1 00:00:08,500 --> 00:00:09,800 One-quarter impulse. 2 00:00:13,534 --> 00:00:17,100 There appears to be considerable activity around two of the inner planets. 3 00:00:17,226 --> 00:00:19,448 Numerous ships, all Xindi. 4 00:00:19,575 --> 00:00:21,714 I'm picking up a large array of satellites. 5 00:00:21,840 --> 00:00:23,686 They're generating a detection grid. 6 00:00:23,812 --> 00:00:25,449 Degra mentioned a security net. 7 00:00:25,616 --> 00:00:27,756 Seems like we've come to the right place. 8 00:00:27,881 --> 00:00:29,812 The planetoid we passed on the way in... 9 00:00:29,938 --> 00:00:32,161 - put us on the other side of it. - Aye, sir. 10 00:00:33,042 --> 00:00:35,643 A convoy of ships is approaching the detection grid. 11 00:00:36,021 --> 00:00:37,070 Let's see them. 12 00:00:42,608 --> 00:00:44,326 Magnify the lead ship. 13 00:00:47,306 --> 00:00:48,774 Show me the warp signature. 14 00:00:55,110 --> 00:00:56,241 Degra. 15 00:00:57,374 --> 00:01:01,906 It may seem odd to celebrate the completion of a weapon... 16 00:01:02,450 --> 00:01:06,520 particularly one designed to destroy an entire planet... 17 00:01:07,148 --> 00:01:09,288 but recall the words of Enarchis... 18 00:01:09,414 --> 00:01:12,938 written some 50 years into the Great Diaspora: 19 00:01:14,029 --> 00:01:15,832 "Without a world of our own... 20 00:01:16,420 --> 00:01:18,475 "we are but children... 21 00:01:19,273 --> 00:01:21,538 "lost in the wilderness." 22 00:01:22,377 --> 00:01:24,770 One day we'll emerge from this wilderness... 23 00:01:24,895 --> 00:01:28,628 and our work here will ensure that we'll never be lost again. 24 00:01:30,726 --> 00:01:33,158 To a new era for all Xindi. 25 00:01:37,146 --> 00:01:39,829 It's been a long road 26 00:01:42,555 --> 00:01:44,695 Gettin' from there to here 27 00:01:44,864 --> 00:01:47,801 It's been a long time 28 00:01:48,597 --> 00:01:52,248 But my time is finally near 29 00:01:52,751 --> 00:01:56,317 And I will see my dream Come alive at last 30 00:01:57,198 --> 00:02:00,177 I will touch the sky 31 00:02:00,637 --> 00:02:04,455 And they're not gonna Hold me down no more 32 00:02:04,581 --> 00:02:07,727 No, they're not gonna change my mind 33 00:02:07,853 --> 00:02:12,342 'Cause I've got faith of the heart 34 00:02:12,511 --> 00:02:15,740 I'm going where my heart will take me 35 00:02:15,866 --> 00:02:20,229 I've got faith to believe 36 00:02:20,354 --> 00:02:23,460 I can do anything 37 00:02:23,585 --> 00:02:27,487 I've got strength of the soul 38 00:02:28,116 --> 00:02:31,262 And no one's gonna bend or break me 39 00:02:31,389 --> 00:02:35,794 I can reach any star 40 00:02:36,717 --> 00:02:38,814 I've got faith 41 00:02:40,534 --> 00:02:43,848 I've got faith 42 00:02:44,394 --> 00:02:47,833 Faith of the heart 43 00:03:02,559 --> 00:03:04,698 Degra, it is good to see you again. 44 00:03:04,823 --> 00:03:05,831 Welcome. 45 00:03:05,957 --> 00:03:07,174 When can we get underway? 46 00:03:08,474 --> 00:03:10,278 Momentarily. Patience. 47 00:03:10,739 --> 00:03:12,585 Patience is for the dead. 48 00:03:13,634 --> 00:03:16,319 You've accomplished a great deal in a very short time. 49 00:03:16,444 --> 00:03:18,164 We owe you our gratitude. 50 00:03:18,711 --> 00:03:21,184 It's too early to speak of accomplishments. 51 00:03:22,318 --> 00:03:26,640 I'll reserve my gratitude for when the humans have been annihilated. 52 00:03:32,764 --> 00:03:34,735 I've analysed every link in the grid. 53 00:03:35,366 --> 00:03:37,085 I can't find a single weakness. 54 00:03:37,210 --> 00:03:38,595 The grid is extremely sensitive. 55 00:03:38,722 --> 00:03:40,988 We'd be detected the instant we pass through. 56 00:03:41,113 --> 00:03:42,540 We could try disabling it. 57 00:03:43,504 --> 00:03:45,349 It utilises thousands of satellites. 58 00:03:45,770 --> 00:03:47,867 If one of them goes out of commission... 59 00:03:48,413 --> 00:03:49,586 it fills the gap. 60 00:03:50,259 --> 00:03:52,019 What about the Insectoid shuttle? 61 00:03:52,524 --> 00:03:54,034 Make like one of the locals? 62 00:03:54,747 --> 00:03:55,879 We could fly in... 63 00:03:56,383 --> 00:03:58,859 try to locate where the weapon is being completed. 64 00:03:58,984 --> 00:04:00,452 Their shuttle might be able to get through... 65 00:04:00,579 --> 00:04:02,299 the grid without raising suspicion. 66 00:04:02,424 --> 00:04:05,613 Captain, we're not exactly experts at piloting that thing. 67 00:04:05,906 --> 00:04:08,424 It's gonna take at least a couple hours to get up to speed. 68 00:04:08,549 --> 00:04:09,683 Take them. 69 00:04:09,808 --> 00:04:11,569 I want to launch as soon as we can. 70 00:04:21,595 --> 00:04:22,730 I think I found reverse. 71 00:04:22,856 --> 00:04:25,456 Great. But unless we plan to fly in ass first... 72 00:04:25,876 --> 00:04:28,140 we better figure out how to make it go forward. 73 00:04:28,266 --> 00:04:29,610 Can't argue with that. 74 00:04:30,406 --> 00:04:32,839 Let's cycle through these console settings again. 75 00:04:34,181 --> 00:04:35,441 Try the port actuator. 76 00:04:36,279 --> 00:04:37,371 Here goes. 77 00:04:49,789 --> 00:04:53,605 Commander Tucker is going to need time to install the translation matrix. 78 00:04:53,856 --> 00:04:57,717 If Commander Tucker wants to speak Insectoid, I have to get this right first. 