1 00:01:36,760 --> 00:01:39,209 Triumph* 2 00:01:39,210 --> 00:01:39,210 * 3 00:01:43,234 --> 00:01:45,536 Dear me, 4 00:01:45,701 --> 00:01:48,133 I've never seen so many long faces. 5 00:01:48,200 --> 00:01:51,158 It is customary to be sad at a funeral. 6 00:01:51,170 --> 00:01:54,401 Well, the republic is old and infirm. 7 00:01:54,420 --> 00:01:57,201 Death can be a merciful release in such cases. 8 00:01:56,967 --> 00:01:59,257 You do not mean that. 9 00:01:59,300 --> 00:02:01,850 You do not believe that. 10 00:02:02,467 --> 00:02:05,100 You of all people shouldn't lay jokes about tyranny. 11 00:02:05,133 --> 00:02:06,500 I am deadly serious. 12 00:02:06,885 --> 00:02:08,250 It is in all our interests 13 00:02:08,267 --> 00:02:10,567 to be reconciled with Caesar now, 14 00:02:10,634 --> 00:02:13,033 for the good of Rome. 15 00:02:13,100 --> 00:02:15,501 The good of Rome indeed. 16 00:02:15,967 --> 00:02:18,834 As soon as this... farce is done, 17 00:02:18,901 --> 00:02:20,834 I shall retire to the country 18 00:02:20,901 --> 00:02:23,467 and wait for the city to come to its senses. 19 00:02:23,534 --> 00:02:25,867 It is the only honorable thing to do. 20 00:02:26,234 --> 00:02:27,867 My dear friend, 21 00:02:27,934 --> 00:02:29,867 we have no honor. 22 00:02:29,934 --> 00:02:31,901 If we had honor, we would be 23 00:02:31,967 --> 00:02:34,700 with Cato and Scipio in the afterlife. 24 00:03:04,234 --> 00:03:09,300 First, Senate will hear Marcus Tullius Cicero. 25 00:03:16,001 --> 00:03:19,834 On this eve of his most glorious triumph, 26 00:03:19,901 --> 00:03:22,967 I move that Gaius Julius Caesar 27 00:03:23,034 --> 00:03:24,967 be made imperator* 28 00:03:25,034 --> 00:03:27,700 and granted absolute power over Rome 29 00:03:27,767 --> 00:03:29,834 for a period of 10 years. 30 00:03:56,901 --> 00:03:59,500 As some of you know, 31 00:03:59,567 --> 00:04:01,934 Caesar and I have had our disagreements. 32 00:04:10,767 --> 00:04:13,234 However that may be, 33 00:04:13,300 --> 00:04:15,400 he has shown himself 34 00:04:15,467 --> 00:04:18,268 to be as wise and merciful in victory 35 00:04:18,333 --> 00:04:21,400 as he was invincible in battle. 36 00:04:22,934 --> 00:04:24,867 Let this be an end 37 00:04:24,934 --> 00:04:28,634 to division and civil strife. 38 00:04:28,700 --> 00:04:32,834 I willingly pledge my loyalty to him, 39 00:04:32,901 --> 00:04:36,667 and I urge you all to do the same. 40 00:04:36,734 --> 00:04:38,667 I heartily commend 41 00:04:38,734 --> 00:04:40,667 the motion proposed 42 00:04:40,734 --> 00:04:43,367 by Marcus Tullius Cicero. 43 00:04:58,300 --> 00:05:03,001 The motion is carried unanimously. 44 00:05:11,734 --> 00:05:14,234 Many of you here today 45 00:05:14,300 --> 00:05:16,634 fought against me. 46 00:05:17,734 --> 00:05:19,901 Many of you wished me dead. 47 00:05:19,967 --> 00:05:23,234 Many of you perhaps still do. 48 00:05:23,300 --> 00:05:26,034 But I hold no grudges 49 00:05:26,101 --> 00:05:28,801 and seek no revenge. 50 00:05:30,300 --> 00:05:32,967 I demand only this... 51 00:05:33,634 --> 00:05:37,433 That you join with me 52 00:05:37,500 --> 00:05:40,268 in building a new Rome, 53 00:05:40,900 --> 00:05:42,700 a Rome that offers 54 00:05:42,767 --> 00:05:45,300 justice, peace and land 55 00:05:45,367 --> 00:05:47,300 to all its citizens, 56 00:05:47,367 --> 00:05:50,067 not just the privileged few. 57 00:05:50,134 --> 00:05:53,001 Support me in this task, 58 00:05:53,067 --> 00:05:55,700 And old divisions will be forgotten. 59 00:05:56,767 --> 00:05:58,967 Oppose me... 60 00:06:00,367 --> 00:06:03,534 And Rome will not forgive you a second time. 61 00:06:05,667 --> 00:06:08,600 Senators... 62 00:06:13,333 --> 00:06:15,333 the war is over. 63 00:06:57,134 --> 00:06:59,334 Domina. 64 00:07:01,801 --> 00:07:04,533 Atia of the Julii is here. 65 00:07:07,667 --> 00:07:09,600 Atia ? 66 00:07:09,667 --> 00:07:12,367 Here, now. 67 00:07:12,433 --> 00:07:14,901 She wishes to see you. 68 00:07:15,201 --> 00:07:17,767 Atia... 69 00:07:17,834 --> 00:07:19,767 In my house ? 70 00:07:30,134 --> 00:07:32,201 My dear Atia. 71 00:07:34,168 --> 00:07:36,367 How lovely to see you. 72 00:07:38,134 --> 00:07:40,134 Bona dea. 73 00:07:42,333 --> 00:07:44,268 My poor friend. 74 00:07:52,268 --> 00:07:54,101 What have they done to you ? 75 00:07:54,268 --> 00:07:56,201 You're so sweet. 76 00:07:56,268 --> 00:07:58,008 Come sit down. 77 00:07:59,734 --> 00:08:01,467 I'm very sorry I haven't visited sooner, 78 00:08:01,468 --> 00:08:04,867 But to be honest, I was far too upset to face seeing you. 79 00:08:04,934 --> 00:08:08,168 The very idea, it's... It's too sinister. 80 00:08:08,234 --> 00:08:11,467 A noblewoman stripped naked and beaten on the streets... 81 00:08:11,534 --> 00:08:13,567 Horrible, horrible. 82 00:08:13,634 --> 00:08:15,467 Tell me truly, how are you now ? 83 00:08:15,534 --> 00:08:17,579 I'm recovering very well. 84 00:08:18,067 --> 00:08:20,634 Have they found the culprits yet ? 85 00:08:20,700 --> 00:08:24,268 They have not, but justice will find them eventually. 86 00:08:24,333 --> 00:08:26,333 I'm quite sure of that. 87 00:08:28,168 --> 00:08:30,300 Would you have some lemon water ? 88 00:08:31,667 --> 00:08:34,001 That would be lovely. 89 00:08:36,634 --> 00:08:39,868 - Brutus is well, I hope. - He is. 90 00:08:40,234 --> 00:08:43,400 It's so wise of him to choose submission to my dear uncle. 