1 00:00:05,773 --> 00:00:08,008 ( Theme music playing ) 2 00:00:16,217 --> 00:00:18,119 ( Knocking at door ) 3 00:00:19,019 --> 00:00:21,322 - Hi. - Good evening. 4 00:00:21,422 --> 00:00:23,924 ( Laughs ) 5 00:00:24,024 --> 00:00:26,060 - I'm running a little late. - Okay. 6 00:00:26,160 --> 00:00:27,395 I need five minutes. 7 00:00:27,495 --> 00:00:29,530 Man on TV: Welcome, designers! 8 00:00:29,630 --> 00:00:32,933 You've heard the expression "she'd even look great in a potato sack"? 9 00:00:33,033 --> 00:00:35,703 Well, you're going to prove that point with this challenge. 10 00:00:35,803 --> 00:00:40,508 You will be creating a party-worthy look out of burlap... 11 00:00:44,845 --> 00:00:45,946 - Oh. - Hi. 12 00:00:46,046 --> 00:00:48,649 - Hi. - My name is Greg. 13 00:00:48,749 --> 00:00:49,883 - Is it? - Yes. 14 00:00:49,983 --> 00:00:51,652 - My name is Larry. - Hi. 15 00:00:51,752 --> 00:00:53,020 A great pleasure to meet you. 16 00:00:53,121 --> 00:00:55,389 - Oh, thank you. - You're very welcome. 17 00:00:55,489 --> 00:00:58,426 - So what are you drawing? - Oh, I'm just doodling. 18 00:00:58,526 --> 00:01:01,262 That's a Hitler mustache. That's Hitler hair. 19 00:01:01,362 --> 00:01:04,365 - What's a Hitler? - Hitler was a bad man. 20 00:01:04,465 --> 00:01:06,834 - A bad man? - A very bad man. 21 00:01:06,934 --> 00:01:08,669 - Oh my god. - Yes, he started a war. 22 00:01:08,769 --> 00:01:12,173 He didn't... he didn't really care for Jews. 23 00:01:12,273 --> 00:01:14,108 He thought they were a bit much. 24 00:01:14,208 --> 00:01:16,810 ( Scoffs ) I would kick his butt. 25 00:01:16,910 --> 00:01:18,412 - Would you? - Yes. 26 00:01:18,512 --> 00:01:20,714 Good for you. What... what are you watching in there? 27 00:01:20,814 --> 00:01:22,983 "Project runway." 28 00:01:23,083 --> 00:01:25,018 - Good show. - And what do you like about it? 29 00:01:25,119 --> 00:01:27,821 The fashion! 30 00:01:27,921 --> 00:01:30,023 It's like the best show ever. 31 00:01:30,124 --> 00:01:32,926 - You like fashion? - Yes, I do. 32 00:01:33,026 --> 00:01:35,229 Hmm. 33 00:01:35,329 --> 00:01:37,265 Ooh, what's that right there? 34 00:01:37,365 --> 00:01:40,134 Oh, that's called a swastika. 35 00:01:40,234 --> 00:01:42,470 I like how the lines just go straight 36 00:01:42,570 --> 00:01:44,205 and then up and then down 37 00:01:44,305 --> 00:01:46,140 and then straight and then up and then down. 38 00:01:46,240 --> 00:01:47,875 It's beautiful. 39 00:01:47,975 --> 00:01:51,912 My birthday's coming up in a week, so can you get me one? 40 00:01:52,012 --> 00:01:54,215 - A swastika? - Yeah. 41 00:01:54,315 --> 00:01:56,293 Uh, I... I don't know, Greg. I'll have to think about that. 42 00:01:56,317 --> 00:01:58,051 They should start selling them 43 00:01:58,152 --> 00:02:00,188 in every gift shop in New York City. 44 00:02:00,288 --> 00:02:01,955 I don't think Jews would like that. 45 00:02:02,055 --> 00:02:04,592 Get a life, Jews! 46 00:02:04,692 --> 00:02:07,495 Hmm. Yeah. 47 00:02:07,595 --> 00:02:08,796 Okay. 48 00:02:08,896 --> 00:02:11,131 Uh, is your mom ready? 49 00:02:11,232 --> 00:02:12,712 Okay, sweetie, Nana's waiting for you. 50 00:02:12,766 --> 00:02:15,102 - She's gonna give you a bath, okay? - Okay. 51 00:02:15,203 --> 00:02:17,938 Okay. - Take good care of her. Bye. 52 00:02:18,038 --> 00:02:19,373 ( Laughs ) thanks. 53 00:02:19,473 --> 00:02:21,074 He's something else, isn't he? 54 00:02:21,175 --> 00:02:23,277 - That's an understatement. - Aw. 55 00:02:23,377 --> 00:02:25,045 - So, are you ready? - Ready. 56 00:02:25,145 --> 00:02:27,348 So susie tells me you're quite a piano player. 57 00:02:27,448 --> 00:02:29,417 Oh. Eh, I don't know. 58 00:02:29,517 --> 00:02:31,685 It's background, so don't get your hopes up too high. 59 00:02:31,785 --> 00:02:34,345 - What do you mean it's just in the background? - No, you'll see. 60 00:02:34,388 --> 00:02:36,790 ( Piano music playing ) 61 00:02:36,890 --> 00:02:39,860 ( Loud chatter ) 62 00:02:44,265 --> 00:02:46,534 Hey. Shh! Come on. 63 00:02:46,634 --> 00:02:49,570 A pianist is playing up there. 64 00:02:49,670 --> 00:02:52,440 She's playing. 65 00:02:52,540 --> 00:02:54,875 - ( Chatter continues ) - Larry: Hey, shh! Quiet. 66 00:02:54,975 --> 00:02:58,279 So rude. Unbelievable. 67 00:03:02,416 --> 00:03:05,219 How are you doing? My assistant called. Table for three. 68 00:03:07,054 --> 00:03:09,723 - Hey, it's Larry. I'm gonna go say hi. - Man: Okay. 69 00:03:09,823 --> 00:03:12,626 - What's up? - Larry: Hey. Hey, Mike. 70 00:03:12,726 --> 00:03:14,662 - I hear we're neighbors now. - Yeah. 71 00:03:14,762 --> 00:03:16,722 You live downstairs. You got the place downstairs. 72 00:03:16,797 --> 00:03:18,408 Yeah yeah, shh. Try and keep it down. She's... 73 00:03:18,432 --> 00:03:20,934 - Sorry? - She's playing. Shh. 74 00:03:21,034 --> 00:03:23,404 But she's... It's background music. 75 00:03:23,504 --> 00:03:25,504 Yeah, I know, but still, just try and keep it down. 76 00:03:25,573 --> 00:03:28,008 - Wait, you know her? - I'm dating her. 77 00:03:28,108 --> 00:03:30,177 - Oh, you're dating her? - Yes. Shh! 78 00:03:30,278 --> 00:03:32,713 It's not carnegie hall. It's just a bar. 79 00:03:32,813 --> 00:03:35,683 - I know, but it's rude to talk, that's all. - Okay, all right. 80 00:03:35,783 --> 00:03:38,252 - Well, see you around the building. - I'll talk to you later. 81 00:03:38,352 --> 00:03:39,987 See ya later. 82 00:03:40,087 --> 00:03:41,822 What were you saying about the frog? 83 00:03:41,922 --> 00:03:45,393 There was an inflatable frog that came out of a French restaurant in Vegas. 84 00:03:46,927 --> 00:03:48,807 You're getting one of those foofy drinks, right? 85 00:03:48,896 --> 00:03:50,764 No, I'm gonna go with straight Tequila. 