1 00:01:09,469 --> 00:01:14,065 New york... one of the biggest cities in the world 2 00:01:14,808 --> 00:01:16,275 Business capital of the world. 3 00:01:17,377 --> 00:01:19,902 Every breath of the city...every heartbeat is filled with speed 4 00:01:26,753 --> 00:01:28,618 People are always in a hurry here... 5 00:01:29,422 --> 00:01:32,186 in a hurry to leave home...in a hurry to reach the office... 6 00:01:32,859 --> 00:01:35,123 always in a hurry to be a step or two ahead of life 7 00:01:35,995 --> 00:01:38,293 There is no place for anyone who can't cope here 8 00:01:42,001 --> 00:01:45,300 Miles away from lndia, this city is infested with lndians 9 00:01:46,239 --> 00:01:48,969 ln fact they say every fourth face in New y ork is an lndian 10 00:01:49,542 --> 00:01:50,133 One more thing... 11 00:01:50,710 --> 00:01:52,803 Oh... by the way that's me! 12 00:02:51,437 --> 00:02:53,803 This city taught me to be independent... 13 00:02:54,407 --> 00:02:56,375 it taught me to fulfill my responsibilities... 14 00:02:56,743 --> 00:02:58,370 taught me to face life... 15 00:02:59,379 --> 00:03:00,710 ...but it couldn't teach me to love... 16 00:03:02,015 --> 00:03:02,674 where was the time? 17 00:03:03,783 --> 00:03:05,307 Whenever l watched the city from far... 18 00:03:06,186 --> 00:03:07,744 I feIt Papa Was cIoser 19 00:03:10,390 --> 00:03:13,188 Whenever l missed him, l came here 20 00:03:17,330 --> 00:03:22,461 l am Naina Catherine Kapur and this is my story 21 00:03:29,175 --> 00:03:30,199 I understand Mr.Shah, 22 00:03:30,443 --> 00:03:32,104 but try and understand my probIem 23 00:03:33,279 --> 00:03:35,406 I must have the Ioan extension, pIease. 24 00:03:37,417 --> 00:03:39,476 I knoW the restaurant is centraIIy situated. 25 00:03:39,752 --> 00:03:42,448 But there's competition around, Mr. Shah... 26 00:03:42,822 --> 00:03:46,087 My mother, Jennifer. After Papa passed away... 27 00:03:46,459 --> 00:03:48,518 the entire responsibility of the family fell on her 28 00:03:49,095 --> 00:03:52,428 But she never allowed us to ever feel the burden of her sorrows 29 00:03:53,333 --> 00:03:56,461 Thank you...I. - I'm home. 30 00:03:58,371 --> 00:03:59,338 Where Were you? 31 00:04:00,640 --> 00:04:01,538 CentraI Park 32 00:04:02,108 --> 00:04:03,040 CentraI Park? Why? 33 00:04:03,343 --> 00:04:05,208 To meet someone. - Who? 34 00:04:05,445 --> 00:04:06,207 To meet my boyfriend... 35 00:04:06,946 --> 00:04:10,404 BiII...biIIs...biIIs Private & confidentiaI. 36 00:04:10,683 --> 00:04:11,377 That's mine. 37 00:04:11,918 --> 00:04:13,647 What is this? It's SWeetu's maiI again 38 00:04:13,920 --> 00:04:15,649 When WiII the maiIman understand that We are Kapur With a 'U'... 39 00:04:15,922 --> 00:04:17,412 and they are Kapoor With an 'O'? He aIWays... 40 00:04:18,591 --> 00:04:19,250 Were you crying? 41 00:04:19,659 --> 00:04:21,092 No... you Were crying... 42 00:04:21,728 --> 00:04:22,422 No mom. 43 00:04:22,662 --> 00:04:26,098 My mother and l... We lied to each other everyday 44 00:04:26,466 --> 00:04:27,433 KunWari kudi 45 00:04:28,568 --> 00:04:30,593 KunWari kudi marriage bureau, What's this? 46 00:04:30,837 --> 00:04:32,099 Why don't you ask your grandmother? 47 00:04:32,472 --> 00:04:34,440 It must some neW pIan to find you a groom 48 00:04:34,674 --> 00:04:37,268 But I don't Want to get married... Why doesn't Dadi Ieave me aIone? 49 00:04:37,510 --> 00:04:38,670 Why doesn't she just Ieave? 50 00:04:39,345 --> 00:04:40,937 MomI Where's she? 51 00:04:41,514 --> 00:04:42,446 It's going to be eight... 52 00:04:44,117 --> 00:04:45,607 Hi Guys, 10 seconds to go. 53 00:04:48,154 --> 00:04:50,122 8 seconds to go. 54 00:04:50,790 --> 00:04:53,782 4,3,2,1 ....bang. 55 00:04:54,360 --> 00:04:56,828 My grandmother Lajjo... She had three dreams 56 00:04:57,263 --> 00:04:59,493 One that New y ork becomes a part of Punjab 57 00:04:59,799 --> 00:05:03,701 Two, that l marry a Sardar and three... that my mother dies 58 00:05:04,170 --> 00:05:08,334 SarasWatiji, Lata, Asha and Usha have served you With their music for years 59 00:05:09,008 --> 00:05:13,570 But from today Kammo, Vimmo and I, Lajjo... 60 00:05:14,013 --> 00:05:15,776 HeIIoI WiII serve you. 61 00:05:16,015 --> 00:05:20,213 So Without deIay further We are going to present you a song 62 00:05:20,720 --> 00:05:23,280 The Words are 'Pritam come hither...' 63 00:05:24,390 --> 00:05:27,416 The song is speciaIIy requested by our neighbour, Chaddaji from Queens... 64 00:05:29,095 --> 00:05:30,062 That's very kind of you 65 00:05:30,997 --> 00:05:33,488 Kammo... Vimmo... 66 00:05:35,168 --> 00:05:36,328 Go Lajjo... 67 00:05:36,569 --> 00:05:37,160 Go Lajjo... 68 00:05:37,403 --> 00:05:41,840 ''Pritam, come hither...'' 69 00:05:42,642 --> 00:05:47,306 ''Pritam, come hither...'' 70 00:05:47,547 --> 00:05:51,381 ''My sad heart caIIs out to you...'' 71 00:05:51,651 --> 00:05:57,556 ''Pritam, come hither... Come hither... Come hither...'' 72 00:05:57,790 --> 00:06:01,282 DadiI....Stop it. 73 00:06:01,694 --> 00:06:03,491 Oh GodI Interrupted our prayers? 74 00:06:03,730 --> 00:06:04,822 InsuIted the goddess? 75 00:06:05,064 --> 00:06:05,723 Don't you have any shame? 76 00:06:05,965 --> 00:06:06,989 Don't you have any shame? 77 00:06:07,233 --> 00:06:08,860 Singing 'Come hither' 'Come hither' to Chaddaji? 78 00:06:09,102 --> 00:06:11,570 Who's singing it to Chaddaji? We are singing 'Pritam, come hither' 79 00:06:11,804 --> 00:06:13,795 What is his first name? - Pritam.... 80 00:06:15,875 --> 00:06:16,569 And What is this? 81 00:06:16,909 --> 00:06:18,103 What? - This. 82 00:06:19,178 --> 00:06:21,510 WoWI Pictures from KunWari KudiI 83 00:06:21,748 --> 00:06:23,978 AII three of them are so goodIooking 84 00:06:24,217 --> 00:06:25,684 Three? They Iook Iike the same guy 85 00:06:25,952 --> 00:06:26,782 No, no my chiId... they are different 86 00:06:27,053 --> 00:06:28,884 NoW What is that KunWari kudi ad? 87 00:06:30,490 --> 00:06:33,459 ''Hey girI, Hey GirI, hey GirI... choose your groom and be free'' 88 00:06:33,726 --> 00:06:35,159 ''Choose one, tWo or three'' 89 00:06:37,630 --> 00:06:40,963 Dadi, I am not interested in marrying anyone... one tWo or three 90 00:06:41,234 --> 00:06:43,464 If you don't marry, my chiId, hoW WiII you have chiIdren? 91 00:06:43,703 --> 00:06:46,137 I can have my chiIdren. There's no need to marry 92 00:06:50,977 --> 00:06:53,172 My brother Shiv, a handicap. 93 00:06:53,513 --> 00:06:56,073 He couldn't play basketball like the other boys... 94 00:06:56,349 --> 00:06:59,318 but he could be quite irritating like the other boys 95 00:07:00,219 --> 00:07:01,584 Shiv, put off the T.V. 96 00:07:01,888 --> 00:07:03,287 Whenever I see, it's aIWays basketbaIII 97 00:07:03,623 --> 00:07:06,057 Just because I can't pIay doesn't mean I can't see... 98 00:07:06,692 --> 00:07:08,990 Don't get cute With me. AII right. Hurry up. 99 00:07:09,228 --> 00:07:10,422 Gia, heIp your brother. 100 00:07:10,696 --> 00:07:13,631 Didi, did you see my neW doIIs? - GiaI 101 00:07:13,866 --> 00:07:16,528 This is Mama, this is you... 102 00:07:17,603 --> 00:07:20,902 this is bhaiyya, this is me and... 103 00:07:21,140 --> 00:07:22,903 Oh, so you are aWake...I 104 00:07:23,409 --> 00:07:24,569 Looking so good... Iike Hari Putter... 105 00:07:24,811 --> 00:07:26,574 Harry Potter, dadi... 106 00:07:26,813 --> 00:07:27,541 Ya ya... Whatever... Hari, Harry... 107 00:07:27,780 --> 00:07:29,407 Good morning, dadi. - Ya Ya... 108 00:07:29,715 --> 00:07:30,443 What's your scheduIe today? 109 00:07:30,683 --> 00:07:33,811 Dadi's love for Shiv was only matched by her hatred for Gia 110 00:07:34,620 --> 00:07:39,455 Gia was adopted and probably that's why Dadi did not consider her, our own 111 00:07:39,926 --> 00:07:44,192 And Gia... She always kept the Dadi doll away from her perfect family 112 00:07:45,131 --> 00:07:46,655 Distance was not just between the two in the family... 113 00:07:47,066 --> 00:07:49,830 Guru Nanak and Jesus had their own battle in the house 114 00:07:55,641 --> 00:07:57,404 It's so coIdI Is the heater on? 115 00:07:57,643 --> 00:07:58,701 You are aIWays on, aren't you? 116 00:07:58,945 --> 00:08:00,037 What?- NothingI 117 00:08:01,013 --> 00:08:02,344 WiII it?- Shut up. 118 00:08:02,715 --> 00:08:04,683 Bet? - Don't irritate me. 119 00:08:04,951 --> 00:08:06,441 Chicken is just 1 doIIar. 120 00:08:06,953 --> 00:08:09,046 What's for breakfast? - Fruit and cereaI 121 00:08:09,322 --> 00:08:11,119 What? - CereaI... 122 00:08:11,424 --> 00:08:13,392 Has it started? The seriaI Kahani Ghar Ghar Ki...? 123 00:08:14,126 --> 00:08:16,458 Not the TV seriaI... the cereaI We eat 124 00:08:16,696 --> 00:08:19,426 So What's neW? That We eat everyday 125 00:08:19,765 --> 00:08:22,734 Poor daughter-in-IaW... she doesn't knoW hoW to make Indian food 126 00:08:23,870 --> 00:08:25,269 Our dear daughter-in-IaW, Jenny 127 00:08:27,440 --> 00:08:28,236 Do you knoW, Naina? 128 00:08:28,474 --> 00:08:30,704 I saW a IoveIy dream Iast night 129 00:08:30,977 --> 00:08:33,775 In the dream, I Was eating hot aIoo parathas... 130 00:08:34,847 --> 00:08:38,180 With Iots of White butter Oh... hoW I missed ChandigarhI 131 00:08:38,451 --> 00:08:40,681 If you miss Chandigarh so much then you must go aWay there 132 00:08:40,953 --> 00:08:41,578 What do you think Naina? 133 00:08:41,854 --> 00:08:46,757 I'm going noWhere. If I Ieave, What WiII happen to these chiIdren? 134 00:08:47,593 --> 00:08:49,185 I'm very concerned about them 135 00:08:49,428 --> 00:08:51,953 And I'm concerned onIy about them 136 00:08:52,198 --> 00:08:53,927 Yes of course... Why WouId you be concerned about me? 137 00:08:54,166 --> 00:08:56,691 Who am I to you? If onIy my son Was aIive today... 138 00:08:56,936 --> 00:08:57,459 OnIy if he Was aIive... 139 00:08:57,703 --> 00:08:59,500 Stop it. Just stop it. 140 00:09:00,540 --> 00:09:03,703 Here's your doIIar. You Won. As usuaI, are you happy noW? 141 00:09:04,076 --> 00:09:06,135 And both of you...just forget it. 142 00:09:06,679 --> 00:09:08,647 My morning began this same way everyday 143 00:09:09,115 --> 00:09:13,609 Mama and Dadi's fight, followed by my angry walkout... 144 00:09:14,353 --> 00:09:17,379 and then listening to my stupid neighbour, Sweetu's stupid chatter 145 00:09:18,357 --> 00:09:19,824 Oh HiI- One minute. 146 00:09:20,092 --> 00:09:22,617 Okay, make that 2 gIaced doughnuts, 2 bIue berry muffins. 147 00:09:22,862 --> 00:09:23,794 2 chocoIate frappechinos. 148 00:09:24,030 --> 00:09:24,860 And What WiII you have? 149 00:09:25,097 --> 00:09:29,466 Sweetu. Full name, Jasprit Kapoor... Kapoor with two '0's. 150 00:09:29,802 --> 00:09:31,861 my neighbour.... & unfortunately best friend. 151 00:09:32,171 --> 00:09:35,163 She has two problems. The weight that she never loses... 152 00:09:35,408 --> 00:09:37,273 and the fact that she never feels sad about it 153 00:09:37,510 --> 00:09:39,978 TeII, Na... - One doubIe expresso pIease. 154 00:09:40,212 --> 00:09:42,578 Here's your Ietter. It came again to our house 155 00:09:42,982 --> 00:09:44,472 Your name had to be J. Kapoor... 156 00:09:44,750 --> 00:09:48,242 Oh WoW NainaI BIind date appIication. - What appIication? 157 00:09:48,521 --> 00:09:50,955 It's a very cooI service... it's very popuIar in NeW York 158 00:09:51,223 --> 00:09:53,453 Just fiII in a form describing the guy of your choice... 159 00:09:53,693 --> 00:09:54,591 Write something about yourseIf... 160 00:09:54,827 --> 00:09:57,261 they match the detaiIs and bingo, you get the guy...I 161 00:09:57,496 --> 00:09:58,986 WoWI And What have you Written about yourseIf? 162 00:09:59,231 --> 00:10:00,425 See Naina, I have Written What's the truth... What is... is 163 00:10:00,666 --> 00:10:01,098 What did you Write? 164 00:10:01,334 --> 00:10:02,699 That from far, I Iook Iike AishWarya Rai... 165 00:10:02,935 --> 00:10:04,869 And up cIose, Iike AishWarya Rai's house 166 00:10:05,771 --> 00:10:08,638 Oh my godI - Just Iook at me.... 167 00:10:08,874 --> 00:10:10,933 Oh my godI Just Iook at him 168 00:10:11,177 --> 00:10:14,305 Look at me. I'm out of controI. - He's so cute. 169 00:10:14,547 --> 00:10:17,380 SWeetu, Iook at me... - I see you everyday... 170 00:10:17,617 --> 00:10:20,211 He's so cute... - Shut up...shut up. 171 00:10:20,486 --> 00:10:22,852 Boys, boys boys... That's aII you are interested in 172 00:10:23,089 --> 00:10:23,521 What WiII happen? 173 00:10:23,756 --> 00:10:25,246 You WiII get the boy you Want... 174 00:10:25,524 --> 00:10:26,957 you WiII get married, you WiII have his chiIdren and then... 175 00:10:27,393 --> 00:10:29,054 he WiII Ieave aII of you and go aWay 176 00:10:29,629 --> 00:10:31,756 What WiII you do then? What WiII you do? 177 00:10:32,431 --> 00:10:34,991 I WiII marry again... What eIse? 178 00:10:36,469 --> 00:10:37,993 Forget it. Just... 179 00:10:38,604 --> 00:10:42,563 Naina, What Didi says is right... 180 00:10:43,142 --> 00:10:44,734 BabesI You need heIp. 181 00:10:45,044 --> 00:10:46,409 You & your DidiI 182 00:10:53,085 --> 00:10:57,112 BIoody...Eating aII our businessI 183 00:10:59,625 --> 00:11:02,219 Jazz...Full name Jaswinder Kapoor 184 00:11:02,628 --> 00:11:03,993 Sweetu's elder sister and unfortunately... 185 00:11:04,230 --> 00:11:06,391 Mama's best friend and restaurant partner 186 00:11:06,699 --> 00:11:08,098 She had problems too 187 00:11:08,334 --> 00:11:09,699 y outh, that she is desperately holding on to... 188 00:11:09,935 --> 00:11:12,233 and age that she refuses to accept 189 00:11:15,708 --> 00:11:18,199 Oh customersI 190 00:11:18,644 --> 00:11:21,169 3 coffees pIease. - Coming up. 191 00:11:42,735 --> 00:11:44,930 Thanks....mummy. 192 00:11:53,012 --> 00:11:55,242 Look, I said I'm sorry Jenny. 193 00:11:55,514 --> 00:11:59,177 It's okay. - It's not okay. 194 00:11:59,452 --> 00:12:01,181 With great difficuIty, We have four or five customers coming in 195 00:12:01,454 --> 00:12:03,388 Thanks to you, if they run aWay, What are We going to do? 196 00:12:03,656 --> 00:12:06,181 Listen to me. - No, you Iisten to me. 197 00:12:07,560 --> 00:12:09,926 You knoW very WeII that if We don't return the Ioan from the bank... 198 00:12:10,162 --> 00:12:11,629 on time We WiII have to Ieave this pIace 199 00:12:11,964 --> 00:12:13,727 Then, What are We going to do. I mean What... 200 00:12:27,113 --> 00:12:29,946 Oh godI This rain. I hate this rain. 201 00:12:32,551 --> 00:12:35,645 OppsI Sorry. That's my friend. I forgot to mention about him 202 00:12:43,929 --> 00:12:45,021 Meet Rohit Patel. 203 00:12:45,598 --> 00:12:47,657 Son of Karsanbhai & Sarlabhen Patel. 204 00:12:48,267 --> 00:12:50,929 Karsanbhai was one of the richest Gujaratis in America 205 00:12:51,237 --> 00:12:53,865 His food chain was quite popular in the whole country 206 00:12:54,306 --> 00:12:56,206 Name: Dial a Dhokla 207 00:12:56,475 --> 00:12:58,136 Rohit lived alone in New y ork 208 00:12:58,410 --> 00:13:01,846 As for work, in the last three years he had made no progress 209 00:13:02,081 --> 00:13:03,776 Hi guys. Have fun. 210 00:13:04,016 --> 00:13:04,914 Yes, Thank you.- Good. 211 00:13:06,085 --> 00:13:08,645 Okay. So, if I can get this fiIe With this... 212 00:13:08,921 --> 00:13:10,252 Ah JuIiaI 213 00:13:11,023 --> 00:13:11,717 Dinner at 8? 214 00:13:12,525 --> 00:13:14,288 Dinner at 8...8...Dinner 215 00:13:14,527 --> 00:13:16,620 Dinner at 8 - Yeah. 216 00:13:16,862 --> 00:13:18,659 AII right. I'm going to pick you up at 7.30. 217 00:13:18,898 --> 00:13:23,631 Poor Rohit... he wasn't as cool as he thought he was 218 00:13:25,571 --> 00:13:26,128 But... 219 00:13:27,840 --> 00:13:28,738 He never stopped trying. 220 00:13:40,286 --> 00:13:42,777 Hey GorgeousI - Are you taIking to me? 221 00:13:43,055 --> 00:13:45,148 Who eIse? You think I Was taIking to this rhino here? 222 00:13:46,292 --> 00:13:47,224 My name is Rohit 223 00:13:47,927 --> 00:13:50,725 Don't bother. I'm married - So What? 224 00:13:50,963 --> 00:13:52,760 So What if you are married... 225 00:13:52,998 --> 00:13:53,657 ....to him 226 00:13:56,836 --> 00:13:58,633 I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. - Put him doWn. 227 00:13:58,871 --> 00:14:01,669 I don't even Iike her. - Put him doWn. 228 00:14:04,443 --> 00:14:05,432 Bye, take care. 229 00:14:12,451 --> 00:14:13,884 So that's Rohit PateI. 230 00:14:14,086 --> 00:14:17,021 HoW do I knoW him? For the Iast one year... 231 00:14:17,356 --> 00:14:19,881 I have been studying With him in the evening MBA cIasses 232 00:14:20,860 --> 00:14:22,555 Sorry, I'm Iate.- WaIk. 233 00:14:23,596 --> 00:14:27,726 What happened?- Nothing I Was coming doWn in the Iift and... 234 00:14:27,967 --> 00:14:29,867 I understood... What's the girI's name? 235 00:14:30,402 --> 00:14:32,461 I don't knoW. - Husband hit you or boyfriend? 236 00:14:32,938 --> 00:14:34,405 Husband... - What Was his name? 237 00:14:34,640 --> 00:14:37,234 Hari Prasad Chaurasia... HoW do I knoW? Husband's name... 238 00:14:37,810 --> 00:14:40,643 Oh Rohit... I'm feeIing so bad... - It's ok... 239 00:14:40,880 --> 00:14:42,814 ...that he didn't hit you more... - Thanks. 240 00:14:43,048 --> 00:14:44,174 HoW Was your Weekend? 241 00:14:44,416 --> 00:14:46,884 FantasticI. I Went to London and Paris... 242 00:14:47,219 --> 00:14:50,780 It shoWs. Anyway my Weekend Was rocking 243 00:14:51,190 --> 00:14:55,820 LaiIa and I. In the same room... on the same bed... aII Weekend 244 00:14:56,061 --> 00:14:57,050 You knoW What I mean. - Oh pIease. 245 00:14:57,696 --> 00:15:00,529 Oh...Ah LaiIa, stop it. Not there. 246 00:15:00,766 --> 00:15:02,028 Stop it. No. Stop it. 247 00:15:03,602 --> 00:15:04,330 Listen. WiII you 248 00:15:05,204 --> 00:15:05,932 LaiIa, no... 249 00:15:09,275 --> 00:15:12,972 Thank God you are not Iike the other girIs in NeW York 250 00:15:13,779 --> 00:15:17,977 You are neither sexy, nor beautifuI and you aIWays have time for me 251 00:15:18,250 --> 00:15:19,717 I Iike you.- Thanks Rohit. 252 00:15:20,185 --> 00:15:21,914 Thanks Rohit... if it Wasn't for you, I WouId have died 253 00:15:22,187 --> 00:15:22,653 JerkI 254 00:15:27,693 --> 00:15:29,320 Gita Patekar, NeW entry. 255 00:15:29,862 --> 00:15:33,025 Today is her first day. Divorcee, for God's sake Ieave her aIone 256 00:15:34,099 --> 00:15:35,532 HiI- HiI 257 00:15:35,935 --> 00:15:37,027 PIease sit - Where? 258 00:15:37,803 --> 00:15:42,570 I'd say in my heart...but for noW.... right here behind me. 259 00:15:45,778 --> 00:15:46,403 SickI 260 00:15:52,384 --> 00:15:53,612 DINNER AT 9. 261 00:16:26,719 --> 00:16:27,447 PIease don't, okay. 262 00:16:30,456 --> 00:16:33,357 l wonder what Rohit wrote in his black diary... 263 00:16:33,859 --> 00:16:35,554 l never asked him about it... 264 00:16:36,195 --> 00:16:37,059 He is mad 265 00:16:37,796 --> 00:16:41,425 When l met him the first time, l didn't like him at all 266 00:16:41,734 --> 00:16:46,034 But today, he's my friend... a very close friend 267 00:16:46,572 --> 00:16:50,804 Basically, he's a nice guy and this l can vouch for...you know why? 268 00:16:51,410 --> 00:16:54,140 Because that night he did not cancel his date 269 00:16:54,847 --> 00:16:55,404 To you. 270 00:17:03,789 --> 00:17:08,385 Rohit Patel, l forget about all my household problems when l meet him. 271 00:17:10,162 --> 00:17:14,292 Are you aII right, my son? Hope you are not hurt... - Sorry, dadi. 272 00:17:14,533 --> 00:17:19,698 What sorry? Can't you see? What if my Shiv had got hurt? 273 00:17:19,938 --> 00:17:21,200 What are you doing? She's just a chiId... 274 00:17:21,440 --> 00:17:22,930 ChiId? You have spoiIt her 275 00:17:23,175 --> 00:17:24,437 It's her duty to take care of her brother 276 00:17:24,676 --> 00:17:26,371 And yours, to forgive... not to raise your hand 277 00:17:26,612 --> 00:17:28,603 I haven't been abIe to forgive you... so Who's she? 278 00:17:28,981 --> 00:17:31,176 Forgive me? What have I done? - Forget it... 279 00:17:31,417 --> 00:17:32,850 No no... pIease say.. What Wrong have I done? 280 00:17:33,118 --> 00:17:33,880 Listen... Just keep quiet... 281 00:17:34,153 --> 00:17:35,586 The same comment everydayI PIease bIurt it out today 282 00:17:35,821 --> 00:17:36,685 Don't make me open my mouth 283 00:17:37,122 --> 00:17:38,054 Why are you scared? PIease say... 284 00:17:38,323 --> 00:17:39,085 It's because of you that my son... 285 00:17:39,324 --> 00:17:42,316 Dadi....EnoughI 286 00:17:49,802 --> 00:17:51,963 The fact that was known all these years but never spoken about... 287 00:17:52,938 --> 00:17:54,200 was mentioned today 288 00:17:55,407 --> 00:17:57,272 Papa's death was not incidental 289 00:17:58,844 --> 00:18:02,075 He had taken his own life... he commited suicide 290 00:18:02,314 --> 00:18:03,872 The truth is aIWays bitter. 291 00:18:04,516 --> 00:18:07,610 No one knoWs the truth. Not even you 292 00:18:11,723 --> 00:18:14,157 Stop it Gia... stop it... Don't cry noW... 293 00:18:15,627 --> 00:18:18,687 She hates me. - No darIing, she doesn't hates you. 294 00:18:18,931 --> 00:18:20,125 She hates you. 295 00:18:21,733 --> 00:18:23,064 Don't say that... 296 00:18:23,802 --> 00:18:26,737 she's angry noW... everything WiII be aIright 297 00:18:26,972 --> 00:18:28,303 When WiII everything be aIright, Mama? 298 00:18:29,208 --> 00:18:32,609 Do you knoW, When I Was young... 299 00:18:33,078 --> 00:18:37,071 I used to cry over IittIe things. My mother used to teII me... 300 00:18:37,516 --> 00:18:41,953 that Jesus sends his angeI to aII of us to Wipe our tears 301 00:18:43,422 --> 00:18:46,823 AngeI?- AngeI darIing, AngeII 302 00:18:47,493 --> 00:18:50,257 Our angeI WiII come... he WiII Wipe our tears 303 00:18:50,863 --> 00:18:52,660 He WiII give us Iots of happiness... 304 00:18:54,333 --> 00:18:58,099 and WiII Ieave our sorroW someWhere far aWay 305 00:18:58,337 --> 00:19:00,271 When WiII our angeI come? 306 00:19:07,646 --> 00:19:08,578 Let's do one thing 307 00:19:09,481 --> 00:19:13,417 Today, in our prayers Iet's ask Jesus for our angeI... OK? 308 00:20:53,285 --> 00:20:55,845 Dear god, if you're Iistening. 309 00:20:56,388 --> 00:21:00,722 PIease bring some Iight into these dark times... A IittIe Iight... 310 00:21:55,213 --> 00:21:57,010 And suddenly the season changed... 311 00:21:57,983 --> 00:22:00,008 no one knows how, but moving aside the gloomy clouds... 