1 00:00:03,504 --> 00:00:05,939 Betrayed... by my own daughter. 2 00:00:06,040 --> 00:00:07,375 It's a free country. 3 00:00:07,475 --> 00:00:09,443 You know I forbade anyone in this family 4 00:00:09,543 --> 00:00:11,512 from ever eating at O'Shanahan's again, 5 00:00:11,612 --> 00:00:13,747 ever since they cut me off in the middle of 6 00:00:13,847 --> 00:00:15,883 "All You Can Eat Wings" night. 7 00:00:15,983 --> 00:00:17,185 It was for your own safety. 8 00:00:17,285 --> 00:00:18,852 You vomited twice and were having 9 00:00:18,952 --> 00:00:21,522 severe heart palpitations. I didn't feel full! 10 00:00:21,622 --> 00:00:24,058 The point is, you broke a promise to your family. 11 00:00:24,158 --> 00:00:26,260 Family always comes first, Haley. 12 00:00:26,360 --> 00:00:29,463 (sighs) I need something to soothe my jangled nerves. 13 00:00:29,563 --> 00:00:31,632 Steve, how about you put a smile on your old man's face 14 00:00:31,732 --> 00:00:32,966 and do the "Backseat Shuffle"? 15 00:00:33,067 --> 00:00:34,935 (vocalizing) Aw, come on. 16 00:00:35,035 --> 00:00:36,304 Get yourself out of that seat belt 17 00:00:36,404 --> 00:00:37,738 so you can really give those shoulders 18 00:00:37,838 --> 00:00:40,040 room to shimmy. (vocalizing) 19 00:00:40,141 --> 00:00:41,742 There we go. 20 00:00:41,842 --> 00:00:44,745 * Sh-Sh-Shake shake shimmy a-slippin' and slidin' * 21 00:00:44,845 --> 00:00:46,414 * Oh, I just gotta get my groove on * That's it now. 22 00:00:46,514 --> 00:00:47,981 * When I'm in the backseat ridin' * 23 00:00:48,082 --> 00:00:49,583 * I shimmy to the left All right! 24 00:00:49,683 --> 00:00:51,319 * I shimmy to the right! "Backseat Shuffle"! 25 00:00:51,419 --> 00:00:53,087 * I'm rockin' the upholstery almost every single -- * 26 00:00:53,187 --> 00:00:55,089 (gasps) (tires screech) 27 00:00:55,189 --> 00:00:57,291 (car door shuts) 28 00:00:57,391 --> 00:00:58,626 How?! 29 00:00:58,726 --> 00:01:00,894 How could we have let this happen?! 30 00:01:00,994 --> 00:01:02,896 What's the big deal? It's just some dumb old mural. 31 00:01:02,996 --> 00:01:04,265 Wha... Whoa. 32 00:01:04,365 --> 00:01:06,267 I-I feel a little -- I feel a little woozy. 33 00:01:06,367 --> 00:01:09,103 This mural has been a Langley Falls institution 34 00:01:09,203 --> 00:01:10,504 since 1982... 35 00:01:10,604 --> 00:01:12,273 I'm just gonna... rest my head 36 00:01:12,373 --> 00:01:14,408 on this bit of filth here on the concrete. 37 00:01:14,508 --> 00:01:16,944 ...depicting a pantheon of great Americans -- 38 00:01:17,044 --> 00:01:21,315 Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Jesus, Nolan Ryan, 39 00:01:21,415 --> 00:01:22,950 Schneider from "One Day at a Time," 40 00:01:23,050 --> 00:01:26,920 in celebration of loyalty, integrity, and honesty -- 41 00:01:27,020 --> 00:01:30,358 three virtues that can be summed up in one simple word, 42 00:01:30,458 --> 00:01:32,092 "loyntegresty." 43 00:01:32,193 --> 00:01:34,928 A trait you clearly don't have. 44 00:01:35,028 --> 00:01:36,697 That's it -- At this very moment, 45 00:01:36,797 --> 00:01:39,433 one thing and one thing only matters -- 46 00:01:39,533 --> 00:01:42,503 this mural must be restored. 47 00:01:45,339 --> 00:01:47,708 * Good morning, U.S.A. 48 00:01:47,808 --> 00:01:51,779 * I got a feelin' that it's gonna be a wonderful day * 49 00:01:51,879 --> 00:01:54,882 * The sun in the sky has a smile on his face * 50 00:01:54,982 --> 00:01:59,153 * And he's shinin' a salute to the American race * 51 00:02:01,021 --> 00:02:04,558 * Oh, boy, it's swell to say 52 00:02:04,658 --> 00:02:06,860 * Good -- * Good morning, U.S.A. 53 00:02:06,960 --> 00:02:07,895 Aah! 54 00:02:09,497 --> 00:02:12,533 * Good morning, U.S.A. 55 00:02:12,633 --> 00:02:15,035 (birds chirping) 56 00:02:15,135 --> 00:02:16,404 Don't you need to sign up to speak 57 00:02:16,504 --> 00:02:18,038 at the Town Council meeting? Me? 58 00:02:18,138 --> 00:02:21,141 No, I'm very well-known in this community. 