1 00:00:01,705 --> 00:00:06,705 - Synced by WOLF - - www.addic7ed.com - 2 00:00:19,253 --> 00:00:23,372 Houses are alive. 3 00:00:23,733 --> 00:00:26,247 This is something we know. 4 00:00:26,453 --> 00:00:29,684 News from our nerve endings. 5 00:00:51,093 --> 00:00:53,130 If we 're quiet... 6 00:00:53,333 --> 00:00:54,971 ...if we listen... 7 00:00:55,213 --> 00:00:57,807 ...we can hear houses breathe. 8 00:00:58,013 --> 00:01:01,563 Sometimes in the depth of night, we hear them groan. 9 00:01:01,773 --> 00:01:05,289 It's as if they're having bad dreams. 10 00:02:40,733 --> 00:02:43,930 A good house cradles and comforts. 11 00:02:44,173 --> 00:02:48,053 A had one fills us with instinctive unease. 12 00:02:48,253 --> 00:02:52,292 Bad houses hate our warmth, our humanness. 13 00:02:52,493 --> 00:02:58,489 That blind hate of our humanity is what we mean by the word "haunted." 14 00:03:00,173 --> 00:03:03,291 Steve? Are you all right? 15 00:03:04,373 --> 00:03:05,693 Yeah. 16 00:03:07,093 --> 00:03:08,367 It stopped. 17 00:03:09,013 --> 00:03:11,323 I heard it ton. But it stopped. 18 00:03:11,573 --> 00:03:12,802 What did you hear? 19 00:03:13,013 --> 00:03:16,369 There were words. It wasn't clear. Did any of you... 20 00:03:16,573 --> 00:03:20,806 I might have heard something. It may have been my imagination. 21 00:03:22,413 --> 00:03:25,610 - What was it? - I don't know. I'm not psychic. 22 00:03:25,813 --> 00:03:28,726 You tested me yourself. So there's no real... 23 00:03:28,933 --> 00:03:31,925 What? What are you looking at? 24 00:03:32,133 --> 00:03:33,931 Nothing. 25 00:03:40,373 --> 00:03:41,727 Pam. 26 00:03:42,373 --> 00:03:44,091 Can you come here? 27 00:04:06,093 --> 00:04:08,607 Well. We might as well get started. 28 00:04:08,853 --> 00:04:10,287 Will you“? 29 00:04:11,493 --> 00:04:12,892 All right. 30 00:04:21,333 --> 00:04:26,692 Emers. Old boy. Give us a hand. It seems to be the butler's day off. 31 00:04:27,133 --> 00:04:29,170 - Don't call me that. - Come on. 32 00:04:29,373 --> 00:04:32,570 For $5000 you can carry a couple boxes. 33 00:04:32,773 --> 00:04:36,084 I am not being paid for my services as a porter. 34 00:04:49,333 --> 00:04:50,653 Pam. You all right? 35 00:04:54,453 --> 00:04:57,093 Hey, I thought this house was empty. 36 00:04:57,653 --> 00:05:02,090 You would he Mr. Bollinger, I believe. The reporter. 37 00:05:02,893 --> 00:05:05,407 I'm Bollinger, but how did you know? 38 00:05:05,613 --> 00:05:09,004 Come in. Sir. You were expected. 39 00:05:09,253 --> 00:05:10,891 This way. 40 00:05:12,253 --> 00:05:16,167 Come in. Sir. You were expected. 41 00:05:16,813 --> 00:05:18,372 This way. 42 00:05:23,693 --> 00:05:27,607 How old were you when you got lost in there? Eight? Nine? 43 00:05:27,813 --> 00:05:30,646 - What? - The room with coloured light. 44 00:05:30,853 --> 00:05:32,810 The smell of sawdust. 45 00:05:33,053 --> 00:05:35,408 What happened? What did you see? 46 00:05:35,653 --> 00:05:37,963 What? What frightened you? 47 00:05:39,093 --> 00:05:41,767 I don't know what you're talking about. 48 00:05:48,333 --> 00:05:50,370 You know. Don't you? 49 00:05:51,573 --> 00:05:53,689 But you're not saying. 50 00:06:05,893 --> 00:06:07,292 What is it? 51 00:06:07,493 --> 00:06:12,567 - It's cold. Cold metal. That's all. - No. But you spoke. 52 00:06:12,813 --> 00:06:16,204 There was something there. But it's gone. 53 00:06:17,213 --> 00:06:19,170 I didn't like the way it felt. 54 00:08:36,773 --> 00:08:40,653 The caretaker left it after he let in the equipment guys. 55 00:08:42,133 --> 00:08:44,409 - He'll miss it. - Not after summer. 56 00:08:44,573 --> 00:08:47,326 In September there won't be a gate to open. 57 00:08:50,533 --> 00:08:54,766 There's a flash light for everyone. Keep it on you at all times. 58 00:08:54,973 --> 00:08:56,771 The power's usually fine. 59 00:08:56,973 --> 00:09:01,285 If it goes out. I don't suppose the fuse box does much good? 60 00:09:01,653 --> 00:09:05,487 Nope. Neither does calling Puget Sound Energy. 61 00:09:05,693 --> 00:09:09,732 - And your equipment? - If the power goes. It uses batteries. 62 00:09:09,933 --> 00:09:11,571 We better get started. 63 00:09:20,133 --> 00:09:21,771 Where's Annie? 64 00:09:28,653 --> 00:09:31,088 She's wonderful. 65 00:09:36,893 --> 00:09:41,171 Friday afternoon, 3:17 p.m. 66 00:09:41,733 --> 00:09:48,127 We've experienced our first paranormal phenomenon: a phantom draft. 67 00:09:52,453 --> 00:09:55,969 I insist that you don't go exploring on your own. 68 00:09:56,213 --> 00:09:58,602 The geography can seem unstable. 69 00:09:58,853 --> 00:10:03,165 Let's double up on sleeping arrangements. I'll share with Cathy. 70 00:10:03,373 --> 00:10:05,330 The three of us could go in. 71 00:10:05,573 --> 00:10:08,645 I'll sleep with Emery. We'll raid the fridge. 72 00:10:08,853 --> 00:10:12,448 No. The bedrooms are safe. Just don't wander off. 73 00:10:15,893 --> 00:10:18,772 - I think you'll find this interesting. - Wow. 74 00:10:18,973 --> 00:10:23,012 You could make Thanksgiving dinner for a hundred people here. 75 00:10:23,253 --> 00:10:27,451 - Maybe after the place was fumigated. - You're such a charmer. 76 00:10:27,653 --> 00:10:29,132 Was I talking to you? 77 00:10:32,093 --> 00:10:35,404 Ellen Rimbauer called this the Health Room. 78 00:10:35,613 --> 00:10:38,082 We call it a solarium. 79 00:10:40,373 --> 00:10:44,003 A rail road executive. George Meader. Drinking buddy... 