1 00:00:02,711 --> 00:00:04,294 NARRATOR: Previously on Enterprise: 2 00:00:04,504 --> 00:00:08,382 ARCHER: Whoever built these Spheres may have done it to create the Expanse. 3 00:00:08,591 --> 00:00:12,011 Why would someone want to create a web of crippling anomalies? 4 00:00:19,185 --> 00:00:20,936 D'JAMAT: We believe that it is through prayer 5 00:00:21,146 --> 00:00:24,106 and meditation that the Makers become manifest. 6 00:00:24,315 --> 00:00:27,317 - The Makers? - The creator of the Spheres. 7 00:00:27,527 --> 00:00:30,320 The quicker you folks find these Xindi, the quicker we can get to work. 8 00:00:30,530 --> 00:00:33,323 - Military Assault Command. - Captain Archer wanted the best. 9 00:00:33,533 --> 00:00:36,535 - I've seen men like Hayes all my life. - Lieutenant? 10 00:00:36,745 --> 00:00:40,998 That had nothing to do with who knows Enterprise inside and out. 11 00:00:41,207 --> 00:00:42,958 It has to do with who the major thinks 12 00:00:43,168 --> 00:00:45,210 is more capable of carrying out this rescue. 13 00:00:45,795 --> 00:00:46,795 [GRUNTING] 14 00:00:49,466 --> 00:00:51,550 It's only been a day since we were enemies. 15 00:00:51,760 --> 00:00:56,013 Giving you the coordinates to a classified installation is difficult. 16 00:00:56,222 --> 00:00:57,514 They're coming in. 17 00:00:57,724 --> 00:01:00,100 The coordinates match the location of one of the red giants. 18 00:01:00,268 --> 00:01:01,435 [GRUNTS] 19 00:01:05,273 --> 00:01:07,566 Dr. Phlox says we have to prepare for the possibility 20 00:01:07,776 --> 00:01:09,234 that Trip won't survive. 21 00:01:09,444 --> 00:01:11,653 PHLOX: When implanted with DNA from another species, 22 00:01:11,863 --> 00:01:14,656 it exactly replicates that species' life cycle. 23 00:01:14,866 --> 00:01:16,075 It becomes a clone. 24 00:01:16,284 --> 00:01:18,243 You and Trip used to spend a lot of time together. 25 00:01:18,453 --> 00:01:21,830 T'POL: I was instructing him in the practice of Vulcan neuro-pressure. 26 00:01:22,040 --> 00:01:24,291 He was really starting to enjoy those sessions with you. 27 00:01:24,501 --> 00:01:28,754 What's driving me crazy is I don't know if these feelings are mine 28 00:01:29,589 --> 00:01:30,672 or his. 29 00:01:35,720 --> 00:01:39,515 Malcolm can be a tough man to get to know, I'll grant you that. 30 00:01:39,724 --> 00:01:42,017 He likes to keep to himself. 31 00:01:43,228 --> 00:01:45,437 - This feel okay? - AMANDA: Mm-hm. 32 00:01:45,855 --> 00:01:47,773 But you spend enough time around him, 33 00:01:47,982 --> 00:01:51,401 you come to realize there's no one you'd rather have watching your back. 34 00:01:53,363 --> 00:01:55,656 I thought you said you weren't ticklish. 35 00:01:55,865 --> 00:01:57,574 I didn't used to be. 36 00:01:59,536 --> 00:02:00,994 Maybe I'm doing this wrong. 37 00:02:01,204 --> 00:02:02,955 Maybe we should try another position. 38 00:02:04,541 --> 00:02:06,875 Posture? Sure. 39 00:02:10,755 --> 00:02:12,381 Take a seat. 40 00:02:13,842 --> 00:02:16,677 I just get the feeling that whenever Lieutenant Reed looks at one of us, 41 00:02:16,886 --> 00:02:17,928 he sees the enemy. 42 00:02:18,138 --> 00:02:20,514 I don't think Malcolm thinks of MACOs as the enemy. 43 00:02:20,723 --> 00:02:22,808 Competition, maybe. 44 00:02:23,852 --> 00:02:25,352 Relax. 45 00:02:29,315 --> 00:02:32,693 This is one of the first pressure points T'Pol worked on. 46 00:02:32,902 --> 00:02:35,195 Helped me get through many a night. 47 00:02:35,405 --> 00:02:37,114 Feels great. 48 00:02:37,323 --> 00:02:39,491 Too bad this can't be a part of our training routine. 49 00:02:39,701 --> 00:02:41,577 You should bring it up with Hayes. 50 00:02:41,786 --> 00:02:45,247 His training regimen hasn't changed since I joined up. 51 00:02:45,456 --> 00:02:50,085 - Major Hayes likes consistency. - So does Malcolm. 52 00:02:50,295 --> 00:02:52,838 He told me that while he was in Starfleet training, 53 00:02:53,047 --> 00:02:57,676 he ate the exact same three meals every day for a year. 54 00:02:58,928 --> 00:03:01,471 They're definitely cut from the same cloth. 55 00:03:02,599 --> 00:03:04,683 Maybe that's why they get along so well. 56 00:03:06,895 --> 00:03:09,605 - How's it feeling? - Still great. 57 00:03:14,944 --> 00:03:16,320 There. 58 00:03:21,993 --> 00:03:23,994 I feel like I've just had 12 hours sleep. 59 00:03:24,204 --> 00:03:25,996 Well, I guess I did it right. 60 00:03:40,303 --> 00:03:45,224 Well. 61 00:03:47,352 --> 00:03:49,186 That was unexpected. 62 00:03:49,938 --> 00:03:54,191 - Nothing wrong with unexpected. - No. Um... 63 00:03:55,777 --> 00:03:57,236 With a little warning. 64 00:03:58,696 --> 00:04:03,533 Consider that a little warning for next time. 65 00:05:37,795 --> 00:05:41,923 ARCHER: Captain's starlog, December 27, 2153. 66 00:05:42,133 --> 00:05:44,176 Using the coordinates we got from Degra, 67 00:05:44,385 --> 00:05:46,970 we're en route to the location of the red giant star 68 00:05:47,138 --> 00:05:48,889 and with any luck, the Xindi weapon. 69 00:05:49,057 --> 00:05:50,140 [DOOR CHIMES] 70 00:05:50,308 --> 00:05:51,558 Come in. 71 00:05:52,977 --> 00:05:54,519 You wanted to see me, sir? 72 00:05:54,729 --> 00:05:57,606 I had a conversation with Major Hayes this morning. 