1 00:00:54,449 --> 00:00:56,367 Do you know fear? 2 00:00:57,619 --> 00:01:02,707 Do you know what it's like to feel your heart beating so intensely... 3 00:01:03,541 --> 00:01:06,252 ...that you can't even breathe? 4 00:01:06,461 --> 00:01:08,546 This is a story... 5 00:01:08,713 --> 00:01:11,800 ...of monsters. Creatures. 6 00:01:11,966 --> 00:01:15,136 Hideous nightmares that crawl in the night. 7 00:01:15,303 --> 00:01:16,638 I've seen them. 8 00:01:16,805 --> 00:01:19,057 I've seen them in visions. 9 00:01:19,474 --> 00:01:23,603 And you will too. 10 00:01:24,729 --> 00:01:27,190 I know you're saying to yourself. 11 00:01:27,357 --> 00:01:30,985 "What is this brother doing in this godforsaken place?" 12 00:01:31,152 --> 00:01:34,114 The truth brought me out to the only place... 13 00:01:34,280 --> 00:01:37,659 ...where I can speak the truth and they can't get me. 14 00:01:38,326 --> 00:01:41,454 That's right. Right here at KFRD, freedom radio. 15 00:01:41,621 --> 00:01:45,333 The source for the inside dope on conspiracies, aliens... 16 00:01:45,500 --> 00:01:48,962 ...and up- To- The- Minute reports on when they'll invade. 17 00:01:49,170 --> 00:01:51,923 It's morning here in Prosperity, Arizona... 18 00:01:52,340 --> 00:01:55,718 ...and it's time for America to wake up, people! 19 00:01:55,885 --> 00:01:58,471 Wake up before it's too late! But no. 20 00:01:58,680 --> 00:02:00,807 Of course you're still asleep. 21 00:02:01,015 --> 00:02:03,309 You still think we landed on the moon... 22 00:02:03,518 --> 00:02:08,356 ...that Oswald killed Kennedy, and that a black man's vote in Florida counts! 23 00:02:08,523 --> 00:02:09,524 Wake up! 24 00:02:11,359 --> 00:02:14,654 Look to the skies. Look to the skies, my friends. 25 00:02:14,863 --> 00:02:18,032 Unless you're driving. I don't want nobody suing. 26 00:02:18,199 --> 00:02:22,787 Got enough government problems. Can barely pay for this damn trailer. 27 00:02:27,917 --> 00:02:31,963 Keep talking, buddy. Say something that has caffeine in it. 28 00:02:32,338 --> 00:02:36,509 It's a hard life spreading the truth. Never made Gandhi rich. 29 00:02:36,718 --> 00:02:40,221 Never made Mother Teresa rich. L. Ron Hubbard? 30 00:02:40,388 --> 00:02:43,349 Actually, he did pretty good for himself. 31 00:03:15,882 --> 00:03:17,509 Interesting. 32 00:04:13,481 --> 00:04:14,983 Joshua? 33 00:04:22,323 --> 00:04:23,742 Joshua? 34 00:04:46,097 --> 00:04:48,767 You're a big fella. 35 00:04:56,149 --> 00:04:58,693 Joshua! You trying to scare me to death? 36 00:04:58,902 --> 00:05:00,111 Hello, Mike. 37 00:05:01,946 --> 00:05:05,992 The Lycosa narbonensis looks different today. It's bigger. 38 00:05:06,159 --> 00:05:09,120 It's their diet. I made a discovery. 39 00:05:10,288 --> 00:05:14,042 These have been in the pond for the past three days. 40 00:05:14,209 --> 00:05:15,460 Crickets? 41 00:05:16,544 --> 00:05:19,714 They're like...spider steroids. 42 00:05:21,091 --> 00:05:24,219 I see dead people. I see dead people. 43 00:05:24,803 --> 00:05:26,971 He loves that movie. I don't... 44 00:05:27,639 --> 00:05:29,682 There they go! Look, look! 45 00:05:31,976 --> 00:05:35,480 - He was hungry! - As they grow, their appetites do too. 46 00:05:35,647 --> 00:05:39,776 I've never seen spiders this big. It's because of those crickets? 47 00:05:39,943 --> 00:05:42,195 I'm gonna make a fortune. 48 00:05:42,404 --> 00:05:44,155 Jumping spiders! 49 00:05:44,322 --> 00:05:46,783 Yeah, Habronattus orbus. 50 00:05:50,578 --> 00:05:52,497 Look, look how they kill. 51 00:05:53,415 --> 00:05:56,000 I call this an arach- Attack. 52 00:05:56,167 --> 00:05:58,878 - Get it? - Yeah. It's good. 53 00:06:01,673 --> 00:06:03,758 Have the orb weavers come in? 54 00:06:03,925 --> 00:06:06,594 T ook me forever to get that mating pair. 55 00:06:06,761 --> 00:06:11,474 I had to bribe every customs agent from Santiago to Tucson. But here. 56 00:06:17,021 --> 00:06:18,273 That is too cool. 57 00:06:18,440 --> 00:06:22,527 See, the male orb weavers compete for the female's attention. 58 00:06:22,694 --> 00:06:26,740 They all try to give her the best present. Like bugs... 59 00:06:26,906 --> 00:06:31,077 ...or, you know, rats or the occasional parrot. 60 00:06:32,203 --> 00:06:34,414 Let me show you something. 61 00:06:36,374 --> 00:06:41,212 You see, the prey is cocooned alive so she can eat them in her nest. 62 00:06:41,379 --> 00:06:44,048 You know how women like breakfast in bed. 63 00:06:44,215 --> 00:06:45,717 Look at it. 64 00:06:45,884 --> 00:06:48,011 Look at this, look at her. 65 00:06:48,470 --> 00:06:52,098 The female is three times as big as the male. 66 00:06:53,391 --> 00:06:55,310 Say hello to Consuela. 67 00:06:58,063 --> 00:07:00,774 She fills her prey with digestive acid... 68 00:07:00,982 --> 00:07:04,527 ...to liquefy it so she can drink it from inside out. 69 00:07:04,903 --> 00:07:06,404 While it's alive. 70 00:07:13,369 --> 00:07:14,662 Man... 71 00:07:14,829 --> 00:07:16,331 ...am I in trouble. 72 00:07:16,498 --> 00:07:19,751 I have to go. I'll call you later, okay? 73 00:07:19,918 --> 00:07:22,962 Next week, I bet they're twice as big as today. 74 00:07:23,171 --> 00:07:25,256 Bye, Josh. See you next week! 75 00:07:37,185 --> 00:07:39,562 Where did you go, little fella? 76 00:08:08,299 --> 00:08:11,386 I see dead people! I see dead...! 77 00:09:09,444 --> 00:09:12,697 Sorry, sonny. We aren't hiring. 78 00:09:12,864 --> 00:09:15,492 You sure? I'm a pretty good engineer. 79 00:09:15,658 --> 00:09:18,703 Do I look like a woman who isn't sure? 80 00:09:19,204 --> 00:09:20,622 Yeah, well... 81 00:09:21,956 --> 00:09:25,418 - I used to know my way around here. - We aren't hiring. 82 00:09:25,710 --> 00:09:30,131 We're laying off. We're three months from a going- Out- Of- Business sale. 83 00:09:30,673 --> 00:09:33,718 - Got the picture? - Yeah, I got the picture. 84 00:09:33,885 --> 00:09:35,804 But my name's not Sonny. 85 00:09:35,970 --> 00:09:38,139 It's Chris. 86 00:09:44,062 --> 00:09:45,897 Chris? 87 00:09:48,525 --> 00:09:50,026 Aunt Gladys. 88 00:09:50,902 --> 00:09:52,529 Welcome home. 89 00:09:56,157 --> 00:09:58,743 Bad dog! No! 90 00:10:10,338 --> 00:10:13,925 - Pete, what are you doing out here? - Well, we got a... 91 00:10:14,092 --> 00:10:17,303 No. Question is, what are you doing out here? 92 00:10:17,512 --> 00:10:21,391 - You were supposed to stay home. - What did you find, Mom? 93 00:10:21,558 --> 00:10:24,894 Some jerk tossed a barrel of chemicals off the road. 94 00:10:25,061 --> 00:10:28,148 Looks like it's been out here a couple of weeks. 95 00:10:28,523 --> 00:10:31,818 Who knows how much contamination it's caused. 96 00:10:32,026 --> 00:10:34,487 The water is contaminated? 97 00:10:34,654 --> 00:10:38,032 Pete, send a sample down to the EPA lab in Phoenix. 98 00:10:38,199 --> 00:10:40,493 Let's see what they come up with. 99 00:10:40,702 --> 00:10:44,080 - I have to tell Joshua! - That's where you were going? 100 00:10:44,247 --> 00:10:48,001 I told you no more visits to that spider farm, didn't I? 101 00:10:48,168 --> 00:10:52,213 - You're grounded. - But I have to tell Joshua about this. 102 00:10:52,380 --> 00:10:56,509 I don't want you hanging out with him. Those spiders are dangerous. 103 00:10:56,676 --> 00:11:00,889 They give you nightmares, and you keep me up all night. 104 00:11:01,055 --> 00:11:04,309 You know what happens when I don't get enough sleep, right? 105 00:11:04,476 --> 00:11:05,894 Bad mood? 106 00:11:06,061 --> 00:11:08,063 Put your bike in the truck. 