1 00:00:03,222 --> 00:00:05,596 - What's that? - My high school yearbook. 2 00:00:05,769 --> 00:00:08,606 Hey, do you remember a girl named Jamie Eckelberry? 3 00:00:08,774 --> 00:00:10,518 - No. - Yeah, sure you do. 4 00:00:10,694 --> 00:00:12,902 She used to hang out at the house all the time. 5 00:00:13,073 --> 00:00:16,326 Oh, yeah. Eckelberry Hound. 6 00:00:17,248 --> 00:00:19,657 Not a name she was fond of. 7 00:00:19,878 --> 00:00:24,626 Hey, I didn't make it up. I just spread it around. What about her? 8 00:00:24,803 --> 00:00:28,009 Oh, she called the alumni association and tracked me down. 9 00:00:28,184 --> 00:00:32,055 How does that work? They let her sniff one of your sweaters? 10 00:00:32,274 --> 00:00:35,978 She e-mailed me. She's in town on business, and I invited her over. 11 00:00:36,199 --> 00:00:40,330 Great. I'll get out of your way. Just keep her off the good rug. 12 00:00:40,540 --> 00:00:44,077 Very funny. No. For your information, it's not a date. 13 00:00:44,255 --> 00:00:47,294 She's just a friend who has become very successful in her field. 14 00:00:47,510 --> 00:00:51,678 Oh, that's nice that she has a field to run around in. 15 00:00:52,937 --> 00:00:56,641 - It's getting old, Charlie. - In people years or dog years? 16 00:00:57,947 --> 00:01:00,866 Sorry. Oh, look. You remember Miss Hanrahan? 17 00:01:01,077 --> 00:01:05,327 - Sure. I had her for sophomore English. - I had her in the teachers' lounge. 18 00:01:07,046 --> 00:01:09,540 Oh, that's Jamie. Be nice. 19 00:01:09,759 --> 00:01:12,799 I'm always nice. Ask Miss Hanrahan. 20 00:01:13,976 --> 00:01:16,302 - I'm serious. - Relax. I'm just gonna say hello... 21 00:01:16,481 --> 00:01:19,152 ...scratch her behind the ear, and then I'm out of here. 22 00:01:21,113 --> 00:01:22,989 - You done with the dog jokes? - Yes. 23 00:01:23,201 --> 00:01:26,370 - Good. - I hope she looks fetching. 24 00:01:28,461 --> 00:01:31,713 Okay, I guess I had one more. 25 00:01:33,804 --> 00:01:35,844 - Alan. - Jamie. 26 00:02:04,693 --> 00:02:09,158 Do you remember how Stuart Negelman used to tell everybody you were gay? 27 00:02:09,368 --> 00:02:11,659 Don't remind me. I had one Boy George album... 28 00:02:11,831 --> 00:02:14,787 ...and suddenly I'm queen of the fairies. 29 00:02:15,003 --> 00:02:17,497 You'll be happy to know I ran into him in New York. 30 00:02:17,675 --> 00:02:21,011 - And? Knew it. - Gay. 31 00:02:21,348 --> 00:02:23,556 Okay, here we go. 32 00:02:23,727 --> 00:02:27,599 Two margaritas, and a rum and Diet Coke. 33 00:02:27,777 --> 00:02:29,937 - Thank you, Charlie. - You're welcome. 34 00:02:30,949 --> 00:02:32,991 - Cheers. - Cheers. 35 00:02:36,376 --> 00:02:41,124 So Stuart Negelman: Buttoned-down, or singing show tunes on a float? 36 00:02:41,343 --> 00:02:44,050 Very macho. Owns a gym in SoHo. 37 00:02:44,223 --> 00:02:46,847 Speaking of which, you look like you're in good shape. 38 00:02:47,020 --> 00:02:50,855 - I have kept up with the hacky sack. - Good for you. 39 00:02:51,028 --> 00:02:54,316 And you. I cannot get over what a beautiful woman you've become. 