1 00:01:36,534 --> 00:01:38,016 Utica* 2 00:01:38,017 --> 00:01:38,017 * Town in nowadays Tunisia. 3 00:01:39,543 --> 00:01:42,701 * 4 00:01:42,702 --> 00:01:42,702 February, the 6th 46 b.C. This battle opposes Caesar’s troops to around 10 legions raised by Cato and Metellus Scipio, joined to the king Juba the Ist of Numidia. Caesar tells his fith legion to hit the elephants’ paws with axes. After this victory, elephant became the symbol of this legion. 5 00:01:56,068 --> 00:01:57,689 We should go. 6 00:01:58,100 --> 00:02:00,114 Night is coming. 7 00:02:00,467 --> 00:02:02,800 They sleep standing up, you know. 8 00:02:04,567 --> 00:02:06,267 Elephants. 9 00:02:07,633 --> 00:02:09,380 On account once laid down, 10 00:02:09,681 --> 00:02:12,113 they cannot rise again. 11 00:02:12,214 --> 00:02:14,000 Is that so ? 12 00:02:14,634 --> 00:02:16,467 I was not aware. 13 00:02:28,000 --> 00:02:29,634 We should go. 14 00:02:30,433 --> 00:02:31,867 Where ? 15 00:02:33,167 --> 00:02:34,934 Utica is not far. 16 00:02:35,601 --> 00:02:37,634 Utica. 17 00:02:38,700 --> 00:02:40,435 What's there for us ? 18 00:02:40,470 --> 00:02:42,005 Shelter. 19 00:02:42,225 --> 00:02:43,987 Food. 20 00:02:44,167 --> 00:02:46,567 I need neither. 21 00:02:48,000 --> 00:02:49,700 Sleep, then. 22 00:02:49,767 --> 00:02:51,967 Sleep would be pleasant. 23 00:02:56,134 --> 00:02:58,134 So... 24 00:02:59,201 --> 00:03:01,501 Utica then. 25 00:03:49,001 --> 00:03:51,281 Dear me. 26 00:03:51,867 --> 00:03:54,584 Really, Aquinas, is this the best we can do ? 27 00:03:54,600 --> 00:03:55,617 No matter. 28 00:03:56,218 --> 00:03:57,457 No matter. 29 00:03:57,900 --> 00:04:00,267 Bring water for washing. 30 00:04:00,334 --> 00:04:02,807 And bread... and wine. 31 00:04:07,800 --> 00:04:09,945 I think I shall make myself drunk tonight. 32 00:04:10,367 --> 00:04:12,668 Perhaps just this once you will join me. 33 00:04:12,733 --> 00:04:15,000 I think not. 34 00:04:16,101 --> 00:04:18,074 Cheer up. We live. 35 00:04:18,268 --> 00:04:20,101 We do. We live. 36 00:04:20,167 --> 00:04:21,800 And where there's life, there's hope. 37 00:04:21,826 --> 00:04:24,668 I'm afraid if we have done anything, old friend, 38 00:04:24,733 --> 00:04:27,134 we've disproved that proverb. 39 00:04:27,201 --> 00:04:29,700 Aquinas, this bread is stubborn. 40 00:04:29,720 --> 00:04:31,185 Give me your knife. 41 00:04:35,167 --> 00:04:36,934 Scipio... 42 00:04:38,067 --> 00:04:40,631 You have a tolerant spirit. 43 00:04:40,733 --> 00:04:43,467 If you can, you should... 44 00:04:43,534 --> 00:04:45,605 make your peace with Caesar. 45 00:04:45,650 --> 00:04:46,817 I don't know about that. 46 00:04:46,518 --> 00:04:48,215 I shall do whatever you do. 47 00:04:48,267 --> 00:04:49,934 I wouldn't do that. 48 00:04:51,168 --> 00:04:52,820 - Go your own way. - In any case, 49 00:04:52,830 --> 00:04:54,187 let's not discuss it now. 50 00:04:54,201 --> 00:04:56,367 There'll be plenty of time for such sad talk. 51 00:04:56,833 --> 00:04:59,468 If you'll excuse me. 52 00:04:59,600 --> 00:05:01,481 I need to urinate. 53 00:05:02,001 --> 00:05:04,101 There's a pisspot through there, I believe. 54 00:05:58,434 --> 00:05:59,598 Help ! 55 00:05:59,799 --> 00:06:01,039 Help ! 56 00:06:33,100 --> 00:06:34,488 Send them away. 57 00:06:51,000 --> 00:06:52,716 Do it now. 58 00:06:56,700 --> 00:06:58,134 Cut deep, boy. 59 00:07:00,267 --> 00:07:02,267 Goodbye, sir*. 60 00:07:02,268 --> 00:07:02,268 * Actually, Metellus Scipio was killed in the battle of Thapsus with the army. Cato wasn't on the battlefield and committed suicide in Utica when he heard of the defeat, before Caesar came. 61 00:08:11,034 --> 00:08:12,867 We thank you so much. 62 00:08:12,934 --> 00:08:16,467 We hope you have enjoyed our humble efforts 63 00:08:16,534 --> 00:08:19,234 on this happy day ! 64 00:08:21,234 --> 00:08:25,967 Happy day on which our glorious father has returned ! 65 00:08:25,934 --> 00:08:30,467 Happy day on which the Julian sun has risen 66 00:08:30,534 --> 00:08:34,501 and banished Pompeian night forever ! 67 00:08:35,601 --> 00:08:39,734 Happy day on which our brave soldiers 68 00:08:40,000 --> 00:08:42,967 have come home to their families ! 69 00:08:43,034 --> 00:08:46,601 Happy day ! 70 00:08:57,234 --> 00:08:58,852 - Salve. - Welcome back. 71 00:09:24,568 --> 00:09:27,668 - Are you home for good now ? - I am. I am. 72 00:09:27,733 --> 00:09:29,700 No more soldiering for me. 73 00:10:15,967 --> 00:10:17,334 Bona dea ! 74 00:10:17,901 --> 00:10:19,967 It's nice, isn't it ? 75 00:10:20,967 --> 00:10:22,600 It is. 76 00:10:24,734 --> 00:10:26,023 Who are these ? 77 00:10:26,200 --> 00:10:28,435 I bought them last year. 78 00:10:29,600 --> 00:10:31,500 Four slaves we have now ? 79 00:10:31,567 --> 00:10:33,567 They were a good price. 80 00:10:33,634 --> 00:10:35,600 On a soldier's wage ? 81 00:10:37,034 --> 00:10:40,101 The butcher shop paid for them with plenty to spare. 82 00:10:40,168 --> 00:10:41,701 The butcher shop ? 83 00:10:41,767 --> 00:10:44,300 Me and Lyde have made a nice business out of it. 84 00:10:44,367 --> 00:10:46,967 Five hundred head a week sometimes. 85 00:10:47,034 --> 00:10:51,534 Pigs mostly, but some sheep and cows for the religious trade. 86 00:11:05,600 --> 00:11:07,567 Eirene ! 87 00:11:11,400 --> 00:11:14,450 - It's very good to see you. - It's good to see you too, master. 88 00:11:14,467 --> 00:11:15,745 You speak our words ! 89 00:11:15,746 --> 00:11:17,101 If it pleases you. 90 00:11:17,168 --> 00:11:19,150 It does. Of course it does. 91 00:11:22,434 --> 00:11:24,001 Can I get you anything ? 