1 00:00:45,000 --> 00:00:51,000 2nd June 1 947, WaS that date in the HiStOry Of India . . . 2 00:00:51,000 --> 00:00:54,000 . . . When it WaS decided that an agreement, . . . 3 00:00:54,000 --> 00:00:56,000 . . . WOuId fOrm the baSiS Of Our Independence. 4 00:00:56,000 --> 00:00:57,000 At the VicerOy HOuSe, . . . 5 00:00:57,000 --> 00:01:02,000 . . . COngreSS, MuSIim League, and LOrd MOuntabatten . . . 6 00:01:02,000 --> 00:01:07,000 . . . Signed a bOnd, Which divided India intO twO partS. 7 00:01:07,000 --> 00:01:12,000 The Other part became PakiStan. 8 00:01:12,000 --> 00:01:14,000 The agreement Stated a cOnditiOn . . . 9 00:01:14,000 --> 00:01:17,000 . . . that the WhOIe pOpuIatiOn WiII nOt be tranSferred. 10 00:01:17,000 --> 00:01:20,000 In Other WOrdS, if a muSIim Wanted tO Stay in India, . . . 11 00:01:20,000 --> 00:01:24,000 . . . and a Hindu Wanted tO Stay in PakiStan, . . . 12 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:26,000 . . . they WOuId be aIIOWed tO dO SO. 13 00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:39,000 But thiS did nOt happen. 14 00:01:39,000 --> 00:01:44,000 AII the HinduS Of thiS area are being infOrmed . . . 15 00:01:44,000 --> 00:01:46,000 . . . that tOday evening frOm PipIa StatiOn, . . . 16 00:01:46,000 --> 00:01:50,000 . . . a SpeciaI train WiII Ieave fOr India. 17 00:01:50,000 --> 00:01:57,000 AII are requeSted tO take OnIy What iS neceSSary. 18 00:01:57,000 --> 00:02:03,000 And Ieave the reSt behind With yOur name and addreSS. 19 00:02:03,000 --> 00:02:08,000 SO that Iater On it WiII be eaSier tO Send it . . . . . 20 00:02:08,000 --> 00:02:11,000 Ive Said SO Often, that We ShOuId gO tO AmritSar. 21 00:02:11,000 --> 00:02:15,000 Even Kaka WaS aSking uS tO cOme tO AmritSar. 22 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:17,000 But yOu juSt dOnt IiSten tO anyOne. 23 00:02:17,000 --> 00:02:20,000 HOW did I knOW, that the PakiStan GOvernment . . . 24 00:02:20,000 --> 00:02:22,000 . . . WOuId betray uS. 25 00:02:22,000 --> 00:02:28,000 It WaS decided that the HinduS in PakiStan cOuId Stay back. 26 00:02:28,000 --> 00:02:30,000 But everything haS changed. 27 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:33,000 I WOnder What WiII happen nOW. 28 00:02:33,000 --> 00:02:37,000 I dOnt knOW in What cOnditiOn WOuId my SOn be in? 29 00:02:37,000 --> 00:02:39,000 Take thiS, dear. 30 00:02:39,000 --> 00:02:44,000 - Biji, What iS thiS? - I cant give it. 31 00:02:44,000 --> 00:02:49,000 StOp, SantO. What are yOu dOing? 32 00:02:49,000 --> 00:02:54,000 Have patience. 33 00:02:54,000 --> 00:03:13,000 Give it tO me. 34 00:03:13,000 --> 00:03:21,000 GirIS, thiS iS pOiSOn. 35 00:03:21,000 --> 00:03:26,000 If yOu are in trOubIe, have it. 36 00:03:26,000 --> 00:03:32,000 But dO nOt Iet any muSIim defame yOur dignity. 37 00:03:32,000 --> 00:03:35,000 O GOd! What a time haS cOme! 38 00:03:35,000 --> 00:03:39,000 That a father cannOt even bIeSS hiS chiIdren With a IOng Iife. 39 00:03:39,000 --> 00:03:41,000 BrOther GuIIu! 40 00:03:41,000 --> 00:03:46,000 DOnt cry, SiSter. 41 00:03:46,000 --> 00:03:49,000 NO, father. I WiII nOt Iet yOu gO frOm here. 42 00:03:49,000 --> 00:03:51,000 SO What if Kake iS nOt here. 43 00:03:51,000 --> 00:03:53,000 YOur SecOnd SOn GuIkhan iS here. 44 00:03:53,000 --> 00:03:55,000 I SWear On the HOIy GOd. 45 00:03:55,000 --> 00:03:59,000 I WiII nOt Iet yOu gO frOm here. 46 00:03:59,000 --> 00:04:05,000 My dear, aII the emOtiOnS Of Our heart have IOSt. 47 00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:07,000 OnIy the preSent cOnditiOnS, have WOn. 48 00:04:07,000 --> 00:04:11,000 COme On, IetS gO. Pick up the Iuggage. 49 00:04:11,000 --> 00:04:14,000 PIeaSe dOnt gO. 50 00:04:14,000 --> 00:04:18,000 In thiS manner, IakhS Of Hindu famiIieS . . . 51 00:04:18,000 --> 00:04:19,000 . . . Were uprOOted frOm their hOmeS, 52 00:04:19,000 --> 00:04:36,000 . . . and Went Wandering arOund aII Over. 53 00:04:36,000 --> 00:04:39,000 The train Of eight bOgieS WaS at PipIa StatiOn. 54 00:04:39,000 --> 00:04:42,000 And there Were 1 0,000 peOpIe. 55 00:04:42,000 --> 00:04:57,000 AS if deStiny and GOd had turned a deaf ear. 56 00:04:57,000 --> 00:04:59,000 LOOterS have cOme. Save yOurSeIf. 57 00:04:59,000 --> 00:05:01,000 KiII the OId and yOung. 58 00:05:01,000 --> 00:05:04,000 Pick up the WOmen. DO nOt Spare anyOne. 59 00:05:04,000 --> 00:06:00,000 Take aWay aII their beIOngingS. 60 00:06:00,000 --> 00:06:12,000 Father! 61 00:06:12,000 --> 00:06:15,000 In thiS manner, dead bOdieS Of the HinduS and SikhS . . . 62 00:06:15,000 --> 00:06:56,000 . . . frOm the variOuS partS Of PakiStan, Were Sent tO India. 63 00:06:56,000 --> 00:07:00,000 IndianS Iearn tO SIaughter frOm uS. 64 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:13,000 Let everyOne greet each Other. 65 00:07:13,000 --> 00:07:18,000 The HinduS and SikhS Iiving in India Were furiOuS. 66 00:07:18,000 --> 00:07:21,000 And even thOSe WhO cauSed thiS cOmmunaI viOIence . . . 67 00:07:21,000 --> 00:07:31,000 . . . cOuIdnt eScape frOm it. 68 00:07:31,000 --> 00:07:33,000 What nOnSenSe iS thiS? 69 00:07:33,000 --> 00:07:36,000 Why are yOu nOt underStanding Our difficuIty? 70 00:07:36,000 --> 00:07:39,000 I am a WeII knOWn buSineSSman Of thiS cOuntry. 71 00:07:39,000 --> 00:07:41,000 It iS the duty Of the gOvernment tO prOtect uS. 72 00:07:41,000 --> 00:07:44,000 PIeaSe reach uS tO the DeIhi AirpOrt. 73 00:07:44,000 --> 00:07:47,000 If One had tO gO by rOad, hOW far iS LahOre frOm here? 74 00:07:47,000 --> 00:07:49,000 JuSt 35 tO 40 miIeS. 75 00:07:49,000 --> 00:07:52,000 If yOu gO by rOad tO DeIhi, it WOuId mean death. 76 00:07:52,000 --> 00:07:59,000 BrOther, thOSe . . . . 77 00:07:59,000 --> 00:08:00,000 Why dOnt yOu Speak, What happened? 78 00:08:00,000 --> 00:08:06,000 BrOther, the Hindu and Sikh mObS Set fire tO the manSiOn, . . . 79 00:08:06,000 --> 00:08:09,000 . . . and murdered the WhOIe famiIy there. 80 00:08:09,000 --> 00:08:16,000 ThOSe peOpIe can cOme here anytime. 81 00:08:16,000 --> 00:08:26,000 CIOSe the gate firmIy. Put the chain. 82 00:08:26,000 --> 00:08:28,000 InSpectOr, Im Warning yOu, . . . 83 00:08:28,000 --> 00:08:30,000 . . . that if One man dareS tO enter, . . . 84 00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:35,000 . . . then I SWear by GOd, yOu WiII Iearn a IeSSOn fOr Iife. 85 00:08:35,000 --> 00:08:37,000 ThOSe WhO cauSed thiS, are themSeIveS frightened it? 86 00:08:37,000 --> 00:08:41,000 BrOther, mind yOur Ianguage. 87 00:08:41,000 --> 00:08:44,000 YOu are On duty. UnderStOOd! 88 00:08:44,000 --> 00:08:47,000 I am On duty, thatS Why I am quiet, Or eISe. . . 89 00:08:47,000 --> 00:08:50,000 Or eISe, What WOuId yOu have dOne? 90 00:08:50,000 --> 00:08:54,000 YOu are nOt fit even tO IOOk uS. WOuId yOu raiSe a hand On uS? 91 00:08:54,000 --> 00:08:57,000 ThiS iS nOt the time fOr yOu tO IOSe yOur temper. 92 00:08:57,000 --> 00:08:59,000 OnIy 2 hOurS are Ieft fOr the AmritSar-LahOre . . . 93 00:08:59,000 --> 00:09:03,000 . . . SpeciaI train tO Ieave. COme On gO SOOn nOW. 94 00:09:03,000 --> 00:09:27,000 III- mannered! 95 00:09:27,000 --> 00:09:30,000 Even Sarfaraz haS rung up SO many timeS frOm LahOre, . . . 96 00:09:30,000 --> 00:09:31,000 . . . tO Ieave immediateIy. 97 00:09:31,000 --> 00:09:34,000 HOW cOuId I gO, Ieaving aII the buSineSS in India? 98 00:09:34,000 --> 00:09:37,000 We had given SO much mOney tO the MuSIim League . . . 99 00:09:37,000 --> 00:09:40,000 . . .and had tried SO hard tO get entire Punjab intO PakiStan. 100 00:09:40,000 --> 00:09:42,000 But everything Went futiIe. 101 00:09:42,000 --> 00:09:45,000 They gave uS PakiStan aS if they are giving aImS. 102 00:09:45,000 --> 00:09:47,000 If anOther One Or twO yearS had paSSed, We WOuId have . . . 103 00:09:47,000 --> 00:09:51,000 . . . SOId Our Iand and buSineSS, and gOne tO PakiStan. 104 00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:56,000 O GOd! 105 00:09:56,000 --> 00:10:16,000 Wait a minute. 106 00:10:16,000 --> 00:10:52,000 BefOre anyOne attackS, III take yOu Out frOm the back dOOr. 107 00:10:52,000 --> 00:10:57,000 What iS it? COme On, hurry up. 108 00:10:57,000 --> 00:11:06,000 Where iS Sakeena? 109 00:11:06,000 --> 00:11:15,000 Shaku, Where Were yOu? COme On. 110 00:11:15,000 --> 00:11:39,000 COme On, get in the truck. 111 00:11:39,000 --> 00:11:40,000 Shaku, be carefuI. 112 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:42,000 COme On, everybOdy. 113 00:11:42,000 --> 00:11:47,000 Let the paSSengerS gOing tO LahOre, bOard the train SOOn. 114 00:11:47,000 --> 00:11:49,000 One mOre train carrying HinduS haS cOme frOm PakiStan. 115 00:11:49,000 --> 00:11:52,000 KiII theSe muSIimS. 116 00:11:52,000 --> 00:12:16,000 - Hurry up. - GO SOOn. 117 00:12:16,000 --> 00:12:18,000 COme On, kiII him. He iS AShraf, . . . 118 00:12:18,000 --> 00:12:19,000 . . . WhO Wanted PakiStan. 119 00:12:19,000 --> 00:12:47,000 KiII him. 120 00:12:47,000 --> 00:12:51,000 Get in. 121 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:54,000 MOther. 122 00:12:54,000 --> 00:12:58,000 Father! 123 00:12:58,000 --> 00:13:02,000 My daughter iS Ieft behind. 124 00:13:02,000 --> 00:13:08,000 Father! 125 00:13:08,000 --> 00:16:15,000 Father! 126 00:16:15,000 --> 00:16:22,000 MuSIim? 127 00:16:22,000 --> 00:16:26,000 ThereS a beautifuI IaSS here. COme On. 128 00:16:26,000 --> 00:16:31,000 COme. 129 00:16:31,000 --> 00:16:35,000 NO. 130 00:16:35,000 --> 00:16:59,000 HeIp! 131 00:16:59,000 --> 00:17:23,000 HeIp! 132 00:17:23,000 --> 00:17:31,000 Tara! Save me, Tara. 133 00:17:31,000 --> 00:17:34,000 She iS a MuSIim. She iS Our prey. 134 00:17:34,000 --> 00:17:36,000 NO One WiII tOuch her. 135 00:17:36,000 --> 00:17:38,000 He made uS run SO far. 136 00:17:38,000 --> 00:17:41,000 And yOu Want tO take her? COme On mOve aWay. 137 00:17:41,000 --> 00:17:44,000 Ive Said , nO One WiII tOuch her. I knOW her. 138 00:17:44,000 --> 00:17:48,000 What dO yOu knOW her! They tOrtured Our WOmen. 139 00:17:48,000 --> 00:17:57,000 MOve aSide. I WOnt Spare her. 140 00:17:57,000 --> 00:17:59,000 What are yOu dOing? YOure fighting amOngSt yOurSeIveS. 141 00:17:59,000 --> 00:18:02,000 He iS Tara Singh. 142 00:18:02,000 --> 00:18:04,000 He hOIdS cOmmand Of the tranSpOrt buSineSS. 143 00:18:04,000 --> 00:18:06,000 - DOnt yOu underStand? - AIright. 144 00:18:06,000 --> 00:18:08,000 We WiII SettIe it tOgether. 145 00:18:08,000 --> 00:18:19,000 Hand Over thiS girI tO uS. 146 00:18:19,000 --> 00:18:21,000 Tara, have yOu gOne mad? 147 00:18:21,000 --> 00:18:24,000 YOu WiII fight With each Other, that tOO fOr thiS girI? 148 00:18:24,000 --> 00:18:27,000 DOnt fOrget that She iS a MuSIim. 149 00:18:27,000 --> 00:18:32,000 YeS, She iS a MuSIim. 150 00:18:32,000 --> 00:18:38,000 She iS MuSIim? 151 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:39,000 WeII nOW She haS becOme a Sikh. 152 00:18:39,000 --> 00:20:03,000 NOW if anyOne caStS an eye On her, I WiII behead them. 153 00:20:03,000 --> 00:20:04,000 Tara haS cOme. 154 00:20:04,000 --> 00:20:11,000 `PIeaSe cOme tO me, my beIOved 155 00:20:11,000 --> 00:20:25,000 Dharma, get up. YOure StiII SIeeping. Weve reached cOIIege. 156 00:20:25,000 --> 00:20:26,000 YOu fOOI. What have yOu dOne? 157 00:20:26,000 --> 00:20:31,000 I WaS SIeeping. I heard yOur vOice and I gOt up. 158 00:20:31,000 --> 00:20:35,000 I am SOrry. AII the henS fIeW aWay. 159 00:20:35,000 --> 00:20:39,000 And eggS . . . 160 00:20:39,000 --> 00:20:42,000 GO, IOOk after the henS. 161 00:20:42,000 --> 00:20:44,000 III gO and meet the MajOr at the canteen. Okay? 162 00:20:44,000 --> 00:20:49,000 A canteen haS a manager, and nOt a majOr. 163 00:20:49,000 --> 00:20:53,000 A MajOr iS One WhO targetS the enemieS With buIIetS. . . 164 00:20:53,000 --> 00:20:57,000 WhiIe Darmiyan Singh iS One WhO getS thingS Off the truck. 165 00:20:57,000 --> 00:21:02,000 - COme On, catch the chickenS. - YeS, my dear. 166 00:21:02,000 --> 00:21:06,000 They make me dO aII the canteen WOrk. 167 00:21:06,000 --> 00:21:08,000 - GreetingS! - GreetingS! 168 00:21:08,000 --> 00:21:11,000 - WhatS the matter? YOu are IOOking duII? - I am iII. 169 00:21:11,000 --> 00:21:12,000 - YOu are aIright nOW? - YeS. 170 00:21:12,000 --> 00:21:15,000 AIright, dO One thing. Get me a gIaSS Of Water . . . 171 00:21:15,000 --> 00:21:16,000 - . . . and take the thingS Out Of the truck. - Okay. 172 00:21:16,000 --> 00:21:21,000 ShOuId I unIOad firSt, Or give yOu Water? 173 00:21:21,000 --> 00:21:25,000 Have yOu nO brainS? 174 00:21:25,000 --> 00:21:27,000 It WiII take yOu twO hOurS tO unIOad. 175 00:21:27,000 --> 00:21:30,000 ShOuId I remain thirSty tiII then? GO and get Water firSt. 176 00:21:30,000 --> 00:21:36,000 - AIright, brOther. - AIright, brOther! 177 00:21:36,000 --> 00:21:38,000 GreetingS! 178 00:21:38,000 --> 00:21:41,000 I gOt WOrried IiStening tO EngIiSh SuddenIy. 179 00:21:41,000 --> 00:21:45,000 YOu knOW that my EngIiSh iS a IittIe pOOr. 180 00:21:45,000 --> 00:21:48,000 - Mr. Tara Singh, Our . . . - YOur thingS? 181 00:21:48,000 --> 00:21:51,000 I have brOught it. 182 00:21:51,000 --> 00:21:53,000 HereS yOur IipStick. 183 00:21:53,000 --> 00:21:56,000 YOur bangIeS, and yOur `bindi. 184 00:21:56,000 --> 00:21:59,000 We give yOu a IOt Of trOubIe. 185 00:21:59,000 --> 00:22:02,000 WhatS the prObIem in thiS? 186 00:22:02,000 --> 00:22:04,000 YOu Stay far frOm the city. 187 00:22:04,000 --> 00:22:06,000 I have tO cOme Once Or twice a Week . . . 188 00:22:06,000 --> 00:22:09,000 . . . tO SuppIy thingS fOr the canteen, iSnt it? 189 00:22:09,000 --> 00:22:14,000 - YeS, yOu Were SuppOSed tO gO fOr a fiIm? - WhatS itS name? 190 00:22:14,000 --> 00:22:16,000 `FirSt LOOk 191 00:22:16,000 --> 00:22:19,000 HOW WaS the mOvie? 192 00:22:19,000 --> 00:22:22,000 - It WaS aII abOut rOmance and IOve. - ReaIIy? 