1 00:00:05,590 --> 00:00:08,092 Praise the gods, you've finally arrived. 2 00:00:08,301 --> 00:00:10,219 And you are far more beautiful 3 00:00:10,303 --> 00:00:11,846 than I ever could have imagined. 4 00:00:11,929 --> 00:00:13,431 Excuse me? 5 00:00:13,598 --> 00:00:16,184 You have not come for the arranged marriage? 6 00:00:18,311 --> 00:00:19,831 Would you perhaps be seeking a husband? 7 00:00:22,773 --> 00:00:24,692 Then what brings you to our town? 8 00:00:24,775 --> 00:00:27,361 We've heard of strangers who recently arrived, 9 00:00:27,445 --> 00:00:30,364 a rough-looking group boasting of many wraith kills? 10 00:00:30,448 --> 00:00:32,325 Yeah, we think they might be satedan. 11 00:00:32,450 --> 00:00:34,744 Ah, yes, you mean the three loudmouthed drunkards 12 00:00:34,827 --> 00:00:36,621 who spend their days carousing at the tavern? 13 00:00:36,746 --> 00:00:38,623 Sounds like my people. 14 00:00:38,789 --> 00:00:40,666 They've taken rooms at the local inn. 15 00:00:40,791 --> 00:00:43,294 Thank you. You are most welcome. 16 00:00:43,419 --> 00:00:47,173 And should you ever reconsider your desire for a husband... 17 00:00:48,966 --> 00:00:51,761 All right, illchecktheinn, you check the tavern. 18 00:00:51,844 --> 00:00:53,179 Sounds good. 19 00:01:09,487 --> 00:01:10,696 Hello. 20 00:01:11,322 --> 00:01:14,325 I'm looking for three individuals who recently arrived. 21 00:01:14,450 --> 00:01:18,329 I've heard they are voracious eaters and drinkers. 22 00:01:18,829 --> 00:01:20,349 And apparently, they've been quite vocal 23 00:01:20,373 --> 00:01:22,792 about their recent successes against the wraith. 24 00:01:22,875 --> 00:01:25,503 These people you're looking for, 25 00:01:26,504 --> 00:01:29,340 they're either very brave or very stupid. 26 00:01:30,174 --> 00:01:31,592 How so? 27 00:01:31,676 --> 00:01:35,596 Well, if word of their bragging got back to the wraith, 28 00:01:35,680 --> 00:01:37,598 it could be very bad for them. 29 00:01:37,682 --> 00:01:41,185 I doubt they need to fear a wraith overhearing their conversation. 30 00:01:41,310 --> 00:01:42,603 Of course not. 31 00:01:42,687 --> 00:01:46,482 But the wraith don't always need their own ears to hear. 32 00:01:47,483 --> 00:01:50,027 Do you know the people whom I seek? 33 00:01:50,194 --> 00:01:52,738 Sorry. I mind my own business, 34 00:01:52,863 --> 00:01:56,033 which is something you might want to consider. 35 00:01:57,493 --> 00:01:58,953 And you might want to consider 36 00:01:59,036 --> 00:02:00,913 offering your unsolicited advice 37 00:02:00,997 --> 00:02:04,375 to someone who actually cares to receive it. 38 00:02:07,712 --> 00:02:11,841 An attitude like that could get you hurt, or worse. 39 00:02:24,603 --> 00:02:26,188 What's the first to go? 40 00:02:26,272 --> 00:02:28,983 The ears or those pretty eyes? 41 00:02:29,734 --> 00:02:31,902 Ronon: How about your head? 42 00:02:36,073 --> 00:02:37,867 Ronon! Ara, rakai! 43 00:02:49,879 --> 00:02:51,881 Hmm, heard the rumor? No, what rumor? 44 00:02:51,964 --> 00:02:53,275 Never mind. Forget I mentioned it. 45 00:02:53,299 --> 00:02:54,884 Wait. What is this about? 46 00:02:54,967 --> 00:02:57,386 No, it would be irresponsible for me to say anything. 47 00:02:57,470 --> 00:02:58,947 All right, look, if you're going to twist my arm, 48 00:02:58,971 --> 00:03:01,265 the ioa have made their final decision. 49 00:03:01,390 --> 00:03:03,726 They've chosen the new leader of Atlantis. 50 00:03:03,809 --> 00:03:04,852 Well, who is it? 51 00:03:04,935 --> 00:03:06,645 Well, there's been no formal announcement, 52 00:03:06,729 --> 00:03:08,582 but word is they're going with their foremost expert 53 00:03:08,606 --> 00:03:11,192 in ancient technology and replicator activity. 54 00:03:11,275 --> 00:03:13,736 Who does that sound like to you? 55 00:03:14,612 --> 00:03:16,447 You? Yes. Who else? 56 00:03:16,572 --> 00:03:18,967 I heard they were leaning toward someone with a science background... 57 00:03:18,991 --> 00:03:20,671 And why not? It's about time that one of us 58 00:03:20,743 --> 00:03:22,183 ended up in a position of real power. 59 00:03:22,286 --> 00:03:25,039 Oh, oh, and by "us," you mean "you." 60 00:03:25,122 --> 00:03:26,999 Exactly. 61 00:03:27,083 --> 00:03:29,102 It's kind of scary, though. You know, I'll be making decisions 62 00:03:29,126 --> 00:03:31,712 that don't affect just the city, but the entire galaxy. 63 00:03:31,796 --> 00:03:33,589 Yes, scary. Very scary. 64 00:03:33,672 --> 00:03:36,550 On the other hand, aleadernever second-guesses himself. 65 00:03:36,634 --> 00:03:39,053 I'm up for the challenge. I know I am. 66 00:03:39,136 --> 00:03:40,280 I'm going to make them proud. 67 00:03:40,304 --> 00:03:41,664 Radek, I'm going to make you proud. 68 00:03:45,351 --> 00:03:47,645 The wraith-replicator war is in full swing. 69 00:03:47,770 --> 00:03:50,231 From what I hear, the replicators are kicking some serious ass 70 00:03:50,314 --> 00:03:51,565 in their last offensive. 71 00:03:51,649 --> 00:03:53,689 Carter on screen: That's good news, John. Well done. 72 00:03:54,318 --> 00:03:56,404 I'll have the reports ready for you. 73 00:03:56,487 --> 00:03:59,782 Sam! What's new? 74 00:03:59,865 --> 00:04:02,368 Just making preparations for the change in command here. 75 00:04:02,493 --> 00:04:04,537 You don't have to tell me. I already know. Really? 76 00:04:04,662 --> 00:04:06,182 I just want to say that I think the ioa 77 00:04:06,247 --> 00:04:08,332 could not have made a better choice. 78 00:04:09,333 --> 00:04:10,334 Thanks, Rodney. 79 00:04:10,418 --> 00:04:12,253 No, no, no, no, you are too kind. 80 00:04:12,336 --> 00:04:13,504 What? 81 00:04:15,172 --> 00:04:18,300 Uh... "Thank you, Rodney." No, no, wait a minute. You mean the... 82 00:04:18,384 --> 00:04:21,554 Yeah. She's our new boss. 83 00:04:25,516 --> 00:04:26,684 Hmm. 84 00:05:36,170 --> 00:05:37,564 Ronon: I thought you guys were dead. 85 00:05:37,588 --> 00:05:38,923 Tyre: Believe me, so did we. 86 00:05:39,006 --> 00:05:40,299 How did you manage to survive 87 00:05:40,382 --> 00:05:41,759 the wraith attack on sateda? 