1 00:03:17,031 --> 00:03:23,621 "A fine reward is offered for the return of a slave woman stolen... 2 00:03:23,746 --> 00:03:27,625 "or absconded from the house of Claudius Appius. 3 00:03:27,750 --> 00:03:30,336 "The following noblemen returning from Greece 4 00:03:30,461 --> 00:03:35,049 "have received pardon of Caesar and must not be harmed: 5 00:03:35,174 --> 00:03:38,386 "Publius Servilius Casca, 6 00:03:38,511 --> 00:03:41,555 "Marcus Tullius Cicero, 7 00:03:41,680 --> 00:03:48,312 "Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus. 8 00:03:49,397 --> 00:03:52,608 "The traitor Pompey has fled to Egypt. 9 00:03:52,733 --> 00:03:54,860 "Glorious Caesar follows." 10 00:04:24,765 --> 00:04:26,851 Shoulder arms! 11 00:04:28,352 --> 00:04:30,271 Forward! 12 00:04:31,480 --> 00:04:33,774 Forward face! 13 00:04:35,943 --> 00:04:38,279 Forward march! 14 00:05:24,658 --> 00:05:27,536 Behold, Ptolemy, 15 00:05:27,661 --> 00:05:33,709 he of the two ladies, he of sedge and bee. 16 00:05:35,002 --> 00:05:37,963 Behold Ptolemy, 17 00:05:38,088 --> 00:05:43,093 son of Ra, Ptolemy the divine. 18 00:05:49,683 --> 00:05:52,019 Greetings. 19 00:06:21,882 --> 00:06:25,302 How long may we hope for the blessing of your presence? 20 00:06:25,427 --> 00:06:26,688 Not long. 21 00:06:26,712 --> 00:06:28,347 Oh, we are desolated. 22 00:06:28,472 --> 00:06:32,601 If his glorious honor cares to divulge his purpose here, 23 00:06:32,726 --> 00:06:39,775 the servants of the mighty lion would be ecstatic to help you in any way whatsoever. 24 00:06:39,900 --> 00:06:42,027 That is most kind of you. 25 00:06:45,155 --> 00:06:47,992 How goes your preparation for war? 26 00:06:48,993 --> 00:06:51,203 War? 27 00:06:51,328 --> 00:06:53,164 We have no war prepared. 28 00:06:53,188 --> 00:06:54,624 I'm misinformed, then. 29 00:06:54,748 --> 00:07:00,337 I was told the sister of the mighty lion disputes his right to the throne. 30 00:07:00,462 --> 00:07:02,715 Do not speak of her. 31 00:07:02,840 --> 00:07:05,676 I piss on her! I shit on her! 32 00:07:06,302 --> 00:07:09,314 It is true our beloved princess has listened to 33 00:07:09,338 --> 00:07:13,150 ill counsel and raised some absurd claim. 34 00:07:13,475 --> 00:07:19,690 But... she has no support, none but traitors and barbarians. 35 00:07:21,317 --> 00:07:23,485 What was that name? 36 00:07:23,611 --> 00:07:27,656 Deilogos of Pergamum. He can raise ten legions. 37 00:07:27,781 --> 00:07:32,995 Deilogos of Pergamum can raise ten legions for her. 38 00:07:33,120 --> 00:07:37,333 A petty bandit. I assure you, you have no problem, 39 00:07:37,458 --> 00:07:40,669 no fears at all about Cleopatra. 40 00:07:40,794 --> 00:07:44,340 - Where is she? - Ah, well, nobody knows. 41 00:07:44,465 --> 00:07:47,217 Somewhere in the south, we believe. 42 00:07:47,343 --> 00:07:50,179 He lies. They have her. 43 00:07:50,304 --> 00:07:54,350 This dispute between you both must end. 44 00:07:54,475 --> 00:07:57,394 Rome desires Egypt to be at peace. 45 00:07:57,519 --> 00:08:00,522 Your grain ships must keep sailing. 46 00:08:00,648 --> 00:08:04,568 We are in absolute control of the country, from the Lighthouse to the Cataracts. 47 00:08:04,693 --> 00:08:08,322 Good, in that case you should have no trouble in handing over 48 00:08:08,346 --> 00:08:09,465 Pompey Magnus. 