9999 00:00:0,500 --> 00:00:2,00 myktsn 1 00:00:30,015 --> 00:00:31,318 Out of the truck ! 2 00:00:32,662 --> 00:00:34,047 Get out of the truck ! Move ! 3 00:00:53,231 --> 00:00:55,281 Shooter fires three times... 4 00:00:56,286 --> 00:00:57,904 only hits the driver once ? 5 00:00:57,945 --> 00:00:59,091 They were kids. 6 00:00:59,132 --> 00:01:03,082 Oldest one was 15. We picked'em up 20 minutes ago at the Verrazano Bridge. 7 00:01:03,132 --> 00:01:04,666 Their truck ran out of gas. 8 00:01:04,897 --> 00:01:05,671 How's our vic ? 9 00:01:05,698 --> 00:01:08,331 EMTs said he'll be okay. He took one in the shoulder. 10 00:01:08,361 --> 00:01:12,691 You didn't really wake us up this early in the morning to tell us that you already solved the case, did you, Flack ? 11 00:01:12,730 --> 00:01:15,470 - Figured you'd want to check this out. - Okay. 12 00:01:17,410 --> 00:01:18,790 That's a lot of blood. 13 00:01:18,920 --> 00:01:20,810 Yeah. Could be human. 14 00:01:20,846 --> 00:01:22,192 It's still wet. 15 00:01:28,292 --> 00:01:31,261 Our mystery donor is between the container and the flatbed. 16 00:01:31,292 --> 00:01:34,292 And it looks like he's going to need a hand getting out. 17 00:01:37,169 --> 00:01:40,126 You're lucky we still got a qualified operator on-site. 18 00:01:44,163 --> 00:01:47,536 This is a bit more than a bag and tag. I'm gonna call Hawkes. 19 00:01:48,464 --> 00:01:49,996 Tell him to bring his spatula. 20 00:01:50,377 --> 00:01:53,027 CSI: New York - Season 1 Episode 16- Hush 21 00:01:53,200 --> 00:01:53,316 S 22 00:01:53,317 --> 00:01:53,506 Su 23 00:01:53,508 --> 00:01:53,647 Sub 24 00:01:53,649 --> 00:01:53,847 Subt 25 00:01:53,849 --> 00:01:54,024 Subti 26 00:01:54,025 --> 00:01:54,201 Subtit 27 00:01:54,236 --> 00:01:54,399 Subtitl 28 00:01:54,434 --> 00:01:54,562 Subtitle 29 00:01:54,565 --> 00:01:54,702 Subtitle by 30 00:01:54,721 --> 00:01:54,920 Subtitle by t 31 00:01:54,933 --> 00:01:55,133 Subtitle by th 32 00:01:55,139 --> 00:01:55,300 Subtitle by the 33 00:01:55,303 --> 00:01:55,479 Subtitle by the C 34 00:01:55,482 --> 00:01:55,632 Subtitle by the CS 35 00:01:55,635 --> 00:01:55,773 Subtitle by the CSI 36 00:01:55,775 --> 00:01:55,937 Subtitle by the CSI N 37 00:01:55,940 --> 00:01:56,086 Subtitle by the CSI NY 38 00:01:56,092 --> 00:01:56,223 Subtitle by the CSI NY T 39 00:01:56,233 --> 00:01:56,356 Subtitle by the CSI NY Te 40 00:01:56,369 --> 00:01:56,517 Subtitle by the CSI NY Tea 41 00:01:56,530 --> 00:01:56,716 Subtitle by the CSI NY Team 42 00:01:57,227 --> 00:01:59,282 Transcript: Raceman 43 00:01:59,658 --> 00:02:02,300 Synchro: Seth Cohen, Daxter38 and OrionDeBmk 44 00:02:02,648 --> 00:02:05,313 Correction: Cordesh and Seth Cohen 45 00:02:05,877 --> 00:02:08,672 www. csi-teams. fr. st www. forom. com 46 00:02:44,671 --> 00:02:45,883 How's this ? 47 00:02:45,928 --> 00:02:47,367 Should do the trick. 48 00:02:49,622 --> 00:02:51,342 This is only half a body. 49 00:02:52,202 --> 00:02:54,783 - Where's the rest of him ? - Out there somewhere. 50 00:02:55,080 --> 00:02:56,563 Well, good luck with that. 51 00:03:12,593 --> 00:03:14,121 I'm looking for Mac Taylor. 52 00:03:14,195 --> 00:03:15,619 I'm Detective Taylor. 53 00:03:15,738 --> 00:03:18,215 I'm Kevin Hannigan, facilities foreman. 54 00:03:18,378 --> 00:03:21,335 I'm hearing rumors about you shutting down my terminal. 55 00:03:21,780 --> 00:03:25,214 Mr. Hannigan, part of a man's torso was found under a container 56 00:03:25,280 --> 00:03:26,514 that came from this terminal. 57 00:03:26,588 --> 00:03:29,856 We're going to need to track back through every place it's been to find the rest of him. 58 00:03:29,887 --> 00:03:33,091 I can't just shut down this port while you guys browse around. 59 00:03:33,165 --> 00:03:39,196 $100 billion worth of cargo comes through here every year. 500 million a day. 60 00:03:39,660 --> 00:03:41,401 You want to mess around with that kind of money ? 61 00:03:41,425 --> 00:03:44,051 We're here investigating a fatality, Mr. Hannigan. 62 00:03:44,125 --> 00:03:46,291 We'd appreciate your cooperation. 63 00:03:46,362 --> 00:03:48,997 We're going to need access to your tracking databases. 64 00:03:49,146 --> 00:03:50,407 All right, fine. 65 00:03:50,674 --> 00:03:51,934 Hey, Tiny ! 66 00:03:52,439 --> 00:03:55,835 These guys want to see the route numbers on this box the dead guy's on. 67 00:03:55,968 --> 00:03:57,659 Take'em to the office. 68 00:03:57,704 --> 00:03:59,276 Get the crew working ! 69 00:03:59,506 --> 00:04:02,837 All right, let's go. What are you guys standing around for ? Go back to works. 70 00:04:06,832 --> 00:04:08,137 The office is this way. 71 00:04:15,372 --> 00:04:17,330 Yeah, I would. I wouldn't worry about it. 72 00:04:17,537 --> 00:04:18,724 I would... I'd... 73 00:04:18,887 --> 00:04:21,068 Hey, you want to identify yourselves ? 74 00:04:21,690 --> 00:04:24,049 - Excuse me ? - Uh-uh-uh, I'm not recognizing the faces. 75 00:04:24,078 --> 00:04:25,856 - You want to identify yourselves ? - Who are you ? 76 00:04:25,874 --> 00:04:28,071 The crime scene troll ? We got to identify ourselves ? 77 00:04:28,124 --> 00:04:29,731 You see the kits. You know who we are. 78 00:04:29,797 --> 00:04:32,245 We're not here to fish. Who the hell are you ? 79 00:04:32,328 --> 00:04:34,256 Detective Vicaro. Three-four. 80 00:04:34,406 --> 00:04:36,099 Yeah ? Danny Messer, 81 00:04:36,245 --> 00:04:38,764 Aiden Burn. One... Two... This is our crime scene. 82 00:04:38,852 --> 00:04:41,814 So why don't you do me a favor and stop busting my friggin'onions 83 00:04:41,879 --> 00:04:44,007 and fill me in on the dead woman behind you. 84 00:04:45,353 --> 00:04:47,808 18-wheeler found her on the side of the road. 85 00:04:48,012 --> 00:04:49,973 I responded and here I am. 86 00:04:50,755 --> 00:04:52,091 Good for you. 87 00:04:52,295 --> 00:04:55,418 - Thank you. - Aiden, do me a favor, tell him what's what. 88 00:04:55,748 --> 00:04:57,302 We got it from here, Vicaro. 