91 00:08:43,667 --> 00:08:45,733 I was very afraid he might try 92 00:08:45,743 --> 00:08:48,371 some foolish act of bravery. 93 00:08:49,833 --> 00:08:52,968 Men are so silly about their honor, no ? 94 00:08:56,734 --> 00:08:58,834 I've come to ask you 95 00:08:58,901 --> 00:09:01,268 if you will sit with me at the triumph. 96 00:09:01,333 --> 00:09:03,634 Even though I'm being besieged by sycophants 97 00:09:03,635 --> 00:09:05,818 asking for space, I thought, "no, 98 00:09:06,084 --> 00:09:08,094 if someone were to have first choice, 99 00:09:08,095 --> 00:09:09,819 it should be my dear friend Servilia 100 00:09:09,820 --> 00:09:13,267 who's been through so much pain." 101 00:09:13,634 --> 00:09:16,334 That is very thoughtful of you... 102 00:09:17,834 --> 00:09:20,467 But I think I shall not be well enough. 103 00:09:21,467 --> 00:09:23,401 Well, that's a pity. 104 00:09:23,467 --> 00:09:25,067 - Are you sure ? - I am. 105 00:09:25,134 --> 00:09:28,200 - Well, if you change your mind... - I will let you know. 106 00:09:30,867 --> 00:09:33,467 People tell me that Octavia's left the city, 107 00:09:33,534 --> 00:09:35,734 But no one knows where. 108 00:09:35,801 --> 00:09:37,700 I hope there's nothing amiss. 109 00:09:38,900 --> 00:09:40,834 Not at all. 110 00:09:40,900 --> 00:09:43,300 She's staying at my cousin's villa in Paestum*, 111 00:09:43,301 --> 00:09:43,301 * Paestum ancient Greek colony in Campania become Roman. It is located near the coast about 85 km. SE of Naples, Italy. 112 00:09:43,367 --> 00:09:46,467 mooning over some young fool of a poet she's met there. 113 00:09:46,534 --> 00:09:48,900 She'll be back in time for the triumph. 114 00:10:10,900 --> 00:10:12,534 Brother. 115 00:10:13,300 --> 00:10:15,220 What are you doing here ? 116 00:10:15,255 --> 00:10:16,840 I've come to take you home. 117 00:10:16,868 --> 00:10:18,642 - This is my home. - This ? 118 00:10:18,742 --> 00:10:20,234 This is not your home. 119 00:10:20,243 --> 00:10:22,211 I'm happy here. 120 00:10:23,900 --> 00:10:25,834 I don't believe you. 121 00:10:27,064 --> 00:10:29,191 In any case, your place is with your family. 122 00:10:29,226 --> 00:10:31,401 Bad enough to run away, 123 00:10:31,467 --> 00:10:33,150 but to these people ? 124 00:10:33,160 --> 00:10:34,850 This isn't the healthy way of life. 125 00:10:34,867 --> 00:10:37,034 You call our family healthy ? 126 00:10:37,099 --> 00:10:40,801 Our corruption stinks in the nostrils of Mother Earth. 127 00:10:40,810 --> 00:10:43,041 This is your foreign priests talking. 128 00:10:45,234 --> 00:10:48,300 They are frauds. They only want your money. 129 00:10:48,467 --> 00:10:51,334 Priests are nobody. They're just servants here. 130 00:10:50,933 --> 00:10:53,234 This is the Great Mother's house. 131 00:10:53,300 --> 00:10:55,701 The Great Mother wants nothing from me. 132 00:10:55,768 --> 00:10:58,801 - I'm a worm in her sight. - You are not a worm. 133 00:10:58,867 --> 00:11:01,068 You are a daughter of the Julii. 134 00:11:01,549 --> 00:11:04,601 It looks very ill, you running away like this. 135 00:11:04,627 --> 00:11:06,941 Reflects badly on the whole family 136 00:11:06,950 --> 00:11:08,367 if it were known publicly. 137 00:11:10,601 --> 00:11:12,768 For a moment I thought you wanted me back 138 00:11:12,834 --> 00:11:15,634 - because you missed me. - Don't be silly. 139 00:11:15,701 --> 00:11:17,900 We've missed you terribly. 140 00:11:17,920 --> 00:11:19,950 Your mother has missed you. 141 00:11:19,967 --> 00:11:22,687 I believe even the servants and animals have missed you. 142 00:11:22,690 --> 00:11:23,829 And you ? 143 00:11:27,467 --> 00:11:29,434 And I. 144 00:11:34,567 --> 00:11:37,051 I've missed you. 145 00:11:39,667 --> 00:11:42,267 I can't go back. 146 00:11:42,334 --> 00:11:44,267 What's done is done. 147 00:11:44,334 --> 00:11:47,000 I forgive you. Your mother forgives you. 148 00:11:48,933 --> 00:11:50,868 You forgive me ? 149 00:11:50,933 --> 00:11:52,401 Mother forgives me ? 150 00:11:53,019 --> 00:11:55,601 What if I don't forgive ? 151 00:11:55,689 --> 00:11:57,351 Whatever you think she may have done, 152 00:11:57,367 --> 00:12:01,444 consider the possibility she did it out of love for you. 153 00:12:02,534 --> 00:12:04,467 I'll never forgive her. 154 00:12:04,480 --> 00:12:07,934 Be that as it may, your forgiveness is irrelevant. 155 00:12:08,201 --> 00:12:10,001 You must come home. 156 00:12:10,768 --> 00:12:12,501 I'm sorry, 157 00:12:13,068 --> 00:12:14,467 I will not. 158 00:12:15,034 --> 00:12:17,668 I don't want to use force. 159 00:12:18,267 --> 00:12:20,967 The priests will protect me. 160 00:12:22,152 --> 00:12:23,667 They won't. 161 00:12:24,034 --> 00:12:26,067 I've bought them. 162 00:12:26,234 --> 00:12:27,768 Quite cheaply. 163 00:12:29,334 --> 00:12:30,768 I beg you, 164 00:12:30,834 --> 00:12:32,868 let me stay here. 165 00:12:37,081 --> 00:12:38,760 What have you done ? 166 00:12:46,768 --> 00:12:48,468 Fellow citizens of the Aventine ! 167 00:12:52,300 --> 00:12:54,534 Fellow citizens ! 168 00:12:57,267 --> 00:12:59,768 Fellow citizens of the Aventine ! 169 00:13:01,801 --> 00:13:05,267 My name is Lucius Vorenus, 170 00:13:05,334 --> 00:13:08,601 tribe* of Stellatina, veteran of the 13th legion. 