92 00:11:24,068 --> 00:11:25,834 A bit of water would be nice. 93 00:11:41,134 --> 00:11:43,134 I brought you something. 94 00:11:51,134 --> 00:11:53,901 Here, let me. 95 00:12:00,767 --> 00:12:02,333 Lovely. 96 00:12:06,267 --> 00:12:09,367 Parentalia* begins on the Ides*. 97 00:12:09,368 --> 00:12:09,368 * Feast for appeasing dead parents with visits of the family tombs and little sacrifices. They begin on the Ides of February (13th) and last until the 22nd. 98 00:12:09,434 --> 00:12:11,367 Temples will be shut, 99 00:12:11,434 --> 00:12:13,500 and no wedding celebrated. 100 00:12:13,567 --> 00:12:17,300 Public festivals shall be at the fifth* hour in the circus. 101 00:12:17,301 --> 00:12:17,301 * That is to say, 11 a.m. (not 5 o' clock). 102 00:12:17,367 --> 00:12:20,233 Wine to be provided by the Capitoline fraternity, 103 00:12:20,300 --> 00:12:23,701 and cakes by the guild of millers. 104 00:12:23,767 --> 00:12:26,801 The guild of millers uses only the finest grains... 105 00:12:26,867 --> 00:12:30,967 True Roman bread, for true Romans. 106 00:12:37,467 --> 00:12:39,901 The fat old bitch herself eh ? 107 00:12:39,967 --> 00:12:42,467 Must be good to be home. 108 00:12:44,233 --> 00:12:46,068 What is it ? Two years you've been gone ? 109 00:12:47,667 --> 00:12:49,867 Are you still fucking my mother ? 110 00:12:51,800 --> 00:12:53,189 When she'll have me. 111 00:12:53,190 --> 00:12:55,474 That would explain your excessive familiarity. 112 00:12:56,868 --> 00:12:57,953 Excuse me. 113 00:12:57,953 --> 00:12:58,935 That's all right. 114 00:12:59,200 --> 00:13:02,534 I was merely curious, and you're correct. 115 00:13:02,600 --> 00:13:04,701 It does feel good to be home. 116 00:13:21,434 --> 00:13:23,995 My darling boy. 117 00:13:27,834 --> 00:13:29,567 So handsome. 118 00:13:30,901 --> 00:13:33,300 - Sister, I hope you're well. - Let me hug you. 119 00:13:36,500 --> 00:13:38,367 Come inside and wash. 120 00:13:38,434 --> 00:13:41,001 Let's get rid of the stink of horse off you. 121 00:13:41,068 --> 00:13:45,168 Timon, I'll, uh... see you later. 122 00:13:50,881 --> 00:13:53,440 Please, mother, we will be late. 123 00:13:53,667 --> 00:13:57,030 We must not be late. That would never do. 124 00:13:57,101 --> 00:13:59,967 I do not want to go to dinner any more than you do, 125 00:14:00,034 --> 00:14:02,267 but Caesar has treated me extremely well, 126 00:14:02,333 --> 00:14:04,134 and we must go if asked. 127 00:14:04,200 --> 00:14:06,134 - Honor demands... - Honor ? 128 00:14:06,200 --> 00:14:07,220 Honor. 129 00:14:07,450 --> 00:14:08,990 Not honor then, 130 00:14:09,001 --> 00:14:10,434 common sense. 131 00:14:10,801 --> 00:14:13,434 I cannot ask mercy of Caesar, 132 00:14:13,500 --> 00:14:15,534 accept rank and favor from him, 133 00:14:15,600 --> 00:14:17,267 and then refuse his friendship. 134 00:14:17,333 --> 00:14:20,867 What sort of man asks for mercy in the first place ? 135 00:14:20,934 --> 00:14:22,889 I assure you, mother, 136 00:14:23,634 --> 00:14:26,272 I am not proud of myself. 137 00:14:26,273 --> 00:14:28,600 I am not proud at all. 138 00:14:28,667 --> 00:14:30,701 In lieu of a noble suicide, 139 00:14:30,767 --> 00:14:33,134 you shall have to be content with that. 140 00:14:37,101 --> 00:14:38,847 Bring me my shawl. 141 00:14:39,400 --> 00:14:41,101 Please, do not come. 142 00:14:41,168 --> 00:14:43,534 I shall make your excuses to Atia. 143 00:14:43,600 --> 00:14:45,967 Certainly not. I will go. 144 00:14:46,034 --> 00:14:49,186 Not to be there would be seen as weakness. 145 00:14:59,300 --> 00:15:01,667 Perhaps it will do you good to see him. 146 00:15:02,701 --> 00:15:04,657 See that he is just a man. 147 00:15:06,300 --> 00:15:08,767 The loss of his affection is not worth 148 00:15:08,834 --> 00:15:11,101 this endless raging sorrow. 149 00:15:11,168 --> 00:15:13,467 I feel neither rage nor sorrow. 150 00:15:13,534 --> 00:15:16,957 My objection to Caesar is purely political, 151 00:15:17,534 --> 00:15:19,967 not personal. 152 00:15:21,701 --> 00:15:23,694 The Pontic troops ran so fast 153 00:15:23,701 --> 00:15:25,684 I don't know if they ever stopped. 154 00:15:25,691 --> 00:15:28,200 It is no wonder Pompey took Pontius so readily. 155 00:15:28,220 --> 00:15:30,001 A child with a stick might have done so. 156 00:15:30,068 --> 00:15:32,934 What next, sir ? Germany perhaps ? 157 00:15:33,001 --> 00:15:36,233 I'm afraid I must put on a triumph this next month, 158 00:15:36,300 --> 00:15:38,534 and they're damnable beasts to organize. 159 00:15:38,600 --> 00:15:40,927 Still, the people love a good parade 160 00:15:40,934 --> 00:15:42,534 and we must not disappoint them. 161 00:15:42,800 --> 00:15:44,967 How lovely to see you both ! 162 00:15:45,034 --> 00:15:48,267 - It's been far too long. - We are joyful to be here. 163 00:15:48,333 --> 00:15:51,300 - Joyful, indeed. - Is this a mourning shawl ? 164 00:15:51,367 --> 00:15:54,168 It's very pretty. Has someone died ? 165 00:15:54,233 --> 00:15:56,467 A great many have died. 166 00:15:56,534 --> 00:15:59,068 How true. But it's all over now, 167 00:15:59,134 --> 00:16:00,834 and we're still alive, neh ? 168 00:16:00,901 --> 00:16:03,101 It's not possible. Octavian ? 169 00:16:04,734 --> 00:16:08,534 Gods, you make me feel old. 170 00:16:10,034 --> 00:16:11,801 Come. 171 00:16:23,101 --> 00:16:25,068 It is the height of four men, 172 00:16:25,134 --> 00:16:26,934 with a long neck like a goose, 173 00:16:27,001 --> 00:16:30,101 spots like a leopard, and the speed of a horse. 174 00:16:30,168 --> 00:16:32,667 I don't believe it. A new chimera. 175 00:16:32,734 --> 00:16:34,534 I assure you, it is quite real. 176 00:16:34,600 --> 00:16:36,434 With any luck, you may see one at my triumph. 