59 00:02:21,242 --> 00:02:24,011 Hey, it's that guy who pooped his pants at O'Shanahan's! 60 00:02:24,111 --> 00:02:25,346 (tink!) 61 00:02:25,446 --> 00:02:27,147 Fellow citizens, 62 00:02:27,248 --> 00:02:29,917 have any of you driven down Old Chickasaw Road recently -- 63 00:02:30,017 --> 00:02:31,252 probably not. 64 00:02:31,352 --> 00:02:33,187 Ever since they shut down that White Castle 65 00:02:33,287 --> 00:02:35,189 where all those Jehovah's Witnesses got murdered, 66 00:02:35,289 --> 00:02:37,024 there hasn't been much reason to. 67 00:02:37,124 --> 00:02:39,527 But if you had, you would've seen... 68 00:02:39,627 --> 00:02:41,262 this! (crowd gasps) 69 00:02:41,362 --> 00:02:44,665 Our town's most cherished landmark sullied, 70 00:02:44,765 --> 00:02:46,534 violated, raped. 71 00:02:46,634 --> 00:02:48,736 Okay, okay, too far. Maybe -- Maybe not raped. 72 00:02:48,836 --> 00:02:50,338 But definitely molested. 73 00:02:50,438 --> 00:02:52,740 That mural is our greatest treasure, 74 00:02:52,840 --> 00:02:55,509 a clarion call in brush and hue 75 00:02:55,609 --> 00:02:58,412 to aspire to our better selves. 76 00:02:58,512 --> 00:03:00,948 It's where I got my first handy J! 77 00:03:01,048 --> 00:03:03,617 Our love of the mural has been reignited! 78 00:03:03,717 --> 00:03:05,886 (crowd chanting "Mural!") 79 00:03:05,986 --> 00:03:09,223 But loving the mural is not enough. 80 00:03:09,323 --> 00:03:11,792 Unless it's restored, future generations 81 00:03:11,892 --> 00:03:14,094 will be denied its message of loyntegresty 82 00:03:14,194 --> 00:03:17,531 and go astray -- like my very own daughter. 83 00:03:17,631 --> 00:03:18,532 (all gasp) 84 00:03:18,632 --> 00:03:20,568 This is why you brought me here? 85 00:03:20,668 --> 00:03:22,436 Look, if we're gonna restore the mural, 86 00:03:22,536 --> 00:03:24,037 maybe we could add some diversity, 87 00:03:24,137 --> 00:03:27,040 like, say, replace Schneider with Harriet Tubman? 88 00:03:27,140 --> 00:03:29,243 Did Harriet Tubman sign autographs 89 00:03:29,343 --> 00:03:31,479 for 15 minutes at Panini Barn? 90 00:03:31,579 --> 00:03:32,780 This... 91 00:03:32,880 --> 00:03:34,948 this is why I'm proposing the creation 92 00:03:35,048 --> 00:03:36,984 of a mural-restoration task force, 93 00:03:37,084 --> 00:03:39,753 a team of our city's finest artists and craftsmen, 94 00:03:39,853 --> 00:03:41,989 to be led by...me, 95 00:03:42,089 --> 00:03:44,992 the man who crapped himself at O'Shanahan's. 96 00:03:45,092 --> 00:03:47,961 (all chanting "Stan Smith!") 97 00:03:52,766 --> 00:03:54,635 Did you ever think you'd have a son who'd be 98 00:03:54,735 --> 00:03:56,470 going to one of the most exclusive 99 00:03:56,570 --> 00:04:00,274 nonsegregated clowning academies on the Atlantic seaboard? 100 00:04:00,374 --> 00:04:02,576 No. No, I did not. 101 00:04:02,676 --> 00:04:03,844 Mwah! 102 00:04:03,944 --> 00:04:05,012 (inhales deeply) 103 00:04:08,148 --> 00:04:09,283 (imitates gunshot) 104 00:04:09,383 --> 00:04:11,285 (balls squeaking) 105 00:04:11,385 --> 00:04:13,987 The teacher here is supposed to be the most intense 106 00:04:14,087 --> 00:04:16,524 and demanding instructor in all of clowning and -- 107 00:04:16,624 --> 00:04:19,126 Shit. It's Roger, isn't it? It's gonna be Roger. 108 00:04:19,226 --> 00:04:21,862 All right, jagoffs, the name's H.G. Rimmons. 109 00:04:21,962 --> 00:04:23,964 Look to your left. Look to your right. 110 00:04:24,064 --> 00:04:25,366 By the end of the semester, 111 00:04:25,466 --> 00:04:28,001 60% of you will be dead by your own hand. 112 00:04:28,101 --> 00:04:30,371 The rest will be clowns, ya dig? 113 00:04:30,471 --> 00:04:32,172 Okay, I'm out of here. 114 00:04:32,272 --> 00:04:33,341 Huh. 115 00:04:33,441 --> 00:04:34,808 I'm -- I'm a little confused. 116 00:04:34,908 --> 00:04:37,311 Because you said here on your application 117 00:04:37,411 --> 00:04:38,646 you wanted to be a clown. 118 00:04:38,746 --> 00:04:39,880 More than anything. 119 00:04:39,980 --> 00:04:41,281 So what's your "gooch"? 120 00:04:41,382 --> 00:04:42,983 Gooch is "horncorn" for clown name. 121 00:04:43,083 --> 00:04:45,152 Horncorn is horncorn for clown lingo. 122 00:04:45,252 --> 00:04:48,155 Gonna be honkin' a lot of horncorn around here, ya dig? 123 00:04:48,255 --> 00:04:49,557 So, what's your gooch, kid? 124 00:04:49,657 --> 00:04:51,392 Dimples. Dimples? 