1 00:00:03,795 --> 00:00:06,005 NARRATOR: Previously on Enterprise: 2 00:00:06,589 --> 00:00:08,298 REED: The Insectoid ship's been damaged. 3 00:00:08,466 --> 00:00:09,508 Target the second one. 4 00:00:12,554 --> 00:00:15,681 Is that what this is all about? Do you think I wanna replace you? 5 00:00:15,890 --> 00:00:19,101 You just can't stand taking orders from me, can you? 6 00:00:19,310 --> 00:00:20,936 [GRUNTING] 7 00:00:22,856 --> 00:00:24,440 - Tell me something. - What? 8 00:00:24,649 --> 00:00:27,192 Why won't you let me do my job? 9 00:00:29,029 --> 00:00:30,696 I wanna know where you're building the weapon. 10 00:00:30,905 --> 00:00:33,657 - I don't know what you're talking about. - The hell you don't. 11 00:00:33,867 --> 00:00:37,995 There's a reference to a planet he visited recently, Azati Prime. 12 00:00:38,413 --> 00:00:41,331 The coordinates match the location of one of the red giants. 13 00:00:41,541 --> 00:00:45,210 Set a course for Azati Prime, maximum warp. 14 00:00:57,348 --> 00:00:58,682 Magnify. 15 00:01:01,352 --> 00:01:03,187 REED: It's definitely Xindi, sir. 16 00:01:03,396 --> 00:01:06,607 The hull composition matches the other ships we've seen. 17 00:01:06,816 --> 00:01:09,568 It doesn't look like a reptilian or a primate design. 18 00:01:10,028 --> 00:01:11,070 Bio-signs? 19 00:01:11,571 --> 00:01:15,783 None that I can detect. There's no atmosphere aboard. 20 00:01:17,702 --> 00:01:21,330 - Anyone else in the system? - No, sir. 21 00:01:23,124 --> 00:01:26,085 - Put a team together. - REED: Aye, sir. 22 00:03:24,120 --> 00:03:25,787 [DEVICE BEEPING] 23 00:03:44,515 --> 00:03:46,850 We'll take them back to Enterprise. 24 00:03:47,268 --> 00:03:50,187 Tell Phlox I want a complete autopsy. 25 00:03:50,396 --> 00:03:52,481 The major and I will search the port side. 26 00:03:52,690 --> 00:03:54,775 See if you can access their ship's database. 27 00:04:15,505 --> 00:04:17,339 [DEVICE BEEPING] 28 00:05:00,133 --> 00:05:04,303 - It's a computer interface. - See what you can download. 29 00:05:07,890 --> 00:05:10,892 My father would love to get a look at this place. 30 00:05:11,477 --> 00:05:13,645 He's fascinated by insects, 31 00:05:13,855 --> 00:05:16,732 always filling the house up with bugs he's collected. 32 00:05:16,941 --> 00:05:19,276 Drives my mother crazy. 33 00:05:19,485 --> 00:05:21,862 Maybe we can bring home something new for his collection. 34 00:05:22,030 --> 00:05:23,780 [REED CHUCKLES] 35 00:05:26,868 --> 00:05:28,618 It's heavily reinforced. 36 00:05:46,596 --> 00:05:47,929 [HATCH CLOSING] 37 00:05:50,058 --> 00:05:51,475 [HISSING] 38 00:05:51,642 --> 00:05:53,769 It's pressurizing. 39 00:05:54,896 --> 00:05:57,439 Oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere. 40 00:05:58,232 --> 00:06:00,108 After you. 41 00:06:04,781 --> 00:06:08,283 A little stale, but breathable. 42 00:06:08,576 --> 00:06:12,537 Bio-signs, very faint. 43 00:06:12,747 --> 00:06:14,623 Coming from in here. 44 00:06:24,675 --> 00:06:29,137 - Some kind of shuttlecraft? - More like an assault vehicle. 45 00:06:29,889 --> 00:06:35,018 I'm reading a half dozen particle cannons, torpedo launchers. 46 00:06:35,186 --> 00:06:37,020 [DEVICE BEEPING] 47 00:06:37,230 --> 00:06:38,355 Archer. 48 00:06:38,523 --> 00:06:40,941 TRIP [OVER COM]: You'd better get over here, sir. 49 00:07:06,843 --> 00:07:10,011 T'POL: The DNA is identical to the bodies we found. 50 00:07:10,179 --> 00:07:14,182 They would appear to be the crew's offspring. 51 00:07:16,018 --> 00:07:17,310 A hatchery? 52 00:07:17,520 --> 00:07:19,563 They built this place to take quite a beating. 53 00:07:19,772 --> 00:07:22,816 Reinforced bulkheads, backup power systems... 54 00:07:23,025 --> 00:07:25,235 Thirty-one eggs are still viable. 55 00:07:25,445 --> 00:07:28,363 They won't survive for long. Bio-support's losing power. 56 00:07:28,573 --> 00:07:32,409 - Do you think you can repair it? - I wouldn't even know where to start. 57 00:07:34,829 --> 00:07:37,456 There's a shuttlecraft in their port bay. Get it back to the ship. 58 00:07:37,999 --> 00:07:41,460 I want an analysis of their tactical systems as soon as possible. 59 00:07:41,669 --> 00:07:43,295 Aye, sir. 60 00:07:53,514 --> 00:07:55,807 [WHIRRING] 61 00:07:57,185 --> 00:08:00,604 - ARCHER: Did you find their Bridge? - I'm not certain there is one. 62 00:08:00,771 --> 00:08:03,857 Their command functions appear to be distributed through various-- 63 00:08:04,066 --> 00:08:05,859 - ARCHER: Unh. - T'POL: Captain. 64 00:08:08,988 --> 00:08:13,074 - I'm all right. - We should get you to Sickbay. 65 00:08:24,587 --> 00:08:28,757 Mm. A mild neurotoxin, likely part of an autonomic defense system. 66 00:08:28,966 --> 00:08:31,510 The egg probably considered you a threat. 67 00:08:31,719 --> 00:08:33,678 Humans seem to have that effect on the Xindi. 68 00:08:33,846 --> 00:08:35,138 [PHLOX CHUCKLES] 69 00:08:35,306 --> 00:08:38,892 Eh, an analgesic should take care of the irritation. 70 00:08:40,144 --> 00:08:43,021 Malcolm's bringing you two dead Insectoids. 71 00:08:43,231 --> 00:08:45,190 I want you to learn as much as you can about them. 72 00:08:45,399 --> 00:08:47,150 Understood. 73 00:08:48,736 --> 00:08:50,195 We've located their armory, 74 00:08:50,404 --> 00:08:52,781 found several particle weapons and torpedo casings. 75 00:08:53,616 --> 00:08:56,701 - What about the data you recovered? - Ensign Sato's translating it. 76 00:08:56,911 --> 00:08:59,913 We'll be ready to leave orbit as soon as the Xindi shuttle's aboard. 