89 00:04:57,622 --> 00:04:59,612 I'll bet you do, bet you do, CSI. 90 00:05:05,805 --> 00:05:07,650 She looks pretty mangled. 91 00:05:08,260 --> 00:05:09,699 So does this tree. 92 00:05:09,989 --> 00:05:13,591 We got an indention here in the bark. Not to mention some blood. 93 00:05:15,481 --> 00:05:16,582 You see this ? 94 00:05:16,611 --> 00:05:19,110 - Headlight glass all over the ground. - Yep. 95 00:05:26,857 --> 00:05:27,961 Skids. 96 00:05:29,603 --> 00:05:30,722 No detail. 97 00:05:30,758 --> 00:05:32,690 I don't know, maybe she was a hitchhiker. 98 00:05:32,733 --> 00:05:34,249 Who hitchhikes nude ? 99 00:05:34,394 --> 00:05:35,760 I don't know. 100 00:05:36,922 --> 00:05:38,135 M aybe... 101 00:05:38,237 --> 00:05:40,823 vehicular manslaughter followed by rape ? 102 00:05:41,415 --> 00:05:43,260 First thing I learned in this job : 103 00:05:43,391 --> 00:05:45,628 anybody can do anything to anyone. 104 00:05:46,726 --> 00:05:48,649 Charlie, move your ass. 105 00:05:55,891 --> 00:05:57,550 I'm busy, let's go. 106 00:05:57,690 --> 00:05:59,705 We got a tracking code on that trailer ? 107 00:05:59,814 --> 00:06:02,666 Yeah, this number came off the driver's manifest. 108 00:06:06,585 --> 00:06:11,465 The victim's blood was still wet, so time of death is likely within the last few hours. 109 00:06:24,566 --> 00:06:28,240 This indicates exactly where the container's been in the last 12 hours, correct ? 110 00:06:28,333 --> 00:06:29,217 Y up. 111 00:06:30,209 --> 00:06:31,961 Can you make a copy of this, please ? 112 00:06:32,147 --> 00:06:34,100 If it'll get you outta my hair. 113 00:06:38,714 --> 00:06:39,923 Thank you. 114 00:06:41,691 --> 00:06:43,381 All right. This is where we start. 115 00:06:53,876 --> 00:06:55,674 Got a little blood over here. 116 00:07:19,815 --> 00:07:21,567 Our DOA's better half. 117 00:07:21,907 --> 00:07:23,675 The container from the truck was here when ? 118 00:07:23,877 --> 00:07:25,117 11:00 last night. 119 00:07:25,784 --> 00:07:26,621 Hey ! 120 00:07:27,195 --> 00:07:28,644 What's the matter with you guys ? 121 00:07:28,753 --> 00:07:30,505 Brenneman, you sick of having a job ? 122 00:07:30,629 --> 00:07:33,063 I told you not to move anything until I say so ! 123 00:07:33,156 --> 00:07:35,683 Sir, I asked these men to move the container. 124 00:07:35,816 --> 00:07:37,397 Port Authority's on the way. 125 00:07:37,456 --> 00:07:40,726 Now that we have a body, the M.E.'s office takes charge of it until it's identified. 126 00:07:40,754 --> 00:07:42,087 Then we'll wait for him, too. 127 00:07:42,196 --> 00:07:43,979 That won't be necessary. 128 00:07:44,451 --> 00:07:45,754 You're looking at him. 129 00:07:51,435 --> 00:07:52,627 Hawkes... 130 00:07:53,078 --> 00:07:54,270 what's under the sheet ? 131 00:07:54,350 --> 00:07:56,146 "Spatula man. " 132 00:07:56,288 --> 00:07:58,427 You don't want to know any more than that. 133 00:07:58,609 --> 00:08:01,152 Prints on your roadside girl. Still a Jane Doe. 134 00:08:01,415 --> 00:08:03,667 What got me curious as a cat in a fish house 135 00:08:03,698 --> 00:08:06,493 were these candy cane ligature marks along her body 136 00:08:06,566 --> 00:08:09,254 starting just below the neck and the collar bone, 137 00:08:09,393 --> 00:08:12,215 continuing across the chest... 138 00:08:12,882 --> 00:08:14,115 pelvis... 139 00:08:14,594 --> 00:08:17,293 just under and over each kneecap... 140 00:08:17,403 --> 00:08:18,575 ending... 141 00:08:19,377 --> 00:08:21,367 at the base of the ankles. 142 00:08:21,525 --> 00:08:23,160 She was tied up. 143 00:08:23,392 --> 00:08:24,810 Rope, maybe, or tape ? 144 00:08:24,880 --> 00:08:28,650 Well, rope and tape are haphazard tools of restraint, usually used in haste. 145 00:08:28,770 --> 00:08:30,420 The resulting bruises would look 146 00:08:30,520 --> 00:08:32,010 off-center and random. 147 00:08:32,513 --> 00:08:34,025 Look at this bruising. 148 00:08:38,908 --> 00:08:41,310 It's evenly spaced across the body. 149 00:08:41,804 --> 00:08:43,207 Precision binding. 150 00:08:43,288 --> 00:08:46,681 The bruising is too precise to be duct tape, 151 00:08:47,224 --> 00:08:49,198 too clean on the edges to be rope. 152 00:08:49,337 --> 00:08:50,617 Straps, maybe ? 153 00:08:51,311 --> 00:08:54,118 Someone tied her to a tree and then rammed her ? 154 00:08:57,285 --> 00:08:58,426 Move it up ! 155 00:08:58,473 --> 00:09:01,064 I'm way ahead of you, C.S.I. I found your vehicle. 156 00:09:01,154 --> 00:09:03,402 Got an '04 F-150. 157 00:09:05,480 --> 00:09:08,222 As you can see, we got a damaged front end here. 158 00:09:08,749 --> 00:09:13,493 Got a metal hitch on the front grill. I'll tell you something, if you can figure that out you got my respect. 159 00:09:13,580 --> 00:09:19,448 We found this pick-up about a mile east of Clearview Expressway. I figured you two'd want to take a sniff. 160 00:09:19,634 --> 00:09:21,091 I ran the plate. 161 00:09:21,306 --> 00:09:23,043 Anything else I can do you for ? 162 00:09:23,601 --> 00:09:25,403 But you didn't go through the truck, right ? 163 00:09:25,465 --> 00:09:27,651 25 cents gets you a cup of coffee. 164 00:09:28,104 --> 00:09:31,065 Come on, get out of here. I got another call. 165 00:09:32,486 --> 00:09:34,005 I take that as a "no. " 166 00:09:35,863 --> 00:09:37,615 What the hell is this thing ? 167 00:09:42,887 --> 00:09:44,406 What the hell is this thing ? 168 00:09:46,111 --> 00:09:48,049 Both airbags are deployed. 169 00:09:51,364 --> 00:09:55,209 I got glass on the passenger side floor. No obvious source. 170 00:09:55,539 --> 00:09:58,857 Out of context, I gotta be honest. I don't get this. 171 00:10:00,586 --> 00:10:01,687 Hello. 172 00:10:01,811 --> 00:10:03,548 Got a bag of something here. 173 00:10:05,344 --> 00:10:06,817 What have you got ? 