1 00:01:36,071 --> 00:01:37,386 Egeria* 2 00:01:37,387 --> 00:01:37,387 * Egeria was a nymph who was the wife or the friend of pious king of Rome, Numa Pompilius. She gave him wise advice at night. So, it isn't only the prostitute's name in that episode, it's also an allusion to Atia's role. 3 00:02:23,901 --> 00:02:25,934 I was thinking... 4 00:02:26,934 --> 00:02:28,934 I was thinking... 5 00:02:30,234 --> 00:02:32,934 You and I might go away to Baiae*. 6 00:02:32,935 --> 00:02:32,935 * Baiae is a town on the Bay of Naples, Italy, very fashionable and luxurious because of its medicinal warm sulfur springs. Many rich and distinguished people had villas in the area. To make a nowadays comparison, it would be like Ibiza or Monte-Carlo. 7 00:02:32,600 --> 00:02:35,468 After next market day. 8 00:02:35,468 --> 00:02:37,567 It's supposed to be nice there 9 00:02:37,634 --> 00:02:40,334 - and seeing how crowded it's been... - That's a lovely idea, but... 10 00:02:40,400 --> 00:02:41,555 But what ? 11 00:02:42,868 --> 00:02:45,201 I can't leave Lyde alone. 12 00:02:45,301 --> 00:02:47,847 - She needs me. - She needs you. 13 00:02:47,868 --> 00:02:51,700 Evander's been missing for two months. Something bad has happened. 14 00:02:51,750 --> 00:02:52,701 Very likely something bad has happened. 15 00:02:52,767 --> 00:02:55,267 Very likely he is dead ! 16 00:03:07,767 --> 00:03:09,089 Pullo, awake ! 17 00:03:11,868 --> 00:03:13,634 Wake up ! Mark Antony's waiting. 18 00:03:13,701 --> 00:03:16,200 Mump off and die, you pigfucker. 19 00:03:19,767 --> 00:03:21,767 Right. 20 00:03:25,634 --> 00:03:27,634 Thank you, my honey. 21 00:03:28,801 --> 00:03:30,534 You shouldn't thank slaves. 22 00:03:30,601 --> 00:03:32,868 - No harm in it. - It's bad for discipline. 23 00:03:32,934 --> 00:03:34,934 Happy again this morning ? 24 00:03:36,033 --> 00:03:37,968 Niobe, then ? 25 00:03:38,033 --> 00:03:39,767 - How's she going ? - I don't understand her. 26 00:03:39,834 --> 00:03:42,167 All the hoo over her sister's damn husband. 27 00:03:42,234 --> 00:03:44,701 Women, eh ? Maybe she's... She's... 28 00:03:44,767 --> 00:03:46,767 She's what ? 29 00:03:47,767 --> 00:03:49,967 I don't know. Women, eh ? 30 00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:15,808 Mighty vice-conqueror of Gaul, 31 00:04:16,434 --> 00:04:19,634 Mars* and Bellona* swell with pride at your doings. 32 00:04:19,635 --> 00:04:19,635 * Mars is the god of the war. Bellona is sometimes his wife and is also the goddess of the war (her name comes from "bellum", "war"). 33 00:04:19,701 --> 00:04:23,501 - And I say... - Oh, good Juno, what cac you speak ? 34 00:04:23,520 --> 00:04:25,360 Would you just get on with your point, man ? 35 00:04:25,367 --> 00:04:27,501 Immediately, Your Honor. I... 36 00:04:27,500 --> 00:04:29,934 Publius Servilius is here. 37 00:04:29,950 --> 00:04:32,212 Ah, good. That'll do for this crowd then. 38 00:04:32,400 --> 00:04:33,321 - Off with you. - I... 39 00:04:33,322 --> 00:04:35,699 No, off with you ! 40 00:04:35,701 --> 00:04:38,234 Master of horse* and people's tribune Mark Antony 41 00:04:38,235 --> 00:04:38,235 * The Master of the Horse (Magister Equitum) is an office appointed by dictator. He reprents the dictator and has the same powers. He has to dismiss when the dictator dismisses too, after six months. 42 00:04:38,367 --> 00:04:40,767 will receive your petitions tomorrow. 43 00:04:42,901 --> 00:04:44,615 Vorenus ! 44 00:04:46,868 --> 00:04:48,634 Out ! 45 00:04:48,701 --> 00:04:50,467 Cynthia, 46 00:04:50,534 --> 00:04:52,527 a pear, my love ? 47 00:05:03,701 --> 00:05:05,701 Servilius, 48 00:05:05,767 --> 00:05:07,667 my dear old friend. 49 00:05:09,434 --> 00:05:11,100 How are you ? 50 00:05:11,168 --> 00:05:13,629 Healthy healthy, I thank you. 51 00:05:13,767 --> 00:05:17,333 Forgive me, have we met before ? 52 00:05:17,400 --> 00:05:19,067 Have we not ? 53 00:05:19,133 --> 00:05:20,868 No idea. 54 00:05:20,934 --> 00:05:23,767 I always pretend so with civilians. 55 00:05:23,834 --> 00:05:25,968 It's more politic, nay ? 56 00:05:28,367 --> 00:05:30,968 And this must be your beautiful wife, 57 00:05:31,033 --> 00:05:33,167 whose name escapes me. 58 00:05:33,234 --> 00:05:35,400 Poppaea. 59 00:05:35,467 --> 00:05:37,267 A flower. 60 00:05:37,334 --> 00:05:39,533 You'll excuse all the bustle. 61 00:05:39,600 --> 00:05:40,777 I found Pompey's taste 62 00:05:40,778 --> 00:05:43,231 in decor rather dull. 63 00:05:43,267 --> 00:05:44,767 I like a little more color. 64 00:05:44,801 --> 00:05:46,340 As you say. 65 00:05:46,341 --> 00:05:48,435 You shall make it lovely, we are sure. 66 00:05:48,436 --> 00:05:50,460 You'll forgive me if I talk business with your husband ? 67 00:05:50,467 --> 00:05:52,595 Of course. 68 00:05:53,201 --> 00:05:54,884 Pretend I am not here. 69 00:05:54,900 --> 00:05:56,535 Impossible. 70 00:05:56,601 --> 00:05:58,353 But I shall try. 71 00:05:58,635 --> 00:05:59,862 Now then... 72 00:06:00,000 --> 00:06:01,701 I'm sure you're aware that Caesar 73 00:06:01,767 --> 00:06:03,767 Has left me in charge whilst he is in Greece. 74 00:06:03,834 --> 00:06:06,000 Yes. Off having fun 75 00:06:06,067 --> 00:06:08,901 chastising Pompey et al*. 76 00:06:08,902 --> 00:06:08,902 * et al = et alii = "and the others" 77 00:06:08,920 --> 00:06:10,825 Left me here to scribble and quibble 78 00:06:10,825 --> 00:06:12,298 like a damned civilian. 79 00:06:12,400 --> 00:06:15,601 However, I am determined to make the most of it. 80 00:06:15,667 --> 00:06:18,434 I shall be a good politician, 81 00:06:18,501 --> 00:06:19,788 even if it kills me. 82 00:06:20,968 --> 00:06:22,901 Or if it kills anyone else for that matter. 83 00:06:23,668 --> 00:06:25,064 So you are, 84 00:06:25,090 --> 00:06:26,455 it seems, 85 00:06:26,470 --> 00:06:29,367 the most senior senator left in Rome. 86 00:06:29,434 --> 00:06:31,167 I have that honor. 