73 00:05:57,815 --> 00:05:59,274 He wants to put your security team 74 00:05:59,484 --> 00:06:03,362 and all the senior officers through a series of training drills. 75 00:06:04,405 --> 00:06:07,074 We run drills twice a week. Senior officers are free to attend. 76 00:06:07,283 --> 00:06:08,658 These would be different. 77 00:06:08,868 --> 00:06:12,204 They'd be conducted by Major Hayes and the MACOs. 78 00:06:13,414 --> 00:06:16,249 - Sir? - We're heading into a hostile situation. 79 00:06:16,459 --> 00:06:18,960 We don't know what we're gonna face when we get there. 80 00:06:19,170 --> 00:06:20,462 My people are ready, sir. 81 00:06:21,255 --> 00:06:26,676 The MACOs' tactics and technology are two, three years beyond Starfleet's. 82 00:06:26,886 --> 00:06:30,472 Why not let them pass on some of that expertise? 83 00:06:32,725 --> 00:06:34,017 You don't agree. 84 00:06:36,604 --> 00:06:40,023 The MACOs' expertise comes from simulated combat, 85 00:06:40,233 --> 00:06:41,525 all conducted on Earth. 86 00:06:41,734 --> 00:06:44,069 On the other hand, we've fought numerous alien species 87 00:06:44,278 --> 00:06:45,821 on many different worlds. 88 00:06:46,030 --> 00:06:49,241 If anything, we should be giving the MACOs the benefit of our experience. 89 00:06:49,450 --> 00:06:51,618 Hayes and his men have gone up against a few aliens 90 00:06:51,828 --> 00:06:54,079 on this mission, including the Xindi. 91 00:06:54,288 --> 00:06:55,789 They've handled themselves pretty well. 92 00:06:56,624 --> 00:07:00,419 I'd like you to coordinate the training sessions with the major. 93 00:07:01,629 --> 00:07:02,963 Aye, sir. 94 00:07:09,637 --> 00:07:12,139 Ah. I appreciate your stopping by so quickly. 95 00:07:12,348 --> 00:07:13,723 What did you want to ask me? 96 00:07:13,933 --> 00:07:17,227 Are you acquainted with Corporal Amanda Cole? 97 00:07:17,770 --> 00:07:19,688 She's one of the MACOs. 98 00:07:20,106 --> 00:07:22,149 She was in this morning with a mild headache, 99 00:07:22,358 --> 00:07:25,485 says she's been experiencing it for a week now. 100 00:07:25,695 --> 00:07:27,237 Every test I ran came back negative. 101 00:07:27,447 --> 00:07:29,489 Frankly, I was mystified until she mentioned 102 00:07:29,699 --> 00:07:32,409 she was receiving Vulcan neuro-pressure 103 00:07:32,618 --> 00:07:34,661 from Commander Tucker. 104 00:07:35,913 --> 00:07:37,706 You believe it's causing her headaches? 105 00:07:37,915 --> 00:07:39,207 Well, I wanted to ask you. 106 00:07:39,417 --> 00:07:41,626 Neuro-pressure's a highly specialized discipline. 107 00:07:41,836 --> 00:07:44,463 Commander Tucker's only been receiving it for a couple of months. 108 00:07:44,672 --> 00:07:48,425 I thought it was possible that he might have misapplied one of its techniques. 109 00:07:48,634 --> 00:07:50,635 - It's possible. - Mm. 110 00:07:51,012 --> 00:07:53,472 Well, I've already spoken to Corporal Cole about using caution, 111 00:07:53,681 --> 00:07:56,308 but I was wondering if you might have a word with Commander Tucker, 112 00:07:56,517 --> 00:07:59,269 perhaps during your next session with him. 113 00:07:59,479 --> 00:08:01,229 - Gladly. - Ah. 114 00:08:01,564 --> 00:08:04,816 - Everything all right? - Yes. 115 00:08:06,110 --> 00:08:07,652 - If there's nothing else... - Oh, uh... 116 00:08:07,862 --> 00:08:10,238 There is one other thing. 117 00:08:10,448 --> 00:08:13,158 If you find time, perhaps you could schedule a neuro-pressure session 118 00:08:13,367 --> 00:08:17,746 with Corporal Cole, maybe undo some of Commander Tucker's work. 119 00:08:23,252 --> 00:08:25,545 Okay, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. 120 00:08:25,755 --> 00:08:27,088 How does 0800 sound? 121 00:08:27,298 --> 00:08:29,966 I prefer to train in the evenings. 122 00:08:30,176 --> 00:08:32,052 - Any reason? - You get a better workout. 123 00:08:32,261 --> 00:08:34,387 Muscles are looser, reaction time's quicker. 124 00:08:34,597 --> 00:08:36,598 How about Tuesdays and Fridays in the morning, 125 00:08:36,807 --> 00:08:38,058 Wednesdays in the evening? 126 00:08:38,267 --> 00:08:40,393 How about Tuesdays and Fridays in the evenings 127 00:08:40,603 --> 00:08:42,521 and Wednesday in the morning? 128 00:08:42,730 --> 00:08:45,649 - You're not making this very easy. - I'm not trying to make it difficult. 129 00:08:45,858 --> 00:08:48,818 With all due respect, I think that's exactly what you're trying to do. 130 00:08:49,028 --> 00:08:50,946 "With all due respect"? 131 00:08:51,155 --> 00:08:53,657 Is that what you call circumventing my authority? 132 00:08:53,866 --> 00:08:56,493 - I wasn't aware I'd done that. - What did you think you were doing 133 00:08:56,702 --> 00:08:58,537 when you went to the captain with this proposal? 134 00:08:58,746 --> 00:09:00,038 You'd have turned me down flat. 135 00:09:00,248 --> 00:09:02,832 You're probably right, but the decision was mine to make. 136 00:09:03,042 --> 00:09:05,293 I didn't mean to deprive you of the opportunity. 