1 00:00:03,838 --> 00:00:05,173 Let me ask you a question. 2 00:00:05,256 --> 00:00:06,632 Say there's a runaway train. 3 00:00:06,716 --> 00:00:08,176 It's hurtling out of control 4 00:00:08,259 --> 00:00:10,720 towards 10 people standing in the middle of the tracks. 5 00:00:11,387 --> 00:00:13,282 The only way to save those people is to flip a switch, 6 00:00:13,306 --> 00:00:15,683 send the train down another set of tracks. 7 00:00:15,766 --> 00:00:18,269 The only problem is there is a baby 8 00:00:18,352 --> 00:00:20,271 in the middle of those tracks. 9 00:00:20,354 --> 00:00:22,773 Why would anyone leave a baby in harm's way like that? 10 00:00:22,857 --> 00:00:24,084 I don't know. That's not the point. 11 00:00:24,108 --> 00:00:25,308 Look, it's an ethical dilemma. 12 00:00:25,359 --> 00:00:27,171 Look, Katie brown brought it up over dinner the other night. 13 00:00:27,195 --> 00:00:29,197 The question is, is it appropriate 14 00:00:29,280 --> 00:00:32,992 to divert the train and kill the one baby to save the 10 people? 15 00:00:34,285 --> 00:00:36,305 Wouldn't the people just see the train coming and move? 16 00:00:36,329 --> 00:00:37,830 No. No, they wouldn't see it. 17 00:00:37,914 --> 00:00:39,207 Why not? 18 00:00:39,624 --> 00:00:42,043 Well, look, I don't know, say they're blind. 19 00:00:42,126 --> 00:00:43,544 All of them? Yes, all of them. 20 00:00:43,628 --> 00:00:44,855 Then why don't you just call out 21 00:00:44,879 --> 00:00:46,023 and tell them to move out of the way? 22 00:00:46,047 --> 00:00:47,367 Vveh, because they can't hear you. 23 00:00:47,423 --> 00:00:48,591 What, they're deaf, too? 24 00:00:49,800 --> 00:00:50,861 How fast is the train going? 25 00:00:50,885 --> 00:00:51,886 The speed doesn't matter. 26 00:00:51,969 --> 00:00:53,554 Sure it does. If it's going slow enough, 27 00:00:53,638 --> 00:00:56,390 you could outrun it and shove everyone to the side. 28 00:00:56,474 --> 00:00:57,975 Or better yet, go get the baby. 29 00:00:58,142 --> 00:00:59,685 For god's sake! I was just trying to... 30 00:00:59,769 --> 00:01:00,853 Weir on radio.“ Rodney? 31 00:01:00,937 --> 00:01:01,979 Yes. Go ahead. 32 00:01:02,063 --> 00:01:04,482 Major lorne just dialed in from m4d-058. 33 00:01:04,565 --> 00:01:07,652 He says he's got something you'll want to see. 34 00:01:08,277 --> 00:01:09,278 Work it out. 35 00:01:10,821 --> 00:01:13,157 We came through the space gate and immediately noticed 36 00:01:13,241 --> 00:01:16,202 a bunch of small satellites in geosynchronous orbit above the planet. 37 00:01:16,285 --> 00:01:17,870 An advanced civilization? 38 00:01:17,954 --> 00:01:19,038 That's what we thought, 39 00:01:19,121 --> 00:01:20,641 and we picked up life signs directly below, 40 00:01:20,665 --> 00:01:24,252 so we flew down, saw several villages separated by a large river 41 00:01:24,335 --> 00:01:26,045 and decided to check one of them out, 42 00:01:26,128 --> 00:01:28,172 and as you can see... sergeant. 43 00:01:28,631 --> 00:01:30,675 These people don't exactly look like they're ready 44 00:01:30,758 --> 00:01:32,510 to be launching any satellites, 45 00:01:32,593 --> 00:01:35,096 at least not for the next 500 years or so. 46 00:01:35,513 --> 00:01:37,848 The ancients probably put them up there. 47 00:01:37,932 --> 00:01:39,850 Send a science team to check it out. 48 00:01:39,976 --> 00:01:42,937 Uh, actually, I think doctor McKay may wanna 49 00:01:43,020 --> 00:01:45,106 come check this one out for himself. 50 00:01:47,066 --> 00:01:48,442 Take a look. 51 00:03:06,020 --> 00:03:07,772 How the hell did your face get on that flag? 52 00:03:08,898 --> 00:03:10,191 I don't know. 53 00:03:10,524 --> 00:03:12,068 Really. Here's the thing, though. 54 00:03:12,151 --> 00:03:14,528 That flag's very similar to the one I designed in our game. 55 00:03:14,612 --> 00:03:16,781 It's exactly like the one you designed in our game. 56 00:03:16,864 --> 00:03:17,907 What game? 57 00:03:17,990 --> 00:03:19,259 The game Rodney and I have been playing. 58 00:03:19,283 --> 00:03:20,510 We didn't tell you about the game? 59 00:03:20,534 --> 00:03:21,720 We've been playing for a while now. 60 00:03:21,744 --> 00:03:23,287 Yeah, off and on, in our spare time, 61 00:03:23,412 --> 00:03:24,955 you know, at night, between missions. 62 00:03:25,039 --> 00:03:26,266 I could have sworn we told you about it. 63 00:03:26,290 --> 00:03:27,958 What game? 64 00:03:29,293 --> 00:03:30,437 Well, it started a while ago. 65 00:03:30,461 --> 00:03:33,005 A few months after we arrived here, we were exploring the city, 66 00:03:33,089 --> 00:03:36,509 checking out some labs on the east pier, when we discovered a room. 67 00:03:36,634 --> 00:03:39,011 There were several ancient consoles and screens. 68 00:03:39,095 --> 00:03:40,554 It was quite an impressive layout. 69 00:03:40,638 --> 00:03:42,264 As usual, everything sprang to life 70 00:03:42,348 --> 00:03:43,933 as soon as we entered. 71 00:03:49,188 --> 00:03:51,291 At first, we thought it was some kind of a geological facility. 72 00:03:51,315 --> 00:03:53,317 There was a screen with a map 73 00:03:53,401 --> 00:03:55,319 that we assumed was of the lantian mainland. 74 00:03:55,444 --> 00:03:57,446 Yes, I remember you briefing me about that. 75 00:03:57,530 --> 00:03:58,970 Right. There you go. We did tell you. 76 00:03:59,031 --> 00:04:00,675 You mentioned nothing about a game, though. 77 00:04:00,699 --> 00:04:02,094 That's because at first we didn't know what it was. 78 00:04:02,118 --> 00:04:04,078 Then Rodney studied it more closely. 79 00:04:04,161 --> 00:04:06,455 He realized it wasn't a geological lab at all. 80 00:04:06,539 --> 00:04:08,332 No, it turns out it was, in fact, 81 00:04:08,416 --> 00:04:10,543 a kind of ancient game room. 82 00:04:10,626 --> 00:04:14,004 The map was of a fictional civilization as part of a simulated world. 83 00:04:14,338 --> 00:04:15,589 Sweet! 84 00:04:15,673 --> 00:04:17,473 Yeah, what you do is, you take these countries 85 00:04:17,550 --> 00:04:19,135 that are already in a database 86 00:04:19,218 --> 00:04:20,678 and you assume control of them. 87 00:04:20,761 --> 00:04:23,472 Two societies separated by a river straight down the middle. 88 00:04:23,556 --> 00:04:25,276 Sheppard took one country, I took the other. 89 00:04:25,307 --> 00:04:27,327 First thing Rodney did, besides renaming his country, 90 00:04:27,351 --> 00:04:29,562 is put his face all over the flag. 91 00:04:32,857 --> 00:04:35,025 I think you need to check this planet out. 92 00:04:46,912 --> 00:04:49,248 So the ancestors created this game? 93 00:04:49,331 --> 00:04:51,292 Yes, but this is no ordinary game. 94 00:04:51,375 --> 00:04:54,003 I mean, it is incredibly challenging, instructional... 95 00:04:54,086 --> 00:04:56,964 I mean, the sheer number of options built into it? Staggering. 96 00:04:57,047 --> 00:04:58,424 How does one play it? 97 00:04:58,507 --> 00:05:00,193 You've got to figure out the best way to run your country. 98 00:05:00,217 --> 00:05:02,970 Yeah, you build roads, you establish laws 99 00:05:03,053 --> 00:05:05,556 molded to your own specific ideology. 100 00:05:06,515 --> 00:05:07,600 You can control everything, 101 00:05:07,683 --> 00:05:09,894 proper sanitation systems, water delivery... 102 00:05:09,977 --> 00:05:11,103 Sheppard: Transportation... 103 00:05:11,187 --> 00:05:13,814 I mean, every detail can be manipulated. 104 00:05:13,898 --> 00:05:16,400 I mean, right down to the women's hairstyles. 105 00:05:22,364 --> 00:05:23,824 Hello there. 106 00:05:23,908 --> 00:05:25,075 So how do you win this game? 107 00:05:25,576 --> 00:05:26,761 It's not really about winning. 