49 00:08:09,490 --> 00:08:13,035 I do not like his tone. He can go. 50 00:08:14,828 --> 00:08:19,541 Master, do you remember what we spoke of before? 51 00:08:19,667 --> 00:08:21,627 Of crocodile and fox? 52 00:08:23,212 --> 00:08:25,464 Let us show him our surprise! 53 00:08:25,589 --> 00:08:28,342 All right, go on. Show him. 54 00:08:31,845 --> 00:08:35,683 We have a gift for you, glorious excellency, 55 00:08:35,808 --> 00:08:38,811 that we think you will be very pleased with. 56 00:09:16,807 --> 00:09:18,559 We were going to make him a body, 57 00:09:18,684 --> 00:09:22,104 moving arms and legs, and do a mime show with real animals... 58 00:09:22,229 --> 00:09:23,897 Silence! 59 00:09:34,158 --> 00:09:38,787 Shame on the house of Ptolemies for such barbarity. Shame. 60 00:09:38,912 --> 00:09:41,707 But... you are enemies. 61 00:09:41,832 --> 00:09:43,751 He was a consul of Rome! 62 00:09:51,925 --> 00:09:54,428 A consul of Rome. 63 00:09:55,429 --> 00:09:58,015 To die in this sordid way, 64 00:09:58,140 --> 00:10:02,394 quartered like some low thief. 65 00:10:02,519 --> 00:10:04,229 Shame! 66 00:10:07,149 --> 00:10:09,234 Where is the rest of him? 67 00:10:09,359 --> 00:10:15,324 It... he has been cremated... with all proper funeral rites of course. 68 00:10:15,449 --> 00:10:18,035 With all decorum. 69 00:10:18,160 --> 00:10:20,829 I shall return tomorrow, 70 00:10:20,954 --> 00:10:26,001 at which time you will give me the man that took Pompey's life. 71 00:11:27,229 --> 00:11:29,982 Captain says the wind is fair. 72 00:11:30,107 --> 00:11:34,319 - Good. - We can leave whenever you like. 73 00:11:34,444 --> 00:11:38,699 You will take half the men, return to Rome immediately. 74 00:11:38,824 --> 00:11:42,995 You shall have the honor of announcing Pompey's death. 75 00:11:43,120 --> 00:11:45,205 I shall follow you... 76 00:11:46,248 --> 00:11:48,208 when I've settled things here. 77 00:11:53,630 --> 00:11:57,301 Settled things? Settled what things? 78 00:11:57,426 --> 00:12:00,095 Civil war is in the air. 79 00:12:00,220 --> 00:12:02,306 It must be prevented. 80 00:12:03,515 --> 00:12:05,309 Why? 81 00:12:05,434 --> 00:12:08,645 Let the wretches fight it out. 82 00:12:08,770 --> 00:12:11,148 War will disrupt the grain supply. 83 00:12:11,273 --> 00:12:15,485 Without Egyptian grain, Rome goes hungry. 84 00:12:15,611 --> 00:12:20,198 It would be... unwise not to intervene. 85 00:12:20,324 --> 00:12:23,577 And how will you intervene with only half a legion? 86 00:12:23,702 --> 00:12:26,330 I do not intend to fight. 87 00:12:26,455 --> 00:12:30,667 I shall merely arbitrate the various factions. 88 00:12:30,792 --> 00:12:33,170 You make it sound so easy. 89 00:12:33,295 --> 00:12:38,091 Those various factions are united only by their hatred of Rome. 90 00:12:39,927 --> 00:12:41,887 He's right. 91 00:12:42,012 --> 00:12:46,183 Ptolemy might use you to rouse the people against a common enemy. 92 00:12:46,308 --> 00:12:49,519 I have conquered Gaul. 93 00:12:49,645 --> 00:12:51,271 I have defeated Pompey Magnus. 94 00:12:51,396 --> 00:12:54,608 I think I can handle a small boy and a eunuch. 95 00:12:54,733 --> 00:12:59,655 - A small boy with 100,000 men. - I am aware of that! 96 00:12:59,780 --> 00:13:01,782 He's still a boy nonetheless. 