87 00:06:31,234 --> 00:06:33,934 - And a turnabout pompeian to boot. - I... 88 00:06:34,567 --> 00:06:37,901 Which is why I thought 89 00:06:37,968 --> 00:06:40,033 it could be amusing 90 00:06:40,100 --> 00:06:43,801 if we made you consul for this year. 91 00:06:43,868 --> 00:06:45,968 Consul ? 92 00:06:46,033 --> 00:06:48,000 That's most kind... 93 00:06:48,067 --> 00:06:50,033 Allow me to finish speaking. 94 00:06:51,400 --> 00:06:53,467 When the Senate next meets, 95 00:06:53,534 --> 00:06:55,734 there are a couple of legislative items 96 00:06:55,801 --> 00:06:58,067 I wish to see enacted immediately. 97 00:06:57,834 --> 00:07:01,067 I am sure you will be happy to assist. 98 00:07:01,133 --> 00:07:03,133 - I... I... - Item one : 99 00:07:03,200 --> 00:07:04,901 the Senate will ratify 100 00:07:04,968 --> 00:07:08,734 Caesar's election as your co-consul* for the coming year. 101 00:07:08,735 --> 00:07:08,735 * There are two consuls each year. Make Caesar a co-consul is just for the sake of appearances, since Caesar would take all the major decisions. 102 00:07:10,267 --> 00:07:12,433 But he is dictator in any case. 103 00:07:13,400 --> 00:07:15,467 It sounds so much better if he is consul. 104 00:07:15,534 --> 00:07:17,400 It's more amicable. 105 00:07:17,467 --> 00:07:18,704 You got that ? 106 00:07:18,804 --> 00:07:20,795 - I... I do. I... I have... - Item two : 107 00:07:20,802 --> 00:07:24,448 you will propose the following law : 108 00:07:25,934 --> 00:07:28,901 forthwith, in every province of Italy, 109 00:07:28,968 --> 00:07:30,934 one third of all those employed 110 00:07:31,033 --> 00:07:34,133 at laboring with cattle or in agriculture 111 00:07:34,200 --> 00:07:36,260 must be freedmen or citizens. 112 00:07:36,267 --> 00:07:38,167 I don't understand. 113 00:07:38,234 --> 00:07:39,817 Too many slaves, you see ? 114 00:07:39,618 --> 00:07:42,963 They've taken all the work, which causes unemployment 115 00:07:42,964 --> 00:07:44,734 amongst the free populace. 116 00:07:44,801 --> 00:07:48,300 Now, we need to create more jobs for our citizens. 117 00:07:48,367 --> 00:07:50,300 But it will be hugely expensive ! 118 00:07:50,367 --> 00:07:52,033 It will. 119 00:07:52,100 --> 00:07:54,420 But only to those few rich men 120 00:07:54,434 --> 00:07:56,500 who own all the land. 121 00:07:56,501 --> 00:07:58,090 And they shall have the consolation 122 00:07:58,100 --> 00:08:00,762 of having done something eminently patriotic. 123 00:08:00,767 --> 00:08:02,868 It seems rather... 124 00:08:02,934 --> 00:08:05,920 extreme to say the least. 125 00:08:05,934 --> 00:08:07,734 Ruinous even. 126 00:08:07,801 --> 00:08:09,534 You may well be right. 127 00:08:09,570 --> 00:08:11,990 But frankly, I do not care whether it is the rich, poor, 128 00:08:12,000 --> 00:08:14,730 or, indeed both that suffer. 129 00:08:14,734 --> 00:08:16,360 Caesar wishes this law to be made. 130 00:08:16,367 --> 00:08:19,734 He is my friend, I will have it made. 131 00:08:19,740 --> 00:08:20,838 If you prefer, I could always 132 00:08:20,840 --> 00:08:21,930 bypass the Senate, 133 00:08:21,934 --> 00:08:23,968 call an assembly of the people 134 00:08:24,033 --> 00:08:26,000 and you can put your arguments to them. 135 00:08:26,067 --> 00:08:28,767 A fine orator like yourself might just persuade them 136 00:08:28,834 --> 00:08:31,100 that Caesar is wrong. 137 00:08:31,133 --> 00:08:34,267 - That won't be necessary. - Good. 138 00:08:34,334 --> 00:08:36,834 Good. 139 00:08:36,901 --> 00:08:38,901 That's it then. 140 00:08:39,800 --> 00:08:41,600 I don't know what to say. 141 00:08:41,611 --> 00:08:42,775 Say nothing then. 142 00:08:42,776 --> 00:08:45,100 It's often best. 143 00:08:46,567 --> 00:08:48,007 You know Posca of course, 144 00:08:48,007 --> 00:08:49,726 Caesar's creature ? 145 00:08:49,727 --> 00:08:51,934 He'll take all the details. 146 00:08:53,534 --> 00:08:54,851 Poppaea... 147 00:08:56,634 --> 00:09:00,067 My dove, if your husband should die... 148 00:09:01,267 --> 00:09:03,801 come to me, we will marry, neh ? 149 00:09:19,302 --> 00:09:22,346 So, keeping their promises, isn't he ? 150 00:09:22,347 --> 00:09:23,500 What ? 151 00:09:23,967 --> 00:09:26,868 Caesar and Mark Antony, doing right by the people. 152 00:09:26,870 --> 00:09:28,900 That was your worry, wasn't it ? 153 00:09:28,910 --> 00:09:31,350 That Caesar'd turn out to be just another tyrant sort ? 154 00:09:31,367 --> 00:09:33,267 But here's him and Mark Antony 155 00:09:33,280 --> 00:09:35,355 getting jobs for the unemployed. 156 00:09:35,367 --> 00:09:37,377 You can't complain about that now, can you ? 157 00:09:37,901 --> 00:09:40,634 He negotiates with a whore and a dwarf at his side. 158 00:09:40,400 --> 00:09:42,801 Think you Cincinnatus* or Marius or even the Grachii* 159 00:09:42,802 --> 00:09:42,802 Cincinnatus is a farmer twice dictator. In 458 b.C. he strongly defeats the Aequi tribe that menaces Rome. After his victory he humbly goes back and ploughs his field. Marius (157-86 b.C.) is a tribune (just like Caesar and Mark Antony). He's elected consul and puts king Jugurtha down, then Cimbers and Teutons. The Grachii is the name given to two brothers (Tiberius and Caius Sempronius Gracchus) elected tribunes. They support and impose reforms and laws favourable to the poor. They're killed, one in -133 and the other in -121. 160 00:09:42,868 --> 00:09:45,367 - would demean themselves so ? - Who ? 161 00:09:47,367 --> 00:09:50,467 Mark Antony has his odd ways, there's no denying that. 162 00:09:58,100 --> 00:10:00,000 I'm not going home. I need a drink. 163 00:10:00,067 --> 00:10:02,868 - Drink ? You ? - I. Drink. What of it ? 164 00:10:03,901 --> 00:10:05,901 I'll not argue. 