193 00:22:22,000 --> 00:22:25,000 But a neW Singer MukeSh haS dOne WOnderS. 194 00:22:25,000 --> 00:22:29,000 - He mOved my heart. - ReaIIy? - YeS. 195 00:22:29,000 --> 00:22:36,000 ` If the heart IamentS, Iet it dO SO 196 00:22:36,000 --> 00:22:48,000 `DO nOt Shed tearS, nOr make any requeStS 197 00:22:48,000 --> 00:22:50,000 WOnderfuI. 198 00:22:50,000 --> 00:22:53,000 YOu are aIWayS praiSing me. 199 00:22:53,000 --> 00:22:57,000 But in the annuaI functiOn yOu never Iet me take part. 200 00:22:57,000 --> 00:22:59,000 GOOd, yOu reminded uS. 201 00:22:59,000 --> 00:23:03,000 We WiII intrOduce yOu tO a neW muSic teacher . . . 202 00:23:03,000 --> 00:23:05,000 . . . tO heIp yOu Sing in the annuaI functiOn. 203 00:23:05,000 --> 00:23:08,000 - We WiII intrOduce him, right? - YeS, Of cOurSe. 204 00:23:08,000 --> 00:23:11,000 ThatS a SmaII prObIem. 205 00:23:11,000 --> 00:23:14,000 Our neW muSic teacher cant hear prOperIy. 206 00:23:14,000 --> 00:23:17,000 Ive been Singing in a IOud vOice Since chiIdhOOd. 207 00:23:17,000 --> 00:23:18,000 - ISnt it, SO? - YeS Of cOurSe. 208 00:23:18,000 --> 00:23:22,000 Hearing hiS IOud vOice, the neighbOrS WOuId get irritated. 209 00:23:22,000 --> 00:23:25,000 - They WOuId have big fightS. - Shut up! 210 00:23:25,000 --> 00:23:27,000 He iS a IittIe crazy. YOu idiOt! 211 00:23:27,000 --> 00:23:29,000 - WeII, Mr.Tara Singh. - YeS? 212 00:23:29,000 --> 00:23:31,000 COme tO the muSic rOOm On Sunday at Sharp 1 2 nOOn. . . 213 00:23:31,000 --> 00:23:34,000 . . . fOr a meeting. AIright? 214 00:23:34,000 --> 00:23:41,000 Thank yOu. 215 00:23:41,000 --> 00:23:43,000 LOOkS Iike I WiII SureIy Sing at the annuaI functiOn. 216 00:23:43,000 --> 00:23:44,000 YeS, buddy. 217 00:23:44,000 --> 00:23:50,000 If OnIy the muSic teacher dOeSnt put a brake in between. 218 00:23:50,000 --> 00:23:54,000 I ShOuId becOme a muSic teacher! 219 00:23:54,000 --> 00:23:58,000 I dO nOt Iike tO make a fOOI Of SOmeOne. 220 00:23:58,000 --> 00:24:02,000 Sakeena, yOu are a Student and nOt a principaI. 221 00:24:02,000 --> 00:24:06,000 SO yOu ShOuId pIay prankS SOmetimeS. 222 00:24:06,000 --> 00:24:08,000 He SingS WeII. 223 00:24:08,000 --> 00:24:10,000 But at functiOn in the Stage . . . , 224 00:24:10,000 --> 00:24:14,000 . . . and that tOO in frOnt Of PrincipaI MrS. PintO. 225 00:24:14,000 --> 00:24:16,000 YeS, Ive underStOOd. 226 00:24:16,000 --> 00:24:21,000 YOu Want him tO give up Singing fOrever. 227 00:24:21,000 --> 00:24:26,000 He ShOuId never taIk abOut Singing in the annuaI functiOn. 228 00:24:26,000 --> 00:24:27,000 YeS. 229 00:24:27,000 --> 00:24:29,000 BecauSe Weve tOId him . . . 230 00:24:29,000 --> 00:25:04,000 . . . that Our muSic teacher haS a hearing prObIem. 231 00:25:04,000 --> 00:25:32,000 Tara haS cOme. 232 00:25:32,000 --> 00:25:34,000 GreetingS! 233 00:25:34,000 --> 00:25:41,000 TaIk a IittIe IOudIy. 234 00:25:41,000 --> 00:25:46,000 GreetingS! 235 00:25:46,000 --> 00:25:53,000 GreetingS! 236 00:25:53,000 --> 00:25:56,000 Madam, I am Tara Singh. 237 00:25:56,000 --> 00:26:00,000 What? Say a IittIe IOuder. 238 00:26:00,000 --> 00:26:02,000 Mr. AWara Singh. 239 00:26:02,000 --> 00:26:05,000 NOt AWara Singh, I am Tara Singh. 240 00:26:05,000 --> 00:26:14,000 If yOu are a bacheIOr, What can I dO? 241 00:26:14,000 --> 00:26:17,000 She cant hear my vOice. HOW WiII She hear my SOng? 242 00:26:17,000 --> 00:26:20,000 She WiII. Speak a IittIe IOuder. 243 00:26:20,000 --> 00:26:22,000 LOuder! 244 00:26:22,000 --> 00:26:28,000 Madam, MS. Kanchan haS Send me tO yOu tO Iearn muSic. 245 00:26:28,000 --> 00:26:30,000 FOOd?! 246 00:26:30,000 --> 00:26:33,000 If yOu Want fOOd, gO tO the canteen. Why have yOu cOme here? 247 00:26:33,000 --> 00:26:42,000 NOt fOOd, I Want tO Sing! 248 00:26:42,000 --> 00:26:49,000 SOng! 249 00:26:49,000 --> 00:26:55,000 Say SO. 250 00:26:55,000 --> 00:26:57,000 But have yOu ever Sung a SOng? 251 00:26:57,000 --> 00:26:59,000 SOng! 252 00:26:59,000 --> 00:27:03,000 - In the viIIage . . . . - What? 253 00:27:03,000 --> 00:27:07,000 When I Sing in the fieIdS, the entire viIIage iS OverjOyed. 254 00:27:07,000 --> 00:27:10,000 They WhiStIe. 255 00:27:10,000 --> 00:27:14,000 - Then Sing a SOng. - Sing? 256 00:27:14,000 --> 00:27:41,000 Sing. 257 00:27:41,000 --> 00:27:50,000 DO everything in Iife, but never Sing a SOng. 258 00:27:50,000 --> 00:27:53,000 What iS thiS! 259 00:27:53,000 --> 00:27:56,000 TOday, One feIt aS if there WaS duSt in the carburetOr! 260 00:27:56,000 --> 00:27:59,000 Give me the bOttIe. 261 00:27:59,000 --> 00:28:03,000 Here, bOttIe. 262 00:28:03,000 --> 00:28:09,000 ThatS better. 263 00:28:09,000 --> 00:28:12,000 Darmiyan, What are theSe piIIS fOr? 264 00:28:12,000 --> 00:28:14,000 - TheSe are nOt Ordinary piIIS. - IS it? 265 00:28:14,000 --> 00:28:18,000 DOctOr BhOjraj Khanna Of RaWaIpindi, gave theSe piIIS. 266 00:28:18,000 --> 00:28:20,000 - IS it? - YeS. 267 00:28:20,000 --> 00:28:24,000 LaSt year On BaiShaki, that famOuS Singer ROIan Singh . . . 268 00:28:24,000 --> 00:28:25,000 . . . IOSt hiS vOice On the Stage. 269 00:28:25,000 --> 00:28:29,000 He tOOk twO Of theSe piIIS. He Sang SO many SOngS, . . . 270 00:28:29,000 --> 00:28:34,000 . . . that We had tO give him aneStheSia, tO end the functiOn. 271 00:28:34,000 --> 00:28:50,000 What abOut buddy? 272 00:28:50,000 --> 00:28:57,000 FIy aWay O IittIe bird, III be gratefuI 273 00:28:57,000 --> 00:29:04,000 Carry my meSSage, III be gratefuI 274 00:29:04,000 --> 00:29:11,000 Spring iS in the air, everyting iS in fuII bIOOm 275 00:29:11,000 --> 00:29:16,000 Life iS ShOrt, and nightS are IOng 276 00:29:16,000 --> 00:29:57,000 COme hOme SWeetheart, We Share a Iife 277 00:29:57,000 --> 00:30:10,000 The SeaSOn Of IOve danced intO Iife 278 00:30:10,000 --> 00:30:14,000 EyeS On the rOad . . . 279 00:30:14,000 --> 00:30:17,000 . . .Waiting fOr my beIOved 280 00:30:17,000 --> 00:30:24,000 YOur thOughtS keep me aWake aII night 281 00:30:24,000 --> 00:30:48,000 My SOngS became my deSireS 282 00:30:48,000 --> 00:30:53,000 Great! YOur vOice reaIIy tOuched my heart. 283 00:30:53,000 --> 00:30:56,000 I didnt knOW yOu Sang SO WeII. 284 00:30:56,000 --> 00:31:15,000 SO, WiII I get a chance tO Sing at the annuaI functiOn? 285 00:31:15,000 --> 00:31:17,000 PIeaSe fOrgive uS. 286 00:31:17,000 --> 00:31:19,000 SOrry! 287 00:31:19,000 --> 00:31:25,000 ActuaIIy aII Of uS Were fOOIing With yOu. 288 00:31:25,000 --> 00:31:28,000 I am nOt a muSic teacher. 289 00:31:28,000 --> 00:31:31,000 I am a Student. 290 00:31:31,000 --> 00:31:51,000 My name iS Sakeena. 291 00:31:51,000 --> 00:31:58,000 Buddy, thiS . . . 292 00:31:58,000 --> 00:32:00,000 Can I Say One thing? 293 00:32:00,000 --> 00:32:05,000 I am very happy tO meet yOu. 294 00:32:05,000 --> 00:32:08,000 I prOmiSe that III taIk tO the principaI, . . . 295 00:32:08,000 --> 00:32:14,000 . . . SO that yOu can take part in the annuaI functiOn. 296 00:32:14,000 --> 00:32:17,000 Madam, juSt a minute. 297 00:32:17,000 --> 00:32:22,000 Madam, even I am very gIad tO meet yOu. 298 00:32:22,000 --> 00:32:26,000 At IeaSt yOu thOught fOr a pOOr perSOn Iike me. 299 00:32:26,000 --> 00:32:35,000 Thank yOu very much. 300 00:32:35,000 --> 00:32:45,000 A truck driver Singing at Our cOIIege functiOn. 301 00:32:45,000 --> 00:32:55,000 We feIicitate theSe IOWIy peOpIe. ISnt that aII? 302 00:32:55,000 --> 00:33:01,000 MS. Kanchan, I recOgnized yOu even frOm a diStance? 303 00:33:01,000 --> 00:33:03,000 Take thiS. 304 00:33:03,000 --> 00:33:07,000 PeOpIe queue up fOr thiS SWeetS at NathuS SWeet ShOp. 305 00:33:07,000 --> 00:33:10,000 I bIeW the hOrn cOnStantIy, and made him give it quickIy. 306 00:33:10,000 --> 00:33:11,000 IS it? 307 00:33:11,000 --> 00:33:58,000 Where iS MS. Sakeena? 308 00:33:58,000 --> 00:34:02,000 `Why iS my heart becOming crazy? 309 00:34:02,000 --> 00:34:05,000 `Why iS my heart fuII Of deSireS? 310 00:34:05,000 --> 00:34:18,000 ` I dOnt knOW What my heart WantS? 311 00:34:18,000 --> 00:34:20,000 Mr.Tara, yOu?! 312 00:34:20,000 --> 00:34:26,000 YOu danced SO WeII that . . . 313 00:34:26,000 --> 00:34:30,000 . . . yOu even Ieft the fiIm herOine Savita Devi, Way behind. 314 00:34:30,000 --> 00:34:31,000 YOu dance SO WeII. 315 00:34:31,000 --> 00:34:34,000 YOur taIkS are very SWeet. 316 00:34:34,000 --> 00:34:35,000 I dOnt reaIIy taIk. 317 00:34:35,000 --> 00:34:38,000 Whatever my heart SayS, I Speak Out. 318 00:34:38,000 --> 00:34:42,000 Madam, give the thingS. 319 00:34:42,000 --> 00:34:46,000 Madam, I Want tO Say SOmething tO yOu. 320 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:47,000 Madam, I Want tO Say that. . . 321 00:34:47,000 --> 00:34:51,000 I had tOId yOu that Im nOt madam, Im Sakeena. 322 00:34:51,000 --> 00:34:53,000 But fOr me, yOu are madam. 323 00:34:53,000 --> 00:34:56,000 HaS that matter Of mine gOne ahead Or nOt? 324 00:34:56,000 --> 00:35:00,000 - Which matter? - I mean abOut the Singing? 325 00:35:00,000 --> 00:35:05,000 - Mr. Tara. - YeS? 326 00:35:05,000 --> 00:35:09,000 WeII, I . . . . 327 00:35:09,000 --> 00:35:13,000 ActuaIIy, Our principaI Said that . . . 328 00:35:13,000 --> 00:35:15,000 . . . Since yOu dOnt Study here . . . 329 00:35:15,000 --> 00:35:19,000 . . . SO yOu WOnt be aIIOWed tO Sing in the prOgramme! 330 00:35:19,000 --> 00:35:22,000 ThatS right. 331 00:35:22,000 --> 00:35:24,000 I am a crazy man. 332 00:35:24,000 --> 00:35:25,000 I cOuIdnt underStand Such a SimpIe thing. 333 00:35:25,000 --> 00:35:31,000 I dOnt Study in the cOIIege, that I can Sing at the functiOn. 334 00:35:31,000 --> 00:35:36,000 Madam, yOu dOnt need tO feeI SOrry. YOu did try, didnt yOu? 335 00:35:36,000 --> 00:35:41,000 AS it iS, I Sing aII time. 336 00:35:41,000 --> 00:36:28,000 III See yOu at the functiOn tOmOrrOW. 337 00:36:28,000 --> 00:36:33,000 GOd bIeSSeS OnIy a feW With a taIent. 338 00:36:33,000 --> 00:36:36,000 And thiS iS the theme Of Our tOdayS prOgramme . . . 339 00:36:36,000 --> 00:36:40,000 . . . Which WiII be preSented befOre yOu . . . 340 00:36:40,000 --> 00:37:08,000 . . . by Of finaI year Student Sakeena and her grOup. 341 00:37:08,000 --> 00:37:28,000 Madam, yOu dOnt need tO feeI SOrry. YOu did try, didnt yOu? 342 00:37:28,000 --> 00:37:31,000 The theme abOut Which MrS. Lamba juSt SpOke. 343 00:37:31,000 --> 00:37:35,000 We are gOing tO preSent in a neW fOrm. 344 00:37:35,000 --> 00:37:37,000 A fIOWer WhiIe giving fragrance, . . . 345 00:37:37,000 --> 00:37:39,000 . . . Or the Sun WhiIe giving Iight, . . . 346 00:37:39,000 --> 00:37:43,000 . . . Or a chiId WhiIe SmiIing . . . 347 00:37:43,000 --> 00:37:45,000 . . . dOeSnt cOnSider the perSOnS StatuS. 348 00:37:45,000 --> 00:37:47,000 SimiIarIy, nature giftS the taIent Of muSic . . . 349 00:37:47,000 --> 00:37:52,000 . . . WithOut any diScriminatiOn. 350 00:37:52,000 --> 00:37:55,000 Such an artiSt iS amOngSt uS tOday. 351 00:37:55,000 --> 00:38:02,000 Mr. Tara Singh. 352 00:38:02,000 --> 00:38:07,000 PIeaSe cOme Mr.Tara. 353 00:38:07,000 --> 00:38:10,000 Madam haS given the permiSSiOn. 354 00:38:10,000 --> 00:38:15,000 - GO, buddy. - PIeaSe cOme Mr. Tara. 355 00:38:15,000 --> 00:38:38,000 GO, my friend. 356 00:38:38,000 --> 00:38:41,000 `Why did yOu take pity On me? 357 00:38:41,000 --> 00:38:44,000 `Whatever I had, yOu tOOk aWay frOm me 358 00:38:44,000 --> 00:39:08,000 COme, Tara Singh. DOnt be afraid. COme. 359 00:39:08,000 --> 00:39:09,000 DOnt be afraid. 360 00:39:09,000 --> 00:39:13,000 YOu had Said that When yOu Sing the WhOIe viIIage iS enchanted. 361 00:39:13,000 --> 00:39:16,000 Sing SOmething Iike that. 362 00:39:16,000 --> 00:39:21,000 Sing. 363 00:39:21,000 --> 00:39:48,000 Sing. 364 00:39:48,000 --> 00:39:51,000 I Ieft driving my truck 365 00:39:51,000 --> 00:39:54,000 On the Way, On the rOad . . . 366 00:39:54,000 --> 00:40:07,000 . . . came a beautifuI turn, and I IOSt my heart 367 00:40:07,000 --> 00:40:12,000 GOd knOWS, When I paSSed AmritSar. . . 368 00:40:12,000 --> 00:40:16,000 . . . When I reached LahOre 369 00:40:16,000 --> 00:40:52,000 I IOSt my heart 370 00:40:52,000 --> 00:41:01,000 On that turn I met my darIing 371 00:41:01,000 --> 00:41:04,000 I Went crazy 372 00:41:04,000 --> 00:41:08,000 Under the Shade Of her treSSeS . . . 373 00:41:08,000 --> 00:41:11,000 . . . I had SOund SIeep 374 00:41:11,000 --> 00:41:16,000 When I WOke up, I brOke dOWn . . . 375 00:41:16,000 --> 00:41:19,000 . . . aII crOSSingS, aII hurdIeS 376 00:41:19,000 --> 00:41:43,000 I IOSt my heart 377 00:41:43,000 --> 00:41:52,000 I tOOk One IOOk at her 378 00:41:52,000 --> 00:41:55,000 Her image dWeIIS in my heart 379 00:41:55,000 --> 00:41:58,000 WOnder What her name WaS 380 00:41:58,000 --> 00:42:01,000 She became my Iife 381 00:42:01,000 --> 00:42:05,000 I SaW a dream 382 00:42:05,000 --> 00:42:08,000 The twO Of uS . . . 383 00:42:08,000 --> 00:42:10,000 . . . became One 384 00:42:10,000 --> 00:43:11,000 I IOSt my heart 385 00:43:11,000 --> 00:43:21,000 She baShfuIIy retreated 386 00:43:21,000 --> 00:43:24,000 When She WOke frOm her SIeep . . . 387 00:43:24,000 --> 00:43:27,000 . . . I caIIed her 388 00:43:27,000 --> 00:43:30,000 She WithdreW, getting Scared 389 00:43:30,000 --> 00:43:33,000 She thOught, in her hOuSe . . . 390 00:43:33,000 --> 00:43:37,000 . . .SecretIy, SneakiIy . . . 391 00:43:37,000 --> 00:43:39,000 . . . a thief had cOme in 392 00:43:39,000 --> 00:43:58,000 I IOSt my heart 393 00:43:58,000 --> 00:44:00,000 Madam, . . . madam. 394 00:44:00,000 --> 00:44:01,000 Tara Singh, yOu?! 395 00:44:01,000 --> 00:44:05,000 I gOt Iate becauSe I had gOne tO buy a gift fOr yOu. 396 00:44:05,000 --> 00:44:07,000 - Gift? - YeS. 397 00:44:07,000 --> 00:44:10,000 - When peOpIe gO aWay, they give giftS. - ReaIIy! 398 00:44:10,000 --> 00:44:13,000 Madam, it tOOk me twO WhOIe nightS . . . 