1 00:00:01,602 --> 00:00:06,240 ♪♪ 2 00:00:06,340 --> 00:00:09,743 Ugh! This fry is still frozen in the middle. 3 00:00:09,843 --> 00:00:12,580 Whoa, curly fries again? 4 00:00:12,680 --> 00:00:14,348 Th--Those are a dollar more. 5 00:00:14,448 --> 00:00:16,184 How do you guys afford them every day? 6 00:00:16,284 --> 00:00:18,119 Babysitting, dingus! 7 00:00:18,219 --> 00:00:20,054 You're all babysitting now? 8 00:00:20,154 --> 00:00:21,522 How come I didn't hear about this? 9 00:00:21,622 --> 00:00:23,291 Our apologies. 10 00:00:23,391 --> 00:00:26,294 We must have been talking about it in the curly fry line. 11 00:00:26,394 --> 00:00:28,028 (all munching) 12 00:00:28,129 --> 00:00:31,399 (laughter) 13 00:00:31,499 --> 00:00:34,202 Why are curly fries more expensive anyway? 14 00:00:34,302 --> 00:00:38,406 'Cause you get so much more fry. 15 00:00:38,506 --> 00:00:41,142 And I'm not out of potato, Steve. 16 00:00:41,242 --> 00:00:42,410 I'm out of arm. 17 00:00:42,510 --> 00:00:44,612 Billy, come here! 18 00:00:44,712 --> 00:00:47,981 Hello, fellow babysitters. 19 00:00:48,082 --> 00:00:49,383 Him, too? 20 00:00:49,483 --> 00:00:52,253 Let's show Steve what this fry can do. 21 00:00:52,353 --> 00:00:54,288 Oh, hell yeah. 22 00:00:54,388 --> 00:00:57,325 Let's blow this tater hater's mind. 23 00:01:04,064 --> 00:01:06,500 BILLY: I've reached the door. 24 00:01:06,600 --> 00:01:09,137 -(door opens) -BILLY: I'm going off campus. 25 00:01:09,237 --> 00:01:10,438 (bus door opens) 26 00:01:10,538 --> 00:01:13,341 I'm getting on the bus to Chimdale. 27 00:01:13,441 --> 00:01:14,642 Wow, I'm sold. 28 00:01:14,742 --> 00:01:16,510 The curly fries, the babysitting, 29 00:01:16,610 --> 00:01:17,778 the whole damn thing. 30 00:01:17,878 --> 00:01:19,012 Wrap it up, I'll take it. 31 00:01:19,113 --> 00:01:21,649 BILLY: Do my eyes deceive me? 32 00:01:21,749 --> 00:01:22,916 Billy? 33 00:01:23,016 --> 00:01:25,353 Oh, the wonders I've seen. 34 00:01:25,453 --> 00:01:27,655 Crossed the Sahara on foot, 35 00:01:27,755 --> 00:01:29,957 made love to an Eskimo, 36 00:01:30,057 --> 00:01:31,992 had a spicy soup. 37 00:01:32,092 --> 00:01:34,695 I lived a full, rich life. 38 00:01:34,795 --> 00:01:38,199 And the fry never touched the ground. 39 00:01:38,299 --> 00:01:40,801 Not even on my wedding night. 40 00:01:40,901 --> 00:01:45,306 Or the day I buried my son, Mitsuhiro. 41 00:01:45,406 --> 00:01:47,941 But here's your fry. 42 00:01:49,510 --> 00:01:51,479 (snap!) 43 00:01:51,579 --> 00:01:53,981 (whistling) 44 00:01:54,081 --> 00:01:59,187 I lost my flip-flops over the Indian Ocean. 45 00:01:59,287 --> 00:02:01,522 Not your red Havaianas! 46 00:02:01,622 --> 00:02:05,393 It was the red Havaianas. 47 00:02:05,493 --> 00:02:07,895 (patriotic music plays) 48 00:02:07,995 --> 00:02:10,631 ♪ Good morning, U.S.A. ♪ 49 00:02:10,731 --> 00:02:14,402 ♪ I got a feelin' that it's gonna be a wonderful day ♪ 50 00:02:14,502 --> 00:02:17,638 ♪ The sun in the sky has a smile on his face ♪ 51 00:02:17,738 --> 00:02:21,909 ♪ And he's shinin' a salute to the American race ♪ 52 00:02:23,844 --> 00:02:27,080 ♪ Oh, boy, it's swell to say ♪ 53 00:02:27,181 --> 00:02:29,383 -♪ Good -- ♪ -♪ Good morning, U.S.A. ♪ 54 00:02:29,483 --> 00:02:30,718 Aah! 55 00:02:32,052 --> 00:02:35,389 ♪ Good morning, U.S.A. ♪ 56 00:02:35,489 --> 00:02:37,891 ♪♪ 57 00:02:37,991 --> 00:02:41,495 Listen up, because I'm only going to say this once. 58 00:02:41,595 --> 00:02:42,930 I have an interest. 59 00:02:43,030 --> 00:02:44,598 Oh, that's great, honey! 60 00:02:44,698 --> 00:02:46,834 Oh, phew. I thought you guys would think I was weird. 