80 00:10:44,213 --> 00:10:48,491 ...of John Rimbauer. Died in here just after the end of WWI. 81 00:10:48,693 --> 00:10:51,765 According to a doctor, he was stung by a bee. 82 00:10:51,973 --> 00:10:54,965 He died of an extreme allergic reaction. 83 00:10:58,853 --> 00:11:04,963 As I told you. In Rose Red's heyday. Men didn't fair well here. 84 00:11:05,213 --> 00:11:07,124 That's not very reassuring. 85 00:11:07,333 --> 00:11:12,692 Nothing to worry about. Just use the buddy system in the house. 86 00:11:15,133 --> 00:11:16,328 - Now... - Whoa. 87 00:11:16,533 --> 00:11:18,092 What? 88 00:11:21,093 --> 00:11:22,322 What's this? 89 00:11:22,533 --> 00:11:24,968 - The caretaker leave that too? - Doubt it. 90 00:11:25,173 --> 00:11:29,485 - Well. Then who? - Press redial and see who answers. 91 00:11:37,493 --> 00:11:41,726 You've reached Professor Miller of the Psychology department. 92 00:11:41,933 --> 00:11:47,406 I'm unable to answer the phone. Leave a message. But remember Shakespeare: 93 00:11:47,613 --> 00:11:50,287 - Who is it? - Brevity is the soul of wit. 94 00:11:52,533 --> 00:11:55,889 This is Joyce Reardon's friend. Steven Rimbauer. 95 00:11:56,093 --> 00:11:58,562 We found your property in Rose Red. 96 00:11:58,773 --> 00:12:03,688 I'm sure you didn't drop it. Since we just saw you. But I know who did. 97 00:12:03,893 --> 00:12:07,932 The guy who wrote the story. Trespassing isn't serious. 98 00:12:08,133 --> 00:12:13,685 Abetting a trespasser is less serious. But your dignity will take a hit. 99 00:12:13,933 --> 00:12:16,891 Guess who will be on next week's newspaper cover? 100 00:12:17,093 --> 00:12:20,085 - You have a nice clay. - Bravo. Steve. Bravo. 101 00:12:21,333 --> 00:12:26,453 - You can't be certain that's his phone. - Of course it is. 102 00:12:26,653 --> 00:12:31,090 I bet one of the numbers in memory is that son of a bitch Bollinger. 103 00:12:31,253 --> 00:12:34,325 If the reporter had the phone. Where is he? 104 00:12:34,573 --> 00:12:39,170 Maybe the house ate him. Isn't that what it's supposed to do? 105 00:12:39,373 --> 00:12:44,686 Something that he doesn't believe in frightened him. And he ran off. 106 00:12:44,933 --> 00:12:48,688 - Perhaps he's still in the house. - Then we'll find him. 107 00:12:48,893 --> 00:12:53,888 - Come on. Folks... - You sure we shouldn't notify somebody? 108 00:12:54,093 --> 00:12:58,087 Why should we? If he's here. He's trespassing. Like Steve said. 109 00:12:58,333 --> 00:13:01,803 If we call the cops. We'll have half a dozen police... 110 00:13:02,053 --> 00:13:05,011 ...roiling up the atmosphere. And he'll win! 111 00:13:05,213 --> 00:13:08,285 That pig Miller will win. And I can't have it. 112 00:13:08,493 --> 00:13:10,848 Okay? I just won't. I can't. 113 00:13:11,053 --> 00:13:13,806 It's okay. He doesn't get to win. 114 00:13:14,613 --> 00:13:18,925 And if we find Bollinger. We spank him and send him on his way. 115 00:13:19,133 --> 00:13:22,012 - Sounds good to me. - Yeah. Me too. 116 00:13:24,053 --> 00:13:25,726 On with the show? 117 00:13:27,293 --> 00:13:29,284 On with the show. 118 00:13:34,933 --> 00:13:37,891 It's a pity no one kept up those vines. 119 00:13:38,093 --> 00:13:43,930 There hasn't been a grounds keeper since Omicron Oil fell off the board. 120 00:13:44,173 --> 00:13:46,483 We're in the kitchen because... 121 00:13:46,693 --> 00:13:50,163 ...Joyce wants to tell you about my great-aunt April. 122 00:13:50,893 --> 00:13:52,452 - Go on. - Are you sure? 123 00:13:52,653 --> 00:13:56,886 Sure. That's what we're here for. Besides. It was before my time. 124 00:13:57,533 --> 00:14:02,607 April was 6 when she disappeared. Her brother Adam was in boarding school. 125 00:14:02,813 --> 00:14:05,965 - Boarding school at 8? - It was Rimbauer's idea. 126 00:14:06,173 --> 00:14:11,805 Ellen ranted and raved. But John put his foot down and kept it down. 127 00:14:12,013 --> 00:14:16,132 He didn't trust Rose Red even then. This was the last place... 128 00:14:16,373 --> 00:14:18,284 ...April was ever seen. 129 00:14:18,493 --> 00:14:21,724 Sukeena stepped into the pantry over there... 130 00:14:21,973 --> 00:14:27,491 ...for what she swore was no more than 30 seconds. When she came out... 131 00:14:29,973 --> 00:14:31,247 April? 132 00:14:33,413 --> 00:14:35,882 April. Honey. Where are you? 133 00:14:38,253 --> 00:14:39,607 April? 134 00:14:54,333 --> 00:14:59,282 Fifty men searched the house and grounds. They found nothing. 135 00:14:59,853 --> 00:15:05,007 Not so much as a lock of hair or a thread from her dress. 136 00:15:05,253 --> 00:15:11,204 Great-Grandfather. Convinced of Sukeena's guilt. Took her downtown. 137 00:15:11,893 --> 00:15:16,842 Ellen objected in the strongest terms, but John declined to listen. 138 00:15:17,053 --> 00:15:19,886 - She's innocent! - Ellen. Stop it! 139 00:15:20,093 --> 00:15:23,006 Please. John! Sukeena! 140 00:15:24,013 --> 00:15:29,372 She was taken to a room and questioned for 50 hours. No sleep. No food... 141 00:15:29,613 --> 00:15:31,923 ...no bathroom breaks. No mercy. 142 00:15:32,133 --> 00:15:34,409 I don't know. 143 00:15:34,653 --> 00:15:37,122 She was gone. 144 00:15:37,333 --> 00:15:39,085 I don't know. 145 00:15:56,733 --> 00:16:01,762 She convinced them she didn't know about April's disappearance. But... 146 00:16:02,013 --> 00:16:07,087 ...it cost her three teeth. A broken nose and a broken wrist. 147 00:16:07,293 --> 00:16:12,367 Eventually. Ellen's maid was allowed to return home again. 148 00:16:12,613 --> 00:16:15,253 I mean. The only home she had left. 149 00:16:16,333 --> 00:16:20,725 When do we go upstairs? I hear that's where the weird stuff is. 150 00:16:21,773 --> 00:16:23,889 No time like the present. 