1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:07,000 Downloaded from YTS.MX 2 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:13,000 Official YIFY movies site: YTS.MX 3 00:00:22,500 --> 00:00:24,720 ♪ 4 00:00:30,030 --> 00:00:32,206 [ faint crackling ] 5 00:00:53,009 --> 00:00:55,533 Narrator: In the beginning was the Word, 6 00:00:55,577 --> 00:00:58,449 and the Word was with God, 7 00:00:58,493 --> 00:01:01,235 and the Word was God. 8 00:01:03,150 --> 00:01:05,282 ♪ 9 00:01:07,676 --> 00:01:10,809 He was with God in the beginning. 10 00:01:10,853 --> 00:01:14,074 ♪ 11 00:01:16,337 --> 00:01:19,383 Through Him all things were made... 12 00:01:21,342 --> 00:01:25,172 without Him, nothing was made that has been made. 13 00:01:25,215 --> 00:01:27,696 ♪ 14 00:01:29,872 --> 00:01:31,874 In Him was life, 15 00:01:31,917 --> 00:01:37,097 and that life was the Light of all mankind. 16 00:01:37,140 --> 00:01:39,360 The Light shines in the darkness, 17 00:01:39,403 --> 00:01:42,841 and the darkness has not overcome it. 18 00:01:42,885 --> 00:01:45,975 ♪ 19 00:01:58,944 --> 00:02:03,210 Narrator: There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 20 00:02:03,253 --> 00:02:07,039 He came as a witness to testify concerning that Light, 21 00:02:07,083 --> 00:02:10,608 so that through him all might believe. 22 00:02:10,652 --> 00:02:12,958 He himself was not the Light; 23 00:02:13,002 --> 00:02:15,961 he came only as a witness to the Light. 24 00:02:17,615 --> 00:02:20,270 The true Light that gives light to everyone 25 00:02:20,314 --> 00:02:23,143 was coming into the world. 26 00:02:24,970 --> 00:02:27,495 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - Narrator: He was in the world, 27 00:02:27,538 --> 00:02:30,193 and though the world was made through Him, 28 00:02:30,237 --> 00:02:32,587 the world did not recognize Him. 29 00:02:32,630 --> 00:02:34,893 He came to that which was His own... 30 00:02:36,417 --> 00:02:38,984 but His own did not receive Him. 31 00:02:39,028 --> 00:02:41,117 Yet to all who did receive Him, 32 00:02:41,161 --> 00:02:43,554 to those who believed in His name, 33 00:02:43,598 --> 00:02:47,123 He gave the right to become children of God-- 34 00:02:47,167 --> 00:02:49,778 children born not of natural descent, 35 00:02:49,821 --> 00:02:53,651 nor of human decision or a husband's will, 36 00:02:53,695 --> 00:02:55,653 but born of God. 37 00:02:55,697 --> 00:02:58,178 ♪ 38 00:02:58,221 --> 00:03:00,223 The Word became flesh 39 00:03:00,267 --> 00:03:03,226 and made His dwelling among us. 40 00:03:03,270 --> 00:03:04,793 We have seen His glory, 41 00:03:04,836 --> 00:03:07,535 the glory of the one and only Son, 42 00:03:07,578 --> 00:03:11,582 who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. 43 00:03:14,629 --> 00:03:17,153 John testified concerning Him. 44 00:03:17,197 --> 00:03:18,328 [ voices overlapping ] 45 00:03:18,372 --> 00:03:19,982 He cried out, saying, 46 00:03:20,025 --> 00:03:22,637 "This is the One I spoke about when I said, 47 00:03:22,680 --> 00:03:25,553 'He who comes after me has surpassed me 48 00:03:25,596 --> 00:03:29,078 because He was before me.'" 49 00:03:29,121 --> 00:03:31,733 Out of His fullness we have all received grace 50 00:03:31,776 --> 00:03:34,475 in place of grace already given. 51 00:03:36,259 --> 00:03:38,957 For the law was given through Moses; 52 00:03:39,001 --> 00:03:42,134 grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 53 00:03:44,006 --> 00:03:46,835 No one has ever seen God, 54 00:03:46,878 --> 00:03:49,011 but the one and only Son, 55 00:03:49,054 --> 00:03:51,318 who is Himself God 56 00:03:51,361 --> 00:03:53,842 and is in the closest relationship with the Father, 57 00:03:53,885 --> 00:03:56,323 has made Him known. 58 00:03:58,934 --> 00:04:01,328 ♪ 59 00:04:03,547 --> 00:04:05,506 Now this was John's testimony 60 00:04:05,549 --> 00:04:07,508 when the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem 61 00:04:07,551 --> 00:04:11,294 sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was. 62 00:04:11,338 --> 00:04:14,384 - [ voices overlapping ] - He did not fail to confess, 63 00:04:14,428 --> 00:04:16,430 but confessed freely, 64 00:04:16,473 --> 00:04:19,041 "I am not the Messiah." 65 00:04:20,564 --> 00:04:22,566 They asked him, "Then, who are you? 66 00:04:22,610 --> 00:04:24,655 Are you Elijah?" 67 00:04:24,699 --> 00:04:26,701 He said, "I am not." 68 00:04:26,744 --> 00:04:29,965 - "Are you the Prophet?" - [ speaking Aramaic ] 69 00:04:30,008 --> 00:04:31,749 He answered, "No." 70 00:04:31,793 --> 00:04:35,057 Finally they said, "Who are you? 71 00:04:35,100 --> 00:04:38,016 Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us. 72 00:04:38,060 --> 00:04:40,671 What do you say about yourself?" 73 00:04:40,715 --> 00:04:45,110 - [ John speaking Aramaic ] - John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, 74 00:04:45,154 --> 00:04:47,287 "I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness..." 75 00:04:47,330 --> 00:04:49,463 [ splashes ] 76 00:04:52,509 --> 00:04:55,295 "'Make straight the way for the Lord.'" 77 00:04:59,037 --> 00:05:02,389 Now the Pharisees who had been sent questioned him, 78 00:05:02,432 --> 00:05:05,261 "Why then do you baptize if you are not the Messiah, 79 00:05:05,305 --> 00:05:07,829 nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?" 80 00:05:07,872 --> 00:05:11,398 "I baptize with water," John replied, 81 00:05:11,441 --> 00:05:14,096 "but among you stands One you do not know. 82 00:05:14,139 --> 00:05:16,098 He is the One who comes after me, 83 00:05:16,141 --> 00:05:19,231 the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie." 84 00:05:21,495 --> 00:05:25,107 This all happened at Bethany on the other side of the Jordan, 85 00:05:25,150 --> 00:05:28,371 - where John was baptizing. - [ man yells ] 86 00:05:28,415 --> 00:05:31,156 [ crowd murmuring ] 87 00:05:32,984 --> 00:05:35,987 The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him 88 00:05:36,031 --> 00:05:39,513 and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, 89 00:05:39,556 --> 00:05:41,515 who takes away the sin of the world!" 90 00:05:41,558 --> 00:05:44,953 ♪ 91 00:05:44,996 --> 00:05:47,172 "This is the One I meant when I said, 92 00:05:47,216 --> 00:05:49,958 'A Man who comes after me has surpassed me 93 00:05:50,001 --> 00:05:52,482 because He was before me.' 94 00:05:52,526 --> 00:05:54,658 I myself did not know Him, 95 00:05:54,702 --> 00:05:56,573 but the reason I came baptizing with water 96 00:05:56,617 --> 00:05:59,837 was that He might be revealed to Israel." 97 00:06:01,404 --> 00:06:04,929 Then John gave this testimony-- 98 00:06:04,973 --> 00:06:07,497 "I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove 99 00:06:07,541 --> 00:06:11,806 and remain on Him. And I myself did not know Him, 100 00:06:11,849 --> 00:06:15,940 but the One who sent me to baptize with water told me, 101 00:06:15,984 --> 00:06:20,641 'The Man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain 102 00:06:20,684 --> 00:06:23,861 is the One who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.' 103 00:06:25,036 --> 00:06:27,822 I have seen and I testify 104 00:06:27,865 --> 00:06:30,825 that this is God's Chosen One." 105 00:06:30,868 --> 00:06:33,567 ♪ 106 00:06:54,065 --> 00:06:57,504 The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. 107 00:06:57,547 --> 00:07:00,158 When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, 108 00:07:00,202 --> 00:07:03,466 "Look, the Lamb of God!" 109 00:07:03,510 --> 00:07:05,686 When the two disciples heard him say this, 110 00:07:05,729 --> 00:07:08,471 they followed Jesus. 111 00:07:08,515 --> 00:07:11,126 ♪ 112 00:07:11,169 --> 00:07:13,650 Turning 'round, Jesus saw them following 113 00:07:13,694 --> 00:07:15,783 and asked, "What do you want?" 114 00:07:15,826 --> 00:07:18,829 They said, "Rabbi"-- which means "Teacher"-- 115 00:07:18,873 --> 00:07:21,441 "where are you staying?" 116 00:07:21,484 --> 00:07:24,661 "Come," He replied, "and you will see." 117 00:07:24,705 --> 00:07:27,011 So they went and saw where He was staying, 118 00:07:27,055 --> 00:07:28,883 and they spent that day with Him. 119 00:07:28,926 --> 00:07:32,495 It was about 4:00 in the afternoon. 120 00:07:32,539 --> 00:07:34,758 ♪ 121 00:07:34,802 --> 00:07:37,544 Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, 122 00:07:37,587 --> 00:07:39,894 was one of the two who heard what John had said 123 00:07:39,937 --> 00:07:41,896 and who had followed Jesus. 124 00:07:41,939 --> 00:07:44,725 The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon 125 00:07:44,768 --> 00:07:47,423 and tell him, "We have found the Messiah"-- 126 00:07:47,467 --> 00:07:49,817 that is, the Christ. 127 00:07:51,949 --> 00:07:54,561 And he brought him to Jesus. 128 00:07:54,604 --> 00:07:57,346 Jesus looked at him and said, 129 00:07:57,389 --> 00:08:00,044 "You are Simon, son of John. 130 00:08:00,088 --> 00:08:02,220 You will be called 'Cephas,'" 131 00:08:02,264 --> 00:08:05,049 which, when translated, is "Peter." 132 00:08:05,093 --> 00:08:07,574 ♪ 133 00:08:11,055 --> 00:08:14,581 The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. 134 00:08:17,540 --> 00:08:20,282 Finding Philip, He said to him, 135 00:08:20,325 --> 00:08:22,545 "Follow Me." 136 00:08:22,589 --> 00:08:24,504 Philip, like Andrew and Peter, 137 00:08:24,547 --> 00:08:26,941 was from the town of Bethsaida. 138 00:08:26,984 --> 00:08:29,465 Philip found Nathanael and told him, 139 00:08:29,509 --> 00:08:32,207 "We have found the One Moses wrote about in the Law, 140 00:08:32,250 --> 00:08:34,557 and about whom the prophets also wrote-- 141 00:08:34,601 --> 00:08:37,299 Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph." 142 00:08:37,342 --> 00:08:39,388 "Nazareth? 143 00:08:39,431 --> 00:08:42,478 Can anything good come from there?" Nathanael asked. 144 00:08:42,522 --> 00:08:44,698 "Come and see," said Philip. 145 00:08:46,656 --> 00:08:49,485 When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, He said of him, 146 00:08:49,529 --> 00:08:51,487 "Here truly is an Israelite 147 00:08:51,531 --> 00:08:54,708 in whom there is no deceit." 148 00:08:54,751 --> 00:08:57,580 "How do You know me?" Nathanael asked. 149 00:08:57,624 --> 00:09:00,017 Jesus answered, "I saw you 150 00:09:00,061 --> 00:09:04,631 while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you." 151 00:09:04,674 --> 00:09:09,157 Then Nathanael declared, "Rabbi, Youare the Son of God; 152 00:09:09,200 --> 00:09:12,813 You are the king of Israel." 153 00:09:12,856 --> 00:09:16,599 Jesus said, "You believe because I told you 154 00:09:16,643 --> 00:09:18,645 I saw you under the fig tree. 155 00:09:18,688 --> 00:09:20,864 You will see greater things than that." 156 00:09:20,908 --> 00:09:24,172 He then added, "Very truly I tell you, 157 00:09:24,215 --> 00:09:28,350 you will see heaven open, and the angels of God 158 00:09:28,393 --> 00:09:31,745 ascending and descending on the Son of Man." 159 00:09:37,228 --> 00:09:40,797 [ music playing ] 160 00:09:40,841 --> 00:09:43,365 On the third day, a wedding took place 161 00:09:43,408 --> 00:09:46,020 at Cana in Galilee. 162 00:09:46,063 --> 00:09:49,110 Jesus' mother was there, and Jesus and His disciples 163 00:09:49,153 --> 00:09:51,547 had also been invited to the wedding. 164 00:09:51,591 --> 00:09:53,331 [ music continues ] 165 00:09:55,246 --> 00:09:58,032 When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to Him, 166 00:09:58,075 --> 00:10:01,557 "They have no more wine." 167 00:10:01,601 --> 00:10:06,170 "Woman, why do you involve Me?" Jesus replied. 168 00:10:06,214 --> 00:10:08,651 "My hour has not yet come." 169 00:10:10,653 --> 00:10:13,221 His mother said to the servants, 170 00:10:13,264 --> 00:10:16,006 "Do whatever He tells you." 171 00:10:16,050 --> 00:10:19,053 Nearby stood six stone water jars, 172 00:10:19,096 --> 00:10:22,273 the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, 173 00:10:22,317 --> 00:10:25,973 each holding from 80 to 120 liters. 174 00:10:26,016 --> 00:10:28,149 Jesus said to the servants, 175 00:10:28,192 --> 00:10:29,759 "Fill the jars with water," 176 00:10:29,803 --> 00:10:32,719 so they filled them to the brim. 177 00:10:32,762 --> 00:10:35,809 Then He told them, "Now draw some out 178 00:10:35,852 --> 00:10:38,550 and take it to the master of the banquet." 179 00:10:38,594 --> 00:10:40,552 They did so... 180 00:10:40,596 --> 00:10:42,380 [ music continues ] 181 00:10:57,352 --> 00:10:59,267 Narrator: ...and the master of the banquet 182 00:10:59,310 --> 00:11:02,531 tasted the water that had been turned into wine. 183 00:11:02,574 --> 00:11:04,838 He did not realize where it had come from, 184 00:11:04,881 --> 00:11:07,231 though the servants who had drawn the water knew. 185 00:11:08,972 --> 00:11:11,714 Then he called the bridegroom aside and said, 186 00:11:11,758 --> 00:11:15,109 "Everyone brings out the choice wine first 187 00:11:15,152 --> 00:11:18,721 and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; 188 00:11:18,765 --> 00:11:21,332 but you have saved the best till now." 189 00:11:22,899 --> 00:11:25,467 What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee 190 00:11:25,510 --> 00:11:29,689 was the first of the signs through which He revealed His glory; 191 00:11:29,732 --> 00:11:33,736 and His disciples believed in Him. 192 00:11:33,780 --> 00:11:35,956 After this, He went down to Capernaum 193 00:11:35,999 --> 00:11:39,133 with His mother and brothers and His disciples. 194 00:11:39,176 --> 00:11:42,049 There they stayed for a few days. 195 00:11:42,092 --> 00:11:44,051 [ water lapping ] 196 00:11:46,183 --> 00:11:48,882 [ faint bleating ] 197 00:11:50,710 --> 00:11:53,582 When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, 198 00:11:53,625 --> 00:11:56,541 Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 199 00:11:56,585 --> 00:11:58,630 [ voices overlapping ] 200 00:12:01,982 --> 00:12:03,200 [ bleating ] 201 00:12:05,507 --> 00:12:08,031 ♪ 202 00:12:14,124 --> 00:12:16,431 [ speaking Aramaic ] 203 00:12:26,397 --> 00:12:28,008 Narrator: In the temple courts 204 00:12:28,051 --> 00:12:31,272 He found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, 205 00:12:31,315 --> 00:12:34,275 and others sitting at tables exchanging money. 206 00:12:34,318 --> 00:12:37,017 ♪ 207 00:12:38,148 --> 00:12:41,151 [ yells ] 208 00:12:41,195 --> 00:12:44,546 [ speaking Aramaic ] 209 00:12:44,589 --> 00:12:46,809 [ clatters ] 210 00:12:48,506 --> 00:12:50,857 So He made a whip out of cords, 211 00:12:50,900 --> 00:12:53,685 and drove all from the temple courts, 212 00:12:53,729 --> 00:12:55,513 both sheep and cattle. 213 00:12:55,557 --> 00:12:57,559 He scattered the coins of the moneychangers 214 00:12:57,602 --> 00:13:01,128 and overturned their tables. 215 00:13:01,171 --> 00:13:02,999 To those who sold doves He said, 216 00:13:03,043 --> 00:13:04,958 "Get these out of here! 217 00:13:05,001 --> 00:13:07,134 Stop turning My Father's house into a market!" 218 00:13:08,265 --> 00:13:10,702 [ fluttering ] 219 00:13:10,746 --> 00:13:13,836 His disciples remembered that it is written, 220 00:13:13,880 --> 00:13:17,100 "Zeal for your house will consume me." 221 00:13:17,144 --> 00:13:19,363 The Jews then responded to Him, 222 00:13:19,407 --> 00:13:21,844 "What sign can You show us to prove Your authority 223 00:13:21,888 --> 00:13:24,194 to do all this?" 224 00:13:24,238 --> 00:13:25,848 Jesus answered them, 225 00:13:25,892 --> 00:13:27,632 "Destroy this temple, 226 00:13:27,676 --> 00:13:31,636 and I will raise it again in three days." 227 00:13:31,680 --> 00:13:33,769 ♪ 228 00:13:33,813 --> 00:13:36,903 They replied, "It has taken 46 years 229 00:13:36,946 --> 00:13:38,818 to build this temple, 230 00:13:38,861 --> 00:13:41,690 and You are going to raise it in three days?" 231 00:13:41,733 --> 00:13:45,128 But the temple He had spoken of was His body. 232 00:13:47,914 --> 00:13:49,872 After He was raised from the dead, 233 00:13:49,916 --> 00:13:52,701 His disciples recalled what He had said. 234 00:13:52,744 --> 00:13:54,746 Then they believed the scripture 235 00:13:54,790 --> 00:13:57,575 and the words that Jesus had spoken. 236 00:13:57,619 --> 00:13:59,926 [ crickets chirping ] 237 00:14:10,327 --> 00:14:13,896 Now while He was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, 238 00:14:13,940 --> 00:14:16,638 many people saw the signs He was performing 239 00:14:16,681 --> 00:14:20,207 and believed in His name. 240 00:14:20,250 --> 00:14:22,296 But Jesus would not entrust Himself to them, 241 00:14:22,339 --> 00:14:24,559 for He knew all people. 242 00:14:29,216 --> 00:14:32,567 He did not need any testimony about mankind... 243 00:14:34,177 --> 00:14:37,137 for He knew what was in each person. 244 00:14:37,180 --> 00:14:39,356 ♪ 245 00:14:44,796 --> 00:14:48,017 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus 246 00:14:48,061 --> 00:14:51,412 who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 247 00:14:54,502 --> 00:14:57,984 He came to Jesus at night and said, 248 00:14:58,027 --> 00:14:59,811 "Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher 249 00:14:59,855 --> 00:15:02,336 who has come from God. 250 00:15:04,120 --> 00:15:06,470 For no one could perform the signs You are doing 251 00:15:06,514 --> 00:15:09,169 if God were not with Him." 252 00:15:09,212 --> 00:15:10,953 Jesus replied, 253 00:15:10,997 --> 00:15:12,824 "Very truly I tell you, 254 00:15:12,868 --> 00:15:14,783 no one can see the kingdom of God 255 00:15:14,826 --> 00:15:18,134 unless they are born again." 256 00:15:18,178 --> 00:15:20,876 "How can someone be born when they are old?" 257 00:15:20,920 --> 00:15:22,922 Nicodemus asked. 258 00:15:22,965 --> 00:15:24,793 "Surely they cannot enter a second time 259 00:15:24,836 --> 00:15:27,622 into their mother's womb to be born!" 260 00:15:27,665 --> 00:15:29,189 Jesus answered, 261 00:15:29,232 --> 00:15:31,365 "Very truly I tell you, 262 00:15:31,408 --> 00:15:33,715 no one can enter the kingdom of God 263 00:15:33,758 --> 00:15:37,197 unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 264 00:15:37,240 --> 00:15:40,330 - [ splashing ] - Flesh gives birth to flesh, 265 00:15:40,374 --> 00:15:43,464 but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 266 00:15:43,507 --> 00:15:45,074 [ speaking Aramaic ] 267 00:15:45,118 --> 00:15:48,686 You should not be surprised at my saying, 268 00:15:48,730 --> 00:15:52,386 'You must be born again.' 269 00:15:52,429 --> 00:15:55,302 The wind blows wherever it pleases. 270 00:15:55,345 --> 00:15:56,912 You hear its sound, 271 00:15:56,956 --> 00:15:58,566 but you cannot tell where it comes from 272 00:15:58,609 --> 00:16:01,134 or where it is going. 273 00:16:05,138 --> 00:16:06,661 [ speaking Aramaic ] 274 00:16:06,704 --> 00:16:11,144 So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." 275 00:16:12,754 --> 00:16:16,410 "How can this be?" Nicodemus asked. 276 00:16:16,453 --> 00:16:20,240 "You are Israel's teacher," said Jesus, 277 00:16:20,283 --> 00:16:23,025 "and do you not understand these things? 278 00:16:23,069 --> 00:16:24,940 Very truly I tell you, 279 00:16:24,984 --> 00:16:26,768 we speak of what we know, 280 00:16:26,811 --> 00:16:28,988 and we testify to what we have seen..." 281 00:16:30,946 --> 00:16:34,384 ♪ 282 00:16:37,474 --> 00:16:42,523 "but still you people do not accept our testimony." 283 00:16:47,702 --> 00:16:49,704 ♪ 284 00:16:52,272 --> 00:16:54,491 [ speaking Aramaic ] 285 00:16:54,535 --> 00:16:56,232 Narrator: "I have spoken to you of earthly things 286 00:16:56,276 --> 00:16:58,234 and you do not believe; 287 00:16:58,278 --> 00:17:02,021 how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? 288 00:17:03,631 --> 00:17:05,415 No one has ever gone into heaven 289 00:17:05,459 --> 00:17:10,159 except the One who came from heaven-- the Son of Man. 290 00:17:10,203 --> 00:17:13,075 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, 291 00:17:13,119 --> 00:17:16,339 so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 292 00:17:18,646 --> 00:17:21,823 that everyone who believes may have eternal life in Him." 293 00:17:21,866 --> 00:17:24,826 [ speaking Aramaic ] 294 00:17:24,869 --> 00:17:27,350 "For God so loved the world 295 00:17:27,394 --> 00:17:30,701 that He gave His one and only Son, 296 00:17:30,745 --> 00:17:33,008 that whoever believes in Him shall not perish 297 00:17:33,052 --> 00:17:36,272 but have eternal life. 298 00:17:36,316 --> 00:17:38,057 For God did not send His Son into the world 299 00:17:38,100 --> 00:17:40,015 to condemn the world, 300 00:17:40,059 --> 00:17:43,453 but to save the world through Him. 301 00:17:43,497 --> 00:17:47,022 Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, 302 00:17:47,066 --> 00:17:51,244 but whoever does not believe stands condemned already... 303 00:17:53,376 --> 00:17:55,030 because they have not believed 304 00:17:55,074 --> 00:17:58,338 in the name of God's one and only Son." 305 00:17:58,381 --> 00:17:59,687 [ speaking Aramaic ] 306 00:17:59,730 --> 00:18:02,864 Narrator: "This is the verdict-- 307 00:18:02,907 --> 00:18:05,519 Light has come into the world, 308 00:18:05,562 --> 00:18:08,304 but people loved darkness instead of light 309 00:18:08,348 --> 00:18:11,002 because their deeds were evil." 310 00:18:11,046 --> 00:18:13,309 ♪ 311 00:18:18,184 --> 00:18:20,011 [ speaking Aramaic ] 312 00:18:20,055 --> 00:18:23,145 Narrator: "Everyone who does evil hates the light, 313 00:18:23,189 --> 00:18:25,365 and will not come into the light 314 00:18:25,408 --> 00:18:28,237 for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 315 00:18:28,281 --> 00:18:30,021 But whoever lives by the truth 316 00:18:30,065 --> 00:18:33,199 comes into the light... 317 00:18:33,242 --> 00:18:35,679 so that it may be seen plainly 318 00:18:35,723 --> 00:18:40,162 that what they have done has been done in the sight of God." 319 00:18:49,432 --> 00:18:51,086 [ buzzing ] 320 00:18:51,130 --> 00:18:53,044 [ bird chirping ] 321 00:18:54,394 --> 00:18:56,178 [ voices overlapping ] 322 00:18:58,224 --> 00:19:00,400 Narrator: After this, Jesus and His disciples 323 00:19:00,443 --> 00:19:02,880 went out into the Judean countryside, 324 00:19:02,924 --> 00:19:06,667 where He spent some time with them, and baptized. 325 00:19:06,710 --> 00:19:10,149 Now John also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim, 326 00:19:10,192 --> 00:19:11,759 because there was plenty of water, 327 00:19:11,802 --> 00:19:14,370 and people were coming and being baptized. 328 00:19:14,414 --> 00:19:16,503 This was before John was put in prison. 329 00:19:20,115 --> 00:19:23,205 An argument developed between some of John's disciples 330 00:19:23,249 --> 00:19:26,513 and a certain Jew over the matter of ceremonial washing. 331 00:19:28,863 --> 00:19:31,126 They came to John and said to him, 332 00:19:31,170 --> 00:19:35,130 "Rabbi, that man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan-- 333 00:19:35,174 --> 00:19:37,088 the one you testified about-- 334 00:19:37,132 --> 00:19:39,656 look, He is baptizing, 335 00:19:39,700 --> 00:19:42,050 and everyone is going to Him." 336 00:19:42,093 --> 00:19:44,183 To this, John replied, 337 00:19:44,226 --> 00:19:47,403 "A person can receive only what is given them from heaven. 338 00:19:47,447 --> 00:19:50,101 You yourselves can testify that I said, 339 00:19:50,145 --> 00:19:54,889 'I am not the Messiah but am sent ahead of Him.' 340 00:19:54,932 --> 00:19:58,022 The bride belongs to the bridegroom. 341 00:19:58,066 --> 00:20:00,068 The friend who attends the bridegroom 342 00:20:00,111 --> 00:20:04,159 waits and listens for him, and is full of joy 343 00:20:04,203 --> 00:20:06,857 when he hears the bridegroom's voice. 344 00:20:06,901 --> 00:20:08,946 That joy is mine, 345 00:20:08,990 --> 00:20:10,992 and it is now complete. 346 00:20:13,821 --> 00:20:16,171 He must become greater; 347 00:20:16,215 --> 00:20:18,913 I must become less." 348 00:20:18,956 --> 00:20:21,611 ♪ 349 00:20:21,655 --> 00:20:25,180 The One who comes from above is above all; 350 00:20:25,224 --> 00:20:28,270 the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, 351 00:20:28,314 --> 00:20:30,403 and speaks as one from the earth. 352 00:20:30,446 --> 00:20:34,015 The One who comes from heaven is above all. 353 00:20:34,058 --> 00:20:36,974 ♪ 354 00:20:37,018 --> 00:20:39,368 He testifies to what He has seen and heard, 355 00:20:39,412 --> 00:20:42,284 but no one accepts His testimony. 356 00:20:42,328 --> 00:20:46,506 Whoever has accepted it has certified that God is truthful. 357 00:20:46,549 --> 00:20:48,638 For the One whom God has sent 358 00:20:48,682 --> 00:20:51,162 speaks the words of God, 359 00:20:51,206 --> 00:20:54,078 for God gives the Spirit without limit. 360 00:20:54,122 --> 00:20:55,645 The Father loves the Son 361 00:20:55,689 --> 00:20:58,561 and has placed everything in His hands. 362 00:20:58,605 --> 00:21:00,259 ♪ 363 00:21:00,302 --> 00:21:04,045 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, 364 00:21:04,088 --> 00:21:08,484 but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, 365 00:21:08,528 --> 00:21:11,618 for God's wrath remains on them. 366 00:21:16,927 --> 00:21:19,887 Now Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard 367 00:21:19,930 --> 00:21:23,107 that He was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John-- 368 00:21:25,675 --> 00:21:28,374 although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized, 369 00:21:28,417 --> 00:21:30,637 but His disciples. 