1 00:00:02,275 --> 00:00:05,442 Give us the serum, Mr. Bannon. 2 00:00:05,525 --> 00:00:10,233 It belongs to our master... Nat King Cobra. 3 00:00:26,192 --> 00:00:29,025 You suck! 4 00:00:32,692 --> 00:00:35,483 Sorry to have to leave the party early, gentlemen... 5 00:00:35,608 --> 00:00:37,525 not that it hasn't been a... 6 00:00:37,775 --> 00:00:39,192 blast. 7 00:00:45,358 --> 00:00:46,275 Blast. 8 00:00:46,483 --> 00:00:48,025 Good one, Race. 9 00:00:50,067 --> 00:00:52,275 Hey. Check it out... skywriting. 10 00:00:52,442 --> 00:00:53,358 Where? 11 00:00:54,858 --> 00:00:56,025 Dude. 12 00:00:57,150 --> 00:00:58,442 Dude! 13 00:02:06,192 --> 00:02:07,067 Jeez. 14 00:02:07,275 --> 00:02:11,275 I never thought I'd see the day I'd be working for Professor lmpossible. 15 00:02:11,400 --> 00:02:14,358 Me neither. This is a dream come true. 16 00:02:14,525 --> 00:02:16,983 No. I meant 'cause he flunked me in college. 17 00:02:17,275 --> 00:02:18,817 Hey, didn't he flunk you, too? 18 00:02:18,983 --> 00:02:20,525 Squeaked by with a sympathy "D." 19 00:02:20,733 --> 00:02:22,108 My dad died that semester. 20 00:02:22,275 --> 00:02:23,442 Hey. What's my sosh? 21 00:02:23,608 --> 00:02:24,567 How should I know? 22 00:02:24,775 --> 00:02:26,525 He thinks he's so fantastic. 23 00:02:26,650 --> 00:02:29,442 All he does is go on and on about himself and his inventions. 24 00:02:29,567 --> 00:02:33,608 Welcome to lmpossible Industries, gentlemen. 25 00:02:33,775 --> 00:02:37,858 I know the journey here was quite long, but I trust you all had a pleasant one. 26 00:02:37,983 --> 00:02:39,942 How should we know? We were blindfolded. 27 00:02:40,067 --> 00:02:44,567 Yes. I'm sorry about that, but since this think tank is a joint effort... 28 00:02:44,692 --> 00:02:46,900 of lmpossible Industries and the government... 29 00:02:47,025 --> 00:02:50,233 the strictest security measures have to be followed at all times. 30 00:02:50,400 --> 00:02:53,775 I see you've already been issued your required "I" suits. 31 00:02:53,900 --> 00:02:55,900 Yeah. I notice you're not wearing one. 32 00:02:56,442 --> 00:02:57,608 How silly of me. 33 00:02:58,317 --> 00:02:59,525 That's better. 34 00:02:59,650 --> 00:03:01,817 Had a lunch with the National Security Council. 35 00:03:02,067 --> 00:03:03,442 So, how do they fit... 36 00:03:03,567 --> 00:03:05,525 Impossibly great, right? 37 00:03:05,650 --> 00:03:08,192 It is the most comfortable thing I've ever worn. 38 00:03:08,317 --> 00:03:11,983 It's like wearing nothing at all, like a second skin. 39 00:03:12,608 --> 00:03:14,775 You've got a little something brown on your nose. 40 00:03:14,900 --> 00:03:17,275 Speaking of skin, you know, the "I" suits... 41 00:03:17,400 --> 00:03:20,733 actually recycle dead skin cells as you shed them... 42 00:03:20,858 --> 00:03:22,942 which then fuel the in-suit air conditioning... 43 00:03:23,067 --> 00:03:26,733 that keeps them a constant comfortable seventy degrees. 44 00:03:26,858 --> 00:03:29,400 Yeah. Well, that's all well and good, but mine fits for crap. 45 00:03:29,900 --> 00:03:31,025 My apologies. 46 00:03:31,192 --> 00:03:32,400 Here. 47 00:03:33,233 --> 00:03:34,192 There. 48 00:03:34,358 --> 00:03:36,233 How's that feel? 49 00:03:37,400 --> 00:03:39,317 Impossibly great. 50 00:03:39,858 --> 00:03:40,733 Thanks. 51 00:03:40,900 --> 00:03:44,025 They conform to your body's every contour and every movement... 52 00:03:44,608 --> 00:03:47,025 even my impossible movements. 