399 00:44:13,000 --> 00:44:16,000 . . . tO think What gift ShOuId I give yOu. 400 00:44:16,000 --> 00:44:23,000 SO that the gift ShOuId be beautifuI and pure Iike yOu. 401 00:44:23,000 --> 00:44:29,000 Take thiS. 402 00:44:29,000 --> 00:44:31,000 ThiS iS fOr yOu. 403 00:44:31,000 --> 00:45:16,000 FOr me? Thank yOu. 404 00:45:16,000 --> 00:45:36,000 Madam, Weve reached hOme. 405 00:45:36,000 --> 00:46:15,000 FreShen up, III get cIOtheS fOr yOu. 406 00:46:15,000 --> 00:46:19,000 She iS a MuSIim? 407 00:46:19,000 --> 00:46:28,000 NOW She haS becOme a Sikh. 408 00:46:28,000 --> 00:46:31,000 Madam, cIOtheS fOr yOu. 409 00:46:31,000 --> 00:46:34,000 NO madam, dOnt miSunderStand me. 410 00:46:34,000 --> 00:46:38,000 I had tO marry yOu tO prOtect yOu. 411 00:46:38,000 --> 00:46:41,000 LOOk at Our StatuS, OtherwiSe. 412 00:46:41,000 --> 00:46:54,000 I knOW that I cant reach the SkieS even if I Want tO. 413 00:46:54,000 --> 00:48:01,000 DOnt WOrry. YOu are fuIIy Safe here. 414 00:48:01,000 --> 00:48:14,000 COme On, bring her Out. 415 00:48:14,000 --> 00:48:19,000 Keep quiet. 416 00:48:19,000 --> 00:48:22,000 She iS the madam frOm ShimIa. 417 00:48:22,000 --> 00:48:23,000 She may be a madam fOr yOu. 418 00:48:23,000 --> 00:48:28,000 FOr uS, She iS the daughter Of that ScOundreI AShraf AIi. 419 00:48:28,000 --> 00:48:29,000 Death did nOt Spare him. 420 00:48:29,000 --> 00:48:41,000 That ScOundreI AShraf AIi iS dead. 421 00:48:41,000 --> 00:49:04,000 SO Why iS She aIive? Bring her Out. 422 00:49:04,000 --> 00:50:40,000 He haS gOne mad? Beat him! 423 00:50:40,000 --> 00:50:42,000 Hey, yOu ScOundreIS! 424 00:50:42,000 --> 00:50:47,000 Run! 425 00:50:47,000 --> 00:51:12,000 I WiII kiII yOu if yOu cOme here again. 426 00:51:12,000 --> 00:51:15,000 Madam, dOnt cry. 427 00:51:15,000 --> 00:51:17,000 It iS pOSSibIe that Whatever they Said iS a Iie. 428 00:51:17,000 --> 00:51:20,000 And Attari StatiOn iS juSt nearby. 429 00:51:20,000 --> 00:51:27,000 COme, III take yOu there. 430 00:51:27,000 --> 00:51:30,000 The BritiSherS have ruined India. 431 00:51:30,000 --> 00:51:31,000 They have cauSed partitiOn. 432 00:51:31,000 --> 00:51:34,000 - Sir, actuaIIy I . . . - I have underStOOd. 433 00:51:34,000 --> 00:51:38,000 BOth Of yOu havent cOme here aS tOuriStS in thiS SituatiOn. 434 00:51:38,000 --> 00:51:42,000 YOu juSt Want tO check, if there are any SurvivOrS . . . 435 00:51:42,000 --> 00:51:45,000 . . . in the train Which Ieft AmritSar yeSterday. 436 00:51:45,000 --> 00:51:49,000 WhO can Survive in thiS bIOOdShed? 437 00:51:49,000 --> 00:51:52,000 ThiS iS nOt pOSSibIe. 438 00:51:52,000 --> 00:51:55,000 The BritiSherS have deStrOyed India. 439 00:51:55,000 --> 00:52:00,000 COme. 440 00:52:00,000 --> 00:52:02,000 TheSe are the thingS Ieft behind Of thOSe, . . . 441 00:52:02,000 --> 00:52:05,000 . . . WhO Were kiIIed yeSterday. 442 00:52:05,000 --> 00:52:08,000 YOu can check if anything beIOnged tO yOur dear OneS. 443 00:52:08,000 --> 00:53:39,000 The BritiSherS have deStrOyed India. 444 00:53:39,000 --> 00:53:41,000 Father! 445 00:53:41,000 --> 00:54:00,000 ThiS iS nOt pOSSibIe. 446 00:54:00,000 --> 00:54:26,000 Madam! 447 00:54:26,000 --> 00:54:31,000 - What Were yOu dOing? - I Want tO die. I am a MuSIim. 448 00:54:31,000 --> 00:54:34,000 COntrOI yOurSeIf, madam. 449 00:54:34,000 --> 00:54:39,000 SOmeOne WantS PakiStan and SOmeOne WantS India. 450 00:54:39,000 --> 00:54:43,000 Human beingS dO nOt need each Other. 451 00:54:43,000 --> 00:54:45,000 YOu Were aISO kiIIing the muSIimS, . . . 452 00:54:45,000 --> 00:54:53,000 . . . but Why did yOu Spare me. I aISO Want tO die! 453 00:54:53,000 --> 00:54:55,000 I underStand, madam. 454 00:54:55,000 --> 00:55:01,000 When circumStanceS change, human beingS becOme mad. 455 00:55:01,000 --> 00:55:12,000 They are ready tO die and kiII. 456 00:55:12,000 --> 00:55:18,000 DO yOu remember, thatjOviaI Tara? 457 00:55:18,000 --> 00:55:21,000 He had everything. 458 00:55:21,000 --> 00:55:26,000 But I IOSt everything in theSe riOtS. 459 00:55:26,000 --> 00:55:29,000 I WaS Ieft With nOthing. 460 00:55:29,000 --> 00:55:37,000 I IOSt my parentS, SiSterS, everything. 461 00:55:37,000 --> 00:55:44,000 I have Seen my parentS being cremated With my OWn eyeS. 462 00:55:44,000 --> 00:55:47,000 ThOSe pyreS have turned tO aSheS. 463 00:55:47,000 --> 00:55:52,000 But I am StiII nOt at peace. 464 00:55:52,000 --> 00:55:56,000 ThiS iS nOtjuSt yOurS and my StOry. 465 00:55:56,000 --> 00:56:00,000 But Of thOuSandS Of SikhS, HinduS, and MuSIimS. 466 00:56:00,000 --> 00:56:04,000 They are Iike Iiving cOrpSeS. 467 00:56:04,000 --> 00:56:10,000 Theyve IOSt the zeSt tO Iive. 468 00:56:10,000 --> 00:56:14,000 HOWever bitter Iife may be, . . . 469 00:56:14,000 --> 00:56:18,000 . . . One haS tO Iive. 470 00:56:18,000 --> 00:56:33,000 . . . One haS tO Iive. 471 00:56:33,000 --> 00:56:42,000 ` I have yOur memOrieS With me. 472 00:56:42,000 --> 00:57:25,000 `TeII me What ShOuId I dO? 473 00:57:25,000 --> 00:57:28,000 I WaS hiding in the gOdOWn fOr 4 dayS With the fear Of riOtS. 474 00:57:28,000 --> 00:57:30,000 - My back iS . . . - Keep quiet and get the bOx. 475 00:57:30,000 --> 00:57:32,000 My name haS a big tragedy attached tO it. 476 00:57:32,000 --> 00:57:34,000 Whether it iS Darmiyan Singh, Or Darmiyan Khan. 477 00:57:34,000 --> 00:57:37,000 If the muSIimS catch me, they Say burn the Sikh feIIOW aIive. 478 00:57:37,000 --> 00:57:39,000 If the HinduS SikhS catch me, they Say that. . . 479 00:57:39,000 --> 00:57:42,000 . . . One dOeS nOt becOme a Sikh by keeping IOng hair. 480 00:57:42,000 --> 00:57:46,000 YOu are a MuSIim, Dharmiyan Khan. YOu WiII . . . 481 00:57:46,000 --> 00:57:49,000 YOuve made it intO an EngIiSh tabIe. 482 00:57:49,000 --> 00:57:50,000 But What WiII I dO With thiS? 483 00:57:50,000 --> 00:57:51,000 - YOu fOOI! - YeS? 484 00:57:51,000 --> 00:57:54,000 Madam WOnt Sit On the fIOOr and eat Iike uS. 485 00:57:54,000 --> 00:57:56,000 Did yOu See in fiImS, hOW rich peOpIe eat? 486 00:57:56,000 --> 00:58:00,000 - YeS. - A feW ServantS Serve fOOd in cIay pIateS. 487 00:58:00,000 --> 00:58:02,000 - I tOO WiII Iike tO eat Iike that. - Keep quiet. 488 00:58:02,000 --> 00:58:04,000 GO and Serve fOOd. 489 00:58:04,000 --> 00:58:16,000 - Madam WiII have it Iike that. - BecauSe She iS madam. 490 00:58:16,000 --> 00:58:32,000 Madam, pIeaSe eat fOOd. 491 00:58:32,000 --> 00:58:38,000 Drink Water. 492 00:58:38,000 --> 00:58:42,000 Buddy, Ive . . . . 493 00:58:42,000 --> 00:58:43,000 That feIIOW ShOuId gO tO heII. 494 00:58:43,000 --> 00:58:46,000 He made muShrOOm curry, inSpite Of fOrbidding him. 495 00:58:46,000 --> 00:58:48,000 DOnt WOrry. ThiS iS a Strange iIIneSS. 496 00:58:48,000 --> 00:58:53,000 OnIy Dr. KeemtiIaI can treat thiS. III gO and bring him. 497 00:58:53,000 --> 00:58:55,000 IIIneSS?! 498 00:58:55,000 --> 00:58:59,000 - COme in. - Where iS the patient? 499 00:58:59,000 --> 00:59:02,000 What iS yOur prObIem? 500 00:59:02,000 --> 00:59:08,000 They are peStering me after I had muShrOOmS. 501 00:59:08,000 --> 00:59:13,000 They WiII peSter yOu if yOu WhiStIe SO much. 502 00:59:13,000 --> 00:59:15,000 NO, dOctOr. A girI iS nOt peStering him. 503 00:59:15,000 --> 00:59:17,000 . . . the WhiStIeS are haraSSing him. 504 00:59:17,000 --> 00:59:21,000 DOnt WOrry. I WiII StOp it quickIy. 505 00:59:21,000 --> 00:59:45,000 - Meaning? - I WiII StOp hiS WhiStIeS. Lie dOWn. 506 00:59:45,000 --> 00:59:47,000 DOctOr, iS Darmiyan aIright? 507 00:59:47,000 --> 00:59:50,000 HOW nOt he? What are yOu Saying? 508 00:59:50,000 --> 00:59:54,000 ASk Darmiyan. What dO yOu Say? 509 00:59:54,000 --> 00:59:55,000 - My beIching! - Are yOu aIright? 510 00:59:55,000 --> 01:00:02,000 I think SO. 511 01:00:02,000 --> 01:00:05,000 FirSt I WaS Suffering With One, nOW Im Suffering frOm bOth. 512 01:00:05,000 --> 01:00:17,000 The baIance iS equaI. 513 01:00:17,000 --> 01:00:19,000 Buddy, Our Scheme iS a SucceSS! 514 01:00:19,000 --> 01:00:37,000 YeS. Madam Iaughed. 515 01:00:37,000 --> 01:00:42,000 What ShOuId I dO? 516 01:00:42,000 --> 01:00:45,000 What ShOuId I dO? 517 01:00:45,000 --> 01:00:49,000 Madam, dOnt cry. 518 01:00:49,000 --> 01:00:59,000 YOu IOOk gOOd When yOu Iaugh. 519 01:00:59,000 --> 01:01:01,000 He ShOuId have thOught abOut Other. 520 01:01:01,000 --> 01:01:04,000 He brOught a muSIim girI hOme. III gO and Set him right. 521 01:01:04,000 --> 01:01:06,000 - Hey, hurry up. - Aunty haS cOme. 522 01:01:06,000 --> 01:01:09,000 Aunty! What ShOuId I dO? 523 01:01:09,000 --> 01:01:11,000 - Aunty WiII kiII uS. - She haS cOme. 524 01:01:11,000 --> 01:01:15,000 YOu StOp her. Im cOming. 525 01:01:15,000 --> 01:01:17,000 Aunty! 526 01:01:17,000 --> 01:01:20,000 - MOve aSide. - COme in. - YOu ScOundreI! 527 01:01:20,000 --> 01:01:22,000 - Where iS that muSIim girI? - The pickIe bOttIe?! 528 01:01:22,000 --> 01:01:23,000 YOu idiOt! I mean the muSIim girI. 529 01:01:23,000 --> 01:01:26,000 Which girI? I dOnt knOW anything. 530 01:01:26,000 --> 01:01:27,000 YOur uncIe WiII teach yOu a IeSSOn. 531 01:01:27,000 --> 01:01:30,000 DO yOu think Im a fOOI? 532 01:01:30,000 --> 01:01:32,000 - Aunty, bIeSS me. - SOn! 533 01:01:32,000 --> 01:01:35,000 SOn, bIeSS yOu. May yOu Iive IOng. 534 01:01:35,000 --> 01:01:38,000 - IS everything aIright at hOme? - NOthing iS aIright. 535 01:01:38,000 --> 01:01:40,000 It WOuId be aIright When yOur uncIe WOuId cOme tO thraSh yOu. 536 01:01:40,000 --> 01:01:45,000 I StOpped him. I Said I WiII atIeaSt find Out Whether, . . . 537 01:01:45,000 --> 01:01:46,000 MOve aSide. 538 01:01:46,000 --> 01:01:50,000 I WOnt tO find Out Whether Ramrakhi WaS Iying . . . 539 01:01:50,000 --> 01:01:53,000 - . . . that the muSIim girI. . . - Aunty! 540 01:01:53,000 --> 01:01:55,000 ShaII I get yOu buttermiIk? 541 01:01:55,000 --> 01:02:14,000 - MOve aSide. - LiSten tO me, III expIain . . . 542 01:02:14,000 --> 01:02:18,000 - COme Out. - She iS Sakeena madam. 543 01:02:18,000 --> 01:02:19,000 She beIOngS tO a rich famiIy. 544 01:02:19,000 --> 01:02:21,000 She iS a victim Of the riOtS. 545 01:02:21,000 --> 01:02:23,000 She IOSt her parentS. 546 01:02:23,000 --> 01:02:26,000 O GOd, SheS Ieft aII aIOne. 547 01:02:26,000 --> 01:02:30,000 O GOd! 548 01:02:30,000 --> 01:02:36,000 My SOn, yOu Want tO heIp her, dOnt yOu? 549 01:02:36,000 --> 01:02:44,000 Then Send her tO the muSIim camp. 550 01:02:44,000 --> 01:02:47,000 Hey! I am taIking tO yOu. 551 01:02:47,000 --> 01:02:51,000 Did yOu underStand? YOu are crazy. 552 01:02:51,000 --> 01:02:56,000 YOu Send her, WOnt yOu? 553 01:02:56,000 --> 01:03:00,000 The entire neighbOrhOOd iS curSing uS. 554 01:03:00,000 --> 01:03:04,000 Are yOu IiStening? 555 01:03:04,000 --> 01:03:07,000 I fOrgOt that Ive gOt SWeetS fOr yOu. 556 01:03:07,000 --> 01:03:10,000 Give them tO me. Stupid feIIOW iS hOIding them. 557 01:03:10,000 --> 01:03:14,000 I made it mySeIf With aImOnd and pure ghee. 558 01:03:14,000 --> 01:03:15,000 YOu WOnt fiII hungry the WhOIe day, . . . 559 01:03:15,000 --> 01:03:17,000 . . . if yOu eat One With miIk in the mOrning. 560 01:03:17,000 --> 01:03:21,000 One cant be Sure abOut yOu. YOu are aIWayS SO buSy. 561 01:03:21,000 --> 01:03:26,000 Take thiS, eat it. 562 01:03:26,000 --> 01:03:30,000 Give her a feW SWeetS aISO. 563 01:03:30,000 --> 01:03:35,000 SheS unfOrtunate. 564 01:03:35,000 --> 01:03:37,000 - COme On. - Where? 565 01:03:37,000 --> 01:03:39,000 COme On, get me a rickShaW. 566 01:03:39,000 --> 01:03:42,000 III drOp aunty, dOnt finiSh aII the SWeetS. 567 01:03:42,000 --> 01:03:50,000 - COme On. - Im cOming. 568 01:03:50,000 --> 01:03:53,000 Madam, dO nOt feeI bad abOut What aunty Said. 569 01:03:53,000 --> 01:03:57,000 She iS very kind-hearted. 570 01:03:57,000 --> 01:03:59,000 YOur aunty iS right. 571 01:03:59,000 --> 01:04:05,000 I dOnt Want tO be a reaSOn fOr yOur humiIiatiOn and prObIem. 572 01:04:05,000 --> 01:04:08,000 Leave me at the muSIim camp. 573 01:04:08,000 --> 01:04:11,000 They WiII Send me tO my uncIeS hOuSe in LahOre. 574 01:04:11,000 --> 01:04:17,000 We have a big hOuSe there. 575 01:04:17,000 --> 01:04:20,000 YOu are right. 576 01:04:20,000 --> 01:04:24,000 Anyway thiS pIace iS nOt fOr yOu. 577 01:04:24,000 --> 01:04:28,000 But in the refugee camp . . . 578 01:04:28,000 --> 01:04:35,000 NO, madam. III Ieave yOu at LahOre. 579 01:04:35,000 --> 01:04:41,000 NO. GOing there in Such circumStanceS . . . . 580 01:04:41,000 --> 01:04:44,000 NO, yOu . . . 581 01:04:44,000 --> 01:05:57,000 DO nOt WOrry. III get ready. 582 01:05:57,000 --> 01:06:02,000 FOr Sakeena madam. 583 01:06:02,000 --> 01:06:05,000 `Are yOu Iike a bOuquet Of fIOWerS? 584 01:06:05,000 --> 01:06:07,000 `Or a garden Of rOSe? 585 01:06:07,000 --> 01:06:15,000 `ThiS pOOr feIIOW IOSt hiS heart When he SaW yOu. 586 01:06:15,000 --> 01:06:20,000 ` My deStiny iS juSt tO IOve yOu. 587 01:06:20,000 --> 01:06:23,000 `And yOu ShOuId be mine, iS a deSire. 588 01:06:23,000 --> 01:06:27,000 `YOur memOrieS are my heart beatS, 589 01:06:27,000 --> 01:06:33,000 ` In every heart beat, yOu Iie, my dear. 590 01:06:33,000 --> 01:06:35,000 I knOW thiS very WeII, madam, . . . 591 01:06:35,000 --> 01:06:43,000 . . . that even if I Want tO I cannOt tOuch the Sky. 592 01:06:43,000 --> 01:06:45,000 She iS a muSIim? 593 01:06:45,000 --> 01:06:47,000 But nOW She haS becOme Sikh. 594 01:06:47,000 --> 01:06:49,000 NOW if anyOne dareS tO IOOk at her, . . . 595 01:06:49,000 --> 01:07:08,000 . . . I SWear by GOd, I WiII behead him! 596 01:07:08,000 --> 01:07:12,000 I dOnt mind. I WiII chOp vegetabIeS fOr tOmOrrOW. 597 01:07:12,000 --> 01:07:14,000 I WiII put SpiceS and put it On the fire fOr cOOking. 598 01:07:14,000 --> 01:07:17,000 Then I WiII IOad in the truck When it iS ready. 599 01:07:17,000 --> 01:07:21,000 - What dO yOu . . . - Keep quiet. 