1 00:02:52,631 --> 00:02:55,051 - Hurry up, girls. - Nearly ready. 2 00:02:55,176 --> 00:02:58,012 - You have too much metal on you. - It's not so much. 3 00:02:58,137 --> 00:03:00,222 I'm a magistrate, not King of Asia. 4 00:03:00,348 --> 00:03:04,977 Give one to your sister. Give one to your sister! 5 00:03:06,729 --> 00:03:10,066 Please stop fussing and put that veil on. We'll be late. 6 00:03:16,614 --> 00:03:19,575 - Patron, I kiss you. - Mabinio, you honor me. What is it? 7 00:03:19,700 --> 00:03:23,371 Well, I'll go straight at it then. 8 00:03:23,496 --> 00:03:26,749 My piss pots were all broken this past nine day. 9 00:03:27,792 --> 00:03:29,585 Soldiers, naming no legions, 10 00:03:29,710 --> 00:03:32,213 thought it funny to tip them out over honest citizens. 11 00:03:32,338 --> 00:03:35,800 Now, now, who's to say it was soldiers? 12 00:03:35,925 --> 00:03:38,928 Might have been gladiators simulating. 13 00:03:39,053 --> 00:03:40,930 I know soldiers when I see 'em. 14 00:03:41,055 --> 00:03:45,059 Not as I'm prejudiced. Most soldiers are good men, like yourself. 15 00:03:45,184 --> 00:03:48,562 - But there's a lot of foreign element... - It won't happen again. 16 00:03:48,687 --> 00:03:52,775 I should hope not. Roman citizens that need and deserve respect 17 00:03:52,900 --> 00:03:55,444 and get drenched in piss instead! 18 00:03:55,569 --> 00:03:59,824 There's not a drop left! How am I to make cloth without piss? 19 00:03:59,949 --> 00:04:03,744 - How am I supposed to make... - It won't happen again. 20 00:04:06,288 --> 00:04:09,208 Thank you, patron. Minerva keep you. 21 00:04:11,544 --> 00:04:14,296 Brother Mascius. 22 00:04:14,422 --> 00:04:16,966 Brother Vorenus. 23 00:04:17,091 --> 00:04:19,677 - Big man now? - You're not so small. 24 00:04:19,802 --> 00:04:21,595 These Roman bitches. 25 00:04:21,720 --> 00:04:25,975 I've done nothing but fuck and eat and fuck since I got here. 26 00:04:26,100 --> 00:04:28,644 We're not under goatskin now, brother. 27 00:04:28,769 --> 00:04:31,105 No disrespect to your women? 28 00:04:32,815 --> 00:04:37,153 I am pleased to speak with you more, Mascius, but I must see to my clients first. 29 00:04:37,278 --> 00:04:40,156 They are upset if not received in their proper order. 30 00:04:40,281 --> 00:04:42,992 Of course, of course. 31 00:04:43,117 --> 00:04:46,912 Excuse my crude soldier's ways. 32 00:04:58,507 --> 00:05:02,011 - What brings you here, Mascius? - Just seeing how you do. 33 00:05:02,136 --> 00:05:04,680 Which is good, looks like. 34 00:05:04,805 --> 00:05:08,100 - But where's old Titus Pullo? - I don't know. I haven't seen him. 35 00:05:08,225 --> 00:05:12,188 Gerrae! You and Pullo were like Castor and Pollux. 36 00:05:12,313 --> 00:05:14,648 Pullo's dead to me. 37 00:05:16,984 --> 00:05:19,320 Well, I'm glad to see you're doing so good. 38 00:05:29,497 --> 00:05:31,290 - How's our old chief? - Well. 39 00:05:31,415 --> 00:05:33,417 Good, good. 40 00:05:34,877 --> 00:05:36,670 I'll not lie. 41 00:05:36,795 --> 00:05:41,550 Your brothers are unhappy. They feel the old chief's forgot who brung him here. 42 00:05:41,675 --> 00:05:44,762 They cannot have more coin. There is an agreement. 43 00:05:44,887 --> 00:05:48,641 There is. There is. And it's adequate coin. 44 00:05:50,351 --> 00:05:54,063 - Got his picture on it now, I see. - A coiner may depict what he likes. 45 00:05:54,188 --> 00:05:56,649 Fact is, our brothers need more than just money 46 00:05:56,774 --> 00:05:59,735 if they're to lead honorable and peaceful lives. 47 00:05:59,860 --> 00:06:03,614 Money runs out one day, then what do they do? What? 48 00:06:03,739 --> 00:06:08,077 They need to take up a trade, maybe? It's unlikely. What are they to do? 49 00:06:08,202 --> 00:06:11,664 Do not pose questions at me, brother. Speak directly. 50 00:06:12,665 --> 00:06:14,208 We want land in Italy. 51 00:06:14,333 --> 00:06:19,046 Caesar will give all veterans land when he can, as he promised he would, but not in Italy. 52 00:06:19,171 --> 00:06:21,507 Caesar gave you land in Italy. 53 00:06:21,632 --> 00:06:27,263 I am a magistrate, and he must have an income. But I am one man, not legions. 54 00:06:27,388 --> 00:06:32,268 - Must be lovely. - I haven't seen it yet. I'm too busy. 55 00:06:32,393 --> 00:06:35,396 Of course. Busy, busy. 56 00:06:37,648 --> 00:06:41,277 - We don't want to be unreasonable... - Then don't be. 57 00:06:41,402 --> 00:06:43,487 We have an agreement. 