53 00:03:47,150 --> 00:03:49,483 They're hypoallergenic and help keep the labs... 54 00:03:49,608 --> 00:03:52,525 free from dander and unwanted body hair. 55 00:03:52,608 --> 00:03:54,858 Oh, OK, already. Great. Wow. 56 00:03:54,983 --> 00:03:56,483 You invented thermal underwear. 57 00:03:56,567 --> 00:03:58,233 Whoop-dee-freakin'-do. 58 00:03:58,692 --> 00:04:02,192 So, uh, Professor, with the "I" suits here... 59 00:04:02,442 --> 00:04:04,442 how does one, you know? 60 00:04:04,525 --> 00:04:05,817 Go to the bathroom? 61 00:04:06,275 --> 00:04:07,817 It takes some getting used to... 62 00:04:07,900 --> 00:04:10,150 but now's the perfect time to start practicing. 63 00:04:10,275 --> 00:04:12,317 Um, what? 64 00:04:12,442 --> 00:04:13,817 Mandatory drug testing. 65 00:04:14,067 --> 00:04:15,358 Company policy. 66 00:04:15,775 --> 00:04:18,817 All you do is think about going to the bathroom... 67 00:04:18,983 --> 00:04:21,567 and the "I" suit does the rest. 68 00:04:24,317 --> 00:04:26,442 Hey, it works. 69 00:04:26,733 --> 00:04:28,150 Incredible. 70 00:04:28,983 --> 00:04:31,317 Hey! How about that? 71 00:04:32,942 --> 00:04:35,650 I'm not wearing any underwear. 72 00:04:37,150 --> 00:04:38,400 What are we looking for? 73 00:04:38,567 --> 00:04:40,983 Clues, anything out of the ordinary... 74 00:04:41,108 --> 00:04:42,192 besides... 75 00:04:42,400 --> 00:04:45,192 you know, a burnt-out plane full of snake men. 76 00:04:45,942 --> 00:04:49,358 Brock, I think I figured out why the plane crashed. 77 00:04:49,608 --> 00:04:51,983 There were skeletons driving it! 78 00:04:52,275 --> 00:04:55,775 That's, uh, nice work, Dean. 79 00:04:57,567 --> 00:05:00,025 Boys, we've got an agent M.I.A. 80 00:05:00,150 --> 00:05:02,858 Better come with me while I search the area. 81 00:05:03,067 --> 00:05:05,150 No telling whether or not more of these... 82 00:05:05,317 --> 00:05:07,275 snake guys are gonna show up. 83 00:05:07,400 --> 00:05:11,025 You mean, go with you on a bona fide spy mission? 84 00:05:11,150 --> 00:05:11,900 Proper! 85 00:05:12,025 --> 00:05:14,150 Let's go change into spy clothes. 86 00:05:24,858 --> 00:05:25,942 He's gonna fire me. 87 00:05:26,108 --> 00:05:27,983 I had a cold last week, and I took cough medicine. 88 00:05:28,108 --> 00:05:29,858 What if he finds codeine in my sample? 89 00:05:29,983 --> 00:05:31,942 He's gonna think I'm a junkie, fire me. 90 00:05:32,025 --> 00:05:34,358 Relax, Billy. You'll be fine. 91 00:05:34,650 --> 00:05:37,442 It's Venture and his mother's little helpers that should be worried. 92 00:05:38,067 --> 00:05:40,483 Thanks for your concern, White, but I've got it covered. 93 00:05:40,608 --> 00:05:43,775 At least my sons finally proved themselves useful for something. 94 00:05:44,067 --> 00:05:46,233 "Company policy, company policy." 95 00:05:46,358 --> 00:05:47,942 Anal retentive weird... oh! 96 00:05:48,025 --> 00:05:49,317 Oh, my God. 97 00:05:49,442 --> 00:05:51,150 Uh, just... OK. 98 00:05:55,900 --> 00:05:58,108 Nice spy clothes, douche. 99 00:05:58,275 --> 00:06:00,317 What? I didn't have any black. 100 00:06:00,442 --> 00:06:02,150 I figured, "cowboy." 101 00:06:02,275 --> 00:06:04,400 Next best thing to spies, right? 102 00:06:14,442 --> 00:06:16,067 Wow! 103 00:06:26,067 --> 00:06:28,192 What can I say? I'm like a camel. 104 00:06:28,358 --> 00:06:30,358 Uh, Sally. 105 00:06:31,358 --> 00:06:36,025 Gentlemen, allow me to introduce my lovely wife Sally. 106 00:06:36,317 --> 00:06:39,817 Whatever are you doing out of your room during work hours, honey? 107 00:06:39,942 --> 00:06:41,733 I needed something from the kitchen. 