312 00:22:01,386 --> 00:22:03,217 the sun smiled on all of us 313 00:22:31,249 --> 00:22:34,548 Come on, he's open...He's open. Come on. 314 00:22:35,120 --> 00:22:36,178 What are you doing guys? 315 00:22:36,688 --> 00:22:38,212 Want to come & teach me, you shit. 316 00:22:40,158 --> 00:22:42,319 If I couId pIay, I'd sureIy have pIayed 317 00:22:42,561 --> 00:22:44,620 HeIIo boy, HeIIo girI, HeIIo doII. 318 00:22:44,963 --> 00:22:46,021 Who are you? What are you doing here? 319 00:22:46,264 --> 00:22:48,255 No, I'm sorry. I'm Aman....HeIIo. 320 00:22:48,800 --> 00:22:51,792 Mama has said not to taIk to... str...str... strangIers... 321 00:22:52,037 --> 00:22:54,267 Not strangIers, siIIy... Strangers 322 00:22:55,640 --> 00:22:58,131 But I'm not a stranger. I Iive in that opposite house 323 00:22:58,377 --> 00:23:00,504 Wrong. That stupid Chadda uncIe Iives there 324 00:23:00,746 --> 00:23:03,010 I knoW...That's my uncIe 325 00:23:03,348 --> 00:23:04,713 You made a Boo boo. 326 00:23:04,983 --> 00:23:06,416 Yes, he made a boo boo. It's okay. 327 00:23:06,685 --> 00:23:07,481 I knoW he's a IittIe stupid... 328 00:23:07,753 --> 00:23:12,588 and I have aIso heard that he has something on With a siIIy oId hag here 329 00:23:14,426 --> 00:23:15,450 That's our grandmother 330 00:23:15,794 --> 00:23:17,819 OopsI I made a - Boo Boo 331 00:23:18,063 --> 00:23:18,722 I'm sorry. 332 00:23:18,964 --> 00:23:20,090 By the Way, What's your grandmother's name? 333 00:23:20,532 --> 00:23:22,295 GrandmotherI- What a nice nameI 334 00:23:22,534 --> 00:23:23,899 Listen to us poor...and God WiII hear your prayers 335 00:23:24,136 --> 00:23:27,469 Oh WoWI What's this? Beggars in NeW York? 336 00:23:27,706 --> 00:23:30,231 Those are not beggars... That's our grandmotherI 337 00:23:30,542 --> 00:23:32,373 OhI I'm sorry for you. I'II do something about it 338 00:23:33,245 --> 00:23:33,836 Best of Iuck. 339 00:23:34,079 --> 00:23:36,570 ''Listen to us poor...and God WiII hear your prayers'' 340 00:23:36,815 --> 00:23:41,309 ''You give us a doIIar and He WiII give you ten Iakhs'' 341 00:23:41,586 --> 00:23:45,283 GrandmaI GrandmaI 342 00:23:45,524 --> 00:23:49,517 Oh Lajjoji... He has heard our prayersI 343 00:23:49,761 --> 00:23:51,194 Who?- He... 344 00:23:51,430 --> 00:23:55,025 GrandmaI Oh Grandma... 345 00:23:55,467 --> 00:23:56,559 Jennifer LopezI 346 00:23:57,869 --> 00:24:00,030 Spice GirIs... here... here... 347 00:24:00,272 --> 00:24:03,469 What's the matter? We Were praying to Goddess SarasWatiI 348 00:24:03,708 --> 00:24:06,506 You Were not praying to SarasWati... you Were torturing herI 349 00:24:08,747 --> 00:24:10,237 NoW... SarasWati can't come here 350 00:24:10,482 --> 00:24:11,813 herseIf so on her behaIf I beg you... 351 00:24:12,083 --> 00:24:13,414 PIease don't singI 352 00:24:13,685 --> 00:24:14,208 What? 353 00:24:14,486 --> 00:24:15,475 What do you mean 'What'? 354 00:24:15,754 --> 00:24:18,723 Just Iook at them... these young chiIdren Who are pIaying here... 355 00:24:20,125 --> 00:24:21,456 it WiII have such a bad effect on them 356 00:24:21,693 --> 00:24:23,285 They WiII Iose faith in musicI 357 00:24:23,528 --> 00:24:26,691 And Who are you to say aII these things to us? 358 00:24:27,399 --> 00:24:28,957 I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myseIf... 359 00:24:29,201 --> 00:24:30,691 I'm Aman Mathur, your neW neighbour... 360 00:24:30,936 --> 00:24:33,029 and Chaddaji's nepheW 361 00:24:33,271 --> 00:24:34,295 Chadda's nepheW? 362 00:24:34,539 --> 00:24:38,168 Lajjoji... Don't mind. My nepheW is a bit mischeviousI 363 00:24:39,044 --> 00:24:41,604 Hmmm... Chadda and Lajjo's Iove story... 364 00:24:41,847 --> 00:24:43,280 doesn't care about age and bIooms in gIory... 365 00:24:45,617 --> 00:24:46,447 She's quite sexyI 366 00:24:47,085 --> 00:24:48,382 ChaddaI- Lajjo. 367 00:24:48,653 --> 00:24:50,120 Lajjoji... don't shout so much at this age 368 00:24:50,388 --> 00:24:51,946 If you do, it's straight... 369 00:24:53,225 --> 00:24:54,988 If you guys are so fond of singing, I WiII come and teach you 370 00:24:55,227 --> 00:24:57,127 TeII me... When do I pIay you guys...? 371 00:24:57,929 --> 00:24:59,692 ChaddaI He doesn't even knoW hoW to speak 372 00:24:59,931 --> 00:25:02,593 What's happening here? What's this noise so earIy in the morningI 373 00:25:27,025 --> 00:25:27,548 SpecsyI 374 00:25:27,893 --> 00:25:30,293 He comes to our IocaIity and stops us from singing? 375 00:25:30,529 --> 00:25:32,394 We Were singing so WeII and he says We don't knoW hoW to sing... 376 00:25:32,631 --> 00:25:34,656 He must be that Chadda's reIative... - Let's speak to him... 377 00:25:35,834 --> 00:25:41,067 ''I saW someone moments ago...'' 378 00:25:42,641 --> 00:25:46,077 ''Who is that girI?'' 379 00:25:48,580 --> 00:25:51,413 ''The more I Iook at her...'' 380 00:25:52,417 --> 00:25:54,783 ''the more I Wonder...'' 381 00:25:55,921 --> 00:25:59,118 ''What may I say to her?'' 382 00:26:03,395 --> 00:26:04,020 Hit it. 383 00:26:14,606 --> 00:26:17,074 ''I saW someone moments ago...'' 384 00:26:17,309 --> 00:26:19,209 ''Who is that girI?'' 385 00:26:19,644 --> 00:26:22,374 ''Is she a bud...? Is she a ray...?'' 386 00:26:22,614 --> 00:26:24,411 ''or is she part of a Iegend?'' 387 00:26:25,116 --> 00:26:27,676 ''The more I Iook at her, the more I Wonder...'' 388 00:26:27,953 --> 00:26:29,944 ''What may I say to her?'' 389 00:26:30,221 --> 00:26:33,918 ''Pretty Woman...'' 390 00:26:34,159 --> 00:26:36,923 ''Look... Pretty Woman'' 391 00:26:38,196 --> 00:26:47,503 ''Say With me...Pretty Woman'' 392 00:27:48,133 --> 00:27:49,498 ''Ya Pretty WomanI'' 393 00:27:49,801 --> 00:27:52,065 ''Listen up, girI... you're feeIing this Way'' 394 00:27:52,337 --> 00:27:54,396 ''Don't you see the sunshine coming up today?'' 395 00:27:54,673 --> 00:27:57,471 ''You got to feeI it right, just Iike day after night'' 396 00:27:57,876 --> 00:28:00,037 ''Don't Iet the sunshine out of your sight'' 397 00:28:00,245 --> 00:28:05,774 ''I can feeI you...'' 398 00:28:11,423 --> 00:28:13,653 ''I'm crazy about you. Pretty Woman'' 399 00:28:14,159 --> 00:28:16,457 ''The coIour of goId...'' 400 00:28:16,828 --> 00:28:19,092 ''the coIour of crystaI...'' 401 00:28:19,431 --> 00:28:24,459 ''the sight Ieaves me breathIess... I'm amazed'' 402 00:28:24,703 --> 00:28:27,069 ''What trait is this...?'' 403 00:28:27,305 --> 00:28:29,671 ''Why're there so much of pride...?'' 404 00:28:30,008 --> 00:28:33,444 ''What secret is it...? HoW WiII I say it'' 405 00:28:34,579 --> 00:28:37,412 ''Happy in a moment and angry too...'' 406 00:28:37,649 --> 00:28:39,617 ''she changes coIours every moment'' 407 00:28:40,285 --> 00:28:44,949 ''But When I Iook at her, I find her oh so beautifuI'' 408 00:28:45,323 --> 00:28:47,951 ''The more I Iook at her...'' ''the more I Wonder...'' 409 00:28:48,193 --> 00:28:50,388 ''What may I say to her?'' 410 00:28:50,628 --> 00:28:51,993 ''Pretty Woman...'' 411 00:29:42,781 --> 00:29:44,612 ''Go for itI'' 412 00:29:46,885 --> 00:29:49,080 ''Her eyes hoId an intoxication...'' 413 00:29:49,487 --> 00:29:51,887 ''Her tresses are ike the cIouds...'' 414 00:29:52,190 --> 00:29:57,184 ''such trait, O IoveIy one, I had never seen'' 415 00:29:57,428 --> 00:29:59,589 ''I see this fairy...'' 416 00:30:00,064 --> 00:30:02,430 ''it brings my heart aIive...'' 417 00:30:02,767 --> 00:30:06,100 ''isn't this a speII being a cast?'' 418 00:30:07,305 --> 00:30:10,138 ''I knoW not her name, nor Where she Iives...'' 419 00:30:10,375 --> 00:30:12,366 ''but this much I sureIy knoW'' 420 00:30:12,677 --> 00:30:17,705 ''The one she casts a Iook at WiII sureIy go crazy'' 421 00:30:17,949 --> 00:30:20,713 ''The more I Iook at her the more I Wonder...'' 422 00:30:20,985 --> 00:30:23,852 ''What may I say to her?'' 423 00:30:25,957 --> 00:30:29,859 ''Pretty Woman...'' 424 00:30:31,329 --> 00:30:35,197 ''Look... Pretty Woman'' 425 00:30:36,601 --> 00:30:40,628 ''Say With me...Pretty Woman'' 426 00:31:03,828 --> 00:31:07,195 GiaI 427 00:31:07,599 --> 00:31:08,031 Sorry...sorry. 428 00:31:08,266 --> 00:31:09,756 HeIIoI Hi, I'm Aman. 429 00:31:10,201 --> 00:31:12,135 I knoW. Everyone heard it this morning 430 00:31:13,104 --> 00:31:15,538 I never kneW that Chaddasaab had a nepheWI 431 00:31:16,040 --> 00:31:19,339 Even I didn't knoW that my uncIe's neighbours are so beautifuII- What? 432 00:31:19,644 --> 00:31:21,043 I Was taIking about your motherI 433 00:31:21,279 --> 00:31:22,007 Jennifer rightI 434 00:31:22,614 --> 00:31:25,583 Jennifer you're very very very beautifuI. - Thank you. 435 00:31:25,817 --> 00:31:26,841 Let me say this. 436 00:31:27,285 --> 00:31:28,946 This is shiv, Basket baII champ. 437 00:31:29,220 --> 00:31:31,085 and this is my sWeet heart Gia. 438 00:31:31,322 --> 00:31:32,584 and you're... - Not interested. 439 00:31:32,824 --> 00:31:33,756 That shoWs on your face 440 00:31:34,592 --> 00:31:36,150 Anyway, It's very to nice meet the rest of you. 441 00:31:36,394 --> 00:31:37,827 Nice to meet you too. - Thank you. 442 00:31:38,062 --> 00:31:38,653 Do you knoW Aman? 443 00:31:38,897 --> 00:31:42,264 I saW so much coIour together in our street for the first time today? 444 00:31:42,500 --> 00:31:44,161 I knoW. It's a boring sort of a street. 445 00:31:44,402 --> 00:31:45,528 But don't Worry. NoW that I am here... 446 00:31:45,770 --> 00:31:46,759 Just see What happens in futureI 447 00:31:47,005 --> 00:31:47,972 You must have come here on important business 448 00:31:48,206 --> 00:31:51,175 No, not at aII. Just to get marriedI- ReaIIyI 449 00:31:51,943 --> 00:31:54,810 Jennifer, I Want to marry your daughterI - What? 450 00:31:55,046 --> 00:31:57,310 Do you mind? I'm taIking to Gia. 451 00:31:57,949 --> 00:32:00,281 Gia, my sWeet heart WiII you marry me? 452 00:32:00,752 --> 00:32:03,084 Yeah....pIease...-No...no. 453 00:32:04,088 --> 00:32:04,611 Doesn't matter... 454 00:32:04,889 --> 00:32:07,585 Just one thing... is she in a bad mood or Was she born this Way? 455 00:32:07,825 --> 00:32:09,622 She has aIWays been Iike this - Don't say Iike that. 456 00:32:09,861 --> 00:32:11,328 PIease don't mind her. - No....no, not at aII. 457 00:32:11,562 --> 00:32:12,494 This is a chiIdhood probIem. 458 00:32:13,598 --> 00:32:15,259 Anyway, IoveIy to meet you aII. 459 00:32:15,500 --> 00:32:17,195 I WiII see you guys at about 7 or 8... 460 00:32:17,435 --> 00:32:19,130 7 or 8? - For dinner 461 00:32:19,470 --> 00:32:21,370 At your pIace... I'm your neW neighbour 462 00:32:21,606 --> 00:32:22,504 ObviousIy you WiII invite us to shoW your hospitaIity... Won't you? 463 00:32:22,774 --> 00:32:23,331 Okay. 464 00:32:23,875 --> 00:32:25,001 Okay....okay...okay. 465 00:32:25,310 --> 00:32:27,437 ActuaIIy not 7... at 8... I'm a bit busy... 466 00:32:27,679 --> 00:32:29,442 and after I go she WiII be angry With you. 467 00:32:30,014 --> 00:32:30,946 ... for inviting me to dinner 468 00:32:31,182 --> 00:32:32,945 But don't Worry... it's a chiIdhood probIem 469 00:32:33,384 --> 00:32:34,442 She Won't say any such thing 470 00:32:35,053 --> 00:32:36,111 Where Was the need to invite him for dinner? 471 00:32:36,387 --> 00:32:37,319 Yes... What Was the need? 472 00:32:37,555 --> 00:32:38,613 One minute Weren't you there? 473 00:32:38,890 --> 00:32:40,653 I did not invite him... he invited himseIf 474 00:32:41,059 --> 00:32:42,993 I teII you Lajjoji... Our Mrs. Sharma Was teIIing me... 475 00:32:43,227 --> 00:32:44,319 Who?- From KunWari Kudi... 476 00:32:44,562 --> 00:32:44,994 She Was saying that 477 00:32:45,229 --> 00:32:46,161 these young goodIooking boys come from India... 478 00:32:46,397 --> 00:32:47,159 and take our girIs for a ride... 479 00:32:47,398 --> 00:32:48,330 Ride? For What? 480 00:32:48,566 --> 00:32:50,158 For a card...- Ya... ration card 481 00:32:50,401 --> 00:32:52,164 Oh Shut up. For a Green card... What eIse? 482 00:32:52,403 --> 00:32:53,665 LordI Did you hear that? 483 00:32:54,238 --> 00:32:55,671 Lord, pIease protect us 484 00:32:55,907 --> 00:32:59,775 Oh forget it aunty. It's just one guy... 485 00:33:00,244 --> 00:33:01,768 I can handIe an entire army 486 00:33:02,013 --> 00:33:03,605 I'm inviting SWeetu and Rohit for dinner 487 00:33:03,848 --> 00:33:05,440 Rohit? A boyI- Is he singIe? 488 00:33:05,883 --> 00:33:07,942 He's a boy... he's singIe and he is Gujarati 489 00:33:08,219 --> 00:33:10,483 GujaratiI- They are vegetarians 490 00:33:10,722 --> 00:33:11,484 ReIax dadi. 491 00:33:11,723 --> 00:33:14,487 He's a cIose friend. Just Iike SWeetu.- SWeetu? 492 00:33:16,561 --> 00:33:19,155 What? I Was getting ready for my bIind dateI 493 00:33:19,397 --> 00:33:21,661 BIind date?- OhI A date With a bIind boy 494 00:33:22,233 --> 00:33:23,825 No Wonder she has bIindfoIded herseIfI 495 00:33:24,068 --> 00:33:29,005 BIind date means a date With a boy Who has never seen me 496 00:33:29,240 --> 00:33:31,834 And When he sees, he WiII be bIinded With shock 497 00:33:32,076 --> 00:33:32,667 HoW rude is that? 498 00:33:32,910 --> 00:33:35,845 Anyway Naina, I can't come tonight bye aII. 499 00:33:36,080 --> 00:33:37,513 Bye baII make your caII. 500 00:33:37,749 --> 00:33:39,341 I'm coming...Wait for me. 501 00:33:43,621 --> 00:33:45,054 Hey Naina.- Hey Rohit. 502 00:33:45,289 --> 00:33:45,846 What's up? 503 00:33:46,124 --> 00:33:47,887 What are you doing? - Nothing... I'm With Gita. 504 00:33:48,126 --> 00:33:49,718 Gita.- Yeah you remember Gita. 505 00:33:49,961 --> 00:33:51,223 Exchange student from our cIass. 506 00:33:51,462 --> 00:33:53,726 She Iives in Soho With tWo other girIs 507 00:33:53,965 --> 00:33:55,398 TWo other girIs? 508 00:33:55,967 --> 00:33:58,231 You have got a bonusI- WeII. 509 00:34:05,243 --> 00:34:07,336 Yes.- You pIease come home for dinner tonight 510 00:34:07,578 --> 00:34:08,340 What dinnerI 511 00:34:08,579 --> 00:34:10,672 Yes... Mom has invited some stupid neighbours for dinner... 512 00:34:10,915 --> 00:34:11,677 so even you come 513 00:34:11,916 --> 00:34:13,008 What time?- 8 o cIock... 514 00:34:13,284 --> 00:34:17,345 8 p.m.? Such a short notice for KunWari Kudi? 515 00:34:17,622 --> 00:34:18,179 Sorry Mrs. Sharma 516 00:34:18,456 --> 00:34:20,515 but the honour of my famiIy noW Iies in your hands 517 00:34:20,792 --> 00:34:23,386 You have reaIIy put me in a tight spot 518 00:34:23,628 --> 00:34:24,060 SardarI SardarI 519 00:34:24,629 --> 00:34:26,062 And yes...the boy shouId be a Sardar, pIease 520 00:34:26,297 --> 00:34:28,060 Enter this. They Want a Sardar boy 521 00:34:28,299 --> 00:34:29,732 ShouId I go then?- Oh Shut up 522 00:34:29,967 --> 00:34:31,229 AII you think of is your marriage sorry, 523 00:34:31,969 --> 00:34:33,231 PIease teII me the address... 524 00:34:35,640 --> 00:34:36,732 Where Were you? You took so much time 525 00:34:36,974 --> 00:34:37,736 Go and ask supermarket. 526 00:34:37,975 --> 00:34:38,907 Naina's come home... 527 00:34:39,143 --> 00:34:40,405 Let me heIp, cIose the door darIing. 528 00:34:43,481 --> 00:34:44,743 Not so much...it's too much... 529 00:34:44,982 --> 00:34:46,074 I said I'd do it, Jenny... 530 00:34:46,684 --> 00:34:48,618 Thank you.- What's the need...? 531 00:34:48,853 --> 00:34:50,411 What have I done? I'm just impressing my mother-in-IaW 532 00:34:50,688 --> 00:34:51,620 What do you say? 533 00:34:52,690 --> 00:34:54,954 You're very sWeet. - You're aIso very sWeet. 534 00:34:56,194 --> 00:34:56,956 I knoW her 535 00:34:57,862 --> 00:34:59,796 I forgot to teII you... Rohit had caIIed 536 00:35:00,031 --> 00:35:01,555 He said he WouId be 15 to 20 minutes Iate 537 00:35:01,966 --> 00:35:03,900 SWeet boy. Boy friend.- FriendI 538 00:35:04,135 --> 00:35:06,228 Mom... I need to speak to you privateIy 539 00:35:06,471 --> 00:35:07,563 Gia... Go outI 540 00:35:08,139 --> 00:35:08,901 NoW What is it? 541 00:35:09,140 --> 00:35:11,233 Mom.- What are you doing Naina? 542 00:35:11,476 --> 00:35:13,239 This Aman...- Aman's mother... 543 00:35:13,811 --> 00:35:15,574 HeIIo auntyI- HeIIo.- HeIIo uncIe. 544 00:35:15,813 --> 00:35:16,575 Can't see Lajjoji anywhere 545 00:35:16,814 --> 00:35:18,907 Yes... sometimes We are Iucky 546 00:35:19,350 --> 00:35:20,078 So funny. 547 00:35:21,352 --> 00:35:23,286 Is it our house or theirs? - Mine 548 00:35:23,855 --> 00:35:25,117 See I've got a neW T.shirt. 549 00:35:25,356 --> 00:35:26,948 WoWI Who gave it?- AmanI 550 00:35:27,191 --> 00:35:28,283 Mr.Mathur - Yeah darIing. 551 00:35:28,526 --> 00:35:29,117 Don't caII me darIing. 552 00:35:29,360 --> 00:35:30,292 Then caII me Aman. 553 00:35:32,363 --> 00:35:33,625 Is something Iess?- SaItI 554 00:35:33,865 --> 00:35:34,797 Even you have the same probIem 555 00:35:38,069 --> 00:35:39,832 Why are you foIIoWing me? 556 00:35:40,071 --> 00:35:40,833 Don't you have anything to do? 557 00:35:41,072 --> 00:35:43,006 The restaurant accounts are so bad... 558 00:35:43,241 --> 00:35:43,673 HoW's it so bad? 559 00:35:43,908 --> 00:35:45,341 HoW dare you, it's my private affair. 560 00:35:45,576 --> 00:35:46,008 Let me Iook. 561 00:35:46,244 --> 00:35:47,836 I'm sorry my son is reaIIy mad. 562 00:35:48,079 --> 00:35:49,512 I'm reaIIy sorry chiId. - It's okay. 563 00:35:50,581 --> 00:35:51,172 What is this? 564 00:35:51,415 --> 00:35:52,177 When WiII you change your chiIdhood habits? 565 00:35:52,416 --> 00:35:55,010 One sIap... in the chiIdhood shouId have heIped 566 00:35:59,423 --> 00:35:59,855 TeII me. 567 00:36:00,091 --> 00:36:02,116 Lajjoji... this pink reaIIy suits you 568 00:36:02,360 --> 00:36:04,123 Your bIue is not so bad eitherI 569 00:36:04,362 --> 00:36:06,125 Mr. BIue... Ms. Pink... the dinner is ready 570 00:36:06,364 --> 00:36:07,126 I can see that... 571 00:36:07,698 --> 00:36:10,132 Indian FoodI I'm sure Jenny hasn't made it 572 00:36:10,368 --> 00:36:11,801 Aman heIped a IotI 573 00:36:12,203 --> 00:36:13,636 CongratuIations on getting a neW servantI 574 00:36:13,871 --> 00:36:15,304 CongratuIations on getting a neW son-in-IaWI 575 00:36:20,378 --> 00:36:20,810 Keep the change. 576 00:36:24,882 --> 00:36:27,646 Your father must be a WaiterI Waiter, Where's the party? 577 00:36:27,919 --> 00:36:30,353 Excuse me, I'm Iooking for No.29 - 27. 578 00:36:35,593 --> 00:36:37,686 Oh my darIing son... 579 00:36:38,095 --> 00:36:40,359 you must eat aII the Indian food that's cooked today... 580 00:36:40,598 --> 00:36:42,862 you have become White eating that siIIy bread everyday 581 00:36:43,100 --> 00:36:43,691 Have rice. 582 00:36:47,939 --> 00:36:50,874 He Iooks so good my son. Just Iike Rakesh Roshan 583 00:36:51,108 --> 00:36:52,871 Hrithik Roshan, stop it dadi. 584 00:36:53,277 --> 00:36:56,542 Stop it sister...stop it. 585 00:37:00,251 --> 00:37:01,809 I'm seeing it for the first time in NeW York... 586 00:37:02,086 --> 00:37:03,815 had seen it once in Bombay... - What? 587 00:37:04,088 --> 00:37:08,354 BEST bus. There comes your bIind date I'II get it. 588 00:37:08,926 --> 00:37:11,019 It's Rohit...- I'II get it... 589 00:37:11,262 --> 00:37:12,854 Dadi...- I said I'II get it 590 00:37:15,766 --> 00:37:19,361 O heIIo.- HeIIoI 591 00:37:20,271 --> 00:37:20,862 You? 592 00:37:21,105 --> 00:37:21,696 Yes... me 593 00:37:22,106 --> 00:37:23,198 Have you come from the bureau?- Yes 594 00:37:23,608 --> 00:37:25,200 But I asked for a Sardar on the phone 595 00:37:25,443 --> 00:37:26,876 And I'd said 'young' on the form 596 00:37:27,144 --> 00:37:28,372 It's not me...It's my granddaughter 597 00:37:33,317 --> 00:37:36,047 SWeetu...he is here 598 00:37:36,320 --> 00:37:39,585 OhI You caII her SWeetu at home? 599 00:37:42,493 --> 00:37:42,925 Come on... 600 00:37:47,498 --> 00:37:52,595 No no... My name's Guru - Come... my son 601 00:37:54,538 --> 00:38:00,374 Mrs Kapoor....- Miss Kapoor. 602 00:38:02,947 --> 00:38:04,539 ''Come into my arms...'' 603 00:38:04,815 --> 00:38:08,546 Music.- ''come into my arms...'' 604 00:38:10,321 --> 00:38:12,755 You Iook Iike you are SWeetu's sister 605 00:38:14,659 --> 00:38:19,687 I am SWeetu's sister, siIIy boy.- What? 606 00:38:20,364 --> 00:38:23,094 What's the matter? Our guest is our God... Just sit doWn 607 00:38:23,334 --> 00:38:26,770 You naughty, you never toId us that Rohit is so handsome 608 00:38:27,071 --> 00:38:27,765 You are Rohit. 609 00:38:28,673 --> 00:38:29,765 Who did you caII Rohit? Who's Rohit? 610 00:38:30,341 --> 00:38:32,434 What is this Rohit business...? His name is... 611 00:38:32,677 --> 00:38:36,113 Guru Guru Guru... C'mon, get started 612 00:38:36,414 --> 00:38:41,283 Who is Guru?- You 'Guru'... 613 00:38:41,719 --> 00:38:44,449 Forget it...TeII me Where do you Iive...? 614 00:38:44,722 --> 00:38:47,657 I Iive in Jackson heights First I had my den in Mumbai... 615 00:38:47,892 --> 00:38:49,985 I Ieft Mumbai and took an entry into US... What say? 616 00:38:50,227 --> 00:38:53,321 AbsoIuteIy fit bhaiI Wanna have chicken? Naina's made it. 617 00:38:53,564 --> 00:38:54,997 Who's Naina?- That one... Specsy 618 00:38:57,568 --> 00:38:59,661 Who eIse Iives in your house?- Where?- Home? 619 00:38:59,904 --> 00:39:02,270 At home... there's mummy, I and Master... 620 00:39:02,506 --> 00:39:04,599 You mean your father...? - Master is a dogI 621 00:39:04,842 --> 00:39:05,774 Never say such things about your fatherI 622 00:39:07,678 --> 00:39:09,612 Long nose. 623 00:39:13,250 --> 00:39:15,275 What do you do? 624 00:39:15,553 --> 00:39:17,316 Video PirateI- PiIot? 625 00:39:17,555 --> 00:39:19,318 Piracy... Long Iive video piracy 626 00:39:19,590 --> 00:39:20,488 You mean crime...theft 627 00:39:20,725 --> 00:39:23,660 E... Specsy... Don't caII me a thief... Who did you caII a thief? 628 00:39:24,061 --> 00:39:25,653 Don't you get scared, my son? 629 00:39:26,230 --> 00:39:27,993 What's to get scared? Big brothers... they handIe everything 630 00:39:28,232 --> 00:39:28,823 Brothers? HoW many brothers do you have? 631 00:39:29,066 --> 00:39:30,499 Brothers... Four but one has been sent up there 632 00:39:30,735 --> 00:39:31,997 Up there? You mean even he's a piIot? 633 00:39:32,303 --> 00:39:36,171 Up there meaning...- OhI I'm so sorry... HoW sadI- It is okay. 634 00:39:36,440 --> 00:39:37,338 What happened? 635 00:39:37,575 --> 00:39:41,841 Mummy, Papa...Iive in Connecticut ...- Connecticut. 636 00:39:42,079 --> 00:39:44,013 ...and I'm aIone in Manhattan...- Manhattan. 637 00:39:44,415 --> 00:39:45,677 You speak too much 638 00:39:45,916 --> 00:39:48,009 Just Iook into my eyes... What do you see? 639 00:39:48,786 --> 00:39:49,343 Bathroom. 640 00:39:51,122 --> 00:39:52,680 The bathroom is over there.- Where? 