1 00:00:29,446 --> 00:00:32,448 1x05 : Basketball by belkiss, unfold & Occeane 2 00:00:36,025 --> 00:00:37,601 Hey you're ready ? 3 00:00:39,705 --> 00:00:41,887 All right, all right, secret sign. 4 00:00:41,925 --> 00:00:45,100 Hey, Ryan ? very good, 5 00:00:45,175 --> 00:00:46,949 excellent, excellent. 6 00:00:47,475 --> 00:00:48,148 Michael ! 7 00:00:57,125 --> 00:01:01,454 Today at lunchtime we’re going to be playing the warehouse staff in a 8 00:01:01,505 --> 00:01:03,609 friendly little game of basketball. 9 00:01:03,625 --> 00:01:07,572 My idea. The last time I was down there I noticed they put up a couple of hoops. 10 00:01:07,796 --> 00:01:10,820 And I play basketball every week-end, 11 00:01:10,933 --> 00:01:14,676 so I thought "This might be kind of fun". And so I started messing around, 12 00:01:14,909 --> 00:01:19,360 and, I'm sinking a few, you know swish swish swish, 13 00:01:19,496 --> 00:01:24,636 nothing but net ! And their jaws just drop to the floor. 14 00:01:24,839 --> 00:01:26,910 African Americans ! 15 00:01:28,516 --> 00:01:31,382 You know it's really just a good friendly game, 16 00:01:31,425 --> 00:01:33,652 a reason for everybody to get together. 17 00:01:33,925 --> 00:01:36,922 Pam Pam thank you Ma'am. Messages please there you go. 18 00:01:36,936 --> 00:01:38,480 Michael can I talk to you for a second please ? 19 00:01:38,516 --> 00:01:40,550 Privately, in your office ? 20 00:01:42,435 --> 00:01:45,040 - I think I should be on the team. - No. 21 00:01:45,657 --> 00:01:47,361 And that's not me being mean Dwight, 22 00:01:47,517 --> 00:01:50,112 - that is based on your past behavior. - Oh please. 23 00:01:50,126 --> 00:01:53,310 - When I let him come to my pick up game... - I apologized for that. 24 00:01:53,318 --> 00:01:57,672 I vouched for you, I vouched for you in front of Todd Packer, Dwight. 25 00:02:05,865 --> 00:02:10,581 Here's what I’m going to do. The hand strikes and gives a flower. 26 00:02:10,778 --> 00:02:13,161 You are not going to play basketball, 27 00:02:13,205 --> 00:02:16,313 but I need somebody to come in, 28 00:02:16,387 --> 00:02:19,603 and take over the holiday and weekend work calendar. 29 00:02:19,658 --> 00:02:21,421 - I can handle that. - Good. 30 00:02:21,595 --> 00:02:23,771 - Excellent, it'll be fun, - Yeah. 31 00:02:23,846 --> 00:02:27,603 because corporate wants somebody to be here on Saturday, 32 00:02:27,698 --> 00:02:30,221 so we're going to have to have a couple of people coming in on the weekends, 33 00:02:30,268 --> 00:02:34,841 and I know nobody's going to want to do it, everybody’s going to complain and bitch and, 34 00:02:34,876 --> 00:02:36,182 I don't want to have to deal with that. 35 00:02:36,188 --> 00:02:38,060 That's why you have an assistant regional manager. 36 00:02:38,087 --> 00:02:39,981 Yes it is. 37 00:02:40,008 --> 00:02:42,452 - Assistant to the regional manager. - Same thing. 38 00:02:42,478 --> 00:02:45,670 - No it's not. It's lower so. - It's close. 