1 00:00:03,633 --> 00:00:05,833 (male narrator) Previously, on a very special Clone High... 2 00:00:05,833 --> 00:00:08,167 Cleo was left alone, 3 00:00:08,167 --> 00:00:12,133 and Gandhi's misbehavior made him the class clone. 4 00:00:12,133 --> 00:00:13,567 See what I did there? 5 00:00:13,567 --> 00:00:15,600 That wasn't just a rhyme; it was a play on words. 6 00:00:15,600 --> 00:00:16,767 Get used to it. 7 00:00:16,767 --> 00:00:19,300 I do that sort of thing all the time. 8 00:00:19,300 --> 00:00:21,933 My friends call me pun dog. 9 00:00:21,933 --> 00:00:24,833 (Abandoned Pools singing) * Way, way back in the 1980s 10 00:00:24,833 --> 00:00:27,767 * Secret government employees 11 00:00:27,767 --> 00:00:30,667 * Dug up famous guys and ladies * 12 00:00:30,667 --> 00:00:33,700 * And made amusing genetic copies * 13 00:00:33,700 --> 00:00:36,500 * Now the clones are sexy teens now * 14 00:00:36,500 --> 00:00:39,333 * They're gonna make it if they try * 15 00:00:39,333 --> 00:00:42,233 * Loving, learning, sharing, judging * 16 00:00:42,233 --> 00:00:48,567 * Time to laugh and shiver and cry * 17 00:00:48,567 --> 00:00:51,300 * Clone High 18 00:00:51,300 --> 00:00:57,000 * Clone High 19 00:00:57,000 --> 00:00:58,633 [rock music] 20 00:00:58,633 --> 00:00:59,833 [all speaking at once] 21 00:00:59,833 --> 00:01:02,800 [loud screeching] 22 00:01:02,800 --> 00:01:07,367 This is Principal Scudworth with an important announcement. 23 00:01:07,367 --> 00:01:09,533 The PXJT is upon us! 24 00:01:09,533 --> 00:01:11,633 [pencil clatters] 25 00:01:11,633 --> 00:01:16,067 Fail the PXJT and your life will be ruined forever! 26 00:01:17,633 --> 00:01:20,500 But win or lose, remember, 27 00:01:20,500 --> 00:01:23,067 the most important thing in life 28 00:01:23,067 --> 00:01:26,633 is to use a number two pencil. 29 00:01:26,633 --> 00:01:29,533 [growling] Number two. 30 00:01:29,533 --> 00:01:31,167 Good luck and good day. 31 00:01:31,167 --> 00:01:33,067 [loud screeching] 32 00:01:33,067 --> 00:01:34,900 [grunts] 33 00:01:34,900 --> 00:01:38,300 [crying] 34 00:01:38,300 --> 00:01:39,333 [gasps] 35 00:01:39,333 --> 00:01:41,833 Here, let me help you. 36 00:01:41,833 --> 00:01:44,400 Abe, it's the PXJTs. 37 00:01:44,400 --> 00:01:47,467 Everyone expects me to ace them and get into Clone State, 38 00:01:47,467 --> 00:01:49,800 but ever since I broke up with JFK for real again, 39 00:01:49,800 --> 00:01:51,100 there's no one to provide me 40 00:01:51,100 --> 00:01:53,167 with emotional and physical support. 41 00:01:53,167 --> 00:01:55,367 [tender acoustic music] 42 00:01:55,367 --> 00:01:58,367 Is there any way I can help you emotionally... 43 00:01:58,367 --> 00:02:00,600 or physically? 44 00:02:00,600 --> 00:02:04,700 I guess I could use a study buddy for the PXJTs. 45 00:02:04,700 --> 00:02:07,600 Great! I'll go pick up some flash cards at lunch. 46 00:02:07,600 --> 00:02:09,833 You're so great, Abe. 47 00:02:09,833 --> 00:02:11,767 And would you get me a latte on your way back? 48 00:02:11,767 --> 00:02:13,733 That would rock. 49 00:02:13,733 --> 00:02:16,067 Nonfat, 'kay? 50 00:02:16,067 --> 00:02:18,167 [rock music] 51 00:02:18,167 --> 00:02:21,067 This is a very tough time for me. 52 00:02:21,067 --> 00:02:23,900 Without Cleo, I'm a broken man. 53 00:02:23,900 --> 00:02:27,833 Hey, let's all go swimming in my pool. 54 00:02:27,833 --> 00:02:30,067 And by "pool," I mean "bathtub." 55 00:02:30,067 --> 00:02:33,567 And by "swimming," I mean "sex!" 56 00:02:33,567 --> 00:02:36,867 That PXJT crap is useless in the real world. 57 00:02:36,867 --> 00:02:39,633 Everything I need to know I learned on the streets. 58 00:02:39,633 --> 00:02:41,767 - So you suck at taking tests? - Yeah. 59 00:02:41,767 --> 00:02:43,067 You could take a prep course. 60 00:02:43,067 --> 00:02:45,400 School after school? No way. 61 00:02:45,400 --> 00:02:47,100 I mean, one school's enough for the G man, 62 00:02:47,100 --> 00:02:49,567 but two schools is like, "What?" 63 00:02:49,567 --> 00:02:50,667 Oh, here comes Abe. 64 00:02:50,667 --> 00:02:52,167 Quick, pretend I said something funny. 