1 00:00:11,304 --> 00:00:12,513 What the hell was that thing? 2 00:00:12,597 --> 00:00:13,866 It just appeared out of nowhere. 3 00:00:13,890 --> 00:00:16,142 And that shriek scared the crap out of me. 4 00:00:16,225 --> 00:00:18,269 Some kind of a flying monkey? 5 00:00:18,352 --> 00:00:20,164 Flying monkeys? What is this, the planet of oz? 6 00:00:20,188 --> 00:00:22,815 To me, it appeared to be leaping rather than flying. 7 00:00:22,899 --> 00:00:23,959 That was one hell of a leap. 8 00:00:23,983 --> 00:00:25,423 Well, I said it looked like a monkey, 9 00:00:25,484 --> 00:00:27,528 you know, hair, arms, legs... And a beak. 10 00:00:27,612 --> 00:00:29,030 It didn't have a beak. 11 00:00:29,113 --> 00:00:31,073 Here, I uploaded it. There. 12 00:00:32,241 --> 00:00:33,761 You know, that really clears things up. 13 00:00:33,826 --> 00:00:35,554 Well, what do you expect? It was trying to kill me. 14 00:00:35,578 --> 00:00:36,680 What the hell is that thing? 15 00:00:36,704 --> 00:00:39,665 Let's send a team of biologists down there and let them figure it out. 16 00:00:39,749 --> 00:00:41,459 It might be a good place for an Alpha site. 17 00:00:41,542 --> 00:00:43,085 The planet did seem suitable. 18 00:00:43,169 --> 00:00:44,754 Good climate, abundant food and water. 19 00:00:44,837 --> 00:00:46,422 Excellent choice for an offworld base. 20 00:00:46,505 --> 00:00:48,049 Aside from the flying monkeys. 21 00:00:48,132 --> 00:00:50,635 All right, we're coming into range, Rodney. 22 00:00:57,683 --> 00:01:00,686 Rodney? Serious power spike. 23 00:01:00,770 --> 00:01:02,605 That's strange. What's wrong? 24 00:01:02,688 --> 00:01:05,149 I don't know. These readings are all screwy. 25 00:01:05,233 --> 00:01:06,901 I just lost steering. Really? 26 00:01:07,026 --> 00:01:09,111 The drive pods won't retract. Do something. 27 00:01:09,195 --> 00:01:11,030 I could if I knew what the problem was. 28 00:01:11,113 --> 00:01:13,115 Sheppard: Rodney... Just hang on. Hang on. 29 00:01:13,199 --> 00:01:14,784 Yeah, but if those pods don't retract... 30 00:01:14,867 --> 00:01:16,303 I know, I know. Just give me a second. 31 00:01:16,327 --> 00:01:18,579 We don't have a second. 32 00:01:18,663 --> 00:01:20,122 What the hell? 33 00:01:22,250 --> 00:01:23,709 We just lost power. 34 00:01:23,793 --> 00:01:25,670 All right, you better hold on. 35 00:02:49,670 --> 00:02:51,839 Okay, good. Good. I was wrong. 36 00:02:51,922 --> 00:02:54,802 We still have power. It's just not getting to any of the primary systems. 37 00:02:54,842 --> 00:02:57,053 Or the secondary systems, either. Why not? 38 00:02:57,136 --> 00:02:58,864 I don't know. It's some kind of interference. 39 00:02:58,888 --> 00:03:00,765 I'm getting spikes all over the place. 40 00:03:00,848 --> 00:03:02,516 I mean, it's completely haywire. 41 00:03:02,600 --> 00:03:04,328 Thank god the inertial dampeners weren't affected. 42 00:03:04,352 --> 00:03:05,519 Well, not yet. 43 00:03:06,771 --> 00:03:08,564 Jeez! What the hell is that? 44 00:03:08,647 --> 00:03:10,483 There's displacement current. High voltage. 45 00:03:10,566 --> 00:03:12,193 Do not let it hit you. Oh, you think? 46 00:03:12,276 --> 00:03:13,754 Perhaps it's something we picked up on the planet. 47 00:03:13,778 --> 00:03:16,113 That is doubtful, okay? There was nothing technological, 48 00:03:16,197 --> 00:03:17,823 I mean, ancient or other, on that planet. 49 00:03:17,907 --> 00:03:19,367 It was totally primordial. 50 00:03:19,450 --> 00:03:21,762 I didn't detect anything unusual in the planet's magnetosphere. 51 00:03:21,786 --> 00:03:25,206 Look, it's got to be some kind of a glitch in the jumper's capacitors. 52 00:03:25,331 --> 00:03:28,125 Just give me a second. I'll figure out how to... 53 00:03:28,209 --> 00:03:30,127 Oh, no. What? 54 00:03:31,087 --> 00:03:34,048 Hitting the gate decreased our speed, which means we're in decaying orbit. 55 00:03:34,131 --> 00:03:35,233 Look, if we don't get power back, 56 00:03:35,257 --> 00:03:36,737 we're gonna burn up in the atmosphere. 57 00:03:36,801 --> 00:03:39,970 All right, try to get the dhd working. We can dial the gate and radio for help. 58 00:03:40,054 --> 00:03:43,391 Well, I'll try, but the radio communications were affected, as well. 59 00:03:45,351 --> 00:03:46,894 The drive pods are powering up. 60 00:03:46,977 --> 00:03:48,747 Yeah, but only one of them, and it wasn't anything I did. 61 00:03:48,771 --> 00:03:50,106 I mean, it just came back online. 62 00:03:50,231 --> 00:03:51,871 By itself? It doesn't make any difference. 63 00:03:51,899 --> 00:03:54,419 Keep working on that dhd. I'm gonna try to get us back in range. 64 00:04:02,701 --> 00:04:04,370 Okay, I got bad news and I got good news. 65 00:04:04,453 --> 00:04:05,496 What is it? 66 00:04:05,579 --> 00:04:07,265 Slim to no chance of getting the dhd working. 67 00:04:07,289 --> 00:04:09,166 That system is completely out of whack. 68 00:04:09,250 --> 00:04:11,603 It's gonna take some incredibly intricate rerouting of the power to... 69 00:04:11,627 --> 00:04:13,754 What's the good news? 70 00:04:13,963 --> 00:04:17,091 That was the good news. The bad news is, we lost life support. 71 00:04:17,174 --> 00:04:18,759 So, no air? 72 00:04:18,843 --> 00:04:20,636 Right. That's why it's bad. 73 00:04:20,719 --> 00:04:21,905 All right, we're back in range. 74 00:04:21,929 --> 00:04:25,558 Just keep working on the dhd. This may be our last shot. 75 00:04:27,351 --> 00:04:28,394 What just happened? 76 00:04:28,477 --> 00:04:29,788 I don't know, but we're back online. 77 00:04:29,812 --> 00:04:31,647 Everything! Dhd? 78 00:04:31,730 --> 00:04:33,732 We got propulsion, life support, you name it. 79 00:04:38,904 --> 00:04:41,615 Atlantis, this is Sheppard. Coming in for approach, 80 00:04:41,699 --> 00:04:42,884 but our systems are a little whacked. 81 00:04:42,908 --> 00:04:44,577 Ifwe're not there in about 10 seconds, 82 00:04:44,702 --> 00:04:46,721 send a jumper for us. Man on radio: Copy that, colonel. 83 00:04:46,745 --> 00:04:49,123 You need to brace yourself again. 84 00:05:06,098 --> 00:05:08,118 Woolsey: Any of the other jumpers reporting trouble? 85 00:05:08,142 --> 00:05:10,186 No. Probably an isolated incident, 86 00:05:10,269 --> 00:05:12,354 but McKay and Zelenka are checking into it. 87 00:05:12,438 --> 00:05:15,500 We should probably ground the jumpers till we know what the problem is, though. 88 00:05:15,524 --> 00:05:18,444 All right. But the planet, suitable for an Alpha site? 89 00:05:18,527 --> 00:05:22,656 Yeah, perfect. Well, except for the monkey-like creature flying around, 90 00:05:22,781 --> 00:05:24,700 but I think we can handle that. Monkey? 