1 00:01:09,986 --> 00:01:12,112 [PHONE RINGS] 2 00:01:28,463 --> 00:01:29,505 Hello? 3 00:01:29,672 --> 00:01:31,590 MALE VOICE: Have you made your selection? 4 00:01:31,800 --> 00:01:34,510 Yeah, yeah. It's all set, just like we discussed. 5 00:01:34,719 --> 00:01:36,845 We'll be expecting you. 6 00:01:37,055 --> 00:01:39,389 And the money? Same as last time, right? 7 00:01:39,557 --> 00:01:40,849 MALE VOICE: The same. 8 00:01:41,059 --> 00:01:45,020 Be careful with the sedative. You nearly killed the last one. 9 00:01:45,188 --> 00:01:47,648 A hundred milligrams. Don't worry, I'll get it right. 10 00:01:47,816 --> 00:01:50,400 We'll be expecting you. 11 00:03:27,373 --> 00:03:29,374 [SIREN WAILING IN DISTANCE] 12 00:03:33,338 --> 00:03:36,381 - You looking for a date, honey? - Maybe with your friend. 13 00:03:39,761 --> 00:03:42,179 You don't know what you're missing. 14 00:03:44,432 --> 00:03:46,475 [MUFFLED] He's all yours. 15 00:03:50,063 --> 00:03:53,732 Ooh. What can I do for you, sweetheart? 16 00:03:53,900 --> 00:03:57,069 Hey, I know you. From this morning. 17 00:03:57,278 --> 00:03:59,404 - You brought me the apple juice. - What? 18 00:03:59,572 --> 00:04:01,406 At the clinic. 19 00:04:01,616 --> 00:04:03,158 Oh, yeah. 20 00:04:03,368 --> 00:04:05,118 - Now I remember. - Ha-ha-ha. 21 00:04:05,328 --> 00:04:07,079 Small world, huh? 22 00:04:07,789 --> 00:04:10,374 - Want me to get in? - Sure, yeah. 23 00:04:13,920 --> 00:04:16,922 - Bye, girl. - Be smart. 24 00:04:23,304 --> 00:04:26,056 There's a nice place to park right in the neighborhood. 25 00:04:26,266 --> 00:04:28,767 Turn left at the next light. 26 00:04:34,941 --> 00:04:37,234 Georgia Tandy, O negative. 27 00:04:37,443 --> 00:04:39,194 How the hell would you remember that? 28 00:04:44,325 --> 00:04:45,909 It's another two blocks. 29 00:04:48,955 --> 00:04:51,081 If that's drugs, I am not interested. 30 00:04:53,793 --> 00:04:55,460 What you got in there? 31 00:04:55,628 --> 00:04:57,421 Come here. 32 00:04:57,630 --> 00:05:01,967 [GEORGIA GRUNTS THEN SIGHS] 33 00:05:03,594 --> 00:05:06,555 There you go. 34 00:05:27,035 --> 00:05:28,994 It's okay. 35 00:05:29,162 --> 00:05:31,997 They said they won't hurt you. 36 00:05:46,012 --> 00:05:47,220 [INTERCOM BUZZES] 37 00:05:47,388 --> 00:05:50,265 - XINDI-REPTILIAN: Yes? - Loomis. 38 00:06:49,700 --> 00:06:53,245 There you go, nice and comfy. 39 00:07:57,602 --> 00:07:59,269 [PORTHOS WHINES THEN BARKS] 40 00:07:59,437 --> 00:08:01,313 ARCHER: Good boy. 41 00:08:06,152 --> 00:08:07,944 Cheese? 42 00:08:15,244 --> 00:08:16,536 This is your last piece. 43 00:08:16,704 --> 00:08:18,872 It's okay. 44 00:08:19,624 --> 00:08:21,833 How have you been, Jonathan? 45 00:08:23,294 --> 00:08:25,629 About time you showed up. 46 00:08:26,506 --> 00:08:29,007 Our mission's changed quite a bit since the last time I saw you, 47 00:08:29,175 --> 00:08:31,885 - but I suppose you're aware of it. - I am. 48 00:08:32,678 --> 00:08:35,680 Maybe you could fill in a few of the blanks for me. 49 00:08:36,307 --> 00:08:39,476 The Xindi weapon would be a good place to start. 50 00:08:39,685 --> 00:08:41,269 We don't know any more than you do. 51 00:08:41,687 --> 00:08:43,647 I thought you and your colleagues 52 00:08:43,814 --> 00:08:46,900 were supposed to be keeping an eye on the timeline. 53 00:08:47,109 --> 00:08:50,237 You're from the 30th century. Hasn't all this happened already? 54 00:08:50,404 --> 00:08:54,658 History doesn't mention anything about a conflict between humans and Xindi. 55 00:08:54,825 --> 00:08:55,825 How could that be? 56 00:08:55,993 --> 00:08:58,787 The events that are taking place are the result of temporal incursions. 57 00:08:58,955 --> 00:09:00,413 They are not supposed to be happening. 58 00:09:00,581 --> 00:09:02,290 - But they are happening. - Yes, they are. 59 00:09:02,500 --> 00:09:05,043 But the outcome hasn't reached us yet. 60 00:09:05,211 --> 00:09:07,546 It takes a while for changes to ripple through the timeline. 