108 00:05:26,785 --> 00:05:30,122 Mcka y: It's more about whose society outshines the other's. 109 00:05:30,206 --> 00:05:32,124 I mean, who creates a better infrastructure, 110 00:05:32,208 --> 00:05:34,084 who's better at trade. 111 00:05:35,753 --> 00:05:37,338 What? Hey, don't start. 112 00:05:37,421 --> 00:05:38,797 I tried to negotiate with you. 113 00:05:38,881 --> 00:05:42,968 Making a list of demands and not giving anything in return is not negotiating. 114 00:05:43,052 --> 00:05:44,887 I offered you an entire crop of beans. 115 00:05:44,970 --> 00:05:46,805 I don't need beans. I need lumber. 116 00:05:46,931 --> 00:05:49,683 Oh, right. To build defensive fortifications for your army, 117 00:05:49,767 --> 00:05:51,393 which he doubled in size, by the way. 118 00:05:51,477 --> 00:05:52,770 Surprise, surprise. 119 00:05:52,853 --> 00:05:54,206 I only did that after you started cheating. 120 00:05:54,230 --> 00:05:55,439 I did not cheat. 121 00:05:55,523 --> 00:05:57,525 He's giving his people way too much technology 122 00:05:57,608 --> 00:05:59,193 for their level of development. 123 00:05:59,276 --> 00:06:01,213 I'm not the only one increasing my army, by the way. 124 00:06:01,237 --> 00:06:04,490 I had to do something to protect the people of geldar from you. 125 00:06:04,907 --> 00:06:05,908 Geldar? 126 00:06:05,991 --> 00:06:07,660 It's the name of Rodney's country. 127 00:06:07,743 --> 00:06:10,371 He named it after a girl he stalked in college. 128 00:06:10,454 --> 00:06:12,790 I did not stalk her. We dated twice. 129 00:06:13,249 --> 00:06:15,543 Teresa geldar, a very cute blonde. 130 00:06:15,626 --> 00:06:17,545 I always used to think her name reminded me 131 00:06:17,628 --> 00:06:19,463 of some kind of a mythological land. 132 00:06:19,838 --> 00:06:21,298 The kingdom of geldar. 133 00:06:22,758 --> 00:06:24,426 What did you call your country? 134 00:06:24,510 --> 00:06:27,346 Well, I just kept the name it already had. 135 00:06:29,139 --> 00:06:30,474 (Beeping) 136 00:06:31,308 --> 00:06:33,352 Sheppard: Well, there are the satellites. 137 00:06:33,435 --> 00:06:34,812 Teyla: Dozens of them. 138 00:06:34,895 --> 00:06:36,814 Positioned directly above the continent. 139 00:06:36,897 --> 00:06:38,732 A perfect grid, 10 by 10. 140 00:06:38,816 --> 00:06:40,859 Should have a visual on one of them. 141 00:06:50,327 --> 00:06:51,745 Definitely looks ancient. 142 00:06:52,621 --> 00:06:54,081 And active. 143 00:06:54,164 --> 00:06:56,458 It's transmitting a tremendous amount of data. 144 00:06:57,209 --> 00:06:58,961 All right, let's check it out. 145 00:07:10,848 --> 00:07:12,391 (People chattering) 146 00:07:24,403 --> 00:07:26,280 McKay: This is amazing! 147 00:07:26,363 --> 00:07:27,948 Ronon: If you say so. 148 00:07:34,663 --> 00:07:36,248 Oh, yeah. 149 00:07:36,332 --> 00:07:38,959 That's something you see in a medieval village. 150 00:07:39,043 --> 00:07:42,630 Yes, well, the renaissance obviously came early to these folks. 151 00:07:42,713 --> 00:07:44,715 A couple hundred years early? 152 00:07:45,215 --> 00:07:47,885 (People murmuring) 153 00:07:50,262 --> 00:07:52,389 Um, Rodney? 154 00:08:14,953 --> 00:08:16,080 Say something. 155 00:08:16,705 --> 00:08:18,874 Like what? I don't know! 156 00:08:18,957 --> 00:08:22,586 Hello. I am Nola. 157 00:08:23,379 --> 00:08:26,674 Yes, well, this is lieutenant colonel John Sheppard, 158 00:08:26,757 --> 00:08:30,344 Teyla emmagan, ronon Dex, and I'm McKay. 159 00:08:30,427 --> 00:08:32,429 Doctor Rodney McKay. 160 00:08:40,771 --> 00:08:42,690 The resemblance is uncanny. 161 00:08:47,945 --> 00:08:49,780 You are the oracle. 162 00:08:50,322 --> 00:08:51,907 The oracle? 163 00:09:02,543 --> 00:09:04,211 Welcome to geldar. 164 00:09:11,343 --> 00:09:13,303 Nola: Please forgive my nervousness. 165 00:09:14,138 --> 00:09:16,473 I never thought you'd appear to us in the flesh. 166 00:09:16,890 --> 00:09:19,226 Teyla: Why do you refer to him as the oracle? 167 00:09:20,853 --> 00:09:23,063 The oracle is a wise and omnipotent deity. 168 00:09:23,147 --> 00:09:25,107 Boy, she's in for a rude awakening. 169 00:09:25,190 --> 00:09:28,152 Thousands of years ago he gave our ancestors life. 170 00:09:28,235 --> 00:09:29,879 He instructed them how to build their society, 171 00:09:29,903 --> 00:09:30,988 how to live their lives. 172 00:09:31,071 --> 00:09:32,823 His guidance was revered by all. 173 00:09:33,490 --> 00:09:35,117 Then one day without warning, 174 00:09:35,284 --> 00:09:37,161 the oracle ceased all communications. 175 00:09:37,327 --> 00:09:38,537 War with the wraith. 176 00:09:38,620 --> 00:09:39,900 Our people were puzzled by this, 177 00:09:39,955 --> 00:09:42,332 but they continued to adhere to his instructions, 178 00:09:42,416 --> 00:09:44,216 living their lives according to his teachings, 179 00:09:44,251 --> 00:09:47,004 which they passed down from generation to generation. 180 00:09:47,671 --> 00:09:50,466 Have you not had any trouble with the wraith? 181 00:09:51,175 --> 00:09:52,176 Yes. 182 00:09:52,468 --> 00:09:54,011 They've come periodically, 183 00:09:54,136 --> 00:09:56,305 culled our people, destroyed our villages. 184 00:09:56,889 --> 00:09:58,182 Those who survived rebuilt, 185 00:09:58,265 --> 00:10:01,685 but only to the level at which the oracle had instructed before he left. 186 00:10:01,935 --> 00:10:03,455 We found ourselves stalled in our development, 187 00:10:03,479 --> 00:10:06,482 unwilling to push fonnard without the oracle's guidance, 188 00:10:06,565 --> 00:10:08,692 hoping one day he would return to us. 189 00:10:09,151 --> 00:10:10,861 And two years ago, he did. 190 00:10:11,695 --> 00:10:15,157 The oracle resumed communicating with us, teaching us many new things. 191 00:10:15,365 --> 00:10:16,492 He challenged us to think, 192 00:10:16,575 --> 00:10:18,577 to push the limit of our scientific endeavors. 193 00:10:18,660 --> 00:10:20,120 He changed the name of our country 194 00:10:20,204 --> 00:10:21,663 and even revealed his likeness to us. 195 00:10:21,747 --> 00:10:23,957 Enough with the pictures. 196 00:10:24,208 --> 00:10:25,918 Ah! 197 00:10:26,001 --> 00:10:29,379 And you communicate through that. 198 00:10:29,463 --> 00:10:31,089 Nola: The portal, yes. 199 00:10:34,676 --> 00:10:36,804 It's through this that we receive our instructions. 200 00:10:36,887 --> 00:10:39,306 Teyla: And the oracle knows when you've carried them out? 201 00:10:39,556 --> 00:10:40,557 Yes. 202 00:10:40,641 --> 00:10:41,934 It's the satellites. 203 00:10:42,017 --> 00:10:43,369 They must be tracking everything that's going on, 204 00:10:43,393 --> 00:10:46,355 and then relaying it via subspace back to Atlantis. Remarkable. 205 00:10:46,438 --> 00:10:47,940 So, not a game after all. 206 00:10:48,023 --> 00:10:51,026 No, it's obviously some kind of ancient experiment, 207 00:10:51,109 --> 00:10:52,569 social development, 208 00:10:52,653 --> 00:10:55,113 to try out different ways to create civilizations. 209 00:10:56,073 --> 00:10:57,950 This country here. 210 00:10:58,158 --> 00:10:59,701 Hahona. 211 00:11:01,078 --> 00:11:03,413 A persistent Thorn in our side. 212 00:11:04,289 --> 00:11:07,000 Now that you've come to us, you can help us remove it. 213 00:11:15,050 --> 00:11:16,718 Weir: So this is it? Yes, yes. 214 00:11:16,802 --> 00:11:19,429 It is an amazing piece of technology. 215 00:11:19,555 --> 00:11:22,140 It appears to be a sociological experiment 216 00:11:22,224 --> 00:11:23,660 designed by the ancients to help them 217 00:11:23,684 --> 00:11:26,645 as they were seeding various civilizations throughout Pegasus. 218 00:11:26,728 --> 00:11:29,273 I've had a chance to look at it further, and it's interesting. 