1 00:00:50,759 --> 00:00:52,135 Ages ago... 2 00:00:53,053 --> 00:00:54,888 ...an evil artifact was created. 3 00:00:56,682 --> 00:00:59,726 An item so mighty, in my hands... 4 00:01:00,435 --> 00:01:04,731 ...it would unleash a nightmare onto the land. 5 00:01:22,541 --> 00:01:26,044 For 30 centuries it has remained hidden. 6 00:01:27,421 --> 00:01:30,340 After pursuing every whispered rumor... 7 00:01:30,382 --> 00:01:35,554 ...and battling for 1 00 years through countless foul pits... 8 00:01:35,596 --> 00:01:40,475 ...its dark power is finally within my reach. 9 00:02:22,559 --> 00:02:27,397 Now, retribution is at hand. 10 00:02:31,151 --> 00:02:33,153 Nothing can keep me from it. 11 00:02:39,785 --> 00:02:45,165 There is no path too perilous or hazard too great. 12 00:02:47,709 --> 00:02:52,339 The specter of death does not daunt me... 13 00:02:52,714 --> 00:02:54,716 ...for I am already dead. 14 00:03:05,978 --> 00:03:11,275 Giving birth to this nightmare is my most coveted dream. 15 00:03:11,775 --> 00:03:16,321 I will see them all burn. 16 00:03:37,176 --> 00:03:40,554 As my pain ends... 17 00:03:41,096 --> 00:03:45,851 ...theirs begins. 18 00:03:49,354 --> 00:03:54,902 At last I am free of this undead curse. 19 00:04:01,491 --> 00:04:06,288 The Orb of Falazure is mine. 20 00:04:07,247 --> 00:04:11,752 What chance does lsmir have against me now? 21 00:04:23,722 --> 00:04:27,226 Sir, the problem remains that Halifax has threatened not to sign your law... 22 00:04:27,392 --> 00:04:30,729 ...for the new sewer if you cut off the supply of wheat. 23 00:04:30,896 --> 00:04:34,942 So, as you can clearly see, we must act now. 24 00:04:36,235 --> 00:04:37,361 My lord? 25 00:04:38,779 --> 00:04:41,573 Are you listening to me? 26 00:04:42,533 --> 00:04:45,536 All I do is listen. 27 00:04:46,036 --> 00:04:48,622 My days are filled with nothing more than figures... 28 00:04:48,789 --> 00:04:50,999 ...and reports and compromise. 29 00:04:51,917 --> 00:04:54,753 I'm growing as soft as the velvet cushions upon my chair. 30 00:04:55,921 --> 00:04:58,966 Sir Berek, you are a minister in the House of Lords. 31 00:04:59,216 --> 00:05:01,552 Urgent matters of state are at hand. 32 00:05:01,844 --> 00:05:05,138 This should be your concern. Not some... 33 00:05:05,556 --> 00:05:07,766 ...boyish duel. 34 00:05:11,603 --> 00:05:12,980 My lord. 35 00:05:16,191 --> 00:05:17,442 Valerious! 36 00:05:17,651 --> 00:05:19,945 Have you forgotten all my lessons? 37 00:05:20,237 --> 00:05:22,281 You parry when you should attack. 38 00:05:22,322 --> 00:05:25,158 The captain of the king's guard should always press forward. 39 00:05:25,325 --> 00:05:26,994 Forward, boy. 40 00:05:27,327 --> 00:05:30,998 Fetch that rusty blade of yours and let us settle this in the battle circle. 41 00:05:31,498 --> 00:05:32,958 Unless, of course... 42 00:05:33,125 --> 00:05:35,335 ...you prefer that I come up to your chamber... 43 00:05:36,003 --> 00:05:38,630 ...where we might joust with... 44 00:05:38,797 --> 00:05:40,465 ...quills. 45 00:05:46,180 --> 00:05:48,974 Men, this is Sir Berek. 46 00:05:49,308 --> 00:05:53,562 Former captain of the king's guard and, at one time, my teacher. 47 00:05:54,062 --> 00:05:57,900 Sir Berek, I sincerely hope this doesn't keep you from your duties... 48 00:05:57,941 --> 00:05:59,568 ...as royal tax advisor. 49 00:05:59,776 --> 00:06:03,906 As of this moment, Valerious, the instructions resume. 50 00:07:23,151 --> 00:07:27,114 Barely. You are the most talented of all my students, Valerious. 51 00:07:27,281 --> 00:07:29,449 The care of the king is in good hands. 52 00:07:29,616 --> 00:07:33,537 Officers, prepare your men. We march at dawn. 53 00:07:34,288 --> 00:07:35,747 I long to join you. 54 00:07:35,998 --> 00:07:38,959 There's nothing quite like lying exhausted on the battlefield... 55 00:07:39,126 --> 00:07:41,003 ...victorious. 56 00:07:41,211 --> 00:07:43,422 Your place is here. In lsmir. 57 00:07:43,755 --> 00:07:46,091 On the contrary, my value lies in the field. 58 00:07:46,258 --> 00:07:48,594 You saw the results in the battle circle. 59 00:07:48,802 --> 00:07:52,890 I did. Unfortunately, you did not. 60 00:07:53,932 --> 00:07:57,311 Instead of the plume, it could have been your head. 61 00:07:58,770 --> 00:08:00,397 You let me win? 62 00:08:01,899 --> 00:08:03,150 Why? 63 00:08:03,567 --> 00:08:05,611 Berek, you will always be my captain... 64 00:08:05,777 --> 00:08:08,780 ...and I will never forget what you have taught me. 65 00:08:09,156 --> 00:08:10,240 Especially this last lesson. 66 00:08:12,159 --> 00:08:14,494 And what lesson is that? 67 00:08:15,120 --> 00:08:16,997 To recognize... 68 00:08:17,247 --> 00:08:22,169 ...when it's time to sheath your sword for good. 69 00:09:05,921 --> 00:09:08,549 Damn it, Berek. 70 00:09:09,758 --> 00:09:12,553 Now is that any kind of language for the wife of a lord? 71 00:09:12,886 --> 00:09:15,764 I have picked up some dubious habits since we met. 72 00:09:16,056 --> 00:09:20,227 Well, it's always been my ambition to sully the virtue of a well-bred mage. 73 00:09:20,477 --> 00:09:22,938 Virtue is the least of my worries. 74 00:09:23,397 --> 00:09:24,523 What's wrong, my love? 75 00:09:25,816 --> 00:09:28,610 I bought this scroll from the Temple of Obadhai. 76 00:09:29,069 --> 00:09:32,656 I've been trying to mend these gloves using divine magic. 77 00:09:33,282 --> 00:09:35,450 Unsuccessfully, I might add. 78 00:09:35,701 --> 00:09:37,119 Divine magic? 79 00:09:37,703 --> 00:09:39,788 There are two different forms of magic. 80 00:09:40,289 --> 00:09:42,416 Mages like myself work with the arcane. 81 00:09:42,958 --> 00:09:46,211 Our power comes through knowledge and endless hours of study. 82 00:09:46,587 --> 00:09:49,381 Divine magic is completely different. 83 00:09:49,798 --> 00:09:51,717 It's granted by the gods. 84 00:09:52,301 --> 00:09:54,970 Certainly nobody in lsmir can do it, which is why... 85 00:09:55,137 --> 00:09:59,141 ...if I'm successful, a position on the Council of Mages is guaranteed. 86 00:09:59,474 --> 00:10:02,561 Well, don't let me stand between you and greatness. 87 00:10:26,251 --> 00:10:30,547 Perhaps we were destined to remain in our current stations. 88 00:10:33,091 --> 00:10:34,343 Excuse me. 89 00:10:36,762 --> 00:10:38,347 Yes? 90 00:10:38,514 --> 00:10:40,891 Is there something we can help you with? 91 00:10:41,308 --> 00:10:44,353 Sir Berek, I have traveled from Saragasso. 92 00:10:44,686 --> 00:10:48,982 -An evil has descended on our village. -What kind of evil? 93 00:10:49,024 --> 00:10:51,652 It's something terrible. Deep inside Mount Hearth. 94 00:10:51,902 --> 00:10:55,280 Two of our menfolk entered the cave on its slope yesterday morning. 95 00:10:56,156 --> 00:10:58,116 They have yet to return. 