151 00:16:24,093 --> 00:16:26,084 Come on. Everybody. 152 00:16:37,373 --> 00:16:40,092 I didn't notice that one before. 153 00:16:40,733 --> 00:16:42,451 Neither did I. 154 00:16:42,733 --> 00:16:46,328 Could you try to remember who's running this expedition? 155 00:16:46,533 --> 00:16:49,173 - Sure. - Thanks. 156 00:16:51,093 --> 00:16:52,492 Come here. Please. 157 00:16:52,693 --> 00:16:57,085 Tie your rope to that pole. It'll help us find our way back. 158 00:16:58,613 --> 00:17:01,492 Couldn't we just go and get the plans? 159 00:17:01,933 --> 00:17:06,131 - The plans don't always mean a lot. - It's a safety measure. 160 00:17:06,333 --> 00:17:09,803 Sn follow me, and prepare to be amazed. 161 00:18:23,173 --> 00:18:27,007 Ellen called this the Perspective Hallway. 162 00:18:27,533 --> 00:18:31,413 Her first major addition. And no architect designed it. 163 00:18:31,653 --> 00:18:36,090 She made it up herself? Way to go. Ellen. 164 00:18:36,533 --> 00:18:37,728 But she didn't. 165 00:18:38,733 --> 00:18:40,292 Then who? 166 00:18:48,293 --> 00:18:50,125 Sukeena. 167 00:18:50,493 --> 00:18:53,724 - Her maid? - Her companion. 168 00:18:53,933 --> 00:18:57,847 It's so wild. Like something in a fun house. 169 00:18:59,973 --> 00:19:04,092 Oh. It's making my stomach turn. 170 00:19:06,493 --> 00:19:10,691 I guess they're pieces built in perspective. 171 00:19:10,893 --> 00:19:13,772 Camouflaging the doors was Great-Gram's idea. 172 00:19:13,973 --> 00:19:17,011 She didn't want them to spoil the illusion. 173 00:19:18,133 --> 00:19:21,649 Bollinger! Hey. Bollinger. Are you in there? 174 00:19:23,093 --> 00:19:24,731 Whoa! 175 00:19:24,893 --> 00:19:26,486 Annie. No! 176 00:19:28,373 --> 00:19:30,011 Ne! 177 00:19:30,213 --> 00:19:32,489 You be quiet! 178 00:19:33,733 --> 00:19:38,284 You wanted this place to wake up. I'd say you've been successful. 179 00:19:39,613 --> 00:19:44,130 Does she ever get assertive, or does she always waffle like that? 180 00:19:44,373 --> 00:19:48,890 She doesn't talk much. But what she says. She means. 181 00:19:50,253 --> 00:19:52,164 - I'll say. - In the mid-60s... 182 00:19:52,333 --> 00:19:57,043 ...a team of scientists spent some time investigating Rose Red... 183 00:19:57,213 --> 00:19:59,727 ...and heard the house scream. 184 00:19:59,933 --> 00:20:04,086 They recorded them. Although they don't sound impressive. 185 00:20:04,333 --> 00:20:09,487 - And what did they conclude? - That it was underground water. 186 00:20:09,693 --> 00:20:13,891 Perhaps amplified by the water pipes under this part of Seattle. 187 00:20:14,053 --> 00:20:15,407 Underground water? 188 00:20:15,653 --> 00:20:20,363 People facing these phenomena tend to protect their belief systems. 189 00:20:21,173 --> 00:20:25,326 This hallway was the last place Ellen Rimbauer was ever seen. 190 00:20:25,893 --> 00:20:30,091 They moved in on January 15th, 1909. 191 00:20:30,293 --> 00:20:36,130 Each January 15th, Ellen wore the same dress she wore when they arrived. 192 00:20:36,373 --> 00:20:41,288 Ellen threw a party every January 15th and everybody showed up. 193 00:20:41,493 --> 00:20:44,724 Politicians, hoodlums. Sports players, stars. 194 00:20:44,933 --> 00:20:48,210 When the actress disappeared. The parties stopped. 195 00:20:48,413 --> 00:20:51,405 Finish telling us about old Mrs. Rimbauer. 196 00:20:51,613 --> 00:20:57,325 She disappeared on January 15th. 1950. She was 70. 197 00:20:58,133 --> 00:21:01,683 A maid wished her good evening... 198 00:21:01,973 --> 00:21:05,091 ...and she swept by as if she didn't even hear. 199 00:21:05,733 --> 00:21:09,169 And that was the last anyone ever saw of her. 200 00:21:10,333 --> 00:21:13,291 Come on. Lots more to see. 201 00:21:17,933 --> 00:21:20,083 This is the gymnasium. 202 00:21:20,333 --> 00:21:23,007 The exercise equipment is out-of-date. 203 00:21:29,973 --> 00:21:33,409 This room demands a particular form of exercise. 204 00:21:33,613 --> 00:21:36,810 - What...? How“? - It's the mirror library. 205 00:21:37,653 --> 00:21:41,931 It's not in the plans. I remember seeing it as a boy. 206 00:21:42,173 --> 00:21:46,087 They're not in the plans? How can it not be in the plans? 207 00:21:46,293 --> 00:21:48,091 Here's a camera. 208 00:21:55,093 --> 00:21:59,212 Not good. Not good at all. "The property of Kevin Bollinger." 209 00:21:59,453 --> 00:22:02,969 - Mr. Bollinger. Are you here? - What's wrong? 210 00:22:03,173 --> 00:22:06,928 I said this might happen. Just use your flash lights. 211 00:22:07,173 --> 00:22:10,291 - We should go back downstairs. - Nonsense. 212 00:22:10,773 --> 00:22:13,287 Oh. My...! Look. 213 00:22:19,693 --> 00:22:21,889 Steve. Roll tape. Roll tape! 214 00:22:22,093 --> 00:22:23,766 Annie. 215 00:22:29,573 --> 00:22:31,450 Annie. No. 216 00:22:31,773 --> 00:22:33,366 Annie. Don't touch it. 217 00:22:44,773 --> 00:22:46,252 Annie. No! 218 00:22:47,933 --> 00:22:51,085 Annie, come home. 219 00:23:10,173 --> 00:23:13,086 Come with me. 220 00:23:15,533 --> 00:23:18,332 Stop her! Somebody's got to stop her! 221 00:23:36,093 --> 00:23:37,572 Are you okay? 222 00:23:37,853 --> 00:23:41,892 - How did you know to do that? - I don't know. I just did it. 223 00:23:42,133 --> 00:23:46,127 - Take it. I don't want it. - Here. Give it to me. 224 00:23:49,893 --> 00:23:53,852 Try and get some good pictures of them being psychic. 225 00:23:54,053 --> 00:23:56,124 What's that supposed to mean? 226 00:23:56,333 --> 00:23:58,927 It's someone talking to Bollinger. 