1 00:01:37,208 --> 00:01:39,145 Pharsalus* 2 00:01:39,146 --> 00:01:39,146 * This battle takes place on the 6th of June 48 b.C. So there've been 4 years since Vercingetorix' surrender (episode 1) and more than 3 years since Caesar crossed the Rubicon (episode 2). 3 00:02:55,100 --> 00:02:57,640 Perhaps if we retreat to the coast 4 00:02:57,650 --> 00:02:58,750 via Thessaly*, 5 00:02:58,751 --> 00:02:58,751 * Big region at the North of the Greece. 6 00:02:58,767 --> 00:03:00,868 we could hold out until the rains come. 7 00:03:00,934 --> 00:03:04,134 If we go Eastward, they'll be able to cut us off here. 8 00:03:04,233 --> 00:03:06,033 Of course. 9 00:03:06,100 --> 00:03:07,934 It will not do. 10 00:03:08,934 --> 00:03:10,239 Ready. 11 00:03:13,567 --> 00:03:15,450 Maps never redraw themselves, 12 00:03:15,467 --> 00:03:17,300 if that's what you're waiting for. 13 00:03:18,966 --> 00:03:20,099 He's right. 14 00:03:20,134 --> 00:03:23,167 We shall just have to fight the wretches here where we stand. 15 00:03:23,180 --> 00:03:24,968 And beat them. 16 00:03:25,033 --> 00:03:28,111 We shall crush them, doubtless. 17 00:03:29,400 --> 00:03:31,086 Dinner for worms, 18 00:03:31,100 --> 00:03:33,033 the whole damn lot of 'em. 19 00:03:33,100 --> 00:03:34,267 Dinner for worms. 20 00:03:51,400 --> 00:03:54,267 Try to avoid bloodshed this time. 21 00:03:54,334 --> 00:03:57,601 Wait a while and Pompey can shave you instead. 22 00:03:57,667 --> 00:04:00,034 Torquatus should have something, no ? 23 00:04:00,300 --> 00:04:02,267 A praetorship* perhaps. 24 00:04:02,268 --> 00:04:02,268 * One of the charges in the cursus honorum. Last one before being consul. 25 00:04:02,334 --> 00:04:04,075 If Torquatus is given high office, 26 00:04:04,134 --> 00:04:05,752 then Varro* must be given same, 27 00:04:05,753 --> 00:04:05,753 * Marcus Terentius Varron (116-27 B.C.). Very fecond writer and Pompey's lieutenant in Spain. 28 00:04:05,760 --> 00:04:07,101 else we'll see no end of trouble. 29 00:04:07,167 --> 00:04:09,467 But then what do we give Labienus* ? 30 00:04:09,468 --> 00:04:09,468 * Caesar's main lieutenant during the war of the Gauls. He deserts though his side at the very beginning of the civile war but will never have any heavy responsabilities once with Pompey. 31 00:04:09,534 --> 00:04:11,577 - Macedonia ? - Bithynia*. 32 00:04:11,578 --> 00:04:11,578 * Ancient province in the northwest of Asia Minor, adjoining the Propontis, the Bosporus and the Euxine (today Black Sea). 33 00:04:11,600 --> 00:04:13,001 Macedonia to Libo. 34 00:04:13,067 --> 00:04:14,661 Plums for your people 35 00:04:14,800 --> 00:04:16,435 and porridge for the rest, eh ? 36 00:04:16,450 --> 00:04:19,422 Macedonia and Bythnia are not yet ours 37 00:04:19,423 --> 00:04:21,188 to bestow. 38 00:04:21,200 --> 00:04:24,167 You are cooking rabbits that have not been caught. 39 00:04:24,234 --> 00:04:26,767 Our particular rabbit is cornered, starving, 40 00:04:26,834 --> 00:04:29,634 and has lost near 2000 men. 41 00:04:29,701 --> 00:04:32,367 I think we may safely say 42 00:04:32,434 --> 00:04:35,500 that here is a rabbit ready for the pot. 43 00:04:36,734 --> 00:04:38,749 Why so melancholy, Brutus ? 44 00:04:38,700 --> 00:04:40,111 Do I seem so ? 45 00:04:40,400 --> 00:04:41,934 Forgive me. 46 00:04:42,000 --> 00:04:44,567 No, Caesar's defeat is a glory... 47 00:04:44,634 --> 00:04:47,049 We cannot endure tyrants... 48 00:04:47,144 --> 00:04:48,954 But I cannot celebrate it. 49 00:04:49,468 --> 00:04:52,250 He as was my father too. 50 00:04:52,300 --> 00:04:55,948 I feel for you. When do we strike ? 51 00:04:56,000 --> 00:04:57,768 Strike ? We have already struck. 52 00:04:57,770 --> 00:04:58,724 We have him down, 53 00:04:58,750 --> 00:04:59,870 but he is not dead yet, eh ? 54 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:01,951 When do we strike the final blow ? 55 00:05:01,993 --> 00:05:03,407 There will not be one. 56 00:05:03,501 --> 00:05:06,834 If we simply keep him bottled up a month or so more, 57 00:05:06,901 --> 00:05:10,939 the remains of his army will disintegrate and disappear, 58 00:05:10,940 --> 00:05:12,868 - at no cost to us. - Is that honorable ? 59 00:05:12,934 --> 00:05:15,300 - Caesar has driven us from Rome, 60 00:05:15,367 --> 00:05:18,868 chased us out of Italy, killed our friends, 61 00:05:18,934 --> 00:05:20,801 usurped our republic. 62 00:05:20,820 --> 00:05:23,990 Surely, dignity and honor demands we walk in his blood. 63 00:05:24,000 --> 00:05:25,410 Certainly, knee-deep. 64 00:05:25,420 --> 00:05:27,300 But you would have hunger do our work for us ! 65 00:05:27,334 --> 00:05:30,968 We must attack Caesar and kill him under the eyes of Mars, 66 00:05:31,033 --> 00:05:33,834 - else our victory is empty. - He has sense. 67 00:05:33,901 --> 00:05:36,567 It will look better at home if we win by force. 68 00:05:36,634 --> 00:05:38,801 You are Pompey Magnus. 69 00:05:38,868 --> 00:05:42,733 Conquer and crush enemies as if they were insects. 70 00:05:43,200 --> 00:05:46,601 People will be disappointed by anything less. 71 00:05:48,534 --> 00:05:51,404 News from Greece. 72 00:05:51,534 --> 00:05:55,000 Mark Antony is safe, but most of the ships in his fleet 73 00:05:55,067 --> 00:05:58,413 sent in aid of Gaius Julius Caesar 74 00:05:58,500 --> 00:06:00,201 have been lost at sea. 75 00:06:00,267 --> 00:06:02,459 Caesar is now surrounded 76 00:06:02,550 --> 00:06:04,969 and severely outnumbered. 77 00:06:05,000 --> 00:06:08,042 The forces of the Republic and Senate and of Pompey Magnus 78 00:06:08,043 --> 00:06:11,480 confidently expect a decisive victory 79 00:06:11,481 --> 00:06:13,361 to follow shortly. 