125 00:04:51,492 --> 00:04:53,226 Pretty "buckety" gooch, don't ya think? 126 00:04:53,327 --> 00:04:54,828 More horncorn. (chuckles) Relax. 127 00:04:54,928 --> 00:04:56,163 Just sliding your whistle. 128 00:04:56,263 --> 00:04:57,064 Why don't you show us what you got. 129 00:04:57,164 --> 00:04:58,899 I...uh... 130 00:04:58,999 --> 00:05:00,701 Come on, man -- No pressure. 131 00:05:00,801 --> 00:05:02,870 Just lay a little jape on these cats. 132 00:05:02,970 --> 00:05:04,538 Whatever you got. No big. 133 00:05:04,638 --> 00:05:09,009 (Julius Fucik's "Entry of the Gladiators" plays) 134 00:05:09,109 --> 00:05:10,911 (squeaking) 135 00:05:11,011 --> 00:05:12,380 (farts) 136 00:05:12,480 --> 00:05:14,682 Fart was a nice touch. Smells, too. 137 00:05:14,782 --> 00:05:16,384 Ladies and gentlemen, we could be looking 138 00:05:16,484 --> 00:05:18,919 at the next Emmett Kelly... 139 00:05:19,019 --> 00:05:21,054 ...of sucking! Ohh. 140 00:05:21,154 --> 00:05:23,190 That's right, you nut-lickin' little turds. 141 00:05:23,290 --> 00:05:24,425 I ain't here to hold your hands. 142 00:05:24,525 --> 00:05:25,926 I'm here to play mind games 143 00:05:26,026 --> 00:05:28,929 and emotionally abuse you into being clowns. 144 00:05:29,029 --> 00:05:30,163 Ohh. 145 00:05:30,263 --> 00:05:32,666 That's clowning, you shitheads! 146 00:05:32,766 --> 00:05:35,068 (Whistling pleasantly) 147 00:05:35,168 --> 00:05:36,370 Hey, Dad. 148 00:05:36,470 --> 00:05:38,171 Where's the rest of the task force? 149 00:05:38,271 --> 00:05:40,340 We had our team-building dinner at Benihana's. 150 00:05:40,441 --> 00:05:42,342 Blew the whole budget. Had to let them go. 151 00:05:42,443 --> 00:05:44,244 You know, got to admit, it's pretty cool 152 00:05:44,344 --> 00:05:45,946 you're doing something for the community. 153 00:05:46,046 --> 00:05:47,381 (tires screech, horn honks) 154 00:05:47,481 --> 00:05:49,617 This town owes you one, Stan! 155 00:05:49,717 --> 00:05:50,884 Yeah! 156 00:05:50,984 --> 00:05:53,353 (tires squeal) 157 00:05:53,454 --> 00:05:56,089 Well, I guess I'll let you get to it. 158 00:05:56,189 --> 00:05:57,791 Good luck, Dad. 159 00:06:00,861 --> 00:06:02,530 All right, let's start by getting the grime 160 00:06:02,630 --> 00:06:04,097 off the old cheeks. 161 00:06:04,197 --> 00:06:07,267 Dad, dab, dab. Oh, nope. Smudging just a little bit. 162 00:06:07,367 --> 00:06:09,603 No problem. No problem. Just need to even it out. 163 00:06:09,703 --> 00:06:11,304 Easy. Easy. 164 00:06:11,405 --> 00:06:13,240 Okay, now that's really starting to smear. 165 00:06:13,340 --> 00:06:15,809 Well, I can just freehand that jawline back into shape. 166 00:06:18,412 --> 00:06:20,948 Hmm. Might as well really get in there with some 409, 167 00:06:21,048 --> 00:06:22,650 then, and... 168 00:06:24,585 --> 00:06:25,819 There goes the face. 169 00:06:25,919 --> 00:06:27,120 That's okay. That's okay. 170 00:06:27,220 --> 00:06:28,889 Got to get worse before it gets better. 171 00:06:28,989 --> 00:06:31,224 Let's get the old Brillo Pad in on the action. 172 00:06:31,324 --> 00:06:32,960 (scraping) Okay. 173 00:06:33,060 --> 00:06:35,663 Think we're getting back on track now. 174 00:06:35,763 --> 00:06:39,667 (dramatic music plays) 175 00:06:39,767 --> 00:06:41,502 (indistinct conversations) 176 00:06:41,602 --> 00:06:44,104 Dad, you look nervous. 177 00:06:44,204 --> 00:06:46,006 Did everything turn out okay with the mural? 178 00:06:46,106 --> 00:06:47,575 What? Yeah. 179 00:06:47,675 --> 00:06:49,142 (High-pitched) I-I mean, yeah. Yeah, I think so. 180 00:06:49,242 --> 00:06:52,079 I think -- I mean, sure. Yeah, turned out great. Why? 181 00:06:52,179 --> 00:06:53,080 (Extremely high-pitched) I mean, definitely. 182 00:06:53,180 --> 00:06:55,348 Without any further ado, 183 00:06:55,449 --> 00:07:00,454 I give you your fully-restored mural! 184 00:07:00,554 --> 00:07:01,922 (all gasp) 185 00:07:02,022 --> 00:07:04,024 (indistinct conversations) 186 00:07:11,632 --> 00:07:14,434 How could you have done this, Stan?! 187 00:07:14,535 --> 00:07:17,971 (crowd booing) 188 00:07:18,071 --> 00:07:20,140 But Stan loved that mural. 