1 00:00:09,498 --> 00:00:12,580 No hanky-panky, Mr. Beshraavi, 2 00:00:12,581 --> 00:00:14,497 from man or bird. 3 00:00:14,498 --> 00:00:17,080 Believe him, Nejim. He means it. 4 00:00:17,081 --> 00:00:18,915 He said he'd kill me. 5 00:00:25,415 --> 00:00:27,914 Get him, Mustafa. 6 00:00:27,915 --> 00:00:30,331 Hey, hold that door! Hold that door! 7 00:00:30,332 --> 00:00:33,456 Flight 83... what? Hold the door! 8 00:00:33,457 --> 00:00:35,747 - Oh, I'm so sorry. - That's my flight to Los Angeles! 9 00:00:35,748 --> 00:00:37,872 - I'm so sorry. You just missed it. - I'm on that flight. 10 00:00:37,873 --> 00:00:39,188 - Look, I made the plane, I'm here! - You were so close... 11 00:00:39,189 --> 00:00:39,747 - What?! - ...but unfortunately, 12 00:00:39,748 --> 00:00:41,447 ...the door is locked and closed. 13 00:00:41,448 --> 00:00:43,705 - You're not letting me on the plane? - I know it's frustrating, 14 00:00:43,706 --> 00:00:45,247 but once the door closes, that's it. 15 00:00:45,248 --> 00:00:46,497 Federal regulations. 16 00:00:46,498 --> 00:00:49,580 I got caught up watching this movie in the hotel, 17 00:00:49,581 --> 00:00:53,122 "Arabesque," with Sophia Loren and Gregory Peck. 18 00:00:53,123 --> 00:00:54,997 - Mm-hmm. - Please let me in here. 19 00:00:54,998 --> 00:00:57,122 It's so ridiculous. There's the plane right there. 20 00:00:57,123 --> 00:01:00,164 But, really, it's as if the plane's not there. 21 00:01:00,165 --> 00:01:01,872 Wha... are you a magician? 22 00:01:01,873 --> 00:01:03,830 - No, but the door is locked. - I see the plane. 23 00:01:03,831 --> 00:01:05,830 If you're doing a trick, it's not a good trick. 24 00:01:05,831 --> 00:01:07,830 I'm trying my best to accommodate you. 25 00:01:07,831 --> 00:01:09,663 It doesn't seem like it. You're not golden-ruling it. 26 00:01:09,664 --> 00:01:12,164 You're not doing unto others as you would have others do unto you. 27 00:01:12,165 --> 00:01:15,414 Unfortunately, the golden rule is not a federal regulation. 28 00:01:15,415 --> 00:01:17,122 Golden rule trumps everything. 29 00:01:17,123 --> 00:01:19,997 Golden rule's on top, federal law is second. 30 00:01:19,998 --> 00:01:23,538 Good news... we do have one seat left 31 00:01:23,539 --> 00:01:25,039 on the next available flight. 32 00:01:25,040 --> 00:01:28,705 - First class? - No, but it's an aisle seat, 33 00:01:28,706 --> 00:01:29,872 which is kind of a miracle. 34 00:01:29,873 --> 00:01:31,705 So you do have a little time 35 00:01:31,706 --> 00:01:34,497 to enjoy our amazing mall here. 36 00:01:34,498 --> 00:01:37,247 - We have a Wetzel's Pretzels... - A Wetzel's Pretzels. 37 00:01:37,248 --> 00:01:40,872 I can't wait to chomp into one of those Wetzel's Pretzels. 38 00:01:40,873 --> 00:01:41,873 They're delicious. 39 00:01:43,539 --> 00:01:45,622 - Good afternoon. Welcome aboard. - Hi. 40 00:01:45,623 --> 00:01:47,872 11C... straight down and on the right, sir. 41 00:01:47,873 --> 00:01:50,247 Are there any first-class seats open? 42 00:01:50,248 --> 00:01:51,538 No, it's a full flight, sir. 43 00:01:51,539 --> 00:01:55,414 Look, there's an empty seat over here. 44 00:01:55,415 --> 00:01:57,247 Straight down, right-hand side. 45 00:01:57,248 --> 00:01:59,372 - Hello. - If somebody doesn't show up, though, 46 00:01:59,373 --> 00:02:01,497 you let me know, okay? 47 00:02:01,498 --> 00:02:03,372 And, you know, we can work something out. 48 00:02:03,373 --> 00:02:05,955 I can pay you separately, perhaps. 49 00:02:05,956 --> 00:02:08,248 Go to your seat, please, sir. Thank you. 50 00:02:12,248 --> 00:02:14,372 Hey, what are you doing? I just opened this up for me. 51 00:02:14,373 --> 00:02:15,914 - What are you doing? - That's my spot right there. 52 00:02:15,915 --> 00:02:17,414 I don't care. That doesn't mean anything. 53 00:02:17,415 --> 00:02:18,747 This is filled up. I'm using this. 54 00:02:18,748 --> 00:02:20,039 I don't know what to tell you, buddy. 55 00:02:20,040 --> 00:02:21,081 It's the Wild West, okay, so. 56 00:02:32,081 --> 00:02:33,456 Larry. 57 00:02:33,457 --> 00:02:35,414 - Nathan Winocur. - Hey, Doctor. 58 00:02:35,415 --> 00:02:37,122 - Friend of Marty's. - Yeah. 59 00:02:37,123 --> 00:02:39,122 - Good to see ya. - Nice to see you. 60 00:02:39,123 --> 00:02:40,622 Ocean View, right? 61 00:02:40,623 --> 00:02:42,872 That's right. We should play a round. 62 00:02:42,873 --> 00:02:45,247 - We should play. - Let's do that. I'll talk to Marty. 63 00:02:45,248 --> 00:02:47,705 - And I'll get Jeff. You know Jeff? - I love Jeff. 64 00:02:47,706 --> 00:02:50,080 - That's a great foursome. - Yeah, it's a good foursome. 65 00:02:50,081 --> 00:02:52,122 - Great. - Uh, I think I'm there. 66 00:02:52,123 --> 00:02:55,457 Okay, that's me. Thank you. 67 00:03:11,539 --> 00:03:14,080 Sir, sir, I'm sorry. This is for first class passengers. 68 00:03:14,081 --> 00:03:17,122 - I know, but I... I... - Your ticket's for 11C, sir. 69 00:03:17,123 --> 00:03:18,580 I know, but nobody's sitting there. 70 00:03:18,581 --> 00:03:20,372 Could you give me, like, a personal upgrade, 71 00:03:20,373 --> 00:03:22,456 and I can upgrade you, and... 72 00:03:22,457 --> 00:03:24,956 - Sir. - No? Okay. 73 00:03:28,498 --> 00:03:31,039 Sir, can I ask you a really big favor? 74 00:03:31,040 --> 00:03:33,788 I have a medical condition 75 00:03:33,789 --> 00:03:36,997 where I have to... my bladder's really overactive. 76 00:03:36,998 --> 00:03:38,663 I have a bladder condition, 77 00:03:38,664 --> 00:03:40,830 and I have to get up a lot. 78 00:03:40,831 --> 00:03:42,705 Is there any way I could sit in the aisle 79 00:03:42,706 --> 00:03:44,830 and you would want to switch to the middle? 80 00:03:44,831 --> 00:03:47,122 I can't switch seats with you. 81 00:03:47,123 --> 00:03:49,538 I mean, I got the... I can't sit in the middle. 82 00:03:49,539 --> 00:03:51,538 It's claustro... claustrophobic in there. 83 00:03:51,539 --> 00:03:54,705 It's okay. I just have to ask because I'm up so often. 84 00:03:54,706 --> 00:03:55,997 - I'm sorry. - I'll die in the middle. 85 00:03:55,998 --> 00:03:57,705 It's so painful, too. 86 00:03:57,706 --> 00:04:00,039 Just wanna see where the bathrooms are so I know, 87 00:04:00,040 --> 00:04:02,372 - 'cause it's gonna be a run. - Okay, fine. 88 00:04:02,373 --> 00:04:04,747 Really? 89 00:04:04,748 --> 00:04:07,580 You are such a gentleman. Thank you so much. 90 00:04:07,581 --> 00:04:08,539 You're welcome. 91 00:04:09,915 --> 00:04:12,039 Heh-hey, my lucky day. 92 00:04:12,040 --> 00:04:14,873 Yeah, mine, too. 93 00:04:21,373 --> 00:04:23,080 I'm just looking for the little thing. 94 00:04:23,081 --> 00:04:26,080 - Gotta buckle up. - Jesus Christ. 95 00:04:26,081 --> 00:04:27,706 Give it here. 96 00:04:39,248 --> 00:04:41,207 Oh, come on. 97 00:04:43,373 --> 00:04:44,872 Can I grab one of your Kleenex, please? 98 00:04:44,873 --> 00:04:46,247 Oh. 99 00:04:46,248 --> 00:04:48,498 I just got... I think it's just allergies. 100 00:04:52,248 --> 00:04:54,081 Oh, man. 101 00:05:00,248 --> 00:05:02,122 No. No. 102 00:05:02,123 --> 00:05:03,123 No. 103 00:05:08,040 --> 00:05:09,747 Sir, if I could just have you open your eyes 104 00:05:09,748 --> 00:05:11,955 so I can see your pupils. 105 00:05:11,956 --> 00:05:14,538 If you could just try and relax a little bit. 106 00:05:14,539 --> 00:05:16,997 - Long, deep breaths. - Excuse me, everyone. 107 00:05:16,998 --> 00:05:19,080 One of our passengers has taken ill. 108 00:05:19,081 --> 00:05:20,705 If there's a doctor onboard, 109 00:05:20,706 --> 00:05:23,289 can you please ring your call button? 