9999 00:00:0,500 --> 00:00:2,00 myktsn 1 00:00:15,768 --> 00:00:17,928 Our killer was probably after cash. 2 00:00:19,361 --> 00:00:22,089 DOA's name is Jay Knight. 3 00:00:36,261 --> 00:00:38,159 High-velocity blood spatter. 4 00:00:39,205 --> 00:00:41,075 - From the vic? - Could be. 5 00:00:41,102 --> 00:00:43,027 Why don't you sweep the rest of the apartment? 6 00:00:43,041 --> 00:00:44,246 All right. 7 00:01:08,291 --> 00:01:09,807 Mac, he's running! 8 00:01:21,607 --> 00:01:22,676 NYPD! 9 00:01:28,722 --> 00:01:29,552 Hey! 10 00:01:32,957 --> 00:01:33,691 Hey! 11 00:01:42,990 --> 00:01:43,956 NYPD! 12 00:01:44,067 --> 00:01:45,245 Out of the way! 13 00:01:46,277 --> 00:01:47,503 Stay down! 14 00:01:50,723 --> 00:01:52,000 Down! Down! 15 00:01:54,073 --> 00:01:56,067 Get down! Stay down! 16 00:02:19,737 --> 00:02:22,338 - You all right? - I'm fine. Is he alive? 17 00:02:27,499 --> 00:02:28,823 Give me your gun. 18 00:02:33,180 --> 00:02:34,185 NYPD. 19 00:02:36,068 --> 00:02:37,904 He's a cop? He was shooting at me. He's a cop?! 20 00:02:37,935 --> 00:02:40,687 - This is the guy you were chasing? From the apartment? - Yeah, that's him. 21 00:02:40,696 --> 00:02:43,169 - He was shooting at me! - I didn't ask you if he shot at you. 22 00:02:43,185 --> 00:02:46,464 - Are you sure this is the guy you were chasing? - Yes, I'm sure, Mac. 23 00:02:48,588 --> 00:02:50,487 I think that's the guy. 24 00:02:55,252 --> 00:02:58,027 Season 1 - Episode 21 On the Job 25 00:03:51,493 --> 00:03:54,990 The undercover officer was Detective Third Grade Rodney Minhas. 26 00:03:55,006 --> 00:03:56,607 - Eyewitnesses? - Half a dozen people 27 00:03:56,623 --> 00:03:59,207 saw the whole thing, and their stories are consistent. 28 00:03:59,336 --> 00:04:00,981 A guy came down the South stairs, 29 00:04:01,081 --> 00:04:04,081 ran to the middle of the platform and hid behind that column. 30 00:04:04,129 --> 00:04:07,784 He sees Danny come down following him and fires at Danny twice. 31 00:04:07,800 --> 00:04:10,438 At this point, people start diving for cover. 32 00:04:10,533 --> 00:04:13,062 Then Officer Minhas comes down the North stairs 33 00:04:13,094 --> 00:04:16,078 and starts shooting at the same guy Danny was chasing. 34 00:04:16,095 --> 00:04:18,872 Danny and the undercover are chasing the same guy? 35 00:04:18,888 --> 00:04:21,808 Exactly. So there's three people down here shooting. 36 00:04:23,085 --> 00:04:24,377 Danny's suspect. 37 00:04:24,407 --> 00:04:25,827 - Any lead on him? - No. 38 00:04:25,859 --> 00:04:27,184 He took off up the tracks. 39 00:04:27,216 --> 00:04:28,763 - Put a description out? - Yes, 40 00:04:28,779 --> 00:04:30,447 plus, there's a team searching the tunnels, 41 00:04:30,479 --> 00:04:31,979 there's a million ways out of here. 42 00:04:31,987 --> 00:04:33,258 Any other fatalities? 43 00:04:33,279 --> 00:04:35,008 No. There're two civilians that got hit. 44 00:04:35,009 --> 00:04:36,369 They'll both make it. 45 00:04:38,517 --> 00:04:39,767 It ain't dangerous enough out here, 46 00:04:39,817 --> 00:04:42,207 we gotta worry about getting shot by another cop? 47 00:04:42,298 --> 00:04:44,300 Come on! You kidding me? 48 00:04:44,428 --> 00:04:47,078 He was coming at me! He fired at me first! 49 00:04:47,094 --> 00:04:47,801 - Yeah? - Yeah! 50 00:04:47,802 --> 00:04:49,802 - Should've done a better job, then! - All right, knock it off! 51 00:04:49,818 --> 00:04:50,877 Get out of here! Get out of here! 52 00:04:50,916 --> 00:04:55,145 I don't want anybody making up their minds about this until we know the facts. 53 00:04:56,139 --> 00:04:57,593 Danny, what happened? 54 00:04:57,693 --> 00:05:01,765 I chased the perp into the subway. We came out on the platform right there... 55 00:05:02,665 --> 00:05:03,939 and then he shoots at me. 56 00:05:03,989 --> 00:05:07,811 And then he turns and he starts running at me and he fires at me again. 57 00:05:07,853 --> 00:05:09,376 And that's when I fire. 58 00:05:09,782 --> 00:05:11,610 Twice. You can check my gun. 59 00:05:11,651 --> 00:05:13,728 Anyone else fire after that? 60 00:05:13,854 --> 00:05:14,532 No. I... 61 00:05:14,654 --> 00:05:16,232 I fired the last two shots. 62 00:05:16,334 --> 00:05:18,169 Did you hit him with both your rounds? 63 00:05:18,440 --> 00:05:21,472 I can't say for sure, I don't know. 64 00:05:21,598 --> 00:05:24,103 One. Defin... Maybe... Definitely one. 65 00:05:24,917 --> 00:05:26,209 Maybe both. 66 00:05:29,406 --> 00:05:32,122 I followed my training by the book, Mac. 67 00:05:32,877 --> 00:05:35,207 - Minhas identify himself? - No. 68 00:05:35,319 --> 00:05:36,744 He didn't... I didn't hear nothing. 69 00:05:36,776 --> 00:05:40,047 He turns, he starts running at me and he fires at me 70 00:05:40,159 --> 00:05:43,973 and was clearly an imminent threat and that's when I took him out. 71 00:05:46,555 --> 00:05:48,613 IAB's gonna want a statement. 72 00:05:48,821 --> 00:05:52,123 But you keep your mouth shut until we issue a preliminary report. 73 00:05:52,155 --> 00:05:54,432 Go to the hospital, get that cut taken care of. 74 00:05:54,464 --> 00:05:56,203 Call me when you get home. 75 00:05:58,852 --> 00:06:00,065 Hey, Mac. 76 00:06:00,129 --> 00:06:01,357 Got something. 77 00:06:01,622 --> 00:06:05,021 One of the injured civilians was complaining he lost this. 78 00:06:05,116 --> 00:06:09,083 He was standing right next to the guy Danny was chasing when the firing started. 79 00:06:09,402 --> 00:06:12,115 A message recorder. Still recording. 80 00:06:12,652 --> 00:06:14,869 You may have found our only reliable witness. 81 00:06:14,949 --> 00:06:16,984 I'll get this back to the lab. You process with a team. 82 00:06:17,000 --> 00:06:18,801 - I'll see you back there. - You got it. 83 00:06:22,957 --> 00:06:24,359 Detective Taylor, I'm gonna 84 00:06:24,360 --> 00:06:27,600 take a statement from your officer, but I thought I'd inform you first. 85 00:06:27,813 --> 00:06:30,829 He's got 48 hours before he's required to talk to Internal Affairs. 86 00:06:30,869 --> 00:06:34,092 No, only uniforms get that pass from IAB. Detectives don't have that right. 