97 00:13:01,907 --> 00:13:06,620 You seem to forget that our war is not over yet. 98 00:13:07,537 --> 00:13:12,542 Cato and Scipio are still at large. Given time, they will raise another army. 99 00:13:12,668 --> 00:13:15,045 And when they do I shall crush them. 100 00:13:15,170 --> 00:13:20,175 I'm glad you're so confident. Some would call it hubris. 101 00:13:20,300 --> 00:13:23,303 It's only hubris if I fail. 102 00:13:30,185 --> 00:13:33,855 Remember, she is a princess of ancient blood. 103 00:13:33,981 --> 00:13:37,484 When you find her you will treat her with the utmost respect. 104 00:13:37,609 --> 00:13:41,446 You must obey her in all things, within reason. 105 00:13:41,571 --> 00:13:43,365 Understood, sir. 106 00:13:43,490 --> 00:13:45,325 I'm counting on you, Vorenus. 107 00:13:48,954 --> 00:13:50,706 You have something to say? 108 00:13:50,831 --> 00:13:54,001 Regarding Pompey Magnus, sir, I wish to apologize. 109 00:13:55,252 --> 00:13:59,006 It was my actions that brought him here to this end. 110 00:14:00,215 --> 00:14:03,010 - If I had done my duty... - Indeed. 111 00:14:04,511 --> 00:14:05,512 Dismissed. 112 00:14:32,164 --> 00:14:33,832 Pompey's murderer. 113 00:14:35,208 --> 00:14:37,878 Alas, he has run away. 114 00:14:38,003 --> 00:14:39,880 Find him. 115 00:14:41,048 --> 00:14:43,133 In the meantime, 116 00:14:43,258 --> 00:14:46,928 these instruments tabulate the money that was borrowed 117 00:14:47,054 --> 00:14:51,266 by his majesty's illustrious father, Ptolemy XII. 118 00:14:51,391 --> 00:14:54,603 In the name of the Republic, I have come to collect. 119 00:14:54,728 --> 00:14:57,689 17 thousand thousand drachma. 120 00:15:02,319 --> 00:15:04,404 17? 121 00:15:05,614 --> 00:15:08,200 Absurd! 122 00:15:08,325 --> 00:15:09,534 Four, perhaps. 123 00:15:09,659 --> 00:15:13,872 The tabulation includes all monies borrowed from Pompey 124 00:15:13,997 --> 00:15:17,959 and other agents of the Republic now unable to collect. 125 00:15:18,085 --> 00:15:19,669 That is not just! 126 00:15:19,795 --> 00:15:24,091 Postmortem interests of this type are legally entailed to the presiding consul, 127 00:15:24,216 --> 00:15:27,177 ie... Gaius Julius Caesar. 128 00:15:27,302 --> 00:15:30,055 - It's law. - Roman law. 129 00:15:30,180 --> 00:15:35,769 Is there some other form of law... you wretched woman? 130 00:15:37,896 --> 00:15:41,650 One thousand apologies. Forgive us. 131 00:15:47,030 --> 00:15:49,407 There! 132 00:15:49,533 --> 00:15:53,203 - There's for your payment. - So sorry. 133 00:15:53,328 --> 00:15:56,998 His majesty forgets he is a vassal to Rome. 134 00:15:57,124 --> 00:16:00,460 Vassal? Vassal? I am no vassal! 135 00:16:00,585 --> 00:16:03,797 - I am king! I am... - Sit down! 136 00:16:13,014 --> 00:16:14,641 Thank you. 137 00:16:14,766 --> 00:16:17,144 When can I expect payment? 138 00:16:17,269 --> 00:16:22,440 Your honor, we have little enough ready coin for our own needs. 139 00:16:22,566 --> 00:16:26,778 Our tax farmers have not been working as they should because... 140 00:16:26,903 --> 00:16:29,114 Because? 141 00:16:29,239 --> 00:16:34,703 Cleopatra's foolishness has stirred unrest in some parts. 142 00:16:34,828 --> 00:16:36,705 Nothing serious. 143 00:16:38,248 --> 00:16:42,586 Well, I do not wish to appear unreasonable. 144 00:16:42,711 --> 00:16:46,965 I will accept ten thousand thousand drachma. 