370 00:21:34,118 --> 00:21:38,384 So He left Judea and went back once more to Galilee. 371 00:21:38,427 --> 00:21:41,212 [ wind whistling ] 372 00:21:41,256 --> 00:21:44,912 Now He had to go through Samaria. 373 00:21:44,955 --> 00:21:48,263 So He came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, 374 00:21:48,307 --> 00:21:52,746 near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. 375 00:21:52,789 --> 00:21:54,530 Jacob's well was there, 376 00:21:54,574 --> 00:21:57,316 and Jesus, tired as He was from the journey, 377 00:21:57,359 --> 00:21:59,361 sat down by the well. 378 00:21:59,405 --> 00:22:01,407 It was about noon. 379 00:22:15,638 --> 00:22:19,033 When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, 380 00:22:19,076 --> 00:22:22,210 Jesus said to her, "Will you give Me a drink?" 381 00:22:22,253 --> 00:22:24,038 [ speaking Aramaic ] 382 00:22:24,081 --> 00:22:28,303 His disciples had gone into the town to buy food. 383 00:22:28,347 --> 00:22:30,610 The Samaritan woman said to Him, 384 00:22:30,653 --> 00:22:33,787 "You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. 385 00:22:37,007 --> 00:22:40,010 How can you ask me for a drink?" 386 00:22:40,054 --> 00:22:43,927 For Jews do not associate with Samaritans. 387 00:22:43,971 --> 00:22:45,973 Jesus answered her, 388 00:22:46,016 --> 00:22:48,105 "If you knew the gift of God 389 00:22:48,149 --> 00:22:51,370 and who it is that asks you for a drink, 390 00:22:51,413 --> 00:22:52,980 you would have asked Him 391 00:22:53,023 --> 00:22:56,200 and He would have given you living water." 392 00:22:56,244 --> 00:22:58,464 "Sir," the woman said, 393 00:22:58,507 --> 00:23:01,554 "you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. 394 00:23:01,597 --> 00:23:03,773 Where can you get this 'living water'? 395 00:23:03,817 --> 00:23:06,341 Are you greater than our father Jacob, 396 00:23:06,385 --> 00:23:08,822 who gave us the well and drank from it himself, 397 00:23:08,865 --> 00:23:13,174 as did also his sons and his livestock?" 398 00:23:13,217 --> 00:23:15,698 [ splashes ] 399 00:23:15,742 --> 00:23:18,440 ♪ 400 00:23:24,272 --> 00:23:25,665 Jesus answered, 401 00:23:25,708 --> 00:23:27,493 "Everyone who drinks this water 402 00:23:27,536 --> 00:23:30,278 will be thirsty again, 403 00:23:30,321 --> 00:23:32,628 but whoever drinks the water I give them 404 00:23:32,672 --> 00:23:35,370 will never thirst." 405 00:23:35,414 --> 00:23:37,416 [ splashes ] 406 00:23:38,939 --> 00:23:41,420 "Indeed, the water I give them 407 00:23:41,463 --> 00:23:43,683 will become in them a spring of water 408 00:23:43,726 --> 00:23:45,685 welling up to eternal life." 409 00:23:45,728 --> 00:23:48,122 [ Jesus speaking Aramaic ] 410 00:23:50,341 --> 00:23:52,779 Narrator: The woman said to Him, 411 00:23:52,822 --> 00:23:58,088 "Sir, give me this water so that I won't get thirsty 412 00:23:58,132 --> 00:24:00,613 and have to keep coming here to draw water." 413 00:24:00,656 --> 00:24:03,485 He told her, "Go, 414 00:24:03,529 --> 00:24:05,748 call your husband and come back." 415 00:24:05,792 --> 00:24:08,447 "I have no husband," she replied. 416 00:24:09,970 --> 00:24:12,363 Jesus said to her, "You are right 417 00:24:12,407 --> 00:24:14,714 when you say you have no husband. 418 00:24:16,585 --> 00:24:21,155 The fact is, you have had five husbands, 419 00:24:21,198 --> 00:24:24,114 and the man you now have is not your husband. 420 00:24:24,158 --> 00:24:27,378 What you have just said is quite true." 421 00:24:31,034 --> 00:24:32,993 "Sir," the woman said, 422 00:24:33,036 --> 00:24:36,126 "I can see that you are a prophet. 423 00:24:36,170 --> 00:24:38,999 Our ancestors worshipped on this mountain, 424 00:24:39,042 --> 00:24:41,697 but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship 425 00:24:41,741 --> 00:24:44,134 is in Jerusalem." 426 00:24:44,178 --> 00:24:46,876 "Woman," Jesus replied, 427 00:24:46,920 --> 00:24:49,575 "believe Me, a time is coming 428 00:24:49,618 --> 00:24:52,839 when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain 429 00:24:52,882 --> 00:24:55,450 - nor in Jerusalem." - [ speaking Aramaic ] 430 00:24:55,494 --> 00:24:58,497 "You Samaritans worship what you do not know; 431 00:24:58,540 --> 00:25:00,716 we worship what wedo know, 432 00:25:00,760 --> 00:25:03,589 for salvation is from the Jews. 433 00:25:03,632 --> 00:25:07,244 Yet a time is coming and has now come 434 00:25:07,288 --> 00:25:09,769 when the true worshippers will worship the Father 435 00:25:09,812 --> 00:25:13,947 in the Spirit and in truth, 436 00:25:13,990 --> 00:25:17,298 for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. 437 00:25:17,341 --> 00:25:19,082 God is spirit, 438 00:25:19,126 --> 00:25:20,954 and His worshippers must worship 439 00:25:20,997 --> 00:25:24,131 in the Spirit and in truth." 440 00:25:24,174 --> 00:25:25,611 The woman said, 441 00:25:25,654 --> 00:25:27,787 "I know that Messiah"-- 442 00:25:27,830 --> 00:25:30,137 called Christ-- "is coming. 443 00:25:30,180 --> 00:25:34,184 When He comes, He will explain everything to us." 444 00:25:34,228 --> 00:25:36,447 Then Jesus declared, 445 00:25:36,491 --> 00:25:39,363 "I, the One speaking to you, 446 00:25:39,407 --> 00:25:42,366 I am He." 447 00:25:43,498 --> 00:25:46,545 ♪ 448 00:25:58,121 --> 00:26:00,167 Just then, His disciples returned 449 00:26:00,210 --> 00:26:03,170 and were surprised to find Him talking with a woman. 450 00:26:03,213 --> 00:26:05,433 But no one asked, "What do you want?" 451 00:26:05,476 --> 00:26:07,566 or "Why are you talking with her?" 452 00:26:08,958 --> 00:26:11,221 Then, leaving her water jar, 453 00:26:11,265 --> 00:26:14,181 the woman went back to the town and said to the people, 454 00:26:14,224 --> 00:26:15,835 "Come, see a man 455 00:26:15,878 --> 00:26:19,186 who told me everything I'd ever done. 456 00:26:19,229 --> 00:26:22,363 Could this be the Messiah?" 457 00:26:22,406 --> 00:26:26,193 They came out of the town and made their way towards Him. 458 00:26:26,236 --> 00:26:29,631 Meanwhile, His disciples urged Him, 459 00:26:29,675 --> 00:26:32,068 "Rabbi, eat something." 460 00:26:34,331 --> 00:26:37,291 But He said to them, "I have food to eat 461 00:26:37,334 --> 00:26:40,599 that you know nothing about." 462 00:26:40,642 --> 00:26:43,210 Then His disciples said to each other, 463 00:26:43,253 --> 00:26:45,995 "Could someone have brought Him food?" 464 00:26:46,039 --> 00:26:49,085 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - "My food," said Jesus, 465 00:26:49,129 --> 00:26:51,784 "is to do the will of Him who sent Me 466 00:26:51,827 --> 00:26:54,047 and to finish His work. 467 00:26:54,090 --> 00:26:56,484 Don't you have a saying, 468 00:26:56,527 --> 00:26:59,095 'It's still four months until harvest'? 469 00:26:59,139 --> 00:27:01,620 I tell you, open your eyes 470 00:27:01,663 --> 00:27:03,752 and look at the fields! 471 00:27:03,796 --> 00:27:07,669 They are ripe for harvest. 472 00:27:07,713 --> 00:27:10,454 Even now the one who reaps draws a wage 473 00:27:10,498 --> 00:27:13,936 and harvests a crop for eternal life, 474 00:27:13,980 --> 00:27:15,895 so that the sower and the reaper 475 00:27:15,938 --> 00:27:17,940 may be glad together. 476 00:27:17,984 --> 00:27:22,728 Thus the saying 'One sows and another reaps' is true. 477 00:27:22,771 --> 00:27:26,209 I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. 478 00:27:26,253 --> 00:27:28,211 Others have done the hard work, 479 00:27:28,255 --> 00:27:31,606 and you have reaped the benefits of their labor." 480 00:27:31,650 --> 00:27:35,784 ♪ 481 00:27:35,828 --> 00:27:38,482 Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Him 482 00:27:38,526 --> 00:27:40,397 because of the woman's testimony, 483 00:27:40,441 --> 00:27:43,270 "He told me everything I've ever done." 484 00:27:43,313 --> 00:27:45,272 So when the Samaritans came to Him, 485 00:27:45,315 --> 00:27:47,230 they urged Him to stay with them, 486 00:27:47,274 --> 00:27:49,319 and He stayed two days. 487 00:27:49,363 --> 00:27:52,932 And because of His words many more became believers. 488 00:27:54,716 --> 00:27:57,937 They said to the woman, "We no longer believe 489 00:27:57,980 --> 00:28:02,289 just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, 490 00:28:02,332 --> 00:28:04,465 and we know that this man really is 491 00:28:04,508 --> 00:28:06,772 the Savior of the world." 492 00:28:08,469 --> 00:28:11,733 After the two days He left for Galilee. 493 00:28:11,777 --> 00:28:13,604 Now Jesus Himself had pointed out 494 00:28:13,648 --> 00:28:16,738 that a prophet has no honor in his own country. 495 00:28:18,522 --> 00:28:20,307 When He arrived in Galilee, 496 00:28:20,350 --> 00:28:22,265 the Galileans welcomed Him. 497 00:28:22,309 --> 00:28:24,267 They had seen all that He had done in Jerusalem 498 00:28:24,311 --> 00:28:27,967 at the Passover Festival, for they also had been there. 499 00:28:28,010 --> 00:28:30,752 Once more He visited Cana in Galilee, 500 00:28:30,796 --> 00:28:33,233 where He had turned the water into wine. 501 00:28:33,276 --> 00:28:35,670 And there was a certain royal official 502 00:28:35,714 --> 00:28:38,281 whose son lay ill at Capernaum. 503 00:28:38,325 --> 00:28:42,459 When this man heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea, 504 00:28:42,503 --> 00:28:46,855 he went to Him and begged Him to come and heal his son, 505 00:28:46,899 --> 00:28:48,814 who was close to death. 506 00:28:48,857 --> 00:28:52,078 "Unless you people see signs and wonders," 507 00:28:52,121 --> 00:28:53,993 Jesus told him, 508 00:28:54,036 --> 00:28:56,473 "you will never believe." 509 00:28:59,128 --> 00:29:01,087 The royal official said, 510 00:29:01,130 --> 00:29:05,700 "Sir, come down before my child dies." 511 00:29:05,744 --> 00:29:07,833 "Go," Jesus replied, 512 00:29:07,876 --> 00:29:10,357 "your son will live." 513 00:29:10,400 --> 00:29:14,404 The man took Jesus at His word and departed. 514 00:29:15,884 --> 00:29:17,886 While he was still on the way, 515 00:29:17,930 --> 00:29:21,847 his servants met him with the news that his boy was living. 516 00:29:21,890 --> 00:29:24,588 When he inquired as to the time when his son got better, 517 00:29:24,632 --> 00:29:26,765 they said to him, "Yesterday, 518 00:29:26,808 --> 00:29:29,332 at 1:00 in the afternoon, the fever left him." 519 00:29:29,376 --> 00:29:32,683 Then the father realized that this was the exact time 520 00:29:32,727 --> 00:29:37,297 at which Jesus had said to him, "Your sonwill live." 521 00:29:37,340 --> 00:29:41,040 So he and his whole household believed. 522 00:29:41,083 --> 00:29:43,869 This was the second sign Jesus performed 523 00:29:43,912 --> 00:29:47,350 after coming from Judea to Galilee. 524 00:29:47,394 --> 00:29:50,832 [ blares ] 525 00:29:53,879 --> 00:29:55,489 Some time later, 526 00:29:55,532 --> 00:29:57,056 Jesus went up to Jerusalem 527 00:29:57,099 --> 00:29:59,710 for one of the Jewish festivals. 528 00:30:01,538 --> 00:30:03,845 Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate 529 00:30:03,889 --> 00:30:07,153 a pool, which in Aramaic is called "Bethesda" 530 00:30:07,196 --> 00:30:10,199 and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. 531 00:30:10,243 --> 00:30:13,202 Here a great number of disabled people used to lie-- 532 00:30:13,246 --> 00:30:15,901 the blind, the lame, 533 00:30:15,944 --> 00:30:18,164 paralyzed. 534 00:30:19,295 --> 00:30:21,820 ♪ 535 00:30:28,739 --> 00:30:30,959 [ speaking Aramaic ] 536 00:30:33,309 --> 00:30:35,834 Narrator: One who was there had been an invalid 537 00:30:35,877 --> 00:30:38,227 for 38 years. 538 00:30:38,271 --> 00:30:40,577 - [ Jesus speaking Aramaic ] - When Jesus saw him lying there 539 00:30:40,621 --> 00:30:44,190 and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, 540 00:30:44,233 --> 00:30:47,976 He asked him, "Do you want to get well?" 541 00:30:49,543 --> 00:30:52,067 "Sir," the invalid replied, 542 00:30:52,111 --> 00:30:53,939 "I have no one to help me into the pool 543 00:30:53,982 --> 00:30:55,766 when the water is stirred. 544 00:30:55,810 --> 00:30:57,594 While I am trying to get in, 545 00:30:57,638 --> 00:31:00,249 someone else goes down ahead of me." 546 00:31:02,686 --> 00:31:04,863 Then Jesus said to him, 547 00:31:04,906 --> 00:31:06,255 "Get up. 548 00:31:06,299 --> 00:31:09,432 Pick up your mat and walk." 549 00:31:10,564 --> 00:31:13,567 ♪ 550 00:31:25,405 --> 00:31:28,495 At once the man was cured; 551 00:31:28,538 --> 00:31:31,585 ♪ 552 00:31:37,939 --> 00:31:41,290 he picked up his mat and walked. 553 00:31:41,334 --> 00:31:44,380 ♪ 554 00:31:48,907 --> 00:31:50,691 [ voices murmuring ] 555 00:31:50,734 --> 00:31:53,737 The day on which this took place was a Sabbath, 556 00:31:53,781 --> 00:31:57,132 and so the Jewish leaders said to the man who had been healed, 557 00:31:57,176 --> 00:32:01,702 "It is the Sabbath; the law forbids you to carry your mat." 558 00:32:01,745 --> 00:32:03,573 But he replied, 559 00:32:03,617 --> 00:32:05,662 "The man who made me well said to me, 560 00:32:05,706 --> 00:32:07,795 'Pick up your mat and walk.'" 561 00:32:07,838 --> 00:32:10,145 So they asked him, "Who is this fellow 562 00:32:10,189 --> 00:32:13,366 who told you to pick it up and walk?" 563 00:32:13,409 --> 00:32:16,238 The man who was healed had no idea who it was, 564 00:32:16,282 --> 00:32:20,329 for Jesus had slipped away into the crowd that was there. 565 00:32:23,942 --> 00:32:26,770 [ voices overlapping ] 566 00:32:42,786 --> 00:32:44,571 Later Jesus found him at the temple 567 00:32:44,614 --> 00:32:48,096 and said to him, "See, you are well again. 568 00:32:51,230 --> 00:32:53,710 Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." 569 00:32:54,842 --> 00:32:57,062 ♪ 570 00:32:59,412 --> 00:33:02,241 The man went away and told the Jewish leaders 571 00:33:02,284 --> 00:33:04,721 that it was Jesus who had made him well. 572 00:33:06,854 --> 00:33:10,727 So, because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, 573 00:33:10,771 --> 00:33:13,643 the Jewish leaders began to persecute Him. 574 00:33:16,385 --> 00:33:18,953 [ speaking Aramaic ] 575 00:33:18,997 --> 00:33:22,478 In His defense Jesus said to them, 576 00:33:22,522 --> 00:33:24,524 "My Father is always at His work 577 00:33:24,567 --> 00:33:26,265 to this very day, 578 00:33:26,308 --> 00:33:28,745 and I, too, am working." 579 00:33:31,009 --> 00:33:34,360 For this reason they tried all the more to kill Him-- 580 00:33:34,403 --> 00:33:37,189 not only was He breaking the Sabbath, 581 00:33:37,232 --> 00:33:40,583 but He was even calling God His own Father, 582 00:33:40,627 --> 00:33:43,238 making Himself equal with God. 583 00:33:43,282 --> 00:33:47,068 ♪ 584 00:33:51,290 --> 00:33:53,814 Jesus gave them this answer-- 585 00:33:53,857 --> 00:33:57,600 "Very truly I tell you, 586 00:33:57,644 --> 00:34:00,125 the Son can do nothing by Himself; 587 00:34:00,168 --> 00:34:02,910 He can do only what He sees His Father doing, 588 00:34:02,953 --> 00:34:07,088 because whatever the Father does, the Son also does." 589 00:34:07,132 --> 00:34:10,004 - [ Jesus speaking Aramaic ] - Narrator: "For the Father loves the Son 590 00:34:10,048 --> 00:34:12,485 and shows Him all He does. 591 00:34:12,528 --> 00:34:15,096 Yes... 592 00:34:15,140 --> 00:34:18,012 and He will show Him even greater works than these, 593 00:34:18,056 --> 00:34:21,233 so that you will be amazed. 594 00:34:21,276 --> 00:34:23,713 For just as the Father raises the dead 595 00:34:23,757 --> 00:34:25,889 and gives them life, 596 00:34:25,933 --> 00:34:28,979 even so the Son gives life to whom He is pleased to give it." 597 00:34:29,023 --> 00:34:30,981 ♪ 598 00:34:32,505 --> 00:34:35,899 "Moreover, the Father judges no one, 599 00:34:35,943 --> 00:34:38,859 but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, 600 00:34:38,902 --> 00:34:40,687 that all may honor the Son 601 00:34:40,730 --> 00:34:42,863 just as they honor the Father. 602 00:34:42,906 --> 00:34:44,647 Whoever does not honor the Son 603 00:34:44,691 --> 00:34:47,955 does not honor the Father, who sent Him. 604 00:34:47,998 --> 00:34:49,913 Very truly I tell you, 605 00:34:49,957 --> 00:34:52,960 whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent Me 606 00:34:53,003 --> 00:34:55,702 has eternal life and will not be judged 607 00:34:55,745 --> 00:35:00,010 but has crossed over from death to life. 608 00:35:00,054 --> 00:35:02,056 Very truly I tell you, 609 00:35:02,100 --> 00:35:04,276 a time is coming, and has now come, 610 00:35:04,319 --> 00:35:07,279 when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God 611 00:35:07,322 --> 00:35:10,195 and those who hear will live. 612 00:35:10,238 --> 00:35:13,459 For as the Father has life in Himself, 613 00:35:13,502 --> 00:35:18,377 so He has granted the Son also to have life in Himself. 614 00:35:18,420 --> 00:35:20,509 And He has given Him authority to judge 615 00:35:20,553 --> 00:35:23,991 because He is the Son of Man. 616 00:35:24,034 --> 00:35:25,993 Do not be amazed at this, 617 00:35:26,036 --> 00:35:29,257 for a time is coming when all who are in their graves 618 00:35:29,301 --> 00:35:31,955 will hear His voice and come out, 619 00:35:31,999 --> 00:35:35,002 those who have done what is good will rise to live, 620 00:35:37,222 --> 00:35:39,311 and those who have done what is evil 621 00:35:39,354 --> 00:35:41,008 will rise to be condemned. 622 00:35:41,051 --> 00:35:43,750 By Myself, I can do nothing; 623 00:35:43,793 --> 00:35:45,839 I judge only as I hear, 624 00:35:45,882 --> 00:35:47,406 and My judgment is just... 625 00:35:48,929 --> 00:35:51,236 for I seek not to please Myself 626 00:35:51,279 --> 00:35:54,152 - but Him who sent Me." - [ cheering ] 627 00:35:54,195 --> 00:35:56,806 "If I testify about Myself, 628 00:35:56,850 --> 00:35:59,592 My testimony is not true. 629 00:35:59,635 --> 00:36:02,508 There is another who testifies in My favor, 630 00:36:02,551 --> 00:36:06,468 and I know that his testimony about Meis true." 631 00:36:06,512 --> 00:36:08,209 ♪ 632 00:36:08,253 --> 00:36:10,255 "You have sent to John 633 00:36:10,298 --> 00:36:12,692 and he has testified to the truth. 634 00:36:12,735 --> 00:36:15,608 Not that I accept human testimony; 635 00:36:15,651 --> 00:36:19,220 but I mention it that you may be saved." 636 00:36:19,264 --> 00:36:21,179 [ speaking Aramaic ] 637 00:36:21,222 --> 00:36:23,572 Narrator: "John was a lamp that burned and gave light, 638 00:36:23,616 --> 00:36:27,402 and you chose for a time to enjoy his light. 639 00:36:27,446 --> 00:36:31,058 I have testimony weightier than that of John. 640 00:36:31,101 --> 00:36:34,235 For the works that the Father has given Me to finish-- 641 00:36:34,279 --> 00:36:37,238 the very works that I am doing-- 642 00:36:37,282 --> 00:36:40,415 testify that the Father has sent Me. 643 00:36:40,459 --> 00:36:42,112 And the Father who sent Me 644 00:36:42,156 --> 00:36:44,680 has Himself testified concerning Me. 645 00:36:44,724 --> 00:36:47,422 You have never heard His voice nor seen His form, 646 00:36:47,466 --> 00:36:49,729 nor does His word dwell in you, 647 00:36:49,772 --> 00:36:52,732 for you do not believe the One He sent. 648 00:36:54,386 --> 00:36:56,170 You study the Scriptures diligently 649 00:36:56,214 --> 00:36:59,521 because you think that in them you have eternal life. 650 00:36:59,565 --> 00:37:04,091 These are the very Scriptures that testify about Me, 651 00:37:04,134 --> 00:37:08,182 yet you refuse to come to Me to have life. 652 00:37:12,317 --> 00:37:15,015 I do not accept glory from human beings, 653 00:37:15,058 --> 00:37:18,279 but I know you. 654 00:37:18,323 --> 00:37:21,761 I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts." 655 00:37:21,804 --> 00:37:23,893 [ speaking Aramaic ] 656 00:37:23,937 --> 00:37:26,287 Narrator: "I have come in My Father's name, 657 00:37:26,331 --> 00:37:28,028 and you do not accept Me, 658 00:37:28,071 --> 00:37:30,335 but if someone else comes in his own name, 659 00:37:30,378 --> 00:37:33,686 you will accept him." 660 00:37:37,342 --> 00:37:38,908 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - Narrator: "How can you believe 661 00:37:38,952 --> 00:37:40,954 since you accept glory from one another 662 00:37:40,997 --> 00:37:43,957 but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God? 663 00:37:44,000 --> 00:37:48,440 But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. 664 00:37:48,483 --> 00:37:51,312 Your accuser is Moses, 665 00:37:51,356 --> 00:37:55,273 on whom your hopes are set. 666 00:37:55,316 --> 00:37:57,144 If you believed Moses, 667 00:37:57,187 --> 00:37:58,580 you would believe Me, 668 00:37:58,624 --> 00:38:00,669 for he wrote about Me. 669 00:38:00,713 --> 00:38:03,063 But since you do not believe what He wrote, 670 00:38:03,106 --> 00:38:06,762 how are you going to believe what I say?" 671 00:38:19,775 --> 00:38:21,429 Some time after this, 672 00:38:21,473 --> 00:38:24,345 Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee-- 673 00:38:24,389 --> 00:38:27,827 that is, the Sea of Tiberias, 674 00:38:27,870 --> 00:38:30,046 and a great crowd of people followed Him 675 00:38:30,090 --> 00:38:32,092 because they saw the signs He had performed 676 00:38:32,135 --> 00:38:34,094 by healing those who were ill. 677 00:38:38,228 --> 00:38:40,187 Then Jesus went up on a mountainside 678 00:38:40,230 --> 00:38:43,146 and sat down with His disciples. 679 00:38:43,190 --> 00:38:45,888 The Jewish Passover Festival was near. 680 00:38:48,891 --> 00:38:52,417 When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming towards Him, 681 00:38:52,460 --> 00:38:54,506 He said to Philip, 682 00:38:54,549 --> 00:38:57,857 "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" 683 00:38:57,900 --> 00:38:59,946 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - He asked this only to test him, 684 00:38:59,989 --> 00:39:03,210 for He already had in mind what He was going to do. 685 00:39:03,253 --> 00:39:07,519 Philip answered Him, "It would take more than half a year's wages 686 00:39:07,562 --> 00:39:09,782 to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!" 687 00:39:09,825 --> 00:39:12,045 Another of His disciples, Andrew, 688 00:39:12,088 --> 00:39:14,482 Simon Peter's brother, spoke up, 689 00:39:14,526 --> 00:39:16,876 "Here is a boy with five small barley loaves 690 00:39:16,919 --> 00:39:18,617 and two small fish, 691 00:39:18,660 --> 00:39:21,837 but how far will they go among so many?" 692 00:39:21,881 --> 00:39:25,101 Jesus said, "Make the people sit down." 693 00:39:27,147 --> 00:39:29,105 There was plenty of grass in that place, 694 00:39:29,149 --> 00:39:31,325 and they sat down. 695 00:39:31,369 --> 00:39:34,633 About 5,000 men were there. 696 00:39:38,027 --> 00:39:41,161 Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks... 697 00:39:42,858 --> 00:39:45,165 and distributed to those who were seated 698 00:39:45,208 --> 00:39:47,167 as much as they wanted. 699 00:39:47,210 --> 00:39:49,430 ♪ 700 00:39:54,217 --> 00:39:56,350 He did the same with the fish. 701 00:39:56,394 --> 00:39:58,439 When they had all had enough to eat, 702 00:39:58,483 --> 00:40:00,093 He said to His disciples, 703 00:40:00,136 --> 00:40:02,225 "Gather the pieces that are left over. 704 00:40:02,269 --> 00:40:04,097 Let nothing be wasted." 705 00:40:05,881 --> 00:40:08,014 So they gathered them and filled 12 baskets 706 00:40:08,057 --> 00:40:10,103 with the pieces of the five barley loaves 707 00:40:10,146 --> 00:40:12,758 left over by those who had eaten. 708 00:40:12,801 --> 00:40:14,934 ♪ 709 00:40:14,977 --> 00:40:17,632 After the people saw the sign Jesus performed, 710 00:40:17,676 --> 00:40:20,374 they began to say, "Surely this is the Prophet 711 00:40:20,418 --> 00:40:23,769 who is to come into the world." 712 00:40:23,812 --> 00:40:25,771 Jesus, knowing that they intended 713 00:40:25,814 --> 00:40:28,469 to come and make Him king by force, 714 00:40:28,513 --> 00:40:31,951 withdrew again to a mountain by Himself. 715 00:40:31,994 --> 00:40:34,954 ♪ 716 00:40:38,479 --> 00:40:39,872 When evening came, 717 00:40:39,915 --> 00:40:41,961 His disciples went down to the lake, 718 00:40:42,004 --> 00:40:43,484 where they got into a boat 719 00:40:43,528 --> 00:40:46,618 and set off across the lake for Capernaum. 720 00:40:46,661 --> 00:40:49,055 [ wind whistling ] 721 00:40:51,971 --> 00:40:53,581 By now it was dark, 722 00:40:53,625 --> 00:40:55,496 and Jesus had not yet joined them. 723 00:40:57,498 --> 00:41:00,153 A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough. 724 00:41:00,196 --> 00:41:02,155 [ thunder rumbles ] 725 00:41:02,198 --> 00:41:04,592 ♪ 726 00:41:07,377 --> 00:41:09,510 [ yelling ] 727 00:41:12,557 --> 00:41:14,254 ♪ 728 00:41:14,297 --> 00:41:16,517 When they had rowed about three or four miles, 729 00:41:16,561 --> 00:41:18,737 they saw Jesus approaching the boat, 730 00:41:18,780 --> 00:41:22,523 walking on the water; 731 00:41:22,567 --> 00:41:25,787 - and they were frightened. - [ thunder rumbling ] 732 00:41:27,746 --> 00:41:31,576 But He said to them, "It is I; don't be afraid." 733 00:41:31,619 --> 00:41:33,360 ♪ 734 00:41:33,403 --> 00:41:36,276 Then they were willing to take Him into the boat... 735 00:41:38,060 --> 00:41:40,889 ♪ 736 00:41:42,674 --> 00:41:44,850 ...and immediately the boat reached the shore 737 00:41:44,893 --> 00:41:47,156 where they were heading. 738 00:41:52,248 --> 00:41:54,860 [ voices overlapping ] 739 00:41:54,903 --> 00:41:56,818 The next day, the crowd 740 00:41:56,862 --> 00:41:58,646 that had stayed on the opposite shore of the lake 741 00:41:58,690 --> 00:42:01,519 realized that only one boat had been there, 742 00:42:01,562 --> 00:42:04,478 and that Jesus had not entered it with His disciples, 743 00:42:04,522 --> 00:42:07,263 but that they had gone away alone. 