79 00:05:01,786 --> 00:05:04,430 Believe it or not, that was "have a nice day" or... 80 00:05:05,059 --> 00:05:06,232 its equivalent. 81 00:05:16,345 --> 00:05:17,519 Just get in there. 82 00:05:17,645 --> 00:05:19,574 Find this thing, scan it, and get out. 83 00:05:19,701 --> 00:05:22,804 Remember, whatever information you gather won't do us any good... 84 00:05:22,930 --> 00:05:24,148 unless you bring it back. 85 00:05:24,608 --> 00:05:26,035 We'll keep that in mind. 86 00:05:27,126 --> 00:05:28,174 Good luck. 87 00:05:28,300 --> 00:05:29,391 Thank you, sir. 88 00:05:29,770 --> 00:05:30,942 Thanks, Captain. 89 00:05:48,438 --> 00:05:49,444 Trouble? 90 00:05:49,570 --> 00:05:52,590 It's like steering an asteroid runner with a bad axis coil. 91 00:05:53,933 --> 00:05:56,450 Their flight path is somewhat erratic. 92 00:06:04,084 --> 00:06:05,343 Open a channel. 93 00:06:07,021 --> 00:06:08,239 Trip? 94 00:06:14,029 --> 00:06:15,370 Sorry. 95 00:06:16,084 --> 00:06:19,187 No problem. I'll send you the bill. 96 00:06:28,208 --> 00:06:29,969 I think I'm getting a feel for her. 97 00:06:31,564 --> 00:06:33,033 Sensors are up and running. 98 00:06:34,794 --> 00:06:36,515 Let's get this show on the road. 99 00:06:37,562 --> 00:06:39,829 Keep a sensor lock for as long as you can. 100 00:06:45,239 --> 00:06:46,499 500 metres... 101 00:06:47,841 --> 00:06:49,057 200... 102 00:06:50,191 --> 00:06:51,490 here we go. 103 00:06:53,086 --> 00:06:54,888 They're passing through the grid. 104 00:06:58,833 --> 00:07:00,133 We're in. 105 00:07:04,202 --> 00:07:06,427 Xindi patrol ship. Coming up from behind. 106 00:07:06,678 --> 00:07:08,272 They're hailing us. 107 00:07:12,005 --> 00:07:14,942 Doesn't exactly sound like "welcome to the neighbourhood." 108 00:07:15,321 --> 00:07:18,466 Hoshi, don't fail us now. 109 00:07:21,319 --> 00:07:25,304 Your presence inside the detection grid is unauthorised. 110 00:07:25,430 --> 00:07:26,689 Explain. 111 00:07:28,031 --> 00:07:32,016 We had a slight navigational malfunction that threw us off course. 112 00:07:33,191 --> 00:07:34,492 It has been corrected. 113 00:07:49,889 --> 00:07:53,203 Rendezvous with your carrier ship immediately. 114 00:07:54,041 --> 00:07:55,258 Understood. 115 00:08:01,802 --> 00:08:04,445 The detection grid is creating too much interference. 116 00:08:05,368 --> 00:08:06,292 I've lost them. 117 00:08:06,292 --> 00:08:06,543 I've lost them. 118 00:08:09,858 --> 00:08:11,157 We're being scanned. 119 00:08:11,283 --> 00:08:12,626 Where's it coming from? 120 00:08:13,591 --> 00:08:15,940 I'm not picking up any vessels in the vicinity. 121 00:08:16,066 --> 00:08:19,297 From the moon's surface. A small monitoring station. 122 00:08:19,423 --> 00:08:21,730 The moon's rotation brought it in scanning range. 123 00:08:21,856 --> 00:08:22,946 Let's see it. 124 00:08:27,100 --> 00:08:28,442 Malcolm. 125 00:08:32,009 --> 00:08:33,853 I'm reading three Xindi bio-signs. 126 00:08:33,979 --> 00:08:35,910 Have they sent out a transmission? 127 00:08:36,035 --> 00:08:37,083 Not yet. 128 00:08:37,377 --> 00:08:38,762 What are they waiting for? 129 00:08:38,888 --> 00:08:42,789 Probably for the moon's rotation to bring them back into communication range. 130 00:08:42,915 --> 00:08:44,217 How long? 131 00:08:45,307 --> 00:08:46,355 Four hours. 132 00:08:55,962 --> 00:08:57,221 Target the facility. 133 00:09:01,752 --> 00:09:02,885 Lock. 134 00:09:03,010 --> 00:09:04,940 - Sir. - We can't risk it. 135 00:09:10,520 --> 00:09:11,652 Fire. 136 00:09:31,454 --> 00:09:33,552 I'm still getting trace kemocite readings... 137 00:09:34,139 --> 00:09:36,530 but not enough to indicate a large-scale weapon. 138 00:09:36,866 --> 00:09:38,628 There's not much land down there. 139 00:09:39,131 --> 00:09:42,109 And what land there is doesn't have any life on it. 140 00:09:43,453 --> 00:09:44,837 Take us down, Travis... 141 00:09:45,760 --> 00:09:47,143 closer to the surface. 142 00:09:48,906 --> 00:09:50,668 Adjust 20 degrees starboard. 143 00:09:51,550 --> 00:09:52,807 See something? 144 00:09:53,520 --> 00:09:54,612 I think so. 145 00:10:01,156 --> 00:10:04,932 You did say most of this thing's power was routed to structural integrity. 146 00:10:05,350 --> 00:10:08,708 And you said we could probably fly it inside a gas giant. 147 00:10:13,113 --> 00:10:14,748 Hell, it's only water. 148 00:10:24,104 --> 00:10:25,783 Structural integrity's holding. 149 00:10:25,992 --> 00:10:27,166 Take us deeper. 150 00:10:27,375 --> 00:10:29,180 Negative Z-axis, 10 degrees. 151 00:10:58,170 --> 00:11:00,014 You getting those scans, sir? 152 00:11:04,587 --> 00:11:07,440 There's a lot of activity around the right lower hemisphere. 153 00:11:18,221 --> 00:11:19,774 I want to have a look inside. 154 00:11:23,802 --> 00:11:25,605 The Captain said get in and get out. 155 00:11:27,577 --> 00:11:29,549 That's exactly what we're going to do. 156 00:11:30,639 --> 00:11:31,814 Aye, aye. 157 00:11:41,169 --> 00:11:43,770 It's definitely in the final phases of construction. 158 00:11:43,896 --> 00:11:46,749 Most of the work that's going on seems maintenance-related. 159 00:11:46,875 --> 00:11:48,974 I've gone over the scans you brought back. 160 00:11:49,434 --> 00:11:51,280 That's the explosive matrix. 