1 00:00:11,428 --> 00:00:13,345 TRIP: It's identical to the other two. 2 00:00:13,513 --> 00:00:15,848 Even the smallest features are exactly the same. 3 00:00:16,016 --> 00:00:18,475 Like they came off an assembly line. 4 00:00:18,643 --> 00:00:20,936 I'd love to see the factory that made these. 5 00:00:21,104 --> 00:00:22,646 [SENSOR CHIRPING] 6 00:00:22,814 --> 00:00:25,024 Well, that's the last sensor sweep. 7 00:00:25,191 --> 00:00:28,193 Should give T'Pol plenty to chew on for a while. 8 00:00:36,453 --> 00:00:38,829 Power fluctuations. 9 00:00:39,039 --> 00:00:41,206 [MACHINE BEEPS THEN SHIP THUDS] 10 00:00:46,588 --> 00:00:48,380 I think we're getting the hang of this. 11 00:00:48,548 --> 00:00:51,800 We're coming up on the outer edge of the cloaking barrier. 12 00:00:56,306 --> 00:00:58,140 They're emerging. 13 00:00:58,308 --> 00:01:00,642 Heading back to their ship. 14 00:01:01,311 --> 00:01:03,103 Visual. 15 00:01:07,108 --> 00:01:10,277 I wanna know what kind of armaments they're carrying. 16 00:01:11,404 --> 00:01:14,156 We may have found what we're looking for. 17 00:02:41,077 --> 00:02:44,413 This new data should help us map the anomalies more accurately. 18 00:02:44,581 --> 00:02:48,458 I should also be able to calculate the exact number of spheres in the Expanse. 19 00:02:48,626 --> 00:02:51,003 - Any new theories on their purpose? - Not yet. 20 00:02:51,171 --> 00:02:52,212 [COM BEEPS] 21 00:02:52,380 --> 00:02:53,964 REED: Bridge to Captain Archer. 22 00:02:56,050 --> 00:02:57,134 Archer here. 23 00:02:57,302 --> 00:02:59,136 We've picked up a vessel approaching at impulse. 24 00:02:59,345 --> 00:03:02,181 They're transmitting a distress signal. 25 00:03:02,390 --> 00:03:04,016 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 26 00:03:04,184 --> 00:03:06,393 They're trapped in a cluster of anomalies. 27 00:03:06,561 --> 00:03:09,479 - They've taken engine damage. - Let's see them. 28 00:03:12,859 --> 00:03:15,402 - Twenty-three bio-signs. - Hail them. 29 00:03:16,279 --> 00:03:17,487 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 30 00:03:17,697 --> 00:03:20,949 This is Captain Jonathan Archer of the starship Enterprise. 31 00:03:21,117 --> 00:03:22,492 Can we assist you? 32 00:03:22,660 --> 00:03:25,037 MAN [OVER SPEAKERS]: Enterprise, we've suffered heavy damage. 33 00:03:25,205 --> 00:03:28,415 Our engines are inoperative. Our life-support system is failing. 34 00:03:28,583 --> 00:03:30,417 Please assist us. 35 00:03:30,627 --> 00:03:32,419 What kind of weapons do they have? 36 00:03:32,629 --> 00:03:34,338 Minimal. 37 00:03:36,174 --> 00:03:37,883 Can you get us through the anomalies? 38 00:03:38,593 --> 00:03:40,385 I believe I can plot a safe course. 39 00:03:42,263 --> 00:03:44,264 Full impulse. 40 00:03:51,022 --> 00:03:52,064 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 41 00:03:52,232 --> 00:03:55,359 - Their life-support system's failed. - Take full security precautions. 42 00:03:57,612 --> 00:03:59,863 Make sure none of them are armed. 43 00:04:04,244 --> 00:04:06,495 PHLOX: You'll be fine. Excuse me for just one moment. 44 00:04:06,663 --> 00:04:08,330 Thank you, doctor. 45 00:04:08,665 --> 00:04:10,332 How are they? 46 00:04:10,625 --> 00:04:14,253 - I'm unable to perform detailed bio-scans. - Why? 47 00:04:14,420 --> 00:04:17,214 They have an aversion to any kind of invasive medical care, 48 00:04:17,382 --> 00:04:19,883 for religious reasons. 49 00:04:20,051 --> 00:04:23,136 However, I have managed to ascertain that aside from some minor injuries, 50 00:04:23,304 --> 00:04:28,141 and one slight case of malnutrition, they appear to be fine. 51 00:04:28,351 --> 00:04:30,060 ARCHER: They're no strangers to anomalies. 52 00:04:30,228 --> 00:04:31,770 That looks like an old scar. 53 00:04:31,938 --> 00:04:34,273 I found similar injuries on four others. 54 00:04:34,440 --> 00:04:38,193 Apparently, they've been in the vicinity of the sphere for several months. 55 00:04:38,361 --> 00:04:40,404 Which one's the captain? 56 00:04:40,613 --> 00:04:45,867 He prefers the term "Pri'Nam," a religious designation. 57 00:04:50,957 --> 00:04:52,916 I'm Captain Archer. 58 00:04:53,251 --> 00:04:54,876 Welcome aboard. 59 00:04:55,086 --> 00:04:56,920 My name is D'Jamat. 60 00:04:57,130 --> 00:05:00,882 I can't express how grateful we are. You saved our lives. 61 00:05:01,217 --> 00:05:03,552 I understand you've been in this region for quite some time. 62 00:05:03,761 --> 00:05:06,722 Yes, we're on a pilgrimage to the twelfth sphere. 63 00:05:06,889 --> 00:05:08,807 It's taken us a year to make the journey. 