1 00:00:00,062 --> 00:00:01,479 ♪ Born on the wrong end Of the leash ♪ 2 00:00:01,563 --> 00:00:04,104 -♪ He was a dreamer ♪ -♪ And a little schemer ♪ 3 00:00:04,187 --> 00:00:05,813 ♪ A nutty mutt living a dog's life ♪ 4 00:00:05,896 --> 00:00:07,438 ♪ But when he'd hear the bell for school ♪ 5 00:00:07,521 --> 00:00:08,354 ♪ He'd start to drool ♪ 6 00:00:08,438 --> 00:00:10,146 -♪ One day he says ♪ -♪ I'll take a chance ♪ 7 00:00:10,229 --> 00:00:11,855 ♪ Trades his leash For a pair of pants ♪ 8 00:00:11,938 --> 00:00:14,229 ♪ In a glance, school becomes His favorite pastime ♪ 9 00:00:14,312 --> 00:00:16,604 ♪ I have buried a bone For the last time ♪ 10 00:00:16,688 --> 00:00:18,312 -♪ He says ♪ -♪ I want to be a boy ♪ 11 00:00:18,396 --> 00:00:19,646 ♪ Ooh, he's bad ♪ 12 00:00:19,730 --> 00:00:21,146 ♪ He's so over just being rover ♪ 13 00:00:21,229 --> 00:00:22,604 ♪ I gotta be a boy ♪ 14 00:00:22,688 --> 00:00:25,062 ♪ It's so weird ♪ ♪ He says he's just gonna be a boy ♪ 15 00:00:25,146 --> 00:00:26,688 ♪ Turns out he's a regular Einstein ♪ 16 00:00:26,771 --> 00:00:28,438 ♪ And Leonard is treading a fine line ♪ 17 00:00:28,521 --> 00:00:30,980 Why can't I be a normal kid like any other? 18 00:00:31,062 --> 00:00:33,146 Now, doodle bug, listen to mother. 19 00:00:33,229 --> 00:00:34,938 ♪ I want to be a boy ♪ 20 00:00:35,021 --> 00:00:36,938 I hate dogs. 21 00:00:37,021 --> 00:00:39,479 ♪ I gotta be a boy ♪ 22 00:00:39,563 --> 00:00:41,479 ♪ This power pup's gonna be a boy ♪ 23 00:00:41,563 --> 00:00:43,521 I do not wish to be a dog. 24 00:00:43,604 --> 00:00:46,104 ♪ Now this bowser's ready for trousers ♪ 25 00:00:46,187 --> 00:00:47,521 ♪ I got to be a boy ♪ 26 00:00:47,604 --> 00:00:49,104 ♪ His nose is wet but you can bet ♪ 27 00:00:49,187 --> 00:00:52,229 ♪ This teacher's pet is gonna be a boy ♪ 28 00:00:52,312 --> 00:00:54,146 Yes! 29 00:01:11,104 --> 00:01:11,938 [thunder crashes] 30 00:01:12,938 --> 00:01:16,521 [Spot] Madness descends, enveloping, consuming, 31 00:01:16,604 --> 00:01:19,688 like a velvet shroud of black terror. 32 00:01:19,771 --> 00:01:21,563 We are lost, 33 00:01:21,646 --> 00:01:23,896 cast adrift this Hallows' Eve, 34 00:01:23,980 --> 00:01:28,229 on a lightless sea of candy... costumes... 35 00:01:28,312 --> 00:01:30,980 And madness! 36 00:01:31,062 --> 00:01:31,896 [cackles] 37 00:01:32,438 --> 00:01:34,980 Hey, listen to what this Halloween web site 38 00:01:35,062 --> 00:01:37,104 says about vampires. 39 00:01:37,187 --> 00:01:39,396 "Vampires can take on virtually any form, 40 00:01:39,479 --> 00:01:41,438 and once invited into your home, 41 00:01:41,521 --> 00:01:44,396 will never leave till they suck out all your blood." 42 00:01:44,479 --> 00:01:45,980 Aah! 43 00:01:46,062 --> 00:01:48,980 Oh, please. That's a bunch of supernatural hooey. 44 00:01:49,062 --> 00:01:51,479 This whole Halloween thing is a scam, 45 00:01:51,563 --> 00:01:53,479 foisted on a gullible public 46 00:01:53,563 --> 00:01:55,521 by the central American sugar barons. 47 00:01:55,604 --> 00:01:57,980 It's all right here. 48 00:01:58,062 --> 00:02:00,354 Do you think I was right going with chromain, 49 00:02:00,438 --> 00:02:03,187 the cyborg prince from the Black Hole Adventure Series? 50 00:02:03,271 --> 00:02:05,688 Or should I have stuck with the Bo Peep's sheep costume? 51 00:02:05,771 --> 00:02:07,104 What difference does it make? 52 00:02:07,187 --> 00:02:08,688 If it doesn't stop raining, 53 00:02:08,771 --> 00:02:11,104 we won't even get to go trick-or-treating. 54 00:02:11,187 --> 00:02:13,604 Leonard, a little faith, please. 55 00:02:13,688 --> 00:02:15,563 I checked "The Farmers' Almanac," 56 00:02:15,646 --> 00:02:18,271 the U.S. Weather Bureau, the local weather report, 57 00:02:18,354 --> 00:02:21,062 and your mother's bunion, and I'm telling you, 58 00:02:21,146 --> 00:02:22,813 all signs point to clear skies 59 00:02:22,896 --> 00:02:24,271 and smooth sailing tomorrow night. 60 00:02:24,354 --> 00:02:25,438 I hope you're right. 61 00:02:25,521 --> 00:02:27,396 It'd be awful to miss our first year 62 00:02:27,479 --> 00:02:29,521 of trick-or-treating all by ourselves. 63 00:02:29,604 --> 00:02:31,271 Leonard, who are you talking to? 64 00:02:31,354 --> 00:02:33,563 Huh? No one. Just myself. 