137 00:09:05,503 --> 00:09:07,712 I think that's exactly what you meant to do. 138 00:09:07,922 --> 00:09:09,798 Whatever you might think, sir, 139 00:09:10,007 --> 00:09:13,802 my only concern is the successful outcome of this mission. 140 00:09:14,011 --> 00:09:16,137 As is mine. 141 00:09:16,889 --> 00:09:21,393 Tuesdays and Fridays, in the evenings. 142 00:09:27,525 --> 00:09:30,485 - What's the problem? - I can't understand it, captain. 143 00:09:30,695 --> 00:09:33,113 It's like the stars keep shifting positions. 144 00:09:33,322 --> 00:09:36,324 - What do you mean? - There. They just did it again. 145 00:09:36,534 --> 00:09:38,201 Maybe it's one of the navigational sensors. 146 00:09:38,411 --> 00:09:40,161 I've already run two diagnostics. 147 00:09:40,371 --> 00:09:43,623 - I can't find anything wrong. - T'POL: I think I have the cause. 148 00:09:43,833 --> 00:09:46,418 An unusually strong gravimetric disturbance, 149 00:09:46,627 --> 00:09:48,295 approximately three light years away. 150 00:09:49,005 --> 00:09:50,839 Let's go take a look. 151 00:10:08,149 --> 00:10:10,900 It appears to be a convergence of spatial anomalies. 152 00:10:11,611 --> 00:10:13,778 It's more than 700 million kilometers in diameter. 153 00:10:13,946 --> 00:10:15,155 [COMPUTER PINGS] 154 00:10:15,323 --> 00:10:17,490 Captain, I'm picking up an intermittent signal. Very faint. 155 00:10:17,700 --> 00:10:21,369 An object approximately 5 meters in length. 156 00:10:21,829 --> 00:10:23,622 Let's see it. 157 00:10:26,667 --> 00:10:29,419 It's just a few hundred meters from the edge. 158 00:10:29,629 --> 00:10:30,754 I'm reading one biosign. 159 00:10:33,174 --> 00:10:36,301 - Humanoid. - Could be an escape pod. 160 00:10:37,553 --> 00:10:39,512 Are there any other ships in the vicinity? 161 00:10:39,722 --> 00:10:43,099 None. The biosigns are very erratic. 162 00:10:44,393 --> 00:10:46,936 Bring the grappler online. 163 00:11:00,534 --> 00:11:03,995 - Try again. - See if I can compensate. 164 00:11:18,761 --> 00:11:20,345 Travis? 165 00:11:22,765 --> 00:11:24,766 [RUMBLING] 166 00:11:35,820 --> 00:11:37,112 [COUGHS] 167 00:11:37,488 --> 00:11:39,030 We're losing systems all over the ship. 168 00:11:39,240 --> 00:11:40,782 Helm's not responding. 169 00:11:40,991 --> 00:11:43,910 There are rising levels of ammonium sulfide in the atmosphere. 170 00:11:46,080 --> 00:11:47,664 Archer to Engineering. 171 00:11:47,832 --> 00:11:49,666 TRIP [OVER COM]: Commander Tucker. 172 00:11:49,875 --> 00:11:53,420 The helm's not responding. We need full reverse right away. 173 00:11:53,629 --> 00:11:55,171 I'm on it. 174 00:12:10,938 --> 00:12:12,772 Helm's back online. 175 00:12:14,024 --> 00:12:17,402 - Get us out of here. - Love to. 176 00:12:20,281 --> 00:12:22,449 We're ready to open the hatch. 177 00:12:54,732 --> 00:12:58,443 PHLOX: He's suffering from a form of rapid cellular degeneration. 178 00:12:58,652 --> 00:13:01,321 - Do you think you can stop it? - I don't know yet. 179 00:13:01,530 --> 00:13:05,074 I've managed to revive him, but he's in a fair amount of pain. 180 00:13:15,795 --> 00:13:17,504 I'm Captain Archer. 181 00:13:17,713 --> 00:13:20,507 You had no right to bring me here. 182 00:13:20,716 --> 00:13:24,010 - We were trying to save your life. - I didn't ask for your help. 183 00:13:24,220 --> 00:13:26,888 Return me to my ship. 184 00:13:27,097 --> 00:13:29,474 Your vessel has minimal life support. 185 00:13:29,683 --> 00:13:31,768 You wouldn't last too long if we took you back. 186 00:13:31,977 --> 00:13:34,687 That's none of your concern. 187 00:13:36,649 --> 00:13:38,733 What was that pod designed to do? 188 00:13:38,943 --> 00:13:42,570 I'm not answering any of your questions. 189 00:13:51,914 --> 00:13:52,956 You're dying. 190 00:13:53,165 --> 00:13:54,999 We're doing everything we can for you, but-- 191 00:13:55,209 --> 00:13:58,044 Take me back to my ship! 192 00:13:58,546 --> 00:14:00,547 He may be going into shock. 193 00:14:00,714 --> 00:14:02,340 [GRUNTING] 194 00:14:07,888 --> 00:14:09,305 - How's it coming? - MAYWEATHER: Good, sir. 195 00:14:09,515 --> 00:14:13,184 We're adjusting the nav sensors to compensate for the gravimetric waves. 196 00:14:13,394 --> 00:14:14,769 Get us under way as soon as you can. 197 00:14:14,979 --> 00:14:18,481 Just need a day to upload and test these corrections. 198 00:14:19,692 --> 00:14:22,819 - ARCHER: Learn anything? - A great deal. 199 00:14:23,028 --> 00:14:24,529 The disturbance appears to be expanding 200 00:14:24,738 --> 00:14:26,656 at a rate of several kilometers per second 201 00:14:26,866 --> 00:14:31,244 and its location is exactly equidistant to five of the Spheres. 202 00:14:31,453 --> 00:14:33,288 Do you think the Spheres have something to do 203 00:14:33,497 --> 00:14:35,290 with creating this thing? 204 00:14:35,499 --> 00:14:36,958 It's possible. 205 00:14:39,712 --> 00:14:42,297 This planet was once an inhabited world. 206 00:14:42,506 --> 00:14:44,173 It was engulfed some time ago. 207 00:14:44,383 --> 00:14:47,302 I couldn't find any signs of life. 208 00:14:48,262 --> 00:14:51,222 Maybe the alien we picked up is the last survivor. 209 00:14:51,432 --> 00:14:52,599 A possibility. 