77 00:09:05,753 --> 00:09:07,128 [BEEPING] 78 00:09:07,338 --> 00:09:09,381 We've cleared the thermosphere. 79 00:09:10,675 --> 00:09:14,261 You might wanna do a better job securing our guests. 80 00:09:18,015 --> 00:09:22,477 - I think it's safe to assume it's dead. - Just being cautious. 81 00:09:23,479 --> 00:09:24,813 [GRUNTS] 82 00:09:26,274 --> 00:09:29,442 Certain insects on Earth are known to hibernate. 83 00:09:41,080 --> 00:09:45,542 - Do you intend to shoot me, major? - It's not you I'm worried about. 84 00:09:47,545 --> 00:09:50,297 I've been going over the results from the last training session. 85 00:09:50,506 --> 00:09:52,215 Your senior officers have shown improvement, 86 00:09:52,425 --> 00:09:53,633 but I think they can do better. 87 00:09:54,260 --> 00:09:55,302 With your permission, 88 00:09:55,511 --> 00:09:58,430 I'd like to schedule some more target practice for Monday evening. 89 00:09:58,639 --> 00:10:01,224 That won't go over well with Commander Tucker. 90 00:10:01,434 --> 00:10:04,519 Monday night is movie night. 91 00:10:05,896 --> 00:10:07,772 Maybe he can sacrifice some leisure time 92 00:10:07,982 --> 00:10:09,524 for the sake of this mission. 93 00:10:10,484 --> 00:10:13,737 The senior officers do have other duties. 94 00:10:13,946 --> 00:10:17,490 We can't all spend our time playing holographic games in the armory. 95 00:10:18,284 --> 00:10:20,201 I'm not sure that's how the captain would see it. 96 00:10:20,369 --> 00:10:21,411 [COM BEEPS] 97 00:10:21,579 --> 00:10:24,581 HOSHI [OVER COM]: Enterprise to Shuttlepod 2. You're clear to approach. 98 00:10:24,749 --> 00:10:28,209 Acknowledged. Deploy the docking arm. 99 00:10:28,753 --> 00:10:29,794 [DOOR CHIMES] 100 00:10:29,962 --> 00:10:31,588 Come in. 101 00:10:33,132 --> 00:10:34,924 I think we figured out what happened to them. 102 00:10:35,134 --> 00:10:36,384 One of their nacelles fractured 103 00:10:36,594 --> 00:10:38,428 while they were coming out of a subspace vortex. 104 00:10:38,638 --> 00:10:41,222 They probably tried to make an emergency landing on this planet. 105 00:10:44,644 --> 00:10:47,937 According to Phlox, the Insectoids we found weren't killed in the crash, 106 00:10:48,147 --> 00:10:49,189 they suffocated? 107 00:10:49,398 --> 00:10:50,815 Most of the crew appear to have died 108 00:10:51,025 --> 00:10:53,568 when they transferred their life support to the hatchery. 109 00:10:55,363 --> 00:10:57,947 They sacrificed themselves to save their children. 110 00:11:00,368 --> 00:11:04,371 You said the hatchery's losing bio-support. How long will it last? 111 00:11:05,289 --> 00:11:06,873 Another day, at most. 112 00:11:07,750 --> 00:11:10,710 I want you to assign a team to repair it. 113 00:11:10,920 --> 00:11:13,254 - Captain? - What about Azati Prime? 114 00:11:13,464 --> 00:11:15,715 It's not going anywhere. This is a sentient species. 115 00:11:15,925 --> 00:11:17,092 We can't abandon them. 116 00:11:17,426 --> 00:11:19,886 Captain, with all due respect, why the hell not? 117 00:11:20,096 --> 00:11:22,555 I've got half a mind to take a plasma torch to that place. 118 00:11:23,557 --> 00:11:28,061 What if we found a nursery filled with 31 infant primates? 119 00:11:28,270 --> 00:11:29,688 Would you wanna torch them? 120 00:11:30,398 --> 00:11:32,190 The Xindi are trying to destroy Earth 121 00:11:32,400 --> 00:11:34,401 because they heard that humans are ruthless. 122 00:11:34,610 --> 00:11:36,486 This is a chance to prove them wrong. 123 00:11:37,196 --> 00:11:39,864 We can bring the eggs aboard, reconfigure one of the cargo bays. 124 00:11:40,074 --> 00:11:41,324 I already talked to Phlox. 125 00:11:41,534 --> 00:11:43,535 He says they're integrated into the hatchery walls. 126 00:11:43,744 --> 00:11:45,620 If we remove them, they'll die. 127 00:11:45,830 --> 00:11:48,998 Sir, this is crazy. These people are trying to kill us. 128 00:11:49,208 --> 00:11:50,709 This isn't open for discussion. 129 00:11:51,711 --> 00:11:53,920 I'll lead the engineering team. 130 00:11:54,088 --> 00:11:55,922 I need you up here to help Travis 131 00:11:56,090 --> 00:11:58,091 figure out how to operate that Xindi shuttle. 132 00:11:58,467 --> 00:12:01,511 - Captain... - I've made my decision. 133 00:12:02,763 --> 00:12:03,847 Get to work. 134 00:12:17,945 --> 00:12:21,698 ARCHER: Captain's starlog, January 8th, 2154. 135 00:12:21,907 --> 00:12:23,700 We've been in orbit for more than a day. 136 00:12:24,410 --> 00:12:26,870 The crew is restless, eager to resume our mission, 137 00:12:27,079 --> 00:12:29,998 but I'm certain my decision to stay was the right one. 138 00:12:30,416 --> 00:12:32,667 They may know how to build a weapon system, 139 00:12:32,877 --> 00:12:34,544 but these people could learn a thing or two 140 00:12:34,754 --> 00:12:36,629 about designing a comfortable chair. 141 00:12:36,839 --> 00:12:40,008 For an Insectoid, maybe they are comfortable. 142 00:12:40,217 --> 00:12:42,343 The power grid doesn't make much sense. 143 00:12:42,511 --> 00:12:45,180 Almost half of it's routed to structural integrity. 144 00:12:45,389 --> 00:12:48,600 You could probably fly this thing inside a gas giant. 145 00:12:48,809 --> 00:12:51,478 Assuming you could figure out how to fly it. 146 00:12:51,687 --> 00:12:55,523 This icon looks like it might represent the impulse manifolds. 