744 00:42:07,307 --> 00:42:08,656 [ voices overlapping ] 745 00:42:08,700 --> 00:42:10,397 Then some boats from Tiberias landed 746 00:42:10,440 --> 00:42:12,834 near the place where the people had eaten the bread 747 00:42:12,878 --> 00:42:15,402 after the Lord had given thanks. 748 00:42:15,445 --> 00:42:17,143 Once the crowd realized 749 00:42:17,186 --> 00:42:19,798 that neither Jesus nor His disciples were there, 750 00:42:19,841 --> 00:42:22,235 they got into the boats and went to Capernaum 751 00:42:22,278 --> 00:42:24,106 in search of Jesus. 752 00:42:24,150 --> 00:42:26,979 ♪ 753 00:42:28,546 --> 00:42:30,722 - [ voices overlapping ] - [ faint bleating ] 754 00:42:30,765 --> 00:42:34,552 ♪ 755 00:42:52,613 --> 00:42:54,920 When they found Him on the other side of the lake, 756 00:42:54,963 --> 00:42:58,576 they asked Him, "Rabbi, when did you get here?" 757 00:42:58,619 --> 00:43:01,404 Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, 758 00:43:01,448 --> 00:43:03,015 you are looking for Me, 759 00:43:03,058 --> 00:43:05,626 not because you saw the signs I performed 760 00:43:05,670 --> 00:43:08,629 but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. 761 00:43:08,673 --> 00:43:11,110 Do not work for food that spoils, 762 00:43:11,153 --> 00:43:13,852 but for food that endures to eternal life, 763 00:43:13,895 --> 00:43:15,593 which the Son of Man will give you. 764 00:43:15,636 --> 00:43:17,682 For on Him God the Father has placed 765 00:43:17,725 --> 00:43:21,294 - His seal of approval." - [ clinks ] 766 00:43:25,167 --> 00:43:27,779 Then they asked Him, "What must we do 767 00:43:27,822 --> 00:43:29,955 to do the works God requires?" 768 00:43:29,998 --> 00:43:33,567 Jesus answered, "The work of God is this; 769 00:43:33,611 --> 00:43:35,961 to believe in the One He has sent." 770 00:43:36,004 --> 00:43:38,746 [ rapping ] 771 00:43:38,790 --> 00:43:41,793 So they asked Him, "What sign then will You give 772 00:43:41,836 --> 00:43:43,882 that we may see it and believe You? 773 00:43:43,925 --> 00:43:45,623 What will You do? 774 00:43:45,666 --> 00:43:48,016 Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness; 775 00:43:48,060 --> 00:43:51,324 as it is written: 'He gave them bread from heaven to eat.'" 776 00:43:51,367 --> 00:43:53,152 Jesus said to them, 777 00:43:53,195 --> 00:43:55,676 "Very truly I tell you, 778 00:43:55,720 --> 00:43:58,418 it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, 779 00:43:58,461 --> 00:44:01,464 but it is My Father who gives you the true bread from heaven." 780 00:44:01,508 --> 00:44:03,684 [ Jesus speaking Aramaic ] 781 00:44:03,728 --> 00:44:06,556 "For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven 782 00:44:06,600 --> 00:44:09,864 and gives life to the world." 783 00:44:09,908 --> 00:44:11,692 "Sir," they said, 784 00:44:11,736 --> 00:44:13,694 "always give us this bread." 785 00:44:13,738 --> 00:44:15,783 Then Jesus declared, 786 00:44:15,827 --> 00:44:18,438 "I am the bread of life. 787 00:44:18,481 --> 00:44:22,137 Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry, 788 00:44:22,181 --> 00:44:25,793 and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty." 789 00:44:25,837 --> 00:44:28,448 - [ yelling ] - "But as I told you, 790 00:44:28,491 --> 00:44:31,538 you have seen Me and still you do not believe. 791 00:44:31,581 --> 00:44:34,628 All those the Father gives Me will come to Me, 792 00:44:34,672 --> 00:44:37,500 and whoever comes to Me I will never drive away. 793 00:44:37,544 --> 00:44:39,241 For I have come down from heaven 794 00:44:39,285 --> 00:44:40,895 not to do My will 795 00:44:40,939 --> 00:44:43,463 but to do the will of Him who sent Me. 796 00:44:43,506 --> 00:44:47,380 And this is the will of Him who sent Me, 797 00:44:47,423 --> 00:44:50,165 that I shall lose none of all those He has given Me, 798 00:44:50,209 --> 00:44:53,168 but raise them up at the last day. 799 00:44:53,212 --> 00:44:54,909 For my Father's will 800 00:44:54,953 --> 00:44:57,216 is that everyone who looks to the Son 801 00:44:57,259 --> 00:45:01,133 and believes in Him shall have eternal life, 802 00:45:01,176 --> 00:45:04,527 and I will raise them up at the last day." 803 00:45:07,400 --> 00:45:10,272 At this, the Jews there began to grumble about Him 804 00:45:10,316 --> 00:45:13,754 because He said, "I am the bread that came down from heaven." 805 00:45:13,798 --> 00:45:15,930 They said, "Is this not Jesus, 806 00:45:15,974 --> 00:45:18,933 the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? 807 00:45:18,977 --> 00:45:22,763 How can He now say, 'I came down from heaven'?" 808 00:45:22,807 --> 00:45:25,113 ♪ 809 00:45:31,859 --> 00:45:34,993 "Stop grumbling among yourselves," Jesus answered. 810 00:45:35,036 --> 00:45:38,953 "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them, 811 00:45:38,997 --> 00:45:42,043 and I will raise them up at the last day. 812 00:45:44,089 --> 00:45:46,178 It is written in the Prophets: 813 00:45:46,221 --> 00:45:49,181 'They will all be taught by God.' 814 00:45:49,224 --> 00:45:51,139 Everyone who has heard the Father 815 00:45:51,183 --> 00:45:53,489 and learned from Him comes to Me. 816 00:45:53,533 --> 00:45:57,537 No one has seen the Father except the One who is from God; 817 00:45:57,580 --> 00:45:59,365 only He has seen the Father. 818 00:45:59,408 --> 00:46:01,019 Very truly I tell you, 819 00:46:01,062 --> 00:46:04,587 the one who believes has eternal life. 820 00:46:04,631 --> 00:46:07,329 I am the bread of life. 821 00:46:07,373 --> 00:46:10,289 Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, 822 00:46:10,332 --> 00:46:12,073 yet they died. 823 00:46:12,117 --> 00:46:14,554 But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, 824 00:46:14,597 --> 00:46:17,122 which anyone may eat and not die." 825 00:46:17,165 --> 00:46:18,863 [ Jesus speaking Aramaic ] 826 00:46:18,906 --> 00:46:22,431 "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. 827 00:46:22,475 --> 00:46:26,653 Whoever eats this bread will live forever." 828 00:46:26,696 --> 00:46:28,655 ♪ 829 00:46:28,698 --> 00:46:31,136 "This bread is My flesh, 830 00:46:31,179 --> 00:46:34,400 which I will give for the life of the world." 831 00:46:40,188 --> 00:46:43,496 Then the Jews began to argue sharply among themselves, 832 00:46:43,539 --> 00:46:46,847 "How can this man give us His flesh to eat?" 833 00:46:47,979 --> 00:46:49,850 Jesus said to them, 834 00:46:49,894 --> 00:46:51,852 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - "Very truly I tell you, 835 00:46:51,896 --> 00:46:54,855 unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man 836 00:46:54,899 --> 00:46:58,424 and drink His blood, you have no life in you." 837 00:46:58,467 --> 00:47:00,121 [ speaking Aramaic ] 838 00:47:00,165 --> 00:47:02,776 "Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood 839 00:47:02,820 --> 00:47:04,734 has eternal life, 840 00:47:04,778 --> 00:47:07,476 and I will raise them up at the last day. 841 00:47:08,913 --> 00:47:12,177 For My flesh is real food 842 00:47:12,220 --> 00:47:14,266 and My blood is real drink." 843 00:47:14,309 --> 00:47:17,138 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - "Whoever eats My flesh 844 00:47:17,182 --> 00:47:20,707 and drinks My blood remains in Me, 845 00:47:20,750 --> 00:47:22,883 and I in them. 846 00:47:22,927 --> 00:47:24,798 Just as the living Father sent Me 847 00:47:24,842 --> 00:47:27,453 and I live because of the Father, 848 00:47:27,496 --> 00:47:31,239 so the one who feeds on Me will live... 849 00:47:31,283 --> 00:47:33,938 because of Me. 850 00:47:33,981 --> 00:47:36,810 This is the bread that came down from heaven. 851 00:47:36,854 --> 00:47:39,639 Your ancestors ate manna and died, 852 00:47:39,682 --> 00:47:43,773 but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever." 853 00:47:43,817 --> 00:47:46,864 [ men yelling ] 854 00:47:46,907 --> 00:47:50,041 He said this while teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum. 855 00:47:50,084 --> 00:47:53,827 On hearing it, many of His disciples said, 856 00:47:53,871 --> 00:47:58,397 "This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?" 857 00:48:03,663 --> 00:48:06,535 Aware that His disciples were grumbling about this, 858 00:48:06,579 --> 00:48:09,625 Jesus said to them, "Does this offend you? 859 00:48:09,669 --> 00:48:12,628 Then what if you see the Son of Man ascend 860 00:48:12,672 --> 00:48:14,674 to where He was before? 861 00:48:14,717 --> 00:48:18,199 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. 862 00:48:18,243 --> 00:48:21,333 The words I have spoken to you-- 863 00:48:21,376 --> 00:48:23,944 they are full of the Spirit and life. 864 00:48:23,988 --> 00:48:26,947 Yet there are some of you who do not believe." 865 00:48:26,991 --> 00:48:28,993 For Jesus had known from the beginning 866 00:48:29,036 --> 00:48:32,344 which of them did not believe and who would betray Him. 867 00:48:32,387 --> 00:48:34,650 He went on to say, 868 00:48:34,694 --> 00:48:37,697 "This is why I told you that no one can come to Me 869 00:48:37,740 --> 00:48:41,048 unless the Father has enabled them." 870 00:48:41,092 --> 00:48:44,182 From this time, many of His disciples turned back 871 00:48:44,225 --> 00:48:46,184 and no longer followed Him. 872 00:48:46,227 --> 00:48:48,534 ♪ 873 00:48:48,577 --> 00:48:51,711 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - "You do not want to leave, too, do you?" 874 00:48:51,754 --> 00:48:54,148 Jesus asked the Twelve. 875 00:48:54,192 --> 00:48:56,368 Simon Peter answered Him, 876 00:48:56,411 --> 00:48:59,023 "Lord, to whom shall we go? 877 00:48:59,066 --> 00:49:01,634 You have the words of eternal life. 878 00:49:01,677 --> 00:49:04,419 We have come to believe and to know 879 00:49:04,463 --> 00:49:07,031 that You are the Holy One of God." 880 00:49:10,121 --> 00:49:12,340 Then Jesus replied, 881 00:49:12,384 --> 00:49:15,082 "Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? 882 00:49:15,126 --> 00:49:18,042 Yet one of you is a devil!" 883 00:49:18,085 --> 00:49:21,088 ♪ 884 00:49:21,132 --> 00:49:24,178 He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, 885 00:49:24,222 --> 00:49:26,224 who, though one of the Twelve, 886 00:49:26,267 --> 00:49:29,575 was later to betray Him. 887 00:49:29,618 --> 00:49:31,881 ♪ 888 00:49:35,276 --> 00:49:38,105 [ voices overlapping ] 889 00:49:38,149 --> 00:49:41,717 After this, Jesus went around in Galilee. 890 00:49:41,761 --> 00:49:44,242 He did not want to go about in Judea 891 00:49:44,285 --> 00:49:45,765 because the Jewish leaders there 892 00:49:45,808 --> 00:49:47,854 were looking for a way to kill Him. 893 00:49:50,074 --> 00:49:53,120 But when the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles was near, 894 00:49:53,164 --> 00:49:54,600 Jesus' brothers said to Him, 895 00:49:54,643 --> 00:49:57,255 "Leave Galilee and go to Judea, 896 00:49:57,298 --> 00:50:00,040 so that your disciples there may see the works you do. 897 00:50:00,084 --> 00:50:03,174 No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. 898 00:50:03,217 --> 00:50:05,350 Since you are doing these things, 899 00:50:05,393 --> 00:50:08,483 show yourself to the world." 900 00:50:08,527 --> 00:50:10,181 ♪ 901 00:50:10,224 --> 00:50:13,184 For even His own brothers did not believe in Him. 902 00:50:13,227 --> 00:50:16,143 [ speaking Aramaic ] 903 00:50:16,187 --> 00:50:19,059 Therefore Jesus told them, 904 00:50:19,103 --> 00:50:21,018 "My time is not yet here. 905 00:50:23,672 --> 00:50:27,937 For you, any time will do. 906 00:50:27,981 --> 00:50:31,202 The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me 907 00:50:31,245 --> 00:50:35,467 because I testify that its works are evil." 908 00:50:35,510 --> 00:50:38,426 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - "You go to the festival. 909 00:50:38,470 --> 00:50:40,602 I am not going up to this festival, 910 00:50:40,646 --> 00:50:43,214 because my time has not yet fully come." 911 00:50:43,257 --> 00:50:45,433 [ speaking Aramaic ] 912 00:50:47,566 --> 00:50:51,091 After He had said this, He stayed in Galilee. 913 00:50:53,093 --> 00:50:55,835 - [ voices overlapping ] - However, after His brothers 914 00:50:55,878 --> 00:50:58,577 had left for the festival, He went also, 915 00:50:58,620 --> 00:51:02,059 not publicly, but in secret. 916 00:51:07,890 --> 00:51:11,285 Now at the festival the Jewish leaders were watching for Jesus 917 00:51:11,329 --> 00:51:13,505 and asking, "Where is He?" 918 00:51:13,548 --> 00:51:17,117 Among the crowds there was widespread whispering about Him. 919 00:51:17,161 --> 00:51:18,901 Some said, "He is a good man." 920 00:51:18,945 --> 00:51:22,862 Others replied, "No, He deceives the people." 921 00:51:22,905 --> 00:51:25,430 But no one would say anything publicly about Him 922 00:51:25,473 --> 00:51:28,433 for fear of the leaders. 923 00:51:30,130 --> 00:51:31,914 Not until halfway through the festival 924 00:51:31,958 --> 00:51:33,786 did Jesus go up to the temple courts 925 00:51:33,829 --> 00:51:35,788 and begin to teach. 926 00:51:38,051 --> 00:51:42,011 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - The Jews there were amazed and asked, 927 00:51:42,055 --> 00:51:44,144 "How did this man get such learning 928 00:51:44,188 --> 00:51:45,711 without having been taught?" 929 00:51:45,754 --> 00:51:47,756 [ speaking Aramaic ] 930 00:51:47,800 --> 00:51:49,454 Jesus answered, 931 00:51:49,497 --> 00:51:52,065 "My teaching is not My own. 932 00:51:52,109 --> 00:51:54,981 It comes from the One who sent Me. 933 00:51:55,024 --> 00:51:57,984 Anyone who chooses to do the will of God 934 00:51:58,027 --> 00:52:01,074 will find out whether My teaching comes from God 935 00:52:01,118 --> 00:52:03,598 or whether I speak on My own." 936 00:52:03,642 --> 00:52:05,252 [ speaking Aramaic ] 937 00:52:05,296 --> 00:52:07,211 "Whoever speaks on their own 938 00:52:07,254 --> 00:52:10,214 does so to gain personal glory, 939 00:52:10,257 --> 00:52:13,130 but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him 940 00:52:13,173 --> 00:52:16,698 is a man of truth-- there is nothing false about him." 941 00:52:16,742 --> 00:52:18,135 [ speaking Aramaic ] 942 00:52:18,178 --> 00:52:20,137 "Has not Moses given you the law? 943 00:52:20,180 --> 00:52:23,096 Yet not one of you keeps the law." 944 00:52:23,140 --> 00:52:24,750 [ speaking Aramaic ] 945 00:52:24,793 --> 00:52:28,145 "Why are you trying to kill Me?" 946 00:52:28,188 --> 00:52:30,756 "You are demon-possessed," the crowd answered. 947 00:52:30,799 --> 00:52:32,323 "Who is trying to kill You?" 948 00:52:32,366 --> 00:52:35,195 Jesus said to them, "I did one miracle..." 949 00:52:35,239 --> 00:52:38,851 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - "and you are all amazed. 950 00:52:38,894 --> 00:52:42,115 Yet, because Moses gave you circumcision"-- 951 00:52:42,159 --> 00:52:44,291 though actually it did not come from Moses, 952 00:52:44,335 --> 00:52:46,250 but from the patriarchs-- 953 00:52:46,293 --> 00:52:48,426 "you circumcise a boy on the Sabbath. 954 00:52:48,469 --> 00:52:52,212 Now if a boy can be circumcised on the Sabbath 955 00:52:52,256 --> 00:52:54,867 so that the law of Moses may not be broken, 956 00:52:54,910 --> 00:52:56,477 why are you angry with Me 957 00:52:56,521 --> 00:52:59,872 for healing a man's whole body on the Sabbath? 958 00:52:59,915 --> 00:53:02,135 Stop judging by mere appearances, 959 00:53:02,179 --> 00:53:05,443 but instead, judge correctly." 960 00:53:05,486 --> 00:53:07,706 [ men murmuring ] 961 00:53:08,837 --> 00:53:11,666 ♪ 962 00:53:11,710 --> 00:53:15,540 At that point, some of the people of Jerusalem began to ask, 963 00:53:15,583 --> 00:53:18,195 "Isn't this the man they are trying to kill? 964 00:53:18,238 --> 00:53:20,371 Here He is, speaking publicly, 965 00:53:20,414 --> 00:53:23,809 and they are not saying a word to Him. 966 00:53:23,852 --> 00:53:25,463 Have the authorities really concluded 967 00:53:25,506 --> 00:53:28,117 that He is the Messiah? 968 00:53:28,161 --> 00:53:29,945 But we know where this man is from; 969 00:53:29,989 --> 00:53:31,643 when the Messiah comes, 970 00:53:31,686 --> 00:53:34,036 no one will know where He is from." 971 00:53:35,908 --> 00:53:38,606 Then Jesus, still teaching in the temple courts, 972 00:53:38,650 --> 00:53:41,130 cried out, "Yes, you know Me, 973 00:53:41,174 --> 00:53:43,176 and you know where I am from. 974 00:53:43,220 --> 00:53:45,613 I am not here on My own authority, 975 00:53:45,657 --> 00:53:49,008 but He who sent Me is true. 976 00:53:49,051 --> 00:53:51,663 You do not know Him, but I know Him 977 00:53:51,706 --> 00:53:55,101 because I am from Him and He sent Me." 978 00:53:55,144 --> 00:53:58,713 At this, they tried to seize Him, 979 00:53:58,757 --> 00:54:00,498 but no one laid a hand on Him, 980 00:54:00,541 --> 00:54:03,979 because His hour had not yet come. 981 00:54:04,023 --> 00:54:06,721 Still, many in the crowd believed in Him. 982 00:54:06,765 --> 00:54:08,941 [ voices overlapping ] 983 00:54:08,984 --> 00:54:11,291 They said, "When the Messiah comes, 984 00:54:11,335 --> 00:54:13,685 will He perform more signs than this man?" 985 00:54:13,728 --> 00:54:15,991 [ yelling ] 986 00:54:16,035 --> 00:54:20,082 The Pharisees heard the crowd whispering such things about Him. 987 00:54:20,126 --> 00:54:22,084 Then the chief priests and the Pharisees 988 00:54:22,128 --> 00:54:25,610 sent temple guards to arrest Him. 989 00:54:25,653 --> 00:54:29,918 Jesus said, "I am with you only for a short time, 990 00:54:29,962 --> 00:54:33,357 and then I am going to the One who sent Me. 991 00:54:33,400 --> 00:54:36,185 You will look for Me, but you will not find Me; 992 00:54:36,229 --> 00:54:41,060 and where I am, you cannot come." 993 00:54:41,103 --> 00:54:43,236 The Jews said to one another, 994 00:54:43,280 --> 00:54:44,672 "Where does this man intend to go 995 00:54:44,716 --> 00:54:46,935 that we cannot find Him? 996 00:54:46,979 --> 00:54:49,373 Will He go where our people live scattered among the Greeks, 997 00:54:49,416 --> 00:54:51,679 and teach the Greeks?" 998 00:54:51,723 --> 00:54:54,552 [ voices overlapping ] 999 00:54:54,595 --> 00:54:56,423 "What did He mean when He said, 1000 00:54:56,467 --> 00:54:58,904 'You will look for Me, but you will not find Me,' 1001 00:54:58,947 --> 00:55:02,908 and 'Where I am, you cannot come'?" 1002 00:55:02,951 --> 00:55:05,867 ♪ 1003 00:55:09,610 --> 00:55:12,396 [ blares ] 1004 00:55:13,919 --> 00:55:16,356 [ music playing ] 1005 00:55:16,400 --> 00:55:19,446 On the last and greatest day of the festival, 1006 00:55:19,490 --> 00:55:22,493 Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, 1007 00:55:22,536 --> 00:55:24,582 "Let anyone who is thirsty 1008 00:55:24,625 --> 00:55:26,453 come to Me and drink. 1009 00:55:26,497 --> 00:55:29,978 Whoever believes in Me, as Scripture has said, 1010 00:55:30,022 --> 00:55:33,808 rivers of living water will flow from within them." 1011 00:55:33,852 --> 00:55:35,593 By this, He meant the Spirit, 1012 00:55:35,636 --> 00:55:39,074 whom those who believed in Him were later to receive. 1013 00:55:39,118 --> 00:55:41,903 Up to that time, the Spirit had not been given, 1014 00:55:41,947 --> 00:55:44,863 since Jesus had not yet been glorified. 1015 00:55:44,906 --> 00:55:48,562 On hearing His words, some of the people said, 1016 00:55:48,606 --> 00:55:51,391 "Surely this man is the Prophet." 1017 00:55:51,435 --> 00:55:54,699 Others said, "Heis the Messiah." 1018 00:55:54,742 --> 00:55:56,701 Still others asked, 1019 00:55:56,744 --> 00:55:59,617 "How can the Messiah come from Galilee? 1020 00:55:59,660 --> 00:56:01,923 Does not Scripture say that the Messiah will come 1021 00:56:01,967 --> 00:56:03,708 from David's descendants 1022 00:56:03,751 --> 00:56:07,886 and from Bethlehem, the town where David lived?" 1023 00:56:07,929 --> 00:56:11,063 Thus the people were divided because of Jesus. 1024 00:56:11,106 --> 00:56:13,021 Some wanted to seize Him, 1025 00:56:13,065 --> 00:56:15,763 but no one laid a hand on Him. 1026 00:56:15,807 --> 00:56:18,287 [ crowd cheering ] 1027 00:56:18,331 --> 00:56:20,115 [ shouting in Aramaic ] 1028 00:56:22,117 --> 00:56:23,902 Narrator: Finally the temple guards went back 1029 00:56:23,945 --> 00:56:26,774 to the chief priests and the Pharisees, 1030 00:56:26,818 --> 00:56:29,995 who asked them, "Why didn't you bring Him in?" 1031 00:56:30,038 --> 00:56:32,606 [ shouting continues ] 1032 00:56:32,650 --> 00:56:35,130 "No one ever spoke the way this man does," 1033 00:56:35,174 --> 00:56:37,872 the guards replied. 1034 00:56:39,613 --> 00:56:42,007 "You mean He has deceived youalso?" 1035 00:56:42,050 --> 00:56:44,662 the Pharisees retorted. 1036 00:56:44,705 --> 00:56:48,666 "Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed in Him? 1037 00:56:48,709 --> 00:56:52,539 No! But this mob that knows nothing of the law, 1038 00:56:52,583 --> 00:56:54,802 there is a curse on them." 1039 00:56:57,109 --> 00:56:59,981 Nicodemus, who had gone to Jesus earlier 1040 00:57:00,025 --> 00:57:02,506 and who was one of their own number, asked, 1041 00:57:02,549 --> 00:57:04,377 "Does our law condemn a man 1042 00:57:04,421 --> 00:57:06,161 without first hearing him 1043 00:57:06,205 --> 00:57:08,512 to find out what he has been doing?" 1044 00:57:08,555 --> 00:57:12,907 They replied, "Are you from Galilee, too? 1045 00:57:12,951 --> 00:57:15,736 Look into it, and you'll find 1046 00:57:15,780 --> 00:57:18,826 that a prophet does not come out of Galilee." 1047 00:57:18,870 --> 00:57:21,525 ♪ 1048 00:57:23,265 --> 00:57:25,093 Then they all went home, 1049 00:57:25,137 --> 00:57:27,966 but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 1050 00:57:30,011 --> 00:57:32,449 ♪ 1051 00:57:32,492 --> 00:57:35,582 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1052 00:57:37,932 --> 00:57:40,587 Narrator: At dawn He appeared again in the temple courts, 1053 00:57:40,631 --> 00:57:44,373 where all the people gathered 'round Him, 1054 00:57:44,417 --> 00:57:48,247 and He sat down to teach them. 1055 00:57:48,290 --> 00:57:50,379 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1056 00:57:52,425 --> 00:57:54,688 Narrator: The teachers of the law and the Pharisees 1057 00:57:54,732 --> 00:57:57,865 brought in a woman caught in adultery. 1058 00:58:00,651 --> 00:58:02,522 They made her stand before the group 1059 00:58:02,566 --> 00:58:04,524 and said to Jesus, "Teacher, 1060 00:58:04,568 --> 00:58:06,874 this woman was caught in the act of adultery." 1061 00:58:06,918 --> 00:58:09,529 [ shouting ] 1062 00:58:09,573 --> 00:58:13,098 "In the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. 1063 00:58:13,141 --> 00:58:15,927 Now what do you say?" 1064 00:58:15,970 --> 00:58:18,930 They were using this question as a trap, 1065 00:58:18,973 --> 00:58:22,194 in order to have a basis for accusing Him. 1066 00:58:23,325 --> 00:58:25,763 [ sobbing ] 1067 00:58:25,806 --> 00:58:28,113 But Jesus bent down... 1068 00:58:30,898 --> 00:58:33,814 and started to write on the ground with His finger. 1069 00:58:33,858 --> 00:58:36,338 ♪ 1070 00:58:40,386 --> 00:58:42,475 When they kept on questioning Him, 1071 00:58:42,519 --> 00:58:44,825 He straightened up... 1072 00:58:48,699 --> 00:58:51,571 and said to them, 1073 00:58:51,615 --> 00:58:55,488 "Let any one of you who is without sin 1074 00:58:55,532 --> 00:58:59,144 be the first to throw a stone at her." 1075 00:59:00,275 --> 00:59:02,800 ♪ 1076 00:59:07,631 --> 00:59:10,808 Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. 1077 00:59:10,851 --> 00:59:12,723 At this, 1078 00:59:12,766 --> 00:59:15,682 those who heard began to go away one at a time... 1079 00:59:15,726 --> 00:59:18,642 ♪ 1080 00:59:18,685 --> 00:59:21,296 the older ones first... 1081 00:59:24,386 --> 00:59:28,260 until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 1082 00:59:32,394 --> 00:59:34,483 Jesus straightened up and asked her, 1083 00:59:34,527 --> 00:59:36,050 "Woman, where are they? 1084 00:59:38,096 --> 00:59:40,838 Has no one condemned you?" 1085 00:59:40,881 --> 00:59:43,144 "No one, sir," she said. 1086 00:59:43,188 --> 00:59:45,059 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1087 00:59:45,103 --> 00:59:49,237 "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. 1088 00:59:50,978 --> 00:59:53,851 "Go now... 1089 00:59:53,894 --> 00:59:57,463 and leave your life of sin." 1090 01:00:09,083 --> 01:00:11,825 [ faint bleating ] 1091 01:00:11,869 --> 01:00:14,436 [ wind whistling ] 1092 01:00:17,918 --> 01:00:21,661 [ voices overlapping ] 1093 01:00:21,705 --> 01:00:24,621 ♪ 1094 01:00:27,145 --> 01:00:29,408 When Jesus spoke again to the people, 1095 01:00:29,451 --> 01:00:33,325 He said, "I am the light of the world. 1096 01:00:36,981 --> 01:00:41,681 Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, 1097 01:00:41,725 --> 01:00:44,902 but will have the light of life." 1098 01:00:46,904 --> 01:00:48,775 The Pharisees challenged Him, 1099 01:00:48,819 --> 01:00:51,909 "Here You are, appearing as Your own witness." 1100 01:00:51,952 --> 01:00:55,521 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - "Your testimony is not valid." 1101 01:00:57,828 --> 01:01:02,093 Jesus answered, "Even if I testify on My own behalf, 1102 01:01:02,136 --> 01:01:04,573 My testimonyis valid..." 