108 00:06:41,858 --> 00:06:43,442 Well, all right. 109 00:06:43,650 --> 00:06:47,067 I'll allow it, but, please, next time, just ask me to get it for you. 110 00:06:47,150 --> 00:06:48,567 - But you were busy. - Sally. 111 00:06:48,817 --> 00:06:50,400 OK, Richard. I'm sorry, Richard. 112 00:06:50,483 --> 00:06:53,067 Oh. And here. Could you be a lark... 113 00:06:53,192 --> 00:06:56,233 and bring the gentlemen's samples down to the lab for me? 114 00:06:58,692 --> 00:07:01,358 You make your wife stay in her room? 115 00:07:01,483 --> 00:07:04,567 I know how this looks, but Sally has a... 116 00:07:05,108 --> 00:07:06,567 a medical condition. 117 00:07:06,817 --> 00:07:11,025 She's very sensitive to light and shouldn't be out during the day. 118 00:07:11,108 --> 00:07:12,983 Hey, but there aren't any windows in here. 119 00:07:13,108 --> 00:07:14,067 OK. Tour's over. 120 00:07:14,150 --> 00:07:18,358 Let's get you fellows situated at your work stations, shall we? 121 00:07:25,108 --> 00:07:27,275 D'oh! My Kuwahara! 122 00:07:33,608 --> 00:07:34,942 Oh, man. 123 00:07:35,025 --> 00:07:36,858 These are no good for you, kid. 124 00:07:40,525 --> 00:07:41,567 Beat it, junior. 125 00:07:41,650 --> 00:07:43,817 We're on official government business. 126 00:07:45,400 --> 00:07:46,692 Race Bannon. 127 00:07:47,525 --> 00:07:48,900 Those bastards killed him! 128 00:07:49,025 --> 00:07:49,942 Those kids? 129 00:07:50,067 --> 00:07:51,608 Damn it! We let them go! 130 00:07:51,817 --> 00:07:53,067 You know him, Brock? 131 00:07:53,192 --> 00:07:54,900 Worked with him a few times. 132 00:07:55,192 --> 00:07:56,317 He was one of the best. 133 00:07:56,442 --> 00:07:58,108 Do you need a hug, Brock? 134 00:07:58,233 --> 00:07:59,400 No, Dean. 135 00:07:59,525 --> 00:08:00,567 Well... 136 00:08:00,692 --> 00:08:02,108 it's here if you need it. 137 00:08:04,692 --> 00:08:06,608 I know how it is in this line of work. 138 00:08:06,900 --> 00:08:09,400 See enough death, and you start to get hard inside. 139 00:08:10,108 --> 00:08:11,233 Holy crap! 140 00:08:11,817 --> 00:08:13,900 Samson, is that you? 141 00:08:14,025 --> 00:08:15,817 Yes. I'm here, Race. 142 00:08:16,400 --> 00:08:17,400 Ah, you look nice. 143 00:08:18,567 --> 00:08:19,317 Listen... 144 00:08:19,442 --> 00:08:21,192 you... you have to... 145 00:08:21,608 --> 00:08:23,983 recover the canister. 146 00:08:24,067 --> 00:08:26,525 We have it, Race. Tell me what it is. 147 00:08:27,150 --> 00:08:28,983 Goliath Serum. 148 00:08:29,692 --> 00:08:30,608 Here. 149 00:08:31,358 --> 00:08:32,858 Do me a favor, Brock. 150 00:08:32,983 --> 00:08:34,525 Anything, old friend. 151 00:08:36,067 --> 00:08:37,386 Tell... J... 152 00:08:38,317 --> 00:08:39,192 Jonny... 153 00:08:39,358 --> 00:08:40,192 I... 154 00:08:40,442 --> 00:08:42,692 Love... unh! 155 00:08:49,567 --> 00:08:50,733 I didn't know they... 156 00:08:51,733 --> 00:08:54,483 Yeah. They never show that part on TV. 157 00:08:54,608 --> 00:08:56,567 Come on, Venture, think, think, damn it! 158 00:08:56,692 --> 00:08:58,317 You can come up with something. 159 00:08:59,983 --> 00:09:02,650 Burning the midnight oil, I see. 160 00:09:02,900 --> 00:09:04,608 Well, this looks interesting. 161 00:09:04,775 --> 00:09:05,817 What you working on? 162 00:09:05,942 --> 00:09:07,775 Oh, this? It's nothing really. 163 00:09:07,942 --> 00:09:09,692 Come on. Give us a peek. 164 00:09:09,817 --> 00:09:12,150 Actually, it's quite technical. 165 00:09:12,275 --> 00:09:14,067 I am a scientist. 166 00:09:14,150 --> 00:09:15,358 Oh! Hold on! 167 00:09:15,442 --> 00:09:17,692 Sorry, Professor lmpossible. 