171 00:13:08,602 --> 00:13:08,602 * There were 35 tribes in Rome and every citizen belonged to one of them. 172 00:13:08,667 --> 00:13:11,134 Some of you may know me. 173 00:13:12,334 --> 00:13:14,768 I bring you good news. 174 00:13:14,834 --> 00:13:18,401 Caesar has put an end to patrician tyranny, 175 00:13:18,467 --> 00:13:20,834 and will ensure that the common people 176 00:13:20,850 --> 00:13:22,946 - be heard once more. - Go back to Gaul, 177 00:13:23,000 --> 00:13:24,638 ginger knob. 178 00:13:26,167 --> 00:13:29,134 I'll not deny it, friend, I have a Gallic look about me, 179 00:13:29,200 --> 00:13:31,434 but I'm as solid Roman as you are. 180 00:13:31,501 --> 00:13:33,801 I've shed blood for Rome. 181 00:13:33,868 --> 00:13:35,801 My father shed blood for Rome, 182 00:13:35,868 --> 00:13:38,467 as did his father and his father before him. 183 00:13:38,534 --> 00:13:42,000 My wife... My wife was born here, in the Aventine ! 184 00:13:42,067 --> 00:13:45,167 I am as solid a Roman as any man here ! 185 00:13:48,933 --> 00:13:52,634 If I am elected as your local magistrate, 186 00:13:52,667 --> 00:13:54,701 I promise on Jupiter's stone 187 00:13:54,768 --> 00:13:57,067 to strive to make this an era of peace, 188 00:13:57,134 --> 00:13:59,067 prosperity and justice 189 00:13:59,134 --> 00:14:01,067 for all Aventine. 190 00:14:01,823 --> 00:14:03,250 Tomorrow 191 00:14:03,267 --> 00:14:06,134 Caesar holds a triumph, 192 00:14:06,200 --> 00:14:08,601 a symbol of his love for the people of Rome. 193 00:14:08,617 --> 00:14:09,629 Cack ! 194 00:14:09,630 --> 00:14:11,267 Why don't you shut up, you... 195 00:14:11,334 --> 00:14:13,267 Ladylike, madam, ladylike. 196 00:14:13,334 --> 00:14:15,933 Five days of feasting and games 197 00:14:16,000 --> 00:14:19,067 as appreciation for the trust and support 198 00:14:19,134 --> 00:14:21,067 the people of Rome have given Caesar. 199 00:14:21,134 --> 00:14:24,100 Freedom, more like ! We've given him our freedom 200 00:14:24,167 --> 00:14:26,534 and our honor ! 201 00:14:26,601 --> 00:14:29,234 I would not be standing here on Caesar's slate 202 00:14:29,300 --> 00:14:31,801 if I did not believe, if I did not know 203 00:14:31,868 --> 00:14:36,367 that he has only the republic's best interests at heart. 204 00:14:40,434 --> 00:14:42,067 "A new era." 205 00:14:42,134 --> 00:14:43,868 "Tomorrow's triumph, a new era." 206 00:14:43,933 --> 00:14:48,000 With tomorrow's triumph, a new era begins. 207 00:14:48,067 --> 00:14:51,534 For all Aventine. For all Rome. 208 00:15:00,501 --> 00:15:02,501 - It was good. You did well. - Thank you. 209 00:15:20,234 --> 00:15:22,768 King of all the Gauls. 210 00:15:23,933 --> 00:15:26,267 Makes you think, doesn't it ? 211 00:15:28,167 --> 00:15:29,634 It does. 212 00:15:38,768 --> 00:15:40,567 Goodbye, old friend. 213 00:15:43,100 --> 00:15:46,100 Do your best to tidy him up. He looks dead already. 214 00:16:40,467 --> 00:16:42,868 Found you at last, you bastards. 215 00:16:42,933 --> 00:16:46,100 - I've been through the whole damned army. - The famous Titus Pullo. 216 00:16:46,167 --> 00:16:49,167 To what do we owe this honor, citizen ? Do you come to wish us luck ? 217 00:16:49,234 --> 00:16:52,334 Listen, I've got most of my kit, but I've lost my crest. 218 00:16:52,401 --> 00:16:54,701 Surely someone's got a spare, you think ? 219 00:16:57,134 --> 00:16:59,601 It's only a crest. It's not like I lost my sword. 220 00:16:59,667 --> 00:17:01,467 Well, you can't march with us. 221 00:17:01,534 --> 00:17:03,967 You've left the legion. You signed yourself out. 222 00:17:04,033 --> 00:17:06,367 I know, but... 13th forever, eh ? 223 00:17:06,434 --> 00:17:09,067 It's enlisted men only in the triumph. You're a civilian. 224 00:17:09,134 --> 00:17:11,067 Civilian ? 225 00:17:11,634 --> 00:17:13,734 I'm the hero of the whole mumping legion, I am. 226 00:17:13,801 --> 00:17:15,588 I saved your skin more than once. 227 00:17:15,589 --> 00:17:17,089 Shouldn't have to remind you that. 228 00:17:17,100 --> 00:17:19,467 If you want to sign up for a few more years, that's a different story. 229 00:17:19,534 --> 00:17:21,868 You can march with us till your feet are nubs. 230 00:17:21,965 --> 00:17:24,315 Haven't I spilled enough blood for the 13th ? 231 00:17:24,316 --> 00:17:25,916 Don't be like that. 232 00:17:26,100 --> 00:17:28,272 I don't fucking make the rules, do I ? 233 00:17:28,273 --> 00:17:29,773 I follow them. 234 00:17:29,834 --> 00:17:32,434 It's enlisted men only. Don't push it. 235 00:17:33,001 --> 00:17:35,234 If you come by after, I'll stand you some drinks, eh ? 236 00:17:36,000 --> 00:17:38,601 Stand me some drinks ? 237 00:17:38,667 --> 00:17:41,457 I've got better things to do than go drinking with the likes of you. 238 00:17:41,492 --> 00:17:44,467 Well, walk on then, citizen. 239 00:17:44,534 --> 00:17:46,167 Walk on ! 240 00:17:47,567 --> 00:17:50,000 Right, ladies, on your feet ! 241 00:17:50,067 --> 00:17:52,067 Time to look like soldiers ! 242 00:18:04,034 --> 00:18:06,201 Is this too much ? 243 00:18:06,667 --> 00:18:09,201 - Just enough, I'd say. - I don't know. 244 00:18:09,768 --> 00:18:12,534 I think it's too purple. I want to suggest purple 245 00:18:12,601 --> 00:18:14,534 without actually wearing it*. 246 00:18:14,535 --> 00:18:14,535 * 247 00:18:14,601 --> 00:18:17,300 It will look less loud in direct light. 248 00:18:17,367 --> 00:18:20,134 - What do you think ? - Jupiter in life. 249 00:18:20,200 --> 00:18:22,834 Resemblance is uncanny. 250 00:18:25,401 --> 00:18:27,237 What do you find amusing ? 251 00:18:29,701 --> 00:18:31,334 It's absurd, isn't it ? 252 00:18:32,734 --> 00:18:35,534 Dressing up, playing at being god ? 253 00:18:35,601 --> 00:18:37,234 Playing ? 