1103 01:01:04,617 --> 01:01:06,619 [ laughing ] 1104 01:01:06,663 --> 01:01:09,491 "for I know where I came from 1105 01:01:09,535 --> 01:01:11,929 and where I am going. 1106 01:01:11,972 --> 01:01:14,061 But you have no idea where I come from 1107 01:01:14,105 --> 01:01:18,457 or where I am going. You judge by human standards. 1108 01:01:18,500 --> 01:01:20,459 I pass judgment on no one. 1109 01:01:20,502 --> 01:01:24,942 But if I do judge, my decisions are true, 1110 01:01:24,985 --> 01:01:29,120 because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent Me." 1111 01:01:29,163 --> 01:01:31,339 [ Pharisees laughing ] 1112 01:01:31,383 --> 01:01:33,298 ♪ 1113 01:01:35,517 --> 01:01:38,172 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - "In your own Law, it is written 1114 01:01:38,216 --> 01:01:41,741 that the testimony of two witnesses is true. 1115 01:01:41,785 --> 01:01:45,527 I am one who testifies for Myself; 1116 01:01:45,571 --> 01:01:49,662 my other witness is the Father, who sent Me." 1117 01:01:51,359 --> 01:01:55,363 Then they asked Him, "Where is Your father?" 1118 01:01:55,407 --> 01:01:58,497 "You do not know Me or My Father," 1119 01:01:58,540 --> 01:02:00,325 Jesus replied. 1120 01:02:00,368 --> 01:02:03,720 - [ laughs ] - [ speaking Aramaic ] 1121 01:02:03,763 --> 01:02:08,333 "If you knew Me, you would know My Father also." 1122 01:02:08,376 --> 01:02:11,423 He spoke these words while teaching in the temple courts 1123 01:02:11,466 --> 01:02:14,208 near the place where the offerings were put. 1124 01:02:14,252 --> 01:02:15,819 Yet no one seized Him, 1125 01:02:15,862 --> 01:02:18,778 because His hour had not yet come. 1126 01:02:18,822 --> 01:02:21,563 [ laughing ] 1127 01:02:21,607 --> 01:02:23,478 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1128 01:02:24,958 --> 01:02:27,178 Once more Jesus said to them, 1129 01:02:27,221 --> 01:02:30,529 "I am going away, and you will look for Me, 1130 01:02:30,572 --> 01:02:32,792 and you will die in your sin. 1131 01:02:32,836 --> 01:02:35,403 Where I go, you cannot come." 1132 01:02:35,447 --> 01:02:38,319 This made the Jews ask, "Will He kill Himself? 1133 01:02:38,363 --> 01:02:39,886 Is that why He says, 1134 01:02:39,930 --> 01:02:41,975 'Where I go, you cannot come'?" 1135 01:02:42,019 --> 01:02:44,108 ♪ 1136 01:02:44,151 --> 01:02:47,720 But He continued, "You are from below, I am from above. 1137 01:02:47,764 --> 01:02:51,419 You are of this world, I am not of this world. 1138 01:02:53,987 --> 01:02:56,903 I told you that you would die in your sins; 1139 01:02:56,947 --> 01:02:59,166 if you do not believe that I am He, 1140 01:02:59,210 --> 01:03:01,908 you will indeed die in your sins." 1141 01:03:01,952 --> 01:03:05,477 ♪ 1142 01:03:05,520 --> 01:03:07,740 "Who are You?" they asked. 1143 01:03:10,003 --> 01:03:12,005 "Just what I have been telling you from the beginning," 1144 01:03:12,049 --> 01:03:14,921 Jesus replied. 1145 01:03:16,662 --> 01:03:19,447 "I have much to say in judgment of you. 1146 01:03:19,491 --> 01:03:21,449 But He who sent Me is trustworthy, 1147 01:03:21,493 --> 01:03:23,408 and what I have heard from Him 1148 01:03:23,451 --> 01:03:26,106 I tell the world." 1149 01:03:26,150 --> 01:03:30,981 They did not understand that He was telling them about His Father. 1150 01:03:31,024 --> 01:03:34,158 [ people murmuring ] 1151 01:03:36,247 --> 01:03:38,597 ♪ 1152 01:03:40,120 --> 01:03:42,644 - [ elder chuckles ] - So Jesus said, 1153 01:03:42,688 --> 01:03:45,647 "When you have lifted up the Son of Man, 1154 01:03:45,691 --> 01:03:47,824 then you will know that I am He 1155 01:03:47,867 --> 01:03:49,521 and that I do nothing on My own 1156 01:03:49,564 --> 01:03:52,437 but speak just what the Father has taught me. 1157 01:03:52,480 --> 01:03:55,614 The One who sent Me is with Me. 1158 01:03:55,657 --> 01:03:57,398 He has not left Me alone, 1159 01:03:57,442 --> 01:04:00,793 for I always do what pleases Him." 1160 01:04:00,837 --> 01:04:04,666 Even as He spoke, many believed in Him. 1161 01:04:04,710 --> 01:04:07,582 [ voices overlapping ] 1162 01:04:15,852 --> 01:04:17,723 To the Jews who had believed Him, 1163 01:04:17,766 --> 01:04:20,682 Jesus said, "If you hold to My teaching, 1164 01:04:20,726 --> 01:04:23,120 you are really My disciples. 1165 01:04:23,163 --> 01:04:24,904 Then you will know the truth, 1166 01:04:24,948 --> 01:04:28,690 and the truth will set you free." 1167 01:04:28,734 --> 01:04:30,823 They answered Him, 1168 01:04:30,867 --> 01:04:33,478 "We are Abraham's descendants 1169 01:04:33,521 --> 01:04:35,654 and have never been slaves of anyone. 1170 01:04:35,697 --> 01:04:38,309 How can You say that we shall be set free?" 1171 01:04:38,352 --> 01:04:40,659 [ shouting ] 1172 01:04:47,666 --> 01:04:51,191 Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, 1173 01:04:51,235 --> 01:04:54,803 everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 1174 01:04:54,847 --> 01:04:58,590 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, 1175 01:04:58,633 --> 01:05:02,202 but a son belongs to it forever. 1176 01:05:02,246 --> 01:05:06,990 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." 1177 01:05:07,033 --> 01:05:09,253 [ shouting fades ] 1178 01:05:11,298 --> 01:05:13,953 "I know you are Abraham's descendants. 1179 01:05:13,997 --> 01:05:16,347 Yet you are looking for a way to kill Me, 1180 01:05:16,390 --> 01:05:18,958 because you have no room for My word. 1181 01:05:19,002 --> 01:05:22,875 I am telling you what I have seen in the Father's presence, 1182 01:05:22,919 --> 01:05:25,747 and you are doing what you have heard from your father." 1183 01:05:28,968 --> 01:05:31,928 "Abrahamis our father," they answered. 1184 01:05:34,408 --> 01:05:38,021 "If you were Abraham's children," said Jesus, 1185 01:05:38,064 --> 01:05:40,806 "then you would do what Abraham did. 1186 01:05:40,849 --> 01:05:44,157 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill Me, 1187 01:05:44,201 --> 01:05:48,118 a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. 1188 01:05:48,161 --> 01:05:50,511 Abraham did not do such things. 1189 01:05:50,555 --> 01:05:53,993 You are doing the works of your own father." 1190 01:05:54,037 --> 01:05:57,866 "We are not illegitimate children," they protested. 1191 01:05:57,910 --> 01:06:02,741 "The only Father we have is God Himself." 1192 01:06:02,784 --> 01:06:06,266 Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, 1193 01:06:06,310 --> 01:06:08,225 you would love Me, 1194 01:06:08,268 --> 01:06:10,923 for I have come here from God." 1195 01:06:10,967 --> 01:06:12,751 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1196 01:06:12,794 --> 01:06:17,147 "I have not come on My own, God sent Me. 1197 01:06:20,280 --> 01:06:24,328 Why is My language not clear to you? 1198 01:06:24,371 --> 01:06:27,722 Because you are unable to hear what I say." 1199 01:06:27,766 --> 01:06:29,420 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1200 01:06:29,463 --> 01:06:31,378 "You belong to your father... 1201 01:06:33,990 --> 01:06:35,817 the devil..." 1202 01:06:35,861 --> 01:06:37,558 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1203 01:06:37,602 --> 01:06:39,647 "and you want to carry out your father's desires. 1204 01:06:39,691 --> 01:06:41,736 He was a murderer from the beginning, 1205 01:06:41,780 --> 01:06:45,436 not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. 1206 01:06:45,479 --> 01:06:48,656 When he lies, he speaks his native language, 1207 01:06:48,700 --> 01:06:52,138 for heis a liar and the father of lies." 1208 01:06:52,182 --> 01:06:55,663 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1209 01:06:55,707 --> 01:07:00,451 "Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me!" 1210 01:07:00,494 --> 01:07:03,062 [ people jeering ] 1211 01:07:03,106 --> 01:07:06,065 "Can any of you prove Me guilty of sin?" 1212 01:07:06,109 --> 01:07:08,024 [ shouting ] 1213 01:07:08,067 --> 01:07:11,766 "If I am telling the truth, why don't you believe Me? 1214 01:07:13,725 --> 01:07:17,337 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. 1215 01:07:17,381 --> 01:07:21,689 The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God." 1216 01:07:24,040 --> 01:07:27,086 The Jews answered Him, "Aren't we right in saying 1217 01:07:27,130 --> 01:07:31,177 that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?" 1218 01:07:31,221 --> 01:07:35,181 "I am not possessed by a demon," said Jesus, 1219 01:07:35,225 --> 01:07:41,144 "but I honor My Father and you dishonor Me. 1220 01:07:41,187 --> 01:07:43,711 I am not seeking glory for Myself, 1221 01:07:43,755 --> 01:07:48,107 but there is One who seeks it, and He is the judge. 1222 01:07:48,151 --> 01:07:51,502 Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys My word 1223 01:07:51,545 --> 01:07:54,418 will never see death." 1224 01:07:54,461 --> 01:07:56,115 At this, they exclaimed, 1225 01:07:56,159 --> 01:07:59,118 "Now we know that You are demon-possessed! 1226 01:07:59,162 --> 01:08:01,729 Abraham died and so did the prophets..." 1227 01:08:01,773 --> 01:08:03,296 [ yelling ] 1228 01:08:03,340 --> 01:08:05,690 "yet You say that whoever obeys Your word 1229 01:08:05,733 --> 01:08:07,518 will never taste death? 1230 01:08:07,561 --> 01:08:09,868 Are You greater than our father Abraham? 1231 01:08:09,911 --> 01:08:12,175 He died, and so did the prophets. 1232 01:08:12,218 --> 01:08:14,829 Who do You think You are?" 1233 01:08:14,873 --> 01:08:17,441 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1234 01:08:17,484 --> 01:08:19,704 Jesus replied, 1235 01:08:19,747 --> 01:08:24,752 "If I glorify Myself, My glory means nothing. 1236 01:08:24,796 --> 01:08:27,842 My Father, whom you claim as your God, 1237 01:08:27,886 --> 01:08:30,193 is the one who glorifies Me. 1238 01:08:30,236 --> 01:08:33,370 Though you do not know Him, I know Him. 1239 01:08:33,413 --> 01:08:38,157 If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, 1240 01:08:38,201 --> 01:08:42,205 but Ido know Him and obey his word. 1241 01:08:42,248 --> 01:08:44,381 Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought 1242 01:08:44,424 --> 01:08:48,167 of seeing My day. He saw it and was glad." 1243 01:08:48,211 --> 01:08:52,911 "You are not yet 50 years old," they said to Him, 1244 01:08:52,954 --> 01:08:55,914 "and You have seen Abraham?" 1245 01:08:55,957 --> 01:08:58,873 "Very truly I tell you," Jesus answered, 1246 01:08:58,917 --> 01:09:03,661 "before Abraham was born, I am!" 1247 01:09:05,271 --> 01:09:07,012 - [ people yelling ] - Narrator: At this, 1248 01:09:07,055 --> 01:09:09,406 they picked up stones to stone Him, 1249 01:09:09,449 --> 01:09:13,932 but Jesus hid Himself, slipping away from the temple grounds. 1250 01:09:13,975 --> 01:09:15,151 [ wind whistling ] 1251 01:09:15,194 --> 01:09:18,719 [ voices overlapping ] 1252 01:09:22,723 --> 01:09:25,073 [ speaking faintly ] 1253 01:09:27,032 --> 01:09:29,121 Narrator: As He went along, 1254 01:09:29,165 --> 01:09:31,863 He saw a man blind from birth. 1255 01:09:32,994 --> 01:09:34,605 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1256 01:09:34,648 --> 01:09:38,086 His disciples asked Him, "Rabbi, who sinned-- 1257 01:09:38,130 --> 01:09:41,786 this man or his parents-- that he was born blind?" 1258 01:09:41,829 --> 01:09:46,791 "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, 1259 01:09:46,834 --> 01:09:49,533 "but this happened so that the works of God 1260 01:09:49,576 --> 01:09:51,970 might be displayed in him. 1261 01:09:52,013 --> 01:09:54,277 As long as it is day, 1262 01:09:54,320 --> 01:09:57,018 we must do the works of Him who sent Me. 1263 01:09:57,062 --> 01:09:59,325 Night is coming, when no one can work. 1264 01:09:59,369 --> 01:10:03,547 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world." 1265 01:10:14,079 --> 01:10:16,386 After saying this, He spat on the ground, 1266 01:10:16,429 --> 01:10:18,605 made some mud with the saliva, 1267 01:10:18,649 --> 01:10:21,217 and put it on the man's eyes. 1268 01:10:25,133 --> 01:10:27,223 ♪ 1269 01:10:39,887 --> 01:10:42,847 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1270 01:10:42,890 --> 01:10:44,979 "Go," He told him, 1271 01:10:45,023 --> 01:10:47,721 "wash in the Pool of Siloam." 1272 01:10:47,765 --> 01:10:50,289 This word means "Sent." 1273 01:10:52,900 --> 01:10:56,339 So the man went and washed... 1274 01:10:56,382 --> 01:10:58,602 [ splashing ] 1275 01:10:58,645 --> 01:11:01,213 ♪ 1276 01:11:31,678 --> 01:11:34,899 Narrator: ...and came home seeing. 1277 01:11:34,942 --> 01:11:37,989 His neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging 1278 01:11:38,032 --> 01:11:40,731 asked, "Isn't this the same man 1279 01:11:40,774 --> 01:11:42,602 who used to sit and beg?" 1280 01:11:42,646 --> 01:11:44,300 - [ woman ululating ] - Some claimed that he was. 1281 01:11:44,343 --> 01:11:47,825 Others said, "No, he only looks like him." 1282 01:11:47,868 --> 01:11:52,177 But he himself insisted, "I am the man." 1283 01:11:52,220 --> 01:11:54,701 "How then were your eyes opened?" they asked. 1284 01:11:54,745 --> 01:11:57,791 He replied, "The man they call Jesus 1285 01:11:57,835 --> 01:12:00,272 made some mud and put it on my eyes. 1286 01:12:00,316 --> 01:12:03,406 He told me to go to Siloam and wash. 1287 01:12:03,449 --> 01:12:06,931 So I went and washed, and then I could see." 1288 01:12:06,974 --> 01:12:10,108 "Where is this man?" they asked him. 1289 01:12:10,151 --> 01:12:12,676 "I don't know," he said. 1290 01:12:17,115 --> 01:12:20,423 They brought to the Pharisees the man who had been blind. 1291 01:12:20,466 --> 01:12:22,860 Now the day on which Jesus had made the mud 1292 01:12:22,903 --> 01:12:26,124 and opened the man's eyes was a Sabbath. 1293 01:12:28,996 --> 01:12:31,129 Therefore the Pharisees also asked him 1294 01:12:31,172 --> 01:12:33,740 how he had received his sight. 1295 01:12:33,784 --> 01:12:35,960 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1296 01:12:36,003 --> 01:12:39,833 "He put mud on my eyes," the man replied, 1297 01:12:39,877 --> 01:12:42,793 "and I washed, and now I see." 1298 01:12:42,836 --> 01:12:45,273 Some of the Pharisees said, 1299 01:12:45,317 --> 01:12:48,973 "This man is not from God, for He does not keep the Sabbath." 1300 01:12:49,016 --> 01:12:53,107 But others asked, "How can a sinner perform such signs?" 1301 01:12:53,151 --> 01:12:54,587 So they were divided. 1302 01:12:54,631 --> 01:12:56,937 Then they turned again to the blind man, 1303 01:12:56,981 --> 01:12:59,331 "What have you to say about Him? 1304 01:12:59,375 --> 01:13:01,812 It was your eyes He opened." 1305 01:13:01,855 --> 01:13:05,511 The man replied, "He is a prophet." 1306 01:13:07,861 --> 01:13:10,342 They still did not believe that he had been blind 1307 01:13:10,386 --> 01:13:13,171 and had received his sight 1308 01:13:13,214 --> 01:13:15,826 until they sent for the man's parents. 1309 01:13:17,871 --> 01:13:20,221 "Is this your son?" they asked. 1310 01:13:20,265 --> 01:13:23,486 "Is this the one you say was born blind? 1311 01:13:23,529 --> 01:13:26,314 How is it that now he can see?" 1312 01:13:26,358 --> 01:13:29,274 "We know he is our son," the parents answered, 1313 01:13:29,317 --> 01:13:31,232 "and we know he was born blind. 1314 01:13:31,276 --> 01:13:34,279 But how he can see now, or who opened his eyes, 1315 01:13:34,322 --> 01:13:35,933 we don't know. Ask him. 1316 01:13:35,976 --> 01:13:38,849 He is of age; he will speak for himself." 1317 01:13:38,892 --> 01:13:42,679 His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, 1318 01:13:42,722 --> 01:13:45,551 who already had decided that anyone who acknowledged 1319 01:13:45,595 --> 01:13:47,205 that Jesus was the Messiah 1320 01:13:47,248 --> 01:13:49,860 would be put out of the synagogue. 1321 01:13:49,903 --> 01:13:52,123 That was why his parents said, 1322 01:13:52,166 --> 01:13:56,214 - "He is of age; ask him." - [ Pharisees yelling ] 1323 01:13:56,257 --> 01:13:59,696 A second time they summoned the man who had been blind. 1324 01:13:59,739 --> 01:14:02,612 "Give glory to God by telling the truth," they said. 1325 01:14:05,049 --> 01:14:07,878 "We know this man is a sinner." 1326 01:14:07,921 --> 01:14:10,271 He replied, "Whether He is a sinner or not, 1327 01:14:10,315 --> 01:14:12,578 I don't know. One thing I do know. 1328 01:14:12,622 --> 01:14:15,712 Iwas blind but now I see!" 1329 01:14:15,755 --> 01:14:18,889 Then they asked him, "What did He do to you? 1330 01:14:18,932 --> 01:14:21,935 How did He open your eyes?" 1331 01:14:21,979 --> 01:14:24,547 He answered, "I have told you already 1332 01:14:24,590 --> 01:14:26,810 and you did not listen. 1333 01:14:26,853 --> 01:14:29,247 Why do you want to hear it again? 1334 01:14:29,290 --> 01:14:32,424 Do you want to become His disciples, too?" 1335 01:14:32,468 --> 01:14:34,992 Then they hurled insults at him and said, 1336 01:14:35,035 --> 01:14:37,560 "You are this fellow's disciple! 1337 01:14:37,603 --> 01:14:39,431 We are disciples of Moses! 1338 01:14:39,475 --> 01:14:41,172 We know that God spoke to Moses, 1339 01:14:41,215 --> 01:14:42,869 but as for this fellow, 1340 01:14:42,913 --> 01:14:45,437 we don't even know where He comes from." 1341 01:14:45,481 --> 01:14:49,920 The man answered, "Now that is remarkable! 1342 01:14:49,963 --> 01:14:52,444 You don't know where He comes from, 1343 01:14:52,488 --> 01:14:54,925 yet He opened my eyes. 1344 01:14:54,968 --> 01:14:57,449 We know that God does not listen to sinners. 1345 01:14:57,493 --> 01:15:00,496 He listens to the godly person who does His will. 1346 01:15:00,539 --> 01:15:05,283 Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind. 1347 01:15:05,326 --> 01:15:09,156 If this man were not from God, He could do nothing." 1348 01:15:09,200 --> 01:15:13,204 To this, they replied, "You were steeped in sin at birth. 1349 01:15:13,247 --> 01:15:16,903 How dare you lecture us!" 1350 01:15:16,947 --> 01:15:19,515 And they threw him out. 1351 01:15:28,741 --> 01:15:31,135 Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, 1352 01:15:31,178 --> 01:15:33,354 and when He found him, He said, 1353 01:15:33,398 --> 01:15:37,489 "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" 1354 01:15:37,533 --> 01:15:41,145 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - "Who is He, sir?" the man asked, 1355 01:15:41,188 --> 01:15:43,408 "so that I may believe in Him." 1356 01:15:43,451 --> 01:15:46,977 Jesus said, "You have now seen Him; 1357 01:15:47,020 --> 01:15:51,634 in fact, He is the one speaking with you." 1358 01:15:51,677 --> 01:15:53,592 Then the man said, 1359 01:15:53,636 --> 01:15:56,639 "Lord, I believe," 1360 01:15:56,682 --> 01:15:59,076 and he worshipped Him. 1361 01:15:59,119 --> 01:16:02,862 Jesus said, "For judgment I have come into this world, 1362 01:16:02,906 --> 01:16:04,821 so that the blind will see 1363 01:16:04,864 --> 01:16:08,520 and those who see will become blind." 1364 01:16:08,564 --> 01:16:10,348 Some Pharisees who were with Him 1365 01:16:10,391 --> 01:16:12,002 heard Him say this and asked, 1366 01:16:12,045 --> 01:16:15,135 "What? Are we blind, too?" 1367 01:16:15,179 --> 01:16:17,790 Jesus said, "If you were blind, 1368 01:16:17,834 --> 01:16:19,618 you would not be guilty of sin; 1369 01:16:19,662 --> 01:16:21,838 but now that you claim you can see, 1370 01:16:21,881 --> 01:16:24,492 your guilt remains." 1371 01:16:26,277 --> 01:16:28,932 "Very truly I tell you, Pharisees, 1372 01:16:28,975 --> 01:16:32,196 anyone who does not enter the sheepfold by the gate, 1373 01:16:32,239 --> 01:16:34,546 but climbs in by some other way, 1374 01:16:34,590 --> 01:16:37,070 is a thief and a robber. 1375 01:16:37,114 --> 01:16:38,942 The one who enters by the gate 1376 01:16:38,985 --> 01:16:40,813 is the shepherd of the sheep. 1377 01:16:40,857 --> 01:16:42,641 The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, 1378 01:16:42,685 --> 01:16:45,426 and the sheep listen to his voice. 1379 01:16:45,470 --> 01:16:48,299 He calls his own sheep by name 1380 01:16:48,342 --> 01:16:50,040 and leads them out. 1381 01:16:50,083 --> 01:16:52,390 When he has brought out all his own, 1382 01:16:52,433 --> 01:16:54,218 he goes on ahead of them, 1383 01:16:54,261 --> 01:16:57,177 and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. 1384 01:16:57,221 --> 01:17:00,398 But they will never follow a stranger; 1385 01:17:00,441 --> 01:17:02,313 in fact, they will run away from him 1386 01:17:02,356 --> 01:17:06,360 because they do not recognize a stranger's voice." 1387 01:17:06,404 --> 01:17:08,319 Jesus used this figure of speech, 1388 01:17:08,362 --> 01:17:10,190 but the Pharisees did not understand 1389 01:17:10,234 --> 01:17:13,977 what He was telling them. Therefore Jesus said again, 1390 01:17:14,020 --> 01:17:16,022 "Very truly I tell you, 1391 01:17:16,066 --> 01:17:19,069 I am the gate for the sheep. 1392 01:17:19,112 --> 01:17:22,376 All who have come before Me are thieves and robbers, 1393 01:17:22,420 --> 01:17:24,552 but the sheep have not listened to them. 1394 01:17:24,596 --> 01:17:26,598 I am the gate; 1395 01:17:26,642 --> 01:17:29,470 whoever enters through Me will be saved. 1396 01:17:29,514 --> 01:17:31,951 They will come in and go out, 1397 01:17:31,995 --> 01:17:33,823 and find pasture. 1398 01:17:33,866 --> 01:17:37,348 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. 1399 01:17:37,391 --> 01:17:40,003 I have come that they may have life, 1400 01:17:40,046 --> 01:17:42,440 and have it to the full." 1401 01:17:42,483 --> 01:17:43,615 ♪ 1402 01:17:43,659 --> 01:17:45,922 "I am the good shepherd. 1403 01:17:45,965 --> 01:17:48,881 The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 1404 01:17:48,925 --> 01:17:50,840 The hired hand is not the shepherd 1405 01:17:50,883 --> 01:17:52,842 and does not own the sheep. 1406 01:17:52,885 --> 01:17:54,800 So when he sees the wolf coming, 1407 01:17:54,844 --> 01:17:57,281 he abandons the sheep and runs away. 1408 01:17:57,324 --> 01:18:00,937 Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 1409 01:18:00,980 --> 01:18:04,375 The man runs away because he is a hired hand 1410 01:18:04,418 --> 01:18:07,291 and cares nothing for the sheep. 1411 01:18:07,334 --> 01:18:09,728 I am the good shepherd-- 1412 01:18:09,772 --> 01:18:13,340 I know My sheep and My sheep know Me-- 1413 01:18:13,384 --> 01:18:16,953 just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father 1414 01:18:16,996 --> 01:18:20,608 and I lay down My life for the sheep. 1415 01:18:20,652 --> 01:18:23,394 I have other sheep that are not of this sheepfold. 1416 01:18:23,437 --> 01:18:25,135 I must bring them also. 1417 01:18:25,178 --> 01:18:26,745 They, too, will listen to My voice, 1418 01:18:26,789 --> 01:18:31,576 and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 1419 01:18:31,619 --> 01:18:33,273 The reason my Father loves Me 1420 01:18:33,317 --> 01:18:35,667 is that I lay down My life 1421 01:18:35,711 --> 01:18:38,322 only to take it up again. 1422 01:18:38,365 --> 01:18:40,411 No one takes it from Me, 1423 01:18:40,454 --> 01:18:43,501 but I lay it down of my own accord. 1424 01:18:43,544 --> 01:18:45,503 I have authority to lay it down 1425 01:18:45,546 --> 01:18:48,680 and authority to take it up again. 1426 01:18:48,724 --> 01:18:51,770 This command I received from My Father." 1427 01:18:51,814 --> 01:18:53,685 ♪ 1428 01:18:53,729 --> 01:18:55,948 The Jews who heard these words were again divided. 1429 01:18:55,992 --> 01:18:58,385 Many of them said, "He is demon-possessed 1430 01:18:58,429 --> 01:19:01,345 and raving mad. Why listen to Him?" 1431 01:19:01,388 --> 01:19:04,391 But others said, "These are not the sayings 1432 01:19:04,435 --> 01:19:06,306 of a man possessed by a demon. 1433 01:19:06,350 --> 01:19:09,440 Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?" 1434 01:19:09,483 --> 01:19:12,791 ♪ 1435 01:19:17,404 --> 01:19:20,799 Then came the Festival of Dedication at Jerusalem. 1436 01:19:20,843 --> 01:19:23,715 It was winter, and Jesus was in the temple courts 1437 01:19:23,759 --> 01:19:26,936 walking in Solomon's Colonnade. 1438 01:19:26,979 --> 01:19:30,026 The Jews who were there gathered 'round Him, saying, 1439 01:19:30,069 --> 01:19:32,724 "How long will You keep us in suspense? 1440 01:19:32,768 --> 01:19:36,597 If You are the Messiah, tell us plainly." 1441 01:19:36,641 --> 01:19:39,557 Jesus answered, "I did tell you, 1442 01:19:39,600 --> 01:19:42,386 but you do not believe. 1443 01:19:42,429 --> 01:19:46,912 The works I do in my Father's name testify about Me, 1444 01:19:46,956 --> 01:19:50,394 but you do not believe because you are not my sheep. 1445 01:19:50,437 --> 01:19:53,092 My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, 1446 01:19:53,136 --> 01:19:55,007 and they follow Me. 1447 01:19:55,051 --> 01:19:58,489 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. 1448 01:19:58,532 --> 01:20:01,231 No one will snatch them out of my hand." 1449 01:20:01,274 --> 01:20:03,189 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - "My Father, 1450 01:20:03,233 --> 01:20:06,671 who has given them to Me, is greater than all. 1451 01:20:06,714 --> 01:20:10,849 No one can snatch them out of My Father's hand. 1452 01:20:10,893 --> 01:20:14,897 I and the Father are one." 1453 01:20:14,940 --> 01:20:17,073 [ voices yelling ] 1454 01:20:17,116 --> 01:20:21,251 Again His Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone Him, 1455 01:20:21,294 --> 01:20:23,253 but Jesus said to them, 1456 01:20:23,296 --> 01:20:26,473 "I have shown you many good works from the Father. 