91 00:05:24,867 --> 00:05:28,329 Yeah, McKay's got some photos. He'll show them to you. 92 00:05:28,829 --> 00:05:30,664 Did you say "flying"? 93 00:05:33,292 --> 00:05:35,377 So, how's it going, boys? Get it fixed? 94 00:05:35,461 --> 00:05:36,545 There's nothing to fix. 95 00:05:36,629 --> 00:05:37,963 What? We ran a battery of tests. 96 00:05:38,047 --> 00:05:39,149 The jumper's in perfect condition. 97 00:05:39,173 --> 00:05:40,609 How come the systems went all screwy? 98 00:05:40,633 --> 00:05:41,634 You got me. 99 00:05:41,717 --> 00:05:43,695 We couldn't recreate any of the so-called anomalies. 100 00:05:43,719 --> 00:05:46,055 Hey, Sammy skeptic, he saw it, too, as did ronon and Teyla. 101 00:05:46,514 --> 00:05:47,949 All of our primary systems went down. 102 00:05:47,973 --> 00:05:50,017 That's okay, I believe you. I don't think you do. 103 00:05:50,142 --> 00:05:52,742 It's just that I think that maybe the problem might've been caused 104 00:05:52,811 --> 00:05:54,122 by something that you unwittingly... 105 00:05:54,146 --> 00:05:55,940 I didn't do anything, wittingly or UN. 106 00:05:56,023 --> 00:05:58,317 Okay, okay. There's nothing wrong with the jumper? 107 00:05:58,400 --> 00:05:59,443 Well, not anymore. 108 00:05:59,527 --> 00:06:00,795 Well, I don't think there ever was anything wrong 109 00:06:00,819 --> 00:06:02,019 with the jumper. Okay, enough. 110 00:06:33,519 --> 00:06:34,687 Oh, please. 111 00:06:36,063 --> 00:06:38,732 Control room, this is Richard woolsey. 112 00:06:38,857 --> 00:06:42,111 I took a wrong turn in a transporter and ended up... 113 00:06:42,403 --> 00:06:46,282 I have no idea where I am. But now the transporter door won't open. 114 00:06:46,365 --> 00:06:49,034 Can you locate me and open it, please? 115 00:06:51,745 --> 00:06:52,913 Woolsey: Hello? 116 00:06:57,918 --> 00:07:00,296 Rodney? Mcka y: Go ahead. 117 00:07:00,379 --> 00:07:02,099 Are you messing around with the power again? 118 00:07:02,131 --> 00:07:03,215 The lights are flickering. 119 00:07:03,382 --> 00:07:07,219 Yeah, I'm getting reports from all over the place. Hello? 120 00:07:10,431 --> 00:07:11,724 Rodney. 121 00:07:12,099 --> 00:07:13,684 Have you noticed the... yes. 122 00:07:13,767 --> 00:07:15,561 Well, do you have any... Not yet. 123 00:07:15,644 --> 00:07:16,687 Is it localized? 124 00:07:16,770 --> 00:07:18,564 Got power disruptions all over the city. 125 00:07:18,647 --> 00:07:21,275 Still online, plenty of power. 126 00:07:21,400 --> 00:07:24,403 It's just suddenly become unstable. 127 00:07:25,237 --> 00:07:27,382 Sounds not unlike what you said happened in the puddle jumper. 128 00:07:27,406 --> 00:07:29,658 Yes, remarkably not unlike it. 129 00:07:30,451 --> 00:07:32,304 Well, perhaps the anomaly has spread to the city's systems? 130 00:07:32,328 --> 00:07:34,097 That's impossible. I disabled the network connection 131 00:07:34,121 --> 00:07:38,334 between the jumper and Atlantis before we even came through the gate. 132 00:07:39,793 --> 00:07:42,671 Oh. So, coincidence then? 133 00:07:46,759 --> 00:07:48,111 There you are! I tried to radio you. 134 00:07:48,135 --> 00:07:49,446 Yeah, well, communications are down. 135 00:07:49,470 --> 00:07:51,639 Yeah, obviously. What's up? We're working on it. 136 00:07:51,764 --> 00:07:53,884 Well, I just almost got zapped by a bolt of lightning. 137 00:07:53,932 --> 00:07:55,225 What? Displacement current here? 138 00:07:55,309 --> 00:07:56,411 Yeah, right there in the corridor. 139 00:07:56,435 --> 00:07:58,875 Just like the one we had in the jumper. So, not a coincidence. 140 00:07:59,521 --> 00:08:00,939 We just lost power to the Stargate! 141 00:08:01,023 --> 00:08:02,107 What? 142 00:08:02,191 --> 00:08:04,902 Well, maybe a virus uploaded itself or something. 143 00:08:04,985 --> 00:08:07,797 No, no, I disabled the jumper's network connection for this very reason. 144 00:08:07,821 --> 00:08:11,367 There is no way the anomaly jumped to the city's systems. 145 00:08:16,830 --> 00:08:18,791 You better figure it out 146 00:08:18,874 --> 00:08:22,336 because whatever was in that jumper is now in the city. 147 00:08:28,842 --> 00:08:30,052 Sheppard: Where have you been? 148 00:08:30,135 --> 00:08:31,637 On the other side of the city. 149 00:08:31,720 --> 00:08:34,223 Transporter malfunctioned and sent me to the east pier. 150 00:08:34,306 --> 00:08:35,849 I had to walk all the way back. 151 00:08:35,974 --> 00:08:38,102 We've got power disruptions all over the city. 152 00:08:38,185 --> 00:08:40,020 Look, nearly every system's affected. 153 00:08:40,145 --> 00:08:42,745 We think whatever was wrong with the jumper has infected Atlantis. 154 00:08:42,815 --> 00:08:44,942 It's one of several possibilities we're looking into. 155 00:08:45,025 --> 00:08:46,545 Several? It's a possibility, all right? 156 00:08:47,653 --> 00:08:50,030 The point is, we have no idea what's going on here. 157 00:08:50,155 --> 00:08:51,508 I was almost hit by a bolt of lightning. 158 00:08:51,532 --> 00:08:52,741 Yeah, join the club. 159 00:08:52,825 --> 00:08:55,035 The energy builds up in one area and then discharges 160 00:08:55,160 --> 00:08:59,289 in a high-voltage displacement current. Very erratic and very lethal. 161 00:08:59,373 --> 00:09:00,624 I tried to radio you. 162 00:09:00,708 --> 00:09:02,418 Yeah, well, communications are also down. 163 00:09:02,501 --> 00:09:04,211 So is the Stargate. 164 00:09:04,837 --> 00:09:06,004 We can't dial earth? 165 00:09:06,088 --> 00:09:08,841 Don't worry, all right? I will figure it out. 166 00:09:08,966 --> 00:09:12,136 I just gotta run a few diagnostics, narrow down... 167 00:09:17,850 --> 00:09:19,852 Well, that can't be good. 168 00:09:25,023 --> 00:09:27,025 Okay. Okay, 169 00:09:27,818 --> 00:09:30,070 we need to organize some teams, fan out through the city, 170 00:09:30,195 --> 00:09:32,476 keep everyone calm until we figure out exactly what the... 171 00:09:33,490 --> 00:09:34,533 Hey. 172 00:09:37,369 --> 00:09:38,662 The laptop just booted up. 173 00:09:39,246 --> 00:09:40,706 It's probably just the battery. 174 00:09:40,831 --> 00:09:43,292 No, no, no. It's drawing power from the system. 175 00:09:43,375 --> 00:09:45,711 So everything's out except your computer? 176 00:09:45,836 --> 00:09:47,921 I'm as confused as you are. 177 00:09:54,386 --> 00:09:55,471 What is that? 178 00:09:55,554 --> 00:09:57,973 Looks like some kind of a code. 179 00:09:58,056 --> 00:10:00,559 Maybe. Could be a message. 180 00:10:08,400 --> 00:10:09,568 "Help"? 