80 00:06:18,801 --> 00:06:21,133 - There you are. - Here I am. 81 00:06:21,200 --> 00:06:23,133 I ask Timon for protection, 82 00:06:23,200 --> 00:06:25,367 and he sends me a bunch of half wits and clowns ! 83 00:06:25,434 --> 00:06:27,950 - Dear me. - Caesar will soon be dead 84 00:06:28,000 --> 00:06:30,034 by every account, and we shall be undefended. 85 00:06:30,101 --> 00:06:32,619 We may as well be lying naked in the street ! 86 00:06:33,067 --> 00:06:36,000 You must go to Servilia and ask for a few of her men 87 00:06:36,067 --> 00:06:38,567 - To stand outside for us. - Why ? 88 00:06:38,634 --> 00:06:41,834 So that they can guard our doors in her name, silly. 89 00:06:41,840 --> 00:06:43,767 I mean why must I go ? 90 00:06:43,834 --> 00:06:45,834 Well, as if I would go begging to Servilia. 91 00:06:45,850 --> 00:06:46,666 I think not. 92 00:06:46,680 --> 00:06:48,600 I'll not go begging for you. 93 00:06:48,600 --> 00:06:50,534 Don't be so childish. It's not as if she'll refuse. 94 00:06:50,500 --> 00:06:53,100 - You think ? - Why would she ? 95 00:06:53,167 --> 00:06:55,701 Those lovely gifts I gave her ? 96 00:06:57,900 --> 00:06:59,296 What did she say ? 97 00:06:59,396 --> 00:07:01,131 Nothing. 98 00:07:01,466 --> 00:07:02,452 Nothing. 99 00:07:02,460 --> 00:07:04,611 - She said something. - She said nothing. 100 00:07:05,667 --> 00:07:08,367 You're very arrogant, that's all. 101 00:07:08,634 --> 00:07:11,470 Think you can buy her friendship with stud slaves and tortoises ? 102 00:07:11,480 --> 00:07:12,740 and six barrels of ice. 103 00:07:13,100 --> 00:07:14,901 I would rather not go. 104 00:07:14,968 --> 00:07:17,133 You would rather not go. 105 00:07:17,150 --> 00:07:19,190 You would rather be gang-raped by slavering proles 106 00:07:19,395 --> 00:07:20,790 while your mother's house burns down around you. 107 00:07:20,802 --> 00:07:22,515 Frankly, I'm past caring. 108 00:07:22,668 --> 00:07:25,567 One day Caesar is winning and you crow happily, 109 00:07:25,834 --> 00:07:28,329 next day he is losing, and I must go a-begging ? 110 00:07:28,901 --> 00:07:31,554 I just want this vile war to be over, 111 00:07:31,580 --> 00:07:32,652 one way or the other. 112 00:07:32,800 --> 00:07:34,264 Octavia, it is over. 113 00:07:34,701 --> 00:07:36,734 That is why you must go to Servilia's house. 114 00:07:36,800 --> 00:07:37,892 It's a bore, I know, 115 00:07:37,900 --> 00:07:39,964 but there we are. 116 00:07:56,534 --> 00:07:57,532 Lyde. 117 00:08:01,768 --> 00:08:03,901 Very nice. 118 00:08:04,521 --> 00:08:05,874 Don't. 119 00:08:09,701 --> 00:08:11,734 I'm glad to see you. 120 00:08:12,000 --> 00:08:14,067 I've been worried about you. 121 00:08:15,234 --> 00:08:16,867 No need. 122 00:08:17,167 --> 00:08:18,937 I'm doing very well. 123 00:08:19,300 --> 00:08:21,621 Not as well as you, obviously. 124 00:08:23,701 --> 00:08:25,439 Do you need money ? 125 00:08:27,000 --> 00:08:29,031 I've got money if you need some. 126 00:08:29,067 --> 00:08:30,841 I'm sure you have. 127 00:08:31,067 --> 00:08:33,767 Turns out your man backed the right horse. 128 00:08:36,334 --> 00:08:38,733 Fortune loves you. 129 00:08:40,801 --> 00:08:44,033 I don't know if Vorenus is alive or dead. 130 00:08:49,000 --> 00:08:51,367 I'm sorry. 131 00:08:54,033 --> 00:08:55,934 I'm sorry. 132 00:08:56,000 --> 00:08:58,868 I didn't want to be like this. 133 00:08:59,901 --> 00:09:03,934 I'm so tired, Niobe. 134 00:09:04,968 --> 00:09:08,234 I'm tired of being angry. 135 00:09:08,300 --> 00:09:10,566 I'm tired of... 136 00:09:11,267 --> 00:09:13,136 hating you. 137 00:09:18,167 --> 00:09:20,400 You're all I've got. 138 00:09:27,100 --> 00:09:28,955 I'm sorry. 139 00:09:33,968 --> 00:09:36,067 Do you want some honey water ? 140 00:10:05,600 --> 00:10:08,534 You're wasting your time ! 141 00:10:08,601 --> 00:10:11,719 We'll die of thirst long before we die of hunger. 142 00:10:19,234 --> 00:10:21,121 We could drink their blood. 143 00:10:21,467 --> 00:10:24,367 - Repeat ? - All these dead men, 144 00:10:24,434 --> 00:10:26,901 we can drink their blood. 145 00:10:26,968 --> 00:10:28,800 Too salty. 146 00:10:29,367 --> 00:10:31,667 Only make you more thirsty. 147 00:10:32,667 --> 00:10:35,033 Putrid by now anyway. 148 00:10:38,367 --> 00:10:40,179 Doesn't matter. 149 00:10:40,334 --> 00:10:42,701 Everything will be fine. 150 00:10:44,434 --> 00:10:46,604 This is where we die. 151 00:10:48,601 --> 00:10:50,801 What are you writing ? 152 00:10:50,868 --> 00:10:53,267 A message to Niobe. 153 00:10:53,334 --> 00:10:55,334 All right. 154 00:10:55,400 --> 00:10:56,868 Good idea. 155 00:10:57,800 --> 00:11:00,701 Send my best to Eirene, will you, while you're at it ? 156 00:11:01,934 --> 00:11:03,829 If there's space. 157 00:11:15,501 --> 00:11:17,827 Graces, don't we look lovely ? 158 00:11:18,334 --> 00:11:21,167 If I am to be a beggar, I will not look like one. 159 00:11:21,180 --> 00:11:22,833 I am not objecting, my honey, 160 00:11:22,850 --> 00:11:25,913 though you will remind Servilia of what an old trout she has become. 161 00:11:26,567 --> 00:11:29,102 I'm just happy to see you looking so pretty for once. 162 00:11:29,367 --> 00:11:32,225 You do so often insist on playing the frump. 163 00:11:47,033 --> 00:11:49,145 I hope your mother thrives. 164 00:11:49,165 --> 00:11:51,803 She does. And your son ? 165 00:11:51,823 --> 00:11:53,695 Also. 166 00:12:02,367 --> 00:12:05,235 My mother sends me to ask a favor. 