145 00:16:47,090 --> 00:16:50,302 Even that amount will take many days to collect. 146 00:16:50,427 --> 00:16:53,638 In that case, I shall have ample time to adjudicate 147 00:16:53,763 --> 00:16:56,558 your dispute with Princess Cleopatra. 148 00:16:56,683 --> 00:16:58,476 Excellent notion. 149 00:16:58,602 --> 00:17:01,813 But alas, who knows where Princess Cleopatra is? 150 00:17:01,938 --> 00:17:05,525 Oh, do not worry about that. I shall find her. 151 00:17:16,578 --> 00:17:19,164 Blood and fire! 152 00:17:19,289 --> 00:17:21,583 It's as hot as Vulcan's dick! 153 00:17:26,922 --> 00:17:29,299 What a dump. 154 00:17:29,424 --> 00:17:32,427 Gyppo gods must be right wasters to make a place like this. 155 00:17:32,552 --> 00:17:36,097 Don't speak ill of the gods in their own country. 156 00:17:36,125 --> 00:17:37,161 Gerrae. 157 00:17:38,185 --> 00:17:39,518 I've seen their gods. 158 00:17:40,143 --> 00:17:43,188 Titus Pullo isn't scared of any bastard with a dog's head on him. 159 00:17:43,313 --> 00:17:48,318 More fool you. These gods are old and powerful. 160 00:17:48,443 --> 00:17:51,446 Egypt was a great nation long before Rome. 161 00:17:51,571 --> 00:17:53,365 Was it? 162 00:17:53,490 --> 00:17:55,533 Mumped it up now, then, haven't they? 163 00:18:01,122 --> 00:18:03,333 Why are we here, anyhow? 164 00:18:03,458 --> 00:18:07,587 - Waiting. - Yeah, I know we're waiting but for who? 165 00:18:07,712 --> 00:18:10,090 I'll know when I see them. 166 00:18:12,592 --> 00:18:14,261 Be like that. 167 00:18:16,263 --> 00:18:18,014 "Vassal," he says! 168 00:18:18,139 --> 00:18:20,433 Barbarian scum! 169 00:18:21,434 --> 00:18:23,436 It's simple extortion. 170 00:18:23,561 --> 00:18:26,773 If we do not pay him, he will put Cleopatra on the throne. 171 00:18:26,898 --> 00:18:30,652 If... if he could find her. 172 00:18:30,777 --> 00:18:33,446 He is a resourceful man. 173 00:18:33,571 --> 00:18:36,157 He will find her. 174 00:18:36,283 --> 00:18:39,953 She should have died when we first caught her. 175 00:18:40,078 --> 00:18:43,540 Now it must be done. She must die. 176 00:18:43,665 --> 00:18:46,126 I agree. 177 00:18:47,544 --> 00:18:50,297 My men could be with her by nightfall. 178 00:20:43,243 --> 00:20:45,120 Tell him, wait. 179 00:20:49,499 --> 00:20:50,917 Cleopatra. 180 00:20:51,042 --> 00:20:52,877 Queen Majesty? 181 00:20:53,002 --> 00:20:56,256 Hutto asks to speak with you. 182 00:21:06,766 --> 00:21:09,185 Slap me. 183 00:21:15,442 --> 00:21:18,111 - Night or day? - Night. 184 00:21:19,904 --> 00:21:21,698 He may enter. 185 00:21:27,954 --> 00:21:32,250 Majesty... fresh word has come from Alexandria. 186 00:21:33,793 --> 00:21:36,463 Speak, worm! 187 00:21:36,588 --> 00:21:39,799 I am most deeply sorry to say, 188 00:21:39,924 --> 00:21:44,387 Majesty must prepare herself for her journey to the afterlife. 189 00:21:46,389 --> 00:21:48,183 When? 190 00:21:48,308 --> 00:21:50,143 Now. 191 00:22:20,632 --> 00:22:22,675 Say your words. 192 00:23:34,747 --> 00:23:37,041 Hello, ladies. 193 00:23:37,834 --> 00:23:39,919 Attack Caesar? 194 00:23:42,422 --> 00:23:44,591 Are you serious? 195 00:23:44,716 --> 00:23:49,095 Why not? He only has a few hundred men with him. 196 00:23:49,929 --> 00:23:52,473 How many men could you rally? 197 00:23:56,477 --> 00:23:59,147 You would be the liberator of Egypt. 