254 00:18:37,601 --> 00:18:39,567 I'm not playing*. 255 00:18:39,568 --> 00:18:39,568 * A statue of Caesar was placed in the temple of Quirinus (the deified likeness of the city and its founder and first king, Romulus) with the inscription: "To the Invincible God". 256 00:18:39,634 --> 00:18:41,734 This is not a game. 257 00:18:43,933 --> 00:18:46,167 As you wish. 258 00:18:46,234 --> 00:18:48,234 It is not a game. 259 00:18:50,300 --> 00:18:52,047 Something more red. 260 00:18:53,700 --> 00:18:56,667 - Is the canal around the circus filled ? - It is. 261 00:18:56,680 --> 00:18:57,992 It was not last night. 262 00:18:58,000 --> 00:19:00,753 - I saw to it at first light. - Very good. 263 00:19:00,800 --> 00:19:03,350 Make sure the elephants are give their emetics in good time. 264 00:19:03,400 --> 00:19:06,344 I don't want my chariot slowed by giant turds. 265 00:19:14,301 --> 00:19:16,534 You are looking much better. 266 00:19:16,600 --> 00:19:19,634 I am not better, however. 267 00:19:20,667 --> 00:19:23,234 Well, I must get you out to the country, perhaps. 268 00:19:23,345 --> 00:19:25,033 Some... 269 00:19:25,371 --> 00:19:27,815 ... fresh air and sunshine would do you good. 270 00:19:29,067 --> 00:19:32,501 This lying abed is not healthy. 271 00:19:32,768 --> 00:19:35,834 I rise when I have reason to do so. 272 00:19:38,577 --> 00:19:42,300 Don't loiter here pretending to be solicitous. 273 00:19:43,067 --> 00:19:45,934 Go to your friend's obscene display. 274 00:19:45,970 --> 00:19:47,554 Mother... 275 00:19:51,768 --> 00:19:53,801 Go ! 276 00:20:01,234 --> 00:20:03,234 Go. 277 00:20:47,367 --> 00:20:49,933 Do you want some color on your cheeks ? 278 00:21:04,401 --> 00:21:06,334 Please, darling, 279 00:21:06,401 --> 00:21:08,900 say something. 280 00:21:10,501 --> 00:21:12,334 This horrid silent business, 281 00:21:12,380 --> 00:21:14,493 it's most upsetting. 282 00:21:16,500 --> 00:21:20,167 - What did they do to you ? - They did nothing. 283 00:21:21,134 --> 00:21:24,501 She speaks. There's a start. 284 00:21:25,234 --> 00:21:27,167 They were very kind to me. 285 00:21:27,234 --> 00:21:29,234 Kind enough to let you hack away at yourself like a... 286 00:21:29,501 --> 00:21:31,667 side of pork. 287 00:21:35,401 --> 00:21:38,001 My poor little grump. 288 00:21:39,533 --> 00:21:42,167 I didn't realize until now how much I missed 289 00:21:42,234 --> 00:21:44,700 your gloomy presence around the place. 290 00:22:12,867 --> 00:22:14,801 - Domina... 291 00:22:15,167 --> 00:22:17,500 There's a beggar at the door who says he is Quintus, 292 00:22:17,567 --> 00:22:19,250 natural son of Pompey. 293 00:22:19,260 --> 00:22:21,479 He asks for your son's protection. 294 00:22:22,167 --> 00:22:24,167 Send him away. 295 00:22:25,600 --> 00:22:27,533 - Take your hands off me ! - Get out ! 296 00:22:27,550 --> 00:22:29,445 Brutus ! 297 00:22:30,201 --> 00:22:32,734 Scared to talk to me, eh, coward ? 298 00:22:32,800 --> 00:22:34,734 You're a coward, Brutus ! 299 00:22:34,800 --> 00:22:37,434 I swear by Janus*, 300 00:22:37,435 --> 00:22:37,435 * Janus was the god of doors, doorways, beginnings and endings. Quintus calls upon him as god responsible for changes and transitions, as the ones that the city's through. 301 00:22:37,500 --> 00:22:39,934 Jupiter* and Juno*, 302 00:22:39,935 --> 00:22:39,935 * Jupiter is not only the supreme god. He's also a part of the Capitoline Triad, (Jupiter, Juno and Minerva) who protects Rome. 303 00:22:40,001 --> 00:22:43,234 I swear on the grave of my father, 304 00:22:43,301 --> 00:22:47,600 I, Quintus Valerius Pompey, 305 00:22:47,667 --> 00:22:50,600 I'm going to kill that son of a whore tyrant ! 306 00:22:50,667 --> 00:22:54,300 I'll get Ajax to deal with him. 307 00:22:54,501 --> 00:22:56,146 - He's a bastard traitor to Rome... - Wait. 308 00:22:56,734 --> 00:22:59,600 and you're a traitor too, Brutus ! 309 00:23:14,533 --> 00:23:16,900 Pompey's natural son, eh ? 310 00:23:16,967 --> 00:23:19,401 I am. 311 00:23:19,468 --> 00:23:22,767 I gather at least you're still no friend to Caesar. 312 00:23:22,834 --> 00:23:25,767 I'll burn him alive. 313 00:23:26,034 --> 00:23:29,134 I will pluck out his eyes, I... 314 00:23:29,201 --> 00:23:31,034 Be calm. 315 00:23:31,801 --> 00:23:34,367 You're among friends. 316 00:23:39,267 --> 00:23:41,300 All will be well. 317 00:24:09,533 --> 00:24:11,567 Have him washed and fed. 318 00:26:34,134 --> 00:26:36,134 Caesar ! Caesar ! 319 00:27:14,034 --> 00:27:15,968 Glorious Caesar ! 320 00:27:38,034 --> 00:27:40,034 The gods favor you, Caesar ! 321 00:29:28,867 --> 00:29:30,867 Caesar ! Caesar ! 322 00:30:09,867 --> 00:30:12,201 "Tables for 5000 men 323 00:30:12,267 --> 00:30:15,534 "will be set up in the cattle forum*. 324 00:30:15,535 --> 00:30:15,535 * It's the Forum Boarium, the oldest forum in Rome. 325 00:30:16,001 --> 00:30:19,954 "Slaves and freedmen are not eligible. 326 00:30:20,667 --> 00:30:24,034 "Those citizens that cannot find a proper seating place 327 00:30:24,059 --> 00:30:25,596 "must leave 328 00:30:25,630 --> 00:30:28,501 "when ordered by the civic officers*. 329 00:30:28,502 --> 00:30:28,502 * These officers are the aediles, responsible for maintenance of public buildings, regulation of public festivals and enforcing of the public order. 330 00:30:28,801 --> 00:30:32,380 "Gaius Julius Caesar has decreed 331 00:30:32,500 --> 00:30:36,067 "in tribute to their virtue, 332 00:30:36,134 --> 00:30:38,767 "each and every citizen of Rome 333 00:30:38,834 --> 00:30:42,034 "will be issued from the Public Treasury 334 00:30:42,101 --> 00:30:45,700 "the sum of 100 denarii." 