167 00:12:07,234 --> 00:12:08,790 She fears the consequences 168 00:12:08,800 --> 00:12:10,835 of this last battle in Greece. 169 00:12:10,900 --> 00:12:13,717 Understandably. 170 00:12:13,934 --> 00:12:16,803 She has enjoyed her ascendancy a little too well. 171 00:12:19,367 --> 00:12:21,601 She asks you to lend her some men 172 00:12:21,667 --> 00:12:25,333 to protect our door in your name. 173 00:12:27,000 --> 00:12:28,869 Of course. 174 00:12:30,300 --> 00:12:33,834 Eleni, send Ajax and three or four others, 175 00:12:33,901 --> 00:12:36,901 - whoever he thinks best. - Thank you. 176 00:12:36,968 --> 00:12:39,467 It's very kind of you. 177 00:12:39,484 --> 00:12:40,320 I told my mother 178 00:12:40,340 --> 00:12:41,949 - she should not presume... - Please. 179 00:12:42,400 --> 00:12:44,287 She shall have what she needs. 180 00:12:56,234 --> 00:12:59,267 Forgive me. You are so good to us. 181 00:12:59,334 --> 00:13:02,300 - We do not deserve it. - Don't. 182 00:13:08,567 --> 00:13:10,667 I mu... I must look affright. 183 00:13:13,434 --> 00:13:15,634 No, not really. 184 00:13:16,667 --> 00:13:18,467 You look lovely. 185 00:13:24,801 --> 00:13:26,634 I better go home. 186 00:13:26,701 --> 00:13:28,669 So soon ? 187 00:13:29,167 --> 00:13:31,434 My mother will be worried. 188 00:13:33,267 --> 00:13:35,644 Well, if you feel you should... 189 00:13:43,033 --> 00:13:45,334 Octavia... 190 00:14:18,034 --> 00:14:20,077 Thank you. 191 00:14:37,234 --> 00:14:39,561 Send to Rome. 192 00:14:40,094 --> 00:14:41,655 Tell them... 193 00:14:42,541 --> 00:14:44,606 the decisive battle 194 00:14:45,234 --> 00:14:47,305 begins today. 195 00:14:57,667 --> 00:15:00,800 Sir ! Pompey's legions are in the field in battle-array ! 196 00:15:00,867 --> 00:15:03,201 Thank you, Fulvio. Have you forgotten how to salute ? 197 00:15:03,267 --> 00:15:05,201 I haven't, sir. No excuse, sir. 198 00:15:05,267 --> 00:15:07,633 Gracchus, sound assembly ! 199 00:15:07,700 --> 00:15:10,934 - Have Xeno saddle my horse. - Sir ! 200 00:15:13,634 --> 00:15:15,930 We will accept battle ? 201 00:15:15,967 --> 00:15:17,789 Certainly. Why not ? 202 00:15:18,234 --> 00:15:21,334 We are outnumbered, 203 00:15:21,401 --> 00:15:25,134 three to one on foot and five to one ahorse. 204 00:15:25,401 --> 00:15:27,467 What uninjured men we have 205 00:15:27,534 --> 00:15:29,867 are scared and hungry and desperate. 206 00:15:29,933 --> 00:15:32,280 That is the advantage, we must press home. 207 00:15:32,300 --> 00:15:35,267 I was not aware irony had military usage. 208 00:15:36,001 --> 00:15:38,530 We must win or die. 209 00:15:38,701 --> 00:15:41,801 Pompey's men have other options. 210 00:16:58,033 --> 00:17:00,145 Goodbye, Posca. 211 00:18:00,433 --> 00:18:05,268 Caesar ! Caesar ! Caesar ! 212 00:18:23,601 --> 00:18:25,534 Send to Rome. 213 00:18:25,601 --> 00:18:27,601 Tell them Caesar has won. 214 00:19:03,601 --> 00:19:07,100 Sir ! Caesar's men are coming ! 215 00:19:07,133 --> 00:19:09,151 I've cut my hand. 216 00:19:09,933 --> 00:19:12,420 We have to go, sir ! They'll catch you. 217 00:19:12,634 --> 00:19:16,501 It's not deep, but it hurts. 218 00:19:17,401 --> 00:19:19,334 They will kill you ! 219 00:19:19,800 --> 00:19:22,734 It's of no consequence. 220 00:19:29,267 --> 00:19:32,734 Our forces are routed. What are we to do ? 221 00:19:32,800 --> 00:19:35,768 We shall fight again another day, I do not doubt... 222 00:19:35,833 --> 00:19:37,833 - And prevail ! - ...and prevail. 223 00:19:39,100 --> 00:19:41,167 But for the present we must look to our safety. 224 00:19:41,234 --> 00:19:43,035 Our safety is nothing. 225 00:19:43,267 --> 00:19:44,388 We must leave Greece 226 00:19:44,400 --> 00:19:45,855 and look to fresh levies. 227 00:19:45,870 --> 00:19:47,352 And may one ask where ? 228 00:19:47,400 --> 00:19:48,774 Africa. 229 00:19:48,800 --> 00:19:50,700 We must rally the cities of Africa. 230 00:19:50,720 --> 00:19:52,833 Africa. Dear gods, 231 00:19:52,900 --> 00:19:54,320 we are fast running out of continents. 232 00:19:54,350 --> 00:19:55,584 And coin ! 233 00:19:55,601 --> 00:19:57,810 We have taxed every last coin 234 00:19:57,810 --> 00:20:00,249 from Greece and spent it all ! 235 00:20:00,260 --> 00:20:02,501 What shall we use to buy Africa's loyalty ? 236 00:20:02,567 --> 00:20:03,400 Seashells ? 237 00:20:03,401 --> 00:20:04,887 We need buy nothing ! 238 00:20:04,900 --> 00:20:06,234 We are the Senate of Rome ! 239 00:20:06,250 --> 00:20:06,998 We are old men 240 00:20:07,000 --> 00:20:08,568 with mud on our shoes ! 241 00:20:08,585 --> 00:20:10,850 We are not beaten until we are dead. 242 00:20:11,267 --> 00:20:13,601 The republic lives as long as we do ! 243 00:20:13,668 --> 00:20:15,267 You may fight on as you wish. 244 00:20:15,334 --> 00:20:17,301 As for me, 245 00:20:17,367 --> 00:20:19,060 I will go from here 246 00:20:19,065 --> 00:20:21,248 and surrender myself to Caesar. 247 00:20:21,255 --> 00:20:23,634 Have you no dignity ? No honor ? 248 00:20:23,701 --> 00:20:25,467 Some little, I hope. 249 00:20:25,534 --> 00:20:27,933 Not so much as you of course. 250 00:20:28,000 --> 00:20:29,777 Caesar will kill you. 251 00:20:29,777 --> 00:20:31,785 That may be. 252 00:20:32,200 --> 00:20:34,534 I'm not afraid to die. 253 00:20:35,567 --> 00:20:37,634 I'm tired. 254 00:20:39,301 --> 00:20:41,867 I want to go home. 255 00:20:47,167 --> 00:20:49,768 Yes. My feelings exact. 256 00:20:49,833 --> 00:20:50,575 Brutus ! 257 00:20:50,600 --> 00:20:52,695 Without the force of your name, the cause of the re... 258 00:20:52,701 --> 00:20:55,313 Do not ! Do not talk to me 259 00:20:55,350 --> 00:20:57,268 of the republic ! 