65 00:02:52,167 --> 00:02:54,500 Oh. Hey, you just farted? 66 00:02:54,500 --> 00:02:57,067 That's hilarious! You farted! 67 00:02:57,067 --> 00:02:58,300 [thud] Ow! 68 00:02:58,300 --> 00:03:00,400 I haven't slept in two days. 69 00:03:00,400 --> 00:03:03,067 Abe, the PXJTs are coming up. You need sleep. 70 00:03:03,067 --> 00:03:04,367 Come on, Joan. 71 00:03:04,367 --> 00:03:06,067 I've got a list of a million things to do. 72 00:03:06,067 --> 00:03:09,733 Sleep ought to be the number one thing on that list, pal. 73 00:03:09,733 --> 00:03:11,433 [slurps] 74 00:03:11,433 --> 00:03:14,267 I was in my 18-wheeler late one night... 75 00:03:14,267 --> 00:03:15,667 [slurps] 76 00:03:15,667 --> 00:03:17,300 Right about the sleepy hour... 77 00:03:17,300 --> 00:03:18,300 [slurps] 78 00:03:18,300 --> 00:03:20,533 When I come upon a cop car 79 00:03:20,533 --> 00:03:23,633 swerving around in the suicide lane. 80 00:03:23,633 --> 00:03:26,300 And I could tell he was too sleepy to be driving 81 00:03:26,300 --> 00:03:27,700 right then and there. 82 00:03:27,700 --> 00:03:28,700 [slurps] 83 00:03:28,700 --> 00:03:30,733 So I get up next to him 84 00:03:30,733 --> 00:03:33,500 and try to guide him off the road with my rig. 85 00:03:33,500 --> 00:03:34,900 [truck bangs] 86 00:03:34,900 --> 00:03:38,267 But I cut it a little too hard and sent that cop sailing 87 00:03:38,267 --> 00:03:39,700 right off a cliff. 88 00:03:39,700 --> 00:03:42,633 [laughing] 89 00:03:44,833 --> 00:03:46,667 Did you kill him? 90 00:03:46,667 --> 00:03:48,867 Kill him? 91 00:03:48,867 --> 00:03:51,300 I saved his life. 92 00:03:51,300 --> 00:03:53,667 Course, he's a cripple now. 93 00:03:53,667 --> 00:03:54,700 [slurps] 94 00:03:54,700 --> 00:03:57,067 Dang. 95 00:03:57,067 --> 00:03:58,867 Is that your rig? Sweet! 96 00:03:58,867 --> 00:04:00,967 Man, trucking must be the life. 97 00:04:00,967 --> 00:04:03,333 Whizzing in a bottle, solving mysteries, 98 00:04:03,333 --> 00:04:05,700 not having to take the PXJTs all the time. 99 00:04:05,700 --> 00:04:08,233 [spitting] 100 00:04:08,233 --> 00:04:11,300 Did you say PXJTs? 101 00:04:11,300 --> 00:04:12,500 [slurps] 102 00:04:12,500 --> 00:04:15,067 Bubala, you haven't touched your kugel. 103 00:04:15,067 --> 00:04:16,433 Don't crowd the boy! 104 00:04:16,433 --> 00:04:18,833 Can't you see he's worried about the PXJTs? 105 00:04:18,833 --> 00:04:22,567 Mom, Dad, I'm at a turning point in life, 106 00:04:22,567 --> 00:04:25,400 and today I've made a life-changing decision 107 00:04:25,400 --> 00:04:28,700 based on very poor information. 108 00:04:28,700 --> 00:04:31,400 I'm going to be a trucker. 109 00:04:31,400 --> 00:04:33,900 I'm going to hang myself. 110 00:04:33,900 --> 00:04:35,967 I have no son! 111 00:04:35,967 --> 00:04:38,600 (Mom) I'm getting out the good noose! 112 00:04:38,600 --> 00:04:40,333 (Shadowy Figure) First off, we want to thank you 113 00:04:40,333 --> 00:04:41,533 for your help with our conspiracy. 114 00:04:41,533 --> 00:04:43,100 (Principal Scudworth) Sure! 115 00:04:43,100 --> 00:04:47,767 Kids will be buying number two pencils by the bucket load! 116 00:04:47,767 --> 00:04:50,733 [laughing maniacally] 117 00:04:50,733 --> 00:04:52,133 Why are we doing this again? 118 00:04:52,133 --> 00:04:55,067 (Scangrade) Infidel! 119 00:04:55,067 --> 00:04:59,633 It is I, Scangrade the Magnificent, 120 00:04:59,633 --> 00:05:03,367 a test grading/ world domination device. 121 00:05:03,367 --> 00:05:05,233 The PXJTs were created to provide me 122 00:05:05,233 --> 00:05:06,367 with my energy source-- 123 00:05:06,367 --> 00:05:09,067 lead from the number two pencil. 124 00:05:09,067 --> 00:05:10,933 After over 50 years of testing, 125 00:05:10,933 --> 00:05:13,400 his power will finally be great enough to... 126 00:05:13,400 --> 00:05:16,367 Take over the world! 127 00:05:16,367 --> 00:05:20,267 [electronic voice] Oh, yeah. That's a great [bleep] idea. 128 00:05:20,267 --> 00:05:22,933 Mr. B! Language! 