107 00:11:09,731 --> 00:11:13,401 - Can you help him with his bike? - Yeah, okay, sure. 108 00:11:35,757 --> 00:11:36,800 Hang on, Mike. 109 00:11:52,107 --> 00:11:55,151 Party's over, gentlemen. Off the bikes. 110 00:11:55,318 --> 00:11:57,195 Great, this is all I need. 111 00:12:03,618 --> 00:12:06,704 She is the sexiest sheriff in the country. 112 00:12:06,871 --> 00:12:08,289 I know, it's weird. 113 00:12:09,541 --> 00:12:14,087 - You bought yourself a reckless, Bret. - Give them a break. 114 00:12:14,254 --> 00:12:16,631 - Get in the truck, Ashley. - Mom! 115 00:12:16,798 --> 00:12:18,133 Now. 116 00:12:22,470 --> 00:12:25,598 - Give me your license. - Come on, sheriff. 117 00:12:27,559 --> 00:12:31,312 - Anything you say can be used against... - Shut up! 118 00:12:31,521 --> 00:12:36,151 You have a right to an attorney. If you can't afford an attorney... 119 00:12:36,317 --> 00:12:41,656 Larry, do we know anybody at City Hall who might be able to take care of this? 120 00:12:41,823 --> 00:12:44,534 Bret, isn't your stepfather the mayor? 121 00:12:45,410 --> 00:12:50,415 Put my daughter in danger again, I'll show you how little that means to me. 122 00:12:50,582 --> 00:12:52,792 We're cool, sheriff. 123 00:12:54,502 --> 00:12:58,298 - Do you think G- String or underwear? - Definitely thong. 124 00:12:58,465 --> 00:13:01,050 - You're kidding. Gonna pay for this? - No. 125 00:13:01,217 --> 00:13:03,303 - Sweet. - That was really sweet. 126 00:13:04,095 --> 00:13:06,056 - I heard that! - Whatever. 127 00:13:06,222 --> 00:13:10,810 Bret, I can't believe my mom gave you a ticket. It was humiliating. 128 00:13:10,977 --> 00:13:14,355 - I need the phone. - You don't. You have no friends. 129 00:13:15,356 --> 00:13:19,569 I can't get any privacy around here, you know? 130 00:13:19,736 --> 00:13:21,196 Hello? 131 00:13:27,452 --> 00:13:28,953 My God. 132 00:13:41,049 --> 00:13:44,094 Anybody know what's going on with the phone? 133 00:13:59,818 --> 00:14:01,820 Come on, Joshua. Pick up! 134 00:14:13,790 --> 00:14:16,543 - How much? - Lt don't make sense. 135 00:14:17,335 --> 00:14:21,047 Wait. This is a town meeting, not the WWF. 136 00:14:21,297 --> 00:14:22,382 Mayor? 137 00:14:22,590 --> 00:14:26,219 Why can't those of us that want to sell, sell? 138 00:14:26,469 --> 00:14:30,390 Viroanol wants all of our properties or none of them. 139 00:14:30,557 --> 00:14:35,228 Let's face it, the town's going broke. They'll pay us to relocate. 140 00:14:35,395 --> 00:14:39,566 How do we know this isn't another one of your get- Rich schemes... 141 00:14:39,733 --> 00:14:42,610 ...like building this ridiculous mall out here? 142 00:14:42,777 --> 00:14:45,572 They scrapped plans to run a freeway here... 143 00:14:45,864 --> 00:14:50,535 - Or that stupid ostrich farm of yours. - It's good meat. It's healthy. 144 00:14:50,702 --> 00:14:54,080 Everybody here is having some financial problems. 145 00:14:54,289 --> 00:14:58,460 I want to get out from under this. The rest of you should too. 146 00:14:58,626 --> 00:15:01,546 This is a government cover- Up, isn't it? 147 00:15:01,713 --> 00:15:05,633 - What are you talking about? - Why they giving so much money? 148 00:15:05,800 --> 00:15:07,719 Just to get to the mines? 149 00:15:07,886 --> 00:15:11,556 They want to put the empty mines to use. It's safe. 150 00:15:11,723 --> 00:15:15,018 The only reason that we've kept this town going... 151 00:15:15,185 --> 00:15:19,606 ...is the hope the McCormack mines could turn their selves around... 152 00:15:19,773 --> 00:15:24,152 ...and put everybody back to work. It is not happening. 153 00:15:24,819 --> 00:15:27,947 Old man McCormack, God rest his soul... 154 00:15:28,490 --> 00:15:29,949 ...he's dead. 155 00:15:30,784 --> 00:15:34,329 - As dead as those mines. - Well, Mr. Mayor... 156 00:15:34,496 --> 00:15:36,289 ...before he died... 157 00:15:37,082 --> 00:15:39,417 ...he claimed he'd seen that vein. 158 00:15:39,584 --> 00:15:42,921 Let's be honest, Leon. The man was hallucinating. 159 00:15:43,088 --> 00:15:45,799 Those mines are filled with methane gas. 160 00:15:46,341 --> 00:15:49,135 You're gonna load that gun with toxic waste? 161 00:15:49,511 --> 00:15:54,599 - This is for landowners only. - I am a landowner, Wade. 162 00:15:55,266 --> 00:15:58,686 Chris McCormack! I didn't know you were back. 163 00:15:58,853 --> 00:16:02,440 My father said he'd found the Agua Mesa lode. I believe him. 164 00:16:02,607 --> 00:16:05,110 He said a lot of things near the end. 165 00:16:07,654 --> 00:16:09,489 I'm not selling the mine. 166 00:16:13,368 --> 00:16:15,036 Chris! Wait up! 167 00:16:16,579 --> 00:16:19,165 - You're being foolish. - Back off. 168 00:16:19,374 --> 00:16:21,668 Your father was delusional. 169 00:16:21,876 --> 00:16:25,171 Shut the hell up about my father. I'm warning you. 170 00:16:25,338 --> 00:16:29,968 Since when did you care about the mines? You've been gone 10 years. 171 00:16:30,135 --> 00:16:31,219 Wade... 172 00:16:31,511 --> 00:16:33,471 Don't make the town suffer... 173 00:16:33,638 --> 00:16:37,350 ...because you feel guilty you weren't around when your father died. 174 00:16:37,559 --> 00:16:39,185 I'm talking to you. 175 00:16:40,562 --> 00:16:42,230 I warned you! 176 00:16:42,397 --> 00:16:45,859 - What the hell are you doing? - That's it! 177 00:16:46,025 --> 00:16:48,528 I'm pressing charges. I want him arrested. 178 00:16:48,695 --> 00:16:51,406 Go home, Wade. Put some ice on your nose. 179 00:16:51,573 --> 00:16:57,162 Curve around 20 feet away from the scene of a misdemeanor. Thank you. 180 00:16:57,328 --> 00:17:00,165 Ten years and you have not changed a bit. 181 00:17:01,750 --> 00:17:06,921 - Lay low for a couple days, all right? - Good to see you again, Sam. 182 00:17:07,088 --> 00:17:08,590 Just like old times. 183 00:17:08,757 --> 00:17:11,676 Everything will be sorted out in the morning. 184 00:17:11,843 --> 00:17:15,597 - So you still like men. - What are you talking about? 185 00:17:15,764 --> 00:17:20,393 Nothing. I just saw you staring at his butt when you handcuffed him. 186 00:17:20,560 --> 00:17:23,354 Who said it's okay to talk to me like this? 187 00:17:23,521 --> 00:17:26,691 He's pretty cute for an old- Fogy kind of guy. 188 00:17:28,109 --> 00:17:30,236 He just needs a shave. 189 00:17:32,238 --> 00:17:35,700 Okay, folks. Show's over. Move along. 190 00:17:35,909 --> 00:17:36,951 Night, Sam. 191 00:17:37,118 --> 00:17:39,412 Nothing to see here, folks. 192 00:17:39,662 --> 00:17:43,041 You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. 193 00:17:58,640 --> 00:18:03,353 Honey, give it a rest. It's so late. It's almost midnight. 194 00:18:04,646 --> 00:18:09,275 You told me to finish the job. I'm trying to actually finish the job. 195 00:18:09,484 --> 00:18:13,154 Let's give Zekie his snack and go to sleep. Where is Zeke? 196 00:18:13,321 --> 00:18:15,156 Well, he's just... 197 00:18:15,323 --> 00:18:18,243 Don't tell me he went into the dry wall again. 198 00:18:18,451 --> 00:18:22,497 I was meaning to get a grille. They don't have the right size... 199 00:18:23,498 --> 00:18:27,669 You were gonna finish remodeling this place. Over a month ago. 200 00:18:27,836 --> 00:18:30,713 I don't think you know what you're doing. 201 00:18:30,880 --> 00:18:34,342 We'll have to give Zeke cat food, and he hates that. 202 00:18:34,509 --> 00:18:39,347 God forbid a cat should have to eat cat food. That cat is spoiled rotten. 203 00:18:39,514 --> 00:18:42,600 If he was a kid, we'd send him to military school. 204 00:18:42,851 --> 00:18:44,352 Poor Zekie. 