260 00:20:57,448 --> 00:20:58,668 If I had known 261 00:20:58,668 --> 00:21:02,192 what wretched company and rotten food I would endure, 262 00:21:01,734 --> 00:21:03,216 if I had known 263 00:21:03,351 --> 00:21:06,280 what an old fool is Pompey, 264 00:21:06,707 --> 00:21:08,701 I would never have left Rome. 265 00:21:14,234 --> 00:21:16,153 Forgive my anger. 266 00:21:18,167 --> 00:21:21,400 - I am not myself. - Think nothing of it. 267 00:21:21,434 --> 00:21:24,400 I merit your disappointment. 268 00:21:26,434 --> 00:21:28,967 I propose we make for Amphipolis*. 269 00:21:28,968 --> 00:21:28,968 * Modern Amfipoli, in Macedonia. 270 00:21:28,680 --> 00:21:30,779 I have men and money there, 271 00:21:30,790 --> 00:21:32,690 and we can go by sea to Egypt. 272 00:21:32,701 --> 00:21:35,900 Ptolemy's children are loyal friends of mine. 273 00:21:35,867 --> 00:21:37,264 Perhaps... 274 00:21:40,067 --> 00:21:42,167 Perhaps it's better 275 00:21:42,190 --> 00:21:44,933 we do not travel together. 276 00:21:50,833 --> 00:21:52,900 Perhaps you're right. 277 00:21:52,967 --> 00:21:55,034 Better. 278 00:21:56,501 --> 00:21:58,534 No doubt. 279 00:22:29,768 --> 00:22:31,768 I don't understand it. 280 00:22:31,833 --> 00:22:34,434 Something should have turned up by now. 281 00:22:34,501 --> 00:22:36,434 I'm not meant to die this way. 282 00:22:36,501 --> 00:22:39,833 - You were misinformed. - Doesn't seem right. 283 00:22:42,933 --> 00:22:44,467 Still... 284 00:22:44,967 --> 00:22:47,146 It'd be good to see my mother again. 285 00:22:48,634 --> 00:22:50,567 Do you think they have a system 286 00:22:50,634 --> 00:22:52,567 - for finding people ? - What ? 287 00:22:52,580 --> 00:22:53,569 In the afterlife... 288 00:22:53,569 --> 00:22:55,368 How do you go about finding ? 289 00:22:55,434 --> 00:22:56,835 There must be millions of them. 290 00:22:57,070 --> 00:22:58,507 Must be. 291 00:23:05,301 --> 00:23:08,015 She won't recognize me, probably. 292 00:23:08,401 --> 00:23:11,534 I was very young when she died. 293 00:23:24,567 --> 00:23:27,500 Probably give her a big scare though ? 294 00:23:27,634 --> 00:23:31,061 Big, ugly brute coming along and giving her a hug. 295 00:23:32,634 --> 00:23:33,900 - Look at that. - What ? 296 00:23:34,668 --> 00:23:36,501 That corpse. 297 00:23:37,634 --> 00:23:40,800 See how high it rides in the water ? 298 00:23:40,867 --> 00:23:43,800 The plutonic aether inflates him. 299 00:23:43,867 --> 00:23:45,867 What of it ? 300 00:23:47,034 --> 00:23:49,567 You've not been drinking seawater, have you ?! 301 00:25:44,534 --> 00:25:47,701 - Husband, eat. - Yeah. 302 00:25:49,267 --> 00:25:51,234 Over here, my dear. 303 00:25:51,301 --> 00:25:52,900 Here. 304 00:25:54,401 --> 00:25:57,334 - Little salty. - Not at all. It's good, neh ? 305 00:25:58,334 --> 00:25:59,759 Delicious, mama. 306 00:26:00,334 --> 00:26:03,267 Bona dea, look at your faces. 307 00:26:05,001 --> 00:26:06,981 Sillies. 308 00:26:51,301 --> 00:26:52,996 Helen ? 309 00:26:53,790 --> 00:26:55,080 Helen ! 310 00:26:56,200 --> 00:26:58,833 Husband, wake up ! Our people are leaving. 311 00:27:08,700 --> 00:27:10,867 Now now, my darlings. Don't be scared. 312 00:27:10,880 --> 00:27:12,600 We're on an adventure, eh ? 313 00:27:12,933 --> 00:27:15,534 The first one to see the sea and cry out 314 00:27:15,601 --> 00:27:17,933 will have a peach when we get to Amphipolis. 315 00:27:27,100 --> 00:27:29,034 You, your name again ? 316 00:27:30,701 --> 00:27:34,067 - Lysandros. - Lysandros, how far to Amphipolis ? 317 00:27:34,134 --> 00:27:36,067 Very close. Close. 318 00:27:36,134 --> 00:27:38,867 We will continue there as planned. 319 00:27:38,900 --> 00:27:40,883 You're not to announce my identity 320 00:27:40,890 --> 00:27:42,500 to those that we meet. 321 00:27:43,301 --> 00:27:44,800 And if they ask ? 322 00:27:46,367 --> 00:27:47,273 Mella. 323 00:27:48,794 --> 00:27:51,419 - Aeneas Mella. - Hear and obey, captain. 324 00:27:51,668 --> 00:27:53,601 And who'll pay ? 325 00:27:53,668 --> 00:27:55,534 Pay ? 326 00:27:55,601 --> 00:27:57,534 You've been paid already. 327 00:27:57,601 --> 00:27:59,933 For guiding, not for protection. 328 00:28:00,000 --> 00:28:01,967 I have many men and supplies 329 00:28:02,034 --> 00:28:03,900 et ample coin in Amphipolis. 330 00:28:03,910 --> 00:28:05,085 You will be paid there. 331 00:28:05,090 --> 00:28:07,050 None with you now ? Coin ? 332 00:28:07,060 --> 00:28:07,925 None ! 333 00:28:07,950 --> 00:28:10,090 I'll tolerate no more of your impudence ! 334 00:28:10,120 --> 00:28:11,200 No disrespect, captain. 335 00:28:11,210 --> 00:28:12,968 Only asking. 336 00:28:13,034 --> 00:28:14,040 We go. 337 00:28:53,067 --> 00:28:56,253 You drive me insane with your wretched muttering. 338 00:28:56,600 --> 00:28:59,398 What is wrong that you must harass the gods so ? 339 00:29:00,900 --> 00:29:02,367 Nothing. 340 00:29:02,380 --> 00:29:04,173 Well, stop it then. 341 00:29:04,434 --> 00:29:07,282 Servilia sends to invite you to weave with her tomorrow. 342 00:29:09,967 --> 00:29:11,093 I cannot. 343 00:29:11,133 --> 00:29:12,635 Of course you can. I've already accepted. 344 00:29:12,640 --> 00:29:13,400 I cannot ! 345 00:29:13,410 --> 00:29:15,057 I know she's tedious. 346 00:29:15,034 --> 00:29:17,247 I mean really, weaving, 347 00:29:17,634 --> 00:29:20,708 but we must keep her happy for the time being. 348 00:29:21,434 --> 00:29:22,710 But... 349 00:29:37,601 --> 00:29:39,701 The sea ! The sea ! 350 00:29:39,768 --> 00:29:42,434 Unison. You shall both have a peach. 