64 00:05:09,142 --> 00:05:12,060 Your ship's in pretty rough shape. My engineer's taking a look at it. 65 00:05:12,228 --> 00:05:14,771 Well, it's an old vessel, but sturdy. 66 00:05:14,939 --> 00:05:19,401 Unfortunately, we are better at prayer than we are at space travel. 67 00:05:19,610 --> 00:05:22,529 Maybe there's some information about the spheres we can share. 68 00:05:22,905 --> 00:05:24,323 If you're feeling up to it, 69 00:05:24,532 --> 00:05:27,367 I'd like you to have dinner with me and my science officer tonight. 70 00:05:28,119 --> 00:05:31,163 I'd be honored to accept your hospitality, captain. 71 00:05:34,500 --> 00:05:36,793 Our homeworld is called Triannon. 72 00:05:36,961 --> 00:05:40,797 It is 6.3 light years from here in the Muratas Star Cluster. 73 00:05:40,965 --> 00:05:42,841 Have you heard of it? 74 00:05:43,134 --> 00:05:44,843 It doesn't ring a bell. 75 00:05:45,011 --> 00:05:47,262 We're new to the Expanse. 76 00:05:47,597 --> 00:05:49,556 The Expanse? 77 00:05:50,183 --> 00:05:52,476 You mean the Chosen Realm. 78 00:05:53,519 --> 00:05:56,063 I think we're talking about the same thing. 79 00:05:56,230 --> 00:05:59,483 We're here to learn everything we can about a species you may have run into. 80 00:05:59,650 --> 00:06:01,443 The Xindi. 81 00:06:02,028 --> 00:06:03,862 I'm not familiar with them. 82 00:06:04,030 --> 00:06:08,867 We place very little emphasis on meeting other life-forms. 83 00:06:09,035 --> 00:06:14,706 Space travel for us is merely a means to bring us closer to the spheres. 84 00:06:14,874 --> 00:06:16,875 You've studied them for some time? 85 00:06:17,085 --> 00:06:19,795 We're not here to study the spheres. We're here to venerate them. 86 00:06:20,588 --> 00:06:23,507 We believe that it is through prayer and meditation 87 00:06:23,674 --> 00:06:26,426 - that the Makers become manifest. - The Makers? 88 00:06:27,303 --> 00:06:28,887 The creator of the spheres. 89 00:06:29,472 --> 00:06:31,723 I've felt their presence here. 90 00:06:37,188 --> 00:06:39,272 You're referring to spatial anomalies. 91 00:06:39,774 --> 00:06:43,527 The Makers' breath, it reshapes reality, 92 00:06:43,736 --> 00:06:48,031 allows ordinary men a glimpse of the divine. 93 00:06:48,241 --> 00:06:50,117 That breath nearly destroyed your ship. 94 00:06:50,326 --> 00:06:52,035 Well, we became careless. 95 00:06:52,245 --> 00:06:55,664 It's easy to do when you're in the presence of a sphere. 96 00:06:56,332 --> 00:06:58,542 They're certainly impressive. 97 00:06:59,127 --> 00:07:00,710 We've found three of them so far. 98 00:07:01,337 --> 00:07:04,089 You're fortunate to have such a fast ship. 99 00:07:04,257 --> 00:07:08,218 I regret that I'll die having seen only one of the many thousands of spheres. 100 00:07:08,636 --> 00:07:13,014 Actually, we've determined that there are 59 spheres in the Expanse. 101 00:07:13,224 --> 00:07:14,933 I think your estimates are a bit low. 102 00:07:15,518 --> 00:07:16,726 That's doubtful. 103 00:07:17,645 --> 00:07:19,229 With the Makers, there is no doubt. 104 00:07:19,647 --> 00:07:23,108 Doubt is the basis of all scientific progress. 105 00:07:23,317 --> 00:07:26,236 Scientific progress has led many people astray. 106 00:07:26,446 --> 00:07:28,071 Perhaps 107 00:07:28,281 --> 00:07:31,074 this is a subject we should discuss some other time. 108 00:07:33,828 --> 00:07:36,037 I agree, captain. 109 00:07:36,247 --> 00:07:37,914 You'll be glad to know my engineer believes 110 00:07:38,124 --> 00:07:40,208 that he can repair the damage to your vessel. 111 00:07:40,585 --> 00:07:43,003 He thinks it shouldn't take more than a couple of days. 112 00:07:43,171 --> 00:07:45,380 That is good news. 113 00:07:45,548 --> 00:07:51,136 I certainly hope that we'll have the opportunity to repay your kindness. 114 00:07:58,811 --> 00:08:00,729 May I help you? 115 00:08:00,980 --> 00:08:03,315 I'd like to speak with you. 116 00:08:03,691 --> 00:08:05,400 What is it? 117 00:08:06,527 --> 00:08:08,737 Are you feeling ill? 118 00:08:09,280 --> 00:08:12,991 I wanted to ask you about a certain procedure. 119 00:08:14,243 --> 00:08:17,662 I'm sorry. It's very difficult for me to talk about. 120 00:08:17,830 --> 00:08:20,874 Why don't you have a seat? Hmm? 121 00:08:21,918 --> 00:08:25,045 I was about to make some Janaran tea. Would you like some? 122 00:08:25,254 --> 00:08:28,381 Yes. Thank you. 123 00:08:34,305 --> 00:08:36,306 - Is everyone in place? - YARRICK: Yes. 124 00:08:37,141 --> 00:08:39,726 They're just waiting for your signal. 125 00:08:41,395 --> 00:08:43,730 You sound hesitant. 126 00:08:45,274 --> 00:08:47,275 I'm sorry, Pri'Nam, 127 00:08:47,485 --> 00:08:50,362 but are you certain this is the right thing to do? 128 00:08:52,615 --> 00:08:56,535 Do you think this ship just came to us by coincidence? 