174 00:10:09,466 --> 00:10:11,063 Latex body suit. 175 00:10:14,772 --> 00:10:16,340 Pulp Fiction. Nice. 176 00:10:16,433 --> 00:10:18,278 Look at the teeth impressions. 177 00:10:18,898 --> 00:10:20,821 Must've got that through an impact. 178 00:10:24,116 --> 00:10:25,357 Straps. 179 00:10:29,359 --> 00:10:31,002 What is this ? 180 00:10:31,297 --> 00:10:32,878 "Place shoulders here... " 181 00:10:34,008 --> 00:10:36,023 This girl was strapped upside down. 182 00:10:36,240 --> 00:10:38,426 What the hell was going on with this woman ? 183 00:10:45,409 --> 00:10:47,331 Wow. Good job. 184 00:10:47,579 --> 00:10:49,378 He actually almost looks human. 185 00:10:49,502 --> 00:10:51,703 I'm thinking that if I can piece him together, 186 00:10:52,387 --> 00:10:55,053 I can get a clearer idea of the exact cause of death. 187 00:10:55,162 --> 00:10:59,022 Well, we do have an ID on him. His name's Paddy Dolan. He was a longshoreman. 188 00:10:59,208 --> 00:11:00,750 He died a hard death. 189 00:11:01,217 --> 00:11:02,742 Crushed by the container, 190 00:11:03,350 --> 00:11:03,917 but... 191 00:11:04,700 --> 00:11:09,196 the defensive position of his hands makes me think... 192 00:11:09,360 --> 00:11:10,428 He saw it coming. 193 00:11:13,157 --> 00:11:15,091 Guy really went through the wringer. 194 00:11:17,967 --> 00:11:19,237 You see these tears ? 195 00:11:20,381 --> 00:11:24,320 - Broken bones pierced the skin. - Jagged, irregular wounds. 196 00:11:24,713 --> 00:11:26,269 But this isn't from a bone. 197 00:11:26,715 --> 00:11:28,706 It's too clean and pointed at the end. 198 00:11:28,972 --> 00:11:30,727 - It's a knife wound. - Yeah. 199 00:11:31,090 --> 00:11:32,934 This guy wasn't just crushed to death. 200 00:11:33,536 --> 00:11:36,672 He was stabbed first, and then they lowered the container on him. 201 00:11:36,766 --> 00:11:37,983 It's a cover-up. 202 00:11:38,778 --> 00:11:41,690 Mr. Wojewedski, we identified the remains 203 00:11:41,773 --> 00:11:44,675 we found last night as a Mr. Paddy Dolan. 204 00:11:45,541 --> 00:11:46,580 A longshoreman. 205 00:11:46,621 --> 00:11:48,259 Anyone have it in for him ? 206 00:11:48,565 --> 00:11:51,674 He was a lifer. Bound to create a few enemies along the way. 207 00:11:52,075 --> 00:11:55,138 I mean, the docks get pretty rough. You ever see that Brando flick ? 208 00:11:55,157 --> 00:11:59,396 - Anyway, maybe it was just an accident. - He was stabbed before he was crushed. 209 00:11:59,478 --> 00:12:00,968 Who would have seen him last night ? 210 00:12:00,991 --> 00:12:04,548 He had his usual crew on. They pulled a double, so they're still on call, 211 00:12:04,638 --> 00:12:08,295 filling in wherever. That's them over there loading the truck. 212 00:12:11,612 --> 00:12:13,553 Hey, don't keep'em too long, okay ? 213 00:12:13,907 --> 00:12:15,858 Don't wanna have to re-train'em. 214 00:12:20,883 --> 00:12:24,000 Mr. Moraga, when was the last time you saw Paddy Dolan ? 215 00:12:24,993 --> 00:12:26,551 Last night. Late. 216 00:12:26,749 --> 00:12:28,367 You were working last night ? 217 00:12:28,454 --> 00:12:31,679 - Yeah. I didn't see him after 10:30. - You didn't wonder where he was ? 218 00:12:31,680 --> 00:12:33,980 He was the boss, you know. Busy all the time. 219 00:12:34,041 --> 00:12:36,514 Look, I gotta get back to work, okay ? Sorry. 220 00:12:40,117 --> 00:12:42,934 It was like, you know, you have your work to do, and that's it. 221 00:12:42,995 --> 00:12:46,266 - Was Paddy a good boss ? - Yeah, he was a good guy. 222 00:12:47,050 --> 00:12:48,443 Looked out for his crew. 223 00:12:49,483 --> 00:12:52,650 - He had a reputation. - He was running this whole place. 224 00:12:52,775 --> 00:12:54,094 It's not an easy job. 225 00:12:56,642 --> 00:12:58,228 He never did anything to me. 226 00:13:00,549 --> 00:13:02,081 He was a supervisor, you know. 227 00:13:02,186 --> 00:13:04,713 Collect a fat check, don't really lift a finger. 228 00:13:04,968 --> 00:13:06,936 Not a lot of people liked him. 229 00:13:07,129 --> 00:13:08,796 Honestly, he treated folks bad. 230 00:13:08,889 --> 00:13:10,706 Hey ! Move it ! 231 00:13:10,741 --> 00:13:13,079 You think I'm paying you to stand around ? 232 00:13:13,501 --> 00:13:15,830 You got any idea who might have killed Dolan ? 233 00:13:17,225 --> 00:13:19,737 Man, we're not even supposed to be talking to you. 234 00:13:19,800 --> 00:13:23,011 We'll lose our jobs in a second. Maybe not just the job. 235 00:13:25,456 --> 00:13:27,408 I got a wife and a couple of kids. 236 00:13:28,012 --> 00:13:30,615 She don't have work papers, so she can't get a job. 237 00:13:31,184 --> 00:13:32,580 Anything happens to me... 238 00:13:32,736 --> 00:13:34,568 the kids, they, they go hungry. 239 00:13:37,734 --> 00:13:39,124 That for decoration ? 240 00:13:40,839 --> 00:13:43,155 We need them for work. We all carry them. 241 00:13:43,682 --> 00:13:44,661 Sorry Mike. 242 00:13:44,696 --> 00:13:46,326 I'm going to need to take that. 243 00:13:52,777 --> 00:13:54,797 The real crime is going on right here. 244 00:13:55,330 --> 00:13:57,140 Every day. Right under your nose. 245 00:14:00,141 --> 00:14:02,792 - I want their hardware, too. - You got it. 246 00:14:14,728 --> 00:14:16,729 It's nice to get out of the city, uh ? 247 00:14:18,367 --> 00:14:22,406 The registred owner of the F-150 is a Ron Bogda. Married to Debbie Bogda. 248 00:14:22,407 --> 00:14:25,241 What do you think ? Think she's our dead body ? 249 00:14:25,303 --> 00:14:26,539 We'll find out. 250 00:14:26,620 --> 00:14:28,053 Actually, you're gonna find out. 251 00:14:28,154 --> 00:14:29,028 Me ? 252 00:14:29,091 --> 00:14:31,495 Oh, no. Isn't it your turn to break the bad news ? 253 00:14:31,557 --> 00:14:35,474 Don't get all Oliver North on me, Aiden. All right ? It's your turn and you know it. 254 00:14:35,533 --> 00:14:37,065 - All right. - Go ahead. 255 00:14:37,288 --> 00:14:39,459 Mr. Bogda, do you know this woman ? 