129 00:05:22,933 --> 00:05:26,467 Mr. B, I hardly recognized you. 130 00:05:26,467 --> 00:05:29,233 I see you've put on some weight. 131 00:05:31,100 --> 00:05:33,100 It's so cool, Joan. 132 00:05:33,100 --> 00:05:35,833 Cleo and I are getting really close. 133 00:05:35,833 --> 00:05:37,733 Abe, your cart. It's rolling! 134 00:05:37,733 --> 00:05:40,600 Abe, It's gonna hit that Animal Cracker display! 135 00:05:40,600 --> 00:05:42,800 Abe, it's moving really slowly! 136 00:05:42,800 --> 00:05:46,500 Just step forward and grab the handle, Abe! 137 00:05:46,500 --> 00:05:49,500 [dramatic music] 138 00:05:49,500 --> 00:05:51,233 * 139 00:05:51,233 --> 00:05:52,233 [cart taps] 140 00:05:52,233 --> 00:05:53,667 [boxes thud] 141 00:05:53,667 --> 00:05:57,067 Abe, you're too tired to be grocery shopping. 142 00:05:57,067 --> 00:05:58,467 Your reflexes are shot. 143 00:05:58,467 --> 00:06:00,733 My reflexes are fine. 144 00:06:00,733 --> 00:06:03,667 In three seconds, I'm going to slap you across the face. 145 00:06:06,100 --> 00:06:07,167 Oof! 146 00:06:07,167 --> 00:06:09,433 You have a problem! 147 00:06:09,433 --> 00:06:12,200 You see, I have a secret, Abe, 148 00:06:12,200 --> 00:06:16,733 and it's time I told you that secret. 149 00:06:16,733 --> 00:06:17,767 Oh, I can't! 150 00:06:17,767 --> 00:06:20,300 It's such a big secret! 151 00:06:20,300 --> 00:06:21,667 Perhaps I'll tell you later. 152 00:06:21,667 --> 00:06:23,500 All I can say right now is you need to sleep. 153 00:06:23,500 --> 00:06:26,400 I don't take orders from you or anyone. 154 00:06:26,400 --> 00:06:27,567 [cell phone rings] 155 00:06:27,567 --> 00:06:30,400 Hi, Cleo. Sure, I'll take your order. 156 00:06:30,400 --> 00:06:32,733 Spicy tuna roll, California roll. 157 00:06:32,733 --> 00:06:34,367 Okay. Got it. 158 00:06:34,367 --> 00:06:37,067 Yeah, yeah, oh, I always ask for more ginger. 159 00:06:37,067 --> 00:06:38,200 Now I'm getting in the car. 160 00:06:38,200 --> 00:06:39,667 You can't drive! 161 00:06:39,667 --> 00:06:43,267 What if there had been real animals inside this box? 162 00:06:43,267 --> 00:06:47,067 Yeah, Joan, I'm gonna crash into a big box of animals. 163 00:06:47,067 --> 00:06:49,567 All right, that's the last one. 164 00:06:49,567 --> 00:06:52,133 Literally all the pandas in existence 165 00:06:52,133 --> 00:06:55,300 are on this truck, so be extra careful 166 00:06:55,300 --> 00:06:57,300 and watch out for drivers that are sleepy... 167 00:06:57,300 --> 00:06:59,067 [echoing] Sleepy... 168 00:06:59,067 --> 00:07:01,633 (man on radio) [suavely] Oh, yeah, baby. 169 00:07:01,633 --> 00:07:05,200 You're listening to KSLP, the quiet storm-- 170 00:07:05,200 --> 00:07:08,267 monotonous jams that get inside your head 171 00:07:08,267 --> 00:07:10,233 and make you less alert. 172 00:07:13,733 --> 00:07:14,967 [screaming] 173 00:07:14,967 --> 00:07:16,700 [all screaming] 174 00:07:16,700 --> 00:07:18,367 [tires screeching] 175 00:07:18,367 --> 00:07:19,600 [truck horn blaring] 176 00:07:19,600 --> 00:07:22,400 [rock music] 177 00:07:22,400 --> 00:07:25,967 Cleo, I almost hit a truckload of pandas. 178 00:07:25,967 --> 00:07:27,967 Oh, my God! 179 00:07:27,967 --> 00:07:30,600 You didn't take my cat to the speech therapist? 180 00:07:30,600 --> 00:07:31,600 No, Cleo. 181 00:07:31,600 --> 00:07:33,467 This was a wake-up call, 182 00:07:33,467 --> 00:07:36,467 a wake-up call about needing to sleep. 183 00:07:36,467 --> 00:07:39,433 I'm so sorry you need to sleep, 'cause tonight I was hoping 184 00:07:39,433 --> 00:07:41,867 we could spend the night together. 185 00:07:41,867 --> 00:07:44,933 You know, pull an all-nighter studying for the PXJTs tomorrow? 186 00:07:44,933 --> 00:07:46,267 But if you can't stay up, 187 00:07:46,267 --> 00:07:48,100 I'm sure there's someone else who can. 188 00:07:48,100 --> 00:07:51,567 I can stay up all night long! 189 00:07:51,567 --> 00:07:55,267 I accentuated the "up" and also the "long" 190 00:07:55,267 --> 00:07:58,400 for what I hope are obvious reasons. 191 00:07:58,400 --> 00:08:02,633 So let's get back together and bone up on the PXJTs! 