61 00:09:07,713 --> 00:09:10,966 The time traveler, the man the Suliban worked for... 62 00:09:11,133 --> 00:09:12,968 What about him? 63 00:09:13,177 --> 00:09:15,971 He's the one who told us about the weapon being built. 64 00:09:16,138 --> 00:09:18,848 - Should I believe him? - You have no reason not to. 65 00:09:19,058 --> 00:09:22,727 You said I'm supposed to play some crucial part in history. 66 00:09:22,937 --> 00:09:24,604 Does this have something to do with it? 67 00:09:24,814 --> 00:09:26,731 I wish I could say that it does, but I don't know. 68 00:09:27,608 --> 00:09:29,526 I told you, none of this was supposed to happen. 69 00:09:29,735 --> 00:09:31,945 You're not being very helpful. 70 00:09:34,991 --> 00:09:36,575 Why are you here? 71 00:09:36,742 --> 00:09:39,619 We've detected three Xindi where they're not supposed to be. 72 00:09:39,787 --> 00:09:42,330 This Expanse is filled with Xindi. 73 00:09:42,540 --> 00:09:44,332 I'm not talking about the Expanse. 74 00:09:44,542 --> 00:09:48,962 I'm talking about Detroit, Michigan, 150 years ago. 75 00:09:49,714 --> 00:09:58,805 [BELL DINGS] 76 00:10:02,268 --> 00:10:04,603 Sorry to get you up, but this couldn't wait. 77 00:10:04,812 --> 00:10:05,979 Come in. 78 00:10:06,147 --> 00:10:07,314 [PORTHOS WHINES] 79 00:10:14,780 --> 00:10:18,325 I just had a visit from Daniels. 80 00:10:19,827 --> 00:10:24,080 I think all your doubts about time travel are about to go out the window. 81 00:10:24,290 --> 00:10:25,999 Meaning? 82 00:10:26,167 --> 00:10:31,463 Daniels and his team have discovered three Reptilians on Earth 83 00:10:31,672 --> 00:10:33,340 in the early 21st century. 84 00:10:34,216 --> 00:10:36,635 He wants to send us back to find out what they're doing. 85 00:10:37,219 --> 00:10:38,219 Us? 86 00:10:38,387 --> 00:10:40,930 He told me I could bring one person, no more. 87 00:10:41,349 --> 00:10:43,933 If Daniels is the time traveler he claims to be, 88 00:10:44,101 --> 00:10:46,186 why doesn't he find out for himself? 89 00:10:47,313 --> 00:10:49,939 It took him a long while to get permission to interact with me. 90 00:10:50,107 --> 00:10:52,150 There are clearances. 91 00:10:52,360 --> 00:10:53,943 He said it would take too much time. 92 00:10:54,820 --> 00:10:57,364 I would think he would have all the time in the world. 93 00:10:57,573 --> 00:11:02,243 He said the three Xindi traveled to Earth from our century. 94 00:11:02,453 --> 00:11:04,871 They've been there for two months. 95 00:11:06,082 --> 00:11:08,500 They're not sightseeing, T'Pol. 96 00:11:08,709 --> 00:11:10,502 We have to find out what they're up to. 97 00:11:10,711 --> 00:11:12,545 How are we supposed to accomplish this? 98 00:11:13,381 --> 00:11:16,174 He wants us to meet him in the Command Center at 0800 tomorrow. 99 00:11:21,097 --> 00:11:22,889 Come on, boy. 100 00:11:23,891 --> 00:11:25,308 Check the database. 101 00:11:25,476 --> 00:11:28,228 Find something to wear that won't stand out in 2004. 102 00:11:35,861 --> 00:11:37,696 TRIP: Last time Daniels sent you to another century, 103 00:11:37,905 --> 00:11:39,447 you had one hell of a time getting back. 104 00:11:39,615 --> 00:11:42,701 He gave me this. Said he'd return us whenever we signaled him. 105 00:11:43,452 --> 00:11:45,078 These are temporal tags. 106 00:11:45,287 --> 00:11:48,081 We can use them to bring back anything that doesn't belong there. 107 00:11:48,290 --> 00:11:50,458 If anybody asks where you went, what should I tell them? 108 00:11:50,668 --> 00:11:54,087 With two shuttlepods in the bay, it'll be hard to explain. 109 00:11:54,922 --> 00:11:57,006 I'm sure you'll think of something. 110 00:11:57,216 --> 00:11:59,718 - Try to stay out of trouble. - You too. 111 00:11:59,927 --> 00:12:02,053 Here's the duty roster. 112 00:12:13,315 --> 00:12:15,316 We just traveled 90 light years back to Earth? 113 00:12:15,484 --> 00:12:18,862 And 150 years into the past. 114 00:12:20,239 --> 00:12:23,366 Forgive me if I'm not entirely convinced. 