65 00:02:33,646 --> 00:02:35,980 Leonard Helperman, I hope this isn't an unapproved 66 00:02:36,062 --> 00:02:37,771 do-it-yourself Halloween costume. 67 00:02:37,855 --> 00:02:40,271 I told you, if you want to go trick-or-treating 68 00:02:40,354 --> 00:02:41,479 with your friends, 69 00:02:41,563 --> 00:02:44,354 you have to wear this safety smart 'n' scary one. 70 00:02:44,438 --> 00:02:45,813 But-- but, Mom-- 71 00:02:45,896 --> 00:02:47,855 [sighs] Yes, ma'am. 72 00:02:47,938 --> 00:02:49,813 All righty, then. [laughs] 73 00:02:49,896 --> 00:02:51,813 I'll just get rid of this thing, and you go to bed. 74 00:02:51,896 --> 00:02:53,146 Yes, ma'am. 75 00:02:58,396 --> 00:03:00,604 Well, I guess it's Bo Peep's sheep after all. 76 00:03:00,688 --> 00:03:02,187 Probably for the best. 77 00:03:02,271 --> 00:03:04,438 I have such a flair for quadrupeds. 78 00:03:04,521 --> 00:03:05,354 [animal screeches] 79 00:03:06,521 --> 00:03:07,438 [both] Aah! 80 00:03:07,521 --> 00:03:09,479 Ow, ow, ow. Claws. 81 00:03:09,563 --> 00:03:11,187 W-w-w-w-what was that? 82 00:03:11,271 --> 00:03:13,563 It sounded like... 83 00:03:13,646 --> 00:03:16,604 The tormented cry of a disembodied spirit, 84 00:03:16,688 --> 00:03:19,229 trapped between this life and the next. 85 00:03:19,312 --> 00:03:21,062 Or maybe a cat. 86 00:03:21,146 --> 00:03:22,438 That's another possibility. 87 00:03:22,521 --> 00:03:24,938 I think it's coming from the kitchen. Come on. 88 00:03:27,312 --> 00:03:30,187 [animal screeches] 89 00:03:30,271 --> 00:03:32,104 I think it's out there. 90 00:03:34,021 --> 00:03:36,354 No! Don't open it. 91 00:03:36,438 --> 00:03:38,813 It could be the disembodied spirit. 92 00:03:43,938 --> 00:03:46,521 See? It's a kitty, just like I said. 93 00:03:50,104 --> 00:03:52,229 Don't invite it in. 94 00:03:52,312 --> 00:03:53,312 [whispers] It might be a vampire 95 00:03:54,312 --> 00:03:55,896 just pretending to be a cat. 96 00:03:55,980 --> 00:03:59,021 You really ought to lay off the supernatural web sites. 97 00:03:59,104 --> 00:04:02,146 Come on inside, fella. It's okay. 98 00:04:02,229 --> 00:04:05,146 Great. Just what this house needs-- more cats. 99 00:04:05,229 --> 00:04:07,563 So, what's your name? 100 00:04:07,646 --> 00:04:09,229 Where'd you come from? Who's your daddy? 101 00:04:09,312 --> 00:04:10,688 Come on, fess up. 102 00:04:12,896 --> 00:04:14,730 It's okay. Leonard's cool. 103 00:04:14,813 --> 00:04:15,980 You can talk in front of him. 104 00:04:16,855 --> 00:04:19,521 Um, well, they call me Spooky, 105 00:04:19,604 --> 00:04:23,271 and I've been lost so long, I don't even remember my home. 106 00:04:23,354 --> 00:04:24,646 Aw, poor kitty. 107 00:04:24,730 --> 00:04:26,730 Don't worry. We'll take care of you. 108 00:04:26,813 --> 00:04:30,187 Oh, thank you all so much. 109 00:04:30,271 --> 00:04:32,813 I don't know how I can ever repay you. 110 00:04:37,438 --> 00:04:40,187 Ow, ow, ow. Claws. 111 00:04:43,855 --> 00:04:46,479 [purring] 112 00:04:49,187 --> 00:04:52,563 Leonard never should have invited him in. 113 00:04:52,646 --> 00:04:54,146 What if he is a vampire 114 00:04:54,229 --> 00:04:56,021 and he doesn't leave until he's sucked all my blood 115 00:04:56,104 --> 00:04:57,855 and made me his vampire slave? 116 00:04:57,938 --> 00:04:59,438 I don't want to be a slave. 117 00:04:59,521 --> 00:05:01,688 And I'm telling you, you're meshugeneh. 118 00:05:01,771 --> 00:05:03,229 That cat is an ordinary, 119 00:05:03,312 --> 00:05:05,271 everyday pain-in-the-neck cat, 120 00:05:05,354 --> 00:05:08,563 very much like a certain other pain-in-the-neck cat I know. 121 00:05:08,771 --> 00:05:11,187 Oh, really? Is he? 122 00:05:11,271 --> 00:05:14,187 Or has he already turned you into his vampire slave, 123 00:05:14,271 --> 00:05:16,730 and you just don't know it, hmm? 124 00:05:16,813 --> 00:05:17,813 Huh? Fair question. 125 00:05:17,896 --> 00:05:19,563 Now you've really flipped. 126 00:05:19,646 --> 00:05:23,062 Could somebody please close the curtains, please? 127 00:05:24,187 --> 00:05:26,604 I'm very sensitive to the sunlight. 128 00:05:28,521 --> 00:05:30,980 All righty-dighty. Are you boys all set? 129 00:05:31,062 --> 00:05:32,604 We sure are, Mrs. H. 130 00:05:32,688 --> 00:05:34,604 Got your Jack-o'-lantern flashlights? 