61 00:02:46,934 --> 00:02:50,838 The CIA has an Exotic Food Club, and I gotsta get in! 62 00:02:50,938 --> 00:02:53,073 This club eats crazy stuff and -- 63 00:02:53,173 --> 00:02:55,943 Stop right there... I gotta hear more! 64 00:02:56,043 --> 00:02:57,778 Well, in order to gain membership, 65 00:02:57,878 --> 00:03:00,448 I must present an exotic food to the committee. 66 00:03:00,548 --> 00:03:02,250 You probably won't see me for a while. 67 00:03:02,350 --> 00:03:05,586 'Cause if I get in, I'm going to Mexico by myself to celebrate. 68 00:03:05,686 --> 00:03:09,257 Looks like you and Jeff have the house to yourself tonight, 69 00:03:09,357 --> 00:03:10,758 'cause I have Moms Club. 70 00:03:10,858 --> 00:03:12,025 (knock on door) 71 00:03:12,125 --> 00:03:14,895 (cheers and applause) 72 00:03:14,995 --> 00:03:18,366 Was that "opportunity" I just heard a-knocking? 73 00:03:18,466 --> 00:03:21,735 Maybe you can spread the word at Moms Club, 74 00:03:21,835 --> 00:03:24,472 I'm getting into the babysitting game. 75 00:03:24,572 --> 00:03:26,540 No, absolutely not. 76 00:03:26,640 --> 00:03:28,409 You're not ready to babysit. 77 00:03:28,509 --> 00:03:31,579 Wait, what? All my friends are babysitting, why can't I? 78 00:03:31,679 --> 00:03:34,081 You still have me take your temperature rectally. 79 00:03:34,181 --> 00:03:35,716 Yeah, it's more accurate. 80 00:03:35,816 --> 00:03:38,486 You panic easily, you're neurotic, 81 00:03:38,586 --> 00:03:40,288 you're afraid of your own shadow... 82 00:03:40,388 --> 00:03:41,755 Ha-ha, what? 83 00:03:41,855 --> 00:03:43,957 M-Me and my shadow are totally cool now. 84 00:03:44,057 --> 00:03:45,326 Ah! 85 00:03:45,426 --> 00:03:49,563 Please, Mom, this means a lot to me. 86 00:03:49,663 --> 00:03:51,599 Tell you what... 87 00:03:51,699 --> 00:03:54,568 If you can tell me which hand the strawberry's in, 88 00:03:54,668 --> 00:03:57,305 you're ready. 89 00:03:57,405 --> 00:04:00,774 (scoffs) I knew you weren't ready. 90 00:04:05,112 --> 00:04:06,914 Whoa! 91 00:04:07,014 --> 00:04:09,116 (click!) 92 00:04:09,216 --> 00:04:11,452 That's how you babysit. 93 00:04:11,552 --> 00:04:13,754 Whoa, a strawberry gun. 94 00:04:13,854 --> 00:04:15,823 -HAYLEY: No, Jeff! Don't! -(gunshot) 95 00:04:20,361 --> 00:04:21,795 Thanks for your business, Leo. 96 00:04:21,895 --> 00:04:23,831 We'll get you there next time, buddy. 97 00:04:23,931 --> 00:04:25,933 I knew Leo wasn't going to orgasm. 98 00:04:26,033 --> 00:04:27,535 In fact, I made sure of it. 99 00:04:27,635 --> 00:04:30,103 He doesn't know, but I've been working against him. 100 00:04:30,203 --> 00:04:32,272 Leo's got it easy compared to me. 101 00:04:32,373 --> 00:04:33,774 Mom won't let me babysit. 102 00:04:33,874 --> 00:04:35,042 She keeps treating me like 103 00:04:35,142 --> 00:04:36,544 I'm still some helpless, little child. 104 00:04:36,644 --> 00:04:38,178 Kids are no joke. 105 00:04:38,278 --> 00:04:40,514 I learned that the hard way after Rogu was born. 106 00:04:40,614 --> 00:04:41,782 You remember Rogu... 107 00:04:41,882 --> 00:04:44,217 Rogu? Maybe? Rogu? My baby! 108 00:04:44,318 --> 00:04:46,186 Probably heard the rumor that he used to be my tumor. 109 00:04:46,286 --> 00:04:49,056 He's Rogu, my baby -- he's here! 110 00:04:49,156 --> 00:04:51,525 Anyway, that little rhyme's how I remember who he is. 111 00:04:51,625 --> 00:04:54,194 Do you keep Rogu in the room while you...? 112 00:04:54,294 --> 00:04:56,630 Punch aluminum-siding salesmen in the balls? 113 00:04:56,730 --> 00:04:58,666 Yes, Steve. But I always put Rogu 114 00:04:58,766 --> 00:05:01,469 in the bath with his favorite music. Hey, buddy! 115 00:05:01,569 --> 00:05:05,539 ♪ The itsy bitsy Rogu was wearing his headphones ♪ 116 00:05:05,639 --> 00:05:09,343 ♪ Because his dad was giving a rusty trombone... ♪ 117 00:05:09,443 --> 00:05:11,645 This way, he has no idea what's going on. 118 00:05:11,745 --> 00:05:15,383 Rogu is Daddy! 