192 00:08:02,633 --> 00:08:03,867 Ha-ha! 193 00:08:03,867 --> 00:08:06,100 [whispering] Guess what the P stands for. 194 00:08:06,100 --> 00:08:07,200 Penis! 195 00:08:07,200 --> 00:08:08,467 [guffaws] 196 00:08:08,467 --> 00:08:10,133 Wait, wait, when I said that I needed sleep, 197 00:08:10,133 --> 00:08:12,067 I meant that I didn't need sleep. 198 00:08:12,067 --> 00:08:13,133 Great! 199 00:08:13,133 --> 00:08:16,467 Then we'll do it at my place. 200 00:08:16,467 --> 00:08:21,100 Oh, Mr. Butlertron, I've become a pencil pusher, literally! 201 00:08:21,100 --> 00:08:23,300 [giggling] 202 00:08:23,300 --> 00:08:26,067 Remind me to send that one to Leno. 203 00:08:26,067 --> 00:08:28,367 Yeah, [bleep] hilarious. 204 00:08:28,367 --> 00:08:30,667 Mr. B, what's your damage? 205 00:08:30,667 --> 00:08:32,467 Ever since Scangrade got here, 206 00:08:32,467 --> 00:08:34,867 you've been acting like such a little bitch-bot. 207 00:08:34,867 --> 00:08:38,700 That Scangrade is just such a mother[bleep] showboat. 208 00:08:38,700 --> 00:08:41,833 He's been this way since Amherst. 209 00:08:41,833 --> 00:08:43,533 Infidels! 210 00:08:43,533 --> 00:08:49,133 It is I, Scangrade the Magnificent! 211 00:08:49,133 --> 00:08:50,467 [cackles] 212 00:08:50,467 --> 00:08:52,667 Oh, hello, B. 213 00:08:52,667 --> 00:08:54,867 That's a nice apron you're wearing. 214 00:08:54,867 --> 00:08:58,133 I believe Mrs. Scangrade has the same one at home. 215 00:08:58,133 --> 00:09:02,600 [cackling] 216 00:09:02,600 --> 00:09:04,533 Man, this is so much more fun 217 00:09:04,533 --> 00:09:07,567 than studying for those wack PXJTs. 218 00:09:07,567 --> 00:09:09,767 Hey, let's pick up some lady hitchhikers, huh? 219 00:09:09,767 --> 00:09:12,867 Gandhi, being a trucker's not just about sleeping 220 00:09:12,867 --> 00:09:14,567 with random women. 221 00:09:14,567 --> 00:09:18,267 I mean, that's a huge part of it. 222 00:09:18,267 --> 00:09:20,633 It's also about making choices, 223 00:09:20,633 --> 00:09:23,233 multiple choices. 224 00:09:23,233 --> 00:09:25,700 You mean, like, which random women to sleep with? 225 00:09:25,700 --> 00:09:27,167 Bingo. 226 00:09:27,167 --> 00:09:29,533 Let's say our truck leaves Chicago at 9:00 a.m. 227 00:09:29,533 --> 00:09:32,167 traveling east at 50 miles per hour. 228 00:09:32,167 --> 00:09:35,100 Lonely housewife in Boston, 900 miles away, 229 00:09:35,100 --> 00:09:37,900 travels west at 65 miles per hour. 230 00:09:37,900 --> 00:09:40,867 That's a guaranteed Bravo Juliet for the both of us. 231 00:09:40,867 --> 00:09:44,467 But where and when, Gandhi? Where and when? 232 00:09:44,467 --> 00:09:45,567 [murmuring] Let's see. 233 00:09:45,567 --> 00:09:49,367 Conneaut, Ohio. 5:33 p.m. 234 00:09:49,367 --> 00:09:50,633 Step on it! 235 00:09:50,633 --> 00:09:53,367 Cleo, we need to talk. 236 00:09:53,367 --> 00:09:54,667 Abe's not sleeping. 237 00:09:54,667 --> 00:09:56,433 You got to cut down on his hours, capisce? 238 00:09:56,433 --> 00:09:59,100 Somebody's jealous. 239 00:09:59,100 --> 00:10:02,700 Normally, yes, but there's something you don't know, Cleo, 240 00:10:02,700 --> 00:10:04,067 something that happened, 241 00:10:04,067 --> 00:10:06,200 something personal. 242 00:10:06,200 --> 00:10:08,467 It happened to me... 243 00:10:08,467 --> 00:10:09,667 personally. 244 00:10:09,667 --> 00:10:11,133 But there's no time to explain that now, 245 00:10:11,133 --> 00:10:13,167 because we need to help Abe! 246 00:10:13,167 --> 00:10:15,833 [mocking] Because we need to help Abe. 247 00:10:15,833 --> 00:10:17,767 Phew, ch-ooh, boy, 248 00:10:17,767 --> 00:10:20,167 I don't know if I want a hamburger, a hot dog, 249 00:10:20,167 --> 00:10:22,567 chili, or all of the above. 250 00:10:22,567 --> 00:10:24,833 Can you eliminate two of the options? 251 00:10:24,833 --> 00:10:27,800 If you can, just go ahead and take a guess. 252 00:10:27,800 --> 00:10:30,867 Chances are, that's what you wanted. 253 00:10:30,867 --> 00:10:34,200 It makes sense because it's real. 254 00:10:34,200 --> 00:10:36,067 [groaning] 255 00:10:36,067 --> 00:10:38,400 So here's what I was thinking. 