129 00:08:56,869 --> 00:08:59,955 This encounter was clearly ordained by the Makers. 130 00:09:00,122 --> 00:09:02,499 But these people risked their lives to save us. 131 00:09:02,667 --> 00:09:05,961 They desecrated a sphere. 132 00:09:08,548 --> 00:09:13,009 What we are about to do is not just for our salvation, but for theirs as well. 133 00:09:14,595 --> 00:09:16,221 I know it can be difficult. 134 00:09:16,430 --> 00:09:19,474 We've been away from home for a long time. 135 00:09:19,642 --> 00:09:24,104 But we have been given the means to end the bloodshed once and for all. 136 00:09:24,313 --> 00:09:27,148 Don't lose your faith now, Yarrick. 137 00:09:27,567 --> 00:09:29,401 Never, Pri'Nam. 138 00:09:34,240 --> 00:09:37,576 They believe that god-like beings they call the Makers 139 00:09:37,743 --> 00:09:40,203 created the spheres a thousand years ago. 140 00:09:40,371 --> 00:09:43,373 We have determined that the spheres are nearly 1000 years old. 141 00:09:43,541 --> 00:09:46,960 Well, they also believe that the Makers are using the spheres 142 00:09:47,128 --> 00:09:49,379 to reshape the Expanse, 143 00:09:49,589 --> 00:09:52,674 creating a paradise for when they return. 144 00:09:52,883 --> 00:09:54,884 Mythology often has a basis in fact-- 145 00:09:55,052 --> 00:09:56,595 [DOOR CHIMES] 146 00:09:56,887 --> 00:09:58,597 ARCHER: Come in. 147 00:10:00,016 --> 00:10:02,183 - Am I disturbing you? - Not at all. 148 00:10:02,393 --> 00:10:04,227 Excuse me. 149 00:10:08,065 --> 00:10:10,984 I said before that I hoped to be able to repay your kindness. 150 00:10:11,193 --> 00:10:14,446 - That isn't necessary. - It's already underway. 151 00:10:15,114 --> 00:10:17,282 Captain Archer, 152 00:10:17,491 --> 00:10:20,952 you, your crew, this vessel, 153 00:10:21,162 --> 00:10:24,080 are all about to embark on a glorious mission. 154 00:10:25,041 --> 00:10:30,045 At this moment, a number of my people have taken positions around your vessel. 155 00:10:30,254 --> 00:10:33,506 Their bodies have been equipped with powerful, organic explosives. 156 00:10:34,008 --> 00:10:39,179 With a single command, I can order any one of them to sacrifice their lives. 157 00:10:40,640 --> 00:10:45,602 [SPEAKING IN TRIANNON LANGUAGE] 158 00:10:54,779 --> 00:10:56,154 [GRUNTS] 159 00:11:08,959 --> 00:11:11,461 There's been an explosion on C-Deck. We've got a hull breach. 160 00:11:11,671 --> 00:11:14,506 - Seal off the area. Get security teams-- - Stop. 161 00:11:14,840 --> 00:11:17,842 Two of my men are positioned next to your warp reactor. 162 00:11:18,052 --> 00:11:20,512 Unless you turn this ship over to me, 163 00:11:20,721 --> 00:11:22,138 I'll destroy it. 164 00:11:57,341 --> 00:11:59,134 He has severe burns. 165 00:11:59,301 --> 00:12:01,970 The other two are suffering from the effects of rapid decompression. 166 00:12:02,179 --> 00:12:03,805 They need immediate medical attention. 167 00:12:03,973 --> 00:12:07,350 My orders are to escort everyone to their quarters. 168 00:12:07,518 --> 00:12:10,770 I will not leave without treating these people. 169 00:12:11,814 --> 00:12:13,732 Watch him. 170 00:12:20,865 --> 00:12:22,574 ARCHER: They say they'll destroy Enterprise. 171 00:12:22,742 --> 00:12:25,577 - I have to believe them. - I can't believe you're going along with this. 172 00:12:25,745 --> 00:12:27,495 Remember what's at stake, why we're out here. 173 00:12:27,663 --> 00:12:31,624 Right now we don't have a choice. Don't take any action against them. 174 00:12:31,792 --> 00:12:33,501 Is that clear? 175 00:12:33,669 --> 00:12:35,503 Aye, captain. 176 00:12:36,881 --> 00:12:38,882 This isn't over. 177 00:12:41,802 --> 00:12:43,344 Make yourself at home. 178 00:12:55,441 --> 00:12:57,859 You made the right decision. 179 00:12:58,235 --> 00:13:02,071 I promise you, your people won't be harmed. 180 00:13:02,948 --> 00:13:05,992 You just murdered one of my people. 181 00:13:07,453 --> 00:13:11,456 I had to erase any doubts you might have about our resolve. 182 00:13:12,458 --> 00:13:14,667 What do you want with my ship? 183 00:13:14,919 --> 00:13:19,506 When I'm satisfied the situation is secure, I'll answer your questions. 184 00:13:26,013 --> 00:13:29,557 I also lost a crewman in that explosion, captain. 185 00:13:30,726 --> 00:13:33,353 I'll say a prayer for them both. 186 00:13:34,814 --> 00:13:37,232 Save your breath. 187 00:13:45,157 --> 00:13:48,159 Were you given the coordinates for Triannon? 188 00:13:48,702 --> 00:13:52,705 Set a course, your highest warp factor. 189 00:13:55,501 --> 00:13:58,378 Prepare to fire two of your torpedoes. 