115 00:12:24,493 --> 00:12:26,244 You will be. 116 00:12:26,579 --> 00:12:28,204 Come on. 117 00:12:38,048 --> 00:12:41,593 ARCHER: This one has a motion-activated security system. 118 00:12:44,430 --> 00:12:46,347 This one too. 119 00:12:46,891 --> 00:12:48,892 [SCANNER BEEPING] 120 00:12:57,568 --> 00:12:58,943 We're in. 121 00:13:00,571 --> 00:13:01,821 This apparatus, 122 00:13:04,158 --> 00:13:07,327 it appears to have been designed to incapacitate the vehicle. 123 00:13:10,206 --> 00:13:12,165 [HORN HONKING IN DISTANCE] 124 00:13:16,629 --> 00:13:18,338 [SCANNER BEEPING] 125 00:13:28,599 --> 00:13:29,933 [BARKING] 126 00:13:48,619 --> 00:13:49,953 [DOOR UNLOCKS] 127 00:13:56,377 --> 00:13:58,837 [DEVICE CHIRPING] 128 00:13:59,338 --> 00:14:00,880 MAN [OVER RADIO]: Sunday, Sunday, Sunday 129 00:14:01,048 --> 00:14:02,549 at the Tri-City Speedway, 130 00:14:02,716 --> 00:14:06,427 an awe-inspiring lineup of all your favorite monster mayhem-- 131 00:14:06,637 --> 00:14:07,679 [RADIO TURNS OFF] 132 00:14:10,140 --> 00:14:12,976 Have you ever operated a vehicle from this period? 133 00:14:14,019 --> 00:14:15,395 I can pilot a starship. 134 00:14:21,944 --> 00:14:24,070 "R, N, D, two, three, four." 135 00:14:24,530 --> 00:14:26,865 I suggest you begin with two. 136 00:14:32,204 --> 00:14:33,913 Foot controls. 137 00:14:49,388 --> 00:14:52,056 I don't believe you've activated your external lighting. 138 00:15:00,274 --> 00:15:02,483 ARCHER: What year is that map from? 139 00:15:02,651 --> 00:15:06,696 2002. It was the closest I could find in the Starfleet database. 140 00:15:06,906 --> 00:15:10,491 The layout shouldn't have changed a lot in two years. 141 00:15:10,659 --> 00:15:12,911 Turn starboard on 24th Street. 142 00:15:13,078 --> 00:15:16,497 If that thing has a scanning radius of three kilometers, 143 00:15:16,707 --> 00:15:19,667 how far are we gonna have to drive to cover the entire city? 144 00:15:19,877 --> 00:15:21,085 I've created a search grid 145 00:15:21,253 --> 00:15:24,464 that requires a journey of approximately 80 kilometers, 146 00:15:24,673 --> 00:15:28,426 but it's probable we'll find them before we complete it. 147 00:15:39,104 --> 00:15:40,104 What's that icon? 148 00:15:41,231 --> 00:15:44,317 It's a gasoline pump. We need to get fuel. 149 00:15:44,526 --> 00:15:48,071 - Where? - "Where" isn't the problem. 150 00:15:48,280 --> 00:15:50,573 We're going to need money, U.S. currency. 151 00:15:50,783 --> 00:15:53,034 That's going to be difficult at this time of night. 152 00:15:55,287 --> 00:15:57,330 Not necessarily. 153 00:15:58,791 --> 00:16:00,625 [DEVICE CHIRPING] 154 00:16:04,755 --> 00:16:06,089 [ATM BEEPS] 155 00:16:07,758 --> 00:16:10,343 People used to go to jail for this. 156 00:16:10,552 --> 00:16:12,136 We'll return what we don't use. 157 00:16:20,729 --> 00:16:22,730 [INDISTINCT CHATTER] 158 00:16:36,078 --> 00:16:37,495 [RINGS DOORBELL] 159 00:16:45,212 --> 00:16:47,088 - Yeah? - Are you Lawrence Strode? 160 00:16:47,297 --> 00:16:49,132 - Who are you? - I'm from the blood bank. 161 00:16:49,299 --> 00:16:52,176 We had a screwup this afternoon. We gave you the wrong papers to sign. 162 00:16:52,386 --> 00:16:54,470 - I'm not giving the money back. - No, no, no. 163 00:16:54,680 --> 00:16:57,598 They don't want the money back. In fact, they're gonna pay you again. 164 00:16:57,808 --> 00:16:59,350 Twenty-five bucks. 165 00:16:59,560 --> 00:17:01,310 They just need you to sign the right papers. 166 00:17:01,770 --> 00:17:03,688 - Did you bring them? - No, they wouldn't let me. 167 00:17:03,856 --> 00:17:05,523 You gotta do it in front of the supervisor. 168 00:17:05,733 --> 00:17:07,734 You know, the fat broad who paid you? 169 00:17:07,901 --> 00:17:09,193 They sent me to drive you down. 170 00:17:09,987 --> 00:17:11,696 - It's 11:00 at night. - Yeah, I know. 171 00:17:11,905 --> 00:17:14,323 They wanna send your blood work out first thing in the morning 172 00:17:14,491 --> 00:17:16,826 and they can't do it without the right paperwork. 