181 00:10:29,880 --> 00:10:31,089 Dr. Weir? 182 00:10:32,758 --> 00:10:34,259 But she's dead. 183 00:10:34,968 --> 00:10:36,595 So we've been told. 184 00:10:40,390 --> 00:10:43,393 Perhaps you should answer her. 185 00:10:46,104 --> 00:10:47,272 Right. 186 00:10:55,948 --> 00:10:59,117 In the computer? How can she be in the computer? 187 00:11:50,544 --> 00:11:52,212 All right. Rodney? 188 00:11:53,005 --> 00:11:54,673 Rodney, come in. 189 00:11:56,300 --> 00:11:58,802 Rodney, can you hear me? Mcka y: Go ahead. 190 00:11:59,011 --> 00:12:00,178 I've completed the patch. 191 00:12:00,304 --> 00:12:02,014 Go ahead and try it. Whenever you're ready. 192 00:12:02,347 --> 00:12:05,183 Okay, fingers crossed. What are you doing? 193 00:12:05,517 --> 00:12:07,144 Well, whatever this entity is, 194 00:12:07,227 --> 00:12:09,521 it's completely overwhelming the city's systems. 195 00:12:09,646 --> 00:12:11,148 It's spread out. 196 00:12:11,231 --> 00:12:15,903 It's like dozens of fragmented programs that are fouling up power management, 197 00:12:16,028 --> 00:12:19,364 communications, you name it. Now, I've managed to merge them, 198 00:12:20,908 --> 00:12:23,386 to patch them together into one incredibly large program that will, 199 00:12:23,410 --> 00:12:26,204 a, hopefully render our systems slightly more stable, 200 00:12:26,330 --> 00:12:30,500 and b, allow us to better communicate with whoever or whatever it is 201 00:12:30,584 --> 00:12:32,044 that's claiming to be Dr. Weir. 202 00:12:32,169 --> 00:12:35,047 Isn't merging all these programs potentially dangerous? 203 00:12:35,172 --> 00:12:37,483 Well, hell yeah, but it's no more dangerous than allowing this thing 204 00:12:37,507 --> 00:12:39,027 to continue wreaking havoc on the city's systems. 205 00:12:39,051 --> 00:12:41,053 Or getting zapped by bolts of lightning. 206 00:12:41,136 --> 00:12:46,391 Okay, so, I'm gonna see if I can synthesize a voice to communicate with Elizabeth. 207 00:12:46,516 --> 00:12:50,729 If I make the proper calibrations, she should be able to hear us, too. 208 00:12:52,189 --> 00:12:53,398 Now. 209 00:12:54,399 --> 00:12:56,568 Elizabeth? Male electronic voice: Rodney? 210 00:12:58,737 --> 00:13:01,823 Is it just me, or does Elizabeth sound a little different? 211 00:13:01,907 --> 00:13:03,742 I'm on it. I'm on it. 212 00:13:11,166 --> 00:13:12,668 McKay: Are you Elizabeth Weir? 213 00:13:12,751 --> 00:13:14,586 Female electronic voice: Yes, Rodney. It's me. 214 00:13:14,670 --> 00:13:16,588 That's the best I can do. 215 00:13:17,422 --> 00:13:19,174 I'm sorry to cause all this trouble. 216 00:13:19,257 --> 00:13:22,219 Who's there with you? Is John Sheppard there? 217 00:13:24,262 --> 00:13:27,099 Hi. It's so good to hear your voice again. 218 00:13:27,933 --> 00:13:33,105 We thought you were dead. 219 00:13:33,522 --> 00:13:36,900 I suppose I am. My physical body, anyway, 220 00:13:37,609 --> 00:13:39,569 but my consciousness is still intact. 221 00:13:39,778 --> 00:13:42,280 Right. So what happened? 222 00:13:42,406 --> 00:13:44,950 Do you remember the day I ordered you to leave me behind? 223 00:13:45,409 --> 00:13:47,285 John! Elizabeth! 224 00:13:53,083 --> 00:13:54,960 Yeah. Yeah, I remember. 225 00:13:55,085 --> 00:13:57,879 Well, after that, the replicators took me to a lab. 226 00:13:57,963 --> 00:14:01,466 The nanites in my body were unleashed and allowed to replicate. 227 00:14:01,591 --> 00:14:04,636 I joined the population, but even in my new form, 228 00:14:04,761 --> 00:14:07,389 my original consciousness was still there. 229 00:14:07,472 --> 00:14:09,057 I was still me. 230 00:14:09,141 --> 00:14:12,811 I tried to hide it, but a few of the others could sense it. 231 00:14:13,729 --> 00:14:16,314 They were remnants of niam's old group. 232 00:14:17,315 --> 00:14:19,651 I believe you encountered some of their handiwork. 233 00:14:19,735 --> 00:14:22,988 Replicator-built human versions of me and your team. 234 00:14:23,321 --> 00:14:24,489 McKay: Hmm. 235 00:14:24,614 --> 00:14:26,700 You heard about that, did you? 236 00:14:26,783 --> 00:14:28,410 Only after they were killed. 237 00:14:30,454 --> 00:14:33,874 Now, the other you, the human one, 238 00:14:33,957 --> 00:14:35,917 she thought you'd been destroyed. 239 00:14:36,001 --> 00:14:38,754 That's what the leaders of our group wanted her to believe. 240 00:14:38,837 --> 00:14:42,174 They kept us apart deliberately for security reasons. 241 00:14:42,299 --> 00:14:46,178 This is all very interesting, I'm sure, but none of it explains 242 00:14:46,303 --> 00:14:50,932 how you've come to be a disembodied voice in our computer system. 243 00:14:51,016 --> 00:14:53,435 Is that Richard woolsey? 244 00:14:54,186 --> 00:14:56,438 Yes. It is. 245 00:14:56,521 --> 00:14:59,775 I'm the new... 246 00:14:59,858 --> 00:15:01,860 The new you. I see. 247 00:15:04,362 --> 00:15:11,036 So what happened? How did you end up in there? 248 00:15:12,621 --> 00:15:14,206 We were on the run. 249 00:15:14,289 --> 00:15:16,541 Oberoth and the others were hunting us down 250 00:15:16,625 --> 00:15:18,460 for our heretical beliefs. 251 00:15:18,543 --> 00:15:22,547 It was only a matter of time before we'd be captured and destroyed, 252 00:15:22,672 --> 00:15:24,549 unless something miraculous happened. 253 00:15:25,342 --> 00:15:26,885 And something did. 254 00:15:31,556 --> 00:15:34,726 Our intel was correct. The planet has been completely destroyed. 255 00:15:34,810 --> 00:15:37,395 Can you detect any trace replicator cells? 256 00:15:37,479 --> 00:15:40,357 Negative. They've been completely wiped out. 257 00:15:41,191 --> 00:15:42,359 Good. 258 00:15:43,068 --> 00:15:46,738 We can finally get to work without having to look over our shoulders. 259 00:15:48,698 --> 00:15:50,408 It's time to begin. 260 00:15:53,745 --> 00:15:58,583 Well, that wasn't a miracle. That was us. We destroyed the replicator homeworld. 261 00:15:58,750 --> 00:16:01,878 Female electronic voice: I know, and we owe you a debt of gratitude, 262 00:16:02,420 --> 00:16:05,590 because it allowed us to pursue our goal in peace. 263 00:16:05,841 --> 00:16:08,260 You mean ascension? Exactly, te yla. 264 00:16:09,261 --> 00:16:12,430 We found a suitable planet and began our work. 265 00:16:12,556 --> 00:16:14,766 I did what I could to help them. 266 00:16:14,850 --> 00:16:19,104 I tried to lead them in meditation, to teach them how to release their burden, 267 00:16:19,604 --> 00:16:21,273 but it was difficult. 268 00:16:23,275 --> 00:16:26,695 Let me guess, you ran into a small hiccup with the fact that you're all machines? 