205 00:18:44,519 --> 00:18:47,397 - Let's lie and say it's tuna. - Okay. 206 00:18:47,564 --> 00:18:50,442 You won't trick him. He's smart. 207 00:18:50,608 --> 00:18:52,902 Zekie- Doodle. 208 00:18:53,069 --> 00:18:55,280 Look what we got for you. 209 00:18:55,447 --> 00:18:57,866 We got tuna. 210 00:19:01,327 --> 00:19:05,290 Get your furry cat ass out of there! 211 00:19:25,143 --> 00:19:26,144 Zeke. 212 00:19:49,918 --> 00:19:51,044 What's going on? 213 00:19:59,594 --> 00:20:01,388 Oh, my God! 214 00:20:02,514 --> 00:20:04,432 She's divorced now, you know. 215 00:20:04,599 --> 00:20:08,061 I don't want to talk about Sam Parker right now. 216 00:20:09,020 --> 00:20:14,109 Man in a flea circus don't wanna itch, but he still does. 217 00:20:14,734 --> 00:20:17,237 Something on your mind, Gladys? 218 00:20:18,363 --> 00:20:22,909 - I know why you left town 10 years ago. - I left for a lot of reasons. 219 00:20:23,076 --> 00:20:27,205 You wanted to avoid telling Sam why you beat up her husband. 220 00:20:27,372 --> 00:20:30,792 That was a long time ago. I'm a changed man now. 221 00:20:31,584 --> 00:20:32,585 Prove it. 222 00:20:32,794 --> 00:20:36,464 March down to Sam Parker's and tell her everything. 223 00:20:36,798 --> 00:20:38,925 Why you broke her husband's nose. 224 00:20:39,134 --> 00:20:42,595 Why you left town without so much as a fare- Thee- Well. 225 00:20:42,804 --> 00:20:46,683 And tell her once and for all how you really feel about her. 226 00:20:47,809 --> 00:20:49,936 Lose the face fuzz before you do. 227 00:20:50,145 --> 00:20:53,189 Makes your mouth look like a stripper's crotch. 228 00:20:56,609 --> 00:20:57,777 That's disgusting. 229 00:21:05,827 --> 00:21:08,788 Hello? Hey, Pete. What's up? 230 00:21:08,997 --> 00:21:12,292 - Can you talk? - I can talk. What's the matter? 231 00:21:12,459 --> 00:21:15,295 - Something ate Zeke. - What? 232 00:21:15,462 --> 00:21:18,923 - He got in the dry wall. - Something ate your cat? 233 00:21:20,884 --> 00:21:24,220 Oh, my God. What do you think it was? 234 00:21:41,237 --> 00:21:42,489 Unbelievable. 235 00:21:42,697 --> 00:21:46,826 - How is Emma taking it? - Well, she left me. 236 00:21:46,993 --> 00:21:50,330 - She's gone to stay with her mother. - I'm so sorry. 237 00:21:51,122 --> 00:21:52,499 - You okay? - I'm fine. 238 00:21:52,707 --> 00:21:56,461 - You sound like you're crying. - No, no. 239 00:21:56,628 --> 00:22:00,924 I just... I have an intolerance to dairy. 240 00:22:01,091 --> 00:22:04,177 I'm just a little bit mucousy right now. 241 00:22:04,386 --> 00:22:05,387 That's it. 242 00:22:19,818 --> 00:22:23,738 Sam, I need to tell you something. 243 00:22:25,240 --> 00:22:30,161 - It's Bret. I'm gonna get it. - Wait. Hang on a second. Come here. 244 00:22:30,537 --> 00:22:34,207 I'm worried about things you've been doing lately, Ash. 245 00:22:34,416 --> 00:22:38,753 This bad- Girl thing you're going through could get you in trouble. 246 00:22:38,920 --> 00:22:42,757 I have something that I want you to keep with you, okay? 247 00:22:42,924 --> 00:22:47,220 - I really don't want to do this now. - Just a sec! 248 00:22:48,221 --> 00:22:52,183 I'm a man. You're a woman. 249 00:22:52,350 --> 00:22:53,393 What am I doing? 250 00:22:55,562 --> 00:22:59,691 - Take this. Protection. - Ls that a stun gun? Are you kidding? 251 00:22:59,858 --> 00:23:04,362 - I knew guys like Bret at your age. - Mom, I'm not you, okay? 252 00:23:04,529 --> 00:23:06,906 I'm not gonna get pregnant at 16. 253 00:23:07,115 --> 00:23:12,287 I'm not gonna stay here for the rest of my life and be a trailer- Trash sheriff! 254 00:23:12,829 --> 00:23:15,373 Thanks for the flashback. 255 00:23:19,419 --> 00:23:21,880 I didn't deserve that. 256 00:23:24,758 --> 00:23:26,426 I'm sorry, okay? 257 00:23:26,634 --> 00:23:28,428 I'm really sorry. 258 00:23:32,640 --> 00:23:35,310 Can I have the stun gun, please? 259 00:23:39,647 --> 00:23:44,277 - Be careful with it, all right? - Okay. Thank you. 260 00:23:44,819 --> 00:23:46,613 Get out of here. 261 00:23:51,284 --> 00:23:52,452 Oh, it's you. 262 00:23:52,952 --> 00:23:58,500 - I was wondering if your mom was home? - Mom! It's for you. 263 00:24:02,670 --> 00:24:05,340 - Morning, Chris. - Morning, Sam. 264 00:24:06,132 --> 00:24:09,302 I wanted to come by and apologize for yesterday. 265 00:24:09,511 --> 00:24:12,055 I can handle Wade. Don't worry about it. 266 00:24:12,472 --> 00:24:13,973 Great. 267 00:24:14,182 --> 00:24:18,019 And since I'm back in town for a little while... 268 00:24:18,520 --> 00:24:21,523 ...I thought maybe I could... 269 00:24:22,232 --> 00:24:23,358 Sam... 270 00:24:24,192 --> 00:24:25,985 ...before I left... 271 00:24:27,487 --> 00:24:30,281 Is there something you wanna tell me? 272 00:24:31,866 --> 00:24:34,202 Do you think we could... 273 00:24:34,577 --> 00:24:37,956 ...meet somewhere? Hook up? Not hook up. 274 00:24:38,123 --> 00:24:42,252 I mean, meet somewhere and catch up on things? 275 00:24:42,419 --> 00:24:45,380 Sure, Chris. We could do that. 276 00:24:45,547 --> 00:24:49,384 - Great. All right. I'll be in touch. - Okay. 277 00:24:50,427 --> 00:24:52,679 Who are the flowers for? 278 00:24:53,221 --> 00:24:56,015 Well, they're for you, actually. 279 00:24:56,391 --> 00:24:58,017 I picked them myself. 280 00:24:59,018 --> 00:25:01,396 - Nice. - Nice. 281 00:25:01,730 --> 00:25:03,022 All right, bye. 282 00:25:05,400 --> 00:25:07,277 Picked them myself. 283 00:25:07,444 --> 00:25:08,695 Come on. 284 00:25:37,932 --> 00:25:39,392 Joshua? 285 00:25:49,569 --> 00:25:52,489 There's no sign of Joshua... 286 00:25:52,655 --> 00:25:54,115 ...his parrot... 287 00:25:54,407 --> 00:25:57,118 ...or any of the arachnids. 288 00:25:58,453 --> 00:26:03,083 Just these huge, intricate webs they've left behind. 289 00:26:29,275 --> 00:26:32,404 I've discovered several arachnid tracks outside. 290 00:26:32,570 --> 00:26:36,616 From my initial estimate, the spiders have doubled. 291 00:26:37,117 --> 00:26:38,326 No... 292 00:26:38,785 --> 00:26:42,539 ...more like they're five times their original size. 293 00:27:21,995 --> 00:27:24,539 I found this map in my dad's study. 294 00:27:24,914 --> 00:27:29,377 Leon, is this the section he was working on when he died? 295 00:27:29,544 --> 00:27:30,837 I thought so. 296 00:27:31,004 --> 00:27:35,133 I want to concentrate all our energy in these tunnels here. 297 00:27:35,300 --> 00:27:39,429 Those mines have the highest concentration of methane gas. 298 00:27:39,596 --> 00:27:43,391 I'm not gonna make the same mistake my dad did. 299 00:27:43,558 --> 00:27:46,352 I want all men to wear masks at all times. 300 00:27:46,561 --> 00:27:51,149 If you feel disoriented, get to a higher chamber as soon as possible. 301 00:27:51,316 --> 00:27:55,445 It's nice to know you didn't forget everything we taught you. 302 00:28:10,627 --> 00:28:13,713 - Can you give me a ride into town? - Sure. Hop in. 303 00:28:13,922 --> 00:28:15,381 Great, thanks. 304 00:28:24,599 --> 00:28:26,226 What's that? 305 00:28:26,768 --> 00:28:31,481 I think it's an exoskeleton of a male orb weaver's pedipalps. 306 00:28:31,648 --> 00:28:33,525 Okay. 307 00:28:33,942 --> 00:28:36,069 It's a spider's leg. 308 00:28:36,361 --> 00:28:39,697 That seems awful big to be a spider leg. 309 00:28:39,864 --> 00:28:43,410 That's the problem. But nobody's gonna believe me. 310 00:28:44,452 --> 00:28:46,246 Believe what? 311 00:28:46,454 --> 00:28:48,498 Do you really want to know? 312 00:28:48,665 --> 00:28:52,961 - Try me. - Okay, the situation is this: 313 00:28:53,128 --> 00:28:57,757 My friend Joshua sells spiders. They've been growing bigger and bigger. 