173 00:17:18,620 --> 00:17:20,371 You want the 25 bucks or not? 174 00:17:25,753 --> 00:17:27,503 [DOOR UNLOCKS] 175 00:17:30,841 --> 00:17:34,343 Is this gonna take long? I don't wanna miss Conan. 176 00:17:35,637 --> 00:17:36,763 Were they aware at this time 177 00:17:36,930 --> 00:17:39,682 that Earth's supply of fossil fuel was nearing depletion? 178 00:17:40,476 --> 00:17:42,852 They had been for 30 years. 179 00:17:43,062 --> 00:17:45,480 But it wasn't until 2061 that they finally-- 180 00:17:45,647 --> 00:17:47,106 [SCANNER BEEPING] 181 00:17:47,274 --> 00:17:48,691 One kilometer, straight ahead. 182 00:18:12,132 --> 00:18:13,174 [SCANNER BEEPING] 183 00:18:13,342 --> 00:18:14,550 Second structure from the left. 184 00:18:15,385 --> 00:18:18,596 - Three Xindi bio-signs. - Any humans? 185 00:18:18,764 --> 00:18:21,974 Five, in another part of the building. 186 00:18:23,060 --> 00:18:25,353 ARCHER: This doesn't look very residential. 187 00:18:29,149 --> 00:18:30,566 Set your phase-pistol to kill. 188 00:18:32,069 --> 00:18:34,862 When the Reptilians boarded Enterprise, stun had no effect. 189 00:18:37,241 --> 00:18:39,033 [PHASE-PISTOL CHIRPS] 190 00:18:39,201 --> 00:18:40,618 See what you can find out. 191 00:18:40,828 --> 00:18:42,745 I'll look over there. 192 00:18:42,955 --> 00:18:45,581 [COMMUNICATOR CHIRPS] 193 00:18:45,749 --> 00:18:46,791 Go ahead. 194 00:18:46,959 --> 00:18:49,335 There's a neutronic power source coming from the first floor. 195 00:18:50,003 --> 00:18:53,798 I've found a gate with an electric locking mechanism. 196 00:18:54,800 --> 00:18:57,301 We shouldn't have a problem. 197 00:19:02,057 --> 00:19:04,308 Do you see the vehicle? 198 00:19:13,110 --> 00:19:14,861 I see it. 199 00:19:16,405 --> 00:19:17,488 [INTERCOM BUZZES] 200 00:19:17,656 --> 00:19:19,991 - MALE VOICE: Yes? - Loomis. 201 00:19:41,180 --> 00:19:44,265 XINDI-REPTILIAN: Did you disinfect your hands? 202 00:19:44,474 --> 00:19:46,559 I insert IVs all day. I told you that. 203 00:19:46,768 --> 00:19:50,229 If there are any infections here, it won't be because of me. 204 00:19:52,316 --> 00:19:53,399 You forget something? 205 00:19:53,817 --> 00:19:57,278 We've decided to compensate you for the final three patients 206 00:19:57,446 --> 00:19:58,738 in one payment. 207 00:19:58,906 --> 00:20:01,032 That's not what we agreed. 208 00:20:01,241 --> 00:20:02,992 You said I'd get paid for each one. 209 00:20:03,202 --> 00:20:07,788 Bring us the last two blood types and you will be compensated. 210 00:20:07,998 --> 00:20:11,667 We should wait a while, a few more days at least. 211 00:20:11,877 --> 00:20:13,294 There was something on the news. 212 00:20:13,462 --> 00:20:16,047 Cops are starting to get complaints that people have gone missing. 213 00:20:16,215 --> 00:20:18,633 We can't wait a few more days. 214 00:20:18,842 --> 00:20:21,052 We need the last two. 215 00:20:21,261 --> 00:20:24,096 As soon as they figure out that all these people have been to the clinic, 216 00:20:24,264 --> 00:20:26,557 it won't take a rocket scientist to point the finger at me. 217 00:20:26,725 --> 00:20:29,143 Then I suggest you finish your work quickly. 218 00:20:29,353 --> 00:20:31,270 Look, I don't know what you guys are up to, 219 00:20:31,438 --> 00:20:34,982 and I don't wanna know, it's not my business, 220 00:20:35,150 --> 00:20:37,944 but the cops don't take kindly to people who help terrorists. 221 00:20:38,111 --> 00:20:39,695 I gotta be real careful. 222 00:20:39,905 --> 00:20:42,323 We will double your fee for the final three. 223 00:20:42,532 --> 00:20:45,910 But the last two must be here by tomorrow. 224 00:20:46,453 --> 00:20:47,954 Double. 225 00:20:50,707 --> 00:20:52,208 Tomorrow. 226 00:20:52,417 --> 00:20:53,918 Yeah. 227 00:20:54,127 --> 00:20:56,420 All right. I'll have them here by tomorrow. 228 00:21:07,599 --> 00:21:08,641 Here he comes. 229 00:21:08,850 --> 00:21:10,434 [ENGINE STARTS] 230 00:21:21,571 --> 00:21:23,030 [DOOR OPENS] 231 00:22:09,494 --> 00:22:11,537 "Ninth floor." 232 00:22:12,956 --> 00:22:15,624 "Two hundred and eighty pounds." 