219 00:11:29,356 --> 00:11:32,150 There are many more civilizations in the game's database. 220 00:11:32,276 --> 00:11:35,320 Really? I thought Rodney said there were only two. 221 00:11:35,404 --> 00:11:36,530 That's what he thought. 222 00:11:36,613 --> 00:11:39,950 The actual countries that he and colonel Sheppard are controlling 223 00:11:40,033 --> 00:11:41,618 are on this specific planet, 224 00:11:41,702 --> 00:11:43,537 but I've been able to access the codes 225 00:11:43,620 --> 00:11:45,789 to unlock additional levels to the game... 226 00:11:46,123 --> 00:11:48,876 I mean, to the experiment. 227 00:11:49,543 --> 00:11:53,171 I discovered countries on planets throughout the galaxy. 228 00:11:54,089 --> 00:11:55,775 Some have been idle for the past 10,000 years, 229 00:11:55,799 --> 00:11:58,385 I guess awaiting instructions from the ancients, 230 00:11:58,468 --> 00:12:02,264 but some have managed to develop on their own, even flourish. 231 00:12:03,056 --> 00:12:05,142 Some have been destroyed by war, 232 00:12:05,225 --> 00:12:08,604 and others have been completely wiped out. 233 00:12:09,813 --> 00:12:14,318 Not that Rodney's and colonel Sheppard's societies are on this path. 234 00:12:17,738 --> 00:12:20,198 So much power at one's fingertips. 235 00:12:22,075 --> 00:12:25,913 It's amazing the attraction of this game. 236 00:12:32,127 --> 00:12:33,670 We've managed to achieve propulsion 237 00:12:33,754 --> 00:12:35,422 through hand-powered propellers, 238 00:12:35,505 --> 00:12:38,759 but now we're undertaking tests of steam-powered propulsion. 239 00:12:38,842 --> 00:12:39,927 Only this morning 240 00:12:40,010 --> 00:12:42,471 I completed a test that proved quite promising. 241 00:12:42,554 --> 00:12:44,348 Really? That's great. 242 00:12:45,057 --> 00:12:47,100 You're pleased? Yes. 243 00:12:47,184 --> 00:12:48,268 Yes, I mean, this is... 244 00:12:48,352 --> 00:12:49,937 This is quite an achievement. 245 00:12:56,109 --> 00:12:57,778 What's he doing here? 246 00:12:57,861 --> 00:12:59,655 It wasn't my idea. 247 00:13:00,238 --> 00:13:03,742 Doctor Rodney McKay, meet baden. 248 00:13:04,368 --> 00:13:06,453 Oh, your guy. 249 00:13:06,954 --> 00:13:08,372 My guy. 250 00:13:08,455 --> 00:13:09,623 Yeah, it figures. 251 00:13:09,706 --> 00:13:11,917 I should have you arrested for trespassing. 252 00:13:12,376 --> 00:13:13,460 Go ahead and try. 253 00:13:13,543 --> 00:13:14,670 Sheppard: Easy now. 254 00:13:14,836 --> 00:13:17,839 I brought him here because we need to have a little discussion. 255 00:13:18,632 --> 00:13:20,801 I have nothing to say to him. 256 00:13:20,884 --> 00:13:21,927 Fine with me. 257 00:13:22,010 --> 00:13:23,178 Yeah, maybe not. 258 00:13:23,971 --> 00:13:26,431 But we definitely have something to say to you. 259 00:13:28,225 --> 00:13:31,520 80 his story's pretty much the same as Nola's. 260 00:13:31,895 --> 00:13:35,399 His ancestors received instructions from their oracle, 261 00:13:35,524 --> 00:13:37,484 who disappeared for thousands of years, 262 00:13:37,567 --> 00:13:41,029 only to suddenly resume communicating a few years ago. 263 00:13:41,279 --> 00:13:43,716 McKay: Let me guess, he told you to double the size of your army. 264 00:13:43,740 --> 00:13:47,285 Yes, he has a capable army and some nice villages. 265 00:13:47,577 --> 00:13:50,497 No people riding bicycles or hot air balloons, 266 00:13:50,580 --> 00:13:51,790 because we weren't cheating. 267 00:13:51,873 --> 00:13:53,000 I didn't cheat. 268 00:13:53,083 --> 00:13:55,168 Have you come to agree to our trade proposals? 269 00:13:55,252 --> 00:13:58,422 You mean demands? Never. 270 00:14:00,674 --> 00:14:02,884 Then I refuse to sit at the same table... 271 00:14:02,968 --> 00:14:04,761 Look, please, just sit. 272 00:14:07,305 --> 00:14:08,640 Thank you. 273 00:14:10,350 --> 00:14:12,769 This hostility between you, 274 00:14:12,978 --> 00:14:16,690 have your people lived like this for thousands of years? 275 00:14:18,358 --> 00:14:20,444 There was once peace between our lands. 276 00:14:22,904 --> 00:14:23,905 Oh, no. 277 00:14:23,989 --> 00:14:25,741 So this hostility, 278 00:14:25,824 --> 00:14:28,994 did it start a few years ago? 279 00:14:29,161 --> 00:14:30,620 Yes. 280 00:14:30,704 --> 00:14:33,415 Shortly after the oracle resumed communicating with us. 281 00:14:41,256 --> 00:14:43,091 So, what, they're starving? 282 00:14:43,175 --> 00:14:44,843 Well, not as of yet, 283 00:14:44,926 --> 00:14:46,779 but if they don't change their approach to agriculture, 284 00:14:46,803 --> 00:14:49,556 it won't be too long before many of their people go hungry. 285 00:14:49,639 --> 00:14:52,517 The frustrating thing is that there is a large piece of fertile soil 286 00:14:52,601 --> 00:14:54,770 in the south of the country that would be ideal 287 00:14:54,853 --> 00:14:57,022 for tuber cultivation, you know? 288 00:14:58,106 --> 00:14:59,524 Sorry, tuber? 289 00:14:59,608 --> 00:15:00,776 Tuber, yeah, tuber. 290 00:15:00,859 --> 00:15:02,277 It is indigenous to the planet. 291 00:15:02,360 --> 00:15:04,654 It's a... it's like a potato. 292 00:15:06,490 --> 00:15:08,283 So why didn't you say potato? 293 00:15:08,575 --> 00:15:12,120 Because it's not a potato. It's... it's larger. 294 00:15:12,204 --> 00:15:14,748 It has the same texture and nutrients as a potato, 295 00:15:14,831 --> 00:15:17,292 but it's like a cantaloupe. 296 00:15:19,669 --> 00:15:21,338 That's a pretty big potato. 297 00:15:21,421 --> 00:15:23,048 Yeah, it is a big potato. 298 00:15:23,131 --> 00:15:25,008 So if they plant this thing there, it'll grow? 299 00:15:25,092 --> 00:15:26,676 Yeah, oh, yes, whole fields of it. 300 00:15:26,760 --> 00:15:28,887 I mean, they could sustain an entire village, 301 00:15:28,970 --> 00:15:31,348 but they're oblivious to it. 302 00:15:33,183 --> 00:15:35,477 Tell them. Anonymously. 303 00:15:36,853 --> 00:15:37,854 Oh, come on, doc, 304 00:15:37,938 --> 00:15:40,190 you can either stand here and let the people die, 305 00:15:40,273 --> 00:15:42,400 or you can help them out. 306 00:15:43,193 --> 00:15:45,487 Sounds like a no-brainer to me. 307 00:15:49,199 --> 00:15:51,910 As soon as we input the instructions into our console, 308 00:15:51,993 --> 00:15:54,287 they are relayed back to this device 309 00:15:54,371 --> 00:15:56,915 by a number of satellites in orbit over your planet. 310 00:15:56,998 --> 00:15:58,959 Once you've carried out the instructions, 311 00:15:59,042 --> 00:16:00,544 the satellites transmit 312 00:16:00,627 --> 00:16:03,922 their real-time results back to us on our homeworld. 313 00:16:05,715 --> 00:16:08,677 So you're saying this is a game? 314 00:16:09,803 --> 00:16:11,638 No, no. 315 00:16:11,721 --> 00:16:13,366 I mean, well, we thought it was a game, but... 316 00:16:13,390 --> 00:16:16,726 We didn't know there were real people on the other end. 317 00:16:18,645 --> 00:16:20,522 You are the oracle? 318 00:16:20,647 --> 00:16:22,566 I'm your oracle, yes. 319 00:16:23,525 --> 00:16:24,526 That doesn't sound right. 320 00:16:24,609 --> 00:16:28,405 I know this is difficult to absorb, but it is all true. 321 00:16:28,572 --> 00:16:29,865 You flew in the puddle jumper. 322 00:16:29,948 --> 00:16:31,217 You know they have the technology. 323 00:16:31,241 --> 00:16:32,492 I'm not listening to this. 324 00:16:32,576 --> 00:16:35,036 Just hold on here a sec. We can prove it to you. 325 00:16:35,120 --> 00:16:36,413 How? 326 00:16:36,746 --> 00:16:38,206 Let's go for a ride. 327 00:16:55,932 --> 00:16:59,269 Sheppard: Baden, Nola, this is Dr. Weir, leader of our expedition. 