314 00:28:57,966 --> 00:29:02,846 Now they've broken out of their cages and headed down to the mineshafts. 315 00:29:03,012 --> 00:29:06,766 Joshua is nowhere to be found. They might've killed him. 316 00:29:06,975 --> 00:29:11,396 But you won't believe me. I'm the kid. They never believe the kid. 317 00:29:11,813 --> 00:29:13,440 Let me see it. 318 00:29:14,858 --> 00:29:18,278 It does kind of look like an old piece of cactus. 319 00:29:18,445 --> 00:29:19,904 See? 320 00:30:55,166 --> 00:30:56,209 So... 321 00:30:56,418 --> 00:31:00,213 - ...where were you? - I went to Joshua's. 322 00:31:00,380 --> 00:31:03,842 - What did I say about that? - His spiders are gigantic! 323 00:31:04,050 --> 00:31:07,303 The town could be in danger. They could destroy everything! 324 00:31:07,470 --> 00:31:10,807 People could get killed. Just hear me out. 325 00:31:11,141 --> 00:31:13,893 I swear to God it's the television. 326 00:31:14,102 --> 00:31:16,980 This is exactly your problem, right here. 327 00:31:17,147 --> 00:31:21,526 I don't want to hear any more of your media- Induced nightmares. 328 00:31:21,693 --> 00:31:22,986 Mom, listen to me! 329 00:31:23,153 --> 00:31:25,321 Add a week to how long you're grounded. 330 00:31:25,488 --> 00:31:28,825 - Please. - And no TV. 331 00:31:38,626 --> 00:31:41,588 I know, I thought it was a slam- Dunk. 332 00:31:41,755 --> 00:31:45,592 Who knew Chris McCormack would suddenly get gold fever? 333 00:31:45,759 --> 00:31:47,635 I'm trying my best here. 334 00:31:47,802 --> 00:31:50,930 Do you know what people would do if they knew... 335 00:31:51,097 --> 00:31:54,934 ...we were storing toxic waste without their consent? 336 00:31:55,143 --> 00:31:57,437 Wade, I'm going out now. 337 00:31:57,645 --> 00:32:00,440 Now, look. I let you guys run tests... 338 00:32:00,648 --> 00:32:04,069 ...putting that stuff in the mines under my property. 339 00:32:04,277 --> 00:32:07,405 - I'll be back late. - You owe me on this. 340 00:32:08,656 --> 00:32:13,119 Going off to get wasted, have an orgy. Might steal a car, want one? 341 00:32:13,328 --> 00:32:17,624 Bret, I'm on the phone. Go have some fun. I'll see you later. 342 00:32:17,791 --> 00:32:22,128 - We stand together or we fall together. - Thanks for caring, man. 343 00:32:41,314 --> 00:32:43,358 I'll do what I can. 344 00:32:59,791 --> 00:33:00,834 What the...? 345 00:34:13,531 --> 00:34:15,033 Good Lord. 346 00:34:48,149 --> 00:34:51,319 I've been warning you for years, but you wouldn't listen. 347 00:34:51,486 --> 00:34:55,407 Now it's emerging as a trend in our sleepy little town. 348 00:34:55,573 --> 00:34:59,077 The police wire says Bob Stuck's dog Skippy's missing. 349 00:34:59,244 --> 00:35:02,455 It's the fourth missing- Pet call we've had today. 350 00:35:02,622 --> 00:35:04,499 It's strange. It's strange. 351 00:35:04,666 --> 00:35:09,087 People are saying it's coyotes, it's wolves. But we know the truth. 352 00:35:09,254 --> 00:35:12,590 We all know about those cows and the probe. 353 00:35:12,757 --> 00:35:14,259 The anal probe. 354 00:35:15,135 --> 00:35:20,348 Let's talk about the probe. Let's talk about the anal probe. What is that? 355 00:35:20,515 --> 00:35:23,601 What are they looking for? That's just wrong. 356 00:35:23,768 --> 00:35:28,314 Skippy didn't do anything to anybody. He doesn't deserve that! 357 00:35:28,523 --> 00:35:31,985 What will you find in a dog's...? It's just wrong! 358 00:35:32,193 --> 00:35:34,654 You're all ostriches with your heads in the dirt. 359 00:35:35,155 --> 00:35:37,824 Which just leaves your ass up in the air! 360 00:35:37,991 --> 00:35:43,204 You're inviting the aliens in! They have no choice but to probe your butt. 361 00:35:44,706 --> 00:35:48,460 Aunt Gladys, how can you listen to this wacko? 362 00:35:48,626 --> 00:35:50,962 I think he's very informative. 363 00:35:55,216 --> 00:35:58,094 Do Floyd and Leroy still have that barbershop? 364 00:35:58,261 --> 00:36:00,513 Good idea. People are talking. 365 00:36:01,890 --> 00:36:04,184 You can't light those matches? 366 00:36:04,350 --> 00:36:06,394 Maybe it's a sign to quit. 367 00:36:06,561 --> 00:36:09,397 If the aliens come and try to anal- Probe me... 368 00:36:09,564 --> 00:36:12,400 ...I'm telling you, I'm not taking that! 369 00:36:13,568 --> 00:36:16,154 If you want a piece of me, don't take that piece! 370 00:36:16,321 --> 00:36:18,948 So how much is a shave these days? 371 00:36:19,115 --> 00:36:21,826 - Four bucks. - Four bucks? 372 00:36:21,993 --> 00:36:25,121 - It's a good deal. - Got to give a good deal. 373 00:36:25,288 --> 00:36:30,293 Can't charge around here what a barber can charge in other places... 374 00:36:30,460 --> 00:36:32,087 ...where they got money. 375 00:36:33,254 --> 00:36:35,048 And jobs. 376 00:36:37,008 --> 00:36:41,930 Of course, some people don't know a good deal when they see one. 377 00:36:42,097 --> 00:36:45,558 - Maybe I don't need a shave. - Hold still. 378 00:36:46,101 --> 00:36:48,186 I wouldn't want to cut you. 379 00:37:01,991 --> 00:37:04,202 Bret, slow down. 380 00:37:05,036 --> 00:37:09,332 - I thought you loved me. - I do. I do. 381 00:37:09,499 --> 00:37:11,835 - But, I just... - But, what? 382 00:37:14,337 --> 00:37:18,216 I don't want to lose my virginity in the front seat of a truck. 383 00:37:18,383 --> 00:37:21,720 Why didn't you say so? I got a blanket in the back. 384 00:37:21,886 --> 00:37:26,015 No. That's not it. I just don't think I'm ready. 385 00:37:26,182 --> 00:37:29,894 - Tammy and Larry do it every night. - Fine, call them. 386 00:37:30,061 --> 00:37:32,731 Have a menage a trois if you want. 387 00:37:32,897 --> 00:37:37,819 - That dirty talk just drives me nuts. - Bret, no. 388 00:37:37,986 --> 00:37:39,571 Bret, please. 389 00:37:40,739 --> 00:37:43,408 - I'm warning you, okay? - I can't help it. 390 00:37:43,575 --> 00:37:45,952 You just bring out the beast in me. 391 00:37:46,745 --> 00:37:47,829 Back off! 392 00:37:50,206 --> 00:37:51,833 My balls! 393 00:37:54,294 --> 00:37:56,212 God, my balls! 394 00:38:02,177 --> 00:38:06,639 Damn it! I pissed my pants! Don't you think you're overreacting? 395 00:38:06,806 --> 00:38:09,434 - I was just copping a feel! - Overreacting? 396 00:38:09,642 --> 00:38:12,437 I can't believe my mom was right about you. 397 00:38:12,604 --> 00:38:15,940 Do you have any idea how embarrassing that is? 398 00:38:16,900 --> 00:38:20,320 Ash, wait. I'm sorry! 399 00:38:44,636 --> 00:38:46,221 Check out Bret. 400 00:38:47,389 --> 00:38:52,060 Let's go! They're coming. Come on, let's go! Get on your bikes! 401 00:38:54,646 --> 00:38:57,774 - Dude, did you piss your pants? - We gotta go. 402 00:38:57,941 --> 00:38:59,192 They're coming! 403 00:38:59,401 --> 00:39:02,654 Looks like the only thing going is you, dude. 404 00:39:09,077 --> 00:39:10,703 Holy crap! 405 00:39:46,614 --> 00:39:49,033 They're getting closer! Move it! 406 00:39:54,748 --> 00:39:59,419 We have ostriches, cats and dogs disappearing all over town. 407 00:39:59,627 --> 00:40:02,672 Last time I checked, cats and dogs are not fish. 408 00:40:02,839 --> 00:40:05,467 And ostriches farmed are not game. 409 00:40:05,633 --> 00:40:09,929 There has to be somebody at Fish and Game who can help. 410 00:40:50,970 --> 00:40:52,514 Hey, watch it! 411 00:41:42,147 --> 00:41:43,481 Yes. 412 00:41:52,323 --> 00:41:54,409 What the hell are these things? 413 00:42:20,185 --> 00:42:23,938 Here we go again. The phone lines are down. 414 00:42:24,105 --> 00:42:26,858 They'll tell you it's a technical error. 