1 00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:31,526 Twelve years of war. 2 00:00:33,599 --> 00:00:37,590 Twelve years since Emperor Shaddam the Fourth was defeated... 3 00:00:37,699 --> 00:00:42,409 and Paul Muad'dib's wild Fremen spread out across the universe... 4 00:00:42,433 --> 00:00:47,076 exterminating all that remained of the old imperial armies... 5 00:00:47,100 --> 00:00:49,343 colonizing the planets of the known universe... 6 00:00:49,367 --> 00:00:52,643 one by one under his rule... 7 00:00:52,667 --> 00:00:55,010 sweeping away anything... 8 00:00:55,034 --> 00:00:57,619 and anyone who resisted. 9 00:01:07,333 --> 00:01:09,542 Millions have been defeated. 10 00:01:09,566 --> 00:01:12,642 Millions more have been slaughtered. 11 00:01:12,666 --> 00:01:15,192 There are no innocents anywhere. 12 00:01:16,100 --> 00:01:20,376 And the name of Muad'dib is no longer a prayer. 13 00:01:20,400 --> 00:01:23,542 For many, it is now a curse. 14 00:01:31,835 --> 00:01:34,542 The mercy of Muad'dib... 15 00:01:34,566 --> 00:01:37,710 is on our worst enemies. 16 00:01:37,734 --> 00:01:40,409 The compassion of Muad'dib... 17 00:01:40,433 --> 00:01:42,676 Commander Farok, the conversions have begun. 18 00:01:42,700 --> 00:01:45,510 Anyone refusing the peace of Muad'dib will be executed. 19 00:01:45,534 --> 00:01:47,289 So it is written. 20 00:01:47,300 --> 00:01:51,277 You who deny the glory of Muad'dib... 21 00:01:51,301 --> 00:01:53,886 are condemned to death. 22 00:01:54,534 --> 00:01:58,210 Sir, your son... 23 00:01:58,234 --> 00:01:59,504 He's been wounded. 24 00:02:30,866 --> 00:02:34,010 My eyes! My eyes! 25 00:02:34,034 --> 00:02:36,205 I'm blind, Father. I'm blind! 26 00:02:37,402 --> 00:02:41,844 Don't give me to the desert, Father. Please! 27 00:02:41,868 --> 00:02:43,968 Don't send me to die. 28 00:02:53,068 --> 00:02:55,544 If history teaches us anything... 29 00:02:55,568 --> 00:02:57,288 it is simply this... 30 00:02:57,301 --> 00:03:01,612 Every revolution carries within it the seeds of its own destruction. 31 00:03:01,636 --> 00:03:05,620 And empires that rise will one day fall. 32 00:03:10,069 --> 00:03:12,545 Arrakis. 33 00:03:12,569 --> 00:03:14,466 Dune. 34 00:03:14,470 --> 00:03:17,477 Once the wasteland of the universe... 35 00:03:17,501 --> 00:03:20,345 now an imperial capital. 36 00:03:20,369 --> 00:03:24,645 For it is here and only here that giant worms still roam... 37 00:03:24,669 --> 00:03:27,978 creating spice... 38 00:03:28,002 --> 00:03:31,478 still the greatest treasure in the universe... 39 00:03:31,502 --> 00:03:34,278 still the cause of conspiracy... 40 00:03:34,302 --> 00:03:37,409 betrayal and murder. 41 00:06:05,269 --> 00:06:08,211 - The holy sister! - Alia! 42 00:06:18,004 --> 00:06:21,846 In the beginning, we were all empty. 43 00:06:21,870 --> 00:06:25,280 Ignorant of all things. 44 00:06:25,304 --> 00:06:29,847 We did not know the power that resides in every place. 45 00:06:29,871 --> 00:06:32,047 And in all time. 46 00:06:32,071 --> 00:06:35,514 He is the power that awakens the soul. 47 00:06:35,538 --> 00:06:38,123 And brings us joy. 48 00:07:10,271 --> 00:07:14,081 Muad'dib! I don't suppose you feel it's necessary to inform me... 49 00:07:14,105 --> 00:07:16,213 when you go on these walkabouts. 50 00:07:16,237 --> 00:07:19,881 You'd only try and stop me... again. 51 00:07:19,905 --> 00:07:22,881 - The streets are full of danger. - Truth is in the streets, Stil... 52 00:07:22,905 --> 00:07:26,715 not in this parade of sycophants who flutter around this palace... 53 00:07:26,739 --> 00:07:29,715 with their meaningless statistics and empty ritual. 54 00:07:29,739 --> 00:07:32,815 Ritual is the way by which men are enlightened, Muad'dib. 55 00:07:32,839 --> 00:07:35,147 Tell me, Korba... 56 00:07:35,171 --> 00:07:38,981 when was it you reinvented yourself from Fremen Fedaykin to religious fanatic? 57 00:07:39,005 --> 00:07:43,481 The day you defeated Shaddam and his armies, Muad'dib. 58 00:07:43,505 --> 00:07:45,711 The day I saw the future. 59 00:07:49,772 --> 00:07:52,881 The city's filled with adventurers, Muad'dib. 60 00:07:52,905 --> 00:07:57,916 Not to mention agents of the Spacing Guild, the Bene Gesserit... 61 00:07:57,940 --> 00:08:00,214 and the former imperial family. 62 00:08:00,238 --> 00:08:03,448 Surely they conspire to something a little more elegant... 63 00:08:03,472 --> 00:08:06,449 than assassination on the streets of Arakeen. 64 00:08:07,739 --> 00:08:10,915 You are vulnerable, Muad'dib. 65 00:08:10,939 --> 00:08:14,148 No matter how powerful you have become... 66 00:08:14,172 --> 00:08:16,212 you cannot escape this simple fact. 67 00:08:17,505 --> 00:08:19,925 You're right about one thing, Stil. 68 00:08:21,472 --> 00:08:23,405 There is no escape. 69 00:08:51,972 --> 00:08:54,213 I'm not asleep. 70 00:08:55,872 --> 00:08:59,263 I thought the doctors said you were supposed to rest. 71 00:09:00,239 --> 00:09:04,415 As long as you insist on wandering the city like some off-world pilgrim... 72 00:09:04,439 --> 00:09:07,649 I will never be able to rest. 73 00:09:07,673 --> 00:09:10,198 Are you going to lecture me too? 74 00:09:22,039 --> 00:09:25,845 While I was walking, I stepped in a puddle. 75 00:09:29,873 --> 00:09:33,537 An open pool of water in the street. 76 00:09:35,574 --> 00:09:40,416 Muad'dib has brought many wonders to Arrakis, the people say. 77 00:09:40,440 --> 00:09:43,482 Muad'dib spends water like a madman. 78 00:09:43,506 --> 00:09:47,083 That's what they say, Chani. 79 00:09:47,107 --> 00:09:50,449 The old Fremen. 80 00:09:50,473 --> 00:09:52,573 I hear them... 81 00:09:52,574 --> 00:09:54,994 in the streets when I walk. 82 00:09:56,173 --> 00:09:58,972 We've become water-fat. 83 00:10:03,107 --> 00:10:06,948 They resent the wonders I've brought to their desert. 84 00:10:09,406 --> 00:10:11,860 They resent me. 85 00:10:17,606 --> 00:10:20,475 You know what I'd pay to end these wars? 86 00:10:25,273 --> 00:10:29,185 To separate myself from this... 87 00:10:29,209 --> 00:10:32,386 damnable myth I've become? 88 00:10:36,074 --> 00:10:39,117 What's to stop you? 89 00:10:39,141 --> 00:10:41,483 Command it, Muad'dib. 90 00:10:41,507 --> 00:10:43,263 After all, you are the emperor. 91 00:10:48,174 --> 00:10:52,716 Even if I vanished tomorrow, the revolution would follow my ghost. 92 00:10:56,174 --> 00:10:58,972 This is not a clean place. 93 00:11:02,074 --> 00:11:05,484 It's time to return to the desert. 94 00:11:05,508 --> 00:11:07,678 We were happy there. 95 00:11:34,241 --> 00:11:35,297 Father. 96 00:11:38,974 --> 00:11:41,535 I'm waiting and I'm ready. 97 00:11:44,677 --> 00:11:47,475 To know the future is to be trapped by it. 98 00:11:51,174 --> 00:11:54,483 But knowing there's a trap is the first step in evading it. 99 00:11:54,507 --> 00:11:57,934 It's the first step along the Golden Path. 100 00:11:58,909 --> 00:12:02,229 I'm the answer. I'm ready, Father. 101 00:12:02,909 --> 00:12:04,665 And I am ready, Father. 