1 00:00:01,292 --> 00:00:04,397 In the sprawling dark of night, 2 00:00:04,421 --> 00:00:09,509 when all is still, that's when it can be heard, 3 00:00:09,801 --> 00:00:11,469 the hum. 4 00:00:11,594 --> 00:00:14,532 A ceaseless, enigmatic tone, 5 00:00:14,556 --> 00:00:17,201 heard only by a gifted few, 6 00:00:17,225 --> 00:00:20,437 its origin unknown. 7 00:00:20,937 --> 00:00:23,773 Electromagnetic energy? 8 00:00:23,898 --> 00:00:26,151 Alien transmission? 9 00:00:26,359 --> 00:00:31,031 Perhaps, the echoes of some distant alternate dimension? 10 00:00:31,781 --> 00:00:36,578 Perhaps, even the sound of our very doom. 11 00:00:36,828 --> 00:00:40,874 If you ask me, I don't care. 12 00:00:40,999 --> 00:00:44,252 Because I prefer the hum... 13 00:00:46,796 --> 00:00:50,633 ...of my tricked-out IROC Z28! 14 00:00:50,759 --> 00:00:53,303 - Yeah! - Whoo-hoo! Oh, yeah! 15 00:00:55,346 --> 00:00:59,642 Enjoy the show, my babies! 16 00:01:02,103 --> 00:01:04,731 Good morning, USA. 17 00:01:08,985 --> 00:01:13,114 Steve, I'm gonna tell you the same thing I said to Jackie Collins, that one time. 18 00:01:13,281 --> 00:01:15,950 No writing at the table on Barbecue Chicken night. 19 00:01:16,159 --> 00:01:20,222 Sorry, I'm just trying to decide which school work-study program to choose. 20 00:01:20,246 --> 00:01:24,918 It's either apprentice under weatherman Memphis Storm front at Channel 3 News, 21 00:01:25,043 --> 00:01:27,212 or Buckle at his Urology Clinic. 22 00:01:27,378 --> 00:01:30,399 Sounds like either way, you're gonna be dealing with drips. 23 00:01:30,423 --> 00:01:31,674 Ba-dum-tss! 24 00:01:31,841 --> 00:01:34,344 But which one guarantees me a good grade? 25 00:01:34,511 --> 00:01:37,555 Which one is certain to put me on the path to success? 26 00:01:37,722 --> 00:01:41,643 Oh, Steve, no one knows for certain what their future holds. 27 00:01:41,768 --> 00:01:45,563 I don't want to end up as one of those losers living with parents as an adult. 28 00:01:45,730 --> 00:01:46,856 - Hey! - Sorry. 29 00:01:47,023 --> 00:01:50,318 No, no. What I mean is, I don't want to be one of those poor dopes 30 00:01:50,443 --> 00:01:53,279 who lives their whole sad life in the town they grew up in. 31 00:01:53,446 --> 00:01:55,615 - Hey! - So, what, you're too good for us now? 32 00:01:55,782 --> 00:01:58,052 No, I love you guys. I do. 33 00:01:58,076 --> 00:02:02,163 It's just, I guess, I've always seen more for myself than, 34 00:02:02,539 --> 00:02:04,934 you know, this. 35 00:02:04,958 --> 00:02:06,352 I feel you, Steve. 36 00:02:06,376 --> 00:02:10,004 Big dreamers like you and me, we gotta spread our golden wings. 37 00:02:10,171 --> 00:02:13,091 One day, we hit that open road and never look back. 38 00:02:13,466 --> 00:02:18,471 Actually, Dad, when I say "this," that includes you. 39 00:02:18,680 --> 00:02:21,683 Roger, quick, bring the fainting divan! 40 00:02:23,017 --> 00:02:24,727 Sorry, Stan, already in use, 41 00:02:24,894 --> 00:02:28,106 'cause one of my personas just received some shocking news. 42 00:02:28,231 --> 00:02:30,150 Everybody, look the other way for a second. 43 00:02:30,316 --> 00:02:33,129 - No. - I already changed, anyway. 44 00:02:33,153 --> 00:02:36,197 Walt Whipman, whip-crack-session musician. 