87 00:06:34,141 --> 00:06:36,183 He's going to the hospital for an assessment. 88 00:06:36,215 --> 00:06:37,807 Let me just tell my story. I got nothing to hide. 89 00:06:37,827 --> 00:06:41,002 I'm ordering you to the hospital. You make your statement later. 90 00:06:44,575 --> 00:06:45,791 We'll be talking to you. 91 00:07:23,069 --> 00:07:24,065 Sandra Lopez. 92 00:07:24,397 --> 00:07:25,453 Nineteen years old. 93 00:07:26,184 --> 00:07:27,860 I just talked to a couple of her friends. 94 00:07:27,891 --> 00:07:29,708 They were the ones who called 911. 95 00:07:29,885 --> 00:07:31,752 I'm going to need to talk to them, as well. 96 00:07:31,768 --> 00:07:34,018 - Matrice Singh and Glenda...? - Wallace. 97 00:07:34,050 --> 00:07:36,380 How did you ladies know Sandra Lopez? 98 00:07:36,654 --> 00:07:40,404 We're all nannies. We meet up at the park around noon every day for lunch. 99 00:07:40,616 --> 00:07:44,303 Hey, watch the baby for a second, will you? I'm gonna run to the restroom. 100 00:07:46,696 --> 00:07:49,514 - Who did she work for? - Roland and Raquel Myerson. 101 00:07:49,546 --> 00:07:52,038 They're the biggest antique importers in Manhattan. 102 00:07:53,383 --> 00:07:54,596 I'm sorry. 103 00:07:55,762 --> 00:07:57,007 I'd better get her home. 104 00:07:57,039 --> 00:07:58,251 Do you need anything else? 105 00:07:58,283 --> 00:08:00,852 I have your names. If we need you, we'll contact you. 106 00:08:06,054 --> 00:08:07,282 Where's the baby? 107 00:08:07,617 --> 00:08:09,724 EMS contacted the Bureau of Child Welfare. 108 00:08:09,740 --> 00:08:12,472 She's going to be with the State until we can contact the parents. 109 00:08:13,298 --> 00:08:14,307 Where are the parents? 110 00:08:14,827 --> 00:08:16,141 We're trying to locate them now. 111 00:08:19,088 --> 00:08:20,949 - Detective Bonasera? - Yes. 112 00:08:20,981 --> 00:08:23,534 I'm the Child Welfare Representative for baby Daniela. 113 00:08:23,582 --> 00:08:25,576 - How is she doing? - Quite well. 114 00:08:25,624 --> 00:08:29,087 - I must say, she is a happy baby. - Sure she is. 115 00:08:30,084 --> 00:08:33,213 - Any idea when she'll be released? - When the parents arrive. 116 00:08:33,980 --> 00:08:36,066 These people are on their own timetable. 117 00:08:37,007 --> 00:08:39,625 I'm just here to do a cursory exam, rule out any harm. 118 00:08:39,657 --> 00:08:43,083 - Well, take your time. - Okay. Thanks. Look at you. 119 00:08:44,646 --> 00:08:45,923 Hello, Daniela. 120 00:08:46,146 --> 00:08:47,606 I'm Stella. Hi. 121 00:08:48,029 --> 00:08:50,902 See my gloves? Oh, you are a good girl. 122 00:08:50,997 --> 00:08:53,359 Hello, there. Hello, there. 123 00:08:53,399 --> 00:08:54,708 There we go. 124 00:08:55,442 --> 00:08:57,405 There we go. Hi. 125 00:08:58,403 --> 00:08:59,791 Let me see your toes. 126 00:09:00,812 --> 00:09:03,046 Yeah? Do you want to talk to me? 127 00:09:05,525 --> 00:09:06,674 Hold on. 128 00:09:09,706 --> 00:09:11,238 Oh, my goodness. 129 00:09:11,714 --> 00:09:13,406 Such a good girl. 130 00:09:14,315 --> 00:09:16,916 Mommy and Daddy better come get you soon. 131 00:09:19,558 --> 00:09:21,906 I don't know if they know what they've got here. 132 00:09:23,085 --> 00:09:25,495 Here you go. Can I take your picture? 133 00:09:25,552 --> 00:09:26,893 That's a camera. 134 00:09:32,334 --> 00:09:34,769 Guess what? We're all done. 135 00:09:35,263 --> 00:09:38,662 - Everything all right? - With Daniela, everything's fine. 136 00:09:39,751 --> 00:09:40,741 Good. 137 00:09:41,810 --> 00:09:42,975 There you go. 138 00:09:43,299 --> 00:09:44,959 Oh, my goodness. 139 00:09:46,509 --> 00:09:47,600 So what did we get 140 00:09:47,601 --> 00:09:49,801 - from Detective Minhas's body? - I took this round 141 00:09:49,901 --> 00:09:51,175 out of his shoulder. 142 00:09:51,223 --> 00:09:53,776 A hollow point which mushroomed 143 00:09:53,914 --> 00:09:56,371 and lodged just under the clavicle. 144 00:09:57,648 --> 00:09:59,451 - Not a fatal wound. - No. 145 00:09:59,739 --> 00:10:02,857 The only other wound on the body entered the upper abdomen and exited between 146 00:10:02,873 --> 00:10:06,309 the seventh and eighth ribs, most likely nicking a major vessel on the way through, 147 00:10:06,321 --> 00:10:08,740 causing him to bleed to death. 148 00:10:09,315 --> 00:10:13,065 Based on the position of the wound, most likely the inferior vena cava. 149 00:10:13,377 --> 00:10:17,270 Danny fired twice. Is there any way to find out if both rounds came from his gun? 150 00:10:17,318 --> 00:10:19,951 Based on the information we have, or lack thereof, 151 00:10:19,993 --> 00:10:21,844 there's no way to say who 152 00:10:22,115 --> 00:10:23,440 fired the fatal shot. 153 00:10:23,520 --> 00:10:26,534 Let's get the round from his shoulder over to Ballistics for analysis. 154 00:10:26,647 --> 00:10:27,477 Yeah. 155 00:10:27,566 --> 00:10:31,172 I recovered this track from the injured civilian's recorder. 156 00:10:31,225 --> 00:10:34,177 This is the event from the first shot to the last. 157 00:10:37,266 --> 00:10:39,721 Because the shots came from three distinct sources, 158 00:10:39,722 --> 00:10:41,622 and the recording device was stationary, 159 00:10:41,670 --> 00:10:44,558 we can determine which of your subjects fired when... 160 00:10:44,590 --> 00:10:49,552 Making these the final two shots which Danny said he fired. 161 00:10:53,856 --> 00:10:57,957 We have a single voice shouting before the final two shots. 162 00:11:00,764 --> 00:11:03,558 I'm undercover! I'm on the job! Don't shoot! 163 00:11:03,559 --> 00:11:05,528 That must be Officer Minhas. 164 00:11:06,320 --> 00:11:08,285 And those are Danny's shots. 165 00:11:11,169 --> 00:11:14,285 Danny fired after Minhas ID'd himself. 166 00:11:21,607 --> 00:11:23,256 - Hey. - Hey. 167 00:11:27,183 --> 00:11:29,674 - Nice move. - Inventory. Sorry. 168 00:11:29,689 --> 00:11:30,809 It's okay. 169 00:11:30,939 --> 00:11:31,809 Your nanny... 