102 00:12:07,408 --> 00:12:09,719 The answer's standing right in front of you... 103 00:12:09,743 --> 00:12:12,268 in the Golden Path. 104 00:12:37,742 --> 00:12:40,019 Is there no other way? 105 00:13:09,209 --> 00:13:13,285 Everywhere we turn, his power confronts us. 106 00:13:13,309 --> 00:13:16,552 - He's a curse. - He's a messiah. 107 00:13:16,576 --> 00:13:19,620 You can't launch a frontal attack on a messiah. 108 00:13:19,644 --> 00:13:22,320 Even if you succeed, their martyrdom remains. 109 00:13:22,344 --> 00:13:25,286 But he is human, and because he is human... 110 00:13:25,310 --> 00:13:27,586 he has his weaknesses. 111 00:13:27,610 --> 00:13:30,920 So, what do you suggest, Princess? 112 00:13:30,944 --> 00:13:34,252 Something subtle. Something... 113 00:13:34,276 --> 00:13:36,730 unexpected. 114 00:13:38,376 --> 00:13:40,309 A ghost, perhaps. 115 00:13:42,275 --> 00:13:46,286 May I introduce our friend, Reverend Mother, Scytale of the Tleilaxu. 116 00:13:46,310 --> 00:13:48,886 Get to the point, Wencisia. 117 00:13:48,910 --> 00:13:51,719 I haven't traveled all the way to the edge of the universe... 118 00:13:51,743 --> 00:13:56,286 to discuss nonsense with a face dancer. 119 00:13:56,310 --> 00:14:01,252 You Bene Gesserit are desperate to regain control of Muad'dib's bloodline... 120 00:14:01,276 --> 00:14:05,152 and because you want to break his monopoly on spice. 121 00:14:05,176 --> 00:14:08,319 He who controls the spice controls the universe. 122 00:14:08,343 --> 00:14:10,886 As long as Muad'dib controls Arrakis... 123 00:14:10,910 --> 00:14:12,920 we are all at his mercy. 124 00:14:12,944 --> 00:14:16,520 And that's why I intend to destroy that domination... 125 00:14:16,544 --> 00:14:19,787 and return the imperial throne to the planet Kaitain... 126 00:14:19,811 --> 00:14:22,953 and the Corrino family, where it rightfully belongs. 127 00:14:26,442 --> 00:14:28,686 Face dancers, sex toys... 128 00:14:28,710 --> 00:14:31,271 musicians, technicians... 129 00:14:32,177 --> 00:14:35,221 Whatever the need... 130 00:14:35,245 --> 00:14:37,415 we have the breed. 131 00:14:41,811 --> 00:14:45,554 - Good gods! - Good chemistry is more like it. 132 00:14:45,578 --> 00:14:47,440 Duncan Idaho. 133 00:14:47,443 --> 00:14:49,954 Yes, the Atreides hero. 134 00:14:49,978 --> 00:14:53,687 Paul Muad'dib's most beloved friend and teacher. 135 00:14:53,711 --> 00:14:55,886 But Idaho is dead. 136 00:14:55,910 --> 00:14:58,053 Killed by your father's Sardukar. 137 00:14:58,077 --> 00:15:02,355 Even in defeat, my father's men did not abandon wisdom, Reverend Mother. 138 00:15:02,379 --> 00:15:07,421 A few precious pieces of Idaho's ruined flesh... 139 00:15:07,445 --> 00:15:09,886 hidden away, saved... 140 00:15:09,910 --> 00:15:14,088 awaiting just the right time, the right place. 141 00:15:14,112 --> 00:15:17,252 Perfect duplicate. Perfect ghola. 142 00:15:17,276 --> 00:15:20,320 A perfect gift for a lonely emperor. 143 00:15:20,344 --> 00:15:23,253 A time bomb waiting for the trigger to explode. 144 00:15:23,277 --> 00:15:27,287 - You intend to kill Muad'dib? - Exactly. 145 00:15:27,311 --> 00:15:30,554 But that will mean chaos. 146 00:15:30,578 --> 00:15:34,721 - Spice production will be disrupted. - Learn the lesson my father ignored. 147 00:15:34,745 --> 00:15:37,188 It's not who controls the spice... 148 00:15:37,212 --> 00:15:41,421 but who has the ability to disrupt the spice who controls the universe. 149 00:15:41,445 --> 00:15:43,787 But what makes you think... 150 00:15:43,811 --> 00:15:48,188 Muad'dib will ever accept this... ghost? 151 00:15:48,212 --> 00:15:50,216 I'm leaving it up to the Spacing Guild. 152 00:15:51,444 --> 00:15:53,271 And what of the trigger? 153 00:15:53,279 --> 00:15:56,288 The device to set the time bomb off? 154 00:15:56,312 --> 00:15:58,317 Leave that to me. 155 00:16:43,545 --> 00:16:47,043 Test after test, and still nothing. 156 00:16:48,313 --> 00:16:52,022 I'm healthy, strong. 157 00:16:52,046 --> 00:16:55,254 No matter what they do, the doctors can't find the reason... 158 00:16:55,278 --> 00:16:58,055 why I'm unable to conceive. 159 00:16:58,079 --> 00:17:01,055 What does Muad'dib say? 160 00:17:01,079 --> 00:17:04,993 Muad'dib is afraid. 161 00:17:06,345 --> 00:17:09,523 He fears for me if I have another child. 162 00:17:10,413 --> 00:17:11,955 I can feel it. 163 00:17:11,979 --> 00:17:15,689 He may be right to fear. 164 00:17:15,713 --> 00:17:18,422 Someone has been feeding you a poison. 165 00:17:18,446 --> 00:17:20,273 It's the only possibility left. 166 00:17:20,879 --> 00:17:23,821 But the doctors have never found evidence. 167 00:17:24,712 --> 00:17:26,254 They wouldn't. 168 00:17:26,279 --> 00:17:29,322 Its traces are subtle, confusing. 169 00:17:29,346 --> 00:17:31,955 Of the most sophisticated chemistry. 170 00:17:31,979 --> 00:17:34,689 Beyond their knowledge. 171 00:17:34,713 --> 00:17:36,125 Surely from off-world. 172 00:17:37,246 --> 00:17:39,422 But... 173 00:17:39,446 --> 00:17:42,316 there are remedies. 174 00:17:42,880 --> 00:17:45,789 The ancient Fremen diet... 175 00:17:45,813 --> 00:17:48,457 which might overcome the contraceptive's effects. 176 00:17:48,481 --> 00:17:51,488 But it's dangerous. 177 00:17:51,512 --> 00:17:55,589 You would be required to eat greater and greater quantities of spice. 178 00:17:55,613 --> 00:17:57,557 And if you conceive... 179 00:17:57,581 --> 00:18:00,485 it will accelerate your pregnancy. 180 00:18:03,680 --> 00:18:05,689 But the question remains... 181 00:18:05,713 --> 00:18:10,456 who has been able to feed you the contraceptives for so long? 182 00:18:11,381 --> 00:18:13,657 Be that as it may... 183 00:18:13,681 --> 00:18:17,021 this is a question that cannot be delayed any longer. 184 00:18:17,045 --> 00:18:19,723 The great houses are still demanding... 185 00:18:19,747 --> 00:18:22,824 that a constitution be on the agenda... 186 00:18:22,848 --> 00:18:25,323 at the next convention of the Lansraad. 187 00:18:25,347 --> 00:18:27,624 It's nothing but a ruse... 188 00:18:27,648 --> 00:18:32,323 contrived by enemies of House Atreides to conceal far more sinister motives. 189 00:18:32,347 --> 00:18:34,908 Perhaps we could offer the appearance of a constitution. 190 00:18:36,681 --> 00:18:38,780 Something ceremonial. 191 00:18:40,448 --> 00:18:43,055 It doesn't need to be real. 192 00:18:43,079 --> 00:18:47,290 Deceit, after all, is a legitimate tool of statecraft. 193 00:18:47,314 --> 00:18:49,378 Bravo, sister-in-law. 194 00:18:49,380 --> 00:18:51,522 I couldn't have said it better. 195 00:18:51,546 --> 00:18:54,057 Yes, perhaps something at the local level. 196 00:18:54,081 --> 00:18:56,590 Something impotent, virtually meaningless. 197 00:18:56,614 --> 00:18:58,405 No! 198 00:18:58,414 --> 00:19:00,857 Atreides power must never be marginalized... 199 00:19:00,881 --> 00:19:03,257 by the chaos of democracy. 200 00:19:03,281 --> 00:19:07,301 - I'm sure my brother agrees. - Father. 201 00:19:13,214 --> 00:19:15,041 I'm waiting. 202 00:19:17,247 --> 00:19:18,765 You must decide. 