147 00:12:55,733 --> 00:12:57,484 Give it a shot. 148 00:12:58,027 --> 00:12:59,319 [CRACKLING] 149 00:13:01,572 --> 00:13:04,741 I don't think this ship likes us very much. 150 00:13:06,494 --> 00:13:09,746 REED: You're gonna have to remove the relays here and here. 151 00:13:09,955 --> 00:13:11,623 That should disable the security protocols. 152 00:13:11,832 --> 00:13:14,209 We can't initialize the engines without them. 153 00:13:14,418 --> 00:13:15,960 What about the ship on the surface? 154 00:13:16,170 --> 00:13:18,004 We might be able to salvage what we need. 155 00:13:18,214 --> 00:13:19,255 Yeah. 156 00:13:20,508 --> 00:13:23,259 Any word on how much longer he's planning to stay in orbit? 157 00:13:23,469 --> 00:13:25,762 The repairs are moving slow. 158 00:13:26,514 --> 00:13:28,598 I'd be the last to question the captain's orders, 159 00:13:28,808 --> 00:13:30,058 but doesn't it seem a little odd 160 00:13:30,267 --> 00:13:33,228 that we're staying here to save a nest of Xindi? 161 00:13:33,437 --> 00:13:35,522 The captain thinks it's the right thing to do. 162 00:13:35,731 --> 00:13:38,733 We may be at war, but these creatures need our help. 163 00:13:38,943 --> 00:13:41,736 Meanwhile, their big brothers are trying to destroy Earth. 164 00:13:41,946 --> 00:13:44,989 Every day we stay here gives them more time to finish their weapon. 165 00:13:45,199 --> 00:13:46,616 TRIP: Look. 166 00:13:48,369 --> 00:13:50,328 There's a chance we'll run into more Insectoids 167 00:13:50,538 --> 00:13:52,205 when we reach that red giant. 168 00:13:52,414 --> 00:13:57,293 Spending an extra day or two studying their tactical systems might be useful. 169 00:14:01,257 --> 00:14:02,799 PHLOX: Ah. 170 00:14:02,967 --> 00:14:08,763 Captain, I've, uh, learned quite a bit about this fascinating fellow. 171 00:14:08,973 --> 00:14:11,015 Perhaps, heh, "fellow" is the wrong word. 172 00:14:11,183 --> 00:14:12,976 Their species is genderless. 173 00:14:14,270 --> 00:14:18,314 - Then who made all those eggs? - They reproduce asexually. 174 00:14:18,524 --> 00:14:21,776 Each adult appears capable of producing multiple egg-sacs. 175 00:14:21,986 --> 00:14:26,322 I wouldn't be surprised if every Insectoid vessel had its own hatchery. 176 00:14:26,740 --> 00:14:31,703 I'd estimate their life-span is no more than, uh, ooh, 12 Earth years. 177 00:14:31,912 --> 00:14:34,289 This individual may be one of the elder members of the crew. 178 00:14:34,456 --> 00:14:36,416 It was nearly 10 years old. 179 00:14:36,625 --> 00:14:39,836 What about the hatchery? When will the eggs mature? 180 00:14:40,713 --> 00:14:44,173 Without knowing more about their incubation cycle, it's impossible to say, 181 00:14:44,383 --> 00:14:48,052 but, uh, probably no more than a week, at most. 182 00:14:50,973 --> 00:14:55,476 Captain, if you don't mind my saying, you look as if you could use some rest. 183 00:14:55,686 --> 00:14:57,437 We've gotta get the repairs finished. 184 00:14:57,897 --> 00:15:02,066 - Surely a few hours sleep wouldn't-- - Contact me if you find anything else. 185 00:15:35,392 --> 00:15:37,644 - Is there a problem, corporal? - CHANG: No, ma'am. 186 00:15:37,853 --> 00:15:41,064 - Why are you guarding this chamber? - Captain's orders. 187 00:16:03,629 --> 00:16:06,255 - Lieutenant Reed's report. - What? 188 00:16:06,465 --> 00:16:09,968 You requested a tactical analysis of the Insectoid ship. 189 00:16:10,177 --> 00:16:11,803 Later. 190 00:16:13,472 --> 00:16:16,516 - Are we ready? - Just a few seconds, captain. 191 00:16:17,893 --> 00:16:19,686 There are two MACOs posted outside. 192 00:16:19,895 --> 00:16:23,106 I asked Major Hayes to assign them. These eggs are vulnerable. 193 00:16:23,315 --> 00:16:25,483 There are breaches in the outer hull. 194 00:16:26,026 --> 00:16:28,236 There could be predators around. 195 00:16:28,654 --> 00:16:31,698 Aside from microbes, we found no evidence of life on this planet. 196 00:16:32,241 --> 00:16:35,284 - Trip. - We're ready. 197 00:16:35,494 --> 00:16:38,830 Start at 40 megajoules, but keep an eye on that matrix converter. 198 00:16:39,456 --> 00:16:40,748 [WHIRRING] 199 00:16:40,958 --> 00:16:43,167 Take it up to 50. 200 00:16:43,377 --> 00:16:45,753 [HUMMING] 201 00:16:45,963 --> 00:16:47,755 [WHOOSHING] 202 00:16:51,260 --> 00:16:52,802 Trip? 203 00:16:56,557 --> 00:16:57,598 Shut it down. 204 00:16:59,518 --> 00:17:00,560 [WHOOSHING STOPS] 205 00:17:02,062 --> 00:17:03,438 What happened? 206 00:17:03,939 --> 00:17:06,482 There must have been a surge in the power grid. 207 00:17:07,234 --> 00:17:08,776 I'll need a few minutes, captain. 208 00:17:18,287 --> 00:17:20,246 Archer to Enterprise. 209 00:17:21,123 --> 00:17:22,457 Medical emergency. 210 00:17:30,924 --> 00:17:32,300 [DOOR OPENS] 211 00:17:35,846 --> 00:17:39,182 There was nothing I could do. I'm sorry. 212 00:17:44,897 --> 00:17:47,190 ARCHER: How's Hoshi coming with that translation? 213 00:17:47,399 --> 00:17:50,902 Their iconography is different from the other Xindi species. 214 00:17:51,111 --> 00:17:52,528 It's taking some time. 215 00:17:53,030 --> 00:17:57,033 When she's done, ask her to search their database. 216 00:17:57,242 --> 00:18:00,828 See if she can locate anything about their burial rituals. 217 00:18:01,872 --> 00:18:03,873 Do you plan to hold a funeral? 218 00:18:04,041 --> 00:18:05,083 [COM BEEPS] 219 00:18:05,250 --> 00:18:07,126 TRIP [OVER COM]: Tucker to Captain Archer. 220 00:18:08,629 --> 00:18:09,712 ARCHER: Go ahead. 