0 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:04,000 Downloaded From www.AllSubs.org 1 00:00:02,468 --> 00:00:03,468 Water. 2 00:00:04,941 --> 00:00:05,941 Earth. 3 00:00:06,622 --> 00:00:08,235 Fire. 4 00:00:09,227 --> 00:00:10,227 Air. 5 00:00:11,525 --> 00:00:14,413 Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. 6 00:00:15,048 --> 00:00:18,741 Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. 7 00:00:20,037 --> 00:00:23,687 Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. 8 00:00:24,004 --> 00:00:26,767 But when the world needed him most, he vanished. 9 00:00:27,774 --> 00:00:30,823 A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar... 10 00:00:31,113 --> 00:00:32,836 ...an airbender named Aang. 11 00:00:33,157 --> 00:00:35,336 And although his airbending skills are great. 12 00:00:35,629 --> 00:00:38,122 He has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. 13 00:00:39,066 --> 00:00:41,839 But I believe Aang can save the world. 14 00:00:47,137 --> 00:00:49,586 Book Two: Earth Chapter Three: Return to Omashu 15 00:00:49,987 --> 00:00:52,587 sue = pure awesomeness 16 00:00:59,500 --> 00:01:00,792 I can't believe it. 17 00:01:00,993 --> 00:01:04,893 I know the war has spread far but Omashu always seemed... untouchable. 18 00:01:04,892 --> 00:01:06,340 Up until now, 19 00:01:06,340 --> 00:01:08,195 it was. 20 00:01:08,195 --> 00:01:12,158 Now Ba Sing Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left. 21 00:01:12,575 --> 00:01:14,104 This is horrible, 22 00:01:14,993 --> 00:01:16,851 but we have to move on. 23 00:01:16,851 --> 00:01:20,111 No. I'm going in to find Bumi. 24 00:01:20,111 --> 00:01:23,764 Aang, stop. We don't even know if Bumi's still... 25 00:01:23,764 --> 00:01:25,970 What? If he's still what? 26 00:01:25,970 --> 00:01:27,805 ...around. 27 00:01:27,805 --> 00:01:29,530 I know you had your heart set on Bumi,... 28 00:01:29,631 --> 00:01:32,631 ...but there are other people around who can teach you earthbending. 29 00:01:32,630 --> 00:01:35,075 This isn't about finding a teacher. 30 00:01:35,075 --> 00:01:37,109 This is about finding my friend. 31 00:01:44,534 --> 00:01:47,626 A secret passage? Why didn't we just use this last time? 32 00:01:49,200 --> 00:01:51,199 Does that answer your question? 33 00:02:14,330 --> 00:02:15,647 That wasn't as bad as I thought. 34 00:02:28,000 --> 00:02:30,500 They won't let go! Help! 35 00:02:32,000 --> 00:02:35,928 Stop making so much noise. It's just a purple pentapus. 36 00:02:46,342 --> 00:02:47,297 Hey! 37 00:02:50,984 --> 00:02:53,466 What are you kids doing out past curfew? 38 00:02:53,466 --> 00:02:56,269 Sorry. We were just on our way home. 39 00:02:59,000 --> 00:03:01,394 Wait! What's the matter with him? 40 00:03:01,394 --> 00:03:05,462 Uh... he has pentapox, Sir. 41 00:03:07,546 --> 00:03:09,851 Um... it's highly contagious! 42 00:03:11,563 --> 00:03:15,301 Ahhhhh... It's so awful... I'm dyiiiing... 43 00:03:15,301 --> 00:03:17,199 ...and deadly... 44 00:03:17,199 --> 00:03:19,000 Wait, I think I've heard of pentapox. 45 00:03:19,000 --> 00:03:20,853 Didn't your cousin Chang die of it? 46 00:03:20,853 --> 00:03:24,902 We'd better go wash our hands... and burn our clothes! 47 00:03:25,944 --> 00:03:27,550 Thank you, sewer friend! 48 00:03:32,000 --> 00:03:33,600 When tracking your brother and uncle,... 49 00:03:33,701 --> 00:03:38,001 ...traveling with a royal procession may no longer be an option. 50 00:03:38,000 --> 00:03:43,500 May no longer be wise... if you hope to keep the element of surprise. 51 00:03:43,500 --> 00:03:44,476 You're right. 