1 00:00:02,377 --> 00:00:04,253 NARRATOR: Previously on Enterprise: 2 00:00:04,421 --> 00:00:05,671 - Status? - We're getting reports 3 00:00:05,839 --> 00:00:07,423 of anomalies on all decks. 4 00:00:08,258 --> 00:00:11,260 ARCHER: If we continue, there's a good chance this ship is gonna get torn apart. 5 00:00:13,346 --> 00:00:16,974 Think what you're asking me to do. 6 00:00:17,183 --> 00:00:21,603 Build a weapon to destroy an entire world. 7 00:00:25,567 --> 00:00:28,318 We do not have enough information about the humans. 8 00:00:28,528 --> 00:00:30,446 That can be remedied. 9 00:00:30,655 --> 00:00:32,865 They're locking on to the starboard docking port. 10 00:00:36,286 --> 00:00:38,912 HOSHI: I'm reading 23 intruders on Decks C, D and E. 11 00:00:44,794 --> 00:00:47,421 We're preparing to test the weapon on an uninhabited planet, 12 00:00:47,630 --> 00:00:49,798 but we're going to need another shipment of kemocite. 13 00:00:50,008 --> 00:00:51,216 I'll contact Gralik. 14 00:00:53,344 --> 00:00:56,847 Gralik, I have some questions for you. 15 00:00:57,057 --> 00:00:59,516 I wanna know where they're shipping this kemocite. 16 00:00:59,684 --> 00:01:01,143 It could lead us to the weapon. 17 00:01:01,644 --> 00:01:03,020 TRIP: There's no doubt about it, captain. 18 00:01:03,188 --> 00:01:05,689 This isotope was used in the weapon that attacked Earth. 19 00:01:05,899 --> 00:01:07,983 You offered to help us. 20 00:01:08,193 --> 00:01:11,320 - Are you still willing? - If you're prepared to trust me. 21 00:01:12,906 --> 00:01:14,948 We've modified the radiolytic signature. 22 00:01:15,158 --> 00:01:18,077 If you can get it on board their ship, I'll be able to track it. 23 00:01:18,286 --> 00:01:21,288 Degra's going to discover that you sabotaged his kemocite. 24 00:01:21,498 --> 00:01:24,166 You should just be concerned with finding this weapon. 25 00:01:24,375 --> 00:01:25,667 It broke orbit minutes ago. 26 00:01:25,835 --> 00:01:27,377 ARCHER: Are you picking up the tracking signal? 27 00:01:27,587 --> 00:01:29,505 HOSHI: Loud and clear. 28 00:01:41,810 --> 00:01:43,477 [COM BEEPING] 29 00:01:44,813 --> 00:01:47,064 - Yes? - TALAS: Commander Shran, 30 00:01:47,273 --> 00:01:49,191 would you come to the Bridge? 31 00:01:52,612 --> 00:01:55,572 - SHRAN: Status? - We've lost the warp trail. 32 00:01:57,200 --> 00:01:58,617 Continue scanning. 33 00:01:58,785 --> 00:02:00,494 You know what we're looking for, lieutenant. 34 00:02:00,662 --> 00:02:02,996 It shouldn't be that difficult to find. 35 00:02:03,832 --> 00:02:05,707 Commander. 36 00:02:07,669 --> 00:02:09,670 We've been searching for weeks. 37 00:02:09,879 --> 00:02:12,673 And we'll continue searching until we've accomplished our mission. 38 00:02:12,882 --> 00:02:16,260 Or until we're destroyed? You've seen what this place is like. 39 00:02:16,469 --> 00:02:17,970 What are the chances they've survived? 40 00:02:18,179 --> 00:02:19,638 We have our orders. 41 00:02:20,807 --> 00:02:23,183 We should head back to Andoria while we're still able. 42 00:02:24,811 --> 00:02:27,479 You sound like you're afraid of this expanse, lieutenant. 43 00:02:28,648 --> 00:02:33,068 I'd expect that from a Vulcan, not a member of the Imperial Guard. 44 00:02:35,363 --> 00:02:37,364 Continue scanning. 45 00:02:38,992 --> 00:02:42,578 Don't underestimate these pink skins, lieutenant. 46 00:02:44,164 --> 00:02:46,498 They're still out there. 47 00:04:12,043 --> 00:04:14,670 - DEGRA: Where are the others? - XINDI-PRIMATE: Delayed. 48 00:04:14,879 --> 00:04:20,384 - I said the matter was urgent. - Typical humanoid arrogance. 49 00:04:20,593 --> 00:04:24,554 You expect us to come scurrying whenever it suits you. 50 00:04:24,764 --> 00:04:27,266 I'm sorry to inconvenience you, 51 00:04:27,475 --> 00:04:30,936 but I'm sure you'll find the journey worth the effort. 52 00:04:31,145 --> 00:04:32,229 The weapon is ready? 53 00:04:33,606 --> 00:04:37,484 - Not quite. - Then why are you wasting our time? 54 00:04:37,694 --> 00:04:39,861 The new prototype has been completed. 55 00:04:40,071 --> 00:04:41,530 We've scheduled a test. 56 00:04:41,739 --> 00:04:44,199 - When? - Three days. 57 00:04:44,993 --> 00:04:48,578 You'll be able to view the test remotely from this chamber. 58 00:04:48,788 --> 00:04:50,122 If everything goes as planned, 59 00:04:50,331 --> 00:04:55,627 we should be ready to deploy the final version in a month, maybe sooner. 60 00:04:55,837 --> 00:04:59,214 And the human threat will finally be eliminated. 61 00:04:59,424 --> 00:05:03,135 I hope you find that worth your time. 62 00:05:11,811 --> 00:05:14,730 The signal was so weak I wasn't even sure that it was there at first. 63 00:05:14,897 --> 00:05:16,356 - But you are now? - Yes, sir. 64 00:05:16,566 --> 00:05:18,442 The isotopic signature matches the kemocite 65 00:05:18,651 --> 00:05:20,235 that you planted on the Xindi ship. 66 00:05:20,862 --> 00:05:21,903 Set a course. 67 00:05:22,113 --> 00:05:24,448 Tell Trip I want everything he can give me from the engines. 68 00:05:24,657 --> 00:05:26,074 Captain, as you know, 69 00:05:26,284 --> 00:05:29,870 Ensign Sato and I have been working to reconstruct our database. 70 00:05:30,079 --> 00:05:31,246 - And? - We've managed to dig 71 00:05:31,456 --> 00:05:35,083 about 30 percent of the lost data out of the redundant memory core. 72 00:05:35,293 --> 00:05:39,004 Enough to begin piecing together a map of the spatial anomalies. 73 00:05:39,213 --> 00:05:42,466 The signal lies just beyond a dense field of them. 74 00:05:42,675 --> 00:05:43,717 HOSHI: Here. 75 00:05:43,926 --> 00:05:46,928 - How long to go around it? - The field is massive. 76 00:05:47,138 --> 00:05:49,765 Seventeen days at warp 5. 77 00:05:52,643 --> 00:05:55,187 Alert the crew it's gonna get rough. 78 00:06:06,866 --> 00:06:08,950 - TRIP: Tucker to the Bridge. - ARCHER: Go ahead. 79 00:06:09,160 --> 00:06:10,869 I've got the warp reactor buttoned up. 80 00:06:11,079 --> 00:06:14,206 - We're as ready as we'll ever be. - Acknowledged. 81 00:06:14,415 --> 00:06:15,457 T'Pol? 82 00:06:15,666 --> 00:06:19,669 I've charted the largest anomalies, but the field is extremely dense. 83 00:06:19,879 --> 00:06:22,005 We may not be able to avoid all of them. 84 00:06:22,173 --> 00:06:23,215 Do your best. 85 00:06:24,634 --> 00:06:26,301 Travis, 86 00:06:27,220 --> 00:06:29,012 take us in. 87 00:06:29,222 --> 00:06:32,516 - One half impulse. - Aye, sir. 88 00:06:38,648 --> 00:06:39,689 [SCANNER BEEPING] 89 00:06:39,857 --> 00:06:42,734 Come to bearing two-seven-five, mark eight. 