227 00:23:59,133 --> 00:24:02,125 - I bet I know who. - Ls he alive? Can you tell? 228 00:24:03,053 --> 00:24:06,569 He was when he dropped this camera. I don't know. 229 00:24:06,773 --> 00:24:08,923 We ought to get out of here. 230 00:24:09,173 --> 00:24:12,962 Okay. Folks. Let's head back downstairs. Break time. 231 00:24:13,133 --> 00:24:14,328 Thank God. 232 00:24:24,693 --> 00:24:26,172 Wait. 233 00:24:26,413 --> 00:24:27,847 It's not the same. 234 00:24:28,453 --> 00:24:30,967 - The hallway. - No. Nonsense. 235 00:24:31,173 --> 00:24:34,131 He's right. We're not going the way we came. 236 00:24:34,333 --> 00:24:37,803 - What in heaven's name is that? - What's going on? 237 00:24:38,013 --> 00:24:42,086 The building started again. You wanted to wake the place up. 238 00:24:42,293 --> 00:24:44,125 Now you got what you wanted. 239 00:24:44,413 --> 00:24:47,690 - Who's building. And what? - I don't know. 240 00:24:47,933 --> 00:24:49,685 You're lying. 241 00:24:50,253 --> 00:24:52,324 No. I'm not lying. 242 00:24:52,573 --> 00:24:57,409 Is it too hard to remember? Or too frightening to remember? 243 00:24:58,853 --> 00:25:02,084 It's gone. It stopped. 244 00:25:03,093 --> 00:25:06,529 I suggest we go downstairs before it starts again. 245 00:25:40,333 --> 00:25:43,689 Annie. I need your help. 246 00:25:50,253 --> 00:25:55,089 Now put your hand here. And push from here. 247 00:26:02,573 --> 00:26:04,484 Annie. What are you doing? 248 00:26:08,173 --> 00:26:11,052 - Nick. - Not now. Joyce. 249 00:26:16,853 --> 00:26:18,446 Annie! 250 00:26:38,853 --> 00:26:40,685 That wasn't funny. 251 00:26:43,773 --> 00:26:50,122 Okay. I know another way down. There might be something worth seeing. 252 00:26:50,333 --> 00:26:53,291 - Are you sure you know the way? - Yes. 253 00:26:58,333 --> 00:27:00,085 Oh. My God. 254 00:27:01,453 --> 00:27:06,402 - "Oh. My God" is right. - More camouflaged doors, Stevie? 255 00:27:06,573 --> 00:27:10,123 Gram wasn't above using a trick twice. This was a joke... 256 00:27:10,293 --> 00:27:13,365 - ...on her husband's business life. - Did he get it? 257 00:27:13,613 --> 00:27:16,685 I doubt it. I don't even really get it. 258 00:27:16,893 --> 00:27:18,930 Here's the door right here. 259 00:27:19,133 --> 00:27:21,488 Just press right there. 260 00:27:30,573 --> 00:27:33,884 This house has everything but chow. 261 00:27:45,973 --> 00:27:47,850 Joyce. It's this way. 262 00:27:48,253 --> 00:27:51,484 Oh. Of course. I knew that. 263 00:28:12,373 --> 00:28:13,886 Better. Emery? 264 00:28:14,333 --> 00:28:18,372 Than nothing. I guess. Too much mayo in the crab meat. 265 00:28:18,573 --> 00:28:20,007 What do you want? 266 00:28:20,213 --> 00:28:25,049 Bare-breasted nymphs offering delicacies from a silver platter? 267 00:28:25,253 --> 00:28:27,085 Stop it. Stop harassing me. 268 00:28:27,413 --> 00:28:31,008 Ever learn the difference between joking and harassing? 269 00:28:31,173 --> 00:28:35,929 I learned plenty in high school. From guys like him. And you. 270 00:28:36,133 --> 00:28:37,806 Come on. Give it a rest. 271 00:28:38,053 --> 00:28:41,808 Emery. I may have something better for you in a while. 272 00:28:42,573 --> 00:28:47,409 Tell us about the actress. Joyce. I'm a sucker for celebrities. 273 00:28:47,613 --> 00:28:51,083 Well. That's her. On Ellen's wall of fame. 274 00:28:58,533 --> 00:29:00,490 Deanna Petrie... 275 00:29:00,693 --> 00:29:04,084 ...was a fairly big star in the '40s. 276 00:29:06,333 --> 00:29:08,688 Musical comedies mostly. 277 00:29:09,253 --> 00:29:10,971 She could dance... 278 00:29:11,213 --> 00:29:12,487 ...sing a little... 279 00:29:13,173 --> 00:29:15,892 ...and she was sexy as hell. 280 00:29:19,213 --> 00:29:23,764 She was one of Ellen's favourite guests at her January 15th parties. 281 00:29:25,493 --> 00:29:31,683 In 1946 she showed up in what Hedda Hopper called "The Cocktail Dress." 282 00:29:31,933 --> 00:29:34,493 She was wearing it when she disappeared. 283 00:29:34,693 --> 00:29:37,890 She spent the night here. In the billiard room... 284 00:29:38,093 --> 00:29:40,403 ...wowing guests with her many... 285 00:29:40,653 --> 00:29:42,087 ...talents. 286 00:29:42,653 --> 00:29:45,042 She left behind a single earring. 287 00:29:45,253 --> 00:29:48,962 A maid found it. But there was no girl to go with it. 288 00:29:49,173 --> 00:29:53,451 Deanna's disappearance made Rose Red's reputation. 289 00:29:54,373 --> 00:29:58,367 And now. Annie. If you've finished eating... 290 00:29:59,573 --> 00:30:01,769 ...l have something to show you. 291 00:30:02,933 --> 00:30:04,207 It's nice. 292 00:30:04,413 --> 00:30:07,371 You'll like it. I promise. 293 00:30:13,293 --> 00:30:14,886 It's okay. 294 00:30:30,573 --> 00:30:34,009 Go up. Annie. Go up and see what you find. 295 00:30:34,253 --> 00:30:38,690 - It's not dangerous is it? - No. Not a bit. Go on. Annie. 296 00:30:43,373 --> 00:30:45,091 You okay. Son? 297 00:30:45,293 --> 00:30:47,409 Yeah. Sure, I'm fine. 298 00:30:48,973 --> 00:30:50,293 Annie? 299 00:31:36,773 --> 00:31:39,049 What in the world is it? 300 00:31:39,853 --> 00:31:42,493 Whatever it is, she likes it. 301 00:32:32,173 --> 00:32:36,371 Cathy. You were right. Revelation 12. 302 00:32:36,773 --> 00:32:37,968 Oh. Yeah. 303 00:32:40,853 --> 00:32:44,289 No corporal presence in six centuries. 304 00:32:45,573 --> 00:32:48,087 No psychic pulse. 305 00:32:50,493 --> 00:32:54,726 Emery. Are you thinking of dressing for dinner? 306 00:32:56,893 --> 00:33:00,249 You tell me. Read my mind. 307 00:33:06,373 --> 00:33:08,683 Annie. Glenn Miller. 