58 00:06:47,741 --> 00:06:49,702 Talk it over with your man. 59 00:06:49,827 --> 00:06:52,496 - Mars and Bellona keep you. - And you. 60 00:07:57,978 --> 00:07:59,480 Cave, Chief. 61 00:07:59,605 --> 00:08:01,523 Salve, Pullo. 62 00:08:03,984 --> 00:08:06,111 How goes it? 63 00:08:07,321 --> 00:08:09,239 Want some mouse? 64 00:08:09,365 --> 00:08:13,661 - You should. They do 'em savory here. - Best mouse in the city. 65 00:08:13,786 --> 00:08:16,497 Do you have some work for me? 66 00:08:17,539 --> 00:08:21,043 - Always somebody needs mortality. - Give me a name. 67 00:08:21,168 --> 00:08:24,254 Trouble is, my honey, you want discretion. 68 00:08:24,380 --> 00:08:27,883 This last job? You ran that poor scurra up and down the Aventine 69 00:08:28,008 --> 00:08:31,136 like Justice chasing chickens. 70 00:08:31,261 --> 00:08:33,389 Might as well have done it in the Forum. 71 00:08:33,514 --> 00:08:35,683 - I'll go quiet next time. - I don't know. 72 00:08:35,808 --> 00:08:37,810 I have my reputation to think of. 73 00:08:37,935 --> 00:08:41,647 People come to me for mortality work because my men are reliable. 74 00:08:41,772 --> 00:08:43,774 That's right. Reliable men. 75 00:08:43,899 --> 00:08:46,485 I'll be quiet as death next time. 76 00:08:49,822 --> 00:08:53,325 Come back tomorrow, same time. Urbo will take you to your man. 77 00:08:56,203 --> 00:08:58,622 Give me some money on spec. 78 00:09:10,718 --> 00:09:12,886 Not here. 79 00:09:14,930 --> 00:09:18,892 This is a respectable place for decent citizens. 80 00:09:21,311 --> 00:09:24,857 What would they have me do? I cannot make farmland. 81 00:09:24,982 --> 00:09:27,401 Certainly you can. It's called eviction. 82 00:09:27,526 --> 00:09:29,528 - And who shall I evict? - Your enemies. 83 00:09:29,653 --> 00:09:32,948 - Enemies? I have enemies still? - Strange to say. 84 00:09:33,073 --> 00:09:37,119 - I shall make friends of them in time. - And make enemies of your veterans... 85 00:09:37,244 --> 00:09:38,954 unless something is done. 86 00:09:39,079 --> 00:09:41,290 Is it possible they turn on me? 87 00:09:41,415 --> 00:09:43,542 They would never fight against you, 88 00:09:43,667 --> 00:09:47,755 but if they are not satisfied, they will turn to banditry and raiding. 89 00:09:47,880 --> 00:09:50,549 In your name. Not good. 90 00:09:52,468 --> 00:09:54,678 Tell Mascius 91 00:09:54,803 --> 00:09:57,347 I respect his honesty. 92 00:09:57,473 --> 00:10:01,018 Tell him my veterans are as sons to me, 93 00:10:01,143 --> 00:10:04,855 and to all loyal veterans I shall give good lands in... 94 00:10:06,064 --> 00:10:09,610 Pannonia. Good fertile bottomlands. 95 00:10:10,444 --> 00:10:13,155 - Pannonia? - Speak freely. 96 00:10:14,573 --> 00:10:18,660 It's hard country, Pannonia, and far away. Mascius will refuse it. 97 00:10:18,786 --> 00:10:23,665 Does Mascius have the men's full trust? Can he sway them either way? 98 00:10:23,791 --> 00:10:27,753 He can sway the 10th men, and what the 10th men do will sway other legions. 99 00:10:27,878 --> 00:10:30,255 Make him a personal offer, then. 100 00:10:31,673 --> 00:10:34,343 - To what limit? - You be judge of that. 101 00:10:36,970 --> 00:10:38,388 Oh, Magistrate Vorenus... 102 00:10:38,514 --> 00:10:41,433 my niece is holding a symposium next market day 103 00:10:41,558 --> 00:10:45,354 and I should like you and your wife to come as my guests. 104 00:10:45,479 --> 00:10:48,357 - We are honored, sir. - You look troubled. 105 00:10:49,566 --> 00:10:53,195 My wife and I are simple people, sir. 106 00:10:53,320 --> 00:10:56,490 No matter. You shall get used to good society. 107 00:11:15,717 --> 00:11:17,678 How is it? 108 00:11:17,803 --> 00:11:20,389 Much more comfortable. 109 00:11:20,514 --> 00:11:24,268 I don't think my back could take another of Cicero's eulogies. 110 00:11:24,393 --> 00:11:28,021 No, he praises you so long and high, 111 00:11:28,146 --> 00:11:30,566 one might think he was being sincere. 112 00:11:36,029 --> 00:11:38,782 - Salve, Magistrate. - Salve, citizen. 113 00:11:39,741 --> 00:11:42,452 My husband's home. 114 00:11:42,578 --> 00:11:44,454 It was so good of you to visit. 