45 00:02:36,447 --> 00:02:37,967 I provide the whip-crack sounds 46 00:02:37,991 --> 00:02:40,201 for the many kinds of music that require them. 47 00:02:40,326 --> 00:02:43,746 Rawhide-style TV Western themes, Devo cover bands, 48 00:02:43,872 --> 00:02:45,266 and the list goes on and on. 49 00:02:45,290 --> 00:02:48,561 Unfortunately, I earned something of a reputation back in the day 50 00:02:48,585 --> 00:02:50,271 for heavy drinking, shaky hands, 51 00:02:50,295 --> 00:02:53,756 and always accidentally whipping my fellow musicians in the face. 52 00:02:53,882 --> 00:02:56,593 Anyway, I just heard my old musician pal Roscoe, 53 00:02:56,759 --> 00:02:59,053 is now a big-shot producer in Nashville, 54 00:02:59,220 --> 00:03:02,700 which obviously means that is comeback time. 55 00:03:02,724 --> 00:03:05,393 Why is there an ice cream scoop in my whip holster? 56 00:03:05,685 --> 00:03:08,229 Can we please get back to my real problem here? 57 00:03:08,438 --> 00:03:11,065 Which one of these work-studies is the right choice? 58 00:03:11,232 --> 00:03:14,110 Oh, now, you're looking for advice from your horrible family? 59 00:03:14,360 --> 00:03:17,089 Seriously, just flip a coin, why don't you? 60 00:03:17,113 --> 00:03:19,508 Maybe that's all I can do. 61 00:03:19,532 --> 00:03:21,534 Does anybody else hear that hum? 62 00:03:21,826 --> 00:03:23,411 Well, here goes nothing. 63 00:03:27,457 --> 00:03:30,668 Looks like I'll be taking my talents to Channel 3. 64 00:03:30,793 --> 00:03:31,878 Great. Okay, whatever. 65 00:03:32,003 --> 00:03:36,174 Now, who's coming with me on my journey of redemption? 66 00:03:39,052 --> 00:03:41,387 "Look. Up." 67 00:03:41,512 --> 00:03:44,307 Pack your shit. We're going to Nashville. 68 00:03:49,020 --> 00:03:51,898 And over there, is our star anchor, Greg Corbin. 69 00:03:52,023 --> 00:03:54,776 Oh, we're actually neighbors. Hi, Mr. Corbin. 70 00:03:57,445 --> 00:03:59,173 Me, though, I'm an open book. 71 00:03:59,197 --> 00:04:01,950 You want to know anything about me, just ask. 72 00:04:02,075 --> 00:04:06,746 Well, one thing I have always wondered, is Memphis Storm front your real name? 73 00:04:07,121 --> 00:04:08,807 Oh, my, no. 74 00:04:08,831 --> 00:04:10,935 I sure would have been a born weatherman 75 00:04:10,959 --> 00:04:13,378 if my name was really Memphis Storm front. 76 00:04:13,503 --> 00:04:14,879 So, what is your real name? 77 00:04:15,046 --> 00:04:16,089 Toledo Tornado. 78 00:04:16,214 --> 00:04:19,801 I changed it, so no one would find out I'm Italian. 79 00:04:19,926 --> 00:04:23,012 - Now, what do you want to see next? - How about the Doppler? 80 00:04:23,221 --> 00:04:25,348 - The Doppler? - Yeah, the Doppler 12,000. 81 00:04:25,515 --> 00:04:28,226 - It's up on the roof, right? - Who told you about the Doppler? 82 00:04:28,351 --> 00:04:32,230 The announcer, at the beginning of every news broadcast. 83 00:04:32,355 --> 00:04:34,875 I don't have time right now. It's actually pretty boring. 84 00:04:34,899 --> 00:04:37,068 It's a safety hazard. The Doppler is off limits. 85 00:04:37,193 --> 00:04:39,654 So, just get the hell off my back about it, okay? 86 00:04:40,989 --> 00:04:42,216 Don't mind him. 87 00:04:42,240 --> 00:04:44,409 He's weird about that Doppler. 88 00:04:44,909 --> 00:04:48,204 - Oh, hey, what's your name? - Gässup E. Piyé. 89 00:04:49,747 --> 00:04:53,811 - French... Danish? - No. Memphis has been on edge lately, 90 00:04:53,835 --> 00:04:57,213 probably because his forecast accuracy has been way down. 91 00:04:57,338 --> 00:05:00,341 And he knows he's on thin ice. 92 00:05:00,466 --> 00:05:01,634 Poor Memphis. 