177 00:16:36,500 --> 00:16:38,300 I have been trying to bring one over for months now, 178 00:16:38,367 --> 00:16:40,333 but the wretched creatures keep dying on the way here. 179 00:16:40,400 --> 00:16:43,134 - They do not like the sea. - It all sounds very tiring. 180 00:16:43,200 --> 00:16:45,434 After this infernal triumph is done 181 00:16:45,500 --> 00:16:47,547 you must go to the country and relax. 182 00:16:47,548 --> 00:16:49,000 I should like that, 183 00:16:49,034 --> 00:16:50,701 but then my work begins in earnest. 184 00:16:50,710 --> 00:16:53,148 I must set about putting the republic to rights. 185 00:16:53,180 --> 00:16:54,171 Splendid notion. 186 00:16:54,172 --> 00:16:57,000 How shall you proceed, do you suppose ? 187 00:16:57,028 --> 00:17:00,667 I have a few ideas, but I am open to suggestion. 188 00:17:00,734 --> 00:17:03,967 Yesterday, I saw Malchio the baker in a litter. 189 00:17:04,034 --> 00:17:06,567 A baker ! I'd put a stop to that sort of thing immediately. 190 00:17:06,584 --> 00:17:08,067 I shall have it looked into. 191 00:17:08,094 --> 00:17:09,576 Octavian ? 192 00:17:10,267 --> 00:17:12,567 How would you proceed, were you me ? 193 00:17:12,634 --> 00:17:13,960 Proceed with ? 194 00:17:13,961 --> 00:17:16,261 Putting the republic to rights. 195 00:17:18,934 --> 00:17:21,200 How to proceed. 196 00:17:21,267 --> 00:17:24,100 I would start a large program of public works... 197 00:17:24,150 --> 00:17:26,041 Employ citizens and free men, 198 00:17:26,067 --> 00:17:27,551 repair the aqueducts, 199 00:17:27,552 --> 00:17:28,852 levee the river... That sort of thing. 200 00:17:29,200 --> 00:17:31,634 I would create at least 100 or so new senators, 201 00:17:31,701 --> 00:17:34,167 that I could be sure were my creatures rather than my secret enemies. 202 00:17:34,190 --> 00:17:36,168 What is your point, Octavian ? 203 00:17:36,180 --> 00:17:37,085 I did not mean you, Brutus, 204 00:17:37,100 --> 00:17:38,200 you're a man of honor. 205 00:17:38,250 --> 00:17:40,167 I believe that your capitulation is sincere. 206 00:17:40,234 --> 00:17:41,467 How nice of you to say so. 207 00:17:41,734 --> 00:17:43,467 I just had a thought. 208 00:17:43,334 --> 00:17:46,768 Did not your man Aelius Siculus die recently ? 209 00:17:46,834 --> 00:17:49,667 I'm afraid he did. In Thapsus, in fact. 210 00:17:49,734 --> 00:17:53,167 Just so. You shall take his seat at the pontiffs' table. 211 00:17:53,234 --> 00:17:55,167 Pontiff ? So young ? 212 00:17:55,234 --> 00:17:58,142 I was not so much older when I entered the college. 213 00:17:58,077 --> 00:17:59,234 Very true, but... 214 00:17:59,261 --> 00:18:01,000 I believe I have the authority 215 00:18:01,067 --> 00:18:02,768 - to appoint whom I like. - Indeed, yes. 216 00:18:02,834 --> 00:18:05,200 This is a great honor. Kiss your uncle's hand. 217 00:18:05,227 --> 00:18:08,194 I kiss your hand, uncle, but truly I would make an ill pontiff. 218 00:18:08,200 --> 00:18:10,401 Don't be ridiculous. You'll make a lovely pontiff. 219 00:18:10,467 --> 00:18:12,334 You'll see to it, right ? 220 00:18:12,401 --> 00:18:15,077 I had rather thought to concentrate on my poetry for a while. 221 00:18:15,100 --> 00:18:16,368 He'll make a lovely pontiff. 222 00:18:16,369 --> 00:18:17,900 Poetry can wait. 223 00:18:17,967 --> 00:18:20,100 It should not wait too long. 224 00:18:20,167 --> 00:18:23,100 Poetry is a young man's calling... 225 00:18:23,167 --> 00:18:24,933 Don't you think ? 226 00:18:36,134 --> 00:18:39,667 There's us with the walls of Thapsus at our backs 227 00:18:39,734 --> 00:18:41,733 and your father was just here. 228 00:18:41,967 --> 00:18:44,067 Now coming towards us on the plain 229 00:18:44,134 --> 00:18:47,033 with all their legions, cavalry 230 00:18:47,100 --> 00:18:50,467 And 900* war elephants, 231 00:18:50,468 --> 00:18:50,468 * They're would actually be only 60. 232 00:18:50,534 --> 00:18:52,567 Scipio and Juba. 233 00:18:52,634 --> 00:18:56,434 "Hold fast," says general Caesar, "let the bastards come !" 234 00:18:56,501 --> 00:18:58,401 - I'll do it. - Please, don't, master. 235 00:18:58,467 --> 00:19:00,534 This is my work. Lady will be angry. 236 00:19:00,601 --> 00:19:02,367 Who's master, eh ? 237 00:19:02,434 --> 00:19:05,334 ...ballistas on the city walls, and the front line thinks 238 00:19:05,401 --> 00:19:08,234 they've heard the order to advance, so before the officers can stop it, 239 00:19:08,250 --> 00:19:11,300 The whole fucking army charges on Scipio's men double tempo. 240 00:19:11,367 --> 00:19:12,834 Now, the elephants... 241 00:19:12,900 --> 00:19:15,467 Elephants see us come running and screaming 242 00:19:15,534 --> 00:19:18,334 and they turn tail and charge on their own lines... 243 00:19:18,401 --> 00:19:20,167 Boom ! Chaos ! 244 00:19:21,967 --> 00:19:24,334 Don't cry, it was just a game. 245 00:19:26,467 --> 00:19:30,033 You must be bored, sitting around here all day. 246 00:19:30,100 --> 00:19:32,000 I don't mind it. 247 00:19:32,067 --> 00:19:35,300 - You've been discharged a month. - I know. 248 00:19:35,567 --> 00:19:37,465 I mean, there's no hurry. 249 00:19:37,466 --> 00:19:39,000 We're all right for money and everything... 250 00:19:39,035 --> 00:19:41,033 But I can't be loafing around here forever. 251 00:19:42,434 --> 00:19:44,768 So you don't want to take up the butchering trade ? 252 00:19:44,834 --> 00:19:46,167 Shopkeeping ?! 253 00:19:46,234 --> 00:19:49,501 It will give you something to do. 254 00:20:07,534 --> 00:20:09,967 This is fine work for a prefect, eh ? 