1 00:00:00,649 --> 00:00:03,021 Water. 2 00:00:03,022 --> 00:00:04,895 Earth. 3 00:00:04,896 --> 00:00:07,004 Fire. 4 00:00:07,005 --> 00:00:08,296 Air. 5 00:00:09,362 --> 00:00:13,496 Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. 6 00:00:13,497 --> 00:00:17,575 Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. 7 00:00:17,776 --> 00:00:21,888 Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. 8 00:00:21,889 --> 00:00:25,048 But when the world needed him most, he vanished. 9 00:00:25,389 --> 00:00:29,210 A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar... 10 00:00:29,211 --> 00:00:31,050 ...an airbender named Aang. 11 00:00:31,151 --> 00:00:33,256 And although his airbending skills are great. 12 00:00:33,257 --> 00:00:36,989 He has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. 13 00:00:36,990 --> 00:00:40,612 But I believe Aang can save the world. 14 00:00:46,989 --> 00:00:50,529 Book One: Water | Chapter Nineteen: The Siege of the North Part 1 15 00:01:12,580 --> 00:01:14,871 Nice try, Pupil Sangok. 16 00:01:14,912 --> 00:01:20,100 A couple of more years and you might be ready to fight a sea sponge. 17 00:01:22,501 --> 00:01:26,758 Would anyone care for a rematch with Katara? 18 00:01:27,650 --> 00:01:32,330 Katara, you have advanced more quickly than any student I have ever trained. 19 00:01:32,366 --> 00:01:35,050 You have proven that with fierce determination,... 20 00:01:35,067 --> 00:01:39,516 ...passion and hard work you can accomplish anything. 21 00:01:39,561 --> 00:01:42,412 Raw talent alone is not enough. 22 00:01:42,451 --> 00:01:43,323 Pupil Aang! 23 00:01:43,400 --> 00:01:44,625 Yes, Master Pakku? 24 00:01:44,683 --> 00:01:47,571 Care to step into the sparring circle? 25 00:01:47,644 --> 00:01:50,379 I figure since you've found time to play with house pets... 26 00:01:50,394 --> 00:01:53,202 ...you must have already mastered waterbending. 27 00:01:53,255 --> 00:01:57,604 I wouldn't say "mastered", but check this out! 28 00:02:06,556 --> 00:02:09,074 So they don't have palaces in the Southern Tribe? 29 00:02:09,138 --> 00:02:15,744 Are you kidding? I grew up in a block of ice. It's not exactly a cultural hub. 30 00:02:16,870 --> 00:02:19,267 Sokka, this is wrong. 31 00:02:19,327 --> 00:02:21,699 What's wrong? We're taking a walk! 32 00:02:21,739 --> 00:02:25,968 I'm engaged. It just... feels... 33 00:02:26,014 --> 00:02:29,133 I know what you need! You need to meet my good friend Appa! 34 00:02:29,191 --> 00:02:31,094 Who? 35 00:02:31,113 --> 00:02:34,045 Appa and I go way back. Don't we boy? 36 00:02:34,106 --> 00:02:35,894 Ahh! Easy! 37 00:02:35,954 --> 00:02:38,255 Down boy! Ahh! No! Up! 38 00:02:38,313 --> 00:02:42,213 Looks like you haven't been giving Appa enough attention. 39 00:02:43,641 --> 00:02:45,495 So how does this work? 40 00:02:45,560 --> 00:02:46,887 You hangin' on tight? 41 00:02:46,926 --> 00:02:48,004 Mmm hmm. 42 00:02:48,044 --> 00:02:50,876 Yip... yip! 43 00:02:50,926 --> 00:02:53,896 Oh... my... goodness! 44 00:02:55,414 --> 00:02:59,179 Wow! I can't believe you do this every day! 45 00:02:59,223 --> 00:03:01,370 Yeh, we pretty much live up here. 46 00:03:01,414 --> 00:03:04,670 Is it always this cold in the sky? 47 00:03:05,107 --> 00:03:08,207 Not when you're with someone. 48 00:03:08,230 --> 00:03:09,989 It's beautiful up here. 49 00:03:10,007 --> 00:03:11,650 Yeh. 50 00:03:15,566 --> 00:03:21,808 Whoo! Yeh! Huh... Good times! Good times! 51 00:03:21,863 --> 00:03:23,883 Hey, look! 52 00:03:23,914 --> 00:03:26,095 What's happening? 53 00:03:26,129 --> 00:03:28,498 Oh no. 54 00:03:51,859 --> 00:03:52,624 Soot. 55 00:03:52,688 --> 00:03:53,039 What? 56 00:03:53,108 --> 00:03:58,894 I've seen it before. Right before my village was attacked. It's soot mixed with snow. 57 00:03:58,952 --> 00:03:59,758 But why? 58 00:03:59,819 --> 00:04:03,442 It's the Fire Nation. They've closed in on the North Pole. 59 00:04:03,475 --> 00:04:05,305 And from the looks of the stuff... 