93 00:05:01,843 --> 00:05:03,928 More like poor you! 94 00:05:04,053 --> 00:05:07,640 Because if Memphis gets the ax, so does your work-study program. 95 00:05:08,641 --> 00:05:11,245 And it's too late to switch to Buckle's urology clinic 96 00:05:11,269 --> 00:05:13,747 because Barry already took that spot. 97 00:05:13,771 --> 00:05:15,898 That's right, I'm aware of Barry. 98 00:05:16,691 --> 00:05:17,691 Bye-bye. 99 00:05:18,693 --> 00:05:19,902 Stairs! 100 00:05:22,488 --> 00:05:23,656 That's got to hurt. 101 00:05:23,823 --> 00:05:24,823 Get away from me! 102 00:05:25,825 --> 00:05:28,411 Now, we turn to the weather. What do you got for us, Memph? 103 00:05:28,536 --> 00:05:33,333 Cold, Greg, and lots of it. Perfect conditions for tomorrow's first-ever 104 00:05:33,458 --> 00:05:36,687 Langley Classic Outdoor Hockey Invitational. 105 00:05:36,711 --> 00:05:41,049 So, pack an extra set of clamps 'cause it's gonna be nippy. 106 00:05:43,801 --> 00:05:48,532 The entire starting lineup of the Roanoke Ice Wasps is dead 107 00:05:48,556 --> 00:05:53,061 because of your faulty forecast. And I had 30 bucks on that game, 108 00:05:53,311 --> 00:05:56,689 - Toledo. - Mannaggia, Dio! 109 00:05:56,814 --> 00:06:00,276 Ugh. The late, great Dickie Dobbins never had this kind of trouble. 110 00:06:00,443 --> 00:06:03,422 Using the very same Doppler as you, I might add. 111 00:06:03,446 --> 00:06:07,158 - You leave the Doppler out of this! - You screw up just one more time, 112 00:06:07,283 --> 00:06:10,078 and you'll be... Does anyone else hear that humming sound? 113 00:06:10,244 --> 00:06:11,244 No? 114 00:06:11,412 --> 00:06:13,998 Nobody? Out on your ass! 115 00:06:16,000 --> 00:06:20,022 You're going to fire me, old man, how about I... 116 00:06:20,046 --> 00:06:21,190 How about that? 117 00:06:21,214 --> 00:06:25,843 Mr. Storm front, do you think, after all these wrong forecasts, 118 00:06:25,968 --> 00:06:29,389 maybe we should check out the Doppler to make sure it's working right? 119 00:06:29,555 --> 00:06:33,226 The Doppler is fine! Hey, check this out! Roundhouse! 120 00:06:35,228 --> 00:06:37,915 It's just, I really don't want to lose this work-study. 121 00:06:37,939 --> 00:06:40,942 Shh... It's listening. 122 00:06:43,528 --> 00:06:45,780 Stay away from the bloppler, kid. 123 00:06:46,656 --> 00:06:49,158 Stay away. 124 00:06:49,784 --> 00:06:51,869 Screw this, I'm checking it out. 125 00:06:57,959 --> 00:07:01,879 The Doppler is not even plugged into the station's computer system. 126 00:07:02,004 --> 00:07:03,798 He hasn't been using it at all. 127 00:07:12,807 --> 00:07:15,143 All right. Nothing too out of the... 128 00:07:24,735 --> 00:07:28,674 Oh, my God, that thing doesn't forecast the weather. 129 00:07:28,698 --> 00:07:31,492 It shows the future! 130 00:07:31,617 --> 00:07:34,537 Then again, I'm sure I saw Snot-winning Prom King in there. 131 00:07:34,704 --> 00:07:37,248 So, maybe it's just a bunch of random BS. 132 00:07:37,415 --> 00:07:41,770 Sure it was all just part of a cruel prank planned by the popular kids, 133 00:07:41,794 --> 00:07:44,648 and, I have reason to believe, some of the teachers. 134 00:07:44,672 --> 00:07:48,843 But I'm still just absolutely over the moon! 135 00:07:57,101 --> 00:08:00,021 Stay away from the bloppler, kid. 136 00:08:00,354 --> 00:08:05,276 What could be so dangerous about taking a little peep into the old futuro? 