96 00:10:58,408 --> 00:11:01,620 Please, we need your help. 97 00:11:32,401 --> 00:11:35,362 -Poison gas. -lt is as I said. 98 00:11:35,737 --> 00:11:38,574 Stay behind me. 99 00:12:07,978 --> 00:12:12,357 Those holes must lead to some unknown source of evil deep in the mountain. 100 00:12:12,649 --> 00:12:14,526 Evil, yes. 101 00:12:14,943 --> 00:12:16,987 Unknown, maybe not. 102 00:12:17,154 --> 00:12:20,407 Berek, do you know what this is? 103 00:12:22,367 --> 00:12:24,995 When I was with the freebooters... 104 00:12:25,162 --> 00:12:27,372 ...we plundered the ruins of ancient Turan. 105 00:12:27,539 --> 00:12:29,166 Berek. Hurry. 106 00:12:29,333 --> 00:12:33,295 And there we discovered hieroglyphics which depicted... 107 00:12:39,801 --> 00:12:44,139 ...a colossal black dragon sleeping in the heart of Hearth Mountain. 108 00:12:44,431 --> 00:12:48,685 -Then those holes.... -Are not holes at all. 109 00:12:49,269 --> 00:12:51,772 -They're nostrils. -Please, Sir Berek... 110 00:12:52,898 --> 00:12:54,566 ...what are we going to do? 111 00:12:54,983 --> 00:12:56,652 What shall I tell my people? 112 00:12:58,487 --> 00:12:59,613 Tell them to flee. 113 00:13:04,993 --> 00:13:06,870 The Tomes of Turan. 114 00:13:07,037 --> 00:13:09,164 This is all we have left of their civilization. 115 00:13:09,331 --> 00:13:11,500 Should we wake the Council of Mages? 116 00:13:11,542 --> 00:13:15,838 No. Let's first find out if the Turanians can shed any light on this. 117 00:13:16,338 --> 00:13:19,132 Are these similar to the hieroglyphics you saw in the temple? 118 00:13:19,299 --> 00:13:20,968 They're identical. 119 00:13:21,176 --> 00:13:23,011 It's indecipherable. 120 00:13:23,428 --> 00:13:27,224 Maybe the text is hidden. The symbols are jumbled the same way in the books. 121 00:13:27,599 --> 00:13:30,811 -lf we can figure a way to combine them-- -That could take weeks. 122 00:13:31,520 --> 00:13:34,481 A vision spell might reveal how to decipher these books. 123 00:13:34,648 --> 00:13:37,651 -What do you need? -Four sticks of ivory and incense. 124 00:13:37,776 --> 00:13:41,738 -The expensive kind. -Good thing I'm a lord. 125 00:14:21,737 --> 00:14:24,323 -What happened? -I don't know. You tell me. 126 00:14:24,406 --> 00:14:27,784 You screamed, and the table exploded. Are you hurt? 127 00:14:34,416 --> 00:14:37,544 I had the strangest visions. 128 00:14:38,212 --> 00:14:40,214 I saw the Turanian mages. 129 00:14:42,424 --> 00:14:46,678 There was a sphere, a black orb. 130 00:14:47,638 --> 00:14:48,305 And then.... 131 00:14:55,687 --> 00:14:58,565 I can't remember. 132 00:15:01,235 --> 00:15:03,111 You're ice-cold. 133 00:15:03,695 --> 00:15:05,948 It's the strain of spell-casting. I'll be fine. 134 00:15:06,114 --> 00:15:08,450 Melora, your hair. 135 00:15:09,201 --> 00:15:11,078 I'm taking you to a healer. 136 00:15:14,998 --> 00:15:16,542 Look. 137 00:15:51,827 --> 00:15:53,662 What does it say? Can you decipher it. 138 00:15:53,829 --> 00:15:56,915 " Be the snowflake, the cleansing flame... 139 00:15:57,124 --> 00:16:00,752 ...the ancient stone, the endless wind." 140 00:16:01,003 --> 00:16:02,963 The four elements. 141 00:16:03,213 --> 00:16:04,423 My God. 142 00:16:05,507 --> 00:16:07,634 The Libram. 143 00:16:11,013 --> 00:16:13,182 A dragon, buried in Hearth Mountain? 144 00:16:25,611 --> 00:16:30,657 What is this I hear of creeping poison and buried dragons? 145 00:16:30,866 --> 00:16:33,702 My dear girl, are you so covetous of a position in Council... 146 00:16:33,869 --> 00:16:36,163 ...that you're willing to fabricate a drama? 147 00:16:36,330 --> 00:16:39,249 With all due respect, she's not fabricating anything. 148 00:16:39,374 --> 00:16:41,376 I saw it with my own eyes. 149 00:16:41,835 --> 00:16:46,548 -What did you discover? -Not l, Your Majesty. 150 00:16:49,051 --> 00:16:51,720 Three thousand years ago, Falazure... 151 00:16:51,803 --> 00:16:54,640 ...the evil dragon god of decay and undeath... 152 00:16:54,640 --> 00:16:57,476 ...descended upon the ancient civilization of Turan. 153 00:16:57,518 --> 00:17:01,438 The Turanian mages drew their power from the elemental forces of nature... 154 00:17:01,605 --> 00:17:04,191 ...earth, air, fire and water... 155 00:17:04,399 --> 00:17:08,237 ...and they had become so powerful that they refused to pay Falazure tribute. 156 00:17:09,446 --> 00:17:12,491 Whole cities were razed. Thousands died. 157 00:17:12,533 --> 00:17:15,661 But in the end, the Turanians were able to defeat the night dragon. 158 00:17:15,702 --> 00:17:18,288 Nonsense. You can't kill a god. 159 00:17:18,288 --> 00:17:21,583 The Turanians were able to imprison Falazure within Hearth Mountain... 160 00:17:21,750 --> 00:17:23,877 ...and trap his powers in a black orb. 161 00:17:24,086 --> 00:17:25,796 Where did you hear such tales? 162 00:17:40,644 --> 00:17:42,271 The Libram of Turan. 163 00:17:44,731 --> 00:17:48,402 I've heard, but how? Where? 164 00:17:48,485 --> 00:17:49,736 -Here. -Here? 165 00:17:50,362 --> 00:17:54,241 In lsmir's library. Hidden for 1 000 years. 166 00:17:54,408 --> 00:17:57,161 Tell me more about this orb. Where is it kept? 167 00:17:57,494 --> 00:18:01,165 Even without all his powers, Falazure is still a mighty dragon. 168 00:18:01,373 --> 00:18:03,834 There's no prison that could hold him indefinitely. 169 00:18:04,001 --> 00:18:07,004 So the Turanians placed the orb in suspended animation... 170 00:18:07,004 --> 00:18:10,090 -...that kept the dragon dormant. -Then they built a fortress... 171 00:18:10,132 --> 00:18:13,260 ...around the orb to ensure that Falazure would never rise again. 172 00:18:16,847 --> 00:18:18,640 So why does he stir now? 173 00:18:18,807 --> 00:18:21,810 The Turanians never recovered from their battle with Falazure. 174 00:18:22,102 --> 00:18:24,980 Their cities crumbled, and their magic was lost. 175 00:18:25,314 --> 00:18:26,607 For over 1 000 years now... 176 00:18:26,773 --> 00:18:29,151 ...no one maintained the defenses guarding the orb. 177 00:18:29,318 --> 00:18:31,195 Your Majesty, we fear that someone... 178 00:18:31,361 --> 00:18:34,156 ...has penetrated the weakened Turanian fortress... 179 00:18:34,323 --> 00:18:36,992 ...and removed the orb from its suspension. 180 00:18:37,493 --> 00:18:39,411 So when will Falazure awaken? 181 00:18:39,620 --> 00:18:43,832 The Libram says the night dragon will free himself by the dark of the first new moon. 182 00:18:44,374 --> 00:18:50,464 And the land will be consumed by wickedness. He will kill us all. 183 00:19:05,687 --> 00:19:09,024 -What are they doing? -It's a discern-location spell. 184 00:19:09,525 --> 00:19:12,152 They're combining their power to try and find the orb. 185 00:19:20,160 --> 00:19:23,622 I have broken your paltry spell. 