60 00:04:05,334 --> 00:04:08,016 ...I'd say there's a lot of them. 61 00:04:10,871 --> 00:04:14,710 This will truly be one for the history books, General Iroh. 62 00:04:14,772 --> 00:04:19,533 Just think, centuries from now, people will study the great Admiral Zhao... 63 00:04:19,577 --> 00:04:23,251 ...who destroyed the last of the Water Tribe civilization. 64 00:04:23,296 --> 00:04:25,229 You're lucky you're here to see it. 65 00:04:25,281 --> 00:04:31,794 Be careful what you wish for, Admiral. History is not always kind to its subjects. 66 00:04:31,831 --> 00:04:34,645 I suppose you speak from experience? 67 00:04:34,688 --> 00:04:40,686 But rest assured, this will be nothing like your legendary failure at Ba Sing Se. 68 00:04:40,709 --> 00:04:43,311 I hope not, for your sake. 69 00:04:43,350 --> 00:04:47,653 Tell the Captains to prepare for first strike. 70 00:04:54,340 --> 00:04:57,617 We'll be landing soon. Do you have a plan? 71 00:04:57,653 --> 00:05:00,590 I'm working on it, Uncle. 72 00:05:09,719 --> 00:05:12,167 What's wrong? We have to go! 73 00:05:12,193 --> 00:05:16,241 No, Sokka, wait. I can't see you anymore. Not at all. 74 00:05:16,290 --> 00:05:18,855 What? We're just friends. 75 00:05:18,904 --> 00:05:20,788 I wish we could just be friends,... 76 00:05:20,820 --> 00:05:24,798 ...but I like you too much and it's too confusing to be around you. 77 00:05:24,832 --> 00:05:27,638 I'm marrying someone else. 78 00:05:27,692 --> 00:05:31,422 You don't love him, do you? You don't even seem to like him. 79 00:05:31,459 --> 00:05:33,456 But I do love my people. 80 00:05:33,499 --> 00:05:36,071 You're not marrying them. 81 00:05:36,112 --> 00:05:40,413 You don't understand. I have duties to my father, to my tribe. 82 00:05:40,438 --> 00:05:43,817 I have to do this, goodbye! 83 00:05:46,131 --> 00:05:53,258 The day we have feared for so long has arrived. The Fire Nation is on our doorstep. 84 00:05:53,282 --> 00:05:58,178 It is with great sadness I call my family here before me,... 85 00:05:58,228 --> 00:06:05,157 ...knowing well that some of these faces are about to vanish from our tribe. 86 00:06:05,204 --> 00:06:09,116 But they will never vanish from our hearts. 87 00:06:09,159 --> 00:06:17,243 Now, as we approach the battle for our existence, I call upon the great spirits! 88 00:06:17,278 --> 00:06:23,294 Spirit of the Ocean! Spirit of the Moon! Be with us! 89 00:06:23,339 --> 00:06:27,424 I'm going to need volunteers for a dangerous mission. 90 00:06:27,448 --> 00:06:28,605 Count me in. 91 00:06:28,649 --> 00:06:29,881 Sokka! 92 00:06:29,919 --> 00:06:33,753 Be warned. Many of you will not return. 93 00:06:33,805 --> 00:06:39,959 Come forward to receive my mark if you accept the task. 94 00:07:05,333 --> 00:07:10,904 The stillness before battle is unbearable. Such a quite dread. 95 00:07:10,958 --> 00:07:14,490 I wasn't there when the Fire Nation attacked my people. 96 00:07:14,529 --> 00:07:17,729 I'm gonna make a difference this time. 97 00:08:02,299 --> 00:08:04,316 Yip! Yip! 98 00:08:08,511 --> 00:08:10,514 Katara!? 99 00:08:32,469 --> 00:08:35,126 I'll take it from here, boy! 100 00:09:43,908 --> 00:09:45,938 Appa! 101 00:09:48,911 --> 00:09:51,380 Thanks for the rescue, buddy! 102 00:10:11,685 --> 00:10:14,902 You have got to be kidding me. 103 00:10:16,196 --> 00:10:19,980 Men, you'll be infiltrating the Fire Nation navy. 104 00:10:20,015 --> 00:10:25,074 That means you'll all need one of these uniforms... 105 00:10:29,792 --> 00:10:31,220 What's your problem? 106 00:10:31,256 --> 00:10:33,840 Fire Navy uniforms don't look like that. 107 00:10:33,885 --> 00:10:39,452 Of course they do. These are real uniforms captured from actual Fire Navy soldiers. 