308 00:33:11,373 --> 00:33:15,048 That doesn't work. I tried it while I was setting up. 309 00:33:15,253 --> 00:33:16,687 Sorry. Annie. 310 00:33:22,493 --> 00:33:25,690 - Joyce? - It's all right. 311 00:33:52,453 --> 00:33:56,890 Got three loaded for Reardon. Large. With two six-packs of soda. 312 00:33:57,653 --> 00:34:02,250 Thank you. I told you there'd be something you'd like better. 313 00:34:02,453 --> 00:34:04,046 Loaded. Excellent. 314 00:34:21,373 --> 00:34:22,966 Miss Asbury? 315 00:34:23,973 --> 00:34:25,407 May I? 316 00:34:25,573 --> 00:34:27,132 Okay. 317 00:34:37,253 --> 00:34:40,689 - Do this often? - Every chance we get. How much? 318 00:34:44,453 --> 00:34:48,162 - This is some place. Ls it haunted? - Yeah... 319 00:34:48,413 --> 00:34:53,044 ...by ghosts of delivery men who asked stupid questions and never escaped. 320 00:34:57,533 --> 00:35:00,571 This is unbelievable. What are you doing to me? 321 00:35:01,173 --> 00:35:03,244 She's terrific. 322 00:35:58,573 --> 00:36:03,010 I wouldn't think you'd need a telemetry readout to count heads. 323 00:36:03,253 --> 00:36:05,290 Not human ones. Certainly. 324 00:36:10,093 --> 00:36:14,929 - I'm real worried about Mr. Bollinger. - Don't bother. He'll show up. 325 00:36:15,173 --> 00:36:19,292 I wish I was as sure of that as you are. Where's Vic? 326 00:36:19,493 --> 00:36:22,611 Right here. Anyone care to dance? 327 00:36:22,853 --> 00:36:25,845 Well. Not me. I'm pooped. 328 00:36:26,373 --> 00:36:28,091 Where have you been? 329 00:36:28,293 --> 00:36:29,852 I lost my book. 330 00:36:30,173 --> 00:36:33,723 It's story time. We've heard the one about the actress... 331 00:36:33,933 --> 00:36:37,051 ...tell us about Rimbauer's partner. Mr. Pusey. 332 00:36:37,253 --> 00:36:42,566 - Remember that seance I spoke about? - Starring the gypsy psychic Cora Frye? 333 00:36:42,773 --> 00:36:45,287 Yes. That was 1914... 334 00:36:45,493 --> 00:36:48,212 ...and the war was heating up the economy. 335 00:36:48,453 --> 00:36:51,889 Omicron Oil was in clover. Money was rolling in... 336 00:36:52,093 --> 00:36:54,926 ...and John Rimbauer was tired of sharing. 337 00:36:55,173 --> 00:36:59,531 In October of that year. He gave Douglas Pusey the bum's rush. 338 00:36:59,773 --> 00:37:04,529 According to family legend. Uncle Pusey had a taste for cowboys. 339 00:37:04,733 --> 00:37:07,202 He liked chaps in chaps? 340 00:37:07,413 --> 00:37:12,089 - Was he into roping or branding? - Probably a little bit of both. 341 00:37:12,893 --> 00:37:16,363 Rimbauer bought him out at distressed sale prices. 342 00:37:16,613 --> 00:37:19,969 He was told never to come back. But he did. Once. 343 00:37:20,213 --> 00:37:26,562 That was in 1915. John was in Europe. And Adam and April were home with Mom. 344 00:38:37,733 --> 00:38:42,170 Granddad never forgot Pusey tossing him that Tom Mix hat of his. 345 00:38:42,333 --> 00:38:46,645 He wanted it and threw a tantrum when his mother tried to take it. 346 00:38:46,813 --> 00:38:50,204 And he never forgot April catching the rose. 347 00:38:50,453 --> 00:38:55,846 Why did Pusey wait a year to do it? And why here? Any ideas? 348 00:38:56,013 --> 00:38:57,686 I don't have any answers. 349 00:38:57,933 --> 00:39:02,803 After the suicide, John and Ellen kept Adam away as much as possible. 350 00:39:03,013 --> 00:39:06,802 He was at boarding school when his sister disappeared. 351 00:39:07,053 --> 00:39:10,523 He knew that something was wrong here. Even then. 352 00:39:10,733 --> 00:39:14,169 The male descendants have mostly stayed away. 353 00:39:14,413 --> 00:39:18,646 I was here only a few times. I got off on my own once. I was 8. 354 00:39:18,853 --> 00:39:20,048 Your father... 355 00:39:20,213 --> 00:39:24,093 He hated this place. He was afraid. My mother brought me. 356 00:39:25,093 --> 00:39:28,131 I forgot till today. I blocked it out, I guess. 357 00:39:28,333 --> 00:39:32,930 Nick reminded me. She probably couldn't find a babysitter. 358 00:39:33,373 --> 00:39:37,082 - What was she looking for? - Loot. I think she was drunk. 359 00:39:37,293 --> 00:39:41,412 That's my memory of it, but she so often was in those days. 360 00:40:19,693 --> 00:40:21,843 I know she and Dad were broke. 361 00:40:22,053 --> 00:40:25,933 After we lost the oil company, it's been a family disease. 362 00:40:26,133 --> 00:40:27,692 Broke it is. 363 00:40:29,693 --> 00:40:34,608 And while your mother was treasure hunting. You got lost. 364 00:40:34,853 --> 00:40:37,971 Yeah. It was no big deal. But... 365 00:40:38,173 --> 00:40:41,803 You were upstairs before you realized how lost you were. 366 00:40:41,973 --> 00:40:46,285 One floor above the mirror library. Or was it three floors, or 10? 367 00:40:46,973 --> 00:40:49,772 When this place gets going and feels lively... 368 00:40:49,973 --> 00:40:51,805 ...when it has energy to use... 369 00:40:52,013 --> 00:40:54,971 ...it can make itself as big as it wants. 370 00:40:55,173 --> 00:40:57,562 But you got to the top... 371 00:40:57,733 --> 00:40:59,565 ...and that's where... 372 00:41:02,693 --> 00:41:04,923 Oh. My God! 373 00:41:09,173 --> 00:41:11,244 What is it? Do you know? 374 00:41:11,453 --> 00:41:15,731 It's a cluster manifestation with elements like an earthquake. 375 00:41:19,573 --> 00:41:22,691 It's the house! It's coming alive! 376 00:41:25,173 --> 00:41:27,892 How many are there? Can you tell? 377 00:41:33,493 --> 00:41:34,972 Damn this thing! 378 00:41:35,213 --> 00:41:38,285 I'm not so sure that there is anyone here! 379 00:41:38,493 --> 00:41:41,690 I know that sounds crazy. But...! 380 00:41:51,373 --> 00:41:52,568 BE gone! 381 00:42:16,653 --> 00:42:18,530 Oh. Annie. Don't touch it. 382 00:43:15,333 --> 00:43:19,042 - Go. - Annie. 