52 00:03:44,577 --> 00:03:46,277 The royal procession is dead weight. 53 00:03:46,378 --> 00:03:50,278 If I want to catch my prey, I must be agile... nimble. 54 00:03:50,476 --> 00:03:52,456 I need a small, elite team. 55 00:03:52,657 --> 00:03:56,057 It's time to visit some old friends. 56 00:04:07,000 --> 00:04:09,000 Let's find Bumi and get out of here. 57 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:10,279 Where would they be keeping him? 58 00:04:10,279 --> 00:04:12,612 Somewhere he can't earthbend. 59 00:04:12,612 --> 00:04:13,968 Somewhere made of metal. 60 00:04:21,600 --> 00:04:26,160 There really is no fathoming the depths of my hatred for this place. 61 00:04:26,160 --> 00:04:29,157 Mai, your father was appointed governor. 62 00:04:29,192 --> 00:04:33,333 We're like royalty here. Be happy, and enjoy it. 63 00:04:37,000 --> 00:04:38,548 The targets are approaching. 64 00:04:38,548 --> 00:04:39,887 Take them out. 65 00:04:39,887 --> 00:04:42,915 I thought my life was boring in the Fire Nation. 66 00:04:43,116 --> 00:04:46,216 But this place is unbearably bleak. 67 00:04:46,215 --> 00:04:49,105 Nothing ever happens. 68 00:05:03,000 --> 00:05:04,480 The resistance! 69 00:05:51,000 --> 00:05:53,764 Ty Lee, could that possibly be you? 70 00:05:55,000 --> 00:05:56,321 Azula! 71 00:06:00,000 --> 00:06:02,666 It is so good to see you! 72 00:06:02,666 --> 00:06:06,750 Please, don't let me interrupt your... whatever it is you were doing. 73 00:06:07,828 --> 00:06:11,475 Tell me, what is the daughter of a nobleman doing here? 74 00:06:11,475 --> 00:06:14,380 Certainly our parents didn't send us to the Royal Fire Academy for Girls... 75 00:06:14,481 --> 00:06:17,781 ...to end up in... places like this. 76 00:06:21,008 --> 00:06:24,071 I have a proposition for you. I'm hunting a traitor. 77 00:06:24,071 --> 00:06:27,282 You remember my old fuddy duddy uncle, don't you? 78 00:06:27,282 --> 00:06:30,040 Oh yeah. He was so funny. 79 00:06:31,316 --> 00:06:33,649 I would be honored if you would join me on my mission. 80 00:06:33,649 --> 00:06:37,165 Oh... I... uh... would love to. 81 00:06:37,800 --> 00:06:40,452 But the truth is, I'm really happy here. 82 00:06:40,653 --> 00:06:43,553 I mean, my aura has never been pinker! 83 00:06:44,243 --> 00:06:46,310 I'll take your word for it. 84 00:06:46,310 --> 00:06:50,477 Well, I wouldn't want you to give up the life you love just to please me. 85 00:06:51,315 --> 00:06:52,710 Thank you, Azula. 86 00:06:54,300 --> 00:06:57,951 Of course, before I leave, I'm going to catch your show. 87 00:06:58,902 --> 00:07:02,413 Huh? Uh... yeah... sure... uh... of course... 88 00:07:05,217 --> 00:07:07,112 So, is King Bumi with you guys? 89 00:07:07,851 --> 00:07:09,890 Is he leading the resistance? 90 00:07:09,890 --> 00:07:12,361 Of course not! The day of the invasion, 91 00:07:12,461 --> 00:07:14,276 we readied ourselves for battle. 92 00:07:14,377 --> 00:07:16,477 We were prepared to defend our city... 93 00:07:16,578 --> 00:07:18,978 to fight for our lives and for our freedom. 94 00:07:18,976 --> 00:07:22,044 But before we even had a chance, 95 00:07:22,044 --> 00:07:24,627 King Bumi surrendered. 96 00:07:29,989 --> 00:07:33,929 The day of the invasion, I asked King Bumi what he wanted to do. 97 00:07:33,929 --> 00:07:36,189 98 00:07:37,133 --> 00:07:40,105 I'm going to do... nothing! 99 00:07:42,931 --> 00:07:47,439 It doesn't matter now. Fighting the Fire Nation is the only path to freedom. 100 00:07:47,439 --> 00:07:50,229 And freedom is worth dying for. 101 00:07:50,229 --> 00:07:52,802 Actually there's another path to freedom. 