351 00:29:55,833 --> 00:29:57,833 Look, mama. Dead people. 352 00:30:19,401 --> 00:30:21,567 It's good, huh ? 353 00:30:21,634 --> 00:30:24,134 Where do you come from ? 354 00:30:24,200 --> 00:30:25,467 Brindisi. 355 00:30:25,534 --> 00:30:26,367 Romans ? 356 00:30:30,701 --> 00:30:32,301 I know you. 357 00:30:32,367 --> 00:30:34,900 Where do I know you from ? 358 00:30:38,067 --> 00:30:40,000 I have not seen you before. 359 00:30:40,067 --> 00:30:42,000 I'm sure I've seen you somewhere. 360 00:30:42,067 --> 00:30:44,234 Leave them water and bread, we need to be going. 361 00:30:44,251 --> 00:30:46,833 Leave them ? Weak as they are ? 362 00:30:46,900 --> 00:30:48,557 I have no time to waste. 363 00:30:50,567 --> 00:30:53,078 Soon be dark anyhow. 364 00:30:53,434 --> 00:30:55,967 We camp here, get to Amphipolis in the morning. 365 00:30:56,034 --> 00:30:57,967 I insist we go on. 366 00:30:58,034 --> 00:30:59,434 Relax, old man. 367 00:30:59,534 --> 00:31:00,810 We get there. 368 00:31:06,101 --> 00:31:07,708 You rest easy now, boys. 369 00:31:07,801 --> 00:31:10,633 Eat, drink, get your strength back. 370 00:31:10,900 --> 00:31:12,800 You and me will be good friends. 371 00:31:16,200 --> 00:31:18,400 You want my cock up you 372 00:31:18,434 --> 00:31:20,200 or are you going to build a damn fire ? 373 00:31:20,734 --> 00:31:22,800 I told you we'd be all right. 374 00:31:25,734 --> 00:31:27,819 There's no pleasing some. 375 00:31:37,768 --> 00:31:39,014 We stop here ? 376 00:31:39,768 --> 00:31:40,914 Why so early ? 377 00:31:40,980 --> 00:31:44,338 Best to, I think. It'll be dark soon. 378 00:31:45,468 --> 00:31:46,785 Who are they ? 379 00:31:46,810 --> 00:31:50,102 How should I know ?! Who cares who they are ?! 380 00:31:50,368 --> 00:31:53,401 Sorry. Sorry. 381 00:31:53,450 --> 00:31:54,525 I... 382 00:31:55,701 --> 00:31:57,760 All will be well, 383 00:31:57,761 --> 00:31:59,493 I assure you. 384 00:32:00,434 --> 00:32:02,434 All will be well. 385 00:32:06,800 --> 00:32:08,753 Pompey Magnus. 386 00:32:08,734 --> 00:32:11,300 That man looks exactly like Pompey Magnus. 387 00:32:11,367 --> 00:32:13,300 That's why I thought I'd met him. 388 00:32:13,767 --> 00:32:15,400 Don't point. 389 00:32:19,367 --> 00:32:21,801 - Never. - It's hard to believe, eh ? 390 00:32:21,867 --> 00:32:23,834 His wife and sprouts too. 391 00:32:23,901 --> 00:32:27,167 Caesar's going to drown us in gold. 392 00:32:27,233 --> 00:32:28,367 Thank you. 393 00:32:34,567 --> 00:32:36,068 Cack ! 394 00:32:40,634 --> 00:32:42,367 What do we do ? 395 00:32:43,968 --> 00:32:46,601 I don't know yet. 396 00:32:47,467 --> 00:32:50,001 Thank you for coming. 397 00:32:50,933 --> 00:32:53,401 Mother insisted. 398 00:32:53,767 --> 00:32:56,934 I understand you want me to do some weaving with you. 399 00:33:00,068 --> 00:33:02,434 I'm sorry you are upset. 400 00:33:02,500 --> 00:33:04,467 The last time we saw each other... 401 00:33:04,534 --> 00:33:06,867 It's of no consequence. 402 00:33:09,534 --> 00:33:12,000 Are you fond of weaving ? 403 00:33:14,534 --> 00:33:17,167 So did I. 404 00:33:22,100 --> 00:33:23,834 And how is your brother ? 405 00:33:24,100 --> 00:33:26,300 - Is he still in Mediolanum* ? - He is. 406 00:33:26,301 --> 00:33:26,301 * Milan, in northern Italy. 407 00:33:27,601 --> 00:33:30,367 Lovely town, so I'm told. 408 00:33:30,382 --> 00:33:31,700 - Healthy air. - Domina ? 409 00:33:31,734 --> 00:33:33,734 What is it, Eleni ? 410 00:33:37,801 --> 00:33:40,167 Word from Greece. 411 00:33:40,233 --> 00:33:41,734 Caesar has won. 412 00:33:43,500 --> 00:33:47,001 And Pompey's armies are completely destroyed. 413 00:33:53,834 --> 00:33:55,767 And my son ? 414 00:33:58,901 --> 00:33:59,867 No word. 415 00:34:30,667 --> 00:34:32,834 Don't cry. 416 00:36:01,834 --> 00:36:04,834 Halt ! In the name of Rome ! 417 00:36:05,001 --> 00:36:07,004 Calls himself Rome, now, does he ? 418 00:36:07,100 --> 00:36:08,635 Shameless. 419 00:36:08,400 --> 00:36:10,767 Who are you and what's your purpose ? 420 00:36:10,834 --> 00:36:12,767 We are Rome, boy, 421 00:36:12,834 --> 00:36:14,767 what's left of it. 422 00:36:14,834 --> 00:36:18,867 Come to surrender to your chief. 423 00:36:32,767 --> 00:36:34,001 Brutus ! 424 00:36:34,068 --> 00:36:35,768 Cicero ! 425 00:36:36,034 --> 00:36:38,367 How happy I am to see you. 426 00:36:38,634 --> 00:36:41,133 I thought you were dead. 427 00:36:41,200 --> 00:36:43,133 Sir, I... 428 00:36:43,500 --> 00:36:46,034 I am come here honorably, 429 00:36:46,300 --> 00:36:48,701 with no request for mercy, 430 00:36:48,767 --> 00:36:50,243 to surrender my arms 431 00:36:50,243 --> 00:36:52,532 and my horses as is... 432 00:36:53,117 --> 00:36:55,937 We'll have no talk of surrender. 433 00:36:56,540 --> 00:36:57,468 We've merely quarreled a little. 434 00:36:57,500 --> 00:36:59,568 Now we are friends again, eh ? 435 00:36:59,634 --> 00:37:02,834 That is most generous of you 436 00:37:02,901 --> 00:37:05,068 and natural to your manly nature, 437 00:37:05,133 --> 00:37:08,001 - but I cannot... - My poor boy. 438 00:37:08,068 --> 00:37:10,001 I'm sorry. I am so sorry. 439 00:37:12,068 --> 00:37:13,901 It is I am sorry. 440 00:37:13,968 --> 00:37:17,233 I presented you with an impossible dilemma. 441 00:37:17,300 --> 00:37:20,567 You did only what you thought honorable, 442 00:37:20,634 --> 00:37:22,801 I'm sure. 443 00:37:22,867 --> 00:37:24,867 I kiss you for it. 444 00:37:27,567 --> 00:37:29,500 Thank you. 445 00:37:29,567 --> 00:37:31,534 I will not forget this grace. 