161 00:11:51,405 --> 00:11:54,258 If we can get close enough, we can set off a chain reaction... 162 00:11:54,384 --> 00:11:55,979 that will blow this thing to high heaven. 163 00:11:56,104 --> 00:11:59,377 The initial explosion would need to be of considerable yield. 164 00:11:59,503 --> 00:12:02,020 A couple of photonic torpedoes should do the trick. 165 00:12:02,146 --> 00:12:03,656 There's room in the shuttle. 166 00:12:07,641 --> 00:12:09,404 We're talking about a one-way trip. 167 00:12:12,844 --> 00:12:15,193 - I should be the one to go. - Forget it. 168 00:12:15,528 --> 00:12:17,836 I'm the only one that can pilot that shuttle. 169 00:12:17,962 --> 00:12:20,226 I practiced on those controls. I can get her in. 170 00:12:20,351 --> 00:12:21,864 But I've actually done it. 171 00:12:21,989 --> 00:12:24,716 Captain, you want a senior officer on this, don't you? 172 00:12:26,729 --> 00:12:29,122 - I'll be flying the mission. - Captain? 173 00:12:30,212 --> 00:12:31,931 How soon can you get it ready? 174 00:12:32,434 --> 00:12:34,784 A couple of hours to get the torpedoes in place. 175 00:12:34,910 --> 00:12:36,715 Get started. 176 00:12:38,349 --> 00:12:40,280 Meet me in the Launch Bay in 30 minutes. 177 00:12:40,406 --> 00:12:42,796 - I'm gonna need some flying lessons. - Aye, sir. 178 00:13:09,396 --> 00:13:11,744 - Welcome aboard, Captain. - Daniels. 179 00:13:12,709 --> 00:13:14,932 - Where am I? - You're on Enterprise. 180 00:13:15,310 --> 00:13:18,918 Enterprise-J, to be exact. A distant relative of your ship. 181 00:13:19,421 --> 00:13:21,016 We're 400 years in the future. 182 00:13:33,223 --> 00:13:36,076 I'm going to assume you brought me here for a good reason. 183 00:13:36,202 --> 00:13:37,419 Look out there. 184 00:13:38,510 --> 00:13:41,908 It extends 50,000 light-years in all directions, and it is growing. 185 00:13:42,034 --> 00:13:43,208 I've seen it before. 186 00:13:43,586 --> 00:13:45,599 I know, in the Expanse. 187 00:13:46,395 --> 00:13:48,326 You know about the alien we found? 188 00:13:49,332 --> 00:13:50,550 The test subject? 189 00:13:50,760 --> 00:13:53,362 He belongs to the same race that built the spheres. 190 00:13:53,864 --> 00:13:57,178 They're altering this space to make it habitable for their species. 191 00:13:57,388 --> 00:14:00,493 - It's a prelude to invasion. - We came to the same conclusion. 192 00:14:00,618 --> 00:14:03,346 It's getting harder and harder to surprise you, Captain. 193 00:14:06,575 --> 00:14:09,093 I've brought you to a monumental event in history... 194 00:14:09,219 --> 00:14:10,687 the Battle of Procyon 5... 195 00:14:10,854 --> 00:14:13,498 where the Federation engaged the sphere-builders. 196 00:14:14,588 --> 00:14:17,524 The Federation? You've mentioned them before. 197 00:14:18,322 --> 00:14:22,433 Vulcans, Andorians, lthenites, Klingons. Dozens of species, including humans... 198 00:14:22,559 --> 00:14:24,362 all unified in a powerful alliance. 199 00:14:26,712 --> 00:14:27,887 Sphere-builders. 200 00:14:35,523 --> 00:14:37,157 The Federation wins the battle. 201 00:14:37,367 --> 00:14:40,389 They drive the enemy back into their trans-dimensional realm. 202 00:14:41,018 --> 00:14:42,571 If the Federation had lost... 203 00:14:42,696 --> 00:14:44,920 the sphere-builders would have spread throughout the galaxy... 204 00:14:45,047 --> 00:14:46,639 they would have wiped out everything. 205 00:14:46,765 --> 00:14:48,779 This species has technology... 206 00:14:48,905 --> 00:14:51,254 which allows them to examine alternate timelines. 207 00:14:51,758 --> 00:14:53,226 They've seen this future... 208 00:14:53,351 --> 00:14:55,114 and they want to change the outcome. 209 00:14:55,240 --> 00:14:56,791 So they contacted the Xindi... 210 00:14:56,918 --> 00:14:59,560 and convinced them that humanity was a dangerous threat. 211 00:14:59,686 --> 00:15:01,323 They want the Xindi to destroy us. 212 00:15:01,449 --> 00:15:03,923 Without humanity, the Federation will never exist. 213 00:15:04,133 --> 00:15:07,532 You have to make the Xindi understand that humanity isn't the enemy. 214 00:15:07,657 --> 00:15:09,630 In fact, it's humanity that will protect them... 215 00:15:09,756 --> 00:15:12,189 from the sphere-builders when this battle is won. 216 00:15:12,649 --> 00:15:14,873 Contact them. Make peace. 217 00:15:14,999 --> 00:15:16,887 They're about to deploy their weapon. 218 00:15:17,348 --> 00:15:19,950 - I know. - I can't let that happen. 219 00:15:20,075 --> 00:15:23,053 If you destroy their weapon, they will only build another. 220 00:15:23,180 --> 00:15:26,452 You are the only one who can convince them of what I have told you. 221 00:15:26,578 --> 00:15:29,767 It is crucial to history that you do not sacrifice yourself. 222 00:15:29,892 --> 00:15:33,081 My concern is with preventing the deaths of billions of people. 223 00:15:33,207 --> 00:15:36,478 If that's a problem for history, then history will have to suffer. 224 00:15:36,603 --> 00:15:39,121 - Then send someone else to... - I won't do that! 225 00:15:39,247 --> 00:15:40,967 Captain, you have to believe me. 226 00:15:41,092 --> 00:15:43,107 You are making a catastrophic mistake. 