210 00:14:56,145 --> 00:14:58,187 I want you and Trip to take a look at the pod. 211 00:14:58,397 --> 00:15:02,400 If we can't revive the alien, it may be our best source of information. 212 00:15:14,079 --> 00:15:16,706 We incorporate elements from numerous disciplines. 213 00:15:16,916 --> 00:15:20,001 It's extremely effective in hand-to-hand situations. 214 00:15:20,210 --> 00:15:23,296 What I'd like to do now is break up into sparring pairs, 215 00:15:23,505 --> 00:15:25,423 run through some of the moves you just saw. 216 00:15:25,633 --> 00:15:27,675 Let's get started. 217 00:15:33,182 --> 00:15:35,183 [ALL GRUNTING] 218 00:15:51,283 --> 00:16:07,632 [GRUNTS] 219 00:16:13,889 --> 00:16:15,932 HAYES: Try the combination. 220 00:16:18,102 --> 00:16:19,143 Nice cross. 221 00:16:26,652 --> 00:16:28,695 Excellent. 222 00:16:32,449 --> 00:16:33,700 Effective combination. 223 00:16:44,545 --> 00:16:46,671 [YELLS THEN GROANS] 224 00:16:46,964 --> 00:16:50,133 You were looking at his hands when you should've been watching his eyes. 225 00:16:50,634 --> 00:16:51,676 [CHUCKLES] 226 00:16:57,099 --> 00:16:58,683 Good match. 227 00:16:58,892 --> 00:17:00,560 All right, why don't we take five minutes-- 228 00:17:00,769 --> 00:17:02,395 REED: That's all for today. 229 00:17:02,813 --> 00:17:04,480 HAYES: We still have the shoulder-throws to cover. 230 00:17:04,690 --> 00:17:07,608 Session is over. 231 00:17:13,157 --> 00:17:14,657 Okay. 232 00:17:14,867 --> 00:17:17,618 For next time, work on your forearm blocks and the elbow strikes. 233 00:17:18,537 --> 00:17:20,413 Dismissed. 234 00:17:22,833 --> 00:17:24,876 - What was that? - That was a sparring demonstration. 235 00:17:25,085 --> 00:17:28,379 It was way out of line. That last throw was completely unnecessary. 236 00:17:28,589 --> 00:17:30,298 He was on his feet. That made him fair game. 237 00:17:30,507 --> 00:17:33,134 - "Fair game"? - It's just a little blood, sir. 238 00:17:33,343 --> 00:17:36,304 - No one got hurt. - These are training sessions, major. 239 00:17:36,513 --> 00:17:37,972 If your men can't understand that 240 00:17:38,182 --> 00:17:41,100 then I'm gonna put a stop to this right now. 241 00:17:41,310 --> 00:17:43,144 Is that clear? 242 00:17:44,646 --> 00:17:48,399 - Perfectly. - Jolly good. 243 00:17:53,655 --> 00:17:57,950 I think it's a transmitter. I just can't pinpoint the frequency. 244 00:17:59,203 --> 00:18:01,621 Dr. Phlox has asked me to speak with you. 245 00:18:01,830 --> 00:18:03,456 What about? 246 00:18:04,208 --> 00:18:06,918 Corporal Cole has been experiencing headaches. 247 00:18:07,127 --> 00:18:08,711 The doctor believes they might be caused 248 00:18:08,921 --> 00:18:11,380 by your neuro-pressure sessions. 249 00:18:11,882 --> 00:18:13,674 She never said anything about headaches. 250 00:18:13,884 --> 00:18:16,636 Perhaps she didn't want to worry you. 251 00:18:18,055 --> 00:18:20,389 Why would neuro-pressure be the cause? 252 00:18:20,599 --> 00:18:22,183 It shouldn't be performed by novices. 253 00:18:22,392 --> 00:18:26,020 If misapplied, you could cause nerve damage. 254 00:18:26,230 --> 00:18:27,730 I performed it on you plenty of times. 255 00:18:27,940 --> 00:18:29,899 Under my supervision. 256 00:18:30,526 --> 00:18:31,526 I see. 257 00:18:34,321 --> 00:18:37,198 You wanna supervise me and Corporal Cole? 258 00:18:37,407 --> 00:18:41,285 I think it would simply be best if you ended the sessions. 259 00:18:42,412 --> 00:18:46,165 These electrodes were collecting biometric data from the occupant. 260 00:18:46,375 --> 00:18:49,252 Amanda won't be too happy about ending the sessions. 261 00:18:49,461 --> 00:18:51,546 I'm sure she won't. 262 00:18:54,466 --> 00:18:56,384 What do you mean by that? 263 00:18:56,593 --> 00:18:59,929 I've noticed that you and Corporal Cole have become somewhat friendly. 264 00:19:00,139 --> 00:19:01,180 Friendly? 265 00:19:01,390 --> 00:19:03,391 Last week you were eating together in the Mess Hall 266 00:19:03,600 --> 00:19:06,394 and in the training session yesterday, she touched your behind. 267 00:19:06,562 --> 00:19:07,895 [CHUCKLES] 268 00:19:08,522 --> 00:19:10,148 Ahem. 269 00:19:10,399 --> 00:19:12,608 You've been keeping a pretty close eye on us. 270 00:19:12,818 --> 00:19:14,110 You're hard to miss. 271 00:19:16,196 --> 00:19:19,740 Look, Amanda and I just share a lot of interests, that's all. 272 00:19:19,950 --> 00:19:20,992 We both come from Florida-- 273 00:19:21,201 --> 00:19:22,869 There's no reason to justify your behavior. 274 00:19:23,078 --> 00:19:26,831 I'm simply suggesting you might use some discretion. 275 00:19:27,457 --> 00:19:28,499 Discretion? 276 00:19:28,709 --> 00:19:32,086 It's not appropriate for a senior officer to fraternize with a subordinate. 277 00:19:32,296 --> 00:19:34,964 She's not Starfleet. There's nothing inappropriate about it. 278 00:19:35,132 --> 00:19:36,674 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 279 00:19:37,801 --> 00:19:39,177 What's wrong? 280 00:19:44,349 --> 00:19:47,435 We need to get this data to the captain immediately. 281 00:19:49,271 --> 00:19:50,313 There's no mistake. 282 00:19:50,522 --> 00:19:52,690 The pod's hull contains the exact combination of alloys 283 00:19:52,900 --> 00:19:55,651 we found on the surface of the Spheres. 