168 00:09:18,192 --> 00:09:19,942 Listen. I can look at this later. 169 00:09:20,108 --> 00:09:25,817 I really just came by to remind you that I need that sample from you A.S.A.P. 170 00:09:25,942 --> 00:09:27,358 Company policy. 171 00:09:29,525 --> 00:09:30,275 Hi. 172 00:09:30,483 --> 00:09:32,233 Oh. I brought you something. 173 00:09:32,942 --> 00:09:34,067 Oh. Is that your...? 174 00:09:34,650 --> 00:09:35,650 No. 175 00:09:35,775 --> 00:09:37,608 It's your... 176 00:09:39,400 --> 00:09:41,942 You might be able to fool Richard, but not me. 177 00:09:42,067 --> 00:09:43,858 I have a prescription for those. 178 00:09:44,067 --> 00:09:45,858 I need them for my... 179 00:09:46,525 --> 00:09:48,108 You know what I need? 180 00:09:49,317 --> 00:09:53,567 The Goliath Serum developed by Professor Richard lmpossible... 181 00:09:53,650 --> 00:09:57,150 for use during the Vietnam Conflict, but rejected for production. 182 00:09:57,275 --> 00:10:01,067 Injected into a living creature, it alters the subject's metabolism... 183 00:10:01,233 --> 00:10:05,400 turning it into a living, breathing time bomb within twenty-four hours. 184 00:10:05,900 --> 00:10:08,692 The magnitude of the blast is directly proportionate... 185 00:10:08,775 --> 00:10:10,025 to the subject's size. 186 00:10:10,275 --> 00:10:11,358 Why, if one drop... 187 00:10:11,483 --> 00:10:15,900 enough to turn this unsuspecting ant into a six-legged miniature hand grenade... 188 00:10:16,025 --> 00:10:19,108 just imagine the devastation that could be caused... 189 00:10:19,233 --> 00:10:22,650 if, say, an elephant was injected with the Goliath Serum. 190 00:10:23,025 --> 00:10:27,150 Now imagine that elephant was performing in the Moscow Circus. 191 00:10:27,233 --> 00:10:29,150 Watch out, lvan! 192 00:10:29,692 --> 00:10:32,108 The serum can enter the bloodstream through the skin... 193 00:10:32,192 --> 00:10:34,108 so direct contact should be avoided. 194 00:10:34,233 --> 00:10:35,817 Take care when handling it. 195 00:10:35,900 --> 00:10:40,233 If you suspect unintentional exposure, watch for the early warning signs. 196 00:10:40,483 --> 00:10:42,275 Does the patient look flushed? 197 00:10:42,358 --> 00:10:46,150 Does the patient have an abnormally large appetite? 198 00:10:47,942 --> 00:10:48,942 What? 199 00:10:49,525 --> 00:10:51,525 Is there popcorn on my face? 200 00:10:53,025 --> 00:10:55,025 Oh, this feels so good. 201 00:10:55,108 --> 00:10:56,775 I haven't laughed like this in years. 202 00:10:56,942 --> 00:10:58,567 Richard never lets me drink. 203 00:10:59,067 --> 00:11:01,608 Ah, well, he's probably worried about your medical condition. 204 00:11:01,733 --> 00:11:03,983 Medical condition? He's worried I'll embarrass him... 205 00:11:04,108 --> 00:11:07,150 Mr. Big lmportant Science Man, so prim and proper... 206 00:11:07,233 --> 00:11:10,150 all clean-cut and always so damn calm and composed. 207 00:11:10,275 --> 00:11:13,317 He's like a robot. It drives me nuts, but you... 208 00:11:13,442 --> 00:11:14,775 you're nothing like Richard. 209 00:11:14,858 --> 00:11:16,525 You're alive. 210 00:11:16,650 --> 00:11:17,900 Well, uh... 211 00:11:17,983 --> 00:11:21,400 You curse, you sweat, you twitch, you have passion. 212 00:11:21,983 --> 00:11:23,692 I'm dying in this place, Venture. 213 00:11:23,775 --> 00:11:25,858 I want to taste real life again. 214 00:11:26,025 --> 00:11:27,942 Kiss me, Dr. Venture! 215 00:11:29,942 --> 00:11:31,442 Kiss me! 216 00:11:38,358 --> 00:11:40,108 Please, please, Dr. Venture. 