328 00:16:59,603 --> 00:17:01,396 Welcome to Atlantis. 329 00:17:01,771 --> 00:17:03,583 If these two gentlemen haven't done so already, 330 00:17:03,607 --> 00:17:06,902 let me please offer you our sincerest apologies 331 00:17:06,985 --> 00:17:09,112 for this intrusion into your lives. 332 00:17:09,196 --> 00:17:10,197 Intrusion? 333 00:17:10,280 --> 00:17:12,341 No, it was an imposition, maybe, and a benevolent one at that. 334 00:17:12,365 --> 00:17:14,594 I mean, if you could have seen the villages now compared to 335 00:17:14,618 --> 00:17:15,761 the way they were when we started... 336 00:17:15,785 --> 00:17:16,912 Weir: Rodney. 337 00:17:17,495 --> 00:17:20,040 Now, why don't you take them to your game room, 338 00:17:20,165 --> 00:17:22,167 show them what you two have been up to? 339 00:17:22,250 --> 00:17:23,293 Right. 340 00:17:24,461 --> 00:17:25,462 Shall we? 341 00:17:31,927 --> 00:17:34,804 So, this is geldar and this is hallona. 342 00:17:35,138 --> 00:17:36,723 Look, two weeks ago, 343 00:17:36,806 --> 00:17:38,892 I instructed you to start digging a well 344 00:17:38,975 --> 00:17:42,437 for the new settlement on the eastern slope and look here... 345 00:17:42,896 --> 00:17:44,856 There. See? 346 00:17:48,193 --> 00:17:49,819 Construction's already begun. 347 00:17:50,654 --> 00:17:52,030 Yes. 348 00:17:53,031 --> 00:17:54,574 I gave the order myself. 349 00:17:58,203 --> 00:17:59,871 Our lives are just a game. 350 00:17:59,955 --> 00:18:01,498 Well, now, no. 351 00:18:01,748 --> 00:18:03,917 They're not games to you, 352 00:18:04,000 --> 00:18:05,794 and, in our defense, 353 00:18:05,877 --> 00:18:07,921 we were trying to improve your lives. 354 00:18:08,004 --> 00:18:09,315 It's like he said, everything we did, 355 00:18:09,339 --> 00:18:10,465 every instruction we gave 356 00:18:10,548 --> 00:18:12,592 was to better conditions for your people. 357 00:18:12,676 --> 00:18:13,694 And if that meant cheafing_. 358 00:18:13,718 --> 00:18:15,845 Okay, you know, enough with that already. 359 00:18:21,184 --> 00:18:22,269 McKay: Is the room okay? 360 00:18:22,352 --> 00:18:23,603 It's fine. 361 00:18:24,271 --> 00:18:28,400 Well, then, if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask, okay? 362 00:18:29,943 --> 00:18:30,944 You hungry? 363 00:18:31,027 --> 00:18:32,672 'Cause we could walk across to the mess hall. 364 00:18:32,696 --> 00:18:36,283 They've got... I think it's Salisbury steak today. It's very good. 365 00:18:36,366 --> 00:18:40,787 They have a gravy that they put on the steak part and... 366 00:18:41,204 --> 00:18:43,331 The oracle was a god to us. 367 00:18:45,792 --> 00:18:47,502 I believed in his teachings 368 00:18:48,712 --> 00:18:51,131 so much so that my people elected me leader 369 00:18:51,214 --> 00:18:54,009 because of my passion for scientific advancement. 370 00:18:54,092 --> 00:18:56,594 Well, they obviously made the right choice. 371 00:18:57,053 --> 00:18:59,639 Now I must resolve myself to the fact 372 00:19:00,223 --> 00:19:02,225 that the oracle is only a man. 373 00:19:03,852 --> 00:19:06,896 Yeah. Sorry about that. 374 00:19:07,230 --> 00:19:09,107 It's like I said, though. 375 00:19:09,190 --> 00:19:11,568 I did what I did with the best of intentions. 376 00:19:11,651 --> 00:19:13,111 To win a game. 377 00:19:13,236 --> 00:19:15,488 No. No, no. 378 00:19:16,197 --> 00:19:18,325 It is not about winning or losing. 379 00:19:18,408 --> 00:19:20,368 Look, the information I gave you and your people 380 00:19:20,452 --> 00:19:22,245 is very real, very useful. 381 00:19:22,412 --> 00:19:24,164 I've set you on a course that will allow you 382 00:19:24,247 --> 00:19:26,791 to develop into a modern society. 383 00:19:27,000 --> 00:19:28,185 I mean, what were you two years ago? 384 00:19:28,209 --> 00:19:30,587 You were a primitive, disparate cluster of villages 385 00:19:30,670 --> 00:19:32,339 stalled in development. 386 00:19:32,422 --> 00:19:33,923 Now you're making dirigibles. 387 00:19:34,007 --> 00:19:36,217 Do you have any idea how momentous that is? 388 00:19:39,137 --> 00:19:40,972 The oracle once said, 389 00:19:41,639 --> 00:19:43,892 "ask not what geldar can do for you, 390 00:19:43,975 --> 00:19:45,852 "but what you can do for geldar." 391 00:19:46,936 --> 00:19:48,355 Those were your words. 392 00:19:49,564 --> 00:19:51,191 Give or take. 393 00:19:51,274 --> 00:19:53,068 They are very wise. 394 00:19:53,276 --> 00:19:56,613 Yes. Yes, they are. 395 00:19:57,947 --> 00:19:59,866 Sheppard: Well, now that you know the truth, 396 00:19:59,949 --> 00:20:01,868 you can go back to living your own lives. 397 00:20:01,951 --> 00:20:04,496 We won't bother you anymore. 398 00:20:04,579 --> 00:20:07,248 No. You must still help us. 399 00:20:08,083 --> 00:20:10,210 You don't need our help. You'll be fine. 400 00:20:10,293 --> 00:20:11,753 We need more weapons. 401 00:20:13,129 --> 00:20:15,465 The flying machine you brought us here in, 402 00:20:15,965 --> 00:20:18,301 you called it a puddle jumper. 403 00:20:18,635 --> 00:20:20,345 Our army could use it. 404 00:20:20,428 --> 00:20:22,305 No. Can't do that. 405 00:20:23,306 --> 00:20:26,059 But you encouraged me to increase the military. 406 00:20:26,142 --> 00:20:29,187 In response to McKay, the other oracle, 407 00:20:29,270 --> 00:20:31,648 doing things that I thought were... 408 00:20:31,731 --> 00:20:34,317 Aggressive? Arrogant? 409 00:20:34,943 --> 00:20:36,861 Demeaning to me and my people? 410 00:20:37,487 --> 00:20:40,615 I will give you arrogant and demeaning, but... 411 00:20:40,698 --> 00:20:43,243 The people of geldar have started digging a mine 412 00:20:43,326 --> 00:20:46,663 beneath our borders to exploit coal resources on our land. 413 00:20:48,331 --> 00:20:49,999 Really? 414 00:20:50,166 --> 00:20:51,835 It was only confirmed yesterday. 415 00:20:52,502 --> 00:20:55,880 This after several diplomatic attempts to reach a compromise. 416 00:20:55,964 --> 00:20:57,590 Yeah, we couldn't come to an agreement, 417 00:20:57,674 --> 00:21:00,552 but I didn't think he would start digging. 418 00:21:01,678 --> 00:21:03,263 I'm curious to know what response 419 00:21:03,346 --> 00:21:05,432 you would have to such an incursion. 420 00:21:06,766 --> 00:21:08,101 Ibeheve your next command 421 00:21:08,184 --> 00:21:10,478 would be to launch an attack on the mine, 422 00:21:10,979 --> 00:21:13,398 prevent them from digging further. 423 00:21:15,942 --> 00:21:17,735 I'm right, aren't I? 424 00:21:22,198 --> 00:21:23,408 Weir: Did they believe you? 425 00:21:23,491 --> 00:21:25,452 Yes. They are fully aware of the situation. 426 00:21:25,535 --> 00:21:26,655 Not too thrilled, obviously. 427 00:21:26,703 --> 00:21:28,121 We've got a big problem, though. 428 00:21:28,204 --> 00:21:29,622 What is it? 429 00:21:29,706 --> 00:21:31,124 Game or no game, the fact remains 430 00:21:31,207 --> 00:21:33,793 we've started something these people don't seem to wanna stop. 431 00:21:33,877 --> 00:21:38,089 They hate each other and may be headed for a very real war. 432 00:21:39,174 --> 00:21:40,383 Great. 433 00:21:41,050 --> 00:21:46,055 Great, and this is thanks to your benevolent imposition? 434 00:21:52,770 --> 00:21:54,450 Weir: I've asked you both here this morning 435 00:21:54,481 --> 00:21:56,483 so we can have a face-to-face talk. 436 00:21:56,566 --> 00:21:59,903 Now, hopefully, I can help you reach an understanding. 437 00:22:00,236 --> 00:22:01,654 Where's Dr. McKay? 438 00:22:01,738 --> 00:22:03,549 Well, I've asked that neither he nor colonel Sheppard 439 00:22:03,573 --> 00:22:04,824 participate in this. 440 00:22:04,908 --> 00:22:06,268 I think they've already done enough 441 00:22:06,326 --> 00:22:08,536 in fostering the current tension between you. 442 00:22:09,662 --> 00:22:12,790 Now, I have had some experience brokering peace treaties. 