165 00:10:08,801 --> 00:10:10,534 - Ouch ! - Sorry. 166 00:10:10,570 --> 00:10:12,073 You need to calm down lately. 167 00:10:12,100 --> 00:10:13,789 How can I be calm ? Two months of this. 168 00:10:13,890 --> 00:10:16,593 - Aren't you done yet ? - Will you sit still ? 169 00:10:19,067 --> 00:10:21,801 Won't catch a pretty new husband with a sour face like that. 170 00:10:21,868 --> 00:10:24,500 I don't want a new husband. I want Crito. 171 00:10:24,567 --> 00:10:26,499 You can't stay married to a drover, 172 00:10:26,499 --> 00:10:28,534 not now that your father's a prefect. 173 00:10:28,601 --> 00:10:30,367 - It wouldn't be right. - I told her. 174 00:10:30,368 --> 00:10:31,400 Far too low. 175 00:10:31,410 --> 00:10:33,400 Fortune blessed you, you haven't paid out dowry. 176 00:10:33,405 --> 00:10:38,264 Don't worry, we'll find you someone nice, and proper status. 177 00:10:37,965 --> 00:10:39,234 I don't want anyone ! 178 00:10:39,300 --> 00:10:42,200 You can't be unmarried. It wouldn't be decent at your age. 179 00:10:42,267 --> 00:10:45,467 - Decent she says. - What's that supposed to mean ? 180 00:10:45,534 --> 00:10:47,269 You know what it means. 181 00:10:47,568 --> 00:10:49,059 You hold your tongue. 182 00:10:49,059 --> 00:10:49,843 Or what ? 183 00:10:51,134 --> 00:10:52,582 What will you do ? 184 00:10:57,167 --> 00:10:59,701 It's all right, sweetie. It's all right. 185 00:11:04,067 --> 00:11:07,100 I thought it was going well for a while, but now... 186 00:11:12,334 --> 00:11:14,467 Maybe I should beat her, do you think ? 187 00:11:15,500 --> 00:11:17,847 I don't know. That only works 188 00:11:17,849 --> 00:11:19,266 if you keep at it. 189 00:11:19,467 --> 00:11:21,430 A good thrashing once or twice a day 190 00:11:21,434 --> 00:11:23,370 till they're docile. 191 00:11:23,400 --> 00:11:25,013 But then they don't look so good. 192 00:11:26,400 --> 00:11:28,567 Be a shame to mark up a beauty like her. 193 00:11:31,700 --> 00:11:33,225 She is, eh ? 194 00:11:36,753 --> 00:11:38,012 She's a beauty. 195 00:11:38,333 --> 00:11:40,123 She is that. 196 00:11:39,801 --> 00:11:43,220 Slaves, money, everything. What do I get ? 197 00:11:43,234 --> 00:11:44,700 Nothing, that's what I get. 198 00:11:44,701 --> 00:11:45,967 A house full of wailing. 199 00:11:46,867 --> 00:11:48,904 My wife won't even couple with me. 200 00:11:51,234 --> 00:11:53,098 Why not ? 201 00:11:53,567 --> 00:11:55,667 Says she can't while her sister stays. 202 00:11:55,734 --> 00:11:57,811 What's her sister to do with it ? What difference should that make ? 203 00:12:09,367 --> 00:12:11,077 What is wrong with her ? 204 00:12:11,934 --> 00:12:13,056 What is wrong with her ? 205 00:12:14,067 --> 00:12:15,304 What is wrong with me 206 00:12:16,100 --> 00:12:17,678 That I'm served this way ? 207 00:12:18,201 --> 00:12:19,526 You should leave her, maybe, 208 00:12:19,750 --> 00:12:21,557 seeing as she makes you so unhappy. 209 00:12:22,467 --> 00:12:24,868 No ! I will not leave her. 210 00:12:30,901 --> 00:12:32,561 I'd rather die than leave her. 211 00:12:47,300 --> 00:12:49,300 It's all right, lamb. 212 00:12:49,367 --> 00:12:51,367 It'll be all right. 213 00:12:58,300 --> 00:13:00,534 Who, I say, 214 00:13:00,601 --> 00:13:03,868 faced with the overwhelming force 215 00:13:03,934 --> 00:13:06,667 of the figures and the arguments I have here marshalled 216 00:13:06,734 --> 00:13:09,968 could resist their overwhelming conclusion ? 217 00:13:10,800 --> 00:13:14,968 Therefore I ask you, 218 00:13:15,033 --> 00:13:17,534 honored conscript fathers*, 219 00:13:17,535 --> 00:13:17,535 * Title to talk to the Senators (Patres "fathers" because the Senate was in older days a board of old men, and conscripti because they are "registered" on a list). 220 00:13:17,601 --> 00:13:20,133 to support me in this important and... 221 00:13:22,033 --> 00:13:25,379 patriotic legislation which will... 222 00:13:30,534 --> 00:13:34,934 Does anyone wish to speak against the motion ? 223 00:13:39,800 --> 00:13:41,517 No opposition voiced. 224 00:13:41,600 --> 00:13:45,408 No division required. Motion carried. 225 00:13:55,201 --> 00:13:56,301 It's empty. 226 00:13:57,667 --> 00:13:58,348 It is... 227 00:13:58,667 --> 00:14:01,667 If there's no wine, water will do. 228 00:14:12,167 --> 00:14:13,281 Thank you, my dove. 229 00:14:16,433 --> 00:14:19,290 So, Lyde, I was asking around, you know, 230 00:14:19,301 --> 00:14:21,394 about your man there, Evander. 231 00:14:21,401 --> 00:14:23,167 Asking around ? 232 00:14:23,234 --> 00:14:25,900 See if I could find out anything for you. 233 00:14:26,000 --> 00:14:28,210 Only, I know a few shady characters, see ? 234 00:14:28,215 --> 00:14:31,301 Types that might know what's what when a man's gone missing. 235 00:14:33,267 --> 00:14:35,767 Anyroad, they tell me 236 00:14:35,834 --> 00:14:38,334 that he got himself into some trouble 237 00:14:38,401 --> 00:14:41,361 with some nasty Greek boys across the river. 238 00:14:41,434 --> 00:14:43,161 Gambling debts, they say. 239 00:14:43,162 --> 00:14:44,162 Gambling ? 240 00:14:44,234 --> 00:14:46,201 Evander never gambled. 241 00:14:46,210 --> 00:14:48,350 Well, sure it's the sort of thing 242 00:14:48,351 --> 00:14:50,750 a man keeps quiet around his wife, neh ? 243 00:14:53,501 --> 00:14:55,022 What are you saying ? 244 00:14:55,334 --> 00:14:57,500 I'm sorry to say it, but it looks like 245 00:14:57,530 --> 00:14:58,874 he's not coming home. 246 00:15:00,067 --> 00:15:01,934 Dead, looks like. 247 00:15:02,300 --> 00:15:03,531 Are you sure ? 248 00:15:04,501 --> 00:15:06,384 So they tell me. 249 00:15:06,401 --> 00:15:08,367 Dead. Killed. 