1 00:00:01,313 --> 00:00:04,373 Long ago in a distant land... 2 00:00:04,550 --> 00:00:09,613 ...I, Aku, the shape-shifting master of darkness... 3 00:00:09,788 --> 00:00:13,224 ...unleashed an unspeakable evil. 4 00:00:13,392 --> 00:00:18,796 But a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword... 5 00:00:18,964 --> 00:00:21,899 ...stepped forth to oppose me. 6 00:00:24,503 --> 00:00:26,835 Before the final blow was struck... 7 00:00:27,005 --> 00:00:31,374 ...I tore open a portal in time, and flung him into the future... 8 00:00:31,543 --> 00:00:33,773 ...where my evil is law. 9 00:00:34,212 --> 00:00:38,171 Now the fool seeks to return to the past... 10 00:00:38,350 --> 00:00:43,185 ...and undo the future that is Aku. 11 00:03:03,195 --> 00:03:07,131 Turn back while you still.... 12 00:03:10,635 --> 00:03:13,195 Poor unfortunate creature. 13 00:03:13,371 --> 00:03:15,305 -l'm not poor! -What? 14 00:03:15,474 --> 00:03:18,534 l might be unfortunate, but l'm not poor. 15 00:03:18,710 --> 00:03:21,702 Look at my necklace. That's genuine fox tooth, that is. 16 00:03:22,314 --> 00:03:24,305 -You're alive. -Of course l'm alive... 17 00:03:24,483 --> 00:03:26,974 ...but that's no reason to call me poor. 18 00:03:27,152 --> 00:03:29,712 Tell me, where is this horrible stench coming from? 19 00:03:29,888 --> 00:03:33,153 You must mean the stench that ruined our crops... 20 00:03:33,325 --> 00:03:36,294 ...that rendered generations of backbreaking labor... 21 00:03:36,461 --> 00:03:39,328 ...completely and utterly useless, that-- 22 00:03:39,498 --> 00:03:41,056 Yes, that stench. 23 00:03:41,233 --> 00:03:44,600 They say.... They say it comes from-- 24 00:04:46,631 --> 00:04:48,895 Oh, mother of mercy.... 25 00:05:10,822 --> 00:05:12,585 To the shelter! To the shelter! 26 00:05:12,757 --> 00:05:15,351 Tell me, villager. How far is it to this shelter? 27 00:05:15,527 --> 00:05:17,586 Right around the next block. Hurry! 28 00:05:19,764 --> 00:05:21,561 lt's right over here. 29 00:05:21,933 --> 00:05:23,833 Oh, good gracious, help us out! 30 00:05:24,069 --> 00:05:26,731 The shelter, it's full! 31 00:05:56,768 --> 00:05:58,668 Mother of mercy.... 32 00:06:39,945 --> 00:06:42,607 Scissorsmith. Scissorsmith! 33 00:06:42,781 --> 00:06:46,376 How can you be so cheerful while your town lives in such misery? 34 00:06:47,319 --> 00:06:49,048 Somebody say something? 35 00:06:49,220 --> 00:06:51,552 l was simply wondering how you-- 36 00:06:54,359 --> 00:06:55,621 Never mind. 37 00:06:55,794 --> 00:06:58,695 A customer. Top of the morning to you. 38 00:06:58,863 --> 00:07:01,388 -Actually, l-- -Right this way. Right this way. 39 00:07:01,566 --> 00:07:05,058 Just keep that door shut. Keep that miserable smell out. 40 00:07:06,104 --> 00:07:08,698 Fresh sausages, only three for a ninepence. 41 00:07:10,408 --> 00:07:14,174 No, thank you. Actually, l was wondering about that smell outside. 42 00:07:14,346 --> 00:07:15,779 Then it's a rag you want. 43 00:07:15,947 --> 00:07:19,280 We've got burlap ones, flannel ones, seersucker, gabardine! 44 00:07:19,818 --> 00:07:22,878 Have you had your palm read lately? Got any pets who need grooming? 