221 00:18:10,214 --> 00:18:11,923 TRIP: I think I figured out the problem. 222 00:18:12,132 --> 00:18:14,300 Their power grid can't handle our converters. 223 00:18:14,510 --> 00:18:16,844 It's gonna take at least three days to make them compatible. 224 00:18:17,054 --> 00:18:19,180 What about their reactor? Any way to bring it online? 225 00:18:19,389 --> 00:18:22,809 It's possible, but they lost most of their antimatter in the accident. 226 00:18:23,018 --> 00:18:24,727 Stand by. 227 00:18:27,397 --> 00:18:28,856 Work with Trip. 228 00:18:29,066 --> 00:18:30,817 Help him get their reactor up and running. 229 00:18:31,026 --> 00:18:32,151 - Sir? - We're gonna transfer 230 00:18:32,361 --> 00:18:35,822 our antimatter to their ship. Use as much as you have to. 231 00:18:36,031 --> 00:18:37,657 Our reserves are at less than 60 percent-- 232 00:18:37,866 --> 00:18:40,535 I'm not gonna let any more of them die. 233 00:18:56,552 --> 00:18:57,677 To get that reactor running, 234 00:18:57,886 --> 00:19:00,763 we're gonna have to use a third of our antimatter reserves. 235 00:19:00,973 --> 00:19:02,098 Why so much? 236 00:19:02,307 --> 00:19:04,433 Every system on that ship is integrated. 237 00:19:04,643 --> 00:19:08,771 The only way to bring bio-support back online is to power up the whole thing. 238 00:19:08,981 --> 00:19:11,190 That's not gonna leave much antimatter for our torpedoes, 239 00:19:11,400 --> 00:19:14,068 - never mind our engines. - Did you inform the captain? 240 00:19:14,611 --> 00:19:16,612 I wanted to run it by both of you first. 241 00:19:18,157 --> 00:19:21,868 I never imagined Captain Archer would put the welfare of a few Xindi 242 00:19:22,077 --> 00:19:24,036 before his own people. 243 00:19:24,246 --> 00:19:26,789 Do you know he's spent nearly two days in that hatchery? 244 00:19:26,999 --> 00:19:29,959 From what I'm told, he hasn't stopped working long enough to even sleep. 245 00:19:32,546 --> 00:19:36,883 - Delay the transfer for now. - The captain gave us an order. 246 00:19:38,051 --> 00:19:39,635 I'll speak with him. 247 00:19:53,901 --> 00:19:54,942 Where's Trip? 248 00:19:55,152 --> 00:19:57,945 - Did you bring the antimatter? - No. 249 00:19:59,114 --> 00:20:00,364 What's the problem? 250 00:20:00,574 --> 00:20:03,826 Initializing their reactor will deplete our reserves by one-third. 251 00:20:04,036 --> 00:20:05,244 We can spare it. 252 00:20:05,454 --> 00:20:08,164 We're only a few light years from the red giant. 253 00:20:08,373 --> 00:20:10,374 We'll still have more than enough fuel to get there. 254 00:20:10,584 --> 00:20:14,253 We don't know for certain if the weapon is in that system. 255 00:20:16,590 --> 00:20:18,716 There are lives at risk here. 256 00:20:18,926 --> 00:20:22,303 Billions of lives are at risk on Earth if our mission fails. 257 00:20:22,512 --> 00:20:24,722 I'm well aware of that. 258 00:20:27,476 --> 00:20:30,728 These Xindi are innocent. 259 00:20:30,938 --> 00:20:33,314 If we let them die, we'll be proving to the others 260 00:20:33,523 --> 00:20:35,524 that they're right about us. 261 00:20:36,944 --> 00:20:39,111 I don't know much about Vulcan ethics, 262 00:20:39,321 --> 00:20:41,113 but humans don't throw morality out the window 263 00:20:41,323 --> 00:20:42,782 when things start getting rough. 264 00:20:42,991 --> 00:20:44,992 Commander Tucker and Lieutenant Reed also believe 265 00:20:45,202 --> 00:20:46,744 that this would compromise our mission. 266 00:20:47,246 --> 00:20:49,538 Your opinions have been noted. 267 00:20:49,748 --> 00:20:54,085 Now get back to Enterprise and start the antimatter transfer. 268 00:20:54,544 --> 00:20:57,588 I'm sorry, captain, I can't obey that order. 269 00:21:03,720 --> 00:21:06,555 You may not be wearing a uniform, 270 00:21:07,015 --> 00:21:10,059 but you can still be charged with insubordination. 271 00:21:10,269 --> 00:21:15,564 Perhaps we should contact Starfleet and discuss this with Admiral Forrest. 272 00:21:18,193 --> 00:21:19,986 You're relieved as first officer. 273 00:21:20,195 --> 00:21:24,532 Major, escort T'Pol back to the ship and confine her to her quarters. 274 00:21:24,741 --> 00:21:27,034 - HAYES: Sir? - ARCHER: I gave you an order. 275 00:21:29,538 --> 00:21:30,955 Ma'am... 276 00:21:47,597 --> 00:21:49,265 [SIGHS] 277 00:21:50,142 --> 00:21:51,183 [DOOR CHIMES] 278 00:21:51,351 --> 00:21:52,977 Come in. 279 00:21:55,605 --> 00:21:57,732 The first shuttlepod's on its way. 280 00:21:57,941 --> 00:21:59,942 How long will it take to transfer the antimatter? 281 00:22:00,152 --> 00:22:04,363 Using both shuttlepods, about four or five hours. 282 00:22:06,450 --> 00:22:09,410 I didn't realize how badly I needed a shower. Heh. 283 00:22:09,578 --> 00:22:12,163 I've been spending too much time in that hatchery. 284 00:22:12,622 --> 00:22:15,750 If you're looking for a new first officer, you should consider Malcolm. 285 00:22:15,959 --> 00:22:17,918 You're gonna want someone on the Bridge full-time, 286 00:22:18,128 --> 00:22:19,628 I'm a little busy at the moment. 287 00:22:19,838 --> 00:22:22,798 I'm happy with the command structure the way it is. 288 00:22:23,008 --> 00:22:28,095 This is only temporary. T'Pol just needed a slap on the wrist. 289 00:22:28,305 --> 00:22:30,556 She's questioned your orders lots of times, 290 00:22:30,766 --> 00:22:34,352 but you've never locked her up before. 291 00:22:34,895 --> 00:22:38,397 You have to admit, it's a little out of the ordinary. 