190 00:13:58,546 --> 00:14:01,214 Target my ship's reactor. 191 00:14:04,593 --> 00:14:06,719 You heard me. 192 00:14:10,182 --> 00:14:12,892 Release the docking clamps. 193 00:14:39,545 --> 00:14:41,170 I promised you an explanation. 194 00:14:41,380 --> 00:14:42,839 I owe you that. 195 00:14:43,048 --> 00:14:45,466 Where are you taking this ship? 196 00:14:45,676 --> 00:14:47,719 To my homeworld. 197 00:14:48,137 --> 00:14:50,179 We'll be there in three days. 198 00:14:50,389 --> 00:14:52,307 For the last century, 199 00:14:52,516 --> 00:14:55,560 a violent group of heretics have tried to undermine our way of life. 200 00:14:56,061 --> 00:14:59,939 With your ship, I can deliver a final, decisive attack. 201 00:15:00,399 --> 00:15:02,233 I can end this conflict forever. 202 00:15:02,568 --> 00:15:04,402 War. 203 00:15:05,696 --> 00:15:08,865 That was the glorious mission you were talking about? 204 00:15:09,074 --> 00:15:10,867 I'm trying to save my people. 205 00:15:11,076 --> 00:15:13,786 Why do I have the feeling these heretics would say the same thing? 206 00:15:13,996 --> 00:15:15,872 They might very well. 207 00:15:16,498 --> 00:15:18,541 But it doesn't change what they are, 208 00:15:18,751 --> 00:15:20,168 enemies of the truth. 209 00:15:20,669 --> 00:15:21,711 Your truth. 210 00:15:21,921 --> 00:15:23,546 There's only one. 211 00:15:25,507 --> 00:15:29,052 How many people do you intend to kill with my ship? 212 00:15:29,762 --> 00:15:33,765 Your species is obsessed with numbers. 213 00:15:33,974 --> 00:15:36,267 A characteristic of your misguided belief 214 00:15:36,435 --> 00:15:40,605 that the secrets of the universe can be revealed through science. 215 00:15:40,773 --> 00:15:44,943 This may sound barbaric to you, but it doesn't matter how many heretics die. 216 00:15:45,152 --> 00:15:49,447 When the Makers return, only the faithful will survive. 217 00:15:49,657 --> 00:15:52,033 Non-believers will be swept away. 218 00:15:52,242 --> 00:15:54,452 Not only Triannons, 219 00:15:54,662 --> 00:15:56,454 but every race within the Chosen Realm. 220 00:15:56,914 --> 00:15:59,749 Doctrines like that make it real easy 221 00:15:59,917 --> 00:16:01,918 to wipe out everyone who doesn't agree with you. 222 00:16:02,920 --> 00:16:04,045 You're wrong. 223 00:16:04,505 --> 00:16:05,922 It's not easy. 224 00:16:06,131 --> 00:16:09,801 If it were, I wouldn't be dreading what I have to do next. 225 00:16:14,223 --> 00:16:16,891 I've been reviewing your records. 226 00:16:17,267 --> 00:16:20,436 You've committed terrible acts of desecration. 227 00:16:20,646 --> 00:16:24,148 Not only have you flown within the cloaking barrier of three spheres, 228 00:16:24,316 --> 00:16:28,361 you've landed on one and entered another. 229 00:16:28,737 --> 00:16:30,822 For crimes of this magnitude, 230 00:16:30,990 --> 00:16:35,868 my faith obligates me to destroy your ship and put your crew to death. 231 00:16:36,078 --> 00:16:37,870 However, 232 00:16:39,540 --> 00:16:42,208 I cannot ignore the fact 233 00:16:42,710 --> 00:16:46,587 that you put yourselves at risk to save us, 234 00:16:47,715 --> 00:16:50,091 and that I like you, captain. 235 00:16:50,467 --> 00:16:53,344 I believe you're an honorable man. 236 00:16:54,596 --> 00:16:58,141 So I am going against what my faith dictates. 237 00:16:58,350 --> 00:17:00,518 I'm going to temper the punishment. 238 00:17:02,312 --> 00:17:03,312 As commander of this ship, 239 00:17:03,480 --> 00:17:06,524 you may choose one member of your crew to give up their life. 240 00:17:06,734 --> 00:17:10,069 - You're out of your mind. - If you won't choose, I'll choose for you. 241 00:17:12,489 --> 00:17:14,907 I take no pleasure in this, captain, believe me. 242 00:17:16,452 --> 00:17:18,453 I need time to think about this. 243 00:17:19,705 --> 00:17:21,789 You have six hours. 244 00:17:22,207 --> 00:17:25,543 I urge you to use this time to search within yourself 245 00:17:25,753 --> 00:17:28,755 and put these lies out of your mind. 246 00:17:28,964 --> 00:17:31,924 All of this data that you've collected 247 00:17:33,093 --> 00:17:37,889 must be erased from existence. 248 00:17:38,098 --> 00:17:40,099 [COMPUTER CHIRPING] 249 00:17:45,647 --> 00:17:46,814 Six hours, captain. 250 00:18:05,793 --> 00:18:07,168 [DOOR OPENS] 251 00:18:09,963 --> 00:18:11,923 An update on the repairs to your ship. 252 00:18:12,091 --> 00:18:14,175 D'Jamat felt you should be kept apprised. 253 00:18:14,343 --> 00:18:16,677 That's very considerate of him. 254 00:18:17,304 --> 00:18:19,055 Wait a minute. 255 00:18:21,350 --> 00:18:22,767 Your name's Yarrick, isn't it? 256 00:18:23,310 --> 00:18:25,061 It is. 257 00:18:25,813 --> 00:18:28,564 I understand your wife paid a visit to Sickbay. 