443 00:22:12,916 --> 00:22:15,210 I'm sure we can find some common ground. 444 00:22:20,173 --> 00:22:21,341 Okay. 445 00:22:21,424 --> 00:22:24,677 Why don't we start by going back a few years, 446 00:22:24,761 --> 00:22:28,056 to the time when your two peoples lived in peace? 447 00:22:28,348 --> 00:22:30,266 We were naive back then, 448 00:22:30,600 --> 00:22:32,644 ignorant to our potential. 449 00:22:33,144 --> 00:22:36,314 Once we began to challenge ourselves intellectually, 450 00:22:37,023 --> 00:22:39,484 we began to see how the people of hallona had been abusing 451 00:22:39,567 --> 00:22:41,861 thousands of years of kindness from us. 452 00:22:41,945 --> 00:22:45,114 I've done everything I could to achieve peace with you. 453 00:22:45,198 --> 00:22:47,033 Really? Such as? 454 00:22:47,116 --> 00:22:49,077 I sent gifts of goodwill. 455 00:22:49,661 --> 00:22:53,456 You sent crates of citrus fruit. Citrus. 456 00:22:53,623 --> 00:22:56,042 Do you have any idea what an insult that is to my people? 457 00:22:56,125 --> 00:22:57,210 Didn't used to be. 458 00:22:57,293 --> 00:23:00,129 Okay, see, I think I know where that comes from. 459 00:23:00,213 --> 00:23:05,343 Did the oracle tell you that citrus fruit was bad? 460 00:23:05,969 --> 00:23:08,346 He made us aware of its toxic properties, yes. 461 00:23:08,429 --> 00:23:10,515 Everything is toxic to you. 462 00:23:10,848 --> 00:23:13,893 If they're not busy insulting us, they're complaining about 463 00:23:13,977 --> 00:23:17,146 contaminated food, improper hygiene, 464 00:23:17,230 --> 00:23:19,732 even the sunlight is dangerous to them. 465 00:23:19,816 --> 00:23:21,651 The only insult has been your unwillingness 466 00:23:21,734 --> 00:23:24,445 to compromise in any trade negotiation. 467 00:23:24,904 --> 00:23:27,865 Instead, you choose to increase the size of your army. 468 00:23:27,949 --> 00:23:29,409 You built an army, too. 469 00:23:29,492 --> 00:23:31,452 Only in response to your aggression. 470 00:23:31,536 --> 00:23:32,996 My aggression? 471 00:23:33,079 --> 00:23:35,873 You dig a mine beneath our border to steal our coal 472 00:23:35,957 --> 00:23:38,001 and you have the nerve to talk about aggression. 473 00:23:38,084 --> 00:23:39,544 We're not stealing your coal. 474 00:23:39,627 --> 00:23:41,045 You crossed into our land! 475 00:23:41,129 --> 00:23:42,314 What do you need it for anyway? 476 00:23:42,338 --> 00:23:45,216 It's not like you know the first thing about what to do with it. 477 00:23:45,300 --> 00:23:47,093 You see how she insults us? 478 00:23:47,176 --> 00:23:48,469 By stating a fact. 479 00:23:48,553 --> 00:23:49,846 Please. 480 00:23:49,929 --> 00:23:51,764 If we could discuss this reasonably, 481 00:23:51,848 --> 00:23:53,683 I am sure we can come to some sort of... 482 00:23:53,766 --> 00:23:55,351 We've tried. 483 00:23:55,727 --> 00:23:57,645 They agree to nothing. 484 00:23:58,313 --> 00:24:00,857 And until Dr. McKay is brought into this discussion, 485 00:24:00,940 --> 00:24:02,692 I have nothing further to say. 486 00:24:16,956 --> 00:24:18,374 That went well. 487 00:24:18,750 --> 00:24:19,751 Talk to them. 488 00:24:19,834 --> 00:24:22,086 Get them back to the table and hammer out a truce. 489 00:24:22,211 --> 00:24:24,547 Ihaverun into a roadblock. Really? 490 00:24:24,631 --> 00:24:26,507 Nola seemed very agreeable. To you. 491 00:24:26,591 --> 00:24:28,926 Yeah, well, more agreeable than Richard the lionheart. 492 00:24:29,010 --> 00:24:31,512 They are both refusing to compromise. 493 00:24:31,596 --> 00:24:32,836 You seem to have convinced them 494 00:24:32,889 --> 00:24:35,034 that they can't make any decisions without your guidance. 495 00:24:35,058 --> 00:24:36,643 That's not true. 496 00:24:36,726 --> 00:24:38,019 Tell them that. 497 00:24:39,437 --> 00:24:40,855 Nola: This is delicious! 498 00:24:41,230 --> 00:24:43,775 Listen, you need to make peace with the people of hallona. 499 00:24:43,858 --> 00:24:46,569 If tensions keep rising like this, it could lead to war. 500 00:24:47,236 --> 00:24:48,237 I'm aware of that. 501 00:24:48,321 --> 00:24:50,907 Well, then, you're also aware that people will get hurt. 502 00:24:51,407 --> 00:24:53,409 I know the danger to my people. 503 00:24:53,493 --> 00:24:54,952 I also know you've taught us things 504 00:24:55,036 --> 00:24:56,329 baden's band of knuckle-draggers 505 00:24:56,412 --> 00:24:58,331 won't learn for hundreds of years. 506 00:24:59,248 --> 00:25:00,643 Under your leadership, we hope to remain 507 00:25:00,667 --> 00:25:03,503 many steps ahead of any kind of aggression from them. 508 00:25:03,586 --> 00:25:05,004 Nola, you and your people 509 00:25:05,088 --> 00:25:06,565 need to start thinking for yourselves. 510 00:25:06,589 --> 00:25:08,591 Look, I'm not gonna be there for you anymore. 511 00:25:08,758 --> 00:25:10,438 You need to take control of your own lives, 512 00:25:10,510 --> 00:25:12,363 start making your own decisions about your future. 513 00:25:12,387 --> 00:25:14,847 And there can be no future without peace. 514 00:25:15,264 --> 00:25:16,307 I agree. 515 00:25:16,391 --> 00:25:18,267 Good. Fine. 516 00:25:18,351 --> 00:25:20,895 And as soon as the people of hallona either concede 517 00:25:20,978 --> 00:25:24,023 or get out of our way, peace will be restored. 518 00:25:25,441 --> 00:25:27,193 What you told me before, 519 00:25:27,276 --> 00:25:30,780 I do realize how monumental our progress has been, 520 00:25:31,531 --> 00:25:33,700 and I refuse to let baden destroy that. 521 00:25:34,575 --> 00:25:36,703 "Great spirits have always encountered 522 00:25:36,786 --> 00:25:38,830 "opposition from mediocre minds." 523 00:25:38,955 --> 00:25:40,790 Those are the words of the oracle. 524 00:25:40,957 --> 00:25:42,250 Your words. 525 00:25:42,375 --> 00:25:43,710 Einstein's, actually, but... 526 00:25:43,793 --> 00:25:47,130 If we yield one bit to hallona, 527 00:25:47,213 --> 00:25:51,175 it will be equal to taking a giant step back in our development. 528 00:25:52,885 --> 00:25:56,013 I owe it to my people to make sure that does not happen. 529 00:25:56,264 --> 00:25:57,473 Hmm. 530 00:26:01,436 --> 00:26:03,396 Baden: They're digging further. 531 00:26:03,479 --> 00:26:06,107 Every hour, they intrude deeper into our land. 532 00:26:06,232 --> 00:26:09,068 To get them to stop, you have to provide anincenfive. 533 00:26:09,736 --> 00:26:11,112 Like attacking the mine? 534 00:26:11,195 --> 00:26:13,740 That'll cause a whole other set of problems. 535 00:26:13,823 --> 00:26:16,242 The only problems will be with the people of geldar. 536 00:26:16,325 --> 00:26:18,661 Not necessarily. They can fight back. 537 00:26:18,995 --> 00:26:20,079 What are you saying? 538 00:26:20,163 --> 00:26:21,289 We should capitulate, 539 00:26:21,372 --> 00:26:22,915 let them do whatever they want? 540 00:26:22,999 --> 00:26:25,293 No. You make a deal, trade. 541 00:26:25,376 --> 00:26:27,628 Say you decide to share some of your weaponry, 542 00:26:27,712 --> 00:26:30,256 and they in turn give you some of their technology. 543 00:26:30,339 --> 00:26:31,841 Weir on rad/o.“ John? 544 00:26:32,467 --> 00:26:33,551 Go ahead. 545 00:26:33,634 --> 00:26:35,052 How's it going? 546 00:26:35,136 --> 00:26:37,889 Well, he's being a little... 547 00:26:38,014 --> 00:26:39,015 Stubborn? 548 00:26:39,098 --> 00:26:40,600 I was gonna use a different word. 549 00:26:40,683 --> 00:26:41,893 (Beeping) 550 00:26:41,976 --> 00:26:43,269 Hmm. 551 00:26:45,688 --> 00:26:46,915 I'd like you to come to my office. 