115 00:11:46,164 --> 00:11:47,416 Not at all, I'm sure. 116 00:11:47,541 --> 00:11:51,044 Please come again. I'd be so happy to receive you. 117 00:11:55,716 --> 00:11:57,801 Thank you. 118 00:12:00,178 --> 00:12:02,264 Desist that now. 119 00:12:04,016 --> 00:12:05,684 Receive us, she says. 120 00:12:05,809 --> 00:12:07,895 - I would... - Ladies. 121 00:12:09,146 --> 00:12:11,315 Magistrate, sir. 122 00:12:15,235 --> 00:12:17,487 - Husband... - What are these now? 123 00:12:17,613 --> 00:12:21,533 Leased, and at very good rates too. And don't they look impressive? 124 00:12:21,658 --> 00:12:24,244 Put some more cloth on 'em. 125 00:12:24,369 --> 00:12:26,538 You look tired. 126 00:12:26,663 --> 00:12:29,708 - Why don't you lie down? - I wish I could. 127 00:12:34,338 --> 00:12:37,382 "By claim of the Senate and people, 128 00:12:37,507 --> 00:12:40,719 "our beloved father, Gaius Julius Caesar, 129 00:12:40,844 --> 00:12:44,598 "has been declared dictator for life. 130 00:12:46,683 --> 00:12:52,606 "Furthermore, the fifth month is henceforth named July in his honor." 131 00:12:58,320 --> 00:13:00,572 Erase that. 132 00:13:02,407 --> 00:13:04,284 Cassius. 133 00:13:05,202 --> 00:13:08,997 It will do no good. The image is on every wall, on every hill. 134 00:13:09,122 --> 00:13:12,751 Don't worry about scribbles. King Caesar knows you're loyal. 135 00:13:12,876 --> 00:13:14,920 I'm not worried about that. 136 00:13:15,045 --> 00:13:17,798 No, it's just, do I truly look like that? 137 00:13:17,923 --> 00:13:19,716 It's near. 138 00:13:19,841 --> 00:13:22,844 Well, that's tragic. 139 00:13:22,970 --> 00:13:25,472 But an image cannot catch your vim, 140 00:13:25,597 --> 00:13:27,849 your noble vitality. 141 00:13:27,975 --> 00:13:29,518 I speak only what's true. 142 00:13:29,643 --> 00:13:32,521 You have that grace in action your noble ancestor had. 143 00:13:32,646 --> 00:13:35,023 Plebs put you on walls as they see him in you. 144 00:13:35,148 --> 00:13:37,526 They see my wretched name, that's all. 145 00:13:37,651 --> 00:13:40,862 Simpletons. Let us speak of something else. 146 00:13:40,988 --> 00:13:42,572 There's weight in names, isn't there? 147 00:13:42,698 --> 00:13:46,660 You may call a cat a fish, but it will not swim. 148 00:13:49,246 --> 00:13:51,707 The plebs love liberty. In your name, they... 149 00:13:51,832 --> 00:13:54,459 They would not pluck a hair for liberty. 150 00:13:54,584 --> 00:13:57,004 Plebs like to see their betters fight. 151 00:13:57,129 --> 00:13:59,506 It's cheaper than theater and the blood is real. 152 00:13:59,631 --> 00:14:02,259 Come here with me. 153 00:14:05,887 --> 00:14:08,765 Look, now. Look at that. 154 00:14:11,518 --> 00:14:13,061 It is a chair. What of it? 155 00:14:13,186 --> 00:14:15,564 Chair? It's a throne! 156 00:14:15,689 --> 00:14:19,443 I believe thrones are generally more decorative. 157 00:14:19,568 --> 00:14:22,446 That is decidedly plain and chairlike. 158 00:14:22,571 --> 00:14:24,656 - Are you blind? - Do not be hysterical. 159 00:14:24,781 --> 00:14:29,036 - Your mother said you were a coward. - My mother is very unhappy. 160 00:14:30,328 --> 00:14:36,251 - Forgive me. I spoke in anger. - I am no coward, nor am I blind. 161 00:14:36,376 --> 00:14:38,754 I know what Caesar is. 162 00:14:38,879 --> 00:14:40,756 I can see. 163 00:14:40,881 --> 00:14:43,216 But I have pledged myself his friend. 164 00:14:43,341 --> 00:14:45,552 No, I am his friend. 165 00:14:46,470 --> 00:14:50,390 So, for friendship, you would let the Republic die? 166 00:14:50,515 --> 00:14:53,268 I am just a man. 167 00:14:53,393 --> 00:14:57,355 The life or death of the Republic is not in my hands! 168 00:14:58,398 --> 00:15:00,525 You are precisely wrong. 169 00:15:00,650 --> 00:15:03,570 The Republic is in your hands. 170 00:15:05,697 --> 00:15:08,658 The people will not accept a tyrant's death 171 00:15:08,784 --> 00:15:10,702 unless a Brutus holds the knife. 172 00:15:12,412 --> 00:15:14,498 Now you have gone too far. 173 00:15:16,333 --> 00:15:17,959 He has to die. 174 00:15:18,085 --> 00:15:21,630 You know him. You know he'd never accept exile. 175 00:15:21,755 --> 00:15:24,382 He has to die. 176 00:15:33,100 --> 00:15:36,603 Wait, friend. Wait! 177 00:15:52,994 --> 00:15:55,247 How's that Gaulish cunny, then? 178 00:15:56,706 --> 00:15:58,542 Greasy, I bet. 179 00:15:58,667 --> 00:16:00,794 Don't talk unless I tell you. 180 00:16:05,841 --> 00:16:08,051 There, in the middle. Aufidius. 