189 00:07:20,240 --> 00:07:22,643 It was his daughter who had it out 190 00:07:22,743 --> 00:07:24,778 for Schneider. What?! 191 00:07:24,878 --> 00:07:27,447 Stan did say she lacked loyntegresty. 192 00:07:27,548 --> 00:07:30,183 I bet she did this -- for hippie reasons! 193 00:07:30,283 --> 00:07:31,485 Yeah! 194 00:07:31,585 --> 00:07:32,986 (crowd booing) Dad! 195 00:07:33,086 --> 00:07:35,222 Stand up for me! Tell them I didn't do it! 196 00:07:39,793 --> 00:07:41,228 Dad! 197 00:07:47,901 --> 00:07:49,670 (singsong voice) Haley? 198 00:07:49,770 --> 00:07:51,371 Sugar blossom? 199 00:07:51,471 --> 00:07:53,641 Pumpkin dumpling? 200 00:07:53,741 --> 00:07:56,577 Daddy's little sugar-frosted raspberry maple fritter? Leave me alone! 201 00:07:56,677 --> 00:07:58,812 The whole town hates me because you lied 202 00:07:58,912 --> 00:08:01,549 to cover up for your own stupid mistake! 203 00:08:01,649 --> 00:08:03,483 (normal voice) (sighs) That's true. 204 00:08:03,584 --> 00:08:06,887 And I know what it'll take to make things right. 205 00:08:06,987 --> 00:08:08,589 STAN: Ice cream! 206 00:08:08,689 --> 00:08:09,990 (all booing) 207 00:08:10,090 --> 00:08:11,692 Ow! 208 00:08:11,792 --> 00:08:13,326 I want to fight ya! 209 00:08:13,426 --> 00:08:15,162 Come on! Fight me! 210 00:08:15,262 --> 00:08:16,864 Fight me!! 211 00:08:16,964 --> 00:08:18,098 I didn't do it. 212 00:08:18,198 --> 00:08:19,833 Dad, tell them the truth. 213 00:08:19,933 --> 00:08:22,202 The truth? 214 00:08:22,302 --> 00:08:25,338 This is the best damn ice cream in the tri-county area! 215 00:08:25,438 --> 00:08:26,840 (all cheering) 216 00:08:26,940 --> 00:08:29,710 I can hold the hero up all by myself! 217 00:08:29,810 --> 00:08:31,078 (cheering continues) 218 00:08:31,178 --> 00:08:33,747 (Muffled) I'm country strong! 219 00:08:33,847 --> 00:08:37,517 (up-tempo circus music plays) 220 00:08:37,618 --> 00:08:39,252 (burps) 221 00:08:39,352 --> 00:08:41,054 (gasps) 222 00:08:41,154 --> 00:08:42,289 (fabric rips) 223 00:08:42,389 --> 00:08:44,558 (farts) 224 00:08:44,658 --> 00:08:46,226 Well, kid... 225 00:08:46,326 --> 00:08:48,228 you suck... Mm. 226 00:08:48,328 --> 00:08:50,530 ...ceded [succeeded] beautifully... 227 00:08:50,631 --> 00:08:52,700 Mm? ...at being God awful... 228 00:08:52,800 --> 00:08:56,136 Mm. ...is the opposite of what I think. 229 00:08:56,236 --> 00:08:58,806 Mm? Psych! You stink, and I hate you. 230 00:08:58,906 --> 00:09:01,041 (ball squeaks) Now, get this through your skull, man, 231 00:09:01,141 --> 00:09:02,475 'cause I don't play mind games. 232 00:09:02,576 --> 00:09:05,145 You will never be a clown. 233 00:09:05,245 --> 00:09:07,948 You got potential, kid, and you can't teach that. 234 00:09:08,048 --> 00:09:09,116 You know what? 235 00:09:09,216 --> 00:09:10,718 I host a little retreat every summer 236 00:09:10,818 --> 00:09:12,219 at my house on Block Island 237 00:09:12,319 --> 00:09:14,722 for just a handful of my most promising students. 238 00:09:14,822 --> 00:09:16,123 No real structure. 239 00:09:16,223 --> 00:09:17,658 We just honk a little buffoonery, 240 00:09:17,758 --> 00:09:19,259 lay some japes, blow each other -- 241 00:09:19,359 --> 00:09:20,661 you know, clown stuff. 242 00:09:20,761 --> 00:09:22,295 And I think you could make the cut. Really? 243 00:09:22,395 --> 00:09:25,599 If you push yourself to the absolute limit. 244 00:09:25,699 --> 00:09:27,635 (upbeat music plays, babbling) 245 00:09:27,735 --> 00:09:29,803 Uhp, I got to take this. It's my "aclowntant." 246 00:09:29,903 --> 00:09:31,404 You know, a clown accountant? 247 00:09:31,504 --> 00:09:32,973 He's got this giant calculator 248 00:09:33,073 --> 00:09:34,842 that only ever adds up to "boobs." 249 00:09:34,942 --> 00:09:36,176 Pretty funny, but, frankly, 250 00:09:36,276 --> 00:09:38,078 I think he's been stealing from me. 251 00:09:40,681 --> 00:09:42,515 Now, I know you're still upset. 252 00:09:42,616 --> 00:09:45,786 I can't even show my face in this town anymore! 253 00:09:45,886 --> 00:09:47,187 Well, I've taken care of that. 254 00:09:47,287 --> 00:09:48,922 (gasps) You confessed to the town that 255 00:09:49,022 --> 00:09:50,357 you were the one who ruined the mural? 