383 00:43:21,173 --> 00:43:23,483 Go ahead. 384 00:43:23,733 --> 00:43:25,246 Go. 385 00:43:25,453 --> 00:43:29,083 Annie, come. 386 00:43:38,293 --> 00:43:41,649 I'd advise none of you to go wandering tonight. 387 00:43:42,973 --> 00:43:47,251 - You'd agree. Wouldn't you, Steve? - As a matter of fact, I would. 388 00:44:01,533 --> 00:44:03,444 If we're quiet... 389 00:44:03,693 --> 00:44:05,491 ...if we listen... 390 00:44:05,733 --> 00:44:08,293 ...we can hear houses breathe. 391 00:44:08,533 --> 00:44:12,288 Sometimes. In the depth of the night... 392 00:44:12,533 --> 00:44:17,084 ...you can hear them groan as if they were having bad dreams. 393 00:44:17,333 --> 00:44:19,244 Can I ask you something? 394 00:44:21,133 --> 00:44:22,646 Of course. Emery. 395 00:44:24,173 --> 00:44:26,847 Will you come to bed with me? 396 00:44:28,493 --> 00:44:31,087 Look. Isn't that your mom? 397 00:44:31,333 --> 00:44:33,290 That's not my mother. 398 00:44:33,533 --> 00:44:37,208 That's just an old... Pam? 399 00:44:39,093 --> 00:44:42,848 - Pam. What are you doing? - Say cheese. Say cheese, Emmy! 400 00:44:51,533 --> 00:44:53,444 Oh. Man! 401 00:45:25,173 --> 00:45:27,892 Five grand wasn't enough. Ma. Not at all. 402 00:45:28,133 --> 00:45:30,647 Twenty wouldn't have been enough. 403 00:45:54,933 --> 00:45:56,526 Wanna get it on? 404 00:45:57,133 --> 00:45:59,124 We've got all night. Emery. 405 00:45:59,333 --> 00:46:02,883 - We've got forever. - You're not there. Not there! 406 00:46:03,133 --> 00:46:06,364 But I am. I'm your girl. 407 00:46:06,653 --> 00:46:10,044 I'm your dream girl. 408 00:46:10,253 --> 00:46:14,451 Not there. Not there. Not there. Not there. 409 00:50:41,493 --> 00:50:43,052 Say cheese! 410 00:50:52,933 --> 00:50:55,846 - Who is it? - Cathy. 411 00:51:12,253 --> 00:51:14,642 Come on. Hurry up. 412 00:51:16,533 --> 00:51:18,046 What is it? 413 00:51:18,253 --> 00:51:21,803 Steve found something amazing. It explains so much. 414 00:51:22,013 --> 00:51:24,892 Explains what? What are you talking about? 415 00:52:49,893 --> 00:52:51,247 Annie... 416 00:52:51,453 --> 00:52:54,730 ...turn your record player off. Dad'll be pissed. 417 00:53:51,013 --> 00:53:52,731 What is it? 418 00:54:04,373 --> 00:54:06,250 Did you open that? 419 00:54:07,933 --> 00:54:10,652 If you opened it. Close it. 420 00:54:11,733 --> 00:54:14,293 I can't sleep with the door open. 421 00:54:14,533 --> 00:54:18,049 I'm afraid of the bogeyman. Aren't you? 422 00:54:33,133 --> 00:54:36,649 No "bogeyman." 423 00:54:36,893 --> 00:54:39,362 No bogeyman? 424 00:54:40,013 --> 00:54:42,846 Bogey" lady- 425 00:54:44,693 --> 00:54:46,843 Bogey lady? 426 00:55:02,853 --> 00:55:07,848 - Night-night. - You are gonna get it now. 427 00:55:43,613 --> 00:55:48,210 Sorry. Your call can't be completed. Pay your bill and kiss my ass. 428 00:55:49,213 --> 00:55:50,442 No luck? 429 00:55:50,653 --> 00:55:55,853 My mom will go crazy. It's not a long trip for her. Even at the best times. 430 00:55:56,053 --> 00:55:57,373 Sorry about that. 431 00:55:57,573 --> 00:56:02,522 Yeah. Well. I'm thinking about getting out of here before she shows up. 432 00:56:02,733 --> 00:56:05,805 I get tired of her. You know. Showing up. 433 00:56:06,293 --> 00:56:09,445 Also. Rimbauer gets on my nerves. Joyce ton. 434 00:56:09,653 --> 00:56:13,567 "On our left. The ghosts of April Rimbauer and Douglas Pusey. 435 00:56:13,773 --> 00:56:16,447 Don't worry. They're perfectly harmless." 436 00:56:16,693 --> 00:56:20,482 And you know what? Under that phony tour-guide shtick... 437 00:56:20,733 --> 00:56:24,692 ...she's as crazy as the Red Queen. "Off with their heads." 438 00:56:24,933 --> 00:56:27,846 And that creepy kid with that creepy doll. 439 00:56:28,093 --> 00:56:30,243 She's nuts ton. 440 00:56:30,493 --> 00:56:33,849 Rimbauer's just smart-ass do four. 441 00:56:35,133 --> 00:56:37,852 Well. What's this. Your shrink routine? 442 00:56:38,933 --> 00:56:41,652 Just get it off your chest. 443 00:56:42,853 --> 00:56:46,562 A dead cell, isn't that what Joyce called it? 444 00:56:46,773 --> 00:56:51,244 Wanna know about dead? I had a dead movie star in bed last night. 445 00:56:51,493 --> 00:56:55,566 - Deanna Petrie? - Didn't last long. But it was a very... 446 00:56:55,773 --> 00:57:00,131 ...physical manifestation. I'm getting tired of Rose Red's tricks. 447 00:57:00,333 --> 00:57:04,213 Joyce wants some of her 5000 back. I'll see her in court. 448 00:57:04,413 --> 00:57:09,203 If my mom doesn't hear from me soon. She's really gonna go nuclear. 449 00:57:09,733 --> 00:57:13,647 I will not try my call again later! 450 00:57:38,133 --> 00:57:40,249 Good morning. Annie. 451 00:57:42,453 --> 00:57:44,251 All right then. 452 00:57:53,333 --> 00:57:57,452 - Good morning. Steve. - Good morning. 453 00:57:57,973 --> 00:58:01,648 - Is that Annie? - Annie it is. 454 00:58:01,853 --> 00:58:04,891 Would you like some eggs? It'd be a pleasure. 455 00:58:05,133 --> 00:58:06,328 No. Thanks. 456 00:58:06,533 --> 00:58:09,525 - Seen Joyce? - She's fiddling with her equipment... 457 00:58:09,773 --> 00:58:15,246 ...looking as if she last got a good sleep circa 1972. I'd tread carefully. 458 00:58:15,493 --> 00:58:20,249 - She's crabby. Huh? - Very. Video's cloudy. Audio garbled... 459 00:58:20,493 --> 00:58:23,849 ...no recorded telemetry of any use. 460 00:58:28,893 --> 00:58:31,726 - What's that? - That's the wine cellar. 