119 00:05:15,483 --> 00:05:17,217 Yeah... 120 00:05:17,317 --> 00:05:20,253 maybe I should do my dates outside the house. 121 00:05:20,354 --> 00:05:23,156 I know! How about you watch Rogu while I'm out, 122 00:05:23,256 --> 00:05:24,658 and afterwards, I'll tell Francine 123 00:05:24,758 --> 00:05:25,926 what a great job you did. 124 00:05:26,026 --> 00:05:27,327 She'll have to admit you're ready. 125 00:05:27,428 --> 00:05:28,762 That's perfect! 126 00:05:28,862 --> 00:05:30,764 I-I can start tonight while she's at her club. 127 00:05:30,864 --> 00:05:34,101 Car go through tunnel. 128 00:05:34,201 --> 00:05:37,037 Aww. I taught him that. 129 00:05:37,137 --> 00:05:39,206 (crying) 130 00:05:39,306 --> 00:05:41,208 If he gets cranky, just rock him to sleep. 131 00:05:41,308 --> 00:05:43,411 Sleep fixes everything. 132 00:05:43,511 --> 00:05:45,178 (sighs, stops crying) 133 00:05:45,278 --> 00:05:47,214 -Anything else? -Three important rules. 134 00:05:47,314 --> 00:05:50,451 Absolutely no candy, no screen time, 135 00:05:50,551 --> 00:05:52,453 and don't let him look at my ant farm. 136 00:05:52,553 --> 00:05:53,754 He didn't want to chip in for it, 137 00:05:53,854 --> 00:05:55,756 so he doesn't get to enjoy it. 138 00:05:57,357 --> 00:05:58,792 I'm off to Moms Club. 139 00:05:58,892 --> 00:06:00,394 We're going to the Sharks game. 140 00:06:00,494 --> 00:06:02,029 Gettin' there early. 141 00:06:02,129 --> 00:06:05,032 I heard they got a new Port-A-Potty outside gate J, 142 00:06:05,132 --> 00:06:08,101 and I'd really like to break that thing in. 143 00:06:14,475 --> 00:06:16,109 Now it's just you and me. 144 00:06:16,209 --> 00:06:17,711 Should I order us some Domino's? 145 00:06:17,811 --> 00:06:21,582 Rogu no do chain restaurants. 146 00:06:21,682 --> 00:06:25,653 -Seriously? -Ha-ha, Rogu joke. 147 00:06:25,753 --> 00:06:28,822 Rogu eat from trash can. 148 00:06:28,922 --> 00:06:31,324 ♪♪ 149 00:06:31,425 --> 00:06:33,260 Stan, we're thrilled you're interested 150 00:06:33,360 --> 00:06:35,062 in the CIA's Exotic Food Club. 151 00:06:35,162 --> 00:06:38,065 But maybe we weren't clear on what our objective is. 152 00:06:38,165 --> 00:06:40,100 For example, 153 00:06:40,200 --> 00:06:42,936 when my boy Wolfgang auditioned for our club, 154 00:06:43,036 --> 00:06:45,473 he brought in deep-fried pigeon feet. 155 00:06:45,573 --> 00:06:46,974 Wait, that's Wolfgang? 156 00:06:47,074 --> 00:06:48,442 I assumed you were Wolfgang. 157 00:06:48,542 --> 00:06:49,743 No, I'm Dale. 158 00:06:49,843 --> 00:06:51,745 Oh, then who's Vorasmus? 159 00:06:51,845 --> 00:06:53,814 She's sick. Anyway, Stan, 160 00:06:53,914 --> 00:06:57,851 you've brought in what appears to be gas station coffee cake. 161 00:06:57,951 --> 00:06:59,352 It's Entenmann's! 162 00:06:59,453 --> 00:07:00,988 You're not getting it. 163 00:07:01,088 --> 00:07:04,024 We told you to bring something exotic. 164 00:07:04,124 --> 00:07:06,359 Oh, I thought you said "quixotic." 165 00:07:06,460 --> 00:07:10,964 So you feel...that the Entenmann's is quixotic? 166 00:07:11,064 --> 00:07:13,634 Yeah, I was banking on no one knowing what that meant. 167 00:07:13,734 --> 00:07:14,868 Why don't I just try again? 168 00:07:14,968 --> 00:07:17,871 Stan, leave the Entenmann's. 169 00:07:17,971 --> 00:07:20,373 ♪♪ 170 00:07:20,474 --> 00:07:23,544 Do you want more, Rogu? 171 00:07:23,644 --> 00:07:25,212 This means more. 172 00:07:25,312 --> 00:07:27,548 Hey, Helen Keller. Keep it down. 173 00:07:27,648 --> 00:07:30,217 Me and my fellow code-monkeys are mining for Bitcoins. 174 00:07:30,317 --> 00:07:33,120 I got so many. I'm gonna be so rich. 175 00:07:33,220 --> 00:07:34,988 You're just writing "Bitcoin" 176 00:07:35,088 --> 00:07:36,389 over and over in a Word document. 