258 00:18:29,358 --> 00:18:31,567 She had a long talk with my doctor. 259 00:18:32,069 --> 00:18:33,194 She's pregnant. 260 00:18:34,196 --> 00:18:35,196 Yes. 261 00:18:36,115 --> 00:18:38,991 I guess you also know that she wants to end the pregnancy. 262 00:18:39,201 --> 00:18:40,827 That's between her and me. 263 00:18:42,204 --> 00:18:45,081 My doctor got the impression that 264 00:18:45,249 --> 00:18:48,960 she doesn't exactly agree with D'Jamat's interpretation of your faith. 265 00:18:49,336 --> 00:18:50,711 As a matter of fact, 266 00:18:50,879 --> 00:18:54,340 Phlox said she's grown to hate everything about it. 267 00:18:54,508 --> 00:18:56,884 - That's not true. - He also got the impression 268 00:18:57,094 --> 00:18:59,554 that you're not happy with the way things are going either. 269 00:19:00,097 --> 00:19:01,973 D'Jamat is my spiritual leader. 270 00:19:02,182 --> 00:19:03,850 I will follow him to my death. 271 00:19:04,059 --> 00:19:08,396 From what I've seen, I'm pretty sure you're gonna have that opportunity. 272 00:19:18,282 --> 00:19:19,824 You went to their doctor. 273 00:19:19,992 --> 00:19:22,535 You put us at risk. He told his captain. 274 00:19:22,703 --> 00:19:25,830 - Does D'Jamat know? - I don't think so. 275 00:19:27,207 --> 00:19:28,499 Did you have the procedure? 276 00:19:28,667 --> 00:19:32,003 No. The doctor said he needed time to review our physiology. 277 00:19:32,212 --> 00:19:36,299 - He's under guard now. It's too late. - It's just as well. 278 00:19:36,633 --> 00:19:39,844 - Have you changed your mind? - I'm not certain it's the right thing to do. 279 00:19:40,053 --> 00:19:43,264 I won't watch my son or daughter fight in D'Jamat's war. 280 00:19:43,473 --> 00:19:46,684 We have the ship now. We'll end the war once and for all. 281 00:19:46,894 --> 00:19:49,770 You don't believe that any more than I do. 282 00:19:54,651 --> 00:19:55,693 [DOOR CHIMES] 283 00:19:55,861 --> 00:19:57,361 Enter. 284 00:19:58,280 --> 00:20:01,699 Ah. I'm glad you've come. 285 00:20:06,371 --> 00:20:09,415 I was just looking at your captain's logs. 286 00:20:09,708 --> 00:20:12,501 I had no idea we were such kindred spirits. 287 00:20:12,711 --> 00:20:14,462 What makes you think that? 288 00:20:14,671 --> 00:20:16,464 I know why you're here, 289 00:20:16,632 --> 00:20:19,258 in the Expanse. 290 00:20:20,093 --> 00:20:22,720 It turns out we're both fighting to save our people. 291 00:20:22,930 --> 00:20:25,514 I'm trying to stop my world from being destroyed. 292 00:20:25,724 --> 00:20:28,684 You're trying to wipe out everyone who doesn't share your beliefs. 293 00:20:29,144 --> 00:20:32,897 Our situations aren't as different as you think. 294 00:20:33,398 --> 00:20:35,358 I draw the line at murdering innocent people. 295 00:20:35,525 --> 00:20:38,236 And not torture? 296 00:20:38,654 --> 00:20:41,072 In your log, there is an incident with a prisoner. 297 00:20:41,281 --> 00:20:43,741 An interrogation that made use of an airlock. 298 00:20:43,909 --> 00:20:47,161 I needed information critical to my mission. 299 00:20:47,788 --> 00:20:49,121 He wasn't hurt. 300 00:20:49,331 --> 00:20:52,083 I sympathize with you, captain. 301 00:20:52,459 --> 00:20:54,919 I've had to make hard choices as well. 302 00:20:55,545 --> 00:20:58,547 When I was young, I fought with the Holy Regiments. 303 00:20:58,715 --> 00:21:01,008 I was commanding a mission, 304 00:21:01,468 --> 00:21:05,972 we'd infiltrated a village known to be a heretic stronghold. 305 00:21:06,807 --> 00:21:09,100 We were instructed to stay concealed 306 00:21:09,268 --> 00:21:12,645 and relay intelligence about enemy movements. 307 00:21:13,647 --> 00:21:16,482 But one of the villagers discovered us. 308 00:21:17,276 --> 00:21:19,318 It was a small boy, 309 00:21:19,653 --> 00:21:22,029 no more than 6 years old. 310 00:21:23,782 --> 00:21:28,160 We knew if we let him go, he would alert the village. 311 00:21:28,745 --> 00:21:31,038 And if we tried to hold him, 312 00:21:31,373 --> 00:21:33,499 he might give us away. 313 00:21:35,294 --> 00:21:37,920 There was only one action to take. 314 00:21:40,507 --> 00:21:42,341 So I took it. 315 00:21:43,844 --> 00:21:46,178 You're proud of that. 316 00:21:48,724 --> 00:21:51,350 In the service of the Makers, 317 00:21:51,685 --> 00:21:53,894 all actions are blessed ones. 318 00:21:54,062 --> 00:21:55,396 There are no Makers. 319 00:21:55,814 --> 00:21:57,398 At least, not how you perceive them. 320 00:21:57,774 --> 00:21:59,233 The spheres are machines 321 00:21:59,401 --> 00:22:02,653 built for a reason you and I don't understand. 