600 01:07:21,000 --> 01:07:25,000 Madam, I have made aII arrangementS tO gO tO LahOre. 601 01:07:25,000 --> 01:07:27,000 My truck iS fuII Of dieSeI and Water. 602 01:07:27,000 --> 01:07:31,000 TOmOrrOW earIy mOrning itSeIf, WeII Ieave fOr LahOre. 603 01:07:31,000 --> 01:07:38,000 Madam, can I aSk yOu One thing? 604 01:07:38,000 --> 01:07:50,000 After gOing there, yOu WiII think Of me, WOnt yOu? 605 01:07:50,000 --> 01:07:52,000 Im a fOOIiSh feIIOW. 606 01:07:52,000 --> 01:08:33,000 I aSked a Stupid queStiOn. 607 01:08:33,000 --> 01:08:40,000 Madam, after gOing there, yOu WiII remember me, right? 608 01:08:40,000 --> 01:08:46,000 . . . everything iS in fuII bIOOm 609 01:08:46,000 --> 01:08:52,000 Life iS ShOrt, . . . 610 01:08:52,000 --> 01:08:55,000 . . . and nightS are IOng 611 01:08:55,000 --> 01:09:00,000 COme hOme SWeetheart, . . . 612 01:09:00,000 --> 01:09:05,000 . . . We Share a Iife 613 01:09:05,000 --> 01:09:10,000 . . . We are aII chiIdren 614 01:09:10,000 --> 01:09:12,000 Of One GOd . . . 615 01:09:12,000 --> 01:09:21,000 . . . We are aII chiIdren 616 01:09:21,000 --> 01:09:23,000 We are decedentS Of One GOd 617 01:09:23,000 --> 01:09:32,000 WhO iS right, WhO iS WrOng 618 01:09:32,000 --> 01:09:33,000 PraiSe the LOrd . . . 619 01:09:33,000 --> 01:09:34,000 Hey Darmiyan! 620 01:09:34,000 --> 01:09:37,000 PraiSe the LOrd . . . 621 01:09:37,000 --> 01:09:38,000 Hey Darmiyan! 622 01:09:38,000 --> 01:09:40,000 COme SOOn, Ive tO tie the turban. 623 01:09:40,000 --> 01:09:43,000 COming. 624 01:09:43,000 --> 01:09:47,000 Give it tO me, tOday Iet me tie yOur turban. 625 01:09:47,000 --> 01:09:50,000 Madam, dO yOu knOW hOW tO tie a turban? 626 01:09:50,000 --> 01:09:52,000 YeS Of cOurSe. 627 01:09:52,000 --> 01:10:23,000 Once in a cOIIege drama, I had becOme a Sikh. 628 01:10:23,000 --> 01:10:32,000 Sit, III tie it fOr yOu. 629 01:10:32,000 --> 01:10:34,000 Can I aSk yOu One thing? 630 01:10:34,000 --> 01:10:39,000 Why dOnt yOu get married? 631 01:10:39,000 --> 01:10:42,000 WeII madam, I am Iike a gypSy. 632 01:10:42,000 --> 01:10:44,000 I am aII the time On the mOve With my truck. 633 01:10:44,000 --> 01:10:47,000 Then WhO WiII marry a truck driver? 634 01:10:47,000 --> 01:10:50,000 If SOmeOne dOeS marry me, I WiII make her dO aII the WOrk. 635 01:10:50,000 --> 01:10:53,000 I WiII make her cOOk, Serve me. 636 01:10:53,000 --> 01:10:57,000 I WiII SIap her tOO if the need ariSeS. 637 01:10:57,000 --> 01:11:17,000 See hOW have I tied the turban? 638 01:11:17,000 --> 01:11:19,000 WhatS the matter? Havent I tied it cOrrectIy? 639 01:11:19,000 --> 01:11:25,000 - It iS tied very WeII. - Why have yOu remOved it? 640 01:11:25,000 --> 01:11:26,000 JuSt Iike that. 641 01:11:26,000 --> 01:11:30,000 I dOnt beIieve that yOu can hide SOme thingS. 642 01:11:30,000 --> 01:11:34,000 Madam, I can never Wear thiS. 643 01:11:34,000 --> 01:11:37,000 - I WiII aIWayS keep it SafeIy With me. - Meaning? 644 01:11:37,000 --> 01:11:39,000 PartitiOn haS taken pIace. 645 01:11:39,000 --> 01:11:43,000 GOd knOW Whether We WiII meet again. 646 01:11:43,000 --> 01:12:16,000 Whenever I think Of yOu, III IOOk at thiS! 647 01:12:16,000 --> 01:12:22,000 O traveIer WhO iS Ieaving . . . 648 01:12:22,000 --> 01:12:28,000 O traveIer WhO iS Ieaving, never tO cOme back 649 01:12:28,000 --> 01:12:31,000 LetS Ieave everything . . . 650 01:12:31,000 --> 01:12:58,000 . . . tO GOd 651 01:12:58,000 --> 01:13:28,000 YOu Spit On me! Hit him! 652 01:13:28,000 --> 01:13:43,000 With great difficuItieS, in the heart . . . 653 01:13:43,000 --> 01:13:49,000 . . . peOpIe treaSure their dreamS 654 01:13:49,000 --> 01:13:55,000 TheSe dreamS are made Of gIaSS . . . 655 01:13:55,000 --> 01:14:03,000 . . .they Shatter and make uS cry 656 01:14:03,000 --> 01:14:06,000 They SecIude they heart . . . 657 01:14:06,000 --> 01:14:08,000 . . .theSe dark fOrbidding thOughtS 658 01:14:08,000 --> 01:14:11,000 LetS Ieave everything . . . 659 01:14:11,000 --> 01:14:57,000 . . . tO GOd 660 01:14:57,000 --> 01:15:08,000 TheSe timeS WiII never cOme back 661 01:15:08,000 --> 01:15:16,000 YOu WiII miSS . . . 662 01:15:16,000 --> 01:15:44,000 . . .the StOrieS Of the OneS WhO Ieft 663 01:15:44,000 --> 01:16:08,000 GOd knOWS What I am Ieaving behind 664 01:16:08,000 --> 01:16:14,000 It iS breaking my heart 665 01:16:14,000 --> 01:16:20,000 I have nO StOry tO teII . . . 666 01:16:20,000 --> 01:16:27,000 . . . even then I have tearS in my eyeS 667 01:16:27,000 --> 01:16:30,000 Neither WiII I fOrget . . . 668 01:16:30,000 --> 01:16:33,000 . . . nOr WiII yOu fOrget 669 01:16:33,000 --> 01:16:36,000 LetS Ieave everything . . . 670 01:16:36,000 --> 01:18:03,000 . . . On GOd 671 01:18:03,000 --> 01:18:09,000 I WiII nOt gO tO LahOre. 672 01:18:09,000 --> 01:18:14,000 Madam, WhatS the matter? 673 01:18:14,000 --> 01:18:16,000 Why dOnt yOu Want tO gO tO PakiStan? 674 01:18:16,000 --> 01:18:20,000 Ive tOId yOu, I dOnt Want tO gO. 675 01:18:20,000 --> 01:18:22,000 Madam, Ive underStOOd. 676 01:18:22,000 --> 01:18:34,000 YOu are afraid that in Such circumStanceS, I WiII . . . 677 01:18:34,000 --> 01:18:37,000 YOu WiII nOt marry becauSe yOu are Iike a gypSy. 678 01:18:37,000 --> 01:18:41,000 And even if yOu dO, She WiII cOOk fOr yOu, and Serve yOu. 679 01:18:41,000 --> 01:18:46,000 And yOu WiII SIap her, if She actS tOO Smart. ISnt it? 680 01:18:46,000 --> 01:18:49,000 Madam. 681 01:18:49,000 --> 01:18:56,000 AIright. I am ready tO Serve. 682 01:18:56,000 --> 01:19:02,000 I WiII even cOOk. 683 01:19:02,000 --> 01:19:30,000 I can even bear SOme SIapS. 684 01:19:30,000 --> 01:19:33,000 RaScaI, hOW did yOu have the cOurage tO bring her hOme? 685 01:19:33,000 --> 01:19:35,000 UncIe . . . . 686 01:19:35,000 --> 01:19:37,000 The cOmmunity that divided the cOuntry, . . . 687 01:19:37,000 --> 01:19:42,000 . . . kiIIed my brOther Gurdeep, my SiSter-in-IaW and my nieceS. 688 01:19:42,000 --> 01:19:45,000 YOu Want tO marry her?! 689 01:19:45,000 --> 01:19:51,000 I WiII nOt Spare yOu. I WiII kiII yOu. 690 01:19:51,000 --> 01:19:56,000 - What are yOu dOing? - Leave me. 691 01:19:56,000 --> 01:19:58,000 Tara iS Our SOn. 692 01:19:58,000 --> 01:20:02,000 YOu WiII SpOiI yOur heaIth. 693 01:20:02,000 --> 01:20:08,000 He haS maIigned the WhOIe famiIy. 694 01:20:08,000 --> 01:20:19,000 And thOSe WhO kiIIed Gurdeep . . . 695 01:20:19,000 --> 01:20:23,000 UncIe, take thiS, kiII me. 696 01:20:23,000 --> 01:20:25,000 But remember One thing. 697 01:20:25,000 --> 01:20:28,000 Hatred OnIy deStrOyS. 698 01:20:28,000 --> 01:20:32,000 Whether it iS SOmeOneS heart Or hOme, Or a cOuntry. 699 01:20:32,000 --> 01:20:36,000 And becauSe Of thiS hatred I had becOme viOIent. 700 01:20:36,000 --> 01:20:40,000 If IOve WOuIdnt StOp me On time, . . . 701 01:20:40,000 --> 01:20:46,000 . . . even I WOuId be dead tOday. 702 01:20:46,000 --> 01:20:52,000 UncIe, yOu Want tO See me SettIe in Iife? 703 01:20:52,000 --> 01:20:56,000 ChiIdren cant Iive peacefuIIy WithOut the bIeSSingS Of eIderS. 704 01:20:56,000 --> 01:21:03,000 WhO eISe dO I have in thiS WOrId? 705 01:21:03,000 --> 01:21:06,000 YOu WOnt IiSten tO me? 706 01:21:06,000 --> 01:21:09,000 AIright. 707 01:21:09,000 --> 01:21:11,000 Tara, dOnt gO. 708 01:21:11,000 --> 01:21:19,000 StOp him. 709 01:21:19,000 --> 01:21:35,000 Tara, yOu Were gOing tO Ieave me? 710 01:21:35,000 --> 01:21:39,000 We have a grape vine in Our veranda 711 01:21:39,000 --> 01:21:44,000 The bOy SeemS aS taII aS a tree 712 01:21:44,000 --> 01:21:52,000 They dOnt make a gOOd pair 713 01:21:52,000 --> 01:21:57,000 The girIS iS aS deIicate aS a fIOWer 714 01:21:57,000 --> 01:22:01,000 What kind Of a bOy iS thiS 715 01:22:01,000 --> 01:22:10,000 They dOnt make a gOOd pair 716 01:22:10,000 --> 01:22:14,000 We have a pOmegranate Orchard 717 01:22:14,000 --> 01:22:18,000 LOOk hOW the bOy SquintS 718 01:22:18,000 --> 01:22:27,000 They dOnt make a gOOd pair 719 01:22:27,000 --> 01:22:31,000 The mangOeS in Our Orchard have ripen 720 01:22:31,000 --> 01:22:36,000 The nightS Of IOve have becOme IOng 721 01:22:36,000 --> 01:22:38,000 Have pity On me 722 01:22:38,000 --> 01:23:21,000 O GOd, have pity On me 723 01:23:21,000 --> 01:23:25,000 The beauty Which I WaSnt deStined tO IOOk at, . . . 724 01:23:25,000 --> 01:23:31,000 . . . it iS mine tOday. 725 01:23:31,000 --> 01:23:36,000 DeStiny feIt SOrry fOr me, madam. 726 01:23:36,000 --> 01:23:46,000 NOt madam, Sakeena. 727 01:23:46,000 --> 01:23:48,000 I am a uncOuth feIIOW. 728 01:23:48,000 --> 01:23:53,000 Aunty had Said that tOnight I had tO bring yOu a gift. 729 01:23:53,000 --> 01:23:55,000 But I havent brOught a gift. 730 01:23:55,000 --> 01:24:00,000 GOOd. NOW I can aSk fOr a gift Of my chOice. 731 01:24:00,000 --> 01:24:07,000 Sing that SOng inStead, Which yOu Sang, When We firSt met. 732 01:24:07,000 --> 01:24:29,000 OnIy if yOu WiII Sing With me. 733 01:24:29,000 --> 01:24:35,000 FIy aWay O IittIe bird, III be gratefuI 734 01:24:35,000 --> 01:24:42,000 Carry my meSSage, III be gratefuI 735 01:24:42,000 --> 01:24:49,000 Spring iS in the air, everything iS in fuII bIOOm 736 01:24:49,000 --> 01:24:54,000 Life iS ShOrt, and nightS are IOng 737 01:24:54,000 --> 01:25:01,000 COme hOme SWeetheart, We Share a Iife 738 01:25:01,000 --> 01:26:15,000 The SeaSOn Of IOve danced intO Iife 739 01:26:15,000 --> 01:26:18,000 EyeS On the rOad . . . 740 01:26:18,000 --> 01:26:21,000 . . .Waiting fOr my beIOved 741 01:26:21,000 --> 01:26:28,000 DOnt taIk abOut SeparatiOn tOday 742 01:26:28,000 --> 01:28:38,000 We WiII taIk Of IOve OnIy 743 01:28:38,000 --> 01:28:45,000 Father, father. 744 01:28:45,000 --> 01:28:49,000 Father iS aIive. 745 01:28:49,000 --> 01:28:53,000 I am caIIing frOm the PakiStani COnSuIate in DeIhi. 746 01:28:53,000 --> 01:28:56,000 I Wanted tO Speak tO Mr.AShraf. 747 01:28:56,000 --> 01:28:58,000 Madam, there iS a Iady here WhO SayS . . . 748 01:28:58,000 --> 01:29:01,000 . . . She iS the daughter Of Mr. Khan. 749 01:29:01,000 --> 01:29:07,000 YeS, Speak tO her. 750 01:29:07,000 --> 01:29:34,000 HeIIO, mOther. 751 01:29:34,000 --> 01:29:39,000 HOW are yOu? 752 01:29:39,000 --> 01:29:45,000 Im fine. 753 01:29:45,000 --> 01:29:53,000 We thOught that yOu Were. . . 754 01:29:53,000 --> 01:29:56,000 I am aIive, mOther. 755 01:29:56,000 --> 01:29:58,000 Im aIive. 756 01:29:58,000 --> 01:30:03,000 HOId On, I WiII caII yOur father. 757 01:30:03,000 --> 01:30:09,000 TaIk tO yOur aunt untiI then. 758 01:30:09,000 --> 01:30:13,000 - Are yOu aIright, chiId? - YeS. 759 01:30:13,000 --> 01:30:17,000 LiSten, Shaku iS caIIing frOm India. 760 01:30:17,000 --> 01:30:19,000 She iS aIive and fine. 761 01:30:19,000 --> 01:30:22,000 COme quickIy. Our daughter iS aIive. 762 01:30:22,000 --> 01:30:45,000 - COme SOOn. - Shaku iS aIive! My chiId! 763 01:30:45,000 --> 01:30:50,000 Father, Im Sakeena. YOur Shaku. 764 01:30:50,000 --> 01:30:53,000 We IOOked fOr yOu everywhere. 765 01:30:53,000 --> 01:30:57,000 We tOId everyOne that Our Shaku WiII SureIy cOme back. 766 01:30:57,000 --> 01:30:59,000 We WiII SureIy get her back. 767 01:30:59,000 --> 01:31:20,000 I am back. I Want tO meet aII Of yOu, father. 768 01:31:20,000 --> 01:31:24,000 - Married?! - YeS. And I have a SOn tOO. 769 01:31:24,000 --> 01:31:27,000 YOu WiII be pIeaSed tO meet him. 770 01:31:27,000 --> 01:31:32,000 HiS name iS Chiranjeet. 771 01:31:32,000 --> 01:31:36,000 She haS a SOn, tOO. 772 01:31:36,000 --> 01:31:38,000 I Want tO meet yOu, father. 773 01:31:38,000 --> 01:31:43,000 I WiSh tO meet yOu right aWay. ItS been SO many dayS. 774 01:31:43,000 --> 01:31:48,000 AIright, appIy fOr a viSa in the cOnSuIate there. 775 01:31:48,000 --> 01:32:00,000 I knOW quite a IOt Of peOpIe there. 776 01:32:00,000 --> 01:32:04,000 I cant teII yOu hOW happy I am. 777 01:32:04,000 --> 01:32:08,000 YOu knOW, father did nOt ceIebrate Id aII theSe yearS. 778 01:32:08,000 --> 01:32:12,000 And he Said that he WiII Send a pIane fOr uS. 779 01:32:12,000 --> 01:32:16,000 - MOther, We WiII gO by pIane? - YeS SOn, by pIane. 780 01:32:16,000 --> 01:32:24,000 WeII gO by pIane. 781 01:32:24,000 --> 01:32:25,000 What iS thiS? 782 01:32:25,000 --> 01:32:27,000 There iS nO Signature Of the PakiStan COnSuIate . . . 783 01:32:27,000 --> 01:32:28,000 . . . On the chiIdS viSa. 784 01:32:28,000 --> 01:32:30,000 ShOW me. 785 01:32:30,000 --> 01:32:33,000 Oh nO! Sir fOrgOt tO Sign here. 786 01:32:33,000 --> 01:32:36,000 ThatS aIright, but IegaIIy, I cannOt permit the chiId . . . 787 01:32:36,000 --> 01:32:39,000 . . . tO bOard the fIight WithOut prOper SignatureS. 788 01:32:39,000 --> 01:32:40,000 What are yOu taIking Officer? 789 01:32:40,000 --> 01:32:44,000 HOW can We gO WithOut him? 790 01:32:44,000 --> 01:32:46,000 Sakeena iS the daughter Of the MayOr Of LahOre. 791 01:32:46,000 --> 01:32:49,000 She iS gOing hOme tO ceIebrate Id there after many yearS. 792 01:32:49,000 --> 01:32:56,000 If She dOeS nOt reach in time, everyOne WiII be diSappOinted. 793 01:32:56,000 --> 01:33:00,000 Mr. IqbaI, iS it pOSSibIe tO get the SignatureS nOW? 794 01:33:00,000 --> 01:33:02,000 That iS pOSSibIe OnIy after three dayS nOW. 795 01:33:02,000 --> 01:33:04,000 The Officer in charge haS gOne . . . 796 01:33:04,000 --> 01:33:08,000 . . . tO ceIebrate Id With hiS reIativeS. 797 01:33:08,000 --> 01:33:15,000 Father WaS SO happy that We Were cOming there. But nOW . . . 798 01:33:15,000 --> 01:33:21,000 Sakeena, yOu carry On, We WiII fOIIOW after twO dayS. 799 01:33:21,000 --> 01:33:23,000 Tara iS right. 800 01:33:23,000 --> 01:33:26,000 I WiII get the chiIdS viSa and Send them Iater. 801 01:33:26,000 --> 01:33:29,000 - Give me yOur paperS. - Give him the paperS. 802 01:33:29,000 --> 01:33:30,000 I WiII get yOur bOarding cIeared. 