177 00:07:36,490 --> 00:07:37,825 Okay, man, 178 00:07:37,925 --> 00:07:40,460 one of us is drowning in cryptocurrency, 179 00:07:40,561 --> 00:07:42,963 and one of us is being paid five bucks an hour 180 00:07:43,063 --> 00:07:45,165 to watch a farting tumor. 181 00:07:45,265 --> 00:07:47,000 Actually, I'm babysitting Rogu for free 182 00:07:47,100 --> 00:07:48,401 to prove to Mom I'm ready -- 183 00:07:48,502 --> 00:07:51,071 Oh, my God. I didn't ask for your life story. 184 00:07:51,171 --> 00:07:53,006 Unless you'd be willing to sell it. 185 00:07:53,106 --> 00:07:56,510 How does... three Bitcoins sound? 186 00:07:56,610 --> 00:07:59,312 This is a restraining order against you 187 00:07:59,412 --> 00:08:02,315 -from that girl who -- -Oh, man. I got hacked! 188 00:08:04,652 --> 00:08:07,154 Unh-unh. Roger said no candy. 189 00:08:08,889 --> 00:08:12,726 (whining) 190 00:08:12,826 --> 00:08:14,528 Okay. 191 00:08:14,628 --> 00:08:18,732 But promise to tell Roger how good of a babysitter I was. 192 00:08:20,701 --> 00:08:23,236 (chokes) 193 00:08:23,336 --> 00:08:24,905 Rogu! Rogu! 194 00:08:29,677 --> 00:08:31,579 What the -- 195 00:08:33,547 --> 00:08:37,350 Oh, no! That's why no candy?! 196 00:08:37,450 --> 00:08:39,687 (groans) 197 00:08:39,787 --> 00:08:41,188 What the hell?! 198 00:08:41,288 --> 00:08:42,455 I don't know why you're shocked, man. 199 00:08:42,556 --> 00:08:45,058 Rogu's crazy. He does crazy shit. 200 00:08:49,697 --> 00:08:51,431 When Roger said not to feed them candy, 201 00:08:51,531 --> 00:08:53,133 I didn't think they'd multiply! 202 00:08:53,233 --> 00:08:55,936 I think I know one way we can fix this problem. 203 00:08:56,036 --> 00:08:57,571 Really? What? 204 00:08:57,671 --> 00:08:59,272 Are you sure you want to hear about it? 205 00:08:59,372 --> 00:09:00,741 Because you've gotten mad 206 00:09:00,841 --> 00:09:02,475 when I've tried to discuss this before. 207 00:09:02,576 --> 00:09:05,412 Oh, my God. I'm not going to that church with you, Klaus. 208 00:09:05,512 --> 00:09:07,948 It's a cool church, Steve. 209 00:09:08,048 --> 00:09:09,583 The preacher wears jeans. 210 00:09:09,683 --> 00:09:11,084 There's a rock band. 211 00:09:11,184 --> 00:09:13,787 The preacher's wife is a graphic designer. 212 00:09:13,887 --> 00:09:16,156 Do you get the picture I'm painting? 213 00:09:16,256 --> 00:09:17,825 I-I'll just call Roger. 214 00:09:17,925 --> 00:09:19,827 He'll know how to defuse this. 215 00:09:19,927 --> 00:09:21,662 (cellphone rings) 216 00:09:21,762 --> 00:09:25,265 See! I do have a girlfriend! 217 00:09:25,365 --> 00:09:28,936 All those candles I bought were for someone who exists! 218 00:09:29,036 --> 00:09:32,439 So who's the liar now, Brad?! 219 00:09:32,539 --> 00:09:34,474 Damn it, straight to voicemail. 220 00:09:34,574 --> 00:09:36,276 Just call your mom. 221 00:09:36,376 --> 00:09:39,512 She can't know I'm babysitting, much less screwing it up. 222 00:09:39,613 --> 00:09:41,114 Where did he get that candy? 223 00:09:42,182 --> 00:09:45,185 I keep loose gummy worms under the couch cushions. 224 00:09:45,285 --> 00:09:46,586 What? Wait! 225 00:09:51,291 --> 00:09:53,661 Aaah! 226 00:09:53,761 --> 00:09:58,198 Should we just call Terminix and call it a day? 227 00:09:58,298 --> 00:10:03,837 ♪♪ 228 00:10:03,937 --> 00:10:06,940 ♪♪ 229 00:10:07,040 --> 00:10:08,876 Klaus, we -- we got to do something. 230 00:10:08,976 --> 00:10:10,277 I already did. 231 00:10:10,377 --> 00:10:13,180 I gave the shy Rogu a bottle to spin. 232 00:10:13,280 --> 00:10:16,116 ♪♪ 233 00:10:16,216 --> 00:10:17,484 -Oooooh. -Oooooh. -Oooooh. 234 00:10:17,584 --> 00:10:20,854 ♪♪ 235 00:10:20,954 --> 00:10:23,490 Rogu have errand to run. 236 00:10:23,590 --> 00:10:26,193 Oh, no! 237 00:10:26,293 --> 00:10:28,328 Back inside, Rogu. 238 00:10:28,428 --> 00:10:32,199 But Rogu have score to settle. 