322 00:22:02,821 --> 00:22:05,239 I was once like you, 323 00:22:05,741 --> 00:22:07,283 but then I felt the breath. 324 00:22:09,828 --> 00:22:11,871 I prayed for you, captain. 325 00:22:12,039 --> 00:22:14,582 I'd hoped that the Makers would open your eyes to the truth, 326 00:22:15,250 --> 00:22:18,419 but it seems that they've turned away. 327 00:22:23,967 --> 00:22:26,510 You had a choice to make. 328 00:22:26,803 --> 00:22:28,554 I've made it. 329 00:22:28,889 --> 00:22:31,057 And which crew member have you selected? 330 00:22:32,059 --> 00:22:33,851 I've chosen myself. 331 00:22:36,730 --> 00:22:38,981 You wanted to kill someone, 332 00:22:39,232 --> 00:22:41,150 kill me. 333 00:22:44,946 --> 00:22:47,740 - I urge you to reconsider. - I won't make someone else pay 334 00:22:47,908 --> 00:22:49,950 for something that happened under my command. 335 00:22:50,118 --> 00:22:51,202 What about your mission? 336 00:22:51,828 --> 00:22:55,081 When I'm through with your ship, your crew will need their captain. 337 00:22:55,457 --> 00:22:57,375 T'Pol's a fine commander. 338 00:22:58,085 --> 00:23:01,420 We are more alike than you think, captain. 339 00:23:03,632 --> 00:23:05,508 I would make the same choice. 340 00:23:06,093 --> 00:23:08,469 I respect your decision. 341 00:23:08,804 --> 00:23:10,679 Then maybe you'll grant a request. 342 00:23:11,223 --> 00:23:12,556 What is it? 343 00:23:12,766 --> 00:23:15,643 My people have certain customs regarding death. 344 00:23:16,144 --> 00:23:18,396 There's a device on board, 345 00:23:18,605 --> 00:23:21,941 we use it to dispose of hazardous materials. 346 00:23:22,317 --> 00:23:26,112 But on rare occasions when the situation arises, 347 00:23:26,279 --> 00:23:28,114 we've also used it for executions. 348 00:23:30,367 --> 00:23:32,326 It's considered humane. 349 00:23:41,545 --> 00:23:43,546 Where is this device? 350 00:23:49,970 --> 00:23:53,055 The molecules have been disassembled. 351 00:23:54,099 --> 00:23:55,391 Quick and painless. 352 00:23:58,478 --> 00:24:00,938 I can't change your mind? 353 00:24:02,065 --> 00:24:04,400 No more than I can change yours. 354 00:24:04,860 --> 00:24:06,444 Very well. 355 00:24:06,653 --> 00:24:07,945 Proceed. 356 00:24:11,908 --> 00:24:15,828 - Captain-- - Ask Phlox to keep an eye on Porthos. 357 00:24:20,500 --> 00:24:22,001 Take care of Enterprise. 358 00:24:32,012 --> 00:24:33,429 This won't end here. 359 00:24:55,952 --> 00:24:58,329 You have my sympathies. 360 00:24:58,747 --> 00:25:01,790 You should inform your crew. They deserve to know. 361 00:25:17,015 --> 00:25:18,098 You've been quiet. 362 00:25:19,976 --> 00:25:22,311 I'm just thinking about what's ahead, Pri'Nam. 363 00:25:24,564 --> 00:25:26,732 I know you too well. 364 00:25:28,235 --> 00:25:30,194 Tell me what's wrong. 365 00:25:32,822 --> 00:25:36,033 We've just begun this mission and already three people are dead. 366 00:25:36,243 --> 00:25:38,869 - And that bothers you. - Shouldn't it? 367 00:25:39,704 --> 00:25:41,789 These people are not our enemy. 368 00:25:41,998 --> 00:25:44,166 They are non-believers. 369 00:25:44,376 --> 00:25:46,544 That makes them our enemy. 370 00:25:47,379 --> 00:25:48,420 Why? 371 00:25:51,216 --> 00:25:56,303 Do you believe the Makers speak through me? 372 00:25:56,680 --> 00:25:57,805 Yes. 373 00:25:58,014 --> 00:26:01,392 Then when you question me, you question the Makers. 374 00:26:02,018 --> 00:26:04,395 And there's a word for that. 375 00:26:04,729 --> 00:26:06,021 Heresy. 376 00:26:07,816 --> 00:26:09,650 Yarrick, 377 00:26:10,318 --> 00:26:13,320 when you begin to sympathize with the enemy, 378 00:26:13,488 --> 00:26:16,490 you risk becoming the enemy. 379 00:26:19,578 --> 00:26:21,579 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 380 00:27:01,620 --> 00:27:03,579 Can I help you? 381 00:27:13,673 --> 00:27:15,174 [GRUNTING] 382 00:27:25,101 --> 00:27:27,353 [SCANNER BEEPING] 383 00:27:27,520 --> 00:27:28,854 ARCHER: I know, 384 00:27:29,064 --> 00:27:32,191 medical scans are against your beliefs. 385 00:27:32,776 --> 00:27:35,611 I don't think the Makers will mind. 386 00:27:37,697 --> 00:27:39,698 [BEEPING] 387 00:27:54,839 --> 00:27:55,881 [DOOR CHIMES] 388 00:27:56,049 --> 00:27:57,091 Enter. 389 00:27:57,759 --> 00:28:00,302 Lyaal is missing. He's not at his station. 390 00:28:00,512 --> 00:28:05,474 Lyaal. 391 00:28:06,184 --> 00:28:08,394 We'll use the ship's internal sensors to find him. 392 00:28:08,561 --> 00:28:11,313 I need to locate one of my men. 393 00:28:13,066 --> 00:28:15,984 - We're dropping out of warp. - Main power is being disrupted. 394 00:28:16,194 --> 00:28:17,444 From where? 