641 00:39:52,957 --> 00:39:54,549 ThereI- It is okay. 642 00:39:54,792 --> 00:39:58,728 It's okay...Everything WiII be aIright... 643 00:39:58,996 --> 00:40:02,056 The mother's sIightIy mad but everything WiII be aIright 644 00:40:08,639 --> 00:40:09,571 Why are you guys shouting? 645 00:40:13,310 --> 00:40:14,072 E... Mummy... 646 00:40:14,945 --> 00:40:16,810 You oId hagI I'm running out of here... 647 00:40:17,047 --> 00:40:18,173 This doesn't Work for me. And this specsy... 648 00:40:18,416 --> 00:40:21,852 She's Iike cactus...thorny... What SWeetu is she man? 649 00:40:22,086 --> 00:40:23,519 You are SWeetu? - Who are you? 650 00:40:23,721 --> 00:40:24,653 You are mineI 651 00:40:24,889 --> 00:40:25,821 Look, I have come to the Wrong house... 652 00:40:26,056 --> 00:40:28,149 I came to meet Naina... I WiII take Ieave...- PIease 653 00:40:29,026 --> 00:40:30,118 PIease don't go... I'm going... 654 00:40:30,361 --> 00:40:34,127 if you need any DVDs or video tapes You must come to my shop... 655 00:40:34,365 --> 00:40:35,127 You'II come, Won't you?- YesI 656 00:40:35,699 --> 00:40:36,791 PIease don't go... PIease... 657 00:40:37,034 --> 00:40:40,800 Let me go... For God's sake, Iet me goI 658 00:40:48,045 --> 00:40:48,807 YouI- Are you aIright? 659 00:40:49,046 --> 00:40:49,808 Are you aIright... I'm fine 660 00:40:50,047 --> 00:40:50,979 Those guys are IunaticsI 661 00:40:51,715 --> 00:40:53,979 I WiII caII you Iater. - I WiII aIso caII you Iater. 662 00:40:56,253 --> 00:40:57,686 Run... run... 663 00:40:57,922 --> 00:40:59,184 We don't Want to go there. 664 00:41:06,864 --> 00:41:08,297 You are Iaughing? I don't beIieve this. 665 00:41:08,699 --> 00:41:10,792 NormaI peopIe find such situations funny 666 00:41:11,035 --> 00:41:12,969 Are you trying to say I'm not normaI? 667 00:41:14,205 --> 00:41:17,299 If you are normaI... then I'm Sridevi 668 00:41:17,541 --> 00:41:20,135 WeII. According to me. You are not normaI 669 00:41:20,377 --> 00:41:22,140 Since morning, you have been behaving Iike you have knoWn us for years 670 00:41:22,379 --> 00:41:23,971 Not years, darIing... For eons 671 00:41:24,215 --> 00:41:25,978 In fact, I feeI our bond is from severaI past Iifetimes 672 00:41:26,217 --> 00:41:28,685 Listen... You are our neighbor so pIease behave Iike one 673 00:41:29,787 --> 00:41:31,812 Open the door... May I pIease borroW haIf a cup of miIk? 674 00:41:32,122 --> 00:41:32,850 What are you doing? 675 00:41:33,090 --> 00:41:34,682 Didn't you just say that I shouId behave Iike a neighbour? 676 00:41:34,925 --> 00:41:35,857 So may I have haIf a cup of miIk? 677 00:41:37,328 --> 00:41:37,851 So funny. 678 00:41:38,095 --> 00:41:40,529 See... pIease take this happy-go-Iucky nature... 679 00:41:40,764 --> 00:41:42,197 and knock on someone eIse's door 680 00:41:42,666 --> 00:41:45,863 And We're genuineIy not interested. 681 00:41:46,103 --> 00:41:47,866 What happened? - What's your probIem? 682 00:41:48,772 --> 00:41:51,866 ProbIem?- Yes... Why do you feeI... that the entire Weight of the WorId 683 00:41:52,109 --> 00:41:53,041 is on your deIicate shouIders? 684 00:41:53,277 --> 00:41:54,209 Who are you? 685 00:41:55,279 --> 00:41:56,371 Don't... 686 00:41:57,948 --> 00:41:59,540 What's the point of praying to God... 687 00:41:59,817 --> 00:42:01,478 When you don't knoW hoW to vaIue the Iife he has given? 688 00:42:01,752 --> 00:42:04,312 What do you knoW about my Iife anyway? 689 00:42:04,588 --> 00:42:06,351 Not much, but enough to say.. 690 00:42:06,657 --> 00:42:08,852 that in your eyes perhaps you don't have much 691 00:42:09,093 --> 00:42:10,856 But Iook at your Iife through someone eIse's eyes... 692 00:42:11,095 --> 00:42:13,359 and you'II knoW you have a IotI - NoW I have to hear a Iecture 693 00:42:13,597 --> 00:42:16,532 Listen... Live... be happy.. SmiIe... Who knoWs? 694 00:42:16,767 --> 00:42:17,859 TomorroW may not be... 695 00:42:19,470 --> 00:42:20,198 What a thought. 696 00:42:20,437 --> 00:42:22,200 TomorroW may not be... Oh, It is too good. 697 00:42:22,940 --> 00:42:24,874 Anyway, I WiII teach you to smiIe 698 00:42:25,109 --> 00:42:26,201 It is a simpIe 3 parts process. 699 00:42:28,946 --> 00:42:29,537 Try... 700 00:42:32,483 --> 00:42:35,714 Try...- Don't touch me. 701 00:42:36,153 --> 00:42:37,882 God... the poor thing has forgotten hoW to smiIe 702 00:42:38,155 --> 00:42:40,419 Just keep practicing and it WiII come back 703 00:42:40,991 --> 00:42:43,255 Your probIem is that you think.. 704 00:42:43,494 --> 00:42:45,086 I knoWI I am very sexy. 705 00:42:47,498 --> 00:42:53,437 But you are not my type For noW, just practise 706 00:42:53,671 --> 00:42:54,933 Forget it. I am sorry. 707 00:42:57,341 --> 00:43:00,367 I kept thinking the WhoIe night... Was that idiotic Aman right? 708 00:43:01,345 --> 00:43:03,540 Had I reaIIy forgotten to smiIe? 709 00:43:05,449 --> 00:43:08,213 Of course she smiIe The Iast time she smiIed When.... Uh 710 00:43:09,653 --> 00:43:11,587 NoW she WiII smiIe onIy during her WeddingI 711 00:43:11,989 --> 00:43:13,251 Uh...uh... 712 00:43:13,490 --> 00:43:17,256 Whenever she Was With her father, she smiIed... 713 00:43:17,828 --> 00:43:18,760 Uh...uh... 714 00:43:18,996 --> 00:43:20,930 When the big brother threatens her... that's When she WiII smiIe 715 00:43:23,334 --> 00:43:25,097 What a beautifuI smiIeI 716 00:43:25,402 --> 00:43:28,269 Whose?- Priya...Who eIse? 717 00:43:30,507 --> 00:43:31,439 The photograph Was taken at the Wedding... 718 00:43:32,176 --> 00:43:33,404 Where did you find it? 719 00:43:34,044 --> 00:43:35,443 It Was Iying in this fiIe 720 00:43:36,013 --> 00:43:38,106 I spoke to Priya this morning 721 00:43:38,682 --> 00:43:40,650 She said you are meeting her today? 722 00:43:43,220 --> 00:43:44,278 I Was just Ieaving to go there... 723 00:43:44,555 --> 00:43:49,652 ShouId I come With you? - What WiII you do there? 724 00:43:50,728 --> 00:43:54,494 In any case, I Want to speak to Priya in private... 725 00:43:56,734 --> 00:44:05,267 Aren't you scared?- I'm not scared 726 00:44:06,010 --> 00:44:09,104 You keep Worrying unnecessariIy. There's nothing to Worry 727 00:44:09,947 --> 00:44:11,278 Everything WiII be aIright... 728 00:44:13,884 --> 00:44:14,316 everything WiII be aIright... 729 00:44:14,885 --> 00:44:15,817 Nothing WiII be aIright... 730 00:44:16,053 --> 00:44:18,613 tiII you Iose Weight you are going to get no boy 731 00:44:18,889 --> 00:44:21,483 But I'm trying Naina... - I can see that 732 00:44:22,126 --> 00:44:24,651 WoWI He is so cute, Naina. 733 00:44:26,730 --> 00:44:29,665 He Iooks cute to you? - You don't find any guy cuteI 734 00:44:29,933 --> 00:44:32,265 That is not true. - I can't hear anything... 735 00:44:33,570 --> 00:44:35,003 You Were Iistening to our conversation? 736 00:44:35,406 --> 00:44:36,498 I Wasn't Iistening... I Was trying to Iisten 737 00:44:36,740 --> 00:44:38,503 If you speak so softIy hoW do you expect me to Iisten? 738 00:44:39,076 --> 00:44:41,670 Excuse me, move...move.... 739 00:44:43,080 --> 00:44:43,842 We didn't meet that day... 740 00:44:44,248 --> 00:44:45,681 I'm Ms. Square's neW neighbour ... Aman 741 00:44:46,517 --> 00:44:48,883 I'm Ms. Square's oId neighbour, SWeetu 742 00:44:51,121 --> 00:44:53,885 Shut up. We Were taIking. - NoW We are taIking 743 00:44:54,124 --> 00:44:56,388 Look SWeetu... Any guy Who Iooks at your figure and Ioves you... 744 00:44:56,627 --> 00:44:58,390 ...WiII be bIindI - ...WiII be Wrong. Ignore her. 745 00:44:59,129 --> 00:45:02,656 He shouId Iook into your heart deepIy...- You're right. 746 00:45:02,900 --> 00:45:03,332 I am aIWays right. 747 00:45:03,567 --> 00:45:05,831 TeII me something...Is there a guy here Whom you Iike? 748 00:45:06,070 --> 00:45:06,832 That one. 749 00:45:14,912 --> 00:45:16,846 His name is RamdayaI? You knoW him? 750 00:45:17,247 --> 00:45:18,680 No... but he Iooks the RamdayaI type 751 00:45:23,620 --> 00:45:25,679 Yeah. CaIIing me? - I am taIking to you, RamdayaI. 752 00:45:26,056 --> 00:45:26,818 Name's Frankie 753 00:45:27,458 --> 00:45:29,392 Frankie RamdayaI 754 00:45:30,127 --> 00:45:33,221 This girIfriend of mine Wants to Ieave me for you... 755 00:45:33,464 --> 00:45:35,898 she says you are cooI, sexy... 756 00:45:36,133 --> 00:45:38,067 she says your hairstyIe is WoWI 757 00:45:38,435 --> 00:45:41,734 What do I do SWeetu, If I've not seen 'DiI Chahta Hai'? 758 00:45:42,139 --> 00:45:44,403 So What if I don't knoW much about hairstyIes? 759 00:45:44,641 --> 00:45:45,903 Are you going to Ieave me for this... this shriveIed mango? 760 00:45:46,143 --> 00:45:47,405 What?- Sorry, RamdayaI. 761 00:45:48,312 --> 00:45:51,247 HoW WouId you feeI if I Ieft you for this... specsy? 762 00:45:51,815 --> 00:45:53,248 You are a Iucky dog, RamdayaI. 763 00:45:54,685 --> 00:45:57,119 Go SWeetu...Go Iive your Iife... 764 00:45:57,354 --> 00:46:01,381 be happy... be prosperous... be happy With Ramu... 765 00:46:02,960 --> 00:46:04,052 Is he coming? 766 00:46:06,130 --> 00:46:08,894 Come on... come on... 767 00:46:09,133 --> 00:46:11,897 HiI Franky here. - HiI I'm Jaspreet. 768 00:46:12,136 --> 00:46:12,693 Jas...What? 769 00:46:13,604 --> 00:46:15,902 SWeetu. - SWeetu, sWeet name. 770 00:46:16,807 --> 00:46:20,243 I DJ at CIub Nirvana. Tonight's the retro night 771 00:46:20,811 --> 00:46:23,075 Why don't you guys come aIong? And get your mummy aIong 772 00:46:26,150 --> 00:46:28,914 You take care, man. Everything WiII be aIright 773 00:46:31,688 --> 00:46:32,746 HoW did you Iike my performance? 774 00:46:35,025 --> 00:46:37,289 You are jeaIous because noW SWeetu has a boyfriend... 775 00:46:37,528 --> 00:46:39,621 and you don't, MummyI - I do... I have a boyfriendI 776 00:46:40,030 --> 00:46:41,964 You do? - You do? Who's he? 777 00:46:42,533 --> 00:46:43,124 RohitI 778 00:46:43,934 --> 00:46:45,299 But you said Rohit Was just a friend 779 00:46:45,536 --> 00:46:47,970 I said that because I don't taIk about my personaI Iife to everyone 780 00:46:48,405 --> 00:46:50,134 But you shouId have toId me 781 00:46:50,407 --> 00:46:53,467 OhI SWeetu, don't mind. We'II go to the disco... and there 782 00:46:53,710 --> 00:46:54,642 you Won't have Ms. Square, MummyI 783 00:46:54,878 --> 00:46:56,812 Of course Rohit and I WiII comeI 784 00:46:57,080 --> 00:46:58,479 Of course We Won't goI 785 00:46:58,715 --> 00:47:00,615 But Why?- I said noI 786 00:47:00,851 --> 00:47:01,283 RohitI 787 00:47:01,518 --> 00:47:03,076 Gita is coming home for dinner 788 00:47:03,353 --> 00:47:05,287 You can do aII this but you can't come for dinner With me? 789 00:47:05,689 --> 00:47:07,452 Naina, try to understand. 790 00:47:07,691 --> 00:47:10,285 Gita says she Iikes me... - Why Won't she say that? 791 00:47:10,527 --> 00:47:11,789 After aII she's found a father for her kids... 792 00:47:12,863 --> 00:47:14,455 LiarI- So she's a Iiar... and you? 793 00:47:14,698 --> 00:47:17,792 I spoke Iies because that stupid Aman irritates me a Iot 794 00:47:18,035 --> 00:47:19,969 He just met you yesterday... HoW can he irritate you so much? 795 00:47:20,204 --> 00:47:21,466 Do you knoW What he Was saying?- What? 796 00:47:21,805 --> 00:47:22,794 You Won't beIieve it. 797 00:47:23,040 --> 00:47:24,632 That I don't Iaugh... I don't knoW hoW to smiIe... 798 00:47:24,875 --> 00:47:26,638 that I don't have a Iife... That I don't knoW hoW to Iive... 799 00:47:26,877 --> 00:47:29,141 Naina... aII that is true 800 00:47:29,379 --> 00:47:30,971 I knoW, But Why shouId I hear it from him? 801 00:47:31,715 --> 00:47:33,307 2 cream bageIs....- LoW fat. 802 00:47:33,750 --> 00:47:36,480 I Want to shoW him that even I can have a boyfriend... 803 00:47:36,753 --> 00:47:41,656 Who's cooI, handsome and sexy... - What did you say? 804 00:47:41,925 --> 00:47:42,857 HoW much?- 3 doIIars. 805 00:47:43,427 --> 00:47:45,361 Before that...- Before What? 806 00:47:45,662 --> 00:47:49,359 Before hoW much?- Just a second Iady. - Oh that.... 807 00:47:49,933 --> 00:47:52,367 That you are handsome, cooI and sexy... 808 00:47:52,603 --> 00:47:56,539 You mean that? Do you reaIIy think I'm sexy? 809 00:47:58,275 --> 00:48:00,573 You are rightI Just for that stupid Aman We don't have to... 810 00:48:00,711 --> 00:48:03,703 No... No... Let's do it. - Let's do What? 811 00:48:04,381 --> 00:48:06,281 Me boy friend. You girI friend. 812 00:48:07,251 --> 00:48:08,809 What about Gita? - Who's Gita? 813 00:48:10,420 --> 00:48:12,854 So We'II meet this evening at Nirvana 814 00:48:31,074 --> 00:48:34,100 YeahI What do you guys say? - Having fun. 815 00:48:35,479 --> 00:48:37,845 SWeetuI- I'm going to the DJ cabin. You Want to come here? 816 00:48:38,081 --> 00:48:38,945 Yeah sure. 817 00:48:39,283 --> 00:48:42,252 Aman, he caIIed me Babe. I Iove you Aman. 818 00:48:42,653 --> 00:48:43,517 NoW, go & Iove him. 819 00:48:45,155 --> 00:48:46,588 By the Way, Where did you tWo meet? 820 00:48:46,823 --> 00:48:48,415 In the park...- Park? 821 00:48:48,659 --> 00:48:49,421 In the park? 822 00:48:50,661 --> 00:48:53,425 But I thought you tWo studied together in the MBA cIasses? 823 00:48:53,664 --> 00:48:55,928 So What? Can't We meet in the park? 824 00:48:56,166 --> 00:48:59,431 Of course you can meet... but What Were you doing in the park? 825 00:48:59,670 --> 00:49:00,534 Very good question. 826 00:49:01,471 --> 00:49:05,532 I had taken my doggy for a WaIk... 827 00:49:05,776 --> 00:49:07,209 and she had taken her doggy for a WaIk... 828 00:49:08,278 --> 00:49:09,040 That's strange. 829 00:49:09,279 --> 00:49:10,712 But Naina doesn't have a doggy 830 00:49:10,948 --> 00:49:11,539 Yes.- No. 831 00:49:11,949 --> 00:49:14,213 I had taken my neighbour's doggy for a WaIk 832 00:49:14,484 --> 00:49:15,212 That's stranger. 833 00:49:15,485 --> 00:49:17,544 I'm your neighbour. And I don't have a doggy 834 00:49:18,488 --> 00:49:21,048 Naina, you siIIy siIIy girI you're forgetting. 835 00:49:21,325 --> 00:49:24,419 ... you took my doggy for a WaIk that day... 836 00:49:24,661 --> 00:49:26,424 Rohit, you siIIy siIIy boy. 837 00:49:26,663 --> 00:49:27,925 If she took your doggy for a WaIk 838 00:49:28,165 --> 00:49:30,099 Then Whose doggy did you take for a WaIk? 839 00:49:31,835 --> 00:49:33,769 I have tWo doggies 840 00:49:34,171 --> 00:49:35,763 In fact, I have a Iot of doggies in my house 841 00:49:36,006 --> 00:49:38,099 In fact, at times even I Iook Iike a doggie 842 00:49:38,342 --> 00:49:40,276 And then We met at a friend's house 843 00:49:41,011 --> 00:49:42,273 What's your friend's name? 844 00:49:42,846 --> 00:49:44,108 GitaI- Gita? 845 00:49:45,515 --> 00:49:47,949 That same Gita With tWo fiIthy chiIdren 846 00:49:48,318 --> 00:49:50,548 HeIIo Gita, hi 847 00:49:50,721 --> 00:49:52,154 Rohit... What are you doing here? 848 00:49:52,556 --> 00:49:55,821 Didn't you say that you Were going out With your famiIy?- Yes, yes. 849 00:49:56,193 --> 00:49:58,286 Meet my mummy and papa. 850 00:49:58,562 --> 00:49:59,494 He's a funny man. 851 00:50:00,063 --> 00:50:00,654 Gita, my chiIdI 852 00:50:01,398 --> 00:50:02,160 I just got to knoW that their 853 00:50:02,399 --> 00:50:05,994 Iove story Was born in your house - My house? 854 00:50:06,236 --> 00:50:10,172 Oh, I'm sorry. Aren't you the same Gita Who has tWo fiIthy chiIdren? 855 00:50:10,407 --> 00:50:11,169 FiIthy chiIdren? 856 00:50:11,408 --> 00:50:14,172 HoW dare you? - Are you mad? LittIe AngeI. 857 00:50:14,411 --> 00:50:15,002 Stop... 858 00:50:15,245 --> 00:50:16,337 You didn't even teII me you had a girI friend. 859 00:50:16,580 --> 00:50:17,842 I didn't knoW it myseIf... 860 00:50:18,081 --> 00:50:18,672 She's not my girI friend. 861 00:50:21,618 --> 00:50:23,176 Rohit, I'm confused... What's going on? 862 00:50:23,453 --> 00:50:24,112 Ask herI 863 00:50:24,454 --> 00:50:25,887 Naina... What's going on? I'm very confused ya. 864 00:50:26,123 --> 00:50:26,555 You just shut up. 865 00:50:26,790 --> 00:50:28,223 you kneW aII aIong that 866 00:50:28,458 --> 00:50:29,720 Rohit and I are not boyfriend-girIfriend 867 00:50:29,960 --> 00:50:32,724 Then Why did you act?- Was I acting or Were you?- It's you. 868 00:50:32,963 --> 00:50:33,895 It's aII because of you... 869 00:50:34,131 --> 00:50:36,565 Didn't you say 'Iaugh, sing, smiIe...? 870 00:50:36,800 --> 00:50:39,291 I didn't say he he he... I said EEEEEEEEEEE 871 00:50:39,536 --> 00:50:40,730 Oh, pIease just keep quiet. 872 00:50:40,971 --> 00:50:41,733 What do you think? 873 00:50:41,972 --> 00:50:43,735 Coming here, dancing, singing and drinking...means Iiving Iife? 874 00:50:43,974 --> 00:50:46,568 WeII... anyone can do it But I don't Want to do it... 875 00:50:46,810 --> 00:50:48,641 That's because you can't do it. You're a bIoody bore. 876 00:50:49,146 --> 00:50:49,737 You're a cute boy. 877 00:50:49,980 --> 00:50:52,744 TeII me about Gita, she's very hot ah? - She's very hot man. 878 00:50:52,983 --> 00:50:55,247 She has tWo chiIdren. - Hey, you mad... 879 00:51:01,458 --> 00:51:02,220 Nice, come on. 880 00:51:03,293 --> 00:51:04,624 Yeah, come on, go ahead. 881 00:51:09,299 --> 00:51:09,958 Come on... 882 00:51:20,143 --> 00:51:22,407 Hey you nude... get doWn... 883 00:51:23,980 --> 00:51:27,177 Hey babie, I'm taIking to you. Come on get doWn... 884 00:51:28,185 --> 00:51:29,982 Get doWn you scum... 885 00:51:30,854 --> 00:51:32,788 Hey, stop this music. 886 00:51:51,208 --> 00:51:52,368 She's taking her cIothes off, man... 887 00:51:53,043 --> 00:51:55,136 That doesn't matter. Everyone here is nude anyway 888 00:51:56,213 --> 00:51:57,305 Come on, Naina... 889 00:52:12,529 --> 00:52:15,362 ''Mine is a crazy heart...'' 890 00:52:15,866 --> 00:52:18,801 ''What has it to fear...?'' 891 00:52:19,536 --> 00:52:22,630 ''When I sWay to the beat...'' 892 00:52:22,873 --> 00:52:25,307 ''What have I to feeI shy or hesitate about?'' 893 00:52:25,542 --> 00:52:28,978 ''Let's dance, Iet's sing...'' 894 00:52:29,212 --> 00:52:33,308 ''Iet's say together...'' 895 00:52:33,550 --> 00:52:39,420 ''it's the time to disco'' 896 00:52:40,423 --> 00:52:43,392 ''There's no saying Whom you might find'' 897 00:52:47,430 --> 00:52:50,365 ''Mine is a crazy heart...'' 898 00:52:50,934 --> 00:52:53,869 ''What has it to fear...?'' 899 00:52:54,271 --> 00:52:57,536 ''When I sWay to the beat...'' 900 00:52:57,941 --> 00:53:00,307 ''What have I to feeI shy or hesitate about?'' 901 00:53:00,544 --> 00:53:03,707 ''Let's dance, Iet's sing...'' 902 00:53:04,047 --> 00:53:07,483 ''and Iet's say together...'' 903 00:53:08,418 --> 00:53:13,822 ''it's the time to disco'' 904 00:53:15,258 --> 00:53:18,557 ''Whom might you come up against...?'' 905 00:54:02,272 --> 00:54:05,366 ''Bodies gyrate to the puIsating beat...'' 906 00:54:05,609 --> 00:54:08,442 ''hearts being carried aWay in the storm...'' 907 00:54:09,112 --> 00:54:15,051 ''that's our state.... We're droWned in merriment'' 908 00:54:15,485 --> 00:54:18,648 ''Lose yourseIf, make merry...'' 909 00:54:19,155 --> 00:54:23,057 ''say to the one Who provokes you...'' 910 00:54:23,326 --> 00:54:29,094 ''it's the time to disco'' 911 00:54:30,333 --> 00:54:33,496 ''Say it to everyone you meet...'' 912 00:54:34,004 --> 00:54:36,029 ''it's the time to disco'' 913 00:55:12,008 --> 00:55:15,273 ''This coIourfuI evening, dancing to the spirits...'' 914 00:55:15,512 --> 00:55:18,276 ''there's intoxication in the air'' 915 00:55:19,015 --> 00:55:22,109 ''What has sobriety to do...?'' 916 00:55:22,385 --> 00:55:25,149 ''it's aII about young hearts'' 917 00:55:25,388 --> 00:55:28,448 ''This is the Way to be...'' 918 00:55:28,725 --> 00:55:32,821 ''and say it openIy...'' 919 00:55:33,229 --> 00:55:38,826 ''it's the time to disco'' 920 00:55:40,070 --> 00:55:43,164 ''Try and get the Word...'' 921 00:55:43,740 --> 00:55:45,970 ''it's the time to disco'' 922 00:55:50,580 --> 00:55:53,572 ''Mine is a crazy heart...'' 923 00:55:54,117 --> 00:55:57,177 ''What has it to fear...?'' 924 00:55:57,787 --> 00:56:00,722 ''When I sWay to the beat...'' 925 00:56:01,057 --> 00:56:03,651 ''What have I to feeI shy or hesitate about?'' 926 00:56:03,893 --> 00:56:06,987 ''Let's dance, Iet's sing...'' 927 00:56:07,397 --> 00:56:10,992 ''and Iet's say together...'' 928 00:56:11,401 --> 00:56:17,169 ''it's the time to disco'' 929 00:56:18,408 --> 00:56:21,673 ''Whom might you come up against...?'' 930 00:56:22,078 --> 00:56:30,008 ''It's the time to disco'' 931 00:56:30,286 --> 00:56:32,220 Listen, I'm teIIing you. - What? 932 00:56:33,623 --> 00:56:35,557 I think she's drunk. - Rohit, one minute. 933 00:56:35,792 --> 00:56:36,520 Naina feII doWn. 934 00:56:37,627 --> 00:56:38,889 Rohit. he too. 935 00:56:39,629 --> 00:56:40,721 Okay, then. 936 00:56:47,470 --> 00:56:49,062 Hey, you Mohamed AIi. 937 00:56:49,639 --> 00:56:53,234 Naina, What's going on here? - HoW dare he? Let's Ieave... 938 00:56:53,476 --> 00:56:55,068 Who are you? 939 00:56:55,311 --> 00:56:58,508 I'm Aman and you are Naina 940 00:56:58,982 --> 00:57:00,210 And he is Mohammed AIi- Yeah. 941 00:57:00,450 --> 00:57:01,508 Shut up. I'm going 942 00:57:01,785 --> 00:57:04,219 What's going on? 943 00:57:04,454 --> 00:57:09,050 Why? Didn't you say Iaugh, smiIe... Live for today 944 00:57:09,292 --> 00:57:12,227 And noW When I'm enjoying, you say Iet's go home... 945 00:57:12,462 --> 00:57:14,396 You are so confused. 946 00:57:14,631 --> 00:57:17,566 Hey, even I'm confused. Is he Mohammed AIi? 947 00:57:17,967 --> 00:57:19,400 Shut up. I'm going 948 00:57:19,636 --> 00:57:22,571 NoW, Iisten. - No...Ieave me....Ieave me... 949 00:57:22,806 --> 00:57:24,501 Hey, Iisten....- Leave me.... - Shut up. 950 00:57:25,141 --> 00:57:26,574 If you scream, I'II sIap you across your faceI 951 00:57:27,310 --> 00:57:29,073 Why are you shouting? - I'm not shouting 952 00:57:29,312 --> 00:57:30,574 Excuse me.- Shut up. 953 00:57:31,981 --> 00:57:34,176 NoW you tWo...hoId hands and start WaIking 954 00:57:36,352 --> 00:57:40,413 Idiot. Not each others. hoId my hand... NoW come on 955 00:57:41,191 --> 00:57:44,285 It's the time to disco. 956 00:57:44,527 --> 00:57:47,792 Hey, pIease both of you shut up. - Okay. And you... 957 00:57:51,868 --> 00:57:53,961 What is it? Can I say something?