90 00:06:43,486 --> 00:06:45,028 [CONSOLE BLEEPING] 91 00:06:45,321 --> 00:06:46,363 [SCANNER BEEPING] 92 00:06:46,531 --> 00:06:48,031 Hard to port. 93 00:06:54,497 --> 00:06:55,664 [THUMPING] 94 00:06:56,249 --> 00:06:59,251 We just grazed it. No damage. 95 00:07:00,169 --> 00:07:02,212 Just how accurate is this map of yours? 96 00:07:02,422 --> 00:07:05,382 Considering I only have 30 percent of our database to work with. 97 00:07:05,550 --> 00:07:06,716 [SCANNER BEEPING] 98 00:07:06,884 --> 00:07:09,136 There's an anomaly forming directly ahead. 99 00:07:09,303 --> 00:07:11,096 [THUMPING AND SCANNER BEEPING] 100 00:07:11,264 --> 00:07:12,305 It's expanding. 101 00:07:12,473 --> 00:07:14,474 - Expanding? - I've never seen this before. 102 00:07:14,642 --> 00:07:16,893 They're merging, building on one another. 103 00:07:17,103 --> 00:07:20,313 - Which way, sub-commander? - It's growing too rapidly. 104 00:07:20,523 --> 00:07:22,983 Emergency power to hull plating. Brace for impact. 105 00:07:23,192 --> 00:07:25,569 [RUMBLING AND SCANNER BEEPING] 106 00:07:27,321 --> 00:07:28,363 Unh! 107 00:07:40,877 --> 00:07:42,586 Ah! 108 00:07:44,213 --> 00:07:47,466 We're losing hull integrity. Atmosphere is venting on D deck. 109 00:07:47,675 --> 00:07:50,510 - Come about. Get us out of here. - The helm's not responding. 110 00:07:50,720 --> 00:07:52,345 T'POL: We've been completely enveloped. 111 00:07:52,513 --> 00:07:53,597 REED: Main power is going down. 112 00:07:53,806 --> 00:07:55,474 Sir, I'm picking up something out there. 113 00:07:55,641 --> 00:07:56,725 I think it's a ship. 114 00:07:56,934 --> 00:07:59,811 - Can you identify it? - There's too much distortion. 115 00:08:00,021 --> 00:08:01,646 [THUMPING] 116 00:08:02,273 --> 00:08:03,565 [CONSOLE BLEEPS] 117 00:08:04,317 --> 00:08:06,902 A tractor beam's locked onto us. 118 00:08:07,778 --> 00:08:09,529 [CONSOLE BEEPING] 119 00:08:09,697 --> 00:08:11,698 We've been pulled out. 120 00:08:13,034 --> 00:08:15,035 They're hailing us. 121 00:08:15,703 --> 00:08:18,371 I guess we owe someone a thank you. 122 00:08:20,291 --> 00:08:21,374 [BEEPING] 123 00:08:22,793 --> 00:08:24,169 SHRAN: Captain Archer. 124 00:08:25,630 --> 00:08:30,383 Look at the trouble you've gotten your pink skin into this time. 125 00:08:37,099 --> 00:08:39,976 You're braver than I imagined. 126 00:08:41,020 --> 00:08:43,146 I wouldn't try to traverse an anomaly field 127 00:08:43,314 --> 00:08:45,982 in a ship this fragile. 128 00:08:46,609 --> 00:08:49,361 You don't seem to be having any trouble. 129 00:08:49,570 --> 00:08:52,405 We've discovered a few tricks to deal with them. 130 00:08:52,615 --> 00:08:54,866 How did you locate us? 131 00:08:55,826 --> 00:08:57,953 We have a record of your warp signature 132 00:08:58,120 --> 00:09:00,080 from our last encounter. 133 00:09:00,289 --> 00:09:02,958 Our ships are considerably faster than Enterprise. 134 00:09:03,125 --> 00:09:04,709 It wasn't difficult to catch up with you. 135 00:09:04,877 --> 00:09:07,462 That explains how you got here. It doesn't explain why. 136 00:09:07,672 --> 00:09:09,839 Your world was brutally attacked. 137 00:09:10,049 --> 00:09:14,010 The Imperial Guard thought you'd be grateful to have an ally. 138 00:09:14,220 --> 00:09:16,680 Considering no one else came rushing to your aid. 139 00:09:16,889 --> 00:09:20,058 And how did the Imperial Guard know Earth had been attacked? 140 00:09:20,268 --> 00:09:23,103 Seven million killed. Not exactly a state secret. 141 00:09:23,312 --> 00:09:25,105 Especially if you're monitoring communications 142 00:09:25,273 --> 00:09:27,607 between Starfleet and the Vulcan High Command. 143 00:09:30,486 --> 00:09:33,572 What happened to your uniform, sub-commander? 144 00:09:34,574 --> 00:09:36,866 Not that I don't find your new look becoming, 145 00:09:39,662 --> 00:09:43,456 but it's not exactly regulation, is it? 146 00:09:43,666 --> 00:09:45,375 I resigned my commission. 147 00:09:45,585 --> 00:09:48,378 Yes, I believe I heard something about that. 148 00:09:48,588 --> 00:09:51,339 Why are you here? 149 00:09:53,426 --> 00:09:57,971 Your world is in jeopardy and where are your friends, 150 00:09:58,180 --> 00:09:59,514 the Vulcans? 151 00:09:59,682 --> 00:10:02,350 Where is their mighty fleet? 152 00:10:02,560 --> 00:10:05,645 They couldn't even spare one officer. 153 00:10:05,855 --> 00:10:09,232 She was forced to abandon her career to remain on your ship. 154 00:10:10,067 --> 00:10:12,569 A remarkably selfless act 155 00:10:13,279 --> 00:10:14,904 for a Vulcan. 156 00:10:15,740 --> 00:10:17,532 But we've come to your aid. 157 00:10:17,742 --> 00:10:21,244 We've come into the Expanse when they refused. 158 00:10:22,288 --> 00:10:23,955 We're here to help you. 159 00:10:24,832 --> 00:10:27,000 If you don't want our assistance, 160 00:10:27,209 --> 00:10:30,170 we will leave you to deal with the Xindi on your own. 161 00:10:31,005 --> 00:10:32,714 Just like the Vulcans have done. 162 00:10:35,176 --> 00:10:37,677 Targeting sensors are down, hull plating. 163 00:10:37,887 --> 00:10:40,472 We're damn lucky the torpedoes were all in safe mode. 164 00:10:40,681 --> 00:10:43,224 - If one of them had detonated... - ARCHER: Phase cannons? 165 00:10:43,434 --> 00:10:46,061 They haven't even got enough power to light a campfire. 166 00:10:46,270 --> 00:10:47,312 How long to fix them? 167 00:10:47,521 --> 00:10:50,523 I couldn't even guess without a chance to sort this out. 168 00:10:51,233 --> 00:10:55,945 Commander Shran offered to send his tactical officer over to help. 169 00:10:56,113 --> 00:10:58,114 We'd be giving them access to critical systems, sir. 170 00:10:58,282 --> 00:11:01,618 The kemocite signal Hoshi picked up could lead us to the Xindi weapon. 171 00:11:01,827 --> 00:11:04,329 We're going to need our defenses. 172 00:11:07,166 --> 00:11:09,334 I don't like the idea of having the Andorians down here 173 00:11:09,502 --> 00:11:11,294 any more than you do. 174 00:11:11,879 --> 00:11:13,421 But we could use their help. 175 00:11:16,133 --> 00:11:17,467 Aye, sir. 176 00:11:32,983 --> 00:11:35,819 - The Andorian shuttle has docked. - Good. Let's put them to work. 177 00:11:36,028 --> 00:11:37,696 I recommend we assign a security detail 178 00:11:37,863 --> 00:11:39,489 to each repair crew. 179 00:11:39,699 --> 00:11:42,242 You've been talking to Lieutenant Reed? 180 00:11:43,494 --> 00:11:44,994 They're here to help, T'Pol. 181 00:11:45,204 --> 00:11:47,205 That doesn't mean we shouldn't exercise caution. 