217 00:11:40,192 --> 00:11:42,858 Get away from... oh, God! Help me. 218 00:11:42,942 --> 00:11:45,983 Billy, White, she's a succubus. 219 00:11:46,108 --> 00:11:48,525 Doctor, please. Wait, don't. 220 00:11:51,817 --> 00:11:53,233 Dr. Venture. 221 00:11:53,472 --> 00:11:54,761 Dr. Venture. 222 00:11:59,400 --> 00:12:02,025 Oh, God! Oh, God! 223 00:12:02,192 --> 00:12:04,775 It burns! It burns! 224 00:12:07,817 --> 00:12:11,525 No! No! Oh, god! 225 00:12:18,983 --> 00:12:21,275 What, uh, doing here? 226 00:12:22,483 --> 00:12:24,525 Bad man make Cody cry hurt. 227 00:12:24,650 --> 00:12:25,817 I don't. I wasn't. I... 228 00:12:25,942 --> 00:12:29,108 Ned, don't. Dr. Venture is a friend. 229 00:12:31,192 --> 00:12:33,067 Bad man make Cody cry hurt. 230 00:12:33,150 --> 00:12:35,692 I know. He didn't mean it, Ned. 231 00:12:35,775 --> 00:12:37,067 Ned hurt, too. 232 00:12:37,233 --> 00:12:39,858 Heart hurt. Body hurt. 233 00:12:39,983 --> 00:12:42,650 I know, Ned. I know. 234 00:12:43,733 --> 00:12:45,108 But I don't want to be a bomb! 235 00:12:45,192 --> 00:12:46,317 Hank! Hank! 236 00:12:46,483 --> 00:12:49,692 Just calm down. Don't jump around so much. 237 00:12:49,817 --> 00:12:51,525 The movie guy said that doesn't matter, Brock. 238 00:12:51,608 --> 00:12:53,858 He's not volatile until he reaches stage four. 239 00:12:53,942 --> 00:12:54,858 And then what happens? 240 00:12:54,942 --> 00:12:56,358 Then I blow up, right? 241 00:12:56,942 --> 00:12:58,942 Well, not if we kill you first. 242 00:12:59,025 --> 00:13:02,067 That stops the metabolic chain reaction lickety-split. 243 00:13:02,233 --> 00:13:03,942 What's this? What's happening? 244 00:13:04,025 --> 00:13:06,650 Stage two... visible blemishes. 245 00:13:06,775 --> 00:13:07,733 Not a lot of time. 246 00:13:08,275 --> 00:13:09,775 Hank, listen to me. 247 00:13:09,900 --> 00:13:11,442 I'm gonna get you out of this. 248 00:13:11,525 --> 00:13:12,858 That's easy for you to say. 249 00:13:12,983 --> 00:13:14,358 You're not gonna blow up! 250 00:13:14,442 --> 00:13:16,483 Sure we would. According to the movie... 251 00:13:16,567 --> 00:13:18,608 you can take out a whole city. 252 00:13:18,733 --> 00:13:22,650 Dude, what is with you? Why are you so calm about this? 253 00:13:23,233 --> 00:13:26,025 Because, Hank, we're not just any poor suckers... 254 00:13:26,108 --> 00:13:27,733 we're the Venture brothers. 255 00:13:27,858 --> 00:13:31,692 Our dad's a supergenius with, like, chemistry stuff. 256 00:13:31,817 --> 00:13:33,483 He can fix this, no prob. 257 00:13:33,567 --> 00:13:35,817 Dean, we don't even know where your dad is. 258 00:13:35,942 --> 00:13:40,150 He's sequestered in some secret think tank, and this is, well... 259 00:13:40,858 --> 00:13:44,525 this is kind of out of his league, honestly. 260 00:13:44,942 --> 00:13:47,233 We're all gonna die! 261 00:13:47,317 --> 00:13:48,858 Not necessarily. 262 00:13:49,067 --> 00:13:52,817 There's one man on the planet who might be able to help us. 263 00:13:52,942 --> 00:13:55,108 And I know where he is. 264 00:13:59,025 --> 00:14:00,650 That's good, Ned. Thank you. 265 00:14:01,067 --> 00:14:04,317 Go back to your room now before Richard sees you out. 266 00:14:11,400 --> 00:14:12,817 No more of that, OK? 267 00:14:12,983 --> 00:14:14,817 I'm sorry. I should have told you. 268 00:14:14,942 --> 00:14:18,150 It takes all my concentration to keep myself from turning invisible... 269 00:14:18,275 --> 00:14:20,192 and, well, what with all the drinking... 270 00:14:20,275 --> 00:14:22,317 You can turn invisible? 