335 00:30:47,667 --> 00:30:49,380 "Further, 336 00:30:49,390 --> 00:30:52,860 "20000 deserving families 337 00:30:52,880 --> 00:30:54,707 "will be given farms 338 00:30:54,827 --> 00:30:58,656 "on the public lands around Capua." 339 00:30:59,634 --> 00:31:02,134 "Further, for the coming year, 340 00:31:02,200 --> 00:31:05,267 "All rents... All rents 341 00:31:05,334 --> 00:31:07,234 "on low dwellings in the city 342 00:31:07,301 --> 00:31:09,501 "will be paid in full 343 00:31:09,834 --> 00:31:13,534 "by Gaius Julius Caesar." 344 00:31:13,601 --> 00:31:15,534 Very noble, 345 00:31:15,601 --> 00:31:18,933 and very nicely expressed, if I may say so. 346 00:31:19,000 --> 00:31:20,933 Might I have a quiet word ? 347 00:31:21,000 --> 00:31:22,511 Of course. 348 00:31:23,833 --> 00:31:26,933 A quiet word. 349 00:31:27,000 --> 00:31:28,933 You may speak in front of Quintus. 350 00:31:29,000 --> 00:31:30,933 As you wish. It is of Quintus I speak. 351 00:31:31,000 --> 00:31:34,135 The good man has been here several days now. 352 00:31:34,070 --> 00:31:37,967 Perhaps he grows weary of entertaining us with his happy presence. 353 00:31:38,768 --> 00:31:41,967 Do not mind him, Quintus. He has no manners. 354 00:31:42,933 --> 00:31:46,067 He shall stay as long as it pleases me. 355 00:31:46,134 --> 00:31:48,334 Well, that's the thing, mother. 356 00:31:48,601 --> 00:31:50,534 I do not see in what way he could 357 00:31:50,601 --> 00:31:53,033 possibly please you. 358 00:31:53,800 --> 00:31:55,701 What is his purpose ? 359 00:31:55,767 --> 00:31:59,100 Does he help you to write poetry ? 360 00:31:59,167 --> 00:32:01,601 - He has a good ear. - Indeed ? 361 00:32:01,868 --> 00:32:05,667 - You surprise me. - He has fire in him. 362 00:32:05,934 --> 00:32:07,700 It warms me. 363 00:32:07,710 --> 00:32:10,534 Light more lamps if you are cold ! 364 00:32:10,601 --> 00:32:14,390 It looks very ill to keep a son of Pompey in our house. 365 00:32:14,401 --> 00:32:17,569 And we should strike such fine figures otherwise ! 366 00:32:28,667 --> 00:32:29,616 So you see 367 00:32:30,017 --> 00:32:32,017 the fourth clause of the previous statute 368 00:32:31,630 --> 00:32:34,430 only applies in cases of fire and flood, 369 00:32:34,501 --> 00:32:36,667 unless otherwise stipulated in the appendix. 370 00:32:36,684 --> 00:32:39,050 - Do you see ? - Not clearly. 371 00:32:39,067 --> 00:32:42,667 I'm not sure I can explain it in simpler terms. 372 00:32:42,750 --> 00:32:44,950 Surely this can wait until after the election. 373 00:32:44,967 --> 00:32:47,467 There's no point learning all this if I lose. 374 00:32:47,534 --> 00:32:49,300 You will not lose. 375 00:32:49,367 --> 00:32:52,300 You're very sure of that. There are other candidates. 376 00:32:54,634 --> 00:32:56,834 I believe I warned you about mocking me. 377 00:32:56,900 --> 00:32:59,601 Forgive me, sir. I had thought you understood the system. 378 00:32:59,667 --> 00:33:02,601 The other candidates are straw men. 379 00:33:03,551 --> 00:33:05,070 Straw men ? 380 00:33:05,405 --> 00:33:08,083 It saves a great deal of useless strife 381 00:33:08,100 --> 00:33:10,631 if there's no opposition, but it would look ill 382 00:33:10,640 --> 00:33:12,867 if Caesar's man was the only one standing. 383 00:33:16,033 --> 00:33:18,334 These facts disturb you somehow ? 384 00:33:18,401 --> 00:33:21,334 The elections are sanctioned by Jupiter Capitolinus*. 385 00:33:21,335 --> 00:33:21,335 * Cf. note line 303. 386 00:33:21,401 --> 00:33:23,200 They are sacred. 387 00:33:23,267 --> 00:33:26,401 Caesar also is sanctioned by Jupiter, is he not ? 388 00:33:26,467 --> 00:33:29,300 By augury, by triumph, 389 00:33:29,367 --> 00:33:31,100 by acclaim of the people. 390 00:33:32,100 --> 00:33:35,200 Anything he does is sacred. 391 00:33:35,217 --> 00:33:37,200 In a way, he is a demigod. 392 00:33:37,267 --> 00:33:39,535 For one day only. 393 00:33:39,767 --> 00:33:42,673 For the rest, he is a mortal man like you and me. 394 00:33:42,868 --> 00:33:44,980 Mortal or not, he is trying to save the republic. 395 00:33:44,990 --> 00:33:47,020 By corrupting the elections ? 396 00:33:47,060 --> 00:33:50,067 The Roman people are not crying out for clean elections. 397 00:33:50,080 --> 00:33:52,267 They are crying out for jobs. 398 00:33:52,290 --> 00:33:54,501 They are crying out for clean water, for food, 399 00:33:54,567 --> 00:33:56,800 For stability and peace. 400 00:33:57,067 --> 00:33:59,933 You can do great things for your people. 401 00:34:00,000 --> 00:34:01,933 You can help 402 00:34:02,000 --> 00:34:04,201 save the republic. 403 00:34:08,067 --> 00:34:11,401 Or you can go back to your shop and resume selling mutton and pig, 404 00:34:11,467 --> 00:34:13,501 Have dirty hands but a clean conscience. 405 00:34:23,834 --> 00:34:25,834 So what do you say ? 406 00:34:27,667 --> 00:34:29,150 Say to what ? 407 00:34:29,167 --> 00:34:31,334 You haven't heard a word I've been saying. 408 00:34:31,701 --> 00:34:33,290 Is everything all right ? 409 00:34:33,300 --> 00:34:35,002 Forgive me. 410 00:34:38,301 --> 00:34:40,344 So what was it you needed ? 411 00:34:42,300 --> 00:34:44,880 I want to free Eirene, take her off to the country, 412 00:34:44,900 --> 00:34:47,033 - if you'll lend me some money. - Of course. 