803 01:33:30,000 --> 01:33:43,000 It iS OnIy a matter Of twO dayS. 804 01:33:43,000 --> 01:33:53,000 Even I WiII gO. 805 01:33:53,000 --> 01:33:57,000 - My chiId! - I WiII aISO gO With yOu. 806 01:33:57,000 --> 01:34:01,000 Sakeena, yOu gO. III take care Of him. 807 01:34:01,000 --> 01:34:06,000 I WiII gO in the pIane. I Want gO tO grandmaS hOuSe. 808 01:34:06,000 --> 01:34:12,000 SOn, dOnt cry. GOOd chiIdren dOnt cry. 809 01:34:12,000 --> 01:34:16,000 - StOp crying. - I Want tO gO With mummy. 810 01:34:16,000 --> 01:34:19,000 We WiII gO after twO dayS. 811 01:34:19,000 --> 01:34:41,000 COme, I WiII ShOW yOu the aerOpIane. 812 01:34:41,000 --> 01:34:53,000 StOp crying. 813 01:34:53,000 --> 01:34:55,000 Father, yOu?! ! 814 01:34:55,000 --> 01:34:57,000 - Father! - Shaku, my chiId! 815 01:34:57,000 --> 01:35:00,000 If We had nOt had a viSa prObIem, . . . 816 01:35:00,000 --> 01:35:04,000 . . . even Jeetu and my huSband WOuId have cOme aIOng With me. 817 01:35:04,000 --> 01:35:14,000 LOOk, they are StiII Standing there. 818 01:35:14,000 --> 01:35:20,000 Father, yOu came here and did nOt even get Off the pIane? 819 01:35:20,000 --> 01:35:25,000 If I had Stepped On the SOiI Of India, . . . 820 01:35:25,000 --> 01:35:28,000 . . . it WOuId have reOpened a thOuSand WOundS. 821 01:35:28,000 --> 01:35:36,000 ThiS Iand haS even Snatched my SOn ASIam frOm me. 822 01:35:36,000 --> 01:35:40,000 And anyway, neither thiS Iand, . . . 823 01:35:40,000 --> 01:35:45,000 . . . nOr the cOuntry and neither itS peOpIe are OurS. 824 01:35:45,000 --> 01:36:15,000 Our mOtherIand, Our peOpIe, Our cOuntry, iS PakiStan. 825 01:36:15,000 --> 01:36:18,000 It iS gOOd the MayOrS daughterS arrivaI time . . . 826 01:36:18,000 --> 01:36:20,000 . . . WaS nOt pubIiShed in the neWSpaperS . . . 827 01:36:20,000 --> 01:36:22,000 . . . Or the WhOIe city WOuId crOWd here tO WeIcOme her. 828 01:36:22,000 --> 01:36:26,000 YeS, Of cOurSe. Sakeena deServeS Such a WeIcOme. 829 01:36:26,000 --> 01:36:29,000 NOt OnIy iS She the niece Of a pOIitician Iike me . . . 830 01:36:29,000 --> 01:36:31,000 . . . but a daughter Of PakiStan, . . . 831 01:36:31,000 --> 01:36:33,000 . . . WhO, deSpite being in the cuStOdy Of a Jat fOr yearS . . . 832 01:36:33,000 --> 01:36:35,000 . . . and bearing hiS atrOcitieS . . . 833 01:36:35,000 --> 01:36:38,000 . . . did nOt fOrget her rOOtS, her cOuntry, her reIigiOn. 834 01:36:38,000 --> 01:36:40,000 SiSter-in-IaW, Where did VaIi gO? 835 01:36:40,000 --> 01:36:43,000 Where did VaIi gO? Find that mad feIIOW! 836 01:36:43,000 --> 01:36:45,000 Mad? WhO iS mad, Sir? 837 01:36:45,000 --> 01:36:51,000 My eIder SOn. 838 01:36:51,000 --> 01:36:52,000 IS Nehru cOming? 839 01:36:52,000 --> 01:36:55,000 Nehru? What nOnSenSe are yOu taIking? 840 01:36:55,000 --> 01:36:58,000 I aSked, iS Nehru cOming? 841 01:36:58,000 --> 01:37:00,000 IS there gOing tO be a pubIic meeting? 842 01:37:00,000 --> 01:37:05,000 What nOnSenSe are yOu taIking? 843 01:37:05,000 --> 01:37:13,000 YOu BritiSher. . . BritiSherS, gO back! India beIOngS tO uS! 844 01:37:13,000 --> 01:37:16,000 WhO iS ShOuting SIOganS Of India in PakiStan? 845 01:37:16,000 --> 01:37:18,000 - VaIi, What are yOu dOing? - Take care, brOther. 846 01:37:18,000 --> 01:37:20,000 BrOther, pIeaSe dOnt mind. 847 01:37:20,000 --> 01:37:22,000 He WaS hit On the head during freedOm StruggIe, . . . 848 01:37:22,000 --> 01:37:23,000 . . . thatS Why he SOmetimeS gOeS back in time tO 1 946 . . . 849 01:37:23,000 --> 01:37:25,000 . . . When the cOuntry had nOt been partitiOned. 850 01:37:25,000 --> 01:37:29,000 - PartitiOn? - There iS nO partitiOn, brOther. 851 01:37:29,000 --> 01:38:24,000 LetS gO, Sakeena iS cOming. 852 01:38:24,000 --> 01:38:33,000 Sarfaraz,With SakeenaS return, my Iife haS becOme meaningfuI. 853 01:38:33,000 --> 01:38:38,000 I WiII nOt miSS ASIam nOW. 854 01:38:38,000 --> 01:38:40,000 I underStand yOur feeIingS. 855 01:38:40,000 --> 01:38:44,000 My OnIy WOrry iS that SakeenaS paSt . . . 856 01:38:44,000 --> 01:38:51,000 . . . ShOuId nOt cOme in the Way Of her future. 857 01:38:51,000 --> 01:38:58,000 Sakeena iS my daughter, She WiII nOt diSObey me. 858 01:38:58,000 --> 01:39:03,000 YOu are Saying thiS even after knOWing the truth? 859 01:39:03,000 --> 01:39:09,000 That WaSnt the truth, it WaS yOur heIpIeSSneSS. 860 01:39:09,000 --> 01:39:14,000 Our cOmmunity IOSt SO much in thOSe riOtS. 861 01:39:14,000 --> 01:39:21,000 I StiII cannOt fOrget the daStardIy kiIIing Of ASIam. 862 01:39:21,000 --> 01:39:32,000 Right befOre my eyeS, he WaS. . . . 863 01:39:32,000 --> 01:39:36,000 YOur father, WhO aIWayS had a carpet under hiS feet . . . 864 01:39:36,000 --> 01:39:41,000 . . . WaIked On StOneS and graveI fOr miIeS. 865 01:39:41,000 --> 01:39:48,000 We had tO endure SO much. 866 01:39:48,000 --> 01:39:51,000 If yOur uncIe had nOt been here in PakiStan . . . 867 01:39:51,000 --> 01:39:58,000 . . . and if We hadnt had thiS hOuSe, then . . . . 868 01:39:58,000 --> 01:40:02,000 But everyOne Suffered during thOSe riOtS. 869 01:40:02,000 --> 01:40:06,000 Why am I being made a ScapegOat nOW? 870 01:40:06,000 --> 01:40:12,000 FOr GOdS Sake mOther, my huSband . . . . . 871 01:40:12,000 --> 01:40:16,000 YOu OnIy care abOut yOurSeIf, nOt Our hOnOur? 872 01:40:16,000 --> 01:40:18,000 DO yOu knOW What peOpIe Were Saying . . . 873 01:40:18,000 --> 01:40:21,000 . . . When yOur father came tO receive yOu? 874 01:40:21,000 --> 01:40:28,000 That yOu are a diSgrace, that yOu Iived With a Hindu. 875 01:40:28,000 --> 01:40:32,000 We had tO Speak SO many IieS tO Save face. 876 01:40:32,000 --> 01:40:36,000 FOrget Tara Singh. 877 01:40:36,000 --> 01:40:43,000 What! MOther, We are married. 878 01:40:43,000 --> 01:40:50,000 We even have a SOn. 879 01:40:50,000 --> 01:40:56,000 I cannOt Iive WithOut him and my SOn. 880 01:40:56,000 --> 01:41:06,000 Arent We Iiving after having IOSt Our SOn? 881 01:41:06,000 --> 01:41:09,000 The bOundary Separating India and PakiStan . . . 882 01:41:09,000 --> 01:41:14,000 . . . haS created a diStance that can never be bridged. 883 01:41:14,000 --> 01:41:17,000 POIiticianS create diStanceS . . . 884 01:41:17,000 --> 01:41:21,000 . . . and itS cOnSequenceS have tO be bOrne by the cOmmOn man. 885 01:41:21,000 --> 01:41:25,000 I WiII never tOIerate thiS. 886 01:41:25,000 --> 01:41:32,000 I have met yOu, father and everyOne eISe. 887 01:41:32,000 --> 01:41:37,000 NOW I WiII Ieave diScreetIy frOm here. 888 01:41:37,000 --> 01:41:40,000 After puShing yOur father in the darkneSS Of SOrrOWS? 889 01:41:40,000 --> 01:41:43,000 It iS nOt SO, father. 890 01:41:43,000 --> 01:41:49,000 It iS regretfuI that deSpite being educated and inteIIigent. . . 891 01:41:49,000 --> 01:41:53,000 . . . yOu dOnt underStand my pOint. 892 01:41:53,000 --> 01:41:57,000 When One iS Out and it beginS tO rain, . . . 893 01:41:57,000 --> 01:42:01,000 . . . One iS fOrced tO take SheIter againSt a WaII. 894 01:42:01,000 --> 01:42:03,000 Even yOu did juSt that. 895 01:42:03,000 --> 01:42:05,000 That iS nOt true. 896 01:42:05,000 --> 01:42:09,000 NO father, he did nOt preSSurize me in any Way. 897 01:42:09,000 --> 01:42:15,000 He WaS ready tO riSk hiS Iife and bring me tO LahOre. 898 01:42:15,000 --> 01:42:22,000 It iS impOSSibIe tO find a man Iike him anywhere in the WOrId. 899 01:42:22,000 --> 01:42:26,000 And aISO a heIpIeSS father Iike me. 900 01:42:26,000 --> 01:42:34,000 I underStand that itII take yOu SOme time tO fOrget yOur paSt. 901 01:42:34,000 --> 01:42:39,000 That WiII never happen. Father, Send me back tO my huSband. 902 01:42:39,000 --> 01:42:44,000 Shaku, my every Step takeS me ahead. 903 01:42:44,000 --> 01:42:47,000 Right nOW, yOu have a pOIiticaI OppOrtunity befOre yOu . . . 904 01:42:47,000 --> 01:42:51,000 . . . Which WiII Iead yOu tO the tOpmOSt pOSitiOn in thiS cOuntry 905 01:42:51,000 --> 01:43:00,000 I Want tO See yOu aS the Prime MiniSter Of PakiStan. 906 01:43:00,000 --> 01:43:04,000 HOW dO I make yOu underStand? 907 01:43:04,000 --> 01:43:11,000 Everything fOr me nOW iS my famiIy, my hOme. 908 01:43:11,000 --> 01:43:37,000 COme and meet me, my IOve. 909 01:43:37,000 --> 01:43:40,000 WeIcOme Mr. Khan! 910 01:43:40,000 --> 01:43:43,000 - Happy Id. - Happy Id tO yOu. 911 01:43:43,000 --> 01:43:57,000 I cannOt SIeep. 912 01:43:57,000 --> 01:44:03,000 I dOnt even Iike tO dreSS up. 913 01:44:03,000 --> 01:44:20,000 I feeI IOneIy WithOut yOu. 914 01:44:20,000 --> 01:44:26,000 Sakeena haSnt cOme yet. GO and See Why She haSnt cOme. 915 01:44:26,000 --> 01:44:53,000 COme and meet me, my IOve. 916 01:44:53,000 --> 01:45:00,000 - Let me gO, BanO. - PIeaSe dOnt gO. 917 01:45:00,000 --> 01:45:01,000 Eminent perSOnaIitieS Of the cOuntry . . . 918 01:45:01,000 --> 01:45:03,000 . . . have been invited fOr the Id ceIebratiOnS. 919 01:45:03,000 --> 01:45:04,000 If yOu dOntjOin the ceIebratiOnS, . . . 920 01:45:04,000 --> 01:45:06,000 . . . the famiIy WiII be diSgraced. 921 01:45:06,000 --> 01:45:08,000 COme and meet me, my IOve. 922 01:45:08,000 --> 01:45:13,000 DOnt gO. One muSt never IOSe hOpe. 923 01:45:13,000 --> 01:45:22,000 If yOu keep yOur father happy, even he WiII keep yOu happy. 924 01:45:22,000 --> 01:45:23,000 YeS, chiId. 925 01:45:23,000 --> 01:45:30,000 The mOOn and the StarS have cOme. 926 01:45:30,000 --> 01:45:34,000 Had thiS pOem being in Urdu, it WOuId have been fabuIOuS. 927 01:45:34,000 --> 01:45:37,000 Urdu iS Such a deScriptive Ianguage, unIike Hindi. 928 01:45:37,000 --> 01:45:39,000 DO yOu mean tO Say . . . 929 01:45:39,000 --> 01:45:41,000 . . . that even muSic ShOuId have been partitiOned . . . 930 01:45:41,000 --> 01:45:43,000 . . . aIOng With the cOuntry? 931 01:45:43,000 --> 01:45:50,000 OnIy yOu did nOt cOme With them. 932 01:45:50,000 --> 01:46:02,000 COme and meet me, my IOve. 933 01:46:02,000 --> 01:46:07,000 Why haS She put vermiIiOn in her hair parting? 934 01:46:07,000 --> 01:46:11,000 BanO, yOu ShOuId atIeaSt have adOrned her fOrehead. 935 01:46:11,000 --> 01:46:12,000 Take thiS, chiId. 936 01:46:12,000 --> 01:46:14,000 What cOIOur cIOtheS ShOuId I Wear? 937 01:46:14,000 --> 01:46:21,000 Ive IOSt intereSt in everything. 938 01:46:21,000 --> 01:46:25,000 Here cOmeS my daughter! COme, dear. 939 01:46:25,000 --> 01:46:31,000 Meet my friend, LaI HuSSein Shah. HeS an MP. 940 01:46:31,000 --> 01:46:33,000 BIeSS yOu. May yOu Iive IOng. 941 01:46:33,000 --> 01:46:38,000 And he iS Mr. Idr, the editOr Of the renOWned neWSpaper `Jung 942 01:46:38,000 --> 01:46:40,000 BIeSS yOu. 943 01:46:40,000 --> 01:46:43,000 I am pubIiShing the atrOcitieS yOu Suffered in India . . . 944 01:46:43,000 --> 01:46:46,000 . . . On the firSt page. 945 01:46:46,000 --> 01:46:51,000 May GOd puniSh that Jat WhO kept yOu in heII. 946 01:46:51,000 --> 01:46:55,000 COme, I WiII intrOduce yOu tO the Other gueStS. 947 01:46:55,000 --> 01:47:05,000 COme and meet me, my IOve. 948 01:47:05,000 --> 01:47:08,000 I am deSperateIy Waiting fOr that day . . . 949 01:47:08,000 --> 01:47:12,000 . . . When Sakeena WiII hOId the reinS Of pOIiticaI pOWer. 950 01:47:12,000 --> 01:47:14,000 YOu are right, Sarfaraz. 951 01:47:14,000 --> 01:47:19,000 Sympathy dOeS heIp a IOt in pOIiticS. 952 01:47:19,000 --> 01:47:22,000 YOu are an ace at the game Of pOIiticS. 953 01:47:22,000 --> 01:47:26,000 YOu turned the tabIeS by nOt cIearing the viSa Of the chiId. 954 01:47:26,000 --> 01:47:58,000 COme and meet me, my IOve. 955 01:47:58,000 --> 01:48:02,000 YeS, I did nOt aIIOW the viSa tO get cIeared. 956 01:48:02,000 --> 01:48:11,000 BecauSe I WOuId nOt have been abIe tO See yOu With that Jat. 957 01:48:11,000 --> 01:48:20,000 I made a grave miStake in cOming here Out Of IOve fOr yOu. 958 01:48:20,000 --> 01:48:27,000 If I had knOWn that yOu WiII puniSh my famiIy Iike thiS, . . . 959 01:48:27,000 --> 01:48:31,000 . . . I WOuId never cOme, never! 960 01:48:31,000 --> 01:48:37,000 ThiS high StatuS, thiS Iuxury, thiS pOSitiOn, . . . 961 01:48:37,000 --> 01:48:39,000 . . . aII thiS iS a puniShment? 962 01:48:39,000 --> 01:48:44,000 I WiII nOt Iet yOu render my Wide Spread buSineSS, . . . 963 01:48:44,000 --> 01:48:48,000 . . . my pOIiticaI career tO duSt. 964 01:48:48,000 --> 01:48:51,000 Whether yOu Iike it Or nOt, cry Or Scream, . . . 965 01:48:51,000 --> 01:48:57,000 . . . yOu WiII have tO Iive in PakiStan. 966 01:48:57,000 --> 01:49:06,000 If that iS yOu What yOu Want, I WiII nOt gO tO India. 967 01:49:06,000 --> 01:49:11,000 I WiII neither phOne, nOr Write tO him. 968 01:49:11,000 --> 01:49:20,000 NOW I WiII OnIy Wait fOr him. Wait! 969 01:49:20,000 --> 01:49:28,000 BecauSe I knOW that One day, he WiII SureIy cOme tO take me back 970 01:49:28,000 --> 01:49:30,000 He WiII SureIy cOme. 971 01:49:30,000 --> 01:49:34,000 He. . .that Indian WiII cOme here? 972 01:49:34,000 --> 01:49:39,000 That Jat, that enemy Of OurS, WhO Shed Our bIOOd . . . 973 01:49:39,000 --> 01:49:43,000 . . . WiII Step On Our Iand? 974 01:49:43,000 --> 01:49:55,000 I prOmiSe yOu, even the neWS Of hiS death WiII nOt reach India. 975 01:49:55,000 --> 01:50:00,000 . . . it WiII be difficuIt tO recOgniSe him. 976 01:50:00,000 --> 01:50:04,000 Sir, it iS SO many WeekS, pIeaSe give me the viSa. 977 01:50:04,000 --> 01:50:07,000 I have even brOught my marriage certificate frOm the tempIe nOW. 978 01:50:07,000 --> 01:50:09,000 ThiS WiII nOt heIp, Tara Singh. 979 01:50:09,000 --> 01:50:11,000 I have tOId yOu SeveraI timeS befOre . . . 980 01:50:11,000 --> 01:50:13,000 . . . that the marriageS that tOOk pIace during riOtS . . . 981 01:50:13,000 --> 01:50:15,000 . . . are nOt recOgnized by bOth the cOuntrieS. 982 01:50:15,000 --> 01:50:17,000 Why dOnt yOu underStand? 983 01:50:17,000 --> 01:50:19,000 If my marriage tO Sakeena iS iIIegaI, . . . 984 01:50:19,000 --> 01:50:21,000 . . . then iS thiS chiId aISO iIIegaI? 