110 00:05:23,290 --> 00:05:24,997 Now, sir, are you currently... 111 00:05:24,998 --> 00:05:27,456 Hey, they're asking for a doctor. 112 00:05:27,457 --> 00:05:29,663 - Mm-mmm. - Huh? 113 00:05:29,664 --> 00:05:30,914 You're not gonna heed the call? 114 00:05:30,915 --> 00:05:33,206 Give it a minute. He's gonna be fine. 115 00:05:33,207 --> 00:05:35,747 How do you know? You don't even know what he has. 116 00:05:35,748 --> 00:05:38,456 You ever been part of an emergency landing? Is that what you want, Larry? 117 00:05:38,457 --> 00:05:40,747 To spend the night in Lubbock, Texas, at a Days Inn 118 00:05:40,748 --> 00:05:42,997 with a $15 voucher from Cinnabon? 119 00:05:42,998 --> 00:05:44,915 Think about it. 120 00:05:49,789 --> 00:05:51,456 Excuse me. 121 00:05:51,457 --> 00:05:52,955 I'd like to use the bathroom. 122 00:05:52,956 --> 00:05:54,497 Okay. 123 00:05:54,498 --> 00:05:56,123 - Here. - Thank you. 124 00:05:59,664 --> 00:06:01,497 Yeah, don't... don't move too much. 125 00:06:01,498 --> 00:06:03,247 Don't get up. 126 00:06:03,248 --> 00:06:04,788 Ow! 127 00:06:04,789 --> 00:06:08,081 Ah! Why don't you move your foot, for God's sake?! 128 00:06:11,332 --> 00:06:13,164 I'm so glad I ran into you on this flight. 129 00:06:13,165 --> 00:06:14,622 I'll call up Marty. We'll set up a game. 130 00:06:14,623 --> 00:06:16,206 Yeah, yeah, we'll play. 131 00:06:16,207 --> 00:06:18,164 Oh, you got up. 132 00:06:18,165 --> 00:06:20,830 By the way, that's the first time that you got up the entire trip. 133 00:06:20,831 --> 00:06:23,331 That was a total bullshit story about the bladder. 134 00:06:23,332 --> 00:06:25,914 - I have a medical condition. - Medical. 135 00:06:25,915 --> 00:06:27,497 You got a medical condition. 136 00:06:27,498 --> 00:06:29,372 She's got a medical condition. 137 00:06:29,373 --> 00:06:31,289 One day, you're... you're gonna really have to go to the bathroom, 138 00:06:31,290 --> 00:06:32,497 and no one's gonna let you. 139 00:06:32,498 --> 00:06:34,080 I had to sit in the middle 140 00:06:34,081 --> 00:06:35,706 the entire trip because of you! 141 00:06:42,998 --> 00:06:44,207 Thank you. 142 00:06:48,332 --> 00:06:50,122 Welcome back. 143 00:06:50,123 --> 00:06:52,164 Thank you. 144 00:06:52,165 --> 00:06:54,580 Nice to be home. Is that your handiwork? 145 00:06:54,581 --> 00:06:56,331 Fuck, no. I wouldn't do that shit. 146 00:06:56,332 --> 00:06:58,872 You know what, that's not gonna make me wash a car. 147 00:06:58,873 --> 00:07:00,456 If anything, I'm not gonna wash it. 148 00:07:00,457 --> 00:07:02,414 - I wouldn't wash it. - Just to annoy this guy. 149 00:07:02,415 --> 00:07:04,663 I assume it's a guy. A woman wouldn't do something like that. 150 00:07:04,664 --> 00:07:05,872 Ladies don't do that kind of shit. 151 00:07:05,873 --> 00:07:08,663 Ladies bust windows out and slash tires 152 00:07:08,664 --> 00:07:10,039 and key your car and shit. 153 00:07:10,040 --> 00:07:12,373 "Wash me." This is what I'm gonna do. 154 00:07:14,539 --> 00:07:15,830 - I like that shit. - Huh? 155 00:07:15,831 --> 00:07:17,705 You like that? See the comma after "no"? 156 00:07:17,706 --> 00:07:19,039 - No! - That's good grammar. 157 00:07:19,040 --> 00:07:20,788 - You wash me! You wash me! - Yeah. 158 00:07:20,789 --> 00:07:22,122 - Yeah. - I like that shit. 159 00:07:22,123 --> 00:07:24,622 Hey, did you ever see this movie "Arabesque"? 160 00:07:24,623 --> 00:07:26,788 Nah. Is that one of those "Star Trek" movies? 161 00:07:26,789 --> 00:07:29,414 No, no. It's an old movie with Sophia Loren. 162 00:07:29,415 --> 00:07:31,872 - She's gorgeous. - Is she naked in the movie? 163 00:07:31,873 --> 00:07:33,331 No, it was... it was from the '60s. 164 00:07:33,332 --> 00:07:34,955 Nobody... nobody got naked in the '60s. 165 00:07:34,956 --> 00:07:36,788 She's gotta be naked in something. 166 00:07:36,789 --> 00:07:38,622 Well, if you come across anything, let me know. 167 00:07:38,623 --> 00:07:39,706 You know I'ma look. 168 00:07:41,248 --> 00:07:43,747 He refused to see the person? 169 00:07:43,748 --> 00:07:45,705 He did not heed the call! 170 00:07:45,706 --> 00:07:47,122 I don't know what happened on the plane, 171 00:07:47,123 --> 00:07:49,164 but he's a great guy to play golf with. 172 00:07:49,165 --> 00:07:50,331 Very surprising. 173 00:07:50,332 --> 00:07:51,580 Do you care about the character 174 00:07:51,581 --> 00:07:52,914 of people you play golf with 175 00:07:52,915 --> 00:07:54,538 if they leave you alone on the course? 176 00:07:54,539 --> 00:07:56,247 No, I'm happy to play with a reprobate 177 00:07:56,248 --> 00:07:57,414 if he has a good personality 178 00:07:57,415 --> 00:07:58,414 and I enjoy playing with him. 179 00:07:58,415 --> 00:07:59,497 I'll play with reprobates. 180 00:07:59,498 --> 00:08:01,289 - Yeah? - Oh, really? 181 00:08:01,290 --> 00:08:03,747 - Yes. - You, Manson, Ramirez, and Hitler. 182 00:08:03,748 --> 00:08:06,206 - That's a good foursome. - If they play fast. 183 00:08:06,207 --> 00:08:08,580 - If they play fast. - I'd rather play with a fast Manson 184 00:08:08,581 --> 00:08:10,663 than a slow Funkhouser, I'll tell you that. 185 00:08:10,664 --> 00:08:13,747 - Any day of the week. - Yeah, you're a little slow. 186 00:08:13,748 --> 00:08:15,955 I line my ball up, I look, I hit it. 187 00:08:15,956 --> 00:08:19,289 Hey, Lar, did I tell you that we hired a decorator for the new house? 188 00:08:19,290 --> 00:08:22,164 I'm going up to meet her Sunday in San Francisco. 189 00:08:22,165 --> 00:08:23,872 Jeff, you're taking me to the airport, 1:00. 190 00:08:23,873 --> 00:08:26,039 Don't forget. Don't make any plans. 191 00:08:26,040 --> 00:08:27,206 Airport... oh, God. 192 00:08:27,207 --> 00:08:28,206 Why does he have to take you to the airport? 193 00:08:28,207 --> 00:08:30,414 - He's gotta see me off. - See you off? 194 00:08:30,415 --> 00:08:32,705 You're not going to India. You're going to San Francisco! 195 00:08:32,706 --> 00:08:34,331 - It's an hour away. - So what? 196 00:08:34,332 --> 00:08:35,955 See you off? You'll be back that night. 197 00:08:35,956 --> 00:08:38,122 You know what, Larry, it's not surprising to me 198 00:08:38,123 --> 00:08:40,955 that you're the only one of this group who's here as a single... 199 00:08:40,956 --> 00:08:42,788 - Oh, yeah. - ...with no girlfriend, no wife. 200 00:08:42,789 --> 00:08:45,997 Maybe if you would've seen Cheryl off a few more times, 201 00:08:45,998 --> 00:08:48,080 - you'd still be together. - I don't think so. 202 00:08:48,081 --> 00:08:51,164 - He wants to, trust me. - No, trust me, he doesn't. 203 00:08:51,165 --> 00:08:53,122 - Jeff, do you want to? - No. 204 00:08:53,123 --> 00:08:55,331 - Well, you're going to. - You know why you're doing this? 205 00:08:55,332 --> 00:08:56,132 Why, Larry? 206 00:08:56,133 --> 00:08:57,997 Because you wanna ruin his day, that's why. 207 00:08:57,998 --> 00:08:59,997 Okay, Kreskin. Could read my mind. 208 00:08:59,998 --> 00:09:01,497 You think you know what goes on 209 00:09:01,498 --> 00:09:03,372 in the complexities of my brain 210 00:09:03,373 --> 00:09:05,788 and who I am. 211 00:09:05,789 --> 00:09:08,414 - The complexities of who you are? - Mm-hmm. 212 00:09:08,415 --> 00:09:11,622 Who are you? You're a Jew from the Bronx! 213 00:09:11,623 --> 00:09:13,456 I can't wait to see her off. 214 00:09:13,457 --> 00:09:15,788 - I really like your friends. - They're very lovely people. 215 00:09:15,789 --> 00:09:18,497 Okay! 216 00:09:18,498 --> 00:09:21,498 Please do not sit on the arm of the chair. 217 00:09:23,956 --> 00:09:25,497 Dinner is served. 