284 00:19:56,570 --> 00:19:59,822 You remember the Triannon creation myth? 285 00:20:00,407 --> 00:20:02,742 They believed the Spheres were created by divine beings 286 00:20:02,951 --> 00:20:04,869 who would one day return to the Chosen Realm. 287 00:20:05,746 --> 00:20:08,915 And that the Spheres were reshaping the Expanse 288 00:20:09,124 --> 00:20:12,251 into a paradise for the faithful. 289 00:20:12,586 --> 00:20:16,422 Perhaps Triannon mythology has a basis in fact. 290 00:20:16,757 --> 00:20:18,966 It appears the pod was designed to transmit data 291 00:20:19,176 --> 00:20:21,761 regarding the alien's physiological status. 292 00:20:22,304 --> 00:20:24,347 I believe he was inserted into the disturbance 293 00:20:24,556 --> 00:20:27,391 so someone could monitor his exposure to the environment. 294 00:20:28,268 --> 00:20:30,019 A canary. 295 00:20:30,229 --> 00:20:33,231 On Earth, miners used to take canaries into the tunnels with them. 296 00:20:33,440 --> 00:20:38,319 If the canary didn't die, the miners knew the air would be safe to breathe 297 00:20:38,528 --> 00:20:40,279 and they could proceed. 298 00:20:42,783 --> 00:20:44,617 PHLOX: His condition has worsened. 299 00:20:44,826 --> 00:20:48,371 He's literally disintegrating and there doesn't seem to be any way to stop it. 300 00:20:48,580 --> 00:20:50,831 I wanna talk to him again. 301 00:20:51,041 --> 00:20:53,668 - I don't even know if I can revive him. - Find a way. 302 00:20:53,877 --> 00:20:56,254 Captain, this man is dying a painful death. 303 00:20:56,463 --> 00:20:57,838 To keep him conscious is unethical. 304 00:20:58,048 --> 00:21:02,009 Until I get the answers I need, we're gonna have to bend a few ethics. 305 00:21:04,179 --> 00:21:08,015 Very well. I'll do what I can. 306 00:21:10,018 --> 00:21:12,395 Notify me when he's conscious. 307 00:21:22,489 --> 00:21:26,951 - Corporal, come in. - Thank you, ma'am. 308 00:21:29,204 --> 00:21:32,915 - I appreciate your doing this. - Please, sit down. 309 00:21:33,875 --> 00:21:35,751 Remove your jacket. 310 00:21:36,962 --> 00:21:38,754 I assume Commander Tucker briefed you 311 00:21:38,964 --> 00:21:42,174 - on the proper breathing techniques. - He did. 312 00:21:42,384 --> 00:21:44,468 Begin with a deep breath. 313 00:21:46,805 --> 00:21:48,347 Good. 314 00:21:50,183 --> 00:21:51,600 Dr. Phlox did caution you 315 00:21:51,810 --> 00:21:55,187 against any further neuro-pressure from Commander Tucker? 316 00:21:55,397 --> 00:21:57,440 I got the lecture. 317 00:21:59,276 --> 00:22:03,321 You and Commander Tucker appear to enjoy each other's company. 318 00:22:03,822 --> 00:22:05,990 We do have a lot in common. 319 00:22:06,199 --> 00:22:09,285 Did he tell you we grew up less than 50 kilometers from each other? 320 00:22:09,494 --> 00:22:11,037 He didn't mention it. 321 00:22:11,246 --> 00:22:15,708 Our high schools were rivals. We went to the same movie theaters. 322 00:22:17,169 --> 00:22:20,755 - What are the odds? - Extremely low. 323 00:22:22,132 --> 00:22:26,344 Unfortunately, neither of our home towns exists anymore. 324 00:22:26,678 --> 00:22:28,888 They were both destroyed in the attack. 325 00:22:29,097 --> 00:22:30,890 Did you lose any relatives? 326 00:22:31,099 --> 00:22:34,268 My family moved up north a few years ago. 327 00:22:35,062 --> 00:22:36,896 I was lucky. 328 00:22:37,564 --> 00:22:41,233 Commander Tucker was greatly affected by his sister's death. 329 00:22:41,693 --> 00:22:44,111 He talks about her a lot. 330 00:22:47,157 --> 00:22:48,699 You're quite fond of him. 331 00:22:50,702 --> 00:22:52,828 What's not to like? 332 00:22:53,663 --> 00:22:58,125 He's a gentleman, he's great to be around, 333 00:22:59,836 --> 00:23:01,670 and he has very nice arms. 334 00:23:01,838 --> 00:23:03,255 [BONE CRACKS & AMANDA GASPS] 335 00:23:04,174 --> 00:23:08,844 I apologize. I'll try not to press so hard. 336 00:23:10,597 --> 00:23:13,140 We developed this specialized training system at Jupiter Station 337 00:23:13,350 --> 00:23:14,683 a few months ago. 338 00:23:14,893 --> 00:23:19,188 The goal is to hit as many targets as you can in 10 seconds. 339 00:23:19,606 --> 00:23:23,275 Lieutenant, if you're up for it. 340 00:23:29,032 --> 00:23:30,616 Fall back. 341 00:23:33,995 --> 00:23:36,205 Start him off at level two. 342 00:23:50,554 --> 00:23:51,595 [COMPUTER CHIMES] 343 00:23:51,763 --> 00:23:53,722 Four targets in 10 seconds. 344 00:23:53,932 --> 00:23:56,267 Not bad for a first go. 345 00:23:57,060 --> 00:24:00,062 But you might schedule a little extra practice time. 346 00:24:00,689 --> 00:24:02,773 Kick it up to level four. 347 00:24:16,663 --> 00:24:17,705 [COMPUTER CHIMES] 348 00:24:17,873 --> 00:24:20,749 Nine hits. That's a mid-range score. 349 00:24:20,959 --> 00:24:24,962 Corporal Cole here has the record: 14 hits at level four. 350 00:24:25,172 --> 00:24:26,630 I was having a lucky day. 351 00:24:27,549 --> 00:24:29,133 HAYES: Okay, let's do some shooting. 352 00:24:29,342 --> 00:24:32,595 We'll start at level two and work our way up. 353 00:24:32,804 --> 00:24:34,263 Who would like to go next? 354 00:24:40,270 --> 00:24:42,605 That target practice was something. 