1 00:00:05,806 --> 00:00:08,176 ( Theme music playing ) 2 00:00:14,182 --> 00:00:16,750 - Attendant: Welcome aboard. - Thanks. 3 00:00:19,920 --> 00:00:22,390 I'm here. Excuse me. 4 00:00:23,424 --> 00:00:25,193 Attendant: Welcome aboard. 5 00:00:30,631 --> 00:00:32,500 Pinkberry? 6 00:00:33,867 --> 00:00:35,703 No, thank you. 7 00:00:57,291 --> 00:00:59,493 Are you really pushing my drink back? 8 00:00:59,593 --> 00:01:02,062 Encroachment. 9 00:01:02,163 --> 00:01:03,964 - Encroachment? - Yes, you're encroaching. 10 00:01:04,064 --> 00:01:07,635 Oh. Sorry. 11 00:01:07,735 --> 00:01:08,902 That's a penalty. 12 00:01:09,002 --> 00:01:11,672 Passage or penalty? 13 00:01:14,242 --> 00:01:16,544 Look at this. Look at the size of these laces. 14 00:01:16,644 --> 00:01:19,423 Have you noticed that they're making laces much longer than they used to? 15 00:01:19,447 --> 00:01:23,016 I'm just... I'm actually trying to read something. 16 00:01:23,117 --> 00:01:25,453 Oh, yeah. Sorry. Sorry to disturb you. 17 00:01:25,553 --> 00:01:27,455 Okay. 18 00:01:31,024 --> 00:01:32,860 I could do better than this. 19 00:01:32,960 --> 00:01:36,130 I'll pick it up. 20 00:01:51,779 --> 00:01:53,214 Excuse me. 21 00:01:53,314 --> 00:01:54,914 Do you mind my asking where you're going? 22 00:01:54,982 --> 00:01:56,302 I was going to go to the bathroom. 23 00:01:56,350 --> 00:01:58,186 This bathroom is for coach passengers only. 24 00:01:58,286 --> 00:02:00,154 Really? Who said that? 25 00:02:00,254 --> 00:02:02,723 Um, earlier I tried to use the one up there 26 00:02:02,823 --> 00:02:06,294 and I was told that, you know, coach isn't allowed to use first class. 27 00:02:06,394 --> 00:02:09,497 - We have our different areas. - I am so sorry that they did that. 28 00:02:09,597 --> 00:02:12,233 - That's terrible. - Thank you for understanding. 29 00:02:12,333 --> 00:02:14,668 Well, I understand and I empathize with you 30 00:02:14,768 --> 00:02:16,446 - that you weren't allowed to do that. - Thank you. 31 00:02:16,470 --> 00:02:18,472 But I'm still going to use the bathroom. 32 00:02:18,572 --> 00:02:21,132 - Why would... why? - I didn't stop you from using that bathroom. 33 00:02:21,175 --> 00:02:24,111 Oh, 'cause you're in first class so you get to do whatever you want to do. 34 00:02:24,212 --> 00:02:25,679 - Not at all. - You get on first. 35 00:02:25,779 --> 00:02:27,948 - You get free drinks. You get a hot towel. - No no. 36 00:02:28,048 --> 00:02:31,151 Just 'cause I'm sitting up there you're making a generalization about me. 37 00:02:31,252 --> 00:02:33,654 But I'm not like a first-class person. 38 00:02:33,754 --> 00:02:36,690 - I'm coachy. - It's just that you're not acting coachy. 39 00:02:36,790 --> 00:02:39,203 - I didn't stop you. - You're not acting coachy. You're acting first classy. 40 00:02:39,227 --> 00:02:42,496 - I'm coachy. - No, but you just think you get to walk back here... 41 00:02:42,596 --> 00:02:44,932 - You got it all wrong, okay? - Oh, I'm sure that I do. 42 00:02:45,032 --> 00:02:47,177 You'd be up in first class if someone bought you a ticket. 43 00:02:47,201 --> 00:02:50,438 - Poor misunderstood first class. - Oh, poor little coachy girl. 44 00:02:50,538 --> 00:02:53,140 - I get everything. - She's so jealous 'cause everybody else 45 00:02:53,241 --> 00:02:55,209 is more comfortable than the coachy girl. 46 00:02:55,309 --> 00:02:57,110 I just want to pee somewhere... everywhere. 47 00:02:57,211 --> 00:03:00,648 - I have nothing. - ( Both mock crying ) 48 00:03:03,684 --> 00:03:05,386 Miss. 49 00:03:06,254 --> 00:03:08,889 Miss. 50 00:03:08,989 --> 00:03:10,358 Yes sir, can I help you? 51 00:03:10,458 --> 00:03:12,393 Yeah, I'd like another drink, please. 52 00:03:12,493 --> 00:03:14,204 Um, I actually think you might have had enough. 53 00:03:14,228 --> 00:03:16,764 ( Humming ) 54 00:03:20,968 --> 00:03:22,436 No, I don't want water. 55 00:03:22,536 --> 00:03:24,905 I said scotch with two ice cubes. No water. 56 00:03:25,005 --> 00:03:27,007 - I cannot serve you any more alcohol. - What? 57 00:03:27,107 --> 00:03:29,710 For Christ's sake, I'll get it myself. Where's the drink cart? 58 00:03:29,810 --> 00:03:33,447 ( Humming ) 59 00:03:33,547 --> 00:03:35,683 - Shut up! - Sir, get out of my face and sit. 60 00:03:35,783 --> 00:03:37,661 You get out of my face. Just get the fucking drink. 61 00:03:37,685 --> 00:03:39,487 That is it. I'm going to speak to the captain. 62 00:03:39,587 --> 00:03:41,722 No, I am going to speak to the captain. 63 00:03:41,822 --> 00:03:44,224 Why can't I have another fucking drink? 64 00:03:44,325 --> 00:03:46,126 - ( Passengers gasp ) - ( man shrieking ) 65 00:03:46,226 --> 00:03:49,363 Oh no, I'll stop. Please don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. 66 00:03:49,463 --> 00:03:52,366 Don't hurt me. I'll go back to my seat. 67 00:03:52,466 --> 00:03:55,235 - Please don't hit me. - I... I just... it was... 68 00:03:55,336 --> 00:03:57,605 - Don't hit me anymore. - I didn't really... 69 00:03:57,705 --> 00:04:01,008 Thank you. Sir, that man was abusive and he was drunk. 70 00:04:01,108 --> 00:04:03,944 - Thank you. - ( Applauding ) 71 00:04:06,347 --> 00:04:08,716 Man: Good job. 72 00:04:10,651 --> 00:04:13,821 Trying to help. I was helping out. 73 00:04:13,921 --> 00:04:15,789 Somebody had to help her. 74 00:04:15,889 --> 00:04:17,791 Oh, please. 75 00:04:17,891 --> 00:04:20,494 Oh my... oh. 76 00:04:22,496 --> 00:04:23,897 - Thank you. - Susie: What happened? 