102 00:07:52,802 --> 00:07:54,298 You could leave Omashu. 103 00:07:54,599 --> 00:07:55,899 You're directing all your energy 104 00:07:56,000 --> 00:07:57,200 to fight the Fire Nation. 105 00:07:57,298 --> 00:07:59,611 But you're outnumbered. You can't win. 106 00:07:59,675 --> 00:08:03,666 Now's the time to retreat, so you can live to fight another day. 107 00:08:03,666 --> 00:08:05,190 You don't understand. 108 00:08:05,391 --> 00:08:09,091 They've taken our home and we have to fight them at any cost! 109 00:08:09,090 --> 00:08:13,814 I don't know, Ya, living to fight another day is startin' to sound pretty good to me. 110 00:08:13,814 --> 00:08:15,917 Yeah, I'm with the kid! 111 00:08:21,000 --> 00:08:24,990 Fine. But there's thousands of citizens that need to leave. 112 00:08:24,990 --> 00:08:26,595 How're we going to get them all out? 113 00:08:26,666 --> 00:08:28,026 Suckers! 114 00:08:29,125 --> 00:08:32,844 You're all about to come down with a nasty case of pentapox. 115 00:08:49,253 --> 00:08:50,906 The marks make ya look sick, 116 00:08:51,007 --> 00:08:52,607 but you gotta act sick, too. 117 00:08:53,163 --> 00:08:54,558 Ya gotta sell it! 118 00:09:00,197 --> 00:09:02,422 Now that's what I'm talkin' about. 119 00:09:02,422 --> 00:09:04,423 Years of practice. 120 00:09:05,556 --> 00:09:08,689 Okay everyone! Into sick formation. 121 00:09:09,688 --> 00:09:12,977 Aang, what are you doing? Aren't you coming with us. 122 00:09:12,977 --> 00:09:16,131 No. I'm not leaving until I find Bumi. 123 00:09:18,606 --> 00:09:20,675 Sorry Momo, I'll feed you later. 124 00:09:47,311 --> 00:09:48,833 Plague! Plague! 125 00:09:56,500 --> 00:09:58,403 What is going on down there? 126 00:09:58,403 --> 00:10:00,872 I saw some kids yesterday who were sick with pentapox. 127 00:10:00,872 --> 00:10:02,603 It must have spread! 128 00:10:02,603 --> 00:10:06,153 Pentapox! Hm, I'm pretty sure I've heard of that. 129 00:10:06,153 --> 00:10:08,466 Oh, this is terrible. 130 00:10:08,466 --> 00:10:12,994 What should we do? Drive them out of the city... but don't touch them! 131 00:10:12,994 --> 00:10:15,900 We have to rid the city of this disease! 132 00:10:17,026 --> 00:10:19,039 Fire flakes, Dad? 133 00:10:20,546 --> 00:10:22,131 Oh! How awful! 134 00:10:34,626 --> 00:10:35,633 Flopsie! 135 00:10:49,635 --> 00:10:53,166 Come on, Flopsie. You gotta help me find Bumi. 136 00:10:55,304 --> 00:10:58,847 Yip Yip! Oh... I guess that doesn't work with you. Let's go! 137 00:12:12,000 --> 00:12:13,693 We're deeply honored 138 00:12:13,794 --> 00:12:17,694 to have the Fire Lord's daughter at our humble circus. 139 00:12:17,693 --> 00:12:22,052 Uh... tell us if there is anything we can do to make the show more enjoyable. 140 00:12:22,052 --> 00:12:23,322 I will. 141 00:12:30,345 --> 00:12:32,471 Incredible. Do you think she'll fall? 142 00:12:32,471 --> 00:12:33,599 Of course not. 143 00:12:33,700 --> 00:12:37,900 Then wouldn't it make it more interesting if you removed the net? 144 00:12:37,999 --> 00:12:44,206 Uh... the thing is... the performers... You're right, you're right. That's been done. 145 00:12:45,484 --> 00:12:50,767 -I know. Set the net on fire. -Of course, Princess. 146 00:12:58,000 --> 00:13:03,882 Brilliant, just brilliant! Oooo, what kind of dangerous animals do you have? 147 00:13:03,882 --> 00:13:07,005 Well, our circus boasts the most exotic assortment... 148 00:13:07,106 --> 00:13:08,406 Release them all! 149 00:13:22,586 --> 00:13:25,075 We looked everywhere. No Bumi. 150 00:13:28,632 --> 00:13:31,416 We've got a problem. We just did a head count. 