:25:32,220 --> 00:25:33,290 We'll havea good meal, 494 00:25:33,575 --> 00:25:36,082 some nice wine and some pleasant conversation. 495 00:25:36,083 --> 00:25:37,093 Everything will be fine. 496 00:25:37,094 --> 00:25:39,693 Just tell me you asked if she eats everything. 497 00:25:39,694 --> 00:25:41,151 She's not a vegetarian. I asked. 498 00:25:41,278 --> 00:25:43,009 What do you think I am? Stupid? 499 00:25:44,777 --> 00:25:46,018 I sure hope you like duck. 500 00:25:46,019 --> 00:25:49,365 of course I do. I have two... Paddles and Mr. Waddlesworth. 501 00:25:49,366 --> 00:25:50,325 Oh, my God! 502 00:25:52,304 --> 00:25:54,840 I don't eat it. i'm Sorry. I didn't know. 503 00:25:54,922 --> 00:25:55,843 I'll take it away. 504 00:25:57,395 --> 00:25:58,026 Yeah? 505 00:26:00,000 --> 00:26:00,848 Right. 506 00:26:00,966 --> 00:26:02,014 Okay, Okay 507 00:26:02,016 --> 00:26:02,761 right. Right. 508 00:26:03,073 --> 00:26:04,105 Yep. We're on our way. 509 00:26:04,544 --> 00:26:05,328 Yep. 510 00:26:05,439 --> 00:26:07,718 Dad, sorry. We got to go. 511 00:26:07,728 --> 00:26:08,684 Sure. Go ahead. 512 00:26:09,557 --> 00:26:10,268 Couldn't get any worse. 513 00:26:10,269 --> 00:26:12,775 Listen. Alcohol. lots of alcohol. 514 00:26:13,798 --> 00:26:14,711 For who? 515 00:26:15,694 --> 00:26:16,837 The problem is wind. 516 00:26:17,421 --> 00:26:19,796 Wouldn't they have already tested for stability in winds? 517 00:26:19,797 --> 00:26:23,990 Engineers test structural response to gusts along two axes: 518 00:26:23,991 --> 00:26:25,536 north to south and east to west. 519 00:26:25,537 --> 00:26:30,083 And, in those cases, a single side supported by two corners bears the brunt of the wind load. 520 00:26:30,086 --> 00:26:33,293 Think of a straight-on wind as two cars colliding. 521 00:26:33,294 --> 00:26:35,197 In contrast... excuse me... 522 00:26:36,288 --> 00:26:39,170 quartering winds hit a building at an angle, 523 00:26:39,677 --> 00:26:44,039 exerting pressure on two sides anchored by a single corner. 524 00:26:44,982 --> 00:26:48,652 Imagine a car getting hit from the back and the side simultaneously. 525 00:26:49,293 --> 00:26:51,436 Can those winds cause structural issues? 526 00:26:51,823 --> 00:26:52,673 Our tests show 527 00:26:54,128 --> 00:26:57,241 that the Cole Center is sound for head-on winds of up to 90 miles per hour. 528 00:26:57,242 --> 00:27:00,358 But here's what happens with quartering winds 529 00:27:00,640 --> 00:27:02,290 as low as 60 miles per hour. 530 00:27:03,630 --> 00:27:08,305 First, the steel frame bends beyond its limits, and stays bent. 531 00:27:08,306 --> 00:27:11,132 Then this strained steel hardens and becomes brittle. 532 00:27:11,441 --> 00:27:16,979 Under continuing stress, this steel will fracture, causing complete structural collapse. 533 00:27:18,026 --> 00:27:22,346 Finn Montgomery found the problem in the building's deflection. He suspected the effects would be serious. 534 00:27:23,769 --> 00:27:28,134 I could really use your advice on some calculations in my engineering thesis. 535 00:27:28,635 --> 00:27:29,487 He was right. 536 00:27:30,464 --> 00:27:32,275 And he may have paid with his life. 537 00:27:41,574 --> 00:27:47,047 Our simulation demonstrate that the Cole Center could experience failure in a 60 mile-per-hour quartering wind. 538 00:27:47,292 --> 00:27:50,268 Now, as the head of the Department of Building and Safety, 539 00:27:50,269 --> 00:27:54,352 you've got to realize what a huge, imminent risk that poses when the building is filled with people. 