40 00:02:54,534 --> 00:02:59,200 - Oh, stop it. You're embarrassing me. - Too bad. It's true. 41 00:03:04,301 --> 00:03:08,634 Charlie, that's lovely. You still play. 42 00:03:08,852 --> 00:03:10,597 Just professionally. 43 00:03:11,649 --> 00:03:15,779 - You became a musician? - More a composer. Gotta pay the bills. 44 00:03:17,450 --> 00:03:20,620 Play the jingle you wrote for the feminine deodorant commercial. 45 00:03:21,207 --> 00:03:23,166 Okay. 46 00:03:23,587 --> 00:03:28,751 Fresh as a summer breeze Clean as a mountain spring 47 00:03:29,139 --> 00:03:32,475 No. You wrote that? I love that. 48 00:03:33,355 --> 00:03:36,025 Hey, hey, did I tell you that I was voted... 49 00:03:36,193 --> 00:03:39,529 ...Chiropractor of the Year by the San Fernando Valley Chiropractic Association? 50 00:03:39,741 --> 00:03:42,579 Oh, that's fantastic, Alan. You must be very proud. 51 00:03:42,788 --> 00:03:47,917 Well, it's not pride so much as the satisfaction I get from helping people. 52 00:03:49,217 --> 00:03:52,671 Carefree, so carefree 53 00:03:52,890 --> 00:03:56,593 What every woman wants to be 54 00:03:59,318 --> 00:04:02,072 Hey. Hey, you know what would be fun? 55 00:04:02,241 --> 00:04:05,447 A session of Dungeons & Dragons. Like the old days, you know? 56 00:04:05,622 --> 00:04:09,753 - Just the two of us. - Wow, I haven't played in years. 57 00:04:09,963 --> 00:04:12,336 Or we can go down to the beach and go for a swim. 58 00:04:12,551 --> 00:04:15,554 - I didn't bring a suit. - So my plan is working. 59 00:04:17,477 --> 00:04:21,145 You know, I think I'll take a rain check. Do you mind if I use your restroom? 60 00:04:21,359 --> 00:04:22,902 Down the hall on the right. 61 00:04:23,070 --> 00:04:24,779 Thank you. 62 00:04:28,663 --> 00:04:30,788 Don't you have enough women? 63 00:04:31,293 --> 00:04:35,210 No. Anyway, you said she was just an old friend. 64 00:04:35,426 --> 00:04:37,052 Well, that was before I saw her. 65 00:04:37,221 --> 00:04:39,761 Come on, I spent years laying the groundwork for this. 66 00:04:39,975 --> 00:04:43,015 And yet you never erected anything on the site. 67 00:04:43,231 --> 00:04:45,191 Because she didn't look like that then. 68 00:04:45,402 --> 00:04:47,278 Oh, shame on you, Alan Harper. 69 00:04:48,325 --> 00:04:51,493 Don't you know a woman is so much more than what's on the outside? 70 00:04:51,706 --> 00:04:54,708 She's a mountain spring, a summer breeze and I saw her first. 71 00:04:55,170 --> 00:04:56,914 What are you, 11? 72 00:04:57,132 --> 00:05:01,133 Come on. She's smart, she's beautiful, she's the kind of woman who... 73 00:05:01,347 --> 00:05:03,639 - You could never get? - Exactly. 74 00:05:06,566 --> 00:05:08,809 Well, if she's that important to you. 75 00:05:09,029 --> 00:05:10,939 She is, she is. Very much. 76 00:05:11,115 --> 00:05:13,323 - Okay, fine. I'm out of it. - Really? 77 00:05:13,537 --> 00:05:15,080 Happy birthday. 78 00:05:15,248 --> 00:05:19,165 Isn't that presumptuous? You think you can just give this woman as a gift? 79 00:05:19,339 --> 00:05:22,426 - Okay, forget it. - No, no. Happy birthday to me. 80 00:05:23,555 --> 00:05:28,102 Listen, I have an early meeting in the morning, so I should probably get going. 