413 00:34:47,100 --> 00:34:49,203 And I'll need you to come with me to the slave registry, 414 00:34:49,303 --> 00:34:51,088 to vouch your name for my ownership. 415 00:34:51,089 --> 00:34:52,565 Slow down. Why are you freeing Eirene ? 416 00:34:52,594 --> 00:34:53,940 Can't marry her otherwise. 417 00:34:53,941 --> 00:34:55,567 Marry her ? 418 00:34:58,234 --> 00:35:00,200 Look, I've... 419 00:35:00,267 --> 00:35:03,267 I've been feeling strange and low 420 00:35:03,334 --> 00:35:06,334 and empty these last months, and... 421 00:35:08,368 --> 00:35:11,600 Anyway, I've puzzled it out, and I realized what it was. 422 00:35:13,000 --> 00:35:15,434 I love Eirene. 423 00:35:15,501 --> 00:35:17,967 I love her, and I want her to bear my children 424 00:35:18,033 --> 00:35:20,000 and be my wife, and... 425 00:35:25,167 --> 00:35:27,239 Congratulations, I suppose. 426 00:35:30,201 --> 00:35:33,818 So you'll be going to the country, you say ? 427 00:35:34,667 --> 00:35:36,601 Leaving Rome ? 428 00:35:36,267 --> 00:35:38,201 Rome's no place for me. 429 00:35:38,267 --> 00:35:40,934 I need clean air, room to move. 430 00:35:41,453 --> 00:35:43,767 And what will you do when you get there ? 431 00:35:44,233 --> 00:35:46,334 There's always work for a good man with a sword. 432 00:35:47,162 --> 00:35:49,301 Well, as long as you're sure... 433 00:35:52,367 --> 00:35:54,101 I've thought it through. 434 00:35:54,867 --> 00:35:57,167 I've never been so sure of anything in my life. 435 00:35:58,700 --> 00:36:01,067 I'm happy for you. 436 00:36:01,744 --> 00:36:03,734 I hope you find your path. 437 00:36:09,401 --> 00:36:10,928 Still here ? 438 00:36:11,080 --> 00:36:13,967 I thought you were retiring to the country as a point of honor. 439 00:36:14,034 --> 00:36:15,833 You do right to mock me. 440 00:36:16,142 --> 00:36:18,312 You make me feel small. 441 00:36:18,350 --> 00:36:19,637 A joke, old man, a joke. 442 00:36:19,638 --> 00:36:21,434 I'm always happy for your company. 443 00:36:21,501 --> 00:36:22,460 So... 444 00:36:22,461 --> 00:36:25,160 Why didn't you tell me beforehand ? 445 00:36:25,202 --> 00:36:26,833 I could have been of assistance perhaps. 446 00:36:26,900 --> 00:36:28,240 What are you talking about ? 447 00:36:29,201 --> 00:36:31,685 Everyone is reading it ! 448 00:36:31,700 --> 00:36:34,668 I saw some temple prostitutes* with a copy. 449 00:36:34,669 --> 00:36:34,669 * They're hierodules, slaves who have sex with pilgrims to serve and honor a deity. 450 00:36:35,868 --> 00:36:37,867 "A call to virtue." 451 00:36:37,934 --> 00:36:40,201 The writing is... adequate, which is something 452 00:36:40,267 --> 00:36:42,301 we should talk about, but the sentiments are full of... 453 00:36:42,568 --> 00:36:44,451 ...grace and bravery. 454 00:36:44,468 --> 00:36:47,267 "Sons of the republic, the blood of our forefathers 455 00:36:47,234 --> 00:36:50,067 calls you to honor the memory and emulate the deeds de... 456 00:36:50,834 --> 00:36:53,455 ...Porcius Cato, the last true Roman." 457 00:36:53,468 --> 00:36:55,401 Who wrote this ? 458 00:36:55,468 --> 00:36:57,468 You did. 459 00:37:03,401 --> 00:37:05,101 Gods beneath us ! 460 00:37:05,867 --> 00:37:07,386 Mother ! 461 00:37:09,134 --> 00:37:10,208 Mother... 462 00:37:11,009 --> 00:37:13,934 Have you seen this ? This lunacy ? 463 00:37:14,201 --> 00:37:15,338 Of course I've seen it.. 464 00:37:15,339 --> 00:37:16,739 It's not lunacy. 465 00:37:16,800 --> 00:37:20,368 It is a cogent defense of republican principles 466 00:37:20,400 --> 00:37:22,958 against the forces of tyranny. 467 00:37:23,793 --> 00:37:25,647 I am rather proud of it. 468 00:37:25,648 --> 00:37:27,067 You wrote this ? 469 00:37:27,932 --> 00:37:29,667 In my name ? 470 00:37:29,680 --> 00:37:31,434 Cassius* contributed 471 00:37:31,435 --> 00:37:31,435 * 472 00:37:31,533 --> 00:37:33,468 Several nice turns of phrase. 473 00:37:33,533 --> 00:37:35,468 You know Cassius, of course. 474 00:37:35,533 --> 00:37:36,349 Of course. 475 00:37:36,350 --> 00:37:38,134 Delighted. 476 00:37:39,490 --> 00:37:40,990 Quintus. 477 00:37:41,617 --> 00:37:42,890 It's lovely to see you again. 478 00:37:42,900 --> 00:37:45,234 - It's been too long. - Indeed. 479 00:37:45,301 --> 00:37:47,263 You will excuse me if I... 480 00:37:47,534 --> 00:37:50,101 ...speak with my mother privately ? 481 00:37:57,533 --> 00:37:59,767 I'm deeply sorry you feel I have failed you, 482 00:37:59,834 --> 00:38:02,234 but this... this is going too far. 483 00:38:02,301 --> 00:38:04,633 My name is not yours to be used... 484 00:38:04,700 --> 00:38:06,333 You haven't failed me. 485 00:38:06,400 --> 00:38:08,364 You can't fail me, I'm your mother. 486 00:38:08,700 --> 00:38:11,500 - You have failed the republic. - Dear gods ! 487 00:38:12,967 --> 00:38:14,731 Bring me a pen and paper 488 00:38:14,732 --> 00:38:15,832 It's bad enough 489 00:38:15,850 --> 00:38:18,550 that you keep that little madman Quintus in this house, 490 00:38:18,567 --> 00:38:20,633 but this... This ! 491 00:38:24,300 --> 00:38:26,700 - I don't know what to tell him. - Why don't you fall on your knees 492 00:38:26,710 --> 00:38:29,424 and kiss his feet and beg for mercy ? 493 00:38:29,763 --> 00:38:31,701 - It served you in the past. - But not you. 494 00:38:31,767 --> 00:38:34,642 Eh ? Perhaps you did not beg hard enough. 495 00:38:48,677 --> 00:38:49,734 You... 496 00:38:50,566 --> 00:38:53,542 You do understand... 497 00:38:55,706 --> 00:38:58,834 he might have me killed for this ? 