77 00:04:23,997 --> 00:04:26,467 - That was you? - That was me. I jumped on him. 78 00:04:26,567 --> 00:04:28,702 - Crazy. What motivated you? - Yeah. 79 00:04:28,802 --> 00:04:32,740 You know, uh, he was abusing the stewardess 80 00:04:32,840 --> 00:04:34,575 and I just did it. 81 00:04:34,675 --> 00:04:36,810 - Look at you. How about that? - So not like you. 82 00:04:36,910 --> 00:04:40,481 - I didn't even think about it really. - God, you're very brave. 83 00:04:40,581 --> 00:04:42,282 Huh. 84 00:04:42,383 --> 00:04:44,284 You are. You're a hero. 85 00:04:44,385 --> 00:04:46,954 That too, I suppose. 86 00:04:47,054 --> 00:04:48,756 I'm Donna, by the way. 87 00:04:48,856 --> 00:04:50,524 Oh hey. Larry. 88 00:04:50,624 --> 00:04:52,860 Larry. 89 00:04:52,960 --> 00:04:55,929 - Thank you. - Pfft. 90 00:05:23,524 --> 00:05:25,793 Larry: What is the deal with these shoelaces now? 91 00:05:25,893 --> 00:05:27,395 They make them so long. 92 00:05:27,495 --> 00:05:30,263 I mean, I'm tripping over these laces five times a day. 93 00:05:30,364 --> 00:05:31,865 But you got a girl out of it. 94 00:05:31,965 --> 00:05:33,667 She thinks I'm a hero. 95 00:05:33,767 --> 00:05:36,103 Only you and I know you weren't an intentional hero. 96 00:05:36,203 --> 00:05:39,616 You don't think there's any way in the world I would have done something about that guy? 97 00:05:39,640 --> 00:05:43,243 Impossible. Ricky gervais is sitting in the booth behind you. 98 00:05:43,343 --> 00:05:45,045 - Oh, really? - Yup. 99 00:05:45,145 --> 00:05:46,580 Can I turn around or is that... 100 00:05:46,680 --> 00:05:48,416 - all right, are we ready? - Yeah. 101 00:05:48,516 --> 00:05:51,585 You know they replaced all the lighting here. 102 00:05:51,685 --> 00:05:54,805 - Oh yeah, it's very nice. - And then really went with what you got over there. 103 00:05:54,855 --> 00:05:57,567 So it's all... and then I keep this going until you've turned around. 104 00:05:57,591 --> 00:05:59,259 - There you go. - Okay, yeah. 105 00:05:59,359 --> 00:06:01,495 He's in town doing a play right next door. 106 00:06:01,595 --> 00:06:04,031 Oh yeah, I heard about that play. What's it called? 107 00:06:04,131 --> 00:06:06,434 Uh, "Mr. higginbotham"? 108 00:06:06,534 --> 00:06:08,602 - "Mister simmington." Yes. - "Mister simmington." 109 00:06:08,702 --> 00:06:11,705 I've been hoping to sign him. I just... I love him. 110 00:06:11,805 --> 00:06:14,274 - He'd be great to have. - Yeah, he's great. You know what? 111 00:06:14,374 --> 00:06:16,720 - I'm gonna buy him a bottle of wine. - Great move. Why not? 112 00:06:16,744 --> 00:06:19,813 Would you like me to get a bottle of wine for Mr. gervais? 113 00:06:21,415 --> 00:06:23,617 - Sure. - How did you... 114 00:06:23,717 --> 00:06:26,119 - okay. Yeah, sure. Please. - Excellent. 115 00:06:26,219 --> 00:06:29,423 - Okay. - I'll take care of that. 116 00:06:29,523 --> 00:06:32,292 See, you've got to be careful with these waiters. 117 00:06:32,392 --> 00:06:35,395 They come over to your table, they eavesdrop. 118 00:06:35,496 --> 00:06:37,006 I think that's why they're always pouring the water. 119 00:06:37,030 --> 00:06:39,066 Yeah. You can't say anything personal. 120 00:06:39,166 --> 00:06:41,886 I think that's one of the perks of the job is picking up the tidbits. 121 00:06:41,969 --> 00:06:43,437 It's a tidbit festival. 122 00:06:43,537 --> 00:06:45,573 - Excuse me. - Yes? 123 00:06:45,673 --> 00:06:47,954 - Did he order the wine? - Yes, he got a very nice bottle. 124 00:06:48,041 --> 00:06:51,612 In fact, it was a $300 bottle. So the best in the house. 125 00:06:53,881 --> 00:06:55,683 Enjoy. 126 00:06:55,783 --> 00:06:59,620 A $300 bottle of wine? Are you serious? 127 00:06:59,720 --> 00:07:02,523 Look. 128 00:07:02,623 --> 00:07:06,093 He looks very happy. 129 00:07:08,662 --> 00:07:11,532 I'm sorry, that's completely inappropriate. 130 00:07:11,632 --> 00:07:13,309 - It is inappropriate. - It's really taking advantage. 131 00:07:13,333 --> 00:07:16,837 I agree with you. But listen, man, I am starving. 132 00:07:16,937 --> 00:07:19,673 My blood sugar is just going down to my feet. 133 00:07:19,773 --> 00:07:22,209 If I don't eat something... I feel, like, faint. 134 00:07:22,309 --> 00:07:24,654 - Our food's sitting up there. - Our food's sitting up there? 135 00:07:24,678 --> 00:07:26,446 - Yeah. - Well, what the fuck? 136 00:07:26,547 --> 00:07:29,316 What is he doing? He's just sitting there schmoozing with them? 137 00:07:29,416 --> 00:07:31,384 Yeah, it's like he found a new best friend. 138 00:07:31,485 --> 00:07:33,420 You know what? How about if I just go get it? 139 00:07:33,521 --> 00:07:35,188 - If you do that you're a hero. - Really? 140 00:07:35,288 --> 00:07:36,466 - You're a hero. - You got it, pal. 141 00:07:36,490 --> 00:07:39,459 All right. Thank you. 142 00:07:42,095 --> 00:07:45,533 - ( Laughing ) - one for you and one for me. 143 00:07:45,633 --> 00:07:49,637 Fantastic. Oh yes. 144 00:07:51,705 --> 00:07:54,508 - Enjoying your meal? - As a matter of fact I am. 145 00:07:54,608 --> 00:07:56,944 Um, where did this food come from? 146 00:07:57,044 --> 00:07:58,879 I brought it here. 147 00:07:58,979 --> 00:08:02,182 You understand I'm the waiter? 148 00:08:02,282 --> 00:08:04,718 Yet we were the ones who were doing the waiting. 149 00:08:04,818 --> 00:08:06,119 So we became the waiters. 150 00:08:06,219 --> 00:08:07,755 This man is a hero. 151 00:08:07,855 --> 00:08:10,190 He just revolutionized the way restaurants work, my friend. 152 00:08:10,290 --> 00:08:12,159 No one's gonna go hungry again. 153 00:08:12,259 --> 00:08:15,228 - Sorry. - Gentlemen. 154 00:08:19,066 --> 00:08:22,202 I just can't believe, quite honestly, 155 00:08:22,302 --> 00:08:25,639 that I haven't heard about what happened on the plane, Larry. 