1457 01:20:26,517 --> 01:20:30,434 For which of these do you stone Me?" 1458 01:20:30,477 --> 01:20:32,566 [ yelling ] 1459 01:20:32,610 --> 01:20:35,047 "We are not stoning You for any good work," they replied, 1460 01:20:35,091 --> 01:20:38,442 "but for blasphemy, because You, a mere man, 1461 01:20:38,485 --> 01:20:40,705 claim to be God." 1462 01:20:40,748 --> 01:20:42,576 Jesus answered them, 1463 01:20:42,620 --> 01:20:44,535 "Is it not written in your Law, 1464 01:20:44,578 --> 01:20:46,406 'I have said you are "gods"'? 1465 01:20:46,450 --> 01:20:48,756 [ yelling ] 1466 01:20:48,800 --> 01:20:51,803 If He called them 'gods,' to whom the word of God came-- 1467 01:20:51,847 --> 01:20:53,979 and Scripture cannot be set aside-- 1468 01:20:54,023 --> 01:20:56,155 what about the One whom the Father set apart 1469 01:20:56,199 --> 01:20:59,419 as His very own and sent into the world? 1470 01:20:59,463 --> 01:21:03,032 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy 1471 01:21:03,075 --> 01:21:06,949 because I said, 'I am God's Son'? 1472 01:21:06,992 --> 01:21:10,474 Do not believe Me unless I do the works of My Father. 1473 01:21:10,517 --> 01:21:13,912 But if I do them, even though you do not believe Me, 1474 01:21:13,956 --> 01:21:16,480 believe the works, 1475 01:21:16,523 --> 01:21:18,221 that you may know and understand 1476 01:21:18,264 --> 01:21:21,789 that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father." 1477 01:21:23,966 --> 01:21:25,924 Again they tried to seize Him, 1478 01:21:25,968 --> 01:21:28,796 but He escaped their grasp. 1479 01:21:28,840 --> 01:21:30,886 Then Jesus went back across the Jordan 1480 01:21:30,929 --> 01:21:32,670 to the place where John had been baptizing 1481 01:21:32,713 --> 01:21:34,498 in the early days. 1482 01:21:34,541 --> 01:21:37,196 There He stayed, and many people came to Him. 1483 01:21:37,240 --> 01:21:40,721 They said, "Though John never performed a sign, 1484 01:21:40,765 --> 01:21:44,334 all that John said about this man was true." 1485 01:21:44,377 --> 01:21:48,033 And in that place, many believed in Jesus. 1486 01:21:52,255 --> 01:21:54,387 [ birds chirping ] 1487 01:21:58,739 --> 01:22:02,047 ♪ 1488 01:22:11,143 --> 01:22:13,841 Now a man named Lazarus was ill. 1489 01:22:13,885 --> 01:22:17,976 He was from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. 1490 01:22:18,020 --> 01:22:20,848 This Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay ill, 1491 01:22:20,892 --> 01:22:23,199 was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord 1492 01:22:23,242 --> 01:22:27,246 and wiped His feet with her hair. 1493 01:22:29,031 --> 01:22:31,555 So the sisters sent word to Jesus, 1494 01:22:31,598 --> 01:22:36,429 - [ messenger shouting ] - "Lord, the one You love is ill." 1495 01:22:38,083 --> 01:22:40,390 When He heard this, Jesus said, 1496 01:22:40,433 --> 01:22:42,696 "This illness will not end in death. 1497 01:22:42,740 --> 01:22:46,004 No, it is for God's glory 1498 01:22:46,048 --> 01:22:48,528 so that God's Son may be glorified through it." 1499 01:22:50,748 --> 01:22:54,534 Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. 1500 01:22:54,578 --> 01:22:57,015 So when He heard that Lazarus was ill, 1501 01:22:57,059 --> 01:23:00,845 He stayed where He was two more days, 1502 01:23:00,888 --> 01:23:03,021 and then He said to His disciples, 1503 01:23:03,065 --> 01:23:05,589 "Let us go back to Judea." 1504 01:23:05,632 --> 01:23:08,200 "But, Rabbi," they said, 1505 01:23:08,244 --> 01:23:10,768 "a short while ago the Jews there tried to stone You, 1506 01:23:10,811 --> 01:23:13,118 and yet You are going back?" 1507 01:23:13,162 --> 01:23:17,035 Jesus answered, "Are there not 12 hours of daylight? 1508 01:23:17,079 --> 01:23:19,124 Anyone who walks in the daytime 1509 01:23:19,168 --> 01:23:22,127 will not stumble, for they see by this world's light." 1510 01:23:22,171 --> 01:23:24,303 [ Jesus speaking Aramaic ] 1511 01:23:26,479 --> 01:23:29,569 "It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, 1512 01:23:29,613 --> 01:23:32,616 for they have no light." 1513 01:23:32,659 --> 01:23:35,706 After He had said this, He went on to tell them, 1514 01:23:35,749 --> 01:23:39,101 "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, 1515 01:23:39,144 --> 01:23:41,973 but I am going there to wake him up." 1516 01:23:42,017 --> 01:23:44,280 His disciples replied, "Lord, 1517 01:23:44,323 --> 01:23:46,151 if he sleeps, he will get better." 1518 01:23:47,761 --> 01:23:49,633 Jesus had been speaking of His death, 1519 01:23:49,676 --> 01:23:53,419 but His disciples thought He meant natural sleep. 1520 01:23:53,463 --> 01:23:56,509 - [ Jesus speaking Aramaic ] - So then He told them plainly, 1521 01:23:56,553 --> 01:23:58,990 "Lazarus is dead, 1522 01:23:59,034 --> 01:24:02,167 and for your sake I am glad I was not there, 1523 01:24:02,211 --> 01:24:05,127 so that you may believe. 1524 01:24:05,170 --> 01:24:07,651 But let us go to him." 1525 01:24:07,694 --> 01:24:10,654 Then Thomas-- also known as Didymus-- 1526 01:24:10,697 --> 01:24:12,699 said to the rest of the disciples, 1527 01:24:12,743 --> 01:24:16,442 "Let us also go, that we may die with Him." 1528 01:24:16,486 --> 01:24:19,576 [ voices overlapping ] 1529 01:24:23,362 --> 01:24:25,451 On His arrival, Jesus found 1530 01:24:25,495 --> 01:24:29,977 that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. 1531 01:24:30,021 --> 01:24:33,111 Now Bethany was less than two miles from Jerusalem, 1532 01:24:33,155 --> 01:24:35,331 and many Jews had come to Martha and Mary 1533 01:24:35,374 --> 01:24:38,334 to comfort them in the loss of their brother. 1534 01:24:38,377 --> 01:24:40,379 When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, 1535 01:24:40,423 --> 01:24:42,294 she went out to meet Him, 1536 01:24:42,338 --> 01:24:46,429 but Mary stayed at home. 1537 01:24:46,472 --> 01:24:49,127 "Lord," Martha said to Jesus, 1538 01:24:49,171 --> 01:24:51,999 "if You had been here, my brother would not have died. 1539 01:24:52,043 --> 01:24:54,306 But I know that even now God will give You 1540 01:24:54,350 --> 01:24:56,569 whatever you ask." 1541 01:24:56,613 --> 01:24:58,049 ♪ 1542 01:24:58,093 --> 01:24:59,572 Jesus said to her, 1543 01:24:59,616 --> 01:25:02,358 "Your brother will rise again." 1544 01:25:02,401 --> 01:25:05,752 Martha answered, "I know he will rise again, 1545 01:25:05,796 --> 01:25:09,016 in the Resurrection at the last day." 1546 01:25:10,931 --> 01:25:13,369 ♪ 1547 01:25:13,412 --> 01:25:16,067 Jesus said to her, 1548 01:25:16,111 --> 01:25:20,680 "I am the Resurrection and the life. 1549 01:25:20,724 --> 01:25:23,161 The one who believes in Me will live, 1550 01:25:23,205 --> 01:25:25,468 even though they die; 1551 01:25:25,511 --> 01:25:27,252 and whoever lives by believing in Me 1552 01:25:27,296 --> 01:25:29,820 will never die. 1553 01:25:29,863 --> 01:25:32,344 Do you believe this?" 1554 01:25:34,129 --> 01:25:36,392 "Yes, Lord," she replied, 1555 01:25:36,435 --> 01:25:38,916 "I believe that you are the Messiah, 1556 01:25:38,959 --> 01:25:42,485 the Son of God, who is to come into the world." 1557 01:25:44,182 --> 01:25:46,010 After she had said this, 1558 01:25:46,053 --> 01:25:49,100 she went back and called her sister Mary aside. 1559 01:25:49,144 --> 01:25:51,494 "The Teacher is here," she said, 1560 01:25:51,537 --> 01:25:53,800 "and is asking for you." 1561 01:25:53,844 --> 01:25:56,368 - [ sobbing ] - Narrator: When Mary heard this, 1562 01:25:56,412 --> 01:26:00,198 she got up quickly and went to Him. 1563 01:26:00,242 --> 01:26:02,069 Now Jesus had not yet entered the village, 1564 01:26:02,113 --> 01:26:04,768 but was still at the place where Martha had met Him. 1565 01:26:04,811 --> 01:26:06,770 When the Jews who had been with Mary in the house, 1566 01:26:06,813 --> 01:26:08,641 comforting her, noticed how quickly 1567 01:26:08,685 --> 01:26:11,644 she got up and went out, they followed her, 1568 01:26:11,688 --> 01:26:15,605 supposing she was going to the tomb to mourn there. 1569 01:26:15,648 --> 01:26:18,956 When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw Him, 1570 01:26:18,999 --> 01:26:22,786 she fell at His feet and said, 1571 01:26:22,829 --> 01:26:25,528 - [ sobbing ] - "Lord, if You had been here, 1572 01:26:25,571 --> 01:26:28,008 my brother would not have died." 1573 01:26:29,488 --> 01:26:31,577 When Jesus saw her weeping, 1574 01:26:31,621 --> 01:26:34,624 and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, 1575 01:26:34,667 --> 01:26:38,715 He was deeply moved in spirit, and troubled. 1576 01:26:38,758 --> 01:26:41,413 "Where have you laid him?" He asked. 1577 01:26:44,329 --> 01:26:47,245 "Come and see, Lord," they replied. 1578 01:26:49,204 --> 01:26:51,728 Jesus wept. 1579 01:26:53,947 --> 01:26:58,343 Then the Jews said, "See how He loved him!" 1580 01:26:58,387 --> 01:27:00,171 But some of them said, 1581 01:27:00,215 --> 01:27:02,478 "Could not He who opened the eyes of the blind man 1582 01:27:02,521 --> 01:27:04,871 have kept this man from dying?" 1583 01:27:06,046 --> 01:27:09,006 ♪ 1584 01:27:09,049 --> 01:27:11,617 Jesus, once more deeply moved, 1585 01:27:11,661 --> 01:27:13,663 came to the tomb. 1586 01:27:13,706 --> 01:27:17,319 It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. 1587 01:27:17,362 --> 01:27:21,192 "Take away the stone," He said. 1588 01:27:21,236 --> 01:27:24,108 "But, Lord," said Martha, the sister of the dead man, 1589 01:27:24,151 --> 01:27:26,676 "by this time, there is a bad odor, 1590 01:27:26,719 --> 01:27:29,069 for he has been there four days." 1591 01:27:31,071 --> 01:27:34,205 - Then Jesus said, - [ speaking Aramaic ] 1592 01:27:34,249 --> 01:27:36,860 "Did I not tell you that if you believe, 1593 01:27:36,903 --> 01:27:40,429 you will see the glory of God?" 1594 01:27:43,040 --> 01:27:45,695 So they took away the stone. 1595 01:27:45,738 --> 01:27:48,350 Then Jesus looked up and said, 1596 01:27:48,393 --> 01:27:52,702 "Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. 1597 01:27:52,745 --> 01:27:54,878 I knew that You always hear Me, 1598 01:27:54,921 --> 01:27:57,924 but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, 1599 01:27:57,968 --> 01:28:01,537 that they may believe that You sent Me." 1600 01:28:01,580 --> 01:28:03,234 When He had said this, 1601 01:28:03,278 --> 01:28:05,367 Jesus called out in a loud voice, 1602 01:28:05,410 --> 01:28:07,717 "Lazarus, come out!" 1603 01:28:07,760 --> 01:28:13,026 ♪ 1604 01:28:17,379 --> 01:28:20,120 The dead man came out, 1605 01:28:20,164 --> 01:28:23,559 his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, 1606 01:28:23,602 --> 01:28:27,171 and a cloth 'round his face. 1607 01:28:27,214 --> 01:28:29,739 Jesus said to them, "Take off the grave clothes 1608 01:28:29,782 --> 01:28:32,916 and let him go." 1609 01:28:32,959 --> 01:28:35,919 ♪ 1610 01:28:47,974 --> 01:28:50,847 Therefore many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary, 1611 01:28:50,890 --> 01:28:54,416 and had seen what Jesus did, believed in Him. 1612 01:28:56,331 --> 01:28:58,550 But some of them went to the Pharisees 1613 01:28:58,594 --> 01:29:01,336 and told them what Jesus had done. 1614 01:29:01,379 --> 01:29:03,773 Then the chief priests and the Pharisees 1615 01:29:03,816 --> 01:29:07,472 called a meeting of the Sanhedrin. 1616 01:29:07,516 --> 01:29:09,387 "What are we accomplishing?" they asked. 1617 01:29:09,431 --> 01:29:12,477 "Here is this man performing many signs. 1618 01:29:12,521 --> 01:29:14,131 If we let Him go on like this, 1619 01:29:14,174 --> 01:29:16,307 everyone will believe in Him, 1620 01:29:16,351 --> 01:29:18,178 and then the Romans will come and take away 1621 01:29:18,222 --> 01:29:22,139 both our temple and our nation." 1622 01:29:22,182 --> 01:29:24,402 [ voices overlapping ] 1623 01:29:24,446 --> 01:29:26,839 Then one of them, named Caiaphas, 1624 01:29:26,883 --> 01:29:29,799 who was high priest that year, spoke up, 1625 01:29:29,842 --> 01:29:33,106 "You know nothing at all! You do not realize 1626 01:29:33,150 --> 01:29:36,153 that it is better for you that one man die for the people 1627 01:29:36,196 --> 01:29:39,417 than that the whole nation perish." 1628 01:29:41,463 --> 01:29:44,466 - [ bangs ] - He did not say this on his own, 1629 01:29:44,509 --> 01:29:46,946 but as high priest that year he prophesied 1630 01:29:46,990 --> 01:29:49,645 that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation, 1631 01:29:49,688 --> 01:29:51,647 and not only for that nation 1632 01:29:51,690 --> 01:29:53,997 but also for the scattered children of God, 1633 01:29:54,040 --> 01:29:57,479 to bring them together and make them one. 1634 01:29:57,522 --> 01:30:01,744 So from that day on they plotted to take His life. 1635 01:30:03,789 --> 01:30:06,009 Therefore Jesus no longer moved about publicly 1636 01:30:06,052 --> 01:30:08,054 among the people of Judea. 1637 01:30:08,098 --> 01:30:11,275 Instead, He withdrew to a region near the wilderness, 1638 01:30:11,318 --> 01:30:13,451 to a village called Ephraim, 1639 01:30:13,495 --> 01:30:15,410 where He stayed with His disciples. 1640 01:30:15,453 --> 01:30:17,629 [ faint bleating ] 1641 01:30:22,373 --> 01:30:25,376 When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, 1642 01:30:25,420 --> 01:30:27,987 many went up from the country to Jerusalem 1643 01:30:28,031 --> 01:30:30,686 for their ceremonial cleansing before the Passover. 1644 01:30:32,209 --> 01:30:34,603 They kept looking for Jesus, 1645 01:30:34,646 --> 01:30:36,213 and as they stood in the temple courts 1646 01:30:36,256 --> 01:30:39,390 they asked one another, "What do you think? 1647 01:30:39,434 --> 01:30:42,524 Isn't He coming to the festival at all?" 1648 01:30:42,567 --> 01:30:45,222 But the chief priests and the Pharisees had given orders 1649 01:30:45,265 --> 01:30:47,485 that anyone who found out where Jesus was 1650 01:30:47,529 --> 01:30:50,836 should report it so that they might arrest Him. 1651 01:30:57,190 --> 01:30:59,366 [ voices overlapping ] 1652 01:31:01,456 --> 01:31:03,501 Six days before the Passover, 1653 01:31:03,545 --> 01:31:06,548 Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, 1654 01:31:06,591 --> 01:31:09,855 whom Jesus had raised from the dead. 1655 01:31:09,899 --> 01:31:13,032 Here a dinner was given in Jesus' honor. 1656 01:31:13,076 --> 01:31:15,295 Martha served, while Lazarus was among those 1657 01:31:15,339 --> 01:31:18,734 reclining at the table with Him. 1658 01:31:18,777 --> 01:31:21,563 [ voices overlapping ] 1659 01:31:21,606 --> 01:31:24,740 Then Mary took about half a liter of pure nard, 1660 01:31:24,783 --> 01:31:26,393 an expensive perfume; 1661 01:31:26,437 --> 01:31:28,134 she poured it on Jesus' feet 1662 01:31:28,178 --> 01:31:31,616 and wiped His feet with her hair. 1663 01:31:31,660 --> 01:31:34,880 And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. 1664 01:31:38,623 --> 01:31:41,060 [ guests speaking Aramaic ] 1665 01:31:42,714 --> 01:31:45,369 But one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, 1666 01:31:45,412 --> 01:31:47,719 who was later to betray Him, objected. 1667 01:31:50,592 --> 01:31:52,419 "Why wasn't this perfume sold 1668 01:31:52,463 --> 01:31:54,291 and the money given to the poor? 1669 01:31:54,334 --> 01:31:56,598 It was worth a year's wages." 1670 01:31:56,641 --> 01:31:59,949 He did not say this because he cared about the poor 1671 01:31:59,992 --> 01:32:02,691 but because he was a thief; 1672 01:32:02,734 --> 01:32:04,562 as keeper of the money bag, 1673 01:32:04,606 --> 01:32:07,478 he used to help himself to what was put into it. 1674 01:32:09,393 --> 01:32:12,439 "Leave her alone," Jesus replied. 1675 01:32:12,483 --> 01:32:15,268 "It was intended that she should save this perfume 1676 01:32:15,312 --> 01:32:17,183 for the day of My burial. 1677 01:32:17,227 --> 01:32:19,621 You will always have the poor among you, 1678 01:32:19,664 --> 01:32:22,449 but you will not always have Me." 1679 01:32:22,493 --> 01:32:25,888 ♪ 1680 01:32:27,846 --> 01:32:30,196 Meanwhile, a large crowd of Jews found out 1681 01:32:30,240 --> 01:32:32,372 that Jesus was there and came, 1682 01:32:32,416 --> 01:32:34,766 not only because of Him, 1683 01:32:34,810 --> 01:32:39,031 but also to see Lazarus, whom He had raised from the dead. 1684 01:32:39,075 --> 01:32:41,164 [ voices overlapping ] 1685 01:32:41,207 --> 01:32:43,035 So the chief priests made plans 1686 01:32:43,079 --> 01:32:45,255 to kill Lazarus as well, 1687 01:32:45,298 --> 01:32:47,474 for on account of him, many of the Jews 1688 01:32:47,518 --> 01:32:50,739 were going over to Jesus and believing in Him. 1689 01:32:52,915 --> 01:32:55,787 [ foliage rustling ] 1690 01:32:55,831 --> 01:32:58,703 The next day, the great crowd that had come for the festival 1691 01:32:58,747 --> 01:33:01,576 heard that Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem. 1692 01:33:01,619 --> 01:33:04,230 They took palm branches and went out to meet Him, 1693 01:33:04,274 --> 01:33:06,972 - shouting, "Hosanna!" - [ cheering ] 1694 01:33:07,016 --> 01:33:10,193 "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" 1695 01:33:10,236 --> 01:33:12,195 "Blessed is the King of Israel!" 1696 01:33:12,238 --> 01:33:14,414 [ cheering continues ] 1697 01:33:14,458 --> 01:33:18,636 Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it. 1698 01:33:18,680 --> 01:33:20,638 As it is written: 1699 01:33:20,682 --> 01:33:23,336 "Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion; 1700 01:33:23,380 --> 01:33:26,339 see, your King is coming, 1701 01:33:26,383 --> 01:33:29,473 seated on a donkey's colt." 1702 01:33:29,516 --> 01:33:32,998 At first, His disciples did not understand all this. 1703 01:33:33,042 --> 01:33:35,261 Only after Jesus was glorified 1704 01:33:35,305 --> 01:33:38,874 did they realize that these things had been written about Him 1705 01:33:38,917 --> 01:33:41,964 and that these things had been done to Him. 1706 01:33:42,007 --> 01:33:43,443 [ cheering continues ] 1707 01:33:43,487 --> 01:33:45,010 Now the crowd that was with Him 1708 01:33:45,054 --> 01:33:46,664 when He called Lazarus from the tomb 1709 01:33:46,708 --> 01:33:48,318 and raised him from the dead 1710 01:33:48,361 --> 01:33:51,321 continued to spread the word. 1711 01:33:51,364 --> 01:33:53,323 Many people, because they had heard 1712 01:33:53,366 --> 01:33:54,890 that He had performed this sign, 1713 01:33:54,933 --> 01:33:56,718 went out to meet Him. 1714 01:33:56,761 --> 01:33:58,981 So the Pharisees said to one another, 1715 01:33:59,024 --> 01:34:01,853 "See, this is getting us nowhere. 1716 01:34:01,897 --> 01:34:04,203 Look how the whole world has gone after Him!" 1717 01:34:08,817 --> 01:34:10,296 Now there were some Greeks among those 1718 01:34:10,340 --> 01:34:12,429 who went up to worship at the festival. 1719 01:34:12,472 --> 01:34:15,693 They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, 1720 01:34:15,737 --> 01:34:18,043 with a request. 1721 01:34:18,087 --> 01:34:22,265 "Sir," they said, "we would like to see Jesus." 1722 01:34:22,308 --> 01:34:25,050 Philip went to tell Andrew; 1723 01:34:25,094 --> 01:34:27,531 Andrew and Philip, in turn, told Jesus. 1724 01:34:30,273 --> 01:34:32,362 Jesus replied, 1725 01:34:32,405 --> 01:34:35,931 "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 1726 01:34:37,149 --> 01:34:39,195 Very truly I tell you, 1727 01:34:39,238 --> 01:34:42,589 unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, 1728 01:34:42,633 --> 01:34:45,897 it remains only a single seed. 1729 01:34:45,941 --> 01:34:50,510 But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 1730 01:34:50,554 --> 01:34:54,079 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, 1731 01:34:54,123 --> 01:34:56,821 while anyone who hates their life in this world 1732 01:34:56,865 --> 01:34:59,432 will keep it for eternal life. 1733 01:34:59,476 --> 01:35:01,913 Whoever serves Me must follow Me; 1734 01:35:01,957 --> 01:35:05,395 and where I am, My servant also will be. 1735 01:35:05,438 --> 01:35:09,486 My Father will honor the one who serves Me. 1736 01:35:09,529 --> 01:35:12,228 Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? 1737 01:35:12,271 --> 01:35:15,710 'Father, save Me from this hour'? 1738 01:35:15,753 --> 01:35:18,451 No. It was for this very reason 1739 01:35:18,495 --> 01:35:20,758 I came to this hour. 1740 01:35:20,802 --> 01:35:24,631 Father, glorify Your name!" 1741 01:35:24,675 --> 01:35:26,851 Then a voice came from heaven... 1742 01:35:31,464 --> 01:35:35,991 "I have glorified it, and will glorify it again." 1743 01:35:37,688 --> 01:35:39,951 The crowd that was there and heard it 1744 01:35:39,995 --> 01:35:42,127 said it had thundered. 1745 01:35:42,171 --> 01:35:45,652 Others said an angel had spoken to Him. 1746 01:35:45,696 --> 01:35:50,745 Jesus said, "This voice was for your benefit, not Mine. 1747 01:35:50,788 --> 01:35:53,660 Now is the time for judgment on this world; 1748 01:35:53,704 --> 01:35:56,925 now the prince of this world will be driven out. 1749 01:35:56,968 --> 01:35:59,797 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, 1750 01:35:59,841 --> 01:36:03,670 will draw all people to Myself." 1751 01:36:03,714 --> 01:36:07,674 He said this to show the kind of death He was going to die. 1752 01:36:07,718 --> 01:36:11,461 The crowd spoke up, "We have heard from the Law 1753 01:36:11,504 --> 01:36:13,724 that the Messiah will remain forever, 1754 01:36:13,768 --> 01:36:17,032 so how can you say, 'The Son of Man must be lifted up'? 1755 01:36:17,075 --> 01:36:19,686 Who is this 'Son of Man'?" 1756 01:36:19,730 --> 01:36:21,863 Then Jesus told them, 1757 01:36:21,906 --> 01:36:25,301 "You are going to have the light just a little while longer. 1758 01:36:25,344 --> 01:36:30,001 Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. 1759 01:36:30,045 --> 01:36:33,744 Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. 1760 01:36:33,788 --> 01:36:36,834 Believe in the light while you have the light, 1761 01:36:36,878 --> 01:36:41,186 so that you may become children of light." 1762 01:36:41,230 --> 01:36:44,711 ♪ 1763 01:36:44,755 --> 01:36:46,539 When He had finished speaking, 1764 01:36:46,583 --> 01:36:49,934 Jesus left and hid Himself from them. 1765 01:36:52,067 --> 01:36:54,547 - [ crickets chirping ] - Even after Jesus had performed 1766 01:36:54,591 --> 01:36:56,898 so many signs in their presence, 1767 01:36:56,941 --> 01:36:58,900 they still would not believe in Him. 1768 01:36:58,943 --> 01:37:01,685 [ voices overlapping ] 1769 01:37:01,728 --> 01:37:04,906 This was to fulfill the word of Isaiah the prophet: 1770 01:37:04,949 --> 01:37:08,083 "Lord, who has believed our message 1771 01:37:08,126 --> 01:37:12,043 and to whom has the Arm of the Lord been revealed?" 1772 01:37:12,087 --> 01:37:14,829 For this reason they could not believe, 1773 01:37:14,872 --> 01:37:17,440 because, as Isaiah says elsewhere: 1774 01:37:17,483 --> 01:37:20,573 "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, 1775 01:37:20,617 --> 01:37:22,619 so they can neither see with their eyes, 1776 01:37:22,662 --> 01:37:25,796 nor understand with their hearts, 1777 01:37:25,840 --> 01:37:28,973 nor turn-- and I would heal them." 1778 01:37:29,017 --> 01:37:30,757 [ voices overlapping ] 1779 01:37:30,801 --> 01:37:33,804 Isaiah said this because he saw Jesus' glory 1780 01:37:33,848 --> 01:37:36,328 and spoke about Him. 1781 01:37:36,372 --> 01:37:37,982 Yet at the same time, 1782 01:37:38,026 --> 01:37:41,246 many even among the leaders believed in Him. 1783 01:37:41,290 --> 01:37:42,944 But because of the Pharisees 1784 01:37:42,987 --> 01:37:45,163 they would not openly acknowledge their faith 1785 01:37:45,207 --> 01:37:47,687 for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 1786 01:37:47,731 --> 01:37:51,866 for they loved human praise more than praise from God. 1787 01:37:53,215 --> 01:37:55,913 [ crackling ] 1788 01:37:55,957 --> 01:37:58,089 Then Jesus cried out... 1789 01:37:58,133 --> 01:38:01,049 - [ thumps ] - "Whoever believes in Me 1790 01:38:01,092 --> 01:38:03,051 does not believe in Me only..." 1791 01:38:03,094 --> 01:38:05,444 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1792 01:38:05,488 --> 01:38:08,534 - "but in the One who sent Me." - [ speaking Aramaic ] 1793 01:38:08,578 --> 01:38:10,275 "The one who looks at Me 1794 01:38:10,319 --> 01:38:12,451 is seeing the One who sent Me." 1795 01:38:12,495 --> 01:38:14,714 ♪ 1796 01:38:14,758 --> 01:38:17,152 "I have come into the world as a light, 1797 01:38:17,195 --> 01:38:19,458 so that no one who believes in Me 1798 01:38:19,502 --> 01:38:21,808 should stay in darkness. 1799 01:38:21,852 --> 01:38:23,636 If anyone hears My words 1800 01:38:23,680 --> 01:38:27,423 but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. 1801 01:38:27,466 --> 01:38:29,816 For I did not come to judge the world, 1802 01:38:29,860 --> 01:38:32,645 but to save the world. 1803 01:38:32,689 --> 01:38:35,300 There is a judge for the one who rejects Me 1804 01:38:35,344 --> 01:38:37,476 and does not accept my words; 1805 01:38:37,520 --> 01:38:39,348 the very words I have spoken 1806 01:38:39,391 --> 01:38:42,568 will condemn them at the last day." 1807 01:38:44,353 --> 01:38:46,398 [ Jesus speaking Aramaic ] 1808 01:38:46,442 --> 01:38:49,662 "For I did not speak on My own, 1809 01:38:49,706 --> 01:38:51,969 but the Father who sent Me commanded Me to say 1810 01:38:52,013 --> 01:38:54,711 all that I have spoken." 