- Say... 958 00:57:54,504 --> 00:57:56,802 It feeIs Iike We are aII going to schooI 959 00:57:57,207 --> 00:58:02,839 WoW, Ya... Papa used to hoId my hands Iike this and take me to schooI 960 00:58:05,815 --> 00:58:08,409 What happened to you? - I miss Papa... 961 00:58:09,352 --> 00:58:11,286 I'm sorry... When did he die? 962 00:58:11,521 --> 00:58:14,786 He's aIive.... can't I miss him? 963 00:58:15,358 --> 00:58:18,759 Of course you can... I miss my Papa very much... 964 00:58:20,029 --> 00:58:22,463 I don't knoW Why he had to Ieave us and go aWay 965 00:58:23,032 --> 00:58:23,794 I miss him. 966 00:58:25,702 --> 00:58:27,966 Yeah, - Thank you sir. 967 00:58:32,208 --> 00:58:33,698 You don't Iook nice When you cry 968 00:58:34,711 --> 00:58:36,303 You Iook nice When you are angry 969 00:58:37,213 --> 00:58:38,646 Whenever you miss your father, 970 00:58:39,382 --> 00:58:41,850 think about me... you'II get angry 971 00:58:43,419 --> 00:58:48,516 Hey, I reaIIy Iike you. I Iike you Naina 972 00:58:49,092 --> 00:58:52,289 My day is not compIete tiII I have met you 973 00:58:58,601 --> 00:59:00,034 You are so cute. 974 00:59:00,236 --> 00:59:02,636 Hey, I'm not cute, okay. I'm Mohammed AIi. 975 00:59:02,872 --> 00:59:04,464 No, you are cute... 976 00:59:37,941 --> 00:59:41,206 Good morning, LaiIa... - Good morning, Rohit. 977 00:59:45,782 --> 00:59:46,373 LaiIa... 978 00:59:47,283 --> 00:59:48,250 You have Iearnt to speak? 979 00:59:48,484 --> 00:59:50,543 Ya... I...What? 980 00:59:52,155 --> 00:59:52,917 What do you mean speak? 981 00:59:54,324 --> 00:59:55,757 Last night the tWo of you had gone berserk... 982 00:59:55,992 --> 00:59:57,584 I came to drop you. Got Iate, so I stayed back 983 00:59:58,494 --> 01:00:00,587 No probIem.- Okay, can I've some Water pIease? 984 01:00:00,997 --> 01:00:02,430 PIease get it yourseIf. 985 01:00:02,665 --> 01:00:04,257 Oh...Iast night... 986 01:00:07,337 --> 01:00:07,769 Oh... 987 01:00:09,339 --> 01:00:10,101 Good morning Kanthaben. 988 01:00:10,340 --> 01:00:10,772 Kanta... 989 01:00:13,509 --> 01:00:16,273 The neWspaper and breakfast are ready 990 01:00:16,679 --> 01:00:17,611 What shouId I get for the guest? 991 01:00:18,181 --> 01:00:19,773 BananaI 992 01:00:21,718 --> 01:00:23,276 Rohit... Won't you introduce us? 993 01:00:25,054 --> 01:00:26,817 This is...- AmanI 994 01:00:27,890 --> 01:00:29,152 And this is...- Kantaben... 995 01:00:29,392 --> 01:00:30,825 Kantaben, hoW are you? Ok? 996 01:00:33,396 --> 01:00:35,330 Anything eIse? 997 01:00:36,065 --> 01:00:36,827 Nothing eIse 998 01:00:37,066 --> 01:00:37,657 Kantaben. 999 01:00:43,740 --> 01:00:45,332 So you didn't meet Naina in the park...?- Park. 1000 01:00:49,579 --> 01:00:51,513 No... We met in the MBA cIasses 1001 01:00:52,248 --> 01:00:55,012 You knoW, When I met her the first time I didn't Iike her at aII 1002 01:00:55,284 --> 01:00:56,512 But noW...- I knoW... 1003 01:00:57,453 --> 01:01:00,013 Isn't it strange? You guys are so cIose to each other... 1004 01:01:00,289 --> 01:01:01,654 you spend so much time together... 1005 01:01:02,058 --> 01:01:04,151 You even take your dogs for WaIks together 1006 01:01:04,894 --> 01:01:06,987 Do you Want more? I mean do you Want more? 1007 01:01:07,230 --> 01:01:08,162 No no yeah, no more more? 1008 01:01:08,398 --> 01:01:10,832 With Naina... I'm happy With just friendship No...no. 1009 01:01:11,067 --> 01:01:12,500 Not Naina... I Was taIking about the miIk 1010 01:01:12,735 --> 01:01:16,171 Do you Want more?- Oh yeah, IittIe pIease. 1011 01:01:16,572 --> 01:01:19,666 Anyway Thank you, bye, - see you Aman. 1012 01:01:21,244 --> 01:01:22,506 Oh sorry. 1013 01:01:23,246 --> 01:01:24,178 I forgot to teII you 1014 01:01:24,580 --> 01:01:25,842 I didn't knoW much about Naina, 1015 01:01:26,082 --> 01:01:27,515 but noW I knoW everythingI 1016 01:01:27,950 --> 01:01:28,882 Thanks to your diaryI 1017 01:01:29,786 --> 01:01:32,050 You read my diary? - Not aII of it... 1018 01:01:32,288 --> 01:01:32,720 onIy tiII the part Where you have 1019 01:01:32,955 --> 01:01:35,014 Written that you Wear red underwear 1020 01:01:35,458 --> 01:01:38,222 Red underwear...- Aman, that's not cooI. 1021 01:01:38,628 --> 01:01:39,890 You can't read my diary. 1022 01:01:50,306 --> 01:01:51,398 Hi - Hi. 1023 01:01:51,974 --> 01:01:53,236 HoW did you Iike the service? 1024 01:01:53,643 --> 01:01:54,575 I Iiked it... SpeciaIIy.... 1025 01:01:55,978 --> 01:01:56,740 I'II come every Sunday... 1026 01:01:57,647 --> 01:02:00,081 Coming father, coming. - Okay I see you byeI- Bye. 1027 01:02:00,416 --> 01:02:02,384 You?- You? What are you doing here? 1028 01:02:02,618 --> 01:02:03,550 Wherever I go you foIIoW me... 1029 01:02:03,786 --> 01:02:05,720 I beg you pIease Ieave me aIone 1030 01:02:07,123 --> 01:02:10,217 You knoW.- Have you come again? PIease go aWay go. 1031 01:02:12,295 --> 01:02:14,559 I Was joking, come on. 1032 01:02:15,131 --> 01:02:16,063 I Want to say something to you 1033 01:02:16,299 --> 01:02:17,061 I don't Want to Iisten to anything 1034 01:02:18,134 --> 01:02:19,226 You shouIdn't say 'no' in God's house 1035 01:02:19,469 --> 01:02:20,561 I...- Shut up. 1036 01:02:22,805 --> 01:02:24,397 Last night, for the first time I feIt... 1037 01:02:24,974 --> 01:02:26,236 that you are Iike aII other girIs 1038 01:02:26,476 --> 01:02:29,070 But for some reason, you Want to hide the girI in you 1039 01:02:30,646 --> 01:02:33,740 And one more thing. Wherever he is, 1040 01:02:34,517 --> 01:02:35,245 your Papa is Iooking at you... 1041 01:02:36,352 --> 01:02:38,411 your anger... your sorroW... he's Watching everything 1042 01:02:39,021 --> 01:02:41,581 And perhaps he's crying With you too 1043 01:02:42,525 --> 01:02:44,117 NoW you can't Wipe his tears from here... 1044 01:02:45,862 --> 01:02:49,798 but you can stop them by smiIing and Iaughing 1045 01:02:50,199 --> 01:02:51,996 With your dimpIe oops Wrong side...this side. 1046 01:02:53,035 --> 01:02:54,127 Come on, come on. 1047 01:02:55,705 --> 01:02:56,637 And Naina, pIease Ieave my hand... 1048 01:02:57,373 --> 01:02:58,135 What WiII peopIe say? 1049 01:03:02,645 --> 01:03:03,407 May I sWeet heart? 1050 01:03:10,019 --> 01:03:12,579 Aman Mathur's magic was spreading in all the directions... 1051 01:03:13,356 --> 01:03:14,618 whether they liked it or not, 1052 01:03:15,191 --> 01:03:16,783 Everyone was being swept off their feet 1053 01:03:19,428 --> 01:03:21,362 On Aman's insistence Dadi, Kammo and Vimmo had given up their music... 1054 01:03:21,864 --> 01:03:24,458 and had embraced a new passion to... 1055 01:03:24,700 --> 01:03:30,468 ... KiII us... AIIah... KiII us... 1056 01:03:30,706 --> 01:03:32,640 ExceIIent, What a performanceI 1057 01:03:33,376 --> 01:03:34,502 And while this was the situation upstairs... 1058 01:03:34,877 --> 01:03:36,242 downstairs was a cookery special... 1059 01:03:36,479 --> 01:03:37,104 HaIf a spoon... 1060 01:03:37,346 --> 01:03:38,313 No... FuII spoon... 1061 01:03:38,548 --> 01:03:40,175 HaIf...- FuII... 1062 01:03:40,416 --> 01:03:40,973 What are you...? 1063 01:03:53,296 --> 01:03:56,265 Aman could do anything... anything 1064 01:03:57,533 --> 01:04:00,195 Gia's perfect family had a new entry 1065 01:04:00,469 --> 01:04:02,630 I Iove you. 1066 01:04:04,040 --> 01:04:05,632 And as for me... 1067 01:04:06,209 --> 01:04:10,646 l was laughing...l had learnt to smile 1068 01:04:12,481 --> 01:04:13,311 lt was scary 1069 01:04:14,183 --> 01:04:15,411 So much happiness... 1070 01:04:15,918 --> 01:04:17,647 what if sorrow was just round the corner?. 1071 01:04:19,422 --> 01:04:19,979 What happened? 1072 01:04:22,592 --> 01:04:24,719 Why are you sitting quiet? Has someone died? 1073 01:04:25,094 --> 01:04:25,924 Shut up Aman. 1074 01:04:27,697 --> 01:04:29,187 I need some more time 1075 01:04:29,765 --> 01:04:30,754 No... you can't get time 1076 01:04:31,000 --> 01:04:32,194 The restaurant is going to shut... You have to order noW 1077 01:04:32,435 --> 01:04:33,697 I'm not taIking about the restaurant... 1078 01:04:36,105 --> 01:04:37,037 It's not the time to joke 1079 01:04:37,273 --> 01:04:38,535 It's a serious probIem. 1080 01:04:39,609 --> 01:04:41,042 I had toId you before you came to neW York... 1081 01:04:41,277 --> 01:04:43,370 What do you mean? Are you saying I shouIdn't have come? 1082 01:04:43,613 --> 01:04:44,545 When did I say that? 1083 01:04:44,780 --> 01:04:46,042 Isn't that What you are saying? 1084 01:04:49,318 --> 01:04:50,376 You don't understand. 1085 01:04:50,987 --> 01:04:53,421 I need time... Yours and mine 1086 01:04:53,656 --> 01:04:57,422 I understand Priya 1087 01:04:58,160 --> 01:05:00,219 I came to NeW York just for you... because of you 1088 01:05:00,596 --> 01:05:02,530 NoW Whatever you say I WiII do 1089 01:05:03,266 --> 01:05:07,532 And as for time... aII my time is yours 1090 01:05:18,948 --> 01:05:20,711 If you don't mind. 1091 01:05:21,150 --> 01:05:22,879 Can I do something? - God AImightyI 1092 01:05:23,152 --> 01:05:26,212 Such bad days that We have to seek heIp from a Gujarati? 1093 01:05:27,156 --> 01:05:28,589 Wonder Who's eviI eye has faIIen on us... 1094 01:05:28,824 --> 01:05:29,916 Must be yours 1095 01:05:30,826 --> 01:05:34,262 And When did you ever heIp me that you are feeIing bad today? 1096 01:05:34,497 --> 01:05:36,863 Mom pIease. NoW the tWo of you pIease don't start 1097 01:05:37,266 --> 01:05:39,700 This is a serious probIem. - With a simpIe soIution. 1098 01:05:39,936 --> 01:05:41,062 Shut up Aman. It's our famiIy probIem 1099 01:05:41,304 --> 01:05:42,066 That's Why I'm saying 1100 01:05:42,505 --> 01:05:43,995 But We aren't...- Shut up specsy. 1101 01:05:45,341 --> 01:05:50,608 Jenny, this restaurant of yours doesn't run... it shouIdn't 1102 01:05:50,947 --> 01:05:51,606 Why shouId it? 1103 01:05:52,348 --> 01:05:55,112 Just teII me What is avaiIabIe in this restaurant... 1104 01:05:55,384 --> 01:05:57,318 that isn't avaiIabIe anywhere eIse on this street? Zero. 1105 01:05:57,553 --> 01:05:58,611 Come here... 1106 01:05:59,221 --> 01:06:01,212 Why does that Chinese restaurant do so WeII? 1107 01:06:04,360 --> 01:06:05,224 Indian-Chinese Brother Brother... 1108 01:06:05,461 --> 01:06:07,122 Bye Bye BIoody fooIs 1109 01:06:07,830 --> 01:06:09,195 The bIoody fooIs' restaurant Works... 1110 01:06:09,432 --> 01:06:10,262 because they have got their cuIture 1111 01:06:10,499 --> 01:06:11,761 and their country to this pIace... 1112 01:06:12,001 --> 01:06:12,831 Did I say Wrong? - Not at aIII 1113 01:06:13,069 --> 01:06:14,434 We shouId do the same 1114 01:06:14,670 --> 01:06:18,265 We have a great advantage Which We must make use of being Indians. 1115 01:06:18,507 --> 01:06:19,769 We must get India to NeW York. 1116 01:06:20,009 --> 01:06:22,000 Yes, incIuding, Gujarat. - Yes I'm With you. 1117 01:06:22,511 --> 01:06:23,102 Right on. 1118 01:06:23,512 --> 01:06:25,446 We have to get India here... bring it to this smaII street... 1119 01:06:25,681 --> 01:06:26,443 spread it in aII the directions. 1120 01:06:26,682 --> 01:06:28,547 I don't beIieve this nonsense. - I toId you to shut up. 1121 01:06:29,051 --> 01:06:32,452 Because India can do anything... anywhere... anytime 1122 01:06:32,722 --> 01:06:35,156 So Who are they? - They are Chinese... 1123 01:06:35,391 --> 01:06:36,756 Chinese, Japanese... Whatever 1124 01:06:36,993 --> 01:06:39,928 But Aman...- No...Jenny... Try... 1125 01:06:40,896 --> 01:06:42,329 There's no harm in trying 1126 01:06:42,999 --> 01:06:46,662 because those Who try never Iose... NeverI 1127 01:06:47,336 --> 01:06:49,327 Come on everybody come on India. 1128 01:06:49,572 --> 01:06:50,095 You're With me, come on. 1129 01:06:50,339 --> 01:06:53,172 What do you say? - Greetings. 1130 01:06:53,576 --> 01:06:57,672 That's the spirit Gujarat yes Jenny, yes sWeety. 1131 01:07:08,290 --> 01:07:09,655 ''NoW and forever...'' 1132 01:07:10,726 --> 01:07:12,216 ''speak up in one voice...'' 1133 01:07:13,129 --> 01:07:17,327 ''may victory be ours...'' ''and defeat be theirs'' 1134 01:07:20,503 --> 01:07:21,902 ''NoW and forever...'' 1135 01:07:22,805 --> 01:07:24,397 ''speak up in one voice...'' 1136 01:07:25,207 --> 01:07:29,337 ''may victory be ours...'' ''and defeat be theirs'' 1137 01:07:29,845 --> 01:07:32,279 ''Let nothing deter you...'' 1138 01:07:32,515 --> 01:07:34,449 ''keep marching on'' 1139 01:07:34,683 --> 01:07:37,117 ''Break the shackIes...'' 1140 01:07:37,353 --> 01:07:39,287 ''keep marching on'' 1141 01:07:39,855 --> 01:07:43,723 ''Break the finger that rises against you'' 1142 01:07:44,727 --> 01:07:46,217 ''CIose the five of them together...'' 1143 01:07:47,129 --> 01:07:48,460 ''to make a fist'' 1144 01:07:49,432 --> 01:07:51,696 ''May no one ever defeat us...'' 1145 01:07:51,934 --> 01:07:53,868 ''keep marching on'' 1146 01:07:54,170 --> 01:07:56,638 ''May those Who cIash With us, faII apart...'' 1147 01:07:56,872 --> 01:07:58,737 ''keep marching on'' 1148 01:07:59,308 --> 01:08:01,606 ''We shaII shake the earth...'' 1149 01:08:01,911 --> 01:08:03,845 ''We WiII shake everyone up...'' 1150 01:08:04,080 --> 01:08:08,449 ''be he king or subject...'' 1151 01:08:08,717 --> 01:08:11,083 ''Let What is to be, be...'' 1152 01:08:11,320 --> 01:08:13,550 ''keep marching on'' 1153 01:08:13,789 --> 01:08:15,916 ''BoW not your head...'' 1154 01:08:16,158 --> 01:08:17,989 ''keep marching on'' 1155 01:08:18,461 --> 01:08:20,793 ''May no one Win against us...'' 1156 01:08:21,030 --> 01:08:22,964 ''keep marching on'' 1157 01:08:23,199 --> 01:08:25,633 ''May those Who cIash With us, faII apart...'' 1158 01:08:25,868 --> 01:08:27,733 ''keep marching on'' 1159 01:09:02,571 --> 01:09:06,940 Excuse me ...are you open? -YESIII 1160 01:09:40,876 --> 01:09:41,308 Why? 1161 01:09:42,144 --> 01:09:43,475 Yes... Why? 1162 01:09:44,213 --> 01:09:44,804 Why, What? 1163 01:09:46,215 --> 01:09:47,648 God knoWs Where you came from 1164 01:09:48,684 --> 01:09:49,878 and suddenIy so much around has changedI 1165 01:09:50,519 --> 01:09:52,749 I mean you don't even knoW us... 1166 01:09:52,955 --> 01:09:54,320 I just don't understand Why? 1167 01:09:54,590 --> 01:09:55,784 I did aII this for you 1168 01:09:58,093 --> 01:09:59,924 I did aII this because of you, Naina 1169 01:10:02,598 --> 01:10:03,860 Isn't that What you Wanted to hear? 1170 01:10:04,600 --> 01:10:05,362 No...no... 1171 01:10:05,601 --> 01:10:06,932 even I Was saying it just Iike that 1172 01:10:08,604 --> 01:10:11,539 Aman- Naina... Naina... 1173 01:10:12,274 --> 01:10:12,865 Eyes... 1174 01:10:15,277 --> 01:10:16,710 have you seen your mother's eyes? 1175 01:10:18,280 --> 01:10:19,372 There's a Iot of pain in them 1176 01:10:20,115 --> 01:10:23,209 Whatever I have done, it's for those eyes 1177 01:10:24,420 --> 01:10:25,318 You knoW I have a probIem 1178 01:10:26,155 --> 01:10:29,318 I can't see any mother's sorroW or pain 1179 01:10:30,259 --> 01:10:33,854 Because Mothers are strange 1180 01:10:35,164 --> 01:10:37,257 When God made them, he gave aII things 1181 01:10:37,499 --> 01:10:38,989 that Were meant to be here... here... 1182 01:10:39,235 --> 01:10:41,430 in their hearts... So this is Where 1183 01:10:42,671 --> 01:10:43,763 they think from, understand and Iove 1184 01:10:44,940 --> 01:10:46,066 And they have another probIem too 1185 01:10:47,276 --> 01:10:48,538 They Iisten to others' conversation 1186 01:10:48,944 --> 01:10:50,434 and start crying at the smaIIest things 1187 01:10:51,013 --> 01:10:53,106 Mine must be crying right noW 1188 01:10:57,886 --> 01:10:58,318 CrazyI 1189 01:11:02,157 --> 01:11:04,148 What do you mean heee heee? I did so much for you... 1190 01:11:04,426 --> 01:11:05,188 at Ieast say Thank You... 1191 01:11:06,161 --> 01:11:06,593 Thank you. 1192 01:11:08,497 --> 01:11:09,259 SpecsyI 1193 01:11:17,006 --> 01:11:17,438 Naina... 1194 01:11:19,174 --> 01:11:20,004 Naina... 1195 01:11:33,389 --> 01:11:33,821 Naina 1196 01:11:37,126 --> 01:11:38,058 What happened, Naina? 1197 01:11:39,161 --> 01:11:42,062 I can't see anythingI 1198 01:11:45,000 --> 01:11:45,432 OhI NoW? 1199 01:11:46,669 --> 01:11:49,433 What's going on? The gIasses are gone... 1200 01:11:50,239 --> 01:11:52,673 you are Iooking pretty... and noW you are Iaughing... 1201 01:11:52,908 --> 01:11:54,569 I mean Where's Naina? - Shut up. 1202 01:11:55,244 --> 01:11:57,337 Whenever I am With you, I'm happy 1203 01:11:57,746 --> 01:11:58,508 HoW sWeet.... 1204 01:11:59,248 --> 01:12:00,772 Rohit, can I ask you something? 1205 01:12:01,016 --> 01:12:03,041 What's to ask? My ansWer is 'Yes'... - Uh? 1206 01:12:03,719 --> 01:12:06,847 Ask... - Has it ever happened to you... 1207 01:12:07,222 --> 01:12:08,985 that initiaIIy you didn't Iike someone at aII... 1208 01:12:09,558 --> 01:12:10,650 and then suddenIy you Iike that someone a IittIe... 1209 01:12:11,393 --> 01:12:15,659 and then a Iot... and then... then... 1210 01:12:16,398 --> 01:12:20,232 You knoW... Why are you asking me aII this? 1211 01:12:20,736 --> 01:12:21,828 Just... 1212 01:12:22,738 --> 01:12:24,501 Just?- Ya, just... 1213 01:12:24,740 --> 01:12:27,004 Naina, come on. - I'm going... 1214 01:12:27,242 --> 01:12:29,073 No Iisten. Come on, teII me. 1215 01:12:29,411 --> 01:12:30,503 Rohit, I'm going... 1216 01:12:35,451 --> 01:12:38,386 ''Something has happened...'' 1217 01:12:40,456 --> 01:12:43,857 ''something sureIy has happened'' 1218 01:12:44,126 --> 01:12:44,820 Have you faIIen in Iove? 1219 01:12:45,160 --> 01:12:46,218 There's no such thing caIIed Iove. 1220 01:12:46,462 --> 01:12:48,555 If there's a marriage it's aIWays...arrangedI 1221 01:12:48,797 --> 01:12:51,231 Love? the body does not knoW to Iove. 1222 01:12:51,467 --> 01:12:54,027 It onIy knoWs hunger... hunger for IustI 1223 01:12:55,804 --> 01:12:57,897 Love...Love is Yash Chopra's songs. 1224 01:12:58,140 --> 01:12:59,732 Love...Love is...to chiII 1225 01:13:00,409 --> 01:13:03,105 Love...I'II just teII you... 1226 01:13:13,288 --> 01:13:14,778 ''Something has stirred...'' 1227 01:13:15,624 --> 01:13:17,114 ''something sureIy stirred'' 1228 01:13:22,631 --> 01:13:27,227 ''In the Iast coupIe of days, I've feIt as if...'' 1229 01:13:27,469 --> 01:13:29,232 ''everything has changed...'' 1230 01:13:29,972 --> 01:13:31,564 ''everything is neW'' 1231 01:13:32,474 --> 01:13:33,964 ''Something has stirred...'' 1232 01:13:34,643 --> 01:13:37,077 ''something sureIy has stirred'' 1233 01:13:46,855 --> 01:13:51,121 ''I keep things someWhere...'' ''and forget about them'' 1234 01:13:51,527 --> 01:13:55,793 ''Absent-mindedIy...'' ''I hum to myseIf...'' 1235 01:13:56,365 --> 01:14:00,734 ''When I'm aII aIone...'' ''I smiIe to myseIf'' 1236 01:14:01,303 --> 01:14:02,736 ''So different noW...'' 1237 01:14:03,472 --> 01:14:04,962 ''are my traits'' 1238 01:14:05,974 --> 01:14:07,498 ''Something has stirred...'' 1239 01:14:08,143 --> 01:14:10,634 ''something sureIy has stirred'' 1240 01:14:20,522 --> 01:14:24,618 ''Ever since I have found my heart meIting...'' 1241 01:14:25,194 --> 01:14:29,631 ''my mood has been sWeII too'' 1242 01:14:30,032 --> 01:14:34,560 ''I meet everyone...'' ''With a smiIe noWadays'' 1243 01:14:34,870 --> 01:14:36,303 ''I'm happy...'' 1244 01:14:37,206 --> 01:14:38,798 ''With Whatever I've found'' 1245 01:14:39,541 --> 01:14:41,634 ''Something has happened...'' 1246 01:14:41,877 --> 01:14:44,141 ''something sureIy has happened'' 1247 01:15:03,532 --> 01:15:07,798 ''I find sparkIing coIours... ''in everything I Iook at'' 1248 01:15:08,270 --> 01:15:12,707 ''My path streWn With stars...'' ''I noW find'' 1249 01:15:13,208 --> 01:15:17,645 ''Roses I noW find so much more beautifuI'' 1250 01:15:18,046 --> 01:15:19,479 ''As if the air too...'' 1251 01:15:20,382 --> 01:15:21,815 ''Were fiIIed With a fragrance'' 1252 01:15:22,918 --> 01:15:24,852 ''Something has happened...'' 1253 01:15:25,087 --> 01:15:27,521 ''something sureIy has happened'' 1254 01:15:37,266 --> 01:15:41,362 ''I take better care of myseIf'' 1255 01:15:41,937 --> 01:15:46,203 ''I keep Wondering... ''hoW I Iook'' 1256 01:15:46,942 --> 01:15:49,035 ''Whenever I see mirror...'' 1257 01:15:49,278 --> 01:15:51,542 ''I check out my appearance'' 1258 01:15:51,780 --> 01:15:53,213 ''This face of mine...'' 1259 01:15:53,949 --> 01:15:55,541 ''noW breaks into a smiIe'' 1260 01:15:56,652 --> 01:15:58,381 ''Something has happened...'' 1261 01:15:58,654 --> 01:16:00,849 ''something sureIy has happened'' 1262 01:16:20,442 --> 01:16:24,776 ''This is a high We both feeI.'' 1263 01:16:25,280 --> 01:16:29,546 ''It's a Wave We both fIoW With'' 1264 01:16:29,985 --> 01:16:34,581 ''Make What you WiII... this is Iove indeed'' 1265 01:16:34,990 --> 01:16:36,355 ''I have found Iove...'' 1266 01:16:37,159 --> 01:16:38,751 ''and Iost my heart'' 1267 01:16:39,661 --> 01:16:41,754 ''Something has happened... 1268 01:16:41,997 --> 01:16:44,261 something sureIy has happened'' 1269 01:16:53,842 --> 01:16:57,676 Love... When in Iove everything begins to Iook beautifuI 1270 01:16:59,147 --> 01:17:00,546 Every dream seems to come true 1271 01:17:02,217 --> 01:17:03,548 AII your goaIs change direction 1272 01:17:05,253 --> 01:17:06,811 Even the Wind changes its course... 1273 01:17:08,023 --> 01:17:09,183 eyes search for coIours... 1274 01:17:09,424 --> 01:17:13,656 and noW even red starts to Iook nice... 1275 01:17:14,997 --> 01:17:16,965 every moment...every time... aIWays... 1276 01:17:18,400 --> 01:17:19,890 there's onIy one name on the Iips 1277 01:17:23,839 --> 01:17:28,708 SWeetu, SWeetu, SWeetu... Do you Iove him? 1278 01:17:29,444 --> 01:17:31,378 I Iove Frankie - I Iove Aman. 1279 01:17:32,014 --> 01:17:32,605 What? 1280 01:17:33,015 --> 01:17:33,947 Can't you hear? 1281 01:17:34,683 --> 01:17:35,445 I Iove Naina. 1282 01:17:35,717 --> 01:17:38,277 Where are you? - I'm here... at home 1283 01:17:38,553 --> 01:17:39,884 I'II be there 1284 01:17:41,056 --> 01:17:42,990 Priya, I have to go... - Where are you going? 1285 01:17:43,225 --> 01:17:44,157 Something important has come up 1286 01:17:44,393 --> 01:17:45,826 What can be more important than this? 1287 01:17:46,728 --> 01:17:47,990 I'II teII you Iater, I'm sorry. 1288 01:17:49,064 --> 01:17:49,496 Aman...- I Iove you. 1289 01:17:49,731 --> 01:17:50,356 I Iove him. 1290 01:17:51,066 --> 01:17:51,998 SWeety, I Iove you. 1291 01:17:52,567 --> 01:17:54,831 I didn't think this WouId happen to me 1292 01:17:55,404 --> 01:17:55,995 That too Aman 1293 01:17:56,905 --> 01:17:58,839 At first, I used get angry With everything he did... 1294 01:17:59,741 --> 01:18:01,174 and noW, I Iove those very same things... 1295 01:18:02,177 --> 01:18:03,940 I think of him day and night... 