250 00:15:08,634 --> 00:15:10,635 It isn't true. 251 00:15:13,534 --> 00:15:15,600 My advice, 252 00:15:15,867 --> 00:15:17,200 best forget about him. 253 00:15:17,267 --> 00:15:19,633 Best get on with your life. 254 00:15:19,700 --> 00:15:21,469 It isn't true. 255 00:15:21,501 --> 00:15:23,588 It's not so bad. 256 00:15:23,934 --> 00:15:25,767 You've still got people that love you. 257 00:15:25,834 --> 00:15:27,368 Look to them, eh ? 258 00:15:27,633 --> 00:15:29,834 Isn't that right, Niobe ? 259 00:15:29,900 --> 00:15:31,733 Best she gets on with her life. 260 00:15:31,800 --> 00:15:34,201 Best she looks to the people that love her. 261 00:15:38,468 --> 00:15:40,401 Forget Evander. 262 00:15:40,468 --> 00:15:42,301 Forget the past. 263 00:15:47,568 --> 00:15:49,733 Well, I'm away. 264 00:15:49,800 --> 00:15:52,567 Need a drop of wine to set me up for the day. 265 00:15:58,866 --> 00:16:02,346 No ! 266 00:16:10,000 --> 00:16:13,000 Lyde, please don't. 267 00:16:17,000 --> 00:16:19,468 I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. 268 00:16:21,285 --> 00:16:22,877 You're sorry ? 269 00:16:22,900 --> 00:16:24,967 It's too late for sorry, isn't it ? 270 00:16:25,034 --> 00:16:27,650 You weren't sorry when you were fucking him, were you ? 271 00:16:27,660 --> 00:16:29,834 You weren't sorry then. I piss on your sorrow ! 272 00:16:29,850 --> 00:16:31,820 I will not shh. You shh ! 273 00:16:31,834 --> 00:16:34,734 You're a thief and a whore and you stole my husband ! 274 00:16:34,740 --> 00:16:35,779 I stole nothing ! 275 00:16:35,875 --> 00:16:37,000 He came to me ! 276 00:16:37,050 --> 00:16:38,485 He came to me ! I never loved him. 277 00:16:38,486 --> 00:16:39,595 I love my husband ! 278 00:16:39,596 --> 00:16:42,000 And if you'd done... If you'd been... 279 00:16:43,134 --> 00:16:45,067 If I had done what ? 280 00:16:46,320 --> 00:16:49,560 If I had given him a child. Is that it ? 281 00:16:49,570 --> 00:16:51,139 I am sorry. Please forgive me. 282 00:16:51,150 --> 00:16:52,809 Please forgive me ! Forgive me ! 283 00:16:52,820 --> 00:16:55,195 I curse you, sister ! 284 00:16:55,489 --> 00:16:59,913 By grace of the Furies*, I curse you. 285 00:16:59,914 --> 00:16:59,914 * They're allegories for Vengeance. Their heads are wreathed with serpents and their eyes full of blood. They hunt the criminals and torture them until they drive them mad (hence their name, "Furor" in Latin means "madness"). 286 00:17:03,000 --> 00:17:05,733 I'll keep your secret 287 00:17:05,800 --> 00:17:08,267 for the sake of the child, 288 00:17:08,534 --> 00:17:10,267 but don't you ever... 289 00:17:10,334 --> 00:17:13,434 ever speak to me again. 290 00:17:38,600 --> 00:17:39,806 Be careful ! 291 00:17:55,000 --> 00:17:57,600 Bravo. Bravo. 292 00:17:57,667 --> 00:17:59,900 A little blood lust suits you, Octavian. 293 00:17:59,905 --> 00:18:01,651 You look very handsome. Does he not ? 294 00:18:01,652 --> 00:18:02,545 He does. 295 00:18:02,801 --> 00:18:04,758 Titus Pullo is a good teacher. 296 00:18:04,759 --> 00:18:06,667 Well it's a pity Caesar isn't here. 297 00:18:06,700 --> 00:18:09,101 He'd put you on his staff immediately. 298 00:18:09,967 --> 00:18:12,400 Perhaps you should go and join him in Greece, 299 00:18:12,467 --> 00:18:15,000 get some real pompeian blood on your sword. 300 00:18:15,100 --> 00:18:16,833 - Don't be silly, mother. - Well why not ? 301 00:18:17,200 --> 00:18:20,320 If we are not quick, Pompey and Cato and all those fools will be dead 302 00:18:20,321 --> 00:18:22,719 will be dead before Octavian gets his chance to shine. 303 00:18:22,720 --> 00:18:23,800 He's still a child. 304 00:18:23,850 --> 00:18:24,840 I am not. 305 00:18:24,845 --> 00:18:26,520 He is not. He is quite the little man now. 306 00:18:26,530 --> 00:18:27,994 I should think there's more to manhood 307 00:18:27,995 --> 00:18:29,117 than swordplay. 308 00:18:30,834 --> 00:18:31,765 Octavian, 309 00:18:32,201 --> 00:18:34,100 have you penetrated anyone yet ? 310 00:18:34,105 --> 00:18:35,100 Mother, please. 311 00:18:35,105 --> 00:18:36,847 Does that mean you have or you haven't ? 312 00:18:37,000 --> 00:18:38,138 Haven't, but... 313 00:18:38,200 --> 00:18:40,867 Titus Pullo, didn't I tell you to sort that out ? 314 00:18:40,934 --> 00:18:42,420 I'm sure I did. 315 00:18:42,450 --> 00:18:43,398 I... 316 00:18:43,534 --> 00:18:45,609 Sorry, ma'am. I'll see to it. 317 00:18:45,610 --> 00:18:45,950 Do that. 318 00:18:47,068 --> 00:18:49,825 Don't worry, darling. There's really nothing to it. 319 00:18:49,900 --> 00:18:52,868 Once you're in the saddle, as it were, 320 00:18:52,934 --> 00:18:54,857 it'll all come naturally. Isn't that right, Pullo ? 321 00:18:55,067 --> 00:18:56,014 That's right ma'am. 322 00:18:57,334 --> 00:18:59,506 And none of your sordid soldier's she-wolves, mind you. 323 00:19:00,300 --> 00:19:02,226 Something clean and pretty. 324 00:19:02,334 --> 00:19:03,319 Clean and pretty it is. 325 00:19:03,319 --> 00:19:04,233 Good. 326 00:19:04,434 --> 00:19:06,666 I'll get Merula make you a toga. 327 00:19:06,667 --> 00:19:07,760 What else ? 328 00:19:07,785 --> 00:19:09,767 Perhaps you can arrange he kill someone. 329 00:19:11,000 --> 00:19:12,820 That will happen in due course. 330 00:19:13,000 --> 00:19:15,917 We Julii always have the needful enemies. 331 00:19:29,601 --> 00:19:30,585 Health to my child. 332 00:19:32,267 --> 00:19:33,583 My daughter. 333 00:19:35,000 --> 00:19:37,872 I wish for a son, a healthy son. 334 00:20:05,868 --> 00:20:08,191 - I... - Good night, then. 335 00:20:11,834 --> 00:20:13,111 Good night. 336 00:20:41,867 --> 00:20:43,600 Husband. 337 00:20:43,700 --> 00:20:45,467 What's all this ? 338 00:20:47,334 --> 00:20:50,064 I thought it might please you if we had some time alone. 339 00:20:52,634 --> 00:20:55,404 I sent the girls and Lucius to Clarissa. 340 00:20:58,600 --> 00:20:59,800 And Lyde ? 341 00:20:59,804 --> 00:21:01,435 She's gone to a friend's. 342 00:21:03,834 --> 00:21:06,552 - Please, sit down. - I've already eaten. 