181 00:16:23,525 --> 00:16:26,319 Murderer! Murderer! Murderer! 182 00:16:36,163 --> 00:16:38,331 He killed Aufidiu! 183 00:17:16,745 --> 00:17:18,330 Pannonia? 184 00:17:18,455 --> 00:17:22,125 - Pannonia is 900 miles away. - More like 600. 185 00:17:22,250 --> 00:17:25,003 In Germania, practically. It's not even provinced. 186 00:17:25,128 --> 00:17:28,423 Soil is black and deep, they say. Tall forests, full of game. 187 00:17:28,548 --> 00:17:31,843 Full of Teuton raiders and Dacian bandits and who knows who? 188 00:17:31,968 --> 00:17:35,805 Our brothers don't want any more fighting. They won't have it. 189 00:17:35,931 --> 00:17:40,352 If our brothers accept Pannonia, Caesar will be extremely grateful to you. 190 00:17:41,061 --> 00:17:43,355 - How so? - 5,000 denarii. 191 00:17:44,648 --> 00:17:47,108 - I don't understand you. - I think you do. 192 00:17:47,234 --> 00:17:50,946 I have been true to my brothers since I first spilled blood. 193 00:17:51,071 --> 00:17:53,114 You think I will betray them for 5,000 denarii? 194 00:17:53,240 --> 00:17:55,533 - Seven, then. - It might be 20,000. 195 00:17:56,910 --> 00:18:00,580 - I am not so greedy as some. - Not so greedy as who? 196 00:18:00,705 --> 00:18:04,251 I merely say that my honor is not for sale so cheap. 197 00:18:06,294 --> 00:18:09,422 In favoring Pannonia, you would not betray our brothers. 198 00:18:09,547 --> 00:18:13,093 If they will not have Pannonia, they will have nothing. 199 00:18:13,218 --> 00:18:17,389 - Men with swords never starve. - But they still die, captains first. 200 00:18:25,272 --> 00:18:27,774 - 15. - 10. 201 00:18:29,317 --> 00:18:30,360 12. 202 00:18:46,584 --> 00:18:48,503 I'll be away then, brother. 203 00:18:50,505 --> 00:18:53,925 - Good to see you. - And you. 204 00:18:58,263 --> 00:19:00,724 - Has that man gone? - He has. 205 00:19:06,855 --> 00:19:10,150 - Is this all right? - You look beautiful. 206 00:19:11,026 --> 00:19:13,987 I'm so scared I can hardly breathe. 207 00:19:15,780 --> 00:19:17,365 It will be fine. 208 00:19:17,490 --> 00:19:21,661 My dear girl, I have enough to worry about. I will not be fearful of graffiti. 209 00:19:21,786 --> 00:19:24,497 I'm telling you, the scribblers are not wrong. 210 00:19:24,622 --> 00:19:27,500 - Brutus will betray you. - You seem very sure. 211 00:19:27,625 --> 00:19:31,504 His mother will compel him. She will not rest until you are dead. 212 00:19:31,629 --> 00:19:36,885 I well imagine poor Servilia is not very fond of me, but really, wants me dead? 213 00:19:37,010 --> 00:19:41,389 - Atia, you're a dramatist. - Well, I've warned you. I'll say no more. 214 00:19:43,308 --> 00:19:45,685 I've warned him. 215 00:19:46,603 --> 00:19:48,563 You're far away. 216 00:19:50,190 --> 00:19:53,193 Somewhere pleasant, I hope. 217 00:19:53,902 --> 00:19:57,030 - It's all one. - So they tell me. 218 00:19:59,574 --> 00:20:02,243 I need your help. 219 00:20:02,369 --> 00:20:06,289 Your mother is a vicious and heartless creature, 220 00:20:06,414 --> 00:20:08,666 but I find I am... 221 00:20:08,792 --> 00:20:11,795 wretched without her. 222 00:20:11,920 --> 00:20:17,967 I have done my best to sway her, but still she shuns me like a leper. 223 00:20:18,093 --> 00:20:20,428 Refuses even to speak to me. 224 00:20:22,555 --> 00:20:25,266 Will you talk to her for me? 225 00:20:25,392 --> 00:20:29,187 Let her know how pitiful I have become? 226 00:20:32,107 --> 00:20:33,900 There's no need. 227 00:20:34,025 --> 00:20:37,070 Her disdain for you is an act. 228 00:20:37,195 --> 00:20:39,322 She is entirely infatuated with you. 229 00:20:39,447 --> 00:20:42,117 That is a wicked, foolish lie! 230 00:20:42,242 --> 00:20:44,119 Atia, let me speak with you... 231 00:20:44,244 --> 00:20:47,956 Daughter, that creature over there by the door, who is she? 232 00:20:48,081 --> 00:20:49,999 The beauty in the vulgar dress? 233 00:20:50,125 --> 00:20:53,837 She's with Lucius Vorenus. His wife, I expect. 234 00:20:53,962 --> 00:20:56,798 It's so beautiful. 235 00:20:56,923 --> 00:20:59,134 They've even painted the ceiling. 236 00:20:59,259 --> 00:21:01,469 She has a wonderful tang of the street. 