108 00:10:39,481 --> 00:10:41,916 When, like a hundred years ago? 109 00:10:41,970 --> 00:10:43,554 Eighty five. 110 00:10:43,624 --> 00:10:45,862 The Fire Nation doesn't wear shoulder spikes anymore. 111 00:10:45,900 --> 00:10:48,848 The newer uniforms are more streamlined. 112 00:10:48,908 --> 00:10:53,366 How do we know we can trust this guy? Such bold talk for a new recruit. 113 00:10:53,422 --> 00:11:00,464 Sokka is from our sister tribe, Hahn, he is a capable warrior and I value his input. 114 00:11:00,548 --> 00:11:06,314 Now, our first objective is to determine the identity of their commanding officer. 115 00:11:06,329 --> 00:11:11,818 His name is Zhao. Middle-aged. Big sideburns. Bigger temper. 116 00:11:11,862 --> 00:11:17,478 Sokka, I want you to tell everything you know to Hahn, he is leading this mission. 117 00:11:17,515 --> 00:11:25,922 Hahn, show Sokka your respect. I expect nothing less from my future son-in-law. 118 00:11:25,945 --> 00:11:27,719 Princess Yue's marrying you? 119 00:11:27,748 --> 00:11:29,401 Yeh, what of it? 120 00:11:29,447 --> 00:11:32,733 Nothing, congratulations. 121 00:11:38,270 --> 00:11:40,732 Stop those fireballs! 122 00:11:49,229 --> 00:11:51,367 It's almost twilight, Admiral. 123 00:11:51,430 --> 00:11:55,588 As your military consultant I must advise you to halt your attack. 124 00:11:55,636 --> 00:12:00,808 The waterbenders draw their power from the moon and it is nearly full tonight. 125 00:12:00,831 --> 00:12:04,078 You should wait and resume the attack at daybreak. 126 00:12:04,124 --> 00:12:09,001 Oh, I'm well aware of the moon problem and I am working on a solution. 127 00:12:09,023 --> 00:12:12,821 But for now, daybreak it is. 128 00:12:18,834 --> 00:12:20,322 They've stopped firing. 129 00:12:20,380 --> 00:12:22,486 Aang! 130 00:12:27,704 --> 00:12:31,186 I can't do it. I can't do it. 131 00:12:31,216 --> 00:12:32,057 What happened? 132 00:12:32,088 --> 00:12:34,771 I must have taken out a dozen Fire Navy ships,... 133 00:12:34,810 --> 00:12:39,098 ...but there's just too many of them. I can't fight them all. 134 00:12:39,117 --> 00:12:42,381 But, you have to! You're the Avatar! 135 00:12:42,396 --> 00:12:45,808 I'm just one kid. 136 00:12:54,155 --> 00:12:56,752 If you're fishing for an octopus, my nephew,... 137 00:12:56,782 --> 00:13:03,149 ...you need a tightly woven net or he will squeeze through the tiniest hole and escape. 138 00:13:03,192 --> 00:13:05,441 I don't need your wisdom right now, Uncle. 139 00:13:05,472 --> 00:13:12,335 I'm sorry, I just nag you because, well, ever since I lost my son... 140 00:13:12,393 --> 00:13:14,939 Uncle, you don't have to say it. 141 00:13:14,989 --> 00:13:18,670 I think of you as my own. 142 00:13:19,572 --> 00:13:23,089 I know, Uncle. We'll meet again... 143 00:13:23,980 --> 00:13:26,796 ...after I have the Avatar. 144 00:13:28,831 --> 00:13:33,153 Remember your Breathe of Fire! It could save your life out there! 145 00:13:33,211 --> 00:13:34,420 I will. 146 00:13:34,468 --> 00:13:37,520 And put your hood up, keep your ears warm! 147 00:13:37,571 --> 00:13:39,656 I'll be fine. 148 00:13:47,578 --> 00:13:50,552 Let me tell ya, Sokka, I've courted a lot of girls,... 149 00:13:50,596 --> 00:13:54,294 ...but Yue is the finest... and she comes with the most perks. 150 00:13:54,327 --> 00:13:56,506 Perks!? What does that mean? 151 00:13:56,570 --> 00:13:58,749 I mean, Yue's nice and everything,... 152 00:13:58,797 --> 00:14:01,072 ...but the points I'll get with the Chief aren't bad either. 153 00:14:01,123 --> 00:14:04,948 Princess Yue is wasted on a self absorbed weasel like you! 154 00:14:04,992 --> 00:14:07,628 Whoa. Hang on. What do you care? 155 00:14:07,646 --> 00:14:10,209 You're just a simple rube from the Southern Tribe. 156 00:14:10,226 --> 00:14:15,985 What would you know of the political complexities of our life? No offense. 