203 00:19:20,548 --> 00:19:23,724 The first step. You can't wait. 204 00:19:23,748 --> 00:19:25,396 Along the Golden Path. 205 00:19:25,415 --> 00:19:27,992 The answer's standing right in front of you. 206 00:19:28,016 --> 00:19:30,364 But you must decide. 207 00:19:40,714 --> 00:19:45,092 Alia knows my mind. I forbid a constitution. 208 00:19:45,116 --> 00:19:48,258 Order in council this day, et cetera, et cetera. 209 00:19:48,282 --> 00:19:50,725 Irulan, are you taking this down? 210 00:19:50,749 --> 00:19:52,469 Yes, my lord. 211 00:19:54,016 --> 00:19:57,726 We will deliver the formal declaration when the Guild ambassador arrives... 212 00:19:57,750 --> 00:20:00,024 to present his credentials. 213 00:20:00,048 --> 00:20:02,158 Then... 214 00:20:02,182 --> 00:20:04,766 if there's nothing more... 215 00:20:16,348 --> 00:20:19,459 A Guild embassy, Muad'dib? 216 00:20:19,483 --> 00:20:21,345 On Arrakis? 217 00:20:22,249 --> 00:20:25,498 The Council of Naibs won't like this, Muad'dib. 218 00:20:27,049 --> 00:20:28,840 We remember well... 219 00:20:28,848 --> 00:20:32,625 how the Guild brought those who oppressed us... 220 00:20:32,649 --> 00:20:35,658 how they blackmailed us for spice... 221 00:20:35,682 --> 00:20:37,925 to keep our secrets from our enemies. 222 00:20:37,949 --> 00:20:40,084 Think I'd forgotten, Stil? 223 00:20:41,016 --> 00:20:45,901 This... decision troubles me, Muad'dib. 224 00:20:48,249 --> 00:20:50,657 There's something... 225 00:20:50,681 --> 00:20:52,614 reckless about it. 226 00:20:52,616 --> 00:20:54,957 Not reckless. 227 00:20:54,981 --> 00:20:56,702 Necessary. 228 00:20:58,082 --> 00:21:00,466 You'll know my reasons soon enough. 229 00:21:01,483 --> 00:21:05,392 No. I trust you'll convince the naibs... 230 00:21:05,416 --> 00:21:07,729 of the wisdom in this. 231 00:21:20,415 --> 00:21:22,976 A Guild ambassador, here on Arrakis. 232 00:21:24,116 --> 00:21:28,550 Muad'dib's decision strikes some as mysterious, even dangerous. 233 00:21:30,049 --> 00:21:33,547 But Muad'dib never does anything without reason. 234 00:21:35,249 --> 00:21:39,026 I should spill your water on the sand for what you've done. 235 00:21:39,050 --> 00:21:41,090 I know it was you, Irulan. 236 00:21:42,383 --> 00:21:45,459 You're the only one who could have hidden the poison. 237 00:21:45,483 --> 00:21:47,625 Don't lie! 238 00:21:47,649 --> 00:21:50,483 You will insult him if you lie. 239 00:21:51,849 --> 00:21:54,425 It is my right to bear the royal heir. 240 00:21:54,449 --> 00:21:57,093 It is your duty to play a role. Nothing more. 241 00:21:57,117 --> 00:21:59,559 - I am his wife! - You have his name. 242 00:21:59,583 --> 00:22:01,445 I am the one he calls "wife." 243 00:22:02,083 --> 00:22:05,581 Do you think you are the only woman who truly loves him? 244 00:22:12,049 --> 00:22:14,742 But I am the only woman he loves. 245 00:22:24,217 --> 00:22:26,281 I could cuckold him. 246 00:22:26,283 --> 00:22:28,382 Dare him to expose me. 247 00:22:32,051 --> 00:22:34,826 Cuckold him all you like... 248 00:22:34,850 --> 00:22:37,359 as long as you're discreet. 249 00:22:37,383 --> 00:22:39,518 He won't deny you. 250 00:22:40,450 --> 00:22:44,185 But no child, Irulan. Ever. 251 00:23:06,384 --> 00:23:08,926 So, what do you think, Tyekanik? 252 00:23:08,950 --> 00:23:13,093 Does my little prince have what it takes to lead a Sardukar army one day? 253 00:23:13,117 --> 00:23:15,809 There are many ways to lead an army, Princess. 254 00:23:17,450 --> 00:23:20,693 Being a warrior is only one of them. 255 00:23:20,717 --> 00:23:24,460 And not necessarily the best. 256 00:23:24,484 --> 00:23:27,425 Prince Farad'n. Your turn. 257 00:23:29,117 --> 00:23:31,927 Muad'dib's decision to accept a Guild ambassador... 258 00:23:31,951 --> 00:23:35,028 is causing much unrest on Arrakis. 259 00:23:35,052 --> 00:23:36,843 Good. 260 00:23:38,550 --> 00:23:42,356 Once the face dancer is insinuated into Muad'dib's palace... 261 00:23:44,052 --> 00:23:46,228 we shall light the fuse... 262 00:23:46,252 --> 00:23:48,636 and the Idaho ghola will do its work. 263 00:23:51,217 --> 00:23:53,326 Mom? Mommy? 264 00:23:53,350 --> 00:23:56,461 - What is this? - I'm sorry, Princess. 265 00:23:56,485 --> 00:23:58,661 The future emperor, crying? 266 00:23:58,685 --> 00:24:01,728 I don't want to be an emperor. Let someone else do it. 267 00:24:01,752 --> 00:24:03,128 Nonsense. 268 00:24:04,018 --> 00:24:07,527 Wipe your tears. Here. Getting all over me now. 269 00:24:07,551 --> 00:24:10,694 All right. Now, go back to your men. 270 00:24:10,718 --> 00:24:12,927 Go back. Go. 271 00:24:12,951 --> 00:24:16,693 Do you want the men to see you crying? Do you want them to think you're weak? 272 00:24:16,717 --> 00:24:18,402 I don't care. 273 00:24:23,452 --> 00:24:24,970 Well, I do. 274 00:24:26,084 --> 00:24:28,427 So now you will go back... 275 00:24:28,451 --> 00:24:31,694 and this time... 276 00:24:31,718 --> 00:24:33,236 you will do it properly. 277 00:24:33,252 --> 00:24:35,044 Won't you? 278 00:25:16,318 --> 00:25:20,373 Commander Farok, hero of the Naraj campaign. 279 00:25:21,219 --> 00:25:25,695 I bring you greetings from your new friends on Salusa Secundus. 280 00:25:25,719 --> 00:25:29,454 Hurry. The eyes of Muad'dib are everywhere. 281 00:25:37,952 --> 00:25:42,562 These are seats once occupied in sietch by Muad'dib... 282 00:25:42,586 --> 00:25:46,062 during the days when he taught us the weirding way. 283 00:25:46,086 --> 00:25:49,562 It is some time since you've seen him. 284 00:25:49,586 --> 00:25:53,119 I think he's forgotten I ever existed. 285 00:25:56,085 --> 00:26:00,105 He's blind. Your son. 286 00:26:04,551 --> 00:26:07,462 At the Battle of Naraj. 287 00:26:07,486 --> 00:26:09,348 I wonder if Muad'dib knows... 288 00:26:09,353 --> 00:26:12,400 how many have been maimed in his name. 289 00:26:13,586 --> 00:26:16,496 I couldn't leave him to the desert. 290 00:26:16,520 --> 00:26:19,196 Even I violated the old laws. 291 00:26:19,220 --> 00:26:22,089 The laws of men have gone. 292 00:26:22,987 --> 00:26:26,094 The laws of a god have replaced them. 293 00:26:27,818 --> 00:26:31,562 We were a noble people once. 294 00:26:31,586 --> 00:26:33,378 We had a proper sietch. 295 00:26:34,253 --> 00:26:36,397 I owned a chrysknife. 296 00:26:36,421 --> 00:26:38,762 My own share of spice. 297 00:26:38,786 --> 00:26:41,311 I was a rider of worms. 298 00:26:43,487 --> 00:26:46,796 And then Muad'dib came... 299 00:26:46,820 --> 00:26:49,363 with his witch mother. 300 00:26:49,387 --> 00:26:52,996 And he promised to fulfill Liet's prophesy. 301 00:26:53,020 --> 00:26:55,155 And we followed. 302 00:26:56,152 --> 00:26:59,763 - You joined his jihad? - Do you know why? 303 00:26:59,787 --> 00:27:04,696 I heard there was a thing called a sea. 304 00:27:04,720 --> 00:27:09,164 Men came back from Muad'dib's wars, and they said they had seen it. 305 00:27:09,188 --> 00:27:12,092 And did you find your sea? 306 00:27:13,789 --> 00:27:16,296 It healed me of jihad. 