81 00:05:28,314 --> 00:05:32,065 Oh, no, no. The night is so young, and Charlie was just leaving. 82 00:05:32,237 --> 00:05:35,241 Yeah, if I don't start drinking now, I'll be up all night. 83 00:05:36,119 --> 00:05:39,040 I really have to get going. What about dinner tomorrow night? 84 00:05:39,501 --> 00:05:41,459 - That would be great. - Okay, terrific. 85 00:05:41,630 --> 00:05:43,670 Why don't the three of us meet at 7? 86 00:05:44,092 --> 00:05:46,003 The... The three of us? 87 00:05:47,431 --> 00:05:49,972 Oh, gee. Tomorrow night? I can't. 88 00:05:50,186 --> 00:05:54,140 Oh, come on, Charlie. I'm only in town for a few days. 89 00:05:54,319 --> 00:05:57,489 It wouldn't be the same without you. Right, Alan? 90 00:05:57,659 --> 00:06:01,410 That's... That's true. It would be different. But still good. 91 00:06:01,624 --> 00:06:04,413 No, no, no. You guys have a lot of catching up to do. 92 00:06:04,630 --> 00:06:07,549 I insist. Charlie, you have to come. 93 00:06:07,719 --> 00:06:10,009 Well, if it's okay with Alan... 94 00:06:11,100 --> 00:06:13,427 Of course. 95 00:06:13,646 --> 00:06:17,647 Okay, great. Then I will see you both tomorrow. 96 00:06:17,820 --> 00:06:19,233 - Okay. - Thank you. 97 00:06:19,407 --> 00:06:21,817 - Can't wait. - I know. Me too. Good night. 98 00:06:21,995 --> 00:06:23,490 Bye. 99 00:06:27,129 --> 00:06:30,631 So I'll get you something else for your birthday. 100 00:06:30,844 --> 00:06:32,636 You like hookers? 101 00:06:33,349 --> 00:06:35,474 Charlie, we agreed you're out. Now stay out. 102 00:06:35,686 --> 00:06:38,095 - All right, fine. I won't go. - Thank you. 103 00:06:40,820 --> 00:06:45,570 Wait! If you don't come, she'll think I told you not to come. 104 00:06:45,788 --> 00:06:47,117 There is that possibility. 105 00:06:47,458 --> 00:06:50,130 That's your plan. To make me look petty and insecure. 106 00:06:50,338 --> 00:06:52,747 Alan, I don't have to plan for that. 107 00:06:53,093 --> 00:06:57,010 Let me tell you something. You're coming with us, whether you like it or not. 108 00:06:57,601 --> 00:06:59,477 All right. 109 00:07:00,314 --> 00:07:02,474 Wait! 110 00:07:03,403 --> 00:07:05,694 - We should take your new Mercedes. - Fine. 111 00:07:05,908 --> 00:07:08,745 - I should drive it so she thinks it's mine. - Okay. 112 00:07:10,917 --> 00:07:12,827 Wait! 113 00:07:13,046 --> 00:07:15,455 She'll never believe I drive a Mercedes. 114 00:07:16,385 --> 00:07:19,424 You'll drive my old Volvo so that she thinks it's yours. 115 00:07:19,641 --> 00:07:24,391 Whatever. That just means you'll be sitting in the backseat alone. 116 00:07:24,985 --> 00:07:26,646 Wait! 117 00:07:27,864 --> 00:07:32,245 Charlie, I can't believe that after all these years, you're still single. 118 00:07:32,456 --> 00:07:33,999 Well... 119 00:07:38,217 --> 00:07:39,878 It's not that hard to believe. 120 00:07:40,053 --> 00:07:44,304 I'm a selfish, promiscuous, commitment-phobic man. 121 00:07:44,478 --> 00:07:49,274 Alan, on the other hand, is a very generous, loyal, one-woman kind of guy. 122 00:07:50,948 --> 00:07:52,527 Guilty. 