237 00:21:01,594 --> 00:21:03,638 Let me introduce you. 238 00:21:04,556 --> 00:21:06,558 - We should walk around. - We should wait. 239 00:21:06,683 --> 00:21:08,351 - They're coming. - Calm. 240 00:21:08,476 --> 00:21:12,856 Magistrate, my niece would like to meet your lovely wife. 241 00:21:12,981 --> 00:21:16,943 - Honored. - Niobe, Atia. 242 00:21:17,068 --> 00:21:19,737 How did a grim thing like you win such a flower? 243 00:21:19,863 --> 00:21:22,115 I found her when she was young and foolish. 244 00:21:24,284 --> 00:21:27,912 Would you entertain Niobe while I speak with her fortunate husband? 245 00:21:28,037 --> 00:21:29,998 Delighted. 246 00:21:30,123 --> 00:21:33,168 Now, tell me, who on Gaia's earth 247 00:21:33,293 --> 00:21:35,753 - made this astonishing dress? - I did. 248 00:21:35,879 --> 00:21:38,965 - You didn't. - I did. 249 00:21:39,090 --> 00:21:42,218 What does Mascius say? 250 00:21:42,343 --> 00:21:45,346 He will accept Pannonia for 12. 251 00:21:45,472 --> 00:21:47,056 Very good. 252 00:21:47,182 --> 00:21:50,518 I did not think he would sell himself so cheap. 253 00:21:50,643 --> 00:21:53,563 I must send you to negotiate all my corruptions. 254 00:21:53,688 --> 00:21:56,274 I would rather not, sir. 255 00:21:56,399 --> 00:21:59,360 I spoke in jest. 256 00:21:59,486 --> 00:22:01,404 I understand. 257 00:22:01,529 --> 00:22:03,239 Please. 258 00:22:05,742 --> 00:22:07,702 You have corrupted one man 259 00:22:07,827 --> 00:22:10,538 and saved thousands from banditry. 260 00:22:11,748 --> 00:22:15,877 I often wish I were back in Gaul. Warfare is pleasingly simple. 261 00:22:16,002 --> 00:22:19,881 - Vorenus. - Magistrate Vorenus, if you please. 262 00:22:20,006 --> 00:22:21,925 He outranks you now, my boy. 263 00:22:22,050 --> 00:22:25,428 Excuse me, Magistrate Vorenus. 264 00:22:25,553 --> 00:22:27,222 I hear rumor among the servants 265 00:22:27,347 --> 00:22:30,808 that Titus Pullo is in the dungeons awaiting trial for murder. 266 00:22:30,934 --> 00:22:34,187 - Is it true? - It is. 267 00:22:34,312 --> 00:22:36,898 He has been hiring himself out as a knife man. 268 00:22:37,023 --> 00:22:39,150 He killed a man in broad daylight. 269 00:22:39,275 --> 00:22:43,404 - We must do something for him. - We must do nothing. 270 00:22:43,530 --> 00:22:46,741 - Nothing? - The man he killed was Aufidius Dento, 271 00:22:46,866 --> 00:22:49,661 Deputy Chief of the Caelian Nailmaker's Association. 272 00:22:49,786 --> 00:22:53,164 Popular man, apparently, and a vocal critic of my leadership. 273 00:22:53,289 --> 00:22:56,292 People will suspect I ordered his death. 274 00:22:56,417 --> 00:23:00,505 I must not confirm those suspicions by helping Pullo. 275 00:23:00,630 --> 00:23:03,007 And did you... 276 00:23:03,132 --> 00:23:04,425 order his death? 277 00:23:04,551 --> 00:23:08,263 I did not know he existed until he didn't. 278 00:23:08,388 --> 00:23:10,765 I have no notion why he was killed. 279 00:23:10,890 --> 00:23:13,101 Public man like that, might be many reasons. 280 00:23:13,226 --> 00:23:17,772 I can't appear to be sending out my soldiers to murder anyone who opposes me. 281 00:23:17,897 --> 00:23:19,065 I would lose support. 282 00:23:19,190 --> 00:23:20,775 Perhaps Vorenus and I... 283 00:23:20,900 --> 00:23:24,279 Nor can anyone associated with me help him. 284 00:23:24,404 --> 00:23:28,324 Has he any friends who will help him find a lawyer to defend him? 285 00:23:28,449 --> 00:23:31,202 He is guilty. 286 00:23:31,327 --> 00:23:35,498 People must see justice done. Soldiers have to learn they're not above law. 287 00:23:35,623 --> 00:23:40,128 I'm sorry, Vorenus. I know he is brother to you, but there is no choice. 288 00:23:42,922 --> 00:23:44,841 It's all true. 289 00:23:51,764 --> 00:23:53,516 I think we can go now, unless you... 290 00:23:53,641 --> 00:23:57,103 Can we? It's very nice, but... 291 00:23:58,479 --> 00:24:00,356 I know. 292 00:24:12,994 --> 00:24:18,124 Castor. In the morning, bring Timon the Jew here. 293 00:24:22,420 --> 00:24:25,757 - Good night, Mother. - Good night, my love. 294 00:25:22,897 --> 00:25:25,149 I don't see what's wrong with it. 295 00:26:19,328 --> 00:26:21,706 Moses, you need law? 296 00:26:21,831 --> 00:26:24,459 Number one justice right here! Right here! 297 00:26:24,584 --> 00:26:26,836 Take me, boss! Top lawyer! Top lawyer! 