255 00:20:10,033 --> 00:20:12,667 - Smells like old times. - It does that. 256 00:20:12,734 --> 00:20:14,367 You remember that little siege at Avaricum* ? 257 00:20:14,368 --> 00:20:14,368 * City in Gaul, known today as Bourges, France. The city was conquered by Caesar during the Gallic Wars, after a night attack. 258 00:20:14,434 --> 00:20:16,434 You'll not learn a trade sitting on your pugas*. 259 00:20:16,435 --> 00:20:16,435 * Puga = Latin word for "bottock" 260 00:20:16,501 --> 00:20:18,334 There's plenty more carcasses to be hung. 261 00:20:32,534 --> 00:20:34,300 Tomorrow ! You'll have your money tomorrow ! 262 00:20:34,367 --> 00:20:37,234 - Let's take his nose off. - No, not me no... 263 00:20:37,300 --> 00:20:38,900 Hey, stop that ! 264 00:20:40,933 --> 00:20:42,434 Take your business elsewhere. 265 00:20:42,501 --> 00:20:44,634 - What's it to you, you bastard ? - It's bad for trade. 266 00:20:44,701 --> 00:20:46,334 And who the fuck are you, little man ? 267 00:20:46,401 --> 00:20:48,200 - I am Lucius Vorenus, - I know you. 268 00:20:48,267 --> 00:20:52,134 Soldier boy, isn't it ? Up by the dyeworks, tasty wife. 269 00:20:52,200 --> 00:20:53,768 Do not speak of my wife. 270 00:20:53,834 --> 00:20:55,768 Get gone. That's an order. 271 00:20:55,834 --> 00:20:57,601 No, no, no. Orders ? Orders ? No, no, no. 272 00:20:57,667 --> 00:21:00,900 You're not a soldier now. You're a fucking shopkeeper's clerk. 273 00:21:04,967 --> 00:21:08,134 - You're dead, you are. - Walk away now 274 00:21:08,200 --> 00:21:10,267 and do not let me see you on this street again. 275 00:21:11,601 --> 00:21:13,975 Both of you... 276 00:21:14,476 --> 00:21:16,438 Dead. 277 00:21:26,910 --> 00:21:29,229 Get back to your business. 278 00:21:30,001 --> 00:21:31,800 You shouldn't have done that. 279 00:21:31,834 --> 00:21:34,334 Those were Erastes Fulmen's people. 280 00:21:34,400 --> 00:21:36,586 He won't take disrespect like that. 281 00:21:36,621 --> 00:21:38,480 You hit him ! 282 00:21:38,481 --> 00:21:40,081 It was nothing ! 283 00:21:40,251 --> 00:21:42,134 Erastes Fulmen will kill you. 284 00:21:43,112 --> 00:21:44,416 He's just a crook. 285 00:21:44,417 --> 00:21:45,417 He used to be ! 286 00:21:45,167 --> 00:21:48,388 Since Pompey's gangs left* he's had the run of the hill. 287 00:21:48,403 --> 00:21:50,191 He's a big man now. 288 00:21:50,226 --> 00:21:51,434 He kills whoever he wants ! 289 00:21:51,501 --> 00:21:54,024 I'm no prole* to be abused ! 290 00:21:54,025 --> 00:21:54,025 * The lower citizens. They own nothing. 291 00:21:54,059 --> 00:21:55,834 I was prefect in the evocati ! 292 00:21:55,967 --> 00:21:59,045 Caesar himself gave me a horse. 293 00:22:10,533 --> 00:22:12,698 Thank you, sir. 294 00:22:24,442 --> 00:22:27,422 I hope that dinner was not too painful for you. 295 00:22:27,839 --> 00:22:31,963 I'm used to pain. I don't mind it. 296 00:22:37,734 --> 00:22:41,900 I wish you didn't care for him so much. 297 00:22:42,155 --> 00:22:45,451 I wish I didn't care for you so much. 298 00:22:46,537 --> 00:22:48,583 Stop. 299 00:23:05,603 --> 00:23:09,388 That brother of yours has become quite the pretty man. 300 00:23:09,623 --> 00:23:11,757 Caesar seems very fond of him. 301 00:23:11,775 --> 00:23:13,488 Very much. 302 00:23:14,559 --> 00:23:18,734 - Mother claims Caesar took him for a lover. - Really ? 303 00:23:18,801 --> 00:23:22,201 The cook said she heard them going at it in a closet. 304 00:23:22,467 --> 00:23:24,601 Octavian insisted it was not so. 305 00:23:24,610 --> 00:23:25,699 He said the noises she heard were 306 00:23:25,710 --> 00:23:28,634 some terrible affliction of Caesar's. 307 00:23:28,650 --> 00:23:29,926 Mother wouldn't have it. 308 00:23:30,477 --> 00:23:33,134 - Once she gets an idea... - Affliction ? What affliction ? 309 00:23:34,601 --> 00:23:35,587 I don't know. 310 00:23:35,588 --> 00:23:36,888 Did he not say ? 311 00:23:37,300 --> 00:23:39,116 He was sworn to secrecy. 312 00:23:39,833 --> 00:23:42,634 But he said terrible ? He said terrible affliction ? 313 00:23:44,234 --> 00:23:47,501 You must find out exactly what this affliction is. 314 00:23:47,567 --> 00:23:49,267 You must find out which god has cursed him. 315 00:23:49,334 --> 00:23:51,734 How can I do that ? It's a secret. 316 00:23:51,801 --> 00:23:52,879 You must find it out. 317 00:23:52,880 --> 00:23:54,893 This is the weapon I seek. 318 00:23:54,628 --> 00:23:57,067 With the gods' help, I can destroy him. 319 00:23:57,134 --> 00:23:58,801 Please don't talk this way. 320 00:23:58,900 --> 00:24:00,200 Would you rather I lied to you ? 321 00:24:00,267 --> 00:24:02,367 I would rather that you think of something other 322 00:24:02,434 --> 00:24:04,601 than the destruction of my uncle. 323 00:24:07,501 --> 00:24:10,067 I have never lied to you. 324 00:24:10,134 --> 00:24:12,701 He still has some terrible hold over me. 325 00:24:12,768 --> 00:24:14,448 I wish it were not so, 326 00:24:14,449 --> 00:24:16,949 but he will not let go. 327 00:24:17,000 --> 00:24:19,102 Will you ask your brother ? 328 00:24:24,000 --> 00:24:26,267 Would that make you happy ? 329 00:24:26,134 --> 00:24:27,634 Yes, it would. 330 00:24:32,701 --> 00:24:34,287 What are you reading ? 331 00:24:36,134 --> 00:24:39,000 A guide to the interpretation of prodigies. 332 00:24:39,067 --> 00:24:40,945 Is it good ? 333 00:24:41,667 --> 00:24:43,401 It's dull beyond conception. 334 00:24:43,467 --> 00:24:47,100 If I am to be a pontiff, I must be familiar with their ludicrous jargon. 335 00:24:47,167 --> 00:24:48,674 Mustn't let down uncle. 336 00:24:48,775 --> 00:24:50,075 Mustn't let down uncle. 337 00:24:51,634 --> 00:24:53,057 I'm bored. 