88 00:05:41,842 --> 00:05:43,135 We weren't there. 89 00:05:43,260 --> 00:05:44,595 I don't understand. 90 00:05:44,678 --> 00:05:45,906 When we first made the decision 91 00:05:45,930 --> 00:05:47,115 to fight back against the wraith, 92 00:05:47,139 --> 00:05:49,475 we didn't just wait for them to come to us. 93 00:05:49,600 --> 00:05:52,078 We started running ops against some of their known strongholds. 94 00:05:52,102 --> 00:05:53,302 Tyre: They were quick strikes. 95 00:05:53,354 --> 00:05:54,897 Get in, hit them hard, get out. 96 00:05:54,980 --> 00:05:56,315 Only on this particular occasion, 97 00:05:56,398 --> 00:05:58,067 we kind of messed up the getting out part. 98 00:05:58,150 --> 00:06:00,653 I saw the darts hit your position. 99 00:06:00,778 --> 00:06:03,989 What you didn't see was that we'd found a network of caves in the hillside. 100 00:06:04,114 --> 00:06:07,451 When the wraith attacked, the entrance collapsed, and we were sealed in. 101 00:06:07,535 --> 00:06:09,495 It took us three days to dig our way out. 102 00:06:09,578 --> 00:06:11,747 And by then, the place was crawling with them. 103 00:06:11,830 --> 00:06:14,416 It was obvious they were gearing up for an attack. 104 00:06:14,500 --> 00:06:16,269 It took another two weeks before we could find our way 105 00:06:16,293 --> 00:06:18,963 through the gate, and by then it was too late. 106 00:06:19,046 --> 00:06:22,049 When we got back to sateda, there was nothing left. 107 00:06:22,132 --> 00:06:23,509 I'm sorry. 108 00:06:23,592 --> 00:06:25,844 I should have never left you behind. 109 00:06:25,928 --> 00:06:27,638 Don't be an idiot, ronon. 110 00:06:27,721 --> 00:06:29,324 When you took second squad back to the gate, 111 00:06:29,348 --> 00:06:31,785 you had no way of knowing those darts were going to come through. 112 00:06:31,809 --> 00:06:33,203 Rakai: And ifwe'd have gone back with you, 113 00:06:33,227 --> 00:06:34,788 then we would have died in the attack on sateda 114 00:06:34,812 --> 00:06:37,064 along with everybody else. 115 00:06:37,147 --> 00:06:39,275 The only reason why you survived 116 00:06:39,358 --> 00:06:41,777 was because they made you a runner. 117 00:06:43,279 --> 00:06:44,738 You heard about that? 118 00:06:44,822 --> 00:06:46,782 A while back, we started hearing stories. 119 00:06:46,865 --> 00:06:48,492 They said you were seven feet tall 120 00:06:48,576 --> 00:06:50,452 and had the strength of five men. 121 00:06:50,536 --> 00:06:52,329 People like to exaggerate. 122 00:06:52,413 --> 00:06:54,582 They also said you killed 100 wraith. 123 00:06:54,707 --> 00:06:56,917 That part sounds about right. 124 00:06:59,211 --> 00:07:02,298 Well, then, to the misery of our enemies 125 00:07:02,965 --> 00:07:05,467 and the reunion of friends come back from the dead. 126 00:07:05,551 --> 00:07:07,052 Ronon: Oh, yeah. 127 00:07:13,809 --> 00:07:17,229 On the day I left chulak, master bra'tac said to me, 128 00:07:17,438 --> 00:07:21,775 "draw from your past, but do not let your past draw from you." 129 00:07:21,859 --> 00:07:23,652 That's good advice. 130 00:07:24,153 --> 00:07:27,990 Still, I know I'm going to miss this place and all of you. 131 00:07:28,157 --> 00:07:31,493 I would have been offended had you felt otherwise. 132 00:07:32,161 --> 00:07:34,121 Ten years is a long time. 133 00:07:34,204 --> 00:07:36,373 It has been 10 years well spent. 134 00:07:37,166 --> 00:07:38,542 We have defeated numerous enemies 135 00:07:38,626 --> 00:07:40,294 and overcome many threats. 136 00:07:40,377 --> 00:07:42,129 It was never dull. 137 00:07:42,212 --> 00:07:44,214 We have accomplished much here, 138 00:07:44,298 --> 00:07:47,551 but now it is Atlantis that is in need of you. 139 00:07:47,635 --> 00:07:51,764 Yeah. Part of me is looking forward to going, but... 140 00:07:51,847 --> 00:07:52,907 You know, there's a part of me 141 00:07:52,931 --> 00:07:54,075 that thinks maybe it's too soon, 142 00:07:54,099 --> 00:07:56,644 that I'm leaving my work here unfinished. 143 00:07:56,727 --> 00:08:00,731 Your work will continue, only in a different place. 144 00:08:00,814 --> 00:08:04,818 You have been bestowed an incredible honor, colonel Carter, 145 00:08:04,902 --> 00:08:07,488 and I believe you should embrace it. 146 00:08:07,988 --> 00:08:09,740 And know this. 147 00:08:09,823 --> 00:08:14,703 Though we may not be leaving with you, sg-i will never be far away. 148 00:08:16,413 --> 00:08:17,724 So I can expect you guys to come 149 00:08:17,748 --> 00:08:19,583 and visit sometime? 150 00:08:19,667 --> 00:08:22,836 Undomesticated equines could not keep me away. 151 00:08:26,340 --> 00:08:27,925 Nice callback. 152 00:08:30,344 --> 00:08:31,595 Indeed. 153 00:08:39,061 --> 00:08:40,437 All right. 154 00:08:42,773 --> 00:08:44,316 Time to go. Mmm. 155 00:08:55,619 --> 00:08:57,037 Sheppard: What's that? 156 00:08:57,121 --> 00:08:59,224 It's a selection of fruits from the various worlds we trade with. 157 00:08:59,248 --> 00:09:00,408 I thought it'd be thoughtful. 158 00:09:00,457 --> 00:09:02,251 Try lame. 159 00:09:02,334 --> 00:09:04,002 Really? And what would you suggest? 160 00:09:04,086 --> 00:09:05,295 You know, maybe some flowers. 161 00:09:05,379 --> 00:09:07,131 You could brighten up her quarters. 162 00:09:07,214 --> 00:09:12,010 Hmm, flowers. Here, take this and go. 163 00:09:28,193 --> 00:09:30,779 Colonel Carter, welcome to Atlantis. 164 00:09:30,863 --> 00:09:33,073 Thank you. It's nice to be here. 165 00:09:36,285 --> 00:09:38,120 I want you all to know how honored 166 00:09:38,203 --> 00:09:40,706 I am to accept this appointment. 167 00:09:40,789 --> 00:09:43,917 I've come here fully committed to this expedition, 168 00:09:44,001 --> 00:09:48,130 to Atlantis, and most importantly, to each and every one of you. 169 00:09:48,213 --> 00:09:52,009 I look forward to working with all of you. Thank you. 170 00:09:53,218 --> 00:09:54,428 McKay: Nice speech. 