45 00:07:23,054 --> 00:07:26,820 How about some flint and tinder? Never know when you'll need some fire-- 46 00:07:26,992 --> 00:07:28,789 Fire! Rhymes with liar! 47 00:07:28,960 --> 00:07:30,188 Liar! 48 00:07:31,763 --> 00:07:33,230 Quiet, you! 49 00:07:33,431 --> 00:07:36,366 -Your pet speaks very well. -My pet? That's my wife! 50 00:07:36,534 --> 00:07:38,798 Never sell a wizard an expired fishing license. 51 00:07:39,871 --> 00:07:41,702 How about some pickled camel feet? 52 00:07:41,873 --> 00:07:45,365 No, thank you. l just want to know where that stench is coming from. 53 00:07:45,577 --> 00:07:47,704 Then it's information that you're after. 54 00:07:47,879 --> 00:07:49,608 -So you'll tell me? -For a price. 55 00:07:49,781 --> 00:07:52,875 But the lives of your fellow villagers are at stake. 56 00:07:53,251 --> 00:07:55,344 Come with me. 57 00:07:57,188 --> 00:07:58,712 Look up there. 58 00:08:01,493 --> 00:08:05,589 Now, do you see the words ''free information'' anywhere on that sign? 59 00:08:07,799 --> 00:08:10,233 -No. -Try using this magnifying glass. 60 00:08:11,036 --> 00:08:13,800 -See it now? -No. 61 00:08:13,972 --> 00:08:16,964 Well, that's because l don't sell free information! 62 00:08:24,916 --> 00:08:29,114 Enough of this foolishness! You will tell me where the stench comes from, now! 63 00:08:29,287 --> 00:08:32,620 All right, l'll tell you for a loaf of bread and a ride on a wagon. 64 00:08:32,791 --> 00:08:36,022 Wagon! Rhymes with dragon! Dragon! 65 00:08:36,194 --> 00:08:38,185 Quiet! You'll give it all away! 66 00:08:38,363 --> 00:08:39,660 Give what away? What dragon? 67 00:08:39,831 --> 00:08:42,857 Nothing. There's no dragon. 68 00:08:43,034 --> 00:08:46,003 Dragon! Dragon! The smell comes from a dragon! 69 00:08:46,171 --> 00:08:47,468 Why, you.... 70 00:08:47,639 --> 00:08:50,369 So where does this dragon live? 71 00:08:51,076 --> 00:08:53,135 Nowhere. l'll never tell. 72 00:08:53,311 --> 00:08:55,279 You're beginning to arouse my ire. 73 00:08:55,980 --> 00:08:58,278 Spire! Lives on top of the spire! 74 00:08:58,450 --> 00:09:01,112 You mangy pigeon, l'll have you for dinner! 75 00:09:01,286 --> 00:09:04,619 So tell me, wise crow, where might l find this spire? 76 00:09:04,789 --> 00:09:06,120 You ungrateful beast. 77 00:09:06,291 --> 00:09:09,920 You'd better keep that beak shut. l mean it! 78 00:09:11,029 --> 00:09:12,792 Looks like that shut her up. 79 00:09:12,964 --> 00:09:14,261 Beast? Beast? 80 00:09:14,432 --> 00:09:16,957 The spire lies to the east! To the east! 81 00:09:17,469 --> 00:09:21,303 That's it! You've squawked your last squawk! 82 00:09:21,473 --> 00:09:25,705 -Get back here, you mangy bag of germs! -So the spire lies to the east, eh? 83 00:09:35,954 --> 00:09:38,149 Wait! Warrior! 84 00:09:38,323 --> 00:09:41,724 Warrior, wait! l have something for you! 85 00:09:44,062 --> 00:09:49,728 Warrior, do you really mean to fight this dragon? 86 00:09:50,001 --> 00:09:51,229 lf l have to, yes. 87 00:09:51,970 --> 00:09:54,564 Then you'll need this. 88 00:09:54,739 --> 00:09:56,570 l've had enough of your bartering. 