292 00:22:38,607 --> 00:22:40,858 These aren't ordinary circumstances. 293 00:22:41,068 --> 00:22:44,320 T'Pol refused a direct order in front of the crew. 294 00:22:44,529 --> 00:22:47,406 I can't have senior officers behaving like that, 295 00:22:47,616 --> 00:22:49,909 especially on a mission this important. 296 00:22:52,537 --> 00:22:54,622 Maybe you ought to confine me to quarters too, sir. 297 00:22:56,083 --> 00:22:59,001 Because I'm still not sure we're doing the right thing here. 298 00:22:59,294 --> 00:23:01,462 If the roles were reversed, 299 00:23:01,671 --> 00:23:04,382 I can't imagine these Xindi would do the same for us. 300 00:23:08,261 --> 00:23:11,013 My great-grandfather was in North Africa 301 00:23:11,223 --> 00:23:13,599 during the Eugenics Wars. 302 00:23:14,434 --> 00:23:16,977 His battalion was evacuating civilians from a war zone 303 00:23:17,187 --> 00:23:19,188 when they came under attack. 304 00:23:19,398 --> 00:23:23,109 There was a school full of children directly between them and the enemy. 305 00:23:23,318 --> 00:23:26,862 If his men had returned fire, they might have hit it. 306 00:23:27,072 --> 00:23:29,740 So he called the commander on the other side, 307 00:23:29,950 --> 00:23:36,080 got him to agree to hold his fire long enough to evacuate the school. 308 00:23:36,289 --> 00:23:40,000 There are rules, Trip, even in war. 309 00:23:41,920 --> 00:23:43,963 We have to help these children. 310 00:23:53,598 --> 00:23:56,976 This is what you wanted to show me? A battle simulation? 311 00:23:57,185 --> 00:24:00,479 Scenarios like this can tell us a lot about the enemy's tactical capabilities, 312 00:24:00,689 --> 00:24:02,690 much more than we'd learn from a standard analysis. 313 00:24:02,899 --> 00:24:05,693 I asked you to look for weaknesses in their shields, 314 00:24:05,902 --> 00:24:07,278 not to play more games. 315 00:24:07,487 --> 00:24:09,947 This isn't exactly a game, lieutenant. 316 00:24:10,157 --> 00:24:13,200 The simulation found that they're vulnerable here. 317 00:24:13,410 --> 00:24:16,162 They've got minimal shielding around their impulse manifolds. 318 00:24:16,371 --> 00:24:18,998 A pair of torpedoes should be enough to take out the engines. 319 00:24:19,666 --> 00:24:22,334 Those manifolds are pretty narrow, 320 00:24:22,544 --> 00:24:25,671 but our targeting scanners should be able to get a lock. 321 00:24:27,716 --> 00:24:30,551 - Nice work. - Thank you, sir. 322 00:24:32,512 --> 00:24:34,430 I apologize. 323 00:24:35,348 --> 00:24:37,224 I overreacted. 324 00:24:38,101 --> 00:24:39,768 A lot of the crew's on edge lately. 325 00:24:39,978 --> 00:24:41,687 They certainly are. 326 00:24:42,314 --> 00:24:45,483 I heard things got pretty ugly down there. 327 00:24:45,650 --> 00:24:49,028 It's not every day I'm asked to confine a senior officer. 328 00:24:49,237 --> 00:24:52,114 I can't say I disagree with the captain's decision. 329 00:24:52,324 --> 00:24:55,743 If one of my men disobeyed orders, I'd throw him in the stockade. 330 00:24:56,036 --> 00:24:57,661 Ah. 331 00:24:58,538 --> 00:25:01,874 Well, I've gotta get back to the Bridge. 332 00:25:02,083 --> 00:25:04,835 Let me know if your simulation finds anything else. 333 00:25:14,304 --> 00:25:15,638 I need to see T'Pol. 334 00:25:15,847 --> 00:25:17,473 She's not supposed to have any visitors. 335 00:25:17,682 --> 00:25:20,309 This isn't a social call. I'm here for my neuro-pressure treatment. 336 00:25:20,519 --> 00:25:22,061 Doctor's orders. 337 00:25:23,438 --> 00:25:26,315 You don't want me to bring Phlox down here, do you? 338 00:25:32,989 --> 00:25:35,074 - What's our status? - The antimatter's on its way. 339 00:25:35,283 --> 00:25:37,576 I had a talk with him. Everything's gonna be all right. 340 00:25:37,786 --> 00:25:39,912 This whole thing will blow over in a day or two. 341 00:25:40,121 --> 00:25:43,082 Our antimatter supply will be depleted by then. 342 00:25:43,291 --> 00:25:45,834 The captain's behavior is becoming increasingly illogical, 343 00:25:46,044 --> 00:25:48,837 even for a human. 344 00:25:49,130 --> 00:25:53,092 He's preoccupied with the hatchery, he's displaying signs of paranoia. 345 00:25:53,301 --> 00:25:55,344 I think you're overstating things just a little. 346 00:25:55,554 --> 00:25:57,888 You can't allow him to use our antimatter. 347 00:25:58,306 --> 00:26:01,016 What do you suggest I do, start a mutiny? 348 00:26:01,226 --> 00:26:02,810 You have to speak with Phlox. 349 00:26:03,019 --> 00:26:05,312 Ask him to run a full exam on the captain. 350 00:26:05,522 --> 00:26:06,689 What good would that do? 351 00:26:06,898 --> 00:26:08,399 If the doctor can find something wrong, 352 00:26:08,608 --> 00:26:10,859 we may have medical grounds to relieve him of command. 353 00:26:11,194 --> 00:26:12,945 Relieve him? 354 00:26:13,363 --> 00:26:16,240 Look, I know you're upset about what happened, 355 00:26:16,449 --> 00:26:18,117 but I think you're taking this personally. 356 00:26:18,326 --> 00:26:20,411 How long before the reactor's brought online? 357 00:26:21,580 --> 00:26:25,833 Assuming Hoshi can translate the interface, about 12 hours. 358 00:26:26,042 --> 00:26:29,253 You have to delay it until we can verify the captain's mental state. 359 00:26:29,796 --> 00:26:33,173 If he finds out what we're doing, we'll both end up in the brig. 360 00:26:37,178 --> 00:26:39,179 You're asking me to betray him. 361 00:26:39,389 --> 00:26:43,559 You can't allow your personal feelings for the captain to affect your decision. 