157 00:14:18,285 --> 00:14:22,637 You're just a jerk without a soul! No offense! 158 00:14:23,633 --> 00:14:28,478 That's enough! Sokka, you're off the mission. 159 00:14:28,496 --> 00:14:30,378 All right, fall in men! 160 00:14:30,391 --> 00:14:35,137 Everybody listen to what I say and we'll take out this Admiral Jo in no time. 161 00:14:35,157 --> 00:14:37,875 It's Admiral Zhao! 162 00:15:12,725 --> 00:15:15,317 Where are they going? 163 00:15:16,763 --> 00:15:19,940 They're coming up for air somewhere... 164 00:15:28,132 --> 00:15:30,953 The legends say the moon was the first waterbender. 165 00:15:30,975 --> 00:15:33,614 Our ancestors saw how it pushed and pulled the tides... 166 00:15:33,645 --> 00:15:35,576 ...and learned how to do it themselves. 167 00:15:35,617 --> 00:15:39,434 I've always noticed my waterbending is stronger at night. 168 00:15:39,475 --> 00:15:42,048 Our strength comes from the Spirit of the Moon,... 169 00:15:42,073 --> 00:15:47,812 ...our life comes from the Spirit of the Ocean. They work together to keep balance. 170 00:15:47,862 --> 00:15:51,702 The Spirits! Maybe I can find them and get their help! 171 00:15:51,744 --> 00:15:53,225 How can you do that? 172 00:15:53,266 --> 00:15:56,794 The Avatar is the bridge between our world and the Spirit World. 173 00:15:56,839 --> 00:15:58,496 Aang can talk to them! 174 00:15:58,552 --> 00:16:01,485 Maybe they'll give you the wisdom to win this battle! 175 00:16:01,527 --> 00:16:06,916 Or, maybe they'll unleash a crazy amazing spirit attack on the Fire Nation! 176 00:16:07,277 --> 00:16:09,269 Or wisdom. That's good too. 177 00:16:09,299 --> 00:16:13,350 The only problem is, last time you got to the Spirit World by accident. 178 00:16:13,380 --> 00:16:15,124 How are you going to get there this time? 179 00:16:15,146 --> 00:16:17,837 I have an idea, follow me. 180 00:16:24,440 --> 00:16:26,988 So is this the way to the Spirit World? 181 00:16:27,034 --> 00:16:29,573 No, you'll have to get there on your own. 182 00:16:29,604 --> 00:16:34,857 But I can take you to the most spiritual place in the entire North Pole. 183 00:16:50,348 --> 00:16:53,454 I never thought I'd miss grass this much! 184 00:16:53,503 --> 00:16:56,522 It's so warm here! How is that possible? 185 00:16:56,542 --> 00:17:00,805 It's the center of all spiritual energy in our land. 186 00:17:09,092 --> 00:17:16,626 You're right, Yue. I can feel... something... it's so... tranquil. 187 00:17:33,826 --> 00:17:35,861 Be quiet! 188 00:17:54,910 --> 00:17:57,222 Is something wrong, Sokka? 189 00:17:57,265 --> 00:17:59,840 Oh no! Hahn's out there on the top secret mission... 190 00:17:59,895 --> 00:18:03,445 ...while I'm here sharpening my boomerang. Everything's fine! 191 00:18:03,473 --> 00:18:07,580 Listen to me. I took you off the mission for selfish reasons. 192 00:18:07,621 --> 00:18:10,893 I have a special task in mind for you. 193 00:18:10,941 --> 00:18:12,705 What? You want me to scrub the barracks? 194 00:18:12,750 --> 00:18:17,029 I want you to guard my daughter, Princess Yue. 195 00:18:17,075 --> 00:18:21,905 Er, sure. That shouldn't be too hard. 196 00:19:13,797 --> 00:19:15,861 Why is he sitting like that? 197 00:19:15,882 --> 00:19:19,550 He's meditating... trying to cross over into the Spirit World. 198 00:19:19,596 --> 00:19:22,210 It takes all his concentration. 199 00:19:22,250 --> 00:19:23,726 Is there any way we can help? 200 00:19:23,759 --> 00:19:29,850 How 'bout some quiet!? C'mon guys! I can hear every word you're saying! 201 00:19:49,308 --> 00:19:50,420 Is he okay? 202 00:19:50,477 --> 00:19:55,056 He's crossing into the Spirit World. He'll be fine as long as we don't move his body. 203 00:19:55,069 --> 00:19:57,201 That's his way back to the physical world. 