156 00:08:25,739 --> 00:08:28,475 - Honestly, it was nothing. - I think people need to know about it. 157 00:08:28,576 --> 00:08:30,944 I mean, do you remember Sully sullenberger? 158 00:08:31,044 --> 00:08:32,913 - Sully, yeah. - Sully sullenberger. 159 00:08:33,013 --> 00:08:35,282 When he landed that plane in New York City 160 00:08:35,382 --> 00:08:38,919 right there in the water, that was inspiring to people. 161 00:08:39,019 --> 00:08:41,488 That's interesting. I never made the Sully connection before. 162 00:08:41,589 --> 00:08:44,491 I wonder what Sully would have done if he was in my shoes? 163 00:08:44,592 --> 00:08:46,594 Not that I'm comparing myself to Sully. 164 00:08:46,694 --> 00:08:48,428 People should know that you did this. 165 00:08:48,528 --> 00:08:51,331 This is a whole other side of you that people don't know about. 166 00:08:51,431 --> 00:08:54,768 You know about it. That's enough for me. 167 00:08:56,469 --> 00:08:59,539 - Okay. - If you want to call Sully... 168 00:08:59,640 --> 00:09:02,142 - ( Laughs ) - if we can get Sully's number 169 00:09:02,242 --> 00:09:05,913 - you can tell Sully, okay? - You're too modest. 170 00:09:06,013 --> 00:09:09,282 It's funny, you know? I've never really been tested like that before. 171 00:09:09,382 --> 00:09:11,852 - Hmm. - Didn't fight in a war. 172 00:09:11,952 --> 00:09:16,156 Once I went to the seventh game of a world series 173 00:09:16,256 --> 00:09:19,326 and came home on the subway and it was very crowded 174 00:09:19,426 --> 00:09:22,095 and hot and disgusting. 175 00:09:22,195 --> 00:09:24,598 - People were sweating on me. - Hmm. 176 00:09:24,698 --> 00:09:26,800 But I maintained my composure. 177 00:09:26,900 --> 00:09:28,301 I thought that was a good sign. 178 00:09:28,401 --> 00:09:31,605 Thank god you were on the plane. That's all I have to say. 179 00:09:33,674 --> 00:09:35,542 - You could say more. - I could? 180 00:09:35,643 --> 00:09:37,577 - Yeah. - ( laughs ) 181 00:09:41,248 --> 00:09:42,983 Keep the change. 182 00:09:44,351 --> 00:09:46,429 - This is where they live? - They live around the corner. 183 00:09:46,453 --> 00:09:49,322 But I want to stop at the bakery and get some bread. 184 00:09:49,422 --> 00:09:50,624 No wine? 185 00:09:50,724 --> 00:09:53,994 Everybody brings wine. I bring bread. 186 00:09:54,094 --> 00:09:56,029 Oh. 187 00:09:59,900 --> 00:10:03,236 ( Doorbell buzzes ) 188 00:10:03,336 --> 00:10:05,739 - Ah, hello. - Hello. 189 00:10:05,839 --> 00:10:07,975 - Hello, Donna. So good to see you again. - Hi. 190 00:10:08,075 --> 00:10:10,711 - Good to see you too. - The food's gonna be a lot better here 191 00:10:10,811 --> 00:10:12,445 than on the plane, I guarantee. 192 00:10:12,545 --> 00:10:15,182 What is that, lar? 193 00:10:15,282 --> 00:10:17,685 Enjoy. 194 00:10:17,785 --> 00:10:19,787 This is what you bring? 195 00:10:19,887 --> 00:10:21,454 - It's Italian bread. - Yeah. 196 00:10:21,554 --> 00:10:23,323 Yeah, but this doesn't go with my menu. 197 00:10:23,423 --> 00:10:24,758 You don't know what I'm serving. 198 00:10:24,858 --> 00:10:27,527 Don't impose your desires on my whole cuisine. 199 00:10:27,627 --> 00:10:30,964 - It's delicious. - Everyone brings wine or maybe some nuts. 200 00:10:31,064 --> 00:10:33,276 - That's the point. Everybody brings that. - You bring bread. 201 00:10:33,300 --> 00:10:36,569 - If everybody's bringing that... - ah, Ricardo. 202 00:10:36,670 --> 00:10:39,339 - How are you? - I'm so excited that you're here. 203 00:10:39,439 --> 00:10:40,874 Star power. 204 00:10:40,974 --> 00:10:43,677 Star power at my dinner party, huh? 205 00:10:43,777 --> 00:10:45,388 - Thanks so much for coming. - A little gift. 206 00:10:45,412 --> 00:10:47,781 Oh my god. Oh my god, I can't believe this. 207 00:10:47,881 --> 00:10:49,282 - Signed. - Signed. 208 00:10:49,382 --> 00:10:51,819 The funniest show in the history of television. 209 00:10:51,919 --> 00:10:53,620 - It was funny. - I love this show. 210 00:10:53,721 --> 00:10:56,032 I wouldn't call it the funniest show in the history of television. 211 00:10:56,056 --> 00:10:58,125 I would, lar. This show was hilarious. 212 00:10:58,225 --> 00:11:00,303 No doubt about it, funny show. But the history of television? 213 00:11:00,327 --> 00:11:01,862 "Seinfeld," lovely show. 214 00:11:01,962 --> 00:11:03,864 Well, thank you. It was good. There was good. 215 00:11:03,964 --> 00:11:06,466 - Oh no, I love broad comedy. - Yeah. 216 00:11:06,566 --> 00:11:09,036 - I will treasure this, Ricky. - I love the laugh track on it. 217 00:11:09,136 --> 00:11:11,805 - I'm so happy he's here. - It reminds you when to laugh. 218 00:11:11,905 --> 00:11:14,307 - We didn't do one. - It's a very funny show. 219 00:11:14,407 --> 00:11:16,844 It's just odd to just show up with your own DVD. 220 00:11:16,944 --> 00:11:19,212 - Yeah. - Never heard of somebody 221 00:11:19,312 --> 00:11:22,415 who's in something and then showing up with it. 222 00:11:22,515 --> 00:11:25,218 - You've never heard of that? - No, it's an odd thing. 223 00:11:25,318 --> 00:11:27,096 What, do you mean it's odd because you've never heard of it? 224 00:11:27,120 --> 00:11:29,489 - You don't know everything, do you? - Well, no. 225 00:11:29,589 --> 00:11:32,668 I'm sure there's loads of things that go on that you've never heard of that aren't odd. 226 00:11:32,692 --> 00:11:34,561 What's this deal? You got a scarf? 227 00:11:34,661 --> 00:11:37,898 Yeah, I want to keep my throat warm 'cause I'm in a play at the moment. 228 00:11:37,998 --> 00:11:40,734 So I have to project everything. It's not like TV. 229 00:11:40,834 --> 00:11:42,311 - If you don't mind my saying... - Not at all. 230 00:11:42,335 --> 00:11:44,704 It looks slightly affected. 