182 00:11:47,415 --> 00:11:50,208 I'm not gonna ask them to work with guns at their heads 183 00:11:50,418 --> 00:11:52,585 just because you don't like them. 184 00:11:52,795 --> 00:11:55,630 I neither like nor dislike Andorians. 185 00:11:55,840 --> 00:11:58,007 I've simply had a great deal of experience with them. 186 00:11:58,217 --> 00:11:59,759 I appreciate that. 187 00:11:59,969 --> 00:12:03,805 But whatever problems exist between Vulcan and Andoria don't involve us. 188 00:12:04,014 --> 00:12:05,974 Not at the moment. 189 00:12:06,183 --> 00:12:08,309 We weren't always so antagonistic, captain. 190 00:12:08,519 --> 00:12:11,020 In fact, despite their heightened emotions, 191 00:12:11,230 --> 00:12:15,442 our first contact with Andorians seemed promising. 192 00:12:15,651 --> 00:12:17,235 What happened? 193 00:12:17,403 --> 00:12:19,446 They were duplicitous. 194 00:12:19,655 --> 00:12:23,533 They only honored agreements that didn't conflict with their interests. 195 00:12:23,743 --> 00:12:26,619 Is that your assessment or the High Command's? 196 00:12:26,829 --> 00:12:28,496 Considering the importance of this mission, 197 00:12:28,664 --> 00:12:29,831 I feel compelled to point out 198 00:12:29,999 --> 00:12:33,376 that they've proven untrustworthy in the past. 199 00:12:35,504 --> 00:12:38,047 I don't trust them either, T'Pol. 200 00:12:38,257 --> 00:12:43,511 But based on my experience, I think I can trust Commander Shran. 201 00:12:45,222 --> 00:12:48,433 - Coffee. Black. - TRIP: No tea? 202 00:12:48,642 --> 00:12:51,644 Yeah, no crumpets either, thank you. 203 00:12:52,146 --> 00:12:54,147 I need all the caffeine I can get. 204 00:12:54,356 --> 00:12:57,567 - What's the situation in Engineering? - Bad. 205 00:12:57,777 --> 00:12:59,068 - The Armory? - Worse. 206 00:12:59,278 --> 00:13:00,945 Which one of you is Reed? 207 00:13:01,447 --> 00:13:02,697 I'm Lieutenant Reed. 208 00:13:03,532 --> 00:13:08,995 I assumed I'd find you in the Armory, not relaxing here. 209 00:13:09,205 --> 00:13:10,997 What is that? 210 00:13:11,749 --> 00:13:14,918 It's coffee. And just for the record, I haven't left the Armory 211 00:13:15,127 --> 00:13:18,129 for so much as a bathroom break in nearly 12 hours. 212 00:13:18,339 --> 00:13:20,048 And you are? 213 00:13:20,591 --> 00:13:23,092 Lieutenant Talas of the Imperial Warship Kumari. 214 00:13:23,594 --> 00:13:24,886 Ah. 215 00:13:25,346 --> 00:13:26,638 This is Commander Tucker, 216 00:13:26,847 --> 00:13:28,223 - our chief engineer. - Pleasure. 217 00:13:29,016 --> 00:13:32,477 - I've been ordered to assist you. - Indeed. 218 00:13:32,686 --> 00:13:36,523 Well, I'll see if I can find something for you to do. 219 00:13:36,732 --> 00:13:38,399 I have duties of my own. 220 00:13:38,609 --> 00:13:42,237 The sooner your ship is repaired, the sooner I can get back to them. 221 00:13:42,988 --> 00:13:45,865 Well, I'll let you two get acquainted. 222 00:13:48,118 --> 00:13:50,954 SHRAN: I wasn't sure we'd find you alive. 223 00:13:51,914 --> 00:13:53,623 Under the circumstances, 224 00:13:54,708 --> 00:13:58,169 I'd say we have something to celebrate. 225 00:13:59,922 --> 00:14:02,799 I appreciate the gesture, but we have a lot of repairs to make. 226 00:14:03,008 --> 00:14:05,468 And your crew is doing a fine job of making them. 227 00:14:05,678 --> 00:14:07,345 Have a drink with me. 228 00:14:08,848 --> 00:14:10,890 You've earned a brief respite. 229 00:14:11,809 --> 00:14:12,851 Andorian ale. 230 00:14:13,978 --> 00:14:17,272 You seemed to enjoy it the last time we met. 231 00:14:19,358 --> 00:14:22,861 I took the liberty of bringing a few extra bottles. 232 00:14:23,737 --> 00:14:25,405 Thanks. 233 00:14:26,907 --> 00:14:28,032 To a swift victory. 234 00:14:38,210 --> 00:14:39,669 So... 235 00:14:41,213 --> 00:14:42,964 how did you get picked for this assignment? 236 00:14:44,008 --> 00:14:45,049 I volunteered. 237 00:14:46,552 --> 00:14:47,760 It made sense. 238 00:14:47,970 --> 00:14:51,639 I've had the greatest amount of contact with pink-- 239 00:14:53,225 --> 00:14:54,893 With humans. 240 00:14:55,102 --> 00:15:00,273 And the last time we met, you helped my people avert a war. 241 00:15:00,482 --> 00:15:02,191 I don't like unpaid debts. 242 00:15:03,277 --> 00:15:05,069 We keep doing each other favors. 243 00:15:06,447 --> 00:15:08,698 Isn't that how alliances are born? 244 00:15:16,624 --> 00:15:18,541 TRIP: I haven't seen you in a while. 245 00:15:18,751 --> 00:15:22,170 As long as you're here, maybe you can give me a hand. 246 00:15:23,088 --> 00:15:26,799 Touch this to the phase regulator there. 247 00:15:27,009 --> 00:15:29,510 While I check the polarity. 248 00:15:31,472 --> 00:15:34,098 And I thought you might be avoiding me. 249 00:15:35,351 --> 00:15:39,228 Three neuropressure sessions a week is hardly avoiding you. 250 00:15:39,438 --> 00:15:41,481 The captain asked for an update on your repairs. 251 00:15:41,690 --> 00:15:44,776 Well, three of the injectors are burned out, 252 00:15:44,985 --> 00:15:46,611 the restrictor coils are completely fried. 253 00:15:46,820 --> 00:15:48,446 How long until we have warp? 254 00:15:48,656 --> 00:15:49,864 I would say at least two days, 255 00:15:50,032 --> 00:15:53,201 but the blue guys really know their stuff. 256 00:15:53,786 --> 00:15:56,788 Should be up and running in about, oh, 12 hours. 257 00:15:59,291 --> 00:16:01,209 - Is there a problem? - No. 258 00:16:01,418 --> 00:16:03,252 Keep me informed of your progress. 259 00:16:13,722 --> 00:16:15,723 Hand me the microspanner, please. 260 00:16:15,891 --> 00:16:16,933 I've brought some equipment 261 00:16:17,101 --> 00:16:19,769 that should align those relays much more precisely. 262 00:16:19,979 --> 00:16:21,521 The spanner will do the job nicely. 263 00:16:22,314 --> 00:16:24,273 If you wouldn't mind. 264 00:16:26,151 --> 00:16:28,027 Is there anything else I can get you? 265 00:16:28,237 --> 00:16:31,364 - Some coffee, perhaps? - Oh, that'll be lovely. 266 00:16:32,116 --> 00:16:34,492 Since you clearly don't need my help, I'll return to my ship. 267 00:16:34,702 --> 00:16:35,952 Thank you for the hospitality. 268 00:16:36,161 --> 00:16:38,538 Give my regards to Commander Shran. 