256 00:09:50,457 --> 00:09:53,126 Better -- I've converted the garage into... 257 00:09:53,226 --> 00:09:55,262 "Haley's Hideaway." 258 00:09:55,362 --> 00:09:56,697 Now you'll never have to leave the house -- 259 00:09:56,797 --> 00:09:57,865 or want to. 260 00:09:57,965 --> 00:09:59,532 Dad, this is the single worst -- 261 00:09:59,633 --> 00:10:00,868 When you're not racking up high scores 262 00:10:00,968 --> 00:10:03,036 on your sweet "Sopranos" pinball machine, 263 00:10:03,136 --> 00:10:05,505 you can groove to some hot tunes on your top-of-the-line 264 00:10:05,605 --> 00:10:08,608 Sanyo boom box -- with MegaBass. 265 00:10:08,709 --> 00:10:09,877 You still like Warrant, right? 266 00:10:09,977 --> 00:10:11,679 I don't recall ever having -- 267 00:10:11,779 --> 00:10:13,881 * She's my cherry pie * Dad! 268 00:10:13,981 --> 00:10:15,816 * Cool drink of water, such a sweet surprise * 269 00:10:15,916 --> 00:10:18,018 (distorted, slightly louder) * Tastes so good, make... * 270 00:10:18,118 --> 00:10:19,820 (crying) How could you be so selfish?! 271 00:10:19,920 --> 00:10:22,189 * Sweet cherry pie * 272 00:10:22,289 --> 00:10:25,058 Oh, yeah! * She's my cherry pie * 273 00:10:25,158 --> 00:10:26,827 (up-tempo drums playing) 274 00:10:38,071 --> 00:10:39,572 (balloon squeaking) 275 00:10:39,673 --> 00:10:40,640 (sloop!) 276 00:10:40,741 --> 00:10:41,574 (balloon squeaks) 277 00:10:41,675 --> 00:10:48,048 ** 278 00:10:48,148 --> 00:10:51,318 (screaming) (nose honking) 279 00:10:51,418 --> 00:10:56,857 ** 280 00:10:56,957 --> 00:10:57,891 Aah! (bones cracking) 281 00:10:57,991 --> 00:10:59,259 (groans) 282 00:10:59,359 --> 00:11:01,494 Well, kid, you did it. 283 00:11:01,594 --> 00:11:04,364 You pushed yourself to the absolute limit. 284 00:11:04,464 --> 00:11:05,933 So, when's the retreat? 285 00:11:06,033 --> 00:11:08,235 Ha! You were never going on the retreat. 286 00:11:08,335 --> 00:11:10,838 I was just using you to motivate Gumdrop. 287 00:11:10,938 --> 00:11:12,572 Gumdrop, you really got my attention 288 00:11:12,672 --> 00:11:14,007 when you made that banana disappear. 289 00:11:14,107 --> 00:11:15,508 (nose honks) 290 00:11:15,608 --> 00:11:18,111 Hello, is this the North American Federation 291 00:11:18,211 --> 00:11:20,380 of Clowning Academics? (nose honks) 292 00:11:20,480 --> 00:11:23,250 Well, I'd like to file a report. 293 00:11:23,350 --> 00:11:26,686 An instructor, uh... well, he... 294 00:11:26,787 --> 00:11:28,756 he hit me! 295 00:11:28,856 --> 00:11:31,258 (Wah-wah!) 296 00:11:32,860 --> 00:11:36,396 Haley, honey, you were right. 297 00:11:36,496 --> 00:11:39,032 It's time I finally did the one simple thing 298 00:11:39,132 --> 00:11:40,801 I should've done from the very beginning and -- 299 00:11:40,901 --> 00:11:43,737 Ether says what?! 300 00:11:43,837 --> 00:11:45,305 Don't worry, baby girl. 301 00:11:45,405 --> 00:11:48,041 You'll be able to show your face again... 302 00:11:48,141 --> 00:11:50,110 once you have a new face. 303 00:12:02,756 --> 00:12:05,926 I've seen Dr. Weitzman do this tons of times at work. 304 00:12:06,026 --> 00:12:07,828 How hard can it be? All right. 305 00:12:07,928 --> 00:12:10,263 Let's start by reshaping the old eyes. 306 00:12:10,363 --> 00:12:11,598 Tap, tap, tap. (squirt!) 307 00:12:11,698 --> 00:12:14,167 Oop, oop. Eyeball's bulging just a bit. 308 00:12:14,267 --> 00:12:16,403 No problem. No problem. Just need to even it out. 309 00:12:16,503 --> 00:12:19,006 Easy. Easy. 310 00:12:19,106 --> 00:12:21,608 Okay, that one really came out. 311 00:12:21,708 --> 00:12:23,076 Well, might as well really get in there 312 00:12:23,176 --> 00:12:24,611 with a scalpel then and... 313 00:12:24,711 --> 00:12:26,579 There goes the face. 314 00:12:26,679 --> 00:12:27,848 That's okay. That's okay. 315 00:12:27,948 --> 00:12:29,850 Got to get worse before it gets better. 316 00:12:29,950 --> 00:12:32,352 Let's get the old Brillo Pad in on the action. 317 00:12:32,452 --> 00:12:34,587 (scraping) Okay! 318 00:12:34,687 --> 00:12:36,623 Think we're getting back on track now. 319 00:12:36,723 --> 00:12:38,025 (pinball machine dinging) 320 00:12:39,626 --> 00:12:41,761 (Hayley screams) 321 00:12:41,862 --> 00:12:42,996 (sour chord plays) 322 00:12:43,096 --> 00:12:45,866 (muffled) You made me a monster! 