231 00:11:44,805 --> 00:11:46,139 Yeah, I was worried about that. 232 00:11:46,239 --> 00:11:48,641 But one person thinking it's affected, 233 00:11:48,742 --> 00:11:49,910 1,000 people let down... 234 00:11:50,010 --> 00:11:51,478 - I get it. - Yeah. 235 00:11:51,578 --> 00:11:52,946 So what's the name of this play? 236 00:11:53,046 --> 00:11:55,015 - "Mister simmington." - What is it? Is it drama? 237 00:11:55,115 --> 00:11:57,217 - Yeah, very much so. - Really? 238 00:11:57,317 --> 00:12:01,088 It's one man's fear of the outbreak of world war I. 239 00:12:01,188 --> 00:12:03,423 And he's worried about what will happen to britain. 240 00:12:03,523 --> 00:12:06,259 It's a sort of double-edged story 241 00:12:06,359 --> 00:12:08,772 because the parallel is he's fighting his own war, a class war. 242 00:12:08,796 --> 00:12:11,207 - It's not that important. - You should come along and see it tomorrow night. 243 00:12:11,231 --> 00:12:12,732 I'll get you a couple of tickets. 244 00:12:12,833 --> 00:12:15,668 Jeff and susie are coming. So join the party. 245 00:12:15,769 --> 00:12:18,105 Oh, um... 246 00:12:18,205 --> 00:12:20,941 You know what? I'd love to. 247 00:12:21,041 --> 00:12:23,911 Donna is working tomorrow night. She can't come. 248 00:12:24,011 --> 00:12:25,578 But you could still come though. 249 00:12:25,678 --> 00:12:28,448 Come along. You can't talk to her anyway during a play, can you? 250 00:12:28,548 --> 00:12:30,994 So you're not really missing her for that three and a half hours. 251 00:12:31,018 --> 00:12:32,886 - Three and a half? - Yeah. 252 00:12:32,986 --> 00:12:35,722 - Mmm. - Drinks in the interval. 253 00:12:35,823 --> 00:12:37,657 - "Mister simmington" it is. - Excellent. 254 00:12:37,757 --> 00:12:40,227 Tickets will be at the box office. 255 00:12:40,327 --> 00:12:43,063 - Let me ask you a question. - Go on. 256 00:12:43,163 --> 00:12:45,899 Did you enjoy the wine the other day? 257 00:12:45,999 --> 00:12:47,811 Oh, thank you, yes. It was absolutely wonderful. 258 00:12:47,835 --> 00:12:51,404 - I hope so because it cost a lot of money. - It was beautiful. 259 00:12:51,504 --> 00:12:53,316 - So I hope it was good for that price. - It was great. Really great. 260 00:12:53,340 --> 00:12:55,575 You know, it was like a $300 bottle of wine. 261 00:12:55,675 --> 00:12:57,144 Was it? I didn't look at the price. 262 00:12:57,244 --> 00:12:59,046 - You didn't? - No, not when it's a gift. 263 00:12:59,146 --> 00:13:00,857 - That's kind of odd, isn't it? - No, not when it's a gift. 264 00:13:00,881 --> 00:13:02,415 - Really? Does it? - It ruins it. Yeah. 265 00:13:02,515 --> 00:13:04,051 Huh, interesting. 266 00:13:04,151 --> 00:13:06,129 'Cause then you put a monetary value on someone's gesture. 267 00:13:06,153 --> 00:13:09,756 Some people might think that you may have taken a little advantage. 268 00:13:09,857 --> 00:13:11,724 Who? Who? 269 00:13:11,825 --> 00:13:15,095 - Well, I suppose if you took a survey... - why would you ever do that? 270 00:13:15,195 --> 00:13:17,197 - Just to see. Just to get an answer. - Okay. 271 00:13:17,297 --> 00:13:19,299 - And you say to this person... - Yeah. 272 00:13:19,399 --> 00:13:22,836 If somebody offered you a bottle of wine in a restaurant, 273 00:13:22,936 --> 00:13:24,905 how expensive a bottle of wine would you order? 274 00:13:25,005 --> 00:13:27,750 I would think I'd better look at the price. I don't want to take advantage. 275 00:13:27,774 --> 00:13:29,943 Here's my DVD... $30. No, I'd never say it. 276 00:13:30,043 --> 00:13:31,420 This very generous person bought me a bottle of wine, 277 00:13:31,444 --> 00:13:33,313 I don't think I'll take advantage of him. 278 00:13:33,413 --> 00:13:35,815 It doesn't matter. It's a gift, that's how I look at it. 279 00:13:35,916 --> 00:13:37,516 Susie: Okay, everybody, dinner is served. 280 00:13:37,550 --> 00:13:40,888 There's place cards on the table. Find your name. 281 00:13:40,988 --> 00:13:43,148 I've done something a little interesting and different. 282 00:13:43,190 --> 00:13:45,110 - Donna, you're over there next to Ricky. - Okay. 283 00:13:45,158 --> 00:13:47,694 - I've separated the couples. - What? 284 00:13:47,794 --> 00:13:50,306 - I thought it'd be fun. - What are you talking about separating the couples? 285 00:13:50,330 --> 00:13:52,375 - I separated the couples. - Why? What's the point of that? 286 00:13:52,399 --> 00:13:54,343 - Meet new people, mingle. - I don't want to meet new people. 287 00:13:54,367 --> 00:13:56,870 - I don't want to mingle. - Well, you're gonna have to 288 00:13:56,970 --> 00:13:58,906 because you're sitting down there next to Hank. 289 00:13:59,006 --> 00:14:01,750 - I have to sit next to some stranger for three hours? - Just go do it. 290 00:14:01,774 --> 00:14:04,077 - Just go, okay? - This is ridiculous. Ridiculous. 291 00:14:04,177 --> 00:14:07,380 All right, everyone. Bon appã©tit. 292 00:14:07,480 --> 00:14:09,249 - Ricky: Looks amazing. - Susie: Doesn't it? 293 00:14:09,349 --> 00:14:11,351 Thank you. To our first dinner party. 294 00:14:11,451 --> 00:14:13,486 - Cheers. - All: Cheers. 295 00:14:13,586 --> 00:14:15,322 Jeff: First of many. 296 00:14:15,422 --> 00:14:16,933 Susie: We're just here for the summe. We're subletting. 297 00:14:16,957 --> 00:14:19,292 - How's it going? - Hey. 298 00:14:19,392 --> 00:14:21,929 Oh, you're married to the actress, right? 299 00:14:22,029 --> 00:14:24,731 I am. I am the husband of the brit. 300 00:14:24,831 --> 00:14:26,866 - I'm Hank. - Yeah well, hi. Larry. 301 00:14:26,967 --> 00:14:30,003 - Hey, Larry. - I don't know why they had to separate the couples. 