233 00:22:18,879 --> 00:22:21,464 "William Myers." 234 00:22:22,007 --> 00:22:24,216 "Second floor." 235 00:22:24,426 --> 00:22:25,676 [KNOCK ON DOOR] 236 00:23:19,815 --> 00:23:22,108 And the man in the wheelchair, 237 00:23:22,442 --> 00:23:24,443 why were you bringing him to an abandoned factory 238 00:23:24,611 --> 00:23:25,820 in the middle of the night? 239 00:23:26,029 --> 00:23:28,697 I swear, I don't know what you're talking about. 240 00:23:28,949 --> 00:23:30,783 What's this? 241 00:23:32,035 --> 00:23:33,411 Oh. 242 00:23:33,745 --> 00:23:35,538 I took that from the clinic. 243 00:23:35,747 --> 00:23:38,165 I work at the blood bank on Porter Street. 244 00:23:38,333 --> 00:23:40,501 Check with them. I've been there for over a year. 245 00:23:40,710 --> 00:23:43,546 - Why would you take it? - Make a few extra bucks. 246 00:23:43,713 --> 00:23:46,173 There's plenty of people on the street looking for that stuff. 247 00:23:46,341 --> 00:23:48,008 Really? 248 00:23:48,468 --> 00:23:52,888 Why would anyone on the street be interested in acquiring methohexital? 249 00:23:53,223 --> 00:23:55,057 You make it a habit of climbing out your window 250 00:23:55,225 --> 00:23:57,685 - when someone knocks on the door? - I don't like cops. 251 00:24:00,856 --> 00:24:02,857 Tell us about your friends on Carpenter Street. 252 00:24:03,066 --> 00:24:05,568 I've never been to Carpenter Street. 253 00:24:05,777 --> 00:24:08,612 You were there an hour ago with a man in a wheelchair. 254 00:24:08,822 --> 00:24:10,698 Now, tell me who's inside that factory. 255 00:24:10,866 --> 00:24:12,992 LOOMIS: I told you, I don't know what you're talking about. 256 00:24:13,452 --> 00:24:15,369 I think it's time you find me a lawyer. 257 00:24:18,540 --> 00:24:20,541 Untie him. 258 00:24:21,418 --> 00:24:23,919 You heard him. Untie me. 259 00:24:32,971 --> 00:24:34,263 [LOOMIS GRUNTS] 260 00:24:34,973 --> 00:24:36,015 That's better. 261 00:24:37,142 --> 00:24:38,434 [GRUNTS] 262 00:24:39,728 --> 00:24:40,853 [GROANING] 263 00:24:46,109 --> 00:24:49,320 I didn't feel right doing that with you tied up. 264 00:24:49,613 --> 00:24:51,697 Carpenter Street. 265 00:24:51,907 --> 00:24:54,408 - You're not allowed to hit me. - Untie him again. 266 00:24:54,618 --> 00:24:57,244 No, no, no. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. 267 00:24:57,412 --> 00:24:58,954 I don't know who he is, I swear to God. 268 00:24:59,164 --> 00:25:00,289 A doctor, maybe. 269 00:25:00,457 --> 00:25:02,333 Says he's working on a vaccine, experimental. 270 00:25:02,501 --> 00:25:04,460 He doesn't have approval, or something like that, 271 00:25:04,669 --> 00:25:07,129 so he needed me to bring him people. 272 00:25:07,297 --> 00:25:09,632 Does it seem logical to you that legitimate medical research 273 00:25:09,799 --> 00:25:11,842 is being conducted in an abandoned factory? 274 00:25:12,385 --> 00:25:14,136 I thought about that. 275 00:25:14,304 --> 00:25:17,264 Just tonight I thought, maybe he's some kind of a terrorist. 276 00:25:17,432 --> 00:25:21,519 But I swear, if I knew that for a fact, I never would have agreed to help him. 277 00:25:22,312 --> 00:25:26,690 In one individual, we've managed to find the worst qualities of this era. 278 00:25:26,858 --> 00:25:31,445 Greed, violence, moral corruption. 279 00:25:31,655 --> 00:25:34,031 But he said he wasn't going to hurt anybody. 280 00:25:34,699 --> 00:25:37,368 I just saw them an hour ago. They were all okay. 281 00:25:37,536 --> 00:25:39,703 - How many? - Five. 282 00:25:39,913 --> 00:25:43,040 No. No, six. The wheelchair guy was number six. 283 00:25:43,250 --> 00:25:45,167 How did this doctor find you? 284 00:25:45,335 --> 00:25:47,670 I told you, I work at the blood bank. 285 00:25:47,837 --> 00:25:49,380 He wanted someone from every blood type. 286 00:25:49,548 --> 00:25:51,882 Eight blood types, eight people. 287 00:25:52,092 --> 00:25:55,553 He figured I had access to that kind of information. 288 00:25:57,973 --> 00:25:59,557 Did he also figure 289 00:25:59,766 --> 00:26:04,103 that you'd have no compunctions about abducting people? 