171 00:09:54,511 --> 00:09:55,804 Thank you. 172 00:09:55,888 --> 00:09:58,640 I also do weddings and award shows. 173 00:09:58,724 --> 00:10:00,893 Book early to avoid disappointment. 174 00:10:01,518 --> 00:10:03,228 Should we go check out your new digs? 175 00:10:03,312 --> 00:10:04,813 Yeah. 176 00:10:05,314 --> 00:10:06,314 Rodney. 177 00:10:06,356 --> 00:10:07,483 Sam. 178 00:10:22,122 --> 00:10:24,291 Rakai: Stings, doesn't it? 179 00:10:24,833 --> 00:10:27,336 What the hell have the three of you been doing all these years? 180 00:10:27,419 --> 00:10:31,590 Oh, eating, drinking, killing wraith. 181 00:10:32,216 --> 00:10:34,510 We've hit them more times than I can count. 182 00:10:34,593 --> 00:10:36,220 Racked up a pretty nice body count. 183 00:10:36,303 --> 00:10:37,781 Not to mention the 12 darts we've downed. 184 00:10:37,805 --> 00:10:38,889 Ah! 185 00:10:38,972 --> 00:10:40,057 We're armed, we're mobile, 186 00:10:40,140 --> 00:10:42,226 and occasionally we get some pretty good intel. 187 00:10:42,309 --> 00:10:44,603 Well, sounds like a pretty nice run. 188 00:10:44,728 --> 00:10:47,064 But there have been a few sacrifices. 189 00:10:47,147 --> 00:10:49,233 Yeah? What do you mean? 190 00:10:50,484 --> 00:10:53,862 There were five of us who came out of that cave alive. 191 00:10:53,946 --> 00:10:57,491 But we lost marika on the first assault against the wraith, 192 00:10:57,574 --> 00:10:58,617 and then hemi last year. 193 00:10:59,868 --> 00:11:01,662 Ara: It hasn't been easy. 194 00:11:03,956 --> 00:11:06,750 We don't have much to work with, but we make do. 195 00:11:06,834 --> 00:11:09,002 Sometimes it's not enough. 196 00:11:10,212 --> 00:11:11,731 Ronon: Yeah, well, I might be able to help. 197 00:11:11,755 --> 00:11:13,632 We've got the manpower, the equipment. 198 00:11:13,715 --> 00:11:15,884 My friends and I, we can... 199 00:11:21,014 --> 00:11:24,560 Anyway, to marika and hemi. 200 00:11:26,103 --> 00:11:27,521 To marika and hemi. 201 00:11:27,604 --> 00:11:29,439 Rakai: To marika and hemi. 202 00:11:37,239 --> 00:11:38,615 Thank you. 203 00:11:40,200 --> 00:11:41,660 Hey, Rodney. Come on in. 204 00:11:41,743 --> 00:11:44,663 I brought you a little something to spruce up the place. 205 00:11:44,746 --> 00:11:46,665 Well, thank you. That's very sweet. 206 00:11:46,748 --> 00:11:47,809 There's a vase right there. 207 00:11:47,833 --> 00:11:49,084 Hmm. 208 00:11:56,300 --> 00:11:58,218 Oh, colonel Sheppard dropped that off. 209 00:11:58,302 --> 00:12:00,429 Apparently, it's a sampling of fruit 210 00:12:00,512 --> 00:12:03,098 from the homeworlds ofourvanous trading partners. 211 00:12:04,349 --> 00:12:07,436 I thought it was a really thoughtful gesture. 212 00:12:07,519 --> 00:12:09,104 Oh, son of a... 213 00:12:09,897 --> 00:12:11,565 Anyway, look, I just... 214 00:12:11,648 --> 00:12:14,860 I just came by to welcome you to Atlantis, see how you're settling in, 215 00:12:14,943 --> 00:12:16,778 and, you know, if you needed anything. 216 00:12:16,862 --> 00:12:19,489 And did I mention I was seeing someone? 217 00:12:20,032 --> 00:12:21,074 I'm sorry, what? 218 00:12:21,158 --> 00:12:22,868 I'm seeing someone. 219 00:12:22,951 --> 00:12:25,287 Yes, I only bring it up now because you're here now 220 00:12:25,370 --> 00:12:27,497 and we'll be working together a lot more 221 00:12:27,581 --> 00:12:30,042 and, you know, I just thought with our past... 222 00:12:30,125 --> 00:12:31,251 Our past? 223 00:12:31,335 --> 00:12:32,478 You know, the unrequited lust 224 00:12:32,502 --> 00:12:33,563 that's been hanging over our heads 225 00:12:33,587 --> 00:12:36,173 for what seems like forever. 226 00:12:36,256 --> 00:12:37,936 Rodney! Ijustdontinant things to be awkward 227 00:12:37,966 --> 00:12:40,385 between the two of us, you know? 228 00:12:43,597 --> 00:12:45,724 Kind of like they are now. 229 00:12:48,352 --> 00:12:52,481 Rodney, I'm sure we'll be fine. 230 00:12:52,898 --> 00:12:55,192 Oh, of course. I mean, I'll be fine. I'm just... 231 00:12:55,275 --> 00:12:58,403 With you... I hear you're in charge. 232 00:12:58,820 --> 00:13:00,113 Ronon, this is colonel Carter. 233 00:13:00,197 --> 00:13:01,281 Sam, this is ronon. 234 00:13:01,365 --> 00:13:03,575 He's... satedan, and a member of your team. 235 00:13:03,659 --> 00:13:06,078 Of course. What can I do for you? 236 00:13:07,287 --> 00:13:08,681 I want to bring some friends to Atlantis, 237 00:13:08,705 --> 00:13:10,516 and apparently I've got to clear it through you first. 238 00:13:10,540 --> 00:13:12,834 Unfortunately, some new security procedures 239 00:13:12,918 --> 00:13:15,462 prevent me from allowing any offworld visits to Atlantis 240 00:13:15,545 --> 00:13:16,588 for the time being. 241 00:13:16,672 --> 00:13:18,256 On whose authority? 242 00:13:18,340 --> 00:13:20,133 It was a directive from the ioa. 243 00:13:20,217 --> 00:13:21,426 Well, they don't need to know. 244 00:13:21,510 --> 00:13:23,178 Ronon, she's... 245 00:13:23,261 --> 00:13:27,099 I'm sure you understand what a precarious position we're in here. 246 00:13:27,182 --> 00:13:30,268 It is imperative that the location of this base remain a secret. 247 00:13:30,352 --> 00:13:31,478 And it will. 248 00:13:31,561 --> 00:13:33,772 They're my people. I'll vouch for them. 249 00:13:33,855 --> 00:13:35,983 I'm sure you can, but for now, 250 00:13:36,066 --> 00:13:38,694 we're on a new planet with a new set of rules. 251 00:13:38,777 --> 00:13:40,946 And a new person in charge. 