343 00:21:09,701 --> 00:21:10,753 But... 344 00:21:11,834 --> 00:21:13,435 I can have some more. 345 00:21:18,467 --> 00:21:19,672 Excuse me. 346 00:21:48,934 --> 00:21:51,333 Sit down with me. 347 00:21:51,340 --> 00:21:52,597 That's all right. 348 00:21:52,600 --> 00:21:53,685 Really, sit. 349 00:21:53,693 --> 00:21:55,425 I can't finish all this on my own. 350 00:22:43,367 --> 00:22:45,600 The calendar is correct... 351 00:22:48,967 --> 00:22:51,612 If you would like to have me tonight. 352 00:22:54,101 --> 00:22:56,012 I would. 353 00:22:58,367 --> 00:23:00,113 I'd like that. 354 00:24:53,401 --> 00:24:55,357 My dear Mark Antony, 355 00:24:55,367 --> 00:24:57,230 I hope this finds you in better health 356 00:24:57,234 --> 00:24:58,856 than my hopes for victory. 357 00:24:59,267 --> 00:25:01,903 I chased Pompey from one end of Greece to the other 358 00:25:02,001 --> 00:25:04,183 and he resolutely refused to fight. 359 00:25:04,301 --> 00:25:06,884 I thought this was his usual obtuseness, 360 00:25:06,890 --> 00:25:10,427 but the old man has some sense left in him yet. 361 00:25:13,667 --> 00:25:15,667 While avoiding battle, 362 00:25:15,762 --> 00:25:18,438 he has gathered a good 10 legions from the East, 363 00:25:18,467 --> 00:25:21,295 and I find myself badly outnumbered. 364 00:25:27,400 --> 00:25:29,186 Now the cat barks at the dog, 365 00:25:29,368 --> 00:25:32,052 and Pompey is chasing me. 366 00:25:40,101 --> 00:25:42,397 I can outmaneuver him for a while, 367 00:25:42,534 --> 00:25:43,631 but not forever. 368 00:25:47,267 --> 00:25:49,376 My men are tired and ill-supplied, 369 00:25:49,176 --> 00:25:51,829 and we shall soon have to stand and fight. 370 00:25:52,134 --> 00:25:54,438 I ask you to bring the 13th here 371 00:25:54,438 --> 00:25:56,551 as speedily as you are able. 372 00:26:11,000 --> 00:26:12,617 Damnation. 373 00:26:12,600 --> 00:26:15,198 Shall I summon the legion legates* ? 374 00:26:15,198 --> 00:26:15,198 * legates = lieutenants 375 00:26:17,667 --> 00:26:20,062 No. Wait. 376 00:26:20,601 --> 00:26:22,589 I must think on this. 377 00:26:25,834 --> 00:26:28,451 This is lovely. 378 00:26:30,067 --> 00:26:31,550 It's just your coloring. 379 00:26:31,560 --> 00:26:33,099 A little loud. 380 00:26:33,000 --> 00:26:34,884 I'd prefer something plainer. 381 00:26:34,900 --> 00:26:35,968 What's the point in plain ? 382 00:26:35,969 --> 00:26:37,033 We shall take it. 383 00:26:38,734 --> 00:26:40,536 But this one... 384 00:26:45,834 --> 00:26:47,120 Divine. 385 00:26:47,150 --> 00:26:48,780 Oh, divine. 386 00:26:48,785 --> 00:26:51,997 Antony will love this. He likes me in Eastern* styles. 387 00:26:51,998 --> 00:26:51,998 * Discreet and ironical allusion since Mark Antony likes so much Eastern style that he'll become Cleopatra's lover. 388 00:26:52,767 --> 00:26:55,072 - How much for both ? - 5000. 389 00:26:55,200 --> 00:26:56,682 You are a thief. 390 00:26:56,700 --> 00:26:58,027 Four and a half then. 391 00:26:58,433 --> 00:27:00,079 Three. 392 00:27:01,700 --> 00:27:03,823 Can we afford such expense ? 393 00:27:03,900 --> 00:27:05,834 Things as they are with Caesar in Greece, 394 00:27:05,936 --> 00:27:07,764 surely we should be more prudent ? 395 00:27:07,800 --> 00:27:09,648 Don't worry out a thing, my dear, 396 00:27:09,663 --> 00:27:11,558 I'm thinking ahead. 397 00:27:12,833 --> 00:27:14,856 Titus Pullo is here, dominus. 398 00:27:17,503 --> 00:27:19,853 Tell him I am unwell. 399 00:27:20,000 --> 00:27:22,067 He may come back next week perhaps. 400 00:27:22,070 --> 00:27:24,296 Tell him nothing of the sort. 401 00:27:24,301 --> 00:27:26,205 Octavian will be ready to see him. 402 00:27:26,210 --> 00:27:28,515 in one moment. And give him a purse. 403 00:27:29,200 --> 00:27:30,786 You've put off this moment 404 00:27:30,787 --> 00:27:32,485 - long enough, my dear. - Mother... 405 00:27:32,486 --> 00:27:34,485 You will penetrate someone today or I will 406 00:27:34,490 --> 00:27:36,639 burn your wretched books in the yard. 407 00:27:37,501 --> 00:27:39,205 Off with you. 408 00:27:51,633 --> 00:27:52,935 Coming through. 409 00:27:53,000 --> 00:27:55,012 Noble coming through. Make way there. 410 00:28:07,234 --> 00:28:09,506 Don't worry, young master. 411 00:28:09,707 --> 00:28:11,091 There's nothing to it. 412 00:28:11,092 --> 00:28:13,818 If there is nothing to it, why is such a fuss made of the thing ? 413 00:28:15,195 --> 00:28:17,512 You'll soon find out. 414 00:28:26,519 --> 00:28:28,367 Vai, vai ! Be off with you ! 415 00:28:28,370 --> 00:28:30,950 This isn't no infantry fuckhole, thank you very much. 416 00:28:30,967 --> 00:28:33,280 Now now, my honey, calm your stomach. 417 00:28:33,334 --> 00:28:35,267 We've come for the young master here. 418 00:28:35,334 --> 00:28:37,650 And we're well coined. 419 00:28:37,820 --> 00:28:41,000 Well, excuse me, of course. 420 00:28:41,067 --> 00:28:42,950 I meant no disrespect. 421 00:28:42,967 --> 00:28:46,295 We're honored to service you, young master. 422 00:28:46,300 --> 00:28:50,100 And what would be the young master's pleasure ? 423 00:28:52,167 --> 00:28:55,960 First-timer. Nothing too savory. 424 00:28:56,601 --> 00:28:59,636 I'm sure we have just the thing. 425 00:29:08,068 --> 00:29:11,445 Something exotic, perhaps ? 426 00:29:13,600 --> 00:29:16,243 Or else something young ? 427 00:29:15,944 --> 00:29:18,646 Light, simple. 428 00:29:19,894 --> 00:29:22,022 Little bit skinny, neh ? 429 00:29:22,023 --> 00:29:24,043 Won't know he's been, will he ? 430 00:29:24,767 --> 00:29:27,194 Won't know you've been. 431 00:29:27,534 --> 00:29:29,768 More substance, 432 00:29:29,790 --> 00:29:32,593 yet still nymphlike, 433 00:29:33,234 --> 00:29:34,805 graceful. 