256 00:14:40,695 --> 00:14:43,137 Yeah, that's... my wife, Debbie. 257 00:14:44,913 --> 00:14:46,622 We're sorry for your loss. 258 00:14:47,700 --> 00:14:49,668 You want a glass of water, Mr. Bogda ? 259 00:14:50,207 --> 00:14:51,779 Want to take a minute ? 260 00:14:51,864 --> 00:14:54,936 We have some follow up questions that we need to ask you. 261 00:14:55,412 --> 00:14:56,868 Yes, that's our truck. 262 00:14:57,472 --> 00:14:59,528 Debbie uses it when she works in the city. 263 00:14:59,640 --> 00:15:01,815 Mr. Bogda, your wife was in a car accident, 264 00:15:01,816 --> 00:15:06,471 but we suspect that she was involved in a fetish stunt of some sort. 265 00:15:06,633 --> 00:15:09,999 My wife is a very decent and conservative woman. 266 00:15:10,123 --> 00:15:13,842 You sure there isn't a chance that she was into something but she just didn't tell you about it ? 267 00:15:13,843 --> 00:15:17,565 The truth is... Debbie and I live separate lives during the week. 268 00:15:17,656 --> 00:15:20,866 She works in an office in Manhattan and... and sleeps at the Waldorf. 269 00:15:20,920 --> 00:15:24,209 I... I never question what... what she does when she's away. 270 00:15:24,609 --> 00:15:26,198 How'd you get that cut above your eye ? 271 00:15:26,213 --> 00:15:29,274 My... my daughter kicked a soccer ball in my face the other day and uh... 272 00:15:29,275 --> 00:15:30,535 broke my glasses. 273 00:15:32,614 --> 00:15:33,977 The glasses are inside. 274 00:15:34,314 --> 00:15:36,936 All... All I have left are the frames. One of the lens shattered. 275 00:15:36,978 --> 00:15:40,194 I think you might've left pieces of that other lens in your F-150. 276 00:15:40,299 --> 00:15:42,002 We're gonna need those glasses. 277 00:15:46,519 --> 00:15:48,704 Somebody call for some oils ? 278 00:15:48,791 --> 00:15:51,436 What are you, a scientist or a massage therapist ? 279 00:15:51,437 --> 00:15:55,139 Why ? You want a rubdown or a refractive index test ? 280 00:15:56,364 --> 00:15:59,022 These are... our samples ? 281 00:15:59,705 --> 00:16:04,202 Try to match these glasses from a suspect to a shard of glass we found in his truck. 282 00:16:25,873 --> 00:16:30,338 The halo effect, around the glass fragment. It's called a Becke line. 283 00:16:31,052 --> 00:16:35,034 Watch what happens when I... raise the focus. 284 00:16:36,685 --> 00:16:39,390 Oh... The line's moving away from the fragment. 285 00:16:39,391 --> 00:16:44,697 It means that the oil has a higher refractive index than the fragment. 286 00:16:44,896 --> 00:16:47,860 So... so what happens when the oil and the glass match ? 287 00:16:53,785 --> 00:16:56,848 There's no optical difference between the oil and the glass. 288 00:16:56,849 --> 00:17:01,860 You can't see the boundary line, and the fragment... 289 00:17:02,851 --> 00:17:04,159 magically... 290 00:17:05,173 --> 00:17:06,298 ...disappears. 291 00:17:28,561 --> 00:17:29,708 It's still there. 292 00:17:29,709 --> 00:17:32,808 That's because your unknown fragment had a different refractive index 293 00:17:32,809 --> 00:17:33,975 than these glasses. 294 00:17:33,976 --> 00:17:37,550 They're not the same glass. Rob Bogda may not be our man. 295 00:17:37,551 --> 00:17:39,869 I'll do some more tests. 296 00:17:39,870 --> 00:17:43,184 See if I can't find out what kind of glass it is. 297 00:17:46,127 --> 00:17:49,997 I just finished processing those knives. I can't turn my back for a second. 298 00:17:49,998 --> 00:17:51,856 I just picked up where you left off. 299 00:17:51,990 --> 00:17:53,719 All right, none of our dockworkers'knives 300 00:17:53,720 --> 00:17:56,513 match the dimensions of the stab hole in Paddy Dolan's shirt. 301 00:17:56,514 --> 00:17:59,628 When I processed them, none of them had any trace of blood, 302 00:17:59,629 --> 00:18:02,298 and Sean Bally's knife was really immaculate. Spotless. 303 00:18:02,299 --> 00:18:04,532 What worker keeps their tools so clean ? 304 00:18:06,320 --> 00:18:09,493 - That isn't a science-obsessed criminalist. - Hmm... 305 00:18:09,853 --> 00:18:13,936 I pulled something interesting off one of the pant legs of Paddy Dolan's jeans. 306 00:18:15,365 --> 00:18:16,645 Take a look. 307 00:18:19,683 --> 00:18:20,996 Insect eggs. 308 00:18:21,148 --> 00:18:23,670 Why would those be on Paddy Dolan's jeans ? 309 00:18:23,800 --> 00:18:25,400 Especially this time of year. 310 00:18:26,263 --> 00:18:28,962 Determine the species, you determine the source. 311 00:18:29,520 --> 00:18:31,641 I'm going to find out what would inspire Sean Bally 312 00:18:31,642 --> 00:18:34,957 to spit-shine his knife the day after Paddy Dolan was stabbed. 313 00:18:37,559 --> 00:18:39,501 I like to keep my tools clean. 314 00:18:41,029 --> 00:18:42,607 You think I stabbed Dolan ? 315 00:18:43,916 --> 00:18:44,980 With this ? 316 00:18:46,305 --> 00:18:48,325 - What happened ? - It was a week ago. 317 00:18:48,600 --> 00:18:51,863 Dolan liked to finish a load early so he could take a long lunch. 318 00:18:52,120 --> 00:18:53,019 Liquid. 319 00:18:54,657 --> 00:18:55,312 Up. 320 00:18:57,427 --> 00:18:59,133 Yeah, Paddy thought it was funny. 321 00:19:00,562 --> 00:19:01,797 You didn't report it ? 322 00:19:02,458 --> 00:19:04,858 I put in a claim, I kiss any overtime good-bye. 323 00:19:05,373 --> 00:19:08,378 and things happen to people who talk too much around here. 324 00:19:19,329 --> 00:19:20,709 Found my bug. 325 00:19:22,891 --> 00:19:26,374 The southern pine beetle. Dendroctonus frontalis. 326 00:19:26,375 --> 00:19:31,150 Way out of its natural habitat, southeastern U.S. all the way to Nicaragua. 327 00:19:31,151 --> 00:19:33,022 Sounds like a sunshine bug. 328 00:19:33,023 --> 00:19:35,896 Mm-hmm. You can tell by the sunglasses and little shorts. 329 00:19:36,603 --> 00:19:40,549 The question is, how did they get on Paddy Dolan's work pants in New York, 330 00:19:40,603 --> 00:19:41,549 in February ? 