362 00:26:43,727 --> 00:26:47,313 We both know he's endangering this ship and our mission. 363 00:26:51,484 --> 00:26:52,526 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 364 00:26:52,694 --> 00:26:54,570 - What is it? - A subspace vortex 365 00:26:54,738 --> 00:26:56,071 is opening off the port bow. 366 00:26:56,281 --> 00:26:57,323 Tactical alert. 367 00:26:59,117 --> 00:27:01,660 Captain Archer, report to the Bridge. 368 00:27:07,876 --> 00:27:10,002 It's an Insectoid, three bio-signs aboard. 369 00:27:10,211 --> 00:27:11,879 They're firing. 370 00:27:13,173 --> 00:27:16,717 - They're moving away at full impulse. - Pursuit course. 371 00:27:16,926 --> 00:27:19,720 Arm phase cannons, disable their engines. 372 00:27:28,063 --> 00:27:29,229 No effect. 373 00:27:29,439 --> 00:27:32,983 Their main deflector's charging. They could be trying to open a vortex. 374 00:27:33,818 --> 00:27:38,656 Torpedoes, maximum yield. Target their impulse manifolds. 375 00:27:38,865 --> 00:27:40,282 - CREWMAN: Ready. - Fire. 376 00:27:47,999 --> 00:27:51,752 - What the hell's going on? - REED: An Insectoid ship, sir. 377 00:27:53,713 --> 00:27:54,797 You destroyed them? 378 00:27:55,006 --> 00:27:57,424 REED: They were opening a vortex. They would have escaped. 379 00:27:58,134 --> 00:28:00,552 The crew might have been able to take care of the hatchery. 380 00:28:00,762 --> 00:28:02,054 Sir? 381 00:28:02,263 --> 00:28:05,724 We could have kept our antimatter and continued the mission. 382 00:28:05,934 --> 00:28:08,894 They would have told their superiors, sir, given away our position. 383 00:28:09,104 --> 00:28:10,813 If you'd explained to them why we were here, 384 00:28:11,022 --> 00:28:13,649 you might have avoided a firefight. 385 00:28:13,858 --> 00:28:17,653 With all due respect, sir, they didn't seem particularly interested in talking. 386 00:28:23,660 --> 00:28:24,910 Archer to Major Hayes. 387 00:28:25,078 --> 00:28:26,161 HAYES [OVER COM]: Go ahead, captain. 388 00:28:26,371 --> 00:28:27,830 ARCHER: Report to my Ready Room on the double. 389 00:28:27,997 --> 00:28:29,748 HAYES: Aye, sir. 390 00:28:32,377 --> 00:28:34,253 I'm relieving you as tactical officer. 391 00:28:35,463 --> 00:28:37,881 From now on, you'll report to Major Hayes. 392 00:28:38,091 --> 00:28:41,760 I did what was necessary to protect this ship and its mission. 393 00:28:41,970 --> 00:28:44,179 You'll be confined to quarters until further notice. 394 00:28:44,389 --> 00:28:46,765 - Captain-- - Dismissed. 395 00:28:51,896 --> 00:28:52,938 Yes, sir. 396 00:28:56,276 --> 00:28:59,111 [DOOR OPENS THEN CLOSES] 397 00:28:59,279 --> 00:29:01,155 ARCHER: Are you done with that translation? 398 00:29:01,322 --> 00:29:03,157 - Almost. - I want you to put together 399 00:29:03,324 --> 00:29:05,659 a distress call in the Insectoid language. 400 00:29:05,869 --> 00:29:08,203 Transmit it on all frequencies as soon as you're ready. 401 00:29:09,873 --> 00:29:11,623 Understood. 402 00:29:13,710 --> 00:29:16,211 There's nothing more important than the success of this mission. 403 00:29:16,421 --> 00:29:17,963 - Do you agree, major? - Of course, sir. 404 00:29:18,173 --> 00:29:21,675 My senior officers don't seem to understand what I'm trying to do here. 405 00:29:22,218 --> 00:29:23,469 I guess I have myself to blame. 406 00:29:23,678 --> 00:29:24,803 In the past, 407 00:29:25,013 --> 00:29:28,766 I've encouraged them to ask questions, but we don't have time for that now. 408 00:29:28,975 --> 00:29:31,018 I need officers who respect the chain of command 409 00:29:31,227 --> 00:29:32,269 and can follow orders. 410 00:29:32,479 --> 00:29:34,563 It won't be a problem, sir. 411 00:29:35,648 --> 00:29:38,233 I thought what happened with T'Pol might have been an isolated incident, 412 00:29:38,401 --> 00:29:40,027 but I'm not so sure now. 413 00:29:40,945 --> 00:29:43,822 Lieutenant Reed destroyed a ship that could have helped us. 414 00:29:44,240 --> 00:29:48,368 I'm starting to wonder if he deliberately tried to sabotage this mission. 415 00:29:50,705 --> 00:29:52,539 You're in command while I'm on the surface. 416 00:29:52,749 --> 00:29:55,793 You answer to me and me alone. Is that understood, major? 417 00:29:56,503 --> 00:29:59,630 - Perfectly, sir. - That'll be all. 418 00:30:10,183 --> 00:30:13,560 - Can we talk to you for a minute, sir? - What is it? 419 00:30:16,105 --> 00:30:18,148 I'd like you to go to Sickbay with Phlox. 420 00:30:19,442 --> 00:30:21,360 Do I look sick to you? 421 00:30:21,569 --> 00:30:24,571 Hoshi says you ordered her to transmit a distress call. 422 00:30:25,281 --> 00:30:27,533 Unh. That's right. 423 00:30:27,742 --> 00:30:29,952 Don't you think that's a little dangerous? 424 00:30:30,161 --> 00:30:32,871 We'll be light years from here before the Xindi respond to it. 425 00:30:33,456 --> 00:30:35,666 We don't know how far away their ships are. 426 00:30:35,875 --> 00:30:38,377 If we send that message, we'll be taking a hell of a risk. 427 00:30:38,878 --> 00:30:41,338 We can't afford to play it safe anymore. 428 00:30:41,548 --> 00:30:42,840 This mission's too important. 429 00:30:43,299 --> 00:30:48,095 This mission is to save Earth, not an alien hatchery. 430 00:30:48,304 --> 00:30:51,765 Captain, you haven't eaten or slept in almost two days. 431 00:30:51,975 --> 00:30:55,143 You've shown signs of obsessional behavior and paranoia. 