252 00:13:45,117 --> 00:13:47,327 Weir never would've doubted me. 253 00:13:47,786 --> 00:13:51,415 Okay, first of all, ronon, I'm not doubting you. 254 00:13:51,873 --> 00:13:55,460 These new regulations apply to everyone on this base. 255 00:13:55,544 --> 00:13:57,129 And secondly, 256 00:13:58,422 --> 00:14:00,132 I'm not Dr. Weir. 257 00:14:08,306 --> 00:14:09,558 Wow. 258 00:14:10,559 --> 00:14:12,144 Is he always like that? 259 00:14:12,227 --> 00:14:13,687 No, no... 260 00:14:14,104 --> 00:14:17,065 No, actually, you've caught him on a good day. 261 00:14:18,358 --> 00:14:21,778 Okay. Try it together and turn! 262 00:14:22,779 --> 00:14:24,573 Work on it. Hey. 263 00:14:24,990 --> 00:14:26,158 Well, that was fast. 264 00:14:26,241 --> 00:14:28,243 Yeah, I said it would be. 265 00:14:28,326 --> 00:14:29,703 You could have taken your time. 266 00:14:29,786 --> 00:14:31,079 We like it here. 267 00:14:31,163 --> 00:14:32,923 We're thinking of staying on a few more days. 268 00:14:32,998 --> 00:14:35,000 Then where will you go? 269 00:14:36,251 --> 00:14:37,586 Wherever. 270 00:14:37,836 --> 00:14:40,881 That's one of the nice things about not being tied down. 271 00:14:40,964 --> 00:14:44,926 You go where you want and you leave when you're not wanted. 272 00:14:45,010 --> 00:14:46,279 Yeah, well, I was hoping my people 273 00:14:46,303 --> 00:14:48,346 would show a little bit more hospitality, but... 274 00:14:48,430 --> 00:14:51,016 Don't worry about it. I understand. 275 00:14:51,099 --> 00:14:54,186 Not everybody gets an invitation to Atlantis. 276 00:14:57,189 --> 00:14:59,232 Don't look so surprised. 277 00:15:00,108 --> 00:15:02,444 You travel as much around this galaxy as we do 278 00:15:02,527 --> 00:15:04,047 and sooner or later, you'll start hearing rumors 279 00:15:04,071 --> 00:15:06,615 about new people in the city of the ancients 280 00:15:06,698 --> 00:15:09,034 and a runner who joined them. 281 00:15:09,701 --> 00:15:11,244 Man, I'm sorry. 282 00:15:11,328 --> 00:15:13,872 I wish I could've been straight with you from the start. 283 00:15:13,955 --> 00:15:17,334 They placed their trust in you, and you proved them worthy. 284 00:15:17,417 --> 00:15:18,686 I wouldn't have expected any less. 285 00:15:18,710 --> 00:15:19,753 Yeah, but still... 286 00:15:19,836 --> 00:15:23,173 What, you thought they'd make an exception because it was you asking? 287 00:15:23,256 --> 00:15:24,536 I'm supposed to be their friend. 288 00:15:26,343 --> 00:15:28,720 You're their ally. Their guest. 289 00:15:29,387 --> 00:15:32,099 Me, rakai, ara, we're your friends. 290 00:15:33,308 --> 00:15:35,060 I don't doubt they're good people. 291 00:15:35,143 --> 00:15:37,371 They helped you out when you needed it, and from what I hear, 292 00:15:37,395 --> 00:15:38,873 they've done more to hurt the wraith than anyone. 293 00:15:38,897 --> 00:15:40,899 You've got to respect that. 294 00:15:40,982 --> 00:15:44,277 But it doesn't mean you've got to commit to them. 295 00:15:45,737 --> 00:15:49,032 The way I see it, now that we're back together, 296 00:15:50,408 --> 00:15:52,452 you belong with us. 297 00:15:59,417 --> 00:16:01,461 Pretty impressive, isn't it? 298 00:16:01,545 --> 00:16:03,964 To be honest, it's a little overwhelming. 299 00:16:04,047 --> 00:16:07,884 Coming from somebody with your record, that says something. 300 00:16:08,760 --> 00:16:11,930 You know, John, your name was on the shortlist. 301 00:16:12,305 --> 00:16:13,890 Yeah, I know. 302 00:16:13,974 --> 00:16:15,475 I saw what they did to Elizabeth, 303 00:16:15,559 --> 00:16:16,744 the politics and the red tape. 304 00:16:16,768 --> 00:16:19,396 I didn't envy her. I don't envy you. 305 00:16:20,313 --> 00:16:21,565 Thanks. 306 00:16:23,275 --> 00:16:27,654 You know, for most of us, this thing with Elizabeth isn't over yet. 307 00:16:29,948 --> 00:16:31,867 She's still out there. 308 00:16:32,159 --> 00:16:34,369 You really believe there's a chance she's still alive? 309 00:16:34,452 --> 00:16:36,329 There's only one way to know for sure. 310 00:16:36,413 --> 00:16:38,582 You're suggesting we go back. 311 00:16:39,541 --> 00:16:41,126 We should have doneitsoonen 312 00:16:41,209 --> 00:16:43,795 but the ioa's been stonewalling me. 313 00:16:43,879 --> 00:16:46,965 Now that you're in charge, maybe you can give me the green light. 314 00:16:47,048 --> 00:16:49,050 I'm sorry, but it's too dangerous. 315 00:16:49,134 --> 00:16:51,028 It's no more dangerous than the last time we went in. 316 00:16:51,052 --> 00:16:52,220 Circumstances were different. 317 00:16:52,304 --> 00:16:54,365 Plus, you had an advantage then that you don't have now. 318 00:16:54,389 --> 00:16:56,600 Well, she's the one who gave us that advantage. 319 00:16:56,683 --> 00:16:58,661 The only reason we're here is because of what she did. 320 00:16:58,685 --> 00:17:00,520 Believe me, I know. 321 00:17:00,604 --> 00:17:02,331 And I don't like the idea of leaving someone behind 322 00:17:02,355 --> 00:17:03,899 anymore than you do. 323 00:17:03,982 --> 00:17:05,901 But I am not about to send you or anyone else 324 00:17:05,984 --> 00:17:07,569 on a suicide mission. 325 00:17:07,652 --> 00:17:09,130 Now, you come to me with a plan that has 326 00:17:09,154 --> 00:17:12,532 even an outside chance of succeeding, and I'll consider it. 327 00:17:12,616 --> 00:17:15,035 Short of that, John, I'm sorry. 328 00:17:15,118 --> 00:17:16,912 There's nothing I can do. 329 00:17:18,496 --> 00:17:19,956 Fair enough. 330 00:17:43,313 --> 00:17:44,564 You seem distracted today. 331 00:17:44,648 --> 00:17:46,149 Oh, no, I'm fine. 332 00:17:47,108 --> 00:17:50,111 What's wrong? There's nothing. I told you, I'm fine. 333 00:17:50,195 --> 00:17:53,240 Very well. I suppose we should just continue training. 334 00:17:56,368 --> 00:17:57,869 There's nothing. 335 00:17:57,953 --> 00:18:00,789 Ow! Okay, stop hitting me! 336 00:18:00,872 --> 00:18:03,083 God! I'll talk. 337 00:18:08,630 --> 00:18:11,132 I'm thinking of leaving Atlantis. 338 00:18:14,344 --> 00:18:16,137 Where would you go? 339 00:18:17,264 --> 00:18:18,807 Must it come down to a choice 340 00:18:18,890 --> 00:18:21,518 between Atlantis and your satedan friends? 341 00:18:21,601 --> 00:18:23,311 They're more than my friends, Teyla. 342 00:18:23,395 --> 00:18:25,105 They're my family. 