298 00:26:26,961 --> 00:26:29,005 - You're good, are you? - Good? 299 00:26:29,130 --> 00:26:32,675 I could have Medea acquitted. What's your case? 300 00:26:32,800 --> 00:26:35,762 Man, name of Titus Pullo... 301 00:26:35,887 --> 00:26:38,848 - On your way, Jew. - You don't want the case? 302 00:26:38,973 --> 00:26:41,768 I'd rather suck Pluto's thorny cock. 303 00:26:44,812 --> 00:26:46,689 Anyone? 304 00:26:48,566 --> 00:26:50,693 Anyone want work? 305 00:26:55,406 --> 00:26:57,283 Anyone? 306 00:27:12,757 --> 00:27:16,010 It would go much easier for you if you said who paid you. 307 00:27:16,135 --> 00:27:19,555 - It shows penitence. - I can't help you. Sorry. 308 00:27:19,680 --> 00:27:21,808 I gave my word. 309 00:27:23,601 --> 00:27:29,106 Perhaps you need the money to help your sick mother or a friend in need? 310 00:27:29,232 --> 00:27:32,652 - Something like that would help. - I needed money for wine. 311 00:27:37,573 --> 00:27:41,410 Have... have you any friends that would speak for you? 312 00:27:44,247 --> 00:27:46,374 There must be someone. 313 00:27:48,125 --> 00:27:50,753 Good bread, this. Have you got any more? 314 00:28:02,807 --> 00:28:06,936 Titus Pullo, soldier, 13th Gallic Legion. 315 00:28:07,061 --> 00:28:09,397 Accused of homicide 316 00:28:09,522 --> 00:28:12,483 re citizen Aufidius Dento, 317 00:28:12,608 --> 00:28:15,528 Caelian Hill, tribe of Falerna. 318 00:28:15,653 --> 00:28:18,739 Brought to trial by his friends. 319 00:28:20,324 --> 00:28:22,118 Throw him to the animals! 320 00:28:22,243 --> 00:28:24,370 We begin. 321 00:28:24,495 --> 00:28:29,333 Who speaks for the corpse of Aufidius Dento? 322 00:28:29,458 --> 00:28:34,171 I... Maius Nigidius. 323 00:28:36,591 --> 00:28:40,094 Who speaks for Titus Pullo? 324 00:28:40,219 --> 00:28:42,930 I. 325 00:28:45,016 --> 00:28:47,393 Priscus Maevius. 326 00:28:47,518 --> 00:28:49,854 Accusator, proceed. 327 00:28:51,272 --> 00:28:54,817 Citizens, friends... 328 00:28:54,942 --> 00:28:57,862 when I was told of the death of Aufidiu, 329 00:28:57,987 --> 00:29:00,281 I was deeply saddened. 330 00:29:00,406 --> 00:29:03,159 A good man, stabbed! Butchered! 331 00:29:04,160 --> 00:29:07,246 Hacked to death in daylight on a public street! 332 00:29:07,371 --> 00:29:09,790 Vicious scum! 333 00:29:09,916 --> 00:29:12,168 I was deeply saddened. 334 00:29:12,293 --> 00:29:15,004 But I was not surprised. 335 00:29:15,129 --> 00:29:18,132 These horrors have become commonplace. 336 00:29:18,257 --> 00:29:21,302 Wretched specimens like this 337 00:29:21,427 --> 00:29:24,305 - are common as rats. - That's right! 338 00:29:25,389 --> 00:29:30,728 I will not take your time with lengthy proof of his guilt. Look at him! 339 00:29:30,853 --> 00:29:34,231 It's not open to question. We all know he's guilty. 340 00:29:45,451 --> 00:29:48,829 - Salve, brother. - And you, brother. 341 00:29:48,955 --> 00:29:53,000 Not good, eh? What are you doing here? I thought Pullo was dead to you? 342 00:29:53,125 --> 00:29:54,961 Dead to all, soon. 343 00:29:55,086 --> 00:29:58,214 Hard as adamant, you. Well, you might be wrong, though. 344 00:29:58,339 --> 00:30:00,675 Many's the slip 'tween knife and altar. 345 00:30:00,800 --> 00:30:03,344 - What? - Pullo is not alone. 346 00:30:07,974 --> 00:30:11,268 We'll not let any brother be damned by this dirty mob. 347 00:30:11,394 --> 00:30:14,814 These dogs will be yelping louder soon. 348 00:30:14,939 --> 00:30:17,858 When they bring him down, we'll go in and have him away. 349 00:30:17,984 --> 00:30:20,528 - Call them off! - Why? 350 00:30:20,653 --> 00:30:23,030 Do you not understand what is at stake here? 351 00:30:23,155 --> 00:30:27,034 - Brother Pullo's life. - Politically. What is at stake politically. 352 00:30:27,159 --> 00:30:30,204 Politically. I fuck politically in her fat arse. 353 00:30:30,830 --> 00:30:35,835 If Pullo is rescued by Caesar's men, people will assume that he ordered Dento's killing 354 00:30:35,960 --> 00:30:39,547 - and Caesar will be held responsible. - So? Caesar can do as he likes. 355 00:30:39,672 --> 00:30:41,549 He is re-establishing law and order. 356 00:30:41,674 --> 00:30:45,970 That won't work if his soldiers are seen to kill citizens without consequence. 