307 00:27:16,320 --> 00:27:18,930 Now I'm ready to help rid the universe... 308 00:27:18,954 --> 00:27:22,430 of the cancer that is Muad'dib! 309 00:27:22,454 --> 00:27:24,589 And that is Othyem's daughter? 310 00:27:25,254 --> 00:27:26,559 Lichna. 311 00:27:26,589 --> 00:27:28,930 If you bring her to Muad'dib... 312 00:27:28,954 --> 00:27:31,931 he will never refuse to see her. 313 00:27:32,987 --> 00:27:34,635 I was hoping that's what you'd say. 314 00:27:50,688 --> 00:27:54,672 Lichna. I will enjoy being called Lichna. 315 00:28:06,855 --> 00:28:09,497 What is the meaning of this? 316 00:28:09,521 --> 00:28:12,296 Helen Gaius Mohiam of the Bene Gesserit... 317 00:28:12,320 --> 00:28:14,831 you have violated Muad'dib's eternal order... 318 00:28:14,855 --> 00:28:16,763 never to set foot on Arrakis again. 319 00:28:16,787 --> 00:28:20,063 I am not on Arrakis. I am in free space. 320 00:28:20,087 --> 00:28:24,237 There is no such thing as free space where Muad'dib rules. 321 00:29:12,023 --> 00:29:14,898 I abase myself before the emperor. 322 00:29:14,922 --> 00:29:17,866 We welcome you to our court, Edric of the Spacing Guild... 323 00:29:17,890 --> 00:29:20,732 and to a new understanding between us. 324 00:29:20,756 --> 00:29:24,131 Please allow me the honor of presenting His Majesty... 325 00:29:24,155 --> 00:29:27,511 with a small token of our esteem. 326 00:29:39,957 --> 00:29:45,232 According to our investigators, this one was killed here on Arrakis... 327 00:29:45,256 --> 00:29:48,933 the body recovered after the unfortunate conflict... 328 00:29:48,957 --> 00:29:52,135 between Houses Atreides and Harkonnen. 329 00:29:53,590 --> 00:29:59,098 Terrible wounds required many months of regrowth by Tleilaxu technicians. 330 00:29:59,122 --> 00:30:03,521 We acquired him as a gift befitting an emperor. 331 00:30:14,357 --> 00:30:16,254 What is your name, ghola? 332 00:30:16,256 --> 00:30:18,426 They say it was Duncan Idaho. 333 00:30:19,489 --> 00:30:21,553 Idaho is dead! 334 00:30:21,555 --> 00:30:24,032 This thing... 335 00:30:24,056 --> 00:30:25,999 is a horror! 336 00:30:26,023 --> 00:30:27,221 Send him away! 337 00:30:29,289 --> 00:30:31,258 And do you enjoy the name? 338 00:30:31,258 --> 00:30:33,598 It stirs up curious feelings. 339 00:30:33,622 --> 00:30:35,413 You don't know who you are? 340 00:30:36,057 --> 00:30:38,026 I know nothing of my past, sire. 341 00:30:40,090 --> 00:30:42,399 How is this one trained? 342 00:30:42,423 --> 00:30:46,531 It amused the Tleilaxu to train him as a mentat. 343 00:30:46,555 --> 00:30:50,361 I beg you, my lord! Let me take its water. 344 00:30:54,922 --> 00:30:57,333 Find quarters in the keep for the ghola, Stil. 345 00:30:57,357 --> 00:31:01,400 We accept this gift in the spirit with which it was given. 346 00:31:01,424 --> 00:31:05,001 Majesty, there is the matter of Reverend Mother Mohiam. 347 00:31:05,025 --> 00:31:07,898 She was removed from our highliner by your agents... 348 00:31:07,922 --> 00:31:10,099 in violation of our neutrality. 349 00:31:10,123 --> 00:31:12,432 Be careful, Ambassador. 350 00:31:12,456 --> 00:31:14,866 To be neutral is to be indifferent. 351 00:31:14,890 --> 00:31:19,432 You would do well to disassociate yourself from those who are not. 352 00:31:20,691 --> 00:31:25,333 As you will learn, Edric, my sister has the pulse of the court. 353 00:31:25,357 --> 00:31:27,491 Be advised. 354 00:31:42,024 --> 00:31:43,993 Reverend Mother. 355 00:31:46,258 --> 00:31:48,801 I shudder to see you in such circumstances. 356 00:31:48,825 --> 00:31:51,066 I've been in worse. 357 00:31:51,657 --> 00:31:54,598 Did the cards answer all your questions? 358 00:31:56,292 --> 00:31:59,132 Answers only breed more questions. 359 00:31:59,156 --> 00:32:03,211 What is important is how one navigates between the two. 360 00:32:04,623 --> 00:32:09,579 So, you haven't forgotten everything we taught you. 361 00:32:12,624 --> 00:32:15,837 Has the emperor explained why I'm to be detained? 362 00:32:17,892 --> 00:32:20,400 He has not confided in me, Reverend Mother. 363 00:32:20,424 --> 00:32:23,602 But I hope it won't be too long. 364 00:32:24,591 --> 00:32:27,248 We understand. 365 00:32:28,391 --> 00:32:31,400 The sisterhood is aware of my delay? 366 00:32:31,424 --> 00:32:35,401 They have changed your schedule in light of the situation. 367 00:32:35,425 --> 00:32:38,852 I'll be patient then. 368 00:32:39,592 --> 00:32:42,841 You seem to be adapting to life here quite well. 369 00:32:48,092 --> 00:32:49,740 I have made my peace with it. 370 00:32:50,758 --> 00:32:53,567 I hope your training has been a help. 371 00:32:53,591 --> 00:32:55,734 A comfort. 372 00:32:55,758 --> 00:32:59,706 One day, even Muad'dib will know the good you've done. 373 00:33:00,258 --> 00:33:01,871 For us all. 374 00:34:47,794 --> 00:34:50,003 Do you know how dangerous that was? 375 00:34:50,027 --> 00:34:51,889 Eleven blades, Paul! 376 00:34:51,894 --> 00:34:53,542 Eleven! 377 00:34:56,827 --> 00:35:00,637 The finest swordsmen in the imperium have not gone up against more than nine. 378 00:35:00,661 --> 00:35:04,669 Experienced swordsmen would never have been so reckless. 379 00:35:04,693 --> 00:35:07,802 This is why you invaded my privacy? 380 00:35:07,826 --> 00:35:10,802 To disapprove of my recklessness? 381 00:35:12,393 --> 00:35:16,070 - A body was found in the desert. - A young woman. 382 00:35:16,094 --> 00:35:18,837 - A Fremen. - Fremen? 383 00:35:18,861 --> 00:35:22,038 Decapitated and her hands removed. 384 00:35:23,094 --> 00:35:26,403 So someone was afraid she'd be found before the desert does its work. 385 00:35:26,427 --> 00:35:30,197 I want you to examine the scene the way our mother taught us. 386 00:35:34,159 --> 00:35:37,101 You will take the ghola mentat with you. 387 00:35:38,527 --> 00:35:41,112 I assume you can handle him. 388 00:35:47,595 --> 00:35:49,280 I should arrange a thopter. 389 00:36:16,093 --> 00:36:17,505 Poisoned! 390 00:36:18,461 --> 00:36:21,636 - How can you tell? - The molting of the skin. 391 00:36:21,660 --> 00:36:24,970 Clearly the effect of rapid neurological atrophy. 392 00:36:24,994 --> 00:36:27,235 A Tleilaxu specialty. 393 00:36:28,161 --> 00:36:32,104 Tleilaxu? Face dancers. 394 00:36:32,128 --> 00:36:34,904 This is a dead Fremen girl, my lady. 395 00:36:34,928 --> 00:36:39,741 What if there are no women reported missing amongst the Fremen? 396 00:36:43,294 --> 00:36:46,103 Othyem's daughter, my lord. 397 00:36:46,127 --> 00:36:49,270 - Lichna. - It's been years since I've seen you. 398 00:36:49,294 --> 00:36:50,979 And my father. 399 00:36:53,461 --> 00:36:57,161 I must beg Muad'dib's forgiveness for this intrusion, but... 400 00:36:59,595 --> 00:37:02,156 I am the smoke who banishes sleep in the night. 401 00:37:07,394 --> 00:37:08,414 Sit. 402 00:37:18,361 --> 00:37:19,939 Deliver your warning then. 403 00:37:19,962 --> 00:37:22,171 You must visit my father... 404 00:37:22,195 --> 00:37:24,304 as soon as possible, milord. 