323 00:12:45,966 --> 00:12:48,101 Oh, it -- it's not that bad. 324 00:12:48,201 --> 00:12:50,603 All you need is... the right hat. 325 00:12:52,272 --> 00:12:55,876 Is that Eva Marie Saint standing in my garage?! 326 00:12:55,976 --> 00:12:59,112 (screaming) 327 00:12:59,212 --> 00:13:01,281 How could you do this to me?! 328 00:13:01,381 --> 00:13:03,851 I-I need to get away from this town. 329 00:13:03,951 --> 00:13:06,319 I need to get away from you! 330 00:13:06,419 --> 00:13:07,888 Aaaaaaaah! 331 00:13:07,988 --> 00:13:09,322 (tires screech) 332 00:13:09,422 --> 00:13:10,523 Haley! 333 00:13:10,623 --> 00:13:12,392 You shouldn't drive! (tires squeal) 334 00:13:12,492 --> 00:13:14,494 You're acting all crazy! 335 00:13:14,594 --> 00:13:15,495 Aah! 336 00:13:15,595 --> 00:13:19,299 (horn blares) 337 00:13:19,399 --> 00:13:21,234 Damn it, O'Shanahan's! 338 00:13:21,334 --> 00:13:23,904 I just fixed her face! 339 00:13:28,541 --> 00:13:31,879 I'm afraid Haley is in what we call a "super coma." (monitor beeping) 340 00:13:31,979 --> 00:13:35,515 But at least she's not in any pain, right? 341 00:13:35,615 --> 00:13:37,050 Oh, quite to the contrary. 342 00:13:37,150 --> 00:13:38,751 The only part of her brain that's still functioning 343 00:13:38,886 --> 00:13:40,353 are the pain receptors, 344 00:13:40,453 --> 00:13:42,655 leaving her in a perpetual state of searing agony. 345 00:13:42,755 --> 00:13:44,858 Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to take a doctor poop 346 00:13:44,958 --> 00:13:46,159 in the doctor bathroom. 347 00:13:46,259 --> 00:13:47,560 (monitor continues) 348 00:13:47,660 --> 00:13:52,866 ** 349 00:13:52,966 --> 00:13:56,103 (sighs) 350 00:13:56,203 --> 00:13:58,005 Wassup?! (gasps) 351 00:13:58,105 --> 00:14:02,075 You may have them fooled, "doctor," but not me. 352 00:14:02,175 --> 00:14:03,443 (sighs) Fine. 353 00:14:03,543 --> 00:14:04,777 It's me, Haley. 354 00:14:04,878 --> 00:14:06,079 (dramatic chord plays) 355 00:14:06,179 --> 00:14:08,015 What?! I thought you were a nurse 356 00:14:08,115 --> 00:14:10,050 trying to pass yourself off as a doctor! 357 00:14:10,150 --> 00:14:11,418 How can this be? 358 00:14:11,518 --> 00:14:14,221 When I saw what my dad had done to my face, 359 00:14:14,321 --> 00:14:15,688 it was the final straw. 360 00:14:15,788 --> 00:14:19,927 I became consumed by one goal and one goal only -- 361 00:14:20,027 --> 00:14:21,394 revenge. 362 00:14:21,494 --> 00:14:23,897 So I pretended to drive off in hysterics 363 00:14:23,997 --> 00:14:26,099 and faked my accident. 364 00:14:26,199 --> 00:14:28,868 Then it was just a matter of blackmailing Dr. Weitzman 365 00:14:28,969 --> 00:14:33,773 into actually reconstructing my face... 366 00:14:33,873 --> 00:14:35,775 (ominous music plays) 367 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:39,112 ...and recruiting Jeff to play the part of poor comatose Haley. 368 00:14:39,212 --> 00:14:42,983 Now I'll have a front-row seat to watch my dad suffer, 369 00:14:43,083 --> 00:14:45,885 wracked with guilt as I describe to him every day 370 00:14:45,986 --> 00:14:49,822 just how much pain his darling daughter is in. 371 00:14:49,923 --> 00:14:51,658 You will keep my secret, right, Klaus? 372 00:14:51,758 --> 00:14:55,795 Absolutely. I, too, desire to see Stan suffer. 373 00:14:55,895 --> 00:14:58,165 You see, just last week, 374 00:14:58,265 --> 00:15:02,135 I asked him if he'd give me notes on my comic-strip idea. 375 00:15:02,235 --> 00:15:05,138 And you know what he said to me? 376 00:15:05,238 --> 00:15:07,174 Well, I have to go to work right now, 377 00:15:07,274 --> 00:15:09,909 but I'd be happy to take a look later. 378 00:15:10,010 --> 00:15:13,113 (ominous music plays) 379 00:15:13,213 --> 00:15:15,482 Happy to take a look later?! 380 00:15:15,582 --> 00:15:18,251 Revenge will be ours! 381 00:15:18,351 --> 00:15:20,520 (both laugh manically) 382 00:15:20,620 --> 00:15:24,257 Wh-Where's he going? 