170 00:11:32,124 --> 00:11:33,702 No, someone's nanny, 171 00:11:33,824 --> 00:11:39,112 died from blunt-force trauma to the head. Single blow. 172 00:11:41,040 --> 00:11:42,085 The first hit is free, 173 00:11:42,086 --> 00:11:44,306 so don't expect to find any blood on the murder weapon. 174 00:11:44,894 --> 00:11:48,455 - Any idea what they used to hit her? - I did find granular particulate matter, 175 00:11:48,493 --> 00:11:49,538 in her wound. 176 00:11:49,604 --> 00:11:50,912 At first I thought it was dirt, 177 00:11:51,027 --> 00:11:53,412 but then I took it under the autopsy scope. 178 00:11:56,613 --> 00:12:01,110 Feldspar, quartz... and a pinch of Mica. 179 00:12:01,121 --> 00:12:02,248 - Granite. - Yeah. 180 00:12:02,251 --> 00:12:04,553 So... the murder weapon is a rock. 181 00:12:04,564 --> 00:12:08,467 And judging from the head wound, I'd be looking for a rock with a V-shaped edge. 182 00:12:08,471 --> 00:12:11,105 Oh, well, that's good to know. Narrows down my search. 183 00:12:11,108 --> 00:12:13,336 Last, but certainly not least... 184 00:12:13,458 --> 00:12:15,036 I did find evidence 185 00:12:15,158 --> 00:12:18,306 of burn trauma to her nasal cavity. 186 00:12:19,403 --> 00:12:20,804 Singed hairs. 187 00:12:20,903 --> 00:12:22,304 And somehow... 188 00:12:23,354 --> 00:12:24,952 I don't believe this... 189 00:12:25,054 --> 00:12:26,652 is from a sore throat. 190 00:12:28,361 --> 00:12:31,446 - Edema of the oropharynx. - Strange thing is... 191 00:12:31,457 --> 00:12:33,095 there's no burns on her face. 192 00:12:34,675 --> 00:12:36,923 - What about the sexual assault kit? - Just came back... 193 00:12:37,005 --> 00:12:38,108 Positive. 194 00:12:38,219 --> 00:12:39,551 No name in the system. 195 00:12:43,194 --> 00:12:45,187 Okay, I'm going back to that park. 196 00:12:45,472 --> 00:12:46,801 Go get'em. 197 00:13:40,318 --> 00:13:42,047 We need to account for all the bullets. 198 00:13:42,118 --> 00:13:44,347 These are the stairs Danny chased this perp down. 199 00:13:44,362 --> 00:13:47,731 The guy Danny was chasing fired twice at Danny from behind this column, 200 00:13:47,762 --> 00:13:49,701 hitting here and here. 201 00:13:51,525 --> 00:13:53,218 We recovered those bullets. 202 00:13:53,470 --> 00:13:57,028 Then Minhas came down the stairs and fired once... 203 00:13:57,029 --> 00:13:59,688 - At the perp. - Then the perp fired twice... 204 00:13:59,740 --> 00:14:00,984 at Minhas 205 00:14:01,042 --> 00:14:02,375 hitting this 206 00:14:02,492 --> 00:14:03,925 civilian here. 207 00:14:06,103 --> 00:14:08,377 We haven't recovered the perp's second bullet. 208 00:14:08,394 --> 00:14:10,003 Minhas fired once more, 209 00:14:10,124 --> 00:14:11,953 hitting the wall near Danny... 210 00:14:13,867 --> 00:14:18,341 - another of our recovered rounds. - Then Danny fired twice at Minhas. 211 00:14:18,342 --> 00:14:21,622 One round hitting him in the shoulder, which we recovered. 212 00:14:21,669 --> 00:14:23,676 And the other round which we haven't recovered. 213 00:14:23,695 --> 00:14:25,554 So, there are two bullets unaccounted for, right? 214 00:14:25,655 --> 00:14:27,654 One fired by Danny, and one fired by the perp. 215 00:14:27,669 --> 00:14:29,779 And one dead cop, killed by a through and-through bullet 216 00:14:29,869 --> 00:14:30,979 fired by one of them. 217 00:14:30,982 --> 00:14:33,211 Question is... which one? 218 00:14:42,350 --> 00:14:44,013 Excuse me, Nurse. How long I gotta wait? 219 00:14:44,110 --> 00:14:45,552 I gotta... I gotta get back to work. 220 00:14:45,663 --> 00:14:47,323 The doctor will be with you soon. 221 00:14:47,328 --> 00:14:50,600 I'm a police officer, all right? I just can't sit around here all day, waiting. 222 00:14:50,601 --> 00:14:52,019 He won't be much longer. 223 00:15:11,028 --> 00:15:12,162 My friend said, uh, 224 00:15:12,258 --> 00:15:13,462 he went to the bathroom. 225 00:15:13,558 --> 00:15:14,662 He said wait. 226 00:15:14,758 --> 00:15:15,962 He'll be right back. 227 00:15:19,989 --> 00:15:22,046 So, you're the butler for the Myerson family? 228 00:15:22,089 --> 00:15:22,846 Yes, ma'am. 229 00:15:22,850 --> 00:15:25,196 How long has Sandra Lopez been working for the Myersons? 230 00:15:25,206 --> 00:15:28,415 Ever since Daniela was born. I'd say seven months now. 231 00:15:28,430 --> 00:15:29,770 She was a superb nanny. 232 00:15:29,889 --> 00:15:31,490 Got along with the Myersons... 233 00:15:31,608 --> 00:15:32,870 for the most part. 234 00:15:33,571 --> 00:15:36,876 - For the most part? - She seemed a bit odd, as of late. 235 00:15:36,879 --> 00:15:40,003 - I couldn't begin to tell you why. - Have the Myersons been informed of her death? 236 00:15:40,014 --> 00:15:41,218 Oh, yes. 237 00:15:41,219 --> 00:15:43,340 - Where are they? - They're away on business. 238 00:15:43,344 --> 00:15:45,667 - Where? - I'm not permitted to say. 239 00:15:45,668 --> 00:15:49,218 The Myersons are a very private people. Especially since the robbery. 240 00:15:49,222 --> 00:15:50,075 Robbery? 241 00:15:50,086 --> 00:15:54,255 Well, about a month ago, someone stole one of their most prized nesting dolls. 242 00:15:54,258 --> 00:15:56,497 And then it was anonymously returned. 243 00:15:56,508 --> 00:15:59,248 The police were never called, and no report was filed. 244 00:15:59,252 --> 00:16:02,119 Anonymously returned. So, it was an inside job? 245 00:16:02,120 --> 00:16:05,040 - I'm really not permitted to say. - Oh, listen, Jeeves... 246 00:16:05,041 --> 00:16:06,855 - Randolph. - Randolph... 247 00:16:06,882 --> 00:16:10,101 I'm going to need to process that nesting doll at some point. 248 00:16:10,102 --> 00:16:12,713 - Do you have any objections? - If it's a legal matter, no, ma'am. 249 00:16:12,714 --> 00:16:15,571 Any idea who might have wanted to harm Sandra Lopez? 250 00:16:15,585 --> 00:16:18,694 I suppose I'd look into one of her guy friends... 251 00:16:18,805 --> 00:16:20,094 the bartender. 252 00:16:20,105 --> 00:16:22,696 - He seemed a bit dodgy. - What's his name? 253 00:16:52,718 --> 00:16:53,882 Steve Dark? 254 00:16:55,138 --> 00:16:56,600 Name says it all. 255 00:16:57,526 --> 00:16:58,475 Same here. 256 00:17:04,471 --> 00:17:06,582 Sandra Lopez... do you know her? 257 00:17:10,806 --> 00:17:13,603 Lady, there are so many sick women floating around this joint, 258 00:17:13,720 --> 00:17:15,608 they all look like ham sandwiches to me, you know? 259 00:17:15,672 --> 00:17:17,698 This woman isn't a ham sandwich, Steve. 