269 00:16:40,749 --> 00:16:45,128 For what it's worth, lieutenant, I'm not here to steal your secrets. 270 00:16:45,337 --> 00:16:46,713 It'd hardly be worth the effort. 271 00:16:48,257 --> 00:16:49,340 I beg your pardon? 272 00:16:49,925 --> 00:16:53,970 The last time I saw weapons like these was during my early tactical training. 273 00:16:54,179 --> 00:16:57,098 I'm sorry I wasted your time on our primitive systems. 274 00:16:57,307 --> 00:17:00,435 Not at all. I found it nostalgic. 275 00:17:01,687 --> 00:17:04,147 Just be careful when you reconnect that to your power grid. 276 00:17:05,524 --> 00:17:07,775 You didn't reset the EPS synchronizer. 277 00:17:07,985 --> 00:17:11,154 You may singe your eyebrows when you bring it back online. 278 00:17:13,032 --> 00:17:15,450 Lieutenant Talas, 279 00:17:20,205 --> 00:17:23,624 I apologize if I've been rude. 280 00:17:24,293 --> 00:17:25,793 Why don't I get us both a cup of coffee 281 00:17:25,961 --> 00:17:28,713 and we can align these relays together? 282 00:17:32,718 --> 00:17:36,554 ARCHER: Captain's starlog, December 6th, 2153. 283 00:17:36,764 --> 00:17:38,723 With some assistance from the Andorians, 284 00:17:38,932 --> 00:17:41,768 we've managed to steer clear of anomalies. 285 00:17:41,977 --> 00:17:43,978 T'POL: Two hundred million kilometers. 286 00:17:44,188 --> 00:17:47,315 Close enough, Travis. We don't wanna give ourselves away. 287 00:17:47,524 --> 00:17:49,150 Aye, sir. 288 00:17:49,359 --> 00:17:52,987 It's a G-Type star system, six planets with over a hundred moons. 289 00:17:53,197 --> 00:17:54,906 Any bio-signs? 290 00:17:55,074 --> 00:17:56,824 There's a great deal of debris in the system. 291 00:17:56,992 --> 00:17:58,242 I can't tell from this range. 292 00:17:58,452 --> 00:18:00,369 Our sensors are more sophisticated than yours. 293 00:18:00,537 --> 00:18:01,913 We should be able to scan the system 294 00:18:02,081 --> 00:18:04,791 without betraying our presence. If I may? 295 00:18:05,250 --> 00:18:07,126 - This is Commander Shran. - ANDORIAN: Go ahead. 296 00:18:07,336 --> 00:18:09,796 Transfer our long range sensor data to Enterprise. 297 00:18:10,005 --> 00:18:11,756 Yes, commander. 298 00:18:14,051 --> 00:18:15,718 It's coming in. 299 00:18:16,136 --> 00:18:17,678 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 300 00:18:22,309 --> 00:18:23,768 T'POL: Four vessels. 301 00:18:23,936 --> 00:18:25,937 All Xindi. 302 00:18:37,366 --> 00:18:39,408 T'POL: Many of the moons show evidence 303 00:18:39,576 --> 00:18:41,828 of extensive weapons bombardment. 304 00:18:42,663 --> 00:18:48,876 - Why attack an uninhabited system? - I don't think they attacked anyone. 305 00:18:50,003 --> 00:18:52,255 It's Bikini Atoll. 306 00:18:52,923 --> 00:18:54,924 - What? - When my species was developing 307 00:18:55,092 --> 00:18:57,552 primitive nuclear weapons, they needed places to test them. 308 00:18:57,761 --> 00:19:00,680 One was a remote island called Bikini Atoll. 309 00:19:00,889 --> 00:19:03,641 So you believe this is some kind of proving ground? 310 00:19:03,851 --> 00:19:05,101 It's possible. 311 00:19:05,269 --> 00:19:07,145 If they are getting ready to test their weapon, 312 00:19:07,312 --> 00:19:08,354 we're running out of time. 313 00:19:09,481 --> 00:19:11,149 I wouldn't recommend a frontal assault. 314 00:19:12,109 --> 00:19:13,484 Your weapons are damaged. 315 00:19:13,652 --> 00:19:15,403 Critical systems are down all over your ship. 316 00:19:15,571 --> 00:19:19,240 - And you're outnumbered, four to one. - I thought it was four to two. 317 00:19:19,449 --> 00:19:20,533 Even our combined forces 318 00:19:20,742 --> 00:19:23,411 don't stand a chance against that kind of firepower. 319 00:19:23,620 --> 00:19:25,746 I'm not ready to risk my ship when we don't even know 320 00:19:25,956 --> 00:19:28,124 - if the Xindi weapon is here. - I agree. 321 00:19:29,668 --> 00:19:30,918 We need to get a closer look. 322 00:19:32,754 --> 00:19:35,131 What do you propose we do? 323 00:19:35,549 --> 00:19:37,675 Fly up to them and ask them what they're doing? 324 00:19:42,848 --> 00:19:44,056 TRIP: Ensign. 325 00:19:44,224 --> 00:19:46,517 Commander. I'll take him from here. 326 00:19:46,727 --> 00:19:49,854 Mr. Tucker, how are your repairs coming along? 327 00:19:50,063 --> 00:19:51,731 Pretty well, thanks to your people. 328 00:19:51,940 --> 00:19:54,859 But I was wondering if I could ask a favor. 329 00:19:55,068 --> 00:19:58,070 I'm told your antimatter injectors use variable compression nozzles. 330 00:19:58,280 --> 00:20:00,448 Told by whom? That's rather sensitive information. 331 00:20:00,616 --> 00:20:02,533 I don't wanna get anyone in trouble, 332 00:20:02,701 --> 00:20:05,119 but one of those injectors would work wonders for our engines. 333 00:20:05,287 --> 00:20:07,371 I imagine it would. 334 00:20:07,539 --> 00:20:08,581 I don't know, commander. 335 00:20:08,749 --> 00:20:12,335 That's a sophisticated piece of technology. 336 00:20:12,544 --> 00:20:15,963 - I thought we were allies here. - That remains to be seen. 337 00:20:17,466 --> 00:20:20,051 You have my condolences over the attack on your world. 338 00:20:21,762 --> 00:20:22,929 Thanks. 339 00:20:23,138 --> 00:20:25,181 I understand your sister was killed. 340 00:20:26,934 --> 00:20:29,227 Captain Archer told me. 341 00:20:30,604 --> 00:20:32,521 Well, lots of people lost family. 342 00:20:34,149 --> 00:20:37,401 No great victory comes without sacrifice. 343 00:20:38,654 --> 00:20:42,657 The dispute between my people and the Vulcans hasn't been bloodless. 344 00:20:43,617 --> 00:20:47,912 Border skirmishes were common a few decades ago. 345 00:20:48,121 --> 00:20:50,915 They'd violate our territory, we'd retaliate. 346 00:20:51,124 --> 00:20:52,250 I was still in school 347 00:20:52,417 --> 00:20:55,711 when my older brother joined the Imperial Guard. 348 00:20:57,047 --> 00:20:59,548 He was assigned to a forward surveillance unit. 349 00:21:01,593 --> 00:21:03,261 I can understand why you seek vengeance 350 00:21:03,428 --> 00:21:04,929 against these Xindi. 351 00:21:05,138 --> 00:21:08,849 I'd love to get my hands on whoever ordered that attack. 352 00:21:10,269 --> 00:21:12,144 But that's not why we're here. 353 00:21:14,064 --> 00:21:16,399 You have no desire to make these people pay 354 00:21:16,566 --> 00:21:18,317 for the death of your sister? 