131 00:05:34,688 --> 00:05:35,771 Yes, Mom. 132 00:05:37,438 --> 00:05:39,396 Super-duper. [laughs] 133 00:05:39,479 --> 00:05:40,646 Then I think you two 134 00:05:40,730 --> 00:05:42,479 are ready to have a fantabulous Halloween. 135 00:05:42,563 --> 00:05:44,104 This is gonna be great. 136 00:05:44,187 --> 00:05:46,312 My first trick-or-treat... 137 00:05:46,312 --> 00:05:48,354 Uh, with the big kids. 138 00:05:48,438 --> 00:05:50,688 Uh, there's just one more tiny little thing. 139 00:05:50,771 --> 00:05:53,479 -[both] Uh-oh. -I organized a neighborhood candy -free, 140 00:05:53,563 --> 00:05:55,187 no-trick Halloween zone. 141 00:05:55,271 --> 00:05:57,563 All the parents on our block have agreed 142 00:05:57,646 --> 00:06:00,604 to only hand out healthy trick-or-treat treats, 143 00:06:00,688 --> 00:06:02,229 such as dried fruits, canned goods, 144 00:06:02,312 --> 00:06:05,521 and, of course, the occasional shredded wheat biscuit. 145 00:06:05,604 --> 00:06:08,438 But, Mom, no candy on Halloween? 146 00:06:08,521 --> 00:06:09,980 That isn't even American. 147 00:06:10,271 --> 00:06:13,312 Oh, and I suppose rotten teeth and upset tummies are. 148 00:06:13,396 --> 00:06:14,438 I think not. 149 00:06:14,521 --> 00:06:15,896 I can't tell you what to do, Scott, 150 00:06:15,980 --> 00:06:17,771 but it's high time my little lollipop 151 00:06:17,855 --> 00:06:19,604 kicked the demon sugar habit. 152 00:06:19,688 --> 00:06:21,312 -But-- -No buts. 153 00:06:21,396 --> 00:06:24,604 I want you to promise me you'll stay on our block 154 00:06:24,688 --> 00:06:26,146 and won't cross the street. 155 00:06:26,604 --> 00:06:28,062 I promise. 156 00:06:28,146 --> 00:06:30,062 That's my good boy. [laughs] 157 00:06:30,146 --> 00:06:33,646 Now, get out there and have a super-fabuloso time. 158 00:06:33,730 --> 00:06:35,771 Oh, and be home by 7:00. 159 00:06:35,855 --> 00:06:38,688 Make sure your shoelaces are tied. 160 00:06:40,855 --> 00:06:41,771 [doorbell rings] 161 00:06:42,604 --> 00:06:45,187 [children] Trick or treat. 162 00:06:45,521 --> 00:06:46,479 Oh, my goodness, 163 00:06:46,563 --> 00:06:50,438 what a scary bunch of ghosts and goblins... 164 00:06:50,521 --> 00:06:52,187 And petting-zoo animals. 165 00:06:52,271 --> 00:06:53,104 [bleats] 166 00:06:53,479 --> 00:06:54,730 All righty, then. 167 00:06:54,813 --> 00:06:57,187 Who wants a nice, tasty banana? 168 00:07:00,271 --> 00:07:02,438 Leonard, I can't take any more 169 00:07:02,521 --> 00:07:04,438 of this lame excuse for a Halloween. 170 00:07:04,521 --> 00:07:05,980 I can't take it, I tell you. 171 00:07:06,062 --> 00:07:08,646 Well, I'm sorry, but you're going to have to take it. 172 00:07:08,730 --> 00:07:10,271 We don't have any other choice. 173 00:07:10,354 --> 00:07:11,187 [laughs] 174 00:07:11,521 --> 00:07:14,813 "Don't have any other choice"-- that's so cute. 175 00:07:14,896 --> 00:07:17,855 Lenny, Lenny, Lenny, we always have choices. 176 00:07:18,604 --> 00:07:20,438 Should I ignore social injustice, 177 00:07:20,521 --> 00:07:22,938 or should I choose to get involved? 178 00:07:23,021 --> 00:07:25,396 Should I sit in front of the TV day after day, 179 00:07:25,479 --> 00:07:28,479 or should I choose to live each day to the fullest? 180 00:07:28,563 --> 00:07:30,896 Should I walk around like a half-dead zombie 181 00:07:30,980 --> 00:07:33,354 collecting produce for Halloween, 182 00:07:33,438 --> 00:07:36,771 or should I choose to enjoy the revelry and candy 183 00:07:36,855 --> 00:07:40,646 as millions of kids have done since the dawn of man? 184 00:07:40,730 --> 00:07:42,479 Oh, no. You heard what my mom said. 185 00:07:42,563 --> 00:07:44,229 We're absolutely forbidden from-- 186 00:07:44,312 --> 00:07:45,438 Look. 187 00:07:45,521 --> 00:07:48,146 -♪ Everybody say party here ♪ -♪ Right here ♪ 188 00:07:48,229 --> 00:07:49,646 -♪ Everybody say party hearty ♪ -♪ Oh, yeah ♪ 189 00:07:49,730 --> 00:07:51,646 -♪ Everybody say party there ♪ -♪ Over here ♪ 190 00:07:51,771 --> 00:07:53,980 ♪ Everybody say party, party ♪ 191 00:07:54,062 --> 00:07:55,354 -♪ Come on, come on ♪ -♪ Come on, come on ♪ 192 00:07:55,438 --> 00:07:57,438 -♪ Party, party ♪ -♪ Party, party ♪ 193 00:07:57,521 --> 00:07:58,980 ♪ Come on, come on ♪ 194 00:07:59,062 --> 00:08:00,062 ♪ Ooh, yeah ♪ 195 00:08:00,146 --> 00:08:04,062 ♪ Everybody say party hearty ♪ 196 00:08:04,146 --> 00:08:07,646 But we can't. I promised my mom. 197 00:08:07,730 --> 00:08:08,980 Aw, come on. 198 00:08:09,062 --> 00:08:10,980 What's one little promise... 