86 00:03:50,864 --> 00:03:53,967 Hey, fox. Fox! Fox! 87 00:03:54,902 --> 00:03:56,537 Shh! Come on. 88 00:03:56,637 --> 00:04:00,274 - She's playing. - Yeah. 89 00:04:01,041 --> 00:04:03,911 ( Piano flourish ) 90 00:04:05,245 --> 00:04:08,849 ( Scattered applause ) 91 00:04:08,949 --> 00:04:10,984 Larry: Yeah, clap. 92 00:04:13,020 --> 00:04:14,988 I don't know how you do it. I really don't. 93 00:04:15,088 --> 00:04:17,024 It's atmosphere. It's a nice setting. 94 00:04:17,124 --> 00:04:20,661 - I'm really glad you're here. - I found it really annoying. 95 00:04:20,761 --> 00:04:24,031 - Hey, you got to know Greg a little bit. - Yeah, I did. 96 00:04:24,131 --> 00:04:26,700 He's quite a... Quite a young man. 97 00:04:26,800 --> 00:04:29,803 He's really like one of my favorite people in the world, obviously. 98 00:04:29,903 --> 00:04:34,207 Yeah. Well, I mean it must be very... 99 00:04:34,308 --> 00:04:37,311 You know, challenging to have a son like that. 100 00:04:37,411 --> 00:04:39,022 You know, I signed up for single motherhood. 101 00:04:39,046 --> 00:04:42,716 It's not like a big... to me that's part of the deal, you know. 102 00:04:42,816 --> 00:04:44,485 No, but I mean, 103 00:04:44,585 --> 00:04:47,355 you know, his being so... 104 00:04:47,455 --> 00:04:48,856 Flamboyant. 105 00:04:48,956 --> 00:04:53,361 I think the fact that he can sort of sell a song and... 106 00:04:53,461 --> 00:04:55,829 I don't know where he gets it. There's nobody like him. 107 00:04:55,929 --> 00:04:58,699 It makes him really special and unique and different. 108 00:04:58,799 --> 00:05:00,200 Okay. 109 00:05:00,300 --> 00:05:02,436 His birthday's next week. 110 00:05:02,536 --> 00:05:04,171 We're probably gonna have a party. 111 00:05:04,271 --> 00:05:06,282 You're welcome to come. Probably just like a little family thing. 112 00:05:06,306 --> 00:05:08,609 - No, I don't wanna go. - Oh. 113 00:05:08,709 --> 00:05:12,480 A kid's birthday party... Nah, I'm not that guy. 114 00:05:12,580 --> 00:05:14,214 I guess it'd be kind of boring. 115 00:05:14,314 --> 00:05:15,749 - Hey, you know what? - What? 116 00:05:15,849 --> 00:05:17,494 I'll buy him a birthday gift. How about that? 117 00:05:17,518 --> 00:05:19,753 Larry, that would be so great. 118 00:05:19,853 --> 00:05:22,523 - If it helps with the sex, of course. - It will help with the sex. 119 00:05:22,623 --> 00:05:25,125 Then I get him a present. What's the debate? 120 00:05:25,225 --> 00:05:27,027 Yeah, there's no debate whatsoever. 121 00:05:27,127 --> 00:05:28,662 Of course, what do you... 122 00:05:28,762 --> 00:05:30,664 What do you get a kid like that? 123 00:05:30,764 --> 00:05:33,166 He loves everything. You met him. 124 00:05:33,266 --> 00:05:34,702 Can't get him a baseball. 125 00:05:34,802 --> 00:05:36,303 Sure you can. Don't worry about it. 126 00:05:36,404 --> 00:05:38,338 - Can't get him a football. - Why not? 127 00:05:38,439 --> 00:05:41,742 Anything... it can be anything. Just get him whatever. 128 00:05:51,885 --> 00:05:53,987 - Did you see that? - It was Michael j. Fox. 129 00:05:54,087 --> 00:05:57,357 Yes. See that kind of head shake he just gave me? 130 00:05:57,458 --> 00:05:59,660 He's upset because I shushed him earlier. 131 00:05:59,760 --> 00:06:01,529 You know he has a condition. 132 00:06:01,629 --> 00:06:03,831 - He shakes. - Yeah, you're right. 133 00:06:03,931 --> 00:06:05,733 Maybe it was a Parkinson's shake. 134 00:06:05,833 --> 00:06:07,768 It could have been a Parkinson's shake. 135 00:06:07,868 --> 00:06:09,737 So... 136 00:06:09,837 --> 00:06:13,173 Was it pissed or Parkinson's? I don't know. 137 00:06:13,273 --> 00:06:15,819 I don't think that it's the kind of question that you can ask him. 138 00:06:15,843 --> 00:06:17,478 No. He lives right upstairs from me. 139 00:06:17,578 --> 00:06:19,379 - This could get awkward. - Oh. 140 00:06:19,480 --> 00:06:21,682 Maybe just say "I'm sorry I shushed you." 141 00:06:21,782 --> 00:06:25,953 Yeah, okay. Good idea. 142 00:06:26,053 --> 00:06:28,055 ( Elevator dings ) 143 00:06:44,805 --> 00:06:46,974 ( Scoffs ) 144 00:06:48,108 --> 00:06:50,377 - I'm sorry? - No no. 145 00:06:50,478 --> 00:06:52,412 It's just, you know, you hit two floors 146 00:06:52,513 --> 00:06:54,582 and I'm in a little bit of a rush, that's all. 147 00:06:54,682 --> 00:06:57,485 What a terrible inconvenience. My god, I'm so sorry. 148 00:06:57,585 --> 00:07:01,288 Well, as a matter of fact it is a little bit of an inconvenience, yes. 149 00:07:01,388 --> 00:07:03,667 You don't know where I'm going. I'm in a little bit of a rush. 150 00:07:03,691 --> 00:07:05,835 I didn't mean to waste 12 seconds of your precious time. 151 00:07:05,859 --> 00:07:07,737 - It's not really about the 12 seconds, is it? - What is it? 152 00:07:07,761 --> 00:07:09,272 It's about the fact that you hit two buttons. 153 00:07:09,296 --> 00:07:11,140 Who doesn't know what floor they're getting off on? 154 00:07:11,164 --> 00:07:12,900 I decided to go someplace else. 155 00:07:13,000 --> 00:07:15,469 I realize that that's illegal in your little world, isn't it? 156 00:07:15,569 --> 00:07:17,213 When you realized you'd hit the wrong floor, 157 00:07:17,237 --> 00:07:19,573 - you just get off on 31, go up to 32. - Oh really? 158 00:07:19,673 --> 00:07:21,642 - Take the stairs. - Suppose I wanted to go to 40. 159 00:07:21,742 --> 00:07:23,711 You mean because it's one flight now... 160 00:07:23,811 --> 00:07:26,880 - you wanna go to 40 as well? - No, I'm saying what if I did wanna go to 40? 161 00:07:26,980 --> 00:07:28,782 Why don't you go to 40? There you go. 162 00:07:28,882 --> 00:07:31,585 Now you're going to 40 as well. You wanna go to 33, 34? 163 00:07:31,685 --> 00:07:34,488 - How about that, huh? - I think I wanna go to 36 too. 164 00:07:34,588 --> 00:07:36,089 All right. I changed my mind. 165 00:07:36,189 --> 00:07:38,425 - I think I'm gonna go to 36 and 37. - Good good. 166 00:07:38,526 --> 00:07:41,037 - You know what? I changed my mind again. - I think I'll go to 39. 167 00:07:41,061 --> 00:07:43,430 - Why don't I go to 43? - I'll go to 40. I'll go to 42. 