39 00:02:48,905 --> 00:02:53,911 So we need someone to work this Saturday, and I think that that should be... 40 00:02:55,156 --> 00:02:56,040 Jim. 41 00:02:56,318 --> 00:02:59,282 God this is so sad, this is the smallest amount of power 42 00:02:59,288 --> 00:03:02,183 I've ever seen go to someone's head. 43 00:03:02,437 --> 00:03:05,913 - Phyllis, can you believe this ? - Keep me out of it. 44 00:03:07,056 --> 00:03:09,262 My fiancé has plans for us this Saturday 45 00:03:09,287 --> 00:03:12,440 so I really hope Dwight doesn't make me work. 46 00:03:12,568 --> 00:03:14,463 Maybe I should sleep with him. 47 00:03:15,265 --> 00:03:19,073 I'm kidding. Kidding. Totally kidding. 48 00:03:19,246 --> 00:03:24,173 All right, managing by walking around ! 49 00:03:24,497 --> 00:03:30,723 This is our warehouse, or as I like to call it, the whorehouse. 50 00:03:30,968 --> 00:03:31,832 But don't you call it that, 51 00:03:31,847 --> 00:03:34,310 - I've earned the right. - Fine, don't worry about that. 52 00:03:34,487 --> 00:03:38,763 And here we have "Miter’ Roger’s neighborhood". 53 00:03:38,775 --> 00:03:40,263 Come on over here, hey, 54 00:03:40,516 --> 00:03:43,900 - This is Ryan he's temping upstairs. - What's up ? 55 00:03:43,997 --> 00:03:47,132 - And this is the foreman, "Miter’ Rogers". - It's not my real name. 56 00:03:47,187 --> 00:03:50,843 No, it's Darryl, Darryl is "Miter’ Rogers". 57 00:03:51,096 --> 00:03:53,063 - Darryl Rogers. - Darryl Filben, 58 00:03:53,115 --> 00:03:58,703 then Bridges, then Rige, then Roger, then Miter’ Rogers. 59 00:04:00,196 --> 00:04:03,380 That is Lonny and this is Roy, Roy dates Pam, 60 00:04:03,458 --> 00:04:05,791 - you know the best looking one upstairs. - Yeah yeah. 61 00:04:05,838 --> 00:04:08,200 You're still getting it regular man ? 62 00:04:08,257 --> 00:04:11,003 I mean I can tell her it's part of the job. 63 00:04:13,477 --> 00:04:14,412 Repel her. 64 00:04:14,506 --> 00:04:16,853 No no I know that the warrantee is expired, 65 00:04:16,866 --> 00:04:21,301 but isn't it supposed to last longer than two years, if it isn't effective ? 66 00:04:22,126 --> 00:04:23,733 Ok fine three years. 67 00:04:23,898 --> 00:04:26,722 Pam gets a little down. Her toaster having broke, 68 00:04:27,676 --> 00:04:30,390 which she got at her engagement shower, 69 00:04:32,076 --> 00:04:36,450 for a wedding that still has yet to be set. 70 00:04:37,245 --> 00:04:39,413 And that was three years ago. 71 00:04:40,468 --> 00:04:43,560 So, one o clock sharp, and we've got a game on. 72 00:04:43,648 --> 00:04:44,610 Well none at one ! 73 00:04:44,668 --> 00:04:47,791 Oh I see, you're chickening out, you're bailing on me. 74 00:04:47,907 --> 00:04:51,563 No we got a truck going out at one fifteen so, that's a busy time. 75 00:04:51,665 --> 00:04:55,803 Well, I'm glad that sometime is a busy time because whenever I'm down here, 76 00:04:55,885 --> 00:04:58,662 It doesn't seem too busy to me. 77 00:05:06,017 --> 00:05:08,163 You can dish it out but you can't take it. 78 00:05:08,205 --> 00:05:10,720 Ok, fine, have it your way. 79 00:05:18,288 --> 00:05:20,050 All right fine, you know what ? 80 00:05:20,106 --> 00:05:24,213 - One o clock. - All right, see you at one. 81 00:05:29,036 --> 00:05:32,072 Are we ready for the game ? 