218 00:09:25,498 --> 00:09:27,372 - Yeah, all right. - Yay, yay. 219 00:09:27,373 --> 00:09:28,830 - Yeah! - I like it. 220 00:09:28,831 --> 00:09:31,414 - Did you fucking catch that? - I caught it! 221 00:09:31,415 --> 00:09:32,872 What the fuck? 222 00:09:32,873 --> 00:09:35,831 Oh, oh, oh. Honey, you forgot your drink. 223 00:09:37,123 --> 00:09:38,663 Thanks. 224 00:09:38,664 --> 00:09:40,872 Oh, Marilyn, the table's gorgeous! 225 00:09:40,873 --> 00:09:42,080 - Hey. - Huh? 226 00:09:42,081 --> 00:09:44,830 You ever called her honey before? 227 00:09:44,831 --> 00:09:46,955 I doubt it. No. 228 00:09:46,956 --> 00:09:48,164 How many dates have you been on? 229 00:09:48,165 --> 00:09:49,372 - Two. - Pssh! 230 00:09:49,373 --> 00:09:51,705 You just gave a premature honey. 231 00:09:51,706 --> 00:09:52,872 I gotta tell you something. 232 00:09:52,873 --> 00:09:54,080 - A premature honey? - Yeah. 233 00:09:54,081 --> 00:09:55,830 Premature, too soon for honey. 234 00:09:55,831 --> 00:09:57,456 Honey's way down the line. 235 00:09:57,457 --> 00:09:59,164 You gotta spend a weekend together 236 00:09:59,165 --> 00:10:01,747 or something in the country before you can jump to honey. 237 00:10:01,748 --> 00:10:03,206 I know what you're trying to do, 238 00:10:03,207 --> 00:10:04,830 you're trying to jump ahead with the relationship. 239 00:10:04,831 --> 00:10:07,289 But it doesn't work. You got caught. 240 00:10:07,290 --> 00:10:08,038 You're blowing this.. 241 00:10:08,039 --> 00:10:09,238 - ..way out of proportion. - Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 242 00:10:09,239 --> 00:10:11,414 - She doesn't care, Dr. Phil. - Okay. 243 00:10:11,415 --> 00:10:13,456 You don't know what you're talking about. 244 00:10:13,457 --> 00:10:15,122 - I think you made a big mistake. - Everything is cool, man. 245 00:10:15,123 --> 00:10:17,955 Can I take a moment, please? 246 00:10:17,956 --> 00:10:20,788 On behalf of my adorable new girlfriend, 247 00:10:20,789 --> 00:10:23,122 thank you for a delicious dinner. 248 00:10:23,123 --> 00:10:24,622 - Thank you for coming. - Cheers. 249 00:10:24,623 --> 00:10:25,830 Cheers. Prego. 250 00:10:25,831 --> 00:10:27,289 Marty, cheers. 251 00:10:27,290 --> 00:10:28,955 - Health, happiness. - So nice to meet you. 252 00:10:28,956 --> 00:10:30,747 - Thank you for having us. - Yes, very nice. 253 00:10:30,748 --> 00:10:32,580 - You can't clink, Larry? - Why do I have to clink? 254 00:10:32,581 --> 00:10:34,372 Because it's a custom that people do, 255 00:10:34,373 --> 00:10:35,580 - which is friendly and nice. - It's a stupid custom. 256 00:10:35,581 --> 00:10:37,331 What does it mean, the clinking? 257 00:10:37,332 --> 00:10:39,289 - Oh. - Cheers. 258 00:10:39,290 --> 00:10:40,997 Mmm. 259 00:10:40,998 --> 00:10:44,914 You know, you pick up a knife like this, a steak knife, 260 00:10:44,915 --> 00:10:47,497 you get the urge... I do... that I wanna... 261 00:10:47,498 --> 00:10:50,331 I wanna stab... I wanna stab with it. 262 00:10:50,332 --> 00:10:52,039 - Oh? - Really? 263 00:10:52,040 --> 00:10:54,080 Yeah, 'cause you pick up a baseball bat, you wanna swing it. 264 00:10:54,081 --> 00:10:56,039 You pick up a tennis ball, you wanna throw it. 265 00:10:56,040 --> 00:10:57,663 When you have a... a knife, 266 00:10:57,664 --> 00:10:59,456 you wanna stab, do you not? 267 00:10:59,457 --> 00:11:01,414 - Yeah, a little bit. - Huh? Know what they should have? 268 00:11:01,415 --> 00:11:03,881 - What's that? - A stabbing range. 269 00:11:04,081 --> 00:11:05,330 - Get out of here. - Yeah, a stabbing range where.. 270 00:11:05,331 --> 00:11:08,414 - you can stab..stab dummies. - Wow. 271 00:11:08,415 --> 00:11:09,955 You'd feel good. You'd feel good. 272 00:11:09,956 --> 00:11:11,414 Where would the stabbing range be? 273 00:11:11,415 --> 00:11:13,914 In the Valley. 274 00:11:13,915 --> 00:11:15,538 What do you think, Marilyn? 275 00:11:15,539 --> 00:11:17,331 The knife... do you feel like stabbing somebody? 276 00:11:17,332 --> 00:11:19,498 Yeah, I feel like stabbing someone. 277 00:11:21,623 --> 00:11:24,331 Hmm, interesting. 278 00:11:24,332 --> 00:11:26,080 This is fantastic food. 279 00:11:26,081 --> 00:11:27,788 - Thank you. - It really is. 280 00:11:27,789 --> 00:11:30,331 Yeah, I can never get my potatoes like that. 281 00:11:30,332 --> 00:11:31,914 - Mmm. - They're really good. 282 00:11:31,915 --> 00:11:33,872 What is this, tap? 283 00:11:33,873 --> 00:11:35,456 Yes, it is. 284 00:11:35,457 --> 00:11:37,705 No filter? 285 00:11:37,706 --> 00:11:39,039 No filter. Tap water. 286 00:11:39,040 --> 00:11:40,206 Huh, interesting. 287 00:11:40,207 --> 00:11:42,122 Surprised you don't have a filter. 288 00:11:42,123 --> 00:11:43,872 You have no filter. 289 00:11:43,873 --> 00:11:46,122 - Huh, that's... yeah. - Isn't it obvious? 290 00:11:46,123 --> 00:11:47,039 That's true. 291 00:11:47,040 --> 00:11:49,039 You just say whatever comes into your mind. 292 00:11:49,040 --> 00:11:52,331 You don't really modulate your inner feelings at all, do you? 293 00:11:52,332 --> 00:11:54,997 It's a good thing for me, but it's a bad thing for water. 294 00:11:54,998 --> 00:11:58,457 Excuse me, I smell something burning. 295 00:12:00,457 --> 00:12:01,788 - LD. - Hmm? 296 00:12:01,789 --> 00:12:04,788 Goldfish would commit suicide in this water. 297 00:12:04,789 --> 00:12:08,164 Yeah! Wha... how come you didn't say that when she was there? 298 00:12:08,165 --> 00:12:10,080 You know, I'm a guest. I don't know. 299 00:12:10,081 --> 00:12:12,039 You're like Fred MacMurray in "The Caine Mutiny" 300 00:12:12,040 --> 00:12:14,538 when he and Van Johnson go to see the admiral, 301 00:12:14,539 --> 00:12:16,663 then Fred MacMurray gets cold feet and he backs out. 302 00:12:16,664 --> 00:12:18,164 That's a movie, this is real life. 303 00:12:18,165 --> 00:12:20,372 In real life, you're polite to your hostess. 304 00:12:20,373 --> 00:12:22,705 Of course, you're polite. And why wouldn't you be? 305 00:12:22,706 --> 00:12:24,415 There's a hostess, and you have... 306 00:12:24,615 --> 00:12:25,830 That's pretty good. 307 00:12:25,831 --> 00:12:27,705 Sure, sure, the water, the water. 308 00:12:27,706 --> 00:12:29,581 By the way, I'm not the only one who can't stand it. 309 00:12:30,873 --> 00:12:33,081 Can't stand what? 310 00:12:35,498 --> 00:12:37,748 Well, Marty likes my water. 311 00:12:52,748 --> 00:12:55,039 - Very good. - See? 312 00:12:55,040 --> 00:12:57,331 You're really the only person 313 00:12:57,332 --> 00:12:59,039 who has a problem with the water. 314 00:12:59,040 --> 00:13:01,372 You know, it's just water. What are you so sensitive about? 315 00:13:01,373 --> 00:13:03,039 I want you to go. 316 00:13:03,040 --> 00:13:05,456 I'm getting kicked out? 317 00:13:05,457 --> 00:13:08,039 - Yeah, I think... - You're kicking me out? 318 00:13:08,040 --> 00:13:09,705 Yeah, I think you should leave. 319 00:13:09,706 --> 00:13:11,663 This is unbelievable. Okay. 320 00:13:11,664 --> 00:13:14,206 Well, it was fun. We... we really... 321 00:13:14,207 --> 00:13:17,080 - It was not fun. - No, it wasn't. 322 00:13:17,081 --> 00:13:18,914 I leave my knife 323 00:13:18,915 --> 00:13:22,290 and I bid you adieu. 324 00:13:47,373 --> 00:13:49,414 You guys, look! Ah! 325 00:13:49,415 --> 00:13:53,331 - Hey, bald fuck! - Bald fuck! 326 00:13:53,332 --> 00:13:56,457 Blow me, blow me! 327 00:13:58,789 --> 00:14:01,122 You wash it! You wash it! 328 00:14:01,123 --> 00:14:03,039 Blow me, bald fuck! 329 00:14:03,040 --> 00:14:04,457 Shut up! Shut up! 330 00:14:05,956 --> 00:14:07,747 Oh, you were right, Larry. 331 00:14:07,748 --> 00:14:09,331 I blew it with Rhonda. 