186 00:19:23,664 --> 00:19:25,541 You were right to cower before me. 187 00:19:25,749 --> 00:19:28,335 It is good practice for the coming age. 188 00:19:28,502 --> 00:19:30,796 For I am Damodar. 189 00:19:31,755 --> 00:19:34,716 My master, Profion... 190 00:19:35,467 --> 00:19:40,013 ...cursed me to return as a corpse creature should I fail him... 191 00:19:40,222 --> 00:19:42,599 ...which I did not! 192 00:19:44,142 --> 00:19:48,146 He was killed before the damnation could be removed. 193 00:19:49,982 --> 00:19:52,901 For 100 years... 194 00:19:53,110 --> 00:19:59,324 ...my sole companion was unbearable agony. 195 00:20:00,159 --> 00:20:05,330 But now, I am whole again... 196 00:20:05,914 --> 00:20:12,254 ...and the Orb of Falazure is mine. 197 00:20:14,214 --> 00:20:17,342 I will annihilate... 198 00:20:17,384 --> 00:20:20,721 ...the descendents of those who defeated me. 199 00:20:21,263 --> 00:20:22,890 When the almighty... 200 00:20:23,182 --> 00:20:27,477 ...and all-encompassing power of the night dragon awakes... 201 00:20:27,936 --> 00:20:30,647 ...he will grant me a boon... 202 00:20:31,273 --> 00:20:37,571 ...and I will rain down my revenge on you. 203 00:20:40,032 --> 00:20:42,451 What happened, Oberon? What did you see? 204 00:20:42,534 --> 00:20:44,203 Did you see the orb? 205 00:20:44,661 --> 00:20:47,748 Ismir is in grave danger. 206 00:20:51,752 --> 00:20:54,463 She's so beautiful. 207 00:20:58,217 --> 00:21:02,638 -Don't you think? -Pretty. Pretty. 208 00:21:04,389 --> 00:21:06,558 Not for much longer. 209 00:21:14,525 --> 00:21:17,528 Tell Valerious to return to lsmir city at once. 210 00:21:17,569 --> 00:21:19,905 The fate of the kingdom may depend upon it. 211 00:21:19,947 --> 00:21:21,240 Your Majesty. 212 00:21:21,406 --> 00:21:23,242 Sir Berek, how is Melora? 213 00:21:23,659 --> 00:21:27,579 Still weak from the vision spell, but she'll be ready to help the other mages... 214 00:21:27,746 --> 00:21:30,707 -...when the time comes. -We need to get the orb from Damodar... 215 00:21:30,874 --> 00:21:33,961 ...but his spells have prevented us from divining its whereabouts. 216 00:21:34,127 --> 00:21:36,839 I wish to summon five of lsmir's greatest heroes. 217 00:21:37,881 --> 00:21:41,260 A party small enough not to alert Damodar to its presence... 218 00:21:42,094 --> 00:21:44,596 ...but strong enough to take the orb from him. 219 00:21:44,847 --> 00:21:47,975 You have summoned Valerious, but he will only be back in three days. 220 00:21:48,183 --> 00:21:51,687 Any delay may prove fatal. I shall go in his stead. 221 00:21:52,229 --> 00:21:53,605 Berek... 222 00:21:53,981 --> 00:21:59,111 ...it is my belief that if lsmir is to be saved, it will be by your hands. 223 00:21:59,444 --> 00:22:02,573 I summoned you here to help me choose your comrades. 224 00:22:03,907 --> 00:22:05,534 I should start with Lux. 225 00:22:06,243 --> 00:22:08,787 No one in Ismir is more ferocious in battle. 226 00:22:09,079 --> 00:22:11,039 A reckless temperament runs in that family. 227 00:22:12,749 --> 00:22:16,545 You bloody fool. My map. 228 00:22:51,955 --> 00:22:55,000 For wisdom, there is Dorian, a cleric of Obadhai. 229 00:22:55,417 --> 00:22:59,087 He and I were part of the party that stormed the ghost tower of lnverness. 230 00:23:08,180 --> 00:23:09,139 Do you see anything? 231 00:23:12,184 --> 00:23:17,189 Gentlemen, shoes are not allowed in this sacred space. 232 00:23:17,481 --> 00:23:20,150 His piety is only matched by his power. 233 00:23:23,987 --> 00:23:25,989 Sorcery must be fought with sorcery. 234 00:23:26,323 --> 00:23:29,993 -There's always Ormaline. -Of course. The elf wizard. 235 00:23:30,160 --> 00:23:32,162 But she hasn't left her island in decades. 236 00:23:32,329 --> 00:23:34,081 Yes, I know. 237 00:23:34,248 --> 00:23:36,166 A wizard, eh? Of what? 238 00:23:36,500 --> 00:23:38,043 Bait fishing? 239 00:23:38,210 --> 00:23:39,711 She's a skillful adventurer... 240 00:23:39,878 --> 00:23:42,840 ...and it is rumored that she seeks a challenge great enough... 241 00:23:43,006 --> 00:23:45,634 ...to test her powers. 242 00:23:46,426 --> 00:23:49,972 We must impress upon her the importance of this quest. 243 00:23:50,347 --> 00:23:53,892 Although he is sometimes as dark as the shadows that he walks through... 244 00:23:54,059 --> 00:23:57,145 ...if secrecy is the goal of this quest, no one is more stealthy... 245 00:23:57,312 --> 00:24:00,148 -... than Nim. -The rogue? 246 00:24:00,357 --> 00:24:04,570 Saint Peerless the Purehearted, ripe for the pickings... 247 00:24:04,820 --> 00:24:06,572 ...just like I promised. 248 00:24:11,451 --> 00:24:14,705 There's your share. Now beat it. 249 00:24:15,122 --> 00:24:18,375 -Are you trying to cheat me? -I'm not trying, runt. 250 00:24:18,917 --> 00:24:20,836 I'm doing it. 251 00:24:47,237 --> 00:24:49,573 A formidable group. 252 00:24:50,073 --> 00:24:55,037 It is my experience that those with such talent are difficult to control. 253 00:24:55,746 --> 00:24:58,415 It is this level of skill that will save Ismir. 254 00:24:58,499 --> 00:25:01,418 Without it, we have nothing. 255 00:25:01,710 --> 00:25:04,338 Berek, you must not fail. 256 00:25:09,718 --> 00:25:14,306 The forces of evil are gathering, and the righteous citizens of lsmir are in peril. 257 00:25:14,348 --> 00:25:16,558 You five have been summoned here to represent them... 258 00:25:16,725 --> 00:25:18,936 ...and to be the champions of all that is good. 259 00:25:19,436 --> 00:25:21,813 Cunning, wisdom... 260 00:25:21,980 --> 00:25:26,985 ...intelligence and strength, together but without direction. 261 00:25:27,152 --> 00:25:29,738 Berek, it is your duty to lead this quest. 262 00:25:30,280 --> 00:25:34,159 You must find Falazure's orb and return it to lsmir. 263 00:25:34,326 --> 00:25:35,577 It shall be done. 264 00:25:37,120 --> 00:25:39,456 To the Council of Mages goes the task... 265 00:25:39,665 --> 00:25:43,585 ...of discovering how to place the orb back into suspended animation. 266 00:25:44,503 --> 00:25:47,464 Without that knowledge, its recovery is useless. 267 00:25:49,925 --> 00:25:51,301 Two perilous tasks. 268 00:25:51,635 --> 00:25:54,179 Both must be completed before the night dragon awakes... 269 00:25:54,346 --> 00:25:58,934 ...and destroys us all. If one fails, they both fail. 270 00:25:59,101 --> 00:26:03,564 But do not despair, proceed in the belief that your comrades will succeed... 271 00:26:03,981 --> 00:26:07,276 ...and we will be victorious. 272 00:26:14,700 --> 00:26:15,701 I'm ready. 273 00:26:22,124 --> 00:26:25,711 -What do we have tonight? -Drow. 274 00:26:42,561 --> 00:26:45,522 The ecstasy of life. 275 00:27:15,636 --> 00:27:18,180 The barbarian is very beautiful. 276 00:27:18,722 --> 00:27:23,060 Melora, you know she was chosen for her skill in battle, not her looks. 