355 00:24:42,814 --> 00:24:45,608 Sure looked a lot easier than it was. 356 00:24:45,817 --> 00:24:47,485 You don't say. 357 00:24:47,694 --> 00:24:52,198 Come on, your score got a lot better as the session went on. 358 00:24:52,449 --> 00:24:56,160 I started picturing Hayes' head in place of the target. 359 00:24:56,995 --> 00:24:59,455 You two really ought to declare a truce. 360 00:24:59,664 --> 00:25:04,084 Oh, no, this is a fight to the death. 361 00:25:04,294 --> 00:25:07,713 I guess if I were in your shoes, I'd be just as upset. 362 00:25:08,131 --> 00:25:10,758 He's determined to take over the security of this ship, you know. 363 00:25:10,967 --> 00:25:12,593 You really believe that? 364 00:25:12,802 --> 00:25:14,595 Everything he's does points to the fact. 365 00:25:14,804 --> 00:25:18,557 It could also be that he wants everyone to be as prepared as possible. 366 00:25:19,017 --> 00:25:22,394 You have to admit, the extra training isn't such a bad idea. 367 00:25:24,439 --> 00:25:28,692 - Just drop it. - Okay. 368 00:25:33,240 --> 00:25:38,911 So why don't you tell me about you and Ms. Cole? 369 00:25:42,207 --> 00:25:43,457 We're friends. 370 00:25:44,918 --> 00:25:46,460 Is everyone on this ship watching us? 371 00:25:46,670 --> 00:25:50,839 - You're pretty hard to miss. - That's what T'Pol said. 372 00:25:51,049 --> 00:25:54,301 Is it true she's giving Amanda neuro-pressure now? 373 00:25:54,511 --> 00:25:55,553 So? 374 00:25:55,762 --> 00:25:58,264 I heard it was damage control from your tender touch. 375 00:25:58,473 --> 00:26:01,183 T'Pol's just smoothing out some of the rough spots, that's all. 376 00:26:02,936 --> 00:26:06,105 And why were you giving Amanda Cole neuro-pressure anyway? 377 00:26:06,314 --> 00:26:08,232 - What's it to you? - From what I'm told, 378 00:26:08,441 --> 00:26:11,735 it's a pretty intimate procedure for just friends. 379 00:26:12,320 --> 00:26:14,029 I do it with T'Pol. 380 00:26:14,239 --> 00:26:16,865 Are you implying there's something going on there as well? 381 00:26:18,034 --> 00:26:19,577 That's the rumor. 382 00:26:19,786 --> 00:26:22,788 Look, for the last time, 383 00:26:22,998 --> 00:26:25,416 there's nothing going on with any of us, 384 00:26:25,625 --> 00:26:28,877 - between any of us. - Right. 385 00:26:29,087 --> 00:26:32,339 - You're all just friends. - That's right. 386 00:26:33,717 --> 00:26:36,760 I guess this Vulcan neuro-pressure isn't that intimate after all. 387 00:26:36,970 --> 00:26:38,679 Exactly. 388 00:26:39,556 --> 00:26:41,098 In that case, 389 00:26:41,308 --> 00:26:44,602 - I've got a nasty little pain just-- - Just drop it. 390 00:26:50,025 --> 00:26:53,527 ARCHER: We know you were sent here as some kind of a test subject. 391 00:26:53,737 --> 00:26:56,614 The region of space where we found you, 392 00:26:57,157 --> 00:26:58,991 what is it? 393 00:26:59,242 --> 00:27:01,869 PHLOX: His pain medication is wearing off. 394 00:27:03,246 --> 00:27:05,039 - Hold off a second. - Captain-- 395 00:27:05,248 --> 00:27:07,416 I was sent against my will. 396 00:27:08,168 --> 00:27:10,878 I'm not from your part of space. 397 00:27:11,087 --> 00:27:14,798 I come from a trans-dimensional realm. 398 00:27:20,430 --> 00:27:24,016 - ARCHER: Keep going. - I don't know why I was sent here. 399 00:27:26,061 --> 00:27:29,563 - ARCHER: I find that hard to believe. - It's the truth. 400 00:27:29,773 --> 00:27:31,315 I was a prisoner. 401 00:27:31,524 --> 00:27:33,567 Because of my transgressions, 402 00:27:33,777 --> 00:27:37,363 I've spent my entire adult life inside a cell. 403 00:27:37,906 --> 00:27:40,616 One day, the guards offered me freedom 404 00:27:40,825 --> 00:27:44,119 if I would participate in an experiment. 405 00:27:44,329 --> 00:27:46,330 I agreed. 406 00:27:46,539 --> 00:27:49,416 That's all I remember before I woke up here. 407 00:27:51,544 --> 00:27:54,254 We found you drifting in a pod, 408 00:27:54,464 --> 00:27:57,216 hooked up to banks of monitoring equipment. 409 00:27:57,425 --> 00:27:59,510 You're telling me you have no idea why? 410 00:28:00,053 --> 00:28:05,015 The experiment was important to them. They wouldn't abandon me. 411 00:28:05,642 --> 00:28:06,850 Take me back. 412 00:28:11,231 --> 00:28:16,151 - That's impossible. - If you don't, I'll die. Please. 413 00:28:18,196 --> 00:28:24,159 What's happening to me? 414 00:28:25,954 --> 00:28:28,038 ARCHER: Captain's starlog, supplemental. 415 00:28:28,248 --> 00:28:30,165 With Travis' adjustments in place, 416 00:28:30,375 --> 00:28:32,876 we've resumed course for the red giant. 417 00:28:33,336 --> 00:28:36,839 Between all this training and the extra shifts in Engineering, 418 00:28:37,048 --> 00:28:40,008 I've been looking forward to this all day. 419 00:28:40,427 --> 00:28:42,052 Sit up. 420 00:28:50,854 --> 00:28:53,105 You aren't saying much tonight. 421 00:28:55,316 --> 00:28:57,359 Don't tell me you're still upset about me and Amanda. 422 00:28:57,569 --> 00:28:59,570 No, I'm not upset. 423 00:29:00,029 --> 00:29:03,240 - It sure sounds like it. - You're mistaken. 