357 00:30:46,095 --> 00:30:48,097 - I can't call the boys off now. - Why not? 358 00:30:48,222 --> 00:30:52,184 - Because it makes me look bad. - You could look far worse. 359 00:30:55,688 --> 00:30:57,857 You would tell them? 360 00:30:59,025 --> 00:31:01,027 I will if I have to. 361 00:31:03,863 --> 00:31:06,824 Look at us, brother. 362 00:31:06,949 --> 00:31:09,035 How has it come to this? 363 00:31:11,662 --> 00:31:14,123 It is for the good of the Republic. 364 00:31:14,248 --> 00:31:16,375 It's a worthy cause, then. 365 00:31:19,545 --> 00:31:21,881 Just call them off. 366 00:31:31,265 --> 00:31:34,143 To add insult to injury, this soldier, 367 00:31:34,268 --> 00:31:38,731 this brute, this barbarian from who knows where, 368 00:31:38,856 --> 00:31:40,608 refuses to name his paymaster! 369 00:31:40,733 --> 00:31:42,777 - Caesar! - Caesar! 370 00:31:42,902 --> 00:31:46,989 We name no names, citizen. We cannot know. 371 00:31:47,114 --> 00:31:51,368 We might guess. We might very well guess, 372 00:31:51,494 --> 00:31:53,120 but we cannot know. 373 00:31:53,245 --> 00:31:55,623 Which makes his crime even worse. 374 00:31:55,748 --> 00:31:59,460 Is there punishment enough for monsters such as this? 375 00:31:59,585 --> 00:32:02,213 No! 376 00:32:02,338 --> 00:32:06,467 I think not. I think not. 377 00:32:07,927 --> 00:32:12,098 But perhaps my learned friend can tell us otherwise. 378 00:32:12,223 --> 00:32:14,391 Priscus Maevius speaks. 379 00:32:19,772 --> 00:32:22,608 This man... 380 00:32:22,733 --> 00:32:26,028 is nothing but a helpless servant. 381 00:32:27,321 --> 00:32:30,950 A tool, a puppet. 382 00:32:31,617 --> 00:32:34,829 We should feel pity, not anger. 383 00:32:34,954 --> 00:32:37,790 Pity for his... 384 00:32:37,915 --> 00:32:39,708 Pity for his degradation. 385 00:32:39,834 --> 00:32:44,463 Wait. Do you claim him innocent? 386 00:32:44,588 --> 00:32:45,923 No, I'm simply saying... 387 00:32:46,048 --> 00:32:49,343 Well if you do not deny his guilt, then we're done with him. 388 00:32:49,468 --> 00:32:52,805 - Do you deny his guilt? - No, I do not, sir. 389 00:32:52,930 --> 00:32:59,436 Very well. Titus Pullo condemned to death in the arena. 390 00:33:11,073 --> 00:33:14,743 You know I have always looked on you as my son. 391 00:33:14,869 --> 00:33:17,329 Oh dear, one of those conversations. 392 00:33:18,789 --> 00:33:21,041 Good move. 393 00:33:21,167 --> 00:33:24,003 I have a favor to ask of you, father to son. 394 00:33:25,629 --> 00:33:31,385 I need someone to take over Macedonia from that idiot Valerius. 395 00:33:31,510 --> 00:33:34,680 I would like to appoint you. 396 00:33:34,805 --> 00:33:38,058 - I govern Macedonia? - If you will accept. 397 00:33:38,184 --> 00:33:40,728 Why by three Furies would you want me to do it? 398 00:33:40,853 --> 00:33:43,355 You are the right man for the job. 399 00:33:43,480 --> 00:33:45,941 I can think of few men less right. 400 00:33:47,776 --> 00:33:50,154 You've always underestimated yourself. 401 00:33:50,279 --> 00:33:54,325 You might achieve great things if you would but try. 402 00:33:54,450 --> 00:33:57,620 In Macedonia? 403 00:33:57,745 --> 00:33:59,872 I think not. 404 00:34:03,834 --> 00:34:07,129 I would ask you to reconsider. 405 00:34:07,254 --> 00:34:09,048 I need someone I can trust. 406 00:34:17,223 --> 00:34:20,643 - You need me out of Rome? - Not at all. 407 00:34:20,768 --> 00:34:22,811 I need your help. 408 00:34:24,563 --> 00:34:27,524 Someone you can trust? 409 00:34:27,650 --> 00:34:29,652 Am I wrong to do so? 410 00:34:29,777 --> 00:34:32,112 - You have doubts, do you? - I did not say that. 411 00:34:32,238 --> 00:34:35,366 Speak plain, I beg you. Have I given you reason for doubt? 412 00:34:35,491 --> 00:34:38,744 Since you ask, you have, as you well know. 413 00:34:39,995 --> 00:34:44,124 - You speak of years ago. - Old betrayals do not signify? 414 00:34:44,250 --> 00:34:46,335 I betrayed nothing. 415 00:34:48,462 --> 00:34:51,465 Had you told me you were to march on Rome 416 00:34:51,590 --> 00:34:54,343 and asked me for my allegiance, 417 00:34:54,468 --> 00:34:56,136 I would have given it. 418 00:34:56,262 --> 00:34:59,139 I would have judged you insane... 419 00:35:00,057 --> 00:35:03,644 But I would have given you my allegiance because I look on you as my father. 420 00:35:03,769 --> 00:35:07,523 - Brutus... - But you did not ask for my allegiance. 