332 00:14:09,332 --> 00:14:11,122 I told you it was a premature honey. 333 00:14:11,123 --> 00:14:13,788 And she's been cold ever since. 334 00:14:13,789 --> 00:14:16,039 - Yeah, it was bad. - I said honey. 335 00:14:16,040 --> 00:14:18,122 - What's the big deal? - I told them no mushrooms in this thing. 336 00:14:18,123 --> 00:14:20,206 - I said no mushrooms, all right? - I've lost a potential bride, 337 00:14:20,207 --> 00:14:21,955 and you're talking about salad? 338 00:14:21,956 --> 00:14:25,663 - I blew it. - You saw... you saw a wife there 339 00:14:25,664 --> 00:14:28,872 and you seized on it with a honey, right? 340 00:14:28,873 --> 00:14:30,456 - That's what you did. - It was a seize. 341 00:14:30,457 --> 00:14:31,788 - You seized. - I did seize. 342 00:14:31,789 --> 00:14:33,289 - You did seize. - So, what do I do? 343 00:14:33,290 --> 00:14:34,538 I don't know. 344 00:14:34,539 --> 00:14:36,538 Oh, great. 345 00:14:36,539 --> 00:14:38,456 It's from Rhonda. 346 00:14:38,457 --> 00:14:40,456 "We need to talk." 347 00:14:40,457 --> 00:14:42,663 - Oh. - I'm through. 348 00:14:42,664 --> 00:14:43,872 You're done. 349 00:14:43,873 --> 00:14:45,747 What ever comes good after "we need to talk"? 350 00:14:45,748 --> 00:14:47,031 - Nothing. - You ever hear this? 351 00:14:47,032 --> 00:14:49,997 "We need to talk. I'm taking you to Cancun." 352 00:14:49,998 --> 00:14:51,538 - No, that's not happening. - Is that gonna happen? 353 00:14:51,539 --> 00:14:53,705 - No. No. - That's not gonna happen. 354 00:14:53,706 --> 00:14:56,247 - What do I do, man? - Can I get you a refill? 355 00:14:56,248 --> 00:14:57,747 - Okay. - What do I do? 356 00:14:57,748 --> 00:15:00,247 I got an idea. Text her back. 357 00:15:00,248 --> 00:15:01,997 Tell her to come meet you at the restaurant. 358 00:15:01,998 --> 00:15:03,580 - Why? - When she comes in, 359 00:15:03,581 --> 00:15:05,997 you start calling everybody honey. 360 00:15:05,998 --> 00:15:08,164 - I do what? - Call everybody honey... 361 00:15:08,165 --> 00:15:11,206 the waitresses, the manager, customers, everyone. 362 00:15:11,207 --> 00:15:13,955 - Why? - Because... 'cause you're a guy 363 00:15:13,956 --> 00:15:16,331 who just uses the word honey a lot. 364 00:15:16,332 --> 00:15:18,113 You mean it's part of my working vocabulary? 365 00:15:18,114 --> 00:15:19,414 Yes! Yes! 366 00:15:19,415 --> 00:15:21,122 And what would that mean to her? 367 00:15:21,123 --> 00:15:23,247 That means that she's just part of the honey parade. 368 00:15:23,248 --> 00:15:24,830 - So, I just call everybody honey? - You call everybody honey. 369 00:15:24,831 --> 00:15:26,663 - I like the honey parade. - Huh? 370 00:15:26,664 --> 00:15:28,873 - All right, I'll have her come down. - Yeah. 371 00:15:30,664 --> 00:15:31,914 There, she's coming. There she is. 372 00:15:31,915 --> 00:15:33,122 - Where? - There. 373 00:15:33,123 --> 00:15:34,120 Oh, boy. 374 00:15:34,121 --> 00:15:35,580 Larry, I didn't know you were gonna be here. 375 00:15:35,581 --> 00:15:36,747 - Hi! - Hi. 376 00:15:36,748 --> 00:15:38,206 Hi. Oh, hold on a second. 377 00:15:38,207 --> 00:15:40,289 Honey, do you mind if I grab a chair? 378 00:15:40,290 --> 00:15:44,497 - Thank you, honey. - Oh, no, I don't... um, thanks. 379 00:15:44,498 --> 00:15:46,039 I just... I could come back. 380 00:15:46,040 --> 00:15:49,080 I just wanted to have just, like, a quick conversation. 381 00:15:49,081 --> 00:15:50,705 I don't wanna interrupt a whole thing. 382 00:15:50,706 --> 00:15:52,372 No, you're not interrupting anything. 383 00:15:52,373 --> 00:15:54,206 Excuse me, honey. Can I get... 384 00:15:54,207 --> 00:15:56,456 - What... what do you want? - Oh, I'll just have a coffee. 385 00:15:56,457 --> 00:15:59,622 A black coffee, honey. 386 00:15:59,623 --> 00:16:01,914 That's all you want? Are you hungry? 387 00:16:01,915 --> 00:16:04,580 Uh, well, I wasn't planning on staying that long, 388 00:16:04,581 --> 00:16:06,705 - but maybe... maybe I'll get a sand... - Oh, honey, right here. 389 00:16:06,706 --> 00:16:08,247 - The coffee. - Oh, thank you so much. 390 00:16:08,248 --> 00:16:11,914 Honey, can you bring a turkey burger and some fries? 391 00:16:11,915 --> 00:16:13,497 Thanks, honey. Hey, hon! 392 00:16:13,498 --> 00:16:15,414 You know, honey, can we get an extra napkin? 393 00:16:15,415 --> 00:16:17,247 Hey, could I get some coffee, honey? 394 00:16:17,248 --> 00:16:18,830 - Mm-hmm. - Honey? Honey? 395 00:16:18,831 --> 00:16:19,914 Thank you, honey. 396 00:16:19,915 --> 00:16:21,580 Could we get the check, honey? 397 00:16:21,581 --> 00:16:22,956 Thank you, honey. 398 00:16:25,457 --> 00:16:28,914 - Thank you. - So, what did you wanna talk about? 399 00:16:28,915 --> 00:16:32,622 Oh, just I'm free on Friday night now 400 00:16:32,623 --> 00:16:35,414 and wanted to see if you wanted to do something together. 401 00:16:35,415 --> 00:16:37,456 Pick me up at work? I'll be done around 8:00. 402 00:16:37,457 --> 00:16:38,955 Then we'll have just one car. 403 00:16:38,956 --> 00:16:41,080 - Uh, yeah. - Great! 404 00:16:41,081 --> 00:16:43,997 - Where do you work? - Uh, I work at Neiman Marcus. 405 00:16:43,998 --> 00:16:45,955 - Is that so? - Yeah. 406 00:16:45,956 --> 00:16:47,939 - Huh. - I am a sales professional on 407 00:16:47,940 --> 00:16:50,872 the men's floor. If you ever want any help, let me know. 408 00:16:50,873 --> 00:16:52,206 Now that you mention it, 409 00:16:52,207 --> 00:16:54,622 I could actually use a couple of pairs of pants. 410 00:16:54,623 --> 00:16:56,164 Call me anytime. Seriously, stop by. 411 00:16:56,165 --> 00:16:57,997 - I'm going to. - Great, give him my number. 412 00:16:57,998 --> 00:16:59,580 - Thank you. - You're welcome. 413 00:16:59,581 --> 00:17:01,206 - Larry, it's great to see you. - Good to see you again. 414 00:17:01,207 --> 00:17:02,580 - Vey good to see you, Larry. - Always a pleasure. 415 00:17:02,581 --> 00:17:04,580 Do you want me to leave any money for this? 416 00:17:04,581 --> 00:17:06,206 - Are you taking care of it? Okay. - It's all right. 417 00:17:06,207 --> 00:17:07,788 - It's all right. - He's a good guy. 418 00:17:07,789 --> 00:17:10,247 - To us. - Oh! What do you wanna do on Friday? 419 00:17:10,248 --> 00:17:11,290 Anything you want, honey. 420 00:17:15,457 --> 00:17:17,247 Oh. 421 00:17:17,248 --> 00:17:19,580 You wanna go to the Rams game on Sunday with Rob? 422 00:17:19,581 --> 00:17:20,914 He's got extra tickets. 423 00:17:20,915 --> 00:17:23,080 I'd love to go to the Rams game on Sunday. 424 00:17:23,081 --> 00:17:25,705 Gotta take Susie to the airport. 425 00:17:25,706 --> 00:17:27,538 She's ridiculous! 426 00:17:27,539 --> 00:17:29,498 - All right, I got an idea. - What? 427 00:17:31,123 --> 00:17:33,331 Accidental text on purpose. 428 00:17:33,332 --> 00:17:34,997 Please explain. 429 00:17:34,998 --> 00:17:37,164 You're sending a text to me, 430 00:17:37,165 --> 00:17:39,663 but it goes to her "by accident." 431 00:17:39,664 --> 00:17:41,830 - Uh-huh. - And in the text, you say, 432 00:17:41,831 --> 00:17:44,122 "Hey, LD, I'd love to go to the game, 433 00:17:44,123 --> 00:17:45,538 but I'm taking Susie to the airport. 434 00:17:45,539 --> 00:17:46,914 I don't wanna disappoint her. 435 00:17:46,915 --> 00:17:48,164 We're getting along so great." 436 00:17:48,165 --> 00:17:50,247 - And it goes to her... - It goes to her. 437 00:17:50,248 --> 00:17:51,872 - ...but it was meant to you. - Meant to me! 438 00:17:51,873 --> 00:17:53,830 - Saying how great Susie is... - How great Susie is. 439 00:17:53,831 --> 00:17:55,456 - ...and how much I love her. - Yeah. 440 00:17:55,457 --> 00:17:58,206 You, sir, are an amazing man. 441 00:17:58,207 --> 00:18:00,206 - I am texting Susie right now. - Oh, here they are. 442 00:18:00,207 --> 00:18:01,705 - Larry, Jeff. - Hello. 