271 00:14:22,400 --> 00:14:23,192 Just my skin. 272 00:14:23,358 --> 00:14:25,150 There was an accident a few years ago. 273 00:14:25,358 --> 00:14:28,442 Richard was messing around with one of his God-awful machines... 274 00:14:28,733 --> 00:14:31,983 trying to harness cosmic rays with gamma radiation. 275 00:14:32,192 --> 00:14:33,692 My brother Cody was in town. 276 00:14:33,775 --> 00:14:36,733 I was giving him and my mentally handicapped cousin Ned a tour... 277 00:14:36,817 --> 00:14:39,942 of the lmpossible Building in New York, and there was this explosion. 278 00:14:40,067 --> 00:14:41,817 I remember when that happened! 279 00:14:43,067 --> 00:14:45,192 But go on. I'm sorry. You were saying. 280 00:14:45,317 --> 00:14:48,692 It did this to me, turned poor Ned into a walking callus. 281 00:14:48,775 --> 00:14:51,483 Cody can't touch oxygen without bursting into flames... 282 00:14:51,692 --> 00:14:55,317 and Richard, as usual, he was the lucky one. 283 00:14:55,442 --> 00:14:58,942 Yeah. Superstretchy isn't so bad by comparison. 284 00:15:00,900 --> 00:15:03,525 He keeps us hidden away from his government investors. 285 00:15:03,775 --> 00:15:06,150 Ned's used to that kind of treatment, being a retard... 286 00:15:06,275 --> 00:15:08,150 and poor Cody's unconscious most of the time... 287 00:15:08,233 --> 00:15:10,358 but it's been so hard for me. 288 00:15:11,900 --> 00:15:15,483 Peaches, are you bothering Dr. Venture? 289 00:15:16,358 --> 00:15:20,150 No, Richard. I just came by for his sample. 290 00:15:20,275 --> 00:15:22,775 Splendid. I'll take that. 291 00:15:23,150 --> 00:15:26,442 Well, I guess you're all done here then, hmm? 292 00:15:26,567 --> 00:15:28,233 Yes, Richard. 293 00:15:28,692 --> 00:15:30,150 Good night, Dr. Venture. 294 00:15:30,275 --> 00:15:31,733 Mrs. Impossible. 295 00:15:32,567 --> 00:15:36,608 Well, let's hope you do better on this test than you did on your midterms, eh? 296 00:15:39,150 --> 00:15:42,317 What say you and I take a little ride, hmm? 297 00:15:43,275 --> 00:15:45,858 I've been good to you, haven't I, Dr. Venture? 298 00:15:45,917 --> 00:15:46,533 What? 299 00:15:46,581 --> 00:15:50,108 I selected you for my think tank, despite the military's protests... 300 00:15:50,275 --> 00:15:52,900 gave you a chance to do some meaningful work... 301 00:15:53,025 --> 00:15:55,442 and make a little much-needed cash at the same time. 302 00:15:55,525 --> 00:15:57,424 What? I can't... 303 00:15:57,488 --> 00:16:01,483 I don't mean to be cross with you, but my point is, I had a few simple rules... 304 00:16:01,608 --> 00:16:02,567 and you broke them. 305 00:16:02,733 --> 00:16:05,192 Making a play for my wife is one thing... 306 00:16:05,317 --> 00:16:10,858 but going into restricted areas... that I can't abide on a project like this. 307 00:16:12,400 --> 00:16:15,942 I'm glad we've had this little talk, Dr. Venture. 308 00:16:16,067 --> 00:16:18,692 Believe you me, I understand how it is. 309 00:16:18,942 --> 00:16:23,400 Being cooped up in a windowless building at the North Pole for an entire month... 310 00:16:23,483 --> 00:16:27,567 it can get to a man, make him do crazy things. 311 00:16:27,817 --> 00:16:29,733 No, really. I'm fine. 312 00:16:29,858 --> 00:16:31,400 I mean, it's only been a couple of days. 313 00:16:31,483 --> 00:16:36,150 No, no. That's what I'm going to tell them when they ask what happened to you... 314 00:16:36,233 --> 00:16:41,025 and I explain how you got cabin fever and wandered off to die in the snow. 315 00:16:41,192 --> 00:16:42,650 Good-bye, Dr. Venture. 