269 00:16:26,778 --> 00:16:27,779 Yes. 270 00:16:28,280 --> 00:16:31,283 Well, much as I'd like to say we didn't see that coming, 271 00:16:31,366 --> 00:16:33,368 we, you know, did. 272 00:16:33,910 --> 00:16:35,871 One of our group, koracen, 273 00:16:35,954 --> 00:16:37,873 argued that it was a mistake to try and run away 274 00:16:37,956 --> 00:16:39,875 from our technological origin, 275 00:16:39,958 --> 00:16:43,128 that we should embrace it and find a technological solution. 276 00:16:43,879 --> 00:16:46,965 We know that a replicator mind can be digitized and transferred 277 00:16:47,090 --> 00:16:49,134 from one body to another, 278 00:16:49,301 --> 00:16:53,305 but I've discovered a way that will allow us to exist indefinitely 279 00:16:53,972 --> 00:16:55,807 as fields of energy, 280 00:16:55,891 --> 00:16:58,977 effectively uploading ourselves into subspace, 281 00:16:59,060 --> 00:17:01,396 where we'll be free to move about the galaxy 282 00:17:01,479 --> 00:17:03,398 unencumbered by physical existence. 283 00:17:03,481 --> 00:17:05,567 What would happen to our bodies? 284 00:17:05,650 --> 00:17:08,236 The nanite bonds holding them together would be severed. 285 00:17:08,320 --> 00:17:09,571 You mean they'll be destroyed? 286 00:17:09,654 --> 00:17:11,990 Yes, but we'll no longer need them. 287 00:17:12,073 --> 00:17:13,301 Koracen, if this doesn't work... 288 00:17:13,325 --> 00:17:15,160 It will work. 289 00:17:16,494 --> 00:17:18,413 You told us that ascension is achieved 290 00:17:18,496 --> 00:17:22,000 when the physical body is transformed into pure energy. 291 00:17:22,667 --> 00:17:26,755 I can make that happen for us. Once in subspace, 292 00:17:26,838 --> 00:17:31,009 nothing can prevent us from continuing on to the next plane of existence. 293 00:17:32,177 --> 00:17:33,762 Are you ready? 294 00:17:47,359 --> 00:17:48,693 Koracen: It's done. 295 00:17:51,613 --> 00:17:53,281 Machine ascension? 296 00:17:53,990 --> 00:17:55,951 Female electronic voice: Except it didn't work. 297 00:17:56,034 --> 00:18:01,039 There was no next step, no ascension, in any meaningful sense of the word. 298 00:18:01,539 --> 00:18:04,542 We've been stuck in subspace ever since. 299 00:18:04,626 --> 00:18:05,710 What is it like? 300 00:18:05,835 --> 00:18:10,715 Constant motion and deafening noise. 301 00:18:10,840 --> 00:18:13,718 It's like the worst migraine you could possibly imagine. 302 00:18:13,802 --> 00:18:16,197 I don't know. I've had some pretty horrendous migraines in my time. 303 00:18:16,221 --> 00:18:17,889 We started searching the galaxy, 304 00:18:17,973 --> 00:18:21,393 looking for a way to regain any kind of physical form. 305 00:18:21,476 --> 00:18:24,813 We came across a few other technologically-advanced societies. 306 00:18:24,896 --> 00:18:26,731 Really? In this galaxy? 307 00:18:26,815 --> 00:18:29,401 You'd be surprised how many more are out there, 308 00:18:29,484 --> 00:18:31,820 keeping themselves hidden from the wraith. 309 00:18:31,903 --> 00:18:36,241 We occupied various computer systems, even wraith tech for a short while. 310 00:18:36,324 --> 00:18:37,993 Wraith tech? Really? 311 00:18:38,076 --> 00:18:40,578 It was extremely unpleasant. 312 00:18:40,912 --> 00:18:42,497 In fact, no matter where we looked, 313 00:18:42,580 --> 00:18:45,500 we couldn't find any technology that would allow us to exist 314 00:18:45,583 --> 00:18:48,837 as anything even remotely like what we were before. 315 00:18:49,754 --> 00:18:51,589 Which is why you came here. 316 00:18:51,673 --> 00:18:54,434 You knew that Atlantis's computers were big enough and powerful enough 317 00:18:54,509 --> 00:18:55,927 to house your entire program. 318 00:18:56,011 --> 00:18:59,014 The others were growing increasingly frustrated and bitter. 319 00:18:59,097 --> 00:19:02,350 I broke away from them and started looking for you on my own. 320 00:19:02,434 --> 00:19:04,269 I searched the galaxy for months. 321 00:19:04,394 --> 00:19:07,188 Then I detected your puddle jumper and connected with it. 322 00:19:07,272 --> 00:19:09,607 Nearly killing us in the process. 323 00:19:09,691 --> 00:19:11,693 I'm sorry for that. 324 00:19:11,776 --> 00:19:16,197 My current condition is extremely volatile, difficult to control, 325 00:19:16,281 --> 00:19:20,035 especially during the initial moments trying to interface with new tech, 326 00:19:20,118 --> 00:19:22,537 but I didn't know where else to turn. 327 00:19:22,620 --> 00:19:24,289 You're the only friends I have. 328 00:19:32,213 --> 00:19:34,859 If you ask me, it's a trick. Someone just pretending to be Dr. Weir. 329 00:19:34,883 --> 00:19:36,634 But what if it is her? 330 00:19:36,718 --> 00:19:38,904 Look, we still have the ancient machine I used to build Fran. 331 00:19:38,928 --> 00:19:40,364 I could easily build another replicator to house... 332 00:19:40,388 --> 00:19:43,224 I'd put in fail-safes, a kill switch. 333 00:19:43,308 --> 00:19:45,369 Look, what I'm saying is that with all of the advancements 334 00:19:45,393 --> 00:19:46,787 I've been able to make... With all due respect 335 00:19:46,811 --> 00:19:49,314 to the advancements you've made, one thing remains constant. 336 00:19:49,397 --> 00:19:53,068 Replicators are far too powerful to even think about trusting them. 337 00:19:53,151 --> 00:19:54,545 They've been the scourge of two galaxies. 338 00:19:54,569 --> 00:19:56,797 You know better than anyone how difficult it was to get rid of them. 339 00:19:56,821 --> 00:19:58,090 Then what should we do with her? 340 00:19:58,114 --> 00:19:59,216 Well, she can't stay where she is. 341 00:19:59,240 --> 00:20:01,076 I mean, she's frying the city's computers. 342 00:20:01,159 --> 00:20:05,830 Well, maybe we can upload her or it or whatever this thing is 343 00:20:05,955 --> 00:20:08,666 into a virtual reality, like we did with Ava? 344 00:20:08,750 --> 00:20:12,087 That could work, but it wouldn't be easy, especially if she doesn't want to go. 345 00:20:12,170 --> 00:20:14,130 We'll talk to her. 346 00:20:14,756 --> 00:20:17,342 Rodney, we've just detected anomalous energy levels 347 00:20:18,009 --> 00:20:19,779 in the south pier lab. What, the replicator machine. 348 00:20:19,803 --> 00:20:21,096 She's building herself a body. 349 00:20:21,179 --> 00:20:22,764 She must've found it in the database. 350 00:20:22,847 --> 00:20:23,991 Shut down power to that room. 351 00:20:24,015 --> 00:20:25,618 I tried. I've also tried to radio down there, 352 00:20:25,642 --> 00:20:27,082 but communications are still offline. 