1811 01:38:54,754 --> 01:38:58,584 ♪ 1812 01:38:58,628 --> 01:39:02,284 "I know that His command leads to eternal life. 1813 01:39:02,327 --> 01:39:03,981 So whatever I say 1814 01:39:04,025 --> 01:39:07,158 is just what the Father has told Me to say." 1815 01:39:07,202 --> 01:39:10,248 ♪ 1816 01:39:12,207 --> 01:39:15,514 [ faint crackling ] 1817 01:39:18,691 --> 01:39:20,824 [ crickets chirping ] 1818 01:39:20,867 --> 01:39:25,220 Narrator: It was just before the Passover Festival. 1819 01:39:25,263 --> 01:39:26,873 [ voices overlapping ] 1820 01:39:26,917 --> 01:39:28,658 Jesus knew that the hour had come 1821 01:39:28,701 --> 01:39:32,749 for Him to leave this world and go to the Father. 1822 01:39:32,792 --> 01:39:36,361 Having loved His own who were in the world, 1823 01:39:36,405 --> 01:39:38,581 He loved them to the end. 1824 01:39:38,624 --> 01:39:40,670 [ voices overlapping ] 1825 01:39:40,713 --> 01:39:43,238 The evening meal was in progress, 1826 01:39:43,281 --> 01:39:45,675 and the devil had already prompted Judas, 1827 01:39:45,718 --> 01:39:49,026 the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus. 1828 01:39:49,070 --> 01:39:51,202 [ voices overlapping ] 1829 01:39:51,246 --> 01:39:55,598 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under His power, 1830 01:39:55,641 --> 01:39:59,123 and that He had come from God and was returning to God; 1831 01:39:59,167 --> 01:40:02,822 so He got up from the meal, took off His outer clothing, 1832 01:40:02,866 --> 01:40:05,216 and wrapped a towel 'round His waist. 1833 01:40:07,088 --> 01:40:10,874 After that, He poured water into a basin... 1834 01:40:10,917 --> 01:40:14,834 and began to wash His disciples' feet, 1835 01:40:14,878 --> 01:40:17,794 drying them with the towel that was wrapped 'round Him. 1836 01:40:17,837 --> 01:40:21,363 [ trickling ] 1837 01:40:21,406 --> 01:40:23,930 He came to Simon Peter, 1838 01:40:23,974 --> 01:40:27,021 who said to Him, "Lord, 1839 01:40:27,064 --> 01:40:29,284 are You going to wash my feet?" 1840 01:40:30,633 --> 01:40:32,504 Jesus replied, 1841 01:40:32,548 --> 01:40:35,594 "You do not realize now what I am doing, 1842 01:40:35,638 --> 01:40:38,336 but later you will understand." 1843 01:40:38,380 --> 01:40:41,644 "No," said Peter, "You shall never wash my feet." 1844 01:40:43,167 --> 01:40:47,302 Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, 1845 01:40:47,345 --> 01:40:50,000 you have no part with Me." 1846 01:40:51,567 --> 01:40:54,352 "Then, Lord," Simon Peter replied, 1847 01:40:54,396 --> 01:40:55,832 "not just my feet, 1848 01:40:55,875 --> 01:40:58,791 but my hands and my head as well!" 1849 01:40:59,923 --> 01:41:01,838 Jesus answered, 1850 01:41:01,881 --> 01:41:03,187 "Those who have had a bath 1851 01:41:03,231 --> 01:41:05,276 need only to wash their feet. 1852 01:41:05,320 --> 01:41:07,061 Their whole body is clean. 1853 01:41:07,104 --> 01:41:09,019 Andyou are clean, 1854 01:41:09,063 --> 01:41:12,544 though not every one of you." 1855 01:41:12,588 --> 01:41:15,330 For He knew who was going to betray Him, 1856 01:41:15,373 --> 01:41:17,114 and that was why He said 1857 01:41:17,158 --> 01:41:19,595 "not every one" was clean. 1858 01:41:19,638 --> 01:41:21,510 [ water splashing ] 1859 01:41:22,641 --> 01:41:24,469 [ voices overlapping ] 1860 01:41:24,513 --> 01:41:26,558 When He had finished washing their feet, 1861 01:41:26,602 --> 01:41:29,170 He put on his clothes and returned to His place. 1862 01:41:31,607 --> 01:41:33,696 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1863 01:41:33,739 --> 01:41:36,438 "Do you understand what I have done for you?" He asked them. 1864 01:41:36,481 --> 01:41:39,745 - [ Jesus speaking Aramaic ] - "You call Me 'Teacher' 1865 01:41:39,789 --> 01:41:41,356 and 'Lord,' 1866 01:41:41,399 --> 01:41:45,273 and rightly so, for that is what I am. 1867 01:41:45,316 --> 01:41:47,362 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, 1868 01:41:47,405 --> 01:41:49,929 have washed your feet, you also should wash 1869 01:41:49,973 --> 01:41:52,454 one another's feet. 1870 01:41:52,497 --> 01:41:54,412 I have set you an example 1871 01:41:54,456 --> 01:41:58,155 that you should do as I have done foryou. 1872 01:41:58,199 --> 01:42:00,114 Very truly I tell you, 1873 01:42:00,157 --> 01:42:03,291 no servant is greater than his master, 1874 01:42:03,334 --> 01:42:06,511 nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 1875 01:42:06,555 --> 01:42:08,470 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1876 01:42:08,513 --> 01:42:10,646 Now that you know these things, 1877 01:42:10,689 --> 01:42:12,822 you will be blessed if you do them." 1878 01:42:12,865 --> 01:42:14,911 [ voices overlapping ] 1879 01:42:16,782 --> 01:42:20,003 "I am not referring to all of you; 1880 01:42:20,046 --> 01:42:23,180 I know those I have chosen. 1881 01:42:23,224 --> 01:42:27,141 But this is to fulfill this passage of Scripture-- 1882 01:42:27,184 --> 01:42:31,101 'He who shared my bread has turned against me.' 1883 01:42:33,364 --> 01:42:37,151 I am telling you now before it happens, 1884 01:42:39,022 --> 01:42:40,806 so that when it does happen 1885 01:42:40,850 --> 01:42:44,810 you will believe that I am who I am. 1886 01:42:45,942 --> 01:42:48,118 Very truly I tell you, 1887 01:42:48,162 --> 01:42:52,557 whoever accepts anyone I send accepts Me; 1888 01:42:52,601 --> 01:42:56,735 and whoever accepts Me accepts the one who sent Me." 1889 01:42:57,910 --> 01:43:00,783 ♪ 1890 01:43:01,958 --> 01:43:03,699 After he had said this, 1891 01:43:03,742 --> 01:43:05,788 Jesus was troubled in spirit 1892 01:43:05,831 --> 01:43:09,531 and testified, "Very truly I tell you, 1893 01:43:09,574 --> 01:43:12,055 one of you is going to betray Me." 1894 01:43:13,709 --> 01:43:15,841 His disciples stared at one another, 1895 01:43:15,885 --> 01:43:18,931 at a loss to know which of them He meant. 1896 01:43:18,975 --> 01:43:21,717 One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, 1897 01:43:21,760 --> 01:43:23,980 was reclining next to Him. 1898 01:43:24,023 --> 01:43:27,244 Simon Peter motioned to this disciple and said, 1899 01:43:27,288 --> 01:43:29,333 "Ask Him which one He means." 1900 01:43:29,377 --> 01:43:31,553 Leaning back against Jesus, he asked Him, 1901 01:43:31,596 --> 01:43:34,033 "Lord, who is it?" 1902 01:43:37,211 --> 01:43:39,691 Jesus answered, "It is the one 1903 01:43:39,735 --> 01:43:42,303 to whom I will give this piece of bread 1904 01:43:42,346 --> 01:43:44,914 when I have dipped it in the dish." 1905 01:43:46,089 --> 01:43:50,267 ♪ 1906 01:43:50,311 --> 01:43:52,443 Then, dipping the piece of bread... 1907 01:43:55,403 --> 01:43:59,450 He gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. 1908 01:44:01,104 --> 01:44:03,019 As soon as Judas took the bread, 1909 01:44:03,062 --> 01:44:05,587 Satan entered into him. 1910 01:44:06,979 --> 01:44:09,765 So Jesus told him, 1911 01:44:09,808 --> 01:44:12,463 "What you are about to do, do quickly." 1912 01:44:14,813 --> 01:44:16,380 But no one at the meal understood 1913 01:44:16,424 --> 01:44:19,296 why Jesus said this to him. 1914 01:44:19,340 --> 01:44:21,080 Since Judas had charge of the money, 1915 01:44:21,124 --> 01:44:22,560 some thought Jesus was telling him 1916 01:44:22,604 --> 01:44:24,562 to buy what was needed for the festival, 1917 01:44:24,606 --> 01:44:28,131 or to give something to the poor. 1918 01:44:28,174 --> 01:44:30,264 As soon as Judas had taken the bread, 1919 01:44:30,307 --> 01:44:32,918 he went out. And it was night. 1920 01:44:32,962 --> 01:44:35,878 ♪ 1921 01:44:38,663 --> 01:44:41,753 When he was gone, Jesus said, 1922 01:44:41,797 --> 01:44:44,843 "Now the Son of Man is glorified 1923 01:44:44,887 --> 01:44:47,498 and God is glorified in Him." 1924 01:44:47,542 --> 01:44:50,022 ♪ 1925 01:44:50,066 --> 01:44:52,721 "If God is glorified in Him, 1926 01:44:52,764 --> 01:44:55,680 God will glorify the Son in Himself, 1927 01:44:55,724 --> 01:44:59,684 and will glorify Him at once. 1928 01:44:59,728 --> 01:45:01,817 My children, I will be with you 1929 01:45:01,860 --> 01:45:04,210 only a little longer." 1930 01:45:04,254 --> 01:45:05,995 - [ Jesus speaking Aramaic ] - Narrator: "You will look for Me, 1931 01:45:06,038 --> 01:45:11,870 and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now... 1932 01:45:11,914 --> 01:45:16,048 where I am going, you cannot come. 1933 01:45:16,092 --> 01:45:18,442 A new command I give you-- 1934 01:45:18,486 --> 01:45:20,662 love one another. 1935 01:45:20,705 --> 01:45:24,840 As I have loved you, so you must love one another." 1936 01:45:24,883 --> 01:45:28,017 ♪ 1937 01:45:35,241 --> 01:45:39,289 "By this, everyone will know that you are My disciples, 1938 01:45:39,333 --> 01:45:41,813 if you love one another." 1939 01:45:41,857 --> 01:45:44,642 [ disciples speaking Aramaic ] 1940 01:45:44,686 --> 01:45:46,252 Simon Peter asked Him, 1941 01:45:46,296 --> 01:45:49,255 "Lord, where are You going?" 1942 01:45:51,301 --> 01:45:53,651 Jesus replied, "Where I am going, 1943 01:45:53,695 --> 01:45:57,394 you cannot follow now, but you will follow later." 1944 01:45:57,438 --> 01:46:01,833 Peter asked, "Lord, why can't I follow Younow? 1945 01:46:01,877 --> 01:46:04,923 I will lay down my life for You." 1946 01:46:04,967 --> 01:46:06,882 Then Jesus answered, 1947 01:46:06,925 --> 01:46:09,406 "Will you really lay down your life for Me? 1948 01:46:09,450 --> 01:46:12,409 Very truly I tell you, before the cock crows, 1949 01:46:12,453 --> 01:46:15,891 you will disown Me three times." 1950 01:46:17,719 --> 01:46:19,373 ♪ 1951 01:46:19,416 --> 01:46:21,200 [ Jesus speaking Aramaic ] 1952 01:46:23,115 --> 01:46:25,770 Narrator: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. 1953 01:46:25,814 --> 01:46:27,990 You believe in God; 1954 01:46:28,033 --> 01:46:31,254 believe also in Me. 1955 01:46:31,297 --> 01:46:34,997 My Father's house has many rooms; 1956 01:46:35,040 --> 01:46:37,391 if that were not so, 1957 01:46:37,434 --> 01:46:39,131 would I have told you that I am going there 1958 01:46:39,175 --> 01:46:42,047 to prepare a place for you? 1959 01:46:42,091 --> 01:46:44,485 And if I go and prepare a place for you, 1960 01:46:44,528 --> 01:46:47,444 I will come back, 1961 01:46:47,488 --> 01:46:49,011 and take you to be with Me 1962 01:46:49,054 --> 01:46:52,884 that you also may be where I am. 1963 01:46:52,928 --> 01:46:56,627 You know the way to the place where I am going." 1964 01:46:56,671 --> 01:46:58,499 Thomas said to Him, "Lord, 1965 01:46:58,542 --> 01:47:00,414 wedon't know where You are going, 1966 01:47:00,457 --> 01:47:04,069 so how can we know the way?" 1967 01:47:04,113 --> 01:47:05,854 Jesus answered, 1968 01:47:05,897 --> 01:47:08,465 "I am the way 1969 01:47:08,509 --> 01:47:13,122 and the truth and the life. 1970 01:47:13,165 --> 01:47:15,777 No one comes to the Father 1971 01:47:15,820 --> 01:47:17,909 except through Me. 1972 01:47:17,953 --> 01:47:19,781 If you really know Me, 1973 01:47:19,824 --> 01:47:22,610 you will know My Father as well. 1974 01:47:22,653 --> 01:47:25,569 From now on, you do know Him 1975 01:47:25,613 --> 01:47:28,485 and have seen Him." 1976 01:47:28,529 --> 01:47:31,488 Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father 1977 01:47:31,532 --> 01:47:34,622 and that will be enough for us." 1978 01:47:34,665 --> 01:47:36,319 [ speaking Aramaic ] 1979 01:47:36,362 --> 01:47:37,799 Jesus answered, 1980 01:47:37,842 --> 01:47:39,496 "Don't you know Me, Philip, 1981 01:47:39,540 --> 01:47:43,326 even after I have been among you such a long time? 1982 01:47:43,369 --> 01:47:45,807 Anyone who has seen me 1983 01:47:45,850 --> 01:47:48,070 has seen the Father. 1984 01:47:48,113 --> 01:47:51,856 How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? 1985 01:47:51,900 --> 01:47:56,165 Don't you believe that I am in the Father, 1986 01:47:56,208 --> 01:47:58,950 and that the Father is in Me? 1987 01:48:01,300 --> 01:48:06,305 The words I say to you, I do not speak on My own authority. 1988 01:48:06,349 --> 01:48:09,874 Rather, it is the Father, livingin Me, 1989 01:48:09,918 --> 01:48:13,182 who is doing His work. 1990 01:48:13,225 --> 01:48:14,836 Believe Me when I say 1991 01:48:14,879 --> 01:48:19,231 that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; 1992 01:48:19,275 --> 01:48:20,711 or at least believe 1993 01:48:20,755 --> 01:48:24,236 on the evidence of the works themselves. 1994 01:48:24,280 --> 01:48:26,021 Very truly I tell you, 1995 01:48:26,064 --> 01:48:27,631 whoever believes in Me 1996 01:48:27,675 --> 01:48:31,896 will do the works I have been doing, 1997 01:48:31,940 --> 01:48:35,552 and they will do even greater things than these, 1998 01:48:35,596 --> 01:48:38,816 because I am going to the Father. 1999 01:48:38,860 --> 01:48:43,865 And I will do whatever you ask in My name, 2000 01:48:43,908 --> 01:48:48,086 so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 2001 01:48:48,130 --> 01:48:50,436 You may ask Me for anything in My name, 2002 01:48:50,480 --> 01:48:52,917 and I will do it." 2003 01:48:52,961 --> 01:48:55,572 ♪ 2004 01:48:55,616 --> 01:48:59,750 "If you love Me, keep My commands." 2005 01:48:59,794 --> 01:49:02,753 ♪ 2006 01:49:02,797 --> 01:49:04,929 "And I will ask the Father, 2007 01:49:04,973 --> 01:49:06,931 and He will give you another advocate 2008 01:49:06,975 --> 01:49:09,934 to help you and be with you forever-- 2009 01:49:09,978 --> 01:49:13,285 the Spirit of truth. 2010 01:49:13,329 --> 01:49:15,287 The world cannot accept him, 2011 01:49:15,331 --> 01:49:18,160 because it neither sees him nor knows him. 2012 01:49:18,203 --> 01:49:21,119 Butyou know him, 2013 01:49:21,163 --> 01:49:23,774 for he lives with you and will be in you. 2014 01:49:23,818 --> 01:49:25,950 I will not leave you as orphans; 2015 01:49:25,994 --> 01:49:28,518 Iwill come to you." 2016 01:49:28,562 --> 01:49:31,477 ♪ 2017 01:49:31,521 --> 01:49:35,525 "Before long, the world will not see Me anymore, 2018 01:49:35,569 --> 01:49:37,832 but you will see Me. 2019 01:49:37,875 --> 01:49:41,879 Because I live, you also will live. 2020 01:49:41,923 --> 01:49:45,753 On that day you will realize that I am in My Father, 2021 01:49:45,796 --> 01:49:48,059 and you are in Me, 2022 01:49:48,103 --> 01:49:50,627 and I am in you. 2023 01:49:50,671 --> 01:49:53,456 Whoever has My commands and keeps them 2024 01:49:53,499 --> 01:49:56,938 is the one who loves Me. 2025 01:49:56,981 --> 01:49:59,941 The one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, 2026 01:49:59,984 --> 01:50:01,899 and I, too, will love them 2027 01:50:01,943 --> 01:50:04,510 and show Myself to them." 2028 01:50:06,382 --> 01:50:10,865 Then Judas-- not Judas Iscariot-- said, 2029 01:50:10,908 --> 01:50:14,564 "But, Lord, why do You intend to show Yourself to us 2030 01:50:14,608 --> 01:50:17,175 and not to the world?" 2031 01:50:17,219 --> 01:50:20,526 Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves Me 2032 01:50:20,570 --> 01:50:22,354 will obey My teaching. 2033 01:50:22,398 --> 01:50:23,965 My Father will love them, 2034 01:50:24,008 --> 01:50:25,314 and We will come to them 2035 01:50:25,357 --> 01:50:27,229 and make Our home with them. 2036 01:50:27,272 --> 01:50:32,495 Anyone who does not love Me will not obey My teaching." 2037 01:50:32,538 --> 01:50:35,541 ♪ 2038 01:50:41,939 --> 01:50:44,899 "These words you hear are not My own; 2039 01:50:44,942 --> 01:50:47,902 they belong to the Father who sent Me. 2040 01:50:47,945 --> 01:50:51,383 All this I have spoken while still with you. 2041 01:50:51,427 --> 01:50:53,690 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, 2042 01:50:53,734 --> 01:50:55,823 whom the Father will send in My name, 2043 01:50:55,866 --> 01:50:58,086 will teach you all things 2044 01:50:58,129 --> 01:50:59,696 and will remind you 2045 01:50:59,740 --> 01:51:01,698 of everything I have said to you. 2046 01:51:01,742 --> 01:51:03,787 Peace I leave with you; 2047 01:51:03,831 --> 01:51:06,747 My peace I give you. 2048 01:51:06,790 --> 01:51:10,228 I do not give to you as the world gives. 2049 01:51:10,272 --> 01:51:11,926 Do not let your hearts be troubled 2050 01:51:11,969 --> 01:51:14,493 and do not be afraid." 2051 01:51:14,537 --> 01:51:16,757 ♪ 2052 01:51:16,800 --> 01:51:19,411 "You heard Me say, 'I am going away 2053 01:51:19,455 --> 01:51:21,544 and am coming back to you.' 2054 01:51:23,111 --> 01:51:25,069 If you loved Me, you would be glad 2055 01:51:25,113 --> 01:51:26,549 that I am going to the Father, 2056 01:51:26,592 --> 01:51:29,421 for the Father is greater than I. 2057 01:51:29,465 --> 01:51:31,772 I have told you now before it happens, 2058 01:51:31,815 --> 01:51:35,993 so that when it does happen you will believe. 2059 01:51:36,037 --> 01:51:38,692 I will not say much more to you, 2060 01:51:38,735 --> 01:51:41,738 for the prince of this world is coming. 2061 01:51:43,305 --> 01:51:45,960 He has no hold over Me, 2062 01:51:46,003 --> 01:51:48,832 but he comes so that the world may learn 2063 01:51:48,876 --> 01:51:50,791 that I love the Father 2064 01:51:50,834 --> 01:51:55,534 and do exactly what My Father has commanded Me. 2065 01:51:55,578 --> 01:51:58,363 Come now; let us leave." 2066 01:51:59,800 --> 01:52:03,107 ♪ 2067 01:52:04,239 --> 01:52:06,458 [ whispering in Aramaic ] 2068 01:52:10,898 --> 01:52:13,161 [ whispering in Aramaic ] 2069 01:52:18,514 --> 01:52:20,646 Narrator: "I am the true vine, 2070 01:52:20,690 --> 01:52:22,648 and My Father is the gardener." 2071 01:52:22,692 --> 01:52:24,825 ♪ 2072 01:52:24,868 --> 01:52:29,743 "He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit... 2073 01:52:29,786 --> 01:52:33,355 while every branch that does bear fruit, He prunes 2074 01:52:33,398 --> 01:52:35,879 so that it will be even more fruitful. 2075 01:52:35,923 --> 01:52:37,446 You are already clean 2076 01:52:37,489 --> 01:52:40,188 because of the word I have spoken to you." 2077 01:52:40,231 --> 01:52:42,886 ♪ 2078 01:52:45,671 --> 01:52:47,282 "Remain in Me, 2079 01:52:47,325 --> 01:52:50,024 as I also remain in you. 2080 01:52:50,067 --> 01:52:52,113 No branch can bear fruit by itself; 2081 01:52:52,156 --> 01:52:56,160 it must remain in the vine. 2082 01:52:56,204 --> 01:53:00,469 Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. 2083 01:53:00,512 --> 01:53:05,300 I am the vine; you are the branches. 2084 01:53:05,343 --> 01:53:09,260 If you remain in Me and I in you, 2085 01:53:09,304 --> 01:53:11,349 you will bear much fruit. 2086 01:53:11,393 --> 01:53:14,483 Apart from Me, you can do nothing." 2087 01:53:14,526 --> 01:53:17,442 ♪ 2088 01:53:17,486 --> 01:53:19,662 "If you do not remain in Me, 2089 01:53:19,705 --> 01:53:22,447 you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; 2090 01:53:22,491 --> 01:53:25,407 such branches are picked up, 2091 01:53:25,450 --> 01:53:28,236 thrown into the fire and burned. 2092 01:53:30,020 --> 01:53:33,676 If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, 2093 01:53:33,719 --> 01:53:37,245 ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 2094 01:53:39,856 --> 01:53:42,032 This is to My Father's glory, 2095 01:53:42,076 --> 01:53:44,687 that you bear much fruit, 2096 01:53:44,730 --> 01:53:47,603 showing yourselves to be My disciples. 2097 01:53:49,474 --> 01:53:53,827 As the Father has loved Me, so have I loved you. 2098 01:53:54,958 --> 01:53:57,656 Now remain in My love. 2099 01:53:59,441 --> 01:54:01,051 If you keep My commands, 2100 01:54:01,095 --> 01:54:02,879 you will remain in My love, 2101 01:54:02,923 --> 01:54:06,665 just as I have kept My Father's commands 2102 01:54:06,709 --> 01:54:10,017 and remain in His love. 2103 01:54:10,060 --> 01:54:13,281 I have told you this so that My joy may be in you 2104 01:54:13,324 --> 01:54:16,284 and that your joy may be complete." 2105 01:54:16,327 --> 01:54:19,200 [ Jesus speaking Aramaic ] 2106 01:54:19,243 --> 01:54:21,811 "My command is this-- 2107 01:54:21,855 --> 01:54:25,075 love each other as I have loved you. 2108 01:54:27,338 --> 01:54:30,211 Greater love has no one than this-- 2109 01:54:30,254 --> 01:54:33,388 to lay down one's life for one's friends. 2110 01:54:35,781 --> 01:54:39,176 You are My friends if you do what I command. 2111 01:54:39,220 --> 01:54:41,526 I no longer call you 'servants,' 2112 01:54:41,570 --> 01:54:45,530 because a servant does not know his master's business. 2113 01:54:45,574 --> 01:54:49,447 Instead, I have called you 'friends,' 2114 01:54:49,491 --> 01:54:52,407 for everything that I learned from My Father 2115 01:54:52,450 --> 01:54:54,757 I have made known to you." 2116 01:54:55,889 --> 01:54:59,327 ♪ 2117 01:54:59,370 --> 01:55:04,288 "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you 2118 01:55:04,332 --> 01:55:07,465 so that you might go and bear fruit." 2119 01:55:07,509 --> 01:55:10,381 [ speaking Aramaic ] 2120 01:55:10,425 --> 01:55:13,210 "Fruit that will last 2121 01:55:13,254 --> 01:55:15,299 and so that whatever you ask in My name 2122 01:55:15,343 --> 01:55:18,520 the Father will give you. 2123 01:55:18,563 --> 01:55:21,740 This is My command-- 2124 01:55:21,784 --> 01:55:24,482 love each other." 2125 01:55:25,657 --> 01:55:27,485 ♪ 2126 01:55:27,529 --> 01:55:29,400 "If the world hates you, 2127 01:55:29,444 --> 01:55:33,230 keep in mind that it hated Me first. 2128 01:55:33,274 --> 01:55:35,232 If you belonged to the world, 2129 01:55:35,276 --> 01:55:37,669 it would love you as its own. 2130 01:55:37,713 --> 01:55:40,977 As it is, you do not belong to the world, 2131 01:55:41,021 --> 01:55:43,414 but I have chosen you out of the world. 2132 01:55:43,458 --> 01:55:46,591 That is why the world hates you." 2133 01:55:46,635 --> 01:55:48,419 ♪ 2134 01:55:50,813 --> 01:55:52,597 "Remember what I told you-- 2135 01:55:52,641 --> 01:55:56,471 'A servant is not greater than his master.' 2136 01:55:56,514 --> 01:55:58,299 If they persecuted Me, 2137 01:55:58,342 --> 01:56:01,389 they will persecute you also. 2138 01:56:01,432 --> 01:56:02,956 If they obeyed My teaching, 2139 01:56:02,999 --> 01:56:06,698 they will obey yours also. 2140 01:56:06,742 --> 01:56:09,527 They will treat you this way because of My name, 2141 01:56:09,571 --> 01:56:12,182 for they do not know the One who sent Me. 2142 01:56:14,532 --> 01:56:17,057 If I had not come and spoken to them, 2143 01:56:17,100 --> 01:56:19,276 they would not be guilty of sin; 2144 01:56:19,320 --> 01:56:22,410 but now they have no excuse for their sin." 2145 01:56:22,453 --> 01:56:24,760 [ Jesus speaking Aramaic ] 2146 01:56:24,803 --> 01:56:28,807 "Whoever hates Me hates My Father as well. 2147 01:56:28,851 --> 01:56:31,854 If I had not done among them the works no one else did, 2148 01:56:31,897 --> 01:56:33,987 they would not be guilty of sin. 2149 01:56:34,030 --> 01:56:37,207 As it is, they have seen, 2150 01:56:37,251 --> 01:56:41,690 and yet they have hated both Me and My Father. 2151 01:56:41,733 --> 01:56:45,128 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: 2152 01:56:45,172 --> 01:56:48,479 'They hated me without reason.' 2153 01:56:48,523 --> 01:56:50,264 When the Advocate comes, 2154 01:56:50,307 --> 01:56:52,353 whom I will send to you from the Father-- 2155 01:56:52,396 --> 01:56:54,703 the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father-- 2156 01:56:54,746 --> 01:56:57,314 he will testify about Me. 2157 01:56:57,358 --> 01:56:59,186 And you also must testify, 2158 01:56:59,229 --> 01:57:02,232 for you have been with Me from the beginning. 2159 01:57:02,276 --> 01:57:04,060 All this I have told you 2160 01:57:04,104 --> 01:57:06,236 so that you will not fall away. 2161 01:57:06,280 --> 01:57:08,412 They will put you out of the synagogue; 2162 01:57:08,456 --> 01:57:10,414 in fact, the time is coming 2163 01:57:10,458 --> 01:57:12,068 when anyone who kills you will think 2164 01:57:12,112 --> 01:57:14,505 they are offering a service to God. 2165 01:57:14,549 --> 01:57:17,726 They will do such things 2166 01:57:17,769 --> 01:57:22,078 because they have not known the Father or Me. 2167 01:57:22,122 --> 01:57:24,863 I have told you this, so that when their time comes 2168 01:57:24,907 --> 01:57:28,389 you will remember that I warned you about them. 2169 01:57:28,432 --> 01:57:30,130 I did not tell you this from the beginning 2170 01:57:30,173 --> 01:57:31,827 because I was with you, 2171 01:57:31,870 --> 01:57:35,526 but now I am going to Him who sent Me. 2172 01:57:35,570 --> 01:57:40,096 None of you asks Me, 'Where are you going?' 2173 01:57:40,140 --> 01:57:41,967 Rather, you are filled with grief 2174 01:57:42,011 --> 01:57:45,580 because I have said these things. 2175 01:57:45,623 --> 01:57:47,973 But very truly I tell you, 2176 01:57:48,017 --> 01:57:50,672 it is for your good that I am going away." 2177 01:57:50,715 --> 01:57:53,109 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - "Unless I go away, 2178 01:57:53,153 --> 01:57:55,416 the Advocate will not come to you. 2179 01:57:55,459 --> 01:57:58,723 But if I go, I will send him to you. 2180 01:57:58,767 --> 01:58:00,943 When he comes, he will prove the world 2181 01:58:00,986 --> 01:58:05,121 to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: 2182 01:58:05,165 --> 01:58:08,385 about sin, because people do not believe in Me; 2183 01:58:08,429 --> 01:58:12,520 about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, 2184 01:58:12,563 --> 01:58:14,696 where you can see Me no longer; 2185 01:58:14,739 --> 01:58:16,872 and about judgment, 2186 01:58:16,915 --> 01:58:19,483 because the prince of this world 2187 01:58:19,527 --> 01:58:22,356 now stands condemned." 