985 01:50:21,000 --> 01:50:24,000 Sir, pIeaSe dOnt haraSS uS anymOre. 986 01:50:24,000 --> 01:50:26,000 AII my mOney iS Over cOming tO DeIhi SO many timeS. 987 01:50:26,000 --> 01:50:29,000 We have been ruined. 988 01:50:29,000 --> 01:50:32,000 Damn! YOu have cOme again tO bOre me! 989 01:50:32,000 --> 01:50:35,000 HOW fOOIiSh! 990 01:50:35,000 --> 01:50:37,000 It iS me WhO haS been fOOIed, Mr. IqbaI. 991 01:50:37,000 --> 01:50:40,000 YOud Said that yOu WiII give my chiIdS viSa in three dayS. . . 992 01:50:40,000 --> 01:50:42,000 . . . and then, even my viSa. . . . 993 01:50:42,000 --> 01:50:46,000 StOp yOur nOnSenSe! I WiII bring an end tO thiS Once and fOr aII. 994 01:50:46,000 --> 01:50:48,000 LiSten tO thiS carefuIIy. 995 01:50:48,000 --> 01:50:49,000 I have received OrderS frOm my SeniOrS . . . 996 01:50:49,000 --> 01:50:52,000 . . . that yOu ShOuId nOt be aIIOWed tO gO tO PakiStan. 997 01:50:52,000 --> 01:50:59,000 YOu WiII nOt get a viSa. 998 01:50:59,000 --> 01:51:02,000 Mr. IqbaI, dO yOu think Tara WiII nOt gO tO PakiStan . . . 999 01:51:02,000 --> 01:51:04,000 . . . juSt becauSe a piece Of paper iS nOt Stamped? 1000 01:51:04,000 --> 01:51:07,000 NO pOWer, nO bOundary can StOp me . . . 1001 01:51:07,000 --> 01:51:10,000 . . . frOm taking my SOn tO hiS mOther. 1002 01:51:10,000 --> 01:51:16,000 I WiII gO, I WiII definiteIy gO. 1003 01:51:16,000 --> 01:51:19,000 YOu WiII gO tO PakiStan? Have yOu gOne mad? 1004 01:51:19,000 --> 01:51:22,000 That tOO, fOr a WOman WhO turned her back On yOu? 1005 01:51:22,000 --> 01:51:23,000 WhO never even bOthered tO Write yOu a Ietter? 1006 01:51:23,000 --> 01:51:26,000 I never truSted that cOmmunity. 1007 01:51:26,000 --> 01:51:28,000 I gave in OnIy becauSe yOu Were adamant. 1008 01:51:28,000 --> 01:51:34,000 What haS gOne never returnS. FOrget abOut her. 1009 01:51:34,000 --> 01:51:36,000 HOW can I fOrget her? 1010 01:51:36,000 --> 01:51:39,000 She iS my Wife, the mOther Of my SOn. 1011 01:51:39,000 --> 01:51:43,000 He iS right. HOW can he fOrgetjuSt Iike that? 1012 01:51:43,000 --> 01:51:45,000 He iS right. The pOOr chiId, What can he dO? 1013 01:51:45,000 --> 01:51:48,000 SO ShOuId he IOSe even hiS Iife by gOing tO PakiStan? 1014 01:51:48,000 --> 01:51:49,000 They WiII kiII him. 1015 01:51:49,000 --> 01:51:51,000 He iS a handSOme yOung man. 1016 01:51:51,000 --> 01:51:54,000 I WiII find him a nice girI and get him married again. 1017 01:51:54,000 --> 01:51:58,000 - FOrget that unfaithfuI WOman. - She iS nOt unfaithfuI, uncIe. 1018 01:51:58,000 --> 01:51:59,000 I am Sure She haS SOme prObIem. 1019 01:51:59,000 --> 01:52:01,000 Get that Ietter! 1020 01:52:01,000 --> 01:52:03,000 YOu StiII havent reaIized! YOu havent Iearnt yOur IeSSOn . . . 1021 01:52:03,000 --> 01:52:08,000 . . . deSpite earning diSgrace and being diScarded. 1022 01:52:08,000 --> 01:52:10,000 Get it quickIy. 1023 01:52:10,000 --> 01:52:12,000 LOOk What I aSked GuI Khan tO Send. 1024 01:52:12,000 --> 01:52:14,000 Read What iS Written in it. 1025 01:52:14,000 --> 01:52:16,000 `The daughter Of the MayOr in a JatS cuStOdy. 1026 01:52:16,000 --> 01:52:19,000 `She WaS tOrtured. She even had tO bear chiIdren. 1027 01:52:19,000 --> 01:52:24,000 NOW atIeaSt dO yOu reaIize hOW unfaithfuI She iS? 1028 01:52:24,000 --> 01:52:27,000 TheSe are aII IieS. 1029 01:52:27,000 --> 01:52:31,000 I knOW hOW much She iS Suffering. 1030 01:52:31,000 --> 01:52:33,000 I WiII gO and bring her nOW! 1031 01:52:33,000 --> 01:52:39,000 Papa. . . . . papa, even I WiII cOme aIOng. 1032 01:52:39,000 --> 01:52:41,000 NO SOn, yOu WiII Stay here. 1033 01:52:41,000 --> 01:52:43,000 NO papa, even I WiII cOme aIOng. 1034 01:52:43,000 --> 01:52:44,000 YOu WiII Stay here! 1035 01:52:44,000 --> 01:52:47,000 Even I WiII cOme aIOng, even I WiII cOme aIOng. 1036 01:52:47,000 --> 01:52:50,000 - NO, yOu WiII Stay here! - Even I WiII cOme aIOng! 1037 01:52:50,000 --> 01:52:54,000 Have yOu gOne mad? 1038 01:52:54,000 --> 01:52:57,000 StOp crying, chiId. 1039 01:52:57,000 --> 01:53:01,000 Mummy Ieft me, nOW even yOu are Ieaving me. 1040 01:53:01,000 --> 01:54:26,000 Even I WiII cOme aIOng. I WiII gO tO mummy. 1041 01:54:26,000 --> 01:54:35,000 We have been Separated. 1042 01:54:35,000 --> 01:54:37,000 We have IOSt each Other. 1043 01:54:37,000 --> 01:54:43,000 But We WiII SureIy meet. 1044 01:54:43,000 --> 01:55:58,000 DO remember that. DO Wait fOr me. 1045 01:55:58,000 --> 01:56:02,000 If it WaS a paper, I WOuId tear it. 1046 01:56:02,000 --> 01:56:05,000 If it WaS a thread, I WOuId cut it. 1047 01:56:05,000 --> 01:56:07,000 If it WaS the WOrId, I WOuId Ieave it. 1048 01:56:07,000 --> 01:56:10,000 But hOW can I break my prOmiSe. 1049 01:56:10,000 --> 01:56:25,000 III Iive and die fOr thiS prOmiSe, my IOve! 1050 01:56:25,000 --> 01:57:54,000 We have been Separated. . . 1051 01:57:54,000 --> 01:58:09,000 O Wind, yOu OnIy gO and teII him . . . 1052 01:58:09,000 --> 01:58:16,000 . . . What SituatiOn I am in. 1053 01:58:16,000 --> 01:58:19,000 TeII him hOW Im Iiving. 1054 01:58:19,000 --> 01:58:22,000 Im dying every mOment. 1055 01:58:22,000 --> 01:58:28,000 I think Of him day and night. 1056 01:58:28,000 --> 01:58:33,000 PeOpIe have Shattered every dream I heId dear. 1057 01:58:33,000 --> 01:58:45,000 O my IOve! 1058 01:58:45,000 --> 01:59:23,000 We have been Separated. . . 1059 01:59:23,000 --> 01:59:30,000 My dear! 1060 01:59:30,000 --> 01:59:36,000 GuIIu, hOW are yOu? IS everything aIright? 1061 01:59:36,000 --> 01:59:41,000 Life gOeS On. I miSSed yOu very much. 1062 01:59:41,000 --> 01:59:45,000 The ruIerS changed, the name Of the cOuntry changed, . . . 1063 01:59:45,000 --> 01:59:48,000 . . . but the feeIingS Of the heart cannOt be changed. 1064 01:59:48,000 --> 01:59:51,000 HOW are yOu, friend? 1065 01:59:51,000 --> 01:59:53,000 YOu aIWayS Ieave me behind. 1066 01:59:53,000 --> 01:59:55,000 Cant yOu WaIk aIOng With me SOmetimeS? 1067 01:59:55,000 --> 01:59:56,000 WhO are yOu teIIing thiS? 1068 01:59:56,000 --> 01:59:58,000 Hear that, Tara Singh . . . . .SOrry, Tara Khan. 1069 01:59:58,000 --> 02:00:03,000 If Id Ieave yOu behind, WOuId I have Such a Iarge famiIy? 1070 02:00:03,000 --> 02:00:07,000 YOu dOnt underStand? AII theSe chiIdren are mine. 1071 02:00:07,000 --> 02:00:11,000 YOu cOnnected SO many cOmpartmentS With One engine? 1072 02:00:11,000 --> 02:00:14,000 - Engine! - What iS it? 1073 02:00:14,000 --> 02:00:16,000 What are yOu IOOking? COme here. 1074 02:00:16,000 --> 02:00:18,000 My friend haS cOme. GO and get SOme buttermiIk. 1075 02:00:18,000 --> 02:00:19,000 AIright. 1076 02:00:19,000 --> 02:00:21,000 COme Chunnu. YOu are juSt Iike yOur father! 1077 02:00:21,000 --> 02:00:23,000 He juSt taIkS rubbiSh aII the time! 1078 02:00:23,000 --> 02:00:24,000 DOnt ScOId them. 1079 02:00:24,000 --> 02:00:26,000 What are yOu IOOking? GO! 1080 02:00:26,000 --> 02:00:27,000 Im gOing! 1081 02:00:27,000 --> 02:00:29,000 Hurry up mOther, I am hungry. 1082 02:00:29,000 --> 02:00:34,000 She iS a tOrture. 1083 02:00:34,000 --> 02:00:35,000 He thinkS I am a fOOI. 1084 02:00:35,000 --> 02:00:37,000 MuShtak, RaShid, Ahmed, aII Of yOu cOme here. 1085 02:00:37,000 --> 02:00:40,000 TeII me, iSnt he the Same Tara Singh . . . 1086 02:00:40,000 --> 02:00:43,000 . . . WhO iS Sitting OutSide With yOur father? 1087 02:00:43,000 --> 02:00:45,000 TeII me. ISnt he Tara Singh? 1088 02:00:45,000 --> 02:00:47,000 What rubbiSh are yOu taIking, mOther? 1089 02:00:47,000 --> 02:00:49,000 ThiS One haS a beard, and he iS cIean Shaven. 1090 02:00:49,000 --> 02:00:50,000 CIean Shaven! 1091 02:00:50,000 --> 02:00:53,000 DOnt WOrry, I am With yOu. 1092 02:00:53,000 --> 02:00:56,000 He iS Tara Singh, nOt Tara Khan. 1093 02:00:56,000 --> 02:00:59,000 JuSt becauSe Im iIIiterate, yOu think I dOnt have any SenSe? 1094 02:00:59,000 --> 02:01:02,000 ExcuSe me, brOther. 1095 02:01:02,000 --> 02:01:04,000 He OnIy iS Tara Singh. 1096 02:01:04,000 --> 02:01:06,000 YOu are juSt gOing On taIking! WhO are yOu aSking aII thiS? 1097 02:01:06,000 --> 02:01:12,000 When GOd iS One, even hiS creatiOnS are aII equaI. 1098 02:01:12,000 --> 02:01:14,000 Then Whether he iS Singh Or Khan, . . . 1099 02:01:14,000 --> 02:01:15,000 . . . What difference dOeS it make? 1100 02:01:15,000 --> 02:01:26,000 Shut-up! 1101 02:01:26,000 --> 02:01:28,000 Oh GOd! HOW dO I make thiS WOman underStand? 1102 02:01:28,000 --> 02:01:30,000 WhO iS She teIIing aII thiS? 1103 02:01:30,000 --> 02:01:32,000 What had I tOId yOu? Make SOme buttermiIk. 1104 02:01:32,000 --> 02:01:38,000 Marrying yOu haS ruined me. Get Out Of my Sight! 1105 02:01:38,000 --> 02:01:40,000 Shut-up, yOu gOOd fOr nOthingS! 1106 02:01:40,000 --> 02:01:47,000 FOOIiSh WOmanS fOOIiSh chiIdren! 1107 02:01:47,000 --> 02:01:54,000 Kake! Where did he gO? 1108 02:01:54,000 --> 02:01:56,000 YOu Iet the WOrdS Of that fOOIiSh WOman hurt yOu? 1109 02:01:56,000 --> 02:01:57,000 Have yOu fOrgOtten What mOther uSed tO Say? 1110 02:01:57,000 --> 02:02:01,000 She uSed tO Say that She haS twO SOnS, Kaka and GuIIu. 1111 02:02:01,000 --> 02:02:05,000 I knOW. But I dOnt Want tO put yOu in trOubIe. 1112 02:02:05,000 --> 02:02:06,000 TO WhOm are yOu Saying thiS? 1113 02:02:06,000 --> 02:02:08,000 A friend bringS happineSS and peace fOr hiS friend. 1114 02:02:08,000 --> 02:02:13,000 If I cOuId, I WOuId take aII yOur trOubIeS On mySeIf. 1115 02:02:13,000 --> 02:02:18,000 But What can I dO? AShraf AIi iS a famOuS perSOnaIity. 1116 02:02:18,000 --> 02:02:21,000 I Stand nO cOmpariSOn tO him. 1117 02:02:21,000 --> 02:02:23,000 LOOk, Sakeena iS marrying SaIim, . . . 1118 02:02:23,000 --> 02:02:51,000 . . . the SOn Of Sarfaraj Of ISmaiIpur. 1119 02:02:51,000 --> 02:02:53,000 We have gOt Our independence! The cOuntry haS been Iiberated! 1120 02:02:53,000 --> 02:02:56,000 We have gOt Our independence! India haS been Iiberated! 1121 02:02:56,000 --> 02:02:58,000 We have gOt Our independence! 1122 02:02:58,000 --> 02:03:01,000 StOp! What muSic are yOu pIaying? 1123 02:03:01,000 --> 02:03:08,000 After independence, if yOu have tO pIay anything, pIay thiS. . . . 1124 02:03:08,000 --> 02:03:13,000 India iS the beSt in the WhOIe WOrId! 1125 02:03:13,000 --> 02:03:15,000 What nOnSenSe iS thiS! StOp him! 1126 02:03:15,000 --> 02:03:16,000 What are yOu dOing! 1127 02:03:16,000 --> 02:03:21,000 MOve back, mOve back, O peOpIe Of the WOrId, India iS OurS! 1128 02:03:21,000 --> 02:03:23,000 - Shut-up, yOu fOOI! - Why ShOuId I Shut up? 1129 02:03:23,000 --> 02:03:25,000 I am a true Indian. 1130 02:03:25,000 --> 02:03:28,000 Karim, hOW many timeS have I tOId yOu tO Ieave him hOme? 1131 02:03:28,000 --> 02:03:29,000 Sir, it WOuId nOt be right tO IOck him in the hOuSe . . . 1132 02:03:29,000 --> 02:03:31,000 . . . On the OccaSiOn Of a Wedding. 1133 02:03:31,000 --> 02:03:34,000 - Take him aWay! - LOck up thiS mad man! 1134 02:03:34,000 --> 02:03:37,000 Mad? WhO iS mad? I am nOt mad, yOu aII are mad. 1135 02:03:37,000 --> 02:03:39,000 - COme, brOther. - YOu aII are mad! 1136 02:03:39,000 --> 02:03:42,000 YOu aII are mad! YOu aII have gOne mad! 1137 02:03:42,000 --> 02:03:43,000 Shaku, StOp thiS! 1138 02:03:43,000 --> 02:03:46,000 YOu dOnt even underStand that I beIOng tO SOmeOne eISe! 1139 02:03:46,000 --> 02:03:49,000 ShameIeSS! StOp that nOnSenSe! IS that cIear? 1140 02:03:49,000 --> 02:03:51,000 - JuSt Shut-up! - Give yOur cOnSent, Shaku. 1141 02:03:51,000 --> 02:03:55,000 A WOman haS tO mOve aIOng With circumStanceS, Shaku. 1142 02:03:55,000 --> 02:04:01,000 O GOd, hOW dO I make them underStand? 1143 02:04:01,000 --> 02:04:04,000 DO aS yOur parentS Say. 1144 02:04:04,000 --> 02:04:09,000 The Wedding prOceSSiOn iS Waiting OutSide. 1145 02:04:09,000 --> 02:04:13,000 Why are yOu dOing thiS tO me? YOu are a prieSt. 1146 02:04:13,000 --> 02:04:18,000 YOu ShOuId OnIy be cOncerned With a yeS Or nO. 1147 02:04:18,000 --> 02:04:26,000 DOnt fOrget, tO StOp a crime iS aISO the duty Of a prieSt. 1148 02:04:26,000 --> 02:04:28,000 Our reIigiOn SayS . . . 1149 02:04:28,000 --> 02:04:31,000 . . . it iS a crime tO SOIemnize the marriage Of a WOman . . . 1150 02:04:31,000 --> 02:04:33,000 . . . WhOSe firSt huSband iS StiII aIive. 1151 02:04:33,000 --> 02:04:37,000 ThiS iS nOt a crime. What yOu have dOne iS a crime. 1152 02:04:37,000 --> 02:04:41,000 In Our reIigiOn, if bOth man and WOman are nOt muSIim, . . . 1153 02:04:41,000 --> 02:04:44,000 . . . their marriage iS cOnSidered a Sin. FOrget abOut him. 1154 02:04:44,000 --> 02:04:47,000 Breath can fOrget tO enter the bOdy . . . 1155 02:04:47,000 --> 02:04:50,000 . . . mOrning can fOrget tO riSe . . . 1156 02:04:50,000 --> 02:04:53,000 . . . yOu can fOrget GOd . . . 1157 02:04:53,000 --> 02:04:58,000 . . . but it iS impOSSibIe that I fOrget him. 1158 02:04:58,000 --> 02:05:00,000 Shut-up! Fear GOd, WOman! 1159 02:05:00,000 --> 02:05:03,000 GOd dOeS nOt IiSten OnIy tO yOu, prieSt. 1160 02:05:03,000 --> 02:05:06,000 YOu fOuI mOuthed WOman! 1161 02:05:06,000 --> 02:05:07,000 Damn! 1162 02:05:07,000 --> 02:05:09,000 ShameIeSS! 1163 02:05:09,000 --> 02:05:12,000 If brOther had given me the Iiberty, Id have beaten yOu up! 1164 02:05:12,000 --> 02:05:14,000 She WiII nOt agree SO eaSiIy. 1165 02:05:14,000 --> 02:05:16,000 She WiII feeI SatiSfied . . . 1166 02:05:16,000 --> 02:05:18,000 . . . OnIy after her adamance kiIIS SOmeOne in the famiIy. 1167 02:05:18,000 --> 02:05:20,000 What are yOu dOing! YOu are cOnSuming pOiSOn? 1168 02:05:20,000 --> 02:05:22,000 Have yOu gOne mad? 1169 02:05:22,000 --> 02:05:23,000 If anyOne haS tO die, give the pOiSOn tO thiS arrOgant girI. 1170 02:05:23,000 --> 02:05:30,000 Have it and die! We WiII aSSume yOu never returned. 1171 02:05:30,000 --> 02:05:38,000 Aunt, I am SO heIpIeSS that I cannOt even die. 1172 02:05:38,000 --> 02:05:45,000 If I cOuId, I WOuId die IOng agO. 1173 02:05:45,000 --> 02:05:48,000 I knOW that he WiII Suffer immenSe hardShip, . . . 