338 00:24:55,601 --> 00:24:57,065 I could read to you. 339 00:24:57,756 --> 00:24:59,580 If you like. 340 00:25:00,167 --> 00:25:02,868 "Little sparrow, my lover's love, 341 00:25:02,933 --> 00:25:06,734 with whom she plays, permits to lie within her lap, 342 00:25:06,801 --> 00:25:09,933 to nip her finger, biting quickly with that bill, 343 00:25:10,000 --> 00:25:13,667 I should like to play with you as she and soothe my troubled heart."* 344 00:25:13,668 --> 00:25:13,668 * These lines are freely adapted from Catullus (poem II). Catullus wasn't any Caesar's partisan and wrote invectives against him. I'm not the author of the following English translation but it's a complete translation much better than the one of the show: "Sparrow, my sweet girl’s delight, whom she plays with, holds to her breast, whom, greedy, she gives her little finger to, often provoking you to a sharp bite, whenever my shining desire wishes to play with something she loves, I suppose, while strong passion abates, it might be a small relief from her pain: might I toy with you as she does and ease the cares of a sad mind !" 345 00:25:15,300 --> 00:25:18,300 - Very nice. - You do not like it ? 346 00:25:18,367 --> 00:25:20,273 No, you recite well, but... 347 00:25:20,734 --> 00:25:22,319 I'm tired of poetry. 348 00:25:26,600 --> 00:25:28,264 Tell me a secret. 349 00:25:28,365 --> 00:25:29,768 A secret ? 350 00:25:29,903 --> 00:25:32,467 Something shocking and dangerous that nobody knows. 351 00:25:32,534 --> 00:25:34,768 I don't know any secrets like that. 352 00:25:40,034 --> 00:25:41,471 I know. 353 00:25:44,967 --> 00:25:48,834 What about Caesar and his mysterious affliction ? 354 00:25:51,534 --> 00:25:53,034 What affliction ? 355 00:25:53,040 --> 00:25:53,803 Don't lie. 356 00:25:53,804 --> 00:25:55,400 The one you told mother about. 357 00:25:55,667 --> 00:25:59,267 It was nothing. I was just making it up. 358 00:25:59,334 --> 00:26:01,020 So you were lovers ? 359 00:26:01,021 --> 00:26:02,100 Of course not. 360 00:26:02,110 --> 00:26:03,171 Either you were lovers, or 361 00:26:03,172 --> 00:26:05,801 some god has cursed Caesar. Which is it ? 362 00:26:05,868 --> 00:26:06,998 Sister, there are no gods. 363 00:26:06,999 --> 00:26:08,467 Don't be horrid. 364 00:26:08,534 --> 00:26:11,867 There is doubtless a prime mover of some sort, 365 00:26:12,134 --> 00:26:15,434 but a community of beings that look like us and meddle in our affairs ? 366 00:26:15,501 --> 00:26:18,300 - Highly improbable. - You don't trust me. 367 00:26:18,367 --> 00:26:20,367 I do trust you. You are my dearest friend. 368 00:26:20,434 --> 00:26:22,534 - Then tell me ! - Why this in particular ? 369 00:26:22,601 --> 00:26:24,467 Why do you care if Caesar has an affliction ? 370 00:26:24,534 --> 00:26:27,234 I don't care the slightest bit. 371 00:26:27,300 --> 00:26:30,534 Only that it would be a terrible secret and something worth hearing. 372 00:26:30,601 --> 00:26:35,353 And I doubt very much that you have any terrible secrets of your own worth telling. 373 00:26:36,867 --> 00:26:37,756 You'd be wrong. 374 00:26:37,757 --> 00:26:39,830 Please, like what ? 375 00:26:43,967 --> 00:26:45,695 I've tortured and killed a man. 376 00:26:45,736 --> 00:26:47,025 Liar. 377 00:26:46,967 --> 00:26:49,300 Do you remember Lucius Vorenus ? 378 00:26:49,367 --> 00:26:51,601 One of the soldiers who rescued me in Gaul ? 379 00:26:51,667 --> 00:26:53,401 - You killed him ? - Of course not. 380 00:26:53,467 --> 00:26:55,367 He has a wife who deceived him. 381 00:26:55,434 --> 00:26:58,321 A child he thinks is his daughter's son is in fact 382 00:26:58,334 --> 00:27:01,034 his wife's child by a low half-Greek butcher. 383 00:27:01,134 --> 00:27:02,512 How sordid ! 384 00:27:02,634 --> 00:27:05,081 It was the butcher I killed. 385 00:27:04,882 --> 00:27:07,013 Helped kill, anyway. 386 00:27:09,859 --> 00:27:12,167 Bravo, I suppose. 387 00:27:12,234 --> 00:27:14,234 You asked for a terrible secret. 388 00:27:27,533 --> 00:27:29,280 Try again. 389 00:27:37,067 --> 00:27:38,587 What ? 390 00:27:39,167 --> 00:27:40,494 Get out of the way ! 391 00:27:40,600 --> 00:27:42,334 Centurion ! 392 00:27:42,900 --> 00:27:44,312 Centurion ! 393 00:27:45,967 --> 00:27:48,033 Lucius Vorenus ! 394 00:27:50,800 --> 00:27:53,079 Lucius Vorenus ! 395 00:27:56,700 --> 00:27:58,443 Niobe ! 396 00:27:59,244 --> 00:28:01,374 Looking as lovely as ever. 397 00:28:01,834 --> 00:28:04,140 Phyllis sends her best regards. 398 00:28:09,700 --> 00:28:11,367 Very pretty family you have. 399 00:28:12,268 --> 00:28:14,934 It's good to see you again after so long. 400 00:28:15,201 --> 00:28:18,834 So... back from the wars. 401 00:28:19,200 --> 00:28:21,340 Civilian life, eh ? 402 00:28:21,367 --> 00:28:22,867 Must be hard to adjust. 403 00:28:22,934 --> 00:28:25,237 Different rules. 404 00:28:25,667 --> 00:28:28,301 Different fucking rules ! 405 00:28:31,034 --> 00:28:34,101 My man Urbo here says you slapped him in the face. 406 00:28:34,167 --> 00:28:35,392 Did you do that ? 407 00:28:35,393 --> 00:28:36,393 I did. 408 00:28:36,501 --> 00:28:39,321 Perfect example... Different rules. 409 00:28:40,067 --> 00:28:44,067 You see, I'm allowed to chastise my people. 410 00:28:48,101 --> 00:28:51,234 Regular citizens like you are not allowed to touch them. 411 00:28:51,301 --> 00:28:54,000 If someone does touch them, they have to be punished. 412 00:28:54,067 --> 00:28:55,867 Rules. 413 00:28:55,934 --> 00:28:57,534 Get to your point. 414 00:28:57,600 --> 00:29:01,201 This is the second time that Lucius Vorenus 415 00:29:01,267 --> 00:29:03,468 has shown me disrespect. 