198 00:23:59,272 --> 00:24:01,524 Your name would live for ever. 199 00:24:01,649 --> 00:24:03,860 My mortal flesh should be less fortunate. 200 00:24:03,985 --> 00:24:07,488 - Rome does not forget an injury. - Oh, forget Rome! 201 00:24:07,614 --> 00:24:10,366 Rome is doomed. 202 00:24:10,491 --> 00:24:14,495 Her people tear at their flesh like mad dogs. 203 00:24:14,621 --> 00:24:18,458 In ten years the city will be a forgotten ruin. 204 00:24:18,583 --> 00:24:21,377 Maybe so, but what of next year? 205 00:24:21,502 --> 00:24:23,504 Perhaps you're right. 206 00:24:23,630 --> 00:24:27,925 Ergo, caution is best, yes. 207 00:24:29,135 --> 00:24:34,098 Perhaps you don't have enough influence among the people. 208 00:24:36,225 --> 00:24:39,312 And Caesar has so few men. 209 00:24:40,688 --> 00:24:43,733 I could raise the whole city with a word. 210 00:24:45,902 --> 00:24:48,196 Think on it. 211 00:24:51,658 --> 00:24:56,829 Oh, do you think I could borrow Septimius for a little while? 212 00:24:56,954 --> 00:24:59,040 I'd be most grateful. 213 00:25:01,417 --> 00:25:02,877 Of course. 214 00:25:12,762 --> 00:25:15,848 Messenger from Ptolemy XIII begs entry, sir. 215 00:25:36,744 --> 00:25:39,330 "Ptolemy the water bringer, he of the two ladies, 216 00:25:39,455 --> 00:25:41,666 "he of sedge and bee, king of kings, son of Ra, 217 00:25:41,791 --> 00:25:44,794 "informs his most grand honor, et cetera, 218 00:25:44,919 --> 00:25:48,881 "that him who bears this message is him that killed Pompey." 219 00:26:25,501 --> 00:26:27,962 He's handsome enough. 220 00:26:28,087 --> 00:26:30,757 Good, strong chin. 221 00:26:30,882 --> 00:26:33,301 Looks like a mean old man to me. 222 00:26:36,929 --> 00:26:40,433 - More. - Divinity's mortal flesh turns green. 223 00:26:40,558 --> 00:26:42,643 Give it here. 224 00:27:10,463 --> 00:27:14,050 She will look like a reptile when she arrives at Alexandria. 225 00:27:24,894 --> 00:27:27,313 Weak, I call it. 226 00:27:35,571 --> 00:27:37,198 Weak, am I? 227 00:27:37,323 --> 00:27:39,534 She knows how to beat her slaves well enough 228 00:27:39,659 --> 00:27:44,038 but she cannot throw away that pipe and she knows it. 229 00:27:44,163 --> 00:27:48,376 Insolent dwarf. You know nothing. 230 00:27:51,671 --> 00:27:53,965 Throw it out. 231 00:27:56,342 --> 00:27:59,136 Throw... it out. 232 00:28:41,512 --> 00:28:43,556 Weak, am I? 233 00:28:49,937 --> 00:28:53,608 That Gyppo princess, now, that's good cunny. 234 00:28:53,733 --> 00:28:57,486 Her father's people rode with Alexander. Don't speak of her like that. 235 00:28:57,612 --> 00:29:00,740 She is, though, and she wants me badly. 236 00:29:02,450 --> 00:29:07,121 Should've seen her when I done that Nubian. Wet as October! 237 00:29:08,372 --> 00:29:10,333 Pullo, look at me. 238 00:29:10,458 --> 00:29:13,669 She is a princess of royal blood. You touch her, you die. 239 00:29:13,794 --> 00:29:15,630 I'm not stupid. 240 00:29:15,755 --> 00:29:17,590 I'm just saying she wants me. 241 00:29:55,836 --> 00:29:58,422 Lovely. Lovely. 242 00:29:58,547 --> 00:30:01,842 Nothing like cold, stinking sweat to seduce a man. 243 00:30:02,927 --> 00:30:05,805 Caesar will think himself on Olympus with Aphrodite. 244 00:30:05,930 --> 00:30:07,723 Hush, piglet! 245 00:30:09,141 --> 00:30:12,269 What do you know of seduction? 