1296 01:18:04,846 --> 01:18:08,612 and I keep feeIing Iike he is moving With me everywhere I go 1297 01:18:10,886 --> 01:18:11,818 You think I have gone mad? 1298 01:18:12,054 --> 01:18:14,113 No... You are not mad This is What Iove isI 1299 01:18:14,389 --> 01:18:16,857 Oh my godI I am so excited. You are in Iove and I'm in Iove. 1300 01:18:17,726 --> 01:18:20,217 But What shouId I do noW? 1301 01:18:20,562 --> 01:18:22,996 What do you mean What to do? Go and teII her... that's itI 1302 01:18:23,398 --> 01:18:24,831 It's not that easy, SWeetu 1303 01:18:25,067 --> 01:18:27,501 I mean, I don't even knoW about his feeIings 1304 01:18:27,736 --> 01:18:29,670 UnIess you ask her hoW are you going to knoW...? 1305 01:18:30,238 --> 01:18:32,900 Come on, go and teII her. Be a man. 1306 01:18:34,409 --> 01:18:35,171 Yeah Naina, teII him. 1307 01:18:35,410 --> 01:18:37,674 Even I'm going to teII Frankie about my Iove... You do it too 1308 01:18:37,913 --> 01:18:38,345 TeII... 1309 01:18:38,580 --> 01:18:39,012 TeII... 1310 01:18:39,247 --> 01:18:39,679 TeII... 1311 01:18:39,915 --> 01:18:41,007 TeII... 1312 01:18:50,792 --> 01:18:52,054 HeIIoI - hi Rohit. 1313 01:18:53,795 --> 01:18:54,887 Why did you caII him? - You shouId have caIIed her first 1314 01:18:56,465 --> 01:18:58,729 Rohit, I Want to ask you something... 1315 01:18:59,301 --> 01:19:00,063 and teII you something too 1316 01:19:00,235 --> 01:19:02,499 Even I Want to ask you something 1317 01:19:02,904 --> 01:19:04,895 Yeah, teII me. - Not Iike this... 1318 01:19:05,741 --> 01:19:08,005 4 o cIock... Water's Edge? - CooI. 1319 01:19:08,243 --> 01:19:09,676 Okay, bye, see you then. 1320 01:19:10,412 --> 01:19:11,504 Yes...- Yes. 1321 01:19:11,747 --> 01:19:13,806 Today I'm going to say What's in my heart 1322 01:19:14,082 --> 01:19:18,018 I Iove you Aman... - I Iove you too. 1323 01:19:18,286 --> 01:19:20,015 Thank you...you're the best. 1324 01:19:20,455 --> 01:19:21,513 I Iove you 1325 01:19:23,792 --> 01:19:26,056 I'm so excited. Thank you so much. 1326 01:19:27,629 --> 01:19:29,426 Did you hear something? - No... I didn't 1327 01:19:39,141 --> 01:19:39,971 Keep the change. 1328 01:19:40,642 --> 01:19:41,836 She's here. Start... 1329 01:19:45,147 --> 01:19:46,239 Hi.- HiI 1330 01:19:46,815 --> 01:19:47,747 Nice pIace. 1331 01:19:48,850 --> 01:19:50,579 Nice dress.- Nice tie. 1332 01:19:51,520 --> 01:19:53,078 Okay, stop.- Okay. 1333 01:20:10,372 --> 01:20:11,498 I Iove AmanIII 1334 01:20:19,214 --> 01:20:22,308 You Iove Aman. You Iove Aman. 1335 01:20:23,585 --> 01:20:25,052 Oh god, you Iove Aman. 1336 01:20:25,754 --> 01:20:27,312 Yes, I kneW it... 1337 01:20:27,756 --> 01:20:31,715 I just kneW that you Were hiding something from me 1338 01:20:32,928 --> 01:20:34,862 I kneW you WouId be shocked With the neWsI 1339 01:20:35,096 --> 01:20:35,687 ShockI 1340 01:20:38,266 --> 01:20:40,029 I can't teII you hoW shocked I amI 1341 01:20:40,602 --> 01:20:42,536 My god Rohit, I'm reaIIy nervous yeah. 1342 01:20:43,104 --> 01:20:46,039 You think he Ioves me? 1343 01:20:47,776 --> 01:20:49,539 He has to be insane not to Iove you 1344 01:20:50,111 --> 01:20:51,772 Come on Rohit, Iet's be serious. 1345 01:20:53,949 --> 01:20:55,041 You think I shouId teII him...? 1346 01:20:55,283 --> 01:20:56,375 No. - What? 1347 01:20:56,651 --> 01:20:59,848 Go... PIease go... of course. 1348 01:21:01,590 --> 01:21:02,955 Ok... So I'm goingI 1349 01:21:05,594 --> 01:21:08,688 When you teII him, pIease give him these fIoWers 1350 01:21:09,264 --> 01:21:12,199 Oh Rohit, you are so cute. I Iove you. 1351 01:21:12,434 --> 01:21:13,526 Oh thank you...bye. 1352 01:21:15,937 --> 01:21:16,631 I Iove you too. 1353 01:21:20,275 --> 01:21:20,866 MotherI 1354 01:21:22,410 --> 01:21:23,274 I'm home. 1355 01:21:27,782 --> 01:21:29,773 Hey Aman, It's me. 1356 01:21:45,834 --> 01:21:48,428 HiI - Hi, no thank you. We don't Want to buy anything 1357 01:21:49,337 --> 01:21:51,430 Just kidding. Come in... 1358 01:21:52,007 --> 01:21:53,634 Thank you. No... Not noW... 1359 01:21:54,342 --> 01:21:54,933 Later...? 1360 01:21:55,176 --> 01:21:57,508 It's good you came. I just made some tea...WiII you have some? 1361 01:21:57,846 --> 01:21:59,438 Oh god, Iook at your hair. 1362 01:21:59,681 --> 01:22:02,878 Once again, Let me Wipe you... Come here be quiet for a minute. 1363 01:22:03,151 --> 01:22:04,584 Catching a chiII... 1364 01:22:05,987 --> 01:22:08,455 Yeah much better. Sit doWn....sit. 1365 01:22:09,991 --> 01:22:11,822 NoW teII me... WiII you eat something? 1366 01:22:12,494 --> 01:22:14,155 No.- Good. There's nothing at home anyway 1367 01:22:16,665 --> 01:22:17,757 NeW dress. 1368 01:22:19,501 --> 01:22:21,435 Thank you. You Iike it. Just bought it today 1369 01:22:21,670 --> 01:22:23,160 I hate it. Why did you buy it? 1370 01:22:27,342 --> 01:22:30,937 It's raining outside - I'm sitting in my house 1371 01:22:31,846 --> 01:22:32,608 I knoW 1372 01:22:32,847 --> 01:22:34,644 Even I knoW, Naina that it's raining outside... 1373 01:22:35,016 --> 01:22:35,607 I can see it... 1374 01:22:37,385 --> 01:22:44,223 Aman... I... I... 1375 01:22:45,393 --> 01:22:48,658 ...I- What are you stammering for? Go ahead 1376 01:22:49,397 --> 01:22:50,989 I am going. - It's okay, I'm sorry. 1377 01:22:51,232 --> 01:22:52,995 It's raining outside 1378 01:22:53,234 --> 01:22:57,500 Yes, come on, Iet's start... I... 1379 01:22:58,406 --> 01:22:59,668 Who's this? - Who? 1380 01:23:03,678 --> 01:23:04,110 This... 1381 01:23:08,016 --> 01:23:09,040 That's me 1382 01:23:10,385 --> 01:23:11,943 I knoW that... But Who's this? 1383 01:23:12,554 --> 01:23:14,317 That's Priya. - Priya? 1384 01:23:14,889 --> 01:23:19,292 Yes... Priya... my WifeI 1385 01:23:26,901 --> 01:23:28,835 She is the reason Why mother and I have come to NeW York 1386 01:23:31,406 --> 01:23:32,668 I'm so siIIy. I never toId you about it. 1387 01:23:33,074 --> 01:23:35,008 I keep taIking about everything... 1388 01:23:35,243 --> 01:23:37,006 and forget to mention the most important things 1389 01:23:37,579 --> 01:23:40,241 Priya and I married three years ago 1390 01:23:40,749 --> 01:23:44,845 And after marriage it Was the usuaI husband-Wife squabbIes 1391 01:23:45,954 --> 01:23:47,216 One day, it Went out of hand and I said some nasty things to her 1392 01:23:47,455 --> 01:23:49,719 You knoW hoW I'm.... I can be a bit rude. 1393 01:23:51,459 --> 01:23:53,893 She got angry... she Ieft home... and came to NeW York 1394 01:23:54,462 --> 01:23:57,954 Her parents Iive here. My mother and I foIIoWed her here 1395 01:23:59,467 --> 01:24:00,832 To take our Priya back home 1396 01:24:02,070 --> 01:24:04,561 But she's stiII angry With me 1397 01:24:05,073 --> 01:24:09,840 She says she needs more time 1398 01:24:10,078 --> 01:24:11,568 But I knoW everything WiII be aIright 1399 01:24:12,080 --> 01:24:14,173 You knoW hoW it is? Ins't she so pretty? 1400 01:24:15,583 --> 01:24:16,015 Yes... 1401 01:24:16,785 --> 01:24:18,514 Why are you crying? 1402 01:24:19,287 --> 01:24:21,050 Oh god, aII you Women are the same... 1403 01:24:21,790 --> 01:24:24,623 Don't Worry, everything WiII be aIright 1404 01:24:25,460 --> 01:24:27,894 I'm teIIing you everything WiII be aIrightI 1405 01:24:29,798 --> 01:24:30,389 Can I go? 1406 01:24:30,799 --> 01:24:33,393 PIease stay, Priya... - I mean Naina 1407 01:24:34,969 --> 01:24:36,903 I'm reaIIy sad... 1408 01:24:38,807 --> 01:24:42,243 Me too... I'm going 1409 01:24:44,312 --> 01:24:44,744 FIoWers? 1410 01:24:46,815 --> 01:24:47,747 They are not for you 1411 01:24:51,519 --> 01:24:52,577 They are for Chadda uncIe 1412 01:24:58,693 --> 01:25:01,560 If it Wasn't for you, We WouId never have met these nice peopIe 1413 01:25:06,468 --> 01:25:07,230 My bIessings, my chiId 1414 01:25:09,471 --> 01:25:10,233 Won't you Wait? 1415 01:25:11,473 --> 01:25:12,963 No aunty... That's itI 1416 01:25:15,143 --> 01:25:17,077 Naina... it's raining outside... Why don't you take this toWeI? 1417 01:25:18,646 --> 01:25:21,740 Bye Aman...- Bye... 1418 01:25:30,024 --> 01:25:31,218 You Iove her, don't you? 1419 01:25:34,529 --> 01:25:35,018 Who? 1420 01:25:39,868 --> 01:25:42,462 There's no such thing. I don't Iove Naina... 1421 01:25:42,704 --> 01:25:44,228 But When did I say Naina? 1422 01:25:48,543 --> 01:25:49,635 I don't Iove herI 1423 01:25:53,882 --> 01:25:57,318 I'm your mother. You can't Iie to me 1424 01:25:58,586 --> 01:26:02,078 So What do you Want me to do? TeII her the truth? 1425 01:26:04,359 --> 01:26:07,294 When you can't face the truth after knoWing everything... 1426 01:26:07,529 --> 01:26:10,123 hoW WiII Naina bear it? 1427 01:26:10,698 --> 01:26:14,794 What do I do Mom? What do I say? 1428 01:26:16,204 --> 01:26:22,632 HoW do I say that for the first time this heart is beating for someone... 1429 01:26:25,547 --> 01:26:28,812 is breathing someone's name... 1430 01:26:29,584 --> 01:26:32,417 for the first time this heart has Ioved someone... 1431 01:26:35,590 --> 01:26:38,525 hoW do I say... Naina the Iove from this heart is very strong... 1432 01:26:41,262 --> 01:26:43,526 but the heart itseIf is very Weak 1433 01:26:49,270 --> 01:26:51,363 HoW do I give her my Weak heart, Mom? 1434 01:26:52,607 --> 01:26:53,437 HoW do I teII her... 1435 01:26:55,109 --> 01:26:58,044 that the girI in the photograph is not my Wife... 1436 01:26:58,613 --> 01:27:00,911 that she is my friend...my doctor... 1437 01:27:01,549 --> 01:27:07,419 Who's fighting day and night just to keep me aIive for a feW more days? 1438 01:27:13,261 --> 01:27:14,353 I'm dying Mom... 1439 01:27:18,266 --> 01:27:19,198 That's not true... 1440 01:27:22,270 --> 01:27:23,532 That's not true... 1441 01:27:25,773 --> 01:27:28,537 Priya said a transpIant is possibIe 1442 01:27:29,277 --> 01:27:31,211 After that everything WiII be aIright... Everything... 1443 01:27:34,949 --> 01:27:38,112 everything WiII be... aIright... 1444 01:27:42,824 --> 01:27:49,923 I'm your son, Mom... You can't Iie to me 1445 01:27:53,001 --> 01:27:53,990 No... Mom...PIease. 1446 01:27:56,070 --> 01:27:59,233 if you become Weak... Who WiII give me strength? PIease mom. 1447 01:28:03,945 --> 01:28:05,970 I WiII hide my tears and pain... 1448 01:28:08,683 --> 01:28:10,480 but WiII you be abIe to hide your Iove? 1449 01:28:14,188 --> 01:28:17,487 It's not my Iove anymore. It's someone eIse's 1450 01:28:18,993 --> 01:28:20,756 I just have to reach it to the right destination 1451 01:28:21,829 --> 01:28:22,853 That's my onIy dream noW 1452 01:28:26,634 --> 01:28:28,693 And He has to fuIfiII this dream for me 1453 01:28:30,772 --> 01:28:31,761 He has to 1454 01:29:03,604 --> 01:29:04,866 Priya, I Want to ask you something 1455 01:29:05,940 --> 01:29:06,531 TeII me the truth 1456 01:29:07,241 --> 01:29:08,708 Do I have very IittIe time? 1457 01:29:11,112 --> 01:29:13,706 AhI Aman, you knoW... 1458 01:29:14,615 --> 01:29:16,708 That stupid face... HoW do you make that face? 1459 01:29:16,984 --> 01:29:18,713 I have tried so many times... Is it Doctor's speciaI? 1460 01:29:18,986 --> 01:29:19,884 Aman, be serious. - Okay, I'm serious. 1461 01:29:20,121 --> 01:29:21,918 What did you teII Naina? - What's to teII Naina? 1462 01:29:22,156 --> 01:29:24,920 ActuaIIy Naina has a mentaI probIem 1463 01:29:25,326 --> 01:29:27,920 She thinks Whoever she Ioves Ieaves her and goes aWay 1464 01:29:28,496 --> 01:29:30,930 If I Ieave her too she WiII go insane 1465 01:29:31,165 --> 01:29:31,927 She's haIf Way there anyway 1466 01:29:32,333 --> 01:29:34,767 And anyway, you knoW the effect I have on girIs 1467 01:29:35,002 --> 01:29:36,094 I'm so sexy, baby. 1468 01:29:36,337 --> 01:29:38,305 Except me... of course 1469 01:29:38,539 --> 01:29:39,198 Yes... That's because you are taIIer 1470 01:29:39,440 --> 01:29:40,771 It WiII take time but WiII definiteIy have an effect 1471 01:29:44,212 --> 01:29:46,009 You reaIIy Iove her, don't you? - I do. 1472 01:29:47,248 --> 01:29:48,215 I can't beIieve it. 1473 01:29:49,817 --> 01:29:52,251 I have knoWn you for so many years but I have never seen you Iike this 1474 01:29:53,788 --> 01:29:54,812 HoW did you manage this? 1475 01:29:55,256 --> 01:29:57,520 It's kind of strange. 1476 01:29:58,726 --> 01:29:59,988 AII my Iife I ran aWay from Iove 1477 01:30:00,728 --> 01:30:04,129 And noW When Iife is running aWay from me, I have bumped into Iove 1478 01:30:08,736 --> 01:30:12,536 TeII me the truth, Priya... Do I reaIIy have very IittIe time? 1479 01:30:14,142 --> 01:30:16,667 Can't anything be done? TeII me the truth, pIease 1480 01:30:18,546 --> 01:30:24,178 Aman... as soon as you get a donor... 1481 01:30:28,122 --> 01:30:29,180 Aman, it's reaIIy not funny. 1482 01:30:29,457 --> 01:30:32,051 It's reaIIy not funny. - Give me a hug. 1483 01:30:32,293 --> 01:30:32,884 No.- Come on. 1484 01:30:33,127 --> 01:30:33,684 HoW WiII it have effect otherwise? 1485 01:30:33,961 --> 01:30:37,556 Long hug from a Iong Iady. Come on. PIease, give me a hug. 1486 01:30:39,267 --> 01:30:39,892 Is it having any effect? 1487 01:30:47,041 --> 01:30:48,406 While it was a season of heartbeats at one end... 1488 01:30:50,244 --> 01:30:51,734 it was a season of heartbreaks at the other 1489 01:30:52,814 --> 01:30:55,078 One was my heart... the other was Gia's 1490 01:30:55,683 --> 01:30:57,241 whose Aman had turned out to be married 1491 01:30:57,785 --> 01:30:59,116 l love you, Aman. 1492 01:31:04,625 --> 01:31:07,890 And poor Rohit... Even Laila had found someone 1493 01:31:10,364 --> 01:31:15,324 But the greatest heartbreak was... 1494 01:31:19,173 --> 01:31:21,004 He doesn't Iove me, Naina. 1495 01:31:21,309 --> 01:31:22,401 SWeetu, don't cry. ReIax. 1496 01:31:22,643 --> 01:31:23,337 Everything WiII be aII right 1497 01:31:23,578 --> 01:31:28,982 He doesn't Iove me...He says he's confused 1498 01:31:29,250 --> 01:31:29,739 SiIIy boy. 1499 01:31:30,384 --> 01:31:31,112 I don't bIame him. 1500 01:31:31,385 --> 01:31:32,511 HoW rude is that. 1501 01:31:33,087 --> 01:31:36,318 He Wants to Ieave for London... to join some bhangra group 1502 01:31:36,858 --> 01:31:37,415 Bhangra group? 1503 01:31:37,692 --> 01:31:39,557 Yes... and do you knoW the name of the group? 1504 01:31:39,794 --> 01:31:43,127 'Forget DaIer... Watch us' What kind of a name is that? 1505 01:31:46,467 --> 01:31:49,300 Tissue...thank you. 1506 01:31:49,737 --> 01:31:51,671 And while we youngsters were nursing our heartaches... 1507 01:31:53,374 --> 01:31:54,864 the elders were finding their mates 1508 01:31:57,211 --> 01:31:57,802 Can you believe it? 1509 01:31:58,346 --> 01:32:02,146 Those stupid red roses were back in my house 1510 01:32:02,383 --> 01:32:03,145 Enough is enough. 1511 01:32:03,918 --> 01:32:07,046 And if red roses were in the house... the red dress was out! 1512 01:32:07,922 --> 01:32:10,686 Hi, I'd Iike to return this sorry, not my coIor. 1513 01:32:12,026 --> 01:32:13,118 Not mine either. 1514 01:32:15,630 --> 01:32:17,120 So... you didn't Iike it? 1515 01:32:17,365 --> 01:32:19,629 No, And you?- No 1516 01:32:21,402 --> 01:32:23,336 Nice dress. - Nice tie. 1517 01:32:23,771 --> 01:32:25,739 Oh... What happened With Aman? 1518 01:32:26,507 --> 01:32:29,670 What? He's married? Why didn't you teII me earIier? 1519 01:32:30,778 --> 01:32:32,268 If I had knoWn earIier, WouId I faII in Iove? 1520 01:32:34,215 --> 01:32:34,647 NoW? 1521 01:32:35,316 --> 01:32:35,805 What noW? 1522 01:32:37,451 --> 01:32:41,547 First I couIdn't faII in Iove... and noW I can't faII out of it 1523 01:32:43,724 --> 01:32:48,787 But I have to... Or eIse me and my heart WiII feeI IoneIy 1524 01:32:49,230 --> 01:32:54,065 You WiII never be aIone. I WiII aIWays be there 1525 01:32:55,269 --> 01:32:56,531 Why are you being so nice to me? 1526 01:32:56,837 --> 01:32:58,532 WeII....I'm a nice guy. 1527 01:32:59,273 --> 01:33:01,138 Had you Ioved me, your heart WouIdn't break 1528 01:33:03,010 --> 01:33:06,673 That's the probIem With you. You never take me seriousIy 1529 01:33:07,782 --> 01:33:08,976 But When are you ever serious? 1530 01:33:10,418 --> 01:33:10,850 Right noWI 1531 01:33:11,552 --> 01:33:13,645 You don't reaIIy mean that... - Not at aII. 1532 01:33:20,595 --> 01:33:22,187 You think you WiII ever faII in Iove With someone again? 1533 01:33:39,747 --> 01:33:41,237 My silence said it all... 1534 01:33:42,383 --> 01:33:45,875 and Rohit realized that his first love... 1535 01:33:46,587 --> 01:33:47,212 has to be forgotten 1536 01:33:48,489 --> 01:33:50,081 I have to forget my first Iove 1537 01:33:50,891 --> 01:33:52,256 I have to forget my first Iove. 1538 01:33:52,994 --> 01:34:00,594 lt's not easy. lt's not that easy to forget your first love 1539 01:34:01,602 --> 01:34:04,036 My first Iove... Dev AnandI 1540 01:34:04,405 --> 01:34:07,738 My first and Iast Iove... Lajjo 1541 01:34:08,075 --> 01:34:09,872 My first Iove...- Lovechand... 1542 01:34:10,177 --> 01:34:11,872 Kukreja... - You tooI 1543 01:34:12,346 --> 01:34:13,313 My first Iove... 1544 01:34:16,751 --> 01:34:19,720 Basanti... from BorivaIi. She said 'no'... Shot herI 1545 01:34:20,988 --> 01:34:23,752 You cannot forget your first Iove... you can never forget it 1546 01:34:24,792 --> 01:34:25,884 I WiII not aIIoW you to 1547 01:34:26,594 --> 01:34:30,690 Listen Rohit, if you don't caII me back... I WiII do something 1548 01:34:31,432 --> 01:34:34,094 PIease Rohit... PIease caII me back Rohit. 1549 01:34:43,544 --> 01:34:45,034 That's it, keep it up. 1550 01:34:47,515 --> 01:34:48,607 What's aII this, Dad? 1551 01:34:48,849 --> 01:34:50,612 Nude girIs... enjoy....enjoy. 1552 01:34:50,885 --> 01:34:52,113 I don't Want to enjoyI 1553 01:34:53,054 --> 01:34:56,455 Don't Want to enjoy? Is everything normaI? 1554 01:34:57,625 --> 01:34:58,114 NormaI? Meaning? 1555 01:34:58,693 --> 01:35:00,126 No... Kantaben mentioned something... 1556 01:35:00,327 --> 01:35:01,259 What Was Kantaben saying? 1557 01:35:01,495 --> 01:35:04,760 That... that... that you are in Iove With someone 1558 01:35:05,499 --> 01:35:06,431 HoW does she knoW about it? 1559 01:35:06,667 --> 01:35:09,101 She knoWs you since chiIdhood... Of course she WouId knoW 1560 01:35:09,437 --> 01:35:12,270 Anyway... the Iove is not mutuaI anyway 1561 01:35:13,741 --> 01:35:14,264 Thank god. 1562 01:35:15,676 --> 01:35:16,267 Thank god. 1563 01:35:17,511 --> 01:35:18,773 I'm teIIing you that I'm in Iove... 1564 01:35:19,380 --> 01:35:22,781 I Want to get married, I Want to have chiIdren, and... 1565 01:35:23,050 --> 01:35:25,541 ChiIdren? Is that possibIe? 1566 01:35:26,787 --> 01:35:29,722 Of course... it's possibIe. Why is it not possibIe? 1567 01:35:30,424 --> 01:35:32,051 Yes, that's true. This is America, anything is possibIe 1568 01:35:32,293 --> 01:35:33,191 Look at my fateI 1569 01:35:34,395 --> 01:35:35,555 I asked for a daughter-in-IaW, and I'm bIessed With a son-in-IaWI 1570 01:35:37,164 --> 01:35:40,327 Son-in-IaW? - Yes... Kantaben Was teIIing me... 1571 01:35:40,568 --> 01:35:43,162 that you... cIoset... forget itI 1572 01:35:43,404 --> 01:35:48,842 Oh my god. No...no... 1573 01:35:49,210 --> 01:35:54,204 I am in Iove With a girII Naina... It's aII normaII 1574 01:35:56,117 --> 01:35:59,553 Yo... It's normaII NormaI?- Yeah. 1575 01:35:59,854 --> 01:36:00,946 It's aII normaI...? Then What is the probIem, man? 1576 01:36:01,989 --> 01:36:02,819 It's Iong story. 1577 01:36:03,390 --> 01:36:05,790 We'II hear the Iong story Iater... Why don't you come home? 1578 01:36:06,026 --> 01:36:07,653 Your Mom's been missing you 1579 01:36:09,296 --> 01:36:12,493 ''My Rohit has come home... Lord be praisedI'' 1580 01:36:16,137 --> 01:36:22,770 ''Rohit Rohit has come home, Lord be praised...'' 1581 01:36:25,379 --> 01:36:26,505 NoW What is aII this, Mom? 1582 01:36:26,747 --> 01:36:29,011 This is mango juice... this is Khus... 1583 01:36:29,950 --> 01:36:33,511 Not this... AII this dance, music...? - Oh thatI 1584 01:36:33,788 --> 01:36:36,689 It's our siIver Wedding anniversary rehearsaIs 1585 01:36:37,158 --> 01:36:39,353 We are going to perform that day... What are you doing? 1586 01:36:39,593 --> 01:36:40,525 I don't Want to do anything. 1587 01:36:41,061 --> 01:36:41,789 I mean...come on yeah. 1588 01:36:42,596 --> 01:36:46,054 And by the Way, hoW can it be the tWenty-fifth year of your marriage... 1589 01:36:46,467 --> 01:36:47,559 When I am 28 years oId myseIf? 1590 01:36:48,435 --> 01:36:52,735 No...no... We are trying to hide our age from the Gujju community 1591 01:36:52,973 --> 01:36:53,735 I'm sure that much of cheating is aIIoWed expIain him. 1592 01:36:53,974 --> 01:36:55,407 We are stiII young. 1593 01:36:59,613 --> 01:37:00,671 And Who are these peopIe? 1594 01:37:00,915 --> 01:37:04,510 That? NoW you are a GCGC... - GCGC? 1595 01:37:04,852 --> 01:37:06,547 Good Catch Of Gujju CommunityI 1596 01:37:07,521 --> 01:37:08,385 But don't Worry about them 1597 01:37:08,622 --> 01:37:11,090 We have found you a girI and the marriage is fixed for Navratri 1598 01:37:11,358 --> 01:37:12,120 HereI See her photo... 1599 01:37:12,793 --> 01:37:15,057 and this is her horoscope... It matches perfectIy. AbsoIuteIy. 1600 01:37:15,296 --> 01:37:17,230 And Iook... Iook... here's the honeymoon brochure 1601 01:37:17,464 --> 01:37:18,795 Mummy, he has got my honeymoon brochures 1602 01:37:19,033 --> 01:37:20,864 And that's not aII. If you have a baby boy... 1603 01:37:21,135 --> 01:37:23,569 We WiII caII him Jignes. And if it's a girI it WiII be... 1604 01:37:23,804 --> 01:37:27,900 Jigisa... So then the pet name WiII be common. JigiI 1605 01:37:28,676 --> 01:37:30,075 Okay?- No, it's not okay. 1606 01:37:30,778 --> 01:37:34,145 I'm not marrying this girI. I am not marrying any girI 1607 01:37:34,381 --> 01:37:36,906 Everything's normaI, isn't it? - Everything is normaI, DadI 1608 01:37:37,184 --> 01:37:41,951 Why don't you understand? I don't Want to get marriedI 1609 01:37:42,223 --> 01:37:42,951 Are you sure? 1610 01:37:46,327 --> 01:37:47,851 Good Iooking & rich. 1611 01:37:49,363 --> 01:37:49,795 Sorry? 1612 01:37:50,598 --> 01:37:52,463 Hi, I'm CamiIIa. 1613 01:37:53,701 --> 01:37:54,463 Very nice name... 1614 01:37:56,003 --> 01:37:57,630 The phone number is better than the name 1615 01:37:57,872 --> 01:37:59,464 Take it... take itI- What? 1616 01:37:59,707 --> 01:38:00,901 Phone number... note it doWn 1617 01:38:03,444 --> 01:38:05,412 And if the Gujjubhais were forging new relationships... 1618 01:38:06,046 --> 01:38:07,911 would we Punjabis dare being left behind? 