227 00:15:43,232 --> 00:15:46,169 - You've made your share of mistakes. - This isn't one of them. 228 00:15:46,295 --> 00:15:47,303 Send me back. 229 00:15:47,847 --> 00:15:49,275 Send me back now! 230 00:15:53,469 --> 00:15:56,070 Take this. It's Xindi. 231 00:15:57,370 --> 00:16:00,474 A family medal that belongs to one of the crewmen on this ship. 232 00:16:01,566 --> 00:16:03,788 There are Xindi serving aboard Enterprise-J. 233 00:16:05,006 --> 00:16:06,726 Why are you giving this to me? 234 00:16:08,823 --> 00:16:10,502 In case you change your mind. 235 00:16:13,395 --> 00:16:14,696 I won't. 236 00:16:20,360 --> 00:16:21,787 I'll have this quantum dated. 237 00:16:21,913 --> 00:16:23,759 We both know it's from the future. 238 00:16:26,149 --> 00:16:27,660 What do you intend to do? 239 00:16:28,079 --> 00:16:29,884 I'm going ahead with the mission. 240 00:16:31,353 --> 00:16:32,779 You don't think I should? 241 00:16:33,030 --> 00:16:36,345 He said you're the only one who can end the conflict with the Xindi. 242 00:16:36,470 --> 00:16:38,064 You can't do that if you're dead. 243 00:16:38,189 --> 00:16:40,873 That's if you accept Daniels' version of the future. 244 00:16:41,127 --> 00:16:42,343 He's in a position to know. 245 00:16:42,469 --> 00:16:45,406 I thought you were the skeptical one when it came to time travel. 246 00:16:45,531 --> 00:16:48,721 Our recent visit to Detroit has tempered my scepticism. 247 00:16:49,098 --> 00:16:52,285 - You should reconsider your decision. - What am I supposed to do? 248 00:16:52,412 --> 00:16:55,012 Fly a shuttle into the system and knock on the door? 249 00:16:55,138 --> 00:16:56,691 Tell the Xindi we want to talk? 250 00:16:57,236 --> 00:16:59,376 The weapon is too close to being launched. 251 00:17:00,131 --> 00:17:03,865 If the situation were different, maybe I'd consider it, but I can't. 252 00:17:04,074 --> 00:17:05,459 I don't want you to die. 253 00:17:11,248 --> 00:17:12,548 It's not necessary. 254 00:17:14,940 --> 00:17:16,198 I wish that were true. 255 00:17:24,044 --> 00:17:27,191 I want four ships to accompany the weapon. 256 00:17:27,316 --> 00:17:30,211 We'll have to generate an extremely large vortex... 257 00:17:30,336 --> 00:17:32,056 to accommodate that many vessels. 258 00:17:32,182 --> 00:17:34,364 Even after Earth is destroyed... 259 00:17:34,574 --> 00:17:37,636 there will be a residual presence in this system. 260 00:17:38,139 --> 00:17:40,657 I intend to hunt down... 261 00:17:40,783 --> 00:17:43,761 and eradicate every refugee caravan... 262 00:17:44,892 --> 00:17:46,153 every colony... 263 00:17:46,530 --> 00:17:49,005 every last outpost they have. 264 00:17:49,718 --> 00:17:51,900 A vortex of that size will be very unstable. 265 00:17:52,025 --> 00:17:53,829 You could lose one or more vessels. 266 00:17:54,290 --> 00:17:56,179 See that we don't. 267 00:18:02,556 --> 00:18:03,814 A message for you. 268 00:18:09,100 --> 00:18:10,443 Go ahead. 269 00:18:10,778 --> 00:18:13,840 Commander, we've lost contact with one of the lunar outposts. 270 00:18:14,511 --> 00:18:15,687 How long ago? 271 00:18:15,939 --> 00:18:17,154 Two hours. 272 00:18:17,279 --> 00:18:18,372 Send a patrol. 273 00:18:19,840 --> 00:18:22,272 We will resume this when I return. 274 00:18:28,524 --> 00:18:31,837 Someone once said that dealing with Reptilians... 275 00:18:32,006 --> 00:18:33,683 is like bargaining with the sun. 276 00:18:34,564 --> 00:18:36,116 You make no progress... 277 00:18:36,242 --> 00:18:37,754 and you come away burned. 278 00:18:40,942 --> 00:18:42,200 It's not him. 279 00:18:44,676 --> 00:18:48,284 The last time I saw you like this was when you delivered the first weapon. 280 00:18:49,079 --> 00:18:51,010 That one only killed 7 million. 281 00:18:51,680 --> 00:18:54,031 This one will destroy an entire world. 282 00:18:55,206 --> 00:18:56,799 Better their world than ours. 283 00:18:58,226 --> 00:18:59,988 That's what I keep telling myself. 284 00:19:02,505 --> 00:19:06,196 But the reality is a good number of the dead will be innocents... 285 00:19:07,875 --> 00:19:09,343 and children. 286 00:19:11,440 --> 00:19:13,119 It's best not to think about it. 287 00:19:15,677 --> 00:19:18,195 It's difficult when you have children of your own. 288 00:19:20,376 --> 00:19:22,306 What we do is for them... 289 00:19:23,564 --> 00:19:25,201 for our children's future. 290 00:19:26,880 --> 00:19:28,138 Remember that. 291 00:19:33,046 --> 00:19:36,654 I wonder how they'll remember us. 292 00:19:39,339 --> 00:19:41,647 I know these controls aren't exactly intuitive. 293 00:19:41,856 --> 00:19:44,541 I think they were built for someone with compound eyes. 294 00:19:45,254 --> 00:19:46,428 Try again. 295 00:19:54,568 --> 00:19:57,085 Good. You're starting to think like an Insectoid. 296 00:19:57,378 --> 00:19:59,014 I'll take that as a compliment. 297 00:20:00,147 --> 00:20:01,993 - Can I ask you something? - Go ahead. 298 00:20:04,259 --> 00:20:06,692 You're the least expendable man on Enterprise. 299 00:20:08,201 --> 00:20:09,544 Why are you doing this? 300 00:20:13,446 --> 00:20:14,537 An hour ago... 301 00:20:15,627 --> 00:20:18,522 I gave the command to kill three Xindi in cold blood. 302 00:20:18,689 --> 00:20:21,165 A month ago, I had Phlox create a living being... 303 00:20:21,291 --> 00:20:23,430 in order to use some of its tissue... 