302 00:14:30,103 --> 00:14:32,739 I mean, that's ridiculous. You know, totally ridiculous. 303 00:14:32,839 --> 00:14:34,807 ( People laughing ) 304 00:14:34,908 --> 00:14:37,744 Turned out to be a door for good skin so he wasn't a pedophile at all. 305 00:14:37,844 --> 00:14:40,413 - ( Laughing ) - oh my god. 306 00:14:40,513 --> 00:14:43,683 Ricky: That's true. 307 00:14:43,783 --> 00:14:45,953 You know, when I first saw you 308 00:14:46,053 --> 00:14:48,721 I guessed you for a spaniard. 309 00:14:48,821 --> 00:14:51,058 Yeah. 310 00:14:51,158 --> 00:14:53,994 - I'm glad you're not Spanish. - Really? 311 00:14:54,094 --> 00:14:56,363 I'm not a fan of the Spanish. 312 00:14:56,463 --> 00:14:57,764 Why is that? 313 00:14:57,864 --> 00:15:01,768 It's a personal thing. I got picked on a lot by some kids. 314 00:15:01,868 --> 00:15:03,203 By spaniards? 315 00:15:03,303 --> 00:15:06,106 Yeah. Well, they spoke Spanish. 316 00:15:06,206 --> 00:15:08,141 Oh, they're not from Spain? 317 00:15:08,241 --> 00:15:09,676 I don't know where they were from. 318 00:15:09,776 --> 00:15:12,479 - ( Banging ) - oh my god. 319 00:15:12,579 --> 00:15:15,082 - What is that? - I'm sorry, I've shattered your bread. 320 00:15:15,182 --> 00:15:17,684 What is that? It's not my bread. Larry brought it. 321 00:15:17,784 --> 00:15:20,153 - It's hard, huh? - Wow. 322 00:15:20,253 --> 00:15:22,455 - It's supposed to be hard. - Not this hard. 323 00:15:22,555 --> 00:15:24,600 Yes. You know what? You don't know anything about bread. 324 00:15:24,624 --> 00:15:26,893 I know that you're meant to be able to eat it at least. 325 00:15:26,994 --> 00:15:29,162 Right. It's supposed to be toasted, okay? 326 00:15:29,262 --> 00:15:31,331 Toasted with some butter and maybe a little garlic. 327 00:15:31,431 --> 00:15:33,342 You know what? Talk to your friends and neighbors 328 00:15:33,366 --> 00:15:36,403 down at that end of the table. Annoying everybody. 329 00:15:40,507 --> 00:15:43,110 I don't really even know how to write cursive anymore. 330 00:15:49,782 --> 00:15:51,018 So how's your marriage? 331 00:15:51,118 --> 00:15:53,186 What the hell? 332 00:15:53,987 --> 00:15:56,089 Why would you ask me that? 333 00:15:56,189 --> 00:15:59,892 I'm trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. 334 00:15:59,993 --> 00:16:01,594 Okay, fine. 335 00:16:01,694 --> 00:16:03,663 Um... 336 00:16:03,763 --> 00:16:05,098 It's all right. 337 00:16:05,198 --> 00:16:07,834 You know, it's fine. It's okay. 338 00:16:07,934 --> 00:16:09,769 How often do you have sex? 339 00:16:09,869 --> 00:16:12,439 - Almost never. - Hmm. 340 00:16:12,539 --> 00:16:14,107 ( Donna laughing ) 341 00:16:14,207 --> 00:16:16,409 What we did is we made another one further down 342 00:16:16,509 --> 00:16:19,946 - and his little plums are hanging down. - Jeff: His plums! 343 00:16:20,047 --> 00:16:22,415 We covered them in breadcrumbs 344 00:16:22,515 --> 00:16:25,052 so the carp would sort of jump and nip at them. 345 00:16:25,152 --> 00:16:27,754 Yeah, it was amazing. 346 00:16:27,854 --> 00:16:30,090 - Jeff: You're kidding me. - Larry: You know what? 347 00:16:30,190 --> 00:16:32,492 You know what? This is not fair what's going on here. 348 00:16:32,592 --> 00:16:34,152 - This is not fair. - What's the matter? 349 00:16:34,194 --> 00:16:35,671 You say you're separating the couples? 350 00:16:35,695 --> 00:16:37,335 - You're not separated. - We're the hosts. 351 00:16:37,397 --> 00:16:39,475 Oh, you're the hosts? You fixed this whole thing, okay? 352 00:16:39,499 --> 00:16:41,634 You fixed it all so you could be at the cool table. 353 00:16:41,734 --> 00:16:44,604 You got Ricky gervais, you got ally, you got your Broadway stars. 354 00:16:44,704 --> 00:16:46,806 - Go back and sit down. - The cool table? 355 00:16:46,906 --> 00:16:48,141 What are you, in third grade? 356 00:16:48,241 --> 00:16:49,876 Excuse me, susie. Where is the toilet? 357 00:16:49,976 --> 00:16:51,578 - Ooh! - Susie: Oh my gosh! 358 00:16:51,678 --> 00:16:55,048 So sorry. Ricky, can I please pay you for that? 359 00:16:55,148 --> 00:16:57,350 Oh, don't. It's very expensive. 360 00:16:57,450 --> 00:17:00,920 - It's okay, I insist. - It's a $500 scarf. 361 00:17:01,020 --> 00:17:03,123 That's okay. I'm good for it. 362 00:17:03,223 --> 00:17:05,825 - Hank, what happened? - I tripped over my shoelaces. 363 00:17:05,925 --> 00:17:08,761 That's exactly how Larry fell into the guy on the plane. 364 00:17:08,861 --> 00:17:12,399 What? - On the plane he tripped over his shoelaces. 365 00:17:14,101 --> 00:17:16,469 Donna: Larry, is that true? 366 00:17:23,009 --> 00:17:25,788 You know what, Larry? I think you're taking the wrong tactic with these women. 367 00:17:25,812 --> 00:17:29,416 I really do. I think you have to present who you really are. 368 00:17:29,516 --> 00:17:31,260 - Otherwise you get stuck. - I did present who I really was... 369 00:17:31,284 --> 00:17:33,653 A phony, a fraud, a prevaricator. 370 00:17:33,753 --> 00:17:36,031 - I presented who I was. - No, it's better she knows who you are. 371 00:17:36,055 --> 00:17:37,366 And she either accepts you or not. 372 00:17:37,390 --> 00:17:38,767 I took her home at the end of the night. 373 00:17:38,791 --> 00:17:40,927 She was so cold. She's lost all respect for me. 374 00:17:41,027 --> 00:17:44,507 Honestly, this whole thing never would have happened if you didn't separate the couples. 375 00:17:44,564 --> 00:17:47,033 We became a couple because we didn't want to be separated. 376 00:17:47,134 --> 00:17:49,502 My dinner party, you play by my rules. 