137 00:08:10,573 --> 00:08:13,951 Oh! Is this the Mayor's mansion? 138 00:08:15,745 --> 00:08:18,331 This is tomorrow. 139 00:08:19,957 --> 00:08:23,461 Delilah, darling, I have grand news. 140 00:08:23,628 --> 00:08:26,839 The Sharks are going to the championship. 141 00:08:27,006 --> 00:08:30,593 The game was such a rout, that I left early in... What? 142 00:08:30,843 --> 00:08:32,178 Coach Trey! 143 00:08:32,428 --> 00:08:34,138 My best friend! 144 00:08:34,430 --> 00:08:36,182 Jimmy, it's not what it looks like. 145 00:08:36,349 --> 00:08:38,434 We're not just resting in bed together. 146 00:08:38,559 --> 00:08:42,647 Until a few seconds ago, we were having sex, too! 147 00:08:43,147 --> 00:08:47,336 You'll pay for this cuckolder! Just bear with me one sec. 148 00:08:47,360 --> 00:08:49,213 Jimmy. Jimmy, baby, please. 149 00:08:49,237 --> 00:08:51,322 - Stop and think! - Jimmy, babe. 150 00:08:51,447 --> 00:08:53,217 - Look at my neck... - It meant nothing... 151 00:08:53,241 --> 00:08:55,201 - ...it's pleading with you! - ...please, baby! 152 00:08:55,701 --> 00:08:57,870 - Jimmy, I love you, baby. - Jimmy! 153 00:09:01,707 --> 00:09:05,044 Oh, my God! I have to do something. 154 00:09:05,628 --> 00:09:08,548 Incredible tip on that playoff blowout, Steve. 155 00:09:08,714 --> 00:09:12,301 That's just the kind of thing that can earn a boy an A-plus on his work-study. 156 00:09:12,426 --> 00:09:17,139 If you catch my meaning, wink. Wink, wink, wink! 157 00:09:19,976 --> 00:09:23,062 Roscoe, thank you so much for agreeing to meet me here. 158 00:09:23,271 --> 00:09:25,022 I didn't. 159 00:09:25,147 --> 00:09:28,985 You and your boyfriend followed me in here. 160 00:09:29,193 --> 00:09:31,487 You're looking great. I'll tell you that. 161 00:09:31,612 --> 00:09:34,490 Except for that... Yuck... On your face. What happened there? 162 00:09:34,824 --> 00:09:39,620 - You whipped me many years ago. - Oh, God, I was hoping not to talk shop, 163 00:09:39,787 --> 00:09:41,473 but since you brought it up, I'm guessing 164 00:09:41,497 --> 00:09:44,208 you saw my ad in the Country Music Trades. 165 00:09:44,333 --> 00:09:46,419 That's supposed to say "whip-crack." 166 00:09:46,627 --> 00:09:50,131 I was pretty drunk when I ordered the ad, but I've cleaned up since then, 167 00:09:50,298 --> 00:09:53,384 and now, I'm totally sober and ready to lick crack. 168 00:09:53,509 --> 00:09:54,594 You know what I mean. 169 00:09:54,802 --> 00:09:59,223 Listen, Walt, I am about to record a new Rawhide-style TV Western theme 170 00:09:59,473 --> 00:10:02,184 and am in desperate need of a whip man. 171 00:10:02,310 --> 00:10:06,230 But it's just... All those faces you whipped... 172 00:10:06,355 --> 00:10:08,608 Now, you listen to me, race car. 173 00:10:08,774 --> 00:10:10,860 You have to give this man another shot. 174 00:10:11,027 --> 00:10:13,904 Without second chances, where would any of us be? 175 00:10:14,030 --> 00:10:18,618 Didn't America give the South the second chance after the Civil War? 176 00:10:18,826 --> 00:10:21,537 Sure, that one turned out to be a huge mistake, 177 00:10:21,787 --> 00:10:25,958 but the point still stands, and that point is... 178 00:10:26,584 --> 00:10:28,228 ...something about Roger? 179 00:10:28,252 --> 00:10:31,756 Walt Whipman, whip-crack session musician. 