168 00:07:43,531 --> 00:07:45,699 - Oh my goodness, look. - There you go. 169 00:07:45,799 --> 00:07:47,668 Terrific! Now we're going to every floor. 170 00:07:47,768 --> 00:07:49,537 Yeah, enjoy that ride up to 44. 171 00:07:49,637 --> 00:07:51,839 31... I think I'll get out here and take the stairs. 172 00:07:51,939 --> 00:07:53,841 - Yeah. - Enjoy your ride. 173 00:07:53,941 --> 00:07:55,876 Enjoy the walk! 174 00:07:58,546 --> 00:08:00,548 Larry: Anyway, I just wanted to tell you 175 00:08:00,648 --> 00:08:02,950 that I hope you weren't upset about the shushing, 176 00:08:03,050 --> 00:08:04,718 because a lot of people think... 177 00:08:04,818 --> 00:08:06,730 I'm not gonna lie to you... Nobody likes to be shushed. 178 00:08:06,754 --> 00:08:08,221 Yeah, nobody likes to be shushed. 179 00:08:08,321 --> 00:08:11,424 - My kids... I don't shush my kids. - Exactly exactly, yeah. 180 00:08:11,525 --> 00:08:13,561 Because I did notice before you left 181 00:08:13,661 --> 00:08:15,829 you were looking at me and you kind of, 182 00:08:15,929 --> 00:08:18,465 you know, shook your head. 183 00:08:18,566 --> 00:08:19,967 Uh, yeah, my head shakes, Larry. 184 00:08:20,067 --> 00:08:22,903 I have Parkinson's. I... I'm a head-shaking fool. 185 00:08:23,003 --> 00:08:25,773 - I always shake. - So you're saying it was a Parkinson's shake. 186 00:08:25,873 --> 00:08:27,875 Yeah, it wasn't a Larry's shake. 187 00:08:27,975 --> 00:08:29,843 Got it. Okay. 188 00:08:29,943 --> 00:08:31,612 But she was playing background music. 189 00:08:31,712 --> 00:08:35,115 It was not a performance. I mean, per se. 190 00:08:35,215 --> 00:08:36,984 To me it's a little rude. 191 00:08:37,084 --> 00:08:38,986 If I went to see one of your movies 192 00:08:39,086 --> 00:08:41,789 and I was talking, you probably wouldn't like it. 193 00:08:41,889 --> 00:08:44,992 I'd be surprised. Where are you gonna see one of my movies? 194 00:08:45,092 --> 00:08:48,061 It was like 1985 last time I was in a movie. 195 00:08:48,161 --> 00:08:50,063 Okay, if I saw one of your movies in 1985, 196 00:08:50,163 --> 00:08:51,999 you wouldn't like it if I was talking. 197 00:08:52,099 --> 00:08:54,768 This is getting into time travel. This is getting weird. 198 00:08:54,868 --> 00:08:58,572 So just to be clear, you're not upset? 199 00:09:01,441 --> 00:09:03,911 - ( Phone rings ) - let me get that. 200 00:09:04,011 --> 00:09:05,913 I'll be back in two shakes. 201 00:09:10,651 --> 00:09:12,920 ( Sighs ) 202 00:09:21,695 --> 00:09:24,031 What the fuck? Lar, what are you doing? 203 00:09:24,131 --> 00:09:26,667 Oh, I was just drawing a Hitler mustache. 204 00:09:26,767 --> 00:09:29,245 - On my father-in-law. That's my father-in-law. - That's your father-in-law? 205 00:09:29,269 --> 00:09:31,447 Yeah, he's a businessman. He's on "businessweek" magazine. 206 00:09:31,471 --> 00:09:34,307 You're kidding! What the hell is he doing on the cover of a magazine? 207 00:09:34,407 --> 00:09:37,444 - Well, he's the fuehrer now. - Oh my god, I'm sorry. 208 00:09:37,544 --> 00:09:40,213 I just like to see what people look like with Hitler mustaches. 209 00:09:40,313 --> 00:09:42,349 He looks like Hitler. The mystery is solved. 210 00:09:42,449 --> 00:09:44,084 My father-in-law looks like Hitler. 211 00:09:44,184 --> 00:09:46,453 I've gotta get rid of this because he's coming over here. 212 00:09:46,553 --> 00:09:48,421 - And if he sees this... - I'm sorry again. 213 00:09:48,521 --> 00:09:49,857 That's all right. 214 00:09:49,957 --> 00:09:51,759 Can I get you a soda or something, Larry? 215 00:09:51,859 --> 00:09:53,493 Oh sure. That'd be great. 216 00:09:53,593 --> 00:09:55,729 You know, I mean, the thing is 217 00:09:55,829 --> 00:09:59,299 Hitler really ruined that mustache for everybody. 218 00:09:59,399 --> 00:10:01,468 Because it's really... It's an interesting mustache, 219 00:10:01,568 --> 00:10:04,137 and now nobody could wear it, you know. 220 00:10:04,237 --> 00:10:05,605 Oh, thanks. 221 00:10:05,706 --> 00:10:08,375 Oh Jesus Christ! 222 00:10:08,475 --> 00:10:12,045 - What the hell? - You want... 223 00:10:12,145 --> 00:10:14,014 Did you shake that up on purpose? 224 00:10:14,114 --> 00:10:17,184 Parkinson's. 225 00:10:23,090 --> 00:10:24,825 I think the shirt's ruined. 226 00:10:24,925 --> 00:10:27,227 I'm not really surprised, man. He has Parkinson's. 227 00:10:27,327 --> 00:10:29,562 So he's got Parkinson's. Of course it's Parkinson's. 228 00:10:29,663 --> 00:10:31,198 - Yeah. - He was shaking. 229 00:10:31,298 --> 00:10:33,042 He would never do anything like that on purpose. 230 00:10:33,066 --> 00:10:34,968 Michael j. Fox? Never in a million years. 231 00:10:35,068 --> 00:10:37,470 But he shakes, right? He hands you a soda that's shaken. 232 00:10:37,570 --> 00:10:39,072 He can't stop fuckin' shaking. 233 00:10:39,172 --> 00:10:41,017 - So you don't believe me. - I'm just not buying it. 234 00:10:41,041 --> 00:10:43,052 See that fuckin' milk you got in your hand right now? 235 00:10:43,076 --> 00:10:45,288 You hand that man a carton of fuckin' milk... guess what. 236 00:10:45,312 --> 00:10:47,832 - It's gonna be a fuckin' milkshake. - That was not Parkinson's. 237 00:10:47,915 --> 00:10:49,416 Thank god he didn't hand you his dick. 238 00:10:49,516 --> 00:10:51,418 He could've been shaking and shook that dick up, 239 00:10:51,518 --> 00:10:53,799 handed you the dick, and the dick shot sperm in your face. 240 00:10:53,887 --> 00:10:55,388 Yeah, but why would he hand me a dick? 241 00:10:55,488 --> 00:10:57,500 - I mean as an example. - What kind of example is that? 242 00:10:57,524 --> 00:10:59,936 I'm just comparing it to other things you can shake up, right? 243 00:10:59,960 --> 00:11:03,964 - With Parkinson's, right? - You just live in a total dick world, don't you? 244 00:11:04,064 --> 00:11:05,799 - It's a good example. - Right? 