498 00:39:02,233 --> 00:39:06,068 Rome has fallen into the hands of a corrupt monster. 499 00:39:06,134 --> 00:39:07,815 You, 500 00:39:07,816 --> 00:39:09,831 direct descendant 501 00:39:09,852 --> 00:39:11,834 of the father of the republic*, 502 00:39:11,835 --> 00:39:11,835 * 503 00:39:12,819 --> 00:39:15,332 what do you do ? 504 00:39:21,867 --> 00:39:23,981 What would you have me do ? 505 00:39:24,067 --> 00:39:25,801 What would your father have done ? 506 00:39:25,810 --> 00:39:27,637 What would his father have done ? 507 00:39:27,638 --> 00:39:29,912 Would they bend their knees to a tyrant ? 508 00:39:30,113 --> 00:39:31,392 They would take account 509 00:39:31,393 --> 00:39:32,834 of the specific circumstan... 510 00:39:32,901 --> 00:39:36,668 They would chase him out of the city like any mad dog ! 511 00:39:36,938 --> 00:39:39,084 Chased him out ? 512 00:39:40,307 --> 00:39:42,434 And how am I to do that exactly ? 513 00:39:42,601 --> 00:39:44,967 You would not be alone. 514 00:39:45,034 --> 00:39:47,234 Ah, these fine men in the house 515 00:39:47,301 --> 00:39:49,234 are very very good. I am reassured. 516 00:39:49,301 --> 00:39:52,100 They are good men. And there are many others, 517 00:39:52,167 --> 00:39:54,267 men of rank and wisdom. 518 00:39:55,318 --> 00:39:57,334 It is not a dog gone mad. 519 00:39:57,401 --> 00:40:01,501 I would rather be mad than disgrace our name. 520 00:40:01,567 --> 00:40:03,667 No more ! 521 00:40:03,901 --> 00:40:07,967 You send your fool henchmen away... 522 00:40:08,600 --> 00:40:10,800 and forget this insanity. 523 00:40:16,867 --> 00:40:19,833 - Brutus. - Cassius, it's lovely to see you but 524 00:40:19,900 --> 00:40:21,768 as you can see... 525 00:40:21,790 --> 00:40:24,034 Of course, forgive the intrusion. 526 00:40:24,410 --> 00:40:26,434 Perhaps I may visit another time. 527 00:40:26,501 --> 00:40:28,438 Good. Certainly. 528 00:40:30,667 --> 00:40:32,900 On Jupiter's stone, you're a full Roman citizen, 529 00:40:32,927 --> 00:40:35,976 and you attest to this man's ownership of listed property ? 530 00:40:36,067 --> 00:40:37,631 I am. I do. 531 00:40:38,567 --> 00:40:40,567 Sign here. 532 00:40:44,534 --> 00:40:46,401 Any kind of mark will do. 533 00:40:47,356 --> 00:40:49,567 I can write my name as good as the next man. 534 00:40:58,234 --> 00:40:59,868 Done. 535 00:41:01,500 --> 00:41:03,967 42. 42 up. 536 00:41:13,367 --> 00:41:14,562 Eirene. 537 00:41:15,972 --> 00:41:17,668 Come over here. I want to talk to you. 538 00:41:18,900 --> 00:41:20,819 I'll leave you to it. 539 00:41:25,700 --> 00:41:28,600 I've been to the registrar of slaves. You're no longer my slave. 540 00:41:28,620 --> 00:41:29,476 You've sold me ? 541 00:41:29,477 --> 00:41:31,167 Please don't sell me. 542 00:41:31,234 --> 00:41:33,167 Don't send me away. I beg you. 543 00:41:33,234 --> 00:41:35,159 I'm setting you free. 544 00:41:36,200 --> 00:41:38,989 You're free. It says so here. 545 00:41:42,734 --> 00:41:44,667 Thank you. 546 00:41:44,734 --> 00:41:47,234 Thank you. You're the kindest man alive. 547 00:41:49,201 --> 00:41:51,406 I love you, sir. I love you, sir. 548 00:41:51,407 --> 00:41:53,850 Here is a dress. 549 00:41:55,253 --> 00:41:56,252 Go try it on. 550 00:41:56,270 --> 00:41:58,009 Let's see how it looks. 551 00:42:19,750 --> 00:42:23,176 Titus Pullo, sir. I cannot thank you enough. 552 00:42:23,177 --> 00:42:25,798 Thank me ? What are you thanking me for, boy ? 553 00:42:25,799 --> 00:42:26,559 For freeing her. 554 00:42:26,900 --> 00:42:29,150 We have been saving to buy our freedom, 555 00:42:29,200 --> 00:42:32,109 But we never... To happen so soon. 556 00:42:32,110 --> 00:42:34,206 I cannot tell you what a gift it is. 557 00:42:34,207 --> 00:42:36,141 You've both been saving ? You and Eirene ? 558 00:42:36,142 --> 00:42:37,942 We thought to take the Vorenus name* as ours 559 00:42:37,943 --> 00:42:37,943 * When a slave gets freed, he takes the first and the last names of his master. The name he had when he was a slave becomes his nick (cognomen), the third part of each Roman name (for men). 560 00:42:37,943 --> 00:42:39,986 when we became freedmen, but 561 00:42:40,193 --> 00:42:43,076 Eirene says it must be under your name 562 00:42:43,077 --> 00:42:44,858 she becomes my wife. 563 00:42:47,996 --> 00:42:49,506 Wife ? 564 00:42:49,520 --> 00:42:50,727 Legal wife, I mean. 565 00:42:50,728 --> 00:42:53,683 We are... already married in our hearts. 566 00:42:53,684 --> 00:42:53,684 * 567 00:42:53,684 --> 00:42:56,616 Eirene ? My Eirene ? 568 00:42:56,617 --> 00:42:57,376 Sir ? 569 00:42:58,862 --> 00:42:59,837 Sir ! 570 00:43:29,034 --> 00:43:30,131 Dead ? 571 00:43:30,132 --> 00:43:31,332 Looks like. 572 00:43:31,334 --> 00:43:32,886 What happened ? 573 00:43:32,887 --> 00:43:34,734 I killed him. I did it. 574 00:43:34,800 --> 00:43:37,500 I can see that, but why ? Why did you do this ? 575 00:43:37,510 --> 00:43:38,582 It doesn't matter*. 576 00:43:38,583 --> 00:43:38,583 * Killing a slave isn't considered as a murder in the Roman law. 577 00:43:38,583 --> 00:43:39,767 It does matter, though. 578 00:43:39,780 --> 00:43:41,121 It matters to me. 579 00:43:41,122 --> 00:43:43,434 This boy was my property. 580 00:43:43,500 --> 00:43:45,867 - He angered me. - He angered you ? 581 00:43:45,934 --> 00:43:48,100 He... He and Eirene, they were... 582 00:43:49,600 --> 00:43:52,401 So what does that matter ? Did you think she was a virgin ? 583 00:43:52,267 --> 00:43:54,201 She's still yours to use as you wish ? 