416 00:29:03,534 --> 00:29:05,568 Next market day at noon, 417 00:29:05,633 --> 00:29:08,155 he will find me in the forum. 418 00:29:08,767 --> 00:29:11,351 He will kneel down before me. 419 00:29:11,501 --> 00:29:15,401 He will kiss my feet and he will apologize to me. 420 00:29:16,733 --> 00:29:19,901 If he does not do this, I will come here and kill him. 421 00:29:20,900 --> 00:29:25,334 But before he dies, he will see his wife and daughters raped. 422 00:29:25,401 --> 00:29:27,751 And then I will burn down this building. 423 00:29:28,302 --> 00:29:29,710 Hold. 424 00:29:32,534 --> 00:29:34,468 - You've said your piece ? - I have. 425 00:29:34,534 --> 00:29:37,334 Then leave now. 426 00:29:37,401 --> 00:29:39,088 Good day to you. 427 00:29:52,301 --> 00:29:54,526 So the wife of this Lucius Vorenus is a whore. 428 00:29:54,527 --> 00:29:55,690 What's that to me ? 429 00:29:55,700 --> 00:29:58,401 I'm sorry, that's all he told me. 430 00:29:58,488 --> 00:30:00,595 He swears Caesar has no affliction. 431 00:30:00,596 --> 00:30:01,596 He's lying. 432 00:30:01,633 --> 00:30:02,767 Is it not enough then ? 433 00:30:02,834 --> 00:30:04,712 If Caesar has an affliction, 434 00:30:04,801 --> 00:30:07,700 he has it and suffers, whether you know it or not. 435 00:30:07,767 --> 00:30:08,924 He suffers, 436 00:30:08,925 --> 00:30:10,791 but he is not destroyed. 437 00:30:10,867 --> 00:30:13,234 You must go back to your brother and get the truth from him. 438 00:30:13,250 --> 00:30:16,001 - How ? I tried. - Try again. 439 00:30:16,367 --> 00:30:18,145 Promise him something. 440 00:30:19,767 --> 00:30:22,401 You do have something he wants. 441 00:30:25,468 --> 00:30:27,234 What do you mean ? 442 00:30:27,301 --> 00:30:29,633 A young man will tell his lover anything. 443 00:30:35,167 --> 00:30:37,000 You can't be serious. 444 00:30:37,067 --> 00:30:39,967 How can you... ? 445 00:30:42,568 --> 00:30:44,067 You know he wants you. 446 00:30:44,134 --> 00:30:46,201 I would be betraying my brother. 447 00:30:46,210 --> 00:30:48,045 I would be betraying my family. 448 00:30:48,168 --> 00:30:51,001 Your family is a nest of snakes. 449 00:30:51,167 --> 00:30:52,800 You have no obligations to them. 450 00:30:52,867 --> 00:30:55,101 They are my family ! They love me, I... 451 00:30:55,167 --> 00:30:56,568 As I love you. 452 00:30:56,633 --> 00:30:59,934 You call this love ? 453 00:31:01,733 --> 00:31:03,296 I can't. 454 00:31:03,301 --> 00:31:04,870 - Where are you going ? - Home. 455 00:31:04,900 --> 00:31:06,100 Don't go. 456 00:31:06,567 --> 00:31:08,734 Your mother killed Glabius ! 457 00:31:12,600 --> 00:31:14,767 My people caught one of the men that did it. 458 00:31:14,834 --> 00:31:16,734 One of Timon's men. 459 00:31:30,334 --> 00:31:32,434 Sorry. 460 00:32:13,034 --> 00:32:16,729 - Do as Lyde says. - Please, mama, come with us. 461 00:32:16,900 --> 00:32:18,667 My place is here with your father. 462 00:32:18,733 --> 00:32:20,094 But what if you're killed ? 463 00:32:20,101 --> 00:32:23,300 Then you must stay in the country, don't come back to the city. 464 00:32:23,367 --> 00:32:25,433 You understand ? 465 00:32:25,500 --> 00:32:28,268 Don't come back ! You'll be country girls. 466 00:32:29,367 --> 00:32:33,615 Your cousin will find you good handsome farmers to marry. 467 00:32:38,201 --> 00:32:40,551 Go ask the gods for blessing. 468 00:32:44,667 --> 00:32:47,482 Can't you get Vorenus to do as Erastes asks ? 469 00:32:47,534 --> 00:32:49,083 If you begged him... 470 00:32:49,100 --> 00:32:50,901 To kiss a man's feet ? 471 00:32:50,980 --> 00:32:54,068 I'd never ask such a thing, and he'd never agree to it. 472 00:32:54,134 --> 00:32:56,734 Always remember that you are children of the Vorenii, 473 00:32:56,701 --> 00:32:58,400 an old and respected name. 474 00:32:58,467 --> 00:33:00,782 And always remember that we love you. 475 00:33:00,900 --> 00:33:02,216 I love you very much. 476 00:33:03,414 --> 00:33:05,231 Now go on. 477 00:33:16,233 --> 00:33:17,934 Go, go. 478 00:33:21,467 --> 00:33:22,901 Goodbye, sister. 479 00:33:37,701 --> 00:33:40,500 Eirene, are you going to leave this mess on the table ? 480 00:33:43,168 --> 00:33:45,101 Please, Niobe, please, go with them. 481 00:33:45,168 --> 00:33:47,623 I will not and stop asking. 482 00:34:54,200 --> 00:34:55,967 Good bread this. 483 00:34:56,034 --> 00:34:58,734 I bought the better kind. 484 00:34:58,801 --> 00:35:01,034 Hang the expense, eh ? 485 00:35:12,034 --> 00:35:13,001 Get back. Make way there. 486 00:35:13,068 --> 00:35:14,834 Run and hide. 487 00:35:20,767 --> 00:35:23,467 Here comes the consul Gaius Julius Caesar, 488 00:35:23,534 --> 00:35:27,358 son of Venus*, imperator** of the gallic legions. 489 00:35:27,159 --> 00:35:27,159 *Caesar's family, the Julii, pretends to be the descendants of Iulus, Venus' grand-son by the Troyan Enea. ** "imperator" doesn't mean "empereor" but "general". 490 00:35:28,500 --> 00:35:31,686 Salve, Lucius Vorenus. 491 00:35:57,287 --> 00:35:58,976 Oh, coward ! 492 00:36:04,767 --> 00:36:06,467 Your wife is very beautiful. 493 00:36:06,334 --> 00:36:07,634 Her name ? 494 00:36:07,701 --> 00:36:09,301 Niobe, sir. 495 00:36:13,301 --> 00:36:16,634 Rise, Niobe. 496 00:36:20,734 --> 00:36:23,033 Would you honor us by drinking our water, sir ? 497 00:36:23,000 --> 00:36:25,200 I'm happy to do so. 498 00:36:25,267 --> 00:36:27,267 Please, sit. 499 00:36:31,200 --> 00:36:34,401 I have always held you in high regard, Vorenus, 500 00:36:34,467 --> 00:36:37,701 and I am told you are a man of respect among your people here. 501 00:36:37,768 --> 00:36:39,901 - I hope so. - That being so, I've come 502 00:36:39,910 --> 00:36:43,501 to ask you to stand for magistrate of lower Aventine*... 