434 00:29:37,334 --> 00:29:40,006 This one's fresh off the boat... 435 00:29:40,601 --> 00:29:43,234 - That will be fine. - Hold on, young master. 436 00:29:43,301 --> 00:29:45,167 No point hurrying. 437 00:29:45,234 --> 00:29:46,873 Big decision, this. 438 00:29:47,200 --> 00:29:49,768 - Let's have a look at... - This one is perfectly adequate. 439 00:29:49,833 --> 00:29:52,401 You will be utterly satisfied, I assure you. 440 00:29:52,767 --> 00:29:56,100 Egeria, go prepare yourself. 441 00:29:57,034 --> 00:30:00,967 If we might dispense with the pecuniary details... 442 00:30:02,673 --> 00:30:04,374 Oh ! Right. 443 00:30:04,401 --> 00:30:05,916 What's your price then ? 444 00:30:06,769 --> 00:30:07,769 1000. 445 00:30:06,833 --> 00:30:08,900 Gerrae* ! (* Bullshit !) 446 00:30:08,967 --> 00:30:12,100 I could have half the whores in Narbo for that, and their mothers. 447 00:30:11,967 --> 00:30:15,594 We're not in Narbo, whatever that might be. 448 00:30:15,933 --> 00:30:17,933 All right, my dove. 449 00:30:18,000 --> 00:30:19,622 We'll pay. 450 00:30:20,034 --> 00:30:23,801 But the girl better fuck him like Helen of Troy with her ass on fire, 451 00:30:23,868 --> 00:30:26,117 or I'll know the reason why. 452 00:30:38,253 --> 00:30:39,837 Speak. 453 00:30:39,767 --> 00:30:42,465 Gnaeus Pompey Magnus sends greetings. 454 00:30:42,466 --> 00:30:45,027 He hopes you find his house satisfactory. 455 00:30:46,100 --> 00:30:47,632 It'll do. 456 00:30:49,267 --> 00:30:51,367 - Get to his point. - His point. 457 00:30:51,434 --> 00:30:53,867 Caesar is doomed and you with him, 458 00:30:53,933 --> 00:30:55,835 unless you make a separate peace. 459 00:30:55,840 --> 00:30:57,015 And ? 460 00:30:59,333 --> 00:31:02,313 If you do, Pompey will be merciful and generous. 461 00:31:02,314 --> 00:31:04,144 How ? 462 00:31:04,167 --> 00:31:06,751 He will give you your life. A province. 463 00:31:06,768 --> 00:31:09,100 Money enough to preserve your dignity. 464 00:31:10,533 --> 00:31:14,533 What makes him think I value my life so high ? 465 00:31:15,468 --> 00:31:17,378 Why have you not left for Greece ? 466 00:31:18,334 --> 00:31:20,901 Do not smile at me. 467 00:31:23,100 --> 00:31:24,898 Return tomorrow. 468 00:31:24,898 --> 00:31:26,446 I will give Pompey his answer then. 469 00:31:29,701 --> 00:31:31,701 Not that way. 470 00:31:36,800 --> 00:31:39,100 And disguise yourself. 471 00:31:55,134 --> 00:31:57,267 Dismissed. 472 00:32:09,034 --> 00:32:11,567 You take clothes down ? 473 00:32:13,301 --> 00:32:15,529 That's an interesting accent. 474 00:32:16,000 --> 00:32:19,453 No understand. 475 00:32:23,501 --> 00:32:24,539 Where... 476 00:32:25,534 --> 00:32:27,535 are you from ? 477 00:32:28,962 --> 00:32:30,761 Where from... 478 00:32:31,257 --> 00:32:32,701 Don't know. 479 00:32:32,367 --> 00:32:34,987 You don't know where you're from ? 480 00:32:39,601 --> 00:32:42,197 Rome take me very young. 481 00:32:43,200 --> 00:32:46,584 Kill mother, father, brother, 482 00:32:46,585 --> 00:32:48,523 Take me. 483 00:32:50,567 --> 00:32:52,918 I see. Sad. 484 00:33:11,867 --> 00:33:14,642 Turn over, would you ? 485 00:33:18,800 --> 00:33:20,812 On your hands and knees. 486 00:33:37,467 --> 00:33:39,179 Nice place, this. 487 00:33:39,434 --> 00:33:40,462 Clean. 488 00:33:45,934 --> 00:33:47,271 I don't suppose, 489 00:33:48,467 --> 00:33:50,334 seeing as I'm with the quality... 490 00:33:50,401 --> 00:33:52,367 Not a chance. 491 00:34:00,768 --> 00:34:02,921 No no no. No, do it for real. Fight. 492 00:34:07,800 --> 00:34:10,280 Come on, fight damn you ! Fight ! 493 00:34:11,015 --> 00:34:12,581 That's better ! 494 00:34:13,034 --> 00:34:14,078 Good. 495 00:34:23,000 --> 00:34:24,768 Brava, Cynthia ! Brava ! 496 00:34:24,769 --> 00:34:25,769 Brava ! 497 00:34:26,800 --> 00:34:29,968 Don't be so silly, it's just a scratch now. 498 00:34:34,701 --> 00:34:35,267 There. 499 00:34:36,234 --> 00:34:38,834 Yes, Posca, what's it ? 500 00:34:38,850 --> 00:34:43,701 I am to remind you of your dinner tonight with Atia of the Julii. 501 00:34:44,068 --> 00:34:46,645 Sons of Dis*. 502 00:34:46,646 --> 00:34:46,646 * Dis (the Rich) is one of Pluto's names, the god of the Underworld. 503 00:34:47,334 --> 00:34:50,175 Now, run along. 504 00:34:53,367 --> 00:34:55,347 Where is he ? Where he'd be ? 505 00:34:55,600 --> 00:34:57,801 Busy man. Politics. 506 00:34:57,820 --> 00:34:59,950 Politics ? He promised he would come. 507 00:34:59,953 --> 00:35:01,457 Castor ! 508 00:35:02,334 --> 00:35:05,789 Send a man to Pompey's... I mean, Mark Antony's villa 509 00:35:05,790 --> 00:35:07,222 and enquire his whereabouts. 510 00:35:07,264 --> 00:35:09,143 Antony's whereabouts, immediately, domina. 511 00:35:09,167 --> 00:35:11,301 Do not say it is I who sends to ask. 512 00:35:11,534 --> 00:35:13,474 Not you sends to ask. 513 00:35:13,709 --> 00:35:15,734 Stay. He'll know it is I who asked. 514 00:35:15,740 --> 00:35:17,361 Send no one. 515 00:35:18,234 --> 00:35:20,363 I will send no one. 516 00:35:20,468 --> 00:35:22,465 If he comes, he comes, I don't care ! 517 00:35:47,167 --> 00:35:48,724 Welcome, dominus. 518 00:36:17,034 --> 00:36:22,000 Sorry to be so horribly late. Endless business. 519 00:36:22,200 --> 00:36:23,790 Will you forgive me ? 520 00:36:23,800 --> 00:36:25,011 Of course. 521 00:36:25,267 --> 00:36:27,536 I confess, I had quite forgotten you were coming. 522 00:36:27,567 --> 00:36:29,491 So this is a lovely surprise. 523 00:36:29,834 --> 00:36:32,950 Excuse me a moment, I will go and dress correctly. 524 00:37:21,867 --> 00:37:23,832 Here he is, 525 00:37:24,067 --> 00:37:25,530 young Apollo ! 526 00:37:25,567 --> 00:37:26,588 How was it ? 527 00:37:26,600 --> 00:37:28,970 It was pleasant. 528 00:37:29,005 --> 00:37:30,243 Pleasant ? 529 00:37:30,400 --> 00:37:32,135 I should say so. 530 00:37:32,200 --> 00:37:33,670 How was he ? 