424 00:29:05,285 --> 00:29:07,077 Why would a few neuro-pressure sessions 425 00:29:07,287 --> 00:29:10,706 between me and a MACO be such a big deal? 426 00:29:12,709 --> 00:29:15,669 - Unless... - Unless what? 427 00:29:16,629 --> 00:29:18,756 Unless you're a little jealous. 428 00:29:19,299 --> 00:29:22,384 I don't experience jealousy. 429 00:29:22,927 --> 00:29:25,304 You're doing a pretty fair imitation of it. 430 00:29:26,222 --> 00:29:30,642 I am not, in any way, jealous of you and Corporal Cole. 431 00:29:30,852 --> 00:29:34,480 You know, your voice is tensing up. It's a dead giveaway. 432 00:29:34,689 --> 00:29:37,232 I didn't know you were an expert in vocal inflections. 433 00:29:37,442 --> 00:29:39,485 I don't need to be an expert to read you. 434 00:29:41,654 --> 00:29:45,157 Come on, admit it. You're a little jealous. 435 00:29:45,366 --> 00:29:47,409 You're implying that I'm attracted to you. 436 00:29:49,162 --> 00:29:51,789 That kind of goes along with the assumption, doesn't it? 437 00:29:53,750 --> 00:29:57,419 I think you're mistaken about who's attracted to whom. 438 00:29:58,922 --> 00:30:01,507 - Are you saying I'm attracted to you? - I don't need to say it. 439 00:30:01,716 --> 00:30:04,843 - You already have. - I don't remember that conversation. 440 00:30:05,970 --> 00:30:09,890 It wasn't you, it was your clone. Sim told me. 441 00:30:10,350 --> 00:30:13,936 - Sim? - He said he had feelings for me. 442 00:30:14,145 --> 00:30:17,898 - He told you that? - Standing right there. 443 00:30:18,107 --> 00:30:19,691 What the hell was he doing in your room? 444 00:30:19,901 --> 00:30:22,402 - Your voice is tensing up. - Now you're the vocal expert. 445 00:30:22,612 --> 00:30:24,530 I don't need to be an expert to read you. 446 00:30:26,950 --> 00:30:28,659 I can't believe this. 447 00:30:29,786 --> 00:30:32,621 I'm jealous of myself? 448 00:30:32,831 --> 00:30:35,749 - You're jealous? - No, absolutely not. 449 00:30:42,674 --> 00:30:47,010 Okay, maybe. Maybe I am a little. 450 00:30:47,971 --> 00:30:49,805 Which would mean you're attracted to me. 451 00:30:51,975 --> 00:30:53,851 It goes with the assumption. 452 00:30:57,981 --> 00:30:59,273 What just happened here? 453 00:30:59,858 --> 00:31:03,235 Did we? Are we--? 454 00:31:24,841 --> 00:31:27,926 You're not like the others on this ship. 455 00:31:29,846 --> 00:31:31,763 They're from a different world than I am. 456 00:31:32,849 --> 00:31:35,642 What are they called, your two worlds? 457 00:31:36,895 --> 00:31:41,148 Mine is called Denobula. My shipmates are from Earth. 458 00:31:45,528 --> 00:31:47,237 Am I going to die? 459 00:31:48,698 --> 00:31:53,827 - I'm doing everything I can. - I'm grateful to you for trying, doctor. 460 00:31:55,914 --> 00:31:57,664 Try to rest. 461 00:32:09,385 --> 00:32:10,761 [GRUNTS] 462 00:32:47,423 --> 00:32:49,424 Oh, you're leaving so soon? 463 00:32:49,634 --> 00:32:52,511 - I don't wanna distract you. - It's no distraction. 464 00:32:52,720 --> 00:32:55,347 In fact, I could use a sparring partner. 465 00:32:56,349 --> 00:32:59,851 - If you're up for it. - Always. 466 00:33:05,608 --> 00:33:07,317 Good forearm-block. 467 00:33:07,860 --> 00:33:09,736 Nice back fist. 468 00:33:09,946 --> 00:33:11,571 Show me the combination. 469 00:33:15,326 --> 00:33:16,827 Faster on that combination. 470 00:33:18,746 --> 00:33:20,706 You're improving. 471 00:33:22,250 --> 00:33:23,875 [GRUNTS] 472 00:33:24,502 --> 00:33:27,129 You wanna keep that left up. 473 00:33:31,676 --> 00:33:33,343 That's it. Stay loose. Excellent. 474 00:33:34,762 --> 00:33:36,638 Ha! You're improving. 475 00:33:42,228 --> 00:33:43,979 See? You were looking at my hands 476 00:33:44,188 --> 00:33:46,231 when you should have been looking at my eyes. 477 00:33:49,819 --> 00:33:52,487 - Okay, lieutenant. - Major. 478 00:33:56,951 --> 00:33:58,243 Ah! 479 00:33:58,453 --> 00:34:00,078 - Tell me something. - What? 480 00:34:00,288 --> 00:34:02,748 Why won't you let me do my job? 481 00:34:06,502 --> 00:34:09,379 Because you're here to enhance the combat capacity of this crew, 482 00:34:09,589 --> 00:34:11,339 not take over security. 483 00:34:11,549 --> 00:34:14,593 Is that what this is all about? You think I wanna replace you? 484 00:34:14,802 --> 00:34:18,096 You just can't stand taking orders from me, can you? 485 00:34:27,106 --> 00:34:29,316 I have no problems taking orders from you. 486 00:34:33,780 --> 00:34:38,158 After lunar survival training, I can handle just about anything. 487 00:34:38,868 --> 00:34:40,327 Good sparring with you. 488 00:34:43,581 --> 00:34:44,623 Hayes! 489 00:34:53,257 --> 00:34:54,841 As you were. 490 00:35:21,035 --> 00:35:25,330 - What was that? - It's a little Klingon move I picked up. 491 00:35:32,338 --> 00:35:33,880 ARCHER [OVER INTERCOM]: Tactical alert. 492 00:35:34,090 --> 00:35:36,508 Senior officers to their posts. 493 00:35:43,724 --> 00:35:48,228 He's disrupting systems as he goes. We can use that to track him. 494 00:35:48,813 --> 00:35:50,605 That was the secondary relay coupling. 495 00:35:50,815 --> 00:35:51,898 He's on B-Deck. 496 00:35:52,108 --> 00:35:54,151 Between the A-1 and A-3 bulkheads. 497 00:35:54,360 --> 00:35:57,821 We're coming up on Access Tube 17 Baker. 