245 00:11:05,899 --> 00:11:10,437 ( Loud thumping ) 246 00:11:12,639 --> 00:11:14,775 What's that? 247 00:11:14,875 --> 00:11:17,778 Is that Parkinson's, hmm? 248 00:11:17,878 --> 00:11:20,748 - You think that's Parkinson's? - Shit. Wow. 249 00:11:20,848 --> 00:11:24,484 ( Thumping continues ) 250 00:11:24,584 --> 00:11:26,887 - He's pissed. - He's pissed. 251 00:11:29,790 --> 00:11:31,358 ( Knocking ) 252 00:11:31,458 --> 00:11:35,162 Hi. Oh, look at... hey, Greg! 253 00:11:35,262 --> 00:11:37,230 Larry brought you something for your birthday. 254 00:11:37,330 --> 00:11:40,300 - Greg! - He's gonna be so excited. 255 00:11:40,400 --> 00:11:42,435 Happy birthday! 256 00:11:42,535 --> 00:11:44,204 Hmm. 257 00:11:44,304 --> 00:11:46,439 Oh my god. Let me check. What is it? 258 00:11:46,539 --> 00:11:48,175 - What is it? - What is it? 259 00:11:48,275 --> 00:11:50,643 It's a sewing machine. It's a sewing machine. 260 00:11:50,744 --> 00:11:52,712 ( Screaming ) 261 00:11:52,813 --> 00:11:54,848 It's a sewing machine! 262 00:11:54,948 --> 00:11:57,284 Oh my god, I'm gonna make the "gone with the wind" costume. 263 00:11:57,384 --> 00:11:59,319 "Meet me in St. Louis," "the wizard of oz." 264 00:11:59,419 --> 00:12:01,539 - You're gonna make "the wizard of oz" costume? - Yes! 265 00:12:01,621 --> 00:12:03,423 - Which one? - Dorothy. 266 00:12:03,523 --> 00:12:04,958 I love it, I love it, I love it! 267 00:12:05,058 --> 00:12:07,094 ( Kisses ) thank you, lord. 268 00:12:07,194 --> 00:12:09,196 "Thank you, lord"? Thank you, Larry. 269 00:12:09,296 --> 00:12:11,899 - Thank you, Larry. - You're welcome, Greg. 270 00:12:11,999 --> 00:12:14,935 ( Screams ) Nana, Nana! 271 00:12:17,404 --> 00:12:20,841 - A sewing machine? - Yeah. He loved it. 272 00:12:20,941 --> 00:12:23,276 What, are you trying to turn him gay? 273 00:12:25,946 --> 00:12:29,983 He is a happy, healthy, normal seven-year-old boy. 274 00:12:30,083 --> 00:12:31,785 What is the matter with you? 275 00:12:31,885 --> 00:12:34,922 I think he might be gay. 276 00:12:41,494 --> 00:12:45,632 ( Loud thumping ) 277 00:12:45,732 --> 00:12:48,401 ( Sighs ) 278 00:12:48,501 --> 00:12:50,770 Leon! You up? 279 00:12:50,871 --> 00:12:52,305 Yeah, I'm up. 280 00:12:52,405 --> 00:12:54,117 This dude is out of fucking control right now. 281 00:12:54,141 --> 00:12:55,742 What is going on with him? 282 00:12:55,843 --> 00:12:57,753 All this fuckin' clomping around all fuckin' night? 283 00:12:57,777 --> 00:13:01,114 - I can't fuckin' sleep like this, man. - I know. God! 284 00:13:01,214 --> 00:13:03,116 You'd better hound this dude, man. 285 00:13:03,216 --> 00:13:05,161 You'd better go up there and handle this fuckin' guy. 286 00:13:05,185 --> 00:13:07,763 This shit don't go down in a black neighborhood. You know what I mean? 287 00:13:07,787 --> 00:13:09,356 All right, I'm gonna go up there. 288 00:13:09,456 --> 00:13:10,891 Unless you want to. 289 00:13:10,991 --> 00:13:12,926 If I go up there, I will kill this motherfucker. 290 00:13:13,026 --> 00:13:15,695 Michael j. Fox about to be Michael j. Fucked-up in a minute. 291 00:13:15,795 --> 00:13:17,430 But if you go up there, you and him... 292 00:13:17,530 --> 00:13:19,032 That's a fair fight and shit. 293 00:13:19,132 --> 00:13:21,292 - You know what I'm saying? - How is that a fair fight? 294 00:13:21,368 --> 00:13:23,008 Shaking motherfuckers like that, you know, 295 00:13:23,103 --> 00:13:24,571 little kids and shit, old people, 296 00:13:24,671 --> 00:13:26,615 motherfuckers who can't defend themselves, and you... 297 00:13:26,639 --> 00:13:27,807 That's perfect. 298 00:13:27,908 --> 00:13:29,776 You two face off... That's just even Steven. 299 00:13:29,877 --> 00:13:32,317 - That's not even Steven. - That's even fuckin' Steven, Larry. 300 00:13:32,345 --> 00:13:34,257 You don't think I can get the better of him in a fight? 301 00:13:34,281 --> 00:13:36,641 That shaking shit might come in handy. I don't fuckin' know. 302 00:13:36,716 --> 00:13:38,527 Right? You don't know this motherfucker's skills. 303 00:13:38,551 --> 00:13:39,619 - All right. - Right? 304 00:13:39,719 --> 00:13:40,954 All right, you watch me, okay? 305 00:13:41,054 --> 00:13:42,614 - I wanna see this shit. - You watch me. 306 00:13:42,689 --> 00:13:45,859 This shit don't happen in a black neighborhood. I'm telling you. 307 00:13:47,594 --> 00:13:48,929 ( Knocking ) 308 00:13:51,664 --> 00:13:53,533 - Hey, Larry. - Hey. 309 00:13:53,633 --> 00:13:57,037 Um... 310 00:13:57,137 --> 00:13:59,206 What's going on up here? 311 00:13:59,306 --> 00:14:01,341 Why? What do you mean "what's going on"? 312 00:14:01,441 --> 00:14:04,044 There's a lot of clomping on the floor. 313 00:14:04,144 --> 00:14:06,779 - It's keeping me up. - Oh oh, it's the boots, the boots. 314 00:14:06,880 --> 00:14:08,415 Yeah yeah. My feet cramp. 315 00:14:08,515 --> 00:14:12,052 It's called dystonia and I have to wear stiff shoes 316 00:14:12,152 --> 00:14:13,620 to keep them from cramping. 317 00:14:13,720 --> 00:14:16,189 It's in my book. It's chapter one. You should read it. 318 00:14:16,289 --> 00:14:18,825 At the very least it'll help you get to sleep. 319 00:14:18,926 --> 00:14:21,294 Your feet are cramping? Is this a new thing? 320 00:14:21,394 --> 00:14:24,031 No. This has been going on for about 20 years now, lar. 321 00:14:24,131 --> 00:14:25,641 Oh really? How come I haven't heard the clomping before? 322 00:14:25,665 --> 00:14:27,700 You haven't lived here. You've lived in California. 323 00:14:27,800 --> 00:14:30,079 I've been living here for over a month. I haven't heard any clomping. 324 00:14:30,103 --> 00:14:32,239 - What am I, bullshitting you? - I don't know. 325 00:14:32,339 --> 00:14:34,050 I'll tell you what I think. You wanna know what I think, fox? 326 00:14:34,074 --> 00:14:35,442 - I'm hanging on it. - Are you? 327 00:14:35,542 --> 00:14:37,644 I think you're upset about the shushing. 328 00:14:37,744 --> 00:14:40,523 I think you were pissed off about the Hitler mustache on your father-in-law. 329 00:14:40,547 --> 00:14:42,950 I think you shook up that can of soda on purpose. 