446 00:37:31,540 --> 00:37:33,580 As I was saying, a most generous... 447 00:37:33,585 --> 00:37:34,873 But what of Pompey ? 448 00:37:34,874 --> 00:37:36,487 Tell me he lives. 449 00:37:37,634 --> 00:37:39,200 He lives. 450 00:37:39,267 --> 00:37:41,434 Thank the gods. Where is he ? 451 00:37:43,634 --> 00:37:44,956 He... 452 00:37:47,133 --> 00:37:49,434 He does not plan to surrender. 453 00:37:50,968 --> 00:37:53,367 That is insane. 454 00:37:53,434 --> 00:37:55,634 He cannot escape. Where can he go ? 455 00:37:56,201 --> 00:37:58,134 Is Scipio with him ? 456 00:37:58,160 --> 00:37:59,034 Cato ? 457 00:38:01,390 --> 00:38:03,360 They have fled to Africa. 458 00:38:04,634 --> 00:38:06,567 What am I thinking of ? 459 00:38:07,634 --> 00:38:09,620 Asking you questions when you must be 460 00:38:09,634 --> 00:38:11,634 so hungry and thirsty ? 461 00:38:11,701 --> 00:38:13,634 Come. 462 00:38:14,101 --> 00:38:16,738 I... 463 00:38:17,034 --> 00:38:18,060 I think I would rather... 464 00:38:18,061 --> 00:38:20,097 I insist. 465 00:38:21,068 --> 00:38:23,034 Come. 466 00:38:25,934 --> 00:38:28,367 So with this hand, otherwise engaged 467 00:38:28,434 --> 00:38:30,534 I had to take that worm and beat him 468 00:38:30,601 --> 00:38:32,867 with my fists over and over 469 00:38:32,934 --> 00:38:34,834 and over again ! 470 00:39:22,601 --> 00:39:26,500 His father king Ptolemy Auletes* the 12th 471 00:39:26,501 --> 00:39:26,501 * "Auletes" means "fluteplayer" in Greek. People from Alexandria gave him this ridiculous nickname cause he loved parties and shew himself off as fluteplayer among the female dancers. 472 00:39:26,567 --> 00:39:28,834 was a close friend of mine. 473 00:39:28,901 --> 00:39:31,801 I was always assured a loving welcome 474 00:39:31,867 --> 00:39:34,267 in Egypt. I remember on one occasion 475 00:39:34,334 --> 00:39:36,934 I was out hunting with the king. 476 00:39:37,001 --> 00:39:39,100 We were hunting lions, you see. 477 00:39:41,734 --> 00:39:44,634 Only the king was rather a poor bowman, 478 00:39:45,401 --> 00:39:47,634 and we couldn't tell 479 00:39:47,701 --> 00:39:51,801 if the lion was wounded or dead. 480 00:40:06,768 --> 00:40:09,001 Hello, friends. 481 00:40:09,068 --> 00:40:11,200 Feeling better, neh ? Strong ? 482 00:40:11,267 --> 00:40:13,267 Strong enough. 483 00:40:15,734 --> 00:40:18,341 Tell me something. What's the name of that Roman ? 484 00:40:19,467 --> 00:40:21,400 His name is... 485 00:40:21,467 --> 00:40:23,334 Aeneas Mella. 486 00:40:23,400 --> 00:40:25,334 Aeneas Mella. 487 00:40:25,400 --> 00:40:27,259 That's what he said. 488 00:40:28,233 --> 00:40:30,867 What do you hear of Caesar and Pompey ? 489 00:40:31,434 --> 00:40:34,374 They fought, I heard. 490 00:40:34,900 --> 00:40:36,167 And ? 491 00:40:36,468 --> 00:40:39,329 You know who won. 492 00:40:39,359 --> 00:40:41,069 Tell us. 493 00:40:44,534 --> 00:40:47,371 I was going to let you in anyway. 494 00:40:47,372 --> 00:40:48,200 What is he talking about ? 495 00:40:48,213 --> 00:40:50,823 You boys are clever fellows, I bet. 496 00:40:50,923 --> 00:40:52,360 Know how to fight. 497 00:40:52,461 --> 00:40:57,185 Me and my boys can't take his people alone. 498 00:40:57,186 --> 00:41:00,083 Us and you together, no problem. 499 00:41:00,284 --> 00:41:02,946 We go down middle on the reward. 500 00:41:02,947 --> 00:41:05,187 Not a bad idea. 501 00:41:05,188 --> 00:41:06,762 You can have the wife and children, 502 00:41:06,811 --> 00:41:08,858 I take the slaves. 503 00:41:10,734 --> 00:41:13,373 Walk away... 504 00:41:13,374 --> 00:41:16,607 - and do not speak of this again. - I see. 505 00:41:16,608 --> 00:41:18,116 Think you don't need me, eh ? 506 00:41:18,617 --> 00:41:21,059 Think you can keep the reward for yourself ? 507 00:41:21,159 --> 00:41:23,268 - Fuck you. Not going to happen. - Don't. 508 00:41:23,334 --> 00:41:25,325 Fuck you ! 509 00:41:26,235 --> 00:41:28,135 I gave you your lives back, 510 00:41:27,201 --> 00:41:30,034 I can take them away again, easy. 511 00:41:31,201 --> 00:41:33,134 When I am finished speaking, 512 00:41:33,201 --> 00:41:35,800 you will turn and run 513 00:41:35,867 --> 00:41:37,800 - that way. - That way ? 514 00:41:38,267 --> 00:41:39,934 What about this way ? 515 00:41:40,200 --> 00:41:42,250 Do not stop until you are out of my sight 516 00:41:42,317 --> 00:41:44,836 and do not delay, or I will kill you. 517 00:41:45,134 --> 00:41:46,867 What is wrong with him ? 518 00:41:47,134 --> 00:41:49,334 I am finished speaking. 519 00:42:04,467 --> 00:42:06,667 A bit harsh, isn't it ? 520 00:42:06,734 --> 00:42:09,500 Fair enough deal he was offering, I thought. 521 00:42:09,867 --> 00:42:11,667 - What is the meaning of this ? - Sir... 522 00:42:11,734 --> 00:42:13,734 Speak up ! This man was in my employ ! 523 00:42:13,800 --> 00:42:15,834 - He planned to assault you. - How do you know ? 524 00:42:15,901 --> 00:42:17,834 He asked us to participate. 525 00:42:17,901 --> 00:42:21,567 You refused, stabbed him to death on my behalf. 526 00:42:21,580 --> 00:42:24,056 A good friend to me on such short acquaintance. 527 00:42:24,100 --> 00:42:26,067 - What is your name ? - I am Lucius Vorenus. 528 00:42:26,134 --> 00:42:30,101 Prefect of the evocati of the 13th legion of Gaius Julius Caesar. 529 00:42:30,167 --> 00:42:32,101 Titus Pullo, legionary of same. 530 00:42:32,167 --> 00:42:34,134 Salve*, Lucius Vorenus. 531 00:42:34,135 --> 00:42:34,135 * Salve = expression of greeting 532 00:42:34,201 --> 00:42:36,800 I am... 533 00:42:36,867 --> 00:42:38,800 Aeneas Mella... 534 00:42:38,867 --> 00:42:40,867 of Pergamum. 