277 00:27:24,686 --> 00:27:27,397 So you agree that she is beautiful. 278 00:27:30,067 --> 00:27:33,904 You waste your energy on such thoughts, but I'll not leave you while you're unwell. 279 00:27:34,112 --> 00:27:38,200 Berek, I'll be fine. You must go. 280 00:27:38,408 --> 00:27:41,578 -This illness is unnatural. -My strength is returning. 281 00:27:41,954 --> 00:27:45,165 I am merely preserving it for the days ahead. 282 00:27:46,333 --> 00:27:48,126 Ismir needs you more than l. 283 00:28:29,209 --> 00:28:32,171 Hey, rogue, do you want a hand up? 284 00:28:32,546 --> 00:28:34,756 You'll be the one who'll be needing a hand... 285 00:28:34,923 --> 00:28:37,134 ...if you don't take that paw off me. 286 00:28:37,342 --> 00:28:42,181 Rogue, it's too early to be spilling blood. 287 00:28:42,681 --> 00:28:44,641 Even for me. 288 00:28:53,984 --> 00:28:57,863 Sir Berek, I don't have to remind you that time is of the essence. 289 00:28:58,030 --> 00:29:00,032 I understand all too well, Your Majesty. 290 00:29:00,282 --> 00:29:03,494 It is precisely for this reason that we journey to Malek's vault. 291 00:29:03,869 --> 00:29:06,455 Malek built a pool of the sight. 292 00:29:06,622 --> 00:29:09,625 It'll penetrate Damodar's defenses and show us the orb's location. 293 00:29:09,833 --> 00:29:11,710 Then Ormaline can teleport us there. 294 00:29:12,377 --> 00:29:16,381 Many adventurers have sought Malek's vault. None have returned. 295 00:29:16,673 --> 00:29:20,802 Ismir is at risk, so risks are what we must take. 296 00:29:20,844 --> 00:29:23,514 Do you know the location of this evil place? 297 00:29:23,680 --> 00:29:26,183 I don't, but I know who does. 298 00:29:26,225 --> 00:29:28,352 -Who? -The goblins of Kurtl. 299 00:30:41,258 --> 00:30:47,389 Tell me, Lux, what did your brother see at Barrier Peaks that drove him crazy? 300 00:30:50,601 --> 00:30:54,605 -Tread carefully, rogue. -I am treading carefully. 301 00:30:54,980 --> 00:30:58,150 I was at the Lincroft lnn the night Jatt killed all those people. 302 00:30:58,901 --> 00:31:00,110 As was l. 303 00:31:00,694 --> 00:31:05,073 Yes, and if memory serves, it was your sword that ended his madness. 304 00:31:06,033 --> 00:31:09,912 How to be sure that she, too, won't go berserk and put us all at risk? 305 00:31:18,629 --> 00:31:20,756 Do you doubt my control? 306 00:31:24,218 --> 00:31:28,263 The next time you try that, you'd better kill me. 307 00:31:38,815 --> 00:31:43,570 As captain of the king's guard, duty demanded that I confront your brother. 308 00:31:45,447 --> 00:31:49,535 Duty is why I am on this quest. 309 00:31:53,205 --> 00:31:55,874 And I have no quarrel with you. 310 00:32:25,445 --> 00:32:27,156 Falazure stirs. 311 00:32:28,532 --> 00:32:31,201 The tremors are growing in frequency. 312 00:32:31,410 --> 00:32:33,203 Consider it an incentive. 313 00:32:33,620 --> 00:32:37,332 But, sir, the Libram remains a mystery. 314 00:32:38,041 --> 00:32:41,920 Why, if they intended for us to use their magic... 315 00:32:42,087 --> 00:32:44,590 ...would the Turanians hide it so well? 316 00:32:44,756 --> 00:32:46,133 I'm sure the Turanian mages... 317 00:32:46,758 --> 00:32:49,678 ...did not want this might falling into unworthy hands. 318 00:32:52,472 --> 00:32:53,557 Which it obviously has. 319 00:32:54,600 --> 00:32:56,768 But how do we prove our worth... 320 00:32:56,935 --> 00:33:01,565 ...to mages dead over 1 000 years? 321 00:33:25,088 --> 00:33:29,760 -What is this? Explain. -I'm summoning a magmin. 322 00:33:30,552 --> 00:33:31,929 For what purpose? 323 00:33:32,554 --> 00:33:36,141 Well, the Turanians drew their power from the elemental forces of nature. 324 00:33:36,683 --> 00:33:39,311 I thought perhaps a creature born of fire and earth... 325 00:33:39,394 --> 00:33:41,522 ...might provide insight into their lore. 326 00:33:41,939 --> 00:33:45,734 A magmin is of moderate intelligence at best. 327 00:33:46,318 --> 00:33:49,321 What knowledge do you hope to gain? 328 00:33:49,655 --> 00:33:53,742 Perhaps such a small creature will be the first step in unraveling the bigger mystery. 329 00:33:58,831 --> 00:34:02,459 Continue, but be careful, for you look unwell... 330 00:34:03,168 --> 00:34:08,465 ...and magmin are as wild and dangerous as the forces that birth them. 331 00:34:50,799 --> 00:34:52,009 Protect the Libram. 332 00:34:52,217 --> 00:34:54,386 He'll set fire to it. 333 00:35:11,069 --> 00:35:16,116 Lord Oberon, this news would be better served coming from you. 334 00:35:16,658 --> 00:35:21,538 Yes, yes, I see. Thank you. 335 00:35:37,471 --> 00:35:39,431 You're dying. 336 00:35:42,100 --> 00:35:45,521 Your body is decaying from the outside in. 337 00:35:46,396 --> 00:35:49,274 When the corruption reaches your brain you will die... 338 00:35:49,441 --> 00:35:51,777 ...and then be reborn as one of the undead. 339 00:35:54,696 --> 00:35:56,073 Like Damodar. 340 00:36:01,036 --> 00:36:05,332 I think Damodar penetrated my vision spell. 341 00:36:05,582 --> 00:36:09,670 Is it possible he infected me with the same curse that afflicts him? 342 00:36:10,128 --> 00:36:12,589 He will need a part of you to maintain the curse. 343 00:36:14,299 --> 00:36:15,509 My hair. My hair. 344 00:36:19,888 --> 00:36:25,561 Somehow he took some of my hair. How can this be? 345 00:36:26,353 --> 00:36:30,148 Perhaps the orb gave him such vulgar power. 346 00:36:34,862 --> 00:36:36,655 How long do I have? 347 00:36:37,573 --> 00:36:39,491 I cannot say... 348 00:36:39,992 --> 00:36:43,495 ...but the strain of spell-casting will hasten the end. 349 00:36:46,623 --> 00:36:47,749 Melora... 350 00:36:50,002 --> 00:36:53,505 ...if I've been hard on you over the years... 351 00:36:54,131 --> 00:36:57,217 ...it's only because I saw in you the potential... 352 00:36:58,552 --> 00:37:01,305 ...to be a great mage. 353 00:37:06,685 --> 00:37:09,521 I'm truly sorry. 354 00:37:37,424 --> 00:37:39,384 Heart Shorn Wood. 355 00:37:40,719 --> 00:37:42,930 Must we travel through this corrupted place? 356 00:37:43,096 --> 00:37:45,349 It is the shortest way to the Mudwash River. 357 00:37:45,516 --> 00:37:47,976 From there we can sail to the goblin village of Kurtl. 358 00:37:48,143 --> 00:37:51,396 -Going around would take too long. -Can't you just teleport us there? 359 00:37:52,147 --> 00:37:55,275 As I have never been to Kurtl, I have nothing to visualize. 360 00:37:55,442 --> 00:37:58,278 I might teleport us 100 leagues in the wrong direction. 361 00:37:58,445 --> 00:38:00,697 What are your thoughts, Nim? 362 00:38:01,073 --> 00:38:05,327 I think never before have I heard such blubbering. 363 00:38:05,744 --> 00:38:08,413 -Some champions. -The rogue is right. 