443 00:18:01,706 --> 00:18:03,331 - Thanks for letting me join you guys. - Sure. 444 00:18:03,332 --> 00:18:05,872 - Yeah. - You should see this guy on the range. 445 00:18:05,873 --> 00:18:08,122 - What's your handicap? - 10. 446 00:18:08,123 --> 00:18:10,039 - What are you? - 15. 447 00:18:10,040 --> 00:18:12,997 We should make it interesting, play for some cheddar. 448 00:18:12,998 --> 00:18:15,497 - Sure. - Yeah? 200? 449 00:18:15,498 --> 00:18:17,706 - Okay, you're on. - Great. 450 00:18:20,415 --> 00:18:22,080 I pick up a knife, I have an urge to stab. 451 00:18:22,081 --> 00:18:25,122 But it's a stupid thing to say at a dinner table. 452 00:18:25,123 --> 00:18:28,580 And then you made such a deal over the goddamn filter. 453 00:18:28,581 --> 00:18:29,514 Terrible water. 454 00:18:29,515 --> 00:18:30,914 But you didn't have to say anything about it. 455 00:18:30,915 --> 00:18:33,538 How could you not comment on water that's so bad? 456 00:18:33,539 --> 00:18:36,122 Okay, I've done everything I can to get her back. 457 00:18:36,123 --> 00:18:40,122 I sent her flowers... boom... shredded on my doorstep. 458 00:18:40,123 --> 00:18:42,748 I mean, I don't know what to do. 459 00:18:43,873 --> 00:18:45,914 - Oh! - Oh! 460 00:18:45,915 --> 00:18:47,538 Oh! 461 00:18:47,539 --> 00:18:51,039 - Accidental text on purpose! - Accidental text. Oh, my God. 462 00:18:51,040 --> 00:18:53,372 - Tell him. - Okay, here's what you do. 463 00:18:53,373 --> 00:18:55,164 You send me a text, 464 00:18:55,165 --> 00:18:59,456 but you accidentally send it to her on purpose. 465 00:18:59,457 --> 00:19:01,247 And in the text, you say something like, 466 00:19:01,248 --> 00:19:03,580 "Hey, Larry, you were an asshole the other night. 467 00:19:03,581 --> 00:19:06,538 There's nothing wrong with her water. It's perfectly okay." 468 00:19:06,539 --> 00:19:09,122 Say anything you want. Curse me, anything. I don't care. 469 00:19:09,123 --> 00:19:11,414 Okay, I've never said this to you before. 470 00:19:11,415 --> 00:19:13,039 - Yeah. - You're brilliant. 471 00:19:13,040 --> 00:19:14,747 - Thank you, thank you. - Right, right?! 472 00:19:14,748 --> 00:19:16,747 I invented this. I invented this. 473 00:19:16,748 --> 00:19:17,872 He already did it for me. 474 00:19:17,873 --> 00:19:19,331 "Dear Larry..." 475 00:19:19,332 --> 00:19:21,580 - I can say anything I want! - Anything! 476 00:19:21,581 --> 00:19:23,289 "Larry, you were so out of line 477 00:19:23,290 --> 00:19:24,864 the other night about the water." 478 00:19:24,865 --> 00:19:25,255 Yes! 479 00:19:25,255 --> 00:19:26,955 "If Marilyn didn't throw you out, I would've." 480 00:19:26,956 --> 00:19:28,497 Perfect! 481 00:19:28,498 --> 00:19:30,122 Damn it! 482 00:19:30,123 --> 00:19:31,457 He's had some bad luck today. 483 00:19:34,040 --> 00:19:35,663 All right, there we go. 484 00:19:35,664 --> 00:19:37,164 - Oh, that's nice. - Here it comes. 485 00:19:37,165 --> 00:19:39,289 - All right. - Hey, where do you lie? 486 00:19:39,290 --> 00:19:40,622 Uh, four. 487 00:19:40,623 --> 00:19:41,788 Look! 488 00:19:41,789 --> 00:19:43,663 She texted me right back. 489 00:19:43,664 --> 00:19:45,206 "I love you. 490 00:19:45,207 --> 00:19:47,206 I know this is not meant for me. 491 00:19:47,207 --> 00:19:50,789 What a great man to stick up for me like that." 492 00:19:52,207 --> 00:19:53,456 - Unbelievable. - Thank you. 493 00:19:53,457 --> 00:19:54,705 - Unbelievable. - Huh? 494 00:19:54,706 --> 00:19:56,622 - Brilliant! - Get the flag, Jeff? 495 00:19:56,623 --> 00:19:57,955 Yep. 496 00:19:57,956 --> 00:19:59,456 Well, you're playing great today. 497 00:19:59,457 --> 00:20:00,915 No, I'm having a bad day. 498 00:20:02,789 --> 00:20:03,788 Beautiful. 499 00:20:03,789 --> 00:20:05,622 - Oh! - Beautiful! 500 00:20:05,623 --> 00:20:06,747 Oh! 501 00:20:06,748 --> 00:20:08,289 - Is that a birdie? - Beautiful. 502 00:20:08,290 --> 00:20:10,830 - Oh, my God. - Oh, guys, I hate to do this. 503 00:20:10,831 --> 00:20:12,830 I got a medical emergency. I gotta get to Cedars. 504 00:20:12,831 --> 00:20:15,997 - We only have three more holes. - No, we got a medical emergency here. 505 00:20:15,998 --> 00:20:17,456 Wait, wait. What are you talking about? 506 00:20:17,457 --> 00:20:18,872 You owe me $200. Pay up. 507 00:20:18,873 --> 00:20:20,663 It's an emergency. I'm a doctor. 508 00:20:20,664 --> 00:20:22,164 You weren't a doctor on the plane. 509 00:20:22,165 --> 00:20:23,872 I gotta go. A patient needs me. 510 00:20:23,873 --> 00:20:26,830 Oh, boy, you're down three with three to play. 511 00:20:26,831 --> 00:20:30,830 Oh, so when you're losing money, you heed the call, is that it? 512 00:20:30,831 --> 00:20:32,164 You know what that is? 513 00:20:32,165 --> 00:20:34,331 Selective heeding, that's what that is! 514 00:20:34,332 --> 00:20:36,080 You didn't get any text anyway. 515 00:20:36,081 --> 00:20:37,207 It was all bullshit! 516 00:20:44,748 --> 00:20:46,414 - Enigma? - What the fuck?! 517 00:20:46,415 --> 00:20:48,580 Whoa! Oh! 518 00:20:48,581 --> 00:20:50,164 - Jesus Christ! - God! 519 00:20:50,165 --> 00:20:52,206 Crazy! 520 00:20:52,207 --> 00:20:55,122 It's just perfume. 521 00:20:55,123 --> 00:20:58,414 ...out of nowhere, right in my face, spritzing me. 522 00:20:58,415 --> 00:21:00,747 - They're the worst. - Come on, what is that? What a violation. 523 00:21:00,748 --> 00:21:02,372 You know what, they'll usually go away, though, 524 00:21:02,373 --> 00:21:03,538 if you just wave them away. 525 00:21:03,539 --> 00:21:06,830 - Did you wave her away? - Sort of, yeah. 526 00:21:06,831 --> 00:21:08,872 Here, do you like this color? 527 00:21:08,873 --> 00:21:10,747 - Yeah, yeah, that's good. - Yeah. 528 00:21:10,748 --> 00:21:12,705 - All right, let's try these. - Okay. 529 00:21:12,706 --> 00:21:14,788 By the way, I wanted to let you know 530 00:21:14,789 --> 00:21:18,247 I was very impressed that you said something about the water the other day. 531 00:21:18,248 --> 00:21:20,331 Well, thank you for saying so. 532 00:21:20,332 --> 00:21:22,206 It's hard to, you know, get in front of a group 533 00:21:22,207 --> 00:21:25,039 and... and say what everyone's thinking when it's uncomfortable. 534 00:21:25,040 --> 00:21:26,997 You know, I had no problem. 535 00:21:26,998 --> 00:21:29,705 Now, I got you 32 and 30. 536 00:21:29,706 --> 00:21:31,914 - Okay. - What do you wanna start with? 537 00:21:31,915 --> 00:21:33,914 - Eh, 32. - All right. 538 00:21:33,915 --> 00:21:36,580 - Here's the 32. - These look very nice, yeah. 539 00:21:36,581 --> 00:21:38,456 All right. 540 00:21:38,457 --> 00:21:39,956 Oh, okay. 541 00:22:09,956 --> 00:22:11,747 Yeah, he's in the kitchen. 542 00:22:11,748 --> 00:22:13,623 - Look who's here. - Hey. 543 00:22:15,123 --> 00:22:16,955 Oh, for God's sake. 544 00:22:16,956 --> 00:22:18,289 Look at this. 545 00:22:18,290 --> 00:22:20,289 My lace just broke. 546 00:22:20,290 --> 00:22:23,622 You... and you know what, there's no extra laces in the house. 547 00:22:23,623 --> 00:22:25,580 Do you have extra laces in your house? 548 00:22:25,581 --> 00:22:27,164 No, nobody does. 549 00:22:27,165 --> 00:22:28,997 I don't know why people don't stock up on them. 550 00:22:28,998 --> 00:22:30,830 - They stock up on canned food. - Hey, we got a problem. 