355 00:21:19,444 --> 00:21:21,279 I just wanna make sure they don't get the chance 356 00:21:21,446 --> 00:21:22,822 to finish what they started. 357 00:21:26,493 --> 00:21:27,868 [DOOR OPENS] 358 00:21:28,537 --> 00:21:30,830 So any help you can give us... 359 00:21:32,666 --> 00:21:35,167 I'll have that antimatter injector delivered to you. 360 00:21:35,836 --> 00:21:36,961 I appreciate it. 361 00:21:44,469 --> 00:21:46,095 XINDI-REPTILIAN: Degra, what's the delay? 362 00:21:47,055 --> 00:21:48,097 Stand by. 363 00:21:48,307 --> 00:21:51,225 We have been standing by for nearly an hour. 364 00:21:51,435 --> 00:21:54,061 We're confirming the final power readings. 365 00:21:54,271 --> 00:21:57,023 I wouldn't want you to be disappointed with the results. 366 00:21:57,232 --> 00:21:58,274 Deploy the weapon. 367 00:22:00,277 --> 00:22:01,527 [CONSOLE BLEEPING] 368 00:22:09,745 --> 00:22:11,037 Initiate firing protocols. 369 00:22:11,913 --> 00:22:13,748 [BLEEPING] 370 00:22:18,879 --> 00:22:21,547 [CONSOLE BEEPING] 371 00:22:21,923 --> 00:22:23,007 What is it? 372 00:22:23,175 --> 00:22:25,134 DEGRA: A ship just entered the system. 373 00:22:25,719 --> 00:22:27,762 [IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 374 00:22:27,971 --> 00:22:29,013 We can't identify it. 375 00:22:29,222 --> 00:22:32,725 Abort the test. Return the weapon to the launch platform. 376 00:22:33,143 --> 00:22:34,560 Degra, report. 377 00:22:34,728 --> 00:22:36,729 Stand by. Activate all defense systems. 378 00:22:36,897 --> 00:22:39,315 Contact the other vessels and have them intercept that ship. 379 00:22:39,483 --> 00:22:40,608 Degra. 380 00:22:40,817 --> 00:22:44,570 We are securing the weapon. I'll resume contact when I can. 381 00:22:49,409 --> 00:22:52,203 We're receiving a transmission from the ship. 382 00:22:53,372 --> 00:22:55,122 Allow me to introduce myself. 383 00:22:55,332 --> 00:22:58,959 My name is Shran of the Andorian Mining Consortium. 384 00:22:59,169 --> 00:23:03,214 You've entered restricted space. Leave immediately. 385 00:23:03,840 --> 00:23:05,424 Restricted? 386 00:23:05,592 --> 00:23:08,552 I had no idea. We don't wanna cause any trouble. 387 00:23:08,762 --> 00:23:11,138 We are looking for a rare element. 388 00:23:12,307 --> 00:23:13,391 Archerite. 389 00:23:13,600 --> 00:23:16,894 We picked up some promising readings coming from your system. 390 00:23:17,104 --> 00:23:20,106 I don't care what you're looking for. Turn your ship around and leave. 391 00:23:20,315 --> 00:23:21,774 Of course, of course. 392 00:23:21,942 --> 00:23:25,236 But you don't mind if we finish our scans? 393 00:23:25,445 --> 00:23:28,155 Archerite is extremely valuable to us. 394 00:23:28,365 --> 00:23:32,118 Even a few kilos will pay our expenses for the next 10 cycles. 395 00:23:32,327 --> 00:23:33,828 They're scanning our ships. 396 00:23:34,371 --> 00:23:36,539 We're not trying to violate your privacy. 397 00:23:36,748 --> 00:23:41,085 Our sensors are omnidirectional. There's nothing to be concerned about. 398 00:23:41,294 --> 00:23:44,922 Deactivate your scans and leave or we'll destroy you. 399 00:23:46,466 --> 00:23:48,426 There's no need for threats. 400 00:23:52,472 --> 00:23:53,514 We'll leave. 401 00:23:53,723 --> 00:23:56,183 But if this system does contain Archerite, 402 00:23:56,393 --> 00:24:01,397 you just missed out your opportunity to collect a generous percentage. 403 00:24:03,150 --> 00:24:04,859 Stop the scan. 404 00:24:05,068 --> 00:24:08,863 Take us out of the system, but not too quickly. 405 00:24:09,072 --> 00:24:13,534 The Andorian Mining Consortium runs from no one. 406 00:24:17,247 --> 00:24:19,832 T'POL: It's emitting high levels of radiation. 407 00:24:20,041 --> 00:24:23,752 It could be anything. Power generator of some kind, fusion reactor. 408 00:24:23,962 --> 00:24:27,131 It has the same quantum signature as the weapon that attacked Earth. 409 00:24:27,340 --> 00:24:29,133 What's the status of our repairs? 410 00:24:29,342 --> 00:24:30,759 Impulse and warp engines are nominal. 411 00:24:30,927 --> 00:24:33,512 - Hull plating is at 82 percent. - Weapons? 412 00:24:33,680 --> 00:24:35,514 Mr. Reed reports the anomaly caused more damage 413 00:24:35,682 --> 00:24:36,849 than he originally estimated. 414 00:24:37,017 --> 00:24:40,811 - How long? - He isn't certain. Perhaps two days. 415 00:24:41,021 --> 00:24:44,648 If they are here to test that thing, we may not have two days. 416 00:24:44,858 --> 00:24:46,609 Why the urgency? 417 00:24:46,818 --> 00:24:48,611 This can't be the final version of the weapon. 418 00:24:48,820 --> 00:24:50,905 T'Pol's analysis shows it isn't powerful enough 419 00:24:51,072 --> 00:24:52,990 to destroy an entire planet. 420 00:24:53,200 --> 00:24:55,242 Let them run their tests. 421 00:24:55,452 --> 00:24:58,454 Why destroy this prototype when we can see it in use, 422 00:24:58,663 --> 00:25:00,873 gauge its destructive power? 423 00:25:01,082 --> 00:25:03,459 I don't intend to destroy it. 424 00:25:03,877 --> 00:25:06,420 If we could get our hands on this weapon, 425 00:25:06,630 --> 00:25:09,715 Starfleet might be able to figure out a defense. 426 00:25:10,175 --> 00:25:12,301 We're going to take it. 427 00:25:16,056 --> 00:25:17,431 The phase couplers are charging. 428 00:25:17,599 --> 00:25:20,684 Ah. All we have left is to reset the emitters. 429 00:25:20,894 --> 00:25:22,019 What's the frequency? 430 00:25:23,188 --> 00:25:24,230 I'll do it. 431 00:25:27,234 --> 00:25:28,317 You don't trust me. 432 00:25:29,611 --> 00:25:33,280 No offense, but when it comes to our weapons frequencies, 433 00:25:33,490 --> 00:25:35,199 I wouldn't trust my own mother. 434 00:25:35,992 --> 00:25:38,244 Is your mother considered a security risk? 435 00:25:38,453 --> 00:25:40,412 It's just an expression. 436 00:25:41,665 --> 00:25:43,332 An odd one. 437 00:25:43,500 --> 00:25:45,584 My mother's security clearance is higher than mine. 438 00:25:46,836 --> 00:25:48,170 Really? 439 00:25:48,380 --> 00:25:50,422 She commanded an Imperial infantry unit. 440 00:25:51,758 --> 00:25:55,052 - You come from a military family? - Four generations. 441 00:25:55,262 --> 00:25:56,387 [CHUCKLES] 442 00:25:56,555 --> 00:25:58,681 Three, on my father's side. 443 00:25:59,266 --> 00:26:00,558 He must be disappointed in you. 444 00:26:01,935 --> 00:26:03,602 What? 445 00:26:03,937 --> 00:26:08,607 Betraying your family tradition by serving on a ship of exploration. 