498 00:35:58,030 --> 00:35:59,698 He's moving in your direction. 499 00:35:59,907 --> 00:36:02,200 Can you be any more specific? 500 00:36:07,790 --> 00:36:09,875 - Status! - REED: Weapons had no effect on him. 501 00:36:10,084 --> 00:36:12,377 He's heading toward the center of the ship. 502 00:36:12,962 --> 00:36:14,087 Archer to Engineering. 503 00:36:16,132 --> 00:36:17,340 Tucker. 504 00:36:28,561 --> 00:36:30,103 HAYES: Lieutenant! 505 00:36:41,782 --> 00:36:42,949 [YELLS] 506 00:36:44,869 --> 00:36:46,286 [COMPUTER BEEPING RAPIDLY] 507 00:36:46,537 --> 00:36:48,246 Magnetic containment is fluctuating. 508 00:36:52,043 --> 00:36:55,086 We need to reverse polarity on the plasma coils. 509 00:36:55,296 --> 00:36:57,839 It will trigger a feedback pulse. 510 00:36:58,049 --> 00:36:59,633 Turn the T-valve all the way to the left. 511 00:36:59,842 --> 00:37:01,468 HAYES: All right. 512 00:37:06,515 --> 00:37:08,058 Let's see if you can handle this. 513 00:37:10,978 --> 00:37:13,647 [SCREAMS] 514 00:37:37,505 --> 00:37:40,382 - Morning. - Commander. 515 00:37:46,055 --> 00:37:48,598 Coffee, strong. 516 00:37:52,228 --> 00:37:55,897 - Some night. - Eventful. 517 00:38:02,697 --> 00:38:06,324 I don't know who did more damage to the engine, the alien or Malcolm. 518 00:38:06,534 --> 00:38:08,702 How long before we can get underway? 519 00:38:08,911 --> 00:38:11,079 Another day, at least. 520 00:38:13,666 --> 00:38:17,377 I guess we should talk about what happened last night. 521 00:38:17,586 --> 00:38:19,587 I've been briefed on the situation. 522 00:38:19,797 --> 00:38:21,798 Well, I was referring to 523 00:38:22,008 --> 00:38:26,886 what happened between us in your quarters. 524 00:38:30,224 --> 00:38:32,392 I guess I'll go first. 525 00:38:36,272 --> 00:38:38,106 Actually, why don't you go first? 526 00:38:41,610 --> 00:38:43,320 I suppose I should thank you. 527 00:38:44,864 --> 00:38:46,406 No need to thank me. 528 00:38:46,615 --> 00:38:50,660 For facilitating my exploration of human sexuality. 529 00:38:51,996 --> 00:38:53,496 I'm not sure I follow. 530 00:38:54,206 --> 00:38:56,207 It's one of the many aspects of your species 531 00:38:56,417 --> 00:38:59,461 which I've been meaning to explore since I left the High Command. 532 00:39:00,129 --> 00:39:01,546 [SCOFFS] 533 00:39:02,089 --> 00:39:06,301 Sounds like you're saying last night was some kind of experiment. 534 00:39:07,303 --> 00:39:10,263 - I wouldn't use that term. - But that's the general idea. 535 00:39:12,350 --> 00:39:13,558 Are you getting emotional? 536 00:39:14,143 --> 00:39:15,477 No, I'm not getting emotional, 537 00:39:15,686 --> 00:39:17,937 I just don't like being compared to a lab rat. 538 00:39:20,191 --> 00:39:22,067 I'm sorry if I offended you. 539 00:39:24,528 --> 00:39:26,154 Forget it. 540 00:39:27,990 --> 00:39:32,786 I'd appreciate it if we could keep this between us. 541 00:39:33,913 --> 00:39:36,289 In fact, we should probably just forget it ever happened. 542 00:39:37,500 --> 00:39:39,125 Agreed. 543 00:39:41,629 --> 00:39:45,173 Doesn't mean we can't keep doing the neuro-pressure, though. 544 00:39:51,055 --> 00:39:53,723 Dr. Phlox says you have a detached retina. 545 00:39:57,144 --> 00:39:58,645 A bruised left kidney. 546 00:40:03,442 --> 00:40:06,403 We're in a dangerous region of space. 547 00:40:06,946 --> 00:40:09,948 We're trying to stop an alien race from destroying Earth. 548 00:40:10,449 --> 00:40:15,370 We face attacks from all sides, enemies everywhere we go. 549 00:40:17,415 --> 00:40:20,500 The last thing I need is to hear that two of my senior officers 550 00:40:20,709 --> 00:40:23,086 have been admitted to Sickbay because they suddenly regressed 551 00:40:23,295 --> 00:40:24,754 to the level of 5-year olds! 552 00:40:24,964 --> 00:40:28,049 - Captain-- - Don't try to tell me who started it! 553 00:40:28,759 --> 00:40:31,052 I don't know what the problem is between you two, 554 00:40:31,262 --> 00:40:35,598 and to tell you the truth, I don't care, but I want it settled right now. 555 00:40:38,394 --> 00:40:40,270 Settle it! 556 00:40:40,479 --> 00:40:42,439 That's an order! 557 00:40:44,191 --> 00:40:46,776 - There's no problem, captain. - It's settled, sir. 558 00:40:51,449 --> 00:40:53,324 - How are the drills going? - Good, sir. 559 00:40:53,534 --> 00:40:54,534 Very good, sir. 560 00:40:54,702 --> 00:40:56,202 [COM BEEPS] 561 00:40:59,832 --> 00:41:01,541 - Archer. - PHLOX: Please come to Sickbay. 562 00:41:01,750 --> 00:41:04,169 The alien has regained consciousness. 563 00:41:04,378 --> 00:41:06,045 On my way. 564 00:41:13,345 --> 00:41:15,180 Think we're dismissed? 565 00:41:17,516 --> 00:41:19,934 I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. 566 00:41:23,689 --> 00:41:26,608 You weren't sent here against your will. 567 00:41:26,817 --> 00:41:28,485 You knew exactly what your mission was. 568 00:41:28,694 --> 00:41:31,529 What were your people trying to do? 569 00:41:32,198 --> 00:41:34,657 You tried to destroy my ship. Why? 570 00:41:38,120 --> 00:41:39,162 Answer me! 571 00:41:39,371 --> 00:41:42,373 When the Xindi destroy Earth, 572 00:41:42,583 --> 00:41:45,967 my people will prevail.