552 00:26:46,939 --> 00:26:48,524 We need to talk. 553 00:26:49,233 --> 00:26:51,152 They're not open to any kind of deal? 554 00:26:51,235 --> 00:26:52,779 Not yet. 555 00:26:52,862 --> 00:26:54,214 Maybe we should stick them in a room, 556 00:26:54,238 --> 00:26:55,698 force them to come to an agreement. 557 00:26:55,782 --> 00:26:57,422 Don't worry about it. They'll work it out. 558 00:26:57,450 --> 00:27:00,286 Look, we just happened to catch them at a particularly bad time. 559 00:27:00,369 --> 00:27:03,456 Sheppard's guy's been doing a lot of aggressive posturing of late. 560 00:27:03,539 --> 00:27:06,250 The only aggression is coming from the people of gelding. 561 00:27:06,334 --> 00:27:08,044 Geldar. Whatever. 562 00:27:08,294 --> 00:27:11,506 His people are digging a mine across the border into hallona. 563 00:27:14,342 --> 00:27:18,137 The coal resources straddle the border between my country and his. 564 00:27:18,221 --> 00:27:19,941 Barely! They go three miles into my country, 565 00:27:20,014 --> 00:27:21,700 which your people are happily tunneling into. 566 00:27:21,724 --> 00:27:24,519 It has been a point of contention between us, 567 00:27:24,602 --> 00:27:26,187 okay, but it is just a difference 568 00:27:26,270 --> 00:27:27,772 in cartographic interpretation. 569 00:27:27,855 --> 00:27:29,440 Tomayto. Tomahto. 570 00:27:29,524 --> 00:27:31,400 No, no, it's pretty clear cut. 571 00:27:31,484 --> 00:27:33,277 You entered illegally into my country. 572 00:27:33,361 --> 00:27:34,821 Gentlemen... You gave me no choice! 573 00:27:34,904 --> 00:27:36,781 You refused to negotiate! Oh, you mean give in. 574 00:27:36,864 --> 00:27:39,384 What do you care anyway? It's not like your people are gonna use the coal. 575 00:27:39,408 --> 00:27:40,493 Oh, yeah, that's right. 576 00:27:40,576 --> 00:27:42,346 You need it to power your medieval steam engines. 577 00:27:42,370 --> 00:27:43,913 Stop it! 578 00:27:44,580 --> 00:27:46,499 These are not your lands. 579 00:27:46,582 --> 00:27:48,376 This "game" is over, 580 00:27:48,459 --> 00:27:50,169 so you'd better set aside your differences, 581 00:27:50,253 --> 00:27:53,798 because if the two of you can't figure out how to forge a truce, 582 00:27:53,881 --> 00:27:56,008 how the hell are these people going to? 583 00:27:57,927 --> 00:27:59,679 Zelenka: Rodney? What? 584 00:27:59,762 --> 00:28:01,681 You'd better come to the game room. 585 00:28:03,975 --> 00:28:05,351 What happened? 586 00:28:05,434 --> 00:28:08,104 We've just received a data stream from the planet. 587 00:28:12,650 --> 00:28:14,777 Colonel Sheppard's army has launched an attack. 588 00:28:16,904 --> 00:28:19,407 Don't look at me. I didn't order it. 589 00:28:25,121 --> 00:28:27,123 They're going after the mine. 590 00:28:31,544 --> 00:28:34,797 Well, looks like your warjust started. 591 00:28:44,891 --> 00:28:46,475 Who ordered this? 592 00:28:47,143 --> 00:28:48,144 I did. 593 00:28:48,227 --> 00:28:50,646 He entered the command on your game console. 594 00:28:50,730 --> 00:28:53,610 I only did it because I know it's something you would have told me to do. 595 00:28:53,649 --> 00:28:56,485 I ordered you to make peace with these people! 596 00:28:56,569 --> 00:28:58,154 This attack will not go unpunished. 597 00:28:58,237 --> 00:28:59,989 No one is doing any punishing. 598 00:29:00,865 --> 00:29:03,409 There'll be no further escalation to this conflict. 599 00:29:04,952 --> 00:29:06,495 There's no casualties reported. 600 00:29:06,579 --> 00:29:08,915 Looks like the mine was surrendered without a fight. 601 00:29:08,998 --> 00:29:12,293 I told my army to minimize collateral damage. 602 00:29:12,376 --> 00:29:13,586 You need to get back there. 603 00:29:13,669 --> 00:29:14,962 Take ronon and Teyla with you. 604 00:29:15,046 --> 00:29:16,714 Go to your respective countries 605 00:29:16,797 --> 00:29:19,717 and make sure this does not get any further out of hand. 606 00:29:20,384 --> 00:29:22,219 No one has been hurt yet. 607 00:29:22,845 --> 00:29:24,221 Let's keep it that way. 608 00:29:38,152 --> 00:29:40,613 You're back. We were beginning to worry. What's the status? 609 00:29:40,696 --> 00:29:42,698 I've ordered three army units to retake the mine. 610 00:29:42,782 --> 00:29:44,343 They're on their way. Oh, no. No, no, no. 611 00:29:44,367 --> 00:29:45,761 You need to put a stop to that. Why? 612 00:29:45,785 --> 00:29:47,078 Look, we just need to step back 613 00:29:47,161 --> 00:29:48,704 and reassess the situation here, okay? 614 00:29:48,788 --> 00:29:51,374 We should be thinking about easing tensions, not inflaming them. 615 00:29:51,457 --> 00:29:52,458 Oh, no. 616 00:29:54,335 --> 00:29:55,535 They're continuing to advance. 617 00:29:55,586 --> 00:29:56,754 What? 618 00:29:56,837 --> 00:29:58,231 Nola: Divert the units away from the mine. 619 00:29:58,255 --> 00:30:00,375 Have them gather in the village, prepare to defend it. 620 00:30:00,424 --> 00:30:02,110 Isn't this what you're supposed to be stopping? 621 00:30:02,134 --> 00:30:04,470 Yes. Look, listen to me. You cannot engage them. 622 00:30:04,553 --> 00:30:06,097 We must protect our people. 623 00:30:06,180 --> 00:30:07,783 Look, I agree, but you've gotta give Sheppard some time. 624 00:30:07,807 --> 00:30:10,226 He'll call off the army. Will he? 625 00:30:13,854 --> 00:30:14,981 Mcka y: Sheppard. Come in. 626 00:30:15,064 --> 00:30:16,148 Go ahead. 627 00:30:16,232 --> 00:30:17,984 Are you watching what's going on here? 628 00:30:18,067 --> 00:30:19,318 We just got here. 629 00:30:19,402 --> 00:30:21,654 Pretty much the same set-up as yours. 630 00:30:21,737 --> 00:30:25,157 We don't have electricity, but I'm not gonna get into that right now. 631 00:30:25,241 --> 00:30:27,034 Your army is still on the march. 632 00:30:27,493 --> 00:30:28,869 What? 633 00:30:28,953 --> 00:30:30,180 Look, they're headed for one of my villages. 634 00:30:30,204 --> 00:30:31,764 You need to call them off before they... 635 00:30:31,831 --> 00:30:33,374 The attack has begun. 636 00:30:43,426 --> 00:30:45,511 Ronon: Looks like you guys are giving up. 637 00:30:45,594 --> 00:30:48,264 What? No, no, no, no, that can't be right. 638 00:30:49,348 --> 00:30:50,516 That was fast, Rodney. 639 00:30:50,599 --> 00:30:52,244 Well, they retreated without any kind of a fight. 640 00:30:52,268 --> 00:30:53,769 What kind of an army is that? 641 00:30:53,853 --> 00:30:55,354 Well, at least there's no casualties. 642 00:30:55,438 --> 00:30:58,065 It's all right. I have another plan. 643 00:30:59,734 --> 00:31:01,360 What other plan? 644 00:31:01,485 --> 00:31:03,154 Why are you asking me? 645 00:31:06,407 --> 00:31:08,034 What are you doing? 646 00:31:08,117 --> 00:31:09,277 Preparing our counter-attack. 647 00:31:09,326 --> 00:31:10,411 What counter-attack? 648 00:31:10,494 --> 00:31:12,496 From information you gave us about high-temperature 649 00:31:12,580 --> 00:31:13,940 and energetic materials technology, 650 00:31:13,998 --> 00:31:17,168 I have constructed a tactical explosive device. 651 00:31:17,626 --> 00:31:19,295 A bomb? You actually built a bomb? 652 00:31:19,378 --> 00:31:22,048 I told you we'd always be several steps ahead of baden. 653 00:31:22,131 --> 00:31:23,358 How come I didn't know about this? 654 00:31:23,382 --> 00:31:25,676 We have yet to test it, so it still appears to not exist. 655 00:31:25,760 --> 00:31:28,345 We will target one of hallona's outlying villages. 656 00:31:28,429 --> 00:31:29,489 How are you gonna deliver it? 657 00:31:29,513 --> 00:31:32,058 I mean, the catapult couldn't possibly reach that far. 658 00:31:32,141 --> 00:31:33,225 I will deliver it. 659 00:31:33,309 --> 00:31:34,911 Using one of the airships you taught us to build. 