331 00:19:41,550 --> 00:19:45,319 Must have hitched a ride in an empty container returning from the south. 332 00:19:45,485 --> 00:19:48,099 What was Paddy Dolan doing in the empty container ? 333 00:19:48,140 --> 00:19:50,404 He was a boss, he wouldn't get his hands dirty. 334 00:19:50,437 --> 00:19:54,511 One thing's for sure, he wasn't working. Let's go talk to Mr. Hannigan. 335 00:20:00,420 --> 00:20:02,641 Well, this is the last of the bunch. 336 00:20:07,790 --> 00:20:09,372 Are we almost done here ? 337 00:20:12,680 --> 00:20:16,841 You normally lock containers that are due to be returned overseas ? 338 00:20:16,842 --> 00:20:18,697 No. Never. 339 00:20:19,270 --> 00:20:20,564 Wanna open this one ? 340 00:20:35,908 --> 00:20:38,300 We'll take it from here, Mr. Hannigan. 341 00:20:53,632 --> 00:20:55,595 At least this one's still in one piece. 342 00:21:05,499 --> 00:21:08,047 James Prineman, dock worker number two. 343 00:21:08,243 --> 00:21:10,361 Same address as Mike Prineman. They're brothers. 344 00:21:10,362 --> 00:21:12,710 Second longshoreman dead in as many days. 345 00:21:14,053 --> 00:21:16,340 - Dangerous job. - In more ways than one. 346 00:21:16,826 --> 00:21:19,130 Multiple blunt force trauma to the head. 347 00:21:19,280 --> 00:21:22,418 Fractured orbital and maxillary bones, primarily on the left side. 348 00:21:22,419 --> 00:21:24,465 Somebody used him as a punching bag. 349 00:21:24,466 --> 00:21:27,345 With some sort of brass knuckles for that extra oomph. 350 00:21:30,091 --> 00:21:34,349 Very little decomp... even though bleed-out puts death at a couple of days ago. 351 00:21:34,350 --> 00:21:36,214 - Couple of days ? - Mm-hmm. 352 00:21:36,332 --> 00:21:39,752 The body must've been put in that container at Cutter's Hook Terminal 353 00:21:39,772 --> 00:21:41,652 and was preserved by the cold. 354 00:21:41,723 --> 00:21:45,422 And his clothes were covered with these bugs. 355 00:21:45,875 --> 00:21:48,063 - Dendroctonus... - Frontalis. 356 00:21:49,131 --> 00:21:50,797 I've become quite the bug expert. 357 00:21:50,880 --> 00:21:53,522 It's the same beetle that we found on Paddy Dolan's jeans. 358 00:21:53,560 --> 00:21:55,784 Okay, so if this guy died a couple of days ago, 359 00:21:55,833 --> 00:21:58,909 that would've given Paddy Dolan enough time to be involved in his death. 360 00:21:58,949 --> 00:22:00,860 Even if he wasn't involved, 361 00:22:01,176 --> 00:22:03,126 he was still in that container. 362 00:22:03,297 --> 00:22:04,324 Why ? 363 00:22:04,547 --> 00:22:09,970 A latex body suit holds prints like a sponge holds water. If you take the bottom, I'll take the top. 364 00:22:09,984 --> 00:22:11,837 No, I like being on top. 365 00:22:12,040 --> 00:22:14,560 You're getting all freaky on me because we drew a bondage case ? 366 00:22:14,574 --> 00:22:15,437 You wish. 367 00:22:15,452 --> 00:22:16,814 Hit the lights. 368 00:22:21,786 --> 00:22:24,189 All right, what do we got here. 369 00:22:34,095 --> 00:22:35,701 I got something. 370 00:22:37,753 --> 00:22:39,858 Nice. Let me get set up. 371 00:22:55,680 --> 00:22:57,577 Jennifer Stupaine. 372 00:22:57,768 --> 00:23:02,379 4672 Charles. Where is that ? That's the West Village. 373 00:23:12,939 --> 00:23:15,248 Ah, you must be the Andersons. 374 00:23:15,266 --> 00:23:16,871 You're late for class. 375 00:23:17,659 --> 00:23:19,266 Yeah, traffic was murder. 376 00:23:25,513 --> 00:23:27,817 Nice to see you both back again. 377 00:23:28,325 --> 00:23:30,709 - Oh, honey, I think the Andersons... - Oh, come on in. 378 00:23:30,728 --> 00:23:32,976 Welcome. There's plenty of room. 379 00:23:32,988 --> 00:23:37,396 I am Jennifer Stupaine, and this is my John, 380 00:23:37,836 --> 00:23:39,343 and we're... 381 00:23:40,401 --> 00:23:45,260 And we're here to teach you how to practice safe bondage. 382 00:23:45,270 --> 00:23:50,817 More specifically, forniphilia, the art of human furniture. 383 00:23:51,329 --> 00:23:55,997 This... is Diana, our chandelier, hanging up here, 384 00:23:56,013 --> 00:23:59,557 and over here is David, our side table. 385 00:23:59,713 --> 00:24:03,226 We also have machinery... 386 00:24:04,470 --> 00:24:06,827 brought to you by Garage Joe. 387 00:24:08,538 --> 00:24:11,043 He is our resident mechanic. 388 00:24:11,419 --> 00:24:16,038 And these are just a few of his contraptions of pleasure. 389 00:24:19,170 --> 00:24:21,926 - May I ? - Good choice. 390 00:24:22,401 --> 00:24:28,451 So, please, feel free to buy. 391 00:24:30,324 --> 00:24:33,934 Hey. Hey ! NYPD ! 392 00:24:51,727 --> 00:24:53,359 He's gone. 393 00:24:54,139 --> 00:24:56,179 How long is she gonna hang like that ? 394 00:24:56,201 --> 00:24:57,863 Until we tell her to come down. 395 00:24:57,875 --> 00:24:59,663 Same with the side table. 396 00:25:00,140 --> 00:25:01,301 They are furniture, 397 00:25:01,764 --> 00:25:03,430 and they should be treated as such. 398 00:25:03,441 --> 00:25:08,371 Well, we're taking, um, Garage Joe's contraptions back to our lab, all right ? 399 00:25:08,386 --> 00:25:11,781 Um, does this Garage Joe have a last name ? 400 00:25:11,793 --> 00:25:13,959 We only know him as Garage Joe. 401 00:25:13,973 --> 00:25:17,104 We don't require background checks for people who take our seminar. 402 00:25:17,125 --> 00:25:19,076 And everything we're doing is perfectly legal. 403 00:25:19,092 --> 00:25:20,891 We're licensed and bonded, so... 404 00:25:20,898 --> 00:25:23,520 Ms. Stupaine, what's with all the base on your eye ? 405 00:25:23,531 --> 00:25:24,930 Base ? But... 406 00:25:24,939 --> 00:25:30,216 Yeah, you're concealing a black eye with base makeup. I see it on abused women cases all the time. 407 00:25:30,857 --> 00:25:31,725 Oh, it's... 408 00:25:31,739 --> 00:25:34,564 it's not abuse. It's a donkey punch. 