204 00:19:57,244 --> 00:19:58,516 Maybe we should get some help? 205 00:19:58,555 --> 00:20:03,049 No, he's my friend. I'm perfectly capable of protecting him. 206 00:20:03,075 --> 00:20:06,067 Well, aren't you a big girl now? 207 00:20:06,110 --> 00:20:07,037 No! 208 00:20:07,068 --> 00:20:11,750 Yes! Hand him over, and I won't have to hurt you. 209 00:20:22,465 --> 00:20:27,528 I see you've learned a new trick. But I didn't come this far to lose to you. 210 00:20:46,414 --> 00:20:52,054 You little peasant. You've found a master, haven't you? 211 00:21:24,708 --> 00:21:30,384 It's daybreak at last. Let's write history. 212 00:21:51,161 --> 00:21:56,441 You rise with the moon. I rise with the sun. 213 00:22:07,122 --> 00:22:15,051 The Water Tribe can try to resist the inevitable, but their city will fall today. 214 00:22:20,739 --> 00:22:22,945 Aang! 215 00:22:24,530 --> 00:22:26,413 What happened? Where's Zuko? 216 00:22:26,453 --> 00:22:30,754 He took Aang. He took him right out from under me. 217 00:22:30,803 --> 00:22:33,036 Where did they go? 218 00:22:56,083 --> 00:22:58,858 Subtitle by rendy1287 [at gmail dot com] 219 00:22:58,928 --> 00:23:02,207 Thanks to Acastus for The Transcript. 220 00:23:04,308 --> 00:23:18,508 Book One: Water | Chapter Twenty: The Siege of the North Part 2 221 00:23:18,509 --> 00:23:20,809 I can't believe I lost him. 222 00:23:20,810 --> 00:23:22,610 You did everything you could... 223 00:23:22,611 --> 00:23:25,411 ...and now we need to do everything we can to get him back. 224 00:23:25,412 --> 00:23:29,712 Zuko can't have gotten far. We'll find him. Aang's gonna be fine. 225 00:23:29,713 --> 00:23:35,613 Okay. 226 00:23:35,614 --> 00:23:39,614 It's all right. You stay here, Momo, in case Aang comes back. 227 00:23:39,615 --> 00:24:10,815 Yip! Yip! 228 00:24:10,816 --> 00:24:13,316 Hello? I'm sorry to disturb you,... 229 00:24:13,317 --> 00:24:16,517 ...but I just really need to find the Moon and the Ocean spirits. 230 00:24:16,518 --> 00:24:20,818 Go... away. 231 00:24:20,819 --> 00:24:22,219 You're still here? 232 00:24:22,220 --> 00:24:23,320 Yes! I need... 233 00:24:23,321 --> 00:24:31,821 Perhaps that thing will help you? Chase it! 234 00:24:31,822 --> 00:24:41,122 Finally! 235 00:24:41,123 --> 00:24:45,023 Come back! 236 00:24:45,024 --> 00:24:46,824 Hello, Aang. 237 00:24:46,825 --> 00:25:13,325 Roku! 238 00:25:13,326 --> 00:25:25,026 Shelter! 239 00:25:25,027 --> 00:25:31,327 Roku, the Water Tribe is under attack. I need to find the Ocean and Moon spirits! 240 00:25:31,328 --> 00:25:35,028 The Ocean and the Moon are ancient spirits. 241 00:25:35,029 --> 00:25:41,029 They crossed over from the Spirit World to the Mortal World very near the beginning. 242 00:25:41,030 --> 00:25:46,430 There is only one spirit I know of who is old enough to remember. 243 00:25:46,431 --> 00:25:47,431 Who? 244 00:25:47,432 --> 00:25:56,432 The spirit's name is Koh. But he is very dangerous. They call him... the Face Stealer. 245 00:25:56,433 --> 00:26:02,233 When you speak with him you must be very careful to show no emotion at all... 246 00:26:02,234 --> 00:26:27,534 ...not the slightest expression or he will steal your face! 247 00:26:27,535 --> 00:26:32,035 I finally have you. But I can't get you home because of this blizzard. 248 00:26:32,036 --> 00:26:36,036 There's always something. Not that you would understand. 249 00:26:36,037 --> 00:26:40,537 You're like my sister. Everything always... came easy to her. 250 00:26:40,538 --> 00:26:43,938 She's a firebending prodigy... and everyone adores her. 251 00:26:43,939 --> 00:26:49,639 My father says she was born lucky. He says I was lucky to be born. 252 00:26:49,640 --> 00:26:52,940 I don't need luck though, I don't want it. 253 00:26:52,941 --> 00:26:56,241 I've always had to struggle and fight and that's made me strong. 