660 00:31:34,935 --> 00:31:36,145 Oh, no. 661 00:31:36,228 --> 00:31:38,481 No, no, no, no, no. Come back! 662 00:31:39,648 --> 00:31:42,651 You taught them how to build a bomb? Mcka y.” no! 663 00:31:42,735 --> 00:31:44,153 Well, not specifically. 664 00:31:44,236 --> 00:31:45,821 Look, okay, maybe I provided them 665 00:31:45,905 --> 00:31:47,185 with a list of ingredients but... 666 00:31:47,239 --> 00:31:48,574 I don't believe this! 667 00:31:48,657 --> 00:31:50,117 How much damage canitcause? 668 00:31:50,201 --> 00:31:51,641 Enough to take out an entire village. 669 00:31:51,702 --> 00:31:53,412 Well, then, you must tell them to stop. 670 00:31:53,496 --> 00:31:55,057 I tried that, but it's already on the way! 671 00:31:55,081 --> 00:31:57,041 Sheppard: How are they delivering it? 672 00:31:58,626 --> 00:32:00,169 Dirigible. 673 00:32:00,461 --> 00:32:02,171 You just had to cheat, didn't you? 674 00:32:02,254 --> 00:32:03,422 I did not cheat. 675 00:32:03,506 --> 00:32:05,984 Look, nowhere in the rules did it specifically outlaw the development 676 00:32:06,008 --> 00:32:07,051 of flying machines, 677 00:32:07,134 --> 00:32:09,196 only the degree and speed of technological advancement. 678 00:32:09,220 --> 00:32:11,472 Well, they advanced pretty damned fast, didn't they? 679 00:32:11,555 --> 00:32:13,599 Do we still have time to shoot it down? 680 00:32:13,974 --> 00:32:16,268 Yes. At least, I think so. 681 00:32:16,644 --> 00:32:18,646 Then we'd better get moving. 682 00:32:19,563 --> 00:32:21,607 Zelenka: Absurd! Lorne: What are you talking about? 683 00:32:21,690 --> 00:32:23,109 It's a perfectly reasonable request! 684 00:32:23,192 --> 00:32:24,652 Oh, yeah, perfectly reasonable. 685 00:32:24,735 --> 00:32:26,575 I give you all of my food and my people starve. 686 00:32:26,612 --> 00:32:28,823 I am not asking you for all of your food! 687 00:32:28,906 --> 00:32:31,325 Plus, I did say that we would make a deal. 688 00:32:31,408 --> 00:32:33,244 A deal. Oh, yeah. Baskets. 689 00:32:33,327 --> 00:32:34,411 Big baskets! 690 00:32:34,495 --> 00:32:36,914 Two dozen of them, hand-woven and very nice. 691 00:32:36,997 --> 00:32:37,997 Oh, very nice. 692 00:32:38,040 --> 00:32:39,810 What am I gonna put in them, huh? Certainly not food! 693 00:32:39,834 --> 00:32:40,835 You know what? 694 00:32:40,918 --> 00:32:42,104 I think you're holding out on me. 695 00:32:42,128 --> 00:32:43,355 I think you have plenty of food. 696 00:32:43,379 --> 00:32:44,547 Are you calling me a liar? 697 00:32:44,630 --> 00:32:45,774 No, I think you're trying to squeeze me 698 00:32:45,798 --> 00:32:47,192 for a better deal, that's what I think. 699 00:32:47,216 --> 00:32:48,551 I have got nothing to hide. 700 00:32:48,634 --> 00:32:49,969 Now, if you're... okay, okay, 701 00:32:50,052 --> 00:32:51,988 so maybe I'll send some of my army troops down and we'll have a look! 702 00:32:52,012 --> 00:32:53,764 What the hell are you two doing? 703 00:32:56,058 --> 00:32:58,144 I thought I gave specific orders 704 00:32:58,227 --> 00:33:00,271 to stay away from this device. 705 00:33:00,980 --> 00:33:02,690 Yes, yes, you did. 706 00:33:03,232 --> 00:33:05,442 We just saw that there were some people in trouble, 707 00:33:05,526 --> 00:33:09,613 and we thought maybe that we could, uh, help. 708 00:33:09,697 --> 00:33:11,782 No! No more help. 709 00:33:12,241 --> 00:33:14,034 Clearly, we are not qualified. 710 00:33:14,118 --> 00:33:16,871 Now turn this thing off, disconnect the power and seal the room. 711 00:33:16,954 --> 00:33:18,080 Yeah... but, okay, we... 712 00:33:18,164 --> 00:33:19,248 Now. Mmm. 713 00:33:21,125 --> 00:33:22,501 Yes, ma'am. 714 00:33:28,757 --> 00:33:32,052 Ihoped you would be proud of our accomplishments. 715 00:33:33,262 --> 00:33:34,597 I am, really. I just... 716 00:33:34,680 --> 00:33:36,557 I wish it didn't lead to this. 717 00:33:45,316 --> 00:33:46,317 What's that? 718 00:33:58,329 --> 00:33:59,705 There it is. 719 00:33:59,788 --> 00:34:01,123 Good. 720 00:34:01,207 --> 00:34:03,500 Now all you have to do is puncture the balloon. 721 00:34:03,584 --> 00:34:04,960 Already on it. 722 00:34:13,135 --> 00:34:14,595 Colonel Sheppard! 723 00:34:15,846 --> 00:34:18,057 He shot down our airship with the puddle jumper! 724 00:34:18,140 --> 00:34:19,451 Yeah, don't worry. No one was hurt. 725 00:34:19,475 --> 00:34:20,851 He just... he punctured it. 726 00:34:20,935 --> 00:34:22,728 It sank harmlessly to the ground. 727 00:34:25,397 --> 00:34:28,025 Prepare the other bombs for delivery. 728 00:34:28,108 --> 00:34:29,193 Other bombs? 729 00:34:29,276 --> 00:34:30,486 What, you have more? 730 00:34:33,364 --> 00:34:34,573 Great. 731 00:34:45,876 --> 00:34:47,336 Thank you for your help. 732 00:34:47,878 --> 00:34:50,089 You saved the lives of everyone in that village. 733 00:34:50,339 --> 00:34:51,924 We won't be doing that again. 734 00:34:52,925 --> 00:34:56,971 I had no idea they were capable of delivering such a device. 735 00:34:57,054 --> 00:34:58,597 Tell me about it. 736 00:34:58,681 --> 00:35:02,726 I've issued orders to make certain they don't try again. 737 00:35:03,018 --> 00:35:05,354 What kind of orders? 738 00:35:05,479 --> 00:35:07,856 A full-scale attack has been launched. 739 00:35:08,857 --> 00:35:10,859 It's time to finish this war. 740 00:35:11,902 --> 00:35:14,530 (Beeping) 741 00:35:24,873 --> 00:35:25,916 I've seen this before. 742 00:35:26,000 --> 00:35:28,353 If two sides are dead set on fighting, nothing's gonna stop them. 743 00:35:28,377 --> 00:35:30,337 So I've gotta get Nola to call off the attack. 744 00:35:30,421 --> 00:35:32,357 You couldn't do it before. What makes you think you can now? 745 00:35:32,381 --> 00:35:33,775 How about a little encouragement, huh? 746 00:35:33,799 --> 00:35:36,427 You know, a "go get them, Rodney. I have faith in you." 747 00:35:36,677 --> 00:35:39,388 Okay, whatever. Look, I am not giving up on these people, 748 00:35:39,471 --> 00:35:41,449 which means until we get them to call this war off, 749 00:35:41,473 --> 00:35:43,934 then we are staying put right here. 750 00:35:49,231 --> 00:35:50,524 We could use your help. Come on. 751 00:35:50,607 --> 00:35:52,527 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what the hell's going on? 752 00:35:52,568 --> 00:35:54,629 Elizabeth diverted the daedalus on its way back to earth 753 00:35:54,653 --> 00:35:55,654 to check up on us. 754 00:35:55,738 --> 00:35:58,240 Colonel Caldwell believed that the situation had deteriorated. 755 00:35:58,324 --> 00:35:59,884 He feared that we would become casualties of war 756 00:35:59,908 --> 00:36:01,076 and so beamed us out. 757 00:36:01,160 --> 00:36:03,162 Yeah, but I talked him into beaming us back, 758 00:36:03,245 --> 00:36:05,164 but we've gotta do something first, so come on. 759 00:36:05,247 --> 00:36:06,915 Well, do what? I've got a plan. 760 00:36:06,999 --> 00:36:08,876 Oh, what plan? Oh, come on, already. 761 00:36:08,959 --> 00:36:10,419 How's the situation on your end? 762 00:36:10,502 --> 00:36:11,920 All-out war. You? 763 00:36:16,508 --> 00:36:18,552 Where did you go? What happened? 764 00:36:18,677 --> 00:36:20,721 Nowhere, no, we were just upstairs. 765 00:36:20,971 --> 00:36:22,723 Someone said you vanished into thin air. 766 00:36:22,806 --> 00:36:24,726 What? No, that's ridiculous. How could we vanish? 767 00:36:24,808 --> 00:36:26,536 The airships have passed the southern forest. 768 00:36:26,560 --> 00:36:28,020 They're nearing their targets. 