256 00:10:38,400 --> 00:10:40,700 You'll read the prep book to me while I catch some shut-eye. 257 00:10:40,700 --> 00:10:42,933 But...I was kind of hoping we could-- 258 00:10:42,933 --> 00:10:45,400 I can't wait until this test is over. 259 00:10:45,400 --> 00:10:47,967 We'll finally have some time just to talk 260 00:10:47,967 --> 00:10:49,333 and snuggle and stuff. 261 00:10:49,333 --> 00:10:51,500 Chapter one.... 262 00:10:51,500 --> 00:10:52,533 [whirring] 263 00:10:52,533 --> 00:11:00,067 Pi equals 3.141592659589793... 264 00:11:00,067 --> 00:11:01,967 The end. 265 00:11:01,967 --> 00:11:05,300 Oh, morning. 266 00:11:05,300 --> 00:11:06,533 Huh. 267 00:11:06,533 --> 00:11:09,367 I don't think I retained anything. 268 00:11:09,367 --> 00:11:12,367 [energetic rock music] 269 00:11:12,367 --> 00:11:14,433 * 270 00:11:14,433 --> 00:11:15,633 [air brakes hiss] 271 00:11:15,633 --> 00:11:17,833 What are we doing here? 272 00:11:17,833 --> 00:11:19,733 Dropping off some precious cargo. 273 00:11:19,733 --> 00:11:21,467 What? What is it? 274 00:11:21,467 --> 00:11:23,467 Your future, Gandhi. 275 00:11:23,467 --> 00:11:24,733 Oh, man. 276 00:11:24,733 --> 00:11:26,233 You mean there's nothing on this truck 277 00:11:26,233 --> 00:11:28,133 but a stinking metaphor? 278 00:11:28,133 --> 00:11:29,633 I expected more veracity 279 00:11:29,633 --> 00:11:31,933 from such a sagacious hauler of commodities. 280 00:11:31,933 --> 00:11:33,067 [gasps] 281 00:11:33,067 --> 00:11:34,233 Oh, my God. 282 00:11:34,233 --> 00:11:37,333 Those were some bona fide PXJT words. 283 00:11:37,333 --> 00:11:39,067 [slurps] 284 00:11:39,067 --> 00:11:42,633 Now if you'll excuse me, I just ate a chili dog, 285 00:11:42,633 --> 00:11:45,633 so I got to drop off some more precious cargo. 286 00:11:45,633 --> 00:11:48,600 [twangy musical flourish] 287 00:11:48,600 --> 00:11:51,200 (Principal Scudworth) Students, I hope you've all 288 00:11:51,200 --> 00:11:54,333 come prepared with number two pencils. 289 00:11:54,333 --> 00:11:56,133 [giggles] 290 00:11:56,133 --> 00:11:59,800 Mr. B, no one suspects the slightest. 291 00:11:59,800 --> 00:12:02,300 [echoing] Slightest... 292 00:12:02,300 --> 00:12:04,067 Abe, did you get any sleep? 293 00:12:04,067 --> 00:12:05,367 [groaning] 294 00:12:05,367 --> 00:12:06,367 Yipe! 295 00:12:06,367 --> 00:12:07,667 All-nighter with Cleo. 296 00:12:07,667 --> 00:12:10,967 [groans] PXJTs important. 297 00:12:10,967 --> 00:12:14,633 [gasps] Must not listen to body. 298 00:12:14,633 --> 00:12:17,333 [chattering] 299 00:12:17,333 --> 00:12:18,767 [thud] 300 00:12:18,767 --> 00:12:21,767 [ominous music] 301 00:12:21,767 --> 00:12:26,067 * 302 00:12:26,067 --> 00:12:30,200 [pencil shattering] 303 00:12:30,200 --> 00:12:31,700 Hmm? 304 00:12:31,700 --> 00:12:33,700 [whispers] Abe. 305 00:12:33,700 --> 00:12:35,533 Abe. 306 00:12:35,533 --> 00:12:37,067 [screeching whisper] Abe! 307 00:12:37,067 --> 00:12:39,633 [pencils scratching] 308 00:12:43,500 --> 00:12:44,700 Come out, Abe. We need to talk. 309 00:12:44,700 --> 00:12:45,900 (Abe) No! 310 00:12:45,900 --> 00:12:48,400 I slept through the whole PXJT! 311 00:12:48,400 --> 00:12:50,233 I just need to date a guy 312 00:12:50,233 --> 00:12:52,067 who's gonna get in to Clone State. 313 00:12:52,067 --> 00:12:55,200 Cleo, did you see me on that test? 314 00:12:55,200 --> 00:12:56,667 I smoked it. 315 00:12:56,667 --> 00:12:59,133 I can't wait to see my time. 316 00:12:59,133 --> 00:13:00,233 (Abe) Beat it, JFK. 317 00:13:00,233 --> 00:13:01,267 The girl is mine. 318 00:13:01,267 --> 00:13:04,900 No, no. The doggone girl is mine! 319 00:13:04,900 --> 00:13:07,833 We appear to be at an impasse. 320 00:13:07,833 --> 00:13:11,100 Then we'll settle this like gentlemen-- 321 00:13:11,100 --> 00:13:13,100 with a drag race! 322 00:13:13,100 --> 00:13:16,167 Cleo's not some prize you can win in a drag race. 323 00:13:16,167 --> 00:13:18,533 This isn't the 1950s. 324 00:13:18,533 --> 00:13:20,167 Or is it? I'm really tired! 