540 00:27:54,353 --> 00:27:55,687 Are you a structural engineer? 541 00:27:55,996 --> 00:27:57,003 Hmm? No. 542 00:27:57,127 --> 00:27:59,095 An expert in wind dynamics? 543 00:27:59,096 --> 00:28:01,292 He is a professor of applied mathematics. 544 00:28:01,293 --> 00:28:03,027 He's talking theory and supposition. 545 00:28:03,954 --> 00:28:05,705 If any of this goes public, 546 00:28:05,820 --> 00:28:08,071 I will sue the FBI for slander. 547 00:28:08,855 --> 00:28:11,908 Professor Epps, I respect your background and reputation, but I can't make a decision... 548 00:28:11,909 --> 00:28:14,413 Well, do me a favor, and forget my reputation. 549 00:28:14,414 --> 00:28:17,917 Consider what happened in Kansas City. In 1981, 550 00:28:17,918 --> 00:28:21,114 The Hyatt Regency walkway collapsed. Killed 114 people. 551 00:28:21,115 --> 00:28:23,178 In Hartford, in 1978, 552 00:28:23,179 --> 00:28:27,026 - the structure of a sports arena failed. - Those volved fraud and malfeasance. 553 00:28:27,694 --> 00:28:31,022 Serious building flaws were found in each of those cases. 554 00:28:31,023 --> 00:28:34,516 Can you connect the Cole Center's deflection to a specific structural issue? 555 00:28:34,517 --> 00:28:36,806 Because of the potential risk of casualties, 556 00:28:36,807 --> 00:28:38,970 we think it's something you should take very seriously. 557 00:28:39,099 --> 00:28:41,396 You want to ruin my building's reputation? 558 00:28:41,397 --> 00:28:46,380 We want to save lives. Render it worthless on an obscure and nonspecific theory? 559 00:28:46,381 --> 00:28:49,088 Look, I can't point to a specific problem at this time, 560 00:28:49,089 --> 00:28:51,164 but let me tell you something. The evidence is there. 561 00:28:53,388 --> 00:28:54,112 Mr. Cole, 562 00:28:54,344 --> 00:28:56,742 you're going to have to leave now if you're going to make your board meeting. 563 00:28:57,211 --> 00:28:57,972 Thank you. 564 00:28:59,026 --> 00:28:59,589 Gentlemen, 565 00:28:59,590 --> 00:29:01,305 the Cole Center is me. 566 00:29:01,682 --> 00:29:03,965 It's my reputation and my public image. 567 00:29:04,351 --> 00:29:06,493 I stand by its integrity. 568 00:29:09,708 --> 00:29:12,073 Given the lack of specific evidence, 569 00:29:12,721 --> 00:29:13,478 I'd say we're done. 570 00:29:14,079 --> 00:29:14,886 Wha...?! 571 00:29:15,707 --> 00:29:20,987 The engineers who examined this building last night codn't locate a problem in any section they could inspect. 572 00:29:20,988 --> 00:29:24,839 So the logical conclusion is whatever's wrong with this building is underground... 573 00:29:24,840 --> 00:29:27,670 in the foundation. Right. Well, I'm going to go see they guy who built it. 574 00:29:29,902 --> 00:29:31,156 Guy was a pompous ass. 575 00:29:33,858 --> 00:29:36,282 So my son discovered a structural flaw in this building? 576 00:29:36,283 --> 00:29:39,581 He noted that the building didn't react to wind as it was designed to. 577 00:29:39,582 --> 00:29:41,338 Well, he didn't know the specific cause. 578 00:29:41,919 --> 00:29:43,297 How could he figure that out? 579 00:29:43,298 --> 00:29:44,862 Just by looking at the blueprints? 580 00:29:44,863 --> 00:29:46,699 No, or else other people would have noticed it first. 581 00:29:46,700 --> 00:29:49,034 No, Finn actually went a lot further. He... 582 00:29:49,340 --> 00:29:52,712 he noticed something was wrong because he was passionate and thorough. 