246 00:30:13,479 --> 00:30:16,524 As long as Caesar is a man, 247 00:30:16,649 --> 00:30:18,234 I will have him. 248 00:30:18,359 --> 00:30:20,653 She seems very sure of herself. 249 00:30:21,445 --> 00:30:25,408 I have him... or I die. 250 00:30:27,076 --> 00:30:29,245 So I will have him. 251 00:30:29,370 --> 00:30:32,081 May it be so, Isis. 252 00:30:49,849 --> 00:30:52,727 I only wish he were here today. 253 00:30:52,852 --> 00:30:56,605 My womb is between the flood. 254 00:30:58,357 --> 00:31:02,695 A child would come, as sure as spring. 255 00:31:30,056 --> 00:31:32,141 Come. 256 00:31:34,018 --> 00:31:36,312 You, come. 257 00:31:51,494 --> 00:31:53,454 So red! 258 00:31:53,579 --> 00:31:56,707 Your highness, how can I be of service? 259 00:32:01,087 --> 00:32:04,340 Leather. Olives. Not so bad. 260 00:32:09,095 --> 00:32:14,100 - He will do. - Majesty commands you will enter her. 261 00:32:14,225 --> 00:32:15,976 I do not understand. 262 00:32:16,102 --> 00:32:18,854 You have coitus with her. 263 00:32:18,979 --> 00:32:21,857 You have it wrong. Coitus means to make babies. 264 00:32:21,982 --> 00:32:24,860 Exact! So, make babies. 265 00:32:29,949 --> 00:32:31,951 Don't be scared. 266 00:32:32,076 --> 00:32:36,288 I'm not scared, I just cannot do what you ask! 267 00:32:36,413 --> 00:32:38,999 It is not... it is not in our custom. 268 00:32:39,125 --> 00:32:42,586 Roman men are not used by women in this way. 269 00:32:42,711 --> 00:32:45,673 Come, you will enjoy it. 270 00:32:45,798 --> 00:32:48,551 My queen is an excellent lover. 271 00:33:19,540 --> 00:33:21,667 What is he waiting for? 272 00:33:24,211 --> 00:33:26,589 He must do as he is told! 273 00:33:26,714 --> 00:33:29,008 - Let me give you a hand. - Get off! 274 00:33:29,133 --> 00:33:33,345 I must ask forgiveness of your majesty but I cannot comply! 275 00:33:33,470 --> 00:33:35,764 I am no slave to be commanded so! 276 00:33:35,890 --> 00:33:39,852 - With all respect... - He refuses? 277 00:33:39,977 --> 00:33:45,900 This... insect refuses me? 278 00:33:46,025 --> 00:33:50,196 You dare refuse the daughter of a sun god? 279 00:33:52,114 --> 00:33:56,535 Pullo, report immediately to Princess Cleopatra and do as she says! 280 00:33:56,911 --> 00:33:58,495 You heard! 281 00:33:58,621 --> 00:34:01,415 - What's going on? - Just go. 282 00:34:14,637 --> 00:34:17,681 Legionary Titus Pullo reporting for duty, ma'am. 283 00:35:34,133 --> 00:35:37,344 - Gods, that was something... - I don't want to know. 284 00:35:38,304 --> 00:35:42,016 If you value your life, you won't speak of it again. 285 00:35:42,141 --> 00:35:43,307 Why? 286 00:35:43,331 --> 00:35:46,854 I was only obeying orders. Bloody good orders too. 287 00:35:46,979 --> 00:35:50,607 What do you think Caesar will do if he hears of it? 288 00:35:50,733 --> 00:35:52,818 I'm not stupid. 289 00:35:53,777 --> 00:35:56,655 I promised the princess. I shall not speak of it. 290 00:35:56,780 --> 00:36:01,660 You can't keep a secret to save your life. You've got a mouth like a drain. 291 00:36:22,389 --> 00:36:25,059 You men, the gate now! 292 00:36:49,333 --> 00:36:51,085 Princess Cleopatra, sir. 293 00:36:51,210 --> 00:36:55,923 Daughter of the Two Rams, mistress of sedge and bee. 294 00:37:40,300 --> 00:37:42,302 Well done, Majesty! 295 00:37:42,428 --> 00:37:44,221 Thank you. 296 00:38:32,019 --> 00:38:35,606 Is something wrong, little husband? 