364 00:38:08,914 --> 00:38:10,916 Berek, lead on. We trust you. 365 00:38:55,919 --> 00:39:00,632 Blessed are the works in nature that provide for those in need. 366 00:39:24,156 --> 00:39:27,659 Nim, surely there is something you can be doing to help. 367 00:39:28,035 --> 00:39:31,705 What do you think the goblins of Kurtl know of Malek anyway? 368 00:39:32,039 --> 00:39:35,083 The goblins worship the demon, Juiblex. 369 00:39:35,250 --> 00:39:37,544 Together they helped Malek build the pool of sight. 370 00:39:37,753 --> 00:39:39,296 You don't say? 371 00:39:39,463 --> 00:39:42,382 Malek used the pool to find virgins on the eve of their weddings. 372 00:39:42,633 --> 00:39:45,636 He would teleport into their chambers and steal them to his vault. 373 00:39:45,844 --> 00:39:48,430 There he would sacrifice them to the demon lord. 374 00:39:48,430 --> 00:39:52,351 -Then you know how Malek died. -About 100 years ago... 375 00:39:52,559 --> 00:39:54,811 ...Malek got caught. Hung, drawn and quartered. 376 00:39:54,978 --> 00:39:56,813 Pieces of his body were dipped in acid. 377 00:39:56,980 --> 00:40:01,652 Body dipped in acid, yes, yes, we've all heard that one before. 378 00:40:02,361 --> 00:40:04,530 Do you want to know what really happened? 379 00:40:04,822 --> 00:40:08,325 -Speak your mind, rogue. -As a cruel joke... 380 00:40:08,492 --> 00:40:12,329 ...Juiblex created a flaw within the pool of sight. 381 00:40:12,746 --> 00:40:15,374 Unbeknownst to Malek, every time he used it... 382 00:40:15,582 --> 00:40:17,960 ...there was a chance he'd get an imperfect vision. 383 00:40:19,002 --> 00:40:21,964 About 100 years ago... 384 00:40:22,130 --> 00:40:25,801 ...Malek teleported himself into a brick wall. 385 00:40:30,764 --> 00:40:32,975 Why don't you go and give Lux a hand. 386 00:40:36,144 --> 00:40:40,482 Sure thing. 387 00:40:48,615 --> 00:40:54,746 -Berek, help me! I'm hurt! -Dorian? 388 00:40:55,080 --> 00:40:58,542 Oh, great Obadhai, it hurts. 389 00:40:58,876 --> 00:41:02,588 Lux! Nim! It's Dorian! 390 00:41:04,423 --> 00:41:06,466 Help me, Berek! 391 00:41:08,552 --> 00:41:11,555 Berek, Berek, I'm hurt. 392 00:41:13,223 --> 00:41:15,434 Help me, Berek. 393 00:41:15,976 --> 00:41:17,811 Dorian, how did this happen? 394 00:41:18,187 --> 00:41:21,732 How do you think it happened? This damn tree fell on me. 395 00:41:22,065 --> 00:41:24,485 Come on, get it off me. 396 00:41:42,669 --> 00:41:47,966 You transgress into the necropolis of Klaxx the Malign. 397 00:41:53,931 --> 00:41:57,643 Most recently, I have been experimenting with a spell... 398 00:41:57,851 --> 00:42:00,854 ...to disintegrate one limb at a time. 399 00:42:01,021 --> 00:42:04,483 Let me show you how far I have progressed. 400 00:42:19,039 --> 00:42:22,835 Flee! The Lich is too powerful! 401 00:42:27,214 --> 00:42:30,759 Kill them all. Drain their lives. 402 00:42:30,926 --> 00:42:33,387 Back to the raft. Now! 403 00:43:14,553 --> 00:43:16,847 Dorian, the specters. 404 00:43:18,223 --> 00:43:19,850 Banish them. 405 00:43:20,017 --> 00:43:24,313 In the name of Obadhai, I banish you unholy abominations. 406 00:43:38,118 --> 00:43:40,871 You should have known better, Berek. 407 00:44:02,643 --> 00:44:05,604 You seem to have left yours in the Lich. 408 00:44:08,065 --> 00:44:12,402 I want it back. When this is over. 409 00:44:18,867 --> 00:44:20,661 Want some? 410 00:44:27,125 --> 00:44:29,878 What troubles you, Berek? 411 00:44:30,420 --> 00:44:34,967 I blundered into that trap like a farm boy on his first campaign. 412 00:44:35,342 --> 00:44:36,593 Fool. 413 00:44:36,844 --> 00:44:39,888 You punish yourself unnecessarily. 414 00:44:40,556 --> 00:44:44,101 Going off alone to save a comrade is a brave deed. 415 00:44:44,351 --> 00:44:47,729 Brave? I nearly got us all killed. 416 00:44:48,188 --> 00:44:50,357 But you didn't. 417 00:44:50,732 --> 00:44:52,943 Obadhai's benevolence saw to it. 418 00:44:53,527 --> 00:44:57,656 We got lucky, and there's too much at stake to rely on luck. 419 00:44:59,783 --> 00:45:01,743 Berek... 420 00:45:02,494 --> 00:45:06,165 ...there's a weapon for good other than magic and steel. 421 00:45:08,208 --> 00:45:09,418 What is it then? 422 00:45:11,670 --> 00:45:15,549 That's something you'll have to discover for yourself. 423 00:45:16,592 --> 00:45:21,138 But when you've found it, you'll know what it is. 424 00:45:29,313 --> 00:45:33,984 There's a vital element in the Turanian magic that we fail to understand. 425 00:45:35,319 --> 00:45:37,654 We're lacking something. 426 00:45:42,659 --> 00:45:44,495 Melora. 427 00:45:46,163 --> 00:45:48,665 I can still help. 428 00:45:58,592 --> 00:45:59,801 Give me your hand. 429 00:46:06,016 --> 00:46:08,060 Your heart still beats. 430 00:46:08,602 --> 00:46:13,565 But understand that at the first sign of your conversation to the undead... 431 00:46:14,483 --> 00:46:16,860 ...I will incinerate you. 432 00:46:25,077 --> 00:46:29,331 The forces of evil hear the call of the orb. 433 00:46:30,999 --> 00:46:36,964 They wait to pick the rotting dead carcass of lsmir. 434 00:46:37,172 --> 00:46:39,174 Good times. 435 00:46:41,260 --> 00:46:42,970 Indeed. 436 00:46:58,152 --> 00:47:00,279 Stay. 437 00:47:00,445 --> 00:47:06,493 Beware, Lich. I have the powers of the orb at my disposal. 438 00:47:08,412 --> 00:47:12,332 The full strength of the orb is beyond your mastery. 439 00:47:12,666 --> 00:47:15,878 You wield but only a fraction of its might. 440 00:47:16,587 --> 00:47:18,922 Enough to fry your rotten bones... 441 00:47:19,089 --> 00:47:22,467 ...and send you back to whatever foul pit you crawled out from. 442 00:47:22,634 --> 00:47:26,680 Perhaps, but you misunderstand my intentions. 443 00:47:26,847 --> 00:47:30,726 I am on a mission of goodwill. 444 00:47:32,561 --> 00:47:38,275 Lord Damodar, is it your ambition to reunite Falazure with the orb... 445 00:47:38,442 --> 00:47:42,029 ...thus unleashing his evil onto the world? 446 00:47:42,196 --> 00:47:44,114 You may count on it. 447 00:47:44,573 --> 00:47:46,867 I would be dismayed... 448 00:47:47,034 --> 00:47:53,248 ...if the spread of misery across the land occurred without my contribution. 449 00:47:54,917 --> 00:48:01,173 A Lich has loyalty to none but itself. 450 00:48:01,423 --> 00:48:06,053 Lord Damodar, a quest has set out from lsmir. 451 00:48:06,803 --> 00:48:11,099 Five champions sail towards the goblins of Kurtl. 452 00:48:11,683 --> 00:48:15,395 Five champions, you say? 453 00:48:17,147 --> 00:48:19,525 More like five field mice... 454 00:48:19,691 --> 00:48:23,320 ...unaware the hawk's shadow has fallen on their backs. 455 00:48:23,737 --> 00:48:27,407 Let them think in their ignorance... 456 00:48:27,616 --> 00:48:29,952 ...that lsmir still has hope. 457 00:48:31,411 --> 00:48:36,458 It'll make it all the sweeter when they are torn to pieces. 458 00:48:56,311 --> 00:49:00,107 -The goblins? Where are they? -It's a massacre. 