260 00:17:17,801 --> 00:17:18,621 She's been murdered. 261 00:17:18,653 --> 00:17:22,076 We have evidence that she was raped within the last 24 hours, as well. 262 00:17:22,093 --> 00:17:25,851 - You mind giving us a DNA sample? - Raped? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait. 263 00:17:25,865 --> 00:17:27,195 Slow down here, listen... 264 00:17:27,309 --> 00:17:30,315 Sandra and I, we hooked up last night, okay? But she came on to me... 265 00:17:31,188 --> 00:17:32,401 I wanna breathe fire. 266 00:17:32,512 --> 00:17:35,259 Well, you wanna breathe fire, you gotta sleep with the devil. 267 00:17:35,376 --> 00:17:36,448 Let's go. 268 00:17:38,912 --> 00:17:40,095 Sandra Lopez. 269 00:17:53,427 --> 00:17:54,716 It may look easy, 270 00:17:55,452 --> 00:17:58,138 but I gotta say, you know, you play with fire, you get burned. 271 00:17:58,249 --> 00:18:00,087 Give me your hands, Casanova. 272 00:18:13,465 --> 00:18:14,507 No match. 273 00:18:22,163 --> 00:18:23,840 Take another look through that platform. 274 00:18:23,963 --> 00:18:25,350 Detective Flack will join you. 275 00:18:28,755 --> 00:18:30,308 - How you doing? - Aiden... 276 00:18:30,861 --> 00:18:32,281 Fine-tooth comb. Go. 277 00:18:35,761 --> 00:18:37,498 You're off this case, Danny. Why are you here? 278 00:18:37,505 --> 00:18:38,368 I don't know... 279 00:18:38,480 --> 00:18:40,368 Thought maybe I could help while my memory's still fresh. 280 00:18:40,374 --> 00:18:43,766 You know the drill. You're assigned to a desk. If I were you, that's where I'd be. 281 00:18:43,777 --> 00:18:44,801 What's up...? 282 00:18:44,957 --> 00:18:46,191 What do you know? You know something? 283 00:18:46,231 --> 00:18:48,063 Your story doesn't match the witnesses', 284 00:18:48,171 --> 00:18:49,963 and we have an audio tape of the shooting 285 00:18:49,976 --> 00:18:51,686 from a commuter's recorder. 286 00:18:52,650 --> 00:18:54,470 The evidence is damaging to you. 287 00:18:54,584 --> 00:18:56,898 You said Minhas didn't say anything; he did. 288 00:18:57,590 --> 00:18:59,497 - He ID'd himself. - Mac, I didn't hear anything. 289 00:18:59,910 --> 00:19:01,081 I swear to you, 290 00:19:01,108 --> 00:19:02,923 on my mother's grave... 291 00:19:04,060 --> 00:19:06,162 One of your bullets is still missing, Danny. 292 00:19:06,260 --> 00:19:08,722 My fear is, it's the one that killed the officer. 293 00:19:09,856 --> 00:19:10,693 Come here. 294 00:19:14,239 --> 00:19:15,432 I want you to go home. 295 00:19:15,550 --> 00:19:17,532 I want you to call this guy. He's a good lawyer. 296 00:19:18,239 --> 00:19:21,061 - He's expecting your call. - I don't need a lawyer, Mac. 297 00:19:21,064 --> 00:19:23,454 The D. A. decides to prosecute, you will. 298 00:19:23,575 --> 00:19:24,994 Give him a call, anyway. 299 00:19:25,120 --> 00:19:27,794 It'll do you some good to talk to someone. 300 00:19:29,504 --> 00:19:30,074 Go on. 301 00:19:37,949 --> 00:19:40,603 We know that Danny fired twice from this direction, 302 00:19:41,215 --> 00:19:43,965 one round which hit Officer Minhas in the shoulder... 303 00:19:44,000 --> 00:19:45,793 And another round which is still missing. 304 00:19:45,910 --> 00:19:47,226 Two rounds missing overall. 305 00:19:47,240 --> 00:19:49,122 All right, well, let's find those rounds. Just... 306 00:19:49,240 --> 00:19:50,605 check every surface. 307 00:20:01,807 --> 00:20:02,482 Flack... 308 00:20:06,195 --> 00:20:07,593 A bullet skip mark. 309 00:20:07,875 --> 00:20:11,157 Directionality indicates it came from the south end of the platform. 310 00:20:11,158 --> 00:20:14,349 That could've been fired either by Danny or the guy he was chasing. 311 00:20:25,451 --> 00:20:26,734 Got another round. 312 00:20:44,355 --> 00:20:45,215 No blood. 313 00:20:45,356 --> 00:20:48,667 So, we'll get a comparison of this round with the test round from Danny's gun. 314 00:20:48,680 --> 00:20:52,086 If this is Danny's missing round, he didn't kill Minhas. 315 00:20:54,065 --> 00:20:57,423 The round on the right was taken from Jay Knight, your apartment DOA. 316 00:20:57,459 --> 00:20:58,527 When our day started. 317 00:20:58,552 --> 00:21:01,940 The round on the left is the one Aiden just pulled from the subway stairs. 318 00:21:02,058 --> 00:21:03,138 Fired from the same gun. 319 00:21:03,258 --> 00:21:05,938 Guy Danny was chasing killed the apartment DOA. 320 00:21:05,939 --> 00:21:09,249 Hid in the closet for some reason and ran when Danny found him. 321 00:21:09,250 --> 00:21:12,216 Which leaves only one fired round unaccounted for. 322 00:21:12,533 --> 00:21:13,663 Danny's... 323 00:21:14,681 --> 00:21:16,730 Danny killed Officer Minhas... 324 00:21:32,176 --> 00:21:32,950 Hey! 325 00:21:36,052 --> 00:21:37,209 How you holding up? 326 00:21:37,957 --> 00:21:39,066 To tell you the truth... 327 00:21:39,872 --> 00:21:41,206 I'm sick to my stomach, man. 328 00:21:43,412 --> 00:21:44,971 I might've killed a cop, Flack. 329 00:21:45,097 --> 00:21:46,923 Did you call that lawyer that Mac recommended? 330 00:21:47,037 --> 00:21:48,223 What am I gonna do with that guy? 331 00:21:48,229 --> 00:21:50,088 What's he gonna do? I'm not gonna call him. 332 00:21:50,475 --> 00:21:52,004 - Don't do this. - Don't do what? 333 00:21:52,019 --> 00:21:54,377 Don't start taking things into your own hands. 334 00:21:54,770 --> 00:21:55,679 Okay? 335 00:21:55,896 --> 00:21:58,479 Listen to me, Aiden and I are going back to the apartment. 336 00:21:58,503 --> 00:22:00,158 We're gonna tear that place apart 337 00:22:00,194 --> 00:22:03,286 - until we get some answers. - It was a good shoot, Don, 338 00:22:03,515 --> 00:22:05,784 - and I feel like I got to do something about it. - No, no, no, listen to me, 339 00:22:05,785 --> 00:22:08,591 you don't have to do anything but keep your mouth shut and let Mac handle it. 340 00:22:08,592 --> 00:22:11,521 - Mac's worried about the reputation of the unit. - You're wrong. 