123 00:07:54,496 --> 00:07:57,037 Why doesn't that surprise me? 124 00:07:57,210 --> 00:07:58,753 Now, what is surprising... 125 00:07:58,921 --> 00:08:03,171 ...is to hear a man be so honest and forthcoming about his flaws. 126 00:08:03,638 --> 00:08:07,971 Charlie, you are a real breath of fresh air. 127 00:08:08,188 --> 00:08:10,099 Guilty. 128 00:08:13,197 --> 00:08:17,993 But if you really want a breath of fresh air, take a lungful of Alan. 129 00:08:20,920 --> 00:08:22,878 He is a true gentleman. 130 00:08:23,090 --> 00:08:24,883 Oh, Alan's always been a gentleman. 131 00:08:25,052 --> 00:08:28,803 I remember one time we were kids. We were in my bedroom playing Stratego... 132 00:08:28,975 --> 00:08:32,762 ...and my blouse came unbuttoned, and Alan, instead of sneaking a peek... 133 00:08:32,942 --> 00:08:39,032 ...like a lot of guys would do, averted his eyes and said, "Jamie, bosom." 134 00:08:39,578 --> 00:08:41,787 Really. Is that true, Alan? 135 00:08:41,999 --> 00:08:45,786 Pretty much. We were playing Boggle, not Stratego. 136 00:08:46,007 --> 00:08:49,759 Well, there you go. A gentleman. A better man than I. 137 00:08:49,972 --> 00:08:54,934 Oh, don't put yourself down, Charlie. You seem like a wonderful man to me. 138 00:08:55,399 --> 00:08:59,399 Yeah, but you heard him. I'm better. 139 00:09:02,703 --> 00:09:04,828 Excuse me. 140 00:09:09,258 --> 00:09:12,095 I'll be right back. I think he wants to talk. 141 00:09:12,304 --> 00:09:14,928 You know, you are such a good brother. 142 00:09:15,143 --> 00:09:17,019 You have no idea. 143 00:09:22,239 --> 00:09:24,115 "Bosom"? 144 00:09:24,619 --> 00:09:26,529 Forget that. What the hell are you doing? 145 00:09:26,706 --> 00:09:30,291 What? I'm trying to make you look good. Turns out it's not that easy. 146 00:09:30,880 --> 00:09:33,290 You look like you're trying to make me look good... 147 00:09:33,468 --> 00:09:35,177 ...but you're making you look good. 148 00:09:35,347 --> 00:09:37,922 I don't know how, but that's the net result. 149 00:09:38,102 --> 00:09:40,559 - Alan, you're being ridiculous. - Am I? I think not. 150 00:09:40,731 --> 00:09:43,402 From the minute we walked in, you've been sabotaging me. 151 00:09:43,612 --> 00:09:46,948 - How? - How? Look at where I'm sitting. 152 00:09:47,159 --> 00:09:50,163 - What? You wanted to sit next to her. - Yeah, and you let me. 153 00:09:51,710 --> 00:09:56,174 And now you get to stare into her eyes, and I get to stare into her ear. 154 00:09:57,011 --> 00:09:59,171 What do you want from me? Wanna change seats? 155 00:09:59,390 --> 00:10:01,016 Sure. That won't look suspicious. 156 00:10:01,185 --> 00:10:05,352 I'm just trying to help, Alan. Well, how about that? I do have to pee. 157 00:10:07,655 --> 00:10:09,448 You wanna help me? Stop talking me up. 158 00:10:09,618 --> 00:10:10,781 - It's killing me. - Okay. 159 00:10:11,120 --> 00:10:13,530 Stop putting yourself down. That's killing me too. 160 00:10:13,750 --> 00:10:16,503 - Got it. - Just sit there and eat your dinner... 161 00:10:16,672 --> 00:10:18,001 ...and I'll play your game. 162 00:10:18,174 --> 00:10:19,634 Fine. 163 00:10:19,802 --> 00:10:21,678 You wanna shake on it? 164 00:10:23,434 --> 00:10:25,512 You're disgusting. 