405 00:37:24,328 --> 00:37:27,338 - There is a plot against you. - There are many plots against me. 406 00:37:27,362 --> 00:37:29,259 This is a Fremen plot. 407 00:37:29,262 --> 00:37:32,203 My father has information for you. 408 00:37:33,228 --> 00:37:35,171 But he's weak. 409 00:37:35,195 --> 00:37:37,205 He's sick. 410 00:37:37,229 --> 00:37:39,578 He needs you to visit so he can tell you. 411 00:37:40,396 --> 00:37:43,772 Why didn't he tell you so you could tell me? 412 00:37:43,796 --> 00:37:47,739 He feared I might be captured before seeing you. 413 00:37:47,763 --> 00:37:50,147 If I know nothing, I can divulge nothing. 414 00:37:52,863 --> 00:37:55,318 I leave for Othyem's tonight. 415 00:38:00,995 --> 00:38:04,908 Othyem has missed... his old friend. 416 00:38:35,496 --> 00:38:37,604 A face dancer. 417 00:38:37,628 --> 00:38:40,239 - Good one too. - Let me take its water. 418 00:38:40,263 --> 00:38:42,439 No, Stil. 419 00:38:42,463 --> 00:38:45,641 This must play out the way I've seen it. 420 00:39:06,230 --> 00:39:08,850 Cursed be thy name, Atreides. 421 00:39:13,096 --> 00:39:15,859 Your time has finally come. 422 00:39:16,963 --> 00:39:19,573 The stoneburner is set and ready. 423 00:39:19,597 --> 00:39:22,706 Let the others know Muad'dib is in the streets. 424 00:39:22,730 --> 00:39:24,699 Go. 425 00:39:33,096 --> 00:39:35,337 So, you've come, then. 426 00:39:50,296 --> 00:39:52,087 We meet again, Muad'dib. 427 00:40:02,897 --> 00:40:05,660 Answering the call of the Fedaykin. 428 00:40:13,331 --> 00:40:16,165 I carry your water burden, Othyem. 429 00:40:17,362 --> 00:40:18,845 Command me. 430 00:40:41,331 --> 00:40:44,379 I caught the spitting disease in Tarahill. 431 00:40:47,899 --> 00:40:51,407 - The tribe will take my water soon. - Let me summon my doctors. 432 00:40:51,431 --> 00:40:56,173 We've had doctors as good as any Muad'dib could provide. 433 00:40:57,532 --> 00:40:59,881 There's treachery, Muad'dib. 434 00:41:01,797 --> 00:41:04,339 I'm ashamed to say it. 435 00:41:04,363 --> 00:41:06,782 The Fremen plot against you. 436 00:41:08,064 --> 00:41:10,377 They want time to stop. 437 00:41:11,298 --> 00:41:13,575 They want things the way they used to be. 438 00:41:13,599 --> 00:41:17,541 Bijaz has told me their names. He was a gift to me... 439 00:41:17,565 --> 00:41:19,391 after our victories on Tarahill. 440 00:41:19,399 --> 00:41:21,261 I am a person, not a gift. 441 00:41:21,265 --> 00:41:23,940 Cheap to feed but costly to fill. 442 00:41:23,964 --> 00:41:26,408 Empty me as you will, sire. 443 00:41:26,432 --> 00:41:29,539 He always prattles on like that. He's a good spy. 444 00:41:29,563 --> 00:41:32,407 You should take him tonight. 445 00:41:32,431 --> 00:41:35,374 Our enemies will think I'm selling him to you because I need the money. 446 00:41:35,398 --> 00:41:37,574 To be gone is to be bygone. 447 00:41:37,598 --> 00:41:39,608 Let bygones be bygones. 448 00:41:39,632 --> 00:41:42,917 And Bijaz and Muad'dib must be gone by now. 449 00:41:44,065 --> 00:41:47,148 He's right, Muad'dib. It's not safe for you to be here. 450 00:41:49,266 --> 00:41:51,649 These are troubled times, old friend. 451 00:41:52,965 --> 00:41:56,774 It was better when we were alone in the desert... 452 00:41:56,798 --> 00:41:58,969 with only the Harkonnen as our enemies. 453 00:42:07,266 --> 00:42:10,275 There's a thin line between enemy and friend. 454 00:42:10,299 --> 00:42:13,542 Where that line stops, there's no beginning... 455 00:42:13,566 --> 00:42:15,571 and no end. 456 00:42:20,964 --> 00:42:23,942 Bygones be bygones, let them fall where they may. 457 00:42:23,966 --> 00:42:26,207 This has been a dirty day. 458 00:42:59,065 --> 00:43:01,520 The wind speaks of demons. 459 00:43:03,433 --> 00:43:04,952 That is not the wind. 460 00:43:18,133 --> 00:43:19,545 Stoneburner. 461 00:43:26,434 --> 00:43:28,818 Don't look at it, my lord! You can't look at it! 462 00:43:57,601 --> 00:44:00,091 My eyes! 463 00:44:05,767 --> 00:44:08,977 It's worse in the Old Quarter. Stoneburner for sure. 464 00:44:09,001 --> 00:44:13,091 - What about Muad'dib? - We are just entering the area now. 465 00:44:33,033 --> 00:44:34,611 My eyes! 466 00:44:41,967 --> 00:44:44,111 Milord! Is that you? 467 00:44:44,135 --> 00:44:46,376 Here! I'm over here! 468 00:44:48,035 --> 00:44:50,609 Take this one and get him to the keep immediately. 469 00:44:50,633 --> 00:44:52,152 Your eyes... 470 00:44:52,167 --> 00:44:54,622 Do it, Fedaykin. Do it now! 471 00:44:55,534 --> 00:44:56,626 This way. 472 00:44:58,435 --> 00:44:59,811 My lord. 473 00:44:59,834 --> 00:45:01,977 Your eyes. 474 00:45:02,001 --> 00:45:04,799 My eyes are gone, Stil. 475 00:45:07,069 --> 00:45:10,977 My gods! Muad'dib. 476 00:45:11,001 --> 00:45:13,677 Calm, Stil. 477 00:45:13,701 --> 00:45:16,310 They blinded my body... 478 00:45:16,334 --> 00:45:19,310 but not my vision. 479 00:45:21,934 --> 00:45:25,017 There are men who need your help, Fedaykin! Here and here! 480 00:45:27,201 --> 00:45:29,144 The law, Muad'dib. 481 00:45:29,168 --> 00:45:31,481 We live by Atreides law now, Stil. 482 00:45:32,601 --> 00:45:35,092 None of these men are to be taken out into the desert. 483 00:45:35,735 --> 00:45:39,232 Anyone who wants is to be fitted with Tleilaxu eyes. 484 00:45:48,402 --> 00:45:51,379 Not eyes, yet he sees. 485 00:45:59,502 --> 00:46:02,265 He has sight without eyes. 486 00:47:33,202 --> 00:47:35,657 You knew this would happen. 487 00:47:38,269 --> 00:47:40,712 It had to be. 488 00:47:40,736 --> 00:47:42,680 Why? 489 00:47:42,704 --> 00:47:44,424 Why? 490 00:47:49,238 --> 00:47:51,242 For our son. 491 00:47:54,637 --> 00:47:57,257 How long have you known? 492 00:47:58,469 --> 00:48:00,533 I have always known. 493 00:48:02,636 --> 00:48:05,126 It was just a matter of when. 494 00:48:05,971 --> 00:48:07,904 Forgive me, Chani. 495 00:48:10,203 --> 00:48:13,381 There was no way I could spare us this. 496 00:48:13,405 --> 00:48:15,646 I waited as long as I could. 497 00:48:18,637 --> 00:48:21,815 We will return to our desert, my love. 498 00:48:23,637 --> 00:48:26,886 To the sietch where our son will be born. 499 00:48:29,970 --> 00:48:32,211 I'm afraid, Muad'dib. 500 00:48:33,904 --> 00:48:37,709 I suddenly feel like we have so little time. 501 00:48:40,605 --> 00:48:43,368 We have eternity. 502 00:48:47,003 --> 00:48:49,245 You have eternity. 503 00:48:50,870 --> 00:48:53,360 I have only now. 504 00:49:09,505 --> 00:49:11,296 So you are Bijaz. 505 00:49:11,304 --> 00:49:14,648 Would I were Bijou and not Bijaz. 506 00:49:14,672 --> 00:49:17,197 A jewel is prettier than a horse's ass. 507 00:49:17,937 --> 00:49:20,047 You're a mockery then. 508 00:49:20,071 --> 00:49:22,763 A trick of nature meant to confuse and annoy. 509 00:49:26,538 --> 00:49:28,435 Annoy, yes. 510 00:49:28,438 --> 00:49:31,648 Confuse, no. Is wind a trick? 511 00:49:31,672 --> 00:49:33,647 Then you are the wind. 512 00:49:33,671 --> 00:49:35,813 No, I am words in the wind. 513 00:49:35,837 --> 00:49:38,246 Words that are names. 514 00:49:38,270 --> 00:49:41,139 Names that are death. 