82 00:05:34,306 --> 00:05:35,493 I know, grumble grumble, 83 00:05:35,506 --> 00:05:38,770 but you would follow me to the ends of the earth grumbling all the way. 84 00:05:38,877 --> 00:05:42,351 Like that dwarf, from "Lord of the Rings". 85 00:05:42,408 --> 00:05:44,230 - Gimli. - Nerd. 86 00:05:44,245 --> 00:05:47,433 - That is why you're not on the team. - Just trying to be helpful. 87 00:05:47,498 --> 00:05:50,901 Oh ul, I'll ul. Dragon Slayer. Ten point power sword. 88 00:05:51,228 --> 00:05:52,440 That's him. 89 00:05:52,738 --> 00:05:55,862 Ok, so let's put together the starting lineup shall we ? 90 00:05:55,966 --> 00:05:59,091 - Stanley, of course. - I'm sorry ? 91 00:05:59,128 --> 00:06:01,960 - What do you play, center ? - Why of course ? 92 00:06:02,245 --> 00:06:04,071 What's that supposed to mean ? 93 00:06:04,575 --> 00:06:07,492 I don't know, I don't remember saying that. 94 00:06:08,125 --> 00:06:11,353 - I heard it. - People hear a lot of things, man. 95 00:06:13,617 --> 00:06:17,003 Other starters... me of course. I heard it that time. 96 00:06:17,065 --> 00:06:21,771 I'd like to play, if it's just for fun. I played basketball in school. 97 00:06:22,018 --> 00:06:24,521 Uh, yeah, who else ? 98 00:06:24,538 --> 00:06:29,332 We have Jim, we have Ryan, the new guy, right untested, 99 00:06:29,535 --> 00:06:32,900 willing to prove himself right now, lot of passion, lot of heart... 100 00:06:32,905 --> 00:06:35,923 But I'm getting paid to skip lunch right ? 101 00:06:34,908 --> 00:06:35,873 Yes. 102 00:06:37,226 --> 00:06:42,611 Yes, this is business. The business of team building and moral boosting. 103 00:06:42,768 --> 00:06:46,610 - Uh, who else ? - I can help out if you need me. 104 00:06:46,655 --> 00:06:51,003 I will use your talents come baseball season my friend, or if we box. 105 00:06:51,147 --> 00:06:53,771 - I have a hoop in my drive way. - No. 106 00:06:53,867 --> 00:06:56,483 I have sport's bra. No, no ! Ridiculous. 107 00:06:56,595 --> 00:06:58,210 Michael look ! 108 00:07:03,535 --> 00:07:09,243 Close all right. Me, Stan the man, Jim, Ryan and Dwight. Sorry fellows. 109 00:07:09,307 --> 00:07:11,190 - Can I be team captain ? - No I'm team captain. 110 00:07:11,258 --> 00:07:13,072 - Can I be team manager ? - No I am the team manager, 111 00:07:13,075 --> 00:07:15,720 - you can be assistant to the team manager. - Assistant team manager ? 112 00:07:15,207 --> 00:07:15,721 No. 113 00:07:15,955 --> 00:07:18,451 Ok we'll see who is working this weekend then. 114 00:07:18,766 --> 00:07:20,580 Jim, you're in charge of the vacation's schedule now. 115 00:07:20,675 --> 00:07:22,153 Oh my god... 116 00:07:22,345 --> 00:07:24,752 Threat neutralized. 117 00:07:42,818 --> 00:07:44,412 Off the backboard ! 118 00:07:45,456 --> 00:07:48,613 - Please don't throw a garbage at me. - Oh Pam with this anger. 119 00:07:48,757 --> 00:07:53,460 Hey Pam, how would you like to be our cheerleader today ? 120 00:07:53,506 --> 00:07:55,790 You know, some pink tails, 121 00:07:55,975 --> 00:07:58,571 little halter top you can tie that up, 122 00:07:58,898 --> 00:08:02,802 and you know something a little... just useful for a change, just this once. 123 00:08:02,827 --> 00:08:04,372 I don't think so Michael. 