353 00:20:31,189 --> 00:20:32,607 Sheppard: What's going on? 354 00:20:32,690 --> 00:20:34,442 Door slammed shut. Can't get it open. 355 00:20:34,526 --> 00:20:35,527 Okay, move. 356 00:20:35,652 --> 00:20:38,780 Go get some backup, some heavy arms, and cover every corridor out of here. 357 00:20:38,863 --> 00:20:40,508 Get some c4. We're gonna have to blast this door. 358 00:20:40,532 --> 00:20:42,534 Nope, the panel is toast. 359 00:20:43,868 --> 00:20:46,371 Is there another door we can access? 360 00:20:50,500 --> 00:20:51,668 Hello. 361 00:21:01,511 --> 00:21:04,264 Listen to me. I'm Elizabeth Weir. 362 00:21:04,347 --> 00:21:05,491 Obviously she was in a hurry. 363 00:21:05,515 --> 00:21:08,536 She just used the previous replicator template that was already in the machine, 364 00:21:08,560 --> 00:21:11,688 which was Fran. John, I'm not a threat to you. 365 00:21:12,230 --> 00:21:13,314 Well, whatever you are, 366 00:21:13,398 --> 00:21:16,317 I'd say building a replicator body is a pretty big threat. 367 00:21:16,401 --> 00:21:18,319 Elizabeth Weir would never do such a thing. 368 00:21:18,403 --> 00:21:23,324 Okay, the machine is deactivated. I removed the control crystal, 369 00:21:23,408 --> 00:21:25,219 which means no one will be building any more replicators. 370 00:21:25,243 --> 00:21:29,164 Believe me, I was just as concerned about doing this as you, 371 00:21:29,247 --> 00:21:33,418 but the adjustments Rodney's made to this technology eliminate any danger. 372 00:21:33,543 --> 00:21:35,086 I can't replicate, 373 00:21:35,211 --> 00:21:37,338 and since my consciousness is controlling this body, 374 00:21:37,422 --> 00:21:39,174 iuuw_. Yourconsdousness? 375 00:21:39,257 --> 00:21:43,094 No offense, but I'm not completely sold on your being who you say you are. 376 00:21:43,219 --> 00:21:45,013 That makes two of us. 377 00:21:45,847 --> 00:21:49,559 I understand your skepticism, but I am Elizabeth Weir. 378 00:21:50,226 --> 00:21:52,186 I wish there was some way I could prove it to you. 379 00:21:52,604 --> 00:21:54,022 Woolsey: That'll be difficult. 380 00:21:54,105 --> 00:21:56,941 Any personal information or memories could have easily been mined 381 00:21:57,066 --> 00:22:00,028 from Dr. Weir's consciousness when the replicators captured her. 382 00:22:00,111 --> 00:22:01,696 I know. 383 00:22:01,779 --> 00:22:04,282 At least let me start by offering something of value. 384 00:22:04,407 --> 00:22:05,909 Let's hear it. 385 00:22:06,242 --> 00:22:08,786 The technical specs of several of the systems we've inhabited 386 00:22:08,912 --> 00:22:12,040 since our transformation, including wraith tech. 387 00:22:13,958 --> 00:22:16,878 I've already uploaded them to your computer. 388 00:22:17,128 --> 00:22:19,464 Really? Well, that's great. 389 00:22:19,547 --> 00:22:23,134 All I ask is that you give me a chance to earn your trust. 390 00:22:24,260 --> 00:22:28,932 I would never, ever do anything to harm any of you or Atlantis. 391 00:22:39,651 --> 00:22:41,629 Well, the good news is that now that she's downloaded herself 392 00:22:41,653 --> 00:22:44,906 into the replicator's body, she's not screwing up Atlantis' computers. 393 00:22:44,989 --> 00:22:46,908 The power's stable, the gate's working, 394 00:22:46,991 --> 00:22:48,409 and communications are back online. 395 00:22:48,493 --> 00:22:50,304 Sheppard: Are you sure she can't replicate on her own? 396 00:22:50,328 --> 00:22:52,497 Positive. I mean, she instituted every safeguard. 397 00:22:52,622 --> 00:22:54,808 We move her to a secure location, and I think we'll be able... 398 00:22:54,832 --> 00:22:56,251 Woolsey: Wait a minute! 399 00:22:56,334 --> 00:22:59,754 You're not suggesting I entertain the notion of keeping her here? 400 00:22:59,837 --> 00:23:01,899 I'm just saying that if we keep her under constant guard, 401 00:23:01,923 --> 00:23:04,842 it'll minimize any threat she poses, if she even poses a threat, 402 00:23:04,926 --> 00:23:07,679 and it'll give us more time to study her. 403 00:23:09,180 --> 00:23:12,100 That thing in there is a replicator. 404 00:23:12,183 --> 00:23:14,269 There are far too many ways this can go wrong, 405 00:23:14,352 --> 00:23:16,187 even if she's kept under constant guard. 406 00:23:16,271 --> 00:23:18,189 Everyone doubted the first Fran I built, 407 00:23:18,273 --> 00:23:20,775 and she turned out to be perfectly safe and perfectly reliable. 408 00:23:20,858 --> 00:23:24,112 That's right. You built Fran. You created her consciousness. 409 00:23:24,195 --> 00:23:27,323 Now, as much as you want to believe that this new Fran is indeed Dr. Weir, 410 00:23:27,407 --> 00:23:29,450 we cannot be certain of that. 411 00:23:29,534 --> 00:23:31,911 For all we know, it could be oberoth inside that body. 412 00:23:32,036 --> 00:23:33,538 That's creepy. 413 00:23:34,205 --> 00:23:36,082 What if it is Dr. Weir? 414 00:23:36,708 --> 00:23:37,792 Look, this is my fault. 415 00:23:37,875 --> 00:23:40,169 I'm the one who reactivated the nanites in Elizabeth. 416 00:23:40,253 --> 00:23:42,255 True, to save her, but... 417 00:23:42,880 --> 00:23:45,049 Look, I'm the one who created this mess. 418 00:23:45,174 --> 00:23:48,386 I think I should be the one to, you know, fix it. 419 00:23:51,097 --> 00:23:53,016 I owe it to Elizabeth. 420 00:23:55,685 --> 00:23:58,688 I'm sorry, but it's too dangerous. 421 00:24:01,024 --> 00:24:03,192 I say we stick with our original plan, 422 00:24:03,276 --> 00:24:05,695 upload her consciousness into a virtual reality. 423 00:24:05,778 --> 00:24:09,574 Let her prove herself there, where she can't do any damage. 424 00:24:19,792 --> 00:24:22,420 A child? Oh, Teyla. 425 00:24:26,090 --> 00:24:27,925 I'm so happy for you. 426 00:24:31,387 --> 00:24:33,931 Is it a boy or... boy. 427 00:24:35,266 --> 00:24:36,809 What's his name? 428 00:24:38,269 --> 00:24:40,313 Torren John emmagan. 429 00:24:41,439 --> 00:24:45,401 Torren, for your father. And, John... 430 00:24:45,943 --> 00:24:47,945 Colonel Sheppard? Yes. 431 00:24:50,114 --> 00:24:52,617 Wait, you're not saying John Sheppard is... 432 00:24:52,742 --> 00:24:54,452 No, no. 433 00:24:55,912 --> 00:24:57,914 The father is athosian. 434 00:24:57,997 --> 00:24:59,957 Let me guess. Kanaan? 435 00:25:00,792 --> 00:25:02,502 Yes. How did you... 436 00:25:03,461 --> 00:25:06,547 Every time you spoke of him, this "friend," 437 00:25:06,631 --> 00:25:08,675 there was always a sparkle in your eyes. 438 00:25:11,803 --> 00:25:14,639 So, is the baby here with you in Atlantis? 439 00:25:18,267 --> 00:25:20,645 He is with his father, offworld. 440 00:25:25,817 --> 00:25:27,068 Sorry to interrupt. 441 00:25:27,151 --> 00:25:29,821 No, it's all right. We were just finishing. 442 00:25:39,122 --> 00:25:42,166 Sorry about all this. It's okay. I understand. 