199 00:08:11,062 --> 00:08:13,271 Compared to this? 200 00:08:16,688 --> 00:08:18,855 -Ah. -No, I don't want to. 201 00:08:18,938 --> 00:08:21,187 Oh, Leonard, you say you don't want to go, 202 00:08:21,271 --> 00:08:22,730 but you are so transparent. 203 00:08:22,813 --> 00:08:25,604 Don't you know by now that I can see right through you? 204 00:08:25,688 --> 00:08:28,521 Please, can we go? Please, please, please? 205 00:08:28,604 --> 00:08:29,646 Well, I-- 206 00:08:29,730 --> 00:08:31,396 attaboy. 207 00:08:31,479 --> 00:08:36,521 -This is wrong-- so very, very wrong. -♪ Party, party ♪ 208 00:08:48,479 --> 00:08:50,479 Oh, Leonard, say hallelujah. 209 00:08:50,563 --> 00:08:53,938 We have reached the promised land. 210 00:08:57,730 --> 00:08:58,563 [sobbing] 211 00:08:59,604 --> 00:09:02,271 I got to admit, this does seem like more fun. 212 00:09:02,354 --> 00:09:04,479 Seems like more fun? 213 00:09:04,563 --> 00:09:08,604 Lenny, open your eyes and smell the candy corn. 214 00:09:08,688 --> 00:09:10,688 We're in Halloween heaven. 215 00:09:10,771 --> 00:09:13,521 Hey, guys, which are the good houses? 216 00:09:13,604 --> 00:09:15,146 Dude, they're all good. 217 00:09:15,229 --> 00:09:17,855 Yeah, dude, this is the best Halloween ever. 218 00:09:17,938 --> 00:09:19,438 Choco-crunchies, 219 00:09:19,521 --> 00:09:24,479 Caramel Twisties, Gooey Tasties. 220 00:09:24,563 --> 00:09:28,021 Some houses are even giving out Beating Heart Taffy. 221 00:09:28,104 --> 00:09:30,479 What's beating heart Taffy... dude? 222 00:09:30,563 --> 00:09:32,354 "What's Beating Heart Taffy?" 223 00:09:32,438 --> 00:09:34,771 Dude, where are you from? 224 00:09:34,855 --> 00:09:35,938 Across the street. 225 00:09:36,021 --> 00:09:37,563 [all] Oh. 226 00:09:37,646 --> 00:09:38,604 Beating Heart Taffy 227 00:09:38,688 --> 00:09:41,479 is only the chewiest, tastiest, taffiest taffy 228 00:09:41,563 --> 00:09:44,062 you've ever tasted, dude. 229 00:09:44,146 --> 00:09:45,688 [Leonard] Ew, that's gross. 230 00:09:45,771 --> 00:09:48,938 To paraphrase the great American humorist Will Rogers, 231 00:09:49,021 --> 00:09:52,021 I never met a piece of candy I didn't like... 232 00:09:52,104 --> 00:09:53,521 Until now. 233 00:09:53,604 --> 00:09:56,104 Here. 234 00:09:56,187 --> 00:09:57,062 [beating] 235 00:09:59,521 --> 00:10:02,938 Ooh. 236 00:10:03,021 --> 00:10:03,938 Wow. 237 00:10:04,021 --> 00:10:05,855 Disgusting on the outside, 238 00:10:05,938 --> 00:10:08,229 delicious on the inside. 239 00:10:08,312 --> 00:10:11,771 It's a whole new world on this side of the street. 240 00:10:11,855 --> 00:10:15,479 Come on, Lenny. Let's get to trick-or-treating. 241 00:10:18,521 --> 00:10:20,688 ♪ It's about the candy ♪ 242 00:10:20,771 --> 00:10:23,813 ♪ It's about the treats ♪ 243 00:10:23,896 --> 00:10:26,980 ♪ Dressing up like ghosts And ghouls and sheep ♪ 244 00:10:27,062 --> 00:10:28,563 ♪ It's surely dandy ♪ 245 00:10:28,646 --> 00:10:30,396 ♪ But, brother, When push comes to shove ♪ 246 00:10:30,438 --> 00:10:32,646 ♪ And shove comes to pull, Just fill me up ♪ 247 00:10:32,730 --> 00:10:34,980 ♪ Until I'm full ♪ 248 00:10:35,062 --> 00:10:36,980 ♪ Of those sweets ♪ 249 00:10:37,062 --> 00:10:39,354 ♪ Those sumptuous sweets ♪ 250 00:10:39,438 --> 00:10:40,855 ♪ No food can compete ♪ 251 00:10:40,938 --> 00:10:42,354 ♪ With a treacly treat ♪ 252 00:10:42,438 --> 00:10:44,021 ♪ Yummy gummy, gooey gooey ♪ 253 00:10:44,104 --> 00:10:49,438 ♪ You just can't beat Those Halloween sweets ♪ 254 00:10:49,521 --> 00:10:51,479 ♪ All you ghouls and goblins ♪ 255 00:10:51,563 --> 00:10:54,062 ♪ Every witch's hag ♪ 256 00:10:54,146 --> 00:10:57,229 ♪ Gobble up those goodies In your goody bag ♪ 257 00:10:57,312 --> 00:10:59,062 ♪ If there's a problem ♪ 258 00:10:59,146 --> 00:11:01,896 ♪ Because the one that you pick Is stuck to a stick ♪ 259 00:11:01,980 --> 00:11:05,312 ♪ Just eat that tricky treat With a lovin' lick ♪ 260 00:11:05,396 --> 00:11:07,521 ♪ I'm talking about sweets ♪ 261 00:11:07,604 --> 00:11:09,646 ♪ Those sumptuous sweets ♪ 262 00:11:09,730 --> 00:11:11,563 ♪ No food can compete ♪ 263 00:11:11,646 --> 00:11:12,938 ♪ With a treacly treat ♪ 264 00:11:13,021 --> 00:11:14,646 ♪ Yummy gummy, gooey gooey ♪ 265 00:11:14,730 --> 00:11:17,980 ♪ You just can't beat Those Halloween sweets ♪ 266 00:11:18,062 --> 00:11:20,521 ♪ Halloween treats ♪ 267 00:11:20,604 --> 00:11:22,479 ♪ Halloween treats ♪ 268 00:11:22,563 --> 00:11:25,813 Got to love 'em. 269 00:11:30,021 --> 00:11:32,938 Uh-oh. Here comes trouble. 