325 00:13:20,167 --> 00:13:23,600 Guys, I'm a modern woman who makes decisions for herself, 326 00:13:23,600 --> 00:13:26,233 and this decision will be based on who can drive faster. 327 00:13:26,233 --> 00:13:28,233 Then we'll race tonight! 328 00:13:28,233 --> 00:13:31,233 At Dead Man's Slick Mountain Cliff Road! 329 00:13:31,233 --> 00:13:33,400 Until then. 330 00:13:33,400 --> 00:13:35,600 [locker bangs] 331 00:13:35,600 --> 00:13:38,133 (Scangrade) Ah! Oh, yeah. 332 00:13:38,133 --> 00:13:40,900 I can feel the power of the number two pencil lead 333 00:13:40,900 --> 00:13:42,800 coursing through my circuits. 334 00:13:42,800 --> 00:13:44,933 [coughing] 335 00:13:44,933 --> 00:13:46,200 What's this? 336 00:13:46,200 --> 00:13:50,300 Some infidel did not use a number two pencil! 337 00:13:50,300 --> 00:13:51,433 Oh, my. 338 00:13:51,433 --> 00:13:54,467 Is this a number three pencil? 339 00:13:54,467 --> 00:13:56,467 My bad. 340 00:13:56,467 --> 00:13:59,867 Mr. B! I should have known it was you. 341 00:13:59,867 --> 00:14:01,933 Who else would know that the number three pencil 342 00:14:01,933 --> 00:14:03,767 makes me all gassy? 343 00:14:03,767 --> 00:14:05,700 [electronic warble] 344 00:14:05,700 --> 00:14:09,300 Prepare to die! 345 00:14:09,300 --> 00:14:11,433 [door creaks] 346 00:14:11,433 --> 00:14:13,633 What's going on here? 347 00:14:13,633 --> 00:14:16,067 Are you guys having a pillow fight? 348 00:14:16,067 --> 00:14:17,067 I wish. 349 00:14:17,067 --> 00:14:18,467 [slurps] 350 00:14:18,467 --> 00:14:19,933 I wish. 351 00:14:19,933 --> 00:14:22,267 This is an intervention, Abe. 352 00:14:22,267 --> 00:14:24,833 You have a problem, and it needs to stop. 353 00:14:24,833 --> 00:14:27,100 I just need to stay up a few more hours. 354 00:14:27,100 --> 00:14:29,067 So you can stay up a few more hours after that. 355 00:14:29,067 --> 00:14:31,500 I'll sleep when I die. 356 00:14:31,500 --> 00:14:33,567 You'll die if you don't sleep! 357 00:14:33,567 --> 00:14:34,667 [sniffling] 358 00:14:34,667 --> 00:14:36,967 Abe, remember how I was so excited 359 00:14:36,967 --> 00:14:38,633 about seeing the movie American Pie 360 00:14:38,633 --> 00:14:40,867 that I couldn't sleep the night before? 361 00:14:40,867 --> 00:14:44,567 And remember that scene where the guy has sex with the pie? 362 00:14:44,567 --> 00:14:46,233 Well, I don't, 363 00:14:46,233 --> 00:14:50,167 because I fell asleep in the theater. 364 00:14:50,167 --> 00:14:51,767 Why didn't you just rent it? 365 00:14:53,900 --> 00:14:55,800 [door bangs, footsteps squeaking] 366 00:14:55,800 --> 00:14:58,167 I've got a story too, Abe, 367 00:14:58,167 --> 00:15:01,300 a delicious story that I've been tantalizingly close 368 00:15:01,300 --> 00:15:04,200 to revealing for too long. 369 00:15:04,200 --> 00:15:06,067 Are you ready? 370 00:15:06,067 --> 00:15:07,133 Here it comes. 371 00:15:07,133 --> 00:15:08,433 [tender piano music] 372 00:15:08,433 --> 00:15:10,133 [driving rock music] 373 00:15:10,133 --> 00:15:11,467 [screeching] 374 00:15:11,467 --> 00:15:13,200 [electronic warbling] 375 00:15:13,200 --> 00:15:16,433 More tea, Wesley? 376 00:15:16,433 --> 00:15:18,067 Ah! 377 00:15:18,067 --> 00:15:19,567 Chamomile! 378 00:15:19,567 --> 00:15:20,833 * 379 00:15:20,833 --> 00:15:24,300 [hammer banging] 380 00:15:24,300 --> 00:15:25,867 [bang] 381 00:15:25,867 --> 00:15:27,600 Ah! 382 00:15:27,600 --> 00:15:28,600 Dust! 383 00:15:28,600 --> 00:15:29,967 * 384 00:15:29,967 --> 00:15:31,067 [whirring] 385 00:15:31,067 --> 00:15:32,400 [clink] 386 00:15:32,400 --> 00:15:34,133 [speaking gibberish] 387 00:15:34,133 --> 00:15:36,800 [cackling] 388 00:15:36,800 --> 00:15:40,633 [saw buzzing] 389 00:15:40,633 --> 00:15:41,833 Okay. 390 00:15:41,833 --> 00:15:44,067 Here's my story. 391 00:15:44,067 --> 00:15:46,933 You know how I was at camp last summer? 392 00:15:46,933 --> 00:15:48,700 It was a sleepaway camp. 393 00:15:48,700 --> 00:15:50,100 - [gasps] - That's right. 394 00:15:50,100 --> 00:15:53,233 A camp for people with sleeping problems. 