254 00:26:56,242 --> 00:27:28,442 It's made me who I am. 255 00:27:28,443 --> 00:27:31,243 I don't need to remind you we have a time limit. 256 00:27:31,244 --> 00:27:37,044 If we don't defeat the Water Tribe before the full moon rises they will be undefeatable. 257 00:27:37,045 --> 00:27:40,145 I assure you I have everything under control. 258 00:27:40,146 --> 00:27:43,246 I intend to remove the moon as a factor. 259 00:27:43,247 --> 00:27:46,047 Remove the moon!? How? 260 00:27:46,048 --> 00:27:49,148 Admiral Choi! 261 00:27:49,149 --> 00:27:54,449 Prepare to meet your fate! 262 00:27:54,450 --> 00:28:00,650 As I was saying... years ago I stumbled upon a great and powerful secret... 263 00:28:00,651 --> 00:28:04,251 ...the identity of the Moon Spirit's mortal form. 264 00:28:04,252 --> 00:28:05,652 What? 265 00:28:05,653 --> 00:28:09,453 I was a young Lieutenant serving under General Shu in the Earth Kingdom... 266 00:28:09,454 --> 00:28:16,054 I discovered a hidden library, underground in fact. I tore through scroll after scroll. 267 00:28:16,055 --> 00:28:22,355 One of them contained a detailed illustration and the words "moon" and "ocean." 268 00:28:22,356 --> 00:28:27,656 I knew then that these spirits could be found... and killed. 269 00:28:27,657 --> 00:28:30,157 And that it was my destiny to do so. 270 00:28:30,158 --> 00:28:33,558 Zhao, the Spirits are not to be trifled with! 271 00:28:33,559 --> 00:28:37,759 Yes, yes, I know you fear the Spirits, Iroh. 272 00:28:37,760 --> 00:28:41,060 I've heard rumors about your journey into the Spirit World. 273 00:28:41,061 --> 00:28:46,061 But the Ocean and Moon gave up their immortality to become a part of our world... 274 00:28:46,062 --> 00:29:07,662 ...and now they will face the consequences! 275 00:29:07,663 --> 00:29:16,663 Oh! Whew! You're just a curly tailed blue nose. 276 00:29:16,664 --> 00:29:33,964 Show no fear. Show no emotion at all. 277 00:29:33,965 --> 00:29:50,565 Hello? I'm looking for a spirit named "Koh." 278 00:29:50,566 --> 00:29:54,666 Welcome! 279 00:29:54,667 --> 00:29:55,967 Thank you. 280 00:29:55,968 --> 00:30:02,068 My old friend, the Avatar. It's been a long time. 281 00:30:02,069 --> 00:30:03,369 You know me? 282 00:30:03,370 --> 00:30:05,870 How could I forget you! 283 00:30:05,871 --> 00:30:09,571 One of your previous incarnations tried to slay me! 284 00:30:09,572 --> 00:30:12,272 It was eight or nine hundred years ago. 285 00:30:12,273 --> 00:30:18,273 I didn't know that. Why did he... or I... try to kill you? 286 00:30:18,274 --> 00:30:30,574 Oh... it was something about stealing the face of someone you loved... 287 00:30:30,575 --> 00:30:33,475 Of course, that's all behind us. 288 00:30:33,476 --> 00:30:37,176 Why should I hold a grudge against you for something in a past life? 289 00:30:37,177 --> 00:30:48,577 After all, you're a different person now. You've come to me... with a new face. 290 00:30:48,578 --> 00:30:53,678 Guess we'll be here awhile. 291 00:30:53,679 --> 00:30:57,779 Don't worry! Prince Zuko can't be getting too far in this weather. 292 00:30:57,780 --> 00:31:02,380 I'm not worried they'll get away in the blizzard. I'm worried that they won't. 293 00:31:02,381 --> 00:31:04,081 They're not gonna die in this blizzard. 294 00:31:04,082 --> 00:31:06,982 If we know anything it's that Zuko never gives up. 295 00:31:06,983 --> 00:31:10,583 They'll survive... and we'll find them! 296 00:31:10,584 --> 00:31:15,684 It's been a long time since I've added a child's face to my collection. 297 00:31:15,685 --> 00:31:18,485 So... how may I help you? 298 00:31:18,486 --> 00:31:21,186 I need to find the Moon and the Ocean. 299 00:31:21,187 --> 00:31:25,387 Their spirit names are Tui and La. 300 00:31:25,388 --> 00:31:32,588 Push... and Pull... and that has been the nature of their relationship for all time. 301 00:31:32,589 --> 00:31:35,289 Please, help me find them. 302 00:31:35,290 --> 00:31:38,790 An entire culture could be destroyed if I don't get their help. 303 00:31:38,791 --> 00:31:45,591 Oh, you think you need their help? Actually, it's quite the other way around. 