165 00:10:25,730 --> 00:10:27,938 Yeah, I'm disgusting. 166 00:10:28,110 --> 00:10:31,112 At least I'm not the one taking a squirt on my shoe. 167 00:10:34,663 --> 00:10:37,951 Let me tell you something about my brother. 168 00:10:38,127 --> 00:10:41,831 He puts himself down, but he is truly a wonderful man. 169 00:10:42,009 --> 00:10:47,055 I mean, here's a guy, single, good-Iooking, talented... 170 00:10:47,228 --> 00:10:50,433 - Well, l... - You're too modest. 171 00:10:50,650 --> 00:10:53,607 Talented, a ton of money. 172 00:10:53,781 --> 00:10:57,402 And what does he do when his brother and nephew need a place to live? 173 00:10:57,580 --> 00:11:01,627 Does he complain about us cramping his style? No. 174 00:11:01,796 --> 00:11:05,547 He opens up his home, and his heart. 175 00:11:05,719 --> 00:11:08,427 And frankly, I don't know which one is bigger. 176 00:11:11,021 --> 00:11:14,688 You are an incredible human being. 177 00:11:16,489 --> 00:11:18,898 Can we get the damn check, please? 178 00:11:23,001 --> 00:11:26,004 Wait till you meet Jake. He's a great kid. 179 00:11:26,173 --> 00:11:28,084 You're gonna love him. Right, Charlie? 180 00:11:28,302 --> 00:11:32,089 Don't oversell him, Alan. He mostly sits around and eats. 181 00:11:32,268 --> 00:11:34,096 What do you guys like to do together? 182 00:11:34,313 --> 00:11:38,563 Oh, we do all kinds of father-son things. 183 00:11:38,738 --> 00:11:43,737 - We go to the movies... - Where he sits and eats. 184 00:11:43,914 --> 00:11:47,368 And we also build models... 185 00:11:48,130 --> 00:11:51,667 You know, airplanes, and fly them off the deck. 186 00:11:51,887 --> 00:11:54,760 - That sounds like fun. - Oh, it is. Jake loves it. 187 00:11:54,933 --> 00:11:56,893 I mean, he is a great kid. 188 00:11:57,104 --> 00:11:59,432 I can't wait to meet him. 189 00:11:59,609 --> 00:12:01,687 How about tomorrow afternoon? 190 00:12:01,863 --> 00:12:04,487 - Tomorrow sounds great. - Good, good. It's a date. 191 00:12:04,660 --> 00:12:07,367 - So don't be late. - Or we'll have to wait. 192 00:12:11,965 --> 00:12:14,042 Oh, okay. Here we are. 193 00:12:14,219 --> 00:12:18,136 Thank you so much. I had a wonderful time. 194 00:12:19,771 --> 00:12:23,272 - I'll see you tomorrow. - Good night. 195 00:12:29,497 --> 00:12:31,491 Good night, Charlie. 196 00:12:35,508 --> 00:12:37,051 Good night. 197 00:12:39,473 --> 00:12:41,716 To the Batcave, Alfred. 198 00:12:43,188 --> 00:12:44,767 Go to hell. 199 00:12:44,941 --> 00:12:47,980 I was just sitting here. I didn't put her tongue in my mouth. 200 00:12:48,155 --> 00:12:49,734 You got tongue? 201 00:12:49,951 --> 00:12:52,658 Actually, looking back, it was probably mine. 202 00:12:53,415 --> 00:12:55,540 Oh, relax. I'm just screwing with you. 203 00:12:55,711 --> 00:12:57,622 Besides, you're the one who got the date. 204 00:12:57,798 --> 00:13:00,505 You had to pimp your kid out to do it, but you got there. 205 00:13:00,720 --> 00:13:04,008 Hey, hey, there is nothing wrong with bragging on my son. 206 00:13:04,185 --> 00:13:07,141 He's a reflection of me, and if that compensates... 