330 00:14:43,050 --> 00:14:44,451 And I think you're clomping now 331 00:14:44,551 --> 00:14:47,020 and you've made up some bullshit excuse about your feet, 332 00:14:47,120 --> 00:14:48,956 and it's all under the guise of Parkinson's. 333 00:14:49,056 --> 00:14:51,424 That's what I think. Huh? 334 00:14:51,524 --> 00:14:54,270 I thought I was the sickest guy on this block, but you're the new champ. 335 00:14:54,294 --> 00:14:56,229 I have a sickness in my brain. 336 00:14:56,329 --> 00:14:58,031 You have a sickness in your mind. 337 00:14:58,131 --> 00:15:00,833 - Your mind, it's gone over. - Oh, has it? 338 00:15:00,934 --> 00:15:03,003 It's fascinating if it wasn't so fucking tragic. 339 00:15:03,103 --> 00:15:05,005 Huh. So you deny the whole thing? 340 00:15:05,105 --> 00:15:07,207 It's all Parkinson's, Larry. It's all Parkinson's. 341 00:15:07,307 --> 00:15:09,576 - The head shake at the bar? - Parkinson's. 342 00:15:09,676 --> 00:15:12,245 - The soda? - Parkinson's. 343 00:15:12,345 --> 00:15:15,748 - The clomping? - Parkinson's. 344 00:15:15,848 --> 00:15:17,217 Are you sure? 345 00:15:17,317 --> 00:15:21,154 Yeah, Larry, I'm dead certain. 346 00:15:31,631 --> 00:15:33,600 Okay. 347 00:15:39,372 --> 00:15:41,908 - All right, there you go. - Susie: Hello? 348 00:15:42,009 --> 00:15:43,410 - Hey. - Hey, lar, 349 00:15:43,510 --> 00:15:47,347 - what the hell were you thinking? - What? 350 00:15:47,447 --> 00:15:48,848 You give a seven-year-old kid... 351 00:15:48,948 --> 00:15:51,118 A boy... a sewing machine as a gift? 352 00:15:51,218 --> 00:15:53,286 - Yeah. So what? - Totally inappropriate. 353 00:15:53,386 --> 00:15:55,688 No, not inappropriate. He loved the gift. 354 00:15:55,788 --> 00:15:58,058 He went in that room, figured out in two minutes 355 00:15:58,158 --> 00:15:59,659 how to work that sewing machine. 356 00:15:59,759 --> 00:16:01,894 And he was working on a frilly thing immediately. 357 00:16:01,995 --> 00:16:04,131 I don't like the implication, all right? 358 00:16:04,231 --> 00:16:06,633 - It's not an implication. - He's seven. 359 00:16:06,733 --> 00:16:10,237 Being gay means that you're attracted to the person of the same sex. 360 00:16:10,337 --> 00:16:13,273 He's too young to be attracted to anybody. 361 00:16:13,373 --> 00:16:16,409 He will be gay. He's just... he's pre-gay. 362 00:16:16,509 --> 00:16:18,545 I don't know that you can make that assumption. 363 00:16:18,645 --> 00:16:20,280 I think it was an insult 364 00:16:20,380 --> 00:16:24,484 and I think you'd better get another fucking gift, okay? 365 00:16:26,286 --> 00:16:28,006 Why does she stick her nose into everything? 366 00:16:28,088 --> 00:16:29,989 What, I gotta get the kid another gift now? 367 00:16:30,090 --> 00:16:33,326 - You got to get him another gift. - What am I gonna get him? 368 00:16:33,426 --> 00:16:36,229 - I have nothing to get him. - What about a slinky? 369 00:16:36,329 --> 00:16:38,531 - A slinky's always... - A slinky? 370 00:16:38,631 --> 00:16:41,901 - Eh, that's pretty gay. - Well, you're handling a ball. 371 00:16:42,001 --> 00:16:43,636 - Both: You're handling balls. - Yeah. 372 00:16:43,736 --> 00:16:45,814 So this is the way... - that's what a slinky is, really. 373 00:16:45,838 --> 00:16:48,451 - Both: It's handling balls. - Yes, that's what... my point exactly. 374 00:16:48,475 --> 00:16:51,078 - So it's gay. - I mean, maybe roller skates? 375 00:16:51,178 --> 00:16:53,046 Nah, that's got the ice skating thing. 376 00:16:53,146 --> 00:16:55,048 You don't wanna even touch that. 377 00:16:55,148 --> 00:16:58,318 - A musical instrument. - Oh, that's not bad. 378 00:16:58,418 --> 00:16:59,995 No sexuality involved unless you get him a harp. 379 00:17:00,019 --> 00:17:02,055 You wanna keep away from the flute, I think. 380 00:17:02,155 --> 00:17:04,191 - No flute, no harp. - Okay. 381 00:17:04,291 --> 00:17:06,759 - It's your turn. - Okay. There you go. 382 00:17:06,859 --> 00:17:09,996 You realize that might've been the dumbest move you could have possibly done? 383 00:17:10,097 --> 00:17:11,664 Seriously, I'm not thinking straight. 384 00:17:11,764 --> 00:17:14,834 I'm so... he's keeping me up... Michael j. Fox... every night, 385 00:17:14,934 --> 00:17:16,303 clomping around upstairs. 386 00:17:16,403 --> 00:17:18,105 - Still clomping? - Yes. I can't sleep. 387 00:17:18,205 --> 00:17:20,006 - Michael? - Yeah. 388 00:17:20,107 --> 00:17:21,384 Let me tell you something. That Tracy... 389 00:17:21,408 --> 00:17:23,310 His wife Tracy pollan... She's a Saint. 390 00:17:23,410 --> 00:17:25,078 What a relationship those two have, huh? 391 00:17:25,178 --> 00:17:26,613 I know. You're right. 392 00:17:26,713 --> 00:17:28,848 - Such devotion. It's incredible. - Larry: Yeah. 393 00:17:28,948 --> 00:17:32,051 As a cynic it kind of sickens me, but he'd take a bullet for her. 394 00:17:32,152 --> 00:17:34,121 He would take a bullet for her. 395 00:17:34,221 --> 00:17:36,289 - True love. - Jeff: Yeah. 396 00:17:36,389 --> 00:17:38,225 - How about you, Jeff? - What? 397 00:17:38,325 --> 00:17:40,160 Would you take a bullet for me? 398 00:17:40,260 --> 00:17:41,928 Of course I'd take a bullet for you. 399 00:17:42,028 --> 00:17:44,531 What, are you kidding? Without a doubt. 400 00:17:44,631 --> 00:17:47,534 - You think he would? - He just said he would. 401 00:17:47,634 --> 00:17:50,670 Saying and doing... two different things. I doubt it. 402 00:17:50,770 --> 00:17:53,773 - You know what people say... - Jeff: What? 403 00:17:53,873 --> 00:17:56,309 - When you guys leave a room? - What do they say? 404 00:17:56,409 --> 00:17:58,778 - ( Tisks ) "poor bastard." - Oh jeez. 405 00:17:58,878 --> 00:18:01,581 Susie: You can leave now, Larry. Get the fuck out! 406 00:18:01,681 --> 00:18:03,416 I'm going home. 407 00:18:07,019 --> 00:18:08,821 See you, folks. 408 00:18:08,921 --> 00:18:10,523 - Hey, John! - Hey, Larry. 409 00:18:10,623 --> 00:18:12,335 - How are you doing, man? - Pretty good. How's it going? 