383 00:15:24,357 --> 00:15:26,659 He's not feeling guilty at all. 384 00:15:26,759 --> 00:15:30,097 He's back at work on that stupid mural! 385 00:15:30,197 --> 00:15:33,500 KLAUS: And he's hired Langley's most accomplished artist, 386 00:15:33,600 --> 00:15:36,203 the guy who paints the frescos at Olive Garden. 387 00:15:36,303 --> 00:15:39,606 Looks like the grand unveiling is this Saturday. 388 00:15:39,706 --> 00:15:43,676 That's the way to make him suffer. 389 00:15:43,776 --> 00:15:46,313 We'll blow up the mural at the unveiling. 390 00:15:46,413 --> 00:15:48,015 He'll be devastated. 391 00:15:48,115 --> 00:15:50,850 And revenge will, at last, be mine! 392 00:15:50,950 --> 00:15:53,786 Wait, Klaus. Where did you get those binoculars? 393 00:15:53,886 --> 00:15:56,823 Are those Ashlyn's binoculars, my old American Girl doll? 394 00:15:56,923 --> 00:15:59,226 She can lend her stuff to whoever she wants! 395 00:15:59,326 --> 00:16:00,793 (slurps) 396 00:16:00,893 --> 00:16:02,895 Dr. Montacristo, what are you doing here? 397 00:16:02,996 --> 00:16:06,333 Oh, you might say I have a great personal interest 398 00:16:06,433 --> 00:16:08,868 in the fate of this mural. Okay. 399 00:16:08,968 --> 00:16:13,906 The unveiling's sure to be an explosive event. 400 00:16:14,007 --> 00:16:15,075 (slurps) Yep. 401 00:16:15,175 --> 00:16:16,543 Hey, hon. 402 00:16:16,643 --> 00:16:19,179 I brought you some chicken soup for lunch. 403 00:16:19,279 --> 00:16:21,581 Oh. Dr. Montacristo. 404 00:16:21,681 --> 00:16:23,316 (unenthused) Would you like some, too? 405 00:16:23,416 --> 00:16:27,154 Actually, Mrs. Smith, I prefer gazpacho, 406 00:16:27,254 --> 00:16:32,559 a dish, like revenge, best served cold. 407 00:16:32,659 --> 00:16:35,228 (laughs manically) 408 00:16:35,328 --> 00:16:38,731 (laughter) 409 00:16:42,935 --> 00:16:45,572 (laughter stops) All right. I'm out. 410 00:16:45,672 --> 00:16:47,940 (horns honking in distance) 411 00:16:48,041 --> 00:16:50,077 (indistinct conversations) If everyone would please have a seat, 412 00:16:50,177 --> 00:16:52,079 we can begin the proceedings. 413 00:16:52,179 --> 00:16:56,249 (Julius Fucik's "Entry of the Gladiators" plays) 414 00:16:56,349 --> 00:16:59,219 Aaaaaah! 415 00:16:59,319 --> 00:17:01,588 (trombone playing discordantly) 416 00:17:01,688 --> 00:17:03,423 Okay. 417 00:17:03,523 --> 00:17:04,857 Everybody... 418 00:17:04,957 --> 00:17:05,958 we don't have all day. 419 00:17:06,059 --> 00:17:09,096 (boing!) 420 00:17:14,267 --> 00:17:16,569 Gentlemen! 421 00:17:16,669 --> 00:17:19,072 If you don't stop doing bits, we'll never get out of here. 422 00:17:19,172 --> 00:17:21,874 Now, Mr. Rimmons, 423 00:17:21,974 --> 00:17:23,310 this isn't the first time 424 00:17:23,410 --> 00:17:25,278 you've been accused of hitting a student. 425 00:17:25,378 --> 00:17:28,881 But it is the first time I didn't actually do it. 426 00:17:28,981 --> 00:17:30,550 May I retract that statement? 427 00:17:30,650 --> 00:17:33,052 You're hereby stripped of your clown-teaching license. 428 00:17:33,153 --> 00:17:35,488 Looks like you won, kid. 429 00:17:39,426 --> 00:17:41,294 Ahem. 430 00:17:44,797 --> 00:17:46,166 Meeting adjourned. 431 00:17:46,266 --> 00:17:47,500 (boing!) 432 00:17:47,600 --> 00:17:49,236 (giggles) 433 00:17:49,336 --> 00:17:53,606 (dramatic music plays) 434 00:17:53,706 --> 00:17:55,242 Fellow citizens, 435 00:17:55,342 --> 00:17:58,445 it's time this whole mural fiasco was made right. 436 00:17:58,545 --> 00:18:00,513 Okay, on my mark. 437 00:18:00,613 --> 00:18:01,781 Three... 438 00:18:01,881 --> 00:18:03,250 So, at long last... 439 00:18:03,350 --> 00:18:04,417 ...two... 440 00:18:04,517 --> 00:18:06,119 ...I finally give to you... 441 00:18:06,219 --> 00:18:07,120 ...one... 442 00:18:07,220 --> 00:18:08,455 ...my confession. 443 00:18:08,555 --> 00:18:10,190 (all gasp) 444 00:18:10,290 --> 00:18:11,624 Wait! Abort, abort! 445 00:18:11,724 --> 00:18:14,294 Goofus McDoof sends his regards! 446 00:18:14,394 --> 00:18:15,928 Aah! 447 00:18:16,028 --> 00:18:19,599 Yes, it was me, not Hayley, who ruined the mural. 448 00:18:19,699 --> 00:18:22,702 I was so scared of losing my status as a hero to all of you 449 00:18:22,802 --> 00:18:25,305 that I betrayed my own daughter. 