290 00:26:05,188 --> 00:26:06,939 What's he paying you? 291 00:26:07,148 --> 00:26:09,692 Five thousand apiece, double for the last three. 292 00:26:10,735 --> 00:26:13,696 Is that what human life is worth in the 21st century? 293 00:26:15,198 --> 00:26:17,908 I told you, he said he wasn't going to hurt any of them. 294 00:26:18,743 --> 00:26:19,785 What does he look like? 295 00:26:21,037 --> 00:26:23,122 He only calls me on the phone. 296 00:26:23,290 --> 00:26:25,624 I saw him a couple of times, but he stays in the shadows. 297 00:26:25,834 --> 00:26:29,169 You know, he's kind of tall, that's all I can tell you. 298 00:26:29,379 --> 00:26:31,338 Why don't you let me go? 299 00:26:31,548 --> 00:26:34,258 I swear to you, I will never do it again. 300 00:26:34,467 --> 00:26:36,927 You are going to do it again. 301 00:26:37,345 --> 00:26:39,847 That is, if you have any hope of staying out of prison. 302 00:26:40,015 --> 00:26:41,056 What are you talking about? 303 00:26:41,224 --> 00:26:42,975 These two files, AB-positive and B-negative, 304 00:26:43,143 --> 00:26:45,311 - they're the final two? - Yeah. 305 00:26:45,520 --> 00:26:47,146 Well, 306 00:26:48,231 --> 00:26:50,608 then you're looking at your next victim. 307 00:26:50,817 --> 00:26:52,943 A healthy male with B-negative blood. 308 00:26:59,576 --> 00:27:01,535 LOOMIS: If you think you're gonna be in there a long time, 309 00:27:01,703 --> 00:27:04,079 - we should get something to eat first. - Be quiet. 310 00:27:04,247 --> 00:27:06,832 Come on. I'm not talking about anything fancy. 311 00:27:07,042 --> 00:27:10,878 A burger? A taco? 312 00:27:11,671 --> 00:27:14,673 There's a drive-through less than a mile from here. 313 00:27:15,342 --> 00:27:17,968 Cops have to eat, don't they? 314 00:27:18,178 --> 00:27:20,095 What is the matter with you two? I'll pay. 315 00:27:20,305 --> 00:27:21,889 I told you to be quiet. 316 00:27:26,186 --> 00:27:28,228 What side of the street is it on? 317 00:27:30,523 --> 00:27:32,232 WOMAN [OVER SPEAKER]: Welcome to Burgerland. 318 00:27:32,400 --> 00:27:34,818 - How may I serve you today? - I'll have the Double Superbeef, 319 00:27:34,986 --> 00:27:36,236 no lettuce. 320 00:27:37,405 --> 00:27:40,616 One Double Superbeef without lettuce, please. 321 00:27:40,825 --> 00:27:43,077 You can make that a triple for only 40 cents extra. 322 00:27:43,244 --> 00:27:44,953 Do it. 323 00:27:46,373 --> 00:27:48,082 A double will be fine. 324 00:27:48,291 --> 00:27:49,667 Would you like to make that a combo? 325 00:27:49,876 --> 00:27:51,752 Yeah. Fries and a medium root beer. 326 00:27:51,961 --> 00:27:54,797 Will there be anything else today? 327 00:27:57,133 --> 00:27:58,967 A hamburger, ketchup only. 328 00:27:59,177 --> 00:28:02,054 You can make that a double for only 40 cents extra. 329 00:28:02,222 --> 00:28:03,222 No, thank you. 330 00:28:03,390 --> 00:28:04,765 Would you like to make that a combo? 331 00:28:04,933 --> 00:28:06,141 No, no combo. 332 00:28:06,851 --> 00:28:09,436 Will there be anything else today? 333 00:28:12,982 --> 00:28:15,901 Does the fiesta salad contain animal products? 334 00:28:16,111 --> 00:28:20,072 No, but we can add three strips of bacon for only 75 cents more. 335 00:28:21,282 --> 00:28:22,574 Nothing for me, thank you. 336 00:28:22,742 --> 00:28:25,285 - ARCHER: You sure? - Quite. 337 00:28:36,339 --> 00:28:39,508 You guys don't mind, do you? I'm starving. 338 00:28:40,552 --> 00:28:42,970 You know, it'd make it a lot easier if you'd untie my hands. 339 00:28:43,179 --> 00:28:45,097 It's not like I'm going anywhere. 340 00:28:45,306 --> 00:28:46,682 Do the best you can. 341 00:28:48,435 --> 00:28:50,018 [LOOMIS SLURPING] 342 00:28:50,186 --> 00:28:51,895 Uh-oh. I told you. 343 00:28:53,440 --> 00:28:54,773 Let me get that for you. 344 00:28:55,358 --> 00:28:56,984 Oh, boy. 345 00:29:04,075 --> 00:29:05,993 You're a veggie, I forgot. 