443 00:25:43,292 --> 00:25:45,294 Amazing news about Teyla. 444 00:25:46,337 --> 00:25:47,505 Yeah. 445 00:25:49,006 --> 00:25:50,133 Yeah. 446 00:25:51,008 --> 00:25:52,218 Look, 447 00:25:52,635 --> 00:25:56,681 we all want to believe you are who you say you are. 448 00:25:56,806 --> 00:25:59,851 I understand. You have to be cautious. 449 00:26:00,935 --> 00:26:03,020 But it really is me, John. 450 00:26:06,190 --> 00:26:09,694 You just have to give me time. You'll see that... 451 00:26:15,533 --> 00:26:17,660 Oh, no. What's wrong? 452 00:26:17,744 --> 00:26:19,370 They've found me. 453 00:26:20,788 --> 00:26:21,873 Who? 454 00:26:22,290 --> 00:26:25,877 The other replicators. They're on their way to Atlantis. 455 00:26:29,046 --> 00:26:30,766 Woolsey: How many are coming? Eight of them. 456 00:26:30,798 --> 00:26:32,633 And we saw what kind of damage one could do. 457 00:26:32,717 --> 00:26:33,801 Should we pull the zpm? 458 00:26:33,885 --> 00:26:35,525 That's a last resort. We're not there yet. 459 00:26:35,553 --> 00:26:36,697 Meanwhile, I'll need it to effect 460 00:26:36,721 --> 00:26:38,407 any potential counter-measures I can come up with. 461 00:26:38,431 --> 00:26:40,892 How soon will they get here? Well, minutes, if that. 462 00:26:40,975 --> 00:26:42,619 Woolsey: Is there anything we can do to protect the city? 463 00:26:42,643 --> 00:26:44,037 Can you put up some kind of firewall? 464 00:26:44,061 --> 00:26:45,706 A firewall won't work. You can't block them. 465 00:26:45,730 --> 00:26:47,190 They just pop in and out of subspace. 466 00:26:47,273 --> 00:26:50,735 They're here, they're there, it's impossible to predict. 467 00:26:50,818 --> 00:26:52,379 I could write a program that immediately quarantines 468 00:26:52,403 --> 00:26:55,239 any anomalous behavior in the system, like an anti-virus software. 469 00:26:55,323 --> 00:26:56,699 It's gonna take some time, though. 470 00:26:56,783 --> 00:26:57,950 Woolsey: Do what you can. 471 00:26:58,075 --> 00:27:01,245 Keep Fran, Dr. Weir, whoever she is, under guard. 472 00:27:01,412 --> 00:27:06,083 We won't upload her to the vr just yet. We may need her help dealing with them. 473 00:27:09,921 --> 00:27:11,422 You set us up. No! 474 00:27:11,506 --> 00:27:14,509 I honestly believed I had broken away without them being able to track me. 475 00:27:14,592 --> 00:27:16,886 Tell them to stay away from Atlantis. 476 00:27:16,969 --> 00:27:19,931 I'll try, but it'll get easier as they get closer. 477 00:27:20,014 --> 00:27:22,183 Look, I'm sure they don't intend to hurt anyone. 478 00:27:22,266 --> 00:27:25,770 You tell them to keep moving, go some place else. It might go... 479 00:27:28,189 --> 00:27:29,482 McKay on radio: Sheppard! 480 00:27:29,941 --> 00:27:32,318 Go ahead, Rodney... Arrived. 481 00:27:32,443 --> 00:27:35,446 Wasn't able... program the system... Rodney? 482 00:27:35,530 --> 00:27:38,991 Their combined force is completely overwhelming the main power grid! 483 00:27:39,116 --> 00:27:41,035 Sheppard! They're here. 484 00:27:41,118 --> 00:27:43,287 McKay: All eight of them, slamming the city's computer. 485 00:27:43,371 --> 00:27:44,598 What about the anti-virus program? 486 00:27:44,622 --> 00:27:45,766 I didn't have time to finish it! 487 00:27:45,790 --> 00:27:47,017 Look, it probably wouldn't have worked, anyway. 488 00:27:47,041 --> 00:27:48,543 Radek, I need you to pull the zpm, 489 00:27:48,626 --> 00:27:51,212 power down all essential naquadah generators. 490 00:27:51,295 --> 00:27:52,463 Radek? 491 00:27:53,172 --> 00:27:54,757 Communications are down again. 492 00:27:54,841 --> 00:27:56,050 Rodney. 493 00:27:56,634 --> 00:28:00,263 Rodney, I'm trying to divert power, but it's become far too unstable. 494 00:28:00,346 --> 00:28:03,182 Perhaps now we should pull the zpm? Rodney? 495 00:28:06,477 --> 00:28:07,812 Let's go. Pull the zpm. 496 00:28:07,895 --> 00:28:11,065 Shut down all the power except for the main power. 497 00:28:15,027 --> 00:28:16,153 Hey. 498 00:28:19,365 --> 00:28:21,200 Oh, god. He's dead. 499 00:28:24,662 --> 00:28:27,707 We've established contact with the replicator known as koracen. 500 00:28:27,832 --> 00:28:29,709 He claims to speak on the others' behalf. 501 00:28:29,834 --> 00:28:31,460 Koracen? It's Elizabeth Weir. 502 00:28:31,544 --> 00:28:33,963 Koracen: Elizabeth? We were worried about you. 503 00:28:34,046 --> 00:28:37,049 Listen to me. You need to leave this place. 504 00:28:37,133 --> 00:28:39,969 You're causing a lot of harm. We will leave, 505 00:28:40,052 --> 00:28:42,555 but first we wish to be given bodies, as you have. 506 00:28:42,638 --> 00:28:45,016 We've already told you that's out of the question. 507 00:28:45,099 --> 00:28:46,851 And yet Elizabeth has been given one. 508 00:28:46,934 --> 00:28:48,561 It wasn't our choice, 509 00:28:48,644 --> 00:28:50,521 and we're not planning on letting her keep it. 510 00:28:50,605 --> 00:28:52,732 We do not wish to harm anyone. 511 00:28:52,815 --> 00:28:54,859 One of our guys is already dead, 512 00:28:54,942 --> 00:28:57,028 so you can save your "we come in peace" crap. 513 00:28:57,111 --> 00:28:58,696 Koracen, please. 514 00:28:58,779 --> 00:29:01,699 Just leave the city and let me negotiate with them. 515 00:29:01,782 --> 00:29:04,285 I'm sure we can figure out some way to help you. 516 00:29:04,368 --> 00:29:06,787 The way to help us is by replacing the control crystal 517 00:29:06,871 --> 00:29:10,291 in the ancient machine, so that we may build replicator bodies. 518 00:29:10,374 --> 00:29:13,252 That is what you will do. And if we don't? 519 00:29:14,712 --> 00:29:15,963 Koracen? 520 00:29:18,382 --> 00:29:20,217 Not good. Not good! 521 00:29:20,551 --> 00:29:23,137 Gate's down again. We're losing control of the city. 522 00:29:23,220 --> 00:29:24,889 They just shut the jumper bay doors. 523 00:29:24,972 --> 00:29:27,892 They're trying to keep us from leaving. 524 00:29:28,017 --> 00:29:31,145 Woolsey: Can't you override it? I'm locked out. 525 00:29:31,228 --> 00:29:34,231 Oh, no. They just engaged the zpm. 526 00:29:34,857 --> 00:29:36,137 Energy levels are rising rapidly. 527 00:29:36,192 --> 00:29:38,027 Why? What are they doing? 528 00:29:38,110 --> 00:29:39,612 They're sinking the city. 529 00:29:39,695 --> 00:29:41,405 Raise the shield. They've disabled it. 530 00:29:52,291 --> 00:29:54,961 Any ideas? No, we're going down. 531 00:29:55,044 --> 00:29:58,130 Water's already cresting the lower decks of the outer piers. 