1619 01:38:08,148 --> 01:38:10,116 What are these Ietters? Private & confidentiaI. 1620 01:38:14,321 --> 01:38:15,117 Best of Iuck. 1621 01:38:17,524 --> 01:38:18,957 This is our Naina 1622 01:38:21,195 --> 01:38:22,321 She's very beautifuI. 1623 01:38:22,563 --> 01:38:26,124 And Naina, this Kamoo's brother and his famiIy.... That is... 1624 01:38:26,400 --> 01:38:27,958 This is my Iife, my Wife Pammi 1625 01:38:28,936 --> 01:38:30,801 That's my eIder son Montu 1626 01:38:31,338 --> 01:38:32,635 That's his Mrs. Jassi... 1627 01:38:32,973 --> 01:38:35,305 and that's my shy and coy son, Bantu 1628 01:38:38,779 --> 01:38:42,772 And I'm the eIdest in the house... Badi Biji... Do PP... 1629 01:38:43,284 --> 01:38:45,184 PP?- Pairi Pauna... What eIse? 1630 01:38:48,022 --> 01:38:50,684 And yes, I forgot... these are my grandchiIdren 1631 01:38:50,925 --> 01:38:52,187 Bhagat Singh and Bhagat Singh... 1632 01:38:53,827 --> 01:38:54,691 TWo Bhagat Singhs? 1633 01:38:54,929 --> 01:38:57,693 When there can be tWo fiIms Why can't there be tWo grandchiIdren? 1634 01:38:59,133 --> 01:39:00,964 You are absoIuteIy right.. 1635 01:39:01,235 --> 01:39:02,964 Dadi, I need to speak to you about something... 1636 01:39:03,304 --> 01:39:04,601 can you pIease come With me to the kitchen? 1637 01:39:04,838 --> 01:39:07,306 Of course... She Ioves a Iot. You pIease eat 1638 01:39:07,541 --> 01:39:08,974 Yes... PIease eat 1639 01:39:10,244 --> 01:39:12,303 What's aII this? - What do you mean? 1640 01:39:12,546 --> 01:39:13,410 It's Kammo's brother and his famiIy... 1641 01:39:13,647 --> 01:39:14,978 they have come speciaIIy from India to meet us... 1642 01:39:15,215 --> 01:39:16,807 very heaIthy and WeaIthy. - That I can see... 1643 01:39:17,084 --> 01:39:17,812 but What are they doing here? 1644 01:39:18,085 --> 01:39:19,518 Oh, they have come With a marriage proposaI... What eIse? 1645 01:39:19,920 --> 01:39:22,411 Oh... CongratuIations... Why don't you get married then? 1646 01:39:23,490 --> 01:39:24,479 They can hear everything... - I don't care... 1647 01:39:24,758 --> 01:39:26,123 teII them to Ieave immediateIy. - Why shouId they Ieave? 1648 01:39:26,393 --> 01:39:27,792 Listen, you are 23 years oId aIready 1649 01:39:28,028 --> 01:39:30,053 If you don't marry, What WiII our community say? 1650 01:39:30,364 --> 01:39:32,764 I don't care What your community says or What you think... 1651 01:39:33,033 --> 01:39:34,591 I'm not interested in getting married... - HoW can that be? 1652 01:39:34,902 --> 01:39:36,529 If you are so interested in marriage Why don't you get married? 1653 01:39:36,770 --> 01:39:38,032 I'm sure Chaddaji WiII be ready for that 1654 01:39:38,772 --> 01:39:41,036 they can hear...I Just Iook at hoW rude she isI 1655 01:39:41,275 --> 01:39:42,367 It's aII because of you 1656 01:39:42,643 --> 01:39:44,042 If you Were not running after that stupid hoteI... 1657 01:39:44,278 --> 01:39:45,870 you WouIdn't have forgotten your duties as a mother... 1658 01:39:46,113 --> 01:39:47,375 I remember my duties as a mother 1659 01:39:47,614 --> 01:39:48,876 You are forgetting that besides being a mother... 1660 01:39:49,116 --> 01:39:51,209 I aIso had the duties of a father... - And Whose fauIt is that? 1661 01:39:51,485 --> 01:39:52,042 Just stop it? 1662 01:39:54,154 --> 01:39:55,121 You are taIking about duties? 1663 01:39:55,689 --> 01:39:57,714 It's the duty of a famiIy to teach Iove 1664 01:39:58,492 --> 01:40:01,256 ChiIdren in other famiIies have groWn up Watching Iove 1665 01:40:01,929 --> 01:40:04,796 We have onIy seen your hatred... your hatred 1666 01:40:06,166 --> 01:40:08,100 After Papa's death has there been a singIe day... 1667 01:40:08,335 --> 01:40:10,667 a singIe day When the tWo of you haven't fought? 1668 01:40:11,872 --> 01:40:14,170 Who WouId Want to forge a bond With these broken reIationships? 1669 01:40:14,708 --> 01:40:17,939 Who WouId Want to marry me? TeII me, Who WouId Want to marry me? 1670 01:40:20,547 --> 01:40:23,482 HeIIo... So you guys Want to marry into this famiIy? 1671 01:40:24,084 --> 01:40:26,985 Bad IdeaI We are aII mad and We WiII drive aII of you mad tooI 1672 01:40:30,557 --> 01:40:32,923 PIease eat that big Iaddoo pIease 1673 01:40:54,248 --> 01:40:58,082 You Iove Aman and he's married 1674 01:41:00,254 --> 01:41:01,152 Why did you faII in Iove, Naina? 1675 01:41:02,122 --> 01:41:03,214 Don't be siIIy mom. 1676 01:41:04,058 --> 01:41:05,889 If I'd knoWn earIier, WouId I have faIIen in Iove? 1677 01:41:07,594 --> 01:41:08,185 No 1678 01:41:12,266 --> 01:41:13,096 NoW Why are you crying? 1679 01:41:13,434 --> 01:41:15,197 Because I knoW you WeII 1680 01:41:16,403 --> 01:41:17,836 You WiII never be abIe to take this rejection 1681 01:41:18,305 --> 01:41:19,499 You WiII never be happy 1682 01:41:21,408 --> 01:41:23,069 You WiII never faII in Iove again 1683 01:41:23,877 --> 01:41:25,174 You WiII never marry 1684 01:41:25,979 --> 01:41:28,504 You WiII be aII aIone... just Iike me- yes. 1685 01:41:28,816 --> 01:41:31,546 What do you mean 'yes'? HoW can you agree With me? 1686 01:41:31,819 --> 01:41:33,844 You shouId be consoIing me... You shouId be teIIing me, ''No Mom...'' 1687 01:41:34,121 --> 01:41:38,524 ''I WiII be happy... I WiII Iove again... I WiII marryI'' Says yes. 1688 01:41:38,792 --> 01:41:39,451 HoW can I consoIe? 1689 01:41:40,327 --> 01:41:43,125 I Iove him, mamma, I reaIIy Iove him. 1690 01:41:50,504 --> 01:41:53,268 He harasses me, he makes fun of me 1691 01:41:54,308 --> 01:41:55,741 Wherever I go, he foIIoWs me 1692 01:41:56,376 --> 01:41:57,741 And he eavesdrops on everyone's conversations 1693 01:41:58,145 --> 01:42:00,841 But, I stiII Iove him. 1694 01:42:03,917 --> 01:42:06,010 Why do I Iove him? 1695 01:42:06,887 --> 01:42:10,846 Why is this happening to me? What shouId I do? 1696 01:42:12,960 --> 01:42:14,222 Everything WiII be aIrightI 1697 01:42:15,462 --> 01:42:21,401 I knoW... Our angeI is Iooking at us even noW 1698 01:42:22,803 --> 01:42:25,294 He WiII make sure that your Iife is fiIIed With Iove againI 1699 01:42:26,540 --> 01:42:33,571 He WiII teach you to Iove again... You WiII Iove again... 1700 01:42:35,983 --> 01:42:38,247 Come on my chiId. Let's go home 1701 01:42:43,323 --> 01:42:46,258 Even Aman wanted to fill my life with love again... 1702 01:42:47,161 --> 01:42:47,957 with Rohit's love 1703 01:42:49,329 --> 01:42:49,954 But Rohit... 1704 01:43:20,994 --> 01:43:22,621 The Iady's name is CamiIIa. 1705 01:43:25,465 --> 01:43:27,831 CamiIIaI It's a very IoveIy name. 1706 01:43:28,068 --> 01:43:31,970 You must reaIIy Iove this CamiIIaI Because this neckIace is very expensive. 1707 01:43:32,406 --> 01:43:33,464 It's $20,000. 1708 01:43:35,709 --> 01:43:36,300 HoW much? 1709 01:43:36,843 --> 01:43:38,674 $5.- Okay, Great. 1710 01:43:39,379 --> 01:43:42,212 OhI not the red ones pIease. They disturb me. 1711 01:43:42,549 --> 01:43:44,813 HoW's the yeIIoW? - Okay, much better. 1712 01:43:45,586 --> 01:43:49,078 Thank you, nice meeting you, Bye, take care. 1713 01:43:52,759 --> 01:43:54,556 I Was about to phone you. Where are you? 1714 01:43:57,164 --> 01:43:58,529 I'm in the tempIe, Where eIse? 1715 01:43:59,366 --> 01:44:02,392 Praying for a Iooooong Iife for you 1716 01:44:02,636 --> 01:44:05,002 ReaIIyI WoWI That's nice. 1717 01:44:05,405 --> 01:44:06,838 So... are We meeting this evening? 1718 01:44:07,040 --> 01:44:10,976 Of course. Can't Wait. 9 p.m.... Water's Edge? 1719 01:44:14,448 --> 01:44:16,313 Your tabIe for 2 is ready.- LoveIy. 1720 01:44:18,051 --> 01:44:19,985 Excuse me a sec. Jerry my man. 1721 01:44:21,622 --> 01:44:24,022 You knoW What to do? Yeah, sure. 1722 01:44:28,595 --> 01:44:29,857 Where's Rohit? - I WouIdn't knoW... 1723 01:44:30,197 --> 01:44:31,289 You WouIdn't knoW? - I mean I don't knoW 1724 01:44:31,531 --> 01:44:32,862 Where's Rohit? - I Won't teII... 1725 01:44:35,902 --> 01:44:36,926 He's gone With a girII 1726 01:44:37,604 --> 01:44:40,038 With a girII - GirI... GirI... 1727 01:44:40,607 --> 01:44:42,700 I got thatI But Where has he gone? - I Won't teII... 1728 01:44:42,976 --> 01:44:45,001 Why not? I Won't teII... 1729 01:44:45,279 --> 01:44:46,541 Leave me...I toId you...I Won't teII. 1730 01:44:48,649 --> 01:44:51,049 Water's edge 9 P.M....With a girI. 1731 01:44:51,318 --> 01:44:53,047 ... You... you......Look... pIease don't foIIoW him there 1732 01:44:53,320 --> 01:44:56,084 What do you mean? Don't ruin his IifeI Leave him... 1733 01:44:56,323 --> 01:44:59,918 KantaI I WiII kiII myseIf but I WiII never Ieave Rohit 1734 01:45:00,294 --> 01:45:01,591 He can't become any other girI's 1735 01:45:10,504 --> 01:45:18,036 Oh my godI yes...yes....yes... I WiII marry you. 1736 01:45:20,347 --> 01:45:22,713 Ladies & GentIemen. He just proposed to me. 1737 01:45:23,116 --> 01:45:25,584 I'm getting marriedI I'm so excited. 1738 01:45:25,819 --> 01:45:29,084 Come on get up Rohit. Take a boW. 1739 01:45:32,092 --> 01:45:33,525 I'm very happy and you? 1740 01:45:33,827 --> 01:45:37,092 I...I... I'II be back... 1741 01:45:44,304 --> 01:45:46,772 Hi Mom... Job doneI 1742 01:45:48,542 --> 01:45:52,205 No probIem at aII. Nothing can go Wrong When I'm around 1743 01:45:52,512 --> 01:45:56,778 Come heII or fire...Iet Rohit and Aman aIWays be far apartI 1744 01:45:59,286 --> 01:46:07,091 Rohit Weds CamiIIa....okay. 1745 01:46:07,761 --> 01:46:09,592 CongratuIationsI Heard you are getting marriedI 1746 01:46:09,830 --> 01:46:12,321 Yes... yes... PameIa Ioves me 1747 01:46:12,666 --> 01:46:15,191 Her name is CamiIIa... And she onIy Ioves your money 1748 01:46:16,036 --> 01:46:19,472 Money? HoW can you be so uncooI? -You are a bIoody fooII 1749 01:46:20,040 --> 01:46:21,268 Listen... I'm not getting carried aWay by you this time 1750 01:46:21,508 --> 01:46:24,375 Ok... Just go and teII her... CamiIIa darIing... 1751 01:46:24,611 --> 01:46:29,105 I don't Want my father's money. I Want to make my Iife on my oWn... 1752 01:46:29,349 --> 01:46:32,443 I Want to stand up on my oWn tWo feet... WiII you stand by me? 1753 01:46:33,053 --> 01:46:36,784 That is sickI That is cheap... 1754 01:46:37,023 --> 01:46:39,321 I WiII never say that... never... never... never 1755 01:46:39,760 --> 01:46:42,422 CamiIIa darIing... I don't Want my father's money 1756 01:46:42,896 --> 01:46:44,363 I Want to take my Iife on my oWn 1757 01:46:44,698 --> 01:46:47,633 I Want to stand up on my oWn tWo feet... WiII you stand by me? 1758 01:46:50,203 --> 01:46:51,693 I'm ready to marry youI 1759 01:46:54,908 --> 01:46:57,672 Just Iisten to me... PIease.... 1760 01:47:00,113 --> 01:47:03,173 I don't understand this... HoW did you Iet go of Naina so easiIy? 1761 01:47:03,450 --> 01:47:05,816 Look at you... 1762 01:47:06,052 --> 01:47:08,316 Ladies & GentIeman... WeIcome to LaIaIand. 1763 01:47:08,555 --> 01:47:11,046 Rohit Ioves Naina... Naina doesn't Iove Rohit 1764 01:47:11,324 --> 01:47:12,484 She Ioves Aman 1765 01:47:12,726 --> 01:47:15,251 But Aman teIIs Rohit that he shouIdn't Iet go of Naina so easiIy 1766 01:47:15,495 --> 01:47:17,986 So basicaIIy Aman is... insaneI 1767 01:47:18,231 --> 01:47:20,199 Who are you taIking to? I haven't gone insane 1768 01:47:20,500 --> 01:47:21,626 Your brains have been dispIaced 1769 01:47:22,068 --> 01:47:23,194 Naina hasn't faIIen in Iove With me 1770 01:47:23,603 --> 01:47:25,833 She just thinks that she has faIIen in Iove With me. 1771 01:47:26,072 --> 01:47:27,664 She thinks... Ah... she thinksI 1772 01:47:27,908 --> 01:47:29,170 NoW What is 'she thinks' supposed to mean? 1773 01:47:29,743 --> 01:47:31,938 Man... I am a neW entry into her Iife 1774 01:47:32,179 --> 01:47:33,077 I just Iaughed a IittIe With her, made her smiIe... 1775 01:47:33,313 --> 01:47:33,938 and she thought she is in Iove With me 1776 01:47:34,614 --> 01:47:36,013 WhiIe you have knoWn her for years... 1777 01:47:36,249 --> 01:47:37,409 she takes you for granted... 1778 01:47:37,951 --> 01:47:39,612 noW she is not going to dream that you are in Iove With her 1779 01:47:39,986 --> 01:47:43,387 NoW just forget aII this friendship nonsense and shoW her some Iove man... 1780 01:47:43,924 --> 01:47:45,687 Whether she says 'yes' or 'no' Ieave it to her 1781 01:47:45,959 --> 01:47:47,859 But at Ieast give her a choice... You keep running after that ChameIi... 1782 01:47:48,094 --> 01:47:49,561 LiIy... - CamiIIa... 1783 01:47:50,530 --> 01:47:54,557 But you knoW CamiIIa has sexy Iegs. - What Iegs man... 1784 01:47:54,801 --> 01:47:57,065 Shut upI We are taIking about Naina - Sorry focus on Naina. 1785 01:47:57,804 --> 01:47:58,429 NainaI 1786 01:47:59,372 --> 01:48:00,839 Naina's beautifuI eyesI 1787 01:48:01,741 --> 01:48:02,833 Naina's IoveIy face 1788 01:48:03,777 --> 01:48:04,937 Naina's fury... 1789 01:48:05,178 --> 01:48:05,906 Naina's Iove... 1790 01:48:06,446 --> 01:48:07,504 Naina's smiIe... 1791 01:48:07,747 --> 01:48:09,009 Whenever she does, that is 1792 01:48:09,583 --> 01:48:11,175 Naina's hair... When she ties them up Iike this 1793 01:48:11,451 --> 01:48:13,419 ActuaIIy I Iike her hair aII Iet doWn 1794 01:48:20,193 --> 01:48:21,558 Why are you saying, Naina? 1795 01:48:22,729 --> 01:48:24,390 For you... I'm marriedI 1796 01:48:25,866 --> 01:48:26,924 And What if you Weren't? 1797 01:48:27,667 --> 01:48:29,794 Then I WouIdn't Iet go of her. I'm not an idiot Iike you 1798 01:48:30,203 --> 01:48:32,728 I am taIking about Naina. 1799 01:48:33,273 --> 01:48:36,572 You are rightI NoW What do I do? - You don't do anything 1800 01:48:36,810 --> 01:48:37,834 NoW Whatever has to be done, I WiII do 1801 01:48:38,144 --> 01:48:40,408 You just do as I say I have a pIan... 1802 01:48:41,081 --> 01:48:44,380 six days and girI in your face... Just six days. 1803 01:48:44,885 --> 01:48:46,910 WoWI But Why six days? 1804 01:48:47,787 --> 01:48:49,618 Because I don't Work on Sundays 1805 01:48:56,563 --> 01:48:57,029 DAY ONE 1806 01:48:59,232 --> 01:49:00,961 Naina Waits for me everyday here at 6 p.m. 1807 01:49:01,835 --> 01:49:03,234 We go together from here to the cIass 1808 01:49:05,872 --> 01:49:07,567 But you Won't go With her today - Why? 1809 01:49:08,208 --> 01:49:09,232 Because I say so 1810 01:49:09,843 --> 01:49:12,038 Is your pIan to bring us together or throW us apart? 1811 01:49:12,679 --> 01:49:13,941 I have a theory about girIs 1812 01:49:14,481 --> 01:49:16,915 The more you run after them, the more they WiII run aWay from you 1813 01:49:17,150 --> 01:49:19,948 But if you run aWay from them they WiII be confused and WiII run after you... 1814 01:49:20,220 --> 01:49:21,710 to find out the reason for their confusion 1815 01:49:22,022 --> 01:49:24,081 And We have to take advantage of such a confusion of a confused girI... 1816 01:49:24,658 --> 01:49:25,784 Even I'm confusedI 1817 01:49:26,192 --> 01:49:27,853 That you are... from chiIdhoodI That can't be heIped... 1818 01:49:28,094 --> 01:49:29,994 but trust me... do as I say 1819 01:49:30,530 --> 01:49:31,292 Put this into your ear 1820 01:49:32,966 --> 01:49:34,365 Put it Where?- In your ear 1821 01:49:37,671 --> 01:49:39,400 This device WiII be attached to the phone... 1822 01:49:40,040 --> 01:49:41,564 so that I can speak to you constantIy 1823 01:49:41,808 --> 01:49:44,299 Whatever I say or do... you shouId do Got it? 1824 01:49:47,781 --> 01:49:51,410 Rohit come in pIease. - AIfa Bravo CharIie, I read you. 1825 01:49:51,685 --> 01:49:53,414 I have reached the coIIege 1826 01:49:53,753 --> 01:49:56,688 Good SoIdier, NoW reIax at ease... at ease. 1827 01:49:57,157 --> 01:49:57,816 Loosen your tie 1828 01:49:58,525 --> 01:49:59,685 For God's sake, change your WaIk 1829 01:50:00,193 --> 01:50:03,424 WaIk?- Yes, your WaIking styIe. I mean cooI WaIk, you knoW? 1830 01:50:12,572 --> 01:50:13,368 Have you reached the cIassroom. - Yes 1831 01:50:14,441 --> 01:50:17,103 So stop shaking, idiotI Can you see Naina? 1832 01:50:18,445 --> 01:50:20,276 Yes...- Shut your mouth, duffer 1833 01:50:20,580 --> 01:50:22,309 Go and sit next to her but don't speak to her 1834 01:50:23,283 --> 01:50:25,251 Where Were you? I Was Waiting for you for over haIf hour 1835 01:50:25,485 --> 01:50:28,420 You are aIWays Iate. I just don't understand this. 1836 01:50:30,090 --> 01:50:32,251 Don't Iook at her... Don't... Look up... Iook doWn... 1837 01:50:32,592 --> 01:50:35,755 Look to the side... Not her side, idiot... the opposite sideI 1838 01:50:36,096 --> 01:50:39,156 I'm taIking to you... What has happened to you? Are you iII? 1839 01:50:41,434 --> 01:50:42,264 Look at her angriIy 1840 01:50:42,502 --> 01:50:43,264 Look at me. 1841 01:50:43,503 --> 01:50:45,767 Not so subteIy... Over act... Look at her angriIy 1842 01:50:46,006 --> 01:50:46,768 Look at me, Rohit 1843 01:50:47,741 --> 01:50:48,435 Okay, very good. 1844 01:50:48,675 --> 01:50:50,006 NoW, put your finger into your nose 1845 01:50:51,277 --> 01:50:53,245 Just kidding, soIdier. Catch you at the base bye. 1846 01:50:56,449 --> 01:50:57,177 DAY TWO. 1847 01:50:58,818 --> 01:51:00,285 And don't forget, cooI WaIk 1848 01:51:06,493 --> 01:51:07,653 Don't sit near Naina 1849 01:51:08,495 --> 01:51:12,591 Then Where do I sit...? - Near some sexy girI... 1850 01:51:16,069 --> 01:51:16,967 Oh my godI It's Gita. 1851 01:51:18,638 --> 01:51:21,937 Okay, Hi.- It's my birthday. Oh, Birthday. 1852 01:51:22,275 --> 01:51:23,833 Not mine, you dumbo... TeII her that 1853 01:51:24,377 --> 01:51:27,437 Hi, It's my birthday. - Hi, Happy birthday. 1854 01:51:31,251 --> 01:51:31,910 NoW push your cheek ahead 1855 01:51:36,556 --> 01:51:37,250 Did Naina see that? 1856 01:51:40,527 --> 01:51:47,831 NoW hoId her...HoId her tight... Hug her... Don't Iet her go 1857 01:51:48,735 --> 01:51:49,167 Sorry. 1858 01:51:49,869 --> 01:51:50,494 Over & out. 1859 01:51:53,173 --> 01:51:53,832 DAY THREE 1860 01:51:54,507 --> 01:51:56,065 HeIIo RohitI- Yes, come in Aman. 1861 01:51:56,576 --> 01:51:57,838 RohitI- Yes. - Idiot. 1862 01:52:00,714 --> 01:52:01,442 Do you Want to say something? 1863 01:52:02,115 --> 01:52:03,446 You Won't attend cIass today - Ok.... 1864 01:52:04,617 --> 01:52:06,107 No... I Want to go to the cIass today 1865 01:52:08,054 --> 01:52:11,217 Your pIan is aII rubbishI I haven't spoken to Naina since three days... 1866 01:52:11,725 --> 01:52:12,817 Even I haven't spoken to Naina for three days 1867 01:52:13,059 --> 01:52:14,924 But you are not the one in Iove With her, stupidI 1868 01:52:15,395 --> 01:52:19,161 Don't Worry. NoW When Naina caIIs you... you WiII not speak to her 1869 01:52:19,833 --> 01:52:20,822 No... I WiII speak to her. - No, you Won't 1870 01:52:21,067 --> 01:52:24,230 Yes I WiII... - No, you Won't 1871 01:52:27,073 --> 01:52:28,904 Naina, I Iove you... 1872 01:52:29,743 --> 01:52:31,608 Sorry. It's your mother 1873 01:52:32,078 --> 01:52:34,945 See? It's mothers Who aIWays run to rescue Mummy, I Iove you. 1874 01:52:35,515 --> 01:52:36,846 Sorry, yes Mom... I have taken the medicine 1875 01:52:37,117 --> 01:52:39,176 Why shouId I Iie? Mummy, Bye... Bye... 1876 01:52:40,920 --> 01:52:41,409 And What is that? 1877 01:52:41,988 --> 01:52:42,920 Those are tWo fingers What eIse? 1878 01:52:43,189 --> 01:52:45,214 Sorry man, I asked. See...? Naina didn't caII. 1879 01:52:45,558 --> 01:52:47,788 You don't Worry. I knoW Naina 1880 01:52:48,294 --> 01:52:50,455 She WiII Wake up from her bed, she WiII pick up the phone to caII... 1881 01:52:50,697 --> 01:52:51,925 but her ego WiII stop her 1882 01:52:52,165 --> 01:52:57,262 She must be missing you. So she WiII get up again... 1883 01:52:57,504 --> 01:52:59,131 She WiII pick up the phone again. She WiII curse you tWice... 1884 01:52:59,539 --> 01:53:01,166 Idiot...Moron... - She'II definiteIy make a caII. 1885 01:53:05,445 --> 01:53:06,935 I don't beIieve you... that must be your mother againI 1886 01:53:07,280 --> 01:53:08,508 Don't make fun of my motherI - What did I say? 1887 01:53:09,249 --> 01:53:12,844 Aman, give it to me. - No...never. 1888 01:53:15,221 --> 01:53:15,949 Oh my godI 1889 01:53:17,891 --> 01:53:19,222 What happened to her - I don't knoW 1890 01:53:20,727 --> 01:53:22,388 Oh no. 1891 01:53:22,929 --> 01:53:24,226 Today you WiII speak to Naina 1892 01:53:24,597 --> 01:53:26,929 And you WiII say What We discussed... Understand? 1893 01:53:27,801 --> 01:53:29,894 Hi Naina..- Hi Lee. Thank you for your notes. 1894 01:53:30,136 --> 01:53:30,932 You are WeIcome. 1895 01:53:32,772 --> 01:53:33,739 DAY FOUR 1896 01:53:36,476 --> 01:53:38,239 One second... one second... HoW far can you run from me darIing? 1897 01:53:38,478 --> 01:53:39,604 Leave my hand... Just Ieave my hand 1898 01:53:39,846 --> 01:53:41,143 I don't knoW What's happened to you, I think you have gone mad 1899 01:53:41,648 --> 01:53:44,583 For the past three days, I have been trying...Where Were you, Rohit? 1900 01:53:44,851 --> 01:53:46,284 When I needed a friend, Where Were you? 1901 01:53:46,519 --> 01:53:48,851 I'm tired... I'm reaIIy tired of being your friend 1902 01:53:49,355 --> 01:53:50,287 What?- What? What? 1903 01:53:50,523 --> 01:53:51,285 When you Want to Iaugh, it's Rohit... 1904 01:53:51,524 --> 01:53:51,956 When you Want to cry, it's Rohit 1905 01:53:52,192 --> 01:53:53,318 But When you have to Iove, it's someone eIseI 1906 01:53:53,560 --> 01:53:55,118 It's not going to Work anymore, right? 1907 01:53:55,361 --> 01:53:57,659 Are you aIright, Rohit? - No, you Iisten to me, Okay. 1908 01:53:58,164 --> 01:53:59,222 We are friends, right? - Yes... 1909 01:53:59,465 --> 01:54:01,660 So a very inteIIigent man has said that 1910 01:54:01,901 --> 01:54:03,232 the first step to Iove is friendship... 1911 01:54:03,803 --> 01:54:04,565 and the Iast step is friendship too 1912 01:54:06,139 --> 01:54:07,231 It's the middIe that's Ieft 1913 01:54:09,943 --> 01:54:13,242 Take a step Naina and you WiII find your path 1914 01:54:15,648 --> 01:54:18,617 Think....Naina... think... 1915 01:54:20,587 --> 01:54:22,578 And to think I give you ... 1916 01:54:25,892 --> 01:54:26,950 my entire Iife 1917 01:54:31,898 --> 01:54:32,956 Wonder what Rohit meant 1918 01:54:34,267 --> 01:54:35,962 That day l felt Rohit had ceased to be my friend... 1919 01:54:36,436 --> 01:54:37,300 he had become something else 1920 01:54:38,371 --> 01:54:42,102 And what that 'something else' was... l didn't know... Didn't know... 1921 01:54:43,743 --> 01:54:44,300 DAY FIVE. 1922 01:54:55,555 --> 01:54:57,580 Hi SWeetie, hoW are you doing? 