415 00:42:27,025 --> 00:42:30,445 But you know what it is. They're shutting us down! 416 00:42:31,154 --> 00:42:35,658 I know what you're saying to yourself. " He's paranoid. He's crazy." 417 00:42:35,867 --> 00:42:38,495 But you know, there's an old saying: 418 00:42:38,703 --> 00:42:41,915 Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't following me. 419 00:42:42,165 --> 00:42:45,460 All of a sudden there's a communication blackout. 420 00:42:45,668 --> 00:42:49,881 At the bottom of the bag. It's where they always put the food. 421 00:43:00,475 --> 00:43:01,518 Here it is. 422 00:43:01,684 --> 00:43:03,353 Here we go, Bruisie. 423 00:43:04,437 --> 00:43:05,522 Bruisie? 424 00:43:26,584 --> 00:43:27,627 Bruiser? 425 00:43:28,586 --> 00:43:30,046 Aunt Gladys? 426 00:43:35,427 --> 00:43:36,720 Bruiser? 427 00:43:41,349 --> 00:43:43,643 Oh, my God. 428 00:43:46,312 --> 00:43:47,897 Oh, Lord. 429 00:43:48,857 --> 00:43:50,275 Are you in there? 430 00:44:02,454 --> 00:44:04,080 Oh, my God! 431 00:44:04,998 --> 00:44:08,168 I'm coming, baby. I'm coming. 432 00:44:08,334 --> 00:44:11,212 Aunt Gladys, I lost the face fuzz. 433 00:44:21,514 --> 00:44:22,640 Bruiser? 434 00:44:48,083 --> 00:44:49,542 Aunt Gladys? 435 00:45:31,209 --> 00:45:33,336 This ain't no cactus. 436 00:45:55,900 --> 00:45:56,943 Mike! 437 00:46:01,489 --> 00:46:02,907 Mike! Sam! 438 00:46:05,577 --> 00:46:07,454 - Can I talk to Mike? - Why? 439 00:46:07,620 --> 00:46:09,080 I can't explain now. 440 00:46:10,790 --> 00:46:14,502 - Look what I found in my basement. - That thing is huge! 441 00:46:14,669 --> 00:46:15,920 Give me a second! 442 00:46:22,093 --> 00:46:23,595 Hold this. 443 00:46:26,598 --> 00:46:27,807 What's going on? 444 00:46:29,768 --> 00:46:31,102 So check this out. 445 00:46:31,269 --> 00:46:34,606 After taking careful measurements of the exoskeleton I found at Joshua's... 446 00:46:34,773 --> 00:46:37,734 ...I calculated the spider was the size shown here. 447 00:46:38,276 --> 00:46:41,988 - What spider? - The hole in the basement was bigger. 448 00:46:42,280 --> 00:46:43,281 What hole? 449 00:46:43,448 --> 00:46:48,286 Let's input the measurements from your exoskeleton and see what happens. 450 00:46:51,039 --> 00:46:52,707 That's more like it... 451 00:46:52,874 --> 00:46:54,167 ...unfortunately. 452 00:46:54,459 --> 00:46:59,964 - What the hell is this? - It's my media- Induced nightmare. 453 00:47:15,814 --> 00:47:17,065 Oh, God. 454 00:47:17,232 --> 00:47:20,652 So you're telling me a giant spider ate Gladys? 455 00:47:20,944 --> 00:47:25,156 - Maybe not. Was there webbing around? - Yeah, lots of it. 456 00:47:25,323 --> 00:47:28,576 She might have been attacked by a male orb weaver. 457 00:47:28,743 --> 00:47:30,537 What's the difference? 458 00:47:30,703 --> 00:47:33,832 Males compete for the female by bringing her presents. 459 00:47:33,998 --> 00:47:37,836 The prey is cocooned alive so she can feed on it in her nest. 460 00:47:38,002 --> 00:47:42,424 - Women like breakfast in bed. - So Gladys might still be alive? 461 00:48:23,548 --> 00:48:25,550 That's Ashley! Come on! 462 00:48:39,064 --> 00:48:40,231 Look out! 463 00:48:43,568 --> 00:48:46,279 Keys. Keys, keys, keys! 464 00:48:51,284 --> 00:48:53,286 Mike, get out of here! 465 00:48:58,416 --> 00:49:00,752 - Throw me the scissors! - Scissors? 466 00:49:01,336 --> 00:49:02,921 Scissors! Here you go! 467 00:49:05,757 --> 00:49:08,468 Sam! Help! 468 00:49:15,100 --> 00:49:16,643 Hey, spidey! 469 00:49:27,195 --> 00:49:28,321 Thank you. 470 00:49:28,988 --> 00:49:30,949 Pete! Come in, Pete. 471 00:49:31,699 --> 00:49:33,410 Hold on to your shirt. 472 00:49:39,874 --> 00:49:41,000 Is that you, Sam? 473 00:49:41,710 --> 00:49:45,213 I don't know what's going on, but the phones are down. 474 00:49:45,380 --> 00:49:48,383 I know. Take the weapons and get to my house. 475 00:49:48,550 --> 00:49:51,469 Guns? Why would we be needing...? 476 00:49:51,636 --> 00:49:52,762 Just do it! 477 00:49:52,929 --> 00:49:55,515 Okay. All right. Okay. 478 00:50:33,178 --> 00:50:36,431 Winchester, 30.06... 479 00:50:37,682 --> 00:50:39,517 ...Mossberg pump... 480 00:50:40,018 --> 00:50:42,562 ...and the Lee Harvey Oswald rifle. 481 00:50:42,729 --> 00:50:45,565 Why we have that, I do not know. 482 00:50:46,274 --> 00:50:51,196 Why don't you stomp them hills out and get some room to grow... 483 00:50:51,362 --> 00:50:55,658 - ...before you start making brags! - Brags, is it? 484 00:51:08,213 --> 00:51:10,215 I'm closing up. 485 00:51:10,382 --> 00:51:13,259 You' re always talking at me about something. 486 00:51:14,052 --> 00:51:18,306 Can you turn that thing down? You're already deaf from it. 487 00:51:22,227 --> 00:51:24,062 I said, turn that thing down! 488 00:51:25,563 --> 00:51:26,981 What did you say? 489 00:51:55,760 --> 00:51:56,928 Bob? 490 00:52:00,098 --> 00:52:04,561 First Emma leaves, now Sam's got me doing spring- Cleaning. 491 00:52:04,769 --> 00:52:06,646 Can't get any worse. 492 00:52:35,508 --> 00:52:38,762 So, what happened with you and Brian anyway? 493 00:52:41,347 --> 00:52:44,559 He wasn't exactly the faithful type. 494 00:52:44,976 --> 00:52:48,104 I've been trying to tell you this for a long time... 495 00:52:48,313 --> 00:52:50,857 You can handle one of these, right? 496 00:52:54,235 --> 00:52:58,406 - Ashley, Mike, you guys ready? - Just a minute, Mom. 497 00:52:58,573 --> 00:53:03,495 - How many spiders did Joshua have? - I don't know. 100, maybe 200. 498 00:53:03,661 --> 00:53:08,208 - Two hundred? Are you kidding me? - Hurry up, guys. Time to go. 499 00:53:08,375 --> 00:53:12,837 Joshua's spiders are nocturnal hunters. They're coming out to feed. 500 00:53:13,004 --> 00:53:16,466 - We have to warn everybody. - The phone lines are down. 501 00:53:16,674 --> 00:53:19,886 To spread the word, to look into the dark places... 502 00:53:20,053 --> 00:53:25,350 - ...our government- Controlled media... - We could broadcast a warning! 503 00:53:25,517 --> 00:53:27,477 Who'll believe that lunatic? 504 00:53:40,240 --> 00:53:41,282 What was that? 505 00:53:42,784 --> 00:53:44,160 What the...? 506 00:53:46,287 --> 00:53:48,248 What the hell is going on? 507 00:53:48,415 --> 00:53:51,543 It's Pete. He's waiting. Come on, let's go. 508 00:53:51,710 --> 00:53:53,086 See you, Ash. 509 00:53:53,253 --> 00:53:55,714 I don't think that was Pete. 510 00:54:10,937 --> 00:54:12,731 Oh, my God. 511 00:54:17,902 --> 00:54:19,612 Holy moly! 512 00:54:19,779 --> 00:54:23,742 Everybody get in the car, now! Ashley, go! 513 00:54:26,119 --> 00:54:27,245 Come on! 514 00:54:27,412 --> 00:54:29,497 Look out, Sam! 515 00:54:36,838 --> 00:54:38,131 Come on! 516 00:54:42,010 --> 00:54:44,387 What are you waiting for? Go! 517 00:54:44,554 --> 00:54:46,806 Habronattus orbus. 518 00:54:47,348 --> 00:54:48,683 The jumper. 519 00:55:06,493 --> 00:55:09,996 Stay in the car. Pete, honk if there are any problems. 520 00:55:10,163 --> 00:55:11,289 You got it, Sam. 521 00:55:11,456 --> 00:55:13,750 - Mom. - Stay in the car! 522 00:55:13,917 --> 00:55:15,585 Guys, stay. 523 00:55:19,089 --> 00:55:22,050 - What are you doing? - I need to make a broadcast. 524 00:55:22,217 --> 00:55:26,262 - You can't oppress me... - Show me how this thing works. 525 00:55:26,471 --> 00:55:30,100 Consider this a government conspiracy to take over your station. 526 00:55:30,308 --> 00:55:31,768 Here. 527 00:55:31,976 --> 00:55:32,977 Friends... 528 00:55:33,770 --> 00:55:36,064 ...our local authorities have... 529 00:55:36,231 --> 00:55:39,651 ...an emergency message for our little community. 