270 00:11:36,604 --> 00:11:39,229 Hide your candy. 271 00:11:39,312 --> 00:11:41,563 Hey, guys. How'd you make out? 272 00:11:41,646 --> 00:11:44,438 Are you kidding? It was awful. 273 00:11:44,521 --> 00:11:46,354 If I see one more box of raisins, 274 00:11:46,438 --> 00:11:47,938 I'm gonna scream. 275 00:11:48,021 --> 00:11:50,021 It's like the whole neighborhood 276 00:11:50,104 --> 00:11:52,187 is one big vegetarian restaurant. 277 00:11:52,271 --> 00:11:53,396 Yeah. 278 00:11:53,479 --> 00:11:56,563 One house is even giving out egg-white omelets. 279 00:11:58,396 --> 00:12:00,438 Yeah, this Halloween was a total bust. 280 00:12:00,521 --> 00:12:02,980 Well, we've still got Christmas to look forward to. 281 00:12:03,062 --> 00:12:05,438 Yikes, look at the time. I've got to get home. 282 00:12:05,521 --> 00:12:07,104 Me too. See ya. 283 00:12:07,187 --> 00:12:08,104 Yeah. See ya. 284 00:12:08,187 --> 00:12:09,104 So long. 285 00:12:09,187 --> 00:12:11,104 Bye. 286 00:12:11,187 --> 00:12:12,021 [purring] 287 00:12:13,396 --> 00:12:16,688 According to the "Welcome To Transylvania" web site, 288 00:12:16,771 --> 00:12:18,479 if Spooky is a vampire, 289 00:12:18,563 --> 00:12:21,229 he'll be repelled by this garlic necklace. 290 00:12:21,312 --> 00:12:22,813 Well, if he isn't, I am. 291 00:12:22,896 --> 00:12:25,104 Between the garlic and your fish breath, 292 00:12:25,187 --> 00:12:26,855 you smell like day-old scampi. 293 00:12:26,938 --> 00:12:27,855 Mmm. 294 00:12:27,938 --> 00:12:29,896 What is that delightful aroma? 295 00:12:29,980 --> 00:12:31,479 Aah! 296 00:12:31,563 --> 00:12:34,813 Oh, I'm sorry. Did I startle you? 297 00:12:34,896 --> 00:12:35,855 Startle? Us? 298 00:12:35,938 --> 00:12:36,855 Not at all. 299 00:12:36,938 --> 00:12:37,855 Don't be silly. 300 00:12:37,938 --> 00:12:39,396 What ever gave you that idea? 301 00:12:39,479 --> 00:12:42,271 Is that a garland of garlic around your neck? 302 00:12:42,354 --> 00:12:45,146 Yes, as a matter of fact, it is. 303 00:12:45,229 --> 00:12:48,604 I hope you don't find it disturbing or repulsive. 304 00:12:48,688 --> 00:12:49,813 Do you? 305 00:12:49,896 --> 00:12:53,104 Why, no. Quite the contrary. 306 00:12:53,187 --> 00:12:54,479 Oh. 307 00:12:54,563 --> 00:12:55,938 That is a relief. 308 00:12:56,021 --> 00:12:58,479 Isn't that a relief, Pretty Boy? 309 00:12:58,563 --> 00:13:00,187 I, for one, am relieved. 310 00:13:00,271 --> 00:13:01,104 [sniffs] 311 00:13:02,062 --> 00:13:04,021 Mmm, mm-mmm-mmm. 312 00:13:04,104 --> 00:13:07,521 In fact, you smell good enough to eat. 313 00:13:10,062 --> 00:13:11,604 Ha ha. Stupid thing. Ha ha ha ha. 314 00:13:11,688 --> 00:13:13,604 Don't even know why I wear it. Ha ha. 315 00:13:13,688 --> 00:13:15,229 Speaking of eating, 316 00:13:15,312 --> 00:13:18,187 I was wondering if you might like to join me later 317 00:13:18,271 --> 00:13:20,521 for a midnight bite. 318 00:13:20,604 --> 00:13:22,396 Oh, uh... gee. 319 00:13:22,479 --> 00:13:25,438 Splendid, then. It's a date. 320 00:13:27,354 --> 00:13:29,312 Oh. Goody. 321 00:13:29,396 --> 00:13:32,354 Lucky for us, mom is still out on Halloween patrol. 322 00:13:32,438 --> 00:13:34,479 That'll give us time to hide the booty. 323 00:13:34,563 --> 00:13:36,354 Loot. Spoils. 324 00:13:36,438 --> 00:13:38,563 Plunderage. Swag? 325 00:13:38,646 --> 00:13:39,563 The candy. 326 00:13:39,646 --> 00:13:40,938 Oh. 327 00:13:41,021 --> 00:13:43,062 Listen, I was thinking... 328 00:13:43,146 --> 00:13:44,438 Oh, that's a dangerous sign. 329 00:13:44,521 --> 00:13:46,563 Maybe if we just confess right away 330 00:13:46,646 --> 00:13:48,354 and throw ourselves on my mom's mercy, 331 00:13:48,438 --> 00:13:50,229 things won't go so bad for us. 332 00:13:50,312 --> 00:13:52,062 That's one idea. Here's another-- 333 00:13:52,146 --> 00:13:53,354 we don't tell ma anything, 334 00:13:53,438 --> 00:13:55,396 thus avoiding getting into trouble altogether. 