346 00:29:06,202 --> 00:29:08,162 Why don't you take a fry? They're probably okay. 347 00:29:12,751 --> 00:29:14,710 Have it your way. 348 00:30:07,472 --> 00:30:10,599 [WHISPERING] They'll come in to take fresh blood samples every hour. 349 00:30:11,559 --> 00:30:15,646 They re-administer the sedative every six hours. 350 00:30:15,939 --> 00:30:18,106 I recommend you do whatever you're gonna do before then. 351 00:30:18,274 --> 00:30:19,650 [DOOR CREAKS] 352 00:30:24,030 --> 00:30:25,030 [IN NORMAL VOICE] Number seven. 353 00:30:25,198 --> 00:30:27,324 Which one is it? 354 00:30:27,492 --> 00:30:28,742 B-negative. 355 00:30:28,952 --> 00:30:31,370 You'll have AB-positive by tomorrow night, I swear. 356 00:30:31,579 --> 00:30:33,872 Make certain I do. 357 00:30:54,018 --> 00:30:57,563 Engage the engine and proceed to the second location. 358 00:30:57,772 --> 00:31:02,025 Nice ray gun. Am I supposed to believe that thing's for real? 359 00:31:04,237 --> 00:31:06,154 Drive. 360 00:31:13,079 --> 00:31:16,665 Ten grand apiece for the last three and I'm not gonna see a penny of it. 361 00:31:16,875 --> 00:31:19,626 Don't speak until we're out of visual range. 362 00:31:24,507 --> 00:31:27,843 XINDI-REPTILIAN 2: Fifteen milliliters from the new arrival. 363 00:31:57,498 --> 00:31:59,917 LOOMIS: You catch these guys and I get immunity, right? 364 00:32:00,084 --> 00:32:02,085 We're not talking about copping to a lesser charge. 365 00:32:02,253 --> 00:32:04,588 T'POL: When my associate returns, we'll discuss the details. 366 00:32:04,756 --> 00:32:06,632 LOOMIS: Hey, I'm taking a big chance here, okay. 367 00:32:06,799 --> 00:32:08,550 If your associate doesn't catch them, 368 00:32:08,718 --> 00:32:10,302 they're gonna come looking for me, okay. 369 00:32:10,470 --> 00:32:12,179 You two better keep your word. 370 00:32:12,347 --> 00:32:13,931 You've been abducting people for money, 371 00:32:14,098 --> 00:32:16,433 and you're questioning our honesty? 372 00:32:39,374 --> 00:32:41,375 [BEEPING] 373 00:32:43,920 --> 00:32:45,087 Sit back. 374 00:32:45,296 --> 00:32:48,340 Relax. I'm just getting a smoke. 375 00:32:51,052 --> 00:32:52,177 What are you doing? 376 00:32:53,888 --> 00:32:55,722 I don't know about you, but I'm a little tense. 377 00:32:55,890 --> 00:32:58,141 - You know what I mean? - Extinguish that now. 378 00:32:58,977 --> 00:33:01,603 If you want some air, open your window. 379 00:33:02,772 --> 00:33:04,439 Now. 380 00:33:44,564 --> 00:33:45,981 [COMMUNICATOR CHIRPS] 381 00:33:48,401 --> 00:33:51,028 Stay exactly where you are. 382 00:34:00,830 --> 00:34:01,830 T'Pol. 383 00:34:01,998 --> 00:34:03,749 ARCHER: They brought a bio-reactor with them. 384 00:34:03,916 --> 00:34:05,834 They're synthesizing some kind of viral agent. 385 00:34:06,044 --> 00:34:09,004 Rajiin warned us about a bio-weapon. This could be it. 386 00:34:09,213 --> 00:34:10,756 Why would they travel back through time? 387 00:34:10,923 --> 00:34:13,508 Daniels said they might be hiding from someone. 388 00:34:13,718 --> 00:34:15,719 The past seems like a pretty good place to hide. 389 00:34:15,928 --> 00:34:19,306 We've gotta keep them from getting it back to our time. 390 00:34:19,724 --> 00:34:22,059 Are you in a position to disable all three of them? 391 00:34:22,268 --> 00:34:25,520 I don't know. I was thinking about trying to take out the bio-reactor, 392 00:34:25,688 --> 00:34:28,440 but I could end up spreading whatever's in there across half the city. 393 00:34:28,608 --> 00:34:30,358 They must have some kind of temporal beacon. 394 00:34:30,526 --> 00:34:33,111 If you can destroy it, they'll have no way of getting back. 395 00:34:33,863 --> 00:34:35,280 I gotta find it first. 396 00:34:35,490 --> 00:34:37,783 Modify your scanner to a delta band frequency. 397 00:34:37,992 --> 00:34:41,620 That should be able to locate the signal from the temporal beacon. 398 00:35:18,866 --> 00:35:20,408 [GRUNTS] 399 00:35:53,192 --> 00:35:55,152 They've gone out the west door. 400 00:35:56,320 --> 00:35:58,572 They could be headed for the street. 401 00:35:59,824 --> 00:36:01,908 They have the virus. 