446 00:26:09,484 --> 00:26:13,445 Actually, we haven't done much exploring for quite a while. 447 00:26:13,780 --> 00:26:18,242 But since you ask, he wasn't very pleased. 448 00:26:18,451 --> 00:26:20,911 The Royal Navy was his life. 449 00:26:22,163 --> 00:26:24,582 Perhaps he'd feel differently if he saw you now, 450 00:26:25,917 --> 00:26:28,502 fighting for the survival of your race. 451 00:26:31,006 --> 00:26:32,965 I'm sure he would. 452 00:26:34,884 --> 00:26:37,386 All right, all done. 453 00:26:38,305 --> 00:26:43,267 I'll power it up and we'll see where we stand. 454 00:26:57,574 --> 00:27:00,701 - Report. - T'POL: They've launched the prototype. 455 00:27:01,703 --> 00:27:03,662 Can we get a closer look? 456 00:27:03,997 --> 00:27:05,873 - This is Shran. - ANDORIAN: Yes, commander. 457 00:27:06,082 --> 00:27:09,293 Transfer our sensor telemetry to Enterprise. 458 00:27:09,461 --> 00:27:11,962 [COMPUTER BLEEPING] 459 00:27:38,907 --> 00:27:42,576 Are these the satisfying results you promised? 460 00:27:42,786 --> 00:27:46,455 [IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 461 00:27:46,665 --> 00:27:48,248 The device was building to an overload. 462 00:27:48,458 --> 00:27:50,751 We were forced to shut it down. 463 00:27:50,960 --> 00:27:52,634 - XINDI-REPTILIAN: Why? - What happened? 464 00:27:52,801 --> 00:27:55,047 I need time to analyze the data. 465 00:27:55,256 --> 00:27:59,718 Time. We have given you more than enough time. 466 00:27:59,928 --> 00:28:04,682 We were promised a weapon to destroy the humans in one stroke, 467 00:28:04,849 --> 00:28:07,184 not peck away at them bit by bit. 468 00:28:07,394 --> 00:28:08,727 XINDI-AQUATIC [IN ALIEN LANGUAGE]: 469 00:28:10,730 --> 00:28:15,275 That moon was nearly split in two. Clearly progress has been made. 470 00:28:15,485 --> 00:28:16,735 Not enough. 471 00:28:17,570 --> 00:28:20,364 Every failure puts us at risk. 472 00:28:20,573 --> 00:28:23,117 Degra, can the problem be rectified? 473 00:28:23,326 --> 00:28:26,078 Once I've recovered the device, I'll have more information. 474 00:28:26,287 --> 00:28:27,371 XINDI-REPTILIAN: We hope so. 475 00:28:31,543 --> 00:28:34,461 T'POL: The output was much greater than the probe that attacked Earth. 476 00:28:34,671 --> 00:28:37,798 But, still, I don't believe the device reached its maximum yield. 477 00:28:38,550 --> 00:28:40,259 We detected power fluctuations. 478 00:28:40,468 --> 00:28:42,761 It appears it was building toward an overload. 479 00:28:42,971 --> 00:28:46,473 Are you saying this was a failure? 480 00:28:46,683 --> 00:28:49,435 A spectacular one, but yes. 481 00:28:49,602 --> 00:28:51,353 [ARCHER CHUCKLES] 482 00:28:53,231 --> 00:28:55,107 Gralik. 483 00:28:56,609 --> 00:28:58,277 An arboreal Xindi we met at a facility 484 00:28:58,486 --> 00:29:00,988 that manufactured one of the components 485 00:29:01,156 --> 00:29:02,197 for the weapon. 486 00:29:02,365 --> 00:29:04,825 He promised to help us. 487 00:29:05,493 --> 00:29:07,077 Looks like he kept his word. 488 00:29:10,081 --> 00:29:11,749 SHRAN: Why haven't they retrieved it? 489 00:29:11,958 --> 00:29:15,169 It's still emitting high levels of radiation. 490 00:29:15,378 --> 00:29:17,171 How long until it's safe enough to get close? 491 00:29:17,714 --> 00:29:19,256 Six hours, at least. 492 00:29:19,883 --> 00:29:21,508 We've gotta get to it before they do. 493 00:29:23,303 --> 00:29:26,847 What if we shield the launch bay, 494 00:29:27,056 --> 00:29:30,100 evacuate all the adjacent compartments? 495 00:29:30,310 --> 00:29:32,186 Could we bring it aboard any sooner? 496 00:29:32,395 --> 00:29:34,772 Our shielding wouldn't be sufficient to protect the crew. 497 00:29:36,775 --> 00:29:38,609 Use my ship. 498 00:29:39,778 --> 00:29:42,529 Our force field will contain the radiation. 499 00:29:42,739 --> 00:29:44,281 We'll secure the device in our cargo bay 500 00:29:44,491 --> 00:29:47,618 until it's safe to transfer to Enterprise. 501 00:29:49,329 --> 00:29:51,497 That's a generous offer. 502 00:29:52,290 --> 00:29:54,583 But what are we supposed to do, cheer you on? 503 00:29:54,793 --> 00:29:58,754 It's four against two, remember? 504 00:30:00,632 --> 00:30:01,882 This would be a joint venture. 505 00:30:04,761 --> 00:30:05,969 Archer to Lieutenant Reed. 506 00:30:06,805 --> 00:30:07,930 Reed here, sir. 507 00:30:08,139 --> 00:30:11,141 - What's the status on weapons? - Torpedoes are back online. 508 00:30:11,351 --> 00:30:13,268 And thanks to Lieutenant Talas, 509 00:30:13,478 --> 00:30:15,312 we should have phase cannons within the hour. 510 00:30:15,522 --> 00:30:17,564 We're going to need them. Archer out. 511 00:30:17,774 --> 00:30:19,942 I wish we had more time. 512 00:30:20,151 --> 00:30:23,487 You're only going to get 94 percent efficiency from the phase cannons. 513 00:30:23,696 --> 00:30:26,406 I've never gotten them above 93. 514 00:30:26,908 --> 00:30:29,827 If you ever decide to leave the Imperial Guard, 515 00:30:30,036 --> 00:30:33,205 Starfleet could certainly use you. 516 00:30:33,498 --> 00:30:38,502 And if you get tired of exploring, you'd do well in the Imperial Guard. 517 00:30:40,296 --> 00:30:42,673 I appreciate your offer, Shran. 518 00:30:43,758 --> 00:30:44,800 We accept. 519 00:30:46,135 --> 00:30:48,262 I'll return to my ship. 520 00:30:48,805 --> 00:30:49,847 I'm going with you. 521 00:30:51,599 --> 00:30:54,434 I plan to be there when you bring the weapon aboard. 522 00:30:54,644 --> 00:30:56,562 That won't be necessary. We'll keep you informed. 523 00:30:56,771 --> 00:30:59,565 That's not good enough. If something goes wrong-- 524 00:30:59,774 --> 00:31:02,025 The Kumari is a warship with a battle-tested crew. 525 00:31:02,193 --> 00:31:03,610 They're capable of performing duties 526 00:31:03,778 --> 00:31:05,362 without you looking over their shoulders. 527 00:31:05,572 --> 00:31:08,782 What happened to this being a joint venture? 528 00:31:08,992 --> 00:31:10,826 We'll render whatever assistance we can, 529 00:31:11,035 --> 00:31:13,787 but my crew won't take orders from you. 530 00:31:13,997 --> 00:31:15,289 They're going to have to. 531 00:31:15,498 --> 00:31:19,459 The Imperial Guard doesn't serve at your leisure, pink skin! 532 00:31:19,669 --> 00:31:20,836 This is my mission. 533 00:31:21,045 --> 00:31:24,506 And you'd pass up your best chance for success over a matter of pride? 534 00:31:24,716 --> 00:31:25,883 This isn't about pride. 