532 00:29:58,214 --> 00:30:01,634 It's gonna breach the city quarters any second now. 533 00:30:20,611 --> 00:30:22,822 I want you to send them a message for me. 534 00:30:22,905 --> 00:30:25,950 I've been trying to communicate with them, telling them to stop. 535 00:30:26,033 --> 00:30:27,201 They won't listen to me. 536 00:30:27,284 --> 00:30:28,995 That's not what I want to tell them. 537 00:30:29,078 --> 00:30:30,496 It's not? 538 00:30:30,579 --> 00:30:34,166 Tell them to go ahead. Sink the city. 539 00:30:35,001 --> 00:30:39,255 Woolsey: Destroy their only chance of ever regaining any kind of physical form. 540 00:30:39,588 --> 00:30:41,841 You've searched the entire galaxy. 541 00:30:41,924 --> 00:30:44,051 You know the replicator homeworld was destroyed. 542 00:30:44,135 --> 00:30:45,177 The only place remaining 543 00:30:45,261 --> 00:30:49,724 with the technology you need to achieve your goals is right here. 544 00:30:51,183 --> 00:30:53,185 So go ahead, destroy it. 545 00:30:54,186 --> 00:30:56,439 Stay trapped in limbo forever. 546 00:30:59,358 --> 00:31:02,778 Level one of the south pier is completely underwater. 547 00:31:03,821 --> 00:31:05,406 They won't stop. 548 00:31:06,198 --> 00:31:07,283 Fine. 549 00:31:07,908 --> 00:31:10,036 Then we'll all die together. 550 00:31:28,220 --> 00:31:30,431 McKay: They're powering down the zpm. 551 00:31:32,183 --> 00:31:34,060 The city's stabilizing. 552 00:31:41,484 --> 00:31:44,153 All right. Now we can negotiate. 553 00:31:50,493 --> 00:31:51,786 I have a proposal. 554 00:31:51,869 --> 00:31:55,956 I've already communicated it to the others and convinced them to agree to it. 555 00:31:56,040 --> 00:31:57,166 Let's hear it. 556 00:31:57,249 --> 00:31:59,794 Human bodies, nanite-manufactu red, 557 00:31:59,877 --> 00:32:01,962 but consisting of flesh and blood, 558 00:32:02,046 --> 00:32:04,757 like the other Elizabeth Weir you once encountered. 559 00:32:04,840 --> 00:32:06,675 We don't have that kind of technology here. 560 00:32:06,759 --> 00:32:07,843 But we do. 561 00:32:07,927 --> 00:32:11,555 If you give us temporary replicator bodies and a lab to work in, 562 00:32:11,639 --> 00:32:12,932 we can assemble them ourselves. 563 00:32:13,015 --> 00:32:14,451 What, you'll transfer your consciousness 564 00:32:14,475 --> 00:32:15,952 from the replicator body to the human body? 565 00:32:15,976 --> 00:32:17,061 Exactly. 566 00:32:17,144 --> 00:32:20,523 As human beings, we would be every bit as vulnerable as anyone else. 567 00:32:20,606 --> 00:32:23,692 We would eat, sleep, get sick and die, 568 00:32:24,026 --> 00:32:25,611 preferably of old age. 569 00:32:25,694 --> 00:32:29,406 What about ascension? I'm assuming that's still on the agenda? 570 00:32:29,490 --> 00:32:31,408 It is. McKay: Wait a second. 571 00:32:31,492 --> 00:32:33,452 Building humans, that's gonna take time, isn't it? 572 00:32:33,494 --> 00:32:36,288 I mean, first you have to create the technology to do it. 573 00:32:36,372 --> 00:32:39,333 We're talking nanites, I mean, organically assembling each body, 574 00:32:39,416 --> 00:32:41,136 inside out, starting at the molecular level. 575 00:32:41,168 --> 00:32:43,688 Well, then you have to create the machine to transfer the consciousness. 576 00:32:43,712 --> 00:32:45,315 I mean, that's gonna take god knows how long? 577 00:32:45,339 --> 00:32:50,302 Replicators, as you know, work very fast. No need for breaks or food or sleep. 578 00:32:50,386 --> 00:32:51,762 It's worth thinking about. 579 00:32:51,929 --> 00:32:53,389 He may be right, 580 00:32:53,472 --> 00:32:55,272 I mean, if only to regain control of the city. 581 00:32:55,307 --> 00:32:56,660 While they're in our computer systems, 582 00:32:56,684 --> 00:32:58,853 Atlantis is in serious trouble. 583 00:32:58,936 --> 00:33:00,396 If we do this, 584 00:33:00,479 --> 00:33:03,440 I want severe restrictions placed on their capabilities. 585 00:33:03,524 --> 00:33:05,109 No replicating, no shape-shifting... 586 00:33:05,192 --> 00:33:07,420 The basic model, you got it. I mean, no bells, no whistles. 587 00:33:07,444 --> 00:33:10,239 They'll be able to effect some minor repairs, but that's about it. 588 00:33:10,322 --> 00:33:12,700 Seal off the lab, put a force field around it, 589 00:33:12,783 --> 00:33:15,369 do whatever you need to do to feel safe, 590 00:33:15,452 --> 00:33:19,039 but I've already convinced the others that this is their only option. 591 00:33:19,123 --> 00:33:21,458 Weir: They won't give you any trouble. 592 00:33:23,586 --> 00:33:25,212 You have my word. 593 00:33:27,548 --> 00:33:28,716 Do it. 594 00:33:34,305 --> 00:33:36,640 Okay, initializing force field. 595 00:33:43,230 --> 00:33:44,374 Woolsey: Are your teams in place? 596 00:33:44,398 --> 00:33:46,567 Around-the-clock watch. Good. 597 00:33:46,650 --> 00:33:50,988 Once these human bodies are made and they're downloaded into them, 598 00:33:51,071 --> 00:33:52,406 what happens then? 599 00:33:52,489 --> 00:33:54,593 Well, seeing as they'll be just like any other human beings, 600 00:33:54,617 --> 00:33:57,494 I see no reason not to let them go. They could become valuable allies. 601 00:33:57,578 --> 00:34:00,414 Well, what if one of them decides to stay? 602 00:34:01,665 --> 00:34:04,627 Let's cross one bridge at a time, all right? 603 00:34:08,005 --> 00:34:09,590 How's it going? McKay: Almost done. 604 00:34:09,673 --> 00:34:12,009 Just finishing up the last one. 605 00:34:21,810 --> 00:34:22,853 That was fast. 606 00:34:22,937 --> 00:34:25,272 Well, actually, creating replicators is fairly simple, 607 00:34:25,356 --> 00:34:28,359 comparatively speaking. Humans, not so much. 608 00:34:28,442 --> 00:34:30,242 Well, the sooner they get it done, the better. 609 00:34:30,319 --> 00:34:35,157 And once the last transfer is complete, I want those replicator bodies destroyed. 610 00:34:36,283 --> 00:34:38,535 They certainly don't waste any time, do they? 611 00:34:38,619 --> 00:34:39,870 No, they don't. 612 00:34:39,954 --> 00:34:42,682 McKay: There's no breaks, no chitchat, no social interaction whatsoever. 613 00:34:42,706 --> 00:34:45,334 Just the perfect working environment. 614 00:34:48,462 --> 00:34:51,882 Ronon, you don't have to stay there the whole time, you know. 615 00:34:52,007 --> 00:34:53,050 I'm good. 616 00:34:53,133 --> 00:34:56,720 Talk, talk, talk, that's all he does. You can't shut him up. 617 00:34:56,845 --> 00:34:58,472 Keep me apprised. 618 00:35:22,079 --> 00:35:24,498 McKay! Power's out! What the... 619 00:35:24,832 --> 00:35:26,250 Force field. 620 00:35:50,774 --> 00:35:52,836 Sheppard: What happened? McKay: One of the replicators escaped. 