89 00:09:56,741 --> 00:09:58,333 This one's on me. 90 00:09:58,510 --> 00:09:59,841 Sheep's bladder. 91 00:10:00,011 --> 00:10:03,777 lt'll help you breathe up there in those fumes. 92 00:10:03,948 --> 00:10:07,509 Place it over your head like this and breathe calmly. 93 00:10:07,685 --> 00:10:11,519 lf you have any small children with you, secure your mask first, then the child's. 94 00:10:11,689 --> 00:10:14,920 You will find exits located to the east and south end of the cabin. 95 00:10:15,093 --> 00:10:17,357 Beverages will be served shortly. 96 00:10:18,396 --> 00:10:19,590 Thank you? 97 00:10:19,764 --> 00:10:21,698 Just take care of that dragon. 98 00:10:22,066 --> 00:10:25,934 Years ago, l lost a daughter to that beast. 99 00:10:33,444 --> 00:10:37,005 At the fork in the road, follow the rocky path. 100 00:10:37,182 --> 00:10:39,707 lt will take you to the dragon's lair. 101 00:10:39,884 --> 00:10:43,149 -Where will the other one take me? -''Space Ace'' ! 102 00:11:32,904 --> 00:11:34,872 Whoa! 103 00:13:03,594 --> 00:13:04,822 The pain. 104 00:13:08,166 --> 00:13:09,656 You can talk? 105 00:13:09,834 --> 00:13:11,563 Yes. 106 00:13:14,138 --> 00:13:16,436 You must help me. 107 00:13:16,674 --> 00:13:19,006 Yes, l will help you, dragon. 108 00:13:19,177 --> 00:13:21,168 l will put you out of your misery. 109 00:13:21,346 --> 00:13:23,337 No, wait. 110 00:13:23,514 --> 00:13:25,812 You don't understand. 111 00:13:25,983 --> 00:13:30,044 There's something inside me that is causing this. 112 00:13:30,221 --> 00:13:31,882 lnside of you? 113 00:13:47,939 --> 00:13:49,804 Those poor.... 114 00:13:49,974 --> 00:13:52,101 Those unfortunate people. 115 00:13:52,276 --> 00:13:54,676 All right, dragon, l will help you. 116 00:13:55,079 --> 00:13:56,603 Yes. 117 00:13:56,781 --> 00:13:58,510 You have to enter me... 118 00:13:58,683 --> 00:14:03,086 ...and destroy whatever is responsible for this. 119 00:16:58,296 --> 00:16:59,695 Dragon? 120 00:16:59,864 --> 00:17:02,059 Am l near the source of the problem? 121 00:17:02,233 --> 00:17:07,034 No. You must go lower. 122 00:19:35,119 --> 00:19:37,053 lt's a baby. 123 00:19:37,655 --> 00:19:40,351 A baby dragon. 124 00:19:44,528 --> 00:19:47,588 Please hurry. 125 00:19:47,765 --> 00:19:51,132 l cannot stand much more. 126 00:20:25,402 --> 00:20:27,461 Thank you. 127 00:20:49,026 --> 00:20:50,823 Look! 128 00:20:51,762 --> 00:20:54,128 Huzzah! 129 00:20:59,703 --> 00:21:01,933 Well, l gotta hand it to you, robed one. 130 00:21:02,106 --> 00:21:04,734 l never thought you'd get rid of that stench. 131 00:21:04,909 --> 00:21:06,968 Hooray, the smell is gone! 132 00:21:07,144 --> 00:21:08,338 We're saved! 133 00:21:10,447 --> 00:21:13,644 Hooray! At last, we can breathe again! 134 00:21:20,991 --> 00:21:24,688 Now all l have to do is put out these fires. 135 00:21:24,862 --> 00:21:28,298 For the right price, l can tell you how to put out this fire. 136 00:21:28,465 --> 00:21:30,456 Liar! Fire rhymes with liar! 137 00:21:31,569 --> 00:21:32,968 Why, you.... 138 00:21:33,137 --> 00:21:35,537 You rotten, dusty bag of germs! 139 00:21:35,840 --> 00:21:37,808 l'll tear every feather out of you! 140 00:22:32,263 --> 00:22:34,254 [ENGLlSH]