304 00:31:45,592 --> 00:31:48,492 Someone's going to kill them! 305 00:31:48,493 --> 00:31:52,193 What do you mean? How can I find them and protect them? 306 00:31:52,194 --> 00:31:55,594 You've already met them, actually. 307 00:31:55,595 --> 00:31:59,795 Tui and La, your Moon and Ocean,... 308 00:31:59,796 --> 00:32:02,896 ...have always circled each other in an eternal dance. 309 00:32:02,897 --> 00:32:08,297 They balance each other... push and pull... life and death... 310 00:32:08,298 --> 00:32:17,298 ...good and evil... yin... and yang. 311 00:32:17,299 --> 00:32:20,699 The koi fish! 312 00:32:20,500 --> 00:32:22,900 I must be going now. 313 00:32:22,901 --> 00:32:29,901 We'll meet again. 314 00:32:29,902 --> 00:32:33,502 The spirits are in trouble. I need to get back to the physical world. 315 00:32:33,503 --> 00:32:37,003 A friend is here to guide you back. 316 00:32:37,004 --> 00:33:28,804 Hei-Bai! 317 00:33:28,805 --> 00:33:32,605 We'll be following this map to a very special location. 318 00:33:32,606 --> 00:33:40,306 And when we get there... we're going fishing. 319 00:33:40,307 --> 00:33:50,907 This is where I came in. But how do I get back? 320 00:33:50,908 --> 00:33:57,708 Good riddance. 321 00:33:57,709 --> 00:34:00,709 Momo! 322 00:34:00,710 --> 00:34:10,110 Momo? Oh no! Where's my body? 323 00:34:10,111 --> 00:34:23,411 Look! That's gotta be Aang! Yip! Yip! 324 00:34:23,412 --> 00:34:24,612 Welcome back. 325 00:34:24,613 --> 00:34:32,913 Good to be back. 326 00:34:32,914 --> 00:34:35,714 That won't be enough to escape. 327 00:34:35,715 --> 00:34:41,215 Appa! 328 00:34:41,216 --> 00:34:42,516 Here for a rematch? 329 00:34:42,517 --> 00:34:52,217 Trust me, Zuko, it's not going to be much of a match. 330 00:34:52,218 --> 00:34:54,618 Hey! This is some quality rope! 331 00:34:54,619 --> 00:35:02,719 We need to get to the oasis! The spirits are in trouble! 332 00:35:02,720 --> 00:35:05,420 Wait, we can't just leave him here. 333 00:35:05,421 --> 00:35:07,421 Sure we can. Let's go. 334 00:35:07,422 --> 00:35:14,222 No, if we leave him, he'll die. 335 00:35:14,223 --> 00:35:50,523 Yeh, this makes a lot of sense. Let's bring the guy who's constantly trying to kill us! 336 00:35:51,625 --> 00:35:53,525 I feel faint. 337 00:35:53,526 --> 00:35:56,526 I feel it too. 338 00:35:56,527 --> 00:35:58,727 The Moon Spirit is in trouble. 339 00:35:58,728 --> 00:36:00,928 I owe the Moon Spirit my life. 340 00:36:00,929 --> 00:36:02,229 What do you mean? 341 00:36:02,230 --> 00:36:06,330 When I was born I was very sick and very weak. 342 00:36:06,331 --> 00:36:08,731 Most babies cry when they're born... 343 00:36:08,732 --> 00:36:12,632 ...but I was born as if I were asleep. My eyes closed. 344 00:36:12,633 --> 00:36:15,733 Our healers did everything they could. 345 00:36:15,734 --> 00:36:19,434 They told my mother and father I was going to die. 346 00:36:19,435 --> 00:36:22,935 My father pleaded with the spirits to save me... 347 00:36:22,936 --> 00:36:25,336 ...that night, beneath the full moon,... 348 00:36:25,337 --> 00:36:29,037 ...he brought me to the oasis and placed me in the pond. 349 00:36:29,038 --> 00:36:34,438 My dark hair turned white, I opened my eyes and began to cry... 350 00:36:34,439 --> 00:36:37,139 ...and they knew I would live. 351 00:36:37,140 --> 00:36:44,240 That's why my mother named me Yue, for the moon. 352 00:36:44,241 --> 00:36:50,941 I am... a legend now! The Fire Nation will for generations tell stories about... 353 00:36:50,942 --> 00:36:54,542 ...the great Zhao who darkened the moon! 354 00:36:54,543 --> 00:37:03,343 They will call me Zhao the Conqueror! Zhao the Moon Slayer! Zhao The Invincible! 