409 00:25:34,578 --> 00:25:36,857 Jennifer likes it in the face, not the ribs. 410 00:25:36,871 --> 00:25:40,553 No, no, no. I know what that is. I- I... I don't think so. 411 00:25:40,638 --> 00:25:44,197 I mean, the bruising's distinct. It's almost square. 412 00:25:44,212 --> 00:25:47,451 Oh, and not to mention the bruising on your collarbone. 413 00:25:48,184 --> 00:25:51,345 I'm gonna need you to step into the back room. I need to photograph you. 414 00:25:51,363 --> 00:25:52,444 For what ? 415 00:25:52,901 --> 00:25:54,517 Vehicular bruising. 416 00:26:03,255 --> 00:26:05,488 Did you get that from a donkey punch, too ? 417 00:26:06,799 --> 00:26:10,599 The bruising goes from right to left, so that means you were on the passenger side. 418 00:26:10,912 --> 00:26:12,251 Who was driving ? 419 00:26:17,851 --> 00:26:19,713 Well, you weren't the driver. 420 00:26:22,564 --> 00:26:25,045 It's time to visit Paddy Dolan's house. 421 00:26:25,077 --> 00:26:25,992 You have an address ? 422 00:26:26,009 --> 00:26:27,310 Yes, I do. 423 00:26:30,549 --> 00:26:31,419 Taylor. 424 00:26:36,235 --> 00:26:37,264 Okay. 425 00:26:39,601 --> 00:26:43,413 Mike Prineman was fired from his job at the docks. 426 00:26:43,423 --> 00:26:45,623 Everybody down there saw me talking to him. 427 00:26:45,648 --> 00:26:47,322 There are other jobs. 428 00:26:47,594 --> 00:26:48,810 He's young, he'll be okay. 429 00:26:48,824 --> 00:26:50,405 I had Flack pull his file. 430 00:26:50,424 --> 00:26:53,805 Everything points to this kid being a stand-up guy, a family man. 431 00:26:54,348 --> 00:26:56,318 I got to make this right, Stella. 432 00:26:56,776 --> 00:26:57,926 You will. 433 00:27:08,788 --> 00:27:10,004 Well, well. 434 00:27:10,196 --> 00:27:11,541 The plot thickens. 435 00:27:12,151 --> 00:27:15,630 Welcome to Paddy Dolan's electronic superstore. 436 00:27:15,638 --> 00:27:17,210 I've been wanting a toaster. 437 00:27:17,215 --> 00:27:19,186 You came to the right place. 438 00:27:19,200 --> 00:27:23,703 Well, one box here, one box there, gets written off as a shipping loss. 439 00:27:23,718 --> 00:27:25,724 The money goes into somebody's pocket. 440 00:27:39,688 --> 00:27:41,178 Found the bank. 441 00:27:47,792 --> 00:27:49,604 Just under three grand. 442 00:27:49,717 --> 00:27:52,128 Maybe he had a falling-out with one of his partners in crime. 443 00:27:52,131 --> 00:27:55,104 I always thought there was honor amongst thieves. 444 00:28:10,717 --> 00:28:12,580 Missing brass knuckles. 445 00:28:18,173 --> 00:28:20,315 Paddy Dolan did kill Jimmy Prineman. 446 00:28:20,326 --> 00:28:22,001 It would seem so. 447 00:28:30,320 --> 00:28:31,536 What do you see ? 448 00:28:31,910 --> 00:28:33,145 A lot of blood. 449 00:28:36,503 --> 00:28:38,739 And our next port of call. 450 00:28:52,681 --> 00:28:54,505 You guys seen your buddy Mike ? 451 00:28:55,095 --> 00:28:56,275 Nah, man. 452 00:28:56,285 --> 00:28:57,888 Not since you got him fired. 453 00:29:01,528 --> 00:29:02,746 Let's go, man. 454 00:29:03,296 --> 00:29:04,714 Excuse me, lady. 455 00:29:10,475 --> 00:29:11,380 Excuse me. 456 00:29:12,343 --> 00:29:13,782 These guys... 457 00:29:15,016 --> 00:29:17,022 look familiar to you ? 458 00:29:28,152 --> 00:29:28,967 Yeah. 459 00:29:30,286 --> 00:29:31,615 Sure. Yeah, 460 00:29:31,627 --> 00:29:35,484 they were in the other night with those two guys that just went out the door. 461 00:29:35,612 --> 00:29:37,862 Uh, it was quite the difference of opinion. 462 00:29:37,875 --> 00:29:40,451 25% of everything you make in the first six months. 463 00:29:40,465 --> 00:29:42,397 You want me to pay you so I can work ? 464 00:29:42,412 --> 00:29:43,624 It ain't gonna happen. 465 00:29:43,870 --> 00:29:46,093 You hear me ? It ain't gonna happen. 466 00:29:47,603 --> 00:29:50,363 Hey, hey, hey ! Take it outside. 467 00:29:50,373 --> 00:29:51,677 Did Dolan come back in ? 468 00:29:51,692 --> 00:29:57,070 I don't... I don't remember. But, the other guy, he, uh, he followed Dolan out. 469 00:30:00,395 --> 00:30:01,463 This the guy ? 470 00:30:03,037 --> 00:30:03,757 No. 471 00:30:03,929 --> 00:30:06,062 No, it wasn't him. It was, uh... 472 00:30:06,641 --> 00:30:07,738 it was him. 473 00:30:09,282 --> 00:30:11,619 The bartender told us you followed Paddy Dolan out. 474 00:30:11,634 --> 00:30:13,907 Yeah, I went to make sure Jimmy was okay. 475 00:30:13,919 --> 00:30:16,012 I went outside, but I didn't see anything, 476 00:30:16,023 --> 00:30:18,816 and I went looking for him, and I never saw him again. 477 00:30:21,114 --> 00:30:24,510 We're gonna have to hold you here, see if your story checks outs, Mike. 478 00:30:25,495 --> 00:30:27,097 What about my kids ? 479 00:30:28,077 --> 00:30:31,829 It says "Robo-Spanker. " You believe people actually make this kind of stuff ? 480 00:30:31,840 --> 00:30:34,313 Apparently so. Garage Joe does. 481 00:30:39,006 --> 00:30:41,402 That's got to hurt, no ? 482 00:30:42,382 --> 00:30:44,237 - Who wants to try it ? - No ! 483 00:30:44,250 --> 00:30:45,639 Try it. 484 00:30:45,649 --> 00:30:48,064 That's sexual harassment, Danny. 485 00:30:48,754 --> 00:30:51,697 What's this ? What's this thing ? The Guillotine ? 486 00:30:54,900 --> 00:30:58,347 Your head in here, your hands... 487 00:30:59,870 --> 00:31:02,482 It's a wrap. You're done. 488 00:31:02,493 --> 00:31:04,112 This is crazy. 489 00:31:07,454 --> 00:31:09,913 Actually, it looks like somebody's still in there. 490 00:31:18,791 --> 00:31:21,418 Get that to Jane Parsons in DNA. 491 00:31:21,693 --> 00:31:22,710 Now ! 492 00:31:29,317 --> 00:31:30,729 It's affirmative. 493 00:31:30,847 --> 00:31:33,979 The hair from The Guillotine belongs to a Joe Strahil. 494 00:31:33,994 --> 00:31:36,763 Warrants outstanding. That good enough for you, Vicaro ? 495 00:31:36,776 --> 00:31:38,652 Yeah, that's good enough for me. 496 00:31:38,661 --> 00:31:39,931 Here we go. 497 00:31:40,598 --> 00:31:43,310 On my lead, boys. Be on three. 