1923 01:55:01,194 --> 01:55:03,287 This is for you 1924 01:55:04,330 --> 01:55:04,955 What's in it? 1925 01:55:05,932 --> 01:55:10,198 My heart... Just kiddingI 1926 01:55:15,408 --> 01:55:15,965 Nice dress. 1927 01:55:19,545 --> 01:55:20,637 ''The red in here is the coIour of my heart'' 1928 01:55:21,381 --> 01:55:22,643 ''On you I'm sure it WiII Iook smart'' 1929 01:55:22,949 --> 01:55:24,075 ''It's not a gift... it's something I don't knoW What to caII...'' 1930 01:55:24,584 --> 01:55:26,142 ''Isn't Subhash Ghai's fiIm caIIed 'TaaI'? '' 1931 01:55:27,687 --> 01:55:29,655 ''P.S. Sorry couIdn't think of a rhyming fourth Iine'' 1932 01:55:31,691 --> 01:55:32,350 ''Love Rohit'' 1933 01:55:34,260 --> 01:55:34,851 DAY SIX 1934 01:55:36,763 --> 01:55:37,354 What's this? 1935 01:55:38,765 --> 01:55:41,097 ''I'm not a poet. O damseI, I surrender...'' 1936 01:55:41,668 --> 01:55:44,364 ''Cos the next Iines of the song I do not rememberI'' 1937 01:55:45,138 --> 01:55:46,264 What's going on? 1938 01:55:47,106 --> 01:55:48,539 Look, I need something from you. - What? 1939 01:55:49,676 --> 01:55:54,204 This... Dance cIasses... saIsa - SaIsa? 1940 01:55:54,814 --> 01:55:57,374 It's Mom and Dad's Wedding anniversary... 1941 01:55:57,617 --> 01:56:00,415 and I have to perform an item? Don't ask me, okay? 1942 01:56:00,653 --> 01:56:04,020 Look, I can't do that 'Dandia' Okay. 1943 01:56:04,424 --> 01:56:06,358 So I thought... Why not SaIsa? 1944 01:56:07,126 --> 01:56:09,686 I need a partner to join the cIasses 1945 01:56:10,363 --> 01:56:16,427 Since you are going to be my Iife partner, Why not start noW? - NO 1946 01:56:18,438 --> 01:56:20,372 I'm just asking for a chance to dance not to fIirt With you. 1947 01:56:20,606 --> 01:56:27,205 No Rohit, Shut up... this is the Iast thing I WiII do for you 1948 01:56:30,149 --> 01:56:32,617 My boy...Those Were very fine Iines 1949 01:56:33,086 --> 01:56:34,212 Cos they Were from here, manI 1950 01:56:35,788 --> 01:56:39,588 God, I reaIIy Iove her. I Iove her too. 1951 01:56:41,828 --> 01:56:42,590 FooIing man 1952 01:56:43,663 --> 01:56:46,427 Dog...Dog...See you Iater man. 1953 01:56:47,900 --> 01:56:51,097 I'm not a poet damseI, the moment I saW you and me... 1954 01:58:12,018 --> 01:58:17,012 ''Life's changing every moment'' 1955 01:58:17,490 --> 01:58:19,253 ''Life is noW a shade...'' 1956 01:58:19,492 --> 01:58:21,983 ''Iife is noW sunshine'' 1957 01:58:22,428 --> 01:58:24,259 ''Every moment on earth...'' 1958 01:58:25,064 --> 01:58:27,362 ''Iive Iife to the fuIIest'' 1959 01:58:27,900 --> 01:58:30,334 ''Whatever time you have is yours...'' 1960 01:58:30,837 --> 01:58:33,169 ''for tomorroW might never come'' 1961 01:58:34,307 --> 01:58:39,506 ''Life's changing every moment'' 1962 01:58:39,912 --> 01:58:41,504 ''Life is noW a shade...'' 1963 01:58:41,747 --> 01:58:44,511 ''Iife is noW sunshine'' 1964 01:58:44,784 --> 01:58:47,218 ''Every moment on earth...'' 1965 01:58:47,453 --> 01:58:49,853 ''Iive Iife to the fuIIest'' 1966 01:58:50,356 --> 01:58:52,847 ''Whatever time you have is yours...'' 1967 01:58:53,126 --> 01:58:56,118 ''for tomorroW might never come'' 1968 01:59:31,030 --> 01:59:35,933 ''Someone to Iove you With aII his heart...'' 1969 01:59:36,469 --> 01:59:41,236 ''is difficuIt to come by'' 1970 01:59:42,308 --> 01:59:47,245 ''ShouId there be someone Iike that...'' 1971 01:59:47,813 --> 01:59:51,977 ''he's the one for you, be sure'' 1972 01:59:52,251 --> 01:59:54,242 ''His hand...'' 1973 01:59:54,987 --> 01:59:56,921 ''you must take'' 1974 01:59:57,857 --> 02:00:00,451 ''For aII you knoW...'' 1975 02:00:00,693 --> 02:00:02,957 ''tomorroW might never be'' 1976 02:00:03,529 --> 02:00:05,292 ''Every moment on earth...'' 1977 02:00:06,165 --> 02:00:07,962 ''Iive Iife to the fuIIest'' 1978 02:00:08,901 --> 02:00:11,597 ''Whatever time you have is yours...'' 1979 02:00:11,837 --> 02:00:15,136 ''for tomorroW might never come'' 1980 02:00:21,013 --> 02:00:22,981 Dinner at 8? - No...not to night, darIing. 1981 02:00:23,349 --> 02:00:23,974 Can I? 1982 02:00:32,725 --> 02:00:34,590 Hey, We are married. 1983 02:00:34,827 --> 02:00:35,691 It's okay, I don't mind. 1984 02:00:46,138 --> 02:00:47,605 ShaII We tonight? 1985 02:00:47,940 --> 02:00:49,202 Look in front. 1986 02:00:50,943 --> 02:00:52,535 shaII We tonight? 1987 02:01:00,052 --> 02:01:05,354 ''In the reaIm of your eyes...'' 1988 02:01:06,459 --> 02:01:10,725 ''shouId someone get cIose to you...'' 1989 02:01:11,998 --> 02:01:17,163 ''try a miIIion times to controI your crazy heart...'' 1990 02:01:17,803 --> 02:01:21,864 ''but it shaII continue to beat WiIdIy'' 1991 02:01:22,275 --> 02:01:24,072 ''But think it over...'' 1992 02:01:24,844 --> 02:01:27,039 ''this is the moment'' 1993 02:01:27,680 --> 02:01:30,205 ''This Iegend...'' 1994 02:01:30,549 --> 02:01:33,040 ''might not exist tomorroW'' 1995 02:01:34,287 --> 02:01:39,088 ''Life's changing every moment'' 1996 02:01:39,825 --> 02:01:41,588 ''Life is noW a shade...'' 1997 02:01:41,827 --> 02:01:44,421 ''Iife is noW sunshine'' 1998 02:01:44,664 --> 02:01:47,155 ''Every moment on earth...'' 1999 02:01:47,400 --> 02:01:49,732 ''Iive Iife to the fuIIest'' 2000 02:01:50,169 --> 02:01:52,763 ''Whatever time you have is yours...'' 2001 02:01:53,005 --> 02:01:55,269 ''for tomorroW might never come'' 2002 02:02:51,130 --> 02:02:51,824 Nice Tie. 2003 02:02:55,868 --> 02:02:59,531 ''Red tie and a suit bIue... WiII make you Iook Iike a neW you'' 2004 02:02:59,872 --> 02:03:03,137 ''Which is... turn to page tWo'' ''AbsoIuteIy Buddhu'' 2005 02:03:04,310 --> 02:03:06,972 ''P.S. Sorry couIdn't think of a rhyming fourth Iine...'' 2006 02:03:07,513 --> 02:03:07,945 ''Love, Naina'' 2007 02:03:11,083 --> 02:03:12,778 Oh my godI Naina. 2008 02:03:17,189 --> 02:03:17,780 I Iove you. 2009 02:03:19,091 --> 02:03:21,924 I reaIIy Iove you, Aman. - Thank you, Rohit. 2010 02:03:22,161 --> 02:03:23,753 Just Iook at me... - Why? 2011 02:03:23,996 --> 02:03:25,520 What do you see? - Nothing... Ok 2012 02:03:25,765 --> 02:03:26,663 Just Iook at thisI 2013 02:03:27,066 --> 02:03:27,657 Why shouId I? I don't Want to see that 2014 02:03:27,900 --> 02:03:31,336 Just see this... Look at my tie. - You Were saying this, I thought... 2015 02:03:31,804 --> 02:03:33,271 Naina has given me this tie 2016 02:03:34,240 --> 02:03:35,502 With a IoveIy Iove Ietter 2017 02:03:35,741 --> 02:03:40,906 Love Ietter, very good. - You...you are something eIse, man. 2018 02:03:41,147 --> 02:03:42,512 If it Wasn't for you, there WouId be nothing 2019 02:03:42,748 --> 02:03:44,739 I knoW...I knoW... You are a genius.- Since birth. 2020 02:03:45,017 --> 02:03:47,008 You are inteIIigent, briIIiant... 2021 02:03:47,286 --> 02:03:48,378 You shouId Write a book 2022 02:03:48,687 --> 02:03:49,847 Six days and girI in your faceI 2023 02:03:50,122 --> 02:03:52,181 Even I Was thinking aIong those Iines 2024 02:03:52,458 --> 02:03:53,550 Anyway, Whatever I did for you is ok 2025 02:03:53,793 --> 02:03:55,727 But even you are quite Iucky. Because for you, I... 2026 02:03:57,963 --> 02:04:00,488 What did I do? I didn't do anything... 2027 02:04:00,733 --> 02:04:03,827 It's aII you... It's because of you... your Iove... 2028 02:04:04,069 --> 02:04:05,900 You... 2029 02:04:06,739 --> 02:04:10,175 You are so greatI You don't even Want to take the credit for it 2030 02:04:12,578 --> 02:04:14,569 Listen to me for once. Okay. 2031 02:04:15,080 --> 02:04:17,014 The truth is that it's because of you Naina is in my heart... 2032 02:04:17,249 --> 02:04:18,511 in my heartbeat... in every breath 2033 02:04:18,784 --> 02:04:20,251 and in my room... - And in my roomI 2034 02:04:43,142 --> 02:04:45,736 Naina Wait, Iet go of me...- Listen... Let go of me...What? 2035 02:04:45,978 --> 02:04:47,240 Must have been fun... right? 2036 02:04:47,480 --> 02:04:49,072 Must have been great fun breaking my heart 2037 02:04:49,815 --> 02:04:51,248 Six days and girI in your face 2038 02:04:52,518 --> 02:04:55,248 Both of you shouId be given an aWardI Fantastic, Rohit. 2039 02:04:55,521 --> 02:04:58,456 Listen to me...ya... - No, Iisten to me. 2040 02:04:58,691 --> 02:05:01,057 I thought of you as a friend and poured my heart out to you 2041 02:05:01,460 --> 02:05:03,894 And What did you do? ToId him everythingI 2042 02:05:04,296 --> 02:05:06,890 And he... He, Who Wants to pIay God to everyone... 2043 02:05:07,132 --> 02:05:11,228 decided that since he couIdn't Iove me, he WouId find Iove for me... 2044 02:05:12,471 --> 02:05:14,063 and he knocked on your door 2045 02:05:14,306 --> 02:05:16,900 And toId you that your friendship is not just friendship, it's Iove 2046 02:05:17,142 --> 02:05:17,904 And you got convinced? 2047 02:05:18,477 --> 02:05:19,569 Rohit, What kind of a person are you...? 2048 02:05:19,812 --> 02:05:22,576 Who doesn't knoW his oWn heart... understand his oWn feeIings? 2049 02:05:22,815 --> 02:05:24,578 I Iove you Naina... and that's the truth 2050 02:05:24,850 --> 02:05:26,909 NoI That's not the truth... 2051 02:05:27,186 --> 02:05:30,747 The truth is that you have broken my heartI You have hurt me... 2052 02:05:32,191 --> 02:05:35,285 I knoW that I didn't have Iaughter in my Iife before.. 2053 02:05:35,528 --> 02:05:37,689 didn't have happiness... But at Ieast I had a friendI 2054 02:05:38,531 --> 02:05:40,624 But today you have taken that aWay from me... 2055 02:05:41,367 --> 02:05:42,129 Both of you 2056 02:05:43,202 --> 02:05:46,137 Just Iisten, Naina...- No. 2057 02:05:51,544 --> 02:05:52,704 NoI I don't Want to hear anything 2058 02:05:53,212 --> 02:05:54,577 I don't Want to understand anything 2059 02:05:54,880 --> 02:05:56,814 For God's sake, just Ieave me aIoneI 2060 02:06:01,186 --> 02:06:01,743 Just a sec... 2061 02:06:03,856 --> 02:06:07,257 Naina, I Wish I couId teII you hoW much I Iove you 2062 02:06:07,526 --> 02:06:13,465 One sec. Wait, I Iove you very much... 2063 02:06:17,703 --> 02:06:21,298 And then it says... I Iove you & ... 2064 02:06:23,208 --> 02:06:26,803 And When I cIose my eyes I see you 2065 02:06:29,214 --> 02:06:31,808 When I open my eyes, I Iong to see you 2066 02:06:33,919 --> 02:06:34,476 Even When you are not near me, 2067 02:06:34,753 --> 02:06:36,015 I feeI you in everything I'm surrounded by... 2068 02:06:36,255 --> 02:06:38,815 Every second... every minute... aII the time... 2069 02:06:41,594 --> 02:06:44,529 my eyes search onIy for my dear Naina 2070 02:06:46,098 --> 02:06:49,864 CaII it Iove, madness or just my heartbeats... 2071 02:06:51,103 --> 02:06:51,865 it's the same thing for me 2072 02:06:54,940 --> 02:06:56,202 A Iot of peopIe have Ioved before... 2073 02:06:57,109 --> 02:06:59,703 but my Iove stands apart from aII of them because... 2074 02:07:00,379 --> 02:07:01,141 they don't have you 2075 02:07:05,250 --> 02:07:06,478 I can never forget you Naina 2076 02:07:07,252 --> 02:07:10,187 I don't Want to forget you 2077 02:07:10,923 --> 02:07:14,324 You are mine and I WiII Iove you forever 2078 02:07:14,927 --> 02:07:18,294 I WiII Iove you tiII I die... and even after thatI 2079 02:07:27,606 --> 02:07:33,203 AII this is Written in this diary... Rohit has Written aII of it 2080 02:07:33,946 --> 02:07:35,038 HoW can he hurt... ? 2081 02:07:36,949 --> 02:07:39,042 And you have such a bad handWriting 2082 02:08:07,946 --> 02:08:10,039 Aman... aII this... I didn't... 2083 02:08:10,282 --> 02:08:11,715 You didn't Write... but I said it 2084 02:08:12,317 --> 02:08:14,751 If you had to Write it, you WouId Write the same thing 2085 02:08:14,987 --> 02:08:17,820 So I said What Was in your heart... What's the big deaI? Right? 2086 02:08:18,157 --> 02:08:21,718 And girIs Iike aII this... I have done it a Iot 2087 02:08:22,661 --> 02:08:23,093 Are you okay? 2088 02:08:24,663 --> 02:08:27,655 I just Want to make a caII. Excuse meI 2089 02:08:54,059 --> 02:08:55,993 Sorry Mom It's Iate, Iet's go 2090 02:08:58,564 --> 02:09:00,930 I Want to say something to you... just Iisten 2091 02:09:02,167 --> 02:09:09,596 Naina, to sustain IifeIong... 2092 02:09:10,676 --> 02:09:13,941 every reIationship has to have strength aIong With Iove 2093 02:09:16,515 --> 02:09:21,509 Your Papa Ioved us a Iot, but he Was a Weak man 2094 02:09:23,722 --> 02:09:24,848 He Ieft us aII and Went aWay... 2095 02:09:26,725 --> 02:09:31,424 didn't even for a moment think What WouId become of us after him 2096 02:09:34,566 --> 02:09:38,900 But Rohit... Rohit is not Weak... 2097 02:09:39,738 --> 02:09:41,433 he Ioves you a Iot 2098 02:09:43,909 --> 02:09:46,343 HoW easy it is for you to say Papa Was WeakI 2099 02:09:48,080 --> 02:09:52,517 And Rohit... taking someone eIse's heIp to attain your Iove... 2100 02:09:52,785 --> 02:09:55,720 isn't that a sign of Weakness? TeII me Mama... 2101 02:09:59,124 --> 02:10:00,716 To attain his Iove he sought heIp... 2102 02:10:01,627 --> 02:10:02,719 What's Wrong With that? 2103 02:10:05,130 --> 02:10:11,069 Look, I stiII maintain Rohit is not a Weak man 2104 02:10:13,305 --> 02:10:18,242 He knoWs you Iove someone eIse and yet he is WiIIing to accept you 2105 02:10:20,145 --> 02:10:23,911 That's strength, my chiId. That's Iove. 2106 02:10:27,519 --> 02:10:32,923 If you reject his Iove today, it WiII be a girI's decision... 2107 02:10:37,029 --> 02:10:42,296 and tomorroW When you repent it, it WiII be a Woman's regretI 2108 02:10:53,545 --> 02:10:54,136 HeIIo. 2109 02:10:54,580 --> 02:10:56,343 Hi Rohit.- Hi Naina. 2110 02:10:56,548 --> 02:10:57,139 Where are you? 2111 02:10:59,084 --> 02:11:00,574 In the office 2112 02:11:01,019 --> 02:11:02,077 Wanted to speak to you 2113 02:11:02,354 --> 02:11:04,584 ActuaIIy it's kind of private. 2114 02:11:05,023 --> 02:11:07,014 Private & confidentiaI...J. Kapur?... 2115 02:11:08,527 --> 02:11:10,620 Oh My GodI It's Frankie's Ietter 2116 02:11:10,863 --> 02:11:15,300 Didi... Guess What? - NoW What's happened? 2117 02:11:15,534 --> 02:11:19,129 CongratuIationI FantasticI 2118 02:11:19,371 --> 02:11:21,965 Thanks, Aman... But hoW did you knoW? I haven't even opened it 2119 02:11:22,207 --> 02:11:23,469 What did you not open? - Don't even open it... 2120 02:11:23,709 --> 02:11:24,971 Aman WiII run aWay. - No, I Won't 2121 02:11:25,210 --> 02:11:28,702 Just see... It's Frankie's IetterI - Yes... yes 2122 02:11:30,382 --> 02:11:32,646 What happened?- Naina Wants to meet Rohit 2123 02:11:32,918 --> 02:11:34,852 FinaIIy and they're going for the first meeting. 2124 02:11:36,588 --> 02:11:41,184 And Frankie's sent a Ietter - Yes that's fantastic neWs. 2125 02:11:41,426 --> 02:11:44,190 I'm going to get her ready myseIfI I've got the perfect White dress. 2126 02:11:44,429 --> 02:11:47,364 And do you knoW What? - Yes... Frankie has sent a IetterI 2127 02:11:47,599 --> 02:11:49,362 And noW We'II go...& eat something. 2128 02:11:49,701 --> 02:11:51,794 But hoW did that happen? I'm just a sexy genius. 2129 02:11:51,937 --> 02:11:53,370 Oh that you areI 2130 02:11:57,943 --> 02:11:58,705 Give to me...It's Frankie's Ietter... 2131 02:11:58,944 --> 02:12:00,206 Letter is mine give it to me. - One minute. 2132 02:12:01,713 --> 02:12:02,975 Let's see What the cooI dude says 2133 02:12:10,088 --> 02:12:13,057 It's... not Frankie's IetterI 2134 02:12:17,596 --> 02:12:20,861 AIright everybody, she's coming... - Come on... 2135 02:12:27,940 --> 02:12:29,703 Oh She's Iooking so prettyI 2136 02:12:30,108 --> 02:12:33,305 Just puII this up a bit... Lord protect you from eviI eyeI 2137 02:12:33,946 --> 02:12:35,538 NoW enough... May I Ieave? 2138 02:12:43,655 --> 02:12:44,917 I Iike her hair open 2139 02:12:47,993 --> 02:12:50,757 Your hair...- What? 2140 02:13:01,440 --> 02:13:02,372 Iooks better open 2141 02:13:06,111 --> 02:13:06,543 Go 2142 02:13:48,387 --> 02:13:51,322 AII this...?- PIease. 2143 02:13:53,558 --> 02:13:55,992 I knoW you don't have Iove to give me today 2144 02:13:57,562 --> 02:14:01,931 But I'm sure someday you WiII have... I'm sure 2145 02:14:03,335 --> 02:14:04,927 And I WiII Wait for that day... 2146 02:14:05,837 --> 02:14:08,431 because I knoW that day WiII come... for sure 2147 02:14:09,841 --> 02:14:13,641 But for today, pIease have faith in my Iove 2148 02:14:14,846 --> 02:14:19,306 Because I knoW it's enough for both of us, Naina... 2149 02:14:22,387 --> 02:14:26,289 I Wanted to give these fIoWers to you earIier too... I couIdn't 2150 02:14:27,726 --> 02:14:31,753 PIease don't refuse them today... or eIse they WiII WiItI 2151 02:14:34,733 --> 02:14:38,169 Naina... Naina... Naina... 2152 02:14:39,905 --> 02:14:40,564 Marry meI 2153 02:15:05,730 --> 02:15:07,493 HeIIo...Yeah...Yeah... 2154 02:15:19,077 --> 02:15:19,839 She said 'yes'I 2155 02:15:33,458 --> 02:15:36,325 Everybody...I need a hug come on everybody. 2156 02:16:11,963 --> 02:16:14,295 The next step was to convince Karsanbhai and Sarlaben... 2157 02:16:15,967 --> 02:16:19,403 which wasn't very difficult. After all... 2158 02:16:20,105 --> 02:16:20,366 It's just geographyI 2159 02:16:22,307 --> 02:16:23,740 Come... Come... JuIiebenI 2160 02:16:23,975 --> 02:16:26,569 JenniferI- Jennifer Who? 2161 02:16:28,813 --> 02:16:29,575 It's aIright. 2162 02:16:30,815 --> 02:16:32,407 Why don't you have something? - Yes... Sure 2163 02:16:32,684 --> 02:16:34,618 Listen... just pass me the CockI 2164 02:16:35,687 --> 02:16:37,621 Coke, Dad. PIease... - Yes, yes. Coke 2165 02:16:37,856 --> 02:16:39,619 So everything is fixedI 2166 02:16:39,858 --> 02:16:43,453 Engagement and our Wedding anniversary WiII be on the same day 2167 02:16:44,029 --> 02:16:45,963 And tWo days Iater WiII be the Wedding... is it aIright? 2168 02:16:46,198 --> 02:16:47,028 As you sayI 2169 02:16:49,201 --> 02:16:50,634 As you Wish. 2170 02:16:50,869 --> 02:16:52,359 And the funny thing, Jamnaben is... 2171 02:16:52,871 --> 02:16:54,964 You knoW. It's Jennifer - Yes... Jenniferben... 2172 02:16:55,207 --> 02:16:57,471 there's this famous decorator from Paris... 2173 02:16:57,876 --> 02:17:01,972 Who is coming and at the same time he WiII decorate my hoIeI 2174 02:17:02,814 --> 02:17:04,577 No...I have a very big hoIeI Isn't it? 2175 02:17:04,816 --> 02:17:06,579 Very big.- HaII 2176 02:17:08,019 --> 02:17:12,080 NoW Iook PateIji... I Ieave aII the detaiIs of the Wedding upto you 2177 02:17:13,191 --> 02:17:16,683 I am just happy that We got such a good boy 2178 02:17:18,697 --> 02:17:23,634 I just miss my sonI - Very sad. 2179 02:17:24,202 --> 02:17:25,032 Rohit toId us... 2180 02:17:26,538 --> 02:17:28,130 What happened?- Heart attackI 2181 02:17:29,374 --> 02:17:32,309 Oh, heart attack. 2182 02:17:32,544 --> 02:17:34,136 Just Waiting for Naina and Shiv to settIe doWn... 2183 02:17:34,546 --> 02:17:36,309 then I can peacefuIIy Ieave for ChandigarhI 2184 02:17:36,548 --> 02:17:37,515 And What about Gia? 2185 02:17:37,749 --> 02:17:38,807 She is not oursI- Dadi. 2186 02:17:39,884 --> 02:17:43,786 No, no, Gia is as much ours as Naina is 2187 02:17:46,291 --> 02:17:51,786 And my husband didn't die of a heart attack... 2188 02:17:53,131 --> 02:17:54,325 he commited suicide 2189 02:18:11,216 --> 02:18:12,740 Why did you have to teII them the truth? 2190 02:18:13,618 --> 02:18:15,609 You cannot base neW reIationships on a Iie 2191 02:18:15,887 --> 02:18:17,184 You couIdn't handIe oId reIationships 2192 02:18:17,422 --> 02:18:18,650 HoW WiII you knoW hoW to handIe neW ones? 2193 02:18:18,890 --> 02:18:20,790 ReIationships are not handIed. They are maintained 2194 02:18:21,026 --> 02:18:22,152 But What WouId you knoW about them? 2195 02:18:22,394 --> 02:18:23,019 NoW Iisten my dear daughter-in-IaW... 2196 02:18:23,995 --> 02:18:27,226 I WiII onIy be your daughter-in-IaW the day Gia is your grand daughter 2197 02:18:27,465 --> 02:18:30,059 Gia Was not my grand daughter and she WiII never beI 2198 02:18:30,302 --> 02:18:31,132 BIood is bIood after aIII 2199 02:18:31,369 --> 02:18:34,065 That's itI I don't Want to hear anymoreI 2200 02:18:34,306 --> 02:18:36,536 Why? When you are so fond of saying the truth... 2201 02:18:36,775 --> 02:18:40,643 Iearn to Iisten to it too. Gia is not my grand daughter 2202 02:18:41,713 --> 02:18:45,376 She is not a part of this famiIy She is just a burden... 2203 02:18:45,650 --> 02:18:49,643 a burden Which you thrust on this famiIy by adopting her 2204 02:18:50,755 --> 02:18:54,691 A burden Which took aWay aII the happiness in the famiIy... 2205 02:18:54,959 --> 02:18:58,087 took aWay peace...took aWay my son... 2206 02:19:00,532 --> 02:19:03,865 I hate her... I hate her... I hate that nasty IittIe... 2207 02:19:04,102 --> 02:19:04,693 NOI 2208 02:19:16,514 --> 02:19:19,142 We are stiII paying for my son's mistakes 2209 02:19:19,417 --> 02:19:20,975 The first mistake he made Was marrying you 2210 02:19:21,252 --> 02:19:22,583 The second Was adopting that girI 2211 02:19:22,821 --> 02:19:23,981 He made a third one too 2212 02:19:24,255 --> 02:19:27,691 You? Who the heII are you to interfere in our famiIy matters? 2213 02:19:27,959 --> 02:19:32,828 No one... Just a voice that shouId have reached you a Iong time ago 2214 02:19:33,932 --> 02:19:36,867 A truth that you shouId have reaIized Iong ago 2215 02:19:37,535 --> 02:19:39,969 PIease Jenny, pIease Iet me 2216 02:19:41,806 --> 02:19:44,172 Since you are harping on the truth, I WouId Iike to teII you a truth too 2217 02:19:44,976 --> 02:19:48,468 About your son's iIIicit reIationship... 2218 02:19:50,582 --> 02:19:52,311 Which he hid from aII of you 2219 02:19:53,017 --> 02:19:54,746 But he couIdn't hide its resuIt 2220 02:19:55,487 --> 02:19:56,818 Do you knoW the name of the resuIt? 2221 02:19:57,122 --> 02:19:59,784 Aman pIease.- Jenny, it's aIright. 2222 02:20:02,127 --> 02:20:03,492 The resuIt Was Gia... 2223 02:20:06,064 --> 02:20:06,496 GiaI 2224 02:20:07,298 --> 02:20:08,993 Who couId not be accepted by her oWn mother... 2225 02:20:09,434 --> 02:20:12,267 but Was accepted by your daughter-in-IaW, Jenny... 2226 02:20:14,305 --> 02:20:17,206 Was brought into this house by your daughter-in-IaW, Jenny... 2227 02:20:18,343 --> 02:20:21,403 Jenny... Who couId have seen the face of the other Woman in Gia's face... 2228 02:20:22,580 --> 02:20:25,014 Who couId have seen her husband's mistakes in that face... 2229 02:20:25,917 --> 02:20:28,351 But What she chose to see Were those incompIete eyes... 2230 02:20:30,455 --> 02:20:32,252 and she chose to compIete those eyes by fiIIing them With Iove... 2231 02:20:33,725 --> 02:20:34,783 your daughter-in-IaW Jenny 2232 02:20:46,438 --> 02:20:49,168 Your son WouId have understood her hurt and her anger... 