151 00:13:31,416 --> 00:13:34,141 Oh no. Did someone get left behind? 152 00:13:34,172 --> 00:13:36,618 No, we have an extra. 153 00:13:46,026 --> 00:13:49,498 So, the resistance has kidnapped my son. 154 00:13:49,498 --> 00:13:54,357 Everything so clever, so tricky. Just like their King Bumi. 155 00:13:54,357 --> 00:13:55,767 What do you want to do, Sir? 156 00:14:02,000 --> 00:14:06,780 What an exquisite performance. I can't wait to see how you'll top yourself tomorrow. 157 00:14:06,780 --> 00:14:10,774 I'm sorry Azula, but unfortunately there won't be a show tomorrow. 158 00:14:10,774 --> 00:14:11,803 Really? 159 00:14:11,803 --> 00:14:14,381 The universe has given me strong hints 160 00:14:14,482 --> 00:14:16,582 that it's time for a career change. 161 00:14:16,581 --> 00:14:19,263 I want to join you on your mission. 162 00:14:30,500 --> 00:14:32,936 No! Bad Fire Nation baby! 163 00:14:36,500 --> 00:14:38,461 Oh... alright. 164 00:14:43,470 --> 00:14:44,842 Ooo, you're so cute. Mmmmm... 165 00:14:45,000 --> 00:14:48,357 Sure he's cute now, but when he's older, 166 00:14:48,357 --> 00:14:49,848 he'll join the Fire Nation army. 167 00:14:49,949 --> 00:14:53,549 You won't think he's so cute then. He'll be a killer. 168 00:14:54,223 --> 00:14:56,677 Does that look like the face of a killer to you? 169 00:15:01,607 --> 00:15:03,260 A messenger hawk! 170 00:15:05,376 --> 00:15:07,373 It's from the Fire Nation governor. 171 00:15:07,373 --> 00:15:12,081 He thinks we kidnapped his son. So... he wants to make a trade. 172 00:15:12,081 --> 00:15:15,271 His son for King Bumi. 173 00:15:23,800 --> 00:15:26,413 You realize we're probably walking right into a trap? 174 00:15:26,413 --> 00:15:27,252 I don't think so. 175 00:15:27,453 --> 00:15:31,353 I'm sure the Governor wants his son back as much as we want Bumi. 176 00:15:31,352 --> 00:15:34,709 It's a new day. I have a good feeling about this. 177 00:15:43,935 --> 00:15:46,356 Please tell me you're here to kill me. 178 00:15:48,800 --> 00:15:50,794 It's great to see you, Mai. 179 00:15:51,056 --> 00:15:53,908 I thought you ran off and joined the circus? 180 00:15:53,908 --> 00:15:55,464 You said it was your calling. 181 00:15:55,464 --> 00:15:58,799 Well, Azula called a little louder. 182 00:15:58,799 --> 00:16:01,708 I have a mission and I need you both. 183 00:16:01,708 --> 00:16:05,291 Count me in. Anything to get me out of this place. 184 00:16:06,000 --> 00:16:07,245 I apologize. 185 00:16:07,614 --> 00:16:10,320 You've come to Omashu at a difficult time. 186 00:16:10,421 --> 00:16:12,121 At noon we're making a trade 187 00:16:12,322 --> 00:16:14,822 with the resistance to get Tom-Tom back. 188 00:16:14,920 --> 00:16:17,430 Yes, I'm so sorry to hear about your son, 189 00:16:17,531 --> 00:16:22,331 but really, what did you expect by just letting all the citizens leave? 190 00:16:23,714 --> 00:16:27,422 My father has trusted you with this city and you're making a mess of things! 191 00:16:27,422 --> 00:16:29,202 Forgive me, Princess. 192 00:16:29,202 --> 00:16:30,545 You stay here. 193 00:16:30,746 --> 00:16:34,446 Mai will handle the hostage trade ...so you don't have a chance to mess it up. 194 00:16:34,445 --> 00:16:36,346 And there is no more "Omashu". 195 00:16:36,547 --> 00:16:41,147 I'm renaming it in honor of my father, the City of New Ozai. 196 00:16:56,732 --> 00:16:58,552 Hi, everybody! 197 00:17:01,654 --> 00:17:05,762 -You brought my brother? -He's here. We're ready to trade. 198 00:17:07,017 --> 00:17:09,641 I'm sorry, but a thought just occurred to me. Do you mind? 199 00:17:09,724 --> 00:17:11,853 Of course not, Princess Azula. 