498 00:31:43,368 --> 00:31:45,329 One, two... 499 00:31:48,074 --> 00:31:49,343 NYPD ! 500 00:31:49,843 --> 00:31:52,144 Put your hands in the air now. 501 00:31:52,155 --> 00:31:54,992 Hey ! NYPD ! 502 00:31:55,004 --> 00:31:59,644 Stop what you're doing, put your hands in the air now. 503 00:32:01,976 --> 00:32:03,494 Don't be stupid. 504 00:32:12,138 --> 00:32:12,737 Easy ! 505 00:32:13,646 --> 00:32:14,511 Relax ! 506 00:32:18,162 --> 00:32:23,017 Joe Strahil, I got to tell you, I'm not at peace with this taste. 507 00:32:23,027 --> 00:32:25,217 Neither am I. Come on, let's get him up. 508 00:32:30,219 --> 00:32:35,065 Where were you the night Debbie Bogda became a hood ornament on one of your fetish contraptions ? 509 00:32:35,492 --> 00:32:37,023 I was tied up. 510 00:32:37,499 --> 00:32:38,819 At the auto shop. 511 00:32:38,827 --> 00:32:39,893 Yeah, well, 512 00:32:40,913 --> 00:32:42,538 Debbie Bogda's dead. 513 00:32:43,693 --> 00:32:44,584 She died ? 514 00:32:44,597 --> 00:32:46,950 Yeah, she died, is that a big shock to you ? 515 00:32:46,961 --> 00:32:48,613 Yes. It is. 516 00:32:48,896 --> 00:32:55,681 I made the Screamer Hitch as an optimum mode of speed and fear for those who fetish such. 517 00:32:55,703 --> 00:32:57,210 Debbie was up for it. 518 00:32:57,224 --> 00:32:58,523 So I sold her the art. 519 00:32:58,536 --> 00:33:00,659 Then you tied her up and you took her for a ride. 520 00:33:00,713 --> 00:33:01,915 No, sir. 521 00:33:02,115 --> 00:33:03,394 I only sell. 522 00:33:03,594 --> 00:33:05,365 You use at your own risk. 523 00:33:05,689 --> 00:33:07,091 Do me a favor, stand up. 524 00:33:07,152 --> 00:33:09,293 We want to check you for seat-belt bruising. 525 00:33:17,422 --> 00:33:18,793 No bruises. 526 00:33:24,891 --> 00:33:27,342 Hey, Jane. I'm sorry, looks like I'm catching you on your way out. 527 00:33:27,373 --> 00:33:28,867 That's all right. What can I do for you ? 528 00:33:28,929 --> 00:33:31,748 Your office called about the results on our Cutter's Hook DOA ? 529 00:33:31,828 --> 00:33:33,893 Oh, yes, the brass knuckles. 530 00:33:36,265 --> 00:33:39,715 Here. There were two samples on the brass knuckles. 531 00:33:39,880 --> 00:33:44,548 Blood from the victim, and epithelials from the assailant, which don't match Paddy Dolan. 532 00:33:45,447 --> 00:33:46,972 They do come from a male donor, 533 00:33:47,033 --> 00:33:48,296 but I guess that's no surprise. 534 00:33:48,343 --> 00:33:51,578 Brass knuckles aren't exactly a woman's choice of weapons. 535 00:33:52,415 --> 00:33:54,972 So Paddy Dolan did not kill Jimmy Prineman. 536 00:33:55,188 --> 00:33:56,666 Not according to the DNA. 537 00:33:56,790 --> 00:33:58,808 - You get any other hits at all ? - No. 538 00:33:58,968 --> 00:34:01,325 - Sorry not to be more help. - That's all right. 539 00:34:01,448 --> 00:34:05,022 Some days are like that. I have to start all over again at the computer. 540 00:34:09,774 --> 00:34:12,777 - Did you figure it out yet ? - Figure out what, the button ? 541 00:34:14,210 --> 00:34:15,997 Started the car. Got that far. 542 00:34:16,058 --> 00:34:18,861 Every time I press the button, the dome light goes red. 543 00:34:19,493 --> 00:34:21,911 It's obviously for the person hanging upside down. 544 00:34:25,737 --> 00:34:27,308 Maybe it's a signal. 545 00:34:28,163 --> 00:34:31,505 I mean, how else do you communicate upside down at that speed ? 546 00:34:31,807 --> 00:34:33,039 Make sense. 547 00:34:34,595 --> 00:34:35,997 How do you say "stop" ? 548 00:34:36,588 --> 00:34:38,790 Mad Chad, what's our progress on our glass ? 549 00:34:38,929 --> 00:34:41,448 Uh, it's a Cady Zugo lens. 550 00:34:41,479 --> 00:34:44,737 They make after-market optics. High-end. 551 00:34:44,991 --> 00:34:47,748 For movie cameras from Fujihama. 552 00:34:49,678 --> 00:34:52,528 Sorry I couldn't be... more specific. 553 00:34:52,652 --> 00:34:55,286 No, no, no, this is about as specific as it gets. 554 00:34:55,440 --> 00:34:58,182 I think I know how she got that square bruise on her eye. 555 00:34:58,308 --> 00:34:59,556 Thanks, Chad. 556 00:35:05,531 --> 00:35:09,705 How you doing, Mr. and Mrs. Stupaine ? We got a warrant to search your residence. 557 00:35:20,666 --> 00:35:22,977 You look for the camera, I'll look for the film. 558 00:35:40,560 --> 00:35:41,746 Uh-oh. 559 00:35:42,116 --> 00:35:43,348 Aiden... 560 00:35:45,551 --> 00:35:46,829 Sex, lies, and... 561 00:35:47,091 --> 00:35:48,319 Super-8. 562 00:35:52,402 --> 00:35:53,989 Mrs. Stupaine... 563 00:35:55,853 --> 00:35:59,227 who were you being filmed by while you're strapping up Debbie Bogda ? 564 00:36:00,000 --> 00:36:02,374 You're never going to get that out of me. 565 00:36:02,895 --> 00:36:05,433 Trust is not negotiable in my world. 566 00:36:07,120 --> 00:36:08,968 My function that night was simple. 567 00:36:09,870 --> 00:36:12,778 Make sure Debbie Bogda had a safe experience. 568 00:36:12,779 --> 00:36:16,284 Yeah, well, you did a lousy job cause we got it all on film. 569 00:36:16,580 --> 00:36:19,091 The danger wasn't outside the car, it was inside. 570 00:36:21,380 --> 00:36:25,197 You strapped her into the Screamer Hitch and you took her out for a drive. 571 00:36:25,500 --> 00:36:28,741 But everyone got carried away, specially the driver, am I right ? 572 00:36:33,790 --> 00:36:35,953 When she hit the panic button, you ignored her. 573 00:36:36,055 --> 00:36:38,607 All right, she's hitting the safe button. Slow down. 574 00:36:38,998 --> 00:36:41,702 Nine years of marriage and this is what gets you off ?! 575 00:36:41,703 --> 00:36:44,063 You want speed, sweetheart ?! You got it ! 576 00:36:46,457 --> 00:36:49,952 Damn it, Ron, you can't violate her trust ! Slow down ! 577 00:36:50,392 --> 00:36:54,670 But power over someone in a submissive position can be quite a turn-on for a guy like you, huh, Ron ? 