535 00:42:44,533 --> 00:42:46,533 Aeneas Mella. 536 00:42:48,901 --> 00:42:51,134 You must consider yourself under my charge. 537 00:42:51,501 --> 00:42:53,134 I do not understand. 538 00:42:53,201 --> 00:42:55,067 Consider yourself a prisoner 539 00:42:55,134 --> 00:42:57,600 of the 13th legion. 540 00:42:58,692 --> 00:42:59,650 I'm just a merchant. 541 00:42:59,667 --> 00:43:02,667 We know who you are, sir. 542 00:43:05,167 --> 00:43:07,634 I own you now ! Understand ?! 543 00:43:07,700 --> 00:43:09,634 You, you, bury him. 544 00:43:10,000 --> 00:43:12,100 The rest of you... 545 00:43:11,867 --> 00:43:15,301 - don't let them leave. - Lucius Vorenus. 546 00:43:15,368 --> 00:43:17,368 I must speak with you alone. 547 00:43:19,167 --> 00:43:20,808 Stay here. 548 00:43:23,034 --> 00:43:24,934 Of course I do not say I am 549 00:43:25,001 --> 00:43:26,500 who you think I am, 550 00:43:26,567 --> 00:43:29,134 but I have spent some years in the army. 551 00:43:28,880 --> 00:43:32,320 Perhaps we met on some campaign or other. 552 00:43:32,334 --> 00:43:34,967 Perhaps that's why I seem familiar. 553 00:43:35,034 --> 00:43:36,767 Perhaps. 554 00:43:39,767 --> 00:43:42,367 I recall the 13th... 555 00:43:43,268 --> 00:43:45,433 - was at Alesia. - We were. 556 00:43:45,500 --> 00:43:49,533 There's a battle I've always wished to have seen. 557 00:43:49,600 --> 00:43:51,867 25 miles* of works, wasn't it ? 558 00:43:51,868 --> 00:43:51,868 * 1 Roman mile = 1481,50 meters 25 Roman miles = around 37 km (23 miles) 559 00:43:51,934 --> 00:43:54,434 - Nearer 30. - 30 ? 560 00:43:54,435 --> 00:43:54,435 * 30 Roman miles = 44 km (around 27,6 miles) 561 00:43:54,467 --> 00:43:56,567 - How many men did you have ? - 60000. 562 00:43:56,634 --> 00:43:59,001 Against... 563 00:43:59,067 --> 00:44:02,500 almost double the Gauls. 564 00:44:02,510 --> 00:44:03,251 At least double. 565 00:44:04,360 --> 00:44:06,520 The best men of every tribe in Gaul. 566 00:44:07,667 --> 00:44:09,600 Caesar can fight. 567 00:44:09,610 --> 00:44:11,548 I'll give him that. 568 00:44:11,630 --> 00:44:13,334 I remember... 569 00:44:13,400 --> 00:44:15,334 when he was not much older than you. 570 00:44:15,400 --> 00:44:17,867 I sent him to winter quarters in... 571 00:44:17,934 --> 00:44:20,234 in... 572 00:44:20,301 --> 00:44:23,301 Where was it ? 573 00:44:24,967 --> 00:44:27,268 No matter. 574 00:44:27,334 --> 00:44:29,334 Long time gone. 575 00:44:36,400 --> 00:44:38,734 I must ask you, sir, if I may. 576 00:44:40,334 --> 00:44:42,734 How did you come to this road ? 577 00:44:43,867 --> 00:44:45,800 Surely... 578 00:44:45,867 --> 00:44:48,334 Pompey had Caesar at greater disadvantage. 579 00:44:48,400 --> 00:44:50,334 He did. 580 00:44:50,400 --> 00:44:52,334 He did. 581 00:44:52,400 --> 00:44:54,900 It didn't seem possible to lose. 582 00:44:56,001 --> 00:44:58,401 That's always a bad sign. 583 00:44:59,234 --> 00:45:03,101 The battlefield was on a plain 584 00:45:03,167 --> 00:45:05,893 by a river, at the foot of some... 585 00:45:06,834 --> 00:45:08,767 low hills. 586 00:45:08,834 --> 00:45:10,734 Like this, you see. 587 00:45:11,100 --> 00:45:13,433 The lines met here. 588 00:45:13,500 --> 00:45:17,301 My men held their ground well, 589 00:45:17,368 --> 00:45:19,467 so I sent my horses 590 00:45:19,533 --> 00:45:21,467 at his right flank. 591 00:45:21,480 --> 00:45:24,094 Which is perfectly correct, 592 00:45:24,101 --> 00:45:25,667 - you'll agree. - I do. 593 00:45:25,734 --> 00:45:29,167 Only the cowards were repulsed. 594 00:45:29,234 --> 00:45:32,667 Repulsed by a single cohort of reserves. 595 00:45:32,734 --> 00:45:35,667 Turned and fled, 200 horses. 596 00:45:35,734 --> 00:45:38,834 Crashed directly into my left flank, 597 00:45:40,226 --> 00:45:42,051 rolled up my line 598 00:45:42,067 --> 00:45:44,001 like a carpet. 599 00:45:44,067 --> 00:45:47,534 Put the whole damned army to flight. 600 00:45:48,767 --> 00:45:50,700 And here I am. 601 00:45:50,767 --> 00:45:52,734 That's how Pompey Magnus 602 00:45:52,800 --> 00:45:55,834 was defeated. 603 00:45:55,901 --> 00:45:58,667 That's how the republic died. 604 00:46:11,234 --> 00:46:13,400 - Good night, sir. - Wait. 605 00:46:14,567 --> 00:46:16,567 I will not... 606 00:46:18,901 --> 00:46:20,834 I will not ask favor 607 00:46:20,901 --> 00:46:22,803 or mercy for myself. 608 00:46:22,934 --> 00:46:24,934 But I beg you... 609 00:46:26,067 --> 00:46:28,134 consider the fate... 610 00:46:29,334 --> 00:46:31,334 of my wife and children. 611 00:46:34,467 --> 00:46:36,901 Let me take them to Egypt 612 00:46:36,910 --> 00:46:39,368 where they will be safe... 613 00:46:41,368 --> 00:46:43,468 among friends. 614 00:46:46,167 --> 00:46:48,167 Consider them. 615 00:47:59,101 --> 00:48:01,134 Go back to sleep. 616 00:48:15,500 --> 00:48:18,934 Unwise and unfriendly, I call it. 617 00:48:19,001 --> 00:48:20,934 Unwise and unfriendly. 618 00:48:21,001 --> 00:48:22,934 And for why ? 619 00:48:23,001 --> 00:48:24,934 Why ? 620 00:48:25,001 --> 00:48:27,001 We had him. We had him. 621 00:48:28,667 --> 00:48:31,101 Horses. Never mind, horses. 622 00:48:31,167 --> 00:48:33,101 Never mind gold. 623 00:48:33,167 --> 00:48:35,767 Caesar would have given us farms 624 00:48:35,834 --> 00:48:39,067 and fields and orchards and great flocks of slaves 625 00:48:39,080 --> 00:48:41,100 and cattle and Dis* knows what... 626 00:48:41,101 --> 00:48:41,101 * Name of Pluto, god of the Underworld. 627 00:48:41,105 --> 00:48:41,835 'Sist ! 628 00:48:41,850 --> 00:48:45,501 Pompey Magnus is no damn slave to be sold for money. 