343 00:18:25,230 --> 00:18:27,649 We've always been there for each other. 344 00:18:27,732 --> 00:18:28,858 You wouldn't understand. 345 00:18:28,942 --> 00:18:30,235 I disagree. 346 00:18:31,278 --> 00:18:34,447 Leaving my fellow athosians for a home here on Atlantis 347 00:18:34,531 --> 00:18:36,866 was a very difficult decision. 348 00:18:37,575 --> 00:18:39,452 I was their leader. 349 00:18:39,536 --> 00:18:42,372 For some, the only leader they'd ever known. 350 00:18:42,455 --> 00:18:45,709 And despite the fact that I was as close as a trip through the Stargate, 351 00:18:45,792 --> 00:18:49,546 there were moments when I felt I'd betrayed them. 352 00:18:51,548 --> 00:18:53,883 So what? You got over it? 353 00:18:54,384 --> 00:18:57,345 I sometimes still second-guess my decision. 354 00:18:58,305 --> 00:19:02,309 But then I remember that I can do more here to help my people, 355 00:19:02,392 --> 00:19:04,144 and the rest of the humans in this galaxy, 356 00:19:04,227 --> 00:19:06,813 than I ever could on my homeworld. 357 00:19:21,411 --> 00:19:23,330 Teyla's already spoken to you, hasn't she? 358 00:19:23,413 --> 00:19:24,956 Yeah, well, we had a little chat. 359 00:19:25,040 --> 00:19:26,499 Mmm. So let's hear it. 360 00:19:26,583 --> 00:19:27,667 Hear what? 361 00:19:27,751 --> 00:19:29,377 Whatever you've got to say. 362 00:19:29,419 --> 00:19:31,338 Notgomg to say anything. Really? 363 00:19:31,421 --> 00:19:33,774 I don't have to because you already know what I'm gonna tell you. 364 00:19:33,798 --> 00:19:36,301 That you're a valuable member of my team 365 00:19:36,384 --> 00:19:37,486 and that it would be difficult 366 00:19:37,510 --> 00:19:38,738 to find somebody to take your place. 367 00:19:38,762 --> 00:19:39,846 Mmm-hmm. 368 00:19:39,929 --> 00:19:41,489 And that you may think you're going back 369 00:19:41,514 --> 00:19:43,391 to find something you've lost, 370 00:19:43,475 --> 00:19:45,352 but there's nothing to go back to. 371 00:19:45,435 --> 00:19:47,413 Sateda is gone, and living on the run with your buddies 372 00:19:47,437 --> 00:19:49,189 isn't going to bring that back. 373 00:19:49,272 --> 00:19:50,541 You're not going to say any of that? 374 00:19:50,565 --> 00:19:51,900 I don't have to. 375 00:19:51,983 --> 00:19:54,170 Look, this isn't about me trying to bring back the past. 376 00:19:54,194 --> 00:19:55,195 Well, then what is it? 377 00:19:55,278 --> 00:19:58,531 They need me. They always have. 378 00:19:58,615 --> 00:19:59,967 I'm the one that took care of them, 379 00:19:59,991 --> 00:20:03,286 got them home alive whenever we went into battle. 380 00:20:06,164 --> 00:20:07,457 You're one man, ronon. 381 00:20:07,540 --> 00:20:10,085 You can't expect to protect them forever. 382 00:20:10,877 --> 00:20:12,462 Probably not. 383 00:20:13,213 --> 00:20:15,757 But that's where you guys come in. 384 00:20:16,424 --> 00:20:19,052 We got some intel on a wraith target. 385 00:20:20,595 --> 00:20:21,781 The wraith and the replicators are 386 00:20:21,805 --> 00:20:23,866 kind of beating the crap out of each other right now. 387 00:20:23,890 --> 00:20:27,102 I think it's counterproductive to run an op against them. 388 00:20:27,185 --> 00:20:31,481 I have a feeling you'll change your mind once you hear the details. 389 00:20:32,690 --> 00:20:33,983 Let's hear it. 390 00:20:34,109 --> 00:20:35,402 Not yet. 391 00:20:35,485 --> 00:20:38,321 I want tyre, ara, and rakai in on this. 392 00:20:42,033 --> 00:20:44,327 You want to hit a wraith lab? 393 00:20:45,662 --> 00:20:50,458 No offense, but that's awfully close to crazy talk territory. 394 00:20:50,542 --> 00:20:52,836 It's a weapons research facility. 395 00:20:52,919 --> 00:20:55,588 From what we've heard, the place is undermanned. 396 00:20:55,672 --> 00:20:58,216 We know the wraith are being attacked on several fronts. 397 00:20:58,299 --> 00:20:59,693 They don't have the resources anymore 398 00:20:59,717 --> 00:21:01,237 to properly guard all their facilities. 399 00:21:01,261 --> 00:21:04,139 Still, she did say "undermanned" rather than "unmanned." 400 00:21:04,222 --> 00:21:05,682 There is a big difference. 401 00:21:05,765 --> 00:21:08,101 It won't matter. We can handle it. 402 00:21:08,184 --> 00:21:10,103 Then why do you need our help to pull it off? 403 00:21:10,186 --> 00:21:11,521 We don't. 404 00:21:13,231 --> 00:21:15,567 But we will need your help to get away once we're done. 405 00:21:15,650 --> 00:21:18,736 I see. We're your designated drivers. 406 00:21:25,827 --> 00:21:27,120 This is our target. 407 00:21:27,203 --> 00:21:30,373 It's located a good half day's journey from the gate on foot. 408 00:21:30,457 --> 00:21:31,559 Having a ship would make things 409 00:21:31,583 --> 00:21:33,060 a whole lot easier getting us in and out 410 00:21:33,084 --> 00:21:35,462 before any reinforcements arrive. 411 00:21:35,545 --> 00:21:37,547 Don't worry. All you got to do is fly. 412 00:21:37,630 --> 00:21:39,382 We'll do the legwork. 413 00:21:39,466 --> 00:21:40,967 Well, that's very considerate of you, 414 00:21:41,050 --> 00:21:43,845 but if we commit, we're all in. 415 00:21:44,471 --> 00:21:46,222 McKay: And I really don't see why we would. 416 00:21:46,306 --> 00:21:47,506 I mean, sure it would be great 417 00:21:47,557 --> 00:21:49,267 to get our hands on some new wraith tech, 418 00:21:49,350 --> 00:21:51,853 but maybe if we stumbled across a stockpile, 419 00:21:51,936 --> 00:21:53,496 or maybe bought some off of eBay, but... 420 00:21:53,563 --> 00:21:55,315 I think what he's trying to say is, 421 00:21:55,398 --> 00:21:57,318 we're not really sure if we want to risk our life 422 00:21:57,400 --> 00:21:58,818 for something like this. 423 00:21:58,902 --> 00:22:02,155 Maybe wait a month or two, let the replicators and the wraith 424 00:22:02,238 --> 00:22:06,409 soften each other up, then we do lunch, we talk about it again. 