503 00:36:43,502 --> 00:36:43,502 * Aventine is one of the 7 hills of Rome. It's actually formed by two little peaks, the first one near the river Tiber and the second (lower Aventine), more in the South. In the Republic, it was always a working-class area. 504 00:36:43,567 --> 00:36:45,701 On my slate. 505 00:36:45,768 --> 00:36:47,334 Thank you. 506 00:36:50,301 --> 00:36:51,757 Well ? 507 00:36:56,167 --> 00:36:58,508 I am deeply honored by your presence here, sir, 508 00:36:58,848 --> 00:37:00,459 deeply honored. 509 00:37:00,494 --> 00:37:01,824 But... 510 00:37:01,925 --> 00:37:04,040 respectfully, I must decline. 511 00:37:04,050 --> 00:37:07,434 So you still disapprove of my actions ? 512 00:37:07,481 --> 00:37:09,867 Sir, with respect, 513 00:37:09,890 --> 00:37:11,590 your politics are not mine. 514 00:37:11,601 --> 00:37:13,033 I am aware of that. 515 00:37:13,050 --> 00:37:14,968 Were I a magistrate, I would have to speak. 516 00:37:14,990 --> 00:37:16,768 And you will not speak 517 00:37:16,833 --> 00:37:19,668 in favor of a tyrant ? 518 00:37:19,734 --> 00:37:22,234 I will not speak against my beliefs. 519 00:37:22,301 --> 00:37:23,901 Delicious. 520 00:37:24,467 --> 00:37:25,731 You misjudge me. 521 00:37:25,732 --> 00:37:26,734 I am no tyrant. 522 00:37:26,800 --> 00:37:29,534 I have taken dictator*'s powers legally. 523 00:37:29,535 --> 00:37:29,535 * Not in the modern meaning. The dictator is an exceptional magistrate in the republic, in a state of crisis. His charge is for six months and legally receives the full powers from the Senate and the Roman people. 524 00:37:29,601 --> 00:37:32,634 And I will return those powers to the people and the Senate 525 00:37:32,701 --> 00:37:34,534 as soon as I am able. I will not rest 526 00:37:34,601 --> 00:37:38,833 until Rome is as it was in the golden age. 527 00:37:39,000 --> 00:37:40,977 I cannot succeed alone. 528 00:37:41,200 --> 00:37:41,878 Will you join me ? 529 00:37:59,334 --> 00:38:02,034 Hail Caesar ! Hail ! 530 00:38:02,100 --> 00:38:03,768 Hail Caesar ! 531 00:38:12,100 --> 00:38:15,592 Caesar ! Caesar ! Caesar ! 532 00:38:32,534 --> 00:38:35,701 A little more, I think. 533 00:38:35,768 --> 00:38:38,134 No, the sleeves are fine, leave those alone. 534 00:38:38,200 --> 00:38:41,701 You just be careful what you're doing with that pin. 535 00:38:41,768 --> 00:38:44,134 Yes. Now, if you could go around the side... 536 00:38:44,200 --> 00:38:45,768 At the hem, at the bottom... 537 00:38:45,833 --> 00:38:47,900 That needs taking up a little bit there. 538 00:38:47,967 --> 00:38:50,567 There. No, that's fine. 539 00:38:50,634 --> 00:38:53,800 I don't know. That just isn't working for me. 540 00:39:09,034 --> 00:39:11,567 Were you looking for anything in particular ? 541 00:39:13,095 --> 00:39:14,968 Not really. 542 00:39:29,768 --> 00:39:31,434 Do you have anything comical ? 543 00:39:31,801 --> 00:39:34,033 I don't think so. 544 00:39:40,601 --> 00:39:42,234 You. 545 00:39:45,267 --> 00:39:47,000 Why send him away ? It's hot. 546 00:39:47,067 --> 00:39:49,668 I don't like that one. He looks at me. 547 00:39:49,734 --> 00:39:52,467 Does he ? Have Castor beat him. 548 00:39:52,534 --> 00:39:54,067 Maybe I will. 549 00:39:56,134 --> 00:39:59,067 - I'll call for another one. - Don't ! 550 00:40:00,067 --> 00:40:02,167 It's nice to be alone. 551 00:40:04,234 --> 00:40:05,334 Isn't it ? 552 00:40:06,768 --> 00:40:08,545 I suppose. 553 00:40:08,646 --> 00:40:10,804 Come lie down with me. 554 00:40:11,639 --> 00:40:12,924 Lie down with you ? 555 00:40:13,444 --> 00:40:15,025 Why ? 556 00:40:15,874 --> 00:40:17,594 I would like it. 557 00:40:17,679 --> 00:40:19,377 Why ? 558 00:40:19,400 --> 00:40:20,500 Why not ? 559 00:40:20,512 --> 00:40:22,501 I can think of several reasons. 560 00:40:22,567 --> 00:40:25,701 When you were little, you would come to my bed every night. 561 00:40:25,768 --> 00:40:28,967 Not every night. Only when I was scared. 562 00:40:28,984 --> 00:40:30,720 You were scared a great deal. 563 00:40:30,734 --> 00:40:32,701 I'm not scared now. 564 00:40:40,134 --> 00:40:41,402 Pretend. 565 00:40:41,403 --> 00:40:43,303 I have no skill at pretending. 566 00:40:50,167 --> 00:40:52,367 I'm embarrassed now. 567 00:40:53,768 --> 00:40:55,967 I thought you wanted me. 568 00:41:01,534 --> 00:41:03,668 You're a man now, aren't you ? 569 00:41:06,401 --> 00:41:08,801 You can take what you want. 570 00:42:05,601 --> 00:42:07,633 Brother, tell me something... 571 00:42:11,167 --> 00:42:13,200 What do you mean, "ah" ? 572 00:42:14,900 --> 00:42:16,933 Now comes the price. 573 00:42:19,534 --> 00:42:22,067 - What do you mean ? - You're a virtuous woman, 574 00:42:22,134 --> 00:42:24,867 so you must know that seducing your own brother is wrong. 575 00:42:24,933 --> 00:42:28,734 You and I are above such petty social convention. 576 00:42:28,800 --> 00:42:31,134 But incest is not merely wrong by convention. 577 00:42:31,200 --> 00:42:32,964 It's wrong in essence. 578 00:42:32,965 --> 00:42:34,100 It must be, else 579 00:42:34,134 --> 00:42:37,467 why so many idiots and monsters among the children of incest ? 580 00:42:37,534 --> 00:42:40,734 - Don't. - Don't worry. 581 00:42:40,800 --> 00:42:42,768 It's unlikely I've seeded you. 582 00:42:42,833 --> 00:42:45,167 Not with the moon in transit. 583 00:42:45,234 --> 00:42:48,601 The point is, you're not the woman to do such wrong out of mere lust. 584 00:42:48,668 --> 00:42:50,768 Ergo*, you must have another purpose. 