629 00:48:48,533 --> 00:48:49,776 Don't see why not ! 630 00:48:49,800 --> 00:48:51,730 There's a great deal you don't see. 631 00:48:52,600 --> 00:48:54,854 There's a great deal he doesn't see neither. 632 00:49:07,034 --> 00:49:11,034 You and only 12 other men survived that storm. 633 00:49:12,034 --> 00:49:14,368 Out of 5000. 634 00:49:14,433 --> 00:49:16,368 You're being kept alive 635 00:49:16,433 --> 00:49:19,934 - for some great purpose, no doubt. - Ah, well, 636 00:49:20,001 --> 00:49:22,001 you know, sir... 637 00:49:25,934 --> 00:49:28,800 - He has some interesting news. - Indeed ? 638 00:49:28,810 --> 00:49:31,300 Sir, in course of our journey here, we encountered 639 00:49:31,320 --> 00:49:34,653 Gnaeus Pompey Magnus with his family, and a party of servants. 640 00:49:35,168 --> 00:49:36,368 Where ? 641 00:49:36,433 --> 00:49:38,334 On the road to Amphipolis, with a mule train. 642 00:49:38,400 --> 00:49:41,700 A mule train. It's priceless. 643 00:49:41,767 --> 00:49:44,034 He intends to take ship for Egypt, sir. 644 00:49:44,101 --> 00:49:46,467 Family and servants, you say. 645 00:49:46,480 --> 00:49:48,397 - No soldiers ? - None, sir. 646 00:49:48,400 --> 00:49:49,301 Not one man left, 647 00:49:49,302 --> 00:49:50,365 not one. 648 00:49:50,368 --> 00:49:52,801 Poor wretch. 649 00:49:54,301 --> 00:49:55,934 Why then, be that so, 650 00:49:56,001 --> 00:49:58,634 - did you not apprehend him ? - Now here's the onion. 651 00:50:00,334 --> 00:50:01,862 I thought it would be wrong 652 00:50:01,862 --> 00:50:03,271 to do so. 653 00:50:04,134 --> 00:50:06,011 Explain yourself. 654 00:50:07,800 --> 00:50:09,734 His hands trembled, sir. 655 00:50:09,800 --> 00:50:11,167 His clothes were dirty, 656 00:50:11,234 --> 00:50:13,934 there was water in his eyes... He is broken. 657 00:50:14,967 --> 00:50:16,934 I saw no need to apprehend him. 658 00:50:16,950 --> 00:50:18,500 I'd like to add that legionary Pullo 659 00:50:18,510 --> 00:50:20,601 took no part in my decision, sir. 660 00:50:22,667 --> 00:50:24,450 You saw no need. 661 00:50:26,068 --> 00:50:28,134 Do you not see that Pompey may be broken 662 00:50:28,201 --> 00:50:31,472 like a Dacian* catamite and still be dangerous ? 663 00:50:31,473 --> 00:50:31,473 * Big region in the South of the Germany, in Central Europe (modern Romania and Moldava) 664 00:50:31,667 --> 00:50:33,267 If he is still living, 665 00:50:33,334 --> 00:50:35,434 he will be a standard around which 666 00:50:35,500 --> 00:50:37,775 our enemies will gather ! 667 00:50:38,267 --> 00:50:40,500 As long as he can be propped on a horse, 668 00:50:41,067 --> 00:50:42,834 he's dangerous ! 669 00:50:42,840 --> 00:50:45,634 - But you saw no need to apprehend him ? - I did not, sir. 670 00:50:45,701 --> 00:50:47,900 Who by the sons of Dis gives you the right 671 00:50:47,902 --> 00:50:48,802 to make such judgment ?! 672 00:50:48,810 --> 00:50:50,861 Sir, I am aware that I have not done my duty, 673 00:50:50,867 --> 00:50:53,767 and I respectfully ask your pardon. 674 00:50:54,934 --> 00:50:57,400 My pardon, he asks. 675 00:50:59,233 --> 00:51:02,233 I ought to have you scourged and crucified. 676 00:51:10,734 --> 00:51:13,500 In future you will remember that it is I 677 00:51:13,567 --> 00:51:16,133 that offers mercy. No one else. 678 00:51:16,500 --> 00:51:17,567 Clear ? 679 00:51:17,634 --> 00:51:20,467 Clear, sir. 680 00:51:20,233 --> 00:51:22,934 Dismissed. 681 00:51:26,367 --> 00:51:28,334 I do not like to disagree with you, 682 00:51:28,400 --> 00:51:30,971 but you are being far too lenient with him. 683 00:51:31,101 --> 00:51:33,083 He let Pompey go 684 00:51:33,100 --> 00:51:34,738 and you let him live ?! 685 00:51:35,467 --> 00:51:37,667 The man should be made an example of ! 686 00:51:37,734 --> 00:51:40,167 Any other man, certainly. 687 00:51:40,434 --> 00:51:42,186 But those two... 688 00:51:42,767 --> 00:51:44,701 They found my stolen standard. 689 00:51:44,767 --> 00:51:46,567 Now they survive a wreck 690 00:51:46,634 --> 00:51:50,634 that drowned an army and find Pompey Magnus on a beach. 691 00:51:52,267 --> 00:51:55,701 They have powerful gods on their side, 692 00:51:55,720 --> 00:51:57,381 and I will not kill 693 00:51:57,402 --> 00:51:59,800 any man with friends of that sort. 694 00:52:00,800 --> 00:52:02,067 Posca. 695 00:52:02,834 --> 00:52:06,134 Tell Fulvio to start breaking camp. 696 00:52:06,500 --> 00:52:08,477 We're going to Egypt. 697 00:52:59,300 --> 00:53:01,233 General Pompey, sir. 698 00:53:01,300 --> 00:53:04,334 Remember me ? Lucius Septimius. 699 00:53:04,400 --> 00:53:07,367 Centurion Septimius, as was. 700 00:53:07,434 --> 00:53:09,200 I was with you in Spain. 701 00:53:09,267 --> 00:53:10,867 Fourth legion, third cohort. 702 00:53:10,934 --> 00:53:13,867 Lucius Septimius, of course. 703 00:53:13,934 --> 00:53:15,867 What are you doing here, of all places ? 704 00:53:15,934 --> 00:53:17,968 Working for the Gyppoes, sir. 705 00:53:18,034 --> 00:53:20,634 I know, sir. It's not the fourth by no means. 706 00:53:20,650 --> 00:53:22,143 A man's got to earn his salt though, eh ? 707 00:53:22,150 --> 00:53:23,168 Sure enough. 708 00:53:23,300 --> 00:53:26,001 What's all this then, soldier ? 709 00:53:26,068 --> 00:53:28,068 Not much of a welcome party. 710 00:53:28,133 --> 00:53:30,871 You know Egyptians, sir, it's just their way. 711 00:53:30,952 --> 00:53:32,166 Funny people. 712 00:53:32,150 --> 00:53:34,434 That they are. Well... 713 00:53:34,500 --> 00:53:36,400 Onward, friend. 714 00:53:50,400 --> 00:53:52,334 I'm sorry, sir.