459 00:49:00,899 --> 00:49:02,484 Who could have done this? 460 00:49:03,110 --> 00:49:07,197 Not who, but what. 461 00:49:21,670 --> 00:49:25,007 How will we ever find the pool of sight now? 462 00:49:25,340 --> 00:49:27,134 This looks like the shaman's hut. 463 00:49:27,384 --> 00:49:30,804 If there is any clues to Malek's vault, they'll be in here. 464 00:49:41,023 --> 00:49:43,066 Ormaline, see if there's any magic. 465 00:50:08,967 --> 00:50:10,511 What kind of ring is it? 466 00:50:10,969 --> 00:50:14,640 I need time and study to determine its function. 467 00:50:28,529 --> 00:50:30,906 Smite. 468 00:50:42,501 --> 00:50:45,337 There's a secret door beneath the bed. 469 00:50:56,390 --> 00:51:00,102 Your wit should be as fast as your hands. It's a trap. 470 00:51:00,894 --> 00:51:05,524 Stand back, all of you. 471 00:51:23,917 --> 00:51:26,128 I want you all to see what would have happened... 472 00:51:26,420 --> 00:51:28,505 ...if I wasn't here. 473 00:51:32,092 --> 00:51:34,052 Go ahead. 474 00:51:44,855 --> 00:51:46,899 You saved my life. 475 00:51:52,112 --> 00:51:54,573 -I am in your debt. -No, you're not. 476 00:51:57,534 --> 00:51:59,745 Nobody's ever given me anything before... 477 00:51:59,912 --> 00:52:05,042 ...so that makes us even. 478 00:52:08,253 --> 00:52:13,550 Stomach acid of a purple worm. Eat through anything. 479 00:52:31,527 --> 00:52:33,946 The map to Malek's vault. 480 00:52:34,112 --> 00:52:36,824 Damodar will never know what hit him. 481 00:52:41,537 --> 00:52:44,998 It's an ambush. Everybody, out! 482 00:52:55,551 --> 00:52:57,553 Scatter! 483 00:53:54,776 --> 00:53:56,820 Dorian! 484 00:54:17,174 --> 00:54:21,470 Ormaline, when I give a signal, cast a lightning bolt. Nim, use that acid. 485 00:54:21,929 --> 00:54:23,847 Damn you! 486 00:54:26,016 --> 00:54:27,976 Die! 487 00:54:28,143 --> 00:54:29,520 Ormaline, now. 488 00:54:52,918 --> 00:54:56,088 There, the tears of the earth are dried. 489 00:54:56,630 --> 00:54:59,508 There, the hidden things are clear. 490 00:55:00,175 --> 00:55:03,136 There, the works of life are tried... 491 00:55:03,762 --> 00:55:06,515 ...by a juster judge than here. 492 00:55:23,824 --> 00:55:28,287 If any of you wish to depart this quest, the time is now. 493 00:55:28,453 --> 00:55:31,582 There will be no turning back once we enter Malek's vault. 494 00:55:31,748 --> 00:55:34,001 So you will continue on? 495 00:55:34,334 --> 00:55:36,378 Alone, if need be. 496 00:55:36,920 --> 00:55:39,548 There are friends and families to protect... 497 00:55:39,756 --> 00:55:42,384 ...and there is no dishonor in choosing them over lsmir. 498 00:55:44,052 --> 00:55:45,387 Well... 499 00:55:45,554 --> 00:55:48,390 ...I've no friends, no family... 500 00:55:49,224 --> 00:55:52,519 ...and I would like to repay Damodar for this treachery. 501 00:55:52,769 --> 00:55:55,022 I, too, will join you. 502 00:55:55,856 --> 00:55:57,983 I'm with you to the end. 503 00:55:59,485 --> 00:56:01,778 Our duty is to lsmir. 504 00:56:01,987 --> 00:56:04,323 The orb comes first. 505 00:56:05,240 --> 00:56:07,618 Dorian would have wanted it that way. 506 00:56:08,827 --> 00:56:12,122 But if there's a chance to kill Damodar in the process... 507 00:56:12,331 --> 00:56:15,959 ...then by all means, let's gut the bastard. 508 00:56:36,104 --> 00:56:37,940 Lord Oberon? 509 00:56:38,524 --> 00:56:40,484 Sir, look. 510 00:56:41,568 --> 00:56:44,404 These runes start on page 892... 511 00:56:44,571 --> 00:56:47,783 ...and end on page 884. 512 00:56:48,158 --> 00:56:50,536 Page 893 is missing. 513 00:56:50,744 --> 00:56:52,955 -Has it been torn out? -No. 514 00:56:53,664 --> 00:56:55,082 Look... 515 00:56:55,749 --> 00:56:58,627 ...882 is on one side... 516 00:56:59,002 --> 00:57:01,129 ...884 on the other. 517 00:57:01,672 --> 00:57:05,843 Either 893 never existed... 518 00:57:06,510 --> 00:57:08,178 ...or it has been concealed. 519 00:57:10,681 --> 00:57:12,307 What do the runes say? 520 00:57:13,392 --> 00:57:15,936 They say fire reveals all. 521 00:57:18,230 --> 00:57:20,899 Is it your belief that setting fire to the Libram... 522 00:57:20,899 --> 00:57:24,361 ...will reveal page 893? 523 00:57:25,195 --> 00:57:27,781 This is what the magmin was trying to show us. 524 00:57:29,366 --> 00:57:32,536 -We can't burn the Libram. -We need proof... 525 00:57:33,078 --> 00:57:36,123 ...before we can proceed with such a drastic measure. 526 00:57:36,373 --> 00:57:39,501 Lord Oberon, she is part undead. 527 00:57:39,710 --> 00:57:42,296 This idea might originate... 528 00:57:42,462 --> 00:57:45,966 ...from the evil that corrupts her body. 529 00:57:46,967 --> 00:57:48,635 Melora... 530 00:57:49,386 --> 00:57:51,388 ...test your heart. 531 00:57:52,389 --> 00:57:56,435 Does this belief come from what you are or what you are becoming? 532 00:58:00,522 --> 00:58:02,357 My heart.... 533 00:58:05,068 --> 00:58:10,157 My heart tells me that this is a test of our belief. 534 00:58:10,866 --> 00:58:13,327 The Turanian lore remains closed to us... 535 00:58:13,494 --> 00:58:16,413 ...because we have yet to show our faith in it. 536 00:58:17,623 --> 00:58:21,793 We must prove ourselves worthy of this power. 537 00:58:40,771 --> 00:58:41,855 No! 538 00:58:55,661 --> 00:59:00,415 Look, acorns and oak leaves. 539 00:59:13,554 --> 00:59:15,222 Melora... 540 00:59:16,473 --> 00:59:18,433 ...raise your head. 541 00:59:27,276 --> 00:59:29,027 Follow it! 542 01:00:14,490 --> 01:00:16,283 Fire... 543 01:00:16,783 --> 01:00:18,285 ...wind... 544 01:00:18,827 --> 01:00:20,746 ...water, earth. 545 01:00:22,581 --> 01:00:24,791 The four elements. 546 01:00:54,738 --> 01:00:56,865 Well done, Melora. 547 01:01:00,077 --> 01:01:01,036 Well done. 548 01:01:32,901 --> 01:01:34,695 The map says it's supposed to be in this hollow. 549 01:01:38,866 --> 01:01:40,826 Everyone, over here. 550 01:01:41,410 --> 01:01:43,829 Take a look at this. 551 01:01:49,543 --> 01:01:53,463 A gem of true seeing. I never knew you had such a treasure. 552 01:01:53,839 --> 01:01:57,384 -I come prepared for everything. -Well done, Nim. 553 01:02:12,900 --> 01:02:14,568 "To all trespassers... 554 01:02:14,735 --> 01:02:17,905 ...if you wish to join the others in death, insert your name below... 555 01:02:18,155 --> 01:02:19,948 ...and I will notify your kin. 556 01:02:20,407 --> 01:02:21,909 Malek." 557 01:02:25,287 --> 01:02:28,790 It appears Malek was not without a sense of humor. 558 01:02:29,082 --> 01:02:30,501 Yes, but how do we get in? 559 01:02:35,130 --> 01:02:37,007 This is not good. 560 01:02:50,437 --> 01:02:52,189 Be on to lookout. 561 01:02:54,024 --> 01:02:56,735 Berek, remember the Shrine of Kuo-Toa? 562 01:02:57,486 --> 01:03:00,572 Yes, this is a puzzle lock. 563 01:03:00,781 --> 01:03:03,075 If we can spell out the right password-- 564 01:03:09,998 --> 01:03:11,750 Bandits! 