377 00:17:49,602 --> 00:17:51,647 You know what? Don't invite me anymore. How about that? 378 00:17:51,671 --> 00:17:55,442 I don't have any choice. You're like an appendage to us. 379 00:17:55,542 --> 00:17:59,379 Hey, Larry David. Ricky gervais left a ticket for me. 380 00:17:59,479 --> 00:18:02,682 Here you go. It's $200. 381 00:18:04,617 --> 00:18:06,219 They're charging me $200 for the ticket. 382 00:18:06,319 --> 00:18:08,255 I thought he was giving it to me for free. 383 00:18:08,355 --> 00:18:10,490 - What can you do? - What is it with this guy? 384 00:18:10,590 --> 00:18:13,326 - He's costing me a fortune. - Just pay. We're here. 385 00:18:16,663 --> 00:18:20,099 - At least the seats are good. - Yeah. Thank you. 386 00:18:20,200 --> 00:18:22,369 - Nice full house. - Good seats. 387 00:18:22,469 --> 00:18:25,205 Yeah, full house. Oh, here. 388 00:18:25,305 --> 00:18:28,275 - What are you doing? - I want the aisle. 389 00:18:28,375 --> 00:18:30,510 That's my ticket. I had the aisle ticket. 390 00:18:30,610 --> 00:18:33,313 Larry, we had three seats, they were the house seats 391 00:18:33,413 --> 00:18:36,216 and any one of us could sit in any of these seats. 392 00:18:36,316 --> 00:18:37,993 No, you weren't there when I got the envelopes. 393 00:18:38,017 --> 00:18:39,328 I took them out and put them together. 394 00:18:39,352 --> 00:18:41,154 Hey, don't fuck things up for me. Sit down. 395 00:18:41,254 --> 00:18:43,055 God damn it. Sit next to your husband. 396 00:18:43,156 --> 00:18:44,833 I don't want to sit next to my husband. I'm with him all the time. 397 00:18:44,857 --> 00:18:46,402 He's your best friend, you sit next to him. 398 00:18:46,426 --> 00:18:47,803 Last night it was okay to sit next to him. 399 00:18:47,827 --> 00:18:49,629 That was fine, right? You separate the couples 400 00:18:49,729 --> 00:18:51,874 but you sit next to your husband. I'm a little confused. 401 00:18:51,898 --> 00:18:54,338 - What are you confused about? - Last night's very regimented. 402 00:18:54,401 --> 00:18:56,179 Okay? And tonight it's like a free-for-all, is that it? 403 00:18:56,203 --> 00:18:57,680 - I want the aisle. - Keep your voices down. 404 00:18:57,704 --> 00:19:01,441 - I'm very confused. - ( Applause ) 405 00:19:01,541 --> 00:19:04,511 ( Dramatic music playing ) 406 00:19:12,319 --> 00:19:15,822 Ally: Mr. simmington! Mr. simmington! 407 00:19:15,922 --> 00:19:17,457 Ricky: Yes? Yes? 408 00:19:17,557 --> 00:19:19,125 - What? - Have you heard? 409 00:19:19,226 --> 00:19:22,329 Of course I've heard. It's in the morning paper. 410 00:19:22,429 --> 00:19:24,431 It's not every day that archduke Franz ferdinand 411 00:19:24,531 --> 00:19:26,098 is struck down by an assassin's bullet. 412 00:19:26,199 --> 00:19:28,635 I'm scrunched in here. I want that seat. 413 00:19:28,735 --> 00:19:31,471 - Oh, fuck you, Larry. I'm the girl. - Shut up. 414 00:19:31,571 --> 00:19:34,106 You're a girl? You're a witch. 415 00:19:34,207 --> 00:19:37,043 And should it be a life they give, 416 00:19:37,143 --> 00:19:39,412 then they will give it gladly. 417 00:19:39,512 --> 00:19:42,382 - ( Arguing ) - this unforg... 418 00:19:44,984 --> 00:19:46,185 ( arguing continues ) 419 00:19:46,286 --> 00:19:48,321 Shut the fuck up. 420 00:19:48,421 --> 00:19:52,124 If that is so, then I am done. 421 00:19:52,225 --> 00:19:53,993 - Shall I lose you? - ( Arguing continues ) 422 00:19:54,093 --> 00:19:56,596 Shall I lose Robert? 423 00:19:56,696 --> 00:19:58,998 And what about you? 424 00:19:59,098 --> 00:20:02,201 I... I will do my duty gladly. 425 00:20:02,302 --> 00:20:04,136 How am I gonna watch this for three hours? 426 00:20:04,237 --> 00:20:06,005 It's gonna be rough for all of us. 427 00:20:06,105 --> 00:20:09,242 Shh. Watch the play. 428 00:20:10,977 --> 00:20:13,656 Did you hear the fucking idiots talking all the way through as well? 429 00:20:13,680 --> 00:20:15,748 - Just like "bip bip bip." - You were fantastic. 430 00:20:15,848 --> 00:20:18,518 - Really? - In fact, I was able to overhear 431 00:20:18,618 --> 00:20:20,687 what the whole to-do was about. 432 00:20:20,787 --> 00:20:24,457 Yeah, there was a woman and she took a seat that didn't belong to her. 433 00:20:24,557 --> 00:20:27,927 She was a hideous hideous looking person. 434 00:20:28,027 --> 00:20:30,263 Susie: I don't think you got a good look, Larry. 435 00:20:30,363 --> 00:20:33,600 - I got a great look. - The woman was quite attractive if I recall. 436 00:20:33,700 --> 00:20:35,935 - Maybe on some bizarro planet. - Mm-hmm. 437 00:20:36,035 --> 00:20:39,306 Listen, you were great. Forget about them. You were great. 438 00:20:39,406 --> 00:20:41,841 No, honestly, that's the worst I've ever been. 439 00:20:41,941 --> 00:20:44,353 That was, like... that was... at most that was nine out of 10. 440 00:20:44,377 --> 00:20:46,145 And usually I'm 10 out of 10. 441 00:20:46,245 --> 00:20:47,456 - That was a nine out of 10? - A nine? 442 00:20:47,480 --> 00:20:49,849 - Yeah. - Larry: Seems a bit high. 443 00:20:49,949 --> 00:20:52,685 - How much theater do you see? - I saw "Oklahoma." 444 00:20:52,785 --> 00:20:55,622 - Frivolous nonsense for the moronic classes. - Oh really? 445 00:20:55,722 --> 00:20:57,890 Are you kidding? "Oklahoma"? 446 00:20:57,990 --> 00:21:00,627 "Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day. 447 00:21:00,727 --> 00:21:05,565 I've got a beautiful feeling, everything's going my way." 448 00:21:05,665 --> 00:21:07,266 - Oh dear. - Oh, come on. 449 00:21:07,367 --> 00:21:10,637 You're comparing this thing we saw tonight 450 00:21:10,737 --> 00:21:12,839 to a Rogers and hammerstein musical? 