583 00:29:52,713 --> 00:29:54,436 He wanted to understand this building. 584 00:29:54,437 --> 00:29:56,879 And, when something didn't make sense, he needed to know why. 585 00:29:57,866 --> 00:30:00,728 So you're trying to find exactly what's wrong with the Cole Center. 586 00:30:00,819 --> 00:30:02,417 It might take me time but, 587 00:30:02,791 --> 00:30:04,461 well,we won't stop working on it either. 588 00:30:10,617 --> 00:30:13,895 We know you cut corners on the construction of the Cole Center foundation. 589 00:30:13,991 --> 00:30:15,716 You're doing a lot of fishing for a guy who knows something. 590 00:30:15,717 --> 00:30:18,608 Look, whether you cheaped out on the rebar or you didn't drive the piles deep enough, 591 00:30:18,609 --> 00:30:21,647 we're going to find out what you did, and we're going to nail you for it. 592 00:30:23,562 --> 00:30:26,107 A subpoena for all your records of the Cole Center foundation. 593 00:30:26,108 --> 00:30:28,281 FBI accountants are going to go over every page. 594 00:30:28,282 --> 00:30:29,636 We're going to find out what you did. 595 00:30:31,997 --> 00:30:32,980 Knock yourself out. 596 00:30:37,197 --> 00:30:38,017 Hello! 597 00:30:38,018 --> 00:30:38,942 We're in here. 598 00:30:41,730 --> 00:30:42,299 Hey, Dad. 599 00:30:42,626 --> 00:30:45,314 All right, FBI accountant went over a11 of Nevelson's financials 600 00:30:45,315 --> 00:30:47,782 and these are all the documents that relate to the foundation. 601 00:30:47,783 --> 00:30:49,321 Our people could find nothing. 602 00:30:49,679 --> 00:30:51,831 why didn't you have Charlie look at the records in the first place? 603 00:30:51,832 --> 00:30:54,677 The FBI has a team of excellent forensic accountants. 604 00:30:54,805 --> 00:30:57,252 I know,but it wouldn't be the first time you find something that they missed. 605 00:30:57,272 --> 00:31:00,194 A lot of mathematicians do have eidetic numerical memory. 606 00:31:00,195 --> 00:31:04,100 It allows us to recognize numbers when they've bn repeated or arranged in patterns. 607 00:31:04,102 --> 00:31:06,199 - Why don't you do that, and I'll do the dishes. - How's that? 608 00:31:10,223 --> 00:31:11,268 I'll give you a hand. 609 00:31:11,563 --> 00:31:14,002 So you mean your best date ever was with your partner? 610 00:31:14,003 --> 00:31:15,282 Dad, please. 611 00:31:15,283 --> 00:31:16,641 No, it's just a simple observation. 612 00:31:19,079 --> 00:31:21,001 I mean, if it was so great, why did you split up? 613 00:31:21,273 --> 00:31:22,365 It was an academy thing. 614 00:31:22,366 --> 00:31:24,367 We got posted to different places. 615 00:31:24,368 --> 00:31:27,210 - We had our careers to concentrate on. - So now you're in the same city, 616 00:31:27,211 --> 00:31:28,997 same careers... Same office. 617 00:31:29,166 --> 00:31:31,320 Which, in our case, can be a dangerous thing. 618 00:31:31,926 --> 00:31:33,313 Your mother and I met at work. 619 00:31:34,026 --> 00:31:35,020 In the lunch line. 620 00:31:35,023 --> 00:31:37,369 Look, Dad, Terry and I have to see each other every day, 621 00:31:37,452 --> 00:31:39,175 We have to look out for each other. 622 00:31:39,176 --> 00:31:41,625 So that means any trust issues are already behind you. 623 00:31:41,959 --> 00:31:45,458 - Look, just because you're eager to start dating again... - Eager? Are you kidding me? 624 00:31:45,459 --> 00:31:46,383 You saw me last night. 