515 00:49:43,738 --> 00:49:44,936 He knows. 516 00:49:46,637 --> 00:49:50,481 - What does he mean? - What I mean is what I say. 517 00:49:50,505 --> 00:49:52,545 And what I say is what I mean. 518 00:49:53,937 --> 00:49:57,348 Time for accounting, unless you come just to mocker me. 519 00:49:57,372 --> 00:50:00,064 My brother says you know the names of the traitors. 520 00:50:02,005 --> 00:50:05,482 Poor Muad'dib. Poor Bijaz. 521 00:50:05,506 --> 00:50:10,083 Betrayed and betrayer together at last 522 00:50:11,738 --> 00:50:15,415 You will give me the names of those who would betray us. 523 00:50:15,439 --> 00:50:18,116 Very well, then. Let's start with your priests. 524 00:50:18,140 --> 00:50:20,115 He has another agenda. 525 00:50:20,139 --> 00:50:22,382 How do you know? 526 00:50:22,406 --> 00:50:24,126 I sense it. 527 00:50:24,138 --> 00:50:27,614 Senses are dangerous. They can be fooled. 528 00:50:27,638 --> 00:50:31,266 Only a machine functions without senses. 529 00:50:32,272 --> 00:50:34,028 Are you a machine, ghola? 530 00:50:34,038 --> 00:50:37,482 I'm a mentat. I trust only logic and statistics. 531 00:50:37,506 --> 00:50:39,960 Not mysticism and prophesy. 532 00:50:43,206 --> 00:50:46,739 My brother had a mentat teacher who talked like that. 533 00:50:47,206 --> 00:50:48,369 Hawat. 534 00:50:50,471 --> 00:50:51,847 You remember. 535 00:50:53,272 --> 00:50:56,805 - You did that on purpose. - You remember. 536 00:50:59,571 --> 00:51:01,327 I feel. 537 00:51:02,506 --> 00:51:03,704 There is a difference. 538 00:51:04,706 --> 00:51:06,319 Is there? 539 00:51:08,272 --> 00:51:11,936 It frightens you, doesn't it? The memory. 540 00:51:12,807 --> 00:51:15,641 You're afraid you'll remember who you were. 541 00:51:16,805 --> 00:51:20,348 No ghola has ever been restored to his former being, child. 542 00:51:20,372 --> 00:51:22,198 I'm no child. 543 00:51:22,205 --> 00:51:25,915 I awakened to consciousness in my mother's womb. 544 00:51:25,939 --> 00:51:29,681 I have memories of many women alive inside of me. 545 00:51:29,705 --> 00:51:33,483 I know what they knew. I feel what they felt. 546 00:51:33,507 --> 00:51:37,171 But I can handle it. Can you? 547 00:51:44,205 --> 00:51:46,881 Palace Fedaykin are everywhere. 548 00:51:46,905 --> 00:51:51,382 By the time Alia is through, a common pickpocket won't be safe. 549 00:51:51,406 --> 00:51:55,449 The fools even had a stoneburner and they couldn't succeed. 550 00:51:55,473 --> 00:51:59,017 Our spies have no idea who was responsible. 551 00:51:59,041 --> 00:52:01,350 It could have been Fremen rebels from the deep desert. 552 00:52:01,374 --> 00:52:05,808 It could have been an element within the Quizrate itself. We may never know. 553 00:52:07,707 --> 00:52:10,850 - What about Scytale? - He maintains his masquerade. 554 00:52:10,874 --> 00:52:15,750 - And the dwarf? - Confined to the keep. Who knows where. 555 00:52:15,774 --> 00:52:18,786 Then our plan is still in place. 556 00:52:47,208 --> 00:52:49,716 He's alive. 557 00:52:49,740 --> 00:52:51,951 Gurney, tell me he's alive. 558 00:52:51,975 --> 00:52:54,288 He is alive. 559 00:52:56,207 --> 00:52:57,963 But he's blind. 560 00:52:59,507 --> 00:53:03,083 It was a stoneburner. Stilgar suspects Fremen. 561 00:53:03,107 --> 00:53:04,755 Alia? Chani? 562 00:53:04,775 --> 00:53:06,495 All safe. 563 00:53:07,440 --> 00:53:11,018 Blind. Blind. 564 00:53:11,042 --> 00:53:15,384 There are rumors that Paul can still see despite his blindness. 565 00:53:15,408 --> 00:53:18,884 Vision-sight. They say it's a miracle. 566 00:53:18,908 --> 00:53:22,084 - Another brick for the myth of Muad'dib. - My lady? 567 00:53:22,108 --> 00:53:25,315 Arrange with the Guild ambassador immediate transport to Arrakis. 568 00:53:25,339 --> 00:53:27,201 I don't think that would be wise. 569 00:53:27,207 --> 00:53:30,184 It was only a matter of time before this happened. 570 00:53:30,208 --> 00:53:32,183 It might not be long before it happens again. 571 00:53:32,207 --> 00:53:34,917 And you would not want to encourage it. 572 00:53:34,941 --> 00:53:37,417 Ah, forgive me, my lady. 573 00:53:37,441 --> 00:53:41,084 But those who would rid themselves of Muad'dib would only be more provoked... 574 00:53:41,108 --> 00:53:43,252 by the arrival of his mother. 575 00:53:43,276 --> 00:53:45,801 If Paul needed you, he would surely send for you. 576 00:54:02,441 --> 00:54:06,318 We go forward. We come back. 577 00:54:06,342 --> 00:54:08,584 We go forward. We come back. 578 00:54:08,608 --> 00:54:11,817 Don't be afraid, Father. The answer's right in front of you. 579 00:54:11,841 --> 00:54:15,684 - The Golden Path. - But you must decide. 580 00:54:15,708 --> 00:54:17,226 It's the only way. 581 00:54:25,441 --> 00:54:28,318 What troubles you, my lord? 582 00:54:28,342 --> 00:54:30,027 The future. 583 00:54:32,375 --> 00:54:34,552 You're drunk on too much time. 584 00:54:34,576 --> 00:54:38,038 I'm drunk on too much me. 585 00:54:38,877 --> 00:54:42,647 Do you know how many people have died since I became emperor? 586 00:54:43,975 --> 00:54:48,385 Even your empire must live its time... and then die. 587 00:54:48,409 --> 00:54:50,413 That's why you're here, isn't it? 588 00:54:52,109 --> 00:54:55,652 Is that what you've seen? In your visions? 589 00:54:55,676 --> 00:54:58,889 It's obvious to anyone who can see. 590 00:55:00,144 --> 00:55:02,585 It's what the Tleilaxu have written upon you... 591 00:55:02,609 --> 00:55:04,851 to kill me. 592 00:55:07,708 --> 00:55:09,463 What is it, Stil? 593 00:55:10,509 --> 00:55:14,766 I have just received word from Salusa Secundus. 594 00:55:15,809 --> 00:55:17,458 Shaddam is dead. 595 00:55:31,943 --> 00:55:35,085 It was very generous of Muad'dib to permit his wife... 596 00:55:35,109 --> 00:55:39,152 to attend the funeral of his mortal enemy. 597 00:55:39,176 --> 00:55:43,883 How grateful you must be for the safety my sacrifice assured our father... 598 00:55:44,710 --> 00:55:46,466 and you. 599 00:55:50,610 --> 00:55:53,519 Not one major house represented! Not one! 600 00:55:53,543 --> 00:55:57,753 Muad'dib would not allow any formal delegations, milady. 601 00:55:57,777 --> 00:56:02,486 As far as he was concerned, your father died the day he was defeated on Arrakis. 602 00:56:02,510 --> 00:56:06,519 My father was the 81 st Padishaw emperor. A colossus! 603 00:56:06,543 --> 00:56:09,986 Who is this bastard Atreides but some Bedouin charlatan? 604 00:56:10,010 --> 00:56:14,120 Do not underestimate the power of Muad'dib's prescience, milady. 605 00:56:14,144 --> 00:56:18,420 Your father did, to his great misfortune. 606 00:56:18,444 --> 00:56:21,354 My father was betrayed by you... 607 00:56:21,378 --> 00:56:24,034 and your simpering Spacing Guild. 608 00:56:24,677 --> 00:56:29,152 And those witches of the Bene Gesserit. And for what? For spice. 609 00:56:29,176 --> 00:56:33,286 You abandoned your emperor for spice. 610 00:56:33,310 --> 00:56:36,452 We cannot guide our ships without it, milady. 