297 00:38:50,162 --> 00:38:53,457 How funny you look in Father's chair. 298 00:38:54,458 --> 00:38:56,335 I never wanted to harm you. 299 00:38:58,045 --> 00:39:01,006 Of course you did not. 300 00:39:01,131 --> 00:39:06,094 It was your gelding led you astray, no doubt. 301 00:39:06,220 --> 00:39:09,264 - Mistress... - It must not speak. 302 00:39:12,017 --> 00:39:13,685 It must die! 303 00:39:29,535 --> 00:39:31,537 It was him... 304 00:39:33,747 --> 00:39:35,415 not me. 305 00:39:36,416 --> 00:39:39,419 He led him astray, 306 00:39:39,545 --> 00:39:41,588 not me. 307 00:39:41,713 --> 00:39:43,799 It was him! 308 00:40:34,266 --> 00:40:36,310 Get in formation! 309 00:40:44,026 --> 00:40:46,111 And you, Pullo. 310 00:40:53,410 --> 00:40:55,662 Calpurnia... 311 00:40:59,708 --> 00:41:02,294 She's your third wife? 312 00:41:02,419 --> 00:41:04,046 She is. 313 00:41:09,343 --> 00:41:12,012 Has she given you a son? 314 00:41:12,137 --> 00:41:14,348 She has not. 315 00:41:15,724 --> 00:41:18,101 How sad. 316 00:41:18,226 --> 00:41:21,521 A man without sons is a man without a future. 317 00:41:22,814 --> 00:41:25,317 I never thought of it that way. 318 00:41:28,111 --> 00:41:30,697 Sad. 319 00:41:30,822 --> 00:41:32,908 Never mind. 320 00:41:34,660 --> 00:41:37,871 Have you secured the upriver ports? 321 00:41:37,996 --> 00:41:40,374 You must do so immediately. 322 00:41:40,499 --> 00:41:44,127 Whoever controls the ports controls Egypt. 323 00:41:46,213 --> 00:41:49,007 Good advice, no doubt. 324 00:41:49,132 --> 00:41:52,219 - If I wanted to control Egypt. - Of course you do. 325 00:41:53,136 --> 00:41:55,180 Why else are you here? 326 00:41:55,305 --> 00:41:58,850 And why save me so heroically from death 327 00:41:59,726 --> 00:42:05,023 if not to use me as your... puppet queen? 328 00:42:09,152 --> 00:42:11,738 Do you dislike the notion? 329 00:42:11,863 --> 00:42:14,866 My wishes are immaterial. 330 00:42:16,034 --> 00:42:19,246 You redeemed me from captivity. 331 00:42:19,371 --> 00:42:22,708 I am... your slave. 332 00:44:55,360 --> 00:44:57,404 Testudo! 333 00:45:39,404 --> 00:45:43,950 - Are you well? - Well enough, though I do not sleep. 334 00:45:44,075 --> 00:45:46,286 I write very bad poetry through the night 335 00:45:46,411 --> 00:45:49,122 and in the morning I give it to the cook for the fire. 336 00:45:49,247 --> 00:45:50,457 It's a form of magic. 337 00:45:50,582 --> 00:45:56,171 My ill conscience is transformed into roast birds and pastries. 338 00:45:56,296 --> 00:46:01,134 You should have no ill conscience. We only did what we had to do. 339 00:46:02,052 --> 00:46:06,723 No doubt Saturn said something of the sort after eating his children. 340 00:46:07,557 --> 00:46:09,601 The question is... 341 00:46:10,435 --> 00:46:12,812 if Caesar does not return from Egypt... 342 00:46:12,938 --> 00:46:15,315 Caesar has escaped tighter traps than this. 343 00:46:15,440 --> 00:46:19,319 He has been besieged in Alexandria the better part of a year. 344 00:46:19,444 --> 00:46:21,237 Perhaps his luck has run out. 345 00:46:21,363 --> 00:46:26,952 Well, what fools we shall look if we have kissed the feet of a dead man. 346 00:46:27,077 --> 00:46:33,041 With Caesar dead, that bastard Mark Antony will be unleashed to do as he wants. 