535 00:31:26,092 --> 00:31:29,511 The Xindi killed seven million humans, not Andorians. 536 00:31:29,721 --> 00:31:33,348 I won't put the fate of my people in the hands of the Imperial Guard. 537 00:31:34,726 --> 00:31:35,851 Now, we could use your help. 538 00:31:36,895 --> 00:31:39,855 But if you're not happy with me calling the shots, 539 00:31:40,023 --> 00:31:42,774 then we'll go it alone. 540 00:31:47,780 --> 00:31:51,116 I've seen the scans you transmitted, commander. Impressive. 541 00:31:51,326 --> 00:31:53,911 Archer's science officer believes the weapon is unstable. 542 00:31:54,120 --> 00:31:55,162 It nearly overloaded. 543 00:31:55,747 --> 00:31:57,289 The Vulcan? 544 00:31:57,498 --> 00:32:01,335 I have no reason to doubt her assessment. She seems competent. 545 00:32:01,544 --> 00:32:04,463 We'll review her data. Proceed as planned. 546 00:32:04,672 --> 00:32:08,175 General, the humans may yet become valuable allies. 547 00:32:08,384 --> 00:32:12,971 If your mission is successful, we won't need an alliance with them or anyone. 548 00:32:13,181 --> 00:32:14,765 Why squander the opportunity? 549 00:32:14,974 --> 00:32:17,100 Is this mission worth making enemies of them? 550 00:32:17,310 --> 00:32:20,687 It's not up to you to determine the value of this mission, commander. 551 00:32:21,272 --> 00:32:26,026 I trust your regard for this pink skin won't cause you to forget that. 552 00:32:32,450 --> 00:32:34,326 What are you doing? 553 00:32:34,702 --> 00:32:37,287 Why are you accessing the sensors? They weren't damaged. 554 00:32:37,872 --> 00:32:39,081 Not by the anomaly. 555 00:32:39,290 --> 00:32:40,916 With all the bypasses we've been running 556 00:32:41,125 --> 00:32:44,002 we obviously could have created some additional problems. 557 00:32:44,212 --> 00:32:45,420 You're just being thorough. 558 00:32:45,630 --> 00:32:47,464 You wouldn't wanna be in a battle with the Xindi 559 00:32:47,674 --> 00:32:51,510 - and suddenly find yourself flying blind. - Hm. 560 00:32:52,011 --> 00:32:55,430 So anything we need to worry about? 561 00:32:55,640 --> 00:32:57,307 Your lateral array was out of alignment. 562 00:32:57,892 --> 00:33:01,561 I corrected it. All other systems are functioning properly. 563 00:33:02,063 --> 00:33:04,147 I'd take this ship into combat myself. 564 00:33:04,357 --> 00:33:06,400 Even with our primitive weapons? 565 00:33:06,609 --> 00:33:09,987 It's not the weapon, it's the soldier who wields it. 566 00:33:15,535 --> 00:33:17,035 [COMPUTER BLEEPING] 567 00:33:17,203 --> 00:33:19,454 - DEGRA: What is it? - A ship. 568 00:33:19,664 --> 00:33:22,874 - The Andorians? - No. Bio-signs are human. 569 00:33:24,168 --> 00:33:25,585 Send the escort ships to intercept. 570 00:33:26,129 --> 00:33:28,338 We have to keep them away from the weapon. 571 00:33:34,178 --> 00:33:36,930 - Two Xindi ships approaching. - Tactical alert. 572 00:33:38,641 --> 00:33:41,018 - Evasive maneuvers, ensign. - Aye. 573 00:33:41,227 --> 00:33:42,352 Hail the captain. 574 00:33:44,105 --> 00:33:46,690 The two Reptilian ships are moving toward us. 575 00:33:46,899 --> 00:33:48,817 The other vessels are holding position. 576 00:33:49,027 --> 00:33:51,695 - ARCHER: Try to keep them busy. - Acknowledged. 577 00:33:52,655 --> 00:33:55,032 I await your orders. 578 00:33:56,242 --> 00:33:58,118 Let's go get it. 579 00:33:58,327 --> 00:34:00,120 Charge weapons and set a course. 580 00:34:00,329 --> 00:34:07,669 [BLEEPING] 581 00:34:07,837 --> 00:34:11,048 Another vessel. It's the Andorian ship. They're heading for the weapon. 582 00:34:11,632 --> 00:34:14,760 They're working together. Get our ships back here now. 583 00:34:21,476 --> 00:34:23,393 [THUMPING] 584 00:34:23,603 --> 00:34:24,853 Hull plating's holding. 585 00:34:25,063 --> 00:34:27,105 Return fire. Target their engines. 586 00:34:31,235 --> 00:34:33,653 - They're breaking off. - They're heading into the system. 587 00:34:33,821 --> 00:34:36,823 Pursuit course, ensign. Continue firing all weapons. 588 00:34:44,499 --> 00:34:46,166 We have it. 589 00:34:46,375 --> 00:34:49,461 Take us out of the system, maximum speed. 590 00:34:56,969 --> 00:34:58,637 - Are they following? - TALAS: No. 591 00:34:58,846 --> 00:35:01,723 The human vessel disabled main propulsion on both ships. 592 00:35:01,933 --> 00:35:03,058 ARCHER: What about Enterprise? 593 00:35:03,267 --> 00:35:06,311 They've gone to warp. No apparent damage. 594 00:35:06,521 --> 00:35:09,940 Contact T'Pol. Have her meet us at the rendezvous point. 595 00:35:13,945 --> 00:35:15,737 Is there a problem? 596 00:35:15,947 --> 00:35:19,116 Inform the Imperial Guard we have the weapon. 597 00:35:19,325 --> 00:35:22,661 Set a course for Andoria, maximum warp. 598 00:35:22,870 --> 00:35:24,037 What are you doing? 599 00:35:26,124 --> 00:35:28,875 I'm afraid we won't be taking orders from you any longer. 600 00:35:30,336 --> 00:35:34,589 Now I see why you generously offered to let us use your ship. 601 00:35:35,758 --> 00:35:37,759 You son of a bitch. 602 00:35:41,347 --> 00:35:45,267 I was ordered to retrieve the weapon by whatever means necessary. 603 00:35:45,476 --> 00:35:47,727 I'm starting to think the Vulcans may be right about you. 604 00:35:47,937 --> 00:35:49,896 The Vulcans are the reason we're doing this. 605 00:35:50,106 --> 00:35:51,314 What are you talking about? 606 00:35:51,524 --> 00:35:54,985 For 200 years, all that's kept them from invading Andoria 607 00:35:55,194 --> 00:35:57,279 is the threat of massive retaliation. 608 00:35:57,488 --> 00:35:59,322 With a weapon of this magnitude at our disposal 609 00:35:59,532 --> 00:36:00,699 they wouldn't dare attack us. 610 00:36:00,908 --> 00:36:03,869 You're putting Earth at risk because of a border dispute with the Vulcans? 611 00:36:04,078 --> 00:36:07,080 We disrupted the Xindi test, took their weapon. 612 00:36:07,290 --> 00:36:08,915 We may have helped save your world. 613 00:36:09,125 --> 00:36:12,335 I guess I'm not familiar with the Andorian concept of help. 614 00:36:13,796 --> 00:36:16,381 I don't need to justify my actions to you, pink skin. 615 00:36:16,591 --> 00:36:19,718 I swore an oath to the Imperial Guard. My loyalty lies with them. 616 00:36:19,927 --> 00:36:22,137 My crew won't let you take the weapon without a fight. 617 00:36:22,346 --> 00:36:24,806 Your ship isn't fast enough to catch us. 618 00:36:27,226 --> 00:36:29,728 You'll have to slow down to pass back through the anomaly field. 