335 00:13:55,479 --> 00:13:57,312 That could work, too. 336 00:13:57,396 --> 00:13:59,479 I just wish I didn't feel so guilty about this. 337 00:13:59,563 --> 00:14:02,104 Here, try one of these. 338 00:14:02,187 --> 00:14:03,563 It'll have you feeling better in no time. 339 00:14:03,646 --> 00:14:05,563 [beating] 340 00:14:09,146 --> 00:14:12,187 [muffled] Holy moley, is this stuff good! 341 00:14:12,271 --> 00:14:14,604 Easy for you to say. Now help me hide the candy. 342 00:14:14,688 --> 00:14:16,062 Okay. 343 00:14:16,146 --> 00:14:17,563 Leonard, doodlebug, are you home? 344 00:14:17,646 --> 00:14:19,604 Quick, put everything in the closet. 345 00:14:19,688 --> 00:14:20,646 Good idea. 346 00:14:20,730 --> 00:14:22,521 And stop talking. 347 00:14:22,604 --> 00:14:23,813 All right. 348 00:14:23,896 --> 00:14:25,813 Oh, there you are. 349 00:14:25,896 --> 00:14:27,563 Why didn't you answer me? 350 00:14:27,646 --> 00:14:28,938 Oh, hello, mother. 351 00:14:29,021 --> 00:14:30,271 I'm sorry. 352 00:14:30,354 --> 00:14:32,730 I guess I was so engrossed in this American history book, 353 00:14:32,813 --> 00:14:34,146 I just didn't hear you. 354 00:14:34,229 --> 00:14:37,688 You're reading American history on your own 355 00:14:37,771 --> 00:14:40,354 without me giving you an assignment? 356 00:14:40,396 --> 00:14:41,479 Uh-huh. 357 00:14:41,563 --> 00:14:43,271 Oh, my goodness. 358 00:14:43,354 --> 00:14:45,146 I never thought this day would come. 359 00:14:45,229 --> 00:14:46,062 [laughs] 360 00:14:46,604 --> 00:14:48,479 How was your trick-or-treating? 361 00:14:48,563 --> 00:14:49,771 Oh, it was great. 362 00:14:49,855 --> 00:14:52,479 In fact, the fruits and vegetables were so delicious, 363 00:14:52,563 --> 00:14:54,563 I ate them all before I got home. 364 00:14:54,646 --> 00:14:55,479 [gasps] 365 00:14:55,646 --> 00:14:57,980 Well, now, somebody pinch me. 366 00:14:59,021 --> 00:15:00,688 Leonard, why is your tongue blue? 367 00:15:00,771 --> 00:15:01,604 [gasps] 368 00:15:02,730 --> 00:15:05,521 Must be all that, uh, delicious eggplant I ate. 369 00:15:05,604 --> 00:15:07,479 Be still, my heart. 370 00:15:07,563 --> 00:15:09,229 Mom, are you crying? 371 00:15:09,312 --> 00:15:10,604 Oh, don't be silly. 372 00:15:10,688 --> 00:15:13,104 Just got a little something in my eye. 373 00:15:13,187 --> 00:15:15,312 You go back to your American history. 374 00:15:15,396 --> 00:15:18,563 I love you very, very much. 375 00:15:18,646 --> 00:15:21,062 Good night. 376 00:15:22,479 --> 00:15:25,646 Leonard, that was, perhaps, 377 00:15:25,730 --> 00:15:27,062 the finest performance 378 00:15:27,146 --> 00:15:29,896 I've e'er had the privilege to witness. 379 00:15:29,980 --> 00:15:31,396 Bravo. 380 00:15:31,479 --> 00:15:33,688 I'm the worst person on the planet. 381 00:15:33,771 --> 00:15:36,312 Not only did I disobey and deceive my mom 382 00:15:36,396 --> 00:15:38,646 by crossing the street and trick-or-treating, 383 00:15:38,730 --> 00:15:41,104 but then I made it worse by double lying about it 384 00:15:41,187 --> 00:15:42,563 and even made her proud of me 385 00:15:42,646 --> 00:15:44,146 for doing something I lied about, 386 00:15:44,229 --> 00:15:46,229 which I didn't even do because I was doing 387 00:15:46,312 --> 00:15:48,312 something else that I wasn't supposed to. 388 00:15:50,354 --> 00:15:52,271 [Pretty Boy] But you saw for yourself. 389 00:15:52,354 --> 00:15:54,229 The garlic didn't bother him at all. 390 00:15:54,312 --> 00:15:56,312 Doesn't that prove he's not a vampire? 391 00:15:56,396 --> 00:15:57,479 All right, follow me. 392 00:15:57,563 --> 00:15:59,604 I'm going to have to prove once and for all 393 00:15:59,688 --> 00:16:01,980 that Spooky is not one of the "living dead." 394 00:16:02,062 --> 00:16:03,521 I thought they broke up. 395 00:16:03,604 --> 00:16:05,771 That's the Grateful-- aw, never mind. 396 00:16:08,688 --> 00:16:10,187 Okay, listen up. 397 00:16:10,271 --> 00:16:13,229 Everyone knows that vampires don't have reflections, 398 00:16:13,312 --> 00:16:15,646 so all we have to do is hold this up to spooky, 399 00:16:15,730 --> 00:16:18,563 see his reflection, ipso facto, he's not a vampire. 400 00:16:18,646 --> 00:16:20,021 Then you can quit driving me nuts. 401 00:16:25,354 --> 00:16:26,604 [yawns] 402 00:16:30,021 --> 00:16:31,646 [purring] 403 00:16:39,062 --> 00:16:40,980 See? No reflection, just like I-- 404 00:16:41,062 --> 00:16:43,396 Oy vey. 405 00:16:43,479 --> 00:16:45,730 Good evening. 