611 00:56:36,476 --> 00:56:40,875 And that is why you will help me kidnap a worm and bring it here. 612 00:56:42,243 --> 00:56:44,886 I mean no disrespect, Princess... 613 00:56:44,910 --> 00:56:48,286 but take a worm from Arrakis? 614 00:56:48,310 --> 00:56:52,152 Even if the Idaho ghola succeeds, there is still the sister to contend with. 615 00:56:52,176 --> 00:56:56,420 We must be prepared with other means to diminish the Atreides' power. 616 00:56:56,444 --> 00:56:59,786 You want to bring a worm here? 617 00:56:59,810 --> 00:57:04,754 Salusa Secundus might prove hospitable to the great worms of Arrakis. 618 00:57:04,778 --> 00:57:08,754 If they thrived, a new spice cycle could begin. 619 00:57:08,778 --> 00:57:10,720 And? 620 00:57:10,744 --> 00:57:14,954 Atreides monopoly would be broken. 621 00:57:14,978 --> 00:57:16,918 Plans within plans. 622 00:57:16,942 --> 00:57:19,786 If Muad'dib ever suspected such a gambit... 623 00:57:19,810 --> 00:57:24,619 he would smash this planet and the Corrino name into oblivion. 624 00:57:24,643 --> 00:57:27,300 We're already in oblivion. 625 00:57:30,844 --> 00:57:34,120 Kidnap a worm from Arrakis. 626 00:57:34,144 --> 00:57:37,429 The spice must flow. 627 00:59:49,346 --> 00:59:52,393 Get out of the way! Get out of the way! 628 01:00:43,347 --> 01:00:46,955 The doctors say her metabolism has accelerated. 629 01:00:46,979 --> 01:00:50,056 The pregnancy is proceeding faster than normal. 630 01:00:50,080 --> 01:00:53,365 It will be a dangerous birth. 631 01:01:25,113 --> 01:01:28,590 Beloved. I'm sorry. 632 01:01:28,614 --> 01:01:30,749 I've distracted you. 633 01:01:42,613 --> 01:01:45,755 If only you could distract me forever. 634 01:01:47,581 --> 01:01:49,923 My body's confusing me, Muad'dib. 635 01:01:49,947 --> 01:01:53,057 My life burns faster. 636 01:01:53,081 --> 01:01:56,781 I'm so hungry, always hungry. 637 01:02:00,082 --> 01:02:03,957 Make arrangements, Stil. We leave for the sietch as soon as possible. 638 01:02:03,981 --> 01:02:07,514 The baby will be born there. Inform my sister. 639 01:02:39,783 --> 01:02:43,174 - How long have you been there? - Long enough. 640 01:02:48,116 --> 01:02:50,641 Are you sick, my lady? 641 01:02:51,548 --> 01:02:54,003 You don't know what it's like to hunt the future. 642 01:02:58,914 --> 01:03:04,126 You've taken spice. Too much. 643 01:03:04,150 --> 01:03:09,692 My brother needs me, Duncan, and my vision is incomplete. 644 01:03:09,716 --> 01:03:14,291 I need to remember. I need to remember the future. 645 01:03:14,315 --> 01:03:18,714 - I'm going to summon doctors. - No. No. 646 01:03:19,614 --> 01:03:23,557 Don't leave me. I just need to... 647 01:03:23,581 --> 01:03:25,443 just to... 648 01:03:31,883 --> 01:03:34,159 I can't move. 649 01:03:40,083 --> 01:03:42,825 What are you doing to me? 650 01:03:42,849 --> 01:03:46,134 I am playing. You were made to be played. 651 01:03:47,083 --> 01:03:49,291 Like Othyem. Poor fellow. 652 01:03:49,315 --> 01:03:51,726 Had a terrific struggle with you. 653 01:03:51,750 --> 01:03:54,513 The flesh did not want to come back. 654 01:03:55,616 --> 01:04:00,226 - You are Tleilaxu. - Born and bred... in the same tank. 655 01:04:00,250 --> 01:04:02,960 Just we two... in the same tank. 656 01:04:02,984 --> 01:04:06,524 First me, then you... then you. 657 01:04:06,548 --> 01:04:09,691 You're trying to bring out the violence in me. 658 01:04:10,883 --> 01:04:13,759 Oh, no. Not yet. 659 01:04:13,783 --> 01:04:19,154 The script is written, but the stage is not set. 660 01:04:22,650 --> 01:04:26,026 But one day soon, the emperor will come to you... 661 01:04:26,050 --> 01:04:30,449 a mask of grief obscuring his face. 662 01:04:36,249 --> 01:04:40,160 And he'll say, "She's gone. She is gone." 663 01:04:40,184 --> 01:04:44,404 And then you will finally know what you're expected to do. 664 01:04:46,315 --> 01:04:51,193 - She is gone. - She is gone, Duncan. 665 01:04:51,217 --> 01:04:56,314 Now it's time to forget what you remember when day becomes night. 666 01:04:57,717 --> 01:05:01,452 Forgetting is not having till the words are right 667 01:05:21,252 --> 01:05:23,777 What do you see with those eyes? 668 01:05:26,116 --> 01:05:29,021 What everyone sees. 669 01:05:59,617 --> 01:06:03,009 We're leaving for the sietch this morning. 670 01:06:05,518 --> 01:06:09,128 - And I'll be left behind. - Appropriate, I'd say... 671 01:06:09,152 --> 01:06:11,773 considering what you've done. 672 01:06:13,619 --> 01:06:17,693 I never meant to hurt Chani or you. 673 01:06:17,717 --> 01:06:19,330 I just... 674 01:06:28,618 --> 01:06:31,523 I've given orders no harm is to come to you... 675 01:06:33,285 --> 01:06:36,228 no matter what happens. 676 01:06:36,252 --> 01:06:38,636 - Is she... - She's well... 677 01:06:39,851 --> 01:06:41,748 for the moment. 678 01:06:46,518 --> 01:06:49,246 I've been cruel to you, Irulan. 679 01:06:50,751 --> 01:06:54,177 - I don't want your pity. - I'm offering none. 680 01:06:55,117 --> 01:06:57,537 Simply telling you the truth. 681 01:06:59,018 --> 01:07:02,261 You were destined, conditioned. 682 01:07:02,285 --> 01:07:05,794 I understand only too well. 683 01:07:05,818 --> 01:07:08,438 Destined to be used. 684 01:07:10,785 --> 01:07:14,427 - By you? - By your father. By the Bene Gesserit. 685 01:07:14,451 --> 01:07:18,399 By the Spacing Guild. To protect them from me. 686 01:07:22,352 --> 01:07:27,450 And they'll get their wish, though not exactly as they'd like it. 687 01:07:31,353 --> 01:07:33,109 I don't understand. 688 01:07:33,118 --> 01:07:37,966 The time of plots and revenge is coming to an end. 689 01:07:40,318 --> 01:07:43,862 You must have a chance to find peace. 690 01:07:43,886 --> 01:07:46,460 I'm gonna give you that chance. 691 01:07:46,484 --> 01:07:48,962 It's ironic. 692 01:07:48,986 --> 01:07:52,762 Your selfish, clumsy attempts to mother an imperial heir... 693 01:07:52,786 --> 01:07:54,921 actually prolonged Chani's life. 694 01:07:55,620 --> 01:08:00,990 And for that, I'm grateful. Forever. 695 01:08:28,119 --> 01:08:33,362 Muad'dib, is it truly necessary to bring the face dancer and the dwarf... 696 01:08:33,386 --> 01:08:38,022 They have their parts to play, Stil, just like you and me. 697 01:08:44,220 --> 01:08:47,729 - Chani and I will take this one. - Muad'dib... 698 01:08:47,753 --> 01:08:50,795 I know the way better than anyone else, Stil... 699 01:08:50,819 --> 01:08:52,681 except, perhaps, you. 700 01:08:52,687 --> 01:08:55,770 You must remain here, as we agreed. 701 01:09:04,021 --> 01:09:06,641 Time to settle accounts. 702 01:09:41,820 --> 01:09:46,005 - Stay where you are. - What's the meaning of this? 703 01:09:55,220 --> 01:09:58,665 You plotted against Muad'dib, Korba. 704 01:09:58,689 --> 01:10:02,494 You conspired against your emperor. You're under arrest for treason. 705 01:10:06,919 --> 01:10:11,195 I am a Fremen. I demand to be judged by Fremen law. 706 01:10:11,219 --> 01:10:15,404 You will be, Korba. You will be. 707 01:10:36,387 --> 01:10:40,406 I used to hunt these here when I was little. 