531 00:37:34,395 --> 00:37:36,340 Like bull. 532 00:38:03,334 --> 00:38:05,069 What's wrong ? 533 00:38:05,080 --> 00:38:07,367 Nothing. 534 00:38:09,467 --> 00:38:11,000 Tell me. 535 00:38:17,600 --> 00:38:20,967 Mark Antony does not intend to go to Greece to help Caesar. 536 00:38:22,734 --> 00:38:25,434 I have sworn loyalty to a man of no honor. 537 00:38:27,468 --> 00:38:30,633 Well you don't have to go to Greece then. 538 00:38:30,700 --> 00:38:33,700 - We'll be together. - It's true, but still. 539 00:38:35,234 --> 00:38:37,934 Haven't you always said Caesar's cause is wrong ? 540 00:38:39,468 --> 00:38:41,468 That is not the point. 541 00:38:41,533 --> 00:38:44,468 There is a moral principle involved. 542 00:38:49,900 --> 00:38:52,201 What an idiot you are ! 543 00:39:06,434 --> 00:39:07,957 Not hungry ? 544 00:39:08,567 --> 00:39:12,234 After so many years of soldier's porridge, I am easily sated. 545 00:39:13,468 --> 00:39:15,334 Well, these last news from Greece 546 00:39:15,340 --> 00:39:17,334 cannot have improved your appetite. 547 00:39:17,401 --> 00:39:19,234 Hardly. 548 00:39:19,250 --> 00:39:22,990 And is it really so bad ? Caesar always finds a way to win. 549 00:39:23,000 --> 00:39:26,556 Pompey has gathered 10 men for every one of Caesar's. 550 00:39:26,633 --> 00:39:29,055 Arithmetic has no mercy. 551 00:39:29,500 --> 00:39:31,115 I'd feared it was so. 552 00:39:32,867 --> 00:39:35,034 What do you intend to do then ? 553 00:39:44,001 --> 00:39:45,731 I don't know. 554 00:39:48,633 --> 00:39:52,234 You've become a powerful man. The people love you. 555 00:39:52,701 --> 00:39:55,000 Only because they don't know me. 556 00:39:54,667 --> 00:39:57,948 You could be the first man in Rome, if you wanted. 557 00:39:58,301 --> 00:40:01,539 I hadn't thought about it like that. 558 00:40:02,034 --> 00:40:04,367 Well, you should. 559 00:40:05,101 --> 00:40:06,934 You should think about that. 560 00:40:08,900 --> 00:40:12,068 I'm thinking about something entirely different. 561 00:40:41,468 --> 00:40:43,043 Water. 562 00:41:05,667 --> 00:41:08,746 I could sleep for a week. 563 00:41:15,700 --> 00:41:18,200 I've been thinking. 564 00:41:21,934 --> 00:41:24,094 We should get married. 565 00:41:27,267 --> 00:41:28,980 Married ? 566 00:41:29,867 --> 00:41:33,135 Why should we want to do that of all things ? 567 00:41:34,534 --> 00:41:36,522 Perhaps I love you. 568 00:41:37,800 --> 00:41:39,749 You're joking. 569 00:41:39,967 --> 00:41:42,851 For a moment there you had me worried. 570 00:41:42,860 --> 00:41:45,032 I'm not joking with you. 571 00:41:45,267 --> 00:41:48,461 Oh, my dear woman. 572 00:41:48,496 --> 00:41:51,304 Please, don't worry, I'm not going soft on you. 573 00:41:51,639 --> 00:41:54,268 I'm thinking strategically. 574 00:41:54,303 --> 00:41:57,415 If Caesar is defeated, I can't very well 575 00:41:57,418 --> 00:42:00,465 form an alliance with the pompeians. 576 00:42:01,999 --> 00:42:04,610 - I need protection. - True. 577 00:42:07,559 --> 00:42:09,099 What's in it for me ? 578 00:42:09,534 --> 00:42:12,645 If Caesar is defeated... 579 00:42:12,650 --> 00:42:14,417 then I will be defeated also. 580 00:42:14,452 --> 00:42:16,218 Only if you join him in Greece. 581 00:42:16,253 --> 00:42:18,831 But if you stay in Rome, 582 00:42:18,866 --> 00:42:21,365 you will be very well situated. 583 00:42:21,370 --> 00:42:23,242 You have the people with you, 584 00:42:23,242 --> 00:42:25,243 you have possession of the city. 585 00:42:25,370 --> 00:42:27,008 You only lack money. 586 00:42:27,206 --> 00:42:29,501 And whilst your name is perfectly respectable... 587 00:42:29,526 --> 00:42:32,327 - I am no patrician. - Exactly. 588 00:42:32,350 --> 00:42:33,498 But allied with my house, 589 00:42:33,500 --> 00:42:35,534 you would have both coin and nobility, 590 00:42:35,535 --> 00:42:37,809 to make yourself king if you wished it so. 591 00:42:38,067 --> 00:42:40,567 And you would be queen. 592 00:42:40,634 --> 00:42:43,978 I would be your loving and obedient wife. 593 00:42:44,900 --> 00:42:47,634 If only I were willing to desert a friend. 594 00:42:47,701 --> 00:42:50,200 A man of your own blood. 595 00:42:50,210 --> 00:42:51,674 Too honorable for that, are you ? 596 00:42:51,690 --> 00:42:53,524 I like to appear so. 597 00:42:53,539 --> 00:42:56,501 But I don't think you'll die for the sake of appearances. 598 00:43:00,267 --> 00:43:01,748 Will I not ? 599 00:43:01,800 --> 00:43:03,680 Caesar will die in any case. 600 00:43:04,102 --> 00:43:07,534 But you are far too clever to share his fate needlessly. 601 00:43:14,300 --> 00:43:16,900 I had not realized until now... 602 00:43:18,167 --> 00:43:20,359 what a wicked old harpy 603 00:43:20,365 --> 00:43:22,354 you really are. 604 00:43:35,720 --> 00:43:37,279 Get out. 605 00:43:38,664 --> 00:43:40,602 Get out ! 606 00:43:58,400 --> 00:43:59,843 Thank you, Pullo. 607 00:44:02,500 --> 00:44:04,193 Hold on ! Attention ! 608 00:45:00,167 --> 00:45:02,874 Abed in daylight, what luxury. 609 00:45:02,880 --> 00:45:03,753 Wickedness. 610 00:45:04,954 --> 00:45:06,469 Father ! 611 00:45:06,404 --> 00:45:09,250 That dwarf is asking for you. 612 00:45:11,501 --> 00:45:13,050 Excellency Mark Antony 613 00:45:13,088 --> 00:45:15,668 orders 13th legion to muster on the Field of Mars*. 614 00:45:15,669 --> 00:45:15,669 * Area out of Rome for some assemblees, civic meetings with weapons, and where soldiers can train themselves. 615 00:45:15,675 --> 00:45:16,800 Why ? Where are we going ? 616 00:45:16,820 --> 00:45:18,282 Greece. 617 00:45:49,001 --> 00:45:50,557 Tribune ! 618 00:45:52,034 --> 00:45:53,794 What shall I tell Pompey ? 619 00:45:55,034 --> 00:45:56,688 Of course. 