395 00:28:19,280 --> 00:28:21,281 I can't identify the location. 396 00:28:29,457 --> 00:28:32,209 I'm telling you, I didn't do anything. Ask your flunky over here. 397 00:28:32,377 --> 00:28:35,087 He's been looking over my shoulder the whole time. 398 00:28:35,296 --> 00:28:38,590 It's true. He never left my sight. 399 00:28:39,759 --> 00:28:42,302 This did not happen by accident. 400 00:28:42,470 --> 00:28:47,683 Pri'Nam, there's something wrong with the EPS manifolds on Deck D, section J-15. 401 00:28:47,851 --> 00:28:50,144 Yarrick, go with him. 402 00:28:56,985 --> 00:28:59,069 It's on the left. 403 00:28:59,988 --> 00:29:01,447 You passed it. 404 00:29:01,614 --> 00:29:03,407 You don't wanna do that. 405 00:29:03,867 --> 00:29:05,367 You can't win. 406 00:29:05,577 --> 00:29:07,161 They'll destroy the ship. 407 00:29:07,370 --> 00:29:08,912 Not if you help me. 408 00:29:09,122 --> 00:29:10,664 No. 409 00:29:10,832 --> 00:29:13,000 You know this is wrong, 410 00:29:13,251 --> 00:29:15,377 everything he's doing. 411 00:29:15,545 --> 00:29:17,504 We can put a stop to it, all of it. 412 00:29:17,672 --> 00:29:21,133 - I won't betray my faith. - Your faith betrayed you. 413 00:29:21,342 --> 00:29:23,427 Is this really what the Makers want? 414 00:29:23,595 --> 00:29:26,221 To kill people by the thousands in their name? 415 00:29:26,431 --> 00:29:28,932 Is that the faith you were raised in? 416 00:29:29,809 --> 00:29:31,602 - No. - Then do what's right. 417 00:29:32,937 --> 00:29:34,855 If you don't help me, 418 00:29:35,023 --> 00:29:38,108 you'll be condemning your wife and child to death, 419 00:29:38,276 --> 00:29:40,903 because that's how this is going to end. 420 00:29:41,112 --> 00:29:46,909 As long as people like D'Jamat dictate what's true and what isn't, 421 00:29:48,286 --> 00:29:50,329 all you'll ever have is war. 422 00:29:56,169 --> 00:29:57,795 Have you located Lyaal? 423 00:29:57,962 --> 00:30:01,757 Internal sensors aren't functioning. Systems are down all over the ship. 424 00:30:01,925 --> 00:30:04,092 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 425 00:30:04,260 --> 00:30:05,469 What is it? 426 00:30:05,678 --> 00:30:08,472 There's a convoy of ships approaching. 427 00:30:09,182 --> 00:30:11,308 Let me see them. 428 00:30:14,521 --> 00:30:16,814 These people you're fighting, 429 00:30:17,023 --> 00:30:19,316 what makes them heretics? 430 00:30:19,526 --> 00:30:23,278 We believe the Makers created the Chosen Realm in nine days. 431 00:30:23,446 --> 00:30:24,863 They believe it took ten. 432 00:30:26,407 --> 00:30:27,449 [SCOFFS] 433 00:30:27,617 --> 00:30:29,535 For that you've been at war for over a century? 434 00:30:32,163 --> 00:30:34,414 - Found it. - What is it? 435 00:30:34,624 --> 00:30:37,209 The environmental controls need to be rerouted to Sickbay. 436 00:30:37,377 --> 00:30:38,877 That can only be done from the Bridge. 437 00:30:39,045 --> 00:30:41,547 - I'm gonna show you how to do it. - Why? 438 00:30:41,714 --> 00:30:44,424 Dr. Phlox has synthesized an airborne agent. 439 00:30:44,592 --> 00:30:50,305 It neutralizes one of the enzymes used in the organic explosives, renders it inert. 440 00:30:50,515 --> 00:30:52,641 They're hailing us. 441 00:30:54,978 --> 00:30:58,355 - D'JAMAT: Surrender now. - I have four ships. 442 00:30:58,565 --> 00:31:01,441 If you had ten ships, you wouldn't survive against this vessel. 443 00:31:01,609 --> 00:31:04,903 Run your scans, you'll see that I'm telling the truth. 444 00:31:05,113 --> 00:31:07,698 Surrender and you'll be treated fairly. 445 00:31:07,907 --> 00:31:09,533 You consider us heretics. 446 00:31:09,742 --> 00:31:13,036 We know what you do to them, D'Jamat. 447 00:31:15,290 --> 00:31:17,624 Target the lead vessel. 448 00:31:17,959 --> 00:31:19,001 Do what I say. 449 00:31:19,627 --> 00:31:20,627 No. 450 00:31:26,885 --> 00:31:28,260 Prepare to fire torpedoes. 451 00:31:46,946 --> 00:31:49,698 - One of the ships has lost engines. - Target their main reactor. 452 00:32:11,012 --> 00:32:12,763 [CHIRPING] 453 00:32:13,932 --> 00:32:15,974 Don't worry, it's harmless. 454 00:32:19,145 --> 00:32:20,437 Unless it's agitated. 455 00:32:31,699 --> 00:32:33,033 Captain. 456 00:32:33,242 --> 00:32:36,328 We have to get to the Armory. We're retaking the ship. 457 00:32:36,537 --> 00:32:38,789 We need the MACOs. 458 00:32:40,833 --> 00:32:43,335 - YARRICK: Pri'Nam. - It's begun. 459 00:32:43,544 --> 00:32:45,128 What's the status of the engines? 460 00:32:45,296 --> 00:32:48,090 We've located the problem. It's under repair. 461 00:32:48,841 --> 00:32:51,051 The warp reactor should be functioning in a few hours. 