180 00:10:32,048 --> 00:10:35,635 All right, I'll give you one shot. 181 00:10:35,801 --> 00:10:38,679 Say, you fellas hear that strange kind of humming sound? 182 00:10:38,888 --> 00:10:42,099 No. Here, would you mind covering your face up with this napkin? 183 00:10:45,394 --> 00:10:49,690 Day after day, just one hot sports tip and new scoop after another. 184 00:10:49,815 --> 00:10:53,027 And now, I'm rich, rich as Sir Topham Hatt. 185 00:10:53,235 --> 00:10:55,339 How do you do it, Steven? 186 00:10:55,363 --> 00:10:57,782 Just lucky, I guess. 187 00:10:57,948 --> 00:11:00,826 Here, help yourself to a Todd McFarlane figurine. 188 00:11:01,535 --> 00:11:03,120 Oh! Don't mind if I do! 189 00:11:09,210 --> 00:11:10,336 Are you all right? 190 00:11:11,962 --> 00:11:15,883 Yeah, just a little black ooze. 191 00:11:21,305 --> 00:11:23,724 You've been using it, haven't you? 192 00:11:24,308 --> 00:11:25,308 Haven't you? 193 00:11:25,434 --> 00:11:29,313 Do you have any idea what forces you're tampering with? 194 00:11:29,522 --> 00:11:31,399 Forces of Good? 195 00:11:31,565 --> 00:11:33,943 Why do you think I stopped using the damn thing? 196 00:11:34,110 --> 00:11:36,278 You'll soon find out for yourself 197 00:11:36,654 --> 00:11:40,467 what it is to be both terrified and enthralled by it. 198 00:11:40,491 --> 00:11:43,387 To despise and desire it. 199 00:11:43,411 --> 00:11:47,331 You inside of it, and it inside of you. 200 00:11:48,708 --> 00:11:49,750 I got to go. 201 00:11:50,543 --> 00:11:52,837 Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, here I come, Mommy! 202 00:11:53,671 --> 00:11:55,798 And now, our very own, Memphis Storm front 203 00:11:55,923 --> 00:11:58,551 joins us with a look at the weekend weather. Memph? 204 00:11:59,385 --> 00:12:02,680 Not all that is old was once young. 205 00:12:02,805 --> 00:12:05,933 Not all that's forgotten is gone. 206 00:12:06,100 --> 00:12:09,395 The nameless one, dreaming of fire, 207 00:12:09,645 --> 00:12:12,082 but slumbers to awaken 208 00:12:12,106 --> 00:12:15,627 some cursed-blood raw dawn. 209 00:12:15,651 --> 00:12:17,987 Sounds like it's gonna be a hot one. 210 00:12:18,279 --> 00:12:19,280 Stay kooky, Memphis. 211 00:12:19,739 --> 00:12:23,451 Okay, clearly, I should not to be tampering with that Doppler. 212 00:12:23,617 --> 00:12:24,618 Well, yeah. 213 00:12:24,869 --> 00:12:29,623 Besides, I'm pretty sure I got that A on my work-study locked up already, 214 00:12:29,832 --> 00:12:33,961 so, I am never using the Doppler again. 215 00:12:34,420 --> 00:12:38,716 Right after one teensy little looksy, to make sure it's an A-plus. 216 00:12:51,979 --> 00:12:54,315 Oh, God, my family! 217 00:12:54,523 --> 00:12:57,777 No, no! 218 00:12:58,110 --> 00:12:59,110 Do you mind? 219 00:13:00,070 --> 00:13:01,906 Are you enjoying the show? 220 00:13:04,200 --> 00:13:06,368 No! God! 221 00:13:06,911 --> 00:13:08,871 No! 222 00:13:13,709 --> 00:13:16,504 Listen to me, please, something terrible is coming! 223 00:13:16,670 --> 00:13:18,839 Oh, more terrible than your family? 224 00:13:19,548 --> 00:13:21,985 I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, okay? 225 00:13:22,009 --> 00:13:26,931 But some kind of monster is coming and it's going to kill us all. 226 00:13:28,641 --> 00:13:29,618 Please! 