124 00:08:04,488 --> 00:08:06,812 Besides I can't cheer against my fiancé. 125 00:08:06,978 --> 00:08:07,822 I'll do it. 126 00:08:08,418 --> 00:08:10,722 Wear a little fancy skirt if you want. 127 00:08:11,056 --> 00:08:14,760 Yeah I bet you would, just try not to be too gay on the court. 128 00:08:15,405 --> 00:08:19,432 And by gay I mean, you know, not in a homosexual way at all, 129 00:08:19,518 --> 00:08:22,080 I mean, you know, like the bad at sports way. 130 00:08:22,116 --> 00:08:23,901 I think that goes without saying. 131 00:08:24,147 --> 00:08:26,320 - Maybe Angela would cheerlead ? - Yeah right. 132 00:08:26,336 --> 00:08:29,872 - I'll do it. - That's worse than you playing. 133 00:08:32,225 --> 00:08:36,151 Cause you know what ? We need you as an alternate in case somebody gets hurt. 134 00:08:36,236 --> 00:08:38,353 That's where we need you. 135 00:08:38,485 --> 00:08:41,241 Bless would be those who sit and wait. 136 00:08:43,055 --> 00:08:46,623 You made it ! Suit up you're on the team ! 137 00:08:48,545 --> 00:08:52,580 All right. Cool ! Very good. 138 00:08:53,815 --> 00:08:57,552 A spy from the warehouse, trying to figure out our players eh man ? 139 00:08:57,607 --> 00:08:59,821 Just getting a tea-bag. 140 00:08:59,835 --> 00:09:03,791 He's running, but he can't hide, because you know what ? 141 00:09:03,835 --> 00:09:06,030 one o clock you'd better bring your A game, 142 00:09:06,056 --> 00:09:10,283 because me and my posse guys, we're going to be in your face. 143 00:09:10,366 --> 00:09:11,560 Right in your face. 144 00:09:11,713 --> 00:09:15,866 Why don't we make it more interesting ? Loser buys dinner at Farley's. 145 00:09:16,949 --> 00:09:20,460 I like the way you think. You know what I'll take that one step further : 146 00:09:20,496 --> 00:09:24,016 Loser works on Saturday. 147 00:09:25,339 --> 00:09:28,150 No, that's not of much fun. 148 00:09:32,175 --> 00:09:33,501 - You know what ? - Oh what ? 149 00:09:33,506 --> 00:09:35,420 - You're on. - Ok. 150 00:09:35,568 --> 00:09:38,810 Cool. You're on. 151 00:09:39,625 --> 00:09:43,082 Don't screw this up ! 152 00:09:50,578 --> 00:09:54,253 Classic beginners mistaken, eating before game. 153 00:10:10,158 --> 00:10:12,672 Has anyone seen the first aid kit ? 154 00:10:14,607 --> 00:10:18,810 How many times have I told you ? I'm the safety officer, not you. 155 00:10:37,025 --> 00:10:39,751 Basketball, was kind of my thing, in high school, 156 00:10:39,836 --> 00:10:42,680 and yeah, I'm looking forward to play. 157 00:10:43,068 --> 00:10:45,432 You know I think I'm going to impress a few people in here. 158 00:10:46,215 --> 00:10:49,081 - You're coming down ? - Yeah I'm just forwarding the phones. 159 00:10:49,458 --> 00:10:51,491 - Will you wish me luck ? - Yeah you're going to need it. 160 00:10:51,505 --> 00:10:55,142 Wow ! Is that trash talk from Pam ? 