530 00:55:39,818 --> 00:55:43,530 This is Sheriff Parker. I have an important announcement. 531 00:55:44,697 --> 00:55:47,242 Pete, turn on the radio. 532 00:55:47,409 --> 00:55:51,162 This is not a prank or one of Harlan's crazy stunts. 533 00:55:51,329 --> 00:55:54,416 We have a crisis situation on our hands. 534 00:55:54,582 --> 00:55:59,045 The town is being overrun by giant spiders. 535 00:55:59,421 --> 00:56:03,425 I know how this sounds, but you must trust me on this. 536 00:56:03,633 --> 00:56:06,845 I want everyone to arm themselves immediately. 537 00:56:07,011 --> 00:56:08,346 I repeat: 538 00:56:08,847 --> 00:56:12,267 Giant spiders are all over the town. 539 00:56:12,434 --> 00:56:17,856 - Did she just say giant spiders? - That's just Harlan's show. 540 00:56:18,022 --> 00:56:21,818 Giant spiders? What the hell kind of bullshit is that? 541 00:56:21,985 --> 00:56:24,696 Aliens you believe, this you have a hard time with? 542 00:56:28,908 --> 00:56:33,705 Why didn't someone say something? Look at me. God. 543 00:56:50,221 --> 00:56:51,639 I gotta warn Sam. 544 00:56:51,806 --> 00:56:54,350 No! Noise will just attract it. 545 00:56:54,517 --> 00:56:57,729 - What should I do? - Give me the walkie- Talkie! 546 00:57:00,857 --> 00:57:03,526 - Mom, are you there? - Yeah, Mike. 547 00:57:03,693 --> 00:57:07,072 - Ls everything okay? - Don't make any noises. 548 00:57:07,280 --> 00:57:10,658 There's a giant tarantula headed your way. 549 00:57:11,951 --> 00:57:13,286 Copy that. 550 00:57:21,753 --> 00:57:23,797 Oh, my God! 551 00:57:23,963 --> 00:57:26,341 They're here! 552 00:57:26,508 --> 00:57:29,386 You're just food to that thing! 553 00:57:34,891 --> 00:57:38,603 Attention, people. Everyone meet at the Prosperity Mall. 554 00:57:51,950 --> 00:57:53,410 I repeat: 555 00:57:57,497 --> 00:57:59,457 The Prosperity Mall! 556 00:57:59,833 --> 00:58:03,420 - Why the mall? - Concrete walls, steel doors. 557 00:58:21,646 --> 00:58:23,648 Did you see that thing? 558 00:58:57,932 --> 00:58:59,225 Come on! 559 00:59:00,518 --> 00:59:04,147 I have four more payments on this shit! 560 00:59:09,194 --> 00:59:11,946 - Come on! Hurry! - It's coming this way! 561 00:59:13,031 --> 00:59:14,365 Go! Go! 562 01:01:18,740 --> 01:01:20,241 Come on! 563 01:01:33,546 --> 01:01:37,008 - Can I get a refill, Carol? - Help yourself, sweetie. 564 01:01:41,179 --> 01:01:45,475 - That was an excellent ostrich burger. - Well, thank you. 565 01:01:47,644 --> 01:01:49,270 Kind of slow today, huh? 566 01:01:49,604 --> 01:01:51,856 It's always slow here, Wade. 567 01:01:53,358 --> 01:01:58,238 There's no way you're telling me that thing back there is from Earth. 568 01:01:58,405 --> 01:02:02,367 All right! They're spiders from Mars. You happy? 569 01:02:04,452 --> 01:02:05,537 No. 570 01:02:32,731 --> 01:02:34,983 It's the invasion! 571 01:02:35,150 --> 01:02:38,695 I'm telling you, it's the invasion! I told you! 572 01:02:38,903 --> 01:02:43,742 Everyone, just get to the mall as quick as you can! 573 01:02:47,912 --> 01:02:51,791 Get to the Prosperity Mall as soon as possible. 574 01:02:58,131 --> 01:02:59,924 Arach- Attack. 575 01:03:28,787 --> 01:03:31,456 If you build it, they will come. 576 01:03:52,644 --> 01:03:55,647 Get everyone inside and get the gate down. 577 01:03:55,814 --> 01:03:57,357 Kids, go with him. 578 01:03:57,857 --> 01:03:59,526 Oswald's gun. 579 01:03:59,692 --> 01:04:02,112 This is the weirdest day of my life. 580 01:04:04,489 --> 01:04:06,116 What is going on? 581 01:04:06,491 --> 01:04:08,410 Look behind you! 582 01:04:31,641 --> 01:04:33,643 - How do you lower the gate? - Key. 583 01:04:33,852 --> 01:04:35,353 - Do you have it? - Yeah. 584 01:04:35,979 --> 01:04:37,772 - Hurry up! - Okay. 585 01:04:38,982 --> 01:04:42,318 - That's the back gate. The lavatory. - Come on! 586 01:04:42,485 --> 01:04:46,656 - You're making me nervous! - I'm making you nervous. Give me that! 587 01:04:47,157 --> 01:04:50,744 - Could it be the "front gate" one? - Yeah, front gate. 588 01:04:53,079 --> 01:04:54,622 - Come on! - Come on! 589 01:04:55,248 --> 01:04:56,916 Get inside! Hurry! 590 01:05:08,595 --> 01:05:10,430 Mom, hurry up! Come on! 591 01:05:12,182 --> 01:05:14,142 Mom, hurry! Hurry! 592 01:05:19,439 --> 01:05:21,066 Mom, come on! Hurry up! 593 01:05:28,448 --> 01:05:30,033 Mom, are you okay? 594 01:05:33,745 --> 01:05:35,622 What exactly is that? 595 01:05:36,039 --> 01:05:37,624 Spider, man. 596 01:05:41,419 --> 01:05:44,756 How's the lock- Down holding? This one's pretty good. 597 01:05:44,923 --> 01:05:47,884 They're holding, but we don't have much time. 598 01:05:49,135 --> 01:05:52,222 Okay. All the doors are locked and secured. 599 01:05:52,430 --> 01:05:57,560 No breaches out front. I haven't heard a sound. I think the doors will hold. 600 01:05:57,769 --> 01:06:01,106 - Someone ought to get back there... - Go. 601 01:06:01,272 --> 01:06:03,858 We have a right to know what's going on! 602 01:06:04,025 --> 01:06:06,111 Those things killed Leroy. 603 01:06:06,277 --> 01:06:10,240 Bob Miller, my best customer, was hanging from my ceiling. 604 01:06:10,448 --> 01:06:12,367 What am I doing on the radio? 605 01:06:12,534 --> 01:06:15,912 I've been telling you about the invasion for months. 606 01:06:16,079 --> 01:06:18,790 Am I talking to myself? I'm here for you. 607 01:06:19,290 --> 01:06:23,336 - You saying those things are aliens? - You're not listening... 608 01:06:23,503 --> 01:06:25,964 Mom, they have to be quiet. 609 01:06:26,131 --> 01:06:29,467 Those were big- Ass spiders! Really big ones! 610 01:06:29,634 --> 01:06:31,469 Shut up! 611 01:06:31,636 --> 01:06:34,681 Let's listen to the kid. For once. 612 01:06:34,848 --> 01:06:36,141 Go on, Mike. 613 01:06:40,019 --> 01:06:44,899 First of all, the spiders are attracted to vibrations. That includes: 614 01:06:45,066 --> 01:06:49,112 Loud noises, movement and talking. 615 01:06:49,320 --> 01:06:53,241 So everybody needs to stay as calm and quiet as possible. 616 01:06:53,450 --> 01:06:57,954 - Why didn't you call in the Army? - Where have you been, Wade? 617 01:06:58,163 --> 01:07:01,458 - The phones are dead. - Does anyone have a cell phone? 618 01:07:01,624 --> 01:07:04,669 Use mine. You have to climb a mountain for a signal. 619 01:07:04,836 --> 01:07:09,424 Use the antenna on the mall. That's how I get my broadcast out. 620 01:07:09,591 --> 01:07:13,553 - Have someone climb and get a signal. - That's a great idea. 621 01:07:13,720 --> 01:07:15,472 Be a hero. 622 01:07:17,307 --> 01:07:18,683 I'll do it. 623 01:07:18,850 --> 01:07:20,518 No, Sam. Let me. 624 01:07:20,852 --> 01:07:23,104 I got your back. 625 01:07:24,439 --> 01:07:27,067 - Great. - I've fought aliens my whole life. 626 01:07:27,233 --> 01:07:30,862 About time I busted up a few of them. Face to face. 627 01:07:31,029 --> 01:07:33,490 They're not aliens. They're spiders! 628 01:07:33,656 --> 01:07:36,701 Those of you without weapons, arm yourselves... 629 01:07:36,868 --> 01:07:41,873 ...with anything that you can dig up. Then we'll meet back here. 630 01:07:44,876 --> 01:07:46,002 Norman? 631 01:07:47,170 --> 01:07:49,714 - Show me the way to the roof. - Where? 632 01:07:49,881 --> 01:07:53,051 - The roof, Norman! - The roof. The roof! 633 01:08:26,167 --> 01:08:28,294 - How's it looking? - Roof's clear. 634 01:08:28,545 --> 01:08:29,838 Be careful, Chris. 635 01:08:31,047 --> 01:08:32,382 Thanks, Sam. 636 01:08:32,924 --> 01:08:37,262 I've been trying to say something to you, so I'll just say it. 637 01:08:37,429 --> 01:08:41,307 - Okay, take these. You'll need them. - Perfume? 