341 00:22:11,522 --> 00:22:12,385 He's got your back. 342 00:22:12,386 --> 00:22:15,261 It doesn't feel like that, I feel very alone in this. 343 00:22:16,591 --> 00:22:18,071 I feel... 344 00:22:18,308 --> 00:22:20,208 like there's people out there... 345 00:22:20,209 --> 00:22:23,081 talking about me, and I got no chance to defend myself. 346 00:22:23,082 --> 00:22:24,570 You've got to trust the system. 347 00:22:24,571 --> 00:22:25,726 I know what it's like... 348 00:22:25,727 --> 00:22:27,706 when the system gets you in their sights, 349 00:22:27,707 --> 00:22:29,668 - and I'm not gonna let that happen. - Take it easy. 350 00:22:29,669 --> 00:22:31,056 What do you mean, take it easy? 351 00:22:31,057 --> 00:22:33,412 Take what, take it easy? What, you think I can just shut this off? 352 00:22:33,413 --> 00:22:35,681 You think I can just shut this all down? 353 00:22:35,682 --> 00:22:38,783 Why didn't anybody step up to me and say, "Danny, I got your back"? 354 00:22:42,129 --> 00:22:43,634 Don't hang yourself, Danny. 355 00:22:43,635 --> 00:22:47,042 You wanna know what this feels like? It feels like I'm already being hung! 356 00:22:58,772 --> 00:23:00,751 You want to run a DB through the system? 357 00:23:00,752 --> 00:23:03,515 Yeah, something about this nanny's just not right. 358 00:23:03,516 --> 00:23:05,828 She's got a double life of some sort. 359 00:23:05,829 --> 00:23:07,650 I figure if I take her prints, 360 00:23:07,651 --> 00:23:09,799 could be something else that I can learn about her. 361 00:23:09,800 --> 00:23:12,462 Anytime I can... lend a hand. 362 00:23:13,011 --> 00:23:14,929 You're a little crazy, you know that? 363 00:23:15,280 --> 00:23:17,207 Hey, boss. Got something? 364 00:23:17,676 --> 00:23:19,296 I'll tell you in a second. 365 00:23:21,332 --> 00:23:22,286 She's a thief. 366 00:23:22,287 --> 00:23:22,911 Who? 367 00:23:22,912 --> 00:23:23,909 Sandra Lopez? 368 00:23:23,910 --> 00:23:26,836 Yeah. Just got a hit off a print in an open theft case. 369 00:23:26,837 --> 00:23:28,487 Her print popped up, but no name. 370 00:23:28,488 --> 00:23:30,388 You got an address. 371 00:23:36,548 --> 00:23:38,402 Miss Wallace, what's a coincidence! 372 00:23:39,132 --> 00:23:41,917 Our robbery squad found Sandra Lopez's fingerprints 373 00:23:41,918 --> 00:23:44,653 on a jewelry box at your employer's residence. 374 00:23:44,654 --> 00:23:49,034 A ten-carat blue sapphire necklace was stolen, do you know anything about that? 375 00:23:49,393 --> 00:23:51,145 I remember the robbery. 376 00:23:51,146 --> 00:23:52,941 It was about a month ago. But... 377 00:23:52,942 --> 00:23:55,350 there's no way Sandra was involved. 378 00:23:55,351 --> 00:23:57,882 She came by with the baby a couple times to visit, 379 00:23:57,883 --> 00:24:01,887 but the help wasn't allowed anywhere near the master bedroom. 380 00:24:04,487 --> 00:24:06,805 Oh... wait a minute. 381 00:24:11,077 --> 00:24:12,582 So you girls were playing dress-up? 382 00:24:12,583 --> 00:24:14,594 We were just having fun. 383 00:24:14,755 --> 00:24:16,281 Dreaming a little bit. 384 00:24:16,282 --> 00:24:19,017 A couple days later, some of the jewelry ended up missing. 385 00:24:19,278 --> 00:24:21,968 My bosses, of course, tried to blame me. 386 00:24:22,169 --> 00:24:24,095 Do I look like Halle Berry? 387 00:24:24,096 --> 00:24:27,001 What am I gonna do with the jewel from Titanic? 388 00:24:27,372 --> 00:24:28,624 Wear it to the Oscars? 389 00:24:28,625 --> 00:24:30,917 Then let's see what kind of actress you really are. 390 00:24:36,846 --> 00:24:41,366 This spatter on the wall's the only blood in the apartment that didn't come from the DOA. 391 00:24:41,511 --> 00:24:45,493 So I figured maybe the guy Danny found in the closet was shot, and that's why he hid in there, 392 00:24:45,494 --> 00:24:48,235 but there was no blood in or near the closet. 393 00:24:48,236 --> 00:24:50,084 Leaving that kind of spatter, 394 00:24:50,085 --> 00:24:52,020 he would've bled pretty badly. 395 00:24:52,243 --> 00:24:53,477 There were three men in this room. 396 00:24:53,478 --> 00:24:55,221 The guy Danny was chasing, 397 00:24:55,222 --> 00:24:57,507 Jay Knight, and the source of our mystery spatter. 398 00:24:57,508 --> 00:24:58,981 Jay Knight was on the couch. 399 00:24:58,982 --> 00:24:59,865 Knight must've pulled a gun. 400 00:24:59,866 --> 00:25:02,409 Danny's perp and Knight fire at the same time. 401 00:25:02,410 --> 00:25:05,431 Knight takes one in the chest as he fires his own gun. 402 00:25:05,432 --> 00:25:07,253 Spatter Man takes Knight's bullet. 403 00:25:07,254 --> 00:25:10,214 Yeah, but Flack, we would've found that round in the apartment. 404 00:25:14,431 --> 00:25:16,541 Flack, when they were here, the window was open. 405 00:25:16,542 --> 00:25:18,118 So where's the bullet? 406 00:25:22,381 --> 00:25:24,396 I'd say out there. 407 00:25:29,065 --> 00:25:31,508 We can split the piece along the grain. 408 00:25:31,509 --> 00:25:33,918 Hopefully, we won't destroy any evidence. 409 00:25:56,387 --> 00:25:57,761 Dr. Hawkes... 410 00:25:59,680 --> 00:26:01,729 you are a man of many talents. 411 00:26:01,730 --> 00:26:04,402 There was a time I wanted to be a sculptor. 412 00:26:08,730 --> 00:26:11,097 With any luck, this is our through-and-through. 413 00:26:19,412 --> 00:26:20,392 Damn it. 414 00:26:20,393 --> 00:26:21,794 No match. 415 00:26:21,795 --> 00:26:23,645 Glenda Wallace never touched that rock. 416 00:26:23,646 --> 00:26:26,019 I'm gonna run her prints through AFIS. 417 00:26:31,417 --> 00:26:33,087 Yet another thief. 418 00:26:33,930 --> 00:26:37,583 Glenda Wallace's prints came back to a robbery at your employer's address. 419 00:26:37,584 --> 00:26:38,818 Care to explain that? 420 00:26:38,819 --> 00:26:41,044 I don't know anything about that. 421 00:26:41,141 --> 00:26:43,461 I don't want any trouble, lady. 422 00:26:43,462 --> 00:26:46,667 I- I'm here on a working visa from India. I'm new to this country. 423 00:26:46,668 --> 00:26:48,113 I understand. 