316 00:16:42,775 --> 00:16:46,650 What? Wait a minute. If this is about what I saw, I won't tell anyone. 317 00:16:46,775 --> 00:16:48,108 I know. 318 00:16:48,567 --> 00:16:49,692 Oh, yeah? 319 00:16:50,400 --> 00:16:53,733 I cheated on my midterms! 320 00:17:01,275 --> 00:17:02,358 Oh, crap. 321 00:17:02,983 --> 00:17:04,983 I don't see why I have to be here. 322 00:17:05,108 --> 00:17:06,858 You guys can do this by yourselves. 323 00:17:06,983 --> 00:17:09,108 Oh, crap! Stage three! 324 00:17:09,442 --> 00:17:13,567 Brock, I've thought a lot about it, and if we can't get the antidote in time... 325 00:17:13,650 --> 00:17:18,358 and it comes down to it, l... well, I want you to be the one to kill me. 326 00:17:18,442 --> 00:17:20,608 Don't talk like that, Hank. We're gonna fi... 327 00:17:20,650 --> 00:17:21,983 - Promise me, Brock! - OK. 328 00:17:22,067 --> 00:17:23,525 - Promise? - Yes, I promise. 329 00:17:23,608 --> 00:17:25,317 - Superswear? - Yes, Hank. 330 00:17:26,942 --> 00:17:28,900 - Hey, Brock? - Yeah. 331 00:17:28,983 --> 00:17:29,817 How would you do it? 332 00:17:29,900 --> 00:17:32,108 You're asleep. Quick jerk of the neck, never feel a thing. 333 00:17:32,608 --> 00:17:33,900 You've thought about this. 334 00:17:34,025 --> 00:17:34,692 Yes, I have. 335 00:17:34,775 --> 00:17:36,212 Hey, is that... 336 00:17:36,252 --> 00:17:39,108 Keep moving. Frostbite setting in. 337 00:17:39,233 --> 00:17:41,525 Gonna die, gonna die, gonna die. 338 00:17:41,775 --> 00:17:44,192 No. Must press on. 339 00:17:44,608 --> 00:17:46,650 Great, Venture! 340 00:17:46,775 --> 00:17:49,858 Thousands of square miles of empty Arctic wasteland... 341 00:17:49,942 --> 00:17:53,400 and you somehow manage to step in the one spot of yellow snow. 342 00:17:56,900 --> 00:17:58,358 I made you another sample. 343 00:17:58,483 --> 00:18:01,067 I, uh, huh? 344 00:18:01,150 --> 00:18:02,942 Come to me, Dr. Venture. 345 00:18:03,108 --> 00:18:05,733 Take me, you magnificent beast! 346 00:18:05,900 --> 00:18:09,025 I know how to keep you warm. 347 00:18:23,692 --> 00:18:26,900 Here. Put this on. You OK? 348 00:18:27,025 --> 00:18:29,067 I think my foreskin might have just broken off. 349 00:18:29,192 --> 00:18:30,942 Wait a minute. Are you a hallucination? 350 00:18:31,067 --> 00:18:31,900 Afraid not, Doc. 351 00:18:32,025 --> 00:18:33,067 What? Did you miss me? 352 00:18:33,192 --> 00:18:34,233 What the hell are you doing here? 353 00:18:34,400 --> 00:18:36,983 Hank's a bomb. Long story. 354 00:18:37,525 --> 00:18:38,775 Richard, please. 355 00:18:38,942 --> 00:18:40,400 I can't live like this anymore. 356 00:18:40,483 --> 00:18:42,858 Sally, please be reasonable. 357 00:18:43,733 --> 00:18:47,442 Halt. This area is restricted on the authority of the United States Government. 358 00:18:47,567 --> 00:18:49,025 I work for the government. 359 00:18:49,150 --> 00:18:50,942 Uh, still, you're not coming in here. 360 00:18:51,067 --> 00:18:52,692 Please, Professor, we need your help. 361 00:18:52,775 --> 00:18:56,400 Horsewash! I know you. You're Venture's bodyguard. 362 00:18:56,567 --> 00:18:58,358 You just want to beat me up. 363 00:18:58,483 --> 00:19:00,442 Well, just you try it, mister. 364 00:19:00,567 --> 00:19:04,108 Try to beat up a man of living rubber! 365 00:19:06,358 --> 00:19:07,733 Can't hit what you can't catch. 366 00:19:09,067 --> 00:19:12,192 Stop wiggling around, you jackass! 367 00:19:12,567 --> 00:19:14,358 It's the Goliath Serum. 