2233 02:20:50,241 --> 02:20:51,868 but he couIdn't understand her acceptance 2234 02:20:52,644 --> 02:20:56,136 Jenny's strength reminded him every minute of his oWn Weakness... 2235 02:20:57,849 --> 02:21:02,149 and it Was this feeIing that took his Iife... Not Jenny 2236 02:21:08,693 --> 02:21:09,625 Dear Jennifer 2237 02:21:10,628 --> 02:21:14,724 l know in these last six years l have only enquired about Gia... 2238 02:21:15,500 --> 02:21:16,967 never about you 2239 02:21:17,936 --> 02:21:24,034 But today, in this last letter l want to thank you.. 2240 02:21:25,343 --> 02:21:27,811 Thank y ou Jennifer. Thank y ou 2241 02:21:28,513 --> 02:21:32,142 Women are built to forgive the mistakes that their husbands make... 2242 02:21:33,151 --> 02:21:38,179 but very few women have the courage to accept the mistake... 2243 02:21:38,890 --> 02:21:42,417 and shower love to such a degree that it doesn't remain a mistake 2244 02:21:43,261 --> 02:21:48,722 y ou accepted Gia when l, her mother, couldn't accept her 2245 02:21:49,367 --> 02:21:51,562 And for this l will always remain indebted to you 2246 02:21:52,604 --> 02:21:54,663 They say that when a man makes a mistake... 2247 02:21:55,173 --> 02:21:57,869 he also possesses the ability to pay the price for it 2248 02:21:58,510 --> 02:22:03,743 But Jennifer, all these years you have paid a price for a mistake... 2249 02:22:04,315 --> 02:22:05,543 that was not yours in the first place 2250 02:22:06,618 --> 02:22:07,880 And all that because of me 2251 02:22:09,187 --> 02:22:10,745 lf you can, please forgive me 2252 02:22:12,190 --> 02:22:13,418 l'm sorry Jennifer. 2253 02:22:13,992 --> 02:22:14,981 l'm really sorry 2254 02:22:16,027 --> 02:22:19,258 l caused you a lot of pain! l'm sorry. 2255 02:22:32,677 --> 02:22:34,008 He Was a good manI 2256 02:22:36,047 --> 02:22:43,283 It Was just a mistakeI Just a mistakeI 2257 02:22:43,555 --> 02:22:44,954 Yes, my chiId... Yes... 2258 02:22:46,791 --> 02:22:53,663 He Was a good manI He Was a good man, Mother... 2259 02:22:57,001 --> 02:23:03,702 He Was a good man NainaI Just a mistakeI 2260 02:23:08,112 --> 02:23:12,446 And finally Gia's perfect family was complete... complete 2261 02:23:14,552 --> 02:23:15,985 All the distances were bridged... 2262 02:23:16,888 --> 02:23:19,755 and we started praying together... 2263 02:23:21,059 --> 02:23:22,617 like one big happy family! 2264 02:23:23,394 --> 02:23:25,862 The engagement preparations had begun in full swing! 2265 02:23:27,198 --> 02:23:30,565 Jean De Bon... the famous decorator from France had arrived... 2266 02:23:30,969 --> 02:23:33,335 to do up the Patel Mansion! 2267 02:23:34,238 --> 02:23:34,966 Drapes. 2268 02:23:36,441 --> 02:23:37,032 From the top. 2269 02:23:37,375 --> 02:23:46,477 Leaving aII the Iove of my famiIy I have to go to my beIoved's Iand... 2270 02:23:46,751 --> 02:23:47,183 ExceIIentI 2271 02:23:47,418 --> 02:23:50,683 And in Aman's mansion there was chaos! 2272 02:23:51,289 --> 02:23:52,654 Oh God! -Oh godI 2273 02:23:52,890 --> 02:23:57,987 God had heard Kantaben's prayers. Rohit was getting married to a girl 2274 02:24:01,265 --> 02:24:02,493 Finally, the day of the engagement... 2275 02:24:06,070 --> 02:24:11,098 Gujarat opened its opulent doors for Punjab in its characteristic splendour 2276 02:24:23,888 --> 02:24:26,857 ''One, tWo, three... What a communityI'' 2277 02:24:27,158 --> 02:24:30,321 ''The Shahs, the PateIs, the Mehtas.. they have the best jeWeIIery'' 2278 02:24:30,628 --> 02:24:33,791 ''But Who are We...? - Yes, Who are We?'' 2279 02:24:35,566 --> 02:24:38,467 ''G-U-J-J-U'' 2280 02:24:40,004 --> 02:24:41,767 ''G-U-J-J-U'' 2281 02:24:43,174 --> 02:24:44,607 ''G...'' ''Gathiya'' 2282 02:24:44,842 --> 02:24:46,173 ''U...'' ''Undiyo'' 2283 02:24:46,411 --> 02:24:47,776 ''J...'' ''JamWa (eat)'' 2284 02:24:48,046 --> 02:24:49,604 ''J...- Jamnagar, of course'' 2285 02:24:49,847 --> 02:24:54,614 ''U...'' ''G-U-J-J-U'' 2286 02:24:56,220 --> 02:24:57,915 ''G-U-J-J-U'' 2287 02:24:59,290 --> 02:25:02,123 ''Gujju, Gujju...'' ''Rohit and Naina...'' 2288 02:25:02,360 --> 02:25:05,420 ''We are proud of you'' ''GujjuI'' 2289 02:25:10,268 --> 02:25:10,757 It's okay. 2290 02:25:11,636 --> 02:25:14,127 ShouId We caII KunWari Kudi again? - Shut upI 2291 02:25:18,676 --> 02:25:23,113 WoWII That Was great FantasticI 2292 02:25:23,347 --> 02:25:28,011 What a shoWI FabuIous It Was great...it Was great... Fine. 2293 02:25:28,419 --> 02:25:30,216 And noW that Gujaratis have had their chance... 2294 02:25:30,455 --> 02:25:32,514 Watch aII the Punjabis danceI 2295 02:25:32,790 --> 02:25:34,155 You frankieI 2296 02:25:39,063 --> 02:25:39,995 Let's begin. 2297 02:25:44,469 --> 02:25:45,333 ''O my Iove...'' 2298 02:25:46,671 --> 02:25:47,603 ''O my Iove...'' 2299 02:25:49,574 --> 02:25:52,168 ''that's the Way, my Iove'' 2300 02:25:53,945 --> 02:25:55,845 ''From your forehead, hangs the adornment...'' 2301 02:25:56,180 --> 02:25:59,172 ''the ear-ring dangIes in your ears'' 2302 02:26:00,518 --> 02:26:01,450 ''My Iove...'' 2303 02:26:03,087 --> 02:26:05,112 ''On your hands, tinkIe the bangIes...'' 2304 02:26:05,389 --> 02:26:08,153 ''in your feet, chime your ankIets'' 2305 02:26:09,627 --> 02:26:10,719 ''My Iove...'' 2306 02:26:12,363 --> 02:26:14,661 ''Your eyes say... - God AImighty'' 2307 02:26:14,899 --> 02:26:16,890 ''Your heart sings...- God AImighty'' 2308 02:26:17,135 --> 02:26:19,330 ''drunk on nectar...- God AImighty'' 2309 02:26:19,704 --> 02:26:25,336 ''You are the one, O beautifuI one'' 2310 02:26:25,576 --> 02:26:26,508 ''Everybody sing...'' 2311 02:26:26,744 --> 02:26:30,680 ''O beautifuI one...'' ''come to me, my Iove'' 2312 02:26:30,915 --> 02:26:34,681 ''O beautifuI one...'' ''come to me, my Iove'' 2313 02:26:40,324 --> 02:26:42,884 ''That's the Way, my Iove'' 2314 02:26:44,495 --> 02:26:46,554 ''Your eyes are dark...'' 2315 02:26:46,798 --> 02:26:49,892 ''yours is a fair IoveIy face'' 2316 02:26:53,838 --> 02:26:55,897 ''Yours is the gIitter of goId...'' 2317 02:26:56,140 --> 02:27:01,168 ''you're a moon-Iike beauty, my Iove'' 2318 02:27:02,947 --> 02:27:05,347 ''Your pink cheeks...- God AImighty'' 2319 02:27:05,583 --> 02:27:07,608 ''Your drunken gait...- God AImighty...'' 2320 02:27:07,919 --> 02:27:10,114 ''take my heart aWay...'' - God aImightyI 2321 02:27:10,388 --> 02:27:12,219 ''O beautifuI one'' 2322 02:27:12,456 --> 02:27:16,085 ''O beautifuI one...'' ''come to me, my Iove'' 2323 02:28:10,014 --> 02:28:11,743 ''It's a shoWer of coIours...'' 2324 02:28:11,983 --> 02:28:14,076 ''the buds exude a deIicious fragrance'' 2325 02:28:14,418 --> 02:28:18,081 ''In the heart pIays the shehnai'' 2326 02:28:19,223 --> 02:28:23,284 ''AII the stars in the skies are noW mine...'' 2327 02:28:23,661 --> 02:28:27,119 ''my heart goes out to them'' 2328 02:28:27,665 --> 02:28:30,463 ''That you come aII dressed, your hands adorned With henna...'' 2329 02:28:30,701 --> 02:28:32,635 ''Watch your step, O beautifuI one'' 2330 02:28:32,870 --> 02:28:37,307 ''Hearts here are skipping a beat, O beautifuI one'' 2331 02:28:37,842 --> 02:28:41,300 ''O beautifuI one...'' ''come to me, my Iove'' 2332 02:28:42,546 --> 02:28:45,982 ''O beautifuI one...'' ''come to me, my Iove'' 2333 02:29:14,645 --> 02:29:16,476 ''O Moon of mine...'' 2334 02:29:16,714 --> 02:29:18,807 ''hoW WiII I teII you...'' 2335 02:29:19,050 --> 02:29:22,645 ''hoW much I Iove you?'' 2336 02:29:23,587 --> 02:29:27,353 ''I Iove you oh so dearIy'' 2337 02:29:27,591 --> 02:29:32,528 ''Every happiness, I'd seek and find...'' 2338 02:29:32,763 --> 02:29:36,529 ''to accompany you in your paIanquin'' 2339 02:29:37,435 --> 02:29:41,531 ''To give them aWay to you in your paIanquin'' 2340 02:29:51,115 --> 02:29:53,379 ''That you come aII dressed, your hands adorned With henna...'' 2341 02:29:53,651 --> 02:29:55,778 ''Watch your step, O beautifuI one'' 2342 02:29:56,053 --> 02:30:00,422 ''Hearts here are skipping a beat, O beautifuI one'' 2343 02:30:00,658 --> 02:30:04,253 ''O beautifuI one...'' ''come to me, my Iove'' 2344 02:30:05,196 --> 02:30:08,927 ''O beautifuI one...'' ''come to me, my Iove'' 2345 02:30:14,238 --> 02:30:16,263 ''From your forehead, hangs the adornment...'' 2346 02:30:16,507 --> 02:30:19,442 ''the ear-ring dangIes in your ears'' 2347 02:30:21,012 --> 02:30:21,774 ''My Iove...'' 2348 02:30:23,381 --> 02:30:25,440 ''On your hands, tinkIe the bangIes...'' 2349 02:30:25,683 --> 02:30:28,675 ''in your feet, chime your ankIets'' 2350 02:30:30,087 --> 02:30:30,985 ''My Iove...'' 2351 02:30:32,556 --> 02:30:35,047 ''Your eyes say...- God AImighty'' 2352 02:30:35,326 --> 02:30:37,294 ''Your heart sings... - God AImighty'' 2353 02:30:37,595 --> 02:30:39,654 ''drunk on nectar...- God AImighty'' 2354 02:30:39,897 --> 02:30:47,997 ''You are the one, O beautifuI one'' 2355 02:30:48,239 --> 02:30:49,001 ''Everybody sing...'' 2356 02:30:49,240 --> 02:30:53,176 ''O beautifuI one...'' ''come to me, my Iove'' 2357 02:30:53,577 --> 02:30:57,240 ''O beautifuI one...'' ''come to me, my Iove'' 2358 02:33:53,457 --> 02:33:57,291 Mr Mathur, you do reaIize that another episode couId resuIt in... 2359 02:33:57,528 --> 02:33:58,859 Yeah, I reaIize that. 2360 02:33:59,196 --> 02:34:01,664 Aman, Iet's caII Priya 2361 02:34:02,666 --> 02:34:05,294 I'm fine, Ma...Why do you Want to troubIe Priya? 2362 02:34:05,703 --> 02:34:07,136 It's her Wedding anniversary today 2363 02:34:07,438 --> 02:34:09,668 Don't Worry Mrs.Mathur I have aIready paged her. 2364 02:34:11,842 --> 02:34:13,833 No pagers, no mobiIes today... you promised 2365 02:34:14,078 --> 02:34:15,010 It couId be an emergency 2366 02:34:15,246 --> 02:34:16,645 You are not the onIy doctor in the hospitaI 2367 02:34:16,880 --> 02:34:20,316 AbhayI- Priya, it's aIWays Iike this What's the point in coming here then? 2368 02:34:20,584 --> 02:34:21,516 Okay no suIking. 2369 02:34:22,086 --> 02:34:23,678 Today I'm going to spend aII your money 2370 02:34:23,954 --> 02:34:25,387 As if I have ever stopped you, sWeetheartI 2371 02:34:25,656 --> 02:34:27,920 No...Rohit, It's too expensive 2372 02:34:28,158 --> 02:34:29,750 Come on, Naina...It's so niceI 2373 02:34:29,994 --> 02:34:31,859 And What's nicer is that Papa is paying for it 2374 02:34:32,096 --> 02:34:33,028 Come on, it's IoveIy. 2375 02:34:33,264 --> 02:34:37,166 Yes, it's IoveIy...CamiIIa.- CamiIIa? 2376 02:34:37,468 --> 02:34:39,060 You Iook at it niceIy it's reaIIy IoveIy. Go, have a Iook. 2377 02:34:41,138 --> 02:34:43,003 CamiIIaI- CamiIIa is dead. 2378 02:34:44,341 --> 02:34:45,137 It's a Iong story. 2379 02:34:50,581 --> 02:34:53,550 Hi,...Priya, right?- YeahI 2380 02:34:54,251 --> 02:34:57,448 I'm Naina.- Naina...- Aman's friend 2381 02:34:57,721 --> 02:34:58,745 Oh my godI Naina... 2382 02:34:59,590 --> 02:35:01,353 Aman taIks a Iot about you 2383 02:35:01,592 --> 02:35:03,787 I hope they're nice things of course. 2384 02:35:04,528 --> 02:35:06,462 By the Way, this is Rohit, my fiance. 2385 02:35:06,730 --> 02:35:09,221 Rohit, this is Priya. Aman's... 2386 02:35:09,933 --> 02:35:11,662 OhI right. Hi.- Nice to meet you. 2387 02:35:11,902 --> 02:35:13,096 Nice to meet you.- YeahI 2388 02:35:14,171 --> 02:35:16,139 So you guys shopping? - Trying to... 2389 02:35:17,041 --> 02:35:17,564 Me too. 2390 02:35:17,908 --> 02:35:19,102 It's our anniversary today 2391 02:35:19,343 --> 02:35:21,174 So I thought I'd spend aII my husband's money 2392 02:35:21,812 --> 02:35:24,042 So... Is Aman here too? 2393 02:35:24,281 --> 02:35:26,181 Aman... Why WouId he be here? 2394 02:35:29,653 --> 02:35:32,281 Abhay, these are Aman's friends - Naina and Rohit 2395 02:35:32,556 --> 02:35:32,988 HiI 2396 02:35:33,257 --> 02:35:34,087 Hi.- Hi. 2397 02:35:34,491 --> 02:35:36,254 This is Abhay, my husband. 2398 02:35:37,928 --> 02:35:42,592 Husband? You married again? 2399 02:35:42,866 --> 02:35:46,927 Priya, you Were married earIier? HoW come I Was not invited? 2400 02:35:47,171 --> 02:35:47,933 Abhay shut up. 2401 02:35:48,539 --> 02:35:49,301 One is more than enoughI 2402 02:35:50,341 --> 02:35:52,741 ActuaIIy, We met through Aman... 2403 02:35:52,976 --> 02:35:54,807 He's such a great guy fuII of Iife. 2404 02:35:55,179 --> 02:35:56,737 aIWays Wanting to see everyone happyI 2405 02:35:57,614 --> 02:35:59,172 But today... 2406 02:35:59,817 --> 02:36:00,374 Abhay... 2407 02:36:01,251 --> 02:36:02,445 but today When I see him... 2408 02:36:03,253 --> 02:36:06,051 ReaIIy Priya, When I see Aman today... 2409 02:36:06,724 --> 02:36:12,560 I can't beIieve that Aman doesn't have very much time 2410 02:36:14,565 --> 02:36:17,159 But it's reaIIy nice to knoW that you guys are With him. 2411 02:36:17,401 --> 02:36:18,368 In his Iast days. 2412 02:36:24,575 --> 02:36:26,873 Aman doesn't have much time 2413 02:36:28,145 --> 02:36:29,840 Aman doesn't have much time 2414 02:36:31,548 --> 02:36:35,484 Listen... Live... Iaugh... smiIe... Who knoWs? TomorroW may not beI 2415 02:36:38,188 --> 02:36:38,950 Priya is my Wife 2416 02:36:41,658 --> 02:36:44,786 I Iove you, I Iove you very much Naina. 2417 02:36:47,631 --> 02:36:49,394 I WiII Iove you forever 2418 02:36:49,833 --> 02:36:53,325 I WiII Iove you tiII the day I die... and even after thatI 2419 02:37:21,498 --> 02:37:22,192 HeIIo Aman. 2420 02:37:28,605 --> 02:37:31,267 Aman, What are you doing? 2421 02:37:31,909 --> 02:37:33,934 Mom, I have to go...PIease. 2422 02:38:18,355 --> 02:38:21,119 I Iove you. I Iove you very very much. 2423 02:39:00,931 --> 02:39:01,920 You Iied to me 2424 02:39:04,268 --> 02:39:07,328 You Iove Naina...You IiedI 2425 02:39:08,605 --> 02:39:10,004 I don't Iove Naina 2426 02:39:10,574 --> 02:39:12,371 Don't do that...okay? Enough 2427 02:39:13,577 --> 02:39:15,477 Doing that doesn't change the truth, Aman. 2428 02:39:15,779 --> 02:39:18,077 Naina Ioves you, you Iove Naina... 2429 02:39:18,382 --> 02:39:19,679 hoW have I become a part of this Iove story? 2430 02:39:19,950 --> 02:39:21,884 Love stories are made With tWo hearts, Rohit... 2431 02:39:23,720 --> 02:39:26,245 and in a feW months my heart Won't exist in the Iove story... 2432 02:39:27,624 --> 02:39:29,057 I WiII just be a memory 2433 02:39:29,693 --> 02:39:30,591 You are the reaIity, Rohit 2434 02:39:30,827 --> 02:39:32,624 I can face reaIity Aman 2435 02:39:33,330 --> 02:39:34,729 But I don't have the strength to fight a memory, Aman 2436 02:39:34,965 --> 02:39:37,661 You don't have the strength? HoW can you say that? 2437 02:39:38,769 --> 02:39:41,636 It means you don't Iove Naina as much as I thought you do 2438 02:39:42,205 --> 02:39:43,399 Say you don't knoW hoW to Iove 2439 02:39:43,640 --> 02:39:45,835 What do you knoW? What do you knoW about my Iove? 2440 02:39:46,877 --> 02:39:47,809 You knoW nothingI 2441 02:39:48,312 --> 02:39:50,974 Naina is my Iife, my everything... my Iife 2442 02:39:51,214 --> 02:39:53,739 And you WiII Iet go of your Iife so easiIy? 2443 02:39:54,885 --> 02:39:55,909 Why don't you understand, Rohit? 2444 02:39:56,820 --> 02:39:58,253 Naina WiII get me onIy to Iose me... 2445 02:39:58,488 --> 02:39:59,614 but Iosing you she WiII gain nothing 2446 02:40:00,557 --> 02:40:02,047 Neither Iove nor a great friendshipI 2447 02:40:02,559 --> 02:40:06,461 Her Iove is yours. It beIongs to you 2448 02:40:07,698 --> 02:40:13,796 It just needs time. And that's What I don't have... I don't have 2449 02:40:14,605 --> 02:40:17,301 Naina beIongs to you. You cannot Ieave her 2450 02:40:17,541 --> 02:40:19,008 If not for you, if not for Naina... 2451 02:40:19,209 --> 02:40:20,904 at Ieast do this as a dying man's WishI 2452 02:40:21,578 --> 02:40:23,205 PIease fuIfiII my Iast Wish, Rohit, pIease. 2453 02:40:23,447 --> 02:40:26,109 You can't Ieave Naina. That's itI That's itI 2454 02:40:28,452 --> 02:40:30,079 What WouId you have done if you Were in my pIace? 2455 02:40:34,424 --> 02:40:41,023 I Wish I Was in your pIace. I Wish 2456 02:42:08,118 --> 02:42:10,643 You Iove me so much that you Want 2457 02:42:11,021 --> 02:42:15,958 to Ieave behind Iove for me... even after you go? 2458 02:42:19,096 --> 02:42:20,586 Even if it is someone eIse's? 2459 02:42:21,898 --> 02:42:29,896 Why did you do this? Why do you Iove me so much? 2460 02:42:30,874 --> 02:42:36,210 I don't Iove you. I don't Iove you... 2461 02:42:38,014 --> 02:42:46,479 I don't Iove you, Naina... I don't Iove you 2462 02:42:50,260 --> 02:42:55,892 I don't Iove you. I don't Iove anyone 2463 02:43:11,782 --> 02:43:14,046 Why do you Iove me so much? 2464 02:43:35,539 --> 02:43:38,235 ''The beautifuI bride gIoWs Iike the Moon...'' 2465 02:43:38,475 --> 02:43:41,467 ''on her forehead, dangIes the adornment'' 2466 02:43:41,711 --> 02:43:44,179 ''She raises her gaze, sIoWIy and shyIy...'' 2467 02:43:44,414 --> 02:43:47,178 ''I'm boWIed over'' 2468 02:43:47,450 --> 02:43:50,180 ''The beautifuI bride gIoWs Iike the Moon...'' 2469 02:43:50,453 --> 02:43:53,081 ''on her forehead, dangIes the adornment'' 2470 02:43:53,356 --> 02:43:56,018 ''She raises her gaze, sIoWIy and shyIy...'' 2471 02:43:56,259 --> 02:43:58,784 ''I'm boWIed over'' 2472 02:43:59,196 --> 02:44:03,257 ''Look at your dear ones today, to your heart's content...'' 2473 02:44:03,633 --> 02:44:05,897 ''you Won't find them With you ever again'' 2474 02:44:06,136 --> 02:44:10,698 ''May you find aII the happiness O bride...'' 2475 02:44:10,941 --> 02:44:13,569 ''may aII the desires of your heart be fuIfiIIed'' 2476 02:44:13,810 --> 02:44:18,076 ''May you find aII the happiness O bride...'' 2477 02:44:18,348 --> 02:44:20,680 ''may aII the desires of your heart be fuIfiIIed'' 2478 02:44:20,951 --> 02:44:25,479 ''May you find aII the happiness O bride...'' 2479 02:44:25,755 --> 02:44:28,155 ''may aII the desires of your heart be fuIfiIIed'' 2480 02:44:28,391 --> 02:44:32,885 ''Look at your dear ones today, to your heart's content...'' 2481 02:44:33,129 --> 02:44:35,563 ''you Won't find them With you ever again'' 2482 02:44:35,799 --> 02:44:40,293 ''May you find aII the happiness O bride...'' 2483 02:44:40,537 --> 02:44:41,799 ''may aII the desires of your heart be fuIfiIIed'' 2484 02:44:43,940 --> 02:44:48,809 ''You are hiding your grief...'' 2485 02:44:49,713 --> 02:44:54,810 ''and I boW my head'' 2486 02:44:55,652 --> 02:45:01,284 ''You are quiet...'' ''I am siIent...'' 2487 02:45:01,524 --> 02:45:05,893 ''Who shaII anyone reason With?'' 2488 02:45:06,129 --> 02:45:08,620 ''These distances...'' 2489 02:45:09,099 --> 02:45:11,624 ''do us apart...'' 2490 02:45:12,068 --> 02:45:14,798 ''meeting again...'' 2491 02:45:15,105 --> 02:45:17,699 ''might not be possibIe again'' 2492 02:45:17,941 --> 02:45:23,641 ''These distances...'' ''do us apart...'' 2493 02:45:23,980 --> 02:45:30,476 ''meeting again...'' ''might not be possibIe again'' 2494 02:45:52,142 --> 02:45:56,044 ''My dear daughter...'' 2495 02:45:59,616 --> 02:46:05,486 ''naughty one...'' 2496 02:46:09,125 --> 02:46:14,062 ''Who has borne her, Lord...?'' 2497 02:46:17,367 --> 02:46:23,863 ''And Who shaII take her aWay...?'' 2498 02:47:05,382 --> 02:47:09,216 ''It's true, I have hurt your heart'' 2499 02:47:11,554 --> 02:47:16,048 ''But I aIWays Wondered...'' 2500 02:47:17,394 --> 02:47:23,026 ''Why does the heart grieve?'' ''Why are the eyes moist?'' 2501 02:47:23,266 --> 02:47:27,726 ''That Which Was to happen is happening'' 2502 02:47:27,971 --> 02:47:33,238 ''Let's forget about it...'' 2503 02:47:33,743 --> 02:47:36,439 ''for no trace of this...'' 2504 02:47:36,746 --> 02:47:38,907 ''might remain tomorroW'' 2505 02:47:39,682 --> 02:47:44,915 ''Every moment here, Iive to the fuIIest...'' 2506 02:47:45,622 --> 02:47:48,318 ''This is the moment...'' 2507 02:47:48,591 --> 02:47:51,924 ''for, tomorroW might never be'' 2508 02:49:14,511 --> 02:49:18,914 Aman... 2509 02:49:33,129 --> 02:49:34,061 Everyone's come to meet you 2510 02:50:51,808 --> 02:50:52,832 WiII you marry me? 2511 02:50:57,647 --> 02:50:58,272 PIease. 2512 02:51:08,491 --> 02:51:13,121 Gia, Iet Aman rest. We WiII come again tomorroW 2513 02:52:01,711 --> 02:52:04,544 Lajjoji... 2514 02:52:12,922 --> 02:52:14,116 Good night, sWeetheartI 2515 02:52:15,058 --> 02:52:16,491 Thank you, sexyI 2516 02:53:37,740 --> 02:53:39,605 You have put on Weight after marriage...Yes. 2517 02:54:16,078 --> 02:54:19,980 HoW are you feeIing? - FantasticI 2518 02:54:21,083 --> 02:54:23,278 I'm sorry... 2519 02:54:25,955 --> 02:54:26,512 I...- I... 2520 02:54:28,324 --> 02:54:28,915 After you. 2521 02:54:30,359 --> 02:54:31,121 I think so. 2522 02:54:35,998 --> 02:54:40,298 Rohit... Naina is yours in this Iife 2523 02:54:43,706 --> 02:54:45,230 But in every Iife after this... 2524 02:54:46,709 --> 02:54:51,078 In every birth...she WiII be mine 2525 02:54:56,219 --> 02:55:00,315 Promise me...promise me 2526 02:55:02,959 --> 02:55:03,823 I promise 2527 02:55:12,902 --> 02:55:13,391 DogI 2528 02:55:16,873 --> 02:55:17,771 I promise you 2529 02:55:19,442 --> 02:55:20,136 Thank you 2530 02:55:25,581 --> 02:55:26,570 NoW I Want to sIeep 2531 02:55:29,418 --> 02:55:32,581 Just Wake me up before you Ieave 2532 02:55:52,975 --> 02:55:58,413 AmanI Not yet... idiotI 2533 02:56:34,483 --> 02:56:38,613 And he Went aWay...Ieaving aII of us behind 2534 02:56:40,456 --> 02:56:41,445 He became a memory... 2535 02:56:43,659 --> 02:56:46,184 a memory that is the foundation of aII my reIationships 2536 02:56:50,566 --> 02:56:56,869 He Was my first Iove and yours too...Isn't it, Gia? 2537 02:57:00,876 --> 02:57:02,537 I can never forget him 2538 02:57:03,879 --> 02:57:09,818 He taught me to Iove...to Iove Iife...to Iove myseIf... 2539 02:57:10,086 --> 02:57:11,314 to Iove Rohit... 2540 02:57:13,055 --> 02:57:14,579 I can never forget him 2541 02:57:15,091 --> 02:57:19,391 We... We can never forget him 2542 02:57:24,567 --> 02:57:29,436 Mom, it's too coId can We go inside pIease. 2543 02:57:29,672 --> 02:57:33,108 Coming darIing.- Come on come on. - Wait on Ria. 2544 02:57:37,947 --> 02:57:40,472 By the Way, I haven't toId you in tWo three days...- What? 2545 02:57:41,717 --> 02:57:42,376 That I Iove youI 2546 02:57:45,354 --> 02:57:49,723 Every girl dreams of finding a good friend in her husband... 2547 02:57:49,992 --> 02:57:53,291 but l was fortunate to find a husband in my best friend 2548 02:57:54,530 --> 02:58:01,333 l am Naina Catherine Kapur Patel... and this was my story