451 00:21:12,939 --> 00:21:15,642 - With all due respect. - This is about life and death and war. 452 00:21:15,742 --> 00:21:17,544 - This is about the human spirit. - Yeah. 453 00:21:17,644 --> 00:21:20,980 "Poor jud is dead. Poor jud is dead." 454 00:21:21,080 --> 00:21:23,115 - Please. - Bubblegum. 455 00:21:23,215 --> 00:21:24,951 How long you got to do this play for? 456 00:21:25,051 --> 00:21:28,588 The run's been extended, so another six weeks. 457 00:21:28,688 --> 00:21:30,723 Must be hard to do all that fake crying. 458 00:21:30,823 --> 00:21:32,668 - No, they're real tears. - Those are real tears? 459 00:21:32,692 --> 00:21:34,827 - Of course, real tears every night. - Seriously? 460 00:21:34,927 --> 00:21:36,396 ( Chuckles ) come on. 461 00:21:36,496 --> 00:21:37,864 Where do you think they come from? 462 00:21:37,964 --> 00:21:41,501 Here's where they came from. ( Mock sobbing ) 463 00:21:41,601 --> 00:21:43,703 You're not crying. There's no tears coming out. 464 00:21:43,803 --> 00:21:46,081 Come on, what'd you do? Did you sneak in some of that glycerin? 465 00:21:46,105 --> 00:21:48,575 No, I'm saying if it means something to you, you can cry. 466 00:21:48,675 --> 00:21:51,711 You know what? I'm looking at your eyes 467 00:21:51,811 --> 00:21:54,547 and I see no evidence at all that anybody was crying. 468 00:21:54,647 --> 00:21:56,516 Usually when someone finishes crying 469 00:21:56,616 --> 00:21:58,918 they wipe the evidence away there was ever a tear. 470 00:21:59,018 --> 00:22:00,753 And did you wipe it away? 471 00:22:00,853 --> 00:22:02,955 Yes I did. And the evidence for that 472 00:22:03,055 --> 00:22:04,190 is in the bin on a tissue. 473 00:22:04,290 --> 00:22:06,459 - Oh, is that so? - Check it out, Columbo. 474 00:22:06,559 --> 00:22:09,896 - All right, we can get going. - We can get going? 475 00:22:09,996 --> 00:22:12,298 - Oh, you know what? - Go on. 476 00:22:12,399 --> 00:22:15,301 At the will-call window I picked up the ticket 477 00:22:15,402 --> 00:22:17,303 and they charged me $200. 478 00:22:17,404 --> 00:22:18,871 You thought it'd be more? 479 00:22:18,971 --> 00:22:21,508 I thought... you told me you were getting me a ticket. 480 00:22:21,608 --> 00:22:23,710 - It's a sold-out show. - I did get you a ticket. 481 00:22:23,810 --> 00:22:26,546 I was under the impression that you were picking up the ticket, 482 00:22:26,646 --> 00:22:30,182 given the fact that I bought you a bottle of wine for $300. 483 00:22:30,282 --> 00:22:32,452 That was a gift... The gift of wine. 484 00:22:32,552 --> 00:22:35,622 Thank you. And I've given you the gift of art. 485 00:22:35,722 --> 00:22:37,757 Whether you give me a gift or I give you a gift, 486 00:22:37,857 --> 00:22:39,426 it costs me money. 487 00:22:39,526 --> 00:22:42,829 - Okay, well... - Thanks for coming. 488 00:22:42,929 --> 00:22:45,432 - Thank you for a meaningful evening. - Cheers. Thank you. 489 00:22:48,801 --> 00:22:50,437 Jeff, susie. 490 00:22:50,537 --> 00:22:52,204 - Oh, you were unbelievable. - Hey. 491 00:22:52,304 --> 00:22:53,906 - Jeff: Just wonderful. - Thank you. 492 00:22:54,006 --> 00:22:56,876 Yes, really really good under very difficult circumstances. 493 00:22:56,976 --> 00:22:58,416 What I especially enjoyed about it... 494 00:22:58,511 --> 00:23:00,046 Do you know what, Larry? 495 00:23:00,146 --> 00:23:02,391 I don't give a shit what you enjoyed about my performance. 496 00:23:02,415 --> 00:23:04,827 But I really do give a shit what you talked to my husband about. 497 00:23:04,851 --> 00:23:08,287 The other night at the table you decided to talk about my marriage. 498 00:23:08,387 --> 00:23:12,925 Oh well, I was just really trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. 499 00:23:13,025 --> 00:23:14,585 - That's all I was doing. - Well, don't. 500 00:23:14,627 --> 00:23:16,596 My marriage is my business. 501 00:23:16,696 --> 00:23:19,065 My marriage is fine. It has nothing to do with you. 502 00:23:19,165 --> 00:23:22,969 And another thing, I fuck my husband four or five times a week. 503 00:23:23,069 --> 00:23:24,604 Four or five times a fucking week. 504 00:23:24,704 --> 00:23:27,474 So shove that up your ass. 505 00:23:30,242 --> 00:23:32,411 Jeff: Thank you very much for coming back. 506 00:23:32,512 --> 00:23:35,381 I'm this close to signing him. This close. 507 00:23:35,482 --> 00:23:38,017 I think one more interaction I'm good to go. 508 00:23:38,117 --> 00:23:40,286 - Really? - I was lucky 509 00:23:40,386 --> 00:23:43,089 that he didn't have a clue that it was us 510 00:23:43,189 --> 00:23:45,601 - making the commotion at the theater last night. - Oh my god. 511 00:23:45,625 --> 00:23:47,827 - Could you imagine? - Have you gentlemen decided? 512 00:23:47,927 --> 00:23:50,296 Oh. Hello. 513 00:23:50,396 --> 00:23:52,475 How'd you get this section? I thought you were down there. 514 00:23:52,499 --> 00:23:54,300 Well, I'll be covering this section today, 515 00:23:54,400 --> 00:23:56,035 unless of course you want to handle it. 516 00:23:56,135 --> 00:23:58,805 You know, I'm sorry I got up and got the food the other day. 517 00:23:58,905 --> 00:24:00,773 It's all right. Water under the bridge. 518 00:24:00,873 --> 00:24:02,842 Yeah? That would make me happy. 519 00:24:02,942 --> 00:24:04,577 - Of course. - There you go. 520 00:24:04,677 --> 00:24:05,912 What can I do for you today? 521 00:24:06,012 --> 00:24:07,580 I'm going with the bison burger. 522 00:24:07,680 --> 00:24:09,448 I'll get the chopped salad with the avocado. 523 00:24:09,549 --> 00:24:11,350 Okay. Thank you, gentlemen. 524 00:24:11,450 --> 00:24:13,553 Thank you. 525 00:24:15,287 --> 00:24:17,032 - Where did he come from? - Scared the shit out of me. 526 00:24:17,056 --> 00:24:20,159 - Just materializes. - At very private moments. 