2188 01:58:22,399 --> 01:58:24,662 ♪ 2189 01:58:24,706 --> 01:58:26,925 "I have much more to say to you, 2190 01:58:26,969 --> 01:58:30,494 more than you can now bear. 2191 01:58:30,538 --> 01:58:33,889 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, 2192 01:58:33,932 --> 01:58:37,371 he will guide you into all the truth. 2193 01:58:37,414 --> 01:58:39,373 He will not speak on his own; 2194 01:58:39,416 --> 01:58:42,071 he will speak only what he hears, 2195 01:58:42,115 --> 01:58:44,726 and he will tell you what is yet to come." 2196 01:58:44,769 --> 01:58:47,816 ♪ 2197 01:58:47,859 --> 01:58:50,166 " He will glorify Me because it is from Me 2198 01:58:50,210 --> 01:58:53,604 that he will receive what he will make known to you. 2199 01:58:53,648 --> 01:58:56,564 All that belongs to the Father is Mine." 2200 01:58:56,607 --> 01:58:58,566 [ speaking Aramaic ] 2201 01:58:58,609 --> 01:59:01,525 "That is why I said the Spirit will receive from Me 2202 01:59:01,569 --> 01:59:04,267 what he will make known to you." 2203 01:59:07,314 --> 01:59:09,925 Jesus went on to say, 2204 01:59:09,968 --> 01:59:13,058 "In a little while you will see Me no more, 2205 01:59:13,102 --> 01:59:15,060 then after a little while, 2206 01:59:15,104 --> 01:59:18,063 youwill see Me." 2207 01:59:18,107 --> 01:59:20,979 At this, some of His disciples said to one another, 2208 01:59:21,023 --> 01:59:22,894 "What does He mean by saying, 2209 01:59:22,938 --> 01:59:25,114 'In a little while you will see Me no more, 2210 01:59:25,158 --> 01:59:27,377 and then after a little while youwill see Me,' 2211 01:59:27,421 --> 01:59:29,988 and 'because I am going to the Father'?" 2212 01:59:30,032 --> 01:59:32,556 [ shouting ] 2213 01:59:32,600 --> 01:59:35,559 They kept asking, "What does He mean by 'a little while'? 2214 01:59:35,603 --> 01:59:37,692 We don't understand what He is saying." 2215 01:59:39,520 --> 01:59:41,957 Jesus saw that they wanted to ask Him about this, 2216 01:59:42,000 --> 01:59:44,046 so He said to them, 2217 01:59:44,089 --> 01:59:45,961 "Are you asking one another what I meant 2218 01:59:46,004 --> 01:59:48,572 when I said, 'In a little while you will see Me no more, 2219 01:59:48,616 --> 01:59:51,445 and then after a little while you will see Me'? 2220 01:59:51,488 --> 01:59:53,316 Very truly I tell you, 2221 01:59:53,360 --> 01:59:57,233 you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. 2222 01:59:57,277 --> 01:59:58,626 You will grieve, 2223 01:59:58,669 --> 02:00:02,760 but your grief will turn to joy. 2224 02:00:02,804 --> 02:00:05,241 A woman giving birth to a child has pain 2225 02:00:05,285 --> 02:00:07,287 because her time has come; 2226 02:00:07,330 --> 02:00:08,984 but when her baby is born 2227 02:00:09,027 --> 02:00:10,725 she forgets the anguish 2228 02:00:10,768 --> 02:00:14,119 because of her joy that a child is born into the world. 2229 02:00:16,644 --> 02:00:21,257 So with you. Now is your time of grief, 2230 02:00:21,301 --> 02:00:26,175 but I will see you again and you will rejoice, 2231 02:00:26,219 --> 02:00:29,352 and no one will take away your joy. 2232 02:00:29,396 --> 02:00:34,270 In that day, you will no longer ask Me anything. 2233 02:00:34,314 --> 02:00:36,272 Very truly I tell you, 2234 02:00:36,316 --> 02:00:41,190 My Father will give you whatever you ask in My name. 2235 02:00:41,234 --> 02:00:45,716 Until now, you have not asked for anything in My name. 2236 02:00:47,849 --> 02:00:51,113 Ask and you will receive... 2237 02:00:52,636 --> 02:00:57,293 and your joy will be complete. 2238 02:00:57,337 --> 02:00:59,643 Though I have been speaking figuratively, 2239 02:00:59,687 --> 02:01:03,168 a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language 2240 02:01:03,212 --> 02:01:06,563 but will tell you plainly about My Father. 2241 02:01:06,607 --> 02:01:10,088 In that day, you will ask in My name. 2242 02:01:10,132 --> 02:01:13,440 I am not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. 2243 02:01:13,483 --> 02:01:15,616 No, the Father Himself loves you 2244 02:01:15,659 --> 02:01:17,313 because you have loved me 2245 02:01:17,357 --> 02:01:20,621 and have believed that I came from God. 2246 02:01:20,664 --> 02:01:24,320 I came from the Father and entered the world; 2247 02:01:24,364 --> 02:01:28,411 now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father." 2248 02:01:30,021 --> 02:01:32,197 Then Jesus' disciples said, 2249 02:01:32,241 --> 02:01:35,679 "Now You are speaking clearly and without figures of speech. 2250 02:01:35,723 --> 02:01:38,291 Now we can see that You know all things 2251 02:01:38,334 --> 02:01:43,034 and that You do not even need to have anyone ask You questions. 2252 02:01:43,078 --> 02:01:47,125 This makes us believe that You came from God." 2253 02:01:47,169 --> 02:01:50,868 "Do younow believe?" Jesus replied. 2254 02:01:52,566 --> 02:01:55,046 "A time is coming, and in fact, has come, 2255 02:01:55,090 --> 02:01:58,311 when you will be scattered, each to your own home. 2256 02:01:59,834 --> 02:02:02,140 You will leave Me all alone. 2257 02:02:02,184 --> 02:02:05,883 Yet I am not alone, for My Father is with me. 2258 02:02:07,363 --> 02:02:08,886 I have told you these things, 2259 02:02:08,930 --> 02:02:12,586 so that in Me you may have peace. 2260 02:02:12,629 --> 02:02:15,328 In this world, you will have trouble. 2261 02:02:15,371 --> 02:02:20,071 But take heart! I have overcome the world." 2262 02:02:20,115 --> 02:02:23,597 ♪ 2263 02:02:23,640 --> 02:02:26,513 [ disciples murmuring ] 2264 02:02:28,341 --> 02:02:30,038 After Jesus said this, 2265 02:02:30,081 --> 02:02:33,302 He looked towards heaven and prayed, 2266 02:02:33,346 --> 02:02:38,133 "Father, the hour has come. 2267 02:02:38,176 --> 02:02:43,007 Glorify Your Son, that Your Son may glorify You. 2268 02:02:43,051 --> 02:02:46,010 For You granted Him authority over all people 2269 02:02:46,054 --> 02:02:47,838 that He might give eternal life 2270 02:02:47,882 --> 02:02:50,885 to all those You have given Him. 2271 02:02:50,928 --> 02:02:53,714 Now this is eternal life-- 2272 02:02:53,757 --> 02:02:57,195 that they know You, the only true God, 2273 02:02:57,239 --> 02:03:00,590 and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent. 2274 02:03:00,634 --> 02:03:02,723 I have brought You glory on earth 2275 02:03:02,766 --> 02:03:05,813 by finishing the work You gave me to do. 2276 02:03:05,856 --> 02:03:08,163 And now, Father..." 2277 02:03:08,206 --> 02:03:10,165 - [ clangs ] - "glorify Me in Your presence 2278 02:03:10,208 --> 02:03:14,299 with the glory I had with You before the world began. 2279 02:03:19,479 --> 02:03:21,219 I have revealed You to those 2280 02:03:21,263 --> 02:03:23,831 whom You gave Me out of the world. 2281 02:03:23,874 --> 02:03:27,400 They were Yours; You gave them to Me 2282 02:03:27,443 --> 02:03:29,445 and they have obeyed Your word. 2283 02:03:29,489 --> 02:03:32,492 Now they know that everything You have given Me 2284 02:03:32,535 --> 02:03:34,232 comes from You. 2285 02:03:34,276 --> 02:03:36,887 For I gave them the words You gave Me 2286 02:03:36,931 --> 02:03:38,585 and they accepted them. 2287 02:03:38,628 --> 02:03:41,718 They knew with certainty that I came from You, 2288 02:03:41,762 --> 02:03:45,243 and they believed that You sent Me. 2289 02:03:45,287 --> 02:03:47,158 I pray for them. 2290 02:03:47,202 --> 02:03:49,247 I am not praying for the world, 2291 02:03:49,291 --> 02:03:51,032 but for those You have given Me, 2292 02:03:51,075 --> 02:03:53,817 for they are Yours. 2293 02:03:53,861 --> 02:03:56,080 All I have is Yours, 2294 02:03:56,124 --> 02:03:58,909 and all You have is Mine. 2295 02:03:58,953 --> 02:04:02,260 And glory has come to Me through them. 2296 02:04:02,304 --> 02:04:05,394 I will remain in the world no longer, 2297 02:04:05,438 --> 02:04:07,440 but they are still in the world, 2298 02:04:07,483 --> 02:04:10,660 and I am coming to You. 2299 02:04:10,704 --> 02:04:13,968 Holy Father, protect them by the power of Your name, 2300 02:04:14,011 --> 02:04:16,144 the name You gave Me..." 2301 02:04:16,187 --> 02:04:18,276 ♪ 2302 02:04:18,320 --> 02:04:22,324 "...so that they may be one as We are one. 2303 02:04:22,367 --> 02:04:25,240 While I was with them, I protected them 2304 02:04:25,283 --> 02:04:28,330 and kept them safe by that name You gave me. 2305 02:04:28,373 --> 02:04:30,071 None has been lost-- 2306 02:04:30,114 --> 02:04:32,595 except the one doomed to destruction 2307 02:04:32,639 --> 02:04:35,468 so that Scripture would be fulfilled." 2308 02:04:35,511 --> 02:04:39,907 ♪ 2309 02:04:39,950 --> 02:04:43,432 "I am coming to You now, but I say these things 2310 02:04:43,476 --> 02:04:45,478 while I am still in the world, 2311 02:04:45,521 --> 02:04:47,349 so that they may have the full measure 2312 02:04:47,392 --> 02:04:49,612 of My joy within them. 2313 02:04:49,656 --> 02:04:51,222 I have given them Your word 2314 02:04:51,266 --> 02:04:53,311 and the world has hated them, 2315 02:04:53,355 --> 02:04:54,965 for they are not of the world 2316 02:04:55,009 --> 02:04:57,533 any more than I am of the world. 2317 02:04:57,577 --> 02:05:01,494 My prayer is not that You take them out of the world 2318 02:05:01,537 --> 02:05:05,628 but that You protect them from the evil one. 2319 02:05:05,672 --> 02:05:07,238 They are not of the world, 2320 02:05:07,282 --> 02:05:10,415 even asI am not of it. 2321 02:05:10,459 --> 02:05:13,201 Sanctify them by the truth. 2322 02:05:13,244 --> 02:05:16,030 Your word is truth. 2323 02:05:16,073 --> 02:05:18,641 As You sent me into the world, 2324 02:05:18,685 --> 02:05:21,165 I have sent them into the world. 2325 02:05:21,209 --> 02:05:23,994 For them I sanctify Myself, 2326 02:05:24,038 --> 02:05:27,911 that they, too, may be truly sanctified. 2327 02:05:27,955 --> 02:05:30,871 My prayer is not for them alone. 2328 02:05:30,914 --> 02:05:33,787 I pray also for those who will believe in Me 2329 02:05:33,830 --> 02:05:35,223 through their message-- 2330 02:05:35,266 --> 02:05:37,660 that all of them may be one, Father, 2331 02:05:37,704 --> 02:05:41,969 just as You are in Me and I am in You. 2332 02:05:42,012 --> 02:05:43,840 May they also be in Us 2333 02:05:43,884 --> 02:05:48,149 so that the world may believe that You have sent me. 2334 02:05:48,192 --> 02:05:50,934 I have given them the glory that You gave me, 2335 02:05:50,978 --> 02:05:53,850 that they may be one as We are one-- 2336 02:05:53,894 --> 02:05:58,463 I in them and You in Me 2337 02:05:58,507 --> 02:06:02,424 so that they may be brought to complete unity. 2338 02:06:02,467 --> 02:06:05,340 Then the world will know that You sent me 2339 02:06:05,383 --> 02:06:10,737 and have loved them even as You have loved Me. 2340 02:06:10,780 --> 02:06:13,870 Father, I want those You have given Me 2341 02:06:13,914 --> 02:06:16,046 to be with Me where I am, 2342 02:06:16,090 --> 02:06:17,961 and to see My glory, 2343 02:06:18,005 --> 02:06:21,486 the glory You have given Me because You loved Me 2344 02:06:21,530 --> 02:06:24,533 before the creation of the world. 2345 02:06:24,577 --> 02:06:26,187 Righteous Father, 2346 02:06:26,230 --> 02:06:28,450 though the world does not know You, 2347 02:06:28,493 --> 02:06:30,104 I know You, 2348 02:06:30,147 --> 02:06:32,802 and they know that You have sent me. 2349 02:06:32,846 --> 02:06:35,065 I have made You known to them, 2350 02:06:35,109 --> 02:06:37,198 and will continue to make You known 2351 02:06:37,241 --> 02:06:39,504 in order that the love You have for Me 2352 02:06:39,548 --> 02:06:41,245 may be in them 2353 02:06:41,289 --> 02:06:45,336 and that I Myself may be in them." 2354 02:06:45,380 --> 02:06:47,382 [ wind whistling ] 2355 02:06:49,950 --> 02:06:51,647 When He had finished praying, 2356 02:06:51,691 --> 02:06:53,867 Jesus left with His disciples 2357 02:06:53,910 --> 02:06:56,086 and crossed the Kidron Valley. 2358 02:06:56,130 --> 02:06:58,045 [ rustling ] 2359 02:06:58,088 --> 02:07:00,177 On the other side there was a garden, 2360 02:07:00,221 --> 02:07:03,050 and He and his disciples went into it. 2361 02:07:06,227 --> 02:07:09,622 Now, Judas, who betrayed Him, knew the place, 2362 02:07:09,665 --> 02:07:12,842 because Jesus had often met there with His disciples. 2363 02:07:14,670 --> 02:07:16,759 So Judas came to the garden, 2364 02:07:16,803 --> 02:07:19,457 guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials 2365 02:07:19,501 --> 02:07:22,199 from the chief priests and the Pharisees. 2366 02:07:22,243 --> 02:07:24,027 [ men yelling ] 2367 02:07:31,687 --> 02:07:35,865 They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons. 2368 02:07:37,737 --> 02:07:40,565 Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to Him, 2369 02:07:40,609 --> 02:07:42,698 went out and asked them, 2370 02:07:42,742 --> 02:07:45,832 - "Who is it you want?" - [ speaking Aramaic ] 2371 02:07:45,875 --> 02:07:48,704 "Jesus of Nazareth," they replied. 2372 02:07:48,748 --> 02:07:51,794 "I am He," Jesus said. 2373 02:07:51,838 --> 02:07:55,232 And Judas the traitor was standing there with them. 2374 02:07:55,276 --> 02:07:58,888 - [ speaking Aramaic ] - When Jesus said, "I am He," 2375 02:07:58,932 --> 02:08:03,545 they drew back and fell to the ground. 2376 02:08:03,588 --> 02:08:07,070 Again He asked them, "Who is it you want?" 2377 02:08:08,593 --> 02:08:11,509 "Jesus of Nazareth," they said. 2378 02:08:11,553 --> 02:08:13,076 Jesus answered, 2379 02:08:13,120 --> 02:08:16,297 "I told you that I am He. 2380 02:08:16,340 --> 02:08:18,299 If you are looking for Me, 2381 02:08:18,342 --> 02:08:21,650 - then let these men go." - [ Jesus yelling ] 2382 02:08:21,694 --> 02:08:22,999 This happened so that the words 2383 02:08:23,043 --> 02:08:25,132 He had spoken would be fulfilled-- 2384 02:08:25,175 --> 02:08:28,613 "I have not lost one of those You gave Me." 2385 02:08:30,398 --> 02:08:33,270 ♪ 2386 02:08:35,272 --> 02:08:38,145 Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, 2387 02:08:38,188 --> 02:08:41,322 - drew it... - [ screams ] 2388 02:08:41,365 --> 02:08:42,932 and struck the high priest's servant, 2389 02:08:42,976 --> 02:08:44,934 cutting off his right ear. 2390 02:08:44,978 --> 02:08:46,414 [ servant howls ] 2391 02:08:46,457 --> 02:08:49,112 The servant's name was Malchus. 2392 02:08:49,156 --> 02:08:51,288 - [ yelling ] - Jesus commanded Peter, 2393 02:08:51,332 --> 02:08:54,639 "Put your sword away! 2394 02:08:54,683 --> 02:08:57,730 Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given Me?" 2395 02:08:57,773 --> 02:08:59,949 [ servant moans ] 2396 02:08:59,993 --> 02:09:05,738 ♪ 2397 02:09:08,175 --> 02:09:10,612 [ gasping ] 2398 02:09:20,187 --> 02:09:23,625 [ speaking Aramaic ] 2399 02:09:30,632 --> 02:09:32,808 Then the detachment of soldiers 2400 02:09:32,852 --> 02:09:36,812 with its commander and the Jewish officials arrested Jesus. 2401 02:09:36,856 --> 02:09:39,728 They bound Him and brought Him first to Annas, 2402 02:09:39,772 --> 02:09:41,991 who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, 2403 02:09:42,035 --> 02:09:43,558 the high priest that year. 2404 02:09:43,601 --> 02:09:46,169 - [ bangs ] - [ guards yelling ] 2405 02:09:46,213 --> 02:09:49,172 Caiaphas was the one who had advised the Jewish leaders 2406 02:09:49,216 --> 02:09:52,436 that it would be good if one man died for the people. 2407 02:09:54,787 --> 02:09:58,312 Simon Peter and another disciple were following Jesus. 2408 02:09:58,355 --> 02:10:01,358 Because this disciple was known to the high priest, 2409 02:10:01,402 --> 02:10:04,492 he went with Jesus into the high priest's courtyard, 2410 02:10:04,535 --> 02:10:07,451 but Peter had to wait outside at the door. 2411 02:10:07,495 --> 02:10:10,367 The other disciple, who was known to the high priest, 2412 02:10:10,411 --> 02:10:12,848 came back, spoke to the servant girl on duty there 2413 02:10:12,892 --> 02:10:15,111 and brought Peter in. 2414 02:10:17,287 --> 02:10:20,029 "You aren't one of this man's disciples too, are you?" 2415 02:10:20,073 --> 02:10:22,858 she asked Peter. 2416 02:10:22,902 --> 02:10:25,556 He replied, "I am not." 2417 02:10:28,472 --> 02:10:29,865 It was cold, 2418 02:10:29,909 --> 02:10:31,693 and the servants and officials 2419 02:10:31,736 --> 02:10:33,564 stood 'round a fire they had made to keep warm. 2420 02:10:33,608 --> 02:10:35,697 Peter also was standing with them, 2421 02:10:35,740 --> 02:10:39,353 warming himself. 2422 02:10:39,396 --> 02:10:41,877 Meanwhile, the high priest questioned Jesus 2423 02:10:41,921 --> 02:10:45,272 about His disciples and His teaching. 2424 02:10:45,315 --> 02:10:47,143 [ men yelling ] 2425 02:10:47,187 --> 02:10:51,104 "I have spoken openly to the world," Jesus replied. 2426 02:10:51,147 --> 02:10:54,237 "I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, 2427 02:10:54,281 --> 02:10:56,587 where all the Jews come together. 2428 02:10:56,631 --> 02:10:58,894 I said nothing in secret. 2429 02:10:58,938 --> 02:11:00,417 Why question Me? 2430 02:11:00,461 --> 02:11:01,984 Ask those who heard Me. 2431 02:11:02,028 --> 02:11:04,726 Surely they know what I said." 2432 02:11:04,769 --> 02:11:06,336 When Jesus said this, 2433 02:11:06,380 --> 02:11:07,903 one of the officials nearby 2434 02:11:07,947 --> 02:11:10,340 slapped him in the face. 2435 02:11:10,384 --> 02:11:13,126 "Is this the way You answer the high priest?" he demanded. 2436 02:11:13,169 --> 02:11:15,911 [ yelling resumes ] 2437 02:11:18,261 --> 02:11:21,569 "If I said something wrong," Jesus replied, 2438 02:11:21,612 --> 02:11:24,267 "testify as to what is wrong. 2439 02:11:24,311 --> 02:11:26,269 But if I spoke the truth, 2440 02:11:26,313 --> 02:11:29,272 why did you strike Me?" 2441 02:11:29,316 --> 02:11:31,971 Then Annas sent Him bound to Caiaphas, 2442 02:11:32,014 --> 02:11:34,451 the high priest. 2443 02:11:34,495 --> 02:11:37,498 Meanwhile, Simon Peter was still standing there 2444 02:11:37,541 --> 02:11:40,109 warming himself. So they asked him, 2445 02:11:40,153 --> 02:11:43,112 "You aren't one of His disciples, too, are you?" 2446 02:11:43,156 --> 02:11:46,637 He denied it, saying, "I am not." 2447 02:11:48,335 --> 02:11:50,598 One of the high priest's servants, 2448 02:11:50,641 --> 02:11:53,949 a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, challenged him, 2449 02:11:53,993 --> 02:11:56,386 "Didn't I see you with Him in the garden?" 2450 02:11:58,214 --> 02:12:01,826 Again, Peter denied it... 2451 02:12:01,870 --> 02:12:04,917 and at that moment a cock began to crow. 2452 02:12:04,960 --> 02:12:08,137 - [ sobbing ] - [ distant crowing ] 2453 02:12:10,748 --> 02:12:14,143 Then the Jewish leaders took Jesus from Caiaphas... 2454 02:12:15,753 --> 02:12:17,973 to the palace of the Roman governor. 2455 02:12:18,017 --> 02:12:19,496 [ men yelling ] 2456 02:12:19,540 --> 02:12:21,368 By now, it was early morning, 2457 02:12:21,411 --> 02:12:24,153 and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness 2458 02:12:24,197 --> 02:12:26,155 they did not enter the palace, 2459 02:12:26,199 --> 02:12:28,766 because they wanted to be able to eat the Passover. 2460 02:12:28,810 --> 02:12:30,246 [ yelling continues ] 2461 02:12:30,290 --> 02:12:32,596 So Pilate came out to them and asked, 2462 02:12:32,640 --> 02:12:35,860 "What charges are you bringing against this man?" 2463 02:12:37,732 --> 02:12:40,169 "If He were not a criminal," they replied, 2464 02:12:40,213 --> 02:12:42,345 "we would not have handed Him over to you." 2465 02:12:42,389 --> 02:12:44,608 [ yelling continues ] 2466 02:12:47,220 --> 02:12:49,439 Pilate said, "Take Him yourselves 2467 02:12:49,483 --> 02:12:52,051 and judge Him by your own law." 2468 02:12:52,094 --> 02:12:55,184 "But we have no right to execute anyone," 2469 02:12:55,228 --> 02:12:57,708 they objected. 2470 02:12:57,752 --> 02:13:00,494 This took place to fulfill what Jesus had said 2471 02:13:00,537 --> 02:13:03,845 about the kind of death He was going to die. 2472 02:13:03,888 --> 02:13:07,022 [ rattles, creaks ] 2473 02:13:07,066 --> 02:13:09,894 Pilate then went back inside the palace, 2474 02:13:09,938 --> 02:13:12,027 summoned Jesus and asked Him, 2475 02:13:12,071 --> 02:13:16,031 "Are you the King of the Jews?" 2476 02:13:16,075 --> 02:13:18,425 ♪ 2477 02:13:18,468 --> 02:13:21,341 "Is that your own idea," Jesus asked, 2478 02:13:21,384 --> 02:13:24,083 "or did others talk to you about Me?" 2479 02:13:24,126 --> 02:13:27,956 "Am I a Jew?" Pilate replied. 2480 02:13:28,000 --> 02:13:31,960 "Your own people and chief priests handed You over to me. 2481 02:13:32,004 --> 02:13:34,136 What is it You have done?" 2482 02:13:34,180 --> 02:13:38,706 Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. 2483 02:13:38,749 --> 02:13:41,187 If it were, My servants would fight 2484 02:13:41,230 --> 02:13:43,754 to prevent My arrest by the Jewish leaders." 2485 02:13:43,798 --> 02:13:46,670 ♪ 2486 02:13:48,803 --> 02:13:51,545 "But now My kingdom is from another place." 2487 02:13:54,156 --> 02:13:57,072 "Youare a king, then!" said Pilate. 2488 02:13:59,205 --> 02:14:01,990 Jesus answered, 2489 02:14:02,034 --> 02:14:04,036 "You say that I am a king. 2490 02:14:04,079 --> 02:14:07,387 In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world 2491 02:14:07,430 --> 02:14:10,825 is to testify to the truth. 2492 02:14:10,868 --> 02:14:15,090 Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me." 2493 02:14:15,134 --> 02:14:18,746 - [ spits ] - Narrator: "What is truth?" retorted Pilate. 2494 02:14:18,789 --> 02:14:20,487 - [ gate clanks ] - With this, he went out again 2495 02:14:20,530 --> 02:14:22,445 to the Jews gathered there and said, 2496 02:14:22,489 --> 02:14:25,753 "I find no basis for a charge against Him. 2497 02:14:25,796 --> 02:14:28,321 But it is your custom for me to release to you 2498 02:14:28,364 --> 02:14:31,237 one prisoner at the time of the Passover. 2499 02:14:31,280 --> 02:14:34,675 Do you want me to release 'the King of the Jews'?" 2500 02:14:34,718 --> 02:14:38,026 - [ shouting ] - They shouted back, "No, not him! 2501 02:14:38,070 --> 02:14:40,811 Give us Barabbas!" 2502 02:14:40,855 --> 02:14:44,076 Now Barabbas had taken part in an uprising. 2503 02:14:44,119 --> 02:14:46,165 ♪ 2504 02:14:46,208 --> 02:14:49,298 Then Pilate took Jesus and had Him flogged. 2505 02:14:49,342 --> 02:14:50,821 [ whip cracks ] 2506 02:14:53,085 --> 02:14:56,392 The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns 2507 02:14:56,436 --> 02:14:57,828 - and put it on His head. - [ whip cracks ] 2508 02:14:57,872 --> 02:14:59,874 They clothed Him in a purple robe 2509 02:14:59,917 --> 02:15:02,572 and went up to Him again and again, saying, 2510 02:15:02,616 --> 02:15:06,837 - [ whip cracks ] - "Hail, King of the Jews!" 2511 02:15:06,881 --> 02:15:09,144 And they slapped Him in the face. 2512 02:15:09,188 --> 02:15:11,190 - [ whip cracks ] - [ screams ] 2513 02:15:11,233 --> 02:15:13,105 - [ whip cracks ] - [ moans ] 2514 02:15:19,111 --> 02:15:21,156 Once more Pilate came out 2515 02:15:21,200 --> 02:15:23,027 and said to the Jews gathered there, 2516 02:15:23,071 --> 02:15:25,856 "Look, I am bringing Him out to you 2517 02:15:25,900 --> 02:15:28,032 to let you know that I find no basis 2518 02:15:28,076 --> 02:15:29,947 for a charge against Him." 2519 02:15:29,991 --> 02:15:31,862 [ shouting ] 2520 02:15:33,734 --> 02:15:36,040 When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns 2521 02:15:36,084 --> 02:15:39,087 and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, 2522 02:15:39,131 --> 02:15:41,089 "Here is the man!" 2523 02:15:41,133 --> 02:15:44,048 [ shouting continues ] 2524 02:15:44,092 --> 02:15:45,528 As soon as the chief priests 2525 02:15:45,572 --> 02:15:47,051 and the officials saw him, 2526 02:15:47,095 --> 02:15:48,531 they shouted, 2527 02:15:48,575 --> 02:15:50,968 "Crucify! Crucify!" 2528 02:15:51,012 --> 02:15:52,405 [ shouting continues ] 2529 02:15:52,448 --> 02:15:53,754 But Pilate answered, 2530 02:15:53,797 --> 02:15:56,060 "You take Him and crucify Him. 2531 02:15:56,104 --> 02:15:59,716 As for me, I find no basis for a charge against Him." 2532 02:15:59,760 --> 02:16:02,371 [ shouting continues ] 2533 02:16:02,415 --> 02:16:03,938 The Jewish leaders insisted, 2534 02:16:03,981 --> 02:16:05,940 "We have a law, 2535 02:16:05,983 --> 02:16:08,377 and according to that law He must die, 2536 02:16:08,421 --> 02:16:11,337 because He claimed to be the Son of God." 2537 02:16:13,165 --> 02:16:16,211 When Pilate heard this, he was even more afraid, 2538 02:16:16,255 --> 02:16:18,735 and he went back inside the palace. 2539 02:16:18,779 --> 02:16:20,389 ♪ 2540 02:16:20,433 --> 02:16:24,088 "Where do You come from?" he asked Jesus. 2541 02:16:24,132 --> 02:16:28,223 But Jesus gave him no answer. 2542 02:16:28,267 --> 02:16:32,096 "Do You refuse to speak to me?" Pilate said. 2543 02:16:32,140 --> 02:16:35,404 "Don't you realize I have power either to free You 2544 02:16:35,448 --> 02:16:37,363 or to crucify You?" 2545 02:16:37,406 --> 02:16:39,713 [ Pilate speaking Aramaic ] 2546 02:16:39,756 --> 02:16:41,280 Jesus answered, 2547 02:16:41,323 --> 02:16:43,891 "You would have no power over Me 2548 02:16:43,934 --> 02:16:46,154 if it were not given to you from above. 2549 02:16:47,938 --> 02:16:50,027 Therefore the one who handed Me over to you 2550 02:16:50,071 --> 02:16:54,118 is guilty of a greater sin." 2551 02:16:54,162 --> 02:16:57,687 From then on, Pilate tried to set Jesus free. 2552 02:16:57,731 --> 02:17:00,342 - [ all shouting ] - But the Jewish leaders kept shouting, 2553 02:17:00,386 --> 02:17:04,259 "If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. 2554 02:17:04,303 --> 02:17:07,393 Anyone who claims to be a king opposes Caesar." 