402 00:36:13,087 --> 00:36:14,296 - T'Pol. - T'POL: Yes, captain. 403 00:36:14,463 --> 00:36:17,382 They're in the west alleyway north of the building. I could use some help. 404 00:36:17,550 --> 00:36:19,259 Acknowledged. 405 00:36:22,471 --> 00:36:23,972 Drive. 406 00:36:24,140 --> 00:36:25,682 Trouble? 407 00:36:26,184 --> 00:36:27,184 Drive. 408 00:36:47,121 --> 00:36:49,998 T'POL: Pull over and stop, here. 409 00:36:52,835 --> 00:36:55,795 They give you all that fancy equipment and what good does it do you? 410 00:36:55,963 --> 00:36:57,714 Lower your window. 411 00:36:57,882 --> 00:36:59,883 I knew your partner's plan wouldn't work. 412 00:37:00,843 --> 00:37:02,761 Be quiet. 413 00:37:03,554 --> 00:37:05,388 They're coming. 414 00:37:13,397 --> 00:37:14,439 [HORN HONKS] 415 00:37:14,607 --> 00:37:16,149 Stop. 416 00:37:19,403 --> 00:37:20,737 [WEAPON FIRES] 417 00:37:26,661 --> 00:37:27,661 [BEEPS] 418 00:37:42,760 --> 00:37:44,469 ARCHER: Come on. 419 00:38:08,536 --> 00:38:09,953 [WEAPON FIRES] 420 00:38:10,496 --> 00:38:12,080 ARCHER: He's trying to release the toxin. 421 00:38:14,583 --> 00:38:18,003 We've eliminated his only means of returning to his own century. 422 00:38:18,212 --> 00:38:19,796 Perhaps he has no other choice. 423 00:38:22,550 --> 00:38:24,050 ARCHER: If he's trying to destroy humanity, 424 00:38:24,218 --> 00:38:25,593 he's not gonna be able to do it with that. 425 00:38:25,803 --> 00:38:28,096 They only modified the virus for six blood types. 426 00:38:28,306 --> 00:38:30,932 If they can infect three-quarters of Earth's population, 427 00:38:31,100 --> 00:38:33,852 it's unlikely humans would pose a threat to them in the future. 428 00:38:35,855 --> 00:38:38,315 Let's hope he can't see in the dark. 429 00:38:38,983 --> 00:38:41,151 Keep laying down fire. 430 00:39:12,933 --> 00:39:14,934 [WEAPONS CONTINUE FIRING] 431 00:39:27,823 --> 00:39:29,240 ARCHER: Don't move a muscle. 432 00:39:29,408 --> 00:39:30,450 [HISSES] 433 00:39:30,618 --> 00:39:32,160 Drop it. 434 00:39:37,500 --> 00:39:38,625 Why a second weapon? 435 00:39:40,795 --> 00:39:42,170 Where were you going to take it? 436 00:39:42,880 --> 00:39:47,592 We won't allow you to destroy us. 437 00:39:47,802 --> 00:39:50,762 Your species is doomed. 438 00:40:01,023 --> 00:40:03,024 [PANTING] 439 00:40:16,539 --> 00:40:18,206 Let's go. 440 00:40:23,963 --> 00:40:25,672 Problem, sir? 441 00:40:27,383 --> 00:40:28,550 It's done. 442 00:40:29,218 --> 00:40:30,468 Sir? 443 00:40:30,636 --> 00:40:32,637 - Archer to Lieutenant Reed. - REED: Go ahead. 444 00:40:32,805 --> 00:40:34,639 Get a team to the Command Center on the double. 445 00:40:34,807 --> 00:40:37,058 - Aye, sir. - Wait here for Malcolm. 446 00:40:37,268 --> 00:40:38,893 Have everything brought to Cargo Bay 2. 447 00:40:39,103 --> 00:40:41,229 I've gotta get this to Phlox. 448 00:40:41,981 --> 00:40:44,816 - What's going on? - Come with me. 449 00:41:05,421 --> 00:41:07,422 [SIRENS WAILING] 450 00:41:11,469 --> 00:41:14,053 - Get out of the car! - He's on something. 451 00:41:14,221 --> 00:41:16,473 Get out of the car. Keep your hands where we can see them. 452 00:41:16,640 --> 00:41:19,350 - Come on. Come on. - What's going on? 453 00:41:20,102 --> 00:41:23,354 - Hey, hey, hey, I didn't do anything. - We got a tip says you did. 454 00:41:23,522 --> 00:41:25,773 You're just lucky all six of them are still alive. 455 00:41:25,941 --> 00:41:28,401 Those two cops that came to my place, they offered me a deal. 456 00:41:28,569 --> 00:41:30,278 That's the only reason I helped them. 457 00:41:30,446 --> 00:41:32,947 I don't know what you're talking about. Get him out of here. 458 00:41:33,115 --> 00:41:37,076 Those creatures, the lizard-people, they're around here somewhere. 459 00:41:37,244 --> 00:41:39,787 - You gotta find them. - No problem. We'll get right on it. 460 00:41:39,955 --> 00:41:41,956 Be careful. Be careful. They got ray guns. 461 00:41:42,124 --> 00:41:44,882 They got ray guns. Got it. Watch your head.