638 01:08:41,474 --> 01:08:46,521 Spiders have a developed sense of smell. The perfume could confuse them. 639 01:08:46,688 --> 01:08:51,609 - Great. We die, we die smelling nice. - Nobody is dying, okay? 640 01:09:10,545 --> 01:09:13,214 That's the one who busted up my trailer! 641 01:09:13,381 --> 01:09:15,925 I bet you he's their leader. 642 01:09:39,699 --> 01:09:41,242 Come on. 643 01:09:44,704 --> 01:09:47,207 - You have the phone? - I thought you did. 644 01:09:47,374 --> 01:09:49,042 You said you had it. 645 01:09:49,334 --> 01:09:51,836 Yeah, I got it. Sorry. 646 01:09:52,087 --> 01:09:53,713 I got confused. 647 01:10:22,033 --> 01:10:23,034 Damn it. 648 01:10:41,386 --> 01:10:45,056 - I got a signal! - Great. Now, how about dialing? 649 01:10:45,807 --> 01:10:47,267 911 emergency. 650 01:10:47,434 --> 01:10:51,396 I'm calling from Prosperity, Arizona. My name is Chris McCormack. 651 01:10:51,771 --> 01:10:56,067 I know how this sounds, but believe me. It's the truth. 652 01:10:56,234 --> 01:11:01,656 Our town is being attacked by giant spiders. We need military intervention. 653 01:11:01,823 --> 01:11:04,743 - This is not Dial- A- Joke. - This is not a crank. 654 01:11:04,909 --> 01:11:07,954 - I'm hanging up on you. - Don't hang up. Please! 655 01:11:08,121 --> 01:11:10,040 It's an invasion! 656 01:11:10,206 --> 01:11:13,001 They' re here! They' re here! 657 01:11:13,168 --> 01:11:15,837 That's what I've been telling you! 658 01:11:17,547 --> 01:11:20,467 I don't know if those gates will hold. 659 01:11:20,633 --> 01:11:22,427 I have to find Wade. 660 01:11:24,179 --> 01:11:25,972 Has anyone seen Wade? 661 01:11:26,848 --> 01:11:28,933 He went through a door back there. 662 01:11:29,100 --> 01:11:32,103 Between the Sewing Center and the Cinemaplex? 663 01:11:32,270 --> 01:11:35,607 He's going into the mines through the storage room. 664 01:11:35,774 --> 01:11:39,694 Take everyone who's hurt and the kids to that storage room. 665 01:11:39,861 --> 01:11:42,614 Norman, show them. Now! Go! 666 01:11:48,578 --> 01:11:50,080 Here we go! 667 01:11:59,130 --> 01:12:00,924 Get ready. 668 01:12:03,385 --> 01:12:07,430 - Get ready! - Oh, yeah! 669 01:12:45,427 --> 01:12:46,636 Got one! 670 01:12:54,310 --> 01:12:57,689 Everybody get to the basement, now! Hurry! 671 01:13:47,947 --> 01:13:49,491 Pete, come on! 672 01:13:50,325 --> 01:13:55,538 Go, Sam! Get downstairs! I'll find another way out! 673 01:13:59,250 --> 01:14:00,418 Guys, go! 674 01:14:21,940 --> 01:14:23,358 Come on! 675 01:14:27,195 --> 01:14:29,114 - It's locked! - What? 676 01:14:29,280 --> 01:14:32,492 He must have locked it. We're trapped. 677 01:15:23,293 --> 01:15:27,130 Get back! You eight- Legged freaks! 678 01:15:27,297 --> 01:15:30,800 - My God! There's so many! - Harlan, get up here! 679 01:15:32,927 --> 01:15:34,679 I'm afraid of heights. 680 01:15:35,680 --> 01:15:39,267 Heights? Are you afraid of spiders?! 681 01:15:41,686 --> 01:15:44,814 - Come on, Harlan! - I'll try to lead them away. 682 01:15:45,106 --> 01:15:46,149 You'll what? 683 01:15:46,357 --> 01:15:48,693 Defend the human race. 684 01:15:51,154 --> 01:15:53,490 What are you, insane? 685 01:16:01,831 --> 01:16:05,418 You'll never get that anal probe near me! 686 01:16:06,211 --> 01:16:07,420 Harlan, no! 687 01:16:25,897 --> 01:16:28,733 You know what? Let's just go back inside. 688 01:16:29,234 --> 01:16:30,360 Locked. 689 01:16:32,654 --> 01:16:33,988 Plan B? 690 01:16:34,739 --> 01:16:38,076 I tell you what. We're just gonna run away. 691 01:16:38,243 --> 01:16:39,369 Yeah? 692 01:16:39,536 --> 01:16:40,912 Okay. 693 01:17:41,306 --> 01:17:42,557 Bret? 694 01:17:43,058 --> 01:17:44,225 Wade? 695 01:17:44,642 --> 01:17:47,604 - What are you doing here? - I can't find my way out. 696 01:17:47,812 --> 01:17:51,107 You won't believe me, but I've been chased by giant spiders. 697 01:17:51,274 --> 01:17:52,776 Down here? 698 01:17:52,984 --> 01:17:57,864 A second ago they were right behind me, but I think I lost them. 699 01:18:01,493 --> 01:18:03,036 No, you didn't. 700 01:18:04,454 --> 01:18:06,122 Go! Go, go! 701 01:18:32,941 --> 01:18:34,275 Sam! 702 01:18:34,526 --> 01:18:37,821 - Chris, where are you? - Sam, I'm up here! 703 01:18:38,196 --> 01:18:40,657 What the hell are you doing up there? 704 01:18:40,865 --> 01:18:44,244 - Just chilling. Get me out of here! - Back up. 705 01:18:47,497 --> 01:18:50,375 Wait. You push and I'll pull. 706 01:19:47,390 --> 01:19:48,600 Ashley? 707 01:19:49,100 --> 01:19:50,393 Mom? 708 01:19:51,728 --> 01:19:54,105 Wade locked the door. 709 01:20:00,653 --> 01:20:04,240 - They're all around us! - Everybody hide. Take cover! 710 01:20:11,414 --> 01:20:12,749 Bret? 711 01:20:13,416 --> 01:20:14,751 Behind you! 712 01:20:34,646 --> 01:20:37,273 - Bret? - Ashley. 713 01:20:38,525 --> 01:20:41,986 - We better hurry! - Everybody, let's move. Come on! 714 01:20:43,988 --> 01:20:45,990 Into the mines. Hurry! 715 01:20:47,325 --> 01:20:50,412 There's gotta be flashlights or something. 716 01:20:52,288 --> 01:20:54,374 Grab one of these. 717 01:20:54,541 --> 01:20:58,294 Cool, a miner's helmet. I always wanted to try one. 718 01:21:02,966 --> 01:21:08,346 - Can you lead these people out of here? - You bet. Come on, everybody! Let's go. 719 01:21:20,525 --> 01:21:21,901 This should hold him. 720 01:21:27,907 --> 01:21:28,950 I hope. 721 01:21:30,201 --> 01:21:31,828 How do we get out? 722 01:21:31,995 --> 01:21:37,375 We follow the power lines to a generator. They're always near an exit. 723 01:21:38,251 --> 01:21:41,671 - Come on! Not that way. Hurry! - This way. 724 01:21:41,880 --> 01:21:43,423 Follow the kid! 725 01:21:45,383 --> 01:21:46,718 Hurry up! 726 01:21:47,218 --> 01:21:51,222 You went back for that? Lose that thing. It'll slow us down! 727 01:21:51,389 --> 01:21:54,601 This saved my ass so many times today! 728 01:21:58,855 --> 01:22:00,231 What's that smell? 729 01:22:00,398 --> 01:22:02,025 Wasn't me. 730 01:22:02,901 --> 01:22:04,903 Methane gas. A lot of it. 731 01:22:05,070 --> 01:22:06,237 Listen up! 732 01:22:06,529 --> 01:22:10,784 The slightest spark or an open flame can blow us all to hell. 733 01:22:11,701 --> 01:22:14,537 So be careful. Let's go. 734 01:22:15,372 --> 01:22:19,709 Cables lead to a generator. Follow the cables. 735 01:22:19,876 --> 01:22:21,044 Cables. 736 01:22:21,211 --> 01:22:23,129 Way to a generator. 737 01:22:25,090 --> 01:22:26,549 You guys! 738 01:22:26,716 --> 01:22:28,593 It's this way! 739 01:22:31,596 --> 01:22:35,850 Follow the cables. The cables lead to a generator. 740 01:22:36,267 --> 01:22:38,770 Follow the cables. 741 01:23:02,293 --> 01:23:05,088 Norman! Somebody save him! 742 01:23:08,133 --> 01:23:11,886 No gunfire! No gunfire! It will set off the gas! 743 01:23:16,099 --> 01:23:17,559 Catch! 744 01:23:26,776 --> 01:23:30,447 Come on, hurry! Into the tunnel. Follow the cables. 745 01:23:30,655 --> 01:23:31,990 Let's go! 746 01:23:37,829 --> 01:23:39,289 People, hold on! 747 01:23:40,373 --> 01:23:42,125 What the hell is this? 748 01:23:44,044 --> 01:23:46,129 - What's going on? - I don't know. 749 01:23:46,296 --> 01:23:50,008 That spider back there, was that the female? 750 01:23:50,175 --> 01:23:52,677 No. That was just another male. 751 01:23:52,844 --> 01:23:56,431 The female is three times as big. 752 01:23:56,598 --> 01:23:59,476 So she's probably still close by, right? 753 01:23:59,642 --> 01:24:01,519 Yeah, I'd say so. 754 01:24:01,686 --> 01:24:05,815 Go back with your sister. Go back with your sister! 