462 00:32:51,260 --> 00:32:54,388 - They're retreating. - Stay with them. 463 00:32:57,141 --> 00:32:59,434 Do what I say. 464 00:33:08,569 --> 00:33:12,990 Bring us within firing distance. Prepare to lock weapons. 465 00:33:15,159 --> 00:33:18,036 Careful. There's no antidote for the venom. 466 00:33:25,920 --> 00:33:29,923 There'll be an extra helping of snow beetles for you tonight, young lady. 467 00:33:49,652 --> 00:33:52,738 MAYWEATHER: Their engines are at maximum. We're still gaining. 468 00:33:52,947 --> 00:33:54,156 D'JAMAT: Good. 469 00:33:54,365 --> 00:33:57,117 We'll eliminate them one by one. 470 00:34:06,294 --> 00:34:07,878 [WEAPON FIRING] 471 00:34:22,310 --> 00:34:23,602 [GRUNTS] 472 00:34:27,815 --> 00:34:28,982 TRIANNON MAN: Hold your fire. 473 00:34:49,629 --> 00:34:51,421 Don't move. 474 00:34:58,137 --> 00:34:59,179 [GRUNTS] 475 00:35:01,432 --> 00:35:03,809 They're coming into range. 476 00:35:04,560 --> 00:35:06,603 Lock weapons. 477 00:35:19,992 --> 00:35:21,284 [GRUNTS] 478 00:36:04,370 --> 00:36:06,371 [GRUNTING] 479 00:36:35,818 --> 00:36:37,068 [WEAPON FIRES] 480 00:36:39,780 --> 00:36:41,489 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 481 00:36:44,744 --> 00:36:47,287 They're sending a transmission. They want to surrender. 482 00:36:47,663 --> 00:36:48,872 Continue firing. 483 00:36:51,375 --> 00:36:53,210 Weapons aren't functioning. 484 00:36:54,587 --> 00:36:56,296 ARCHER [OVER COM]: Archer to the Bridge. 485 00:36:56,505 --> 00:36:58,840 We've rerouted command functions to Engineering. 486 00:36:59,258 --> 00:37:00,675 I've taken weapons off-line. 487 00:37:01,802 --> 00:37:02,844 Find him. 488 00:37:04,347 --> 00:37:06,932 We've also neutralized your organic explosives. 489 00:37:07,099 --> 00:37:08,266 D'JAMAT: You're lying. 490 00:37:08,434 --> 00:37:10,393 Go ahead. Try to blow yourself up. 491 00:37:10,811 --> 00:37:12,312 I'll wait. 492 00:37:13,856 --> 00:37:16,358 Stand down before anyone else gets hurt. 493 00:37:17,026 --> 00:37:19,903 - You know I won't do that. - JAREB: Pri'Nam. 494 00:37:21,072 --> 00:37:22,113 They're coming about. 495 00:37:23,199 --> 00:37:24,866 [THUDDING] 496 00:37:25,034 --> 00:37:27,535 They're firing again, captain. 497 00:37:28,746 --> 00:37:32,249 I suggest you bring your weapons back online. 498 00:37:38,965 --> 00:37:43,009 Are you willing to sacrifice the lives of your crew? 499 00:38:00,194 --> 00:38:01,486 [GRUNTS] 500 00:38:03,614 --> 00:38:05,156 [D'JAMAT GRUNTS] 501 00:38:15,167 --> 00:38:19,212 Captain, it's Reed. We have the Bridge. 502 00:38:20,047 --> 00:38:22,257 This would be a lot easier if I had weapons back. 503 00:38:22,466 --> 00:38:23,925 ARCHER: Stand by. 504 00:38:37,898 --> 00:38:39,232 [EXPLOSION IN DISTANCE] 505 00:38:42,903 --> 00:38:44,612 Hail them. 506 00:38:49,493 --> 00:38:50,869 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 507 00:38:51,787 --> 00:38:54,039 This is Captain Archer. 508 00:38:54,957 --> 00:38:58,710 D'Jamat is no longer in control of this vessel. 509 00:38:59,003 --> 00:39:00,253 Please respond. 510 00:39:04,425 --> 00:39:06,343 We've retaken the ship. 511 00:39:06,802 --> 00:39:08,136 I'm in command again. 512 00:39:08,679 --> 00:39:10,513 Why should I believe you? 513 00:39:10,723 --> 00:39:13,725 I'm powering down my weapons. 514 00:39:17,146 --> 00:39:18,688 See for yourself. 515 00:39:26,322 --> 00:39:27,489 [COMPUTER CHIRPS] 516 00:39:29,658 --> 00:39:31,326 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 517 00:39:31,494 --> 00:39:32,744 They're moving off. 518 00:39:51,013 --> 00:39:55,225 ARCHER: We just entered orbit around Triannon. Let's go. 519 00:39:56,310 --> 00:39:59,187 You've done a terrible thing, captain. 520 00:39:59,814 --> 00:40:02,899 You've interfered with something that was ordained. 521 00:40:03,109 --> 00:40:06,945 After centuries of fighting, I was going to bring an end to the war. 522 00:40:07,113 --> 00:40:09,823 - We would have had peace. - Peace. 523 00:40:09,990 --> 00:40:12,742 One of my crewman is dead, six others are wounded, my ship is damaged. 524 00:40:12,910 --> 00:40:15,036 None of that is important. 525 00:40:15,246 --> 00:40:17,831 All that matters is the sacred truth. 526 00:40:19,375 --> 00:40:21,292 You want truth? 527 00:40:22,670 --> 00:40:24,587 I'll show you some truth. 528 00:41:22,146 --> 00:41:25,398 From what we've been able to learn, this happened eight months ago. 529 00:41:26,108 --> 00:41:28,485 Both sides have been decimated. 530 00:41:28,652 --> 00:41:30,945 There are no major cities left. 531 00:41:31,405 --> 00:41:34,908 Millions are dead. 532 00:41:37,077 --> 00:41:40,163 Your faith was going to bring peace. 533 00:41:42,333 --> 00:41:44,298 Here it is.