585 00:42:50,769 --> 00:42:50,769 * ergo = therefore 586 00:42:50,833 --> 00:42:54,567 I suspect you shall renew your strange interest in Caesar's health. 587 00:42:58,134 --> 00:43:01,634 Wha... What have I done ? What have I done ? 588 00:43:04,601 --> 00:43:07,167 What have I done ? What ? 589 00:43:10,501 --> 00:43:14,034 What have you done ? Tell me. 590 00:43:16,634 --> 00:43:18,200 Promise. 591 00:43:18,267 --> 00:43:21,034 Promise you won't tell mother. 592 00:43:37,634 --> 00:43:39,401 Look at you. 593 00:43:39,467 --> 00:43:41,534 You look like laundry*. 594 00:43:41,735 --> 00:43:41,735 * Togas of citizens standing for any charge are chalk-whitened. 595 00:43:45,900 --> 00:43:47,267 There. 596 00:43:47,534 --> 00:43:49,052 Does it look well ? 597 00:43:49,648 --> 00:43:50,833 Very well. 598 00:43:50,900 --> 00:43:52,534 It feels strange. 599 00:43:53,567 --> 00:43:55,933 No, don't, you'll dirty it. 600 00:43:56,000 --> 00:43:59,800 Does it hang properly at the back ? 601 00:44:00,167 --> 00:44:02,200 I think so. 602 00:44:26,467 --> 00:44:28,051 Calm down, mother, really. 603 00:44:28,060 --> 00:44:31,214 Calm down ? I have not even begun to get angry ! 604 00:44:33,600 --> 00:44:35,337 Enough ! 605 00:44:36,067 --> 00:44:37,933 I am your son but not your child. 606 00:44:37,970 --> 00:44:39,356 You will not strike me anymore. 607 00:44:39,157 --> 00:44:40,654 Will I not ? 608 00:44:41,867 --> 00:44:44,042 You fucked your sister, you little pervert ! 609 00:44:44,080 --> 00:44:46,850 Don't tell me what I will and will not do ! 610 00:44:46,880 --> 00:44:47,654 Be quiet ! 611 00:44:47,889 --> 00:44:49,881 You wouldn't dare. 612 00:45:03,567 --> 00:45:06,134 How could you do this to me ? 613 00:45:06,200 --> 00:45:08,601 My own child. 614 00:45:08,668 --> 00:45:09,840 You killed my husband. 615 00:45:09,941 --> 00:45:11,588 I told you, didn't I ? I told you 616 00:45:11,623 --> 00:45:13,933 - I didn't kill him ! - You're a liar ! 617 00:45:14,000 --> 00:45:16,237 Servilia caught one of the men that did it. 618 00:45:16,350 --> 00:45:17,816 One of Timon's men. 619 00:45:17,817 --> 00:45:19,034 And where is this man ? 620 00:45:19,101 --> 00:45:20,840 Did you speak to him ? 621 00:45:21,900 --> 00:45:24,134 Look at me. Look at me ! 622 00:45:25,267 --> 00:45:26,602 I swear 623 00:45:26,603 --> 00:45:28,464 on the spirits of my ancestors, 624 00:45:28,534 --> 00:45:32,401 on the stone of Jupiter, I did not kill your husband ! 625 00:45:32,568 --> 00:45:35,100 You abased yourself for a stupid lie ! 626 00:45:37,567 --> 00:45:40,668 - I don't know. - Servilia is the liar, you fool ! 627 00:45:40,734 --> 00:45:43,067 She lied to turn you against me. 628 00:45:54,167 --> 00:45:56,134 My poor lamb. 629 00:46:23,000 --> 00:46:24,200 Eirene ? 630 00:46:26,167 --> 00:46:28,167 Eirene ? 631 00:46:28,867 --> 00:46:30,567 Eirene ? 632 00:46:31,567 --> 00:46:33,633 Eirene ! 633 00:46:37,634 --> 00:46:39,234 Coming, master. 634 00:46:45,800 --> 00:46:46,821 Sit down. 635 00:46:46,822 --> 00:46:48,134 Have a drink with me. 636 00:47:08,667 --> 00:47:10,900 My mother had hair like yours. 637 00:47:13,734 --> 00:47:15,933 Grey eyes though. 638 00:47:16,000 --> 00:47:18,867 Big grey eyes. 639 00:47:21,800 --> 00:47:25,334 Slave... on one of those farms up North. 640 00:47:26,667 --> 00:47:28,601 Smelled of pine trees. 641 00:47:28,668 --> 00:47:31,467 Worked in the woodyards, probably. 642 00:47:31,534 --> 00:47:34,701 That's what I think. Explains the pine smell. 643 00:47:39,034 --> 00:47:41,501 Don't know who my father was. 644 00:47:41,567 --> 00:47:43,734 Just another slave probably. 645 00:47:45,634 --> 00:47:49,067 Some timid cunt shoveling shit with a collar around his neck 646 00:47:49,090 --> 00:47:51,767 because he didn't have the courage to die like a man ! 647 00:47:51,834 --> 00:47:54,367 I'd cut my fucking heart out of my chest and eat it 648 00:47:54,434 --> 00:47:56,657 before I knelt down to anybody ! 649 00:47:57,067 --> 00:47:58,090 Cunt ! 650 00:47:58,091 --> 00:48:00,691 - Quiet ! - Keep it down ! 651 00:48:00,740 --> 00:48:02,658 Suck my cock, the lot of yez ! 652 00:48:02,901 --> 00:48:05,467 I'm Titus Pullo, right ? 653 00:48:11,501 --> 00:48:13,167 Right ? 654 00:48:14,967 --> 00:48:16,933 Right, master. 655 00:48:18,301 --> 00:48:20,267 You're a good girl. 656 00:48:22,833 --> 00:48:24,634 You don't smile much though. 657 00:48:26,800 --> 00:48:28,667 You want me to smile ? 658 00:48:28,933 --> 00:48:30,833 I want you to be happy. 659 00:48:35,900 --> 00:48:37,633 That's better. 660 00:48:39,867 --> 00:48:41,701 Have some wine. 661 00:48:53,100 --> 00:48:54,900 Come here. 662 00:49:10,501 --> 00:49:12,534 Closer. 663 00:49:20,967 --> 00:49:22,734 Take off your dress. 664 00:50:21,067 --> 00:50:22,901 What's the hat for ? 665 00:50:22,967 --> 00:50:24,801 Yom kippur. 666 00:50:24,867 --> 00:50:26,634 Is that today ? 667 00:50:26,700 --> 00:50:28,333 You call yourself a Jew ? 668 00:50:28,400 --> 00:50:30,168 What ? Are you my rebbe now ? 669 00:50:40,001 --> 00:50:43,201 Move ! Move ! Vos* ! 670 00:50:43,202 --> 00:50:43,202 * Vos = all of you 671 00:50:47,001 --> 00:50:48,267 No ! 672 00:50:48,600 --> 00:50:50,967 Quick ! Grab her ! Grab her ! 673 00:50:52,034 --> 00:50:54,534 Strip her ! 674 00:50:54,600 --> 00:50:57,801 No ! No ! 675 00:50:57,867 --> 00:50:59,667 Somebody help her ! 676 00:51:06,269 --> 00:51:07,565 Come to save me. 677 00:51:07,566 --> 00:51:10,397 Keep me, protect me ! Keep me, protect me ! 678 00:51:14,921 --> 00:51:17,531 Come to save me, keep me, keep me, protect me ! 679 00:51:17,600 --> 00:51:19,300 No ! 680 00:51:19,967 --> 00:51:21,467 Let's go !