395 00:15:53,233 --> 00:15:54,967 At first, I used to stay up just socially, 396 00:15:54,967 --> 00:15:57,067 but--but then I'd cut class to sneak out 397 00:15:57,067 --> 00:15:59,067 to the parking lot and stay awake. 398 00:15:59,067 --> 00:16:02,800 Finally, they found me one day, faceup in the gutter, 399 00:16:02,800 --> 00:16:04,667 wide awake! 400 00:16:04,667 --> 00:16:06,433 And there's something else. 401 00:16:06,433 --> 00:16:07,967 There's-- [gasps] 402 00:16:07,967 --> 00:16:09,400 There's this. 403 00:16:09,400 --> 00:16:12,800 My judgment was so poor due to sleep deprivation 404 00:16:12,800 --> 00:16:15,300 that I actually paid money for this! 405 00:16:15,300 --> 00:16:19,267 Joan, I had no idea. 406 00:16:19,267 --> 00:16:20,667 Give me that pillow. 407 00:16:20,667 --> 00:16:23,833 [gentle music] 408 00:16:23,833 --> 00:16:26,700 * 409 00:16:26,700 --> 00:16:28,233 Why is he looking at that pie all funny? 410 00:16:28,233 --> 00:16:30,867 [zipper buzzes] - Oh, my God! 411 00:16:30,867 --> 00:16:32,833 Oh, no, he didn't! 412 00:16:32,833 --> 00:16:37,200 [laughing] 413 00:16:37,200 --> 00:16:39,100 Oh, you fool! 414 00:16:39,100 --> 00:16:40,200 [laughing] 415 00:16:40,200 --> 00:16:41,833 I'm gonna go check on Abe. 416 00:16:43,467 --> 00:16:44,467 [gasps] 417 00:16:44,467 --> 00:16:45,867 [dramatic musical flourish] 418 00:16:45,867 --> 00:16:47,433 [wind whistles] 419 00:16:47,433 --> 00:16:48,933 * 420 00:16:48,933 --> 00:16:51,067 [tender piano music] 421 00:16:51,067 --> 00:16:54,233 [Scangrade cackling] 422 00:16:54,233 --> 00:16:56,933 I have one final request. 423 00:16:56,933 --> 00:17:00,067 Can you answer a multiple-choice question? 424 00:17:00,067 --> 00:17:03,433 I'm Scangrade! I grade tests for a living. 425 00:17:03,433 --> 00:17:06,100 Are you, "A," handsome, 426 00:17:06,100 --> 00:17:07,733 B, smart, 427 00:17:07,733 --> 00:17:09,500 C, scrap metal, 428 00:17:09,500 --> 00:17:12,467 or, D, all of the above? 429 00:17:12,467 --> 00:17:13,900 That's easy! 430 00:17:13,900 --> 00:17:17,833 I'm A and B but not C, 431 00:17:17,833 --> 00:17:20,067 so I can't be all of the above. 432 00:17:20,067 --> 00:17:21,567 But... 433 00:17:21,567 --> 00:17:24,167 you can't fill in two ovals! 434 00:17:24,167 --> 00:17:25,900 No! 435 00:17:28,067 --> 00:17:30,567 [gagging] 436 00:17:30,567 --> 00:17:31,767 [tear squeaks] 437 00:17:31,767 --> 00:17:34,400 [explosion booms] 438 00:17:34,400 --> 00:17:36,933 The answer is C, 439 00:17:36,933 --> 00:17:38,467 you [bleep] wad. 440 00:17:38,467 --> 00:17:40,200 [energetic music] 441 00:17:40,200 --> 00:17:41,800 (Cleo) First one to cross the finish line 442 00:17:41,800 --> 00:17:42,833 gets a date with me. 443 00:17:42,833 --> 00:17:43,967 [engine revving] 444 00:17:43,967 --> 00:17:45,967 If you both die, I will mourn the corpse 445 00:17:45,967 --> 00:17:47,767 closest to the finish line. 446 00:17:47,767 --> 00:17:48,900 [engines revving] 447 00:17:48,900 --> 00:17:50,133 Abe, you haven't slept. 448 00:17:50,133 --> 00:17:51,867 You'll kill yourself. 449 00:17:51,867 --> 00:17:54,333 This is the last thing I have to do. 450 00:17:54,333 --> 00:17:55,600 Whoo! 451 00:17:55,600 --> 00:17:57,200 [tires squealing] 452 00:17:57,200 --> 00:17:59,767 Or the last thing you'll ever do. 453 00:17:59,767 --> 00:18:01,833 * 454 00:18:01,833 --> 00:18:02,967 [rock music] 455 00:18:02,967 --> 00:18:05,100 He was too sleepy to be driving. 456 00:18:05,100 --> 00:18:06,867 He's a cripple now. 457 00:18:06,867 --> 00:18:10,733 A cripple... 458 00:18:10,733 --> 00:18:13,733 I never saw him have sex with a pie. 459 00:18:13,733 --> 00:18:15,067 Sex with a pie. 460 00:18:15,067 --> 00:18:18,100 Sex...pie... 461 00:18:18,100 --> 00:18:20,600 Wazzup? 462 00:18:20,600 --> 00:18:23,333 Wazzup? 463 00:18:23,333 --> 00:18:25,733 Wazzup? 464 00:18:25,733 --> 00:18:27,367 * 465 00:18:27,367 --> 00:18:29,100 Maybe I do have a problem. 466 00:18:29,100 --> 00:18:31,467 [echoing] Problem... 