227 00:13:29,642 --> 00:13:32,645 We have to get out of here and try to find some place safe. 228 00:13:41,487 --> 00:13:44,883 He's got to have something that explains the Doppler, 229 00:13:44,907 --> 00:13:46,760 that monster, all of it. 230 00:13:46,784 --> 00:13:49,119 Pornography, pornography, 231 00:13:49,286 --> 00:13:52,498 creepy ancient scroll, pornography. Wait a minute! 232 00:13:55,209 --> 00:13:57,962 Wow, an interview with Adrien Brody! 233 00:13:58,212 --> 00:14:00,172 I'll just save this for later. 234 00:14:00,297 --> 00:14:01,799 Wait a minute! 235 00:14:02,383 --> 00:14:04,385 A creepy ancient scroll! 236 00:14:04,552 --> 00:14:07,888 My pornography! And scroll. 237 00:14:08,848 --> 00:14:11,684 Mr. Storm front, please, no! 238 00:14:14,395 --> 00:14:17,982 God, how I wish he'd never left me that damned orb. 239 00:14:18,566 --> 00:14:20,943 What is the Doppler really? 240 00:14:21,151 --> 00:14:23,070 It isn't a Doppler at all. 241 00:14:23,320 --> 00:14:25,948 It's some kind of ancient alien instrument 242 00:14:26,115 --> 00:14:29,660 that Dickie Dobbins found buried deep beneath the Mojave Desert. 243 00:14:29,952 --> 00:14:32,663 It gave him the ability to see the future, 244 00:14:32,830 --> 00:14:35,833 the power of absolute certainty. 245 00:14:35,958 --> 00:14:39,670 Yeah, man's desire for certainty. Been kind of a theme lately. 246 00:14:39,837 --> 00:14:42,464 But in the end, it killed him. 247 00:14:42,590 --> 00:14:46,552 Are you sure he didn't just die of being, you know, super old? 248 00:14:46,760 --> 00:14:48,387 He was 32! 249 00:14:48,679 --> 00:14:53,559 But that's what the thing does to you. Decays you, twists your soul, 250 00:14:53,726 --> 00:14:57,730 so much so, that some even come to want to summon... 251 00:14:57,855 --> 00:15:00,232 The creature. What is it? 252 00:15:00,691 --> 00:15:04,612 It's a being so terrifying, it's impossible to even describe! 253 00:15:04,904 --> 00:15:08,824 Face of an eel, arms like giant squids, 254 00:15:09,116 --> 00:15:11,160 classic dragon's body, 255 00:15:11,327 --> 00:15:14,079 six wobbly baby giraffe legs, 256 00:15:14,288 --> 00:15:19,209 standing an immeasurable 3,097 ft tall. 257 00:15:19,335 --> 00:15:23,422 It is Bathasalom, the nameless one! 258 00:15:23,797 --> 00:15:26,675 The nameless one's name is Bathasalom? 259 00:15:26,800 --> 00:15:28,969 Please don't be a dick about this, okay? 260 00:15:30,304 --> 00:15:33,807 Oh, my God, the Doppler and the monster. 261 00:15:33,974 --> 00:15:37,353 - Bathasalom, the nameless. - Uh-huh. They are linked! 262 00:15:37,686 --> 00:15:41,148 The Doppler has been sending out these vibrations to it, 263 00:15:41,440 --> 00:15:42,524 waking it up. 264 00:15:42,691 --> 00:15:45,319 I'm impressed. You're scroll reading at a 12th grade level. 265 00:15:45,653 --> 00:15:49,281 So, the only way to make certain it stays buried, 266 00:15:49,406 --> 00:15:51,676 is to destroy the Doppler. 267 00:15:51,700 --> 00:15:55,454 Roger sure would have been handy to have around for all this cosmic crap. 268 00:15:55,704 --> 00:15:58,040 He better be doing something really important. 269 00:16:03,587 --> 00:16:08,092 Race and pace and chasten Make those doggies hasten. 270 00:16:08,717 --> 00:16:13,097 Though your chaps are chafe And got to bring those heifers home. 271 00:16:13,389 --> 00:16:18,185 Cow drive. 272 00:16:18,811 --> 00:16:23,649 Cow drive. 