304 00:20:24,395 --> 00:20:26,116 and I watched him put it to death. 305 00:20:26,242 --> 00:20:28,927 Sounds like you're saying this is some sort of penance. 306 00:20:29,052 --> 00:20:31,653 I'm saying I won't order anyone else to die. 307 00:20:36,813 --> 00:20:39,079 I hate to add to this menagerie of yours, Doc. 308 00:20:40,630 --> 00:20:41,680 Nonsense. 309 00:20:41,931 --> 00:20:44,784 What's one more mouth to feed? 310 00:20:45,455 --> 00:20:47,217 Just don't harvest any part of him. 311 00:20:48,896 --> 00:20:50,614 I doubt that would be necessary. 312 00:20:55,692 --> 00:20:56,949 Do me a favour. 313 00:20:59,048 --> 00:21:01,942 Slip him a piece of cheese every now and then. 314 00:21:03,200 --> 00:21:04,376 Certainly. 315 00:21:14,276 --> 00:21:17,842 I've always been much better at avoiding farewells than giving them... 316 00:21:19,519 --> 00:21:21,156 so I'm not even going to try. 317 00:21:23,758 --> 00:21:27,658 But I'm going to ask all of you to think back... 318 00:21:27,868 --> 00:21:30,596 to the day when this ship was first launched. 319 00:21:34,916 --> 00:21:36,678 We were explorers then. 320 00:21:40,706 --> 00:21:43,432 When all this is over, when Earth is safe... 321 00:21:45,195 --> 00:21:47,376 I want you to get back to that job. 322 00:21:50,313 --> 00:21:53,040 There are 400 billion stars in our galaxy. 323 00:21:54,549 --> 00:21:56,857 We've only explored a tiny fraction. 324 00:21:59,416 --> 00:22:01,388 You have a lot of work to do. 325 00:22:07,640 --> 00:22:11,331 Of all the captains who will sit in this chair... 326 00:22:13,470 --> 00:22:16,616 I can't imagine any of them being more proud than I am right now. 327 00:22:40,571 --> 00:22:42,166 Archer to Enterprise. 328 00:22:42,963 --> 00:22:44,221 I'm heading in. 329 00:22:54,374 --> 00:22:55,759 400 metres... 330 00:22:59,451 --> 00:23:00,624 200. 331 00:23:02,890 --> 00:23:04,567 He's passing through the grid. 332 00:23:07,420 --> 00:23:08,680 He's in. 333 00:23:09,014 --> 00:23:10,524 Give them hell, Captain. 334 00:23:11,533 --> 00:23:12,916 I'll be in the Ready Room. 335 00:24:23,815 --> 00:24:27,381 Unauthorised vessel. Power down immediately. 336 00:24:48,147 --> 00:24:49,405 Come in. 337 00:24:54,399 --> 00:24:57,209 - Still nothing. - I'm aware of that. 338 00:24:58,635 --> 00:25:01,908 It's been over two hours. He should have reached the weapon by now. 339 00:25:02,494 --> 00:25:04,424 Travis and I got there in 25 minutes... 340 00:25:04,551 --> 00:25:06,313 and we didn't know where to look. 341 00:25:09,334 --> 00:25:12,647 You think it's possible our sensors could have missed the explosion? 342 00:25:13,487 --> 00:25:14,535 Doubtful. 343 00:25:17,765 --> 00:25:19,737 Whatever you're doing, can't it wait? 344 00:25:19,864 --> 00:25:21,164 For what? 345 00:25:22,212 --> 00:25:23,512 Right now... 346 00:25:25,023 --> 00:25:26,827 your place is on the Bridge. 347 00:25:27,751 --> 00:25:30,309 I'll be notified if my presence is needed. 348 00:25:31,695 --> 00:25:33,959 No matter what happens to the Xindi weapon... 349 00:25:34,211 --> 00:25:36,267 the Captain isn't coming back. 350 00:25:36,644 --> 00:25:38,029 You're in command now. 351 00:25:38,156 --> 00:25:40,503 The crew needs to know you're on top of things... 352 00:25:40,629 --> 00:25:42,643 and it doesn't help if you're holed up here. 353 00:25:42,769 --> 00:25:44,783 I don't need any leadership advice. 354 00:25:45,538 --> 00:25:46,880 I'm just trying to help. 355 00:25:48,936 --> 00:25:50,866 This isn't easy for any of us. 356 00:25:53,760 --> 00:25:54,852 T'Pol? 357 00:25:56,948 --> 00:25:59,759 - Dismissed. - Dismissed? 358 00:26:02,445 --> 00:26:03,535 Get out. 359 00:26:17,297 --> 00:26:19,056 Answer the question! 360 00:26:20,568 --> 00:26:22,246 Repeat the question. 361 00:26:23,128 --> 00:26:26,273 How many Earth vessels have entered the Expanse? 362 00:26:26,399 --> 00:26:29,588 I wish I could help you but... 363 00:26:30,468 --> 00:26:33,112 my superiors keep me in the dark about these things. 364 00:26:34,285 --> 00:26:36,635 Is this a pre-emptive strike? 365 00:26:36,761 --> 00:26:38,523 I thought that was your specialty. 366 00:26:38,649 --> 00:26:40,998 You don't want to know my specialty. 367 00:26:41,123 --> 00:26:42,341 Let me guess... 368 00:26:44,187 --> 00:26:45,907 stinking up the room? 369 00:26:50,061 --> 00:26:54,002 I had no idea that humans were so resilient. 370 00:26:54,549 --> 00:26:58,577 It's not a trait found in most primate species. 371 00:26:58,702 --> 00:26:59,918 Including the Xindi? 372 00:27:00,422 --> 00:27:03,233 There's a reason Reptilians are called upon... 373 00:27:03,358 --> 00:27:06,295 when force must be applied. 374 00:27:07,051 --> 00:27:10,659 It was a Reptilian who piloted the weapon that attacked your world. 375 00:27:12,504 --> 00:27:14,183 He was from my regiment. 376 00:27:14,644 --> 00:27:16,658 I selected him myself. 377 00:27:17,203 --> 00:27:18,797 You must be very proud. 378 00:27:18,923 --> 00:27:20,769 His name will go down in history. 379 00:27:21,398 --> 00:27:23,159 It will be spoken with reverence. 380 00:27:23,286 --> 00:27:26,095 A testament to the superiority... 381 00:27:26,769 --> 00:27:28,446 of the cold-blooded. 