161 00:10:55,186 --> 00:10:57,570 I'm just saying Roy is very competitive, 162 00:10:57,577 --> 00:11:01,452 and he wants to take the wave runners to the lake this Saturday, so... 163 00:11:01,996 --> 00:11:05,362 Well I'm going to the outlet mall on Saturday, so 164 00:11:05,455 --> 00:11:10,072 if you want to save big on brand names, and Roy has to work, which he will, 165 00:11:10,257 --> 00:11:14,741 because I'm also competitive, you should feel free to come along. 166 00:11:15,275 --> 00:11:19,241 I think I'm going to be up at the lake. 167 00:11:19,985 --> 00:11:23,823 I think I'll see you at the mall... yeah. 168 00:11:29,838 --> 00:11:33,300 There he is. Secret weapon ! 169 00:11:39,895 --> 00:11:43,662 All right guys, come on ! Let's bring it in. Here we go. 170 00:11:45,255 --> 00:11:50,201 OK. Listen, this is just going to be a friendly game, right ? 171 00:11:50,247 --> 00:11:54,862 We're all on the same team here, the Dundler Mifflin team. 172 00:11:55,255 --> 00:11:58,291 Of course if you beat us, you're fired. 173 00:11:58,798 --> 00:12:00,400 That's a joke ! 174 00:12:03,007 --> 00:12:05,301 Ok. Let's do it ! 175 00:12:05,958 --> 00:12:08,920 - Have a good game man ! - Yeah, you too, should be fun. 176 00:12:08,948 --> 00:12:12,772 All right everybody stretch out a little bit. Stretch, stretch it, full stretch. 177 00:12:12,875 --> 00:12:15,952 - Ryan you want to stretch ? - I stretched before I came. 178 00:12:17,998 --> 00:12:20,970 Ok Ryan you have Darryl. I have Roy. 179 00:12:21,235 --> 00:12:22,821 Really ? I thought I'd take Roy. 180 00:12:22,836 --> 00:12:25,940 No actually, I think Roy is their best player, not lying. 181 00:12:25,997 --> 00:12:29,611 So Dwight you have the east German girl. 182 00:12:40,157 --> 00:12:42,411 - Ok we'll be skins ! - No. 183 00:12:42,485 --> 00:12:43,802 Come on Dwight. 184 00:12:43,886 --> 00:12:47,040 - What ? Shirts on or off ? - On ! Put it on ! 185 00:12:47,155 --> 00:12:48,142 - You're sure ? - Yes. 186 00:12:48,446 --> 00:12:50,792 Pam, you kind of have your foots on both camps here, 187 00:12:50,805 --> 00:12:52,770 why don't you do the jump ball ? 188 00:12:52,856 --> 00:12:54,580 Don't listen to him Pam, trust me. 189 00:12:54,656 --> 00:12:57,640 Tip it my way or you'll sleep in the car ! 190 00:12:59,616 --> 00:13:00,863 Stanley ! 191 00:13:03,235 --> 00:13:06,330 What ? You got to be kidding me ! 192 00:13:09,118 --> 00:13:12,980 Here we go, who's at him who's at him ? Somebody get him ! 193 00:13:18,787 --> 00:13:22,082 Over here ! Three ! 194 00:13:22,577 --> 00:13:24,342 Let's go to zone, let's go on a zone ! 195 00:13:24,358 --> 00:13:25,512 Defense ! 196 00:13:25,568 --> 00:13:26,550 Defense ! 197 00:13:26,875 --> 00:13:27,800 Defense ! 198 00:13:28,145 --> 00:13:29,343 Defense ! 199 00:13:31,957 --> 00:13:33,520 Who's got Roy ? 200 00:13:44,985 --> 00:13:50,371 Oh come on, what is wrong with me today ? Usually hit those. 201 00:13:56,905 --> 00:14:00,593 Dwight I was open. All right, let's go. 202 00:14:05,978 --> 00:14:09,381 Aw ! Ok, foul, charging, 203 00:14:10,406 --> 00:14:13,732 That's foul. Ok I'll take it. 204 00:14:35,675 --> 00:14:38,143 When I'm playing hoops, 205 00:14:38,307 --> 00:14:42,022 all of the stress and responsibility of my job here just melts away. 206 00:14:42,656 --> 00:14:45,190 It's gone, in the zone. 207 00:14:43,505 --> 00:14:46,182 Three ! What's with me today ?