273 00:16:24,108 --> 00:16:27,361 Take 'em in, turn 'em out, round 'em up rub 'em down, take it off. 274 00:16:27,528 --> 00:16:29,714 Make 'em... Go to town. 275 00:16:29,738 --> 00:16:33,283 Cow drive. 276 00:16:44,294 --> 00:16:45,294 Whip-Crack! 277 00:16:45,879 --> 00:16:47,089 - Oh, crap. - Damn it! 278 00:16:47,381 --> 00:16:50,467 All right. Just download an mp3 of a whip and let's go home. 279 00:16:50,759 --> 00:16:52,720 Wait, no, I can do this. 280 00:17:08,277 --> 00:17:11,405 It's defending itself, Steve, blasting your mind 281 00:17:11,530 --> 00:17:13,782 with the most horrible things imaginable. 282 00:17:28,881 --> 00:17:30,090 It's all over. 283 00:17:30,340 --> 00:17:33,135 You don't know how right you are. 284 00:17:34,344 --> 00:17:38,015 - No. - You had it wrong, Steve. 285 00:17:38,140 --> 00:17:41,185 The orb wasn't waking the nameless one. 286 00:17:41,351 --> 00:17:44,563 It was the only thing keeping it asleep. 287 00:17:44,772 --> 00:17:47,709 I never was able to bring myself to destroy it. 288 00:17:47,733 --> 00:17:49,419 But then it showed me. 289 00:17:49,443 --> 00:17:52,821 It showed me that you would do it for me. 290 00:17:53,113 --> 00:17:55,324 And now, thanks to you, 291 00:17:55,574 --> 00:17:58,619 Bathasalom rises! 292 00:18:05,501 --> 00:18:08,295 Hey, you've got to admit, that's sick as hell. 293 00:18:12,382 --> 00:18:13,717 What have I done? 294 00:18:26,480 --> 00:18:30,734 There's only one true certainty in this world, Steve, 295 00:18:30,901 --> 00:18:33,904 that eventually, it must end. 296 00:18:34,071 --> 00:18:37,574 Why Mr. Storm front? What's in all this for you? 297 00:18:38,117 --> 00:18:42,746 Well, I assume I'll be rewarded with mighty cosmic power! 298 00:18:55,134 --> 00:18:59,263 Natalie, what in the heck is all that racket out there? 299 00:18:59,513 --> 00:19:02,534 Some kind of behemoth from beyond time and space, Dr. Buckle. 300 00:19:02,558 --> 00:19:04,560 For the love of Pete! 301 00:19:17,614 --> 00:19:19,700 Oh, thank God! I'm not too late! 302 00:19:23,579 --> 00:19:25,664 No! 303 00:19:26,874 --> 00:19:29,418 - Steve, get in! - You're alive! 304 00:19:29,626 --> 00:19:31,563 Yeah. After you said all that crazy stuff, 305 00:19:31,587 --> 00:19:33,630 we decided to pack up the car, just in case. 306 00:19:33,755 --> 00:19:35,799 When we didn't find you at the TV station... 307 00:19:36,008 --> 00:19:37,801 You came back here to look for me? 308 00:19:37,926 --> 00:19:39,678 Of course we did. 309 00:19:39,803 --> 00:19:44,808 We're your family, and that's the one thing you can always be certain of. 310 00:19:44,933 --> 00:19:47,186 I actually voted to leave you behind. 311 00:19:51,481 --> 00:19:52,774 Oh, God, it's horrible. 312 00:19:52,983 --> 00:19:55,027 My whipping comeback went horrible. 313 00:19:55,235 --> 00:19:58,131 Hang on, gang. The world may be ending, but the Smiths 314 00:19:58,155 --> 00:20:01,533 will always live on to have further adventures. 315 00:20:05,996 --> 00:20:08,624 - Or maybe not. - It's too late. 316 00:20:08,749 --> 00:20:12,878 This really is the end of everything. 317 00:20:44,701 --> 00:20:46,495 Does anybody else hear that hum? 318 00:20:46,787 --> 00:20:48,330 Well, here goes nothing. 319 00:20:51,833 --> 00:20:53,460 Looks like I'll be taking my talents 320 00:20:53,585 --> 00:20:57,547 to the Buckle Group's Cash-only Walk-in Urology Center. 321 00:20:59,091 --> 00:21:01,510 I mean. But you've got to do Channel 3.