421 00:35:08,274 --> 00:35:12,653 You demanded it at sword point. I betrayed nothing! 422 00:35:13,320 --> 00:35:17,825 Forgive me, I spoke too hot. You have never betrayed me. 423 00:35:18,492 --> 00:35:21,412 - So why do you not trust me now? - I trust you completely. 424 00:35:21,537 --> 00:35:26,875 So much so that you would send me from Rome to govern Macedonia? 425 00:35:34,300 --> 00:35:36,802 Well, thank you. 426 00:35:36,927 --> 00:35:40,889 I am honored, but I will not go. 427 00:35:47,354 --> 00:35:51,442 It is in my legal power to insist that you do go. 428 00:35:53,152 --> 00:35:55,362 As my father... 429 00:35:55,487 --> 00:35:57,698 As my father, I looked on you... 430 00:35:57,823 --> 00:36:00,492 For a year or so, no more. 431 00:36:00,617 --> 00:36:04,079 - Until the city is stable. - Forgive me. I feel unwell. 432 00:36:04,204 --> 00:36:07,374 - Perhaps we can finish this game later. - Be reasonable! 433 00:36:07,499 --> 00:36:10,711 You're on every wall with a knife at my throat! 434 00:36:10,836 --> 00:36:13,297 I would be foolish to ignore it. 435 00:36:13,422 --> 00:36:17,926 Only tyrants need worry about tyrant killers. 436 00:36:19,011 --> 00:36:20,763 And you are no tyrant. 437 00:36:20,888 --> 00:36:23,015 Haven't you told me so many times? 438 00:36:23,140 --> 00:36:25,100 You may go. 439 00:36:54,129 --> 00:36:57,674 Janus, Gaia and Dis... 440 00:36:59,551 --> 00:37:04,223 I humbly beg you accept this creature as my offering, 441 00:37:05,349 --> 00:37:07,726 and if it pleases you... 442 00:37:09,895 --> 00:37:13,232 I ask you to give Eirene long life. 443 00:37:15,150 --> 00:37:19,613 And same for my friend Lucius Vorenus and his family, 444 00:37:19,738 --> 00:37:21,824 if it's not too much. 445 00:37:26,829 --> 00:37:30,040 And let Eirene know 446 00:37:30,165 --> 00:37:32,918 that I am sorry for what I did. 447 00:37:42,803 --> 00:37:45,180 Come on, soldier, up! 448 00:38:55,167 --> 00:38:57,169 Cave with this one... 449 00:38:59,338 --> 00:39:01,006 soldier. 450 00:39:18,440 --> 00:39:21,235 Come on, coward! Fight! 451 00:39:24,071 --> 00:39:26,448 - Stand up and fight. - I don't want to. 452 00:39:27,783 --> 00:39:31,453 That's not how it works. You're supposed to resist. 453 00:39:32,204 --> 00:39:34,456 Not if I don't want to. 454 00:39:34,581 --> 00:39:36,333 I just want to die, all right? 455 00:39:36,458 --> 00:39:38,835 So come ahead and kill me and be done with it. 456 00:39:38,961 --> 00:39:40,796 Bollocks. Move! 457 00:39:40,921 --> 00:39:43,298 What's wrong with you? Where's your dignity? 458 00:39:43,423 --> 00:39:45,425 Get up and fight! 459 00:39:49,221 --> 00:39:52,099 - Soldier. Wake up! - Get up! 460 00:39:52,224 --> 00:39:55,352 Why don't you come here and suck my cock? 461 00:39:55,477 --> 00:39:57,604 Look, just hold your sword. 462 00:39:57,729 --> 00:40:01,108 Just stand up and hold it, that's all. You don't have to run about. 463 00:40:01,233 --> 00:40:03,569 You're naught but a bloody molly. 464 00:40:03,694 --> 00:40:08,282 You and the whole 13th! Naught but bloody mollies. 465 00:40:08,407 --> 00:40:10,075 Don't talk of the 13th. 466 00:40:12,077 --> 00:40:15,289 Aye? I piss on the 13th! 467 00:40:15,414 --> 00:40:18,792 Pig spawn, all of 'em. 468 00:40:22,879 --> 00:40:27,676 Why don't you and the 13th all line up and suck my... 469 00:40:33,557 --> 00:40:34,766 Pullo! 470 00:41:17,934 --> 00:41:20,145 13! 471 00:44:57,070 --> 00:45:00,574 Pullo! Pullo! 472 00:45:10,625 --> 00:45:13,503 - In autumn, they disappear. - Who? 473 00:45:13,628 --> 00:45:16,006 Eels, they all disappear. 474 00:45:16,131 --> 00:45:18,174 - That so? - Where? 475 00:45:18,300 --> 00:45:21,177 - Where what? - Well, where do they go? The eels? 476 00:45:21,303 --> 00:45:25,223 That's what I'm saying. Nobody knows. It's a mystery. 477 00:45:30,562 --> 00:45:32,606 Was expecting you time ago. 478 00:45:34,608 --> 00:45:37,235 If we employ you again, next time, 479 00:45:37,360 --> 00:45:39,863 best not use veterans. 480 00:46:10,936 --> 00:46:13,229 Mother? 481 00:46:13,355 --> 00:46:16,483 I owe Caesar no more friendship. 482 00:46:16,608 --> 00:46:18,985 I must do my duty. 483 00:46:39,798 --> 00:46:42,008 I'll speak to Cassius. 484 00:46:43,218 --> 00:46:45,303 See what can be done.