406 00:16:45,813 --> 00:16:48,730 Is it time to eat already? 407 00:16:48,813 --> 00:16:49,980 Aah! 408 00:16:57,229 --> 00:16:58,104 Mmm. 409 00:16:58,187 --> 00:16:59,271 Mmm. 410 00:16:59,354 --> 00:17:00,479 [muffled] This taffy is delicious! 411 00:17:02,479 --> 00:17:03,563 After all that, 412 00:17:03,646 --> 00:17:06,771 I don't even get to keep my Beating Heart Taffy. 413 00:17:06,855 --> 00:17:09,646 Spot's a dog, and dogs can't eat chocolate, 414 00:17:09,730 --> 00:17:12,062 so I've got to trade all my taffy 415 00:17:12,146 --> 00:17:13,855 for Spot's stupid chocolate. 416 00:17:13,938 --> 00:17:14,771 [stomach growls] 417 00:17:15,354 --> 00:17:17,438 How can I ever look her in the eye again? 418 00:17:17,688 --> 00:17:20,730 I can't. That's how. 419 00:17:20,813 --> 00:17:22,187 [moans] 420 00:17:22,771 --> 00:17:25,438 Are you sure this will work? 421 00:17:25,521 --> 00:17:26,563 It has to work. 422 00:17:26,646 --> 00:17:28,521 I have a feeling when the clock strikes 12:00, 423 00:17:28,604 --> 00:17:32,396 our friend spooky is going to wake up hungry. 424 00:17:47,646 --> 00:17:48,479 [thunder crashes] 425 00:17:50,479 --> 00:17:52,604 [growling] 426 00:18:04,354 --> 00:18:06,062 -Aah! -Aah! 427 00:18:07,563 --> 00:18:09,438 Let us never speak of this again. 428 00:18:09,521 --> 00:18:10,438 Speak of what? 429 00:18:12,730 --> 00:18:15,271 I can't seem to stop eating this Taffy. 430 00:18:15,354 --> 00:18:16,730 Maybe I can make up for tonight 431 00:18:16,813 --> 00:18:18,187 if I become a missionary 432 00:18:18,271 --> 00:18:20,479 and spend my life in service to others. 433 00:18:20,563 --> 00:18:21,396 -[thunder crashes] -Aah! 434 00:18:22,521 --> 00:18:23,521 What was that? 435 00:18:23,604 --> 00:18:25,938 It sounded like lightning followed by a scream. 436 00:18:26,062 --> 00:18:27,896 Oh, you are the clever one. 437 00:18:27,980 --> 00:18:30,354 Leonard, sweetie, are you all right? 438 00:18:30,438 --> 00:18:33,646 It's your mom! Quick, act natural. 439 00:18:34,730 --> 00:18:36,187 Oh, my poor doodlebug. 440 00:18:36,271 --> 00:18:38,062 Did that noise scare you? 441 00:18:38,146 --> 00:18:39,479 Yes. Say yes. 442 00:18:39,563 --> 00:18:40,646 Yes. 443 00:18:40,730 --> 00:18:42,062 Good boy. Now stay cool. 444 00:18:42,146 --> 00:18:43,604 Oh, poor baby. 445 00:18:43,688 --> 00:18:47,396 It was probably just a cat. Now, come on, hop back into bed. 446 00:18:47,479 --> 00:18:48,813 Okay. 447 00:18:50,354 --> 00:18:52,187 Mom, if I did something bad-- 448 00:18:52,271 --> 00:18:55,604 I mean really bad-- would you still love me? 449 00:18:55,688 --> 00:18:57,021 Well, of course, honey. 450 00:18:57,104 --> 00:18:59,563 I might be really, really disappointed, 451 00:18:59,646 --> 00:19:01,938 but you're my little sugarplum, 452 00:19:02,021 --> 00:19:03,187 and I'll always love you no matter what. 453 00:19:03,271 --> 00:19:04,104 [heart beating] 454 00:19:04,604 --> 00:19:05,646 [Spot thinking] What is that sound? 455 00:19:06,438 --> 00:19:08,062 [heart beating] 456 00:19:08,146 --> 00:19:09,438 [thunder crashes] 457 00:19:11,688 --> 00:19:13,563 It's coming from the closet. 458 00:19:13,646 --> 00:19:16,896 Could the beating heart Taffy actually be... beating? 459 00:19:16,980 --> 00:19:18,938 I can't believe she can't hear it. 460 00:19:19,021 --> 00:19:22,354 Hmm, looks like another storm's coming in. 461 00:19:22,438 --> 00:19:24,855 She knows. Keep talking, Leonard. 462 00:19:24,938 --> 00:19:27,730 Mom, there's something I need to tell you. 463 00:19:27,813 --> 00:19:29,229 What is it, pumpkin? 464 00:19:29,312 --> 00:19:30,146 [heart beating] 465 00:19:30,855 --> 00:19:32,229 She's toying with us. 466 00:19:32,312 --> 00:19:34,187 Well, tonight, 467 00:19:34,271 --> 00:19:36,229 when we went trick-or-treating... 468 00:19:36,312 --> 00:19:38,229 That's it! 469 00:19:38,312 --> 00:19:40,438 I can't take it anymore! 470 00:19:40,521 --> 00:19:42,604 [barking] 471 00:19:44,563 --> 00:19:45,396 [gasps] 472 00:19:46,146 --> 00:19:48,146 What is this? 473 00:19:48,229 --> 00:19:50,396 [thinking] Hey, it stopped. What do you know? 474 00:19:50,479 --> 00:19:52,730 It wasn't coming from the bag after all. 475 00:19:52,813 --> 00:19:55,104 It must have been my own heartbeat. 