461 00:58:31,933 --> 00:58:35,722 Isn't it marvellous? The door was open when I came down. 462 00:58:35,933 --> 00:58:38,846 - Haven't you seen it before? - No. 463 00:58:41,493 --> 00:58:43,484 Rose Red hasn't just woken up... 464 00:58:43,733 --> 00:58:47,488 ...it's House and Garden's version of Frankenstein's monster. 465 00:58:47,693 --> 00:58:50,811 - That's ridiculous. - Ls it? 466 00:58:51,013 --> 00:58:52,651 Listen. 467 00:58:55,733 --> 00:58:58,612 - You heard much of that? - Enough to worry me. 468 00:58:58,813 --> 00:59:02,283 Bollinger's persistent non-appearance worries me ton. 469 00:59:02,533 --> 00:59:05,924 You would think. If he was still here and alive... 470 00:59:06,133 --> 00:59:09,683 - ...we'd run into him, wouldn't you? - I don't know. 471 00:59:09,933 --> 00:59:13,324 The longer we go without reporting his disappearance... 472 00:59:13,533 --> 00:59:18,448 ...the more peculiar our position is if he turns up dead. Or not at all. 473 00:59:24,733 --> 00:59:28,727 Dom Perignon, 1949. A very good year. 474 00:59:29,373 --> 00:59:32,172 In my experience. They're all good years. 475 00:59:35,693 --> 00:59:38,731 What goes better with eggs than champagne? 476 00:59:38,933 --> 00:59:41,049 Pull the cork. Steve. 477 00:59:51,013 --> 00:59:54,972 - Will you wet your whistle? - It's a little early for me. 478 00:59:55,893 --> 00:59:57,930 - Cheers. - Cheers. 479 01:00:03,533 --> 01:00:06,651 You know. This place is feeding off us. 480 01:00:06,853 --> 01:00:09,652 And although I'm sure it finds us all... 481 01:00:09,893 --> 01:00:14,763 ...rather tasty. Its primary sources of nourishment are Annie and you. 482 01:00:15,013 --> 01:00:19,644 - I don't have a telepathic bone in me. - I don't know what you were before... 483 01:00:19,813 --> 01:00:24,444 ...and the house almost ate you. But now you're a psychic transmitter... 484 01:00:24,733 --> 01:00:30,092 ...operating on Rose Red's wavelength. It almost had you. It wants you back. 485 01:00:30,333 --> 01:00:31,687 It wants Annie ton. 486 01:00:31,893 --> 01:00:33,964 - You' re crazy. - Crazy? 487 01:00:34,173 --> 01:00:37,006 Maybe. But I vouch that Joyce is crazier... 488 01:00:37,213 --> 01:00:41,093 ...and she means to have proof even if someone has to die. 489 01:00:41,333 --> 01:00:43,722 - You' re wrong. - Really? 490 01:00:43,933 --> 01:00:47,449 Let's ask Mr. Bollinger. If we meet him again. 491 01:00:50,373 --> 01:00:54,287 - What are you doing? - Making sure Miller sent Bollinger. 492 01:00:54,493 --> 01:00:58,452 - If he did. I'll report him missing. - Joyce won't like that. 493 01:00:58,653 --> 01:01:01,725 According to you, she's not very happy anyway. 494 01:01:11,133 --> 01:01:13,693 Hey. Professor. What you doing here? 495 01:01:13,893 --> 01:01:17,124 Minding my business, as I hope you will yours. 496 01:01:18,893 --> 01:01:20,486 Who locked this door? 497 01:01:20,733 --> 01:01:25,409 I imagine you locked it yourself. Professor. It being your office. 498 01:01:26,453 --> 01:01:30,048 You must have the number. It's your cell phone. 499 01:01:30,573 --> 01:01:33,964 - Will you talk to him if he calls? - I’d be delighted. 500 01:01:34,173 --> 01:01:35,607 Thanks. 501 01:01:38,573 --> 01:01:41,929 Guess who's on the cover of next week's paper? 502 01:01:42,133 --> 01:01:44,044 You have a nice day. 503 01:01:44,693 --> 01:01:48,482 - Damn you! - Received at 8:42 a.m. 504 01:01:48,733 --> 01:01:53,250 This is Steve again. I need to talk to you about Kevin Bollinger. 505 01:01:53,493 --> 01:01:58,283 He slit his wrists and wrote your name in his blood before he died. 506 01:01:58,533 --> 01:02:01,889 Joyce suggests you come before we call the cops. 507 01:02:02,133 --> 01:02:05,046 Maybe we can minimize this scandal, but... 508 01:02:05,293 --> 01:02:08,649 ...it's imperative you come the second you get this. 509 01:02:08,853 --> 01:02:13,643 End of message. You have no more new messages. 510 01:02:21,333 --> 01:02:23,643 Have a nice day. Professor. 511 01:02:47,933 --> 01:02:50,049 Morning. Annie. 512 01:02:53,253 --> 01:02:56,052 Good morning. Annie. 513 01:03:01,933 --> 01:03:03,844 Good morning. Annie. 514 01:03:09,293 --> 01:03:11,853 Good morning. Annie. 515 01:03:17,253 --> 01:03:20,484 Goad "taming." 516 01:03:20,733 --> 01:03:25,364 Steve. Good morning. Steve. 517 01:03:26,013 --> 01:03:29,449 Goad "' taming.“ Sieve. 518 01:03:30,733 --> 01:03:32,053 Right. 519 01:04:02,653 --> 01:04:04,849 Knock yourself out. 520 01:04:27,653 --> 01:04:29,644 That's pretty good. 521 01:05:17,413 --> 01:05:22,852 She can also bend spoons. Turn on lights. And set off car alarms. 522 01:05:25,053 --> 01:05:30,127 - I got babies. - Yes. Very nice babies. 523 01:05:32,293 --> 01:05:36,526 I got Adam. I got April. 524 01:05:37,133 --> 01:05:41,445 She never talks to strangers. I'm impressed. 525 01:05:41,653 --> 01:05:43,132 In fact. I'm stunned. 526 01:05:43,333 --> 01:05:47,930 Well. I've never heard Glenn Miller playing out of a flower before. 527 01:05:51,653 --> 01:05:54,293 You're Rachel. That's right, isn't it? 528 01:05:54,493 --> 01:05:58,088 Yeah. Most people call me Sister or Sissy. For short. 529 01:05:58,333 --> 01:06:00,847 I think I prefer Rachel. 530 01:06:01,533 --> 01:06:04,571 So. This is a very big deal for Joyce. Right? 531 01:06:04,813 --> 01:06:07,931 Yes. Because of the disappearances. Rose Red... 532 01:06:08,133 --> 01:06:11,444 ...is a white whale in the field of psychic research. 533 01:06:11,653 --> 01:06:15,726 Now that Miller got her tenure revoked. It's more important. 