425 00:22:06,493 --> 00:22:08,304 One of the things they're working on right now in the lab 426 00:22:08,328 --> 00:22:11,664 is a way to switch off the replicator attack code. 427 00:22:14,626 --> 00:22:16,252 Is such a thing even possible? 428 00:22:16,336 --> 00:22:17,730 The code's been deactivated once before. 429 00:22:17,754 --> 00:22:20,065 Who knows? It could've been the wraith who did it the first time. 430 00:22:20,089 --> 00:22:21,257 Well, we can't let it happen. 431 00:22:22,509 --> 00:22:24,135 If the war with the replicators ends, 432 00:22:24,219 --> 00:22:25,762 then the wraith will once again be able 433 00:22:25,845 --> 00:22:29,474 to direct their attention to the rest of the galaxy. 434 00:22:33,520 --> 00:22:34,938 Are you in? 435 00:22:38,274 --> 00:22:40,735 Your buddies seem like a perfectly capable enough bunch, 436 00:22:40,818 --> 00:22:42,487 but if I do this, the last thing I need 437 00:22:42,570 --> 00:22:43,863 is someone going off half-cocked 438 00:22:43,947 --> 00:22:46,950 and risking this op and, well, oh, yeah, our asses. 439 00:22:47,033 --> 00:22:49,244 This isn't their first time doing this, John. 440 00:22:49,327 --> 00:22:50,971 May be the first time doing it with company, though, 441 00:22:50,995 --> 00:22:53,206 and I don't want it turning into a big pissing match. 442 00:22:53,289 --> 00:22:55,309 Yeah, well, I'll keep my group in line. Do the same for yours. 443 00:22:55,333 --> 00:22:58,336 Last time I checked, it was your group, too. 444 00:23:00,797 --> 00:23:02,048 Yeah... 445 00:23:02,966 --> 00:23:07,470 Look, I was going to wait to tell you this, but I've made my decision. 446 00:23:08,137 --> 00:23:11,891 Once we finish this op, I'm going to be leaving the Atlantis. 447 00:23:32,078 --> 00:23:33,496 Come on in. 448 00:23:38,918 --> 00:23:40,211 Packing? 449 00:23:41,963 --> 00:23:43,256 Yeah. 450 00:23:43,590 --> 00:23:45,359 You know, the fact that you brought all this stuff here 451 00:23:45,383 --> 00:23:47,844 tells me that you considered Atlantis home. 452 00:23:47,927 --> 00:23:49,012 That you were happy here. 453 00:23:49,095 --> 00:23:50,805 Yeah, well, I was. 454 00:23:50,888 --> 00:23:52,056 I am. 455 00:23:53,016 --> 00:23:55,602 Your friends are worried about you. 456 00:23:56,019 --> 00:23:58,730 Well, they shouldn't be. I can take care of myself. 457 00:23:58,813 --> 00:24:00,648 That's not the point. 458 00:24:00,857 --> 00:24:02,617 When you accepted the offer to join Atlantis, 459 00:24:02,650 --> 00:24:04,694 you became a part of something. 460 00:24:04,777 --> 00:24:07,030 And like it or not, you have roots here now. 461 00:24:07,113 --> 00:24:10,033 People who care about you, who depend on you. 462 00:24:10,116 --> 00:24:13,369 Walking away may be a lot harder than you think. 463 00:24:13,620 --> 00:24:15,204 Oh, I'm not walking away. 464 00:24:15,288 --> 00:24:17,224 Just because I'm not a part of Sheppard's team does not mean 465 00:24:17,248 --> 00:24:18,684 I'm any less willing to help out Atlantis, 466 00:24:18,708 --> 00:24:20,501 or put my life on the line for any of you. 467 00:24:20,585 --> 00:24:22,629 I'm not questioning your onalty, ronon, 468 00:24:23,087 --> 00:24:24,839 only the wisdom in leaving if, as you say, 469 00:24:24,922 --> 00:24:27,759 you don't want to turn your back on Atlantis. 470 00:24:27,842 --> 00:24:32,138 Coordinating our efforts with you and your friends may not be so easy. 471 00:24:32,221 --> 00:24:34,807 We're about to find out, aren't we? 472 00:24:35,850 --> 00:24:39,020 I need you to reconsider your decision to leave. 473 00:24:39,228 --> 00:24:40,813 And if I don't, 474 00:24:41,189 --> 00:24:44,192 given everything that I know about Atlantis, 475 00:24:44,901 --> 00:24:47,278 you're going to try to stop me? 476 00:24:49,447 --> 00:24:51,866 I'm hoping it won't come to that. 477 00:25:00,124 --> 00:25:01,751 Put us down near the south end. 478 00:25:01,834 --> 00:25:02,874 We'll meet less resistance 479 00:25:02,919 --> 00:25:04,671 if we access this place through the back. 480 00:25:04,754 --> 00:25:06,005 Got it. 481 00:25:06,422 --> 00:25:08,132 Once we head in, we'll take the lead. 482 00:25:08,257 --> 00:25:09,884 You watch our backs. 483 00:25:09,967 --> 00:25:12,387 Do you know where you're going? 484 00:25:12,470 --> 00:25:15,515 Our target is located somewhere on the second level. 485 00:25:15,598 --> 00:25:18,518 Um, maybe you could be a little more specific? 486 00:25:18,601 --> 00:25:19,977 We don't have an exact roor plan, 487 00:25:20,061 --> 00:25:21,688 if that's what you're asking. 488 00:25:21,771 --> 00:25:24,691 The whole second level is a high-security sector. 489 00:25:24,774 --> 00:25:27,694 If you are unsure, would it not be counterproductive 490 00:25:27,777 --> 00:25:29,112 for us to follow you? 491 00:25:29,237 --> 00:25:30,405 It's better this way. 492 00:25:30,488 --> 00:25:32,907 These wraith facilities are very confusing. 493 00:25:32,990 --> 00:25:34,409 We know what we're looking for. 494 00:25:34,492 --> 00:25:35,660 Oh, and we don't? 495 00:25:35,743 --> 00:25:37,412 This isn't exactly our first op, you know. 496 00:25:37,495 --> 00:25:41,666 Really? How many wraith have you killed in hand-to-hand combat? 497 00:25:41,791 --> 00:25:44,103 I hardly think that's what this is about. That's what I thought. 498 00:25:44,127 --> 00:25:46,021 You know, we've taken out entire hive ships, okay? 499 00:25:46,045 --> 00:25:47,672 Compared to us, you are amateurs. 500 00:25:47,755 --> 00:25:48,965 Easy. 501 00:25:49,465 --> 00:25:52,719 If we can't play nice together, then let's not. 502 00:25:53,219 --> 00:25:55,680 We got a lot of ground to cover in a short amount of time, 503 00:25:55,763 --> 00:25:58,349 so we will follow your lead. 504 00:25:58,683 --> 00:26:00,309 Then we'll split up into two teams 505 00:26:00,393 --> 00:26:01,853 once we reach the second level. 506 00:26:01,936 --> 00:26:03,980 Are you cool with that? 507 00:26:07,233 --> 00:26:08,234 Yes. 508 00:26:08,359 --> 00:26:09,360 Good. 509 00:26:12,447 --> 00:26:14,657 Approaching target location. 