621 00:35:52,860 --> 00:35:55,422 Koracen, the leader, he must've written some kind of hidden program 622 00:35:55,446 --> 00:35:56,697 that was timed to kill power 623 00:35:56,780 --> 00:35:58,758 as soon as they were downloaded into the replicator bodies. 624 00:35:58,782 --> 00:36:02,119 It disabled the force field. They were able to pry open the doors. 625 00:36:02,202 --> 00:36:04,955 Where is she? She went after koracen. 626 00:36:05,080 --> 00:36:07,374 Three teams are in pursuit. We've lost all radio contact. 627 00:36:07,458 --> 00:36:10,502 Go join them. Go up to the control room and try to get the power restored. 628 00:36:10,627 --> 00:36:12,671 What do we do with them? Shoot them. 629 00:36:12,796 --> 00:36:15,924 Keep shooting. They'll go down eventually. 630 00:36:16,008 --> 00:36:17,134 Wait! 631 00:36:18,469 --> 00:36:20,846 We knew nothing of koracen's plan. 632 00:36:21,764 --> 00:36:25,726 If we were a part of it, we would not be standing here right now. 633 00:36:25,809 --> 00:36:28,812 Please. We're complying with your wishes. 634 00:36:33,317 --> 00:36:37,154 Nothing gets through that door. If they move an inch, 635 00:36:37,863 --> 00:36:39,281 shoot them. 636 00:36:59,176 --> 00:37:00,386 Sheppard: Hold on! 637 00:37:02,638 --> 00:37:06,433 You just couldn't wait for those human bodies, could you? 638 00:37:06,517 --> 00:37:08,977 The human body is frail and weak, 639 00:37:09,686 --> 00:37:11,855 every second that much closer to dying. 640 00:37:11,980 --> 00:37:15,984 Yeah, and this whole ascension thing, you're just giving up on that, huh? 641 00:37:16,068 --> 00:37:19,029 Not at all. I'm certain there's another way, 642 00:37:19,363 --> 00:37:23,492 and with this body, I'll have plenty of time to discover it. 643 00:37:36,088 --> 00:37:37,172 Zelenka: Any luck? 644 00:37:37,256 --> 00:37:38,691 McKay: They've shut just about everything down. 645 00:37:38,715 --> 00:37:40,515 Power's cut to most of the critical systems... 646 00:37:40,551 --> 00:37:41,927 Except for the dhd and the gate. 647 00:37:42,052 --> 00:37:43,804 They're obviously going to try to dial out. 648 00:37:43,887 --> 00:37:46,140 Now, I've managed to gain remote access to the mainframe. 649 00:37:46,223 --> 00:37:49,393 I'm creating a workaround to allow the resumption of naquadah power 650 00:37:49,518 --> 00:37:51,061 to the central tower's primary systems. 651 00:37:51,186 --> 00:37:53,540 It's minimal, to be sure, but from there at least we'll be able to... 652 00:37:53,564 --> 00:37:54,874 You're gonna overwrite the replicator program 653 00:37:54,898 --> 00:37:56,608 and restart the remaining systems. Exactly. 654 00:37:56,733 --> 00:37:59,194 Just hurry. We need power back now. 655 00:37:59,736 --> 00:38:01,047 Okay, is there anything you want me to do? 656 00:38:01,071 --> 00:38:04,533 Yes, well, for starters, you could stay out of my way. 657 00:38:04,741 --> 00:38:06,368 Yes, okay. All right. 658 00:38:11,081 --> 00:38:12,499 Zelenka: Uh... 659 00:38:12,583 --> 00:38:13,625 And be quiet. 660 00:38:14,710 --> 00:38:15,752 Stop! 661 00:38:16,211 --> 00:38:18,755 John, stay back. Let me handle this. 662 00:38:19,548 --> 00:38:21,300 Haven't you done enough already? 663 00:38:21,383 --> 00:38:22,801 I'm trying to help you. 664 00:38:22,926 --> 00:38:25,429 By what? Escaping? 665 00:38:25,554 --> 00:38:27,514 I didn't know that koracen would do this. 666 00:38:27,598 --> 00:38:29,266 Of course she knew. 667 00:38:29,391 --> 00:38:33,645 Elizabeth has been a willing participant in our goals from the very beginning. 668 00:38:33,770 --> 00:38:36,815 It was her idea to come here in the first place. 669 00:38:37,858 --> 00:38:41,778 You said you broke off from them, that they couldn't track you. 670 00:38:41,862 --> 00:38:43,197 Koracen: Track her? 671 00:38:43,363 --> 00:38:47,242 She was the one who alerted us when the time was right to come. 672 00:38:47,326 --> 00:38:49,077 We were only following her commands. 673 00:38:49,161 --> 00:38:52,539 John, listen to me. I had to bring them here. 674 00:38:53,332 --> 00:38:56,502 It was our only chance, our only way out. 675 00:38:57,461 --> 00:39:01,215 I didn't know that koracen would cause this kind of trouble. 676 00:39:01,507 --> 00:39:03,147 I didn't think that anyone would get hurt. 677 00:39:03,217 --> 00:39:04,527 What did you think we were gonna do? 678 00:39:04,551 --> 00:39:07,846 Just give you a bunch of replicator bodies and send you on your way? 679 00:39:07,971 --> 00:39:10,891 I truly believed that we were no threat to you. 680 00:39:10,974 --> 00:39:14,728 You may still think you're Elizabeth, but you're not. 681 00:39:40,671 --> 00:39:44,424 If you'd like to resume your work, I've decided to allow it. 682 00:39:44,508 --> 00:39:46,677 We would reengage the force field, of course. 683 00:39:46,760 --> 00:39:48,428 Beef up security. 684 00:39:49,012 --> 00:39:50,556 It's too risky. 685 00:39:52,349 --> 00:39:55,602 Weir: I thought that bringing the others here would be safe. 686 00:39:55,686 --> 00:39:58,647 I was wrong. I can no longer guarantee 687 00:39:58,730 --> 00:40:02,025 there won't be any more trouble from them, or even myself. 688 00:40:03,944 --> 00:40:05,279 All right. 689 00:40:07,072 --> 00:40:08,949 What do you want to do? 690 00:40:10,617 --> 00:40:13,453 I remember after you reactivated the nanite cells inside me, 691 00:40:13,537 --> 00:40:18,083 I said this was a bad idea. So much has gone wrong since then. 692 00:40:21,086 --> 00:40:24,548 But I think I know how I can finally set things right. 693 00:40:29,970 --> 00:40:31,263 Go ahead. 694 00:40:50,574 --> 00:40:53,368 If you need anything else for your work, let us know. 695 00:40:53,452 --> 00:40:54,953 Thanks, Rodney. 696 00:40:55,078 --> 00:40:56,758 Once again, you have to promise to stay put 697 00:40:56,830 --> 00:40:59,291 until you're finished constructing the human bodies. 698 00:40:59,416 --> 00:41:01,043 No leaving your homeworld, 699 00:41:01,126 --> 00:41:04,671 no communication with any other civilization except Atlantis. 700 00:41:04,755 --> 00:41:07,883 You have my word. Good luck with your command, Richard. 701 00:41:07,966 --> 00:41:11,303 It's comforting to know Atlantis is in capable hands. 702 00:41:12,346 --> 00:41:14,765 Thank you. Shall we? 703 00:41:18,560 --> 00:41:20,729 It's okay. I'll go first. 704 00:41:51,510 --> 00:41:52,844 It's safe. 705 00:42:21,206 --> 00:42:24,042 You're sure the dhd reconfiguration worked? 706 00:42:24,710 --> 00:42:27,671 Yes. They were sent to a spacegate. 707 00:42:29,548 --> 00:42:33,969 I guess that answers the question as to whether it was really Elizabeth. 708 00:43:35,947 --> 00:43:36,948 English - us - psdh