534 01:06:15,933 --> 01:06:19,892 If Joyce gets proof of paranormal activity. She's okay. If not... 535 01:06:20,133 --> 01:06:23,091 I had no idea things were so dire for her. 536 01:06:23,333 --> 01:06:27,452 She's paying me a lot of money. Paying Annie. I should say. 537 01:06:27,653 --> 01:06:30,691 - I wonder if she can afford it. - I wonder ton. 538 01:06:30,933 --> 01:06:35,962 You really don't know? I thought you two were closer than that. 539 01:06:36,213 --> 01:06:39,808 In some ways. In others. We're not in the same neighbourhood. 540 01:06:40,013 --> 01:06:41,492 Tell me about her. 541 01:06:43,133 --> 01:06:46,683 She's 15. She's autistic. 542 01:06:46,853 --> 01:06:50,289 She loves "A Summer Place." She loves big bands. 543 01:06:50,533 --> 01:06:54,652 She's also telepathic and psychokinetic. 544 01:06:54,933 --> 01:06:59,211 Which are probably the least important things about her. 545 01:06:59,413 --> 01:07:02,246 - Can I show you something? - Sure. 546 01:07:07,693 --> 01:07:11,448 Everything was dead at this end of the room yesterday. 547 01:07:11,693 --> 01:07:14,082 We all feel the house coming to life. 548 01:07:14,293 --> 01:07:18,651 Maybe. But the house didn't do this. Annie did. 549 01:07:18,893 --> 01:07:22,249 It's the other side of what she is. It's not all... 550 01:07:22,453 --> 01:07:24,888 ...frozen pipes and falling stones. 551 01:07:25,133 --> 01:07:30,287 When I look at her. I don't see ruin. I see roses. 552 01:07:32,493 --> 01:07:34,848 When Annie was 5. A dog bit her. 553 01:07:39,013 --> 01:07:41,084 Annie. Make him go away! 554 01:07:41,653 --> 01:07:43,769 Annie. Make him stop! 555 01:07:44,133 --> 01:07:46,693 Oh. Annie. Make him go away! 556 01:07:53,733 --> 01:07:56,771 What happened? Oh. My God. 557 01:07:58,453 --> 01:08:01,172 He bit her. Your dog bit my sister! 558 01:08:01,373 --> 01:08:04,047 Oh. My God. Buddy. Get back in the house! 559 01:08:04,253 --> 01:08:09,851 I'm so sorry. He's never done this before. He's never bitten anyone. 560 01:08:10,893 --> 01:08:14,443 It'll be all right, you'll see. It'll be just fine. 561 01:08:18,733 --> 01:08:21,452 Sister. Look at this. 562 01:08:21,653 --> 01:08:25,044 Sister. I got baby. 563 01:08:32,293 --> 01:08:33,886 Hey. Go on, now. 564 01:08:34,133 --> 01:08:39,367 Stones from the sky just fell on the house. Nowhere else on the street. 565 01:08:39,573 --> 01:08:43,726 The dog that hurt her had been destroyed. But Annie... 566 01:08:43,933 --> 01:08:46,891 Annie didn't understand that. 567 01:08:47,093 --> 01:08:49,972 - Stop it. - Answer me! Are you proud of this? 568 01:08:50,213 --> 01:08:52,329 - Stop it! - No. I'm not going to! 569 01:08:52,533 --> 01:08:54,490 How could you be so stupid? 570 01:08:54,733 --> 01:08:58,613 How could you let a reporter get Annie's drawings? 571 01:09:01,013 --> 01:09:04,847 Annie came in while I was arguing with my father and... 572 01:09:05,053 --> 01:09:06,373 ...well... 573 01:09:06,573 --> 01:09:10,328 ...I guess you could say she lodged a protest. 574 01:09:49,413 --> 01:09:52,451 She froze all the water in the house. 575 01:09:52,653 --> 01:09:57,250 She's a big-time telekinetic. And that's all Joyce cares about. 576 01:09:57,453 --> 01:09:59,490 - Joyce is... - No! 577 01:10:00,053 --> 01:10:03,250 No. I... Thank you. 578 01:10:04,093 --> 01:10:06,243 I do understand. I mean... 579 01:10:06,493 --> 01:10:11,647 ...l think even Annie understands why we're here. In her own way. 580 01:10:12,413 --> 01:10:14,245 But for me... 581 01:10:14,653 --> 01:10:19,853 ...the important thing about Annie. All that's important about Annie... 582 01:10:20,253 --> 01:10:24,133 ...is that she responds to love with love. 583 01:10:24,693 --> 01:10:28,482 Isn't there a place for the Annies of the world? 584 01:10:28,733 --> 01:10:34,251 It'd be nice to think so. But the world isn't always fair. That's all. 585 01:10:35,493 --> 01:10:37,086 I know it. 586 01:10:46,293 --> 01:10:51,652 For the lamb shall lead and feed them unto the living fountains of waters. 587 01:10:56,493 --> 01:10:58,882 We must drink from the grape... 588 01:10:59,133 --> 01:11:01,409 ...and not the grain. 589 01:11:02,213 --> 01:11:04,443 Maybe later. 590 01:11:06,133 --> 01:11:07,851 You sure? 591 01:11:10,853 --> 01:11:12,764 Could we...? 592 01:11:16,493 --> 01:11:19,246 What's she thinking? Any idea at all? 593 01:11:19,813 --> 01:11:21,372 Not the slightest. 594 01:11:22,453 --> 01:11:25,252 Miss Asbury. You look lovely this morning. 595 01:11:25,453 --> 01:11:30,050 If only I'd have known. I would've dressed for the occasion. 596 01:11:37,933 --> 01:11:40,243 What's wrong. Sweetheart? 597 01:11:45,333 --> 01:11:50,453 - Miss Asbury? Pam? - It's not much farther. 598 01:12:48,733 --> 01:12:49,928 Who are you? 599 01:12:50,133 --> 01:12:54,650 - I might ask you the same thing. - Patricia Waterman. Emery's mom. 600 01:12:54,893 --> 01:12:56,486 Professor Carl Miller. 601 01:12:56,693 --> 01:12:59,048 Nice to meet you. Are you going in? 602 01:12:59,253 --> 01:13:02,689 - I'm afraid so. - Good. I've come to get my boy. 603 01:13:02,933 --> 01:13:05,243 Get the gate. Would you? 604 01:13:14,693 --> 01:13:18,652 Come on! Put your back into it! 605 01:13:33,733 --> 01:13:38,284 - What is it you found? - Something amazing. It explains a lot. 606 01:13:38,533 --> 01:13:41,047 - We should tell the others. - We will. 607 01:13:41,293 --> 01:13:44,046 But I wanted to show you first. 608 01:23:12,165 --> 01:23:17,165 - Synced by WOLF - - www.addic7ed.com - 609 01:23:18,290 --> 01:23:20,290 - Subtitles by SDI Media Group -