565 01:03:11,917 --> 01:03:13,377 Lux, Ormaline, hold them off. 566 01:03:13,544 --> 01:03:16,338 This must be more of Damodar's treachery. 567 01:03:43,699 --> 01:03:45,784 There must be something contained in the text. 568 01:03:46,410 --> 01:03:47,953 Maybe a name. 569 01:03:52,040 --> 01:03:54,209 Did Malek have a wife or children? 570 01:04:10,184 --> 01:04:12,352 Wait, how do you spell Malek's name? 571 01:04:12,519 --> 01:04:14,104 M-A-L-E-K. 572 01:04:17,649 --> 01:04:19,985 Here it's spelled with an X. 573 01:04:21,695 --> 01:04:24,865 -The password contains an X. Why? -X. 574 01:04:28,744 --> 01:04:30,621 Nim, the demon who built the pool of sight? 575 01:04:30,954 --> 01:04:32,164 Juiblex. 576 01:04:35,751 --> 01:04:37,628 Berek, hurry! 577 01:04:43,383 --> 01:04:46,386 Lux! Ormaline! We got it! 578 01:04:48,138 --> 01:04:49,932 Lux! 579 01:04:57,064 --> 01:05:00,025 Barbarian, get ahold of yourself. 580 01:05:08,200 --> 01:05:09,827 Smite! 581 01:05:41,608 --> 01:05:42,693 Your Majesty... 582 01:05:43,026 --> 01:05:45,237 ...I mobilized the cavalry as soon as we got your message. 583 01:05:45,904 --> 01:05:48,699 The bulk of our legions will arrive on tomorrow's eve at the earliest. 584 01:05:49,408 --> 01:05:51,785 Valerious, tonight is the dark of the moon. 585 01:05:52,327 --> 01:05:56,415 -We will have to hold until then. -Any word of Berek on your travels? 586 01:05:56,415 --> 01:05:58,375 Do not put your faith in him, Your Majesty. 587 01:05:58,542 --> 01:06:01,295 Any hope of saving lsmir will come from the king's guard... 588 01:06:01,628 --> 01:06:04,006 ...and the strength of our steel. 589 01:06:27,738 --> 01:06:32,493 I think Melora has stumbled upon the essence of the Turanian lore. 590 01:06:33,076 --> 01:06:34,620 It's altogether... 591 01:06:34,786 --> 01:06:39,166 ...a new kind of magic. Something we've never seen before. 592 01:06:41,126 --> 01:06:43,086 Could be powerful. 593 01:06:44,087 --> 01:06:47,925 Yes, the girl's daring is invigorating me. It gives us all hope. 594 01:06:50,010 --> 01:06:51,595 That's good. Thank you, Pico. 595 01:06:53,430 --> 01:06:55,224 Yes, master. 596 01:07:03,690 --> 01:07:05,400 Amazing. 597 01:07:06,777 --> 01:07:10,322 She believes, and the lore opens up to her. 598 01:07:19,122 --> 01:07:21,083 Pico! 599 01:07:28,298 --> 01:07:31,426 Careful. Single file. 600 01:07:38,892 --> 01:07:41,311 I don't like the look of this. 601 01:07:41,895 --> 01:07:44,106 We all have to die sometime. 602 01:07:44,982 --> 01:07:48,569 Yes, but I'd prefer not right now. 603 01:08:11,592 --> 01:08:13,802 Berek, duck! 604 01:08:15,345 --> 01:08:16,638 Darkmantles! Run! 605 01:08:23,270 --> 01:08:25,189 Step aside. 606 01:08:33,697 --> 01:08:35,365 Hurry, Nim! 607 01:08:38,911 --> 01:08:40,496 Got it! 608 01:09:18,075 --> 01:09:19,952 Now what? 609 01:09:20,244 --> 01:09:23,372 Nim, look through your gem. 610 01:09:28,168 --> 01:09:32,589 Nothing, but the gem doesn't pierce anything mundanely concealed. 611 01:09:32,923 --> 01:09:34,800 Perhaps I can help. 612 01:09:41,557 --> 01:09:43,058 Fly. 613 01:09:45,686 --> 01:09:47,062 This is Ona... 614 01:09:47,437 --> 01:09:51,942 ...a friend of mine since childhood. She will investigate for us. 615 01:10:07,332 --> 01:10:09,126 Poor Ona. 616 01:10:10,377 --> 01:10:12,671 There must be a way across. 617 01:10:14,047 --> 01:10:16,925 Maybe a device to turn the energy field off. 618 01:10:17,092 --> 01:10:19,595 Search the walls, the floor, the ceiling. 619 01:10:25,267 --> 01:10:29,563 Berek, I think there's something behind this wall. 620 01:10:32,774 --> 01:10:34,568 Stand back. 621 01:10:40,574 --> 01:10:42,868 Strange, it looks like a mirror. 622 01:10:43,911 --> 01:10:46,580 Lux, lift me up. 623 01:10:58,675 --> 01:11:00,260 What is it? 624 01:11:00,677 --> 01:11:02,262 Oh, it's... 625 01:11:03,305 --> 01:11:06,099 ...some time type of lever... 626 01:11:06,767 --> 01:11:10,229 ...a very complex mechanism. 627 01:11:10,646 --> 01:11:13,941 -You'll have to all look away. -What for? 628 01:11:14,107 --> 01:11:17,653 I'm about to employ ancient secrets of the rogue's guild... 629 01:11:17,736 --> 01:11:21,114 ...that I alone in the world have the ability to execute. 630 01:11:21,573 --> 01:11:24,993 -I want it to stay that way. -Just hurry up, Nim. 631 01:11:45,806 --> 01:11:48,392 The mirror reflects a path. 632 01:11:52,855 --> 01:11:55,232 Okay, I'll go first. 633 01:11:55,399 --> 01:11:59,319 Ormaline, you follow, then Lux. Nim, you bring up the rear. 634 01:12:02,447 --> 01:12:05,200 If we stay on the path we should be safe. 635 01:12:05,409 --> 01:12:06,952 Watch the mirror. 636 01:12:56,877 --> 01:13:00,964 I will try to figure out how to operate this foul device. 637 01:13:09,848 --> 01:13:11,433 Nim, make haste. 638 01:13:11,892 --> 01:13:15,145 -He's not gonna make it. -Nim, only a few more steps. 639 01:13:15,979 --> 01:13:17,689 Jump, Nim. Jump! 640 01:13:24,404 --> 01:13:25,906 Is he alive? 641 01:13:27,199 --> 01:13:31,370 I think I feel a pulse. Ormaline, can you teleport him to a healer? 642 01:13:31,370 --> 01:13:34,039 I have only two teleportation spells prepared. 643 01:13:34,581 --> 01:13:39,086 One to take us to Damodar, another for the return trip to lsmir. 644 01:13:40,754 --> 01:13:42,548 He'll have to stay with us. 645 01:13:48,762 --> 01:13:50,848 -Malek. -The pool retains... 646 01:13:51,014 --> 01:13:53,267 ...the image of its last use. 647 01:13:53,475 --> 01:13:55,602 The operation is simple enough. 648 01:13:55,769 --> 01:13:57,980 We need only think of a subject or object... 649 01:13:58,147 --> 01:14:00,399 ...and its location will be revealed in the pool. 650 01:14:00,732 --> 01:14:02,860 I can teleport us to that destination... 651 01:14:03,026 --> 01:14:05,821 ...but this apparatus was constructed by a fiend... 652 01:14:05,821 --> 01:14:09,741 ...and success is not guaranteed, as you can see. 653 01:14:18,959 --> 01:14:22,671 We are fortunate. The room appears free of obstructions. 654 01:14:23,630 --> 01:14:26,091 Ormaline, you hit him with a lightning bolt. 655 01:14:26,175 --> 01:14:28,594 Lux, you know what to do. 656 01:14:29,511 --> 01:14:33,557 - I'll go for the orb. Ormaline. -Let's get on with it. 657 01:15:19,144 --> 01:15:22,898 Ismir's heroes in the flesh... 658 01:15:23,065 --> 01:15:25,275 ...and this is the best you can do. 659 01:15:29,696 --> 01:15:33,325 Ismir must be really desperate to have sent such fools. 660 01:15:38,664 --> 01:15:41,625 I was tempted to keep you alive so you could witness... 661 01:15:41,834 --> 01:15:44,378 ...the destruction of your beloved city. 662 01:15:45,170 --> 01:15:46,964 Unfortunately... 663 01:15:47,923 --> 01:15:51,927 I have never been able to control my urges. 