476 00:19:55,187 --> 00:19:56,980 Ain't that a kick in the pants? 477 00:19:57,062 --> 00:19:58,980 Leonard Amadeus Helperman, 478 00:19:59,062 --> 00:20:01,646 you have got a lot of explaining to do. 479 00:20:01,730 --> 00:20:03,896 Mom, that's what I was trying to tell you. 480 00:20:03,980 --> 00:20:05,980 I disobeyed you. 481 00:20:06,062 --> 00:20:07,646 Scott and I did cross the street, 482 00:20:07,730 --> 00:20:09,479 and we did trick-or-treat for candy. 483 00:20:09,563 --> 00:20:11,396 I didn't eat any fruits or vegetables, 484 00:20:11,479 --> 00:20:13,396 and I wasn't studying American history, 485 00:20:13,479 --> 00:20:14,813 and I'm so, so sorry. 486 00:20:14,896 --> 00:20:16,938 Please don't hate me. 487 00:20:17,021 --> 00:20:19,396 Sweetheart, I told you, I could never hate you, 488 00:20:19,479 --> 00:20:22,021 but I am very disappointed. 489 00:20:22,104 --> 00:20:23,855 Now, you go back to sleep, 490 00:20:23,938 --> 00:20:26,479 and we'll discuss your punishment in the morning. 491 00:20:26,563 --> 00:20:27,563 Okay, mom. 492 00:20:27,646 --> 00:20:29,021 [moaning and whining] 493 00:20:29,896 --> 00:20:31,646 Oh, Leonard. 494 00:20:31,730 --> 00:20:34,563 How could you let your poor, innocent Spotty-Wottie 495 00:20:34,646 --> 00:20:36,229 eat that vile junk? 496 00:20:36,312 --> 00:20:37,646 Come on, poor baby. 497 00:20:37,730 --> 00:20:40,271 You sleep with me tonight. Good night, Leonard. 498 00:20:40,354 --> 00:20:41,396 Good night, mom. 499 00:20:41,479 --> 00:20:44,354 [thinking] I'm going to hear about this tomorrow. 500 00:20:44,563 --> 00:20:46,271 Poor little pupper-wupper. 501 00:20:46,354 --> 00:20:49,646 Did that nasty candy give you a tummy ache? 502 00:20:49,730 --> 00:20:52,855 What on earth? 503 00:20:52,938 --> 00:20:56,813 [sighs] Will it never stop raining? 504 00:20:56,896 --> 00:20:58,688 Oh, well, at least I'm not grounded 505 00:20:58,771 --> 00:21:02,730 with no TV and no treats for a whole month like someone else I know. 506 00:21:02,813 --> 00:21:05,062 Need I remind you that you were the one 507 00:21:05,146 --> 00:21:06,438 who talked me into disobeying my mom 508 00:21:06,521 --> 00:21:07,354 in the first place? 509 00:21:07,438 --> 00:21:09,521 So since you're still my dog, 510 00:21:09,604 --> 00:21:11,479 and i'm still your master, 511 00:21:11,563 --> 00:21:14,896 as long as I'm punished, you're punished. 512 00:21:14,980 --> 00:21:18,062 Lenny, you wouldn't pull rank on me, would you? 513 00:21:18,146 --> 00:21:19,438 Absolutely. 514 00:21:19,521 --> 00:21:22,688 Well, I guess we both learned something from this. 515 00:21:22,771 --> 00:21:25,646 Even though we may not agree with all the restrictions 516 00:21:25,730 --> 00:21:27,229 our parents place on us, 517 00:21:27,312 --> 00:21:29,187 we should understand that they love us 518 00:21:29,271 --> 00:21:31,021 and have our best interests in mind, 519 00:21:31,104 --> 00:21:33,479 and when we break their rules behind their backs... 520 00:21:33,563 --> 00:21:34,396 [toilet flushes] 521 00:21:34,980 --> 00:21:37,229 Our deception will surely come back to haunt us. 522 00:21:37,312 --> 00:21:38,104 [growling] 523 00:21:38,438 --> 00:21:39,771 Get it? Haunt us? 524 00:21:39,855 --> 00:21:42,312 See how I worked that into this whole Halloween theme? 525 00:21:42,396 --> 00:21:45,187 Very clever, but actually, I already knew all that stuff 526 00:21:45,271 --> 00:21:47,062 about following our parents' rules. 527 00:21:47,146 --> 00:21:48,896 What I learned is to never let you 528 00:21:48,980 --> 00:21:51,271 or anybody else talk me into doing something 529 00:21:51,354 --> 00:21:52,688 that I know I shouldn't do. 530 00:21:52,771 --> 00:21:55,354 And we've learned never to take in boarders 531 00:21:55,438 --> 00:21:58,146 without first checking their references. 532 00:21:58,229 --> 00:21:59,938 Amen to that, brother. 533 00:22:00,021 --> 00:22:03,438 Leonard, look what I found on our doorstep. 534 00:22:03,521 --> 00:22:04,730 I figure we'll keep the poor little fella 535 00:22:04,813 --> 00:22:07,438 until we can find him a good home. 536 00:22:07,521 --> 00:22:08,813 Look, Mr. Jolly-- 537 00:22:08,896 --> 00:22:11,813 a new friend for you to play with. 538 00:22:11,896 --> 00:22:12,730 [cat screeches]