551 00:22:30,831 --> 00:22:35,164 Marilyn told me she saw you in Neiman Marcus 552 00:22:35,165 --> 00:22:37,997 - push the spritz girl. - Of course I did. 553 00:22:37,998 --> 00:22:39,830 What do you mean of course you did? 554 00:22:39,831 --> 00:22:41,456 I got attacked and I pushed. 555 00:22:41,457 --> 00:22:42,580 You don't push a spritzer lady! 556 00:22:42,581 --> 00:22:44,247 You're out of your fucking mind! 557 00:22:44,248 --> 00:22:45,705 It's a violation! You don't just go up to people 558 00:22:45,706 --> 00:22:47,456 and spritz them in the face like that. 559 00:22:47,457 --> 00:22:48,580 It's a violation. 560 00:22:48,581 --> 00:22:50,788 We have a very big problem now. 561 00:22:50,789 --> 00:22:53,456 Marilyn is not happy with you. 562 00:22:53,457 --> 00:22:55,164 You know what I gotta do now? 563 00:22:55,165 --> 00:22:56,997 I gotta go through and rewind... 564 00:22:56,998 --> 00:22:59,497 Let's hold on to that thought for a minute, okay? 565 00:22:59,498 --> 00:23:00,538 I think I could fix this. 566 00:23:00,539 --> 00:23:02,080 Will you listen to me, please? 567 00:23:02,081 --> 00:23:03,830 - You wet the end... - I don't care about that. 568 00:23:03,831 --> 00:23:05,289 ...and you just do this. 569 00:23:05,290 --> 00:23:06,872 Marilyn said to me 570 00:23:06,873 --> 00:23:08,497 I have to make a choice. 571 00:23:08,498 --> 00:23:10,830 It's either Larry David or Marilyn. 572 00:23:10,831 --> 00:23:12,039 She gave you an ultimatum? 573 00:23:12,040 --> 00:23:14,497 An ultimatum. 574 00:23:14,498 --> 00:23:16,497 - Who'd you pick? - I took Marilyn. 575 00:23:16,498 --> 00:23:18,331 I would've made the same decision. 576 00:23:18,332 --> 00:23:20,247 Let's face it, at this point in our lives, 577 00:23:20,248 --> 00:23:23,080 it's... it's not so easy to find people to have sex with us. 578 00:23:23,081 --> 00:23:25,414 Hey, vagina always wins. 579 00:23:25,415 --> 00:23:27,331 I lost a brother to a vagina. 580 00:23:27,332 --> 00:23:29,830 He's quite a feminist, isn't he? 581 00:23:29,831 --> 00:23:32,164 Vagina got his ass. 582 00:23:32,165 --> 00:23:33,788 Goodbye. 583 00:23:33,789 --> 00:23:35,997 So, if I run into you, are you gonna talk to me 584 00:23:35,998 --> 00:23:38,289 or is this... this is the last words we're ever gonna exchange? 585 00:23:38,290 --> 00:23:40,372 I can't talk to you anymore. I'm gonna miss you. 586 00:23:40,373 --> 00:23:42,372 So, when I see you at the club dinner tomorrow night, 587 00:23:42,373 --> 00:23:44,788 - no communication there whatsoever? - She said to me, 588 00:23:44,789 --> 00:23:47,122 "If you communicate with him, I'm gone." 589 00:23:47,123 --> 00:23:51,164 Oh, hey, LD, that Sophia Loren. 590 00:23:51,165 --> 00:23:52,705 - Whoo! - You saw her movie? 591 00:23:52,706 --> 00:23:54,872 Mm-hmm. "Marriage Italian Style." 592 00:23:54,873 --> 00:23:56,788 - Three times. - I told you, right? 593 00:23:56,789 --> 00:23:58,955 - Gorgeous. - Gorgeous. Fuckin' beautiful. 594 00:23:58,956 --> 00:24:01,372 Yeah. Oh, jeez. 595 00:24:01,373 --> 00:24:02,497 Ugh, my pants are ready. 596 00:24:02,498 --> 00:24:03,997 Now I gotta go see that Rhonda. 597 00:24:03,998 --> 00:24:06,372 - Something up with that girl. - Mm-hmm. 598 00:24:06,373 --> 00:24:08,538 This woman likes me. Lewis's date. 599 00:24:08,539 --> 00:24:10,622 - How do you know? - Well, she was quite taken 600 00:24:10,623 --> 00:24:12,872 with my water stance the other night 601 00:24:12,873 --> 00:24:15,206 and she wouldn't get out of the dressing room 602 00:24:15,207 --> 00:24:17,247 - when I... when I was changing. - She likes you. 603 00:24:17,248 --> 00:24:20,705 Yeah, and I gotta go back there tomorrow to pick up my pants. 604 00:24:20,706 --> 00:24:23,456 - You gonna hit it? - No, I'm a loyal friend. 605 00:24:23,457 --> 00:24:25,247 When women give me an ultimatum, 606 00:24:25,248 --> 00:24:28,580 "Who are you gonna choose, me or your friend?" 607 00:24:28,581 --> 00:24:30,580 I say, "I'm gonna choose my friend." 608 00:24:30,581 --> 00:24:32,705 - That's it. - Why do you have to do this? 609 00:24:32,706 --> 00:24:34,580 You dumped me. You chose somebody over me. 610 00:24:34,581 --> 00:24:35,914 - I didn't dump anyone. - Okay. 611 00:24:35,915 --> 00:24:37,914 I'm trying to say goodbye and end this. 612 00:24:37,915 --> 00:24:39,206 Okay, goodbye. 613 00:24:39,207 --> 00:24:42,331 See ya. See ya, Leon. 614 00:24:42,332 --> 00:24:44,788 - All right, get out. - Don't keep talking. 615 00:24:44,789 --> 00:24:46,456 - You're standing there. - I'm leaving. 616 00:24:46,457 --> 00:24:48,580 - Okay, well, go. - Okay, I'm gonna leave. 617 00:24:48,581 --> 00:24:51,164 - I'm waiting. - We're not playing last word. 618 00:24:51,165 --> 00:24:53,497 - No. - One, two, three. 619 00:24:53,498 --> 00:24:54,748 - Bye. - Bye. 620 00:24:56,081 --> 00:24:58,331 - One, two, three. - Bye... 621 00:24:58,332 --> 00:25:00,663 - "Ay." - No, don't do that. 622 00:25:00,664 --> 00:25:01,581 Goodbye. 623 00:25:08,123 --> 00:25:09,497 - Hey, Larry. - Hey. 624 00:25:09,498 --> 00:25:10,955 I got your pants. You're all paid for. 625 00:25:10,956 --> 00:25:12,538 Oh, great, great. 626 00:25:12,539 --> 00:25:13,747 All right, now we just try them on. 627 00:25:13,748 --> 00:25:16,080 - Come on. - Oh, um, 628 00:25:16,081 --> 00:25:17,747 I... I don't need to try them on. 629 00:25:17,748 --> 00:25:19,914 - I can just, you know. - Larry, you gotta try them on. 630 00:25:19,915 --> 00:25:21,580 They got shortened. We gotta see if they're... 631 00:25:21,581 --> 00:25:23,497 That's not necessary. I'll just take them. 632 00:25:23,498 --> 00:25:25,331 It's just gonna take a minute. We'll be good. 633 00:25:25,332 --> 00:25:26,830 I actually changed my mind about... I didn't want the pants. 634 00:25:26,831 --> 00:25:28,497 These pants look amazing on you. 635 00:25:28,498 --> 00:25:30,663 - Come on. - It's not really necessary. 636 00:25:30,664 --> 00:25:33,457 - I don't need to try on the pants... - Larry, you're trying on pants. 637 00:25:34,581 --> 00:25:35,748 Right. 638 00:25:38,956 --> 00:25:40,955 I think these lay great. 639 00:25:40,956 --> 00:25:43,497 - Do you like that break on your sneaker? - Yeah. Yeah. 640 00:25:43,498 --> 00:25:45,164 I think that looks good. 641 00:25:45,165 --> 00:25:47,164 I think it's pretty... oh, excuse me, I'm sorry. 642 00:25:47,165 --> 00:25:50,123 We have a new tailor. He does amazing work. 643 00:25:53,498 --> 00:25:55,332 I think that looks pretty good. 644 00:25:56,498 --> 00:25:57,873 Yeah, yeah. 645 00:25:59,831 --> 00:26:01,414 And the hem is right. 646 00:26:01,415 --> 00:26:02,831 I think that looks good. 647 00:26:07,332 --> 00:26:08,538 Oh, my God! 648 00:26:08,539 --> 00:26:09,663 - Oh! - Larry! 649 00:26:09,664 --> 00:26:12,164 - Oh! Oh, I'm... no! - Oh! 650 00:26:12,165 --> 00:26:13,830 No! That's not from you. 651 00:26:13,831 --> 00:26:15,663 That... that's from Sophia Loren. 652 00:26:15,664 --> 00:26:17,622 Why was it in my face? 653 00:26:17,623 --> 00:26:20,247 Because it was an accident! It was an accidental erection. 654 00:26:20,248 --> 00:26:21,580 - What? - It was an accident. 655 00:26:21,581 --> 00:26:23,580 No, an accident is tripping on a step, 656 00:26:23,581 --> 00:26:25,830 and then also the Titanic going down. 657 00:26:25,831 --> 00:26:29,580 Yeah, but just the way the Titanic went down, this thing went up. 658 00:26:29,581 --> 00:26:32,705 It's the same, it's the same thing. They're both accidents. 659 00:26:32,706 --> 00:26:35,122 So, you're saying your penis is like the Titanic? 660 00:26:35,123 --> 00:26:37,788 In a manner of speaking, yes. I think they're, they're comparable. 