432 00:31:01,234 --> 00:31:03,360 If it'll make the two of you feel better, 433 00:31:03,570 --> 00:31:06,989 I'll go to Sickbay for a complete physical... 434 00:31:09,075 --> 00:31:10,784 ...as soon as that reactor's online. 435 00:31:11,661 --> 00:31:13,120 That's not good enough, sir. 436 00:31:13,872 --> 00:31:16,373 Phlox has the authority to order you to Sickbay. 437 00:31:18,376 --> 00:31:21,128 T'Pol's manipulating you, isn't she? 438 00:31:21,337 --> 00:31:23,755 If I'm declared unfit for duty then she takes over. 439 00:31:23,965 --> 00:31:25,090 If you won't come with me, 440 00:31:25,300 --> 00:31:28,218 I'll be required under Starfleet Order 104, Section C 441 00:31:28,428 --> 00:31:29,469 to relieve you of command. 442 00:31:29,679 --> 00:31:32,431 I expected something like this from her... 443 00:31:34,350 --> 00:31:36,143 ...but not from the two of you. 444 00:31:36,352 --> 00:31:37,895 Corporal. 445 00:31:39,397 --> 00:31:43,734 I've already confined two senior officers today. 446 00:31:58,041 --> 00:32:00,208 PHLOX: His neurochemistry appears normal. 447 00:32:00,418 --> 00:32:03,170 - There's nothing wrong with him? - This scan is hardly conclusive. 448 00:32:03,379 --> 00:32:05,047 I'll need to get him in the imaging chamber 449 00:32:05,256 --> 00:32:06,798 and run a complete neurological series. 450 00:32:07,258 --> 00:32:08,967 When Hoshi sends that distress call, 451 00:32:09,177 --> 00:32:12,554 every Xindi ship that picks it up will start heading this way. 452 00:32:13,056 --> 00:32:14,222 [SIGHS] 453 00:32:14,432 --> 00:32:18,644 He's got Hayes on the Bridge, MACOs posted all over the ship. 454 00:32:20,021 --> 00:32:22,272 Whatever we do, we're gonna have to do it fast. 455 00:32:23,524 --> 00:32:25,484 What are you proposing, commander? 456 00:32:27,278 --> 00:32:29,905 I think it's time we throw the rule book out the window. 457 00:32:30,823 --> 00:32:32,866 [HUMMING] 458 00:32:41,042 --> 00:32:42,709 Captain. 459 00:32:57,141 --> 00:32:59,476 - I'm sorry, sir, no visitors. - You let me in before. 460 00:32:59,686 --> 00:33:01,311 I have new orders from Major Hayes. 461 00:33:01,521 --> 00:33:05,565 Look, T'Pol was a little rough with me during the last session. 462 00:33:05,775 --> 00:33:07,192 I think she caused some nerve damage. 463 00:33:07,402 --> 00:33:08,986 CHANG: You'll have to speak with the major, sir. 464 00:33:09,195 --> 00:33:11,989 This is a Starfleet ship. I don't have to ask Major Hayes for anything. 465 00:33:12,198 --> 00:33:13,448 - Step away, sir. - TRIP: Oh! 466 00:33:13,616 --> 00:33:15,450 REED: Stand down, corporal. 467 00:33:18,997 --> 00:33:21,832 The captain gave Hayes control of the Bridge, posted MACOs on every deck. 468 00:33:22,041 --> 00:33:23,458 - Is he still on the surface? - Yeah. 469 00:33:23,668 --> 00:33:25,961 Retrieving him and the antimatter should be the priority. 470 00:33:26,170 --> 00:33:27,879 I'd advise securing the Bridge first. 471 00:33:28,089 --> 00:33:30,757 If Hayes gets wind of this, we could have a firefight on our hands. 472 00:33:30,967 --> 00:33:33,427 Perhaps we should approach the major and explain the situation. 473 00:33:33,636 --> 00:33:35,637 - He seems like a reasonable man. - That'd be risky. 474 00:33:35,847 --> 00:33:39,266 If Hayes sides with the captain, this mutiny will be over before it begins. 475 00:33:39,475 --> 00:33:41,226 We'll need more people. 476 00:33:41,436 --> 00:33:44,438 - Who's on duty in the Armory? - Ensign Walsh and two of my men. 477 00:33:44,647 --> 00:33:48,859 They'll side with us, but Hayes posted two MACO there. 478 00:33:54,240 --> 00:33:56,074 Take the shuttlepod back to Enterprise. 479 00:33:56,951 --> 00:33:59,578 - What about you, sir? - You heard me. 480 00:34:15,344 --> 00:34:17,679 - TRIP: Hold it. - Sorry. 481 00:34:18,097 --> 00:34:19,139 [GRUNTS] 482 00:34:20,308 --> 00:34:22,476 That's gonna leave a bruise. 483 00:34:28,608 --> 00:34:31,568 - All right. You're with me. - CREWMAN: Yes, sir. 484 00:34:37,200 --> 00:34:39,534 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 485 00:34:58,679 --> 00:35:01,348 [IN HUSHED VOICE] Well, we won't get to the Bridge this way. 486 00:35:10,691 --> 00:35:11,942 [DOOR OPENS] 487 00:35:15,988 --> 00:35:17,030 [WHINING] 488 00:35:17,698 --> 00:35:19,032 [MEN YELL] 489 00:35:30,711 --> 00:35:32,087 Captain! 490 00:35:32,255 --> 00:35:33,296 [CHITTERING] 491 00:35:44,016 --> 00:35:46,017 Captain, it's Trip! 492 00:35:48,729 --> 00:35:51,731 ARCHER: You shouldn't have weapons in here. 493 00:36:00,366 --> 00:36:01,658 [COM BEEPS] 494 00:36:01,826 --> 00:36:02,868 HAYES: Go ahead. 495 00:36:03,035 --> 00:36:04,077 MACO [OVER COM]: Major, 496 00:36:04,245 --> 00:36:06,830 Corporal Chang's been found unconscious in T'Pol's quarters. 497 00:36:07,039 --> 00:36:09,249 - Where's T'Pol? - MACO: Not here, sir. 498 00:36:10,293 --> 00:36:12,335 Hayes to the Armory. 499 00:36:14,297 --> 00:36:16,590 Armory, respond. 500 00:36:19,760 --> 00:36:20,802 [DOOR OPENS] 501 00:36:20,970 --> 00:36:22,137 Stand down! 502 00:36:28,769 --> 00:36:30,437 You intend to shoot me, lieutenant? 503 00:36:30,646 --> 00:36:34,274 - Tell them to stand down. - The captain relieved you of duty. 504 00:36:34,483 --> 00:36:35,525 Both of you. 505 00:36:35,735 --> 00:36:38,737 We don't want anyone injured. Put down your weapons. 506 00:36:38,946 --> 00:36:43,783 Until the captain says otherwise, I give the orders on this Bridge. 