410 00:18:12,359 --> 00:18:14,294 Real good. Thanks for the Yankees tickets. 411 00:18:14,394 --> 00:18:15,871 - Anytime, man. - I really appreciate it. 412 00:18:15,895 --> 00:18:17,564 - Anytime. - See you around. 413 00:18:20,967 --> 00:18:22,435 ( Scoffs ) 414 00:18:22,535 --> 00:18:25,572 Was that, uh... Parkinson's? 415 00:18:25,672 --> 00:18:29,742 No, that wasn't Parkinson's. That was just bad timing. 416 00:18:29,842 --> 00:18:30,977 - Bad timing? - Yeah. 417 00:18:31,077 --> 00:18:32,517 Oh okay, so that one wasn't parkin... 418 00:18:32,545 --> 00:18:35,348 By the way, still a lot of clomping I'm hearing. 419 00:18:35,448 --> 00:18:37,729 What's going... - you need to take it up with the board. 420 00:18:37,784 --> 00:18:39,662 - I am gonna take it up with the board. - That's great. 421 00:18:39,686 --> 00:18:42,265 - Let me know how that works out for you. - I will. I can't sleep. 422 00:18:42,289 --> 00:18:44,457 Mr. fox, is there a problem here? 423 00:18:44,557 --> 00:18:47,126 As a matter of fact, there is a bit of a problem. 424 00:18:47,227 --> 00:18:49,229 You need me to call the police? 425 00:18:49,329 --> 00:18:52,165 - No, I think you can handle it. - All right. 426 00:18:52,265 --> 00:18:53,985 Eddie, get Mr. fox a cab, please. Thank you. 427 00:18:54,033 --> 00:18:58,738 - Thank you, Eddie. Thanks, John. - You got it, Mr. fox. 428 00:18:58,838 --> 00:19:01,274 What's the problem? 429 00:19:01,374 --> 00:19:03,276 I'll tell you what the problem is. 430 00:19:03,376 --> 00:19:04,911 He bumped into me on purpose. 431 00:19:05,011 --> 00:19:06,579 - Did you see that? - I did see it. 432 00:19:06,679 --> 00:19:08,657 - He has Parkinson's disease. - I know he has Parkinson's. 433 00:19:08,681 --> 00:19:11,684 He's using it to harass me, okay? I swear to god. 434 00:19:11,784 --> 00:19:14,487 He shook up soda and spilled it all over me. 435 00:19:14,587 --> 00:19:17,056 He's clomping around... - here's the deal. Here's the deal. 436 00:19:17,156 --> 00:19:19,892 You can bump into any tenant you want in this building, all right? 437 00:19:19,992 --> 00:19:21,661 I don't give a shit. 438 00:19:21,761 --> 00:19:25,097 But you don't touch Mr. fox. Do you understand? 439 00:19:25,198 --> 00:19:28,167 You touch him again, me and you got a problem. 440 00:19:28,268 --> 00:19:30,670 Oh, you don't touch Michael j. Fox. 441 00:19:30,770 --> 00:19:33,172 Oh yeah. Let me tell you something, okay? 442 00:19:33,273 --> 00:19:34,817 I'm very sympathetic to the Parkinson's! 443 00:19:34,841 --> 00:19:37,377 But just having Parkinson's doesn't give you carte blanche 444 00:19:37,477 --> 00:19:40,847 to take advantage of the non-Parkinson's! 445 00:19:45,718 --> 00:19:47,587 Larry: Honest to god, I can't sleep. 446 00:19:47,687 --> 00:19:51,090 He's banging on my ceiling with these special shoes. 447 00:19:51,190 --> 00:19:52,959 He's wearing combat boots. 448 00:19:53,059 --> 00:19:54,494 And yesterday he shoved me 449 00:19:54,594 --> 00:19:56,463 when I was coming out of the elevator. 450 00:19:56,563 --> 00:19:58,965 Shoved me. Michael j. Fox 451 00:19:59,065 --> 00:20:01,968 shoved me, okay? 452 00:20:02,068 --> 00:20:04,070 Mr. David, are you aware of the fact 453 00:20:04,170 --> 00:20:06,339 that Michael j. Fox has Parkinson's disease? 454 00:20:06,439 --> 00:20:08,241 Of course I'm aware of the Parkinson's. 455 00:20:08,341 --> 00:20:10,209 Don't you understand what he's doing? 456 00:20:10,310 --> 00:20:11,711 Nobody understands this. 457 00:20:11,811 --> 00:20:15,515 He's using the Parkinson's to do whatever he wants. 458 00:20:15,615 --> 00:20:17,793 You think Mr. Parkinson, the first guy who had Parkinson's... 459 00:20:17,817 --> 00:20:19,686 You think he would like what he's seeing here? 460 00:20:19,786 --> 00:20:23,356 Mr. Parkinson would be appalled if he knew how Mr. fox is behaving. 461 00:20:23,456 --> 00:20:26,459 Mr. David, I'd like to ask you 462 00:20:26,559 --> 00:20:28,395 about the incident in the elevator. 463 00:20:28,495 --> 00:20:30,497 That guy told you about that? 464 00:20:30,597 --> 00:20:33,366 Are you serious? He came to the board... 465 00:20:33,466 --> 00:20:35,511 ( mocking ) "I got in the elevator with Larry David"? 466 00:20:35,535 --> 00:20:37,203 Oh, come on. Give me a break. 467 00:20:37,304 --> 00:20:39,882 Mr. David, you're not allowed to play with the buttons on the elevator. 468 00:20:39,906 --> 00:20:42,309 I didn't play with the buttons. He played with the buttons. 469 00:20:42,409 --> 00:20:44,511 ( Indistinct whispering ) 470 00:20:47,647 --> 00:20:51,884 Mr. David, I'm afraid it's the decision of this board, 471 00:20:51,984 --> 00:20:55,788 in view of the two offenses, that you are on probation. 472 00:20:55,888 --> 00:20:59,826 I think I don't have to explain that a third offense 473 00:20:59,926 --> 00:21:02,595 will mean you will be asked to leave the building. 474 00:21:02,695 --> 00:21:05,432 It's not fair. 475 00:21:05,532 --> 00:21:09,836 Well, perhaps you could make amends to Mr. fox. 476 00:21:09,936 --> 00:21:12,138 He's holding a fundraiser 477 00:21:12,238 --> 00:21:13,873 tomorrow afternoon in our courtyard 478 00:21:13,973 --> 00:21:16,108 and it would be a good thing if you showed up. 479 00:21:16,208 --> 00:21:18,077 And a contribution 480 00:21:18,177 --> 00:21:21,213 to the Parkinson's charity would probably go a long way 481 00:21:21,314 --> 00:21:24,116 towards resolving this. 482 00:21:24,216 --> 00:21:26,586 How much are you thinking? 483 00:21:26,686 --> 00:21:28,688 $10,000. 484 00:21:37,930 --> 00:21:39,499 Hey, look at that. 485 00:21:39,599 --> 00:21:41,868 - Oh, hey. - Hey! 486 00:21:41,968 --> 00:21:43,302 - Huh? - Hi, lar. 487 00:21:43,403 --> 00:21:45,472 - How are you? What... - what is it? 488 00:21:45,572 --> 00:21:47,974 It's another present for Greg. 489 00:21:48,074 --> 00:21:50,910 - Oh! - Very good. 490 00:21:51,010 --> 00:21:53,522 - It's beautifully wrapped. - I heard the voice of the people and, 491 00:21:53,546 --> 00:21:55,214 like any great leader, I responded. 