664 01:15:53,178 --> 01:15:54,763 Even as a dead man. 665 01:16:13,699 --> 01:16:14,992 Smite! 666 01:16:33,886 --> 01:16:35,429 Help the others. 667 01:16:35,596 --> 01:16:37,389 You cannot win. 668 01:16:43,979 --> 01:16:45,731 Wrong. 669 01:16:49,067 --> 01:16:50,819 Lux, the orb. 670 01:17:00,245 --> 01:17:03,123 Berek, leave him. We've gotta help Nim and Ormaline. 671 01:17:04,416 --> 01:17:06,543 Hold on, we're almost home. 672 01:17:08,212 --> 01:17:09,963 Ormaline. 673 01:17:17,638 --> 01:17:20,390 Can you teleport all of us to lsmir? 674 01:17:22,351 --> 01:17:24,394 I can cast the spell... 675 01:17:25,020 --> 01:17:29,399 ...but I cannot join you. Not like this. 676 01:17:30,400 --> 01:17:32,444 Take us to the Temple of Obadhai. 677 01:17:33,570 --> 01:17:35,948 They are the best healers in the land. 678 01:17:37,032 --> 01:17:40,244 Lux, prepare a tourniquet. 679 01:17:47,000 --> 01:17:48,752 Ready when you are. 680 01:17:48,919 --> 01:17:50,254 Very well. 681 01:17:57,511 --> 01:17:59,263 Please, forgive me. 682 01:18:48,812 --> 01:18:51,982 Find my orb. 683 01:18:54,776 --> 01:18:58,947 These two just saved lsmir. Now, they must be saved. 684 01:19:00,407 --> 01:19:02,409 Your friends will be attended to. 685 01:19:03,076 --> 01:19:06,622 Now you must go. There are horses in the stable. 686 01:19:07,331 --> 01:19:09,500 Just go. 687 01:19:13,420 --> 01:19:13,837 Berek. 688 01:19:15,214 --> 01:19:17,090 We've been followed. 689 01:19:17,508 --> 01:19:19,259 -You must fly. -What about you? 690 01:19:19,510 --> 01:19:22,846 -I will buy you time to get to lsmir. -Here. Take this. 691 01:19:27,559 --> 01:19:30,646 Come villainy. Death awaits you. 692 01:20:30,164 --> 01:20:31,957 Hold, hold! 693 01:20:32,124 --> 01:20:33,542 Release! 694 01:20:57,065 --> 01:21:00,861 -Berek, you've done it. -Melora. 695 01:21:01,069 --> 01:21:02,905 Where's Melora? 696 01:21:16,126 --> 01:21:16,919 Berek. 697 01:21:20,464 --> 01:21:22,966 Damodar has cursed her. 698 01:21:24,635 --> 01:21:27,095 You've found the orb. 699 01:21:27,262 --> 01:21:28,847 I knew you would. 700 01:21:29,807 --> 01:21:32,559 Quick, place it here while there's still time. 701 01:21:54,122 --> 01:21:56,500 This is what I saw in my vision. 702 01:21:58,293 --> 01:22:00,838 The Turanian mages. 703 01:22:34,121 --> 01:22:35,581 The orb. Where is the orb? 704 01:22:55,767 --> 01:22:57,478 Oberon! 705 01:23:04,985 --> 01:23:07,112 You are alive... 706 01:23:07,321 --> 01:23:09,948 ...only by Damodar's graces. 707 01:23:12,701 --> 01:23:15,537 He wants you for himself. 708 01:24:01,750 --> 01:24:03,961 Well done, Lich. 709 01:24:06,547 --> 01:24:08,507 We'll see. 710 01:24:14,012 --> 01:24:19,017 This day, my life begins anew. 711 01:25:10,277 --> 01:25:13,780 Place the orb upon the ground. 712 01:25:38,263 --> 01:25:42,935 I only ask to witness the destruction of lsmir... 713 01:25:43,143 --> 01:25:46,855 ...and that I rule over its remains as your thrall. 714 01:25:54,446 --> 01:26:00,244 This lsmir shall be razed to mark the beginning of my reign. 715 01:26:01,119 --> 01:26:04,957 Your tribute will be 100 heads... 716 01:26:05,123 --> 01:26:09,753 ...for every new moon in honor of my release. 717 01:26:11,129 --> 01:26:13,757 As you wish, my lord. 718 01:26:52,671 --> 01:26:55,549 Reinforce the south wall! 719 01:27:02,181 --> 01:27:04,224 Archers! 720 01:27:20,866 --> 01:27:22,409 Oh, Melora. 721 01:27:23,494 --> 01:27:24,453 You can't die. 722 01:27:26,497 --> 01:27:28,207 I need you. 723 01:27:30,000 --> 01:27:33,086 Ismir needs you. 724 01:27:35,547 --> 01:27:37,007 Get down! 725 01:27:37,716 --> 01:27:40,052 Take aim! Release! 726 01:27:40,886 --> 01:27:42,638 Take aim! Release! 727 01:28:57,421 --> 01:28:59,506 Ismir is dying. 728 01:28:59,923 --> 01:29:03,302 -I can't. -Yes, you can. 729 01:29:04,553 --> 01:29:06,722 My friends believed even when I didn't... 730 01:29:06,722 --> 01:29:10,058 ...and that gave me the strength to do what I had to do. 731 01:29:11,935 --> 01:29:15,522 Dorian told me there was a weapon for good other than magic and steel. 732 01:29:19,943 --> 01:29:22,654 -Faith. -Yes. 733 01:29:25,407 --> 01:29:27,075 In my vision... 734 01:29:27,326 --> 01:29:30,913 ...I saw the Turanian mages on their knees. 735 01:29:31,955 --> 01:29:35,542 Yes, it has to be. 736 01:29:37,544 --> 01:29:38,837 They were praying. 737 01:29:40,339 --> 01:29:41,924 Who were they praying to? 738 01:29:50,641 --> 01:29:52,476 There was a mask made from acorns... 739 01:29:52,476 --> 01:29:54,603 ...and oak leaves in the Temple of Obadhai. 740 01:29:54,770 --> 01:29:56,480 The god of nature. 741 01:29:56,980 --> 01:30:00,025 He has power over all the elements. 742 01:30:02,861 --> 01:30:06,156 The Turanians were praying to Obadhai. 743 01:30:44,027 --> 01:30:45,487 What are you doing? 744 01:30:46,864 --> 01:30:50,325 To wield this power, I must prove my faith to Obadhai. 745 01:30:50,534 --> 01:30:53,537 -But it'll tear you to pieces. -Berek... 746 01:30:54,746 --> 01:30:56,790 ...let me go. 747 01:31:52,513 --> 01:31:54,139 Take me to the tower. 748 01:32:33,887 --> 01:32:37,891 Keep her alive! I don't care what it takes! 749 01:32:43,063 --> 01:32:46,483 You must keep her alive till I break Damodar's curse. 750 01:33:03,959 --> 01:33:05,002 Kill him. 751 01:33:06,128 --> 01:33:11,258 Kill him yourself, O great and powerful Damodar. 752 01:33:14,219 --> 01:33:16,555 Beautiful. 753 01:33:16,763 --> 01:33:21,977 The look on your face has made this whole endeavor worthwhile. 754 01:33:30,027 --> 01:33:33,906 And so it goes, Lich. 755 01:33:53,634 --> 01:33:56,512 She's dying. Take the orb. 756 01:34:40,722 --> 01:34:45,853 This is for Dorian, Nim and Ormaline. 757 01:34:46,019 --> 01:34:49,064 -Go back to hell. -Lux, no! 758 01:34:51,191 --> 01:34:54,153 Lux, control yourself. 759 01:34:54,361 --> 01:34:57,406 If you kill him, Melora dies. 760 01:34:57,614 --> 01:34:59,366 He has cursed her. 761 01:35:00,033 --> 01:35:01,910 What do I care of curses? 762 01:35:02,119 --> 01:35:05,664 Melora is all that stands between lsmir and destruction. 763 01:35:05,831 --> 01:35:08,584 Justice will be brought to this monster. 764 01:35:09,209 --> 01:35:11,336 I promise you. 765 01:35:11,920 --> 01:35:13,172 Lux... 766 01:35:13,338 --> 01:35:16,133 ...you are not your brother. 767 01:35:35,068 --> 01:35:38,030 Remove the curse... 768 01:35:38,405 --> 01:35:43,327 ...or I'll kill you and have you brought back into the agony of the undead. 769 01:35:54,755 --> 01:36:00,469 In time you will realize you have merely saved your own tomb. 770 01:36:00,761 --> 01:36:04,348 I look forward to watching you rot in it. 771 01:36:05,390 --> 01:36:07,643 We'll rot together then. 772 01:36:07,684 --> 01:52:34,254 http://www.gdprom.hr/time