625 00:31:48,265 --> 00:31:50,280 I know, I know, I know. I got to get back into it. 626 00:31:51,221 --> 00:31:51,968 Your mother said 627 00:31:52,585 --> 00:31:54,760 I should meet new people after she was gone. 628 00:31:55,445 --> 00:31:57,284 Well, that's right. That sounds like her. 629 00:31:57,285 --> 00:31:58,546 She made me promise. 630 00:31:59,408 --> 00:32:02,500 I mean, she knew that, without a push, that I might not do it. 631 00:32:03,429 --> 00:32:04,431 So she pushed. 632 00:32:06,625 --> 00:32:08,069 Just consider this your push. 633 00:32:10,123 --> 00:32:13,833 Now, here is a list of workers employed in building the foundation. 634 00:32:14,652 --> 00:32:16,722 - And? - And a lot of them don't exist. 635 00:32:17,110 --> 00:32:21,121 Yeah. There's a preponderance of fours and sevens in the union ID numbers, 636 00:32:21,274 --> 00:32:24,842 which could be due to accounting codes, except they show up in the overtime hours... 637 00:32:24,877 --> 00:32:28,397 like, 14s and 17s everywhere... here, here and here... 638 00:32:28,603 --> 00:32:30,195 14... 17... 639 00:32:30,701 --> 00:32:34,689 These numbers, they can't be explained by random occurrence. 640 00:32:34,794 --> 00:32:36,234 Somebody made them up. 641 00:32:36,586 --> 00:32:37,778 They've been fabricated 642 00:32:37,989 --> 00:32:41,603 by someone who likes these numbers... who left behind a pretty obvious pattern. 643 00:32:42,090 --> 00:32:43,017 Obvious to you. 644 00:32:43,409 --> 00:32:45,182 Here's a very interesting thing also. 645 00:32:46,151 --> 00:32:49,814 All the... all the workers I've identified as fake are listed as welders. 646 00:32:49,815 --> 00:32:52,473 Except there aren't any other welders on the payroll backup. 647 00:32:52,932 --> 00:32:54,917 ALAN: Yocan't build a foundation without welders. 648 00:32:56,251 --> 00:32:58,719 Sounds like Nevelson was using a shadow crew. 649 00:32:59,600 --> 00:33:00,817 So how would that work, Dad? 650 00:33:01,091 --> 00:33:02,265 Nonunion laborers, 651 00:33:02,267 --> 00:33:04,947 usually illegal aliens. They pay them under the table. 652 00:33:05,808 --> 00:33:08,823 See, the contractors would use them at night to avoid the unions. 653 00:33:08,919 --> 00:33:12,250 So what? Like lower pay, noovertime, medical benefits...? 654 00:33:12,251 --> 00:33:13,073 That's right. 655 00:33:18,302 --> 00:33:19,444 But people still get hurt. 656 00:33:20,765 --> 00:33:22,343 And there'll be hospital records. 657 00:33:24,382 --> 00:33:28,947 Nono, ma'am, you're not... Listen, I said I'm only interested in patients without insurance. 658 00:33:31,007 --> 00:33:31,604 Thank you. 659 00:33:32,022 --> 00:33:33,168 Get anything from the ERs? 660 00:33:34,114 --> 00:33:34,529 Nope. 661 00:33:35,368 --> 00:33:38,369 A Julio Perez checked in with swollen corneas. They seehat with welders, 662 00:33:38,370 --> 00:33:40,691 especially less experienced ones. No insurance. 663 00:33:40,692 --> 00:33:41,435 When was that? 664 00:33:42,957 --> 00:33:45,395 2:30 in the morning, May 17th, 1999. 665 00:33:46,383 --> 00:33:48,830 Right, see, that's when the Cole Center's foundation was being done. 666 00:33:50,023 --> 00:33:54,287 Immigratiorecords shows that he was deported back to Mexico last year. 667 00:33:54,406 --> 00:33:56,083 Hold on... Yeah? Uh-huh. 668 00:33:57,692 --> 00:33:59,847 The hospital is saying that somebody else paid his bill. 669 00:33:59,848 --> 00:34:00,534 Get a name. 670 00:34:00,535 --> 00:34:02,011 Can we get the name of that person, please? 