424 00:26:48,987 --> 00:26:51,133 I'm still gonna need to get your prints. 425 00:26:54,311 --> 00:26:55,922 I want a lawyer. 426 00:26:56,168 --> 00:26:58,340 That's what the embassy told me, 427 00:26:58,380 --> 00:27:00,211 if I get into trouble. 428 00:27:00,249 --> 00:27:02,446 Why? Are you in trouble? 429 00:27:04,357 --> 00:27:07,045 The round pulled from the tree was definitely fired 430 00:27:07,069 --> 00:27:09,523 by Jay Knight's gun from the Lafayette Street apartment. 431 00:27:09,547 --> 00:27:10,353 Mac. 432 00:27:10,599 --> 00:27:12,593 The blood sample from the bullet in the tree 433 00:27:12,606 --> 00:27:15,706 is a perfect match to the spatter next to the window. 434 00:27:16,114 --> 00:27:17,387 And they both match... 435 00:27:17,388 --> 00:27:21,015 The undercover officer, Rodney Minhas. He's the mystery man from the apartment. 436 00:27:21,016 --> 00:27:23,929 And he was shot there, so it can't be Danny who killed him. 437 00:27:26,201 --> 00:27:29,177 So we know Minhas was in the apartment, right? 438 00:27:29,478 --> 00:27:31,362 But what was he doing in the subway? 439 00:27:31,363 --> 00:27:33,039 What's the connection? 440 00:27:33,040 --> 00:27:37,171 We know that Minhas was shot in the apartment and then ran to the subway. 441 00:27:37,172 --> 00:27:39,133 But there were no traces of blood in the street? 442 00:27:39,134 --> 00:27:42,369 Well, he probably tried to stop the bleeding. He didn't want to leave drops. 443 00:27:42,370 --> 00:27:44,737 But if he was bleeding all the way to the subway, 444 00:27:44,738 --> 00:27:46,210 there's got to be a drop of blood somewhere. 445 00:27:46,211 --> 00:27:48,074 Well, maybe he didn't take the direct route. 446 00:27:48,075 --> 00:27:50,715 There's another subway entrance down a block. 447 00:27:53,123 --> 00:27:55,489 Hey, Flack, check out that car. 448 00:27:57,920 --> 00:28:00,549 That's a full day's worth of parking tickets. 449 00:28:04,294 --> 00:28:05,935 Got blood? 450 00:28:12,351 --> 00:28:14,658 Here's what he used to stop the bleeding. 451 00:28:16,356 --> 00:28:19,582 Circular gravitational drops. It indicates no motion. 452 00:28:19,693 --> 00:28:21,238 Got here and waited. 453 00:28:21,539 --> 00:28:22,579 For what? 454 00:28:25,016 --> 00:28:26,655 To get in this car. 455 00:28:35,201 --> 00:28:37,471 Minhas was waiting for his ride out. 456 00:28:37,791 --> 00:28:40,821 Problem is, his driver was in the apartment. 457 00:28:40,932 --> 00:28:42,002 With the keys. 458 00:28:42,227 --> 00:28:43,510 I'll run the VIN. 459 00:28:50,281 --> 00:28:51,527 First off, 460 00:28:51,648 --> 00:28:55,037 I want to say I followed procedure 100%, according to my training. 461 00:28:57,229 --> 00:29:00,204 In a routine sweep of a crime scene, 462 00:29:00,705 --> 00:29:03,657 I encountered a hidden suspect who fled the scene. 463 00:29:04,158 --> 00:29:05,727 I chased him into the street, 464 00:29:06,028 --> 00:29:07,507 down into the subway, 465 00:29:08,101 --> 00:29:11,037 at which point, the suspect fired at me. 466 00:29:11,338 --> 00:29:12,607 And I took cover. 467 00:29:13,688 --> 00:29:17,673 I heard a few more shots, and I looked out from behind the column. 468 00:29:18,584 --> 00:29:20,501 He turned and fired at me again. 469 00:29:21,150 --> 00:29:23,756 You saw the man you shot turn 470 00:29:24,267 --> 00:29:25,321 and fire at you? 471 00:29:25,322 --> 00:29:27,190 And that's when I fired at him. 472 00:29:27,491 --> 00:29:28,574 Two shots. 473 00:29:31,039 --> 00:29:32,708 That's when he went down. 474 00:29:33,965 --> 00:29:35,167 The suspect. 475 00:29:35,168 --> 00:29:35,982 Yes. 476 00:29:36,799 --> 00:29:41,147 Subsequently identified as NYPD Officer Rodney Minhas. 477 00:29:42,050 --> 00:29:44,248 I didn't know he was a police officer. 478 00:29:45,161 --> 00:29:50,256 I... It was an armed man running at me in the subway firing at me. 479 00:29:50,843 --> 00:29:52,804 I followed my training. 480 00:29:54,848 --> 00:29:58,584 Uh, Detective Messer, what did you hope to achieve by coming in here? 481 00:29:59,576 --> 00:30:01,174 I just wanted to say my piece. 482 00:30:01,686 --> 00:30:05,033 I just wanted to tell you my side of the story, on the record. 483 00:30:05,234 --> 00:30:07,724 Yeah, well... you've done that, all right. 484 00:30:10,163 --> 00:30:11,575 It's all recorded. 485 00:30:11,696 --> 00:30:13,428 Y- You should know... 486 00:30:14,599 --> 00:30:19,427 that the preliminary investigation shows that your account of the incident... 487 00:30:19,946 --> 00:30:21,395 is inaccurate. 488 00:30:21,516 --> 00:30:24,856 Witnesses state that Officer Minhas wasn't turning when he fired. 489 00:30:24,892 --> 00:30:27,463 He did identify himself to you. 490 00:30:27,588 --> 00:30:31,655 The suspect you chased didn't fire until you instigated the confrontation, 491 00:30:31,656 --> 00:30:35,310 which resulted in a shoot-out in a crowded subway. 492 00:30:35,427 --> 00:30:38,891 Officer Minhas's behavior is irrelevant. 493 00:30:46,050 --> 00:30:51,127 The department is going to review whether you are fit to be a police officer. 494 00:30:54,953 --> 00:30:56,160 You'll receive a 495 00:30:56,553 --> 00:30:59,460 transcript of your statement in 24 hours. 496 00:31:10,358 --> 00:31:13,504 I gave you a specific order not to talk to IAB. 497 00:31:15,919 --> 00:31:17,202 You know what this is? 498 00:31:18,036 --> 00:31:20,612 My findings on the Minhas shooting, 499 00:31:20,873 --> 00:31:23,925 which clear you of any culpability in his death. 500 00:31:24,968 --> 00:31:28,252 If IAB decides to go after you for this, you've given a statement that could 501 00:31:28,363 --> 00:31:31,146 contradict everything we've determined. 502 00:31:36,371 --> 00:31:37,651 As far as defending you, 503 00:31:38,419 --> 00:31:41,014 this information is essentially useless. 504 00:31:54,643 --> 00:31:56,343 Yeah, what's with the nesting doll? 505 00:31:56,544 --> 00:31:59,061 There was an unexplained robbery at the Myersons'residence, 506 00:31:59,172 --> 00:32:01,561 this doll was stolen and returned. 