382 00:27:29,495 --> 00:27:31,173 I'll bet you didn't know this... 383 00:27:31,550 --> 00:27:34,907 but at one time, most of my world was ruled by reptiles. 384 00:27:35,117 --> 00:27:36,710 I wasn't aware of that. 385 00:27:36,838 --> 00:27:40,360 A comet hit around 65 million years ago... 386 00:27:41,073 --> 00:27:42,711 caused a mass extinction. 387 00:27:43,087 --> 00:27:44,891 Most of the reptiles died out. 388 00:27:45,520 --> 00:27:48,037 Mammals became the dominant species. 389 00:27:48,163 --> 00:27:49,297 How unfortunate. 390 00:27:49,674 --> 00:27:52,527 Still, the reptiles might have come out on top... 391 00:27:53,156 --> 00:27:55,505 if it hadn't been for a slight disadvantage. 392 00:27:56,009 --> 00:27:57,100 And what was that? 393 00:27:57,813 --> 00:27:59,827 They had brains the size of a walnut. 394 00:28:02,385 --> 00:28:03,770 That's very small. 395 00:28:05,070 --> 00:28:08,804 Apparently, it's a constant in the universe. 396 00:28:12,664 --> 00:28:14,299 Earth vessels... 397 00:28:15,642 --> 00:28:17,277 how many? 398 00:28:18,788 --> 00:28:20,507 The reptiles didn't all die out. 399 00:28:21,306 --> 00:28:24,578 Some evolved into snakes, alligators... 400 00:28:25,333 --> 00:28:26,381 turtles. 401 00:28:26,507 --> 00:28:29,108 As a matter of fact, one of my favorite restaurants in San Francisco... 402 00:28:29,234 --> 00:28:31,835 makes the most wonderful turtle soup. 403 00:28:32,297 --> 00:28:35,023 You should try it sometime if you're ever in the area. 404 00:28:37,331 --> 00:28:40,520 You want me to kill you? 405 00:28:41,652 --> 00:28:43,373 I'm just making conversation. 406 00:28:45,343 --> 00:28:47,316 Relaying a few interesting facts... 407 00:28:48,617 --> 00:28:50,715 about the world you're trying to destroy. 408 00:28:51,259 --> 00:28:55,959 I'll reciprocate with an interesting fact of my own. 409 00:28:59,147 --> 00:29:02,839 We know exactly where your ship is. 410 00:29:06,111 --> 00:29:07,159 Is that so? 411 00:29:08,207 --> 00:29:12,740 When we lost contact with our lunar outpost, we scanned the vicinity... 412 00:29:13,368 --> 00:29:14,920 and discovered it... 413 00:29:16,011 --> 00:29:17,311 hiding. 414 00:29:19,031 --> 00:29:23,227 Unless you tell me exactly what I want to know... 415 00:29:23,646 --> 00:29:26,247 I'll dispatch a squadron... 416 00:29:26,415 --> 00:29:28,891 right now. 417 00:29:32,834 --> 00:29:34,806 No more conversation? 418 00:29:39,713 --> 00:29:43,783 I hope you had a chance to say goodbye to your crew. 419 00:29:46,007 --> 00:29:47,266 All right. 420 00:29:48,902 --> 00:29:50,412 But I'll only talk to Degra. 421 00:29:52,762 --> 00:29:54,187 - Degra? - Alone. 422 00:29:55,782 --> 00:29:57,124 I don't know who that is. 423 00:29:57,334 --> 00:29:58,885 He's building your weapon. 424 00:29:59,810 --> 00:30:01,235 Ring a bell now? 425 00:30:02,745 --> 00:30:06,857 What makes you think Degra would be interested in talking to you? 426 00:30:08,534 --> 00:30:09,668 Just tell him... 427 00:30:10,549 --> 00:30:14,156 the name of his third child, Trenia. 428 00:30:15,499 --> 00:30:17,554 Degra has only two children. 429 00:30:17,807 --> 00:30:18,981 Prove me wrong. 430 00:30:20,323 --> 00:30:21,456 Tell him. 431 00:30:22,337 --> 00:30:25,568 Sensors would have easily detected an explosion of that magnitude... 432 00:30:26,407 --> 00:30:27,539 even underwater. 433 00:30:28,127 --> 00:30:29,344 I say we go in. 434 00:30:29,596 --> 00:30:30,769 Get as close as we can... 435 00:30:30,895 --> 00:30:33,329 - and try to take out the weapon. - Agreed. 436 00:30:33,454 --> 00:30:35,258 This system is heavily guarded. 437 00:30:35,384 --> 00:30:37,986 Our chances of reaching the weapon are nonexistent. 438 00:30:38,112 --> 00:30:39,873 We can't just sit here. 439 00:30:40,166 --> 00:30:41,720 What do you propose we do? 440 00:30:43,103 --> 00:30:45,412 There's still a chance the Captain may succeed. 441 00:30:46,249 --> 00:30:49,648 The longer we wait here, the greater the likelihood we'll be spotted. 442 00:30:52,459 --> 00:30:54,850 If we don't hear from the Captain in one hour... 443 00:30:56,528 --> 00:30:58,583 I'll pilot a shuttlepod into the system. 444 00:30:59,590 --> 00:31:00,723 And do what? 445 00:31:01,479 --> 00:31:04,373 - Attempt a diplomatic solution. - You've got to be kidding. 446 00:31:04,542 --> 00:31:07,437 You can't possibly believe that has any chance of success. 447 00:31:07,562 --> 00:31:08,946 The odds aren't promising... 448 00:31:09,071 --> 00:31:12,679 but the fact that I'm Vulcan may help me establish a dialogue. 449 00:31:13,729 --> 00:31:15,909 You'll just be captured or killed. 450 00:31:16,035 --> 00:31:17,211 Perhaps. 451 00:31:17,337 --> 00:31:20,189 But at the moment, I don't see an alternate course of action. 452 00:31:28,326 --> 00:31:29,755 Hello again. 453 00:31:32,775 --> 00:31:34,285 How do you know me? 454 00:31:35,502 --> 00:31:36,760 Long story. 455 00:31:37,305 --> 00:31:39,110 Repeat what you told him. 456 00:31:39,738 --> 00:31:41,921 The name of your third child is Trenia. 457 00:31:48,633 --> 00:31:50,017 Leave me alone with him... 458 00:31:51,486 --> 00:31:52,827 and take him, as well. 459 00:32:09,608 --> 00:32:13,132 Three months into the pregnancy your wife contracted Anaprolean Fever. 460 00:32:13,426 --> 00:32:15,020 You lost the child. 