578 00:36:54,828 --> 00:36:56,032 Ron that's your wife ! 579 00:36:56,033 --> 00:36:57,195 - Back off ! - Ow ! 580 00:36:58,197 --> 00:36:58,873 Ow ! 581 00:37:00,022 --> 00:37:01,844 That's when everyone lost control. 582 00:37:03,803 --> 00:37:05,540 Ron, what are you doing ? Stop ! 583 00:37:05,541 --> 00:37:06,557 Ron, stop ! 584 00:37:13,490 --> 00:37:17,217 We don't have the rest on film, but we suspect we know what happened next. 585 00:37:17,251 --> 00:37:20,517 You took her off the Screamer Hitch, you stripped her down 586 00:37:20,893 --> 00:37:22,530 and you left her for dead. 587 00:37:22,780 --> 00:37:25,863 Upon impact, Jennifer's passenger-side airbag deployed. 588 00:37:25,864 --> 00:37:28,728 But you didn't have your seat belt on, did you, Mr. Bogda ? 589 00:37:30,910 --> 00:37:32,567 Got two little kids at home. 590 00:37:33,341 --> 00:37:36,425 Two little kids now with no mother or no father, for what ? 591 00:37:36,553 --> 00:37:38,266 For what ? For some kicks ? 592 00:37:38,600 --> 00:37:40,800 Mr. Bogda, you got anything to say for yourself ? 593 00:37:40,801 --> 00:37:42,936 Or you just gonna sit there like a piece of furniture ? 594 00:37:42,937 --> 00:37:45,946 You know what ? Sometimes play life's got real life consequences. 595 00:37:45,947 --> 00:37:49,046 And now we're going to put the two of you in a submissive position. 596 00:38:01,850 --> 00:38:03,137 - You hungry ? - Yeah. 597 00:38:03,238 --> 00:38:04,573 - Get a bite to eat ? - Yeah. 598 00:38:04,650 --> 00:38:05,483 I'll drive. 599 00:38:05,484 --> 00:38:06,691 Put you on the hood. 600 00:38:07,466 --> 00:38:08,828 Put you on the hood. 601 00:38:14,866 --> 00:38:15,973 Got something ? 602 00:38:16,340 --> 00:38:18,922 There are GPS transmitters on every container. 603 00:38:18,978 --> 00:38:20,797 This is the one we found Jimmy Prineman in. 604 00:38:20,798 --> 00:38:22,870 It was supposed to stay in storage for an extra three weeks. 605 00:38:22,871 --> 00:38:26,918 But we found it here in the area assigned for immediate shipment to Hong Kong. 606 00:38:26,955 --> 00:38:29,575 Someone wanted this container out of here quickly. 607 00:38:29,800 --> 00:38:33,703 It could only have been moved by someone with the authority and the training. 608 00:38:34,260 --> 00:38:36,210 - One of the bosses. - Mm-hmm. 609 00:38:44,100 --> 00:38:47,633 The container holding Jimmy Prineman was meant to go there. 610 00:38:48,788 --> 00:38:50,121 But it ended up... 611 00:38:50,700 --> 00:38:52,044 ...over there on the pier. 612 00:38:52,111 --> 00:38:54,456 Could Paddy Dolan have operated that crane ? 613 00:38:54,870 --> 00:38:57,063 I guess it's a possibility, but I doubt it. 614 00:38:57,132 --> 00:38:59,430 Paddy didn't like to handle the equipment all that much. 615 00:38:59,431 --> 00:39:00,235 Well... 616 00:39:01,313 --> 00:39:02,263 Mac ! 617 00:39:14,647 --> 00:39:16,936 Hey ! You ! On the ground ! 618 00:39:41,588 --> 00:39:43,508 You want to be careful, Hannigan, 619 00:39:44,152 --> 00:39:46,684 using that equipment in my jurisdiction. 620 00:39:47,856 --> 00:39:49,849 Someone could get hurt. 621 00:39:53,340 --> 00:39:54,858 Mr. Hannigan, 622 00:39:55,851 --> 00:40:00,748 your DNA matched a sample we retrieved from the brass knuckles used to kill Jimmy Prineman. 623 00:40:01,716 --> 00:40:03,931 And Paddy Dolan's blood is on your knife. 624 00:40:03,932 --> 00:40:05,238 Dolan was a rat. 625 00:40:05,239 --> 00:40:06,853 Just got his is all. 626 00:40:07,108 --> 00:40:10,336 You were in the bar the same night that Jimmy Prineman was killed. 627 00:40:10,625 --> 00:40:13,843 Hey, calm down ! 628 00:40:13,864 --> 00:40:16,808 Paddy started cutting deals with the new guys. 629 00:40:17,019 --> 00:40:21,282 Time was, he'd come to me begging for a half a shift painting cables. All of sudden... 630 00:40:21,599 --> 00:40:23,698 he's Mr. Employment Broker. 631 00:40:24,682 --> 00:40:26,178 You want a job at the Hook, 632 00:40:26,179 --> 00:40:27,361 you come to me. 633 00:40:27,362 --> 00:40:28,490 Sit down ! 634 00:40:28,840 --> 00:40:29,841 It's fine. 635 00:40:34,044 --> 00:40:35,964 That's a reason to kill Jimmy ? 636 00:40:38,230 --> 00:40:41,596 I just wanted to teach the kid a lesson, tune him up a little. 637 00:40:41,976 --> 00:40:43,252 Didn't think I'd... 638 00:40:43,739 --> 00:40:45,120 Hey, homeboy ! 639 00:40:45,238 --> 00:40:46,482 You want a job ? 640 00:40:49,699 --> 00:40:52,209 And Paddy the Boy Scout offered to help you out. 641 00:40:52,210 --> 00:40:55,535 He was my partner. And that's what partners do. 642 00:40:55,536 --> 00:40:56,807 Helped you hide the body. 643 00:40:56,808 --> 00:40:59,805 - He's dead, Paddy, I killed him. - Give me the knuckles and your shirt. 644 00:40:59,806 --> 00:41:01,629 What are we going to do, Paddy ? 645 00:41:01,630 --> 00:41:04,606 Meet me with the body at Pier Eight in 20 minutes. 646 00:41:11,150 --> 00:41:18,049 Yeah, then the son of a bitch turns around and tells me if I don't pay up, he's going to the cops. 647 00:41:18,924 --> 00:41:21,867 I gave him three grand, he wanted more. 648 00:41:22,835 --> 00:41:25,557 The container was just to make it look like an accident. 649 00:41:28,784 --> 00:41:31,178 Hey, Leon Spinks, you got my cash ? 650 00:41:34,073 --> 00:41:36,425 He was still alive when that container crushed him. 651 00:41:39,581 --> 00:41:41,353 Yeah, well, not for long. 652 00:41:44,007 --> 00:41:45,303 We're done here. 653 00:41:58,972 --> 00:42:02,940 You really made me jump today. Glad you were paying attention. 654 00:42:04,084 --> 00:42:06,721 Didn't want you to end up like Paddy Dolan. 655 00:42:07,357 --> 00:42:08,791 Anyway, thanks. 656 00:42:13,105 --> 00:42:14,549 That's what partners do. 657 00:42:21,607 --> 00:42:22,872 Hey, wait up ! 658 00:42:23,212 --> 00:42:24,371 Hey, Mike. 659 00:42:24,603 --> 00:42:26,639 Good to see you got your job back man.