492 00:21:55,314 --> 00:21:56,754 - What did you get? - Very well done. 493 00:21:56,816 --> 00:21:58,427 Well, that's really none of your business. 494 00:21:58,451 --> 00:21:59,795 Susie: How is it none of my business? 495 00:21:59,819 --> 00:22:01,821 I wanna know if you've fucked up again. 496 00:22:01,921 --> 00:22:04,657 I got a good gift and I'd like to surprise him, if you don't mind. 497 00:22:04,757 --> 00:22:06,869 He could be surprised. We don't need to be surprised, okay? 498 00:22:06,893 --> 00:22:08,236 Yeah, I don't wanna be surprised, Larry. 499 00:22:08,260 --> 00:22:11,364 - It's a violin. - Oh. 500 00:22:11,464 --> 00:22:13,633 - That is great. - You like that, huh? 501 00:22:13,733 --> 00:22:15,368 He's been asking to take lessons. 502 00:22:15,468 --> 00:22:18,004 - And she's a musician. - Yeah, so duh. 503 00:22:18,104 --> 00:22:19,572 - Wow. All right. - Yeah. 504 00:22:19,672 --> 00:22:21,240 That sewing machine's gotta go. 505 00:22:21,340 --> 00:22:22,785 Yeah. I'll box it up. I'll give it back to you. 506 00:22:22,809 --> 00:22:25,044 I don't want it. What am I gonna do with it? 507 00:22:25,144 --> 00:22:27,890 - You can take it back. I don't want it in the house. - I'm not taking it back. 508 00:22:27,914 --> 00:22:30,316 - It's your sewing machine. It's not mine. - You know what? 509 00:22:30,417 --> 00:22:32,552 You make such a big megillah over everything. 510 00:22:32,652 --> 00:22:34,052 I'm a megillah? Why am I a megillah? 511 00:22:34,086 --> 00:22:36,122 I have to buy two gifts now and take one back? 512 00:22:36,222 --> 00:22:38,333 - Will you give the kid the fucking violin? - I'll be happy to. 513 00:22:38,357 --> 00:22:40,159 And be gone with you. Asshole. 514 00:22:40,259 --> 00:22:42,629 Greg! Come here, honey. 515 00:22:42,729 --> 00:22:44,130 - Hi, sweetie! - Hey! 516 00:22:44,230 --> 00:22:45,598 Look who's here. It's Larry. 517 00:22:45,698 --> 00:22:48,200 - Heya, Greg. - Oh, I like your bag. 518 00:22:48,300 --> 00:22:50,069 - You do? - Yeah. Where is it from? 519 00:22:50,169 --> 00:22:52,271 - Yeah, it's cool, isn't it... the fringe? - Yeah. 520 00:22:52,371 --> 00:22:54,674 - Guess what. - What? 521 00:22:54,774 --> 00:22:57,043 Larry got you a present to replace the sewing machine. 522 00:22:57,143 --> 00:22:58,478 I love my sewing machine. 523 00:22:58,578 --> 00:23:00,547 - Larry: What? - I love my sewing machine. 524 00:23:00,647 --> 00:23:03,115 Oh, he loves his sewing machine. 525 00:23:03,215 --> 00:23:06,018 - And I made something for you, susie. - You made something for me? 526 00:23:06,118 --> 00:23:08,855 Oh, by the way, he likes the sewing... he wants to keep it. 527 00:23:08,955 --> 00:23:11,323 - He made something for you. - What is that, honey? 528 00:23:11,424 --> 00:23:13,493 - I made you a pillow sham. - A pillow sham? 529 00:23:13,593 --> 00:23:15,462 A pillow sham! He made you a pillow sham. 530 00:23:15,562 --> 00:23:16,682 - Oh my god. - You made that? 531 00:23:16,763 --> 00:23:18,364 - Look at this. - Unbelievable. 532 00:23:18,465 --> 00:23:20,867 - That's really nice stitching. - This kid... 533 00:23:20,967 --> 00:23:23,002 What the...? 534 00:23:23,102 --> 00:23:26,305 What? Where did you learn about this symbol? 535 00:23:26,405 --> 00:23:28,240 Larry taught me how to make a swastika. 536 00:23:28,340 --> 00:23:30,543 He wrote it on a piece of paper. 537 00:23:30,643 --> 00:23:32,154 - He was doodling, like, this evil man... - Greg. 538 00:23:32,178 --> 00:23:33,813 Who hated Jews. 539 00:23:33,913 --> 00:23:36,215 - What was his name again, Larry? - Hitler? 540 00:23:36,315 --> 00:23:37,950 Hitler! Yeah, Hitler. 541 00:23:38,050 --> 00:23:40,028 - Susie: Larry taught you how to make this? - No, I was... 542 00:23:40,052 --> 00:23:42,030 - you taught him how to make a swastika? - I did not. 543 00:23:42,054 --> 00:23:44,423 - What the hell are you thinking? - I was doodling! 544 00:23:44,524 --> 00:23:46,068 - On a pillow sham? - I was just doodling. 545 00:23:46,092 --> 00:23:47,760 You think this is an appropriate symbol 546 00:23:47,860 --> 00:23:50,897 - to be petit pointing on... - Susie, look out! 547 00:23:50,997 --> 00:23:52,364 Ahh! 548 00:23:52,465 --> 00:23:53,465 ( Screams ) 549 00:23:53,533 --> 00:23:55,602 - Jeff! Jeff! - ( Groaning ) 550 00:23:55,702 --> 00:23:58,070 Are you okay? Honey, are you okay? 551 00:23:58,170 --> 00:23:59,872 I took a bullet for you. 552 00:23:59,972 --> 00:24:02,475 Well, it was a bike technically. 553 00:24:06,913 --> 00:24:08,581 Michael: Good afternoon. 554 00:24:08,681 --> 00:24:10,859 I wanna welcome you all here and thank you for your support 555 00:24:10,883 --> 00:24:13,128 of the Michael j. Fox foundation for Parkinson's research. 556 00:24:13,152 --> 00:24:15,555 It's really great to see you. 557 00:24:15,655 --> 00:24:17,423 And a very special thank you 558 00:24:17,524 --> 00:24:20,192 and a very warm welcome to mayor bloomberg... 559 00:24:20,292 --> 00:24:25,832 - Woman: Thank you so much. - Who's with us today, 560 00:24:25,932 --> 00:24:28,167 supporting us as he has since our inception 561 00:24:28,267 --> 00:24:30,803 and throughout our progress toward a cure for Parkinson's. 562 00:24:30,903 --> 00:24:34,674 - Before I go much further... - Ah, hey. 563 00:24:34,774 --> 00:24:36,676 How are you feeling? 564 00:24:36,776 --> 00:24:38,711 - My side is just killing me. - What a shame. 565 00:24:38,811 --> 00:24:41,648 - Oh god, it's terrible. - I think you saved her life. 566 00:24:41,748 --> 00:24:43,650 - She owes me. - Yeah. 567 00:24:43,750 --> 00:24:45,628 Well, I got a doctor's appointment this afternoon. 568 00:24:45,652 --> 00:24:47,319 I'll get the whole thing straightened out. 569 00:24:47,419 --> 00:24:49,889 - So what did you end up getting Greg? - I got him a... 570 00:24:49,989 --> 00:24:52,792 - hey! Shh! - Michael: And we figure we have to tackle road blocks 571 00:24:52,892 --> 00:24:54,903 - that other funders have not addressed. - ( Mouths words ) 572 00:24:54,927 --> 00:24:57,797 But... 573 00:24:57,897 --> 00:24:59,999 Larry, what are you doing? 