- 208 00:14:46,208 --> 00:14:48,373 Who am I ? Am I Michael Scott ? 209 00:14:48,535 --> 00:14:52,533 I don't know. I might just be a basketball machine. 210 00:14:53,025 --> 00:14:55,192 What's Dundler Mifflin ? I've never heard of it. 211 00:14:55,275 --> 00:14:59,383 Filing, paper works, who cares ? Possible downsizing ? 212 00:15:01,478 --> 00:15:03,700 That's probably going to happen actually. 213 00:15:03,867 --> 00:15:09,090 Jim right here, give me the ball, Ryan cut ! 214 00:15:09,896 --> 00:15:10,793 My bad. 215 00:15:18,035 --> 00:15:18,581 Where you're at. 216 00:15:18,606 --> 00:15:20,363 Where you're at. 217 00:15:23,766 --> 00:15:26,453 Is that like the robot ? 218 00:15:28,437 --> 00:15:29,491 Nice ! 219 00:15:31,925 --> 00:15:34,333 Just do one, that's cool, that's fine. 220 00:15:34,396 --> 00:15:36,593 All right let's go. 221 00:15:39,195 --> 00:15:40,292 Back off ! 222 00:15:40,348 --> 00:15:42,730 Come on ! Hey Dwight ! 223 00:15:45,806 --> 00:15:49,353 Yeah, in your face ! 224 00:15:49,737 --> 00:15:50,503 Dwight ! 225 00:15:50,556 --> 00:15:53,761 Football, is like rock'n'roll, it's just... 226 00:15:54,096 --> 00:15:57,992 And basketball is like Jazz, you know you kind of... 227 00:16:00,237 --> 00:16:03,541 downbeat, it's in the pocket, it's like you... 228 00:16:23,765 --> 00:16:25,201 Time out ! 229 00:16:25,485 --> 00:16:29,523 Come on, sellers, over here. Bring it in ! Come on ! 230 00:16:29,685 --> 00:16:33,123 What's going on ? You guys are playing like a bunch of girls. 231 00:16:33,158 --> 00:16:35,281 - You know what ? Let me take Roy. - All right we'll switch, 232 00:16:35,295 --> 00:16:37,302 Take it up a notch. Come on ! 233 00:16:56,805 --> 00:16:59,131 Foul ! Naked aggression ! 234 00:16:59,367 --> 00:17:03,110 Oh that is, you're all right Jim ? Suck it up. 235 00:17:07,728 --> 00:17:12,603 Ouch ! How much does it hurt ? 236 00:17:25,868 --> 00:17:26,893 Yes ! 237 00:17:27,596 --> 00:17:28,760 What the hell man ? 238 00:17:28,786 --> 00:17:30,912 - Take it easy. - No you take it easy ! 239 00:17:41,926 --> 00:17:43,172 Same team Dwight. 240 00:17:43,635 --> 00:17:44,502 Yes ! 241 00:17:47,866 --> 00:17:49,221 Yeah ! 242 00:17:49,448 --> 00:17:50,140 Yeah ! 243 00:17:50,198 --> 00:17:51,370 Yeah ! 244 00:17:51,606 --> 00:17:54,060 In your face ! 245 00:17:54,878 --> 00:17:57,151 - Angela, what's the score ? - You're ahead. 246 00:17:57,377 --> 00:17:59,583 Yeah baby, here we go ! 247 00:18:00,345 --> 00:18:03,773 Jim, Jim right here ! Ouch ! Hold it ! 248 00:18:03,836 --> 00:18:06,552 I'm sorry. Are you all right ? 249 00:18:04,745 --> 00:18:05,203 Foul ! 250 00:18:05,946 --> 00:18:06,542 God ! 251 00:18:07,066 --> 00:18:08,192 - That hurts, - I'm sorry. 252 00:18:08,208 --> 00:18:10,952 - What's your problem man ? - I didn't mean to do this. 253 00:18:11,015 --> 00:18:13,013 Just clack at me for no reason ? 254 00:18:13,278 --> 00:18:15,872 - Take you shot man ! - NO no no ! 