207 00:13:07,315 --> 00:13:09,524 ...for some of my social clumsiness... 208 00:13:09,737 --> 00:13:12,444 And maybe rustles up a little tail. 209 00:13:12,617 --> 00:13:14,242 I am not pimping him out. 210 00:13:14,412 --> 00:13:17,332 Don't bark at me. I'm proud of you. 211 00:13:18,127 --> 00:13:21,166 Thank you. And make yourself scarce tomorrow. 212 00:13:21,341 --> 00:13:25,045 - I don't need any more of your help. - Fine. You're on your own. 213 00:13:25,223 --> 00:13:28,061 Now, hush up and drive Miss Daisy home. 214 00:13:28,980 --> 00:13:31,853 Okay, Sky Captain. Ready to go? 215 00:13:32,027 --> 00:13:33,440 I guess. 216 00:13:33,614 --> 00:13:35,323 See how he loves this? 217 00:13:36,828 --> 00:13:38,821 Pilot to copilot. Contact. 218 00:13:39,458 --> 00:13:41,000 What? 219 00:13:42,087 --> 00:13:45,459 - Contact. - Why are you talking like that? 220 00:13:46,762 --> 00:13:49,220 Just... Just start the engine. 221 00:13:50,102 --> 00:13:52,476 Here we go. Ready for liftoff? 222 00:13:52,648 --> 00:13:54,856 It's not a rocket ship, Dad. 223 00:13:55,027 --> 00:13:57,521 I know that, Jake. 224 00:14:00,621 --> 00:14:03,030 Hey, it actually works. 225 00:14:03,209 --> 00:14:05,002 Bring it up. Bring it up. 226 00:14:05,171 --> 00:14:07,331 - Okay. - Come on, Jake, up, up. It's... 227 00:14:07,508 --> 00:14:08,968 - Don't yell. - Give me that. 228 00:14:09,136 --> 00:14:10,881 - No, I'm doing it. - Well, then do it. 229 00:14:11,098 --> 00:14:12,843 I am. 230 00:14:16,901 --> 00:14:18,776 Is that it? 231 00:14:19,698 --> 00:14:23,069 No, go get it, and we'll patch her back up, like we always do. 232 00:14:23,287 --> 00:14:26,409 Can we just order a pizza and watch TV? 233 00:14:26,626 --> 00:14:28,205 Go get the plane. 234 00:14:29,632 --> 00:14:31,341 This sucks. 235 00:14:32,888 --> 00:14:35,927 "This sucks." Isn't he a hoot? 236 00:14:37,730 --> 00:14:39,641 He's great. 237 00:14:40,360 --> 00:14:42,687 So... 238 00:14:42,864 --> 00:14:45,192 ...here we are. 239 00:14:45,369 --> 00:14:47,030 Yep. 240 00:14:48,542 --> 00:14:52,459 I just cannot get over how much you've changed. 241 00:14:52,925 --> 00:14:57,554 - You like? - Yeah, me like. I mean... I mean, I like. 242 00:14:58,726 --> 00:15:00,103 So... 243 00:15:01,148 --> 00:15:02,940 ...where's Charlie? 244 00:15:04,362 --> 00:15:06,155 This is all I could find. 245 00:15:09,037 --> 00:15:11,197 - Guess who that is. - No way. 246 00:15:11,375 --> 00:15:14,877 - Way. - What was going on with your hair? 247 00:15:16,049 --> 00:15:17,878 It's called a Jeri curl. 248 00:15:19,097 --> 00:15:21,851 It was my Michael Jackson period. 249 00:15:22,060 --> 00:15:23,854 Who's the tall guy next to you? 250 00:15:24,023 --> 00:15:26,147 Oh, that's me, Jake. 251 00:15:27,863 --> 00:15:30,237 Oh, sorry. 252 00:15:30,410 --> 00:15:32,534 Well, at least you look like a girl now. 253 00:15:33,164 --> 00:15:34,874 Thank you. 254 00:15:35,293 --> 00:15:37,121 Was Dad your boyfriend? 255 00:15:37,296 --> 00:15:39,457 Oh, no, no. Jamie and I were just friends. 