239 00:10:34,301 --> 00:10:35,669 They're all gone. 240 00:10:35,769 --> 00:10:37,137 They did it. 241 00:10:37,237 --> 00:10:40,874 They finally moved to big city. 242 00:10:40,974 --> 00:10:42,642 KLAUS: ♪ I have tons of boys ♪ 243 00:10:42,743 --> 00:10:45,578 Whoa. How did you get them to calm down? 244 00:10:45,679 --> 00:10:48,816 No thang, I just threw on some random YouTube video. 245 00:10:48,916 --> 00:10:51,251 First of all, Roger said no screen time! 246 00:10:51,351 --> 00:10:53,854 And second, this is not random. This is your song. 247 00:10:53,954 --> 00:10:56,857 Steve, this song belongs to the world now. 248 00:10:56,957 --> 00:10:59,827 You saw what happened when they ate candy. 249 00:10:59,927 --> 00:11:02,195 God knows what your janky-ass video will do to them. 250 00:11:02,295 --> 00:11:04,998 KLAUS: Janky-ass? Not according to the comments. 251 00:11:05,098 --> 00:11:08,201 Listen. VapePimp77 refers to it as -- 252 00:11:08,301 --> 00:11:12,072 "I make $200 a day working from home." 253 00:11:12,172 --> 00:11:15,943 Oh. My. God. 254 00:11:16,043 --> 00:11:18,678 Yeah, that's pretty big coming from VapePimp. 255 00:11:18,779 --> 00:11:20,180 He's growing! 256 00:11:20,280 --> 00:11:22,015 W-We got to get him outside! 257 00:11:22,115 --> 00:11:23,283 Come on, Rogu. 258 00:11:23,383 --> 00:11:24,718 You want screen time? 259 00:11:24,818 --> 00:11:29,757 Yes, but better video. 260 00:11:29,857 --> 00:11:31,524 KLAUS: Screw you, Rogu. 261 00:11:31,624 --> 00:11:34,762 I make you all big, and now you're shitting on my song? 262 00:11:34,862 --> 00:11:38,431 Rogu want... 263 00:11:38,531 --> 00:11:41,468 ♪ And I gotta have a Nutri-Grain bar and Mountain Dew! ♪ 264 00:11:41,568 --> 00:11:43,871 WOMAN: ♪ Nutri-Grain bar and a Mountain Dew ♪ 265 00:11:43,971 --> 00:11:46,874 ♪ Nutri-Grain bar and a Mountain Dew ♪ 266 00:11:46,974 --> 00:11:49,542 -♪ Nutri-Grain bar and a Mountain Dew ♪ -Oh, balls. 267 00:11:49,642 --> 00:11:53,213 KLAUS: ♪ Every day ♪ 268 00:11:53,313 --> 00:11:55,883 (crying) 269 00:11:55,983 --> 00:12:00,954 More. More screen time. 270 00:12:01,054 --> 00:12:03,824 Ooooh. 271 00:12:07,094 --> 00:12:08,829 Well, that was crazy. 272 00:12:08,929 --> 00:12:10,130 Want to go grab a bite to eat? 273 00:12:10,230 --> 00:12:11,498 This is terrible! 274 00:12:11,598 --> 00:12:13,834 I just unleashed a monster on our town. 275 00:12:13,934 --> 00:12:16,169 Mom's never gonna let me babysit now! 276 00:12:16,269 --> 00:12:19,940 Yes, those problems are of equal weight and importance. 277 00:12:20,040 --> 00:12:22,009 We have to fix this. Let's go. 278 00:12:23,176 --> 00:12:26,013 I'm in, but we'll be having a long talk later 279 00:12:26,113 --> 00:12:27,781 about what you've done to the lawn. 280 00:12:27,881 --> 00:12:30,250 Shameful. 281 00:12:30,350 --> 00:12:33,987 ♪♪ 282 00:12:34,087 --> 00:12:36,156 Uh, excuse me. I need an exotic dish 283 00:12:36,256 --> 00:12:38,859 that will impress some real adventurous foodies. 284 00:12:38,959 --> 00:12:41,328 Those canned oysters up there, 285 00:12:41,428 --> 00:12:43,530 no one's ever adventured to eat those. 286 00:12:43,630 --> 00:12:44,932 That's pretty high. 287 00:12:45,032 --> 00:12:48,301 How are we supposed to get those down? 288 00:12:48,401 --> 00:12:51,872 Well, now they're too low, Tom. 289 00:12:51,972 --> 00:12:54,507 ♪ Cut my life into pieces ♪ 290 00:12:54,607 --> 00:12:57,010 ♪ This is my last resort ♪ 291 00:12:57,110 --> 00:12:59,646 ♪ Suffocation, no breathing ♪ 292 00:12:59,746 --> 00:13:03,050 ♪ Don't give a hoot if I cut my arm bleeding -- ♪ 293 00:13:03,150 --> 00:13:04,985 Beep. Beep. 294 00:13:05,085 --> 00:13:08,856 -Car go through tunnel. -♪ This is my last resort ♪ 295 00:13:08,956 --> 00:13:10,323 (gasps) 296 00:13:10,423 --> 00:13:12,725 ♪ This is my last resort ♪ 297 00:13:12,826 --> 00:13:18,531 ♪♪ 298 00:13:18,631 --> 00:13:20,467 (screaming) 299 00:13:20,567 --> 00:13:22,202 ♪♪ 300 00:13:22,302 --> 00:13:24,537 Klaus, my mom is at that game. 301 00:13:24,637 --> 00:13:27,074 We have to get Rogu away from there. 