708 01:10:41,688 --> 01:10:46,086 It's amazing, the simple pleasures one has as a child. 709 01:10:49,454 --> 01:10:55,346 But the desert is leaving now, taking simple pleasure with it. 710 01:10:57,155 --> 01:11:02,491 I wonder if my father would approve of the future he inspired. 711 01:11:03,287 --> 01:11:06,398 A storm comes, my lady. 712 01:11:06,422 --> 01:11:09,097 I am a desert creature, ghola. 713 01:11:09,121 --> 01:11:11,741 I know when to hide. 714 01:11:20,821 --> 01:11:23,655 Paul said he would join you as soon as the naib council is concluded. 715 01:11:24,922 --> 01:11:29,534 You called him Paul, his Atreides name. 716 01:11:30,321 --> 01:11:35,965 I did. A memory intruded where none should have been. 717 01:11:35,989 --> 01:11:40,765 Then there are more. And it frightens you. 718 01:11:40,789 --> 01:11:43,967 Duncan's memories. They scare you. 719 01:11:45,788 --> 01:11:50,566 Are they Duncan's memories or the inventions of those who made me? 720 01:11:52,422 --> 01:11:57,935 When the moment comes to decide, you will know. 721 01:12:04,222 --> 01:12:05,942 My lady. 722 01:16:00,893 --> 01:16:06,085 It was the birth, my lord. They said her body was drained by the speed of it. 723 01:16:14,793 --> 01:16:19,268 These are your children, Muad'dib. Both are alive and strong. 724 01:16:19,292 --> 01:16:22,868 - "Children"? - Twins, my lord. 725 01:16:22,892 --> 01:16:25,761 A boy and a girl. 726 01:16:51,360 --> 01:16:54,716 I never saw children. 727 01:17:35,527 --> 01:17:37,248 Beloved. 728 01:17:40,127 --> 01:17:42,024 Forgive me. 729 01:17:44,827 --> 01:17:49,818 There are some things no one can bear... 730 01:17:52,126 --> 01:17:57,983 problems in this universe for which there are no answers... 731 01:18:00,193 --> 01:18:03,170 for which nothing can be done, nothing. 732 01:18:07,926 --> 01:18:09,824 I am sorry. 733 01:18:16,292 --> 01:18:19,399 Nothing in this universe... 734 01:18:20,593 --> 01:18:22,490 is as great... 735 01:18:25,061 --> 01:18:27,125 as my love for you. 736 01:18:53,094 --> 01:18:55,159 I can't see. 737 01:18:56,695 --> 01:18:59,458 My lord? My lord! 738 01:19:00,828 --> 01:19:03,177 She's gone. 739 01:19:07,893 --> 01:19:12,778 She is gone, Duncan. She is gone, Duncan. 740 01:19:20,861 --> 01:19:24,146 Then you will finally know what you are expected to do. 741 01:19:31,328 --> 01:19:33,155 You're expected to do. 742 01:19:43,129 --> 01:19:46,235 This was the moment you came back to me, Duncan. 743 01:19:52,961 --> 01:19:56,438 Stay where you are, both of you. 744 01:19:56,462 --> 01:20:01,310 I warn you. A face dancer can move faster than you can possibly imagine. 745 01:20:06,928 --> 01:20:09,172 So, it is truly you. 746 01:20:09,196 --> 01:20:12,004 Duncan Idaho of the Atreides. 747 01:20:12,028 --> 01:20:15,170 A ghola can regain his past. 748 01:20:16,530 --> 01:20:20,406 Tell me. What do you remember? 749 01:20:21,295 --> 01:20:26,405 - Tell him. - Everything. My childhood. 750 01:20:26,429 --> 01:20:29,672 My youth. My death. 751 01:20:29,696 --> 01:20:36,405 We did it. We did it. Majesty, don't you see what this means? 752 01:20:36,429 --> 01:20:39,805 You can have her back again, your beloved Chani. 753 01:20:39,829 --> 01:20:42,104 The proof is standing right in front of you. 754 01:20:42,128 --> 01:20:46,372 We can restore the flesh and the spirit. We can recreate her. 755 01:20:46,396 --> 01:20:48,639 This was your plan all along. 756 01:20:48,663 --> 01:20:51,772 Plots within plots, my lord. You should know this better than anyone. 757 01:20:51,796 --> 01:20:55,071 We've been trying for decades to achieve this. 758 01:20:55,095 --> 01:20:59,606 Make an alliance with us, Muad'dib, the Tleilaxu. 759 01:20:59,630 --> 01:21:03,471 Let us restore your beloved Chani. 760 01:21:04,963 --> 01:21:07,796 Live content and safe for the rest of your life... 761 01:21:08,463 --> 01:21:12,340 with her, with your children. 762 01:21:12,364 --> 01:21:15,198 With her, with your children. 763 01:21:18,463 --> 01:21:21,006 My lord, please don't listen to this blasphemy. 764 01:21:21,030 --> 01:21:23,172 Don't move, Duncan Idaho. 765 01:21:23,196 --> 01:21:26,173 You kill me, and you're killing Muad'dib's children. 766 01:21:28,128 --> 01:21:31,934 You can feel it, can't you, Muad'dib? 767 01:21:34,497 --> 01:21:38,572 Can't you? You can hear her. 768 01:21:38,596 --> 01:21:43,267 - I'm afraid, Muad'dib. - Calling your name. 769 01:21:51,130 --> 01:21:56,639 Father. Don't be afraid, Father. 770 01:21:56,663 --> 01:21:59,040 I'm here, Father, as you knew I would be. 771 01:21:59,064 --> 01:22:02,305 We go forward. We go back. Don't be afraid. 772 01:22:02,329 --> 01:22:06,706 We're pre-born, my sister and I, thanks to our mother and the spice. 773 01:22:06,730 --> 01:22:10,784 Thanks to you. Father, yes, it is me. 774 01:22:11,897 --> 01:22:14,838 We go forward. We go back. 775 01:22:14,862 --> 01:22:19,272 We are pre-born, my sister and I, thanks to you. 776 01:22:19,296 --> 01:22:23,472 My eyes. Let me see for you. 777 01:22:23,496 --> 01:22:26,572 I can do it. I can bring her back to you. 778 01:22:26,596 --> 01:22:29,574 Use my eyes, Father. Use my eyes. 779 01:22:29,598 --> 01:22:32,072 My eyes. Let me see for you. Let me see for you. 780 01:22:32,096 --> 01:22:34,506 - Use them. - I can do it. 781 01:22:34,530 --> 01:22:39,273 I can bring her back. Let us give you back your love. 782 01:23:01,531 --> 01:23:05,337 - The children! The children! - They are safe, Muad'dib. 783 01:23:14,098 --> 01:23:18,947 I meddled in the future, in all possible futures... 784 01:23:20,165 --> 01:23:22,371 trying to create them. 785 01:23:24,198 --> 01:23:30,241 Instead, they created me, and I became trapped by it. 786 01:23:30,265 --> 01:23:34,441 Yes, but knowing there's a trap is the first step in evading it. 787 01:23:34,465 --> 01:23:37,548 The first step along the Golden Path. 788 01:23:38,699 --> 01:23:42,955 Don't be afraid, Father. The answer is right in front of you. 789 01:23:55,965 --> 01:23:58,278 Finally, I am free. 790 01:24:10,066 --> 01:24:13,113 History is written on the sands of Arrakis. 791 01:24:19,398 --> 01:24:24,768 Those who wished an end to House Atreides have failed. 792 01:24:25,732 --> 01:24:30,341 No longer an emperor, no longer a god... 793 01:24:30,365 --> 01:24:35,736 a simple blind Fremen wanders alone into the desert to die. 794 01:24:37,900 --> 01:24:40,877 They say he has gone on a journey... 795 01:24:42,998 --> 01:24:45,975 into the land where men walk without footprints. 796 01:24:46,865 --> 01:24:49,557 He will not be found... 797 01:24:50,732 --> 01:24:53,257 yet all men will find him. 798 01:24:55,199 --> 01:24:58,306 I wonder if that's what he wanted. 799 01:25:04,499 --> 01:25:09,840 I need you, Duncan, more than ever. 800 01:25:09,864 --> 01:25:12,284 Stay with me. 801 01:26:01,066 --> 01:26:05,576 Muad'dib is gone, but his children remain... 802 01:26:05,600 --> 01:26:08,813 and conspiracies continue to breed. 803 01:26:10,000 --> 01:26:14,742 The saga of Dune is far from over.