527 00:24:20,259 --> 00:24:22,094 - Yes. - There's Hank. 528 00:24:22,194 --> 00:24:24,731 - Hey, Hank. - Hey Hank, come here for a second. 529 00:24:24,831 --> 00:24:27,233 Come here. Come here. 530 00:24:27,333 --> 00:24:30,770 - Hey. - I can't... I really can't be talking to you. 531 00:24:30,870 --> 00:24:32,839 - What? What are you talking about? - ( Sighs ) 532 00:24:32,939 --> 00:24:35,775 Listen, you owe Ricky gervais $500 for the scarf, right? 533 00:24:35,875 --> 00:24:37,810 - Yeah. - Okay well, he owes me $500. 534 00:24:37,910 --> 00:24:40,680 So my suggestion is why don't you just give me the $500 535 00:24:40,780 --> 00:24:42,448 and everybody will be even. 536 00:24:42,549 --> 00:24:44,984 Hey, there he is. Ricky. 537 00:24:45,084 --> 00:24:46,418 Oh jeez. 538 00:24:46,519 --> 00:24:50,156 I owe you $500, Larry says you owe him $500. 539 00:24:50,256 --> 00:24:52,559 So he wants me to give the $500 to him directly. 540 00:24:52,659 --> 00:24:53,960 Is that cool? 541 00:24:54,060 --> 00:24:56,095 ( Laughs ) 542 00:24:56,195 --> 00:24:58,731 - No good? - Not really. 543 00:24:58,831 --> 00:25:00,700 Never mind that. Just me the $500. 544 00:25:00,800 --> 00:25:03,045 - Nothing to do with him. - I'm just gonna give him the money. 545 00:25:03,069 --> 00:25:05,237 He bought a bottle of wine for $300. 546 00:25:05,337 --> 00:25:07,516 No, you bought me a bottle of wine and I got you into the theater. 547 00:25:07,540 --> 00:25:09,742 And I paid $200 for his ticket... 548 00:25:09,842 --> 00:25:11,754 That I really didn't want to go the play in the first place. 549 00:25:11,778 --> 00:25:13,279 Thank you. Don't worry about it. 550 00:25:13,379 --> 00:25:15,347 - I know what's going on. - What? 551 00:25:15,447 --> 00:25:18,918 I know it was you two idiots whispering all the way through my show. 552 00:25:19,018 --> 00:25:21,029 - I wasn't anywhere near him. - What are you talking about? 553 00:25:21,053 --> 00:25:23,389 - Where do you get that from? - The waiter. 554 00:25:23,489 --> 00:25:25,191 Jeff: The waiter? 555 00:25:25,291 --> 00:25:27,894 And you, I wouldn't let you represent me now. 556 00:25:27,994 --> 00:25:29,328 Forget it. 557 00:25:29,428 --> 00:25:31,130 Look at you there, two idiots. 558 00:25:31,230 --> 00:25:34,266 It's like Laurel and Hardy. Donna was right. 559 00:25:34,366 --> 00:25:36,903 What? What did you say? 560 00:25:37,003 --> 00:25:39,305 - Nothing. - You've been talking to Donna? 561 00:25:39,405 --> 00:25:41,207 No. - No, you just said Donna was right. 562 00:25:41,307 --> 00:25:45,411 - Yeah, she is. - So you've been talking to Donna. 563 00:25:45,511 --> 00:25:47,013 No. 564 00:25:47,113 --> 00:25:50,016 - Have you been seeing Donna? - No. 565 00:25:50,116 --> 00:25:53,552 Huh. Are you sure? 566 00:26:06,633 --> 00:26:08,200 Okay. 567 00:26:12,004 --> 00:26:13,973 I'm really up for that bison burger. 568 00:26:14,073 --> 00:26:17,176 - Good choice. - Hey, there's our food. 569 00:26:24,817 --> 00:26:27,086 Ricky: The evening was all charming the last time. 570 00:26:27,186 --> 00:26:29,055 Oh yeah. ( Laughs ) 571 00:26:29,155 --> 00:26:31,523 - You were too much. - I'm charming, but... 572 00:26:31,624 --> 00:26:33,926 - Donna: It's the english thing. - Yeah yeah. 573 00:26:34,026 --> 00:26:36,428 - It's the accent. - Exactly, yeah. 574 00:26:36,528 --> 00:26:39,198 No no no. 575 00:26:47,774 --> 00:26:49,375 ( Laughing ) 576 00:26:49,475 --> 00:26:51,377 ( Chatting ) 577 00:26:58,017 --> 00:27:01,120 This is my favorite carriage here. 578 00:27:06,258 --> 00:27:08,627 ( Bell dings ) 579 00:27:21,607 --> 00:27:22,975 Mugger: Give me your money. 580 00:27:23,075 --> 00:27:25,211 - Mugger: Don't move! - Ricky: Okay okay. 581 00:27:25,311 --> 00:27:27,790 - Give me that ring! Give me that ring! - Ricky: Give him the ring. 582 00:27:27,814 --> 00:27:30,482 Now! Come on! Give me that! 583 00:27:30,582 --> 00:27:31,951 Take 'em... take 'em off! 584 00:27:32,051 --> 00:27:33,753 Donna: Just give him your shoes. 585 00:27:33,853 --> 00:27:37,289 ( Shouting ) take them off! 586 00:27:37,389 --> 00:27:40,126 - Shut up! - Okay, don't hit me in the face though. 587 00:27:43,830 --> 00:27:45,331 ( Shouting ) 588 00:27:46,966 --> 00:27:48,434 Come on, face the ground. 589 00:27:48,534 --> 00:27:49,668 Give it to me. Take it off. 590 00:27:49,769 --> 00:27:52,538 Give me that purse. Give it to me. 591 00:27:52,638 --> 00:27:55,174 Ah! ( Groaning ) 592 00:27:56,743 --> 00:27:58,845 Drop it! Drop it! 593 00:27:58,945 --> 00:28:00,346 - Drop it! - ( Mugger grunts ) 594 00:28:00,446 --> 00:28:02,148 More? 595 00:28:04,616 --> 00:28:07,887 That's it. Yeah, get the hell out of here. 596 00:28:07,987 --> 00:28:10,356 Yeah, I was just about... whoa. 597 00:28:10,456 --> 00:28:12,959 Yeah, well. 598 00:28:13,059 --> 00:28:15,027 I believe this belongs to you, young lady. 599 00:28:15,127 --> 00:28:17,096 - My god, Larry. - There you go. 600 00:28:17,196 --> 00:28:20,466 - Thank you. - What do you know? 601 00:28:22,468 --> 00:28:24,470 $500. 602 00:28:24,570 --> 00:28:27,139 - There you go. - Thanks. 603 00:28:29,475 --> 00:28:30,977 See you around. 604 00:28:32,979 --> 00:28:35,581 Oh, and you're right about the bread, simmington. 605 00:28:35,681 --> 00:28:36,749 It is hard. 606 00:28:36,849 --> 00:28:39,485 ( Doors ding ) 607 00:28:40,619 --> 00:28:43,422 Hey! Hey! 608 00:28:44,456 --> 00:28:46,725 Hey! 609 00:28:46,826 --> 00:28:48,527 No no! Hey! Hey! 610 00:28:48,627 --> 00:28:51,097 Hey! 611 00:28:51,197 --> 00:28:53,599 Hey! Hey! 612 00:28:53,699 --> 00:28:55,868 ( Theme music playing )