256 00:15:39,676 --> 00:15:42,383 Yeah, we were never that way. 257 00:15:42,598 --> 00:15:44,723 Are you that way now? 258 00:15:45,771 --> 00:15:49,272 - Why don't you go watch TV? - Finally. 259 00:15:53,368 --> 00:15:56,372 You know, Jamie, I've been thinking. 260 00:15:56,540 --> 00:15:59,994 You're single. I'm single. Well, we have an awful lot in common. 261 00:16:00,214 --> 00:16:04,215 I mean, there's no reason we couldn't try to be... 262 00:16:04,388 --> 00:16:07,141 ...you know, more than friends. 263 00:16:07,352 --> 00:16:09,144 Is that something you'd want? 264 00:16:09,355 --> 00:16:11,314 Well... 265 00:16:12,110 --> 00:16:15,778 - Hey. - Oh, darn. 266 00:16:16,243 --> 00:16:18,783 - Sorry to intrude. - That's okay. It's good to see you. 267 00:16:18,956 --> 00:16:20,535 I thought you were gonna be busy. 268 00:16:20,751 --> 00:16:24,039 I was. I went to a movie, shot some pool... 269 00:16:24,216 --> 00:16:28,798 ...bought a book, bought a shirt, drank a bucket of coffee, read the book. 270 00:16:29,266 --> 00:16:31,938 And then it occurred to me: "Hey, I have a home." 271 00:16:33,984 --> 00:16:36,274 Hey, Dad, can you microwave some popcorn for me? 272 00:16:36,780 --> 00:16:40,567 - Why can't you make it for yourself? - Remember what happened last time? 273 00:16:40,745 --> 00:16:43,499 You're old enough to make popcorn without starting a fire. 274 00:16:44,126 --> 00:16:45,752 Okay, I'll give it a shot. 275 00:16:49,178 --> 00:16:51,053 I'll be right back. 276 00:16:52,559 --> 00:16:55,016 So Jake's a great kid, isn't he? 277 00:16:55,564 --> 00:16:57,190 Yeah, I suppose. 278 00:16:57,359 --> 00:17:01,111 I would never say this to Alan, but I don't really care much for children. 279 00:17:03,537 --> 00:17:08,083 Well, the truth is, Alan's not too fond of him either. 280 00:17:10,216 --> 00:17:12,626 He feeds the kid and keeps a roof over his head... 281 00:17:12,804 --> 00:17:15,214 ...but there's no love lost between them. 282 00:17:17,187 --> 00:17:20,725 - Charlie, give it a rest. - Sorry? 283 00:17:21,110 --> 00:17:22,856 Why do you push me towards Alan... 284 00:17:23,031 --> 00:17:25,274 ...when it's obvious how much you want me? 285 00:17:27,372 --> 00:17:29,699 He's got a birthday coming up. 286 00:17:32,590 --> 00:17:35,593 Just tell me you want me. 287 00:17:36,514 --> 00:17:39,138 Go ahead, Charlie. Tell her. 288 00:17:39,352 --> 00:17:43,934 What? No, no. You two, with the Dungeons, the Dragons, the Boggle. 289 00:17:44,111 --> 00:17:45,523 You should be together. 290 00:17:45,739 --> 00:17:49,324 Clearly she wants you, so let's be grown-up, and I'll get out of the way... 291 00:17:49,496 --> 00:17:51,787 ...so the two pretty people can mate. 292 00:17:52,376 --> 00:17:54,454 No, no, no, no. You laid the foundation... 293 00:17:54,630 --> 00:17:57,550 ...and you should, you know, lay the rest of it. 294 00:17:57,761 --> 00:18:01,132 I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I am stepping aside... 295 00:18:01,350 --> 00:18:03,510 - No, no. I'm stepping aside. - No, no. I am. 296 00:18:03,688 --> 00:18:05,897 No, no, I'll step aside. I will clear the way. 297 00:18:06,067 --> 00:18:09,736 Will you both just shut up? You're ruining everything. 