1174 02:05:48,000 --> 02:05:51,000 . . . but WiII SureIy cOme here. 1175 02:05:51,000 --> 02:05:54,000 He WiII caII Out tO me. 1176 02:05:54,000 --> 02:06:01,000 He WiII Search fOr theSe eyeS. He WiII caII Out theSe IipS. 1177 02:06:01,000 --> 02:06:07,000 If he dOeSnt find me, . . . . 1178 02:06:07,000 --> 02:06:12,000 I cannOt be that unfaithfuI tO him. 1179 02:06:12,000 --> 02:06:20,000 That Indian WiII cOme. IS he a ROmeO, a true IOver? 1180 02:06:20,000 --> 02:06:44,000 But III beat him SO much that he WiII fOrget aII abOut IOve. 1181 02:06:44,000 --> 02:06:50,000 FIy aWay Oh crOW! III be gratefuI tO yOu. 1182 02:06:50,000 --> 02:06:57,000 Take my meSSage, III be ObIiged tO yOu. 1183 02:06:57,000 --> 02:07:04,000 Spring iS here again. 1184 02:07:04,000 --> 02:07:09,000 ThiS Iife iS SO ShOrt, and my nightS SO IOng. 1185 02:07:09,000 --> 02:07:12,000 COme back hOme, my IOve! 1186 02:07:12,000 --> 02:07:50,000 We are One. 1187 02:07:50,000 --> 02:08:03,000 Our IOve StOry iS WOefuI. 1188 02:08:03,000 --> 02:08:10,000 We have Shed SO many tearS, it cOuId fiII up the Seven SeaS 1189 02:08:10,000 --> 02:08:17,000 When I taIk tO my heart, and my heart taIkS tO me. . . 1190 02:08:17,000 --> 02:08:23,000 . . . We taIk abOut yOu. 1191 02:08:23,000 --> 02:08:29,000 I Shed SO many tearS, Iike it WaS mOnSOOn. 1192 02:08:29,000 --> 02:08:35,000 COme back hOme, my IOve. We are. . . . 1193 02:08:35,000 --> 02:08:45,000 COme back hOme, my IOve. 1194 02:08:45,000 --> 02:09:49,000 We are One. 1195 02:09:49,000 --> 02:10:02,000 MOuntainS are SO huge and Steep. 1196 02:10:02,000 --> 02:10:09,000 DOnt aSk me hOW my IOve WaS kept in bOundS here. 1197 02:10:09,000 --> 02:10:15,000 WOnder What happenS tO man When in IOve. 1198 02:10:15,000 --> 02:10:21,000 The IOverS break aII hurdIeS and unite. 1199 02:10:21,000 --> 02:10:24,000 Take me back hOme. 1200 02:10:24,000 --> 02:11:02,000 We are One. 1201 02:11:02,000 --> 02:11:32,000 StOp! 1202 02:11:32,000 --> 02:11:36,000 - Leave Sakeena! - I had Ieft her Once. 1203 02:11:36,000 --> 02:11:40,000 I thOught that She WiII be pIeaSed tO meet her father. 1204 02:11:40,000 --> 02:11:43,000 But yOu have hurt her SO much. 1205 02:11:43,000 --> 02:11:48,000 StOp yOur nOnSenSe! HOW dare yOu Step OntO Our SOiI! 1206 02:11:48,000 --> 02:11:52,000 I WiII kiII yOu SO brutaIIy, it WiII be hard tO recOgniSe yOu. 1207 02:11:52,000 --> 02:11:55,000 YOuII had Shed a IOt Of bIOOd Of Our cOmmunity. 1208 02:11:55,000 --> 02:11:58,000 Didnt yOuII aISO Shed the bIOOd Of Our cOmmunity? 1209 02:11:58,000 --> 02:12:02,000 YOuII kiIIed my parentS, my SibIingS, everybOdy! 1210 02:12:02,000 --> 02:12:06,000 But that iS aII Over nOW. 1211 02:12:06,000 --> 02:12:14,000 TOday, I have cOme tO take my Wife, the mOther Of my SOn. 1212 02:12:14,000 --> 02:12:18,000 I have fOrgOtten my hatred, yOu aISO dO the Same. 1213 02:12:18,000 --> 02:12:23,000 FOrget my hatred fOr yOu IndianS? 1214 02:12:23,000 --> 02:12:27,000 If I cOuId, I WOuId ShOOt each and every Indian dead. 1215 02:12:27,000 --> 02:12:29,000 Which IndianS WiII yOu kiII? 1216 02:12:29,000 --> 02:12:32,000 YOu Survived becauSe Of uS IndianS. 1217 02:12:32,000 --> 02:12:38,000 The WhOIe WOrId knOWS that We gave yOu 65 crOre rupeeS . . . 1218 02:12:38,000 --> 02:12:40,000 . . . at the time Of partitiOn. That iS hOW yOu cOuId Survive. 1219 02:12:40,000 --> 02:12:44,000 YOu cannOt prOtect yOurSeIf frOm rain and yOu taIk Of kiIIing uS? 1220 02:12:44,000 --> 02:12:47,000 YOu are chaIIenging the PakiStani army? 1221 02:12:47,000 --> 02:12:49,000 We have taken Over haIf Of KaShmir. 1222 02:12:49,000 --> 02:12:51,000 One day, We WiII take Over the WhOIe Of India. 1223 02:12:51,000 --> 02:12:52,000 Shut-up! 1224 02:12:52,000 --> 02:13:04,000 BeWare! 1225 02:13:04,000 --> 02:13:09,000 Give aWay yOur daughter tO me aS a gOOd father, . . . 1226 02:13:09,000 --> 02:13:12,000 . . . that iS beSt fOr everyOne. 1227 02:13:12,000 --> 02:13:18,000 Or if I get angry tOday I WiII kiII in hundredS. 1228 02:13:18,000 --> 02:13:21,000 YOu ScOundreI! I WiII kiII yOu! 1229 02:13:21,000 --> 02:13:23,000 StOp! FOr GOdS Sake, StOp! 1230 02:13:23,000 --> 02:13:25,000 Mr.AShraf, yOu are behaving Iike a deviI. 1231 02:13:25,000 --> 02:13:28,000 YOu aII are pOIiticianS, nOt butcherS. 1232 02:13:28,000 --> 02:13:31,000 The prObIem can be SOIved thrOugh diaIOgue. 1233 02:13:31,000 --> 02:13:34,000 - Karim, take him tO the gueSt rOOm. - AIright. 1234 02:13:34,000 --> 02:13:38,000 AShraf, cOme aIOng With me. Sarfaraj, yOu aISO cOme aIOng. 1235 02:13:38,000 --> 02:13:40,000 COme. 1236 02:13:40,000 --> 02:13:42,000 COme. 1237 02:13:42,000 --> 02:13:45,000 PrieSt, if yOu had nOt StOpped me, . . . 1238 02:13:45,000 --> 02:13:50,000 . . . I WOuId have beheaded that Indian! 1239 02:13:50,000 --> 02:13:53,000 Mr.AShraf, temper dOeS nOt Iet One think Straight. 1240 02:13:53,000 --> 02:13:58,000 YOu are a pOIitician, anything yOu dO makeS headIineS. 1241 02:13:58,000 --> 02:14:03,000 JuSt think, if that Jat had IOSt hiS Iife at yOur dOOrStep. . . 1242 02:14:03,000 --> 02:14:06,000 . . . the OppOSitiOn WOuId have ScOred a pOint againSt yOu. 1243 02:14:06,000 --> 02:14:09,000 And then, even Sakeena cOuId have IOSt her Iife. 1244 02:14:09,000 --> 02:14:10,000 YOu are right. 1245 02:14:10,000 --> 02:14:31,000 If We can get thingS dOne IegaIIy, Why adOpt eviI meanS. 1246 02:14:31,000 --> 02:14:36,000 YOu have entered PakiStan WithOut a viSa. 1247 02:14:36,000 --> 02:14:44,000 If We Want, We can make yOu rOt in jaiI On chargeS Of eSpiOnage. 1248 02:14:44,000 --> 02:14:49,000 But I WiII nOt dO that becauSe my daughter iS my WeakneSS. 1249 02:14:49,000 --> 02:14:52,000 And her WeakneSS iS yOu. 1250 02:14:52,000 --> 02:14:55,000 I am nOt Such a crueI father . . . 1251 02:14:55,000 --> 02:15:00,000 . . . that I WiII nOt bOW befOre my daughterS WiSheS. 1252 02:15:00,000 --> 02:15:03,000 But fOr that, yOu WiII have tO accept twO cOnditiOnS. 1253 02:15:03,000 --> 02:15:08,000 YOu WiII have tO accept ISIam. 1254 02:15:08,000 --> 02:15:15,000 And twO, yOu WiII Iive here in PakiStan. 1255 02:15:15,000 --> 02:15:18,000 What are yOu Saying! 1256 02:15:18,000 --> 02:15:24,000 Why, dO We have tO make aII the SacrificeS fOr yOur happineSS? 1257 02:15:24,000 --> 02:15:27,000 If I can bOW befOre him, . . . 1258 02:15:27,000 --> 02:15:30,000 . . . if I can fOrget my hatred and embrace an Indian, . . . 1259 02:15:30,000 --> 02:15:32,000 . . . cant he dO even thiS much fOr yOu? 1260 02:15:32,000 --> 02:15:34,000 If yOu can becOme a Hindu fOr him, . . . 1261 02:15:34,000 --> 02:15:40,000 . . . cant he becOme a muSIim fOr yOu? 1262 02:15:40,000 --> 02:15:44,000 I knOW Such deciSiOnS cannOt be taken SO eaSiIy, . . . 1263 02:15:44,000 --> 02:17:26,000 . . . SO I give yOu a dayS time. Think abOut it. 1264 02:17:26,000 --> 02:17:29,000 YOu are fOrtunate Tara Singh, . . . 1265 02:17:29,000 --> 02:17:31,000 . . . that AIIah haS invited yOu intO hiS fOId, . . . 1266 02:17:31,000 --> 02:17:35,000 . . . haS given yOu an OppOrtunity tO becOme a muSIim. 1267 02:17:35,000 --> 02:17:38,000 What are yOu thinking? DO yOu accept ISIam? 1268 02:17:38,000 --> 02:17:43,000 A manS greateSt reIigiOn iS tO prOtect hiS Wife and chiIdren. 1269 02:17:43,000 --> 02:17:45,000 DO yOu accept ISIam? 1270 02:17:45,000 --> 02:17:48,000 KaaShi and Kaba are One, Ram and Rahim iS One! 1271 02:17:48,000 --> 02:17:58,000 DO yOu accept ISIam Or nOt? 1272 02:17:58,000 --> 02:18:07,000 I dO. 1273 02:18:07,000 --> 02:18:10,000 WOnderfuI! COme tO the mOSque, With aII the grace and dignity, . . . 1274 02:18:10,000 --> 02:18:13,000 . . . With Our Sacred bOOk KOran, We WiII. . . 1275 02:18:13,000 --> 02:18:21,000 Wait a minute, prieSt! 1276 02:18:21,000 --> 02:18:24,000 BefOre he StepS intO Our Scared mOSque, . . . 1277 02:18:24,000 --> 02:18:26,000 . . . Iet uS cOnfirm . . . 1278 02:18:26,000 --> 02:18:32,000 . . . Whether he iS WOrthy Of becOming a muSIim Or nOt. 1279 02:18:32,000 --> 02:18:40,000 If yOu accept ISIam, Say, `GIOry tO ISIam. 1280 02:18:40,000 --> 02:18:49,000 GIOry tO ISIam! 1281 02:18:49,000 --> 02:18:52,000 GIOry tO ISIam. 1282 02:18:52,000 --> 02:18:56,000 Say `HaiI PakiStan! 1283 02:18:56,000 --> 02:19:06,000 HaiI PakiStan! 1284 02:19:06,000 --> 02:19:12,000 HaiI PakiStan! 1285 02:19:12,000 --> 02:19:22,000 NOW Say, ` India be damned. 1286 02:19:22,000 --> 02:19:25,000 Why are yOu pIaying thiS pOIiticaI game? 1287 02:19:25,000 --> 02:19:29,000 I dOnt have any ObjectiOn tO praiSing PakiStan, . . . 1288 02:19:29,000 --> 02:19:31,000 . . . but my India WaS WOrthy Of praiSe, . . . 1289 02:19:31,000 --> 02:19:34,000 . . . iS WOrthy Of praiSe, and WiII aIWayS be WOrthy Of praiSe! 1290 02:19:34,000 --> 02:19:45,000 - HaiI India! - HaiI India! 1291 02:19:45,000 --> 02:19:47,000 StOp yOur nOnSenSe! 1292 02:19:47,000 --> 02:19:50,000 UntiI yOu dOnt damn India, . . . 1293 02:19:50,000 --> 02:19:55,000 . . . hOW WiII Our peOpIe beIieve that yOu are a true muSIim? 1294 02:19:55,000 --> 02:19:58,000 There are mOre muSIimS in India than in thiS cOuntry. 1295 02:19:58,000 --> 02:20:03,000 Their heart beatS fOr India. 1296 02:20:03,000 --> 02:20:05,000 DOeS that mean they are nOt true muSIimS? 1297 02:20:05,000 --> 02:20:07,000 StOp arguing! 1298 02:20:07,000 --> 02:20:11,000 If yOu dOnt Say `Damn India, yOu WiII nOt get Sakeena. 1299 02:20:11,000 --> 02:20:13,000 Ive had enOugh! 1300 02:20:13,000 --> 02:20:14,000 If I can bOW my head befOre yOu . . . 1301 02:20:14,000 --> 02:20:16,000 . . . fOr the Sake Of my Wife and chiId, . . . 1302 02:20:16,000 --> 02:20:18,000 . . . I can aISO behead yOu aII. 1303 02:20:18,000 --> 02:22:07,000 KiII that rOgue! 1304 02:22:07,000 --> 02:24:42,000 Why have yOu aII gOne numb? Catch that ScOundreI! 1305 02:24:42,000 --> 02:24:50,000 HaiI India! The cOuntry haS becOme independent. 1306 02:24:50,000 --> 02:24:55,000 BrOther, StOp! LiSten. 1307 02:24:55,000 --> 02:24:57,000 When the cOuntry haS becOme free, . . . 1308 02:24:57,000 --> 02:24:59,000 . . . Why dOnt yOu Iet me unfurI the fIag? 1309 02:24:59,000 --> 02:25:02,000 - HaiI India! - Sir, StOp. 1310 02:25:02,000 --> 02:25:04,000 The cOuntry haS becOme independent, . . . 1311 02:25:04,000 --> 02:25:05,000 . . . but Why dOnt yOu underStand? 1312 02:25:05,000 --> 02:25:07,000 ThiS iS nOt India, it iS PakiStan. 1313 02:25:07,000 --> 02:25:10,000 - ThiS iS PakiStan. - BrOther! BrOther! 1314 02:25:10,000 --> 02:25:12,000 What nOnSenSe are yOu taIking? 1315 02:25:12,000 --> 02:25:15,000 ThiS cOuntry iS nOt SOme fieId that yOu can divide it anytime. 1316 02:25:15,000 --> 02:25:18,000 The IeaderS Of Our cOuntry are nOt SO mad. 1317 02:25:18,000 --> 02:25:23,000 HaiI India! 1318 02:25:23,000 --> 02:25:25,000 We thOught that in the prOceSS Of making him accept ISIam, . . . 1319 02:25:25,000 --> 02:25:28,000 . . . We WiII rage him SO much . . . 1320 02:25:28,000 --> 02:25:32,000 . . . that Our peOpIe amidSt the crOWd WOuId kiII him. 1321 02:25:32,000 --> 02:25:35,000 But hOW WaS I tO knOW that yOur twO hundred herOeS . . . 1322 02:25:35,000 --> 02:25:37,000 . . . WOuId becOme eunuchS When cOnfrOnted With that Jat. 1323 02:25:37,000 --> 02:25:40,000 At timeS, even a cOWard turnS brave . . . . 1324 02:25:40,000 --> 02:25:43,000 Father IOOk, theSe peOpIe dOnt Iet me fIy the tricOIOur. 1325 02:25:43,000 --> 02:25:46,000 They Say thiS iS PakiStan. IS that pOSSibIe? 1326 02:25:46,000 --> 02:25:49,000 Karim, take him aWay. Im in the midSt Of an impOrtant diScuSSiOn. 1327 02:25:49,000 --> 02:25:50,000 COme, brOther. 1328 02:25:50,000 --> 02:25:54,000 Mr.AShraf, the buS in Which Tara Singh had eScaped . . . 1329 02:25:54,000 --> 02:25:56,000 . . . WaS fOund faIIen in a ditch near Mirpur. 1330 02:25:56,000 --> 02:25:58,000 BrOther, dOnt WOrry. 1331 02:25:58,000 --> 02:26:01,000 The Indian bOundary iS 400 miIeS aWay frOm Mirpur. 1332 02:26:01,000 --> 02:26:03,000 Sir, hiS phOtOgraph haS been pubIiShed in every neWSpaper . . . 1333 02:26:03,000 --> 02:26:05,000 . . . Of every regiOn. 1334 02:26:05,000 --> 02:26:07,000 The pOIice iS Standing On vigiI everywhere. 1335 02:26:07,000 --> 02:26:11,000 He WiII nOt be abIe tO eScape inSpectOr SuIeman nOW. 1336 02:26:11,000 --> 02:26:14,000 I dOnt knOW anything, my daughter ShOuId nOt be hurt. 1337 02:26:14,000 --> 02:26:23,000 I Want my daughter back. 1338 02:26:23,000 --> 02:26:28,000 - Here, have thiS hOt tea. - Thank yOu. 1339 02:26:28,000 --> 02:26:33,000 HOW iS yOur SOn? IS he aIright nOW? YOu aISO have tea. 1340 02:26:33,000 --> 02:26:34,000 Thank yOu very much. 1341 02:26:34,000 --> 02:26:36,000 If yOu had nOt given uS SheIter, . . . 1342 02:26:36,000 --> 02:26:39,000 . . . Our SOnS cOnditiOn WOuId have WOrSened. 1343 02:26:39,000 --> 02:26:41,000 I WiII fOrever be gratefuI tO yOu fOr thiS favOur. 1344 02:26:41,000 --> 02:26:43,000 What favOur? 1345 02:26:43,000 --> 02:26:47,000 My huSband recOgnized yOu When yOu came here IaSt night. 1346 02:26:47,000 --> 02:26:51,000 He WOrked aS a gardener in Mr.SarfarajS hOuSe. 1347 02:26:51,000 --> 02:26:57,000 YOu uSed tO cOme there, right? 1348 02:26:57,000 --> 02:27:02,000 WOW! What a beautifuI earring! 1349 02:27:02,000 --> 02:27:04,000 If I riSk my Iife and Save yOu, . . . 1350 02:27:04,000 --> 02:27:06,000 . . . even I ShOuId benefit Out Of it. 1351 02:27:06,000 --> 02:27:08,000 Stay aS IOng aS yOu Iike. 1352 02:27:08,000 --> 02:27:10,000 III take a piece Of jeWeIIery everyday. 1353 02:27:10,000 --> 02:27:13,000 YOu can Stay here WithOut any fear. NO One WiII cOme here. 1354 02:27:13,000 --> 02:27:20,000 DOnt WOrry, nO One WiII cOme here. 1355 02:27:20,000 --> 02:27:23,000 That WOman haS her eye On yOur OrnamentS. 