302 00:13:27,174 --> 00:13:29,509 ♪♪ 303 00:13:29,609 --> 00:13:30,978 I got it! 304 00:13:31,078 --> 00:13:32,712 Hey! 305 00:13:32,812 --> 00:13:34,814 It's okay. We don't need it. 306 00:13:34,915 --> 00:13:37,484 Chcka-chcka-boom-boomboom! 307 00:13:37,584 --> 00:13:39,152 Uh-chunka- chunkachunka-boom! 308 00:13:39,252 --> 00:13:41,088 Splash! Duka-duka-duka-duka! 309 00:13:41,188 --> 00:13:43,590 Choo-choo-choo-choo-choo! Boom! 310 00:13:43,690 --> 00:13:44,858 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! 311 00:13:44,958 --> 00:13:47,760 See? It's working! 312 00:13:47,861 --> 00:13:50,864 ROGU: Screen time. 313 00:13:50,964 --> 00:13:53,766 ♪♪ 314 00:13:53,867 --> 00:13:55,936 (crying) 315 00:13:56,036 --> 00:13:57,770 (cheers and applause) 316 00:13:57,871 --> 00:14:00,507 (crowd gasping) 317 00:14:00,607 --> 00:14:03,243 Look at this antique nickel I found 318 00:14:03,343 --> 00:14:05,578 at the bottom of one of the toilets! 319 00:14:05,678 --> 00:14:07,280 Look! Excuse me! 320 00:14:07,380 --> 00:14:09,282 Hello? 321 00:14:09,382 --> 00:14:13,253 ROGER: ♪ Three blind guys, three blind guys ♪ 322 00:14:13,353 --> 00:14:15,923 ♪ Sperm in their eyes, sperm in their eyes ♪ 323 00:14:16,023 --> 00:14:18,791 ♪ This actually might be my lucky day ♪ 324 00:14:18,892 --> 00:14:21,061 -♪ I'm taking their wallets and running away ♪ -Daddy have voice of angel. 325 00:14:21,161 --> 00:14:24,898 -♪ Three blind guys, three blind guys ♪ -It's working! 326 00:14:24,998 --> 00:14:28,635 ROGER: ♪ Rogu's in the bathtub while Daddy's with a John ♪ 327 00:14:28,735 --> 00:14:30,637 ♪ With a uh-huh here and a don't stop there ♪ 328 00:14:30,737 --> 00:14:32,605 Yay, Daddy. 329 00:14:32,705 --> 00:14:33,873 ROGER: ♪ "Oh, God!" ♪ 330 00:14:33,974 --> 00:14:35,775 Okay, we can steer him. 331 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:37,310 Where the hell do we want to go? 332 00:14:37,410 --> 00:14:40,480 I heard New Orleans is dank as hell. 333 00:14:40,580 --> 00:14:43,383 Wait, Rogu likes to be rocked to sleep. 334 00:14:43,483 --> 00:14:45,218 Oh, perfect, and did you forget 335 00:14:45,318 --> 00:14:47,988 that this nerd is three stories tall?! 336 00:14:48,088 --> 00:14:50,290 No, the Viking Ship! 337 00:14:50,390 --> 00:14:52,392 We need to get him on that ride! 338 00:14:52,492 --> 00:14:54,962 Roger said sleep fixes everything! 339 00:14:55,062 --> 00:14:58,298 ROGER: ♪ Something something La Cucaracha ♪ 340 00:14:58,398 --> 00:15:02,269 ♪ Rogu's in the bathtub while Daddy's with a John ♪ 341 00:15:02,369 --> 00:15:04,404 ♪ With a uh-huh here and a don't stop there ♪ 342 00:15:04,504 --> 00:15:05,638 ♪ Here an uuughhh, there an uggghhh ♪ 343 00:15:05,738 --> 00:15:07,574 ♪ Everywhere an "Oh, God!" ♪ 344 00:15:07,674 --> 00:15:11,011 ♪ Three blind guys, three blind guys ♪ 345 00:15:11,111 --> 00:15:14,481 ♪ Sperm in their eyes, sperm in their eyes ♪ 346 00:15:14,581 --> 00:15:16,683 ♪ This actually might be my lucky day ♪ 347 00:15:16,783 --> 00:15:19,419 ♪ I'm taking their wallets and running away ♪ 348 00:15:19,519 --> 00:15:22,155 ♪ Three blind guys, three blind guys ♪ 349 00:15:22,255 --> 00:15:24,357 You did it! 350 00:15:24,457 --> 00:15:26,259 I've used lesser occasions than this 351 00:15:26,359 --> 00:15:28,595 as an excuse to break out the Cubans. 352 00:15:28,695 --> 00:15:32,499 Steve, have you never seen me smoke a cigar before? 353 00:15:32,599 --> 00:15:34,701 You're in for a treat. 