298 00:18:10,575 --> 00:18:13,282 - Nice going. - Nice going. 299 00:18:13,456 --> 00:18:16,495 - Say it, Charlie. - Say what? 300 00:18:16,712 --> 00:18:22,672 Say that slick, cool, Charlie Harper finally wants Eckelberry Hound. 301 00:18:26,438 --> 00:18:30,688 - You knew about that name? - That name scarred me for life. 302 00:18:30,863 --> 00:18:34,317 It's the reason I haven't eaten a carbohydrate since college. 303 00:18:35,121 --> 00:18:37,875 - Well, you do look good. - You're damn right I look good... 304 00:18:38,042 --> 00:18:40,203 ...you smug, shallow son of a bitch. 305 00:18:40,380 --> 00:18:43,918 I have spent years working and sweating and dreaming... 306 00:18:44,095 --> 00:18:48,048 ...about the day that I would be able to rub your smarmy nose in it. 307 00:18:48,436 --> 00:18:50,478 Okay, I'm getting mixed signals here. 308 00:18:52,318 --> 00:18:56,949 This is the signal, Charlie: You can't have this. 309 00:18:57,119 --> 00:19:02,081 Not now, not ever. Never, never, never! 310 00:19:02,880 --> 00:19:05,551 You know, I didn't make up the Eckelberry Hound thing. 311 00:19:05,760 --> 00:19:08,799 But he did spread it around. I was always your friend. 312 00:19:09,016 --> 00:19:12,352 Oh, please. I spent years throwing myself at you, friend. 313 00:19:12,521 --> 00:19:15,727 Playing stupid nerd games on my bed with my shirt open, buddy. 314 00:19:15,903 --> 00:19:18,027 Hoping that you would kiss me or touch me... 315 00:19:18,199 --> 00:19:20,526 ...or at least notice me as a woman, pal! 316 00:19:21,914 --> 00:19:25,202 - You knew your shirt was open? - Who do you think opened it? 317 00:19:29,052 --> 00:19:32,923 But I wasn't pretty enough for you. You wanted Donna DeMarco... 318 00:19:33,101 --> 00:19:36,270 ...or Maxine Chernikoff, just because they had big boobs... 319 00:19:36,440 --> 00:19:38,518 ...and no excess facial hair. 320 00:19:39,321 --> 00:19:42,858 Oh, yeah. Donna DeMarco, old Double D. 321 00:19:45,039 --> 00:19:47,746 Jamie, I had no idea. I am so sorry. 322 00:19:47,919 --> 00:19:52,882 But I was a stupid teenager. I guess I just didn't appreciate you then. 323 00:19:53,096 --> 00:19:54,675 I guess not. 324 00:19:54,890 --> 00:19:59,722 But that was a long time ago. I'm not a stupid teenager anymore. 325 00:19:59,900 --> 00:20:03,568 Do you think maybe you could forgive me, and maybe we could try again? 326 00:20:04,491 --> 00:20:06,865 Is that what you really want, Alan? 327 00:20:07,330 --> 00:20:08,873 Very much. 328 00:20:10,336 --> 00:20:13,338 Well, eat your heart out. 329 00:20:13,508 --> 00:20:18,637 You can never have this. Never, never, never! 330 00:20:31,416 --> 00:20:34,122 Well, I guess we know why she's still single. 331 00:20:39,681 --> 00:20:41,390 You're right, Dad. This is fun. 332 00:20:41,559 --> 00:20:44,563 Told you. It just takes a little while to get the hang of it. 333 00:20:44,731 --> 00:20:46,726 See if I can bring it in for a landing. 334 00:20:46,902 --> 00:20:50,855 Probably not a good idea. There's no real place to put it. 335 00:20:58,632 --> 00:21:01,255 What do you think Donna DeMarco's doing these days?