661 00:26:37,789 --> 00:26:40,206 This is... this is really unprofessional. 662 00:26:40,207 --> 00:26:42,289 - I'm very uncomfortable right now. - Oh, this is unprofessional? 663 00:26:42,290 --> 00:26:44,372 You think I'm comfortable when you're standing in the dressing room 664 00:26:44,373 --> 00:26:45,705 when I'm changing my pants? 665 00:26:45,706 --> 00:26:47,580 It's called a concierge service. 666 00:26:47,581 --> 00:26:49,414 I've never heard of that before in my life. 667 00:26:49,415 --> 00:26:51,414 I'd like you to leave, Larry. 668 00:26:51,415 --> 00:26:52,456 - I'll go, yeah. - Yeah. 669 00:26:52,457 --> 00:26:54,206 Okay. May... may I have my pants? 670 00:26:54,207 --> 00:26:55,207 Here. 671 00:26:57,539 --> 00:27:01,414 You know, I gotta say, the waist is a little big. 672 00:27:01,415 --> 00:27:02,872 Get out. 673 00:27:02,873 --> 00:27:05,872 I'll wear them with a belt. I'll put a belt on. 674 00:27:05,873 --> 00:27:08,414 What's the score? 675 00:27:08,415 --> 00:27:09,998 14-7. 676 00:27:13,498 --> 00:27:16,997 This Dr. Winocur I was telling you about? 677 00:27:16,998 --> 00:27:18,538 So, get a load of this. 678 00:27:18,539 --> 00:27:20,914 "Hi, Mrs. Downing, it's Dr. Winocur. 679 00:27:20,915 --> 00:27:23,331 Even though I had to cut my round of golf short, 680 00:27:23,332 --> 00:27:25,247 I'm glad I saw you the other day. 681 00:27:25,248 --> 00:27:28,247 Be sure to take all the medicine as I prescribed it." 682 00:27:28,248 --> 00:27:32,247 - Another accidental... - Text on purpose. 683 00:27:32,248 --> 00:27:33,872 - Wow. Unbelievable. - Unbelievable. 684 00:27:33,873 --> 00:27:35,164 This is some doctor. 685 00:27:35,165 --> 00:27:36,955 They should take this guy's license away. 686 00:27:36,956 --> 00:27:38,914 He was on a plane, there was an emergency, he didn't help out. 687 00:27:38,915 --> 00:27:42,206 Person fucking choking, having pains in their chest, you get the fuck up. 688 00:27:42,207 --> 00:27:44,914 - You've sworn to a Hippocratic Oath. - Sworn to it. Get the fuck up. 689 00:27:44,915 --> 00:27:46,788 Unless they got diarrhea or some shit like that. 690 00:27:46,789 --> 00:27:50,039 If they announced that, "Hey, we've got a passenger who has diarrhea 691 00:27:50,040 --> 00:27:52,122 and it's uncontrollable and it's all over the fucking place," 692 00:27:52,123 --> 00:27:55,414 I can see the person sitting there and, "Actually, fuck that. 693 00:27:55,415 --> 00:27:57,248 I don't feel like dealing with diarrhea right now." 694 00:28:15,915 --> 00:28:17,914 I think you're gonna have a good time. 695 00:28:17,915 --> 00:28:19,622 I hope so. 696 00:28:19,623 --> 00:28:21,456 I like that outfit you wore. I really do. 697 00:28:21,457 --> 00:28:22,332 There's Larry. 698 00:28:28,207 --> 00:28:30,331 Just go inside. Ignore him. Do not give him attention. 699 00:28:30,332 --> 00:28:33,998 Ignore him? That's a 14-foot-long cock. 700 00:28:38,123 --> 00:28:40,039 - Hey, pervert. - Hey. 701 00:28:40,040 --> 00:28:43,955 So you get an erection in the dressing room with Rhonda. 702 00:28:43,956 --> 00:28:46,538 - How lovely. - No, Leon sent me a video of an old 703 00:28:46,539 --> 00:28:49,164 Sophia Loren movie from the '60s, and that's what caused it. 704 00:28:49,165 --> 00:28:50,497 Rhonda had nothing to do with it. 705 00:28:50,498 --> 00:28:52,247 - Leon sent you a movie... - Yes, yeah. 706 00:28:52,248 --> 00:28:53,747 You know how these things happen. 707 00:28:53,748 --> 00:28:56,080 - They... they just occur. - Oh, they just occur? 708 00:28:56,081 --> 00:29:00,164 Just like you drew a giant cock on the side of your car. 709 00:29:00,165 --> 00:29:01,830 He drew a penis on my car? 710 00:29:01,831 --> 00:29:02,997 - Fuckin' A... - My God! 711 00:29:02,998 --> 00:29:04,497 ...it's 12 feet long. 712 00:29:04,498 --> 00:29:06,456 - This guy's unbelievable. - Who? What guy? 713 00:29:06,457 --> 00:29:08,164 I don't know. I'm having a fight with this guy. 714 00:29:08,165 --> 00:29:10,206 He's drawing stuff on my car, messages. 715 00:29:10,207 --> 00:29:11,997 He's telling me to wash it, and... 716 00:29:11,998 --> 00:29:14,039 Oh, I don't know what you're fucking talking about. 717 00:29:14,040 --> 00:29:15,038 Now he drew a penis... 718 00:29:15,038 --> 00:29:16,538 What, did you co-write "Alice in Wonderland"? 719 00:29:16,539 --> 00:29:18,622 - You're a fucking nutcase. - Oh, you think I'm making that up? 720 00:29:18,623 --> 00:29:20,663 You think I go around drawing penises on my car? 721 00:29:20,664 --> 00:29:23,914 - I'd have to be in Bellevue. - She gave me an ultimatum. 722 00:29:23,915 --> 00:29:25,830 It's either you or her. 723 00:29:25,831 --> 00:29:27,538 Funkhouser's girlfriend did the same thing. 724 00:29:27,539 --> 00:29:29,747 I know. Everybody has heard about it, believe me. 725 00:29:29,748 --> 00:29:31,622 Who'd you choose? 726 00:29:31,623 --> 00:29:33,538 - I chose her. - Huh. 727 00:29:33,539 --> 00:29:38,039 So, listen, just stay away from my girlfriend. 728 00:29:38,040 --> 00:29:39,164 Girlfriend? 729 00:29:39,165 --> 00:29:41,247 Oh, dear. Premature girlfriend. 730 00:29:41,248 --> 00:29:43,289 - Oh, no, I know... no, no, no. - Listen, Richard, 731 00:29:43,290 --> 00:29:45,247 you know what, I think we're just looking for other things right now. 732 00:29:45,248 --> 00:29:48,164 I call everybody girlfriend. It's a thing of mine. 733 00:29:48,165 --> 00:29:50,914 Hi, girlfriend. Girlfriend, hi. 734 00:29:50,915 --> 00:29:53,331 Honey! Honey, come on. 735 00:29:53,332 --> 00:29:55,080 - Please, come on. - Oh, this is nice. 736 00:29:55,081 --> 00:29:57,122 Oh, well, well. 737 00:29:57,123 --> 00:29:58,538 - Look who's here. - Hey, Larry. 738 00:29:58,539 --> 00:30:00,122 - You remember Bebe. - Hi. 739 00:30:00,123 --> 00:30:03,122 - Oh, my, hi. Who could forget Bebe? - Good to see you. 740 00:30:03,123 --> 00:30:04,788 We hit it off at baggage claim. 741 00:30:04,789 --> 00:30:06,663 You hit it off at baggage claim. 742 00:30:06,664 --> 00:30:08,747 - What a beautiful story. - Yeah. 743 00:30:08,748 --> 00:30:12,414 By the way, I got that, uh, "accidental text" you sent me. 744 00:30:12,415 --> 00:30:13,705 I didn't send you a text. 745 00:30:13,706 --> 00:30:15,538 Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think you know you did. 746 00:30:15,539 --> 00:30:17,955 - Oh, I sent one to Laura Downing. - Oh, yeah. 747 00:30:17,956 --> 00:30:19,914 - Larry David. - David. The Ds. 748 00:30:19,915 --> 00:30:22,456 - Yeah, yeah. - They're very close, they... 749 00:30:22,457 --> 00:30:25,164 Yeah, it was an accident, Larry. Trust me, please. 750 00:30:25,165 --> 00:30:27,080 - And, Bebe... - Mm-hmm. 751 00:30:27,081 --> 00:30:30,705 I would be remiss if I didn't inquire about your condition. 752 00:30:30,706 --> 00:30:32,580 You know, every day is a struggle. 753 00:30:32,581 --> 00:30:35,497 - Mmm. - But today, I'm doing good, thank you. 754 00:30:35,498 --> 00:30:36,623 Good to hear. 755 00:30:38,040 --> 00:30:40,622 Are you sure that was an accidental text? 756 00:30:40,623 --> 00:30:42,165 Yeah, I'm sure. 757 00:30:44,040 --> 00:30:46,622 Are you sure you have a bladder condition? 758 00:30:46,623 --> 00:30:48,581 Yeah, I'm sure. 759 00:31:03,831 --> 00:31:05,165 Okay. 760 00:31:06,831 --> 00:31:08,788 - Come on, Bebe. - Yeah. 761 00:31:08,789 --> 00:31:10,747 Welcome, everyone. 762 00:31:10,748 --> 00:31:12,622 Thank you for coming to celebrate 763 00:31:12,623 --> 00:31:14,955 Tip McDougal's 25 years on the links. 764 00:31:14,956 --> 00:31:16,663 We're gonna start in just a couple minutes, 765 00:31:16,664 --> 00:31:18,663 so, uh, you know, have a drink, 766 00:31:18,664 --> 00:31:20,164 relax, make yourself comfortable. 