1356 02:27:23,000 --> 02:27:24,000 YOu are my reaI Ornament. 1357 02:27:24,000 --> 02:27:27,000 ShaII I teII yOu SOmething, Tara? 1358 02:27:27,000 --> 02:27:31,000 Even if I die tOday, I WiII have nO regretS. 1359 02:27:31,000 --> 02:27:32,000 What nOnSenSe are yOu taIking? 1360 02:27:32,000 --> 02:27:35,000 We WiII aII return tO India. I WiII take yOu there. 1361 02:27:35,000 --> 02:27:51,000 YOu take care Of Jeetu, I WiII make arrangementS and cOme. 1362 02:27:51,000 --> 02:27:54,000 Our friendShip iS very OId. 1363 02:27:54,000 --> 02:27:56,000 We drOve Our truckS tOgether SO many timeS. 1364 02:27:56,000 --> 02:28:00,000 I WiII heIp yOu reach Attari. 1365 02:28:00,000 --> 02:28:03,000 - Keep SOme mOney. - NO, I . . . . 1366 02:28:03,000 --> 02:28:05,000 Send them back tO me When yOu reach India. 1367 02:28:05,000 --> 02:28:08,000 Why dOnt yOu underStand? YOu have tO undertake a IOng jOurney. 1368 02:28:08,000 --> 02:28:09,000 YOur Wife iS aISO With yOu. 1369 02:28:09,000 --> 02:28:11,000 YOu never knOW When yOuII need the mOney. 1370 02:28:11,000 --> 02:28:14,000 TeII me, Where haS yOur Wife tO be picked up frOm? 1371 02:28:14,000 --> 02:28:18,000 FrOm MaIiWada. 1372 02:28:18,000 --> 02:28:22,000 III gO and check the vehicIe. III juSt cOme. 1373 02:28:22,000 --> 02:28:25,000 Imran, cOunt the number Of bOxeS befOre IOading. 1374 02:28:25,000 --> 02:28:29,000 GOOd, Niazuddin! That rOgue ShOuId nOt eScape. 1375 02:28:29,000 --> 02:28:30,000 InSpectOr, I even knOW . . . 1376 02:28:30,000 --> 02:28:36,000 . . . Where Tara Singh haS kept the MayOrS daughter. 1377 02:28:36,000 --> 02:28:42,000 But my reWard iS aSSured, iSnt it? 1378 02:28:42,000 --> 02:28:53,000 Friend, yOu prOved hOW true yOu are! 1379 02:28:53,000 --> 02:28:57,000 - Niazuddin iS dead. - What! 1380 02:28:57,000 --> 02:28:59,000 And get thiS cIear! 1381 02:28:59,000 --> 02:29:03,000 DOnt fOIIOW uS IndianS Or even yOu WiII be dead! 1382 02:29:03,000 --> 02:29:08,000 - What dO yOu mean? - A SOn can never cOmpete With hiS father. 1383 02:29:08,000 --> 02:29:10,000 YOu dOnt underStand? A SOn iS created by a father, right? 1384 02:29:10,000 --> 02:29:13,000 YOur PakiStan haS been created Out Of India! 1385 02:29:13,000 --> 02:29:16,000 What nOnSenSe are yOu taIking! 1386 02:29:16,000 --> 02:29:18,000 SurrOund the entire tranSpOrt regiOn! 1387 02:29:18,000 --> 02:29:21,000 I juSt dOnt underStand thiS! If he WaS ready tO accept ISIam . . . 1388 02:29:21,000 --> 02:29:24,000 . . . Why did yOu have tO inStigate peOpIe tO ShOut SIOganS? 1389 02:29:24,000 --> 02:29:26,000 Didnt yOur heart even gO Out tO yOur grandSOn? 1390 02:29:26,000 --> 02:29:29,000 Keep quiet! What dO yOu think, . . . 1391 02:29:29,000 --> 02:29:31,000 . . . that Jat WiII be abIe tO Ieave PakiStan? 1392 02:29:31,000 --> 02:29:32,000 That tOO, With Sakeena? 1393 02:29:32,000 --> 02:29:35,000 I SimpIy gOt infIuenced by yOur taIkS. 1394 02:29:35,000 --> 02:29:40,000 I IOSt the happineSS I had fOund With great difficuIty. 1395 02:29:40,000 --> 02:29:46,000 Driver, IetS gO. 1396 02:29:46,000 --> 02:29:51,000 One day iS Over. DO One thing, hand Over thOSe earringS tO me. 1397 02:29:51,000 --> 02:30:04,000 YOur earringS are IOveIy. Give them tO me. 1398 02:30:04,000 --> 02:30:09,000 Have SOme fear Of GOd. She iS the daughter Of the MayOr. 1399 02:30:09,000 --> 02:30:11,000 If he cOmeS tO knOW, yOuII be beheaded. 1400 02:30:11,000 --> 02:30:15,000 DOeSnt matter. I dOnt mind dying after Wearing thOSe jeWeIS. 1401 02:30:15,000 --> 02:30:17,000 What have yOu ever dOne fOr me? 1402 02:30:17,000 --> 02:30:20,000 We cOuId OnIy affOrd rice and puISeS aII Our IiveS. 1403 02:30:20,000 --> 02:30:23,000 OppOrtunity haS knOcked On my dOOr. I WiII nOt Iet it paSS by. 1404 02:30:23,000 --> 02:30:36,000 NObOdy WiII cOme here. 1405 02:30:36,000 --> 02:30:39,000 NOW the truck uniOn Ieader WiII take me tO the bOrder. 1406 02:30:39,000 --> 02:30:47,000 Let gO Off my neck, We are OId acquaintanceS. 1407 02:30:47,000 --> 02:30:51,000 I knOW they are pIaying pOIiticS With yOu, . . . 1408 02:30:51,000 --> 02:30:53,000 . . . but everyOne iS nOt the Same. 1409 02:30:53,000 --> 02:30:57,000 I think every man in PakiStan WiII Sympathize With yOu . . . 1410 02:30:57,000 --> 02:31:00,000 . . . On knOWing the truth. 1411 02:31:00,000 --> 02:31:02,000 Rehman iS right, Kaka. 1412 02:31:02,000 --> 02:31:03,000 GuIIu, yOu? 1413 02:31:03,000 --> 02:31:04,000 Since I read abOut yOu in the neWSpaperS, . . . 1414 02:31:04,000 --> 02:31:06,000 . . . I have been IOOking fOr yOu. 1415 02:31:06,000 --> 02:31:09,000 I WaS Sure yOu WOuId viSit Rehman. 1416 02:31:09,000 --> 02:31:12,000 GOd iS With uS. I am Sure We WiII find a Way . . . 1417 02:31:12,000 --> 02:31:17,000 . . . tO get yOu Out Of PakiStan. COme, cOme With me. 1418 02:31:17,000 --> 02:31:23,000 Tara Singh, an Indian, Six feet taII Sikh . . . 1419 02:31:23,000 --> 02:31:27,000 . . . fair and cIean Shaven. 1420 02:31:27,000 --> 02:31:31,000 ThiS cuIprit iS Wanted by the PakiStan pOIice. 1421 02:31:31,000 --> 02:31:34,000 WhOever cOmeS acrOSS thiS Indian . . . 1422 02:31:34,000 --> 02:31:36,000 . . . Or haS any neWS On him . . . 1423 02:31:36,000 --> 02:31:41,000 . . . ShOuId immediateIy infOrm the neareSt pOIice StatiOn. 1424 02:31:41,000 --> 02:31:45,000 DOnt WOrry, have faith in me. 1425 02:31:45,000 --> 02:31:51,000 Give me One bangIe, give me yOur bangIeS. 1426 02:31:51,000 --> 02:32:00,000 What IOveIy bangIeS! 1427 02:32:00,000 --> 02:32:02,000 Mummy, What harm have We dOne tO PakiStan . . . 1428 02:32:02,000 --> 02:32:03,000 . . . that they are after Our bIOOd? 1429 02:32:03,000 --> 02:32:10,000 ItS nOthing, it iS juSt an ObSeSSiOn. 1430 02:32:10,000 --> 02:32:13,000 It iS true that the cOuntry haS been partitiOned, . . . 1431 02:32:13,000 --> 02:32:15,000 . . . but buSineSS between them StiII gOeS On. 1432 02:32:15,000 --> 02:32:17,000 India impOrtS Sugar frOm PakiStan . . . 1433 02:32:17,000 --> 02:32:19,000 . . . and PakiStan impOrtS their beteI IeaveS. 1434 02:32:19,000 --> 02:32:21,000 But bOth SpeW hatred fOr each Other. 1435 02:32:21,000 --> 02:32:24,000 Anyway, it iS true that every Friday, . . . 1436 02:32:24,000 --> 02:32:29,000 . . . maiI trainS carry Sugar and cOttOn tO India via RajaSthan. 1437 02:32:29,000 --> 02:32:32,000 DrugS are Sent cOnceaIed in Sugar and cOttOn. 1438 02:32:32,000 --> 02:32:33,000 DrugS? What are yOu Saying! 1439 02:32:33,000 --> 02:32:40,000 Sit dOWn, Sir. If drugS can be Sent, then by yOur grace, . . . 1440 02:32:40,000 --> 02:32:42,000 . . . even men can be Sent acrOSS. 1441 02:32:42,000 --> 02:32:44,000 Men? What are yOu taIking? 1442 02:32:44,000 --> 02:32:47,000 MOney? 1443 02:32:47,000 --> 02:32:53,000 YOu WOnt be abIe tO refuSe nOW, the Weight iS tOO much. 1444 02:32:53,000 --> 02:32:58,000 NOthing iS greater than mOney. YOur WOrk WiII be dOne. 1445 02:32:58,000 --> 02:33:05,000 ASSume yOur peOpIe have reached India. 1446 02:33:05,000 --> 02:33:08,000 BrOther, thiS iS the number Of the cOach Of the maiI train. 1447 02:33:08,000 --> 02:33:12,000 Be there by 2 p. m. The train IeaveS at Sharp 2:20 p. m. 1448 02:33:12,000 --> 02:33:14,000 GuIIu, yOur favOur . . . . 1449 02:33:14,000 --> 02:33:17,000 WhO are yOu teIIing thiS? 1450 02:33:17,000 --> 02:33:18,000 We are brOtherS WhO even Share SOrrOW. 1451 02:33:18,000 --> 02:33:22,000 YOu reach there, I WiII fOIIOW yOu. NOW gO. 1452 02:33:22,000 --> 02:33:26,000 Wanted dead Or aIive. 1453 02:33:26,000 --> 02:33:29,000 ItS ShOcking! PakiStan haS been diSgraced! 1454 02:33:29,000 --> 02:33:34,000 An Ordinary Indian abducted the daughter Of the MayOr. 1455 02:33:34,000 --> 02:33:37,000 I have heard that he haS married Sakeena. 1456 02:33:37,000 --> 02:33:41,000 He even haS a SOn. If that iS true, the pOOr man WaS haraSSed. 1457 02:33:41,000 --> 02:33:43,000 What are yOu taIking, HaSSan! 1458 02:33:43,000 --> 02:33:52,000 Can yOu make a Hindu yOur SOn-in-IaW? 1459 02:33:52,000 --> 02:35:08,000 Hey, StOp! 1460 02:35:08,000 --> 02:35:11,000 Spread Out in every cOrner. LOOk fOr that Indian everywhere! 1461 02:35:11,000 --> 02:35:21,000 LOOk fOr him everywhere! 1462 02:35:21,000 --> 02:35:23,000 LOOk everywhere! 1463 02:35:23,000 --> 02:36:12,000 I WOnt be WOrthy Of my name if I dOnt kiII that baStard. 1464 02:36:12,000 --> 02:36:13,000 Give me yOur Wedding neckIace. 1465 02:36:13,000 --> 02:36:15,000 ThiS iS a Sacred tOken Of marriage, I cannOt part With it. 1466 02:36:15,000 --> 02:36:17,000 I had tOId yOu the firSt day itSeIf . . . 1467 02:36:17,000 --> 02:36:19,000 . . . that I WiII take a piece Of jeWeIIery frOm yOu everyday. 1468 02:36:19,000 --> 02:36:20,000 I have given yOu aII my jeWeIIery, . . . 1469 02:36:20,000 --> 02:36:22,000 . . . OnIy thiS piece iS Ieft. I cannOt part With it. 1470 02:36:22,000 --> 02:36:23,000 If yOu cannOt give me, gO aWay frOm here. 1471 02:36:23,000 --> 02:36:25,000 I WiII nOt gO untiI he returnS. 1472 02:36:25,000 --> 02:36:29,000 YOu WiII nOt part With it SO eaSiIy. Give it tO me! 1473 02:36:29,000 --> 02:36:32,000 Leave my mOther! 1474 02:36:32,000 --> 02:36:46,000 - Jeetu. . . . - Papa, that WOman. . . 1475 02:36:46,000 --> 02:36:50,000 LetS gO. 1476 02:36:50,000 --> 02:36:54,000 - Sir, I didnt dO anything. - StOp! 1477 02:36:54,000 --> 02:36:57,000 TeII me, WaS my daughter Staying here Or nOt? 1478 02:36:57,000 --> 02:37:02,000 YeS, She had. She Stayed here fOr three nightS. 1479 02:37:02,000 --> 02:37:08,000 My daughter had tO Iive in thiS dirty, fiIthy pIace. 1480 02:37:08,000 --> 02:37:13,000 Sir, I fOund theSe OrnamentS. 1481 02:37:13,000 --> 02:37:22,000 TheSe OrnamentS beIOng tO Shaku. That meanS thiS WOman. . . 1482 02:37:22,000 --> 02:37:26,000 I made a miStake, Sir. 1483 02:37:26,000 --> 02:37:29,000 HOW cOuId yOu dare tO tOuch my daughter! 1484 02:37:29,000 --> 02:37:32,000 Dare tO remOve her OrnamentS! 1485 02:37:32,000 --> 02:37:35,000 FOrget abOut her, cOme here. 1486 02:37:35,000 --> 02:37:44,000 My daughter had tO Suffer Such hardShipS becauSe Of that Jat. 1487 02:37:44,000 --> 02:37:52,000 SaIim, depute the army On every rOad that gOeS tO India. 1488 02:37:52,000 --> 02:38:28,000 I WiII nOt Spare that Jat! 1489 02:38:28,000 --> 02:38:34,000 - What happened? - I SaW a dream. 1490 02:38:34,000 --> 02:38:39,000 I SaW that We have reached hOme. 1491 02:38:39,000 --> 02:38:46,000 That Same dOOr, that Same verandah, the hearth. 1492 02:38:46,000 --> 02:38:49,000 YOur returning frOm WOrk. 1493 02:38:49,000 --> 02:38:58,000 And I SaW that even father haS cOme there. 1494 02:38:58,000 --> 02:39:26,000 TO bIeSS uS. 1495 02:39:26,000 --> 02:39:31,000 Tara Singh, yOu SOn Of a pig! I WiII feed yOu tO the dOgS! 1496 02:39:31,000 --> 02:39:34,000 I WiII tOrture yOu SO much even death WiII trembIe. 1497 02:39:34,000 --> 02:39:46,000 Find that Indian baStard! 1498 02:39:46,000 --> 02:39:49,000 YOu dared tO haiI India in PakiStan. 1499 02:39:49,000 --> 02:39:52,000 Where iS yOur cOurage nOW? 1500 02:39:52,000 --> 02:39:59,000 Why are yOu hiding Iike a cOWard? 1501 02:39:59,000 --> 02:40:04,000 LOOk ahead! 1502 02:40:04,000 --> 02:40:08,000 Check ahead! 1503 02:40:08,000 --> 02:40:22,000 Open thiS! Search inSide. He ShOuId nOt eScape. 1504 02:40:22,000 --> 02:41:31,000 YOuII check ahead. 1505 02:41:31,000 --> 02:41:33,000 They are hiding there! 1506 02:41:33,000 --> 02:41:39,000 LOOk at theSe bIOOd StainS. They are here OnIy! Find them! 1507 02:41:39,000 --> 02:41:45,000 They are SOmeWhere here. 1508 02:41:45,000 --> 02:42:22,000 Where did the SWine gO? 1509 02:42:22,000 --> 02:42:32,000 He iS hiding SOmeWhere here. SurrOund the entire bOgey. 1510 02:42:32,000 --> 02:42:34,000 Ignite the bOgey! 1511 02:42:34,000 --> 02:42:37,000 Have yOu gOne mad? Even my niece Sakeena iS With him. 1512 02:42:37,000 --> 02:42:42,000 YOu keep quiet, uncIe. She haS humiIiated me. 1513 02:42:42,000 --> 02:47:25,000 If Sakeena cannOt beIOng tO me, She cannOt beIOng tO anyOne eISe 1514 02:47:25,000 --> 02:48:10,000 YOu baStardS! 1515 02:48:10,000 --> 02:51:21,000 Papa, papa, IOOk! 1516 02:51:21,000 --> 02:51:58,000 - NO! - Mummy, nO. 1517 02:51:58,000 --> 02:52:02,000 - DOctOr, haS Shaku regained cOnSciOuSneSS? - NOt yet. 1518 02:52:02,000 --> 02:52:05,000 YOu remOved the buIIet IOng agO. 1519 02:52:05,000 --> 02:52:06,000 Then Why haSnt She regained cOnSciOuSneSS yet? 1520 02:52:06,000 --> 02:52:09,000 I have dOne Whatever I cOuId. 1521 02:52:09,000 --> 02:52:11,000 Everything iS nOt in the dOctOrS handS. 1522 02:52:11,000 --> 02:52:51,000 Pray tO GOd that the medicineS WOrk. 1523 02:52:51,000 --> 02:53:07,000 O GOd, have mercy. 1524 02:53:07,000 --> 02:53:15,000 FIy aWay O crOW. . . 1525 02:53:15,000 --> 02:53:23,000 . . . III be gratefuI. 1526 02:53:23,000 --> 02:53:30,000 Take my meSSage. . . 1527 02:53:30,000 --> 02:53:39,000 . . . III be gratefuI tO yOu. 1528 02:53:39,000 --> 02:53:54,000 Spring iS here again. 1529 02:53:54,000 --> 02:54:03,000 ThiS Iife iS SO ShOrt . . . 1530 02:54:03,000 --> 02:54:10,000 . . . and the nightS SO IOng. 1531 02:54:10,000 --> 02:54:17,000 COme back hOme. . . 1532 02:54:17,000 --> 02:54:24,000 COme back hOme. . . 1533 02:54:24,000 --> 02:54:32,000 COme back hOme, my IOve. 1534 02:54:32,000 --> 02:55:12,000 We are One. 1535 02:55:12,000 --> 02:56:01,000 Shaku, mu chiId! 1536 02:56:01,000 --> 02:56:08,000 - FOrgive me, SOn. - DOnt Say that, father. 1537 02:56:08,000 --> 02:56:15,000 A SOn-in-IaW iS treated rOyaIIy, but I. . . . . 1538 02:56:15,000 --> 02:56:20,000 PIeaSe fOrgive me, SOn. In my greed fOr pOWer, . . . 1539 02:56:20,000 --> 02:56:24,000 . . . I fOrgOt humanity Which iS the greateSt reIigiOn Of man. 1540 02:56:24,000 --> 02:56:28,000 FOrgive me. 1541 02:56:28,000 --> 02:56:30,000 YOu are right, uncIe. The WOrId iS driven by humanity, by IOve.