510 00:26:56,657 --> 00:26:58,284 This is it. 511 00:26:59,035 --> 00:27:00,328 Hurry up! 512 00:27:00,411 --> 00:27:01,454 I got it. 513 00:27:07,084 --> 00:27:08,586 Everybody in. 514 00:27:30,399 --> 00:27:32,318 We'll go this way. You go that way. 515 00:27:32,401 --> 00:27:33,986 Contact us if you find anything. 516 00:27:34,070 --> 00:27:35,446 Yeah. 517 00:27:38,825 --> 00:27:40,368 Good luck. 518 00:27:48,376 --> 00:27:49,752 Ronon. 519 00:27:51,879 --> 00:27:53,214 Let's go. 520 00:28:08,104 --> 00:28:10,857 What do you think? Test subjects? 521 00:28:10,940 --> 00:28:12,942 Or the wraith version of a vending machine. 522 00:28:13,025 --> 00:28:14,360 I hate to be the guy to say it, 523 00:28:14,443 --> 00:28:16,028 but we can't really help these people. 524 00:28:16,112 --> 00:28:18,281 We got to keep moving. 525 00:28:19,490 --> 00:28:20,741 Right. 526 00:28:24,120 --> 00:28:27,790 This thing's been way too quiet and way too easy. 527 00:28:27,874 --> 00:28:29,125 I kind of like quiet and easy. 528 00:28:29,208 --> 00:28:31,252 Makes for a nice change. 529 00:28:34,380 --> 00:28:35,631 Wraith! 530 00:28:42,221 --> 00:28:43,848 Ronon, wait! 531 00:29:13,336 --> 00:29:15,254 Oh, to hell with it! 532 00:29:18,799 --> 00:29:20,468 Oh, come on, it worked for him! 533 00:29:36,192 --> 00:29:37,985 Ha! I did it! 534 00:30:32,039 --> 00:30:33,249 Oh! 535 00:30:34,542 --> 00:30:35,742 Oh, thank god, it's you three. 536 00:30:35,793 --> 00:30:37,920 They got Teyla and Sheppard and... 537 00:30:45,511 --> 00:30:46,887 Bring him. 538 00:30:48,723 --> 00:30:50,808 Who's the amateur now? 539 00:31:00,067 --> 00:31:01,152 Ronon, what happened? 540 00:31:01,235 --> 00:31:03,279 I need to talk to colonel Carter right away. 541 00:31:12,580 --> 00:31:14,290 John, are you all right? 542 00:31:14,832 --> 00:31:16,625 Bit of a hangover. 543 00:31:18,586 --> 00:31:21,338 The fact that ronon and his buddies aren't here is a good sign. 544 00:31:21,422 --> 00:31:22,840 McKay: Well, not really. 545 00:31:25,468 --> 00:31:27,108 Ronon's buddies are the reason we're here. 546 00:31:27,178 --> 00:31:28,262 They set us up. 547 00:31:28,345 --> 00:31:29,614 Sheppard: What are you talking about? 548 00:31:29,638 --> 00:31:31,724 I ran into them while I was trying to... 549 00:31:31,807 --> 00:31:34,727 While I was effecting a strategic retreat. 550 00:31:34,810 --> 00:31:35,853 They stunned me. 551 00:31:35,936 --> 00:31:36,936 Are you sure? 552 00:31:36,979 --> 00:31:39,482 It's pretty hard to misinterpret something like that. 553 00:31:39,565 --> 00:31:40,900 Was ronon with them? 554 00:31:41,025 --> 00:31:42,359 I didn't see him. 555 00:31:45,362 --> 00:31:46,697 Thatone. 556 00:31:48,616 --> 00:31:50,576 Hold on, here, guys. 557 00:31:52,244 --> 00:31:53,704 Rodney. 558 00:31:55,081 --> 00:31:56,332 Teyla: Stay strong, Rodney! 559 00:31:56,415 --> 00:31:57,750 I'll try. 560 00:32:02,088 --> 00:32:03,798 I said I'm fine. 561 00:32:04,298 --> 00:32:05,424 I tried to radio Sheppard, 562 00:32:05,508 --> 00:32:07,718 but got no response from him, Teyla, or McKay. 563 00:32:07,802 --> 00:32:09,095 And what about the satedans? 564 00:32:09,220 --> 00:32:10,513 We got separated. 565 00:32:10,596 --> 00:32:12,765 I'm guessing the wraith got to them, too. 566 00:32:12,890 --> 00:32:15,101 So much for this op being a cakewalk. 567 00:32:15,184 --> 00:32:18,270 Okay, we've gone from support to rescue and recovery. 568 00:32:18,354 --> 00:32:19,814 Dr. Zelenka, ready a jumper. 569 00:32:19,897 --> 00:32:22,608 Yes, colonel. They'll be expecting us. 570 00:32:22,691 --> 00:32:24,693 Make that two jumpers. 571 00:32:29,740 --> 00:32:31,940 McKay: Would you guys mind telling me where we're going? 572 00:32:31,992 --> 00:32:33,970 Seriously, I'm not big on surprises. Even as a kid, 573 00:32:33,994 --> 00:32:35,305 I had to sneak a peek at my Christmas presents 574 00:32:35,329 --> 00:32:36,431 because I couldn't stand the suspense. 575 00:32:36,455 --> 00:32:37,516 I remember this one time... 576 00:32:37,540 --> 00:32:38,999 We require your assistance. 577 00:32:39,083 --> 00:32:40,167 With what? 578 00:32:40,251 --> 00:32:42,962 You tampered with the replicator base code. 579 00:32:43,045 --> 00:32:44,672 I don't know what you're talking about. 580 00:32:44,755 --> 00:32:47,424 Okay, I may have made a few small adjustments. So what? 581 00:32:47,508 --> 00:32:50,511 This is not the first time they have challenged us. 582 00:32:50,594 --> 00:32:53,180 So it was the wraith that deactivated the attack code. 583 00:32:53,264 --> 00:32:55,474 Many thousands of years ago, 584 00:32:55,558 --> 00:32:56,809 we had defeated the ancients. 585 00:32:56,892 --> 00:33:00,437 The galaxy was ours, and then these things appeared. 586 00:33:00,563 --> 00:33:02,666 Itakeit you're not a big fan... They are an abomination! 587 00:33:02,690 --> 00:33:04,650 They're not even alive. 588 00:33:04,733 --> 00:33:06,920 In other words, you can't eat them, so they're no good to you. 589 00:33:06,944 --> 00:33:08,279 They are machines. 590 00:33:08,362 --> 00:33:10,614 Machines can be reprogrammed. 591 00:33:10,698 --> 00:33:13,325 Okay, fine. So what do you want from me? 592 00:33:13,409 --> 00:33:14,660 We have attempted to upload 593 00:33:14,743 --> 00:33:16,912 the deactivation virus once again. 594 00:33:16,996 --> 00:33:19,623 Our attempts have been unsuccessful. 595 00:33:20,916 --> 00:33:22,751 We need you to undo the changes you made 596 00:33:22,835 --> 00:33:26,088 so as to render the virus once more effective against them. 597 00:33:26,172 --> 00:33:28,424 Of course. I see. 598 00:33:29,508 --> 00:33:32,303 Thing is, that could be kind of tricky. 599 00:33:32,386 --> 00:33:35,681 The test subject will make things easier for you. 600 00:33:38,309 --> 00:33:40,019 Test subject? 601 00:33:41,437 --> 00:33:43,147 A replicator. 