461 00:32:15,692 --> 00:32:17,454 You were going to name it Trenia. 462 00:32:20,432 --> 00:32:22,277 I've never told that to anyone. 463 00:32:22,404 --> 00:32:23,704 You told it to me. 464 00:32:23,831 --> 00:32:25,970 You also talked about the weapon you designed. 465 00:32:26,096 --> 00:32:28,152 The one that killed 7 million people. 466 00:32:28,278 --> 00:32:30,249 When you watched the telemetry come in... 467 00:32:30,375 --> 00:32:33,606 you wondered how many of those 7 million were children. 468 00:32:34,025 --> 00:32:35,199 Who are you? 469 00:32:35,325 --> 00:32:37,927 It doesn't matter who I am or how I know all this. 470 00:32:38,052 --> 00:32:40,779 What's important is that you listen to what I have to say. 471 00:32:42,289 --> 00:32:43,590 Continue. 472 00:32:46,233 --> 00:32:51,016 Your reason for building this weapon is based on a lie. 473 00:32:51,350 --> 00:32:52,904 What lie would that be? 474 00:32:53,030 --> 00:32:54,707 That at some point in the future... 475 00:32:54,832 --> 00:32:57,390 humans are going to destroy your species. 476 00:32:57,517 --> 00:32:59,741 That is not a lie! 477 00:33:00,958 --> 00:33:02,468 You know about the spheres? 478 00:33:03,181 --> 00:33:05,279 - Of course. - They were constructed... 479 00:33:05,657 --> 00:33:07,418 by trans-dimensional beings. 480 00:33:07,880 --> 00:33:10,146 Their purpose is to reconfigure the Expanse... 481 00:33:10,272 --> 00:33:12,579 to make it habitable for their species. 482 00:33:12,788 --> 00:33:15,934 That's what destroys the Xindi, not humanity. 483 00:33:16,061 --> 00:33:17,403 I've studied the spheres. 484 00:33:17,529 --> 00:33:20,129 There is no evidence to support what you're saying. 485 00:33:20,255 --> 00:33:21,515 I've seen it happen. 486 00:33:23,906 --> 00:33:25,249 I've been to the future... 487 00:33:26,213 --> 00:33:28,478 400 years into the future. 488 00:33:28,604 --> 00:33:31,038 You expect me to believe that? 489 00:33:34,310 --> 00:33:37,665 There's an artefact in my right pocket. Take it. 490 00:33:39,133 --> 00:33:40,392 Go ahead. 491 00:33:49,159 --> 00:33:50,545 An initiation medal. 492 00:33:51,174 --> 00:33:52,475 Have it quantum dated. 493 00:33:53,691 --> 00:33:55,243 The results will back me up. 494 00:33:55,621 --> 00:33:57,342 You could have gotten it anywhere. 495 00:33:57,467 --> 00:33:59,313 Listen to me, you son of a bitch. 496 00:33:59,439 --> 00:34:02,502 It wasn't any easier for me to swallow this than it is for you... 497 00:34:02,628 --> 00:34:05,774 but you'd better understand something. If you destroy Earth... 498 00:34:05,900 --> 00:34:08,080 you won't just be eliminating my species... 499 00:34:08,206 --> 00:34:09,885 you'll be eliminating your own. 500 00:34:22,261 --> 00:34:25,827 The quantum dating confirms it. It's from the future. 501 00:34:25,953 --> 00:34:28,386 That doesn't prove the human is telling the truth. 502 00:34:28,512 --> 00:34:30,651 If there's any truth in what he's saying... 503 00:34:31,196 --> 00:34:32,875 it means we can't trust her. 504 00:34:33,336 --> 00:34:36,441 It also means she's been dealing with the Reptilians secretly. 505 00:34:36,567 --> 00:34:38,036 Archer told you this? 506 00:34:38,161 --> 00:34:40,049 He said he saw Reptilians on Earth... 507 00:34:40,511 --> 00:34:42,439 in a place called Detroit... 508 00:34:43,110 --> 00:34:44,790 over 100 years in the past. 509 00:34:45,083 --> 00:34:46,215 The past? 510 00:34:46,341 --> 00:34:48,271 So now he's a time traveller? 511 00:34:48,522 --> 00:34:51,879 According to the human, they were developing a bio-weapon. 512 00:34:52,927 --> 00:34:54,439 The Council prohibited that. 513 00:34:54,607 --> 00:34:57,039 He spoke of it in great detail. 514 00:34:58,003 --> 00:35:00,856 If the Reptilians wanted to keep their actions a secret... 515 00:35:00,982 --> 00:35:03,081 the past would be a good place to do it. 516 00:35:03,668 --> 00:35:05,513 How would they get to the past? 517 00:35:07,652 --> 00:35:09,625 She may have taken them. 518 00:35:11,008 --> 00:35:12,855 - We have to investigate this. - And quickly. 519 00:35:12,981 --> 00:35:14,533 The weapon's been moved to a safe location... 520 00:35:14,659 --> 00:35:16,211 but it's nearly ready to be deployed. 521 00:35:16,337 --> 00:35:18,645 The Council must be informed. 522 00:35:18,771 --> 00:35:21,539 Reptilians sit on the Council, or have you forgotten? 523 00:35:22,252 --> 00:35:25,776 If they did go behind our backs, we shouldn't reveal what we've learned. 524 00:35:25,903 --> 00:35:26,951 Not yet. 525 00:35:27,077 --> 00:35:28,756 What about the Aquatics? 526 00:35:28,881 --> 00:35:30,768 We can inform them in secret. 527 00:35:31,818 --> 00:35:35,132 All of this collusion is dangerous. 528 00:35:35,845 --> 00:35:37,439 The Council is fracturing. 529 00:35:38,026 --> 00:35:40,837 We can't forget who the real enemy is. 530 00:35:42,137 --> 00:35:45,662 We may not know who the real enemy is. 531 00:35:48,598 --> 00:35:50,024 What happens if you fail? 532 00:35:50,149 --> 00:35:53,464 Are we supposed to just keep sending people in until there's no one left? 533 00:35:53,589 --> 00:35:56,905 That's hardly a viable option. We only have one more shuttlepod. 534 00:35:58,038 --> 00:35:59,464 You're missing my point. 