255 00:18:15,978 --> 00:18:18,022 That was a flagrant personal intentional foul. 256 00:18:18,048 --> 00:18:19,700 - No way it wasn't. - Yes it was. 257 00:18:19,707 --> 00:18:23,943 - I'm just being fair. - Oh really, I just moved my arm. 258 00:18:23,967 --> 00:18:27,443 Game over ! That is it. I'm sorry you know. 259 00:18:27,628 --> 00:18:30,652 I hate to do it this way, but you know that's just, 260 00:18:30,836 --> 00:18:33,333 we're having a friendly game, it's a shame ! 261 00:18:33,446 --> 00:18:34,930 This is a damn shame ! 262 00:18:34,997 --> 00:18:38,050 We're like a family here, and that's just, that won't fly. 263 00:18:38,058 --> 00:18:39,492 - This is a cold pack. - Give me that. 264 00:18:39,575 --> 00:18:42,121 You have to break into your bag. 265 00:18:42,928 --> 00:18:44,303 Thanks Dwight. 266 00:18:44,507 --> 00:18:47,731 What does that mean ? What is it, a tie ? What's going on ? 267 00:18:47,825 --> 00:18:51,213 - Let's just say, whoever was ahead won. - That was you... 268 00:18:51,835 --> 00:18:54,442 It was us really ? I didn't know. 269 00:18:55,315 --> 00:19:00,040 Great. Now you see who was work on Saturday, your face. 270 00:19:00,375 --> 00:19:03,851 - No, I'm not coming in on Saturday. - Yeah this isn't happening. 271 00:19:07,495 --> 00:19:11,131 Guys, you know, I'm the boss so... 272 00:19:11,326 --> 00:19:16,103 Yeah, so what's that, we're coming on Monday right ? 273 00:19:21,708 --> 00:19:23,250 Monday ? 274 00:19:24,646 --> 00:19:28,053 You guys believed me ? Come on... 275 00:19:29,075 --> 00:19:32,751 dogs you know, you should know me better than that. 276 00:19:34,006 --> 00:19:38,520 No, do you think that would have been good for moral ? No. 277 00:19:38,528 --> 00:19:43,160 Exactly, no. I'm embarrassed with even that close so. Now of course, 278 00:19:43,428 --> 00:19:45,520 We're coming in Saturday. 279 00:19:48,036 --> 00:19:50,450 Good game. Word. 280 00:20:22,748 --> 00:20:27,010 So I talked to this accountant, it looks good. I haven't signed anything. 281 00:20:27,105 --> 00:20:28,500 - Hey baby ! - Hey ! 282 00:20:28,857 --> 00:20:32,071 Larry bird, Larry legend. 283 00:20:32,146 --> 00:20:35,332 Yeah he's pretty good uh ? 284 00:20:37,257 --> 00:20:42,933 - Let's get you into a tub. - Yeah ? And you in a tub. 285 00:20:46,885 --> 00:20:50,710 Hey. What a game, what a game ! 286 00:20:51,486 --> 00:20:52,870 What time do we have to come in ? 287 00:20:52,938 --> 00:20:59,220 Come on, lets not be gloomy here man, we're on this together, we're a team. 288 00:21:03,787 --> 00:21:05,420 You know what ? 289 00:21:05,665 --> 00:21:06,823 Screw corporate ! 290 00:21:07,036 --> 00:21:10,350 Nobody's coming in tomorrow, you have the day off. 291 00:21:10,635 --> 00:21:14,191 Like how even an extra day is going to prevent us from being downsized ? 292 00:21:14,267 --> 00:21:16,393 Have a good weekend. 293 00:21:18,135 --> 00:21:22,713 The great thing about sports is that it is all about character. 294 00:21:24,308 --> 00:21:29,142 And you can learn lessons about life even if you don't win. 295 00:21:29,478 --> 00:21:32,232 But we did, because we were ahead.