354 00:15:36,369 --> 00:15:37,804 It's the CIA! 355 00:15:37,904 --> 00:15:39,472 Where's the big one? 356 00:15:39,572 --> 00:15:41,308 Ah, forget about him. 357 00:15:41,408 --> 00:15:44,344 Bring me that delicious-looking creature. 358 00:15:44,444 --> 00:15:48,815 ♪♪ 359 00:15:48,915 --> 00:15:50,683 No! 360 00:15:50,783 --> 00:15:52,052 Rogu! 361 00:15:52,152 --> 00:15:57,124 No, boy-whose-name- I-didn't-catch. 362 00:16:02,695 --> 00:16:05,532 This better be good. I'm missing the halftime show. 363 00:16:05,632 --> 00:16:07,134 Ronnie from "Jersey Shore" 364 00:16:07,234 --> 00:16:09,569 is trying to drink a big thing of salsa onstage. 365 00:16:09,669 --> 00:16:11,071 (cheers and applause) 366 00:16:11,171 --> 00:16:13,840 Ugh. "Where were you when Ronnie drank the stuff?" 367 00:16:13,940 --> 00:16:16,309 I was in the parking lot with two nutsacks. 368 00:16:16,409 --> 00:16:19,712 I'm sorry, Mom. I really messed up. 369 00:16:19,812 --> 00:16:23,016 Roger let me babysit Rogu so I could prove to you I could! 370 00:16:23,116 --> 00:16:24,884 And now the CIA has him! 371 00:16:24,984 --> 00:16:27,354 I knew your ass wasn't ready. 372 00:16:27,454 --> 00:16:29,089 The CIA, huh? 373 00:16:29,189 --> 00:16:32,425 Lucky for you, I slap uglies with a guy who works there. 374 00:16:32,525 --> 00:16:34,527 Ugh, can't you call it making love? 375 00:16:34,627 --> 00:16:35,828 And can't you just call him Dad? 376 00:16:35,928 --> 00:16:37,864 I'm on the phone! 377 00:16:37,964 --> 00:16:40,367 (cellphone vibrates) 378 00:16:40,467 --> 00:16:42,735 I can see the glint of the oyster can. 379 00:16:42,835 --> 00:16:44,737 You sure you don't want something else? 380 00:16:44,837 --> 00:16:47,174 Wait, actually, do you have that prehistoric fish, 381 00:16:47,274 --> 00:16:49,709 the whatchamacallit, the -- the coelacanth? 382 00:16:49,809 --> 00:16:51,944 -Unfortunately, no. -Did you check in the back? 383 00:16:52,045 --> 00:16:54,547 -No, I never left. -Then it's hole time, baby. 384 00:16:55,748 --> 00:16:58,085 He's not answering. 385 00:16:58,185 --> 00:17:00,287 Well, that's the risk you take when you use a phone. 386 00:17:00,387 --> 00:17:02,589 I'm out. 387 00:17:02,689 --> 00:17:05,258 -(sighs) -Don't worry, Steve. 388 00:17:05,358 --> 00:17:08,628 You forget that I'm here with...Moms Club. 389 00:17:08,728 --> 00:17:10,363 Leave it to us. 390 00:17:10,463 --> 00:17:11,964 But you said the same thing 391 00:17:12,065 --> 00:17:14,534 when I found that lump behind my ear... 392 00:17:14,634 --> 00:17:16,603 and it just keeps getting bigger. 393 00:17:16,703 --> 00:17:18,438 Moms Club will get to it. 394 00:17:18,538 --> 00:17:20,907 Right after we kick some ass. 395 00:17:21,007 --> 00:17:26,313 ♪♪ 396 00:17:26,413 --> 00:17:28,415 Moms Club! 397 00:17:28,515 --> 00:17:30,317 Moms Club! 398 00:17:30,417 --> 00:17:34,754 ♪♪ 399 00:17:34,854 --> 00:17:36,256 Moms Club! 400 00:17:36,356 --> 00:17:37,657 Oh, my God. 401 00:17:37,757 --> 00:17:41,494 Yeah, Steve. We're moms, but we're cool. 402 00:17:41,594 --> 00:17:43,062 ♪♪ 403 00:17:43,163 --> 00:17:45,732 Rogu, are you in here? 404 00:17:45,832 --> 00:17:47,734 ♪♪ 405 00:17:47,834 --> 00:17:49,102 Cool. 406 00:17:49,202 --> 00:17:50,470 Check it out. 407 00:17:50,570 --> 00:17:51,738 (goofy voice) I'm Doctor Fart Face, 408 00:17:51,838 --> 00:17:53,673 and I need 10cc of diarrhea. 409 00:17:53,773 --> 00:17:55,575 Shh! You're embarrassing yourself. 410 00:17:55,675 --> 00:17:57,677 That's not what Doctor Fart Face sounds like. 411 00:17:57,777 --> 00:18:00,780 Uh-oh. Steve's clearly lost his funny bone. 412 00:18:00,880 --> 00:18:03,150 We need to revive it. Boop! 413 00:18:03,250 --> 00:18:08,155 ♪♪ 414 00:18:08,255 --> 00:18:10,290 Where's Rogu? 415 00:18:10,390 --> 00:18:12,792 -D-Did you hurt him? -It's hard to say. 416 00:18:12,892 --> 00:18:15,027 You see, we jammed him through a sausage grinder 417 00:18:15,128 --> 00:18:17,096 and microwaved him on the popcorn setting. 