347 00:46:33,166 --> 00:46:38,421 Very likely, but it is no concern of mine. I am done with politics. 348 00:46:38,546 --> 00:46:40,632 Self-pity is all very well. 349 00:46:41,466 --> 00:46:43,885 I'm not unashamed myself. 350 00:46:45,136 --> 00:46:48,348 But we are still senators. 351 00:46:48,473 --> 00:46:50,684 We have responsibilities. 352 00:46:50,809 --> 00:46:53,186 I remind you, we swore an oath of loyalty. 353 00:46:53,311 --> 00:46:56,439 To Caesar, not to Antony. 354 00:46:58,274 --> 00:47:01,778 Cato and Scipio have raised an army in Numidia. 355 00:47:01,903 --> 00:47:06,157 If we were to communicate with them, we might... we might... 356 00:47:06,282 --> 00:47:08,368 If it isn't Cicero. 357 00:47:09,327 --> 00:47:13,915 How strange. I... was just now thinking of you. 358 00:47:14,749 --> 00:47:16,584 I've received some happy news 359 00:47:16,710 --> 00:47:19,963 and my first thought was to come and tell you two. 360 00:47:22,424 --> 00:47:23,925 And here you are. 361 00:47:25,593 --> 00:47:28,263 What a coincidence! 362 00:47:28,388 --> 00:47:31,433 It's amusing how often that happens, eh? 363 00:47:31,558 --> 00:47:33,598 I was walking across the Forum and 364 00:47:33,622 --> 00:47:35,062 thinking of this particular woman. 365 00:47:35,186 --> 00:47:39,190 Who should arrive right in front of me but the thing herself? 366 00:47:40,066 --> 00:47:42,819 Savage little Spanish creature. 367 00:47:42,944 --> 00:47:45,697 Hair down to her arse. 368 00:47:50,535 --> 00:47:53,163 Everyone misjudges me, you know. 369 00:47:54,247 --> 00:47:56,291 I'm a merciful man. 370 00:47:56,416 --> 00:48:00,420 I know that's not my reputation but I am. 371 00:48:02,213 --> 00:48:05,050 Now, everyone's entitled to a few mistakes. 372 00:48:05,175 --> 00:48:08,470 Gods know, I've made one or two myself. 373 00:48:10,013 --> 00:48:12,682 Oh, I've done things... 374 00:48:13,767 --> 00:48:17,729 things I'm ashamed to think of. 375 00:48:20,940 --> 00:48:24,903 We are, all of us, imperfect in our way. 376 00:48:25,028 --> 00:48:27,113 Exactly. 377 00:48:27,238 --> 00:48:30,241 We are, all of us, imperfect. 378 00:48:36,081 --> 00:48:39,042 Give me your hands, brother Cicero. 379 00:48:43,838 --> 00:48:45,882 With all my heart... 380 00:48:46,925 --> 00:48:48,593 I forgive you. 381 00:48:50,178 --> 00:48:52,472 I don't know what you mean. 382 00:48:54,682 --> 00:48:56,976 Nothing escapes me. 383 00:48:58,770 --> 00:49:02,941 If a pigeon dies on the Aventine, I hear of it. 384 00:49:05,944 --> 00:49:10,990 So be assured, brother, if I ever again 385 00:49:11,116 --> 00:49:16,955 hear your name connected with murmurs of treachery 386 00:49:22,627 --> 00:49:29,384 I will cut off these soft, pink hands 387 00:49:29,509 --> 00:49:33,054 and nail them to the Senate door. 388 00:49:50,655 --> 00:49:51,802 Antony? 389 00:49:52,326 --> 00:49:53,139 Hm? 390 00:49:53,241 --> 00:49:55,069 You said you had happy news to tell us. 391 00:49:55,094 --> 00:49:58,305 Ah. Yes. Of course. 392 00:49:58,830 --> 00:50:01,499 A courier came from Alexandria. 393 00:50:02,584 --> 00:50:07,005 Caesar has lifted the siege and massacred the armies of Ptolemy. 394 00:50:07,130 --> 00:50:11,509 He is safe and sound and master of all Egypt. 395 00:50:15,471 --> 00:50:18,183 The man is a damn prodigy, eh? 396 00:50:36,576 --> 00:50:39,037 Attention.