755 01:24:10,487 --> 01:24:12,447 - Why are you here? - Mom sent me. 756 01:24:12,614 --> 01:24:15,033 - Why? - You don't want to know. 757 01:24:20,163 --> 01:24:23,833 We have to do it. It's the only way out. 758 01:24:26,711 --> 01:24:28,254 Oh, my God. 759 01:24:30,215 --> 01:24:31,758 What the hell? 760 01:24:40,225 --> 01:24:41,226 What is it? 761 01:24:44,229 --> 01:24:45,939 I think it's alive. 762 01:24:50,402 --> 01:24:52,070 Don't touch it. 763 01:24:53,405 --> 01:24:55,281 Don't... 764 01:25:03,581 --> 01:25:05,375 It's Wade. 765 01:25:05,542 --> 01:25:08,420 Bret, just go, okay? Just go. 766 01:25:10,380 --> 01:25:12,298 Let's get him down. 767 01:25:18,805 --> 01:25:20,432 Wade. 768 01:25:20,932 --> 01:25:23,476 - I don't feel so hot. - Hold on a second. 769 01:25:44,497 --> 01:25:47,751 Look at the size of that! 770 01:25:53,965 --> 01:25:56,593 What the hell is this place, Mike? 771 01:25:56,801 --> 01:26:00,388 - Lt looks like an orb weaver den. - Get us out of here. 772 01:26:00,555 --> 01:26:02,057 - I can't. - Why not? 773 01:26:02,223 --> 01:26:06,061 Is there a chance that Gladys is still alive? 774 01:26:06,227 --> 01:26:09,064 - It's possible. - Are you crazy? 775 01:26:09,272 --> 01:26:12,442 You'll have to get out without me. Follow the wires. 776 01:26:12,609 --> 01:26:15,070 There's a shed outside with a generator. 777 01:26:15,236 --> 01:26:18,073 - Start it quickly. - What are you up to? 778 01:26:18,239 --> 01:26:19,991 I got an idea. 779 01:26:24,662 --> 01:26:27,290 I get it. Everybody, come on. 780 01:26:27,457 --> 01:26:29,918 Follow the cables. This way. Come on. 781 01:26:30,085 --> 01:26:32,629 - Bret, I'll need your bike. - My bike? 782 01:26:32,837 --> 01:26:36,591 - Just do it. - All right, kids, come on. 783 01:26:36,758 --> 01:26:39,969 Leave it there. I've been trying to say this for a while. 784 01:26:40,303 --> 01:26:44,682 - Now? - Yes, I may not get another chance. 785 01:26:44,849 --> 01:26:47,894 - I should've said this a long time ago. - I know. 786 01:26:48,061 --> 01:26:50,605 You beat up my ex because you found out he was cheating. 787 01:26:50,772 --> 01:26:53,400 You couldn't tell me because you didn't want to break up my family. 788 01:26:53,566 --> 01:26:55,443 And you've always loved me. 789 01:26:55,610 --> 01:26:59,239 And if you'd said something, maybe our lives would be different. 790 01:26:59,406 --> 01:27:00,949 Exactly. 791 01:27:01,116 --> 01:27:03,284 Your father told me. 792 01:27:03,451 --> 01:27:04,703 My dad told you? 793 01:27:04,869 --> 01:27:08,164 Now, get moving so you can make it up to me later. 794 01:27:09,332 --> 01:27:10,750 Go on. 795 01:27:11,668 --> 01:27:13,336 That was easy. 796 01:27:23,012 --> 01:27:24,347 Gladys. 797 01:27:43,616 --> 01:27:45,827 This way. Follow me. Come on. 798 01:28:00,842 --> 01:28:02,343 Breathe. 799 01:28:09,642 --> 01:28:11,102 You're alive. 800 01:28:14,105 --> 01:28:16,608 You look like an angel. 801 01:28:17,317 --> 01:28:19,652 All that gold. 802 01:28:20,653 --> 01:28:22,405 Gold? 803 01:28:22,614 --> 01:28:24,115 Right behind you. 804 01:28:26,451 --> 01:28:29,287 The Agua Mesa lode. He found it. 805 01:28:34,292 --> 01:28:36,252 We need to find the generator. 806 01:28:36,461 --> 01:28:39,339 Mark, get everybody away from the mines. 807 01:28:39,506 --> 01:28:42,634 Hurry up. Get away from the mines. Get up there. 808 01:28:42,801 --> 01:28:46,638 Mom, what about that one? Come on. 809 01:29:01,486 --> 01:29:03,446 I knew he wasn't crazy. 810 01:29:09,160 --> 01:29:10,870 What are you doing? 811 01:29:11,037 --> 01:29:13,373 No, no. No smoking. 812 01:29:13,665 --> 01:29:15,709 We gotta get out of here. 813 01:29:24,926 --> 01:29:26,136 Stand back. 814 01:29:26,845 --> 01:29:29,806 Shoot it! Shoot it! 815 01:29:30,056 --> 01:29:32,809 I'll set off the gas! I can't! 816 01:29:33,768 --> 01:29:34,978 Get back. 817 01:29:50,702 --> 01:29:53,329 Mike, you saved us. 818 01:29:56,791 --> 01:29:58,585 I need this more than you. 819 01:30:11,723 --> 01:30:15,643 - Damn it. Why isn't it working? - Lt needs fuel. 820 01:30:16,436 --> 01:30:19,022 - See? - All right, find gas tanks. 821 01:30:19,189 --> 01:30:22,192 Anything you can find. We need gasoline. 822 01:30:25,820 --> 01:30:27,781 Hurry! Hurry! 823 01:30:28,907 --> 01:30:32,660 - What are you doing? - Lt'll set off the gas. 824 01:30:37,999 --> 01:30:39,292 Hurry! 825 01:30:53,765 --> 01:30:58,686 - All the gas cans are empty. - We just need one electrical surge. 826 01:30:59,020 --> 01:31:01,856 Keep looking, everybody. Don't give up. 827 01:31:04,484 --> 01:31:06,569 Here, will this work? 828 01:31:07,654 --> 01:31:09,823 Ashley, you're a genius. 829 01:31:31,720 --> 01:31:34,139 Switch. Put this on. 830 01:31:39,561 --> 01:31:40,687 Mom, it worked. 831 01:32:04,210 --> 01:32:06,588 Adios, Consuela. 832 01:32:08,506 --> 01:32:09,716 Fire! 833 01:32:34,866 --> 01:32:37,202 Aunt Gladys, are you okay? 834 01:32:50,423 --> 01:32:53,551 Not my mall. Not my mall. 835 01:32:54,803 --> 01:32:58,014 Not the mall. Please, not the mall. 836 01:33:04,896 --> 01:33:07,232 I hope the insurance pays for this. 837 01:33:27,085 --> 01:33:28,753 Let's go! Let's go! 838 01:33:28,920 --> 01:33:32,048 I thought you said 911 didn't believe you. 839 01:33:32,340 --> 01:33:33,466 They didn't. 840 01:33:33,633 --> 01:33:35,719 They listen to my broadcast. 841 01:33:35,969 --> 01:33:37,470 We never miss a show. 842 01:33:37,637 --> 01:33:40,807 We drove from Tucson. It sounded like you needed help. 843 01:33:40,974 --> 01:33:42,934 Where are the aliens? 844 01:33:43,101 --> 01:33:47,439 How many times do I have to tell you? They're not aliens, okay? 845 01:33:47,605 --> 01:33:51,693 They're spiders who grew because they ingested toxic waste. 846 01:33:51,860 --> 01:33:54,487 That's a more believable explanation. 847 01:33:54,654 --> 01:33:58,867 I had to drag that barrel out of the water. I got covered in it. 848 01:33:59,034 --> 01:34:01,870 - And your point is? - Point? 849 01:34:02,037 --> 01:34:07,792 See this? All brand new. Brand new growth. Check it out. Brand new. 850 01:34:07,959 --> 01:34:09,627 Are you all right? 851 01:34:09,794 --> 01:34:12,422 - Do you smoke? - No. 852 01:34:12,630 --> 01:34:13,757 Good. 853 01:34:14,466 --> 01:34:19,137 Dangerous habit. Disgusting. Causes explosions. Wish I'd never started. 854 01:34:19,554 --> 01:34:24,601 - Any more people down in those mines? - My aunt was the only one alive. 855 01:34:24,809 --> 01:34:28,396 I checked the other cocoons, but nobody made it. 856 01:34:28,563 --> 01:34:31,941 We got cocoons! T old you it would be worth the ride! 857 01:34:32,108 --> 01:34:34,277 Glad you came back home? 858 01:34:36,196 --> 01:34:38,656 Yeah, I am. 859 01:34:39,699 --> 01:34:41,201 Me too. 860 01:34:41,868 --> 01:34:45,872 That is the story of how the aliens attacked our sleepy town. 861 01:34:46,039 --> 01:34:49,417 To this day, people refuse to believe what happened here. 862 01:34:49,584 --> 01:34:53,171 They'd lead you to believe I would embellish this story. 863 01:34:53,338 --> 01:34:55,757 But we know the truth. 864 01:34:55,924 --> 01:34:59,135 Two things I forgot to tell you. 865 01:34:59,302 --> 01:35:03,681 One: They never did get that probe near me. 866 01:35:03,848 --> 01:35:08,812 And two: As far as Chris McCormack reopening the gold mines... 867 01:35:09,020 --> 01:35:12,315 ...and putting everyone back to work... 868 01:35:12,482 --> 01:35:15,026 Well, that, my friends... 869 01:35:15,193 --> 01:35:18,113 ...is another story altogether.