535 00:36:00,681 --> 00:36:02,106 I don't think you're doing this to make peace... 536 00:36:02,231 --> 00:36:04,162 I think you want to try and save the Captain. 537 00:36:04,288 --> 00:36:05,295 You're wrong. 538 00:36:05,421 --> 00:36:07,644 Why do I get the feeling you haven't thought this through? 539 00:36:07,770 --> 00:36:09,616 You have made your objections clear. 540 00:36:09,742 --> 00:36:11,085 Now return to the Bridge. 541 00:36:11,210 --> 00:36:13,560 I'm not just gonna sit still and watch you fly off and die. 542 00:36:13,685 --> 00:36:15,237 - I gave you an order. - T'Pol. 543 00:36:15,363 --> 00:36:17,083 - Let go of me! - I won't let you do this. 544 00:36:17,209 --> 00:36:19,391 - I said let go! - What the hell's wrong with you? 545 00:36:19,517 --> 00:36:20,859 Bridge to T'Pol. 546 00:36:23,335 --> 00:36:24,509 Go ahead. 547 00:36:24,635 --> 00:36:27,949 There's no need to go to the Xindi. It appears they're coming to us. 548 00:36:37,934 --> 00:36:40,451 Four Xindi vessels closing fast. 549 00:36:40,745 --> 00:36:42,086 Hail them. 550 00:36:45,024 --> 00:36:46,450 No response. 551 00:36:46,743 --> 00:36:48,296 They're charging weapons. 552 00:36:50,310 --> 00:36:52,282 What exactly are you proposing? 553 00:36:55,386 --> 00:36:56,769 That we trust each other. 554 00:36:58,071 --> 00:37:02,391 You were captured behind the controls of a ship armed with explosives. 555 00:37:03,189 --> 00:37:05,455 You're asking for our trust? 556 00:37:06,041 --> 00:37:08,684 You're building a weapon that could destroy my world. 557 00:37:08,852 --> 00:37:10,489 I had to try and stop you. 558 00:37:10,740 --> 00:37:14,473 And now that your mission has failed, you want to negotiate. 559 00:37:20,180 --> 00:37:21,773 Just consider what I said. 560 00:37:22,360 --> 00:37:25,297 You maintain that by destroying your world... 561 00:37:25,423 --> 00:37:27,773 we'll be ensuring our own annihilation. 562 00:37:28,192 --> 00:37:29,323 That's right. 563 00:37:29,451 --> 00:37:34,107 Because it's humankind that ultimately saves the Xindi... 564 00:37:34,233 --> 00:37:36,373 from these sphere-builders. 565 00:37:36,918 --> 00:37:38,763 We're both fighting the wrong enemy. 566 00:37:39,730 --> 00:37:44,091 I'm afraid it'll take more than this antique... 567 00:37:44,428 --> 00:37:45,687 to convince us. 568 00:37:45,812 --> 00:37:48,497 Quantum dating has produced inaccurate results before. 569 00:37:49,631 --> 00:37:51,980 Do you believe these results are inaccurate? 570 00:37:55,671 --> 00:37:57,810 Let me speak to this Council of yours. 571 00:37:57,977 --> 00:37:59,027 Present my case. 572 00:37:59,154 --> 00:38:02,049 Some members of the Council would sooner execute you than listen. 573 00:38:02,174 --> 00:38:03,850 Then help me change their minds. 574 00:38:03,977 --> 00:38:05,654 You haven't changed ours. 575 00:38:07,040 --> 00:38:08,466 I've made an impression... 576 00:38:10,269 --> 00:38:11,865 or you wouldn't still be here. 577 00:38:25,038 --> 00:38:26,884 We've lost hull plating! 578 00:38:29,609 --> 00:38:31,581 I still don't have helm control. 579 00:38:32,001 --> 00:38:33,554 T'Pol to Engineering. 580 00:38:44,796 --> 00:38:46,391 Engineering, report! 581 00:38:51,971 --> 00:38:54,529 That last hit took out the starboard nacelle. 582 00:38:54,656 --> 00:38:56,040 We're dead in the water. 583 00:38:56,879 --> 00:38:58,095 Bridge! 584 00:39:02,836 --> 00:39:04,179 Comm is down. 585 00:39:05,646 --> 00:39:06,946 Get it back. 586 00:39:21,337 --> 00:39:22,511 Restrain him. 587 00:39:23,351 --> 00:39:26,288 - We're not finished. - You've had enough time. 588 00:39:27,797 --> 00:39:30,356 Has he revealed the location of his forces? 589 00:39:30,482 --> 00:39:32,370 We've been discussing other matters. 590 00:39:32,496 --> 00:39:34,468 There are no other matters. 591 00:39:36,020 --> 00:39:37,572 Take them back to their ship. 592 00:39:37,699 --> 00:39:39,166 We're not going anywhere. 593 00:39:43,067 --> 00:39:44,787 You can't threaten us. 594 00:39:44,913 --> 00:39:46,172 Return to your ship. 595 00:39:47,220 --> 00:39:48,438 What about him? 596 00:39:48,564 --> 00:39:52,381 He's going to a detention centre for more questioning. 597 00:39:53,556 --> 00:39:57,709 If there are any survivors from his ship, they'll join him. 598 00:39:58,589 --> 00:39:59,681 Survivors? 599 00:39:59,807 --> 00:40:01,358 Your ship's under attack. 600 00:40:01,946 --> 00:40:03,751 You agreed to hold off! 601 00:40:03,877 --> 00:40:05,428 We grew tired of waiting. 602 00:40:05,554 --> 00:40:07,862 - Call off your vessels. - I don't answer to you. 603 00:40:07,987 --> 00:40:09,289 I'll assemble the Council. 604 00:40:09,414 --> 00:40:13,064 By the time you do, the Earth ship will be dust. 605 00:40:34,753 --> 00:40:39,116 We've got hull breaches on C, D, and E. 606 00:40:39,242 --> 00:40:40,583 Close them off. 607 00:40:40,710 --> 00:40:42,556 The bulkheads aren't responding! 608 00:40:44,653 --> 00:40:46,331 We're venting atmosphere! 609 00:41:05,210 --> 00:41:07,476 - Get him to Sickbay! - Yes, sir! 610 00:41:09,868 --> 00:41:11,460 Tucker to the Bridge! 611 00:41:11,587 --> 00:41:15,069 If you can hear me, I've got coolant leaks all over the place. 612 00:41:15,194 --> 00:41:16,789 We're evacuating. 613 00:41:20,606 --> 00:41:22,200 Everybody out!