507 00:32:03,508 --> 00:32:05,819 Funny thing about these dolls, Chad, 508 00:32:06,344 --> 00:32:09,367 people can't keep their hands off of them. 509 00:32:51,227 --> 00:32:53,404 No match to any of the prints we have. 510 00:32:53,705 --> 00:32:56,544 Out of all our suspects, there's only one name left. 511 00:32:56,845 --> 00:32:58,281 We got you, Matrice. 512 00:32:59,383 --> 00:33:02,065 The print that we found on the rock that killed Sandra Lopez 513 00:33:02,189 --> 00:33:05,817 is the exact same print we found on the nesting dolls at the Myersons'. 514 00:33:05,846 --> 00:33:06,522 Your print. 515 00:33:06,581 --> 00:33:08,395 My client's never been to the Myersons'. 516 00:33:08,400 --> 00:33:09,918 I'm on to your little theft ring. 517 00:33:09,956 --> 00:33:11,059 Ms. Bonasera... 518 00:33:11,083 --> 00:33:13,011 Sandra steals from Glenda's house. 519 00:33:13,036 --> 00:33:14,585 Glenda steals from yours... 520 00:33:14,615 --> 00:33:15,957 you steal from Sandra's. 521 00:33:15,961 --> 00:33:17,827 - Ms. Bonasera. - Let me finish. 522 00:33:21,490 --> 00:33:24,860 You and your nanny friends intentionally leave your prints at each other's homes. 523 00:33:24,870 --> 00:33:26,513 None of you are in the system, 524 00:33:26,519 --> 00:33:27,915 so the prints come back to ghosts. 525 00:33:27,920 --> 00:33:29,356 Very clever girls. 526 00:33:29,385 --> 00:33:31,119 How am I doing so far, Matrice? 527 00:33:31,325 --> 00:33:33,110 When I processed that nesting doll, 528 00:33:33,115 --> 00:33:35,993 I found evidence that all of them had been wiped clean but one. 529 00:33:38,012 --> 00:33:39,639 How cute is this one? 530 00:33:42,653 --> 00:33:43,455 Am I right? 531 00:33:43,688 --> 00:33:45,441 You do not have to respond. 532 00:33:47,267 --> 00:33:48,178 I want to. 533 00:33:48,388 --> 00:33:51,838 Sandra stole a blue sapphire necklace from Glenda's house. 534 00:33:51,975 --> 00:33:54,443 Glenda stole a Rolex watch from my employer. 535 00:33:54,449 --> 00:33:55,727 And what did you steal? 536 00:33:56,593 --> 00:33:59,332 I took the nesting doll from the Myersons. 537 00:33:59,537 --> 00:34:00,551 Glenda wiped it down 538 00:34:00,552 --> 00:34:03,767 because we were supposed to pawn all the items the next day. 539 00:34:04,869 --> 00:34:06,006 Out of nowhere, 540 00:34:06,495 --> 00:34:08,347 Sandra got cold feet... 541 00:34:10,002 --> 00:34:11,206 and put it back. 542 00:34:16,118 --> 00:34:19,830 The plan was to pawn the items and split the cash three ways. 543 00:34:20,103 --> 00:34:22,117 When Sandra backed out, I confronted her. 544 00:34:22,135 --> 00:34:23,643 I put the doll back. It's over. 545 00:34:23,647 --> 00:34:24,512 Now leave me alone. 546 00:34:24,540 --> 00:34:26,485 You're going to keep up your part of the bargain 547 00:34:26,486 --> 00:34:28,286 and let me steal something else. 548 00:34:28,298 --> 00:34:30,546 Leave me alone or I'll call Immigration. 549 00:34:32,054 --> 00:34:34,049 I was just trying to make some extra money 550 00:34:34,050 --> 00:34:35,183 for health insurance. 551 00:34:35,188 --> 00:34:36,706 These people are millionaires 552 00:34:36,707 --> 00:34:38,060 and they make you pay 553 00:34:38,064 --> 00:34:39,758 every time you get sick. 554 00:34:39,869 --> 00:34:42,419 You have no idea what these people are like. 555 00:34:46,757 --> 00:34:49,670 Matrice Singh gets deported, case is solved. 556 00:34:49,814 --> 00:34:50,677 What's the problem? 557 00:34:50,700 --> 00:34:53,887 The problem is that the real crime is within this family. 558 00:34:54,060 --> 00:34:56,498 This little baby has everything a child could want, 559 00:34:56,524 --> 00:34:57,844 a mom and a dad, 560 00:34:57,945 --> 00:34:59,976 a house on the Upper East Side, money to burn. 561 00:35:00,204 --> 00:35:02,160 And it turns out these parents wait two days 562 00:35:02,162 --> 00:35:03,340 to pick up their own kid. 563 00:35:04,156 --> 00:35:06,387 There's a lot of bad parents out there, Stella. 564 00:35:07,819 --> 00:35:09,393 Sometimes I just... 565 00:35:09,569 --> 00:35:11,061 I just want to fix it. 566 00:35:11,441 --> 00:35:13,369 It's not our job to fix it. 567 00:35:15,009 --> 00:35:18,286 You know, you can talk to these parents until you're blue in the face... 568 00:35:19,426 --> 00:35:20,887 the sad thing is, 569 00:35:21,060 --> 00:35:22,924 they're not going to hear one word. 570 00:35:24,113 --> 00:35:25,079 Maybe not. 571 00:35:28,819 --> 00:35:31,247 You're the strongest person I know, Stella. 572 00:35:32,528 --> 00:35:34,618 That child needs anyone right now, 573 00:35:35,023 --> 00:35:36,484 it's you. 574 00:35:38,979 --> 00:35:40,260 Thanks. 575 00:35:41,591 --> 00:35:45,578 Michael Armstrong. Registered owner of a 1984 Grey Impala 576 00:35:45,593 --> 00:35:48,132 that we found on Lafayette Street in Brooklyn. 577 00:35:48,462 --> 00:35:50,620 I never even go to Brooklyn, man. What's in Brooklyn? 578 00:35:50,735 --> 00:35:52,758 Then what was your car doing on Lafayette Street? 579 00:35:52,839 --> 00:35:53,885 Someone stole it. 580 00:35:54,621 --> 00:35:56,514 And left it locked on the street? 581 00:35:56,649 --> 00:35:59,411 Hey, who knows what secrets lurk in a criminal's mind? 582 00:36:02,949 --> 00:36:03,915 Recognize that? 583 00:36:04,297 --> 00:36:05,734 They found it in your apartment. 584 00:36:05,758 --> 00:36:07,133 Your prints are all over it. 585 00:36:10,253 --> 00:36:12,152 These rounds were fired from your gun. 586 00:36:12,354 --> 00:36:13,879 This round killed Jay Knight. 587 00:36:14,222 --> 00:36:16,437 Found your car in front of his apartment. 588 00:36:16,711 --> 00:36:19,765 This round was found at the scene of the shooting of a police officer. 589 00:36:20,555 --> 00:36:21,878 I had nothing to do with that. 590 00:36:23,106 --> 00:36:26,030 Then you want to tell me how bullets from your gun ended up on the subway? 591 00:36:26,053 --> 00:36:28,859 Otherwise, we're looking at you for killing that cop. 592 00:36:31,086 --> 00:36:33,201 We had this thing going, me and Rodney. 593 00:36:33,834 --> 00:36:35,171 Minhas was your partner? 