200 00:17:12,419 --> 00:17:14,215 We're trading a two year old for a king. 201 00:17:14,215 --> 00:17:16,902 A powerful, earthbending king? 202 00:17:18,838 --> 00:17:21,433 It just doesn't seem like a fair trade, does it? 203 00:17:23,954 --> 00:17:25,541 You're right. 204 00:17:27,789 --> 00:17:29,321 The deal's off. 205 00:17:31,027 --> 00:17:32,795 Whhhoa! See you all later! 206 00:17:34,800 --> 00:17:35,865 Bumi! 207 00:17:44,000 --> 00:17:45,386 The Avatar! 208 00:17:47,396 --> 00:17:49,783 My lucky day. 209 00:17:55,851 --> 00:17:59,391 Aang, is that you? Where did you come from? 210 00:17:59,439 --> 00:18:01,834 Hang on! We're gonna get you out of here. 211 00:18:09,802 --> 00:18:12,054 We've got to get the baby out of here! 212 00:18:12,354 --> 00:18:13,882 Way ahead of ya! 213 00:18:41,715 --> 00:18:44,422 Aang, stop your blowing for a minute. 214 00:18:48,550 --> 00:18:50,567 Now hold on just a duahhh!!! 215 00:19:08,583 --> 00:19:11,055 Just like old times, isn't it, Bumi? 216 00:19:11,055 --> 00:19:13,190 Aang, I need to talk to you! 217 00:19:13,190 --> 00:19:15,126 It's good to see you too! 218 00:20:12,597 --> 00:20:14,477 How are you gonna fight without your bending? 219 00:20:17,973 --> 00:20:19,517 I seem to manage! 220 00:20:27,000 --> 00:20:29,121 There's Aang! We can catch him! 221 00:20:34,674 --> 00:20:36,651 Hang on, Bumi! Our ride's here! 222 00:21:13,008 --> 00:21:15,386 You could earthbend all along!? 223 00:21:15,386 --> 00:21:17,891 Well, they didn't cover my face. 224 00:21:21,970 --> 00:21:25,058 I don't understand. Why didn't you free yourself? 225 00:21:25,058 --> 00:21:27,789 Why did you surrender when Omashu was invaded? 226 00:21:27,890 --> 00:21:29,190 What's the matter with you, Bumi!? 227 00:21:29,189 --> 00:21:31,310 Listen to me, Aang. 228 00:21:31,310 --> 00:21:33,939 There are options in fighting, called jin. 229 00:21:34,040 --> 00:21:37,040 It's a choice of how you direct your energy. 230 00:21:37,039 --> 00:21:38,094 I know! 231 00:21:38,195 --> 00:21:41,695 There's positive jin when you're attacking ...and negative jin when you're retreating. 232 00:21:41,694 --> 00:21:44,598 ...and neutral jin when you do nothing! 233 00:21:44,598 --> 00:21:46,199 There three jins? 234 00:21:46,199 --> 00:21:50,871 Well, technically there are eighty five. But, let's just focus on the third. 235 00:21:50,871 --> 00:21:54,079 Neutral jin is the key to earthbending. 236 00:21:54,180 --> 00:21:59,080 It involves listening and waiting for the right moment to strike. 237 00:21:59,079 --> 00:22:01,455 That's why you surrendered, isn't it? 238 00:22:01,455 --> 00:22:03,823 Yes, and it's why I can't leave now. 239 00:22:05,542 --> 00:22:08,966 I guess I need to find someone else to teach me earthbending. 240 00:22:08,966 --> 00:22:12,943 Your teacher will be someone who has mastered neutral jin. 241 00:22:12,943 --> 00:22:18,046 You need to find someone who waits and listens before striking. 242 00:22:18,400 --> 00:22:19,760 Hey, Momo! 243 00:22:19,790 --> 00:22:22,721 Momo's mastered a few jins himself! 244 00:22:24,348 --> 00:22:28,293 Goodbye, Aang. I'll see you when the time is right. 245 00:22:37,854 --> 00:22:40,526 So, we're tracking down your brother and Uncle, huh? 246 00:22:40,526 --> 00:22:43,926 It'll be interesting seeing Zuko again, won't it, Mai? 247 00:22:45,269 --> 00:22:47,654 It's not just Zuko and Iroh anymore. 248 00:22:47,654 --> 00:22:50,087 We have a third target now. 249 00:23:02,703 --> 00:23:04,776 Tom-Tom! 250 00:23:11,777 --> 00:23:14,777 chaos