769 00:36:28,103 --> 00:36:30,623 Let's hope we strike first before baden's army reaches our villages. 770 00:36:30,647 --> 00:36:32,358 We'll destroy their will to fight. 771 00:36:32,441 --> 00:36:34,318 Okay. Listen to me. 772 00:36:34,693 --> 00:36:36,588 For two years now, I have been the oracle to your people. 773 00:36:36,612 --> 00:36:38,197 I have given you much wisdom 774 00:36:38,280 --> 00:36:41,116 and guidance and bestowed much of my knowledge. 775 00:36:41,200 --> 00:36:42,951 Look, it's like you said, I was a god. 776 00:36:43,035 --> 00:36:44,119 Easy. 777 00:36:44,203 --> 00:36:46,705 And, yes, yes, I may just be a man, 778 00:36:46,789 --> 00:36:48,457 but that wisdom still remains. 779 00:36:49,124 --> 00:36:51,019 And now, more than ever, you need to heed my guidance 780 00:36:51,043 --> 00:36:53,087 and call back those ships. 781 00:36:56,131 --> 00:36:58,509 You told me it was time to start thinking on my own. 782 00:36:59,468 --> 00:37:00,594 Right. 783 00:37:00,844 --> 00:37:02,304 So now I am. 784 00:37:03,347 --> 00:37:05,349 My people are looking to me. 785 00:37:06,058 --> 00:37:07,476 This is my decision, 786 00:37:08,852 --> 00:37:11,480 and we will be victorious. 787 00:37:20,489 --> 00:37:22,074 Why won't you help us? 788 00:37:22,157 --> 00:37:24,410 I'm not shooting down any more ships. 789 00:37:24,493 --> 00:37:26,703 We're done helping you wage this war. 790 00:37:27,329 --> 00:37:29,415 Then we'll shoot them down ourselves. 791 00:37:29,498 --> 00:37:30,749 How? 792 00:37:32,501 --> 00:37:35,254 Our weapons are not as primitive as Nola believes. 793 00:37:35,337 --> 00:37:37,589 Many people will die on both sides. 794 00:37:37,673 --> 00:37:39,842 If you want to leave, thenleave. 795 00:37:39,967 --> 00:37:42,678 We'll continue this fight even if you've lost the will. 796 00:37:42,761 --> 00:37:43,971 You're making a big mistake. 797 00:37:44,054 --> 00:37:46,432 The only mistake was not doing this sooner. 798 00:37:49,726 --> 00:37:51,061 You'll see. 799 00:37:51,145 --> 00:37:53,021 This is the right path for my people. 800 00:37:59,528 --> 00:38:01,029 (Beeping) 801 00:38:02,197 --> 00:38:03,866 They've reached our villages. 802 00:38:03,949 --> 00:38:05,409 Two have already fallen. 803 00:38:05,492 --> 00:38:07,453 The airships are almost in position. We should... 804 00:38:07,536 --> 00:38:08,787 (Beeping) 805 00:38:10,664 --> 00:38:11,915 What happened? 806 00:38:12,207 --> 00:38:13,917 They shot down one of your ships. 807 00:38:14,251 --> 00:38:15,627 It wasn't the puddle jumper. 808 00:38:15,711 --> 00:38:17,212 Maybe one of the catapults hit it. 809 00:38:17,296 --> 00:38:18,797 No, impossible! 810 00:38:22,801 --> 00:38:24,094 Two more villages have fallen. 811 00:38:24,178 --> 00:38:25,804 It appears many are dead. 812 00:38:25,888 --> 00:38:28,265 Sheppard. Come in, Sheppard! 813 00:38:29,391 --> 00:38:30,517 The radio's dead. 814 00:38:31,435 --> 00:38:33,395 (Explosions) 815 00:38:34,646 --> 00:38:35,981 They're coming here. 816 00:38:37,232 --> 00:38:39,109 (Explosions) 817 00:38:39,193 --> 00:38:40,736 (People clamoring) 818 00:38:41,236 --> 00:38:42,297 What, they have bombs, too? 819 00:38:42,321 --> 00:38:43,465 We need you to get your people out of here now. 820 00:38:43,489 --> 00:38:44,865 Help them. 821 00:38:55,876 --> 00:38:57,586 Their army has surrounded us. 822 00:38:57,669 --> 00:38:59,063 The road out of the village is blocked. 823 00:38:59,087 --> 00:39:01,173 People are being slaughtered as they try to leave. 824 00:39:01,256 --> 00:39:02,382 We're trapped. 825 00:39:08,680 --> 00:39:10,057 What shall we do? 826 00:39:11,642 --> 00:39:13,268 (Explosions) 827 00:39:18,315 --> 00:39:19,566 It's over. 828 00:39:25,697 --> 00:39:27,866 (Explosions) 829 00:39:31,578 --> 00:39:33,705 Rodney, where the hell are you? 830 00:39:35,290 --> 00:39:36,768 They've dropped another bomb. Hundreds are dying! 831 00:39:36,792 --> 00:39:38,627 How can you stand by and let this happen? 832 00:39:42,673 --> 00:39:44,508 Nola's army has surrounded the village. 833 00:39:44,591 --> 00:39:45,592 Can we get to the jumper? 834 00:39:45,676 --> 00:39:46,760 They just destroyed it. 835 00:39:46,843 --> 00:39:48,095 (Explosions) 836 00:39:55,269 --> 00:39:56,979 We're being overwhelmed. 837 00:39:57,145 --> 00:39:58,897 What should we do? 838 00:40:22,838 --> 00:40:24,214 Game over. 839 00:40:28,635 --> 00:40:31,013 Sheppard: Rodney, you there? 840 00:40:31,096 --> 00:40:33,140 Yeah. We hear you. 841 00:40:33,265 --> 00:40:35,243 We'll give you a call when we're ready to be picked up. 842 00:40:35,267 --> 00:40:36,268 Got it. 843 00:40:37,144 --> 00:40:38,604 I don't understand. 844 00:40:39,855 --> 00:40:41,064 What's going on? 845 00:40:42,274 --> 00:40:44,359 What you just witnessed is what I would call 846 00:40:44,443 --> 00:40:46,194 another level to the game. 847 00:40:46,278 --> 00:40:48,905 See, we were beamed up earlier to our ship, the daedalus, 848 00:40:48,989 --> 00:40:50,949 in orbit over your planet. 849 00:40:51,033 --> 00:40:53,910 While we were there, I had Dr. McKay hack into the two devices, 850 00:40:54,036 --> 00:40:57,414 upload doomsday scenarios for each of your countries into the game. 851 00:40:57,706 --> 00:41:00,876 Everything you sawjust now was transmitted from the daedalus. 852 00:41:02,419 --> 00:41:06,173 You mean, none of this was real? 853 00:41:07,507 --> 00:41:09,885 No one was hurt. No one was killed. 854 00:41:09,968 --> 00:41:12,304 All just part of the simulation. 855 00:41:12,804 --> 00:41:14,973 In reality, your two armies are standing down, 856 00:41:15,057 --> 00:41:16,850 awaiting further instructions. 857 00:41:17,434 --> 00:41:19,478 But we heard explosions. We felt them. 858 00:41:19,561 --> 00:41:22,105 Thanksto some pinpoint shots 859 00:41:22,189 --> 00:41:24,066 from our friends in the daedalus. 860 00:41:25,275 --> 00:41:27,402 It really added to the realism, didn't it? 861 00:41:31,490 --> 00:41:33,909 I'm sorry that we had to do that, 862 00:41:34,117 --> 00:41:36,995 but you needed to see how this could end. 863 00:41:37,704 --> 00:41:39,581 Feel what a real war is like. 864 00:41:49,966 --> 00:41:52,594 You still think it was the right path for your people? 865 00:42:03,105 --> 00:42:04,815 Thanks, imeld. 866 00:42:08,193 --> 00:42:09,695 Gentlemen. 867 00:42:09,778 --> 00:42:11,196 How's it going? 868 00:42:11,279 --> 00:42:13,073 It's still going. 869 00:42:13,990 --> 00:42:15,701 We're just taking a break. 870 00:42:15,784 --> 00:42:18,036 There's a lot of animosity to be unraveled, 871 00:42:18,120 --> 00:42:19,788 but I think they are finally willing 872 00:42:19,871 --> 00:42:21,206 to at least try to make it work. 873 00:42:21,289 --> 00:42:22,749 Well, it's about time. 874 00:42:23,583 --> 00:42:25,293 Yeah. And you two? 875 00:42:26,628 --> 00:42:27,879 Called a truce yet? 876 00:42:28,171 --> 00:42:30,215 Yeah, sure. We're good. 877 00:42:30,298 --> 00:42:32,068 Yeah, don't worry. We're gonna stick to chess from now on. 878 00:42:32,092 --> 00:42:33,468 As long as Rodney doesn't cheat. 879 00:42:33,552 --> 00:42:35,470 Oh, please, like I need to cheat playing you. 880 00:42:35,554 --> 00:42:37,472 Okay, I'll leave you to it, then. 881 00:42:43,562 --> 00:42:44,813 Checkmate. 882 00:42:44,938 --> 00:42:46,189 What? 883 00:42:46,273 --> 00:42:48,108 Oh, no, no, no. What happened there? 884 00:42:48,191 --> 00:42:49,627 What happened there is I just kicked your ass. 885 00:42:49,651 --> 00:42:51,236 No, no, I was distracted. She was, uh... 886 00:42:51,319 --> 00:42:53,822 Okay, we're going again. Best of 10. 887 00:43:32,402 --> 00:43:33,403 English - us - psdh