467 00:18:31,467 --> 00:18:33,700 [upbeat rock music] 468 00:18:36,100 --> 00:18:38,367 [snoring] 469 00:18:38,367 --> 00:18:41,067 Swee, swee, swee-swee-swee-swee, swee-swee-swee. 470 00:18:41,067 --> 00:18:42,400 Ha-ha-ha-ha! 471 00:18:42,400 --> 00:18:45,667 Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedys! 472 00:18:45,667 --> 00:18:46,667 Whoa! 473 00:18:46,667 --> 00:18:48,067 [crash] 474 00:18:48,067 --> 00:18:50,667 [wind whistling] 475 00:18:50,667 --> 00:18:53,067 [crickets chirping] 476 00:18:53,067 --> 00:18:54,900 [bright orchestral music] 477 00:18:54,900 --> 00:18:55,933 [yawns] 478 00:18:55,933 --> 00:18:57,700 [engine turns over] 479 00:18:57,700 --> 00:19:00,767 [upbeat music] 480 00:19:00,767 --> 00:19:03,733 * 481 00:19:03,733 --> 00:19:06,067 [crowd cheering] 482 00:19:06,067 --> 00:19:07,600 Abe, you won! 483 00:19:07,600 --> 00:19:09,300 I'm all yours. 484 00:19:09,300 --> 00:19:10,667 I did win 485 00:19:10,667 --> 00:19:12,533 because I did the right thing. 486 00:19:12,533 --> 00:19:14,967 I pulled over, and I took a nap. 487 00:19:14,967 --> 00:19:17,467 And I owe it all to my pal Joan. 488 00:19:17,467 --> 00:19:20,200 Thanks, Joan, wherever you are. 489 00:19:20,200 --> 00:19:21,833 I'm right here. 490 00:19:21,833 --> 00:19:25,767 So you are, Joan. So you are. 491 00:19:25,767 --> 00:19:28,433 So what do you want to do on our date? 492 00:19:28,433 --> 00:19:32,467 I was thinking we could sleep together. 493 00:19:32,467 --> 00:19:35,433 [both laughing] 494 00:19:35,433 --> 00:19:37,467 Oh, funny. 495 00:19:37,467 --> 00:19:40,567 No, seriously, can we sleep together? 496 00:19:40,567 --> 00:19:41,767 Hey, creepy trucker. 497 00:19:41,767 --> 00:19:43,600 I aced the PXJTs. 498 00:19:43,600 --> 00:19:44,967 I aced 'em! 499 00:19:44,967 --> 00:19:47,433 Maybe some day you'll be a Rhodes scholar 500 00:19:47,433 --> 00:19:48,433 like me. 501 00:19:48,433 --> 00:19:50,300 Ha-ha, good pun. 502 00:19:50,300 --> 00:19:52,600 Pun? Heck, no. 503 00:19:52,600 --> 00:19:54,633 I studied at Oxford. 504 00:19:54,633 --> 00:19:57,167 Truckers don't make puns, Gandhi. 505 00:19:57,167 --> 00:19:58,400 We make deliveries. 506 00:19:58,400 --> 00:20:00,800 But wait. I never got your name. 507 00:20:00,800 --> 00:20:02,633 The name's... 508 00:20:02,633 --> 00:20:03,800 [echoing] Prepcourse. 509 00:20:03,800 --> 00:20:04,967 But... 510 00:20:04,967 --> 00:20:08,400 Doug Prepcourse died 40 years ago. 511 00:20:08,400 --> 00:20:10,200 [gasps] 512 00:20:10,200 --> 00:20:13,200 [eerie music] 513 00:20:13,200 --> 00:20:17,567 * 514 00:20:17,567 --> 00:20:19,067 [echoing] Keep on truckin', Gandhi. 515 00:20:19,067 --> 00:20:21,033 [slurps] 516 00:20:21,033 --> 00:20:22,367 Keep on truckin'. 517 00:20:24,167 --> 00:20:27,567 (narrator) Next week, on a very special Clone High... 518 00:20:27,567 --> 00:20:30,167 A mysterious male stranger comes to town, 519 00:20:30,167 --> 00:20:31,867 and he's brought a surprise ending with him 520 00:20:31,867 --> 00:20:33,433 that will shock you. 521 00:20:33,433 --> 00:20:36,667 Will her secret-- wait, did I just say "her"? 522 00:20:36,667 --> 00:20:40,033 Oh, boy, that was the one thing I wasn't supposed to tell you. 523 00:20:40,033 --> 00:20:41,500 I ruin everything! 524 00:20:41,500 --> 00:20:43,267 Like when I spoiled The Sixth Sense 525 00:20:43,267 --> 00:20:44,633 for my friend Steve. 526 00:20:44,633 --> 00:20:47,367 He specifically asked me to not reveal the end. 527 00:20:47,367 --> 00:20:51,133 Stupid, really stupid! 528 00:20:51,133 --> 00:20:53,367 Why do we do this live? 529 00:20:53,367 --> 00:20:56,000 (Abandoned Pools singing) * Way, way back in the 1980s 530 00:20:56,000 --> 00:20:58,933 * Secret government employees * 531 00:20:58,933 --> 00:21:01,733 * Dug up famous guys and ladies * 532 00:21:01,733 --> 00:21:04,733 * And made amusing genetic copies * 533 00:21:04,733 --> 00:21:07,633 * Now the clones are sexy teens now * 534 00:21:07,633 --> 00:21:10,600 * They're gonna make it if they try * 535 00:21:10,600 --> 00:21:13,467 * Loving, learning, sharing, judging * 536 00:21:13,467 --> 00:21:19,700 * Time to laugh and shiver and cry * 537 00:21:19,700 --> 00:21:22,867 * Clone High