602 00:33:43,647 --> 00:33:45,107 Oh, my god. 603 00:33:49,778 --> 00:33:50,978 Carter: I've thought about it, 604 00:33:51,030 --> 00:33:52,910 and I want you to know that when the time comes, 605 00:33:52,990 --> 00:33:54,426 I'll respect whatever decision you make 606 00:33:54,450 --> 00:33:57,494 regarding your future with us. 607 00:33:59,622 --> 00:34:03,250 This could be the one and only op we go on together. 608 00:34:03,500 --> 00:34:06,420 Then we'd better make the most of it. 609 00:34:09,298 --> 00:34:12,509 Dr. McKay, how is your work progressing? 610 00:34:12,718 --> 00:34:14,178 It's been kind of slow. 611 00:34:14,261 --> 00:34:16,281 I mean, re-establishing the base code's original setting 612 00:34:16,305 --> 00:34:19,475 isn't something I'll be able to accomplish overnight. 613 00:34:19,558 --> 00:34:22,728 Colonel Sheppard and Teyla will be most disappointed to hear this. 614 00:34:22,811 --> 00:34:24,230 I'll see to it. 615 00:34:24,313 --> 00:34:27,274 I think I might be able to get it finished much sooner. 616 00:34:27,358 --> 00:34:29,151 I understand your desire to delay 617 00:34:29,235 --> 00:34:32,571 in the hope that it will give your people time to mount a rescue. 618 00:34:32,655 --> 00:34:36,200 In fact, I just received word they're on their way. 619 00:34:36,283 --> 00:34:38,410 But we are ready for them. 620 00:35:08,649 --> 00:35:10,192 Man: Okay, they're moving away. 621 00:35:10,276 --> 00:35:12,027 Thank you, jumper 2. 622 00:35:12,111 --> 00:35:13,612 Take us in, lieutenant. 623 00:35:13,696 --> 00:35:15,239 Yes, colonel. 624 00:35:29,461 --> 00:35:31,547 Soldier: Let's go, let's go! 625 00:35:37,886 --> 00:35:40,889 There's a power relay behind this wall here. 626 00:35:57,239 --> 00:35:59,050 You all right? Sheppard: Well, it's about time. 627 00:35:59,074 --> 00:36:01,660 Any longer, we would've had to save ourselves. 628 00:36:01,744 --> 00:36:03,504 Did ronon manage to make it back to Atlantis? 629 00:36:03,579 --> 00:36:04,997 He did. Where is he? 630 00:36:05,080 --> 00:36:07,333 We split up to cover more ground. 631 00:36:07,416 --> 00:36:09,418 Secure the entrance. Go. 632 00:36:16,592 --> 00:36:19,553 All right, come on, let's get out of here. 633 00:36:22,097 --> 00:36:24,433 Where are you holding them? 634 00:36:25,017 --> 00:36:27,394 Why don't you ask your friends? 635 00:36:47,414 --> 00:36:48,415 All clear. 636 00:36:48,499 --> 00:36:49,958 All clear? You could've shot me! 637 00:36:56,548 --> 00:36:58,717 Oh, no. Oh... 638 00:37:24,827 --> 00:37:26,703 Let's go find ronon. 639 00:37:30,332 --> 00:37:31,875 Deal with him. 640 00:37:33,836 --> 00:37:35,754 You're wraith worshippers? 641 00:37:35,838 --> 00:37:37,232 Ronon, you need to understand that... 642 00:37:37,256 --> 00:37:38,924 After what they did to sateda? 643 00:37:39,007 --> 00:37:42,344 Sateda is gone, and so are the lives we knew. 644 00:37:42,469 --> 00:37:44,471 We had a choice. 645 00:37:44,555 --> 00:37:48,100 To die with the past, or live for the future. 646 00:37:50,602 --> 00:37:51,603 What did they do to you? 647 00:37:51,687 --> 00:37:52,729 Ara: They rewarded us 648 00:37:52,813 --> 00:37:55,274 with the gift of everlasting life. 649 00:37:55,357 --> 00:37:56,442 The same gift can be yours 650 00:37:56,525 --> 00:37:59,236 if you're willing to accept it. 651 00:37:59,862 --> 00:38:02,948 We resisted at first. We were stubborn, 652 00:38:03,031 --> 00:38:05,159 but the wraith were determined. 653 00:38:09,830 --> 00:38:11,832 They showed us our futures. 654 00:38:11,915 --> 00:38:13,792 They allowed us to experience our life's end, 655 00:38:13,876 --> 00:38:17,045 pushing us to the brink so that we could see the truth, 656 00:38:17,713 --> 00:38:19,756 and brought us back. 657 00:38:23,719 --> 00:38:28,098 They showed us again and again and again... 658 00:38:28,223 --> 00:38:29,308 Until they broke you. 659 00:38:29,391 --> 00:38:31,518 Until we finally accepted the truth. 660 00:38:32,352 --> 00:38:33,896 And their gift. 661 00:38:34,605 --> 00:38:36,940 Ronon, join us. 662 00:38:38,859 --> 00:38:40,027 You're insane. 663 00:38:40,110 --> 00:38:42,237 Don't let your pride get in the way! 664 00:38:44,531 --> 00:38:46,408 Like marika and hemi. 665 00:38:48,952 --> 00:38:51,705 They didn't die on any run, did they? 666 00:38:51,788 --> 00:38:53,224 They were murdered because they wouldn't turn. 667 00:38:53,248 --> 00:38:55,542 Tyre: They were killed by their own stubbornness. 668 00:38:55,626 --> 00:38:58,295 Don't make the same mistake. Join us! 669 00:38:58,420 --> 00:39:00,589 No. Never. 670 00:39:02,090 --> 00:39:05,385 Run. You run. Run, and get away while you can, 671 00:39:05,469 --> 00:39:08,013 because the next time we meet, it will not be as friends. 672 00:39:08,096 --> 00:39:10,265 There won't be a next time. 673 00:39:11,975 --> 00:39:13,810 We'll finish this like true satedans. 674 00:39:13,894 --> 00:39:15,812 You are not satedans! 675 00:40:09,825 --> 00:40:11,159 Rakai, no! 676 00:40:12,452 --> 00:40:13,620 So much for honor. 677 00:40:13,704 --> 00:40:15,080 No weapons. 678 00:41:03,170 --> 00:41:05,672 Hasn't there been enough killing? 679 00:41:33,200 --> 00:41:35,744 Ronon, where are your friends? 680 00:41:36,787 --> 00:41:38,580 They're right here. 681 00:41:41,416 --> 00:41:43,085 Let's go home. 682 00:42:07,442 --> 00:42:08,902 Is that my painting? 683 00:42:09,111 --> 00:42:10,570 Yes. 684 00:42:10,696 --> 00:42:13,615 Rodney felt that you should have it back. 685 00:42:13,990 --> 00:42:15,033 I didn't give it to him. 686 00:42:15,117 --> 00:42:16,117 Well, he helped himself, 687 00:42:16,159 --> 00:42:19,121 assuming that you were leaving it behind. 688 00:42:28,130 --> 00:42:29,965 How you feeling? 689 00:42:34,636 --> 00:42:36,096 All right. 690 00:42:36,179 --> 00:42:37,723 It's nice to have you back. 691 00:42:39,057 --> 00:42:41,560 Thanks. It's good to be back. 692 00:43:33,028 --> 00:43:34,029 English - us - psdh