418 00:18:17,197 --> 00:18:18,331 Mwah! 419 00:18:18,431 --> 00:18:20,767 You ate him?! Why?! 420 00:18:20,867 --> 00:18:23,336 Because we're the Exotic Food Club. 421 00:18:23,436 --> 00:18:25,472 And there's nothing more exotic 422 00:18:25,572 --> 00:18:28,441 than that little mutant of yours. 423 00:18:28,541 --> 00:18:31,844 (crying) 424 00:18:31,944 --> 00:18:33,846 I can't believe he's gone. 425 00:18:33,946 --> 00:18:37,284 I-I just -- I just wish I could have done more. 426 00:18:39,852 --> 00:18:42,722 More! Rogu's still alive! 427 00:18:42,822 --> 00:18:44,791 And I know how to get him out of there. 428 00:18:44,891 --> 00:18:48,395 Hey, Rogu. You want some screen time? 429 00:18:48,495 --> 00:18:51,564 WOMAN: ♪ Nutri-Grain bar and a Mountain Dew ♪ 430 00:18:51,664 --> 00:18:56,803 ♪ Nutri-Grain bar and a Mountain Dew ♪ 431 00:18:56,903 --> 00:18:59,206 ♪♪ 432 00:18:59,306 --> 00:19:02,375 No! I've never met a dish I couldn't hold down. 433 00:19:02,475 --> 00:19:04,977 That's, like, the coolest thing about me. 434 00:19:05,077 --> 00:19:09,081 ♪♪ 435 00:19:09,182 --> 00:19:11,884 (screams) 436 00:19:13,186 --> 00:19:15,922 Rogu, you're okay! 437 00:19:16,022 --> 00:19:17,224 Ehh? 438 00:19:17,324 --> 00:19:19,192 Yeah, I don't -- I don't want that. 439 00:19:19,292 --> 00:19:21,761 Seriously. Put it -- Just put it -- 440 00:19:21,861 --> 00:19:23,162 Put it down! 441 00:19:23,263 --> 00:19:26,266 Now come here and hug me. 442 00:19:26,366 --> 00:19:27,667 Sorry, bud. 443 00:19:27,767 --> 00:19:29,101 I wanted to take care of you, 444 00:19:29,202 --> 00:19:33,105 but Mom was right -- I'm clearly not ready. 445 00:19:33,206 --> 00:19:38,077 Look, Steve, when I said you weren't ready to babysit, 446 00:19:38,177 --> 00:19:42,249 I guess I meant I wasn't ready for you to babysit. 447 00:19:42,349 --> 00:19:43,883 What? 448 00:19:43,983 --> 00:19:47,720 See, once you're old enough to take care of kids, 449 00:19:47,820 --> 00:19:50,590 it means you don't need me to take care of you. 450 00:19:52,459 --> 00:19:54,627 Mom, I'll always need you. 451 00:19:54,727 --> 00:19:56,896 I mean, look how badly I screwed this up. 452 00:19:56,996 --> 00:19:58,765 Oh, Steve. 453 00:19:58,865 --> 00:20:00,367 I'll make you a deal. 454 00:20:00,467 --> 00:20:02,935 When I'm old and my memory is shot 455 00:20:03,035 --> 00:20:05,472 and I'm losing control of my bowels, 456 00:20:05,572 --> 00:20:10,377 I'll move into your home and you can babysit me every day. 457 00:20:10,477 --> 00:20:14,146 "Who peed on the couch," you'll say, pretending you don't know. 458 00:20:14,247 --> 00:20:16,416 And I'll blame it on the wild dogs 459 00:20:16,516 --> 00:20:19,619 I keep claiming to see around the neighborhood. 460 00:20:19,719 --> 00:20:21,654 Yay. 461 00:20:21,754 --> 00:20:24,324 Canned oysters! 462 00:20:24,424 --> 00:20:28,595 Aw, man, I missed the entire meal? 463 00:20:28,695 --> 00:20:31,831 More for me, I guess. 464 00:20:31,931 --> 00:20:34,601 ♪♪ 465 00:20:34,701 --> 00:20:39,138 Did Roger say anything about Rogu and shellfish? 466 00:20:39,238 --> 00:20:40,740 ♪♪ 467 00:20:40,840 --> 00:20:42,909 (growls) 468 00:20:43,009 --> 00:20:44,577 (gasps) 469 00:20:44,677 --> 00:20:46,946 (roars) 470 00:20:47,046 --> 00:20:51,418 ♪♪ 471 00:20:51,518 --> 00:20:53,420 Steve! Steve! 472 00:20:53,520 --> 00:20:55,755 You're not gonna believe it, Steve! 473 00:20:55,855 --> 00:20:57,690 The Sharks won! 474 00:20:57,790 --> 00:21:00,092 They did it! They won! 475 00:21:00,192 --> 00:21:02,161 I'm a sports fan now. 476 00:21:02,261 --> 00:21:04,163 Bye. Have a great time. 477 00:21:04,263 --> 00:21:08,000 -- Captions by VITAC --