620 00:45:57,067 --> 00:46:00,131 Excuse me. I had forgot you. 621 00:46:25,867 --> 00:46:28,034 His skin is a little dry. 622 00:46:28,100 --> 00:46:30,688 Have him well-oiled before he is presented. 623 00:46:31,067 --> 00:46:32,683 Bona dea. 624 00:46:32,934 --> 00:46:34,716 I am afraid to ask. 625 00:46:34,725 --> 00:46:36,682 Gifts for Servilia. 626 00:46:40,601 --> 00:46:42,700 How fine you look ! 627 00:46:41,720 --> 00:46:43,450 Let me see. 628 00:46:44,634 --> 00:46:47,590 I am so proud of you. 629 00:46:47,600 --> 00:46:49,226 You're a real man at last, eh ? 630 00:46:49,300 --> 00:46:51,077 Why are we giving gifts to Servilia ? 631 00:46:51,101 --> 00:46:54,134 The old crow stands in well with Cato and the rest. 632 00:46:54,150 --> 00:46:56,480 When Caesar and his dog Antony are defeated... 633 00:46:56,485 --> 00:46:57,496 If they are defeated. 634 00:46:57,500 --> 00:47:00,600 When they are defeated, we'll need her good will. 635 00:47:00,734 --> 00:47:03,490 - And this will buy it, you think ? - I do not see why not. 636 00:47:03,600 --> 00:47:05,929 A large penis is always welcome. 637 00:47:05,950 --> 00:47:07,290 You think it's not enough ? 638 00:47:07,300 --> 00:47:08,750 After what you did to her ? 639 00:47:08,760 --> 00:47:10,650 What I did ? What did I do to her ? 640 00:47:10,672 --> 00:47:12,669 Please ! I'm not stupid. 641 00:47:12,680 --> 00:47:14,216 It was you made Caesar renounce her. 642 00:47:14,251 --> 00:47:15,873 Well, what if I did ? She doesn't know it. 643 00:47:15,880 --> 00:47:17,027 Does she not ? 644 00:47:17,194 --> 00:47:19,088 She's not stupid either. 645 00:47:19,100 --> 00:47:21,766 Servilia has no guile in her. If she knows it, 646 00:47:21,770 --> 00:47:23,500 we would certainly have heard about it. 647 00:47:23,583 --> 00:47:24,037 You know best. 648 00:47:24,038 --> 00:47:25,294 I'm sure. 649 00:47:25,367 --> 00:47:27,913 In any case, you will take the gifts to her 650 00:47:27,934 --> 00:47:30,156 and see what she's thinking. 651 00:47:30,480 --> 00:47:32,704 She's always been very fond of you. 652 00:47:34,868 --> 00:47:36,580 And you will go to Mediolanum*. 653 00:47:36,581 --> 00:47:36,581 * Milan. 654 00:47:36,434 --> 00:47:38,905 - Timon will take you. - Mediolanum ? 655 00:47:38,933 --> 00:47:40,620 Yes, they have a very good academy there. 656 00:47:40,650 --> 00:47:42,825 - I don't understand. - You're a man now. 657 00:47:42,852 --> 00:47:45,639 Rome's not safe for men of the Julii. 658 00:47:48,134 --> 00:47:50,572 His toenails are ugly. 659 00:47:50,367 --> 00:47:53,601 Have them cut and painted and put some flowers on his head. 660 00:47:53,667 --> 00:47:55,901 And send over some ice. Six barrels, say. 661 00:47:55,968 --> 00:47:57,670 Six barrels of ice. 662 00:48:02,234 --> 00:48:04,667 Well, don't look so foolish. 663 00:48:04,690 --> 00:48:06,431 I know what I'm about. 664 00:48:16,033 --> 00:48:18,033 Your mother's too kind. 665 00:48:20,967 --> 00:48:23,467 To what do I owe this generosity ? 666 00:48:23,734 --> 00:48:26,500 It's a gesture of friendship. 667 00:48:27,335 --> 00:48:29,191 Friendship. 668 00:48:29,933 --> 00:48:32,868 Thank your mother for her... friendship. 669 00:48:32,933 --> 00:48:36,067 I hope one day to reciprocate her... 670 00:48:36,134 --> 00:48:38,033 friendship. 671 00:48:42,200 --> 00:48:44,200 Good. 672 00:48:47,768 --> 00:48:50,334 Excuse me. 673 00:48:50,601 --> 00:48:52,466 Wait. 674 00:48:53,401 --> 00:48:56,567 Please, forgive my ill humor. 675 00:48:57,468 --> 00:48:59,437 There's nothing to forgive. 676 00:48:59,834 --> 00:49:02,030 I have known you since you were a little girl. 677 00:49:02,031 --> 00:49:03,863 You have a good soul. 678 00:49:04,867 --> 00:49:07,334 I know that whatever others might do, 679 00:49:07,401 --> 00:49:09,868 you are blameless. 680 00:49:09,933 --> 00:49:12,034 I know that. 681 00:49:12,601 --> 00:49:15,367 I... I do not... That is, I cannot... 682 00:49:16,733 --> 00:49:19,667 It's all right. There's no need. 683 00:49:24,360 --> 00:49:26,300 Tell your mother 684 00:49:26,301 --> 00:49:29,134 that I am grateful for the gifts 685 00:49:29,200 --> 00:49:33,101 and that I treasure her friendship as always. 686 00:49:38,234 --> 00:49:41,801 You must come and visit me again. Will you ? 687 00:49:41,967 --> 00:49:43,478 I will. 688 00:49:43,500 --> 00:49:44,800 Promise ? 689 00:49:45,734 --> 00:49:48,501 I want there to be no ill feeling between us. 690 00:49:48,567 --> 00:49:50,868 I promise. 691 00:50:02,134 --> 00:50:04,134 Be a good girl. 692 00:50:05,834 --> 00:50:07,468 Do as you're told. 693 00:50:15,933 --> 00:50:18,367 I'll wait for you outside. 694 00:50:44,201 --> 00:50:46,599 Bellona protect you. 695 00:50:48,200 --> 00:50:50,314 And Juno* keep you. 696 00:50:50,315 --> 00:50:50,315 * Juno is a goddess protecting married women. 697 00:52:25,001 --> 00:52:26,667 A fleet of ships 698 00:52:26,534 --> 00:52:28,567 has set sail for Greece 699 00:52:28,634 --> 00:52:31,867 carrying the army of general Mark Antony. 700 00:52:32,468 --> 00:52:35,919 This month's public bread 701 00:52:35,950 --> 00:52:38,634 is provided by the Capitoline brotherhood of millers. 702 00:52:38,701 --> 00:52:42,100 The brotherhood uses only the finest flour. 703 00:52:42,167 --> 00:52:44,638 True Roman bread, 704 00:52:44,933 --> 00:52:46,933 for true Romans. 705 00:53:04,601 --> 00:53:07,167 This is cack, this is ! I'm wet through. 706 00:53:07,234 --> 00:53:09,000 We're perfectly safe. 707 00:53:09,067 --> 00:53:11,067 A very good offering was made to Triton*. 708 00:53:11,068 --> 00:53:11,068 * Triton is a sea deity, son of the sea, Neptune. 709 00:53:11,134 --> 00:53:14,334 If Triton can't keep me drier than this, he can suck my cock ! 710 00:53:16,868 --> 00:53:19,967 Why can't you learn to keep your fat mouth shut ?! 711 00:53:26,704 --> 00:53:28,000 Subtitles by Raceman and Haynee www.forom.com