368 00:19:14,775 --> 00:19:16,275 The kid's full of it. 369 00:19:17,025 --> 00:19:19,650 Good lord. Hiccups? He's at stage four. 370 00:19:19,775 --> 00:19:20,817 He could go at any minute. 371 00:19:20,900 --> 00:19:22,650 Is there an antidote, Professor? 372 00:19:22,775 --> 00:19:25,358 Well, yes. You kill him. 373 00:19:27,733 --> 00:19:28,483 Oh, what? 374 00:19:28,567 --> 00:19:29,900 Like that would stop me from shooting? 375 00:19:30,025 --> 00:19:31,692 What's going on out here? 376 00:19:31,817 --> 00:19:33,067 He's trying to kill my brother! 377 00:19:33,192 --> 00:19:35,275 The kid's all hopped up on serum. 378 00:19:35,358 --> 00:19:38,067 He's gonna explode and take all of us with him if I don't. 379 00:19:38,150 --> 00:19:39,817 Well, isn't there an antidote? 380 00:19:39,942 --> 00:19:41,817 Listen. You got here late, OK? 381 00:19:41,942 --> 00:19:43,900 You're looking at the antidote! 382 00:19:43,983 --> 00:19:47,150 Professor, no offense, but that's just crazy. 383 00:19:47,275 --> 00:19:49,317 Violence isn't the answer. 384 00:19:49,567 --> 00:19:50,775 This is a think tank. 385 00:19:50,900 --> 00:19:53,233 We're the most powerful minds on the planet. 386 00:19:53,358 --> 00:19:54,900 Let's act like it. 387 00:19:55,025 --> 00:19:58,858 Billy's right. We can create an antidote if we work together. 388 00:20:00,233 --> 00:20:01,567 My way's safer. 389 00:20:01,692 --> 00:20:04,692 Bad Richard. No hurt boy. 390 00:20:04,817 --> 00:20:06,448 Ned, what are you... You son of a bitch! 391 00:20:06,480 --> 00:20:07,067 Cody? 392 00:20:07,150 --> 00:20:10,317 Let's stop this, boys. Outrageous! 393 00:20:11,025 --> 00:20:13,317 Who do you think... hey! 394 00:20:13,442 --> 00:20:16,067 That's it, guys. Tie him up good and tight. 395 00:20:16,608 --> 00:20:19,983 Well, are we ready, think tank? 396 00:20:51,025 --> 00:20:54,067 It worked! We're freakin' geniuses! 397 00:20:54,192 --> 00:20:55,983 Yay, think tank! 398 00:20:56,067 --> 00:20:57,942 You freaking idiots! 399 00:20:58,400 --> 00:20:59,733 It didn't work. 400 00:20:59,942 --> 00:21:01,192 You people invented... 401 00:21:02,317 --> 00:21:03,900 Ranch dressing. 402 00:21:04,025 --> 00:21:05,275 How did you get free? 403 00:21:05,400 --> 00:21:08,442 There's a reason Ned's boots have Velcro instead of laces, honey. 404 00:21:08,733 --> 00:21:11,567 Clearly the Goliath Serum just doesn't work on humans. 405 00:21:11,692 --> 00:21:13,608 We certainly never tested it on any. 406 00:21:13,775 --> 00:21:16,067 I mean, that was the whole point. 407 00:21:16,317 --> 00:21:18,817 You send a bug or a dog or something to blow up. 408 00:21:18,900 --> 00:21:21,192 You just can't stand seeing Dr. Venture succeed... 409 00:21:21,275 --> 00:21:22,817 where you failed, can you, Richard? 410 00:21:22,942 --> 00:21:24,817 You've been on his case since he got here! 411 00:21:24,900 --> 00:21:27,942 Well, guess what, Richard. You lose again! 412 00:21:28,067 --> 00:21:30,317 I'm with Dr. Venture now! 413 00:21:30,400 --> 00:21:31,025 Excuse me? 414 00:21:31,150 --> 00:21:35,442 Cool! I'm not gonna explode anymore, and plus, free invisible Mom! 415 00:21:35,567 --> 00:21:37,733 Go Team Venture! 416 00:21:39,025 --> 00:21:41,608 Hang on. I'm gonna get my things. 417 00:21:43,192 --> 00:21:45,108 - You want to... - Yeah. Go. 418 00:22:14,150 --> 00:22:15,650 You'll see, Sally. 419 00:22:15,983 --> 00:22:17,608 This is just a rough spot. 420 00:22:17,692 --> 00:22:22,400 In time, things will go back to the way they... hmm? 421 00:22:22,525 --> 00:22:24,025 That's odd. 422 00:22:25,275 --> 00:22:28,608 Dr. Venture's... pregnant?