507 00:36:51,417 --> 00:36:54,920 - Go back to the ship. - You have to come with us. 508 00:37:01,719 --> 00:37:03,720 Captain! 509 00:37:06,140 --> 00:37:07,307 [CHITTERING] 510 00:37:07,475 --> 00:37:09,893 Shh. It's all right. 511 00:37:26,827 --> 00:37:30,372 - Contact the captain. - Belay that. 512 00:37:31,582 --> 00:37:33,667 I gave you a direct order, ensign. 513 00:37:35,544 --> 00:37:36,920 I'm sorry, major. 514 00:37:50,643 --> 00:37:52,143 [GRUNTING] 515 00:37:58,985 --> 00:38:00,944 It's over, major. 516 00:38:06,492 --> 00:38:09,577 - Take him to his quarters. - MAYWEATHER: Aye, sir. 517 00:38:09,745 --> 00:38:10,787 [COM BEEPS] 518 00:38:10,955 --> 00:38:12,622 - It's Commander Tucker. - Put him through. 519 00:38:12,790 --> 00:38:13,873 Go ahead. 520 00:38:14,041 --> 00:38:15,166 TRIP [OVER COM]: We've got the captain. 521 00:38:15,334 --> 00:38:18,586 - What's going on up there? - The Bridge is secure. 522 00:38:18,796 --> 00:38:21,673 Tell Phlox to get the imaging chamber ready. 523 00:38:22,174 --> 00:38:24,301 We've got a patient for him. 524 00:38:26,721 --> 00:38:29,264 T'POL: Acting captain's starlog, supplemental. 525 00:38:29,473 --> 00:38:31,891 We've resumed our course for Azati Prime. 526 00:38:32,101 --> 00:38:35,270 Major Hayes and his men have been temporarily relieved of duty. 527 00:38:35,479 --> 00:38:39,774 Dr. Phlox believes he has found an explanation for the captain's behavior. 528 00:38:39,984 --> 00:38:44,696 - Where is he? - In his quarters, resting. 529 00:38:45,114 --> 00:38:49,284 Do, uh, you recall when the captain was attacked by one of the eggs? 530 00:38:49,493 --> 00:38:51,995 - It sprayed something in his face. - PHLOX: Hmm. 531 00:38:52,163 --> 00:38:54,831 And I thought it was a defense reflex. 532 00:38:55,041 --> 00:38:57,167 But it was actually something far more sophisticated. 533 00:38:57,626 --> 00:38:59,919 The substance contained a unique, uh, neurochemical. 534 00:39:00,129 --> 00:39:02,547 It infiltrated the captain's synaptic pathways, 535 00:39:02,757 --> 00:39:06,676 causing him to, uh, reverse imprint on the baby Insectoids. 536 00:39:06,886 --> 00:39:08,595 It's the opposite of what happens 537 00:39:08,804 --> 00:39:11,848 when a young animal bonds with its mother. 538 00:39:12,350 --> 00:39:14,684 Are you saying he thought he was the mother of those things? 539 00:39:15,311 --> 00:39:16,770 Well, more likely a caretaker. 540 00:39:16,979 --> 00:39:19,481 Of course, the captain didn't realize this on a conscious level. 541 00:39:19,690 --> 00:39:22,359 Eventually, he became obsessed with protecting the eggs 542 00:39:22,568 --> 00:39:24,361 to the exclusion of everything else. 543 00:39:24,570 --> 00:39:26,529 Including our mission. 544 00:39:27,573 --> 00:39:29,366 I'd like to speak with him, if you don't mind. 545 00:39:29,909 --> 00:39:33,411 He'll be awake in a few hours. He should be fully recovered by then. 546 00:39:34,830 --> 00:39:37,665 I want you and your men to return to duty. 547 00:39:37,875 --> 00:39:39,584 Yes, ma'am. 548 00:39:45,925 --> 00:39:49,135 Not the sort of thing they trained us for at West Point. 549 00:39:49,345 --> 00:39:51,388 I imagine not. 550 00:39:52,973 --> 00:39:56,893 You could have come to me, explained the situation. 551 00:39:57,728 --> 00:40:01,439 We couldn't take the chance that you'd side with the captain. 552 00:40:02,983 --> 00:40:06,861 - I probably would have. - Yeah. 553 00:40:10,074 --> 00:40:11,574 [DOOR CHIMES] 554 00:40:15,496 --> 00:40:17,330 Come in. 555 00:40:21,710 --> 00:40:26,047 - I didn't mean to wake you, sir. - It's all right, I was getting up anyway. 556 00:40:26,465 --> 00:40:30,135 - How are you feeling? - Oh, I've been better. 557 00:40:30,886 --> 00:40:33,471 You sure you had that pistol set to stun? 558 00:40:33,681 --> 00:40:35,473 Captain... 559 00:40:37,601 --> 00:40:41,062 I hope you understand if there'd been any other way... 560 00:40:41,272 --> 00:40:43,690 You were protecting our mission, Trip. 561 00:40:43,899 --> 00:40:45,442 I would have done the same thing. 562 00:40:45,651 --> 00:40:49,279 Still, I never thought I'd find myself pointing a weapon at you, 563 00:40:49,905 --> 00:40:52,073 no matter what the circumstances. 564 00:40:52,491 --> 00:40:57,454 - Let's put this behind us, okay? - Yes, sir. 565 00:40:59,457 --> 00:41:00,748 What's our status? 566 00:41:01,083 --> 00:41:03,668 We just recovered the last of our antimatter reserves. 567 00:41:05,504 --> 00:41:06,546 The hatchlings? 568 00:41:07,131 --> 00:41:11,009 Phlox says there's 19 of them running around down there. 569 00:41:11,343 --> 00:41:14,429 Chances are they'll survive until the next Xindi ship comes along. 570 00:41:15,681 --> 00:41:17,974 It's time we got back on the road. 571 00:41:18,767 --> 00:41:20,477 I want you at your post. 572 00:41:20,686 --> 00:41:22,770 We're gonna be pushing the engines pretty hard. 573 00:41:23,272 --> 00:41:24,355 I'll be on the Bridge. 574 00:41:24,857 --> 00:41:26,649 Aren't you supposed to get some rest? 575 00:41:26,859 --> 00:41:28,776 I've had plenty. 576 00:41:29,236 --> 00:41:33,907 I'm sorry, sir, but the doctor was insistent. 577 00:41:35,659 --> 00:41:37,410 Okay. 578 00:41:37,786 --> 00:41:40,747 I guess I don't want another mutiny on my hands. 579 00:41:41,582 --> 00:41:44,292 Tell Travis to set a course for Azati Prime, maximum warp. 580 00:41:44,502 --> 00:41:46,503 Right away, sir. 581 00:41:48,088 --> 00:41:49,762 [SIGHS]