619 00:36:29,937 --> 00:36:31,605 I anticipated that. 620 00:36:31,814 --> 00:36:33,315 When Talas was working on Enterprise 621 00:36:33,524 --> 00:36:35,525 she disrupted the main sensor array. 622 00:36:35,735 --> 00:36:41,072 They may be able to catch up to us, but they'll have no way to find us. 623 00:36:43,534 --> 00:36:48,330 You like to talk about repaying debts. I've owed you that for a long time. 624 00:36:49,123 --> 00:36:51,041 Take the captain to an escape pod. 625 00:36:51,876 --> 00:36:55,795 Don't worry. We'll alert Enterprise where to find you. 626 00:37:19,612 --> 00:37:21,988 We disabled main power on both Reptilian ships. 627 00:37:22,198 --> 00:37:24,074 The other vessels aren't pursuing us. 628 00:37:24,283 --> 00:37:26,910 - ARCHER: What about our sensors? - Back online. You were right, sir. 629 00:37:27,078 --> 00:37:29,621 If I hadn't been watching that officer, it might have taken weeks 630 00:37:29,789 --> 00:37:31,414 to find out where she sabotaged the array. 631 00:37:31,582 --> 00:37:33,917 - ARCHER: Their ship? - It's approaching the anomaly field. 632 00:37:34,126 --> 00:37:37,212 They reduced speed. We'll intercept them in 14 minutes. 633 00:37:37,421 --> 00:37:38,922 We've begun examining the weapon. 634 00:37:39,131 --> 00:37:42,217 Excellent work. I'll see that you receive a commendation. 635 00:37:42,426 --> 00:37:45,095 With respect, general, I'd prefer you didn't. 636 00:37:45,930 --> 00:37:49,224 Transmit your analysis as soon as possible. 637 00:37:50,142 --> 00:37:51,476 [COM BEEPING] 638 00:37:51,644 --> 00:37:53,603 TALAS: Commander Shran. 639 00:37:54,438 --> 00:37:57,774 - What is it? - Enterprise is approaching. 640 00:38:02,446 --> 00:38:05,282 - SHRAN: Where are they? - TALAS: Eighty thousand kilometers. 641 00:38:05,491 --> 00:38:07,492 They're hailing us. 642 00:38:09,996 --> 00:38:13,915 Captain Archer, glad to see you made it back safely. 643 00:38:14,125 --> 00:38:16,751 - How did you find us? - You don't think I'd let your people 644 00:38:16,919 --> 00:38:19,379 work on my ship without appropriate supervision. 645 00:38:21,465 --> 00:38:22,632 Give us the weapon. 646 00:38:23,384 --> 00:38:25,218 I respect your perseverance, 647 00:38:25,428 --> 00:38:27,929 but you don't actually think you'll be able to take it from us. 648 00:38:28,139 --> 00:38:32,892 No. I think you're going to give it to us willingly. 649 00:38:33,144 --> 00:38:35,770 Heh, heh, heh. I should have warned you. 650 00:38:35,980 --> 00:38:38,982 Don't drink too much of that Andorian ale in one sitting. 651 00:38:39,191 --> 00:38:42,152 You tossed me overboard before I had a chance to thank you 652 00:38:42,361 --> 00:38:44,779 for letting us access your sensor telemetry. 653 00:38:45,406 --> 00:38:46,865 When the Xindi tested the weapon, 654 00:38:47,074 --> 00:38:49,409 we were able to intercept their activation codes. 655 00:38:52,079 --> 00:38:57,417 Give it to us or we'll detonate it in your cargo bay. 656 00:38:58,419 --> 00:39:00,003 You'll lose your prize. 657 00:39:00,212 --> 00:39:03,131 I'd rather do that than let you take it back to Andoria. 658 00:39:03,341 --> 00:39:05,508 - Why? We're not your enemy. - I can't take the chance 659 00:39:05,676 --> 00:39:07,302 that you'd use it against the Vulcans. 660 00:39:07,511 --> 00:39:10,430 What have the Vulcans done to deserve your loyalty? 661 00:39:10,639 --> 00:39:13,058 You said you came to help us, Shran. 662 00:39:13,267 --> 00:39:14,976 You can still make good on your offer. 663 00:39:16,312 --> 00:39:17,729 I'm sorry, pink skin. 664 00:39:18,522 --> 00:39:20,523 You're not giving me any choice. 665 00:39:22,318 --> 00:39:24,611 I don't believe you. 666 00:39:26,781 --> 00:39:28,615 Take us into the anomaly field. 667 00:39:28,824 --> 00:39:29,949 T'Pol. 668 00:39:31,827 --> 00:39:33,620 [CONSOLE BLEEPING] 669 00:39:41,837 --> 00:39:44,839 Shran to Cargo Hold 3. What's your status? 670 00:39:45,049 --> 00:39:46,841 ANDORIAN: The firing matrix is activated. 671 00:39:47,009 --> 00:39:48,843 I believe the device is arming itself. 672 00:39:49,053 --> 00:39:51,221 - Shut it down. - We're trying, commander. 673 00:39:51,430 --> 00:39:53,223 I'd get rid of it while you still can. 674 00:39:53,808 --> 00:39:55,767 Report! 675 00:39:55,976 --> 00:39:57,310 They have less than 30 seconds. 676 00:40:02,441 --> 00:40:04,150 Shran. 677 00:40:04,819 --> 00:40:06,820 Twenty seconds. 678 00:40:08,948 --> 00:40:12,283 Clear the hold. Prepare to open the bay doors. 679 00:40:18,332 --> 00:40:19,874 - Six seconds. - Let's get moving. 680 00:40:20,084 --> 00:40:21,626 Already on it, sir. 681 00:40:31,429 --> 00:40:33,471 [RUMBLING] 682 00:40:33,931 --> 00:40:35,765 No damage, sir. 683 00:40:36,058 --> 00:40:37,976 The Andorians? 684 00:40:38,185 --> 00:40:39,936 They were much closer than we were. 685 00:40:40,146 --> 00:40:41,187 Their hull's intact, 686 00:40:41,397 --> 00:40:44,774 but there's significant damage to their engines and power systems. 687 00:40:47,069 --> 00:40:48,153 Open a channel to Shran. 688 00:40:50,448 --> 00:40:54,701 Ask him if he requires our assistance. 689 00:40:56,203 --> 00:40:58,496 ARCHER: Captain's starlog, supplemental. 690 00:40:58,706 --> 00:41:02,834 Commander Shran graciously declined our offer of help. 691 00:41:03,043 --> 00:41:04,461 The last we saw of them, 692 00:41:04,628 --> 00:41:08,047 they were limping away on auxiliary power. 693 00:41:12,761 --> 00:41:14,012 You have something? 694 00:41:14,221 --> 00:41:15,388 Just before we went to warp, 695 00:41:15,598 --> 00:41:18,308 we received a transmission from the Andorian ship. 696 00:41:18,517 --> 00:41:20,560 It wasn't on one of their normal com frequencies. 697 00:41:20,769 --> 00:41:24,314 It was encrypted to look like subspace interference. 698 00:41:24,523 --> 00:41:26,024 ARCHER: Let's see it. 699 00:41:26,233 --> 00:41:28,610 Apparently they had time to take some detailed scans 700 00:41:28,819 --> 00:41:30,487 while it was aboard their ship. 701 00:41:30,696 --> 00:41:33,239 T'POL: Judging from the clandestine nature of the transmission, 702 00:41:33,449 --> 00:41:37,243 I'd guess that whoever sent this didn't want to be discovered. 703 00:41:38,829 --> 00:41:41,789 Get it to Starfleet Command right away. 704 00:41:44,877 --> 00:41:48,379 Why don't you and Trip join me for dinner tonight. 705 00:41:48,589 --> 00:41:52,473 I have some Andorian ale you might like to try.