671 00:34:04,238 --> 00:34:05,712 DON: Sir, we're looking for Keith Babbitt. 672 00:34:05,713 --> 00:34:07,731 We think he worked for you on the Cole Center. 673 00:34:07,732 --> 00:34:08,443 Keith Babbitt? 674 00:34:09,721 --> 00:34:10,537 No, I don't know. 675 00:34:11,460 --> 00:34:14,218 He was a foreman who specializes in foundation welding. 676 00:34:14,624 --> 00:34:17,060 He paid for a non-union worker's hospital bill. 677 00:34:17,817 --> 00:34:20,038 I got hundreds of guys on any one job. 678 00:34:20,477 --> 00:34:22,302 I don't ow most of their names until they screw up. 679 00:34:22,303 --> 00:34:25,117 Babbitt's unionrecords show he was unemployed for most of '99, 680 00:34:25,118 --> 00:34:28,338 but his name shows up in relation to the Cole Center foundation work. 681 00:34:28,971 --> 00:34:29,855 If you say so. 682 00:34:30,920 --> 00:34:31,377 Okay. 683 00:34:32,614 --> 00:34:33,644 It's the wrong move. 684 00:34:34,956 --> 00:34:35,803 Have a nice day. 685 00:34:37,270 --> 00:34:40,454 DON: If Babbitt oversaw the crew that built the Cole Center foundation, 686 00:34:40,455 --> 00:34:42,391 he might be the key to solving the whole thing. 687 00:34:42,623 --> 00:34:44,702 David, why don't you check out back? All right. 688 00:34:55,553 --> 00:34:56,427 Mr. Babbitt? 689 00:34:56,942 --> 00:34:57,843 This is the FBI. 690 00:35:02,346 --> 00:35:03,229 Mr. Babbitt? 691 00:35:06,932 --> 00:35:07,350 Don! 692 00:35:07,359 --> 00:35:08,449 Back here! 693 00:35:15,887 --> 00:35:17,833 - He's unconscious. - Pull him out, pull. 694 00:35:30,429 --> 00:35:31,323 Paramedics are on the way. 695 00:35:31,358 --> 00:35:33,584 It's barely warm, so he couldn't have been in there long. 696 00:35:33,585 --> 00:35:34,224 How's he doing? 697 00:35:34,225 --> 00:35:35,259 He's got a pulse. 698 00:35:35,260 --> 00:35:36,176 Mr. Babbitt? 699 00:35:37,905 --> 00:35:39,029 It's all right, FBI. 700 00:35:39,032 --> 00:35:39,943 You're gonna be fine. 701 00:35:40,314 --> 00:35:41,335 Don, look at his head. 702 00:35:41,481 --> 00:35:43,802 Somebody cold-cocked him then stuffed him in that car. 703 00:35:44,201 --> 00:35:45,577 This is a staged suicide. 704 00:35:46,163 --> 00:35:47,418 Echoes of Finn Montgomery. 705 00:35:48,536 --> 00:35:49,347 You okay? 706 00:35:50,060 --> 00:35:50,950 Yeah. 707 00:35:50,951 --> 00:35:51,822 You know who hit you? 708 00:35:53,609 --> 00:35:54,589 Uh, Nevelson' goon... 709 00:35:55,692 --> 00:35:56,727 Mazzelli. 710 00:36:00,291 --> 00:36:01,388 Bob Mazzelli, FBI. 711 00:36:01,389 --> 00:36:02,927 You're under arrest. Get your hands up. 712 00:36:03,288 --> 00:36:05,489 Put your hands up and get up against the stall. 713 00:36:08,022 --> 00:36:08,743 You heard from the hospital? 714 00:36:08,744 --> 00:36:13,578 Yeah,Babbitt's agreed to testify that Nevelson hired his non-union crew to spot weld the foundation points in the Cole Center. 715 00:36:13,587 --> 00:36:15,691 Now, that accounts for the excessive deflection. 716 00:36:15,898 --> 00:36:19,183 Haybridge's design called for full pen welds,which are stronger and more stable, 717 00:36:19,184 --> 00:36:22,900 but pen welds are also more expensive and more time consuming than spot welds. 718 00:36:22,901 --> 00:36:25,371 That gives Building and Safety grounds to evacuate. 719 00:36:25,636 --> 00:36:26,604 What about Finn-? 