2555 02:17:08,524 --> 02:17:10,265 When Pilate heard this, 2556 02:17:10,309 --> 02:17:11,745 he brought Jesus out 2557 02:17:11,788 --> 02:17:13,442 and sat down on the judge's seat 2558 02:17:13,486 --> 02:17:15,966 at a place known as the Stone Pavement, 2559 02:17:16,010 --> 02:17:18,882 which in Aramaic is "Gabbatha." 2560 02:17:18,926 --> 02:17:20,884 [ shouting continues ] 2561 02:17:20,928 --> 02:17:23,539 It was the day of Preparation of the Passover. 2562 02:17:23,583 --> 02:17:25,324 It was about noon. 2563 02:17:27,151 --> 02:17:31,286 "Here is your king," Pilate said to the Jews. 2564 02:17:31,330 --> 02:17:33,723 But they shouted, "Take him away! 2565 02:17:33,767 --> 02:17:36,944 Take Him away! Crucify Him!" 2566 02:17:36,987 --> 02:17:41,122 "Shall I crucify your king?" Pilate asked. 2567 02:17:41,165 --> 02:17:43,559 "We have no king but Caesar," 2568 02:17:43,603 --> 02:17:45,735 the chief priests answered. 2569 02:17:48,085 --> 02:17:49,783 Finally... 2570 02:17:49,826 --> 02:17:53,308 Pilate handed Him over to them... 2571 02:17:53,352 --> 02:17:55,484 to be crucified. 2572 02:17:55,528 --> 02:17:59,096 ♪ 2573 02:18:03,057 --> 02:18:04,928 [ crowd shouting ] 2574 02:18:06,495 --> 02:18:09,019 So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. 2575 02:18:09,063 --> 02:18:10,934 [ whip cracks ] 2576 02:18:12,371 --> 02:18:14,286 [ whip cracks ] 2577 02:18:16,418 --> 02:18:17,767 [ groans ] 2578 02:18:18,899 --> 02:18:20,466 [ whip cracks ] 2579 02:18:20,509 --> 02:18:22,903 - [ wailing ] - [ whip cracks ] 2580 02:18:24,034 --> 02:18:27,690 ♪ 2581 02:18:27,734 --> 02:18:29,518 - Carrying his own cross... - [ whip cracks ] 2582 02:18:29,562 --> 02:18:31,868 he went out to the place of the Skull, 2583 02:18:31,912 --> 02:18:35,002 which in Aramaic is called "Golgotha." 2584 02:18:35,045 --> 02:18:37,570 [ soldier yelling, whip cracks ] 2585 02:18:40,094 --> 02:18:41,443 [ whip cracks ] 2586 02:18:51,061 --> 02:18:54,151 [ wind whistling ] 2587 02:18:57,633 --> 02:19:00,332 [ ropes creaking ] 2588 02:19:10,124 --> 02:19:13,214 There they crucified him, 2589 02:19:14,781 --> 02:19:16,652 and with him, two others-- 2590 02:19:16,696 --> 02:19:19,960 one on each side and Jesus in the middle. 2591 02:19:20,003 --> 02:19:22,484 ♪ 2592 02:19:29,230 --> 02:19:32,102 [ yelling ] 2593 02:19:34,801 --> 02:19:36,193 Pilate had a notice prepared 2594 02:19:36,237 --> 02:19:37,934 and fastened to the cross. 2595 02:19:37,978 --> 02:19:40,284 It read, "Jesus of Nazareth, 2596 02:19:40,328 --> 02:19:42,417 the King of the Jews." 2597 02:19:43,897 --> 02:19:46,073 Many of the Jews read this sign, 2598 02:19:46,116 --> 02:19:50,294 for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, 2599 02:19:50,338 --> 02:19:54,516 and the sign was written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek. 2600 02:19:56,475 --> 02:19:59,652 The chief priests of the Jews protested to Pilate, 2601 02:19:59,695 --> 02:20:02,132 "Do not write 'The King of the Jews,' 2602 02:20:02,176 --> 02:20:07,181 but that this man claimed to be king of the Jews." 2603 02:20:09,966 --> 02:20:11,446 Pilate answered, 2604 02:20:11,490 --> 02:20:14,493 "What I have written, I have written." 2605 02:20:18,845 --> 02:20:21,587 When the soldiers crucified Jesus, 2606 02:20:21,630 --> 02:20:25,025 they took His clothes, dividing them into four shares, 2607 02:20:25,068 --> 02:20:26,461 one for each of them, 2608 02:20:26,505 --> 02:20:28,724 with the undergarment remaining. 2609 02:20:30,073 --> 02:20:31,597 This garment was seamless, 2610 02:20:31,640 --> 02:20:35,035 woven in one piece from top to bottom. 2611 02:20:35,078 --> 02:20:37,603 "Let's not tear it," they said to one another. 2612 02:20:37,646 --> 02:20:40,083 "Let's decide by lot who will get it." 2613 02:20:40,127 --> 02:20:41,998 [ soldiers yelling ] 2614 02:20:44,740 --> 02:20:47,090 This happened that the Scripture might be fulfilled 2615 02:20:47,134 --> 02:20:50,833 that said, "They divided My clothes among them 2616 02:20:50,877 --> 02:20:53,706 and cast lots for My garment." 2617 02:20:53,749 --> 02:20:56,448 So this is what the soldiers did. 2618 02:20:59,320 --> 02:21:00,800 [ faint sobbing ] 2619 02:21:00,843 --> 02:21:03,280 Near the cross of Jesus stood His mother, 2620 02:21:03,324 --> 02:21:06,196 His mother's sister, Mary, the wife of Clopas, 2621 02:21:06,240 --> 02:21:08,155 and Mary Magdalene. 2622 02:21:08,198 --> 02:21:10,200 When Jesus saw His mother there, 2623 02:21:10,244 --> 02:21:12,638 and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, 2624 02:21:12,681 --> 02:21:16,859 He said to her, "Woman, here is your son..." 2625 02:21:17,991 --> 02:21:20,428 and to the disciple, 2626 02:21:20,472 --> 02:21:22,212 "Here is your mother." 2627 02:21:22,256 --> 02:21:24,737 ♪ 2628 02:21:24,780 --> 02:21:28,131 [ speaking Aramaic ] 2629 02:21:28,175 --> 02:21:29,611 From that time on, 2630 02:21:29,655 --> 02:21:33,441 this disciple took her into his home. 2631 02:21:33,485 --> 02:21:37,880 ♪ 2632 02:21:37,924 --> 02:21:40,883 Later, knowing that everything had now been finished, 2633 02:21:40,927 --> 02:21:44,147 and so that Scripture would be fulfilled, 2634 02:21:44,191 --> 02:21:45,845 Jesus said... 2635 02:21:45,888 --> 02:21:48,543 - "I am thirsty." - [ moans ] 2636 02:21:52,591 --> 02:21:54,593 A jar of wine vinegar was there, 2637 02:21:54,636 --> 02:21:56,464 so they soaked a sponge in it, 2638 02:21:56,508 --> 02:21:59,423 put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, 2639 02:21:59,467 --> 02:22:01,425 and lifted it to Jesus' lips. 2640 02:22:01,469 --> 02:22:03,689 [ laughing ] 2641 02:22:06,082 --> 02:22:08,650 - [ sobbing ] - [ Jesus moaning ] 2642 02:22:08,694 --> 02:22:10,260 When He had received the drink, 2643 02:22:10,304 --> 02:22:12,741 Jesus said... 2644 02:22:12,785 --> 02:22:16,571 "It is finished." 2645 02:22:16,615 --> 02:22:18,791 ♪ 2646 02:22:18,834 --> 02:22:23,578 With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. 2647 02:22:26,276 --> 02:22:29,584 - [ women sobbing ] - [ sighs ] 2648 02:22:36,330 --> 02:22:39,028 [ women sobbing ] 2649 02:22:39,072 --> 02:22:42,858 ♪ 2650 02:22:59,875 --> 02:23:02,138 - [ voices yelling ] - [ bleating ] 2651 02:23:02,182 --> 02:23:04,314 Now it was the day of Preparation, 2652 02:23:04,358 --> 02:23:07,491 and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. 2653 02:23:07,535 --> 02:23:10,059 Because the Jewish leaders did not want the bodies 2654 02:23:10,103 --> 02:23:12,105 left on the crosses during the Sabbath, 2655 02:23:12,148 --> 02:23:14,542 they asked Pilate to have the legs broken 2656 02:23:14,586 --> 02:23:16,805 and the bodies taken down. 2657 02:23:16,849 --> 02:23:19,373 The soldiers therefore came and broke the legs 2658 02:23:19,416 --> 02:23:21,767 of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, 2659 02:23:21,810 --> 02:23:24,117 and then those of the other. 2660 02:23:24,160 --> 02:23:27,424 But when they came to Jesus and found that He was already dead, 2661 02:23:27,468 --> 02:23:29,644 they did not break His legs. 2662 02:23:29,688 --> 02:23:31,472 Instead, one of the soldiers 2663 02:23:31,515 --> 02:23:34,170 pierced Jesus' side with a spear, 2664 02:23:34,214 --> 02:23:37,173 bringing a sudden flow of blood and water. 2665 02:23:37,217 --> 02:23:40,089 ♪ 2666 02:23:42,614 --> 02:23:45,268 The man who saw it has given testimony, 2667 02:23:45,312 --> 02:23:48,184 and his testimony is true. 2668 02:23:48,228 --> 02:23:50,404 He knows that he tells the truth, 2669 02:23:50,447 --> 02:23:54,538 and he testifies so that you also may believe. 2670 02:23:54,582 --> 02:23:58,368 These things happened so that the Scripture would be fulfilled-- 2671 02:23:58,412 --> 02:24:00,588 "Not one of His bones will be broken," 2672 02:24:00,632 --> 02:24:03,112 and, as another Scripture says, 2673 02:24:03,156 --> 02:24:05,680 "They will look on the One they have pierced." 2674 02:24:05,724 --> 02:24:08,030 ♪ 2675 02:24:11,730 --> 02:24:13,427 [ man speaking softly ] 2676 02:24:16,778 --> 02:24:18,867 Later, Joseph of Arimathea 2677 02:24:18,911 --> 02:24:22,088 asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. 2678 02:24:22,131 --> 02:24:24,699 Now Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, 2679 02:24:24,743 --> 02:24:27,963 but secretly, because he feared the Jewish leaders. 2680 02:24:28,007 --> 02:24:32,707 With Pilate's permission, he came and took the body away. 2681 02:24:32,751 --> 02:24:34,622 He was accompanied by Nicodemus, 2682 02:24:34,666 --> 02:24:37,799 the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night. 2683 02:24:37,843 --> 02:24:40,454 ♪ 2684 02:24:43,849 --> 02:24:47,200 Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, 2685 02:24:47,243 --> 02:24:50,551 about 75 pounds. 2686 02:24:50,594 --> 02:24:52,205 Taking Jesus' body, 2687 02:24:52,248 --> 02:24:54,294 the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, 2688 02:24:54,337 --> 02:24:56,383 in strips of linen. 2689 02:24:56,426 --> 02:24:59,255 This was in accordance with Jewish burial custom. 2690 02:25:00,909 --> 02:25:03,172 At the place where Jesus was crucified, 2691 02:25:03,216 --> 02:25:04,739 there was a garden, 2692 02:25:04,783 --> 02:25:06,654 and in the garden a new tomb, 2693 02:25:06,698 --> 02:25:10,789 in which no one had ever been laid. 2694 02:25:10,832 --> 02:25:13,182 Because it was the Jewish day of Preparation 2695 02:25:13,226 --> 02:25:15,228 and since the tomb was nearby, 2696 02:25:15,271 --> 02:25:17,578 they laid Jesus there. 2697 02:25:17,621 --> 02:25:21,974 ♪ 2698 02:25:26,630 --> 02:25:28,241 ♪ 2699 02:25:31,026 --> 02:25:33,202 Early on the first day of the week, 2700 02:25:33,246 --> 02:25:34,856 while it was still dark, 2701 02:25:34,900 --> 02:25:36,989 Mary Magdalene went to the tomb 2702 02:25:37,032 --> 02:25:40,601 and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. 2703 02:25:40,644 --> 02:25:42,951 So she came running to Simon Peter 2704 02:25:42,995 --> 02:25:45,388 and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, 2705 02:25:45,432 --> 02:25:48,870 and said, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, 2706 02:25:48,914 --> 02:25:51,090 and we don't know where they have put him!" 2707 02:25:53,005 --> 02:25:56,095 So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. 2708 02:25:56,138 --> 02:25:57,923 Both were running, 2709 02:25:57,966 --> 02:26:00,186 but the other disciple outran Peter 2710 02:26:00,229 --> 02:26:02,623 and reached the tomb first. 2711 02:26:02,666 --> 02:26:04,451 He bent over and looked in 2712 02:26:04,494 --> 02:26:06,366 at the strips of linen lying there, 2713 02:26:06,409 --> 02:26:10,109 but did not go in. 2714 02:26:10,152 --> 02:26:12,154 Then Simon Peter came along behind him 2715 02:26:12,198 --> 02:26:15,592 and went straight into the tomb. 2716 02:26:15,636 --> 02:26:18,030 He saw the strips of linen lying there, 2717 02:26:18,073 --> 02:26:21,773 as well as the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus' head. 2718 02:26:23,470 --> 02:26:25,820 The cloth was still lying in its place, 2719 02:26:25,864 --> 02:26:28,301 separate from the linen. 2720 02:26:28,344 --> 02:26:29,911 Finally, the other disciple, 2721 02:26:29,955 --> 02:26:31,521 who had reached the tomb first, 2722 02:26:31,565 --> 02:26:34,655 also went inside. 2723 02:26:34,698 --> 02:26:37,832 He saw and believed. 2724 02:26:40,356 --> 02:26:42,750 They still did not understand from Scripture 2725 02:26:42,794 --> 02:26:46,188 that Jesus had to rise from the dead. 2726 02:26:48,234 --> 02:26:51,237 Then the disciples went back to where they were staying. 2727 02:26:52,586 --> 02:26:54,936 ♪ 2728 02:26:58,070 --> 02:27:01,725 Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. 2729 02:27:01,769 --> 02:27:07,079 As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb 2730 02:27:07,122 --> 02:27:09,168 and saw two angels in white, 2731 02:27:09,211 --> 02:27:11,257 seated where Jesus' body had been, 2732 02:27:11,300 --> 02:27:15,348 one at the head and the other at the foot. 2733 02:27:15,391 --> 02:27:19,134 They asked her, "Woman, why are you crying?" 2734 02:27:20,875 --> 02:27:23,356 "They have taken my Lord away," she said, 2735 02:27:23,399 --> 02:27:26,054 "and I don't know where they have put Him." 2736 02:27:26,098 --> 02:27:28,840 ♪ 2737 02:27:28,883 --> 02:27:32,626 At this, she turned 'round and saw Jesus standing there, 2738 02:27:32,669 --> 02:27:35,020 but she did not realize that itwas Jesus. 2739 02:27:35,063 --> 02:27:40,199 He asked her, "Woman, why are you crying? 2740 02:27:40,242 --> 02:27:42,592 Who is it you are looking for?" 2741 02:27:42,636 --> 02:27:45,204 Thinking He was the gardener, she said, 2742 02:27:45,247 --> 02:27:47,902 "Sir, if you have carried him away, 2743 02:27:47,946 --> 02:27:51,775 tell me where you have put Him, and I will get Him." 2744 02:27:51,819 --> 02:27:55,214 Jesus said to her, "Mary." 2745 02:27:55,257 --> 02:27:57,390 She turned towards Him 2746 02:27:57,433 --> 02:28:00,045 and cried out in Aramaic, 2747 02:28:00,088 --> 02:28:02,961 "Rabboni!" 2748 02:28:03,004 --> 02:28:05,224 which means "Teacher." 2749 02:28:05,267 --> 02:28:07,617 ♪ 2750 02:28:07,661 --> 02:28:09,968 [ speaking Aramaic ] 2751 02:28:15,669 --> 02:28:18,759 Jesus said, "Do not hold on to Me, 2752 02:28:18,802 --> 02:28:22,023 for I have not yet ascended to the Father. 2753 02:28:22,067 --> 02:28:24,678 Go instead to My brothers and tell them, 2754 02:28:24,721 --> 02:28:28,377 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, 2755 02:28:28,421 --> 02:28:31,598 to My God and your God.'" 2756 02:28:31,641 --> 02:28:37,996 ♪ 2757 02:28:38,039 --> 02:28:41,390 Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news. 2758 02:28:41,434 --> 02:28:44,045 "I have seen the Lord!" 2759 02:28:44,089 --> 02:28:46,613 And she told them that He had said these things to her. 2760 02:28:46,656 --> 02:28:48,745 [ Mary yelps ] 2761 02:28:48,789 --> 02:28:52,836 ♪ 2762 02:28:54,664 --> 02:28:57,189 [ speaking softly ] 2763 02:28:59,582 --> 02:29:02,672 On the evening of that first day of the week, 2764 02:29:02,716 --> 02:29:04,892 when the disciples were together, 2765 02:29:04,936 --> 02:29:07,808 with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders... 2766 02:29:10,115 --> 02:29:13,205 Jesus came and stood among them... 2767 02:29:15,120 --> 02:29:18,297 and said, "Peace be with you." 2768 02:29:19,428 --> 02:29:21,430 ♪ 2769 02:29:24,607 --> 02:29:27,523 [ speaking Aramaic ] 2770 02:29:27,567 --> 02:29:29,177 After He said this, 2771 02:29:29,221 --> 02:29:33,007 He showed them His hands and side. 2772 02:29:33,051 --> 02:29:34,878 The disciples were overjoyed 2773 02:29:34,922 --> 02:29:38,360 when they saw the Lord. 2774 02:29:38,404 --> 02:29:40,145 Again Jesus said, 2775 02:29:40,188 --> 02:29:42,625 "Peace be with you. 2776 02:29:42,669 --> 02:29:44,540 As the Father has sent Me, 2777 02:29:44,584 --> 02:29:47,282 I am sending you." 2778 02:29:47,326 --> 02:29:50,416 And with that, He breathed on them and said, 2779 02:29:50,459 --> 02:29:52,853 "Receive the Holy Spirit. 2780 02:29:52,896 --> 02:29:55,334 If you forgive anyone's sins, 2781 02:29:55,377 --> 02:29:58,032 their sins are forgiven. 2782 02:29:58,076 --> 02:30:02,210 If you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven." 2783 02:30:04,560 --> 02:30:07,520 Now Thomas, also known as Didymus, 2784 02:30:07,563 --> 02:30:09,130 one of the Twelve, 2785 02:30:09,174 --> 02:30:11,219 was not with the disciples when Jesus came. 2786 02:30:11,263 --> 02:30:13,004 So the other disciples told him, 2787 02:30:13,047 --> 02:30:14,962 "We have seen the Lord!" 2788 02:30:15,006 --> 02:30:16,659 But he said to them, 2789 02:30:16,703 --> 02:30:19,097 "Unless I see the nail marks in His hands 2790 02:30:19,140 --> 02:30:21,925 and put my finger where the nails were, 2791 02:30:21,969 --> 02:30:24,189 and put my hand into his side, 2792 02:30:24,232 --> 02:30:26,060 I will not believe." 2793 02:30:26,104 --> 02:30:27,409 ♪ 2794 02:30:27,453 --> 02:30:31,283 [ distant bleating, braying ] 2795 02:30:31,326 --> 02:30:34,416 A week later, His disciples were in the house again, 2796 02:30:34,460 --> 02:30:37,071 and Thomas was with them. 2797 02:30:37,115 --> 02:30:39,465 - [ disciple speaking Aramaic ] - Though the doors were locked, 2798 02:30:39,508 --> 02:30:41,467 Jesus came and stood among them 2799 02:30:41,510 --> 02:30:44,731 and said, "Peace be with you." 2800 02:30:44,774 --> 02:30:47,473 ♪ 2801 02:30:56,482 --> 02:30:58,527 [ speaking Aramaic ] 2802 02:31:01,008 --> 02:31:02,879 Then He said to Thomas, 2803 02:31:02,923 --> 02:31:04,925 "Put your finger here. 2804 02:31:04,968 --> 02:31:07,493 See My hands. 2805 02:31:07,536 --> 02:31:11,105 Reach out your hand and put it into My side. 2806 02:31:11,149 --> 02:31:13,107 [ speaking Aramaic ] 2807 02:31:13,151 --> 02:31:15,196 ♪ 2808 02:31:15,240 --> 02:31:18,243 Stop doubting and believe." 2809 02:31:18,286 --> 02:31:20,288 [ speaking Aramaic ] 2810 02:31:20,332 --> 02:31:22,290 Thomas said to him, 2811 02:31:22,334 --> 02:31:25,163 "My Lord and my God!" 2812 02:31:25,206 --> 02:31:26,860 Then Jesus told him, 2813 02:31:26,903 --> 02:31:31,473 "Because you have seen Me, you have believed; 2814 02:31:31,517 --> 02:31:33,910 blessed are those who have not seen, 2815 02:31:33,954 --> 02:31:36,435 and yet have believed." 2816 02:31:36,478 --> 02:31:39,699 ♪ 2817 02:31:41,483 --> 02:31:43,572 Jesus performed many other signs 2818 02:31:43,616 --> 02:31:46,053 in the presence of His disciples, 2819 02:31:46,097 --> 02:31:49,100 which are not recorded in this book. 2820 02:31:49,143 --> 02:31:51,145 ♪ 2821 02:31:51,189 --> 02:31:53,452 But these are written that you may believe 2822 02:31:53,495 --> 02:31:55,541 that Jesus is the Messiah, 2823 02:31:55,584 --> 02:31:58,152 the Son of God, 2824 02:31:58,196 --> 02:32:00,676 and that by believing, 2825 02:32:00,720 --> 02:32:03,157 you may have life in His name. 2826 02:32:03,201 --> 02:32:07,814 ♪ 2827 02:32:19,304 --> 02:32:21,001 [ lapping ] 2828 02:32:21,044 --> 02:32:24,265 Afterwards, Jesus appeared again to His disciples, 2829 02:32:24,309 --> 02:32:26,441 by the Sea of Galilee. 2830 02:32:26,485 --> 02:32:28,008 It happened this way-- 2831 02:32:28,051 --> 02:32:29,531 Simon Peter, 2832 02:32:29,575 --> 02:32:32,186 Thomas-- also known as Didymus-- 2833 02:32:32,230 --> 02:32:34,623 Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, 2834 02:32:34,667 --> 02:32:36,625 the sons of Zebedee, 2835 02:32:36,669 --> 02:32:39,150 and two other disciples were together. 2836 02:32:41,021 --> 02:32:43,806 "I'm going out to fish," Simon Peter told them, 2837 02:32:43,850 --> 02:32:46,766 and they said, "We'll go with you." 2838 02:32:46,809 --> 02:32:50,204 So they went out and got into the boat, 2839 02:32:50,248 --> 02:32:53,860 but that night they caught nothing. 2840 02:32:53,903 --> 02:32:58,125 ♪ 2841 02:32:58,169 --> 02:32:59,735 Early in the morning, 2842 02:32:59,779 --> 02:33:03,304 Jesus stood on the shore, 2843 02:33:03,348 --> 02:33:06,612 but the disciples did not realize that itwas Jesus. 2844 02:33:07,743 --> 02:33:09,354 He called out to them, 2845 02:33:09,397 --> 02:33:12,095 "Friends, haven't you any fish?" 2846 02:33:14,141 --> 02:33:16,361 "No," they answered. 2847 02:33:16,404 --> 02:33:19,581 He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat 2848 02:33:19,625 --> 02:33:21,670 and you will find some." 2849 02:33:21,714 --> 02:33:24,238 When they did, they were unable to haul the net in 2850 02:33:24,282 --> 02:33:28,242 because of the large number of fish. 2851 02:33:28,286 --> 02:33:29,896 Then the disciple whom Jesus loved 2852 02:33:29,939 --> 02:33:31,419 said to Peter, 2853 02:33:31,463 --> 02:33:33,726 "It is the Lord!" 2854 02:33:33,769 --> 02:33:35,728 As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, 2855 02:33:35,771 --> 02:33:37,425 "It is the Lord," 2856 02:33:37,469 --> 02:33:39,253 he wrapped his outer garment 'round him-- 2857 02:33:39,297 --> 02:33:43,344 for he had taken it off-- and jumped into the water. 2858 02:33:43,388 --> 02:33:45,651 The other disciples followed in the boat, 2859 02:33:45,694 --> 02:33:47,653 towing the net full of fish, 2860 02:33:47,696 --> 02:33:49,611 for they were not far from shore, 2861 02:33:49,655 --> 02:33:52,179 about a hundred meters. 2862 02:33:52,223 --> 02:33:54,094 ♪ 2863 02:33:54,137 --> 02:33:56,923 When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there 2864 02:33:56,966 --> 02:33:59,882 with fish on it, and some bread. 2865 02:33:59,926 --> 02:34:01,536 Jesus said to them, 2866 02:34:01,580 --> 02:34:05,758 "Bring some of the fish you have just caught." 2867 02:34:05,801 --> 02:34:08,282 So Simon Peter climbed back into the boat 2868 02:34:08,326 --> 02:34:11,154 and dragged the net ashore. 2869 02:34:11,198 --> 02:34:15,594 It was full of large fish, 153, 2870 02:34:15,637 --> 02:34:18,771 but even with so many, the net was not torn. 2871 02:34:18,814 --> 02:34:21,643 [ flapping ] 2872 02:34:21,687 --> 02:34:25,560 Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." 2873 02:34:25,604 --> 02:34:27,823 None of the disciples dared ask Him, 2874 02:34:27,867 --> 02:34:29,216 "Who are you?" 2875 02:34:29,260 --> 02:34:31,914 They knew it was the Lord. 2876 02:34:31,958 --> 02:34:34,221 Jesus came, took the bread 2877 02:34:34,265 --> 02:34:37,529 and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish. 2878 02:34:37,572 --> 02:34:38,965 This was now the third time 2879 02:34:39,008 --> 02:34:40,575 Jesus appeared to His disciples 2880 02:34:40,619 --> 02:34:42,838 after He was raised from the dead. 2881 02:34:42,882 --> 02:34:46,799 ♪ 2882 02:34:46,842 --> 02:34:48,409 When they had finished eating, 2883 02:34:48,453 --> 02:34:50,672 Jesus said to Simon Peter, 2884 02:34:50,716 --> 02:34:53,371 - "Simon, son of John..." - [ speaking Aramaic ] 2885 02:34:53,414 --> 02:34:56,069 "do you love Me more than these?" 2886 02:34:56,112 --> 02:34:59,986 "Yes, Lord," he said, "You know that I love You." 2887 02:35:00,029 --> 02:35:03,903 Jesus said, "Feed My lambs." 2888 02:35:03,946 --> 02:35:07,689 Again, Jesus said, "Simon, son of John, 2889 02:35:07,733 --> 02:35:09,735 do you love Me?" 2890 02:35:09,778 --> 02:35:11,954 He answered, "Yes, Lord, 2891 02:35:11,998 --> 02:35:14,000 You know that I love You." 2892 02:35:14,043 --> 02:35:16,089 [ speaking Aramaic ] 2893 02:35:16,132 --> 02:35:19,745 Jesus said, "Take care of My sheep." 2894 02:35:19,788 --> 02:35:21,964 The third time He said to him, 2895 02:35:22,008 --> 02:35:24,706 "Simon, son of John, 2896 02:35:24,750 --> 02:35:26,578 do you love Me?" 2897 02:35:26,621 --> 02:35:30,190 Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, 2898 02:35:30,233 --> 02:35:31,452 "Do you love Me?" 2899 02:35:31,496 --> 02:35:33,411 He said, "Lord, 2900 02:35:33,454 --> 02:35:35,500 You know all things; 2901 02:35:35,543 --> 02:35:38,241 You know that I love You." 2902 02:35:38,285 --> 02:35:40,896 Jesus said, 2903 02:35:40,940 --> 02:35:42,985 "Feed My sheep. 2904 02:35:43,029 --> 02:35:46,206 Very truly I tell you, when you were younger 2905 02:35:46,249 --> 02:35:49,340 you dressed yourself and went whereyou wanted... 2906 02:35:51,733 --> 02:35:55,389 but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, 2907 02:35:55,433 --> 02:35:57,739 and someone else will dress you 2908 02:35:57,783 --> 02:36:00,394 and lead you where you donot want to go." 2909 02:36:00,438 --> 02:36:04,355 ♪ 2910 02:36:04,398 --> 02:36:06,574 Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death 2911 02:36:06,618 --> 02:36:10,491 by which Peter would glorify God. 2912 02:36:10,535 --> 02:36:13,842 Then He said to him, "Follow Me." 2913 02:36:13,886 --> 02:36:16,845 ♪ 2914 02:36:16,889 --> 02:36:19,848 Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved 2915 02:36:19,892 --> 02:36:22,111 was following them. This was the one 2916 02:36:22,155 --> 02:36:24,505 who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper 2917 02:36:24,549 --> 02:36:28,422 and had said, "Lord, who is going to betray You?" 2918 02:36:28,466 --> 02:36:31,077 When Peter saw him, he asked, 2919 02:36:31,120 --> 02:36:34,559 "Lord, what about him?" 2920 02:36:34,602 --> 02:36:37,213 ♪ 2921 02:36:38,389 --> 02:36:39,912 Jesus answered, 2922 02:36:39,955 --> 02:36:43,350 "If I want him to remain alive until I return, 2923 02:36:43,394 --> 02:36:46,962 what is that to you? You must followMe." 2924 02:36:47,006 --> 02:36:48,747 Because of this, 2925 02:36:48,790 --> 02:36:50,705 the rumor spread among the believers 2926 02:36:50,749 --> 02:36:53,273 that this disciple would not die. 2927 02:36:53,316 --> 02:36:56,015 But Jesus did not say that he would not die; 2928 02:36:56,058 --> 02:36:57,712 He only said, 2929 02:36:57,756 --> 02:37:02,456 "If I want him to remain alive until I return, 2930 02:37:02,500 --> 02:37:04,937 what is that to you?" 2931 02:37:04,980 --> 02:37:08,331 ♪ 2932 02:37:08,375 --> 02:37:11,422 This is the disciple who testifies to these things 2933 02:37:11,465 --> 02:37:13,989 and who wrote them down. 2934 02:37:14,033 --> 02:37:17,689 We know that his testimony is true. 2935 02:37:18,994 --> 02:37:22,215 ♪ 2936 02:37:22,258 --> 02:37:25,087 Jesus did many other things as well. 2937 02:37:25,131 --> 02:37:27,960 If every one of them were written down, 2938 02:37:28,003 --> 02:37:31,311 I suppose that even the whole world would not have room 2939 02:37:31,354 --> 02:37:33,922 for the books that would be written. 2940 02:37:33,966 --> 02:37:37,230 ♪ 2941 02:37:49,547 --> 02:37:52,680 [ instrumental music playing ]