594 00:36:35,517 --> 00:36:36,322 Yeah, we... 595 00:36:37,831 --> 00:36:41,349 we heard this guy had some cash from some bootleg DVDs he was selling. 596 00:36:41,854 --> 00:36:44,683 We were going to go shake him down. The guy pulls out a piece, 597 00:36:44,718 --> 00:36:47,352 we fire at the same time, the guy shoots Rodney in the gut. 598 00:36:47,372 --> 00:36:48,808 Rodney takes off. 599 00:36:49,528 --> 00:36:51,441 And you figured you'd done the dirty work, 600 00:36:51,455 --> 00:36:52,980 so you wanted your cash. 601 00:36:53,153 --> 00:36:54,807 Then the cops showed up, 602 00:36:55,239 --> 00:36:57,095 and you hid in the closet. 603 00:37:01,658 --> 00:37:02,563 Yeah, yeah, well... 604 00:37:03,209 --> 00:37:04,904 cop found me, so I had to run. 605 00:37:05,433 --> 00:37:07,041 Must have come as a surprise to you 606 00:37:07,042 --> 00:37:09,053 when Minhas ended up down in the subway. 607 00:37:09,390 --> 00:37:10,883 Yeah, I don't know how he got down there, but 608 00:37:10,990 --> 00:37:12,803 he was trying to help me out when he got shot. 609 00:37:13,024 --> 00:37:14,293 He was trying to help you out? 610 00:37:14,705 --> 00:37:16,918 We have witnesses saying you fired at him. 611 00:37:17,734 --> 00:37:19,147 I didn't know it was him, man. 612 00:37:21,429 --> 00:37:23,097 I was jumpy, I saw somebody running, 613 00:37:23,120 --> 00:37:25,754 I popped off a couple shots. 614 00:37:26,061 --> 00:37:28,100 You think he was trying to help you out? 615 00:37:29,527 --> 00:37:30,927 He was a cop. 616 00:37:31,400 --> 00:37:33,152 He knows all about tough guys like you. 617 00:37:33,153 --> 00:37:34,898 Get you downtown, you start singing 618 00:37:34,899 --> 00:37:36,369 like the Vienna Boys Choir. 619 00:37:36,534 --> 00:37:37,793 He was trying to kill you. 620 00:37:38,221 --> 00:37:40,300 He needed an explanation for why he was shot, 621 00:37:40,301 --> 00:37:41,749 you were going to be it. 622 00:37:42,192 --> 00:37:45,147 And if you ended up dead, so much the better for him. 623 00:37:45,484 --> 00:37:46,734 No, man. That's impossible. 624 00:37:46,759 --> 00:37:48,152 We've known each other for years. 625 00:37:48,162 --> 00:37:49,609 He dated my sister. 626 00:37:49,815 --> 00:37:51,456 He dated your sister? 627 00:37:52,374 --> 00:37:53,560 Yeah. 628 00:37:54,057 --> 00:37:56,039 Get this moron out of here. 629 00:37:58,693 --> 00:38:00,046 I'm done. 630 00:38:05,273 --> 00:38:07,302 D. A.'s declined prosecution. 631 00:38:08,168 --> 00:38:11,086 Hillborne called IAB off, said I got to give a statement, 632 00:38:11,939 --> 00:38:13,420 wouldn't be a problem. 633 00:38:14,467 --> 00:38:17,011 You don't win in this kind of situation, Danny. 634 00:38:17,948 --> 00:38:20,117 Mac, I am not saying I won anything. 635 00:38:20,532 --> 00:38:22,241 IAB's calling it a good shoot. 636 00:38:22,557 --> 00:38:24,525 IAB's not saying that. 637 00:38:26,359 --> 00:38:28,953 They're only saying there's not enough evidence to go forward with 638 00:38:29,059 --> 00:38:30,253 an internal investigation. 639 00:38:30,262 --> 00:38:32,392 That's not an exoneration, it's a pass. 640 00:38:33,829 --> 00:38:36,005 Something like this happens again, it's gonna come up. 641 00:38:36,577 --> 00:38:37,677 Never again. 642 00:38:41,124 --> 00:38:42,955 There's two things I want to say 643 00:38:43,224 --> 00:38:44,392 that you should know. 644 00:38:45,864 --> 00:38:47,839 One I thought I'd never tell you. 645 00:38:50,415 --> 00:38:54,228 I was strongly discouraged against hiring you. 646 00:38:56,023 --> 00:38:57,791 But I followed my gut. 647 00:38:58,989 --> 00:39:01,651 For the last five years, I thought I made the right decision. 648 00:39:01,675 --> 00:39:02,892 Who was bad-mouthing me? 649 00:39:02,935 --> 00:39:03,891 It doesn't matter. 650 00:39:06,352 --> 00:39:09,132 But they said that the decision to hire you was mine, and 651 00:39:09,357 --> 00:39:11,011 one day I'd realize I made a mistake. 652 00:39:11,012 --> 00:39:12,460 You made no mistake. 653 00:39:13,191 --> 00:39:14,499 I made no mistake. 654 00:39:14,865 --> 00:39:17,530 I can account for every second of that shooting. 655 00:39:17,921 --> 00:39:19,457 Every... every breath, 656 00:39:19,841 --> 00:39:20,604 every shot. 657 00:39:20,722 --> 00:39:22,777 No, you can't, Danny. You want to know why? 658 00:39:22,845 --> 00:39:23,674 I can't. 659 00:39:24,841 --> 00:39:27,328 Eight shots were fired in that subway station. 660 00:39:27,363 --> 00:39:28,789 We've accounted for seven of them. 661 00:39:28,994 --> 00:39:30,567 The eighth bullet was from your gun. 662 00:39:31,092 --> 00:39:33,012 We still have no idea where it went. 663 00:39:33,953 --> 00:39:35,483 You fired wild, Danny. 664 00:39:36,278 --> 00:39:39,027 That bullet could have gone anywhere. And your story, 665 00:39:39,113 --> 00:39:40,302 about Minhas turning? 666 00:39:40,317 --> 00:39:41,963 - That's what happened. - No, Danny. 667 00:39:42,331 --> 00:39:44,310 I've examined every inch of that platform. 668 00:39:44,342 --> 00:39:45,604 The position of the columns, 669 00:39:45,607 --> 00:39:48,173 where Armstrong was hiding, where Minhas came from... 670 00:39:48,382 --> 00:39:50,050 you couldn't possibly have seen him... 671 00:39:54,036 --> 00:39:57,208 until he came into your field of vision, running at Armstrong 672 00:39:57,243 --> 00:39:58,236 running at you. 673 00:40:11,238 --> 00:40:13,554 You're off the promotion grid, Danny. 674 00:40:15,278 --> 00:40:16,679 Pick it up. Take it. 675 00:40:17,146 --> 00:40:19,405 We won't have this discussion again. 676 00:40:26,008 --> 00:40:26,798 Taylor. 677 00:40:28,249 --> 00:40:28,996 Hold on. 678 00:40:43,078 --> 00:40:44,357 Put him through. 679 00:40:49,407 --> 00:40:50,754 Chief Hillborne... 680 00:40:53,604 --> 00:40:54,187 Hey. 681 00:40:56,546 --> 00:40:57,959 It's me, Stella. 682 00:41:00,211 --> 00:41:01,064 Remember me? 683 00:41:06,011 --> 00:41:07,218 Come here, you. 684 00:41:26,673 --> 00:41:27,673 Detective Bonasera? 685 00:41:43,284 --> 00:41:45,082 Tell the parents I'll be right there. 686 00:41:45,284 --> 00:41:46,249 Take your time.