720 00:36:26,823 --> 00:36:28,228 can we tie this guy to his murder? 721 00:36:28,229 --> 00:36:29,731 Technically we don't have a murder. 722 00:36:30,082 --> 00:36:31,670 PD closed it out as a suicide. 723 00:36:31,805 --> 00:36:33,923 There's no conclusive forensic evidence. 724 00:36:34,720 --> 00:36:35,577 All right, well, 725 00:36:36,060 --> 00:36:37,617 that's what confessions are for. 726 00:36:44,916 --> 00:36:47,522 Unless you're here to take my lunch order, don't waste your time. 727 00:36:49,620 --> 00:36:51,516 Well, here's the thing, Bob. 728 00:36:51,517 --> 00:36:54,324 See, you're not all lawyered up, so you know what that tells me? 729 00:36:57,367 --> 00:36:58,510 You want to know what I have. 730 00:36:59,789 --> 00:37:00,451 I'm thinking 731 00:37:00,725 --> 00:37:03,018 ham on wheat, honey mustard, fries. 732 00:37:05,022 --> 00:37:05,922 You know what I have? 733 00:37:08,566 --> 00:37:09,400 I have you. 734 00:37:10,322 --> 00:37:12,207 I got you for attempted murder of Keith Babbitt, 735 00:37:12,208 --> 00:37:15,881 I got you for complicity in construction fraud, which is a felony, by the way. 736 00:37:17,560 --> 00:37:18,638 You know what I don't have? 737 00:37:19,784 --> 00:37:22,236 I don't have any reason to keep this case open, 738 00:37:22,431 --> 00:37:23,167 you know why? 739 00:37:24,520 --> 00:37:25,775 'Cause you're the fall guy. 740 00:37:26,208 --> 00:37:28,233 And that's exactly what the people who hired you wanted. 741 00:37:29,165 --> 00:37:30,494 What do you think they're doing right now? 742 00:37:30,833 --> 00:37:31,978 They're planting evidence, 743 00:37:31,979 --> 00:37:33,918 they're opening bank accounts in your name, 744 00:37:33,919 --> 00:37:36,880 they're making sure that you play as the lone operator. 745 00:37:37,252 --> 00:37:38,199 What do you think about that? 746 00:37:40,955 --> 00:37:41,657 Well, 747 00:37:42,386 --> 00:37:43,451 Bob, it's on you. 748 00:37:44,263 --> 00:37:46,888 You can make it worth my while to stay interested, maybe cut you a deal, 749 00:37:46,889 --> 00:37:48,823 but you're going to have to tell me who paid for the hits. 750 00:37:48,824 --> 00:37:49,807 Hits? 751 00:37:50,527 --> 00:37:51,596 Where'd the "S" come from? 752 00:37:52,184 --> 00:37:53,112 Finn Montgomery. 753 00:37:53,327 --> 00:37:54,243 Finn Mont... 754 00:37:54,244 --> 00:37:55,703 - You mean that college kid? - Yeah. 755 00:37:56,366 --> 00:37:59,422 Look, at worst, they were talking about maybe buying him off. 756 00:37:59,688 --> 00:38:00,448 So what happened? 757 00:38:00,449 --> 00:38:02,202 You, uh, threw him off a bridge instead. 758 00:38:02,878 --> 00:38:04,762 Well, I'm not saying it might not have come to that, 759 00:38:04,766 --> 00:38:06,303 but he beat us to the punch. 760 00:38:08,450 --> 00:38:10,449 So it comes down to are you willing toake the fall, 761 00:38:10,678 --> 00:38:12,197 or are you going to give upho ordered the hit? 762 00:38:13,543 --> 00:38:14,318 All right, 763 00:38:15,203 --> 00:38:16,755 get me a lawyer and the DA, 764 00:38:17,600 --> 00:38:18,632 something in writing. 765 00:38:19,513 --> 00:38:20,509 I'll give you everything... 766 00:38:20,945 --> 00:38:21,906 except that kid. 767 00:38:22,472 --> 00:38:23,468 That is not on me. 768 00:38:24,268 --> 00:38:25,341 I'll see what I can do, Bob. 769 00:38:30,797 --> 00:38:31,359 Hey, 770 00:38:31,512 --> 00:38:33,595 you know he's lying to you, right?he is lying. 