450 00:18:25,405 --> 00:18:28,341 But then I see her in that coma, and ever since, 451 00:18:28,441 --> 00:18:30,877 my only hope has been that this monumental confession 452 00:18:30,977 --> 00:18:33,213 might somehow reach through to her 453 00:18:33,313 --> 00:18:35,382 and bring her back to me. 454 00:18:35,482 --> 00:18:37,184 ** 455 00:18:37,284 --> 00:18:40,220 (crowd booing, shouting) 456 00:18:42,322 --> 00:18:44,557 See what your dad did, honey? 457 00:18:44,657 --> 00:18:46,893 Squeeze my hand if you can hear me. 458 00:18:46,993 --> 00:18:48,361 Mrs. Smith, if you don't mind, 459 00:18:48,461 --> 00:18:50,397 I need to re-catheterize your daughter's penis. 460 00:18:50,497 --> 00:18:51,864 Sure, sure, whatever. 461 00:18:54,234 --> 00:18:56,135 Oh, Daddy! 462 00:18:56,236 --> 00:18:57,370 Still got it. 463 00:18:57,470 --> 00:18:59,539 No, Dad. It's me, Hayley. 464 00:18:59,639 --> 00:19:02,141 Hayley? Baby girl! You're all right! 465 00:19:02,242 --> 00:19:04,644 Oh, I'm so sorry! Can you ever forgive me? 466 00:19:04,744 --> 00:19:07,046 Hey, what you did up there... 467 00:19:07,146 --> 00:19:09,249 showed a lot of loyntegresty. 468 00:19:09,349 --> 00:19:11,251 So I don't think people need to see 469 00:19:11,351 --> 00:19:13,052 a monument to your eternal shame 470 00:19:13,152 --> 00:19:15,555 every time they drive down Old Chickasaw Road. 471 00:19:21,428 --> 00:19:23,162 Why? 472 00:19:23,263 --> 00:19:26,499 Why would anyone want to destroy my AutoZone? 473 00:19:26,599 --> 00:19:31,070 (sobbing) 474 00:19:31,170 --> 00:19:33,906 So, you think you'll end up getting your old face back? 475 00:19:34,006 --> 00:19:37,109 I dunno. Probably. 476 00:19:37,210 --> 00:19:40,547 (birds chirping) 477 00:19:40,647 --> 00:19:42,114 And, remember, ladies and gentlemen, 478 00:19:42,215 --> 00:19:45,452 Belljar papers are due Friday -- no exceptions. 479 00:19:45,552 --> 00:19:46,853 Jenna, that means you. 480 00:19:46,953 --> 00:19:48,288 (laughter) 481 00:19:48,388 --> 00:19:50,590 Hey, babe, should be home in about 10 minutes. 482 00:19:50,690 --> 00:19:52,792 (gasps) 483 00:19:52,892 --> 00:19:55,262 You know what? Make it 20. 484 00:19:55,362 --> 00:19:58,365 I got to say hi to... an old friend. 485 00:20:05,905 --> 00:20:08,941 (wind gusts) 486 00:20:09,041 --> 00:20:10,277 (growls) Aah! 487 00:20:10,377 --> 00:20:11,644 (raspy] That's right. 488 00:20:11,744 --> 00:20:15,248 I've returned... as an It-style evil clown 489 00:20:15,348 --> 00:20:18,251 named "Gladhandz," thirsting for revenge. 490 00:20:18,351 --> 00:20:19,586 (normal voice) That's Gladhandz with a "Z." 491 00:20:19,686 --> 00:20:21,288 (raspy) I'll haunt your every dream 492 00:20:21,388 --> 00:20:24,424 until, finally, I lure you into the depths of the sewer 493 00:20:24,524 --> 00:20:26,259 and to your doom. 494 00:20:26,359 --> 00:20:28,261 Uh-huh, and how are you gonna do that, then? 495 00:20:28,361 --> 00:20:29,629 (normal voice) Um... 496 00:20:29,729 --> 00:20:32,131 Get in the sewer! (sighs) 497 00:20:32,231 --> 00:20:34,901 I-I'll level with you, Steve. I didn't think this through. 498 00:20:35,001 --> 00:20:36,636 I caught wind on LinkedIn 499 00:20:36,736 --> 00:20:38,305 of how well you were doing out here, 500 00:20:38,405 --> 00:20:39,972 and I-I guess I just kind of lost it. 501 00:20:40,072 --> 00:20:42,342 Next thing you know, I'm filing my teeth down to points 502 00:20:42,442 --> 00:20:44,076 and climbing into a sewer drain. 503 00:20:44,176 --> 00:20:45,177 I'll be straight with you, Steve. 504 00:20:45,278 --> 00:20:46,446 I need your help -- 505 00:20:46,546 --> 00:20:48,415 both financially and just, you know, 506 00:20:48,515 --> 00:20:49,982 to get out of the sewer. 507 00:20:50,082 --> 00:20:52,018 How long ago did he walk away? 508 00:20:52,118 --> 00:20:53,953 Oh, quite a while ago. 509 00:20:54,053 --> 00:20:57,123 Then you shall inherit the curse of Gladhandz! 510 00:20:57,223 --> 00:20:59,426 (grunting) 511 00:20:59,526 --> 00:21:02,161 (raspy) You'll never be free of me! 512 00:21:02,261 --> 00:21:04,163 Bye! Have a great time! 513 00:21:04,263 --> 00:21:08,000 -- Captions by VITA --