355 00:37:03,344 --> 00:37:15,244 Huh! Get it off! Get if off! 356 00:37:15,245 --> 00:37:18,445 Don't bother! 357 00:37:18,446 --> 00:37:20,846 Zhao! Don't! 358 00:37:20,847 --> 00:37:26,647 It's my destiny... to destroy the Moon... and the Water Tribe. 359 00:37:26,648 --> 00:37:30,448 Destroying the moon won't hurt just the Water Tribe. 360 00:37:30,449 --> 00:37:33,749 It will hurt everyone... including you. 361 00:37:33,750 --> 00:37:38,050 Without the moon, everything would fall out of balance. 362 00:37:38,051 --> 00:37:41,251 You have no idea what kind of chaos that would unleash on the world. 363 00:37:41,252 --> 00:37:43,152 He is right, Zhao! 364 00:37:43,153 --> 00:37:48,453 General Iroh, why am I not surprised to discover your treachery? 365 00:37:48,454 --> 00:37:52,554 I'm no traitor, Zhao, the Fire Nation needs the moon too. 366 00:37:52,555 --> 00:37:56,155 We all depend on the balance. 367 00:37:56,156 --> 00:38:44,456 Whatever you do to that spirit I'll unleash on you ten-fold! Let it go, now! 368 00:38:44,457 --> 00:38:50,257 There's no hope now. It's over. 369 00:38:50,258 --> 00:40:08,458 No, it's not over. 370 00:40:08,459 --> 00:40:09,859 You're alive? 371 00:40:09,860 --> 00:40:14,760 You tried to have me killed! 372 00:40:14,761 --> 00:40:20,761 Yes, I did. You're the Blue Spirit... and enemy of the Fire Nation! 373 00:40:20,762 --> 00:40:22,662 You freed the Avatar! 374 00:40:22,663 --> 00:40:27,863 I had no choice! 375 00:40:27,864 --> 00:40:32,464 You should have chosen to accept your failure... your disgrace! 376 00:40:32,465 --> 00:40:46,765 Then, at least you could have lived! 377 00:40:46,766 --> 00:40:53,666 It's too late. It's dead. 378 00:40:53,667 --> 00:40:58,567 You have been touched by the Moon Spirit. Some of its life is in you! 379 00:40:58,568 --> 00:41:08,968 Yes, you're right. It gave me life. Maybe I can give it back. 380 00:41:06,869 --> 00:41:09,769 No! You don't have to do that! 381 00:41:09,770 --> 00:41:11,370 It's my duty, Sokka. 382 00:41:11,371 --> 00:41:15,271 I won't let you! Your father told me to protect you! 383 00:41:15,272 --> 00:41:30,072 I have to do this. 384 00:41:30,073 --> 00:41:33,073 No! 385 00:41:33,074 --> 00:42:35,874 She's gone. She's gone. 386 00:42:35,875 --> 00:43:19,475 Goodbye, Sokka. I will always be with you. 387 00:43:19,476 --> 00:43:31,376 It can't be! 388 00:43:31,377 --> 00:43:49,477 Take my hand! 389 00:43:49,478 --> 00:43:52,078 I've decided to go to the South Pole. 390 00:43:52,079 --> 00:43:54,579 Some other benders and healers want to join me. 391 00:43:54,580 --> 00:43:58,180 It's time we helped rebuild our sister tribe. 392 00:43:58,181 --> 00:44:01,281 What about Aang? He still needs to learn waterbending. 393 00:44:01,282 --> 00:44:08,582 Well, then he better get used to calling you "Master Katara." 394 00:44:08,583 --> 00:44:12,583 The Spirits gave me a vision when Yue was born. 395 00:44:12,584 --> 00:44:19,884 I saw... a beautiful, brave young woman... become the Moon Spirit. 396 00:44:19,885 --> 00:44:21,785 I knew this day would come. 397 00:44:21,786 --> 00:44:23,186 You must be proud. 398 00:44:23,187 --> 00:44:29,287 So proud. And sad. 399 00:44:29,288 --> 00:44:31,688 I'm surprised, Prince Zuko,... 400 00:44:31,689 --> 00:44:36,989 ...surprised that you are not at this moment trying to capture the Avatar. 401 00:44:36,990 --> 00:44:38,490 I'm tired. 402 00:44:38,491 --> 00:45:00,891 Then you should rest. A man needs his rest. 403 00:45:00,892 --> 00:45:02,592 You too, Momo. 404 00:45:02,593 --> 00:45:14,293 Come here. 405 00:45:14,294 --> 00:45:27,194 Iroh is a traitor and your brother Zuko is a failure. I have a task for you. 406 00:45:27,195 --> 00:45:29,595 Subtitle by rendy1287 [at gmail dot com] 407 00:45:29,596 --> 00:45:30,396 Thanks to Acastus for The Transcript.