767 00:31:20,165 --> 00:31:21,830 We'll be back in just a couple. 768 00:31:21,831 --> 00:31:23,247 - Hey, everyone. - Hey! 769 00:31:23,248 --> 00:31:25,164 So, what the fuck with the penis on your car? 770 00:31:25,165 --> 00:31:27,331 I don't know. I think somebody on my block drew it. 771 00:31:27,332 --> 00:31:28,663 - Oh, really? - Yeah. 772 00:31:28,664 --> 00:31:30,164 - That is so inappropriate. - Oh, God. 773 00:31:30,165 --> 00:31:31,331 Hi, Richie. 774 00:31:31,332 --> 00:31:32,580 - Hey. - How you doing? 775 00:31:32,581 --> 00:31:35,331 - Where's Rhonda? - She left. 776 00:31:35,332 --> 00:31:38,080 Huh. You did the premature girlfriend. 777 00:31:38,081 --> 00:31:39,414 You can't say "girlfriend" 778 00:31:39,415 --> 00:31:43,206 until you've dated somebody 12, 15 times. 779 00:31:43,207 --> 00:31:45,872 Yeah. Marilyn, am I right? It's gotta be... 780 00:31:45,873 --> 00:31:48,705 Yeah, yeah. Ah. 781 00:31:48,706 --> 00:31:51,998 Hey, Funk Man, would you, uh... would you mind passing the bread this way? 782 00:31:54,248 --> 00:31:56,289 Would you mind asking Marty to pass the bread? 783 00:31:56,290 --> 00:31:58,705 Marty, please pass me the bread. I'm famished. 784 00:31:58,706 --> 00:32:00,206 Marilyn, just for tonight, 785 00:32:00,207 --> 00:32:02,039 would... could you give him an exemption 786 00:32:02,040 --> 00:32:04,788 from the no-talking rule that you've imposed? 787 00:32:04,789 --> 00:32:05,222 No. 788 00:32:05,222 --> 00:32:07,622 Just for tonight so we can all have some fun. 789 00:32:07,623 --> 00:32:08,705 - No. - We're at the same table... 790 00:32:08,706 --> 00:32:10,373 Exemption denied. 791 00:32:11,998 --> 00:32:13,332 Okay. 792 00:32:15,539 --> 00:32:17,289 Hey, this is fun, huh? 793 00:32:17,290 --> 00:32:18,788 I'm having the time of my life. 794 00:32:18,789 --> 00:32:20,289 This is really a blast. 795 00:32:20,290 --> 00:32:21,872 Too bad we're gonna have to leave early. 796 00:32:21,873 --> 00:32:23,788 I gotta pack. San Francisco. 797 00:32:23,789 --> 00:32:26,580 And Jeff's driving me to the airport, you know. 798 00:32:26,581 --> 00:32:30,788 Think I was gonna buy that bullshit accidental text? 799 00:32:30,789 --> 00:32:33,289 "Oh, I love my wife so much 800 00:32:33,290 --> 00:32:35,206 and... and I'll miss the football game." 801 00:32:35,207 --> 00:32:38,705 You think I bought that "accidental text on purpose"? 802 00:32:38,706 --> 00:32:41,830 What... what is an accidental text on purpose? 803 00:32:41,831 --> 00:32:43,414 You send somebody a text, 804 00:32:43,415 --> 00:32:45,747 pretending it to be to somebody else 805 00:32:45,748 --> 00:32:49,080 so they think they're reading a private text. 806 00:32:49,081 --> 00:32:50,414 But, really, what they're trying to do 807 00:32:50,415 --> 00:32:52,080 is give you the information 808 00:32:52,081 --> 00:32:53,872 that they want to manipulate you with. 809 00:32:53,873 --> 00:32:55,748 - It's bullshit. - Huh. 810 00:32:57,998 --> 00:33:01,914 Did you send me an accidental text on purpose? 811 00:33:01,915 --> 00:33:03,414 Oh... 812 00:33:03,415 --> 00:33:06,581 You did. That was a bullshit text. 813 00:33:06,781 --> 00:33:08,080 I... I don't remember that. 814 00:33:08,081 --> 00:33:09,830 Do you like my water? 815 00:33:09,831 --> 00:33:12,622 I... you know, I really don't... I don't remember doing that. 816 00:33:12,623 --> 00:33:14,789 Do you like my water? 817 00:33:18,664 --> 00:33:21,914 I can't stand your water. 818 00:33:21,915 --> 00:33:24,705 I can't... I don't even know what to say. 819 00:33:24,706 --> 00:33:28,206 It's like I took a straw and put it in a frog's ass. 820 00:33:28,207 --> 00:33:29,788 It makes me sick! 821 00:33:29,789 --> 00:33:31,997 I wanna barf every time I get near it. 822 00:33:31,998 --> 00:33:35,456 I can't stand the smell, I can't stand the color, 823 00:33:35,457 --> 00:33:37,997 and I cannot stand the taste. 824 00:33:37,998 --> 00:33:40,290 I can't take it anymore! 825 00:33:41,706 --> 00:33:44,457 You know what, talk to him all you want. 826 00:33:46,873 --> 00:33:48,830 Wow, you're the only guy at this table 827 00:33:48,831 --> 00:33:50,332 that could hold on to a woman. 828 00:33:52,207 --> 00:33:55,705 Thank you, everyone, for coming tonight 829 00:33:55,706 --> 00:33:59,164 to honor Tip McDougal and his lovely wife, Nancy. 830 00:33:59,165 --> 00:34:03,164 We're losing a beloved member of the Ocean View family. 831 00:34:03,165 --> 00:34:06,497 - Aw. - Tip, we'll miss you. 832 00:34:06,498 --> 00:34:10,247 But in retirement, maybe Tip will finally be able to play some golf. 833 00:34:10,248 --> 00:34:13,456 We had so many great times with Tip 834 00:34:13,457 --> 00:34:15,872 and some rough ones, too. 835 00:34:15,873 --> 00:34:17,998 But he was mostly on the fairway. 836 00:34:19,998 --> 00:34:22,788 I remember one time on the 18th hole, he had knocked... 837 00:34:22,789 --> 00:34:26,456 Larry, I hate to even bother you with this, but I'm on in two minutes. 838 00:34:26,457 --> 00:34:30,164 This guy just took my joke. Can you help me out? 839 00:34:30,165 --> 00:34:32,456 What are you talking about? This is a comedy emergency. 840 00:34:32,457 --> 00:34:35,456 - I'm off duty. - Why won't you help me? 841 00:34:35,457 --> 00:34:37,538 You didn't heed the call on the plane. 842 00:34:37,539 --> 00:34:39,289 You welched on a $200 bet. 843 00:34:39,290 --> 00:34:41,331 You sent me an accidental text on purpose. 844 00:34:41,332 --> 00:34:43,830 I invented the accidental text, okay? 845 00:34:43,831 --> 00:34:46,207 Yeah, go back to your table. Get out. Go back. 846 00:34:48,706 --> 00:34:50,039 And, you... 847 00:34:50,040 --> 00:34:51,372 You've been drinking water all night, 848 00:34:51,373 --> 00:34:52,788 haven't made one trip to the bathroom. 849 00:34:52,789 --> 00:34:54,331 Not one trip. I've been clocking you. 850 00:34:54,332 --> 00:34:56,914 Sir. Sir! I have a condition. 851 00:34:56,915 --> 00:34:58,872 Yeah, you have a condition, all right. 852 00:34:58,873 --> 00:35:01,372 You're a psychopath who uses a weak bladder to take advantage of people. 853 00:35:01,373 --> 00:35:04,497 But first, the funniest doc on the links, 854 00:35:04,498 --> 00:35:08,040 Dr. Nathan Winocur. 855 00:35:09,332 --> 00:35:11,289 Come on up here. 856 00:35:11,290 --> 00:35:12,706 You're gonna love this guy. 857 00:35:29,539 --> 00:35:30,456 Larry. 858 00:35:30,457 --> 00:35:33,331 Hey. It's Dave. 859 00:35:33,332 --> 00:35:35,331 - Oh! Hey. - Three houses down. 860 00:35:35,332 --> 00:35:36,914 - How are you? - Yeah, yeah, good, good. 861 00:35:36,915 --> 00:35:38,663 It's really good to see you here, Larry. 862 00:35:38,664 --> 00:35:40,122 Yeah, good... good to see you. 863 00:35:40,123 --> 00:35:42,580 Yeah. I love the car wash. 864 00:35:42,581 --> 00:35:44,538 - Oh, my God, yeah. - Right? 865 00:35:44,539 --> 00:35:47,247 It's just endlessly fascinating, you know? 866 00:35:47,248 --> 00:35:48,914 It comes down on a conveyer, 867 00:35:48,915 --> 00:35:50,914 the brushes, the water. 868 00:35:50,915 --> 00:35:52,705 - You feel like you wanna go through it. - That's right. 869 00:35:52,706 --> 00:35:54,289 - You know? - That's exactly right. 870 00:35:54,290 --> 00:35:57,914 I look at a dirty car, Larry, and I feel sorry for it. 871 00:35:57,915 --> 00:36:00,080 It's almost like it's screaming out, 872 00:36:00,081 --> 00:36:01,748 "Wash me! 873 00:36:03,081 --> 00:36:05,039 Wash me." 874 00:36:05,040 --> 00:36:07,123 - Good to see you, Larry. - Yeah.