574 00:25:00,099 --> 00:25:02,168 Why do you have to come here and do that? 575 00:25:02,268 --> 00:25:04,236 Give the violin sign in front of all these people? 576 00:25:04,336 --> 00:25:06,105 He made the violin sign?! 577 00:25:06,205 --> 00:25:10,276 - He was making the violin sign! - ( Crowd grumbling ) 578 00:25:10,376 --> 00:25:13,980 I got a kid a present. It was a present. 579 00:25:14,080 --> 00:25:16,616 The violin sign, Larry. Come on, please. 580 00:25:16,716 --> 00:25:19,285 Wait a second, Mike. Let me handle this. I'm the mayor. 581 00:25:19,385 --> 00:25:20,853 I'm not gonna stand here 582 00:25:20,953 --> 00:25:24,523 and listen to anybody denigrate Michael j. Fox. 583 00:25:24,624 --> 00:25:26,759 He's a great new yorker and a great American. 584 00:25:26,859 --> 00:25:29,796 - Man: Yeah! - I wasn't denigrating... I didn't denigrate! 585 00:25:29,896 --> 00:25:31,363 Larry, let me tell you something. 586 00:25:31,463 --> 00:25:34,433 This guy is trying to put Parkinson's out of business 587 00:25:34,533 --> 00:25:37,136 and I'm here to put you out of this city. 588 00:25:37,236 --> 00:25:39,972 - Get out of town. - What? 589 00:25:40,072 --> 00:25:41,817 - I'm a new yorker! - Get the fuck out of here. 590 00:25:41,841 --> 00:25:45,211 - I'm... I'm... - Get out of here! 591 00:25:45,311 --> 00:25:47,747 ( Crowd shouting ) 592 00:25:50,249 --> 00:25:52,985 I'm a new yorker. You can't do that to me. 593 00:25:53,085 --> 00:25:54,821 I'm a new yorker! 594 00:25:54,921 --> 00:25:56,756 - ( Door closes ) - man: I got your results. 595 00:25:56,856 --> 00:25:58,925 - You're gonna be just fine. - Great. 596 00:25:59,025 --> 00:26:01,493 Now listen, there is a small amount of internal bleeding. 597 00:26:01,594 --> 00:26:02,871 - What? - It's nothing to worry about. 598 00:26:02,895 --> 00:26:04,731 It's small. We're gonna handle it. 599 00:26:04,831 --> 00:26:07,071 - I wanna give you some antibiotics, okay? - Antibiotics. 600 00:26:07,133 --> 00:26:09,568 And considering the area of the injury, 601 00:26:09,669 --> 00:26:12,071 I think the best course is to do some suppositories. 602 00:26:12,171 --> 00:26:16,676 - Suppositories? - They call them bullets. 603 00:26:23,515 --> 00:26:25,685 Oh, hello. 604 00:26:27,687 --> 00:26:30,923 - Larry. - Oh, hey. 605 00:26:31,023 --> 00:26:32,925 You know, I really owe you an apology. 606 00:26:33,025 --> 00:26:35,061 I wasn't mocking you with the violin. 607 00:26:35,161 --> 00:26:37,563 I bought a violin for this little kid. 608 00:26:37,664 --> 00:26:40,075 I couldn't say it out loud because I didn't want to disturb you. 609 00:26:40,099 --> 00:26:42,019 So I was telling Jeff that I bought him a violin. 610 00:26:42,101 --> 00:26:44,771 It's over. Forget about it. It's just a clean slate. 611 00:26:44,871 --> 00:26:46,405 - Let's not dwell on it. - Really? 612 00:26:46,505 --> 00:26:49,108 If there's anything I can do for you, 613 00:26:49,208 --> 00:26:51,043 you just let me know. 614 00:26:51,143 --> 00:26:53,424 It's funny you should say that, because there actually is. 615 00:26:53,512 --> 00:26:56,048 Tracy and I are doing this event for the children's hospital. 616 00:26:56,148 --> 00:26:58,017 Oh. - And we're having this event. 617 00:26:58,117 --> 00:27:00,419 If you wanted to, you could come and spend the day with us 618 00:27:00,519 --> 00:27:03,155 - at the hospital with the kids. - Ah, with the kids. 619 00:27:03,255 --> 00:27:05,391 Yeah, there'll be games and we'll have lunch. 620 00:27:05,491 --> 00:27:07,836 - And there's putt-putt golf and... - putt-putt with sick kids? 621 00:27:07,860 --> 00:27:09,461 Putt-putt with sick kids, yeah. 622 00:27:09,561 --> 00:27:12,464 - It's gonna be great. They love that. - This is nice. 623 00:27:12,564 --> 00:27:16,202 Some of them even wear masks so they don't get infected. 624 00:27:16,302 --> 00:27:20,039 - They're infected? - Precautions... make sure you don't get sick. 625 00:27:20,139 --> 00:27:23,209 You don't get them sick, they don't get you sick. 626 00:27:23,309 --> 00:27:25,611 Boy. Yes, I'd love to. 627 00:27:25,712 --> 00:27:27,032 - I'd love to. - Great, excellent. 628 00:27:27,079 --> 00:27:29,481 - When is it? - This Saturday. 629 00:27:29,581 --> 00:27:32,418 - That's unbelievable. - Can you make it? 630 00:27:32,518 --> 00:27:36,422 - I have to be out of town on Saturday. - Really? 631 00:27:36,522 --> 00:27:38,557 Let me make a couple of phone calls. 632 00:27:38,657 --> 00:27:41,193 Possibly I could... no, I can't. 633 00:27:41,293 --> 00:27:44,530 - They won't let me out of that. - Where are you going? 634 00:27:44,630 --> 00:27:47,199 ( Stammering ) 635 00:27:47,299 --> 00:27:50,302 ( French music playing ) 636 00:27:53,740 --> 00:27:55,141 Ho! Heh-hey. 637 00:27:55,241 --> 00:27:57,877 Yeah. Heh-hey. 638 00:27:57,977 --> 00:28:00,079 So how long are we gonna be in this town? 639 00:28:00,179 --> 00:28:03,015 I told fox two months. What are you eating? 640 00:28:03,115 --> 00:28:05,985 It's a chalupa inside a burrito 641 00:28:06,085 --> 00:28:08,120 - wrapped the fuck up. - You know, you're in Paris. 642 00:28:08,220 --> 00:28:10,857 It's got the best food in the world and you're eating a chalupa? 643 00:28:10,957 --> 00:28:12,158 If I could've put French toast 644 00:28:12,258 --> 00:28:13,692 in this motherfucker, I would, okay? 645 00:28:13,793 --> 00:28:16,062 Look at this. 646 00:28:16,162 --> 00:28:17,696 Huh? Do you believe this? 647 00:28:17,797 --> 00:28:20,466 - I gotta say something to him. - Oh no. 648 00:28:20,566 --> 00:28:23,469 ( Speaking French ) 649 00:28:30,642 --> 00:28:32,812 ( Both arguing in French ) 650 00:28:35,381 --> 00:28:37,917 Asshole. Asshole. 651 00:28:38,017 --> 00:28:40,386 ( Arguing continues ) 652 00:28:42,354 --> 00:28:44,891 ( Theme music playing )