771 00:38:33,596 --> 00:38:35,094 No, I'm not so sure about that, Charlie. 772 00:38:35,563 --> 00:38:37,343 Get back in there, man. Get on him. 773 00:38:37,378 --> 00:38:38,446 He's not telling you the truth. 774 00:38:38,447 --> 00:38:39,624 Look, relax, all right? 775 00:38:39,625 --> 00:38:41,036 Just relax, please. 776 00:38:42,069 --> 00:38:43,510 Finn Montgomery's suicide note. 777 00:38:44,484 --> 00:38:46,194 He mailed it to his parents the night before his death. 778 00:38:46,195 --> 00:38:48,497 It took this long to get forwarded to him in L.A. 779 00:38:49,512 --> 00:38:50,713 Were you were able to authenticate it? 780 00:38:50,714 --> 00:38:52,488 Yeah, it's Finn's handwriting. 781 00:38:53,099 --> 00:38:54,297 It iterates all the pressures... 782 00:38:54,298 --> 00:38:56,051 the girlfriend breakingup with him,the thesis, 783 00:38:56,206 --> 00:38:58,775 his inability to convince anybody of the Cole nter's flaws. 784 00:38:59,697 --> 00:39:01,793 That doesn't make sense. He was right about the building. 785 00:39:02,199 --> 00:39:05,277 In this circumstance,being right might have been the crisis point that tipped him to suicide. 786 00:39:05,377 --> 00:39:08,611 Looks like he thought this was the only way to get anyone to take a serious look at the Cole Center. 787 00:39:10,736 --> 00:39:11,427 Charlie, 788 00:39:11,964 --> 00:39:12,678 I'm sorry. 789 00:39:13,137 --> 00:39:14,201 I mean, he was smart, 790 00:39:14,597 --> 00:39:18,764 but he was just a kid who wasn't strong enough to deal with this period in his life. 791 00:39:26,403 --> 00:39:28,430 Okay, now we deal with the crimes that did occur. 792 00:39:28,431 --> 00:39:30,018 We've got fraud and attempted murder. 793 00:39:30,148 --> 00:39:32,386 All right, well, call the DA. As soon as I get Mazzel to talk, 794 00:39:32,387 --> 00:39:35,756 we're going to find out how high this thing goes, and I think it's all the way up to Elliot Cole. 795 00:39:45,101 --> 00:39:46,327 How'd you know I was here? 796 00:39:46,398 --> 00:39:47,853 - We didn't. - Honey, who's there? 797 00:39:49,003 --> 00:39:50,470 FBI.You're under arrest. 798 00:39:54,108 --> 00:39:55,208 - Terry,you got her? - Yeah. 799 00:39:57,226 --> 00:39:58,936 Nevelson and Mazzelli gave you up. 800 00:39:58,937 --> 00:39:59,927 "Gave you up?" 801 00:39:59,928 --> 00:40:00,638 What for? 802 00:40:00,651 --> 00:40:04,281 Rachel and your contractor hired a non-union crew to do the foundation welds. 803 00:40:04,292 --> 00:40:05,293 You paid the full price 804 00:40:05,481 --> 00:40:08,730 They got $20 million and you got a very unsafe building on your hands. 805 00:40:08,968 --> 00:40:11,909 I oversaw every detail of the construction of that building. 806 00:40:11,935 --> 00:40:15,730 That include payment authorizations, or did you rely on her about what to sign? 807 00:40:16,066 --> 00:40:16,959 Come on,let's go. 808 00:40:18,230 --> 00:40:19,361 We've been together three years. 809 00:40:19,932 --> 00:40:21,008 I gave you this apartment, 810 00:40:21,106 --> 00:40:22,239 everything you asked for. 811 00:40:22,240 --> 00:40:23,917 I asked you to divorce your wife. 812 00:40:24,551 --> 00:40:26,257 - We discussed this. - Oh, yeah,the pre-nup. 813 00:40:26,258 --> 00:40:27,523 I have nothing more to say. 814 00:40:40,560 --> 00:40:44,313 They will construct the tuned mass damper on the roof. 815 00:40:44,346 --> 00:40:45,843 This is a scale model. 