584 00:43:54,667 --> 00:43:56,501 I love her. 585 00:43:56,267 --> 00:43:58,234 This is how you prove it ? 586 00:43:58,301 --> 00:44:01,633 This is no charnel house to kill people as you want. 587 00:44:01,700 --> 00:44:04,101 This is my home. My home ! 588 00:44:07,834 --> 00:44:10,800 You do this violence before my children ?! 589 00:44:10,867 --> 00:44:12,500 I'm sorry. 590 00:44:14,267 --> 00:44:15,573 Silence ! 591 00:44:18,533 --> 00:44:20,143 I'll pay you back. 592 00:44:21,234 --> 00:44:23,434 Pay me back with what, you damn fool ? 593 00:44:23,499 --> 00:44:25,823 You've got no money but what I've given you. 594 00:44:26,501 --> 00:44:27,901 But please... 595 00:44:29,833 --> 00:44:31,468 do not call me a fool. 596 00:44:31,533 --> 00:44:33,867 I'll call you what I like. You're a damn fool. 597 00:44:33,934 --> 00:44:35,840 I don't care about the money. It's... 598 00:44:35,934 --> 00:44:38,401 It's the disrespect. 599 00:44:38,468 --> 00:44:40,434 Look at what you did ! Look at him ! 600 00:44:42,134 --> 00:44:44,067 Maybe you're right. 601 00:44:44,434 --> 00:44:46,134 Probably I am a fool. 602 00:44:47,700 --> 00:44:50,034 Never was a clever one like you. 603 00:44:50,101 --> 00:44:52,900 Never demoted, you, never flogged, never locked up. 604 00:44:52,967 --> 00:44:54,901 Straight to the top. 605 00:44:55,368 --> 00:44:57,135 And here you are, 606 00:44:57,368 --> 00:44:59,734 with your nice, clean, white toga. 607 00:44:59,800 --> 00:45:01,734 Lovely cloth, that* ! 608 00:45:01,735 --> 00:45:01,735 * Only a citizen standing for some charge can wear such a whitened toga. 609 00:45:01,800 --> 00:45:05,267 Stays clean, no matter how much you wade in the filth. 610 00:45:07,034 --> 00:45:08,612 Speak your mind. 611 00:45:08,613 --> 00:45:10,406 As you will. Time was, 612 00:45:10,427 --> 00:45:13,067 you said Caesar was a rebel and a traitor. 613 00:45:14,100 --> 00:45:15,033 And now, today, 614 00:45:15,034 --> 00:45:16,967 he tosses you some coin and some farmland, 615 00:45:17,034 --> 00:45:19,074 and he's savior of the republic, and you're kissing 616 00:45:19,075 --> 00:45:20,084 his royal* ass. 617 00:45:20,085 --> 00:45:20,085 * 618 00:45:22,000 --> 00:45:23,934 You stand up. 619 00:45:24,001 --> 00:45:26,967 Stand up ! Stand up ! 620 00:45:28,001 --> 00:45:30,167 I'll not fight you. 621 00:45:32,434 --> 00:45:34,368 Then go. 622 00:45:34,434 --> 00:45:36,434 Go and do not come back here. 623 00:45:45,600 --> 00:45:48,468 Go. Go ! And do not come back here. 624 00:45:48,533 --> 00:45:51,234 Eirene, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 625 00:45:55,500 --> 00:45:57,334 Stay away from her. 626 00:45:57,701 --> 00:45:59,601 Right. 627 00:46:02,267 --> 00:46:03,967 Sorry. 628 00:46:09,034 --> 00:46:10,967 I had no idea. 629 00:46:11,034 --> 00:46:12,513 I must go now. 630 00:46:13,267 --> 00:46:14,343 You... 631 00:46:14,344 --> 00:46:16,189 You do believe me ? 632 00:46:16,201 --> 00:46:18,154 My dear friend, of course I believe you. 633 00:46:18,180 --> 00:46:19,780 You have never lied to me. 634 00:46:19,800 --> 00:46:21,783 Besides, why would you put your name to a thing 635 00:46:21,785 --> 00:46:23,675 - and then deny it ? - Well, exactly. 636 00:46:24,200 --> 00:46:27,401 And anyone... Anyone may forge my name to a thing 637 00:46:27,468 --> 00:46:29,260 to give it weight. 638 00:46:29,500 --> 00:46:32,267 We shall just have to become used to it, no doubt. 639 00:46:32,334 --> 00:46:36,201 I wonder who it was that wrote it. 640 00:46:36,468 --> 00:46:38,668 I wish I knew. 641 00:46:39,600 --> 00:46:42,368 Someone of talent. Anyhow, I've seldom seen 642 00:46:42,434 --> 00:46:44,368 a bad case so well put. 643 00:46:44,434 --> 00:46:46,167 I shall have to write a reply. 644 00:46:46,234 --> 00:46:49,800 Well, as long as you and I know where we stand... 645 00:46:49,867 --> 00:46:52,023 Where do we stand ? 646 00:46:53,633 --> 00:46:55,567 I hope we are the best of friend, are we ? 647 00:46:55,633 --> 00:46:57,567 We are, we are. 648 00:46:57,633 --> 00:47:02,667 Brutus, I have never doubted your friendship or fidelity. 649 00:47:04,667 --> 00:47:06,667 Even when we were enemies. 650 00:49:50,134 --> 00:49:51,622 Titus Pullo. 651 00:49:52,734 --> 00:49:54,867 You look tired, my friend. 652 00:49:54,890 --> 00:49:55,966 I'm drunk. 653 00:49:55,966 --> 00:49:58,508 These are hard times for war veterans. 654 00:49:58,509 --> 00:50:01,248 You're right there. 655 00:50:00,255 --> 00:50:03,079 Too many soldiers back in Rome. 656 00:50:03,085 --> 00:50:06,234 Not enough work to go round. It's a sad situation. 657 00:50:06,300 --> 00:50:07,801 But it's a crime 658 00:50:07,934 --> 00:50:11,434 to see a man of your ability unemployed. 659 00:50:13,601 --> 00:50:15,601 I'm doing fine. 660 00:50:16,834 --> 00:50:18,834 I have plenty of irons in the fire. 661 00:50:20,234 --> 00:50:22,200 Well, if your prospects don't work out, 662 00:50:22,267 --> 00:50:24,367 you can ask on any street in the Aventine 663 00:50:24,434 --> 00:50:26,400 Erastes Fulmen. 664 00:50:27,601 --> 00:50:29,701 I will always have a job for you. 665 00:50:30,701 --> 00:50:33,400 I'm a soldier, not a murderer. 666 00:50:34,734 --> 00:50:38,601 These days, Pullo, is there really any difference ? 667 00:50:41,468 --> 00:50:43,458 Have a drink on me. 668 00:50:43,601 --> 00:50:45,901 When you've sobered up, come and see me. 669 00:50:46,068 --> 00:50:48,301 We'll talk a little business.