816 00:40:46,226 --> 00:40:47,235 On the real one, 817 00:40:47,281 --> 00:40:50,296 this block of concrete will weigh about 300 tons or so, 818 00:40:50,297 --> 00:40:52,244 and it will rest on a thin layer of oil. 819 00:40:52,622 --> 00:40:54,395 When the wind pushes the building, 820 00:40:55,214 --> 00:41:00,476 the block's inertia will hold it in place, even as the building slides under it. 821 00:41:00,479 --> 00:41:03,282 So the damper acts as a counterweight to the movement of the building. 822 00:41:04,638 --> 00:41:06,030 It's amazing. So simple. 823 00:41:07,578 --> 00:41:09,722 Finn's insight will keep a lot of people safe, 824 00:41:10,271 --> 00:41:14,744 so Elliot Cole has agreed with me to dedicate this structure in his name. 825 00:41:16,692 --> 00:41:17,251 You know, 826 00:41:17,954 --> 00:41:23,546 in Finn's letter,he said that part of the reason that he... 827 00:41:25,875 --> 00:41:27,678 was that he felt nobody understood him. 828 00:41:27,709 --> 00:41:28,519 He, uh, 829 00:41:30,195 --> 00:41:31,482 he said he felt so alone. 830 00:41:33,295 --> 00:41:36,480 What we do... can certainly be lonely sometimes. 831 00:41:38,054 --> 00:41:44,164 That's why it's so imptant that you understood what he was trying to accomplish. 832 00:41:44,730 --> 00:41:46,507 You spoke for our son, Professor Epps. 833 00:41:46,509 --> 00:41:48,500 There's no way we can begin to thank you for that. 834 00:41:59,942 --> 00:42:02,049 So I am getting right back on that horse. 835 00:42:02,050 --> 00:42:04,199 Not that this lady is anything like a horse, 836 00:42:04,510 --> 00:42:06,730 she's really quite attractive. 837 00:42:07,284 --> 00:42:08,209 So it's not a blind date? 838 00:42:08,210 --> 00:42:08,663 No, 839 00:42:09,616 --> 00:42:11,250 it'she butcher that sold me the duck. 840 00:42:11,291 --> 00:42:13,088 - No! - Yeah, she's very nice. 841 00:42:13,526 --> 00:42:15,230 And she really knows her waterfowl. 842 00:42:16,343 --> 00:42:17,194 Right. 843 00:42:17,227 --> 00:42:17,989 Charlie. 844 00:42:19,031 --> 00:42:19,842 Charlie. 845 00:42:22,809 --> 00:42:25,846 This is not the brilliant thought brood. This is the other brood. 846 00:42:27,136 --> 00:42:27,947 You all right, Charlie? 847 00:42:28,934 --> 00:42:30,225 You knew it was a suicide. 848 00:42:30,730 --> 00:42:31,469 No, look, 849 00:42:31,470 --> 00:42:34,729 I said from the get-go I didn't know,but I did suspect. 850 00:42:34,734 --> 00:42:37,694 Despite all the variables and the inconclusive autopsy, 851 00:42:37,783 --> 00:42:42,861 - and the layers of crime that were uncovered? - The fact that the kid exhibited suicidal behavior and then he did it. 852 00:42:43,215 --> 00:42:44,105 It's Occam's Razor, 853 00:42:44,124 --> 00:42:46,431 you know?I mean, the simplest answer is usually the right one. 854 00:42:46,613 --> 00:42:47,908 Occam's Razor? 855 00:42:49,433 --> 00:42:49,963 DON: What